Subversion Repositories Applications.papyrus

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 432 → Rev 433

New file
0,0 → 1,591
Yes, most of the formatting used in this file is HORRIBLY BAD STYLE. However,
most of the action happens outside of this file, and I really wanted the code
to look as small as what it does. Basically. Oh, I just suck. :)
// do not change this line, you fool. In fact, don't change anything! Ever!
define("WAKKA_VERSION", "0.1.1");
define("WIKINI_VERSION", "0.3");
/* Mise en commentaire pour transformation en bibliothèque
// start the compute time
list($g_usec, $g_sec) = explode(" ",microtime());
define ("t_start", (float)$g_usec + (float)$g_sec);
class Wiki
var $dblink;
var $page;
var $tag;
var $parameter = array();
var $queryLog = array();
var $interWiki = array();
// constructor
function Wiki($config)
$this->config = $config;
/* might be a good idea to change this to mysql_connect */
$this->dblink = mysql_pconnect (
mysql_select_db($this->config["mysql_database"], $this->dblink);
function Query($query)
if($this->GetConfigValue("debug")) $start = $this->GetMicroTime();
if (!$result = mysql_query($query, $this->dblink))
die("Query failed: ".$query." (".mysql_error().")");
$time = $this->GetMicroTime() - $start;
$this->queryLog[] = array(
"query" => $query,
"time" => $time);
return $result;
function LoadSingle($query) { if ($data = $this->LoadAll($query)) return $data[0]; }
function LoadAll($query)
if ($r = $this->Query($query))
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) $data[] = $row;
return $data;
function GetMicroTime() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); }
function IncludeBuffered($filename, $notfoundText = "", $vars = "", $path = "")
if ($path) $dirs = explode(":", $path);
else $dirs = array("");
foreach($dirs as $dir)
if ($dir) $dir .= "/";
$fullfilename = $dir.$filename;
if (file_exists($fullfilename))
if (is_array($vars)) extract($vars);
$output = ob_get_contents();
return $output;
if ($notfoundText) return $notfoundText;
else return false;
function GetPageTag() { return $this->tag; }
function GetPageTime() { return $this->page["time"]; }
function GetMethod() { return $this->method; }
function GetConfigValue($name) { return $this->config[$name]; }
function GetWakkaName() { return $this->GetConfigValue("wakka_name"); }
function GetWakkaVersion() { return $this->VERSION; }
function GetWikiNiVersion() { $ver=$this->GetWakkaVersion().'.'.WIKINI_VERSION; return $ver; }
function LoadPage($tag, $time = "", $cache = 1) {
// retrieve from cache
if (!$time && $cache && ($cachedPage = $this->GetCachedPage($tag))) { $page = $cachedPage;}
// load page
if (!isset($page)) $page = $this->LoadSingle("select * from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages where tag = '".mysql_escape_string($tag)."' ".($time ? "and time = '".mysql_escape_string($time)."'" : "and latest = 'Y'")." limit 1");
// cache result
if (!$time) $this->CachePage($page);
return $page;
function GetCachedPage($tag) {return (isset($this->pageCache[$tag]) ? $this->pageCache[$tag] : ''); }
function CachePage($page) { $this->pageCache[$page["tag"]] = $page; }
function SetPage($page) { $this->page = $page; if ($this->page["tag"]) $this->tag = $this->page["tag"]; }
function LoadPageById($id) { return $this->LoadSingle("select * from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages where id = '".mysql_escape_string($id)."' limit 1"); }
function LoadRevisions($page) { return $this->LoadAll("select * from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages where tag = '".mysql_escape_string($page)."' order by time desc"); }
function LoadPagesLinkingTo($tag) { return $this->LoadAll("select from_tag as tag from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."links where to_tag = '".mysql_escape_string($tag)."' order by tag"); }
function LoadRecentlyChanged($limit=50)
$limit= (int) $limit;
if ($pages = $this->LoadAll("select tag, time, user, owner from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages where latest = 'Y' and comment_on = '' order by time desc limit $limit"))
foreach ($pages as $page)
return $pages;
function LoadAllPages() { return $this->LoadAll("select * from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages where latest = 'Y' order by tag"); }
function FullTextSearch($phrase) { return $this->LoadAll("select * from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages where latest = 'Y' and match(tag, body) against('".mysql_escape_string($phrase)."')"); }
function LoadWantedPages() { return $this->LoadAll("select distinct ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."links.to_tag as tag,count(".$this->config["table_prefix"]."links.from_tag) as count from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."links left join ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages on ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."links.to_tag = ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages.tag where ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages.tag is NULL group by tag order by count desc"); }
function LoadOrphanedPages() { return $this->LoadAll("select distinct tag from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages left join ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."links on ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages.tag = ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."links.to_tag where ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."links.to_tag is NULL and ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages.comment_on = '' order by tag"); }
function IsOrphanedPage($tag) { return $this->LoadAll("select distinct tag from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages left join ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."links on ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages.tag = ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."links.to_tag where ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."links.to_tag is NULL and ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages.comment_on ='' and tag='".mysql_escape_string($tag)."'"); }
function DeleteOrphanedPage($tag)
$this->Query("delete from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages where tag='".mysql_escape_string($tag)."' ");
$this->Query("delete from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."links where from_tag='".mysql_escape_string($tag)."' ");
$this->Query("delete from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."acls where page_tag='".mysql_escape_string($tag)."' ");
$this->Query("delete from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."referrers where page_tag='".mysql_escape_string($tag)."' ");
function SavePage($tag, $body, $comment_on = "")
// get current user
$user = $this->GetUserName();
// TODO: check write privilege
if ($this->HasAccess("write", $tag))
// is page new?
if (!$oldPage = $this->LoadPage($tag))
// create default write acl. store empty write ACL for comments.
$this->SaveAcl($tag, "write", ($comment_on ? "" : $this->GetConfigValue("default_write_acl")));
// create default read acl
$this->SaveAcl($tag, "read", $this->GetConfigValue("default_read_acl"));
// create default comment acl.
$this->SaveAcl($tag, "comment", $this->GetConfigValue("default_comment_acl"));
// current user is owner; if user is logged in! otherwise, no owner.
if ($this->GetUser()) $owner = $user;
// aha! page isn't new. keep owner!
$owner = $oldPage["owner"];
// set all other revisions to old
$this->Query("update ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages set latest = 'N' where tag = '".mysql_Escape_string($tag)."'");
// add new revision
$this->Query("insert into ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages set ".
"tag = '".mysql_escape_string($tag)."', ".
($comment_on ? "comment_on = '".mysql_escape_string($comment_on)."', " : "").
"time = now(), ".
"owner = '".mysql_escape_string($owner)."', ".
"user = '".mysql_escape_string($user)."', ".
"latest = 'Y', ".
"body = '".mysql_escape_string(trim($body))."'");
function SetSessionCookie($name, $value) { SetCookie($name, $value, 0, "/"); $_COOKIE[$name] = $value; }
function SetPersistentCookie($name, $value, $remember = 0) { SetCookie($name, $value, time() + ($remember ? 90*24*60*60 : 60 * 60), "/"); $_COOKIE[$name] = $value; }
function DeleteCookie($name) { SetCookie($name, "", 1, "/"); $_COOKIE[$name] = ""; }
function GetCookie($name) { return $_COOKIE[$name]; }
function SetMessage($message) { $_SESSION["message"] = $message; }
function GetMessage() { $message = $_SESSION["message"]; $_SESSION["message"] = ""; return $message; }
function Redirect($url) { header("Location: $url"); exit; }
// returns just PageName[/method].
function MiniHref($method = "", $tag = "") { if (!$tag = trim($tag)) $tag = $this->tag; return $tag.($method ? "/".$method : ""); }
// returns the full url to a page/method.
function Href($method = "", $tag = "", $params = "")
$href = $this->config["base_url"].$this->MiniHref($method, $tag);
if ($params)
$href .= ($this->config["rewrite_mode"] ? "?" : "&amp;").$params;
return $href;
function Link($tag, $method = "", $text = "", $track = 1) {
$tag=htmlspecialchars($tag);//avoid xss
$text=htmlspecialchars($text);//paranoiac again
if (!$text) $text = $tag;
// is this an interwiki link?
if (preg_match("/^([A-Z][A-Z,a-z]+)[:]([A-Z,a-z,0-9]*)$/s", $tag, $matches))
$tag = $this->GetInterWikiUrl($matches[1], $matches[2]);
return "<a href=\"$tag\">$text (interwiki)</a>";
// is this a full link? ie, does it contain alpha-numeric characters?
else if (preg_match("/[^[:alnum:]]/", $tag))
// check for email addresses
if (preg_match("/^.+\@.+$/", $tag))
$tag = "mailto:".$tag;
// check for protocol-less URLs
else if (!preg_match("/:\/\//", $tag))
$tag = "http://".$tag; //Very important for xss (avoid javascript:() hacking)
// is this an inline image (text!=tag and url ends png,gif,jpeg)
if($text!=$tag and preg_match("/.(gif|jpeg|png|jpg)$/i",$tag)){
return "<img src=\"$tag\" alt=\"$text\" \\>";
return "<a href=\"$tag\">$text</a>";
// it's a Wiki link!
if ($_SESSION["linktracking"] && $track) $this->TrackLinkTo($tag);
return ($this->LoadPage($tag) ? "<a href=\"".$this->href($method, $tag)."\">".$text."</a>" : "<span class=\"missingpage\">".$text."</span><a href=\"".$this->href("edit", $tag)."\">?</a>");
function ComposeLinkToPage($tag, $method = "", $text = "", $track = 1)
if (!$text) $text = $tag;
$text = htmlentities($text);
if ($_SESSION["linktracking"] && $track)
return '<a href="'.$this->href($method, $tag).'">'.$text.'</a>';
// function PregPageLink($matches) { return $this->Link($matches[1]); }
function IsWikiName($text) { return preg_match("/^[A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z,0-9][A-Z,a-z,0-9]*$/", $text); }
function TrackLinkTo($tag) { $_SESSION["linktable"][] = $tag; }
function GetLinkTable() { return $_SESSION["linktable"]; }
function ClearLinkTable() { $_SESSION["linktable"] = array(); }
function StartLinkTracking() { $_SESSION["linktracking"] = 1; }
function StopLinkTracking() { $_SESSION["linktracking"] = 0; }
function WriteLinkTable()
// delete old link table
$this->Query("delete from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."links where from_tag = '".mysql_escape_string($this->GetPageTag())."'");
if ($linktable = $this->GetLinkTable())
$from_tag = mysql_escape_string($this->GetPageTag());
foreach ($linktable as $to_tag)
$lower_to_tag = strtolower($to_tag);
if (!$written[$lower_to_tag])
$this->Query("insert into ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."links set from_tag = '".$from_tag."', to_tag = '".mysql_escape_string($to_tag)."'");
$written[$lower_to_tag] = 1;
function Header() { return $this->Action($this->GetConfigValue("header_action"), 1); }
function Footer() { return $this->Action($this->GetConfigValue("footer_action"), 1); }
function FormOpen($method = "", $tag = "", $formMethod = "post")
$result = "<form action=\"".$this->href($method, $tag)."\" method=\"".$formMethod."\">\n";
if (!$this->config["rewrite_mode"]) $result .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wiki\" value=\"".$this->MiniHref($method, $tag)."\" />\n";
return $result;
function FormClose()
return "</form>\n";
function ReadInterWikiConfig()
if ($lines = file("php/lib/wikini/interwiki.conf"))
foreach ($lines as $line)
if ($line = trim($line))
list($wikiName, $wikiUrl) = explode(" ", trim($line));
$this->AddInterWiki($wikiName, $wikiUrl);
function AddInterWiki($name, $url)
$this->interWiki[$name] = $url;
function GetInterWikiUrl($name, $tag)
if (isset($this->interWiki[$name]))
return $this->interWiki[$name].$tag;
return 'http://'.$tag; //avoid xss by putting http:// in front of JavaScript:()
function LogReferrer($tag = "", $referrer = "")
// fill values
if (!$tag = trim($tag)) $tag = $this->GetPageTag();
if (!$referrer = trim($referrer) AND isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"])) $referrer = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"];
// check if it's coming from another site
if ($referrer && !preg_match("/^".preg_quote($this->GetConfigValue("base_url"), "/")."/", $referrer))
$this->Query("insert into ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."referrers set ".
"page_tag = '".mysql_escape_string($tag)."', ".
"referrer = '".mysql_escape_string($referrer)."', ".
"time = now()");
function LoadReferrers($tag = "")
return $this->LoadAll("select referrer, count(referrer) as num from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."referrers ".($tag = trim($tag) ? "where page_tag = '".mysql_escape_string($tag)."'" : "")." group by referrer order by num desc");
function Action($action, $forceLinkTracking = 0)
$action = trim($action); $vars=array();
// stupid attributes check
if ((stristr($action, "=\"")) || (stristr($action, "/")))
// extract $action and $vars_temp ("raw" attributes)
preg_match("/^([A-Za-z0-9]*)\/?(.*)$/", $action, $matches);
list(, $action, $vars_temp) = $matches;
// match all attributes (key and value)
preg_match_all("/([A-Za-z0-9]*)=\"(.*)\"/U", $vars_temp, $matches);
// prepare an array for extract() to work with (in $this->IncludeBuffered())
if (is_array($matches))
for ($a = 0; $a < count($matches); $a++)
$vars[$matches[1][$a]] = $matches[2][$a];
if (!$forceLinkTracking) $this->StopLinkTracking();
$result = $this->IncludeBufferedim(strtolower($action).".php", "<i>Action inconnue \"$action\"</i>", $vars, $this->config["action_path"]);
if (isset($parameter)) unset($this->parameter[$parameter]);
return $result;
function Method($method)
if (!$handler = $this->page["handler"]) $handler = "page";
$methodLocation = $handler."/".$method.".php";
return $this->IncludeBuffered($methodLocation, "<i>Méthode inconue \"$methodLocation\"</i>", "", $this->config["handler_path"]);
function Format($text, $formatter = "wakka")
//Modification : inclusion d'un chemin d'accès provenant du fichier de config.
return $this->IncludeBuffered($formatter.".php", "<i>Impossible de trouver le formateur \"$formatter\"</i>", compact("text"), $this->config["formatters_path"] );
function LoadUser($name, $password = 0) { return $this->LoadSingle("select * from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."users where name = '".mysql_escape_string($name)."' ".($password === 0 ? "" : "and password = '".mysql_escape_string($password)."'")." limit 1"); }
function LoadUsers() { return $this->LoadAll("select * from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."users order by name"); }
function GetUserName() { if ($user = $this->GetUser()) $name = $user["name"]; else if (!$name = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])) $name = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; return $name; }
function UserName() { /* deprecated! */ return $this->GetUserName(); }
function GetUser() { return (isset($_SESSION["user"]) ? $_SESSION["user"] : '');}
function SetUser($user, $remember=0) { $_SESSION["user"] = $user; $this->SetPersistentCookie("name", $user["name"], $remember); $this->SetPersistentCookie("password", $user["password"], $remember); $this->SetPersistentCookie("remember", $remember, $remember); }
function LogoutUser() { $_SESSION["user"] = ""; $this->DeleteCookie("name"); $this->DeleteCookie("password"); }
function UserWantsComments() { if (!$user = $this->GetUser()) return false; return ($user["show_comments"] == "Y"); }
function GetParameter($parameter) { return (isset($this->parameter[$parameter]) ? $this->parameter[$parameter] :''); }
function LoadComments($tag) { return $this->LoadAll("select * from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages where comment_on = '".mysql_escape_string($tag)."' and latest = 'Y' order by time"); }
function LoadRecentComments() { return $this->LoadAll("select * from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages where comment_on != '' and latest = 'Y' order by time desc"); }
function LoadRecentlyCommented($limit = 50)
// NOTE: this is really stupid. Maybe my SQL-Fu is too weak, but apparently there is no easier way to simply select
// all comment pages sorted by their first revision's (!) time. ugh!
// load ids of the first revisions of latest comments. err, huh?
if ($ids = $this->LoadAll("select min(id) as id from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages where comment_on != '' group by tag order by id desc"))
// load complete comments
foreach ($ids as $id)
$comment = $this->LoadSingle("select * from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages where id = '".$id["id"]."' limit 1");
if (!$comments[$comment["comment_on"]] && $num < $limit)
$comments[$comment["comment_on"]] = $comment;
// now load pages
if ($comments)
// now using these ids, load the actual pages
foreach ($comments as $comment)
$page = $this->LoadPage($comment["comment_on"]);
$page["comment_user"] = $comment["user"];
$page["comment_time"] = $comment["time"];
$page["comment_tag"] = $comment["tag"];
$pages[] = $page;
// load tags of pages
//return $this->LoadAll("select comment_on as tag, max(time) as time, tag as comment_tag, user from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages where comment_on != '' group by comment_on order by time desc");
return $pages;
// returns true if logged in user is owner of current page, or page specified in $tag
function UserIsOwner($tag = "")
// check if user is logged in
if (!$this->GetUser()) return false;
// set default tag
if (!$tag = trim($tag)) $tag = $this->GetPageTag();
// check if user is owner
if ($this->GetPageOwner($tag) == $this->GetUserName()) return true;
function GetPageOwner($tag = "", $time = "") { if (!$tag = trim($tag)) $tag = $this->GetPageTag(); if ($page = $this->LoadPage($tag, $time)) return $page["owner"]; }
function SetPageOwner($tag, $user)
// check if user exists
if (!$this->LoadUser($user)) return;
// updated latest revision with new owner
$this->Query("update ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages set owner = '".mysql_escape_string($user)."' where tag = '".mysql_escape_string($tag)."' and latest = 'Y' limit 1");
function LoadAcl($tag, $privilege, $useDefaults = 1)
if ((!$acl = $this->LoadSingle("select * from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."acls where page_tag = '".mysql_escape_string($tag)."' and privilege = '".mysql_escape_string($privilege)."' limit 1")) && $useDefaults)
$acl = array("page_tag" => $tag, "privilege" => $privilege, "list" => $this->GetConfigValue("default_".$privilege."_acl"));
return $acl;
function SaveAcl($tag, $privilege, $list) {
if ($this->LoadAcl($tag, $privilege, 0)) $this->Query("update ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."acls set list = '".mysql_escape_string(trim(str_replace("\r", "", $list)))."' where page_tag = '".mysql_escape_string($tag)."' and privilege = '".mysql_escape_string($privilege)."' limit 1");
else $this->Query("insert into ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."acls set list = '".mysql_escape_string(trim(str_replace("\r", "", $list)))."', page_tag = '".mysql_escape_string($tag)."', privilege = '".mysql_escape_string($privilege)."'");
// returns true if $user (defaults to current user) has access to $privilege on $page_tag (defaults to current page)
function HasAccess($privilege, $tag = "", $user = "")
// set defaults
if (!$tag = trim($tag)) $tag = $this->GetPageTag();
if (!$user = $this->GetUserName());
// load acl
$acl = $this->LoadAcl($tag, $privilege);
// if current user is owner, return true. owner can do anything!
if ($this->UserIsOwner($tag)) return true;
// fine fine... now go through acl
foreach (explode("\n", $acl["list"]) as $line)
$line = trim($line);
// check for inversion character "!"
if (preg_match("/^[!](.*)$/", $line, $matches))
$negate = 1;
$line = $matches[1];
$negate = 0;
// if there's still anything left... lines with just a "!" don't count!
if ($line)
switch ($line[0])
// comments
case "#":
// everyone
case "*":
return !$negate;
// aha! a user entry.
case "+":
if (!$this->LoadUser($user))
return $negate;
return !$negate;
if ($line == $user)
return !$negate;
// tough luck.
return false;
function Maintenance()
// purge referrers
if ($days = $this->GetConfigValue("referrers_purge_time")) {
$this->Query("delete from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."referrers where time < date_sub(now(), interval '".mysql_escape_string($days)."' day)");
// purge old page revisions
if ($days = $this->GetConfigValue("pages_purge_time")) {
$this->Query("delete from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages where time < date_sub(now(), interval '".mysql_escape_string($days)."' day) and latest = 'N'");
function Run($tag, $method = "")
if(!($this->GetMicroTime()%3)) $this->Maintenance();
// do our stuff!
if (!$this->method = trim($method)) $this->method = "show";
if (!$this->tag = trim($tag)) $this->Redirect($this->href("", $this->config["root_page"]));
if ((!$this->GetUser() && isset($_COOKIE["name"])) && ($user = $this->LoadUser($_COOKIE["name"], $_COOKIE["password"]))) $this->SetUser($user, $_COOKIE["remember"]);
$this->SetPage($this->LoadPage($tag, (isset($_REQUEST["time"]) ? $_REQUEST["time"] :'')));
switch ($this->method)
case "xml":
header("Content-type: text/xml");
case "raw":
//ATTENTION: remplacement print par return et retourne seulement le contenu de la page wikini
return ( $this->Method( $this->method ) );
//ATTENTION: remplacement print par return et retourne seulement le contenu de la page wikini
return ( $this->Method( $this->method ) );
}//Fin de la classe Wiki
//ATTENTION : Suppression du reste du fichier car géré par les applications de Génésia.