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0,0 → 1,31
Version 0.4
Release date: MM/DD/YYYY
Project state: beta
Project authors
Brad Neuberg (
Alex Russell (, only handled minor porting issues)
Project description
Infrastructure for high-performance Flash/JS communication
MTASC for creating builds
Installation instructions
Not intended as a stand-alone module.
Additional Notes
New file
0,0 → 1,1289
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.flash._common"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.flash._common"] = true;
dojox.flash = function(){
// summary:
// The goal of dojox.flash is to make it easy to extend Flash's capabilities
// into an AJAX/DHTML environment.
// description:
// The goal of dojox.flash is to make it easy to extend Flash's capabilities
// into an AJAX/DHTML environment. Robust, performant, reliable
// JavaScript/Flash communication is harder than most realize when they
// delve into the topic, especially if you want it
// to work on Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari, and to be able to
// push around hundreds of K of information quickly. dojox.flash makes it
// possible to support these platforms; you have to jump through a few
// hoops to get its capabilites, but if you are a library writer
// who wants to bring Flash's storage or streaming sockets ability into
// DHTML, for example, then dojox.flash is perfect for you.
// dojox.flash provides an easy object for interacting with the Flash plugin.
// This object provides methods to determine the current version of the Flash
// plugin (; execute Flash instance methods
// independent of the Flash version
// being used (dojox.flash.comm); write out the necessary markup to
// dynamically insert a Flash object into the page (dojox.flash.Embed; and
// do dynamic installation and upgrading of the current Flash plugin in
// use (dojox.flash.Install).
// To use dojox.flash, you must first wait until Flash is finished loading
// and initializing before you attempt communication or interaction.
// To know when Flash is finished use dojo.connect:
// dojo.connect(dojox.flash, "loaded", myInstance, "myCallback");
// Then, while the page is still loading provide the file name
// and the major version of Flash that will be used for Flash/JavaScript
// communication (see "Flash Communication" below for information on the
// different kinds of Flash/JavaScript communication supported and how they
// depend on the version of Flash installed):
// dojox.flash.setSwf({flash6: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox", "_storage/storage_flash6.swf"),
// flash8: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox", "_storage/storage_flash8.swf")});
// This will cause dojox.flash to pick the best way of communicating
// between Flash and JavaScript based on the platform.
// If no SWF files are specified, then Flash is not initialized.
// Your Flash must use DojoExternalInterface to expose Flash methods and
// to call JavaScript; see "Flash Communication" below for details.
// setSwf can take an optional 'visible' attribute to control whether
// the Flash object is visible or not on the page; the default is visible:
// dojox.flash.setSwf({flash6: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox", "_storage/storage_flash6.swf"),
// flash8: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox", "_storage/storage_flash8.swf"),
// visible: false });
// Once finished, you can query Flash version information:
// Or can communicate with Flash methods that were exposed:
// var results = dojox.flash.comm.sayHello("Some Message");
// Only string values are currently supported for both arguments and
// for return results. Everything will be cast to a string on both
// the JavaScript and Flash sides.
// -------------------
// Flash Communication
// -------------------
// dojox.flash allows Flash/JavaScript communication in
// a way that can pass large amounts of data back and forth reliably and
// very fast. The dojox.flash
// framework encapsulates the specific way in which this communication occurs,
// presenting a common interface to JavaScript irrespective of the underlying
// Flash version.
// There are currently three major ways to do Flash/JavaScript communication
// in the Flash community:
// 1) Flash 6+ - Uses Flash methods, such as SetVariable and TCallLabel,
// and the fscommand handler to do communication. Strengths: Very fast,
// mature, and can send extremely large amounts of data; can do
// synchronous method calls. Problems: Does not work on Safari; works on
// Firefox/Mac OS X only if Flash 8 plugin is installed; cryptic to work with.
// 2) Flash 8+ - Uses ExternalInterface, which provides a way for Flash
// methods to register themselves for callbacks from JavaScript, and a way
// for Flash to call JavaScript. Strengths: Works on Safari; elegant to
// work with; can do synchronous method calls. Problems: Extremely buggy
// (fails if there are new lines in the data, for example); performance
// degrades drastically in O(n^2) time as data grows; locks up the browser while
// it is communicating; does not work in Internet Explorer if Flash
// object is dynamically added to page with document.writeln, DOM methods,
// or innerHTML.
// 3) Flash 6+ - Uses two seperate Flash applets, one that we
// create over and over, passing input data into it using the PARAM tag,
// which then uses a Flash LocalConnection to pass the data to the main Flash
// applet; communication back to Flash is accomplished using a getURL
// call with a javascript protocol handler, such as "javascript:myMethod()".
// Strengths: the most cross browser, cross platform pre-Flash 8 method
// of Flash communication known; works on Safari. Problems: Timing issues;
// clunky and complicated; slow; can only send very small amounts of
// data (several K); all method calls are asynchronous.
// dojox.flash.comm uses only the first two methods. This framework
// was created primarily for, which needs to pass very large
// amounts of data synchronously and reliably across the Flash/JavaScript
// boundary. We use the first method, the Flash 6 method, on all platforms
// that support it, while using the Flash 8 ExternalInterface method
// only on Safari with some special code to help correct ExternalInterface's
// bugs.
// Since dojox.flash needs to have two versions of the Flash
// file it wants to generate, a Flash 6 and a Flash 8 version to gain
// true cross-browser compatibility, several tools are provided to ease
// development on the Flash side.
// In your Flash file, if you want to expose Flash methods that can be
// called, use the DojoExternalInterface class to register methods. This
// class is an exact API clone of the standard ExternalInterface class, but
// can work in Flash 6+ browsers. Under the covers it uses the best
// mechanism to do communication:
// class HelloWorld{
// function HelloWorld(){
// // Initialize the DojoExternalInterface class
// DojoExternalInterface.initialize();
// // Expose your methods
// DojoExternalInterface.addCallback("sayHello", this, this.sayHello);
// // Tell JavaScript that you are ready to have method calls
// DojoExternalInterface.loaded();
// // Call some JavaScript
// var resultsReady = function(results){
// trace("Received the following results from JavaScript: " + results);
// }
//"someJavaScriptMethod", resultsReady,
// someParameter);
// }
// function sayHello(){ ... }
// static main(){ ... }
// }
// DojoExternalInterface adds two new functions to the ExternalInterface
// API: initialize() and loaded(). initialize() must be called before
// any addCallback() or call() methods are run, and loaded() must be
// called after you are finished adding your callbacks. Calling loaded()
// will fire the dojox.flash.loaded() event, so that JavaScript can know that
// Flash has finished loading and adding its callbacks, and can begin to
// interact with the Flash file.
// To generate your SWF files, use the ant task
// "buildFlash". You must have the open source Motion Twin ActionScript
// compiler (mtasc) installed and in your path to use the "buildFlash"
// ant task; download and install mtasc from
// buildFlash usage:
// // FIXME: this is not correct in the 0.9 world!
// ant buildFlash -Ddojox.flash.file=../tests/flash/
// where "dojox.flash.file" is the relative path to your Flash
// ActionScript file.
// This will generate two SWF files, one ending in _flash6.swf and the other
// ending in _flash8.swf in the same directory as your ActionScript method:
// HelloWorld_flash6.swf
// HelloWorld_flash8.swf
// Initialize dojox.flash with the filename and Flash communication version to
// use during page load; see the documentation for dojox.flash for details:
// dojox.flash.setSwf({flash6: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox", "flash/tests/flash/HelloWorld_flash6.swf"),
// flash8: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox", "flash/tests/flash/HelloWorld_flash8.swf")});
// Now, your Flash methods can be called from JavaScript as if they are native
// Flash methods, mirrored exactly on the JavaScript side:
// dojox.flash.comm.sayHello();
// Only Strings are supported being passed back and forth currently.
// JavaScript to Flash communication is synchronous; i.e., results are returned
// directly from the method call:
// var results = dojox.flash.comm.sayHello();
// Flash to JavaScript communication is asynchronous due to limitations in
// the underlying technologies; you must use a results callback to handle
// results returned by JavaScript in your Flash AS files:
// var resultsReady = function(results){
// trace("Received the following results from JavaScript: " + results);
// }
//"someJavaScriptMethod", resultsReady);
// -------------------
// Notes
// -------------------
// If you have both Flash 6 and Flash 8 versions of your file:
// dojox.flash.setSwf({flash6: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox", "flash/tests/flash/HelloWorld_flash6.swf"),
// flash8: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox", "flash/tests/flash/HelloWorld_flash8.swf")});
// but want to force the browser to use a certain version of Flash for
// all platforms (for testing, for example), use the djConfig
// variable 'forceFlashComm' with the version number to force:
// var djConfig = { forceFlashComm: 6 };
// Two values are currently supported, 6 and 8, for the two styles of
// communication described above. Just because you force dojox.flash
// to use a particular communication style is no guarantee that it will
// work; for example, Flash 8 communication doesn't work in Internet
// Explorer due to bugs in Flash, and Flash 6 communication does not work
// in Safari. It is best to let dojox.flash determine the best communication
// mechanism, and to use the value above only for debugging the dojox.flash
// framework itself.
// Also note that dojox.flash can currently only work with one Flash object
// on the page; it and the API do not yet support multiple Flash objects on
// the same page.
// We use some special tricks to get decent, linear performance
// out of Flash 8's ExternalInterface on Safari; see the blog
// post
// for details.
// Your code can detect whether the Flash player is installing or having
// its version revved in two ways. First, if dojox.flash detects that
// Flash installation needs to occur, it sets
// to true. Second, you can detect if installation is necessary with the
// following callback:
// dojo.connect(dojox.flash, "installing", myInstance, "myCallback");
// You can use this callback to delay further actions that might need Flash;
// when installation is finished the full page will be refreshed and the
// user will be placed back on your page with Flash installed.
// -------------------
// Todo/Known Issues
// -------------------
// There are several tasks I was not able to do, or did not need to fix
// to get out:
// * When using Flash 8 communication, Flash method calls to JavaScript
// are not working properly; serialization might also be broken for certain
// invalid characters when it is Flash invoking JavaScript methods.
// The Flash side needs to have more sophisticated serialization/
// deserialization mechanisms like JavaScript currently has. The
// test_flash2.html unit tests should also be updated to have much more
// sophisticated Flash to JavaScript unit tests, including large
// amounts of data.
// * On Internet Explorer, after doing a basic install, the page is
// not refreshed or does not detect that Flash is now available. The way
// to fix this is to create a custom small Flash file that is pointed to
// during installation; when it is finished loading, it does a callback
// that says that Flash installation is complete on IE, and we can proceed
// to initialize the dojox.flash subsystem.
// Author- Brad Neuberg,
dojox.flash = {
flash6_version: null,
flash8_version: null,
ready: false,
_visible: true,
_loadedListeners: new Array(),
_installingListeners: new Array(),
setSwf: function(/* Object */ fileInfo){
// summary: Sets the SWF files and versions we are using.
// fileInfo: Object
// An object that contains two attributes, 'flash6' and 'flash8',
// each of which contains the path to our Flash 6 and Flash 8
// versions of the file we want to script.
// example:
// var swfloc6 = dojo.moduleUrl("", "Storage_version6.swf").toString();
// var swfloc8 = dojo.moduleUrl("", "Storage_version8.swf").toString();
// dojox.flash.setSwf({flash6: swfloc6, flash8: swfloc8, visible: false});
this.flash6_version = fileInfo.flash6;
this.flash8_version = fileInfo.flash8;
this._visible = fileInfo.visible;
// initialize ourselves
useFlash6: function(){ /* Boolean */
// summary: Returns whether we are using Flash 6 for communication on this platform.
if(this.flash6_version == null){
return false;
}else if (this.flash6_version != null && == 6){
// if we have a flash 6 version of this SWF, and this browser supports
// communicating using Flash 6 features...
return true;
return false;
useFlash8: function(){ /* Boolean */
// summary: Returns whether we are using Flash 8 for communication on this platform.
if(this.flash8_version == null){
return false;
}else if (this.flash8_version != null && == 8){
// if we have a flash 8 version of this SWF, and this browser supports
// communicating using Flash 8 features...
return true;
return false;
addLoadedListener: function(/* Function */ listener){
// summary:
// Adds a listener to know when Flash is finished loading.
// Useful if you don't want a dependency on dojo.event.
// listener: Function
// A function that will be called when Flash is done loading.
addInstallingListener: function(/* Function */ listener){
// summary:
// Adds a listener to know if Flash is being installed.
// Useful if you don't want a dependency on dojo.event.
// listener: Function
// A function that will be called if Flash is being
// installed
loaded: function(){
// summary: Called back when the Flash subsystem is finished loading.
// description:
// A callback when the Flash subsystem is finished loading and can be
// worked with. To be notified when Flash is finished loading, connect
// your callback to this method using the following:
// dojo.event.connect(dojox.flash, "loaded", myInstance, "myCallback");
dojox.flash.ready = true;
if(dojox.flash._loadedListeners.length > 0){
for(var i = 0;i < dojox.flash._loadedListeners.length; i++){
installing: function(){
// summary: Called if Flash is being installed.
// description:
// A callback to know if Flash is currently being installed or
// having its version revved. To be notified if Flash is installing, connect
// your callback to this method using the following:
// dojo.event.connect(dojox.flash, "installing", myInstance, "myCallback");
if(dojox.flash._installingListeners.length > 0){
for(var i = 0; i < dojox.flash._installingListeners.length; i++){
// Initializes dojox.flash.
_initialize: function(){
// see if we need to rev or install Flash on this platform
var installer = new dojox.flash.Install();
dojox.flash.installer = installer;
if(installer.needed() == true){
//dojo.debug("Writing object out");
// write the flash object into the page
dojox.flash.obj = new dojox.flash.Embed(this._visible);
// initialize the way we do Flash/JavaScript communication
dojox.flash.comm = new dojox.flash.Communicator();
dojox.flash.Info = function(){
// summary: A class that helps us determine whether Flash is available.
// description:
// A class that helps us determine whether Flash is available,
// it's major and minor versions, and what Flash version features should
// be used for Flash/JavaScript communication. Parts of this code
// are adapted from the automatic Flash plugin detection code autogenerated
// by the Macromedia Flash 8 authoring environment.
// An instance of this class can be accessed on after
// the page is finished loading.
// This constructor must be called before the page is finished loading.
// Visual basic helper required to detect Flash Player ActiveX control
// version information on Internet Explorer
'<script language="VBScript" type="text/vbscript"\>',
'Function VBGetSwfVer(i)',
' on error resume next',
' Dim swControl, swVersion',
' swVersion = 0',
' set swControl = CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." + CStr(i))',
' if (IsObject(swControl)) then',
' swVersion = swControl.GetVariable("$version")',
' end if',
' VBGetSwfVer = swVersion',
'End Function',
dojox.flash.Info.prototype = {
// version: String
// The full version string, such as "8r22".
version: -1,
// versionMajor, versionMinor, versionRevision: String
// The major, minor, and revisions of the plugin. For example, if the
// plugin is 8r22, then the major version is 8, the minor version is 0,
// and the revision is 22.
versionMajor: -1,
versionMinor: -1,
versionRevision: -1,
// capable: Boolean
// Whether this platform has Flash already installed.
capable: false,
// commVersion: int
// The major version number for how our Flash and JavaScript communicate.
// This can currently be the following values:
// 6 - We use a combination of the Flash plugin methods, such as SetVariable
// and TCallLabel, along with fscommands, to do communication.
// 8 - We use the ExternalInterface API.
// -1 - For some reason neither method is supported, and no communication
// is possible.
commVersion: 6,
// installing: Boolean
// Set if we are in the middle of a Flash installation session.
installing: false,
isVersionOrAbove: function(
/* int */ reqMajorVer,
/* int */ reqMinorVer,
/* int */ reqVer){ /* Boolean */
// summary:
// Asserts that this environment has the given major, minor, and revision
// numbers for the Flash player.
// description:
// Asserts that this environment has the given major, minor, and revision
// numbers for the Flash player.
// Example- To test for Flash Player 7r14:
//, 0, 14)
// returns:
// Returns true if the player is equal
// or above the given version, false otherwise.
// make the revision a decimal (i.e. transform revision 14 into
// 0.14
reqVer = parseFloat("." + reqVer);
if(this.versionMajor >= reqMajorVer && this.versionMinor >= reqMinorVer
&& this.versionRevision >= reqVer){
return true;
return false;
getResourceList: function(/*string*/ swfloc6, /*String*/ swfloc8){ /*String[]*/
// summary:
// Returns all resources required for embedding.
// description:
// This is a convenience method for Dojo Offline, meant to
// encapsulate us from the specific resources necessary for
// embedding. Dojo Offline requires that we sync our offline
// resources for offline availability; this method will return all
// offline resources, including any possible query parameters that
// might be used since caches treat resources with query
// parameters as different than ones that have query parameters.
// If offline and we request a resource with a query parameter
// that was not cached with a query parameter, then we will have a
// cache miss and not be able to work offline
var results = [];
// flash 6
var swfloc = swfloc6;
swfloc = swfloc + "?baseRelativePath=" + escape(dojo.baseUrl); // FIXME: should this be encodeURIComponent?
// Safari has a strange bug where it appends '%20'%20quality=
// to the end of Flash movies taken through XHR while offline;
// append this so we don't get a cache miss
swfloc += "'%20'%20quality=";
// flash 8
swfloc = swfloc8;
swfloc += "?baseRelativePath="+escape(dojo.baseUrl); // FIXME: should this be encodeURIComponent?
// Safari has a strange bug where it appends '%20'%20quality=
// to the end of Flash movies taken through XHR while offline;
// append this so we don't get a cache miss
swfloc += "'%20'%20quality=";
// flash 6 gateway
results.push(dojo.moduleUrl("dojox", "flash/flash6/flash6_gateway.swf")+"");
return results;
_detectVersion: function(){
var versionStr;
// loop backwards through the versions until we find the newest version
for(var testVersion = 25; testVersion > 0; testVersion--){
versionStr = VBGetSwfVer(testVersion);
versionStr = this._JSFlashInfo(testVersion);
if(versionStr == -1 ){
this.capable = false;
}else if(versionStr != 0){
var versionArray;
var tempArray = versionStr.split(" ");
var tempString = tempArray[1];
versionArray = tempString.split(",");
versionArray = versionStr.split(".");
this.versionMajor = versionArray[0];
this.versionMinor = versionArray[1];
this.versionRevision = versionArray[2];
// 7.0r24 == 7.24
var versionString = this.versionMajor + "." + this.versionRevision;
this.version = parseFloat(versionString);
this.capable = true;
// JavaScript helper required to detect Flash Player PlugIn version
// information. Internet Explorer uses a corresponding Visual Basic
// version to interact with the Flash ActiveX control.
_JSFlashInfo: function(testVersion){
// NS/Opera version >= 3 check for Flash plugin in plugin array
if(navigator.plugins != null && navigator.plugins.length > 0){
if(navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] ||
navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]){
var swVer2 = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] ? " 2.0" : "";
var flashDescription = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash" + swVer2].description;
var descArray = flashDescription.split(" ");
var tempArrayMajor = descArray[2].split(".");
var versionMajor = tempArrayMajor[0];
var versionMinor = tempArrayMajor[1];
if(descArray[3] != ""){
var tempArrayMinor = descArray[3].split("r");
var tempArrayMinor = descArray[4].split("r");
var versionRevision = tempArrayMinor[1] > 0 ? tempArrayMinor[1] : 0;
var version = versionMajor + "." + versionMinor + "."
+ versionRevision;
return version;
return -1;
// Detects the mechanisms that should be used for Flash/JavaScript
// communication, setting 'commVersion' to either 6 or 8. If the value is
// 6, we use Flash Plugin 6+ features, such as GetVariable, TCallLabel,
// and fscommand, to do Flash/JavaScript communication; if the value is
// 8, we use the ExternalInterface API for communication.
_detectCommunicationVersion: function(){
if(this.capable == false){
this.commVersion = null;
// detect if the user has over-ridden the default flash version
if (typeof djConfig["forceFlashComm"] != "undefined" &&
typeof djConfig["forceFlashComm"] != null){
this.commVersion = djConfig["forceFlashComm"];
// we prefer Flash 6 features over Flash 8, because they are much faster
// and much less buggy
// at this point, we don't have a flash file to detect features on,
// so we need to instead look at the browser environment we are in
this.commVersion = 8;
this.commVersion = 6;
dojox.flash.Embed = function(visible){
// summary: A class that is used to write out the Flash object into the page.
this._visible = visible;
dojox.flash.Embed.prototype = {
// width: int
// The width of this Flash applet. The default is the minimal width
// necessary to show the Flash settings dialog. Current value is
// 215 pixels.
width: 215,
// height: int
// The height of this Flash applet. The default is the minimal height
// necessary to show the Flash settings dialog. Current value is
// 138 pixels.
height: 138,
// id: String
// The id of the Flash object. Current value is 'flashObject'.
id: "flashObject",
// Controls whether this is a visible Flash applet or not.
_visible: true,
protocol: function(){
case "https:":
return "https";
return "http";
write: function(/* String */ flashVer, /* Boolean? */ doExpressInstall){
// summary: Writes the Flash into the page.
// description:
// This must be called before the page
// is finished loading.
// flashVer: String
// The Flash version to write.
// doExpressInstall: Boolean
// Whether to write out Express Install
// information. Optional value; defaults to false.
doExpressInstall = !!doExpressInstall;
// determine our container div's styling
var containerStyle = "";
containerStyle += ("width: " + this.width + "px; ");
containerStyle += ("height: " + this.height + "px; ");
if(this._visible == false){
containerStyle += "position: absolute; z-index: 10000; top: -1000px; left: -1000px; ";
// figure out the SWF file to get and how to write out the correct HTML
// for this Flash version
var objectHTML;
var swfloc;
// Flash 6
if(flashVer == 6){
swfloc = dojox.flash.flash6_version;
var dojoPath = djConfig.baseRelativePath;
swfloc = swfloc + "?baseRelativePath=" + escape(dojoPath);
objectHTML =
'<embed id="' + + '" src="' + swfloc + '" '
+ ' quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" '
+ ' width="' + this.width + '" height="' + this.height + '" '
+ ' name="' + + '" '
+ ' align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" '
+ ' type="application/x-shockwave-flash" swLiveConnect="true" '
+ ' pluginspage="'
+ this.protocol()
+ '://">';
}else{ // Flash 8
swfloc = dojox.flash.flash8_version;
var swflocObject = swfloc;
var swflocEmbed = swfloc;
var dojoPath = djConfig.baseRelativePath;
// the location to redirect to after installing
var redirectURL = escape(window.location);
document.title = document.title.slice(0, 47) + " - Flash Player Installation";
var docTitle = escape(document.title);
swflocObject += "?MMredirectURL=" + redirectURL
+ "&MMplayerType=ActiveX"
+ "&MMdoctitle=" + docTitle
+ "&baseRelativePath=" + escape(dojoPath);
swflocEmbed += "?MMredirectURL=" + redirectURL
+ "&MMplayerType=PlugIn"
+ "&baseRelativePath=" + escape(dojoPath);
if(swflocEmbed.indexOf("?") == -1){
swflocEmbed += "?baseRelativePath="+escape(dojoPath)+"' ";
objectHTML =
'<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" '
+ 'codebase="'
+ this.protocol()
+ '://'
+ ',0,0,0" '
+ 'width="' + this.width + '" '
+ 'height="' + this.height + '" '
+ 'id="' + + '" '
+ 'align="middle"> '
+ '<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /> '
+ '<param name="movie" value="' + swflocObject + '" /> '
+ '<param name="quality" value="high" /> '
+ '<param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /> '
+ '<embed src="' + swflocEmbed + "' "
+ 'quality="high" '
+ 'bgcolor="#ffffff" '
+ 'width="' + this.width + '" '
+ 'height="' + this.height + '" '
+ 'id="' + + '" '
+ 'name="' + + '" '
+ 'swLiveConnect="true" '
+ 'align="middle" '
+ 'allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" '
+ 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash" '
+ 'pluginspage="'
+ this.protocol()
+'://" />'
+ '</object>';
// now write everything out
objectHTML = '<div id="' + + 'Container" style="' + containerStyle + '"> '
+ objectHTML
+ '</div>';
get: function(){ /* Object */
// summary: Gets the Flash object DOM node.
//return ( ? window[] : document[];
// more robust way to get Flash object; version above can break
// communication on IE sometimes
return document.getElementById(;
setVisible: function(/* Boolean */ visible){
// summary: Sets the visibility of this Flash object.
var container = dojo.byId( + "Container");
if(visible == true){ = "visible";
}else{ = "absolute"; = "-1000px"; = "-1000px"; = "hidden";
center: function(){
// summary: Centers the flash applet on the page.
var elementWidth = this.width;
var elementHeight = this.height;
var scroll_offset = dojo._docScroll();
var viewport_size = dojo.html.getViewport();
// compute the centered position
var x = scroll_offset.x + (viewport_size.width - elementWidth) / 2;
var y = scroll_offset.y + (viewport_size.height - elementHeight) / 2;
var x = 100;
var y = 100;
// set the centered position
var container = dojo.byId( + "Container"); = y + "px"; = x + "px";
dojox.flash.Communicator = function(){
// summary:
// A class that is used to communicate between Flash and JavaScript in
// a way that can pass large amounts of data back and forth reliably,
// very fast, and with synchronous method calls.
// description:
// A class that is used to communicate between Flash and JavaScript in
// a way that can pass large amounts of data back and forth reliably,
// very fast, and with synchronous method calls. This class encapsulates the
// specific way in which this communication occurs,
// presenting a common interface to JavaScript irrespective of the underlying
// Flash version.
}else if(dojox.flash.useFlash8()){
dojox.flash.Communicator.prototype = {
_writeFlash6: function(){
var id =;
// global function needed for Flash 6 callback;
// we write it out as a script tag because the VBScript hook for IE
// callbacks does not work properly if this function is evalled() from
// within the Dojo system
document.writeln('<script language="JavaScript">');
document.writeln(' function ' + id + '_DoFSCommand(command, args){ ');
document.writeln(' dojox.flash.comm._handleFSCommand(command, args); ');
// hook for Internet Explorer to receive FSCommands from Flash
document.writeln('<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=VBScript\> ');
document.writeln('on error resume next ');
document.writeln('Sub ' + id + '_FSCommand(ByVal command, ByVal args)');
document.writeln(' call ' + id + '_DoFSCommand(command, args)');
document.writeln('end sub');
document.writeln('</SCRIPT\> ');
_writeFlash8: function(){
// nothing needs to be written out for Flash 8 communication;
// happens automatically
//Flash 6 communication.
// Handles fscommand's from Flash to JavaScript. Flash 6 communication.
_handleFSCommand: function(command, args){
//console.debug("fscommand, command="+command+", args="+args);
// Flash 8 on Mac/Firefox precedes all commands with the string "FSCommand:";
// strip it off if it is present
if((command) && dojo.isString(command) && (/^FSCommand:(.*)/.test(command) == true)){
command = command.match(/^FSCommand:(.*)/)[1];
if(command == "addCallback"){ // add Flash method for JavaScript callback
this._fscommandAddCallback(command, args);
}else if(command == "call"){ // Flash to JavaScript method call
this._fscommandCall(command, args);
}else if(command == "fscommandReady"){ // see if fscommands are ready
// Handles registering a callable Flash function. Flash 6 communication.
_fscommandAddCallback: function(command, args){
var functionName = args;
// do a trick, where we link this function name to our wrapper
// function, _call, that does the actual JavaScript to Flash call
var callFunc = function(){
return dojox.flash.comm._call(functionName, arguments);
dojox.flash.comm[functionName] = callFunc;
// indicate that the call was successful
dojox.flash.obj.get().SetVariable("_succeeded", true);
// Handles Flash calling a JavaScript function. Flash 6 communication.
_fscommandCall: function(command, args){
var plugin = dojox.flash.obj.get();
var functionName = args;
// get the number of arguments to this method call and build them up
var numArgs = parseInt(plugin.GetVariable("_numArgs"));
var flashArgs = new Array();
for(var i = 0; i < numArgs; i++){
var currentArg = plugin.GetVariable("_" + i);
// get the function instance; we technically support more capabilities
// than ExternalInterface, which can only call global functions; if
// the method name has a dot in it, such as "dojox.flash.loaded", we
// eval it so that the method gets run against an instance
var runMe;
if(functionName.indexOf(".") == -1){ // global function
runMe = window[functionName];
// instance function
runMe = eval(functionName);
// make the call and get the results
var results = null;
results = runMe.apply(null, flashArgs);
// return the results to flash
plugin.SetVariable("_returnResult", results);
// Reports that fscommands are ready to run if executed from Flash.
_fscommandReady: function(){
var plugin = dojox.flash.obj.get();
plugin.SetVariable("fscommandReady", "true");
// The actual function that will execute a JavaScript to Flash call; used
// by the Flash 6 communication method.
_call: function(functionName, args){
// we do JavaScript to Flash method calls by setting a Flash variable
// "_functionName" with the function name; "_numArgs" with the number
// of arguments; and "_0", "_1", etc for each numbered argument. Flash
// reads these, executes the function call, and returns the result
// in "_returnResult"
var plugin = dojox.flash.obj.get();
plugin.SetVariable("_functionName", functionName);
plugin.SetVariable("_numArgs", args.length);
for(var i = 0; i < args.length; i++){
// unlike Flash 8's ExternalInterface, Flash 6 has no problem with
// any special characters _except_ for the null character \0; double
// encode this so the Flash side never sees it, but we can get it
// back if the value comes back to JavaScript
var value = args[i];
value = value.replace(/\0/g, "\\0");
plugin.SetVariable("_" + i, value);
// now tell Flash to execute this method using the Flash Runner
plugin.TCallLabel("/_flashRunner", "execute");
// get the results
var results = plugin.GetVariable("_returnResult");
// we double encoded all null characters as //0 because Flash breaks
// if they are present; turn the //0 back into /0
results = results.replace(/\\0/g, "\0");
return results;
// Flash 8 communication.
// Registers the existence of a Flash method that we can call with
// JavaScript, using Flash 8's ExternalInterface.
_addExternalInterfaceCallback: function(methodName){
var wrapperCall = function(){
// some browsers don't like us changing values in the 'arguments' array, so
// make a fresh copy of it
var methodArgs = new Array(arguments.length);
for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){
methodArgs[i] = arguments[i];
return dojox.flash.comm._execFlash(methodName, methodArgs);
dojox.flash.comm[methodName] = wrapperCall;
// Encodes our data to get around ExternalInterface bugs.
// Flash 8 communication.
_encodeData: function(data){
// double encode all entity values, or they will be mis-decoded
// by Flash when returned
var entityRE = /\&([^;]*)\;/g;
data = data.replace(entityRE, "&amp;$1;");
// entity encode XML-ish characters, or Flash's broken XML serializer
// breaks
data = data.replace(/</g, "&lt;");
data = data.replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
// transforming \ into \\ doesn't work; just use a custom encoding
data = data.replace("\\", "&custom_backslash;&custom_backslash;");
data = data.replace(/\n/g, "\\n");
data = data.replace(/\r/g, "\\r");
data = data.replace(/\f/g, "\\f");
data = data.replace(/\0/g, "\\0"); // null character
data = data.replace(/\'/g, "\\\'");
data = data.replace(/\"/g, '\\\"');
return data;
// Decodes our data to get around ExternalInterface bugs.
// Flash 8 communication.
_decodeData: function(data){
if(data == null || typeof data == "undefined"){
return data;
// certain XMLish characters break Flash's wire serialization for
// ExternalInterface; these are encoded on the
// DojoExternalInterface side into a custom encoding, rather than
// the standard entity encoding, because otherwise we won't be able to
// differentiate between our own encoding and any entity characters
// that are being used in the string itself
data = data.replace(/\&custom_lt\;/g, "<");
data = data.replace(/\&custom_gt\;/g, ">");
// Unfortunately, Flash returns us our String with special characters
// like newlines broken into seperate characters. So if \n represents
// a new line, Flash returns it as "\" and "n". This means the character
// is _not_ a newline. This forces us to eval() the string to cause
// escaped characters to turn into their real special character values.
data = eval('"' + data + '"');
return data;
// Sends our method arguments over to Flash in chunks in order to
// have ExternalInterface's performance not be O(n^2).
// Flash 8 communication.
_chunkArgumentData: function(value, argIndex){
var plugin = dojox.flash.obj.get();
// cut up the string into pieces, and push over each piece one
// at a time
var numSegments = Math.ceil(value.length / 1024);
for(var i = 0; i < numSegments; i++){
var startCut = i * 1024;
var endCut = i * 1024 + 1024;
if(i == (numSegments - 1)){
endCut = i * 1024 + value.length;
var piece = value.substring(startCut, endCut);
// encode each piece seperately, rather than the entire
// argument data, because ocassionally a special
// character, such as an entity like &foobar;, will fall between
// piece boundaries, and we _don't_ want to encode that value if
// it falls between boundaries, or else we will end up with incorrect
// data when we patch the pieces back together on the other side
piece = this._encodeData(piece);
// directly use the underlying CallFunction method used by
// ExternalInterface, which is vastly faster for large strings
// and lets us bypass some Flash serialization bugs
plugin.CallFunction('<invoke name="chunkArgumentData" '
+ 'returntype="javascript">'
+ '<arguments>'
+ '<string>' + piece + '</string>'
+ '<number>' + argIndex + '</number>'
+ '</arguments>'
+ '</invoke>');
// Gets our method return data in chunks for better performance.
// Flash 8 communication.
_chunkReturnData: function(){
var plugin = dojox.flash.obj.get();
var numSegments = plugin.getReturnLength();
var resultsArray = new Array();
for(var i = 0; i < numSegments; i++){
// directly use the underlying CallFunction method used by
// ExternalInterface, which is vastly faster for large strings
var piece =
plugin.CallFunction('<invoke name="chunkReturnData" '
+ 'returntype="javascript">'
+ '<arguments>'
+ '<number>' + i + '</number>'
+ '</arguments>'
+ '</invoke>');
// remove any leading or trailing JavaScript delimiters, which surround
// our String when it comes back from Flash since we bypass Flash's
// deserialization routines by directly calling CallFunction on the
// plugin
if(piece == '""' || piece == "''"){
piece = "";
piece = piece.substring(1, piece.length-1);
var results = resultsArray.join("");
return results;
// Executes a Flash method; called from the JavaScript wrapper proxy we
// create on dojox.flash.comm.
// Flash 8 communication.
_execFlash: function(methodName, methodArgs){
var plugin = dojox.flash.obj.get();
// begin Flash method execution
// set the number of arguments
// chunk and send over each argument
for(var i = 0; i < methodArgs.length; i++){
this._chunkArgumentData(methodArgs[i], i);
// execute the method
// get the return result
var results = this._chunkReturnData();
// decode the results
results = this._decodeData(results);
// reset everything
return results;
// FIXME: dojo.declare()-ify this
dojox.flash.Install = function(){
// summary: Helps install Flash plugin if needed.
// description:
// Figures out the best way to automatically install the Flash plugin
// for this browser and platform. Also determines if installation or
// revving of the current plugin is needed on this platform.
dojox.flash.Install.prototype = {
needed: function(){ /* Boolean */
// summary:
// Determines if installation or revving of the current plugin is
// needed.
// do we even have flash?
if( == false){
return true;
var isMac = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Macintosh") >= 0);
// are we on the Mac? Safari needs Flash version 8 to do Flash 8
// communication, while Firefox/Mac needs Flash 8 to fix bugs it has
// with Flash 6 communication
if(isMac && (!, 0, 0))){
return true;
// other platforms need at least Flash 6 or above
if(!, 0, 0)){
return true;
// otherwise we don't need installation
return false;
install: function(){
// summary: Performs installation or revving of the Flash plugin.
// indicate that we are installing = true;
if( == false){ // we have no Flash at all
//dojo.debug("Completely new install");
// write out a simple Flash object to force the browser to prompt
// the user to install things
var installObj = new dojox.flash.Embed(false);
installObj.write(8); // write out HTML for Flash 8 version+
}else if(, 0, 65)){ // Express Install
//dojo.debug("Express install");
var installObj = new dojox.flash.Embed(false);
installObj.write(8, true); // write out HTML for Flash 8 version+
}else{ // older Flash install than version 6r65
alert("This content requires a more recent version of the Macromedia "
+" Flash Player.");
window.location.href = + dojox.flash.Embed.protocol() +
// Called when the Express Install is either finished, failed, or was
// rejected by the user.
_onInstallStatus: function(msg){
if (msg == "Download.Complete"){
// Installation is complete.
}else if(msg == "Download.Cancelled"){
alert("This content requires a more recent version of the Macromedia "
+" Flash Player.");
window.location.href = dojox.flash.Embed.protocol() +
}else if (msg == "Download.Failed"){
// The end user failed to download the installer due to a network failure
alert("There was an error downloading the Flash Player update. "
+ "Please try again later, or visit to download "
+ "the latest version of the Flash plugin.");
// find out if Flash is installed = new dojox.flash.Info();
// vim:ts=4:noet:tw=0:
New file
0,0 → 1,205
An implementation of Flash 8's ExternalInterface that works with Flash 6
and which is source-compatible with Flash 8.
@author Brad Neuberg,
class DojoExternalInterface{
public static var available:Boolean;
public static var dojoPath = "";
public static var _fscommandReady = false;
public static var _callbacks = new Array();
public static function initialize(){
//getURL("javascript:console.debug('FLASH:DojoExternalInterface initialize')");
// FIXME: Set available variable by testing for capabilities
DojoExternalInterface.available = true;
// extract the dojo base path
DojoExternalInterface.dojoPath = DojoExternalInterface.getDojoPath();
// Sometimes, on IE, the fscommand infrastructure can take a few hundred
// milliseconds the first time a page loads. Set a timer to keep checking
// to make sure we can issue fscommands; otherwise, our calls to fscommand
// for setCallback() and loaded() will just "disappear"
_root.fscommandReady = false;
var fsChecker = function(){
// issue a test fscommand
// JavaScript should set _root.fscommandReady if it got the call
if(_root.fscommandReady == "true"){
DojoExternalInterface._fscommandReady = true;
_root.fsTimer = setInterval(fsChecker, 100);
public static function addCallback(methodName:String, instance:Object,
method:Function) : Boolean{
// A variable that indicates whether the call below succeeded
_root._succeeded = null;
// Callbacks are registered with the JavaScript side as follows.
// On the Flash side, we maintain a lookup table that associates
// the methodName with the actual instance and method that are
// associated with this method.
// Using fscommand, we send over the action "addCallback", with the
// argument being the methodName to add, such as "foobar".
// The JavaScript takes these values and registers the existence of
// this callback point.
// precede the method name with a _ character in case it starts
// with a number
_callbacks["_" + methodName] = {_instance: instance, _method: method};
_callbacks[_callbacks.length] = methodName;
// The API for ExternalInterface says we have to make sure the call
// succeeded; check to see if there is a value
// for _succeeded, which is set by the JavaScript side
if(_root._succeeded == null){
return false;
return true;
public static function call(methodName:String,
resultsCallback:Function) : Void{
// FIXME: support full JSON serialization
// First, we pack up all of the arguments to this call and set them
// as Flash variables, which the JavaScript side will unpack using
// plugin.GetVariable(). We set the number of arguments as "_numArgs",
// and add each argument as a variable, such as "_1", "_2", etc., starting
// from 0.
// We then execute an fscommand with the action "call" and the
// argument being the method name. JavaScript takes the method name,
// retrieves the arguments using GetVariable, executes the method,
// and then places the return result in a Flash variable
// named "_returnResult".
_root._numArgs = arguments.length - 2;
for(var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++){
var argIndex = i - 2;
_root["_" + argIndex] = arguments[i];
_root._returnResult = undefined;
fscommand("call", methodName);
// immediately return if the caller is not waiting for return results
if(resultsCallback == undefined || resultsCallback == null){
// check at regular intervals for return results
var resultsChecker = function(){
if((typeof _root._returnResult != "undefined")&&
(_root._returnResult != "undefined")){
clearInterval(_root._callbackID);, _root._returnResult);
_root._callbackID = setInterval(resultsChecker, 100);
Called by Flash to indicate to JavaScript that we are ready to have
our Flash functions called. Calling loaded()
will fire the dojox.flash.loaded() event, so that JavaScript can know that
Flash has finished loading and adding its callbacks, and can begin to
interact with the Flash file.
public static function loaded(){
// one more step: see if fscommands are ready to be executed; if not,
// set an interval that will keep running until fscommands are ready;
// make sure the gateway is loaded as well
var execLoaded = function(){
if(DojoExternalInterface._fscommandReady == true){
// initialize the small Flash file that helps gateway JS to Flash
// calls
if(_fscommandReady == true){
_root.loadedInterval = setInterval(execLoaded, 50);
Handles and executes a JavaScript to Flash method call. Used by
public static function _handleJSCall(){
// get our parameters
var numArgs = parseInt(_root._numArgs);
var jsArgs = new Array();
for(var i = 0; i < numArgs; i++){
var currentValue = _root["_" + i];
// get our function name
var functionName = _root._functionName;
// now get the actual instance and method object to execute on,
// using our lookup table that was constructed by calls to
// addCallback on initialization
var instance = _callbacks["_" + functionName]._instance;
var method = _callbacks["_" + functionName]._method;
// execute it
var results = method.apply(instance, jsArgs);
// return the results
_root._returnResult = results;
/** Called by the flash6_gateway.swf to indicate that it is loaded. */
public static function _gatewayReady(){
for(var i = 0; i < _callbacks.length; i++){
fscommand("addCallback", _callbacks[i]);
When JavaScript wants to communicate with Flash it simply sets
the Flash variable "_execute" to true; this method creates the
internal Movie Clip, called the Flash Runner, that makes this
magic happen.
public static function _initializeFlashRunner(){
// figure out where our Flash movie is
var swfLoc = DojoExternalInterface.dojoPath + "flash6_gateway.swf";
// load our gateway helper file
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("_flashRunner", 5000);
_root._flashRunner._lockroot = true;
private static function getDojoPath(){
var url = _root._url;
var start = url.indexOf("baseRelativePath=") + "baseRelativePath=".length;
var path = url.substring(start);
var end = path.indexOf("&");
if(end != -1){
path = path.substring(0, end);
return path;
// vim:ts=4:noet:tw=0:
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,224
A wrapper around Flash 8's ExternalInterface; DojoExternalInterface is needed so that we
can do a Flash 6 implementation of ExternalInterface, and be able
to support having a single codebase that uses DojoExternalInterface
across Flash versions rather than having two seperate source bases,
where one uses ExternalInterface and the other uses DojoExternalInterface.
DojoExternalInterface class does a variety of optimizations to bypass ExternalInterface's
unbelievably bad performance so that we can have good performance
on Safari; see the blog post
for details.
@author Brad Neuberg,
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
class DojoExternalInterface{
public static var available:Boolean;
public static var dojoPath = "";
private static var flashMethods:Array = new Array();
private static var numArgs:Number;
private static var argData:Array;
private static var resultData = null;
public static function initialize(){
// extract the dojo base path
DojoExternalInterface.dojoPath = DojoExternalInterface.getDojoPath();
// see if we need to do an express install
var install:ExpressInstall = new ExpressInstall();
// register our callback functions
ExternalInterface.addCallback("startExec", DojoExternalInterface, startExec);
ExternalInterface.addCallback("setNumberArguments", DojoExternalInterface,
ExternalInterface.addCallback("chunkArgumentData", DojoExternalInterface,
ExternalInterface.addCallback("exec", DojoExternalInterface, exec);
ExternalInterface.addCallback("getReturnLength", DojoExternalInterface,
ExternalInterface.addCallback("chunkReturnData", DojoExternalInterface,
ExternalInterface.addCallback("endExec", DojoExternalInterface, endExec);
// set whether communication is available
DojoExternalInterface.available = ExternalInterface.available;"loaded");
public static function addCallback(methodName:String, instance:Object,
method:Function) : Boolean{
// register DojoExternalInterface methodName with it's instance
DojoExternalInterface.flashMethods[methodName] = instance;
// tell JavaScript about DojoExternalInterface new method so we can create a proxy"dojox.flash.comm._addExternalInterfaceCallback",
return true;
public static function call(methodName:String,
resultsCallback:Function) : Void{
// we might have any number of optional arguments, so we have to
// pass them in dynamically; strip out the results callback
var parameters = new Array();
for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){
if(i != 1){ // skip the callback
var results =, parameters);
// immediately give the results back, since ExternalInterface is
// synchronous
if(resultsCallback != null && typeof resultsCallback != "undefined"){, results);
Called by Flash to indicate to JavaScript that we are ready to have
our Flash functions called. Calling loaded()
will fire the dojox.flash.loaded() event, so that JavaScript can know that
Flash has finished loading and adding its callbacks, and can begin to
interact with the Flash file.
public static function loaded(){"dojox.flash.loaded");
public static function startExec():Void{
DojoExternalInterface.numArgs = null;
DojoExternalInterface.argData = null;
DojoExternalInterface.resultData = null;
public static function setNumberArguments(numArgs):Void{
DojoExternalInterface.numArgs = numArgs;
DojoExternalInterface.argData = new Array(DojoExternalInterface.numArgs);
public static function chunkArgumentData(value, argIndex:Number):Void{
//getURL("javascript:console.debug('FLASH: chunkArgumentData, value="+value+", argIndex="+argIndex+"')");
var currentValue = DojoExternalInterface.argData[argIndex];
if(currentValue == null || typeof currentValue == "undefined"){
DojoExternalInterface.argData[argIndex] = value;
DojoExternalInterface.argData[argIndex] += value;
public static function exec(methodName):Void{
// decode all of the arguments that were passed in
for(var i = 0; i < DojoExternalInterface.argData.length; i++){
DojoExternalInterface.argData[i] =
var instance = DojoExternalInterface.flashMethods[methodName];
DojoExternalInterface.resultData = instance[methodName].apply(
instance, DojoExternalInterface.argData);
// encode the result data
DojoExternalInterface.resultData =
//getURL("javascript:console.debug('FLASH: encoded result data="+DojoExternalInterface.resultData+"')");
public static function getReturnLength():Number{
if(DojoExternalInterface.resultData == null ||
typeof DojoExternalInterface.resultData == "undefined"){
return 0;
var segments = Math.ceil(DojoExternalInterface.resultData.length / 1024);
return segments;
public static function chunkReturnData(segment:Number):String{
var numSegments = DojoExternalInterface.getReturnLength();
var startCut = segment * 1024;
var endCut = segment * 1024 + 1024;
if(segment == (numSegments - 1)){
endCut = segment * 1024 + DojoExternalInterface.resultData.length;
var piece = DojoExternalInterface.resultData.substring(startCut, endCut);
//getURL("javascript:console.debug('FLASH: chunking return piece="+piece+"')");
return piece;
public static function endExec():Void{
private static function decodeData(data):String{
// we have to use custom encodings for certain characters when passing
// them over; for example, passing a backslash over as //// from JavaScript
// to Flash doesn't work
data = DojoExternalInterface.replaceStr(data, "&custom_backslash;", "\\");
data = DojoExternalInterface.replaceStr(data, "\\\'", "\'");
data = DojoExternalInterface.replaceStr(data, "\\\"", "\"");
return data;
private static function encodeData(data){
//getURL("javascript:console.debug('inside flash, data before="+data+"')");
// double encode all entity values, or they will be mis-decoded
// by Flash when returned
data = DojoExternalInterface.replaceStr(data, "&", "&amp;");
// certain XMLish characters break Flash's wire serialization for
// ExternalInterface; encode these into a custom encoding, rather than
// the standard entity encoding, because otherwise we won't be able to
// differentiate between our own encoding and any entity characters
// that are being used in the string itself
data = DojoExternalInterface.replaceStr(data, '<', '&custom_lt;');
data = DojoExternalInterface.replaceStr(data, '>', '&custom_gt;');
// encode control characters and JavaScript delimiters
data = DojoExternalInterface.replaceStr(data, "\n", "\\n");
data = DojoExternalInterface.replaceStr(data, "\r", "\\r");
data = DojoExternalInterface.replaceStr(data, "\f", "\\f");
data = DojoExternalInterface.replaceStr(data, "'", "\\'");
data = DojoExternalInterface.replaceStr(data, '"', '\"');
//getURL("javascript:console.debug('inside flash, data after="+data+"')");
return data;
Flash ActionScript has no String.replace method or support for
Regular Expressions! We roll our own very simple one.
private static function replaceStr(inputStr:String, replaceThis:String,
withThis:String):String {
var splitStr = inputStr.split(replaceThis)
inputStr = splitStr.join(withThis)
return inputStr;
private static function getDojoPath(){
var url = _root._url;
var start = url.indexOf("baseRelativePath=") + "baseRelativePath=".length;
var path = url.substring(start);
var end = path.indexOf("&");
if(end != -1){
path = path.substring(0, end);
return path;
// vim:ts=4:noet:tw=0:
New file
0,0 → 1,71
* Based on the class created by Geoff Stearns as part
* of the FlashObject library.
* Use this file to invoke the Macromedia Flash Player Express Install functionality
* This file is intended for use with the FlashObject embed script. You can download FlashObject
* and this file at the following URL:
* Usage:
* var ExpressInstall = new ExpressInstall();
* // test to see if install is needed:
* if (ExpressInstall.needsUpdate) { // returns true if update is needed
* ExpressInstall.init(); // starts the update
* }
* NOTE: Your Flash movie must be at least 214px by 137px in order to use ExpressInstall.
class ExpressInstall {
public var needsUpdate:Boolean;
private var updater:MovieClip;
private var hold:MovieClip;
public function ExpressInstall(){
// does the user need to update?
this.needsUpdate = (_root.MMplayerType == undefined) ? false : true;
public function init():Void{
public function loadUpdater():Void {"");
// hope that nothing is at a depth of 10000000, you can change this depth if needed, but you want
// it to be on top of your content if you have any stuff on the first frame
this.updater = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("expressInstallHolder", 10000000);
// register the callback so we know if they cancel or there is an error
var _self = this;
this.updater.installStatus = _self.onInstallStatus;
this.hold = this.updater.createEmptyMovieClip("hold", 1);
// can't use movieClipLoader because it has to work in 6.0.65
this.updater.onEnterFrame = function():Void {
if(typeof this.hold.startUpdate == 'function'){
this.onEnterFrame = null;
var cacheBuster:Number = Math.random();
+"update/current/swf/autoUpdater.swf?"+ cacheBuster);
private function initUpdater():Void{
this.hold.redirectURL = _root.MMredirectURL;
this.hold.MMplayerType = _root.MMplayerType;
this.hold.MMdoctitle = _root.MMdoctitle;
public function onInstallStatus(msg):Void{