Subversion Repositories Applications.papyrus

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 1421 → Rev 1422

99,8 → 99,8
dojo.version = {
// summary: version number of this instance of dojo.
major: 0, minor: 4, patch: 2, flag: "",
revision: Number("$Rev: 7616 $".match(/[0-9]+/)[0]),
major: 0, minor: 4, patch: 3, flag: "",
revision: Number("$Rev: 8617 $".match(/[0-9]+/)[0]),
toString: function(){
return major + "." + minor + "." + patch + flag + " (" + revision + ")"; // String
1390,8 → 1390,10
return true;
dojo.hostenv._djInitFired = false;
// BEGIN DOMContentLoaded, from Dean Edwards (
function dj_load_init(e){
dojo.hostenv._djInitFired = true;
// allow multiple calls, only first one will take effect
// A bug in khtml calls events callbacks for document for event which isnt supported
// for example a created contextmenu event calls DOMContentLoaded, workaround
2222,6 → 2224,22
/** Prevent the browser from caching this by adding a query string argument to the URL */
preventCache: false,
jsonFilter: function(value){
if( (this.mimetype == "text/json-comment-filtered")||
(this.mimetype == "application/json-comment-filtered")
var cStartIdx = value.indexOf("\/*");
var cEndIdx = value.lastIndexOf("*\/");
if((cStartIdx == -1)||(cEndIdx == -1)){
dojo.debug("your JSON wasn't comment filtered!"); // FIXME: throw exception instead?
return "";
return value.substring(cStartIdx+2, cEndIdx);
dojo.debug("please consider using a mimetype of text/json-comment-filtered to avoid potential security issues with JSON endpoints");
return value;
// events stuff
load: function(/*String*/type, /*Object*/data, /*Object*/transportImplementation, /*Object*/kwArgs){
2892,13 → 2910,16
dojo.lang.hitch = function(/*Object*/thisObject, /*Function|String*/method){
dojo.lang.hitch = function(/*Object*/thisObject, /*Function|String*/method /*, ...*/){
// summary:
// Returns a function that will only ever execute in the a given scope
// (thisObject). This allows for easy use of object member functions
// in callbacks and other places in which the "this" keyword may
// otherwise not reference the expected scope. Note that the order of
// arguments may be reversed in a future version.
// otherwise not reference the expected scope. Any number of default
// positional arguments may be passed as parameters beyond "method".
// Each of these values will be used to "placehold" (similar to curry)
// for the hitched function. Note that the order of arguments may be
// reversed in a future version.
// thisObject: the scope to run the method in
// method:
// a function to be "bound" to thisObject or the name of the method in
2907,12 → 2928,18
// dojo.lang.hitch(foo, "bar")(); // runs in the scope of foo
// dojo.lang.hitch(foo, myFunction); // returns a function that runs myFunction in the scope of foo
// should this be extended to "fixate" arguments in a manner similar
// to dojo.lang.curry, but without the default execution of curry()?
var args = [];
for(var x=2; x<arguments.length; x++){
var fcn = (dojo.lang.isString(method) ? thisObject[method] : method) || function(){};
return function(){
return fcn.apply(thisObject, arguments); // Function
var ta = args.concat([]); // make a copy
for(var x=0; x<arguments.length; x++){
return fcn.apply(thisObject, ta); // Function
// return fcn.apply(thisObject, arguments); // Function
4492,6 → 4519,7
function doLoad(kwArgs, http, url, query, useCache) {
if( ((http.status>=200)&&(http.status<300))|| // allow any 2XX response code
(http.status==304)|| // get it out of the cache
(http.status==1223)|| // Internet Explorer mangled the status code
(location.protocol=="file:" && (http.status==0 || http.status==undefined))||
(location.protocol=="chrome:" && (http.status==0 || http.status==undefined))
4515,9 → 4543,9
ret = null;
}else if(kwArgs.mimetype == "text/json" || kwArgs.mimetype == "application/json"){
}else if(kwArgs.mimetype.substr(0, 9) == "text/json" || kwArgs.mimetype.substr(0, 16) == "application/json"){
ret = dj_eval("("+http.responseText+")");
ret = dj_eval("("+kwArgs.jsonFilter(http.responseText)+")");
4631,8 → 4659,19
// FIXME: we need to determine when form values need to be
// multi-part mime encoded and avoid using this transport for those
// requests.
var mlc = kwArgs["mimetype"].toLowerCase()||"";
return hasXmlHttp
&& dojo.lang.inArray(["text/plain", "text/html", "application/xml", "text/xml", "text/javascript", "text/json", "application/json"], (kwArgs["mimetype"].toLowerCase()||""))
&& (
"text/plain", "text/html", "application/xml",
"text/xml", "text/javascript"
], mlc
) || (
mlc.substr(0, 9) == "text/json" || mlc.substr(0, 16) == "application/json"
&& !( kwArgs["formNode"] &&["formNode"]) ); //boolean
5312,7 → 5351,6
var ao = interpolateArgs(arguments, true);
if(dojo.lang.isString(ao.srcFunc) && (ao.srcFunc.toLowerCase() == "onkey") ){
ao.srcFunc = "onkeydown";
5320,7 → 5358,6
ao.srcFunc = "onkeypress";
if(dojo.lang.isArray(ao.srcObj) && ao.srcObj!=""){
var tmpAO = {};
7986,8 → 8023,8
dojo.html.getComputedStyle = function(/*HTMLElement|String*/node, /*String*/property, /*String*/value) {
// summary
// Get the computed style value for style "property" on "node" (IE).
node = dojo.byId(node); // FIXME: remove ability to access nodes by id for this time-critical function
if(!node || !{return value;}
node = dojo.byId(node); // FIXME: remove ability to access nodes by id for this time-critical function
if(!node || !node.currentStyle){return value;}
// FIXME: standardize on camel-case input to improve speed
return node.currentStyle[dojo.html.toCamelCase(property)]; // String