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Ignore whitespace Rev 2149 → Rev 2150

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0,0 → 1,143
if(!dojo._hasResource[""]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource[""] = true;
dojo.declare("", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Container], {
// summary:
// A widget for a data object
// description:
// This widget represents an object with '_properties' property.
// If child 'DataProperty' widgets exist, they are used to initialize
// propertiy values of '_properties' object.
startup: function(){
// summary:
// Call _initializeProperties()
// description:
// See _initializeProperties().
_initializeProperties: function(/*Boolean*/reset){
// summary:
// Initialize a data object
// description:
// If this widget has child DataProperty widgets, their getValue()
// methods are called and set the return value to a property
// specified by 'name' attribute of the child widgets.
// reset:
// A boolean to reset current properties
if(!this._properties || reset){
this._properties = {};
var children = this.getChildren();
for(var i in children){
var child = children[i];
if((child instanceof &&{
this.setPropertyValue(, child.getValue());
getPropertyValue: function(/*String*/property){
// summary:
// Return a property value
// description:
// This method returns the value of a property, specified with
// 'property' argument, in '_properties' object.
// property:
// A property name
// returns:
// A property value
return this._properties[property]; //anything
setPropertyValue: function(/*String*/property, /*anything*/value){
// summary:
// Store a property value
// description:
// This method stores 'value' as a property, specified with
// 'property' argument, in '_properties' object.
// property:
// A property name
// value:
// A property value
this._properties[property] = value;
dojo.declare("", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Container], {
// summary:
// A widget to define a data property
// description:
// Attributes of this widget are used to add a property to the parent
// Data widget.
// 'type' attribute specifies one of "string", "number", "boolean",
// "array", "object" and "element" (DOM Element)
// (default to "string").
// If 'type' is "array" or "object", child DataProperty widgets are
// used to initialize the array elements or the object properties.
// name:
// A property name
// type:
// A property type name
// value:
// A property value
name: "",
type: "",
value: "",
getValue: function(){
// summary:
// Returns a property value
// description:
// If 'type' is specified, 'value' attribute is converted to
// the specified type and returned.
// Otherwise, 'value' attribute is returned as is.
// returns:
// A property value
var value = this.value;
if(this.type == "number"){
value = parseInt(value);
}else if(this.type == "boolean"){
value = (value == "true");
}else if(this.type == "array"){
value = [];
var children = this.getChildren();
for(var i in children){
var child = children[i];
if(child instanceof{
}else if(this.type == "object"){
value = {};
var children = this.getChildren();
for(var i in children){
var child = children[i];
if((child instanceof &&{
value[] = child.getValue();
}else if(this.type == "element"){
value = new;
var children = this.getChildren();
for(var i in children){
var child = children[i];
if((child instanceof &&{
value.setPropertyValue(, child.getValue());
return value; //anything
New file
0,0 → 1,171
if(!dojo._hasResource[""]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource[""] = true;
dojo.declare("",, {
// summary:
// A widget to invoke a method or publish a topic
// description:
// This widget represents a controller task to invoke a method or
// publish a topic when an event (a function) or a topic is issued.
// object:
// A scope of a method to invoke
// method:
// A name of a method to invoke
// topic:
// A name of a topic to publish
// parameters:
// Arguments for the method or the topic
// result:
// A property to store a return value of the method call
// error:
// A property to store an error on the method call
object: "",
method: "",
topic: "",
parameters: "",
result: "",
error: "",
_run: function(){
// summary:
// Invoke a method or publish a topic
// description:
// If 'topic' is specified, the topic is published with arguments
// specified to 'parameters'.
// If 'method' and 'object' are specified, the method is invoked
// with arguments specified to 'parameters' and set the return
// value to a property specified to 'result'.
// 'object', 'parameters' and 'result' can specify properties of
// a widget or an DOM element with the dotted notation.
// If 'parameters' are omitted, the arguments to this method are
// passed as is.
var args = this._getParameters(arguments);
dojo.publish(this.topic, args);
}else if(this.method){
var scope = (this.object ? :;
return; //undefined
var args = this._getParameters(arguments);
var func = scope[this.method];
func = scope.callMethod;
return; //undefined
args = [this.method, args];
var connected = false;
var features = scope.getFeatures();
if((this.method == "fetch" && features[""]) ||
(this.method == "save" && features[""])){
var arg = args[0];
arg.onComplete = function(){};
//dojo.connect(arg, "onComplete", this, "onComplete");
this.connect(arg, "onComplete", "onComplete");
arg.onError = function(){};
//dojo.connect(arg, "onError", this, "onError");
this.connect(arg, "onError", "onError");
connected = true;
var r = func.apply(scope, args);
if(r && (r instanceof dojo.Deferred)){
var self = this;
onComplete: function(/*anything*/result){
// summary:
// A function called when the method or the topic publish
// completed
// description:
// If 'result' attribute is specified, the result object also set
// to the specified property.
// result:
// The return value of a method or undefined for a topic
if(this.result){, result);
if(this.error){ // clear error, "");
onError: function(/*anything*/error){
// summary:
// A function called on an error occurs
// description:
// If 'error' attribute is specified, the error object also set to
// the specified property.
// error:
// The exception or error occurred
if(error && error.message){
error = error.message;
}, error);
_getParameters: function(/*Array*/args){
// summary:
// Returns arguments to a method or topic to invoke
// description:
// This method retunrs an array of arguments specified by
// 'parameters' attribute, a comma-separated list of IDs and
// their properties in a dotted notation.
// If 'parameters' are omitted, the original arguments are
// used.
// args:
// Arguments to a trigger event or topic
// use arguments as is
return args; //Array
var parameters = [];
var list = this.parameters.split(",");
if(list.length == 1){
var parameter =[0], args);
parameters = parameter;
for(var i in list){
parameters.push([i], args));
return parameters; //Array
New file
0,0 → 1,225
if(!dojo._hasResource[""]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource[""] = true;
dojo.declare("", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Container], {
// summary:
// A base widget to "run" a task on an event or a topic
// description:
// This widget represents a controller task to be run when an event
// (a function) or a topic is issued.
// Sub-classes must implement _run() method to implement their tasks.
// 'trigger' specifies an event scope, an ID of a widget or an DOM
// element, or its property with the optional dotted notation.
// If this widget has child ActionFilter widgets, their filter()
// methods are called with the arguments to the event or the topic.
// If one of filter() methods returns false, run() won't be invoked.
// This widget also can serve as a composite task to run child
// Actions on an event or a topic specified to this widget.
// trigger:
// An event scope
// triggerEvent:
// An event (function) name
// triggerTopic:
// A topic name
trigger: "",
triggerEvent: "",
triggerTopic: "",
postCreate: function(){
// summary:
// Call _connect()
// description:
// See _connect().
_connect: function(){
// summary:
// Connect run() method to an event or a topic
// description:
// If 'triggerEvent' and 'trigger' are specified, connect() is
// used to set up run() to be called on the event.
// If 'triggerTopic' is specified, subscribe() is used to set up
// run() to be called on the topic.
var scope =;
// set a dummy function for an anonymous object
scope[this.triggerEvent] = function(){};
this._triggerHandle = dojo.connect(scope, this.triggerEvent, this, "run");
var event = this.triggerEvent.toLowerCase();
if(event == "onload"){
var self = this;
self._run.apply(self, arguments);
}else if(this.triggerTopic){
this._triggerHandle = dojo.subscribe(this.triggerTopic, this, "run");
_disconnect: function(){
// summary:
// Disconnect run() method from an event or a topic
// description:
// If 'triggerEvent' and 'trigger' are specified, disconnect() is
// used to set up run() not to be called on the event.
// If 'triggerTopic' is specified, unsubscribe() is used to set up
// run() not to be called on the topic.
dojo.unsubscribe(this.triggerTopic, this._triggerHandle);
run: function(){
// summary:
// Run a task
// description:
// This method calls filter() method of child ActionFilter
// widgets.
// If one of them returns false, this method returns.
// Otherwise, _run() method is called.
var children = this.getChildren();
for(var i in children){
var child = children[i];
if(child instanceof{
if(!child.filter.apply(child, arguments)){
this._run.apply(this, arguments);
_run: function(){
// summary:
// Call run() methods of child Action widgets
// description:
// If this widget has child Action widgets, their run() methods
// are called.
var children = this.getChildren();
for(var i in children){
var child = children[i];
if(child instanceof{, arguments);
uninitialize: function(){
// summary:
// Over-ride of base widget unitialize function to do some connection cleanup.
return true;
dojo.declare("", dijit._Widget, {
// summary:
// A widget to define a filter for the parent Action to run
// description:
// This base class checks a required property specified with
// 'required' attribute.
// If 'message' is specified, the message is set to a property
// specified with 'error'.
// Subclasses may implement their own filter() method.
// required:
// A property required
// requiredValue:
// Optional. A specific value the property is required to have. If this isn't provided
// than any non-false/non-null value of the required propery will cause this filter
// to pass.
// type:
// Optional. A specific type to compare the values as (if requiredValue is set)
// Valid values for type are boolean, int, string. Default is string.
// message:
// An error message to emit if the filter doesn't execute due to property mismatch.
// error:
// A property to store an error due to property mismatch.
required: "",
requiredValue: "",
type: "",
message: "",
error: "",
filter: function(){
// summary:
// Check if a required property is specified. Also, if provided, check to see
// if the required property contains a specific value.
// description:
// If a value is undefined for a property, specified with
// 'required', this method returns false.
// If the value for a property is defined, but there isn't a requiredValue for it
// then any non-false value will cause the method to return true.
// if requiredValue is set, then filter compares that value with the value from
// the required property and returns true if and only if they match.
// The type option just allows for a way to convert the required property values
// into a proper form for comparison (boolean, number, etc).
// If 'message' is specified, it is set to a proeprty specified
// with 'error' or shown with alert().
// If 'required' starts with "arguments", a property of
// the method arguments are checked.
// returns:
// True if a required property is specified (and if requiredValue is specified,
// that they match), otherwise false
if(this.required === ""){
return true; //Boolean
var value =, arguments);
if(this.requiredValue === ""){
//Just see if there's a value, nothing to compare it to.
return true; //Boolean
//See if we need to type convert.
var reqValue = this.requiredValue;
if(this.type !== ""){
var lType = this.type.toLowerCase();
if(lType === "boolean"){
if(reqValue.toLowerCase() === "false"){
reqValue = false;
reqValue = true;
}else if(lType === "number"){
reqValue = parseInt(reqValue, 10);
if(value === reqValue){
return true; //boolean
if(this.error){, this.message);
return false; //Boolean
New file
0,0 → 1,295
if(!dojo._hasResource[""]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource[""] = true;
dojo.require("dojox.wire.Wire"); = function(/*String*/source, /*Array*/args){
// summary:
// Return a value
// description:
// This method obtains an object by an ID of a widget or an DOM
// element.
// If 'source' specifies a dotted notation to its property, a Wire is
// used to get the object property.
// If 'source' starts with "arguments", 'args' is used as a root
// object for the Wire.
// source:
// A string to specify an object and its property
// args:
// An optional arguments array
// returns:
// A value
return undefined; //undefined
var property = undefined;
if(args && source.length >= 9 && source.substring(0, 9) == "arguments"){
property = source.substring(9);
return new dojox.wire.Wire({property: property}).getValue(args);
var i = source.indexOf('.');
if(i >= 0){
property = source.substring(i + 1);
source = source.substring(0, i);
var object = (dijit.byId(source) || dojo.byId(source) || dojo.getObject(source));
return undefined; //undefined
return object; //Object
return new dojox.wire.Wire({object: object, property: property}).getValue(); //anything
}; = function(/*String*/target, /*anything*/value){
// summary:
// Store a value
// description:
// This method stores a value by an ID of a widget or an DOM
// element with a dotted notation to its property, using a Wire.
// target:
// A string to specify an object and its property
// value:
// A value
return; //undefined
var i = target.indexOf('.');
if(i < 0){
return; //undefined
var object = this._getValue(target.substring(0, i));
return; //undefined
var property = target.substring(i + 1);
new dojox.wire.Wire({object: object, property: property}).setValue(value);
dojo.declare("", null, {
// summary:
// An object wrapping an XML element
// description:
// This class represents an XML element.
constructor: function(/*Element||String*/element){
// summary:
// Initialize with an XML element or a tag name
// element:
// An XML element or a tag name
element = this._getDocument().createElement(element);
this.element = element;
getPropertyValue: function(/*String*/property){
// summary:
// Return a property value
// description:
// If 'property' starts with '@', the attribute value is returned.
// If 'property' specifies "text()", the value of the first child
// text is returned.
// Otherwise, child elements of the tag name specified with
// 'property' are returned.
// property:
// A property name
// returns:
// A property value
var value = undefined;
return value; //undefined
return value; //undefined
if(property.charAt(0) == '@'){
var attribute = property.substring(1);
value = this.element.getAttribute(attribute);
}else if(property == "text()"){
var text = this.element.firstChild;
value = text.nodeValue;
}else{ // child elements
var elements = [];
for(var i = 0; i < this.element.childNodes.length; i++){
var child = this.element.childNodes[i];
if(child.nodeType === 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE */ && child.nodeName == property){
if(elements.length > 0){
if(elements.length === 1){
value = elements[0];
value = elements;
return value; //String||Array||XmlElement
setPropertyValue: function(/*String*/property, /*String||Array||XmlElement*/value){
// summary:
// Store a property value
// description:
// If 'property' starts with '@', 'value' is set to the attribute.
// If 'property' specifies "text()", 'value' is set as the first
// child text.
// If 'value' is a string, a child element of the tag name
// specified with 'property' is created and 'value' is set as
// the first child text of the child element.
// Otherwise, 'value' is set to as child elements.
// property:
// A property name
// value:
// A property value
return; //undefined
return; //undefined
if(property.charAt(0) == '@'){
var attribute = property.substring(1);
this.element.setAttribute(attribute, value);
}else if(property == "text()"){
var text = this._getDocument().createTextNode(value);
}else{ // child elements
var nextChild = null;
for(var i = this.element.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
var child = this.element.childNodes[i];
if(child.nodeType === 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE */ && child.nodeName == property){
nextChild = child.nextSibling;
for(var i in value){
var e = value[i];
this.element.insertBefore(e.element, nextChild);
}else if(value instanceof{
this.element.insertBefore(value.element, nextChild);
}else{ // assume string
var child = this._getDocument().createElement(property);
var text = this._getDocument().createTextNode(value);
this.element.insertBefore(child, nextChild);
toString: function(){
// summary:
// Return a value of the first text child of the element
// description:
// A value of the first text child of the element is returned.
// returns:
// A value of the first text child of the element
var s = "";
var text = this.element.firstChild;
s = text.nodeValue;
return s; //String
toObject: function(){
// summary:
// Return an object representation of the element
// description:
// An object with properties for child elements, attributes and
// text is returned.
// returns:
// An object representation of the element
return null; //null
var text = "";
var obj = {};
var elements = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < this.element.childNodes.length; i++){
var child = this.element.childNodes[i];
if(child.nodeType === 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE */){
var o = new;
var name = child.nodeName;
var p = obj[name];
obj[name] = o;
}else if(dojo.isArray(p)){
obj[name] = [p, o]; // make them array
}else if(child.nodeType === 3 /* TEXT_NODE */ ||
child.nodeType === 4 /* CDATA_SECTION_NODE */){
text += child.nodeValue;
var attributes = 0;
if(this.element.nodeType === 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE */){
attributes = this.element.attributes.length;
for(var i = 0; i < attributes; i++){
var attr = this.element.attributes[i];
obj["@" + attr.nodeName] = attr.nodeValue;
if(elements === 0){
if(attributes === 0){
// text only
return text; //String
// text with attributes
obj["text()"] = text;
// else ignore text
return obj; //Object
_getDocument: function(){
// summary:
// Return a DOM document
// description:
// If 'element' is specified, a DOM document of the element is
// returned.
// Otherwise, a DOM document is created.
// returns:
// A DOM document
return (this.element.nodeType == 9 /* DOCUMENT_NODE */ ?
this.element : this.element.ownerDocument); //Document
return; //Document
New file
0,0 → 1,331
if(!dojo._hasResource[""]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource[""] = true;
dojo.declare("", dijit._Widget, {
// summary:
// A widget for a service
// description:
// This widget represents a service defined by a service description
// specified with 'url' attribute.
// If 'serviceType' and 'serviceUrl' attributes are specified, 'url'
// attribute can be omitted.
// url:
// A URL to a service description
// serviceUrl:
// A URL to a service
// serviceType:
// A service type
// handlerClass:
// A service handler class name
url: "",
serviceUrl: "",
serviceType: "",
handlerClass: "",
preventCache: true,
postCreate: function(){
// summary:
// Call _createHandler()
// description:
// See _createHandler().
this.handler = this._createHandler();
_handlerClasses: {
"TEXT": "",
"XML": "",
"JSON": "",
"JSON-RPC": "dojo.rpc.JsonService"
_createHandler: function(){
// summary:
// Create a service handler
// desription:
// A service handler class is determined by:
// 1. 'handlerClass' attribute
// 2. 'serviceType' attribute
// 3. 'serviceType' property in a service description
// returns:
// A service handler
var self = this;
var d = dojo.xhrGet({
url: this.url,
handleAs: "json",
sync: true
self.smd = result;
if(this.smd && !this.serviceUrl){
this.serviceUrl = (this.smd.serviceUrl || this.smd.serviceURL);
var handlerClass = undefined;
handlerClass = dojox.wire._getClass(this.handlerClass);
}else if(this.serviceType){
handlerClass = this._handlerClasses[this.serviceType];
if(handlerClass && dojo.isString(handlerClass)){
handlerClass = dojox.wire._getClass(handlerClass);
this._handlerClasses[this.serviceType] = handlerClass;
}else if(this.smd && this.smd.serviceType){
handlerClass = this._handlerClasses[this.smd.serviceType];
if(handlerClass && dojo.isString(handlerClass)){
handlerClass = dojox.wire._getClass(handlerClass);
this._handlerClasses[this.smd.serviceType] = handlerClass;
return null; //null
return new handlerClass(); //Object
callMethod: function(method, parameters){
// summary:
// Call a service method with parameters
// method:
// A method name
// parameters:
// An array parameters
var deferred = new dojo.Deferred();
this.handler.bind(method, parameters, deferred, this.serviceUrl);
return deferred;
dojo.declare("", null, {
// summary:
// A REST service handler
// description:
// This class serves as a base REST service.
// Sub-classes may override _getContent() and _getResult() to handle
// specific content types.
contentType: "text/plain",
handleAs: "text",
bind: function(method, parameters, deferred, url){
// summary:
// Call a service method with parameters.
// description:
// A service is called with a URL generated by _getUrl() and
// an HTTP method specified with 'method'.
// For "POST" and "PUT", a content is generated by _getContent().
// When data is loaded, _getResult() is used to pass the result to
// Deferred.callback().
// method:
// A method name
// parameters:
// An array of parameters
// deferred:
// 'Deferred'
// url:
// A URL for the method
method = method.toUpperCase();
var self = this;
var args = {
url: this._getUrl(method, parameters, url),
contentType: this.contentType,
handleAs: this.handleAs,
headers: this.headers,
preventCache: this.preventCache
var d = null;
if(method == "POST"){
args.postData = this._getContent(method, parameters);
d = dojo.rawXhrPost(args);
}else if(method == "PUT"){
args.putData = this._getContent(method, parameters);
d = dojo.rawXhrPut(args);
}else if(method == "DELETE"){
d = dojo.xhrDelete(args);
}else{ // "GET"
d = dojo.xhrGet(args);
}, function(error){
_getUrl: function(/*String*/method, /*Array*/parameters, /*String*/url){
// summary:
// Generate a URL
// description:
// If 'method' is "GET" or "DELETE", a query string is generated
// from a query object specified to the first parameter in
// 'parameters' and appended to 'url'.
// If 'url' contains variable seguments ("{parameter_name}"),
// they are replaced with corresponding parameter values, instead.
// method:
// A method name
// parameters:
// An array of parameters
// url:
// A base URL
// returns:
// A URL
if(method == "GET" || method == "DELETE"){
var query = parameters[0];
var queryString = "";
for(var name in query){
var value = query[name];
value = encodeURIComponent(value);
var variable = "{" + name + "}";
var index = url.indexOf(variable);
if(index >= 0){ // encode in path
url = url.substring(0, index) + value + url.substring(index + variable.length);
}else{ // encode as query string
queryString += "&";
queryString += (name + "=" + value);
url += "?" + queryString;
return url; //String
_getContent: function(/*String*/method, /*Array*/parameters){
// summary:
// Generate a request content
// description:
// If 'method' is "POST" or "PUT", the first parameter in
// 'parameters' is returned.
// method:
// A method name
// parameters:
// An array of parameters
// returns:
// A request content
if(method == "POST" || method == "PUT"){
return (parameters ? parameters[0] : null); //anything
return null; //null
_getResult: function(/*anything*/data){
// summary:
// Extract a result
// description:
// A response data is returned as is.
// data:
// A response data returned by a service
// returns:
// A result object
return data; //anything
dojo.declare("",, {
// summary:
// A REST service handler for XML
// description:
// This class provides XML handling for a REST service.
contentType: "text/xml",
handleAs: "xml",
_getContent: function(/*String*/method, /*Array*/parameters){
// description:
// If 'method' is "POST" or "PUT", the first parameter in
// 'parameters' is used to generate an XML content.
// method:
// A method name
// parameters:
// An array of parameters
// returns:
// A request content
var content = null;
if(method == "POST" || method == "PUT"){
var p = parameters[0];
content = p;
var element = p;
if(element instanceof{
element = element.element;
}else if(element.nodeType === 9 /* DOCUMENT_NODE */){
element = element.documentElement;
var declaration = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"; // TODO: encoding?
content = declaration +;
return content;
_getResult: function(/*Document*/data){
// summary:
// Extract a result
// description:
// A response data (XML Document) is returned wrapped with
// XmlElement.
// data:
// A response data returned by a service
// returns:
// A result object
data = new;
return data;
dojo.declare("",, {
// summary:
// A REST service handler for JSON
// description:
// This class provides JSON handling for a REST service.
contentType: "text/json",
handleAs: "json",
headers: {"Accept": "*/json"},
_getContent: function(/*String*/method, /*Array*/parameters){
// summary:
// Generate a request content
// description:
// If 'method' is "POST" or "PUT", the first parameter in
// 'parameter' is used to generate a JSON content.
// method:
// A method name
// parameters:
// An array of parameters
// returns:
// A request content
var content = null;
if(method == "POST" || method == "PUT"){
var p = (parameters ? parameters[0] : undefined);
content = p;
content = dojo.toJson(p);
return content; //String
New file
0,0 → 1,359
if(!dojo._hasResource[""]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource[""] = true;
dojo.declare("",, {
// summary:
// A widget to transfer values through source and target Wires
// description:
// This widget represents a controller task to transfer a value from
// a source to a target, through a source and a target Wires, when
// an event (a function) or a topic is issued.
// If this widget has child ChildWire widgets, their _addWire()
// methods are called to add Wire arguments to a source or a target
// Wire.
// source:
// A source object and/or property
// sourceStore:
// A data store for a source data item
// sourceAttribute:
// An attribute of a source data item
// sourcePath:
// A simplified XPath to a source property of an XML element
// type:
// A type of the value to be transferred
// converter:
// A class name of a converter for the value to be transferred
// target:
// A target object and/or property
// targetStore:
// A data store for a target data item
// targetAttribute:
// An attribute of a target data item
// targetPath:
// A simplified XPath to a target property of an XML element
source: "",
sourceStore: "",
sourceAttribute: "",
sourcePath: "",
type: "",
converter: "",
delimiter: "",
target: "",
targetStore: "",
targetAttribute: "",
targetPath: "",
_run: function(){
// summary:
// Transfer a value from a source to a target
// description:
// First, Wires for a source and a target are created from attributes.
// Then, a value is obtained by getValue() of the source Wire is set
// by setValue() of the target Wire.
// The arguments to this method is passed to getValue() and setValue()
// of Wires, so that they can be used to identify the root objects off
// the arguments.
var sourceWire = this._getWire("source");
var targetWire = this._getWire("target");
dojox.wire.transfer(sourceWire, targetWire, arguments);
_getWire: function(/*String*/which){
// summary:
// Build Wire arguments from attributes
// description:
// Arguments object for a source or a target Wire, specified by
// 'which' argument, are build from corresponding attributes,
// including '*Store' (for 'dataStore'), '*Attribute'
// (for 'attribute), '*Path' (for 'path'), 'type' and 'converter'.
// 'source' or 'target' attribute is parsed as:
// "object_id.property_name[.sub_property_name...]"
// If 'source' or 'target' starts with "arguments", 'object'
// argument for a Wire is set to null, so that the root object is
// given as an event or topic arguments.
// If this widget has child ChildWire widgets with a corresponding
// 'which' attribute, their _addWire() methods are called to add
// additional Wire arguments and nested Wire is created,
// specifying the Wire defined by this widget to 'object' argument.
// which:
// Which Wire arguments to build, "source" or "target"
// returns:
// Wire arguments object
var args = undefined;
if(which == "source"){
args = {
object: this.source,
dataStore: this.sourceStore,
attribute: this.sourceAttribute,
path: this.sourcePath,
type: this.type,
converter: this.converter
}else{ // "target"
args = {
dataStore: this.targetStore,
attribute: this.targetAttribute,
path: this.targetPath
if(args.object.length >= 9 && args.object.substring(0, 9) == "arguments"){ = args.object.substring(9);
args.object = null;
var i = args.object.indexOf('.');
if(i < 0){
args.object =;
}else{ = args.object.substring(i + 1);
args.object =, i));
args.dataStore =;
var childArgs = undefined;
var children = this.getChildren();
for(var i in children){
var child = children[i];
if(child instanceof && child.which == which){
childArgs = {};
child._addWire(this, childArgs);
if(childArgs){ // make nested Wires
childArgs.object = dojox.wire.create(args);
childArgs.dataStore = args.dataStore;
args = childArgs;
return args; //Object
dojo.declare("", dijit._Widget, {
// summary:
// A widget to add a child wire
// description:
// Attributes of this widget are used to add a child Wire to
// a composite Wire of the parent Transfer widget.
// which:
// Which Wire to add a child Wire, "source" or "target", default to
// "source"
// object:
// A root object for the value
// property:
// A property for the value
// type:
// A type of the value
// converter:
// A class name of a converter for the value
// attribute:
// A data item attribute for the value
// path:
// A simplified XPath for the value
// name:
// A composite property name
which: "source",
object: "",
property: "",
type: "",
converter: "",
attribute: "",
path: "",
name: "",
_addWire: function(/*Transfer*/parent, /*Object*/args){
// summary:
// Add a child Wire to Wire arguments
// description:
// If 'name' attribute is specified, a child Wire is added as
// the named property of 'children' object of 'args'.
// Otherwise, a child Wire is added to 'children' array of 'args'.
// parent:
// A parent Transfer widget
// args:
// Wire arguments
if({ // object
args.children = {};
args.children[] = this._getWire(parent);
}else{ // array
args.children = [];
_getWire: function(/*Transfer*/parent){
// summary:
// Build child Wire arguments from attributes
// description:
// Arguments object for a child Wire are build from attributes,
// including 'object', 'property', 'type', 'converter',
// 'attribute' and 'path'.
// parent:
// A parent Transfer widget
// returns:
// Wire arguments object
return {
object: (this.object ? : undefined),
type: this.type,
converter: this.converter,
attribute: this.attribute,
path: this.path
}; //Object
dojo.declare("",, {
// summary:
// A widget to add a column wire
// description:
// Attributes of this widget are used to add a column Wire to
// a TableAdapter of the parent Transfer widget.
// column:
// A column name
column: "",
_addWire: function(/*Transfer*/parent, /*Object*/args){
// summary:
// Add a column Wire to Wire arguments
// description:
// If 'column' attribute is specified, a column Wire is added as
// the named property of 'columns' object of 'args'.
// Otherwise, a column Wire is added to 'columns' array of 'args'.
// parent:
// A parent Transfer widget
// args:
// Wire arguments
if(this.column){ // object
args.columns = {};
args.columns[this.column] = this._getWire(parent);
}else{ // array
args.columns = [];
dojo.declare("", [, dijit._Container], {
// summary:
// A widget to add node wires
// description:
// Attributes of this widget are used to add node Wires to
// a TreeAdapter of the parent Transfer widget.
// titleProperty:
// A property for the node title
// titleAttribute:
// A data item attribute for the node title
// titlePath:
// A simplified XPath for the node title
titleProperty: "",
titleAttribute: "",
titlePath: "",
_addWire: function(/*Transfer*/parent, /*Object*/args){
// summary:
// Add node Wires to Wire arguments
// description:
// Node Wires are added to 'nodes' array of 'args'.
// parent:
// A parent Transfer widget
// args:
// Wire arguments
args.nodes = [];
_getWires: function(/*Transfer*/parent){
// summary:
// Build node Wires arguments from attributes
// description:
// Arguments object for 'node' Wire are build from attributes,
// including 'object', 'property', 'type', 'converter',
// 'attribute' and 'path'.
// Arguments object for 'title' Wire are build from another set of
// attributes, 'titleProperty', 'titleAttribute' and 'titlePath'.
// If this widget has child NodeWire widgets, their _getWires()
// methods are called recursively to build 'children' array of
// 'args'.
// parent:
// A parent Transfer widget
// returns:
// Wire arguments object
var args = {
node: this._getWire(parent),
title: {
type: "string",
property: this.titleProperty,
attribute: this.titleAttribute,
path: this.titlePath
var childArgs = [];
var children = this.getChildren();
for(var i in children){
var child = children[i];
if(child instanceof{
if(childArgs.length > 0){
args.children = childArgs;
return args; //Object
dojo.declare("",, {
// summary:
// A widget to add a segment wire
// description:
// Attributes of this widget are used to add a segment Wire to
// a TextAdapter of the parent Transfer widget.
_addWire: function(/*Transfer*/parent, /*Object*/args){
// summary:
// Add a segument Wire to Wire arguments
// description:
// A segment Wire is added to 'segments' array of 'args'.
// If 'parent' has 'delimiter' attribute, it is used for
// 'delimiter' property of 'args'.
// parent:
// A parent Transfer widget
// args:
// Wire arguments
args.segments = [];
if(parent.delimiter && !args.delimiter){
args.delimiter = parent.delimiter;
New file
0,0 → 1,116
if(!dojo._hasResource[""]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource[""] = true;
dojo.declare("", dijit._Widget, {
// summary:
// A widget for a data store
// description:
// This widget represents a data store of 'storeClass' attribute.
// storeClass:
// A class name of a data store
storeClass: "",
postCreate: function(){
// summary:
// Call _createStore()
// description:
// See _createStore(). = this._createStore();
_createStore: function(){
// summary:
// Create a data store
// desription:
// A data store of 'storeClass' is created with arguments
// specified with attributes.
// returns:
// A data store
return null; //null
var storeClass = dojox.wire._getClass(this.storeClass);
return null; //null
var args = {};
var attributes = this.domNode.attributes;
for(var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++){
var a = attributes.item(i);
if(a.specified && !this[a.nodeName]){
args[a.nodeName] = a.nodeValue;
return new storeClass(args); //Object
getFeatures: function(){
// summary:
// Call getFeatures() method of a data store
// description:
// See
// returns:
// A features object
return; //Object
fetch: function(/*Object*/request){
// summary:
// Call fetch() method of a data store
// description:
// See
// request:
// A request object
// returns:
// A request object
return; //Object
save: function(/*Object*/args){
// summary:
// Call save() method of a data store
// description:
// See
// args:
// A save arguments object;
newItem: function(/*Object*/args){
// summary:
// Call newItem() method of a data store
// description:
// See
// args:
// A new item arguments object
// returns:
// A new item
return; //Object
deleteItem: function(/*Object*/item){
// summary:
// Call deleteItem() method of a data store
// description:
// See
// returns:
// A boolean
return; //Boolean
revert: function(){
// summary:
// Call revert() method of a data store
// description:
// See
// returns:
// A boolean
return; //Boolean