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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
dojo.i18n.getLocalization = function (packageName, bundleName, locale) {
locale = dojo.hostenv.normalizeLocale(locale);
var elements = locale.split("-");
var module = [packageName, "nls", bundleName].join(".");
var bundle = dojo.hostenv.findModule(module, true);
var localization;
for (var i = elements.length; i > 0; i--) {
var loc = elements.slice(0, i).join("_");
if (bundle[loc]) {
localization = bundle[loc];
if (!localization) {
localization = bundle.ROOT;
if (localization) {
var clazz = function () {
clazz.prototype = localization;
return new clazz();
dojo.raise("Bundle not found: " + bundleName + " in " + packageName + " , locale=" + locale);
dojo.i18n.isLTR = function (locale) {
var lang = dojo.hostenv.normalizeLocale(locale).split("-")[0];
var RTL = {ar:true, fa:true, he:true, ur:true, yi:true};
return !RTL[lang];
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
dojo.i18n.number.format = function (value, flags, locale) {
flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
var formatData = dojo.i18n.number._mapToLocalizedFormatData(dojo.i18n.number.FORMAT_TABLE, locale);
if (typeof flags.separator == "undefined") {
flags.separator = formatData[1];
if (typeof flags.decimal == "undefined") {
flags.decimal = formatData[2];
if (typeof flags.groupSize == "undefined") {
flags.groupSize = formatData[3];
if (typeof flags.groupSize2 == "undefined") {
flags.groupSize2 = formatData[4];
if (typeof flags.round == "undefined") {
flags.round = true;
if (typeof flags.signed == "undefined") {
flags.signed = true;
var output = (flags.signed && (value < 0)) ? "-" : "";
value = Math.abs(value);
var whole = String((((flags.places > 0) || !flags.round) ? Math.floor : Math.round)(value));
function splitSubstrings(str, count) {
for (var subs = []; str.length >= count; str = str.substr(0, str.length - count)) {
if (str.length > 0) {
return subs.reverse();
if (flags.groupSize2 && (whole.length > flags.groupSize)) {
var groups = splitSubstrings(whole.substr(0, whole.length - flags.groupSize), flags.groupSize2);
output = output + groups.join(flags.separator);
} else {
if (flags.groupSize) {
output = output + splitSubstrings(whole, flags.groupSize).join(flags.separator);
} else {
output = output + whole;
if (flags.places > 0) {
var fract = value - Math.floor(value);
fract = (flags.round ? Math.round : Math.floor)(fract * Math.pow(10, flags.places));
output = output + flags.decimal + fract;
return output;
dojo.i18n.number.parse = function (value, locale, flags) {
flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
var formatData = dojo.i18n.number._mapToLocalizedFormatData(dojo.i18n.number.FORMAT_TABLE, locale);
if (typeof flags.separator == "undefined") {
flags.separator = formatData[1];
if (typeof flags.decimal == "undefined") {
flags.decimal = formatData[2];
if (typeof flags.groupSize == "undefined") {
flags.groupSize = formatData[3];
if (typeof flags.groupSize2 == "undefined") {
flags.groupSize2 = formatData[4];
if (typeof flags.validate == "undefined") {
flags.validate = true;
if (flags.validate && !dojo.i18n.number.isReal(value, locale, flags)) {
return Number.NaN;
var numbers = value.split(flags.decimal);
if (numbers.length > 2) {
return Number.NaN;
var whole = Number(numbers[0].replace(new RegExp("\\" + flags.separator, "g"), ""));
var fract = (numbers.length == 1) ? 0 : Number(numbers[1]) / Math.pow(10, String(numbers[1]).length);
return whole + fract;
dojo.i18n.number.isInteger = function (value, locale, flags) {
flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
var formatData = dojo.i18n.number._mapToLocalizedFormatData(dojo.i18n.number.FORMAT_TABLE, locale);
if (typeof flags.separator == "undefined") {
flags.separator = formatData[1];
} else {
if (dojo.lang.isArray(flags.separator) && flags.separator.length === 0) {
flags.separator = [formatData[1], ""];
if (typeof flags.groupSize == "undefined") {
flags.groupSize = formatData[3];
if (typeof flags.groupSize2 == "undefined") {
flags.groupSize2 = formatData[4];
var re = new RegExp("^" + dojo.regexp.integer(flags) + "$");
return re.test(value);
dojo.i18n.number.isReal = function (value, locale, flags) {
flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
var formatData = dojo.i18n.number._mapToLocalizedFormatData(dojo.i18n.number.FORMAT_TABLE, locale);
if (typeof flags.separator == "undefined") {
flags.separator = formatData[1];
} else {
if (dojo.lang.isArray(flags.separator) && flags.separator.length === 0) {
flags.separator = [formatData[1], ""];
if (typeof flags.decimal == "undefined") {
flags.decimal = formatData[2];
if (typeof flags.groupSize == "undefined") {
flags.groupSize = formatData[3];
if (typeof flags.groupSize2 == "undefined") {
flags.groupSize2 = formatData[4];
var re = new RegExp("^" + dojo.regexp.realNumber(flags) + "$");
return re.test(value);
(function () {
dojo.i18n.number.FORMAT_TABLE = {"ar-ae":["", "", ",", 1], "ar-bh":["", "", ",", 1], "ar-dz":["", "", ",", 1], "ar-eg":["", "", ",", 1], "ar-jo":["", "", ",", 1], "ar-kw":["", "", ",", 1], "ar-lb":["", "", ",", 1], "ar-ma":["", "", ",", 1], "ar-om":["", "", ",", 1], "ar-qa":["", "", ",", 1], "ar-sa":["", "", ",", 1], "ar-sy":["", "", ",", 1], "ar-tn":["", "", ",", 1], "ar-ye":["", "", ",", 1], "cs-cz":[".", ".", ",", 3], "da-dk":[".", ".", ",", 3], "de-at":[".", ".", ",", 3], "de-de":[".", ".", ",", 3], "de-lu":[".", ".", ",", 3], "de-ch":["'", "'", ".", 3], "el-gr":[".", ".", ",", 3], "en-au":[",", ",", ".", 3], "en-ca":[",", ",", ".", 3], "en-gb":[",", ",", ".", 3], "en-hk":[",", ",", ".", 3], "en-ie":[",", ",", ".", 3], "en-in":[",", ",", ".", 3, 2], "en-nz":[",", ",", ".", 3], "en-us":[",", ",", ".", 3], "en-za":[",", ",", ".", 3], "es-ar":[".", ".", ",", 3], "es-bo":[".", ".", ",", 3], "es-cl":[".", ".", ",", 3], "es-co":[".", ".", ",", 3], "es-cr":[".", ".", ",", 3], "es-do":[".", ".", ",", 3], "es-ec":[".", ".", ",", 3], "es-es":[".", ".", ",", 3], "es-gt":[",", ",", ".", 3], "es-hn":[",", ",", ".", 3], "es-mx":[",", ",", ".", 3], "es-ni":[",", ",", ".", 3], "es-pa":[",", ",", ".", 3], "es-pe":[",", ",", ".", 3], "es-pr":[",", ",", ".", 3], "es-py":[".", ".", ",", 3], "es-sv":[",", ",", ".", 3], "es-uy":[".", ".", ",", 3], "es-ve":[".", ".", ",", 3], "fi-fi":[" ", " ", ",", 3], "fr-be":[".", ".", ",", 3], "fr-ca":[" ", " ", ",", 3], "fr-ch":[" ", " ", ".", 3], "fr-fr":[" ", " ", ",", 3], "fr-lu":[".", ".", ",", 3], "he-il":[",", ",", ".", 3], "hu-hu":[" ", " ", ",", 3], "it-ch":[" ", " ", ".", 3], "it-it":[".", ".", ",", 3], "ja-jp":[",", ",", ".", 3], "ko-kr":[",", ",", ".", 3], "no-no":[".", ".", ",", 3], "nl-be":[" ", " ", ",", 3], "nl-nl":[".", ".", ",", 3], "pl-pl":[".", ".", ",", 3], "pt-br":[".", ".", ",", 3], "pt-pt":[".", ".", "$", 3], "ru-ru":[" ", " ", ",", 3], "sv-se":[".", " ", ",", 3], "tr-tr":[".", ".", ",", 3], "zh-cn":[",", ",", ".", 3], "zh-hk":[",", ",", ".", 3], "zh-tw":[",", ",", ".", 3], "*":[",", ",", ".", 3]};
dojo.i18n.number._mapToLocalizedFormatData = function (table, locale) {
locale = dojo.hostenv.normalizeLocale(locale);
var data = table[locale];
if (typeof data == "undefined") {
data = table["*"];
return data;
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0,0 → 1,136
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
dojo.i18n.currency.format = function (value, iso, flags, locale) {
flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
var formatData = dojo.i18n.currency._mapToLocalizedFormatData(dojo.i18n.currency.FORMAT_TABLE, iso, locale);
if (typeof flags.places == "undefined") {
flags.places = formatData.places;
if (typeof flags.places == "undefined") {
flags.places = 2;
flags.signed = false;
var result = dojo.i18n.number.format(value, flags, locale);
var sym = formatData.symbol;
if (formatData.adjSpace == "symbol") {
if (formatData.placement == "after") {
sym = " " + sym;
} else {
sym = sym + " ";
if (value < 0) {
if (formatData.signPlacement == "before") {
sym = "-" + sym;
} else {
if (formatData.signPlacement == "after") {
sym = sym + "-";
var spc = (formatData.adjSpace == "number") ? " " : "";
if (formatData.placement == "after") {
result = result + spc + sym;
} else {
result = sym + spc + result;
if (value < 0) {
if (formatData.signPlacement == "around") {
result = "(" + result + ")";
} else {
if (formatData.signPlacement == "end") {
result = result + "-";
} else {
if (!formatData.signPlacement || formatData.signPlacement == "begin") {
result = "-" + result;
return result;
dojo.i18n.currency.parse = function (value, iso, locale, flags) {
if (typeof flags.validate == "undefined") {
flags.validate = true;
if (flags.validate && !dojo.i18n.number.isCurrency(value, iso, locale, flags)) {
return Number.NaN;
var sign = (value.indexOf("-") != -1);
var abs = abs.replace(/\-/, "");
var formatData = dojo.i18n.currency._mapToLocalizedFormatData(dojo.i18n.currency.FORMAT_TABLE, iso, locale);
abs = abs.replace(new RegExp("\\" + formatData.symbol), "");
var number = dojo.i18n.number.parse(abs, locale, flags);
if (sign) {
number = number * -1;
return number;
dojo.i18n.currency.isCurrency = function (value, iso, locale, flags) {
flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
var numberFormatData = dojo.i18n.number._mapToLocalizedFormatData(dojo.i18n.number.FORMAT_TABLE, locale);
if (typeof flags.separator == "undefined") {
flags.separator = numberFormatData[0];
} else {
if (dojo.lang.isArray(flags.separator) && flags.separator.length == 0) {
flags.separator = [numberFormatData[0], ""];
if (typeof flags.decimal == "undefined") {
flags.decimal = numberFormatData[2];
if (typeof flags.groupSize == "undefined") {
flags.groupSize = numberFormatData[3];
if (typeof flags.groupSize2 == "undefined") {
flags.groupSize2 = numberFormatData[4];
var formatData = dojo.i18n.currency._mapToLocalizedFormatData(dojo.i18n.currency.FORMAT_TABLE, iso, locale);
if (typeof flags.places == "undefined") {
flags.places = formatData.places;
if (typeof flags.places == "undefined") {
flags.places = 2;
if (typeof flags.symbol == "undefined") {
flags.symbol = formatData.symbol;
} else {
if (dojo.lang.isArray(flags.symbol) && flags.symbol.length == 0) {
flags.symbol = [formatData.symbol, ""];
if (typeof flags.placement == "undefined") {
flags.placement = formatData.placement;
var re = new RegExp("^" + dojo.regexp.currency(flags) + "$");
return re.test(value);
dojo.i18n.currency._mapToLocalizedFormatData = function (table, iso, locale) {
var formatData = dojo.i18n.currency.FORMAT_TABLE[iso];
if (!dojo.lang.isArray(formatData)) {
return formatData;
return dojo.i18n.number._mapToLocalizedFormatData(formatData[0], locale);
(function () {
var arabic = {symbol:"\u062c", placement:"after", htmlSymbol:"?"};
var euro = {symbol:"\u20ac", placement:"before", adjSpace:"symbol", htmlSymbol:"&euro;"};
var euroAfter = {symbol:"\u20ac", placement:"after", htmlSymbol:"&euro;"};
dojo.i18n.currency.FORMAT_TABLE = {AED:{symbol:"\u062c", placement:"after"}, ARS:{symbol:"$", signPlacement:"after"}, ATS:{symbol:"\u20ac", adjSpace:"number", signPlacement:"after", htmlSymbol:"&euro;"}, AUD:{symbol:"$"}, BOB:{symbol:"$b"}, BRL:{symbol:"R$", adjSpace:"symbol"}, BEF:euroAfter, BHD:arabic, CAD:[{"*":{symbol:"$"}, "fr-ca":{symbol:"$", placement:"after", signPlacement:"around"}}], CHF:{symbol:"CHF", adjSpace:"symbol", signPlacement:"after"}, CLP:{symbol:"$"}, COP:{symbol:"$", signPlacement:"around"}, CNY:{symbol:"\xa5", htmlSymbol:"&yen;"}, CRC:{symbol:"\u20a1", signPlacement:"after", htmlSymbol:"?"}, CZK:{symbol:"Kc", adjSpace:"symbol", signPlacement:"after"}, DEM:euroAfter, DKK:{symbol:"kr.", adjSpace:"symbol", signPlacement:"after"}, DOP:{symbol:"$"}, DZD:arabic, ECS:{symbol:"$", signPlacement:"after"}, EGP:arabic, ESP:euroAfter, EUR:euro, FIM:euroAfter, FRF:euroAfter, GBP:{symbol:"\xa3", htmlSymbol:"&pound;"}, GRD:{symbol:"\u20ac", signPlacement:"end", htmlSymbol:"&euro;"}, GTQ:{symbol:"Q", signPlacement:"after"}, HKD:{symbol:"HK$"}, HNL:{symbol:"L.", signPlacement:"end"}, HUF:{symbol:"Ft", placement:"after", adjSpace:"symbol"}, IEP:{symbol:"\u20ac", htmlSymbol:"&euro;"}, ILS:{symbol:"\u05e9\"\u05d7", placement:"after", htmlSymbol:"?"}, INR:{symbol:"Rs."}, ITL:{symbol:"\u20ac", signPlacement:"after", htmlSymbol:"&euro;"}, JOD:arabic, JPY:{symbol:"\xa5", places:0, htmlSymbol:"&yen;"}, KRW:{symbol:"\u20a9", places:0, htmlSymbol:"?"}, KWD:arabic, LBP:arabic, LUF:euroAfter, MAD:arabic, MXN:{symbol:"$", signPlacement:"around"}, NIO:{symbol:"C$", adjSpace:"symbol", signPlacement:"after"}, NLG:{symbol:"\u20ac", signPlacement:"end", htmlSymbol:"&euro;"}, NOK:{symbol:"kr", adjSpace:"symbol", signPlacement:"after"}, NZD:{symbol:"$"}, OMR:arabic, PAB:{symbol:"B/", adjSpace:"symbol", signPlacement:"after"}, PEN:{symbol:"S/", signPlacement:"after"}, PLN:{symbol:"z", placement:"after"}, PTE:euroAfter, PYG:{symbol:"Gs.", signPlacement:"after"}, QAR:arabic, RUR:{symbol:"rub.", placement:"after"}, SAR:arabic, SEK:{symbol:"kr", placement:"after", adjSpace:"symbol"}, SGD:{symbol:"$"}, SVC:{symbol:"\u20a1", signPlacement:"after", adjSpace:"symbol"}, SYP:arabic, TND:arabic, TRL:{symbol:"TL", placement:"after"}, TWD:{symbol:"NT$"}, USD:{symbol:"$"}, UYU:{symbol:"$U", signplacement:"after", adjSpace:"symbol"}, VEB:{symbol:"Bs", signplacement:"after", adjSpace:"symbol"}, YER:arabic, ZAR:{symbol:"R", signPlacement:"around"}};
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0,0 → 1,11
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"field-weekday":"jour de la semaine", "dateFormat-medium":"d MMM yy", "field-second":"seconde", "field-week":"semaine", "pm":"ap. m.", "timeFormat-full":"HH' h 'mm z", "months-standAlone-narrow":["J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"], "am":"matin", "days-standAlone-narrow":["D", "L", "M", "M", "J", "V", "S"], "field-year":"ann\xe9e", "eras":["av. J.-C.", "apr. J.-C."], "field-minute":"minute", "field-hour":"heure", "dateFormat-long":"d MMMM yyyy", "field-day":"jour", "field-dayperiod":"p\xe9riode de la journ\xe9e", "field-month":"mois", "dateFormat-short":"dd/MM/yy", "months-format-wide":["janvier", "f\xe9vrier", "mars", "avril", "mai", "juin", "juillet", "ao\xfbt", "septembre", "octobre", "novembre", "d\xe9cembre"], "field-era":"\xe9poque", "months-format-abbr":["janv.", "f\xe9vr.", "mars", "avr.", "mai", "juin", "juil.", "ao\xfbt", "sept.", "oct.", "nov.", "d\xe9c."], "days-format-wide":["dimanche", "lundi", "mardi", "mercredi", "jeudi", "vendredi", "samedi"], "dateFormat-full":"EEEE d MMMM yyyy", "field-zone":"zone", "days-format-abbr":["dim.", "lun.", "mar.", "mer.", "jeu.", "ven.", "sam."], "timeFormat-medium":"HH:mm:ss", "timeFormat-short":"HH:mm", "timeFormat-long":"HH:mm:ss z"})
New file
0,0 → 1,11
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"field-weekday":"d\xeda de la semana", "dateFormat-medium":"dd-MMM-yy", "field-second":"segundo", "field-week":"semana", "pm":"p.m.", "timeFormat-full":"HH'H'mm''ss\" z", "months-standAlone-narrow":["E", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"], "am":"a.m.", "days-standAlone-narrow":["D", "L", "M", "M", "J", "V", "S"], "field-year":"a\xf1o", "eras":["a.C.", "d.C."], "field-minute":"minuto", "field-hour":"hora", "dateFormat-long":"d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", "field-day":"d\xeda", "field-dayperiod":"periodo del d\xeda", "field-month":"mes", "dateFormat-short":"d/MM/yy", "months-format-wide":["enero", "febrero", "marzo", "abril", "mayo", "junio", "julio", "agosto", "septiembre", "octubre", "noviembre", "diciembre"], "field-era":"era", "months-format-abbr":["ene", "feb", "mar", "abr", "may", "jun", "jul", "ago", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dic"], "days-format-wide":["domingo", "lunes", "martes", "mi\xe9rcoles", "jueves", "viernes", "s\xe1bado"], "dateFormat-full":"EEEE d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", "field-zone":"zona", "days-format-abbr":["dom", "lun", "mar", "mi\xe9", "jue", "vie", "s\xe1b"], "timeFormat-medium":"HH:mm:ss", "timeFormat-short":"HH:mm", "timeFormat-long":"HH:mm:ss z"})
New file
0,0 → 1,11
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"dateFormat-medium":"yyyy'\u5e74'M'\u6708'd'\u65e5'", "field-second":"\u79d2", "field-week":"\u9031", "timeFormat-full":"ahh'\u6642'mm'\u5206'ss'\u79d2' z", "eras":["\u897f\u5143\u524d", "\u897f\u5143"], "field-year":"\u5e74", "field-minute":"\u5206\u9418", "timeFormat-medium":"ahh:mm:ss", "field-hour":"\u5c0f\u6642", "dateFormat-long":"yyyy'\u5e74'M'\u6708'd'\u65e5'", "field-day":"\u6574\u65e5", "field-dayperiod":"\u65e5\u9593", "field-month":"\u6708", "dateFormat-short":"yy'\u5e74'M'\u6708'd'\u65e5'", "field-era":"\u5e74\u4ee3", "timeFormat-short":"ah:mm", "months-format-abbr":["1\u6708", "2\u6708", "3\u6708", "4\u6708", "5\u6708", "6\u6708", "7\u6708", "8\u6708", "9\u6708", "10\u6708", "11\u6708", "12\u6708"], "timeFormat-long":"ahh'\u6642'mm'\u5206'ss'\u79d2'", "field-weekday":"\u9031\u5929", "dateFormat-full":"yyyy'\u5e74'M'\u6708'd'\u65e5'EEEE", "field-zone":"\u5340\u57df", "days-standAlone-narrow":["\u65e5", "\u4e00", "\u4e8c", "\u4e09", "\u56db", "\u4e94", "\u516d"], "am":"\u4e0a\u5348", "days-format-abbr":["\u5468\u65e5", "\u5468\u4e00", "\u5468\u4e8c", "\u5468\u4e09", "\u5468\u56db", "\u5468\u4e94", "\u5468\u516d"], "pm":"\u4e0b\u5348", "months-format-wide":["\u4e00\u6708", "\u4e8c\u6708", "\u4e09\u6708", "\u56db\u6708", "\u4e94\u6708", "\u516d\u6708", "\u4e03\u6708", "\u516b\u6708", "\u4e5d\u6708", "\u5341\u6708", "\u5341\u4e00\u6708", "\u5341\u4e8c\u6708"], "months-standAlone-narrow":["1\u6708", "2\u6708", "3\u6708", "4\u6708", "5\u6708", "6\u6708", "7\u6708", "8\u6708", "9\u6708", "10\u6708", "11\u6708", "12\u6708"], "days-format-wide":["\u661f\u671f\u65e5", "\u661f\u671f\u4e00", "\u661f\u671f\u4e8c", "\u661f\u671f\u4e09", "\u661f\u671f\u56db", "\u661f\u671f\u4e94", "\u661f\u671f\u516d"]})
New file
0,0 → 1,11
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"months-standAlone-narrow":["1\uc6d4", "2\uc6d4", "3\uc6d4", "4\uc6d4", "5\uc6d4", "6\uc6d4", "7\uc6d4", "8\uc6d4", "9\uc6d4", "10\uc6d4", "11\uc6d4", "12\uc6d4"], "dateFormat-long":"yyyy'\ub144' M'\uc6d4' d'\uc77c'", "timeFormat-full":"a hh'\uc2dc' mm'\ubd84' ss'\ucd08' z", "eras":["\uae30\uc6d0\uc804", "\uc11c\uae30"], "timeFormat-medium":"a hh'\uc2dc' mm'\ubd84'", "dateFormat-medium":"yyyy. MM. dd", "am":"\uc624\uc804", "months-format-abbr":["1\uc6d4", "2\uc6d4", "3\uc6d4", "4\uc6d4", "5\uc6d4", "6\uc6d4", "7\uc6d4", "8\uc6d4", "9\uc6d4", "10\uc6d4", "11\uc6d4", "12\uc6d4"], "dateFormat-full":"yyyy'\ub144' M'\uc6d4' d'\uc77c' EEEE", "days-format-abbr":["\uc77c", "\uc6d4", "\ud654", "\uc218", "\ubaa9", "\uae08", "\ud1a0"], "timeFormat-long":"a hh'\uc2dc' mm'\ubd84' ss'\ucd08'", "timeFormat-short":"a hh'\uc2dc' mm'\ubd84'", "dateFormat-short":"yy. MM. dd", "pm":"\uc624\ud6c4", "months-format-wide":["1\uc6d4", "2\uc6d4", "3\uc6d4", "4\uc6d4", "5\uc6d4", "6\uc6d4", "7\uc6d4", "8\uc6d4", "9\uc6d4", "10\uc6d4", "11\uc6d4", "12\uc6d4"], "days-standAlone-narrow":["\uc77c", "\uc6d4", "\ud654", "\uc218", "\ubaa9", "\uae08", "\ud1a0"], "days-format-wide":["\uc77c\uc694\uc77c", "\uc6d4\uc694\uc77c", "\ud654\uc694\uc77c", "\uc218\uc694\uc77c", "\ubaa9\uc694\uc77c", "\uae08\uc694\uc77c", "\ud1a0\uc694\uc77c"], "field-weekday":"Day of the Week", "field-second":"Second", "field-week":"Week", "field-year":"Year", "field-minute":"Minute", "field-hour":"Hour", "field-day":"Day", "field-dayperiod":"Dayperiod", "field-month":"Month", "field-era":"Era", "field-zone":"Zone"})
New file
0,0 → 1,11
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"dateFormat-medium":"d MMM yyyy", "field-second":"Seconde", "timeFormat-full":"HH:mm:ss v", "months-standAlone-narrow":["J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"], "days-standAlone-narrow":["Z", "M", "D", "W", "D", "V", "Z"], "field-year":"Jaar", "eras":["v. Chr.", "n. Chr."], "field-minute":"Minuut", "field-hour":"Uur", "dateFormat-long":"d MMMM yyyy", "field-day":"Dag", "field-dayperiod":"Dagdeel", "field-month":"Maand", "dateFormat-short":"dd-MM-yy", "months-format-wide":["januari", "februari", "maart", "april", "mei", "juni", "juli", "augustus", "september", "oktober", "november", "december"], "field-era":"Tijdperk", "months-format-abbr":["jan", "feb", "mrt", "apr", "mei", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "okt", "nov", "dec"], "days-format-wide":["zondag", "maandag", "dinsdag", "woensdag", "donderdag", "vrijdag", "zaterdag"], "dateFormat-full":"EEEE d MMMM yyyy", "days-format-abbr":["zo", "ma", "di", "wo", "do", "vr", "za"], "field-weekday":"Dag van de week", "field-week":"Week", "pm":"PM", "am":"AM", "timeFormat-medium":"HH:mm:ss", "timeFormat-short":"HH:mm", "timeFormat-long":"HH:mm:ss z", "field-zone":"Zone"})
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({"field-weekday":"h\xe9t napja", "dateFormat-medium":"yyyy MMM d", "field-second":"m\xe1sodperc", "field-week":"h\xe9t", "pm":"d.u.", "timeFormat-full":"h:mm:ss a v", "months-standAlone-narrow":["J", "F", "M", "\xc1", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"], "am":"d.e.", "days-standAlone-narrow":["V", "H", "K", "Sz", "Cs", "P", "Sz"], "field-year":"\xe9v", "eras":["k.e.", "k.u."], "field-minute":"perc", "timeFormat-medium":"h:mm:ss a", "field-hour":"\xf3ra", "dateFormat-long":"yyyy MMMM d", "field-day":"nap", "field-dayperiod":"napszak", "field-month":"h\xf3nap", "dateFormat-short":"yyyy-M-d", "months-format-wide":["janu\xe1r", "febru\xe1r", "m\xe1rcius", "\xe1prilis", "m\xe1jus", "j\xfanius", "j\xfalius", "augusztus", "szeptember", "okt\xf3ber", "november", "december"], "field-era":"\xe9ra", "timeFormat-short":"h:mm a", "months-format-abbr":["jan", "feb", "m\xe1r", "apr", "m\xe1j", "j\xfan", "j\xfal", "aug", "sze", "okt", "nov", "dec"], "timeFormat-long":"h:mm:ss a z", "days-format-wide":["vas\xe1rnap", "h\xe9tf\u0151", "kedd", "szerda", "cs\xfct\xf6rt\xf6k", "p\xe9ntek", "szombat"], "dateFormat-full":"yyyy MMMM d, EEEE", "field-zone":"z\xf3na", "days-format-abbr":["Va", "H\xe9", "Ke", "Sze", "Cs\xfc", "P\xe9", "Szo"]})
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({"field-weekday":"giorno della settimana", "dateFormat-medium":"dd/MMM/yy", "field-second":"secondo", "field-week":"settimana", "pm":"p.", "months-standAlone-narrow":["G", "F", "M", "A", "M", "G", "L", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"], "am":"m.", "days-standAlone-narrow":["D", "L", "M", "M", "G", "V", "S"], "field-year":"anno", "eras":["aC", "dC"], "field-minute":"minuto", "field-hour":"ora", "dateFormat-long":"dd MMMM yyyy", "field-day":"giorno", "field-dayperiod":"periodo del giorno", "field-month":"mese", "dateFormat-short":"dd/MM/yy", "months-format-wide":["gennaio", "febbraio", "marzo", "aprile", "maggio", "giugno", "luglio", "agosto", "settembre", "ottobre", "novembre", "dicembre"], "field-era":"era", "months-format-abbr":["gen", "feb", "mar", "apr", "mag", "giu", "lug", "ago", "set", "ott", "nov", "dic"], "days-format-wide":["domenica", "luned\xec", "marted\xec", "mercoled\xec", "gioved\xec", "venerd\xec", "sabato"], "dateFormat-full":"EEEE d MMMM yyyy", "field-zone":"zona", "days-format-abbr":["dom", "lun", "mar", "mer", "gio", "ven", "sab"], "timeFormat-full":"HH:mm:ss z", "timeFormat-medium":"HH:mm:ss", "timeFormat-short":"HH:mm", "timeFormat-long":"HH:mm:ss z"})
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({"dateFormat-medium":"yyyy-M-d", "field-second":"\u79d2\u949f", "field-week":"\u5468", "timeFormat-full":"ahh'\u65f6'mm'\u5206'ss'\u79d2' z", "field-year":"\u5e74", "field-minute":"\u5206\u949f", "timeFormat-medium":"ahh:mm:ss", "field-hour":"\u5c0f\u65f6", "dateFormat-long":"yyyy'\u5e74'M'\u6708'd'\u65e5'", "field-day":"\u65e5", "field-dayperiod":"\u4e0a\u5348/\u4e0b\u5348", "field-month":"\u6708", "dateFormat-short":"yy-M-d", "field-era":"\u65f6\u671f", "timeFormat-short":"ah:mm", "timeFormat-long":"ahh'\u65f6'mm'\u5206'ss'\u79d2'", "dateFormat-full":"yyyy'\u5e74'M'\u6708'd'\u65e5'EEEE", "field-weekday":"\u5468\u5929", "field-zone":"\u533a\u57df", "days-standAlone-narrow":["\u65e5", "\u4e00", "\u4e8c", "\u4e09", "\u56db", "\u4e94", "\u516d"], "eras":["\u516c\u5143\u524d", "\u516c\u5143"], "am":"\u4e0a\u5348", "months-format-abbr":["\u4e00\u6708", "\u4e8c\u6708", "\u4e09\u6708", "\u56db\u6708", "\u4e94\u6708", "\u516d\u6708", "\u4e03\u6708", "\u516b\u6708", "\u4e5d\u6708", "\u5341\u6708", "\u5341\u4e00\u6708", "\u5341\u4e8c\u6708"], "days-format-abbr":["\u5468\u65e5", "\u5468\u4e00", "\u5468\u4e8c", "\u5468\u4e09", "\u5468\u56db", "\u5468\u4e94", "\u5468\u516d"], "pm":"\u4e0b\u5348", "months-format-wide":["\u4e00\u6708", "\u4e8c\u6708", "\u4e09\u6708", "\u56db\u6708", "\u4e94\u6708", "\u516d\u6708", "\u4e03\u6708", "\u516b\u6708", "\u4e5d\u6708", "\u5341\u6708", "\u5341\u4e00\u6708", "\u5341\u4e8c\u6708"], "months-standAlone-narrow":["1\u6708", "2\u6708", "3\u6708", "4\u6708", "5\u6708", "6\u6708", "7\u6708", "8\u6708", "9\u6708", "10\u6708", "11\u6708", "12\u6708"], "days-format-wide":["\u661f\u671f\u65e5", "\u661f\u671f\u4e00", "\u661f\u671f\u4e8c", "\u661f\u671f\u4e09", "\u661f\u671f\u56db", "\u661f\u671f\u4e94", "\u661f\u671f\u516d"]})
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
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({"timeFormat-full":"ahh'\u6642'mm'\u5206'ss'\u79d2' z", "eras":["\u897f\u5143\u524d", "\u897f\u5143"], "timeFormat-medium":"a h:mm:ss", "dateFormat-medium":"yyyy/M/d", "dateFormat-full":"yyyy'\u5e74'M'\u6708'd'\u65e5'EEEE", "days-format-abbr":["\u9031\u65e5", "\u9031\u4e00", "\u9031\u4e8c", "\u9031\u4e09", "\u9031\u56db", "\u9031\u4e94", "\u9031\u516d"], "timeFormat-long":"ahh'\u6642'mm'\u5206'ss'\u79d2'", "timeFormat-short":"a h:mm", "dateFormat-short":"yyyy/M/d", "dateFormat-long":"yyyy'\u5e74'M'\u6708'd'\u65e5'", "days-standAlone-narrow":["\u65e5", "\u4e00", "\u4e8c", "\u4e09", "\u56db", "\u4e94", "\u516d"], "am":"\u4e0a\u5348", "months-format-abbr":["\u4e00\u6708", "\u4e8c\u6708", "\u4e09\u6708", "\u56db\u6708", "\u4e94\u6708", "\u516d\u6708", "\u4e03\u6708", "\u516b\u6708", "\u4e5d\u6708", "\u5341\u6708", "\u5341\u4e00\u6708", "\u5341\u4e8c\u6708"], "pm":"\u4e0b\u5348", "months-format-wide":["\u4e00\u6708", "\u4e8c\u6708", "\u4e09\u6708", "\u56db\u6708", "\u4e94\u6708", "\u516d\u6708", "\u4e03\u6708", "\u516b\u6708", "\u4e5d\u6708", "\u5341\u6708", "\u5341\u4e00\u6708", "\u5341\u4e8c\u6708"], "months-standAlone-narrow":["1\u6708", "2\u6708", "3\u6708", "4\u6708", "5\u6708", "6\u6708", "7\u6708", "8\u6708", "9\u6708", "10\u6708", "11\u6708", "12\u6708"], "days-format-wide":["\u661f\u671f\u65e5", "\u661f\u671f\u4e00", "\u661f\u671f\u4e8c", "\u661f\u671f\u4e09", "\u661f\u671f\u56db", "\u661f\u671f\u4e94", "\u661f\u671f\u516d"], "field-weekday":"Day of the Week", "field-second":"Second", "field-week":"Week", "field-year":"Year", "field-minute":"Minute", "field-hour":"Hour", "field-day":"Day", "field-dayperiod":"Dayperiod", "field-month":"Month", "field-era":"Era", "field-zone":"Zone"})
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Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
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({"days-standAlone-narrow":["\u65e5", "\u4e00", "\u4e8c", "\u4e09", "\u56db", "\u4e94", "\u516d"], "eras":["\u516c\u5143\u524d", "\u516c\u5143"], "am":"\u4e0a\u5348", "months-format-abbr":["\u4e00\u6708", "\u4e8c\u6708", "\u4e09\u6708", "\u56db\u6708", "\u4e94\u6708", "\u516d\u6708", "\u4e03\u6708", "\u516b\u6708", "\u4e5d\u6708", "\u5341\u6708", "\u5341\u4e00\u6708", "\u5341\u4e8c\u6708"], "days-format-abbr":["\u5468\u65e5", "\u5468\u4e00", "\u5468\u4e8c", "\u5468\u4e09", "\u5468\u56db", "\u5468\u4e94", "\u5468\u516d"], "pm":"\u4e0b\u5348", "months-format-wide":["\u4e00\u6708", "\u4e8c\u6708", "\u4e09\u6708", "\u56db\u6708", "\u4e94\u6708", "\u516d\u6708", "\u4e03\u6708", "\u516b\u6708", "\u4e5d\u6708", "\u5341\u6708", "\u5341\u4e00\u6708", "\u5341\u4e8c\u6708"], "months-standAlone-narrow":["1\u6708", "2\u6708", "3\u6708", "4\u6708", "5\u6708", "6\u6708", "7\u6708", "8\u6708", "9\u6708", "10\u6708", "11\u6708", "12\u6708"], "days-format-wide":["\u661f\u671f\u65e5", "\u661f\u671f\u4e00", "\u661f\u671f\u4e8c", "\u661f\u671f\u4e09", "\u661f\u671f\u56db", "\u661f\u671f\u4e94", "\u661f\u671f\u516d"], "field-weekday":"Day of the Week", "dateFormat-medium":"yyyy MMM d", "field-second":"Second", "field-week":"Week", "timeFormat-full":"HH:mm:ss z", "field-year":"Year", "field-minute":"Minute", "timeFormat-medium":"HH:mm:ss", "field-hour":"Hour", "dateFormat-long":"yyyy MMMM d", "field-day":"Day", "field-dayperiod":"Dayperiod", "field-month":"Month", "dateFormat-short":"yy/MM/dd", "field-era":"Era", "timeFormat-short":"HH:mm", "timeFormat-long":"HH:mm:ss z", "dateFormat-full":"EEEE, yyyy MMMM dd", "field-zone":"Zone"})
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
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({"months-standAlone-narrow":["J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"], "dateFormat-long":"d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", "timeFormat-full":"HH'H'mm'm'ss's' z", "eras":["a.C.", "d.C."], "dateFormat-medium":"d/MMM/yyyy", "months-format-abbr":["jan", "fev", "mar", "abr", "mai", "jun", "jul", "ago", "set", "out", "nov", "dez"], "dateFormat-full":"EEEE, d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", "days-format-abbr":["dom", "seg", "ter", "qua", "qui", "sex", "s\xe1b"], "dateFormat-short":"dd-MM-yyyy", "months-format-wide":["janeiro", "fevereiro", "mar\xe7o", "abril", "maio", "junho", "julho", "agosto", "setembro", "outubro", "novembro", "dezembro"], "days-standAlone-narrow":["D", "S", "T", "Q", "Q", "S", "S"], "days-format-wide":["domingo", "segunda-feira", "ter\xe7a-feira", "quarta-feira", "quinta-feira", "sexta-feira", "s\xe1bado"], "field-weekday":"Day of the Week", "field-second":"Second", "field-week":"Week", "pm":"PM", "am":"AM", "field-year":"Year", "field-minute":"Minute", "timeFormat-medium":"HH:mm:ss", "field-hour":"Hour", "field-day":"Day", "field-dayperiod":"Dayperiod", "field-month":"Month", "field-era":"Era", "timeFormat-short":"HH:mm", "timeFormat-long":"HH:mm:ss z", "field-zone":"Zone"})
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
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Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
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({"field-hour":"Hora", "field-dayperiod":"Per\xedodo do dia", "field-minute":"Minuto", "timeFormat-full":"HH'h'mm'min'ss's' z", "field-weekday":"Dia da semana", "field-week":"Semana", "field-second":"Segundo", "dateFormat-medium":"dd/MM/yyyy", "field-day":"Dia", "timeFormat-long":"H'h'm'min's's' z", "field-month":"M\xeas", "field-year":"Ano", "dateFormat-short":"dd/MM/yy", "field-zone":"Fuso", "months-standAlone-narrow":["J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"], "dateFormat-long":"d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", "eras":["a.C.", "d.C."], "months-format-abbr":["jan", "fev", "mar", "abr", "mai", "jun", "jul", "ago", "set", "out", "nov", "dez"], "dateFormat-full":"EEEE, d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", "days-format-abbr":["dom", "seg", "ter", "qua", "qui", "sex", "s\xe1b"], "months-format-wide":["janeiro", "fevereiro", "mar\xe7o", "abril", "maio", "junho", "julho", "agosto", "setembro", "outubro", "novembro", "dezembro"], "days-standAlone-narrow":["D", "S", "T", "Q", "Q", "S", "S"], "days-format-wide":["domingo", "segunda-feira", "ter\xe7a-feira", "quarta-feira", "quinta-feira", "sexta-feira", "s\xe1bado"], "pm":"PM", "am":"AM", "timeFormat-medium":"HH:mm:ss", "field-era":"Era", "timeFormat-short":"HH:mm"})
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
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Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
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({"field-weekday":"Wochentag", "dateFormat-medium":"dd.MM.yyyy", "field-second":"Sekunde", "field-week":"Woche", "pm":"nachm.", "timeFormat-full":"H:mm' Uhr 'z", "months-standAlone-narrow":["J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"], "am":"vorm.", "days-standAlone-narrow":["S", "M", "D", "M", "D", "F", "S"], "field-year":"Jahr", "eras":["v. Chr.", "n. Chr."], "field-hour":"Stunde", "dateFormat-long":"d. MMMM yyyy", "field-day":"Tag", "field-dayperiod":"Tagesh\xe4lfte", "field-month":"Monat", "dateFormat-short":"dd.MM.yy", "months-format-wide":["Januar", "Februar", "M\xe4rz", "April", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Dezember"], "field-era":"Epoche", "months-format-abbr":["Jan", "Feb", "Mrz", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez"], "days-format-wide":["Sonntag", "Montag", "Dienstag", "Mittwoch", "Donnerstag", "Freitag", "Samstag"], "dateFormat-full":"EEEE, d. MMMM yyyy", "field-zone":"Zone", "days-format-abbr":["So", "Mo", "Di", "Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa"], "field-minute":"Minute", "timeFormat-medium":"HH:mm:ss", "timeFormat-short":"HH:mm", "timeFormat-long":"HH:mm:ss z"})
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
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Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
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({"field-weekday":"veckodag", "dateFormat-medium":"d MMM yyyy", "field-second":"sekund", "field-week":"vecka", "pm":"em", "timeFormat-full":"'kl. ' z", "months-standAlone-narrow":["J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"], "am":"fm", "days-standAlone-narrow":["S", "M", "T", "O", "T", "F", "L"], "field-year":"\xe5r", "eras":["f.Kr.", "e.Kr."], "field-minute":"minut", "timeFormat-medium":"", "field-hour":"timme", "dateFormat-long":"EEEE d MMM yyyy", "field-day":"dag", "field-dayperiod":"dagsperiod", "field-month":"m\xe5nad", "dateFormat-short":"yyyy-MM-dd", "months-format-wide":["januari", "februari", "mars", "april", "maj", "juni", "juli", "augusti", "september", "oktober", "november", "december"], "field-era":"era", "timeFormat-short":"", "months-format-abbr":["jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "maj", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "okt", "nov", "dec"], "timeFormat-long":" z", "days-format-wide":["s\xf6ndag", "m\xe5ndag", "tisdag", "onsdag", "torsdag", "fredag", "l\xf6rdag"], "dateFormat-full":"EEEE'en den' d MMMM yyyy", "field-zone":"tidszon", "days-format-abbr":["s\xf6", "m\xe5", "ti", "on", "to", "fr", "l\xf6"]})
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
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Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"days-standAlone-narrow":["\u65e5", "\u6708", "\u706b", "\u6c34", "\u6728", "\u91d1", "\u571f"], "timeFormat-full":"H'\u6642'mm'\u5206'ss'\u79d2'z", "eras":["\u7d00\u5143\u524d", "\u897f\u66a6"], "timeFormat-medium":"H:mm:ss", "dateFormat-medium":"yyyy/MM/dd", "am":"\u5348\u524d", "months-format-abbr":["1 \u6708", "2 \u6708", "3 \u6708", "4 \u6708", "5 \u6708", "6 \u6708", "7 \u6708", "8 \u6708", "9 \u6708", "10 \u6708", "11 \u6708", "12 \u6708"], "dateFormat-full":"yyyy'\u5e74'M'\u6708'd'\u65e5'EEEE", "days-format-abbr":["\u65e5", "\u6708", "\u706b", "\u6c34", "\u6728", "\u91d1", "\u571f"], "timeFormat-long":"H:mm:ss:z", "timeFormat-short":"H:mm", "pm":"\u5348\u5f8c", "months-format-wide":["1 \u6708", "2 \u6708", "3 \u6708", "4 \u6708", "5 \u6708", "6 \u6708", "7 \u6708", "8 \u6708", "9 \u6708", "10 \u6708", "11 \u6708", "12 \u6708"], "dateFormat-long":"yyyy'\u5e74'M'\u6708'd'\u65e5'", "days-format-wide":["\u65e5\u66dc\u65e5", "\u6708\u66dc\u65e5", "\u706b\u66dc\u65e5", "\u6c34\u66dc\u65e5", "\u6728\u66dc\u65e5", "\u91d1\u66dc\u65e5", "\u571f\u66dc\u65e5"], "field-weekday":"Day of the Week", "field-second":"Second", "field-week":"Week", "months-standAlone-narrow":["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12"], "field-year":"Year", "field-minute":"Minute", "field-hour":"Hour", "field-day":"Day", "field-dayperiod":"Dayperiod", "field-month":"Month", "dateFormat-short":"yy/MM/dd", "field-era":"Era", "field-zone":"Zone"})
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
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Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"field-weekday":"viikonp\xe4iv\xe4", "dateFormat-medium":"d.M.yyyy", "field-second":"sekunti", "field-week":"viikko", "pm":"ip.", "timeFormat-full":" v", "months-standAlone-narrow":["T", "H", "M", "H", "T", "K", "H", "E", "S", "L", "M", "J"], "am":"ap.", "days-standAlone-narrow":["S", "M", "T", "K", "T", "P", "L"], "field-year":"vuosi", "eras":["eKr.", "jKr."], "field-minute":"minuutti", "timeFormat-medium":"", "field-hour":"tunti", "dateFormat-long":"d. MMMM'ta 'yyyy", "field-day":"p\xe4iv\xe4", "field-dayperiod":"ap/ip-valinta", "field-month":"kuukausi", "dateFormat-short":"d.M.yyyy", "months-format-wide":["tammikuu", "helmikuu", "maaliskuu", "huhtikuu", "toukokuu", "kes\xe4kuu", "hein\xe4kuu", "elokuu", "syyskuu", "lokakuu", "marraskuu", "joulukuu"], "field-era":"aikakausi", "timeFormat-short":"", "months-format-abbr":["tammi", "helmi", "maalis", "huhti", "touko", "kes\xe4", "hein\xe4", "elo", "syys", "loka", "marras", "joulu"], "timeFormat-long":"'klo '", "days-format-wide":["sunnuntai", "maanantai", "tiistai", "keskiviikko", "torstai", "perjantai", "lauantai"], "dateFormat-full":"EEEE'na 'd. MMMM'ta 'yyyy", "field-zone":"aikavy\xf6hyke", "days-format-abbr":["su", "ma", "ti", "ke", "to", "pe", "la"]})
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
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Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"months-standAlone-narrow":["J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"], "dateFormat-long":"MMMM d, yyyy", "timeFormat-full":"h:mm:ss a v", "eras":["BC", "AD"], "timeFormat-medium":"h:mm:ss a", "dateFormat-medium":"MMM d, yyyy", "months-format-abbr":["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], "dateFormat-full":"EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy", "days-format-abbr":["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"], "timeFormat-long":"h:mm:ss a z", "timeFormat-short":"h:mm a", "dateFormat-short":"M/d/yy", "months-format-wide":["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"], "days-standAlone-narrow":["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"], "days-format-wide":["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"], "field-weekday":"Day of the Week", "field-second":"Second", "field-week":"Week", "pm":"PM", "am":"AM", "field-year":"Year", "field-minute":"Minute", "field-hour":"Hour", "field-day":"Day", "field-dayperiod":"Dayperiod", "field-month":"Month", "field-era":"Era", "field-zone":"Zone"})
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
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modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
dojo.i18n.currency.format = function (value, iso, flags, locale) {
flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
var formatData = dojo.i18n.currency._mapToLocalizedFormatData(dojo.i18n.currency.FORMAT_TABLE, iso, locale);
if (typeof flags.places == "undefined") {
flags.places = formatData.places;
if (typeof flags.places == "undefined") {
flags.places = 2;
flags.signed = false;
var result = dojo.i18n.number.format(value, flags, locale);
var sym = formatData.symbol;
if (formatData.adjSpace == "symbol") {
if (formatData.placement == "after") {
sym = " " + sym;
} else {
sym = sym + " ";
if (value < 0) {
if (formatData.signPlacement == "before") {
sym = "-" + sym;
} else {
if (formatData.signPlacement == "after") {
sym = sym + "-";
var spc = (formatData.adjSpace == "number") ? " " : "";
if (formatData.placement == "after") {
result = result + spc + sym;
} else {
result = sym + spc + result;
if (value < 0) {
if (formatData.signPlacement == "around") {
result = "(" + result + ")";
} else {
if (formatData.signPlacement == "end") {
result = result + "-";
} else {
if (!formatData.signPlacement || formatData.signPlacement == "begin") {
result = "-" + result;
return result;
dojo.i18n.currency.parse = function (value, iso, locale, flags) {
if (typeof flags.validate == "undefined") {
flags.validate = true;
if (flags.validate && !dojo.i18n.number.isCurrency(value, iso, locale, flags)) {
return Number.NaN;
var sign = (value.indexOf("-") != -1);
var abs = abs.replace(/\-/, "");
var formatData = dojo.i18n.currency._mapToLocalizedFormatData(dojo.i18n.currency.FORMAT_TABLE, iso, locale);
abs = abs.replace(new RegExp("\\" + formatData.symbol), "");
var number = dojo.i18n.number.parse(abs, locale, flags);
if (sign) {
number = number * -1;
return number;
dojo.i18n.currency.isCurrency = function (value, iso, locale, flags) {
flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
var numberFormatData = dojo.i18n.number._mapToLocalizedFormatData(dojo.i18n.number.FORMAT_TABLE, locale);
if (typeof flags.separator == "undefined") {
flags.separator = numberFormatData[0];
} else {
if (dojo.lang.isArray(flags.separator) && flags.separator.length == 0) {
flags.separator = [numberFormatData[0], ""];
if (typeof flags.decimal == "undefined") {
flags.decimal = numberFormatData[2];
if (typeof flags.groupSize == "undefined") {
flags.groupSize = numberFormatData[3];
if (typeof flags.groupSize2 == "undefined") {
flags.groupSize2 = numberFormatData[4];
var formatData = dojo.i18n.currency._mapToLocalizedFormatData(dojo.i18n.currency.FORMAT_TABLE, iso, locale);
if (typeof flags.places == "undefined") {
flags.places = formatData.places;
if (typeof flags.places == "undefined") {
flags.places = 2;
if (typeof flags.symbol == "undefined") {
flags.symbol = formatData.symbol;
} else {
if (dojo.lang.isArray(flags.symbol) && flags.symbol.length == 0) {
flags.symbol = [formatData.symbol, ""];
if (typeof flags.placement == "undefined") {
flags.placement = formatData.placement;
var re = new RegExp("^" + dojo.regexp.currency(flags) + "$");
return re.test(value);
dojo.i18n.currency._mapToLocalizedFormatData = function (table, iso, locale) {
var formatData = dojo.i18n.currency.FORMAT_TABLE[iso];
if (!dojo.lang.isArray(formatData)) {
return formatData;
return dojo.i18n.number._mapToLocalizedFormatData(formatData[0], locale);
(function () {
var arabic = {symbol:"\u062c", placement:"after", htmlSymbol:"?"};
var euro = {symbol:"\u20ac", placement:"before", adjSpace:"symbol", htmlSymbol:"&euro;"};
var euroAfter = {symbol:"\u20ac", placement:"after", htmlSymbol:"&euro;"};
dojo.i18n.currency.FORMAT_TABLE = {AED:{symbol:"\u062c", placement:"after"}, ARS:{symbol:"$", signPlacement:"after"}, ATS:{symbol:"\u20ac", adjSpace:"number", signPlacement:"after", htmlSymbol:"&euro;"}, AUD:{symbol:"$"}, BOB:{symbol:"$b"}, BRL:{symbol:"R$", adjSpace:"symbol"}, BEF:euroAfter, BHD:arabic, CAD:[{"*":{symbol:"$"}, "fr-ca":{symbol:"$", placement:"after", signPlacement:"around"}}], CHF:{symbol:"CHF", adjSpace:"symbol", signPlacement:"after"}, CLP:{symbol:"$"}, COP:{symbol:"$", signPlacement:"around"}, CNY:{symbol:"\xa5", htmlSymbol:"&yen;"}, CRC:{symbol:"\u20a1", signPlacement:"after", htmlSymbol:"?"}, CZK:{symbol:"Kc", adjSpace:"symbol", signPlacement:"after"}, DEM:euroAfter, DKK:{symbol:"kr.", adjSpace:"symbol", signPlacement:"after"}, DOP:{symbol:"$"}, DZD:arabic, ECS:{symbol:"$", signPlacement:"after"}, EGP:arabic, ESP:euroAfter, EUR:euro, FIM:euroAfter, FRF:euroAfter, GBP:{symbol:"\xa3", htmlSymbol:"&pound;"}, GRD:{symbol:"\u20ac", signPlacement:"end", htmlSymbol:"&euro;"}, GTQ:{symbol:"Q", signPlacement:"after"}, HKD:{symbol:"HK$"}, HNL:{symbol:"L.", signPlacement:"end"}, HUF:{symbol:"Ft", placement:"after", adjSpace:"symbol"}, IEP:{symbol:"\u20ac", htmlSymbol:"&euro;"}, ILS:{symbol:"\u05e9\"\u05d7", placement:"after", htmlSymbol:"?"}, INR:{symbol:"Rs."}, ITL:{symbol:"\u20ac", signPlacement:"after", htmlSymbol:"&euro;"}, JOD:arabic, JPY:{symbol:"\xa5", places:0, htmlSymbol:"&yen;"}, KRW:{symbol:"\u20a9", places:0, htmlSymbol:"?"}, KWD:arabic, LBP:arabic, LUF:euroAfter, MAD:arabic, MXN:{symbol:"$", signPlacement:"around"}, NIO:{symbol:"C$", adjSpace:"symbol", signPlacement:"after"}, NLG:{symbol:"\u20ac", signPlacement:"end", htmlSymbol:"&euro;"}, NOK:{symbol:"kr", adjSpace:"symbol", signPlacement:"after"}, NZD:{symbol:"$"}, OMR:arabic, PAB:{symbol:"B/", adjSpace:"symbol", signPlacement:"after"}, PEN:{symbol:"S/", signPlacement:"after"}, PLN:{symbol:"z", placement:"after"}, PTE:euroAfter, PYG:{symbol:"Gs.", signPlacement:"after"}, QAR:arabic, RUR:{symbol:"rub.", placement:"after"}, SAR:arabic, SEK:{symbol:"kr", placement:"after", adjSpace:"symbol"}, SGD:{symbol:"$"}, SVC:{symbol:"\u20a1", signPlacement:"after", adjSpace:"symbol"}, SYP:arabic, TND:arabic, TRL:{symbol:"TL", placement:"after"}, TWD:{symbol:"NT$"}, USD:{symbol:"$"}, UYU:{symbol:"$U", signplacement:"after", adjSpace:"symbol"}, VEB:{symbol:"Bs", signplacement:"after", adjSpace:"symbol"}, YER:arabic, ZAR:{symbol:"R", signPlacement:"around"}};
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
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modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"displayName":"EUR", "symbol":"\u20ac"})
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0,0 → 1,11
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"displayName":"USD", "symbol":"$"})
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"symbol":"$", "displayName":"US Dollar"})
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"displayName":"\u82f1\u56fd\u30dd\u30f3\u30c9", "symbol":"\xa3"})
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"displayName":"\u30a4\u30f3\u30c9 \u30eb\u30d4\u30fc", "symbol":"INR"})
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"displayName":"\u30a4\u30bf\u30ea\u30a2 \u30ea\u30e9", "symbol":"\u20a4"})
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"displayName":"\u30e6\u30fc\u30ed", "symbol":"\u20ac"})
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
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Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"displayName":"\u7c73\u30c9\u30eb", "symbol":"$"})
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0,0 → 1,11
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
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Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"displayName":"\u65e5\u672c\u5186", "symbol":"\uffe5"})
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
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Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"displayName":"JPY", "symbol":"\xa5"})
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
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Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
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modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"displayName":"\u092c\u094d\u0930\u093f\u0924\u0928 \u0915\u093e \u092a\u094c\u0928\u094d\u0921 \u0938\u094d\u091f\u0930\u094d\u0932\u093f\u0917", "symbol":"\xa3"})
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"displayName":"\u092d\u093e\u0930\u0924\u0940\u092f \u0930\u0942\u092a\u092f\u093e", "symbol":"\u0930\u0941."})
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"displayName":"\u0907\u0924\u0932\u0940 \u0915\u093e \u0932\u0940\u0930\u093e", "symbol":"\u20a4"})
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"displayName":"\u092f\u0941\u0930\u094b", "symbol":"\u20ac"})
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0,0 → 1,11
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"displayName":"\u0905\u092e\u0930\u0940\u0915\u0940 \u0921\u093e\u0932\u0930", "symbol":"$"})
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0,0 → 1,11
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"displayName":"\u091c\u093e\u092a\u093e\u0928\u0940 \u092f\u0947\u0928", "symbol":"\xa5"})
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0,0 → 1,11
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"displayName":"Japanese Yen", "symbol":"\xa5"})
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0,0 → 1,11
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"displayName":"British Pound Sterling", "symbol":"\xa3"})
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0,0 → 1,11
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"displayName":"Indian Rupee"})
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0,0 → 1,11
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"displayName":"Italian Lira", "symbol":"\u20a4"})
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0,0 → 1,11
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"displayName":"Euro", "symbol":"\u20ac"})
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0,0 → 1,11
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"displayName":"US Dollar", "symbol":"US$"})
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0,0 → 1,11
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"displayName":"GBP", "symbol":"\xa3"})
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0,0 → 1,11
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
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0,0 → 1,11
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
({"displayName":"ITL", "symbol":"\u20a4"})