Subversion Repositories Applications.papyrus

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 1660 → Rev 1661

19,7 → 19,7
// | License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software |
// | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA |
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// CVS : $Id: bazar.fonct.php,v 1.70 2007-10-10 13:26:36 alexandre_tb Exp $
// CVS : $Id: bazar.fonct.php,v 1.71 2007-10-22 09:18:39 alexandre_tb Exp $
* Fonctions du module bazar
31,7 → 31,7
*@author Florian Schmitt <>
//Autres auteurs :
*@copyright Tela-Botanica 2000-2004
*@version $Revision: 1.70 $ $Date: 2007-10-10 13:26:36 $
*@version $Revision: 1.71 $ $Date: 2007-10-22 09:18:39 $
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
56,8 → 56,11
$res= '<h2>'.BAZ_ANNONCES_A_ADMINISTRER.'</h2><br />'."\n";
$requete = 'SELECT * FROM bazar_fiche, bazar_nature WHERE bf_statut_fiche=0 AND ' .
'bn_id_nature=bf_ce_nature AND bn_ce_id_menu IN ('.$GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['categorie_nature'].') ' .
'ORDER BY bf_date_maj_fiche DESC' ;
'bn_id_nature=bf_ce_nature AND bn_ce_id_menu IN ('.$GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['categorie_nature'].') ' ;
if (isset($GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['langue'])) {
$requete .= ' and bn_ce_i18n like "'.$GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['langue'].'%" ';
$requete .= 'ORDER BY bf_date_maj_fiche DESC' ;
$resultat = $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['db']->query($requete) ;
if (DB::isError($resultat)) {
die ('Echec de la requete<br />'.$resultat->getMessage().'<br />'.$resultat->getDebugInfo()) ;
147,8 → 150,11
// Les autres fiches, deja validees
$res .= '<h2>'.BAZ_TOUTES_LES_FICHES.'</h2>'."\n";
$requete = 'SELECT * FROM bazar_fiche, bazar_nature WHERE bf_statut_fiche=1 AND ' .
'bn_id_nature=bf_ce_nature AND bn_ce_id_menu IN ('.$GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['categorie_nature'].') ' .
'ORDER BY bf_date_maj_fiche DESC' ;
'bn_id_nature=bf_ce_nature AND bn_ce_id_menu IN ('.$GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['categorie_nature'].') ';
if (isset($GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['langue'])) {
$requete .= ' and bn_ce_i18n like "'.$GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['langue'].'%" ';
$requete .= 'ORDER BY bf_date_maj_fiche DESC' ;
$resultat = $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['db']->query($requete) ;
if (DB::isError($resultat)) {
die ('Echec de la requete<br />'.$resultat->getMessage().'<br />'.$resultat->getDebugInfo()) ;
237,7 → 243,10
if ($GLOBALS['AUTH']->getAuth()) {
// requete pour voir si l'utilisateur a des fiches a son nom, classees par date de MAJ et nature d'annonce
$requete = 'SELECT * FROM bazar_fiche, bazar_nature WHERE bf_ce_utilisateur='. $GLOBALS['id_user'].
' AND bn_id_nature=bf_ce_nature AND bn_ce_id_menu IN ('.$GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['categorie_nature'].') ORDER BY bf_date_maj_fiche DESC,bf_ce_nature ASC';
' AND bn_id_nature=bf_ce_nature AND bn_ce_id_menu IN ('.$GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['categorie_nature'].') ';
if (isset($GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['langue'])) $requete .= ' and bn_ce_i18n like "'.$GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['langue'].'%" ';
$requete .= ' ORDER BY bf_date_maj_fiche DESC,bf_ce_nature ASC';
$resultat = $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['db']->query($requete) ;
if (DB::isError($resultat)) {
die ('Echec de la requete<br />'.$resultat->getMessage().'<br />'.$resultat->getDebugInfo()) ;
296,25 → 305,7
else {
/* $res .= '<p class="zone_info">'.BAZ_IDENTIFIEZ_VOUS_POUR_SAISIR.'</p>'."\n" ;
$res .= '<form id="form_connexion" class="form_identification" action="' ;
$GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->addQueryString('action', BAZ_ACTION_VOIR_VOS_ANNONCES);
$res .= $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->getURL();
$res .= '" method="post">
<legend>Identifiez vous</legend>
<label for="username">Courriel : </label>
<input type="text" id="username" name="username" maxlength="80" tabindex="1" value="courriel" />
<label for="password">Mot de passe : </label>
<input type="password" id="password" name="password" maxlength="80" tabindex="2" value="mot de passe" />
<input type="submit" id="connexion" name="connexion" tabindex="3" value="ok" />
// Nettoyage de l'url
include_once BAZ_CHEMIN_APPLI.'bibliotheque/bazarTemplate.class.php';
$modele = new bazarTemplate($GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['db']);
$res .= $modele->getTemplate(BAZ_TEMPLATE_MESSAGE_LOGIN, $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['langue']);
433,6 → 424,7
//on cherche les differentes rubriques d'annonces
$requete = 'SELECT bn_id_nature, bn_label_nature, bn_image_titre FROM bazar_nature';
if (isset($GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['langue'])) $requete .= ' where bn_ce_i18n like "'.$GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['langue'].'%"';
$resultat = $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['db']->query($requete) ;
if (DB::isError($resultat)) {
die ($resultat->getMessage().$resultat->getDebugInfo()) ;
562,8 → 554,8
$squelette->setRequiredNoteTemplate("\n".'<tr>'."\n".'<td colspan="2" class="symbole_obligatoire">* {requiredNote}</td></tr>'."\n");
//Traduction de champs requis
$formtemplate->setRequiredNote(BAZ_CHAMPS_REQUIS) ;
//$formtemplate->setRequiredNote(BAZ_CHAMPS_REQUIS) ;
571,7 → 563,11
if ($mode == BAZ_DEPOSER_ANNONCE) {
$res = '';
//requete pour obtenir le nom et la description des types d'annonce
$requete = 'SELECT * FROM bazar_nature WHERE bn_ce_id_menu IN ('.$GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['categorie_nature'].') ORDER BY bn_label_nature ASC';
$requete = 'SELECT * FROM bazar_nature WHERE bn_ce_id_menu IN ('.$GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['categorie_nature'].') ';
if (isset($GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['langue'])) {
$requete .= ' and bn_ce_i18n like "'.$GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['langue'].'%" ';
$requete .= 'ORDER BY bn_label_nature ASC';
$resultat = $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['db']->query($requete) ;
if (DB::isError($resultat)) {
return ($resultat->getMessage().$resultat->getDebugInfo()) ;
681,22 → 677,7
else {
$res .= '<h2>'.BAZ_DEPOSE_UNE_NOUVELLE_ANNONCE.'</h2><br />'."\n";
$res .= '<p class="zone_info">'.BAZ_IDENTIFIEZ_VOUS_POUR_SAISIR.'</p>'."\n" ;
$res .= '<form id="form_connexion" class="form_identification" action="' ;
$GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->addQueryString('action', BAZ_DEPOSER_ANNONCE);
$res .= $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->getURL();
$res .= '" method="post">
<legend>Identifiez vous</legend>
<label for="username">Courriel : </label>
<input type="text" id="username" name="username" maxlength="80" tabindex="1" value="courriel" />
<label for="password">Mot de passe : </label>
<input type="password" id="password" name="password" maxlength="80" tabindex="2" value="mot de passe" />
<input type="submit" id="connexion" name="connexion" tabindex="3" value="ok" />
include_once BAZ_CHEMIN_APPLI.'bibliotheque/bazarTemplate.class.php';
$modele = new bazarTemplate($GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['db']);
$res .= $modele->getTemplate(BAZ_TEMPLATE_MESSAGE_LOGIN, $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['langue']);
1395,6 → 1376,10
/* +--Fin du code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
* Revision 1.70 2007-10-10 13:26:36 alexandre_tb
* utilisation de la classe Administrateur_bazar a la place de niveau_droit
* suppression de fonction niveau_droit
* Revision 1.69 2007-09-18 07:39:42 alexandre_tb
* correction d un bug lors d une insertion
19,7 → 19,7
// | License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software |
// | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA |
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// CVS : $Id: bazar.fonct.rss.php,v 1.94 2007-10-10 13:26:00 alexandre_tb Exp $
// CVS : $Id: bazar.fonct.rss.php,v 1.95 2007-10-22 09:22:02 alexandre_tb Exp $
*@package bazar
28,7 → 28,7
*@author Florian Schmitt <>
//Autres auteurs :
*@copyright Tela-Botanica 2000-2006
*@version $Revision: 1.94 $
*@version $Revision: 1.95 $
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
844,8 → 844,8
$squelette->setRequiredNoteTemplate("\n".'<tr>'."\n".'<td colspan="2" class="symbole_obligatoire">* {requiredNote}</td></tr>'."\n");
//Traduction de champs requis
$formtemplate->setRequiredNote(BAZ_CHAMPS_REQUIS) ;
//$formtemplate->setRequiredNote(BAZ_CHAMPS_REQUIS) ;
//cas du formulaire de recherche proposant de chercher parmis tous les types d'annonces
1000,7 → 1000,9
$requeteWhere = ' bn_ce_id_menu IN ('.$GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['categorie_nature'].') ';
if ($GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['id_typeannonce'] != 'toutes') $requeteWhere .= 'AND bn_id_nature='.$GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['id_typeannonce'] ;
$requeteWhere .= ' AND bn_id_nature=bf_ce_nature AND ' ;
if (isset($GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['langue'])) {
$requeteWhere .= ' bn_ce_i18n like "'.$GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['langue'].'%" and ';
$requeteWhereListe = '' ;
if ( isset($tableau) ) {
1238,6 → 1240,9
/* +--Fin du code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
* Revision 1.94 2007-10-10 13:26:00 alexandre_tb
* utilisation de la classe Administrateur_bazar a la place de niveau_droit
* Revision 1.93 2007-10-01 11:59:51 alexandre_tb
* cosmetique d affichage de la date de l evenement