Subversion Repositories Applications.annuaire

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Ignore whitespace Rev 76 → Rev 77

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0,0 → 1,790
require_once '../jpgraph.php';
require_once '../jpgraph_canvas.php';
require_once '../jpgraph_canvtools.php';
class ContCanvas {
public $g;
public $shape,$scale;
function __construct($xmax=5,$ymax=5,$width=350,$height=350) {
$this->g = new CanvasGraph($width,$height);
$this->scale = new CanvasScale($this->g, 0, $xmax, 0, $ymax);
$this->shape = new Shape($this->g, $this->scale);
function StrokeGrid() {
list($xmin,$xmax,$ymin,$ymax) = $this->scale->Get();
for( $col=1; $col<$xmax; ++$col ) {
$this->shape->Line($col, 0, $col, $ymax);
for( $row=1; $row<$ymax; ++$row ) {
$this->shape->Line(0, $row, $xmax, $row);
function SetDatapoints($datapoints) {
$t = new Text();
for( $x=0; $x < $nx; ++$x ) {
for( $y=0; $y < $ny; ++$y ) {
list($x1,$y1) = $this->scale->Translate($x,$y);
if( $datapoints[$y][$x] > 0 )
function DrawLinePolygons($p,$color='red') {
for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($p) ; $i++) {
$x1 = $p[$i][0][0]; $y1 = $p[$i][0][1];
for ($j = 1 ; $j < count($p[$i]) ; $j++) {
$x2=$p[$i][$j][0]; $y2 = $p[$i][$j][1];
$this->shape->Line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
$x1=$x2; $y1=$y2;
function Line($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$color='red') {
$this->shape->Line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
function Polygon($p,$color='blue') {
function FilledPolygon($p,$color='lightblue') {
function Point($x,$y,$color) {
list($x1,$y1) = $this->scale->Translate($x, $y);
function Stroke() {
// Calculate the area for a simple polygon. This will not work for
// non-simple polygons, i.e. self crossing.
function polygonArea($aX, $aY) {
$n = count($aX);
$area = 0 ;
$j = 0 ;
for ($i=0; $i < $n; $i++) {
if ( $j == $n) {
$area += ($aX[i]+$aX[j])*($aY[i]-$aY[j]);
return area*.5;
class SingleTestTriangle {
const contval=5;
static $maxdepth=2;
static $cnt=0;
static $t;
public $g;
public $shape,$scale;
public $cont = array(2,4,5);
public $contcolors = array('yellow','purple','seagreen','green','lightblue','blue','teal','orange','red','darkred','brown');
public $dofill=false;
public $showtriangulation=false,$triangulation_color="lightgray";
public $showannotation=false;
public $contlinecolor='black',$showcontlines=true;
private $labels = array(), $showlabels=false;
private $labelColor='black',$labelFF=FF_ARIAL,$labelFS=FS_BOLD,$labelFSize=9;
function __construct($width,$height,$nx,$ny) {
$this->g = new CanvasGraph($width,$height);
$this->scale = new CanvasScale($this->g, -0.1, $xmax, -0.1, $ymax);
$this->shape = new Shape($this->g, $this->scale);
self::$t = new Text();
function getPlotSize() {
return array($this->g->img->width,$this->g->img->height);
function SetContours($c) {
$this->cont = $c;
function ShowLabels($aFlg=true) {
$this->showlabels = $aFlg;
function ShowLines($aFlg=true) {
function SetFilled($f=true) {
$this->dofill = $f;
function ShowTriangulation($f=true) {
$this->showtriangulation = $f;
function Stroke() {
function FillPolygon($color,&$p) {
if( $this->dofill ) {
if( $this->showtriangulation ) {
function GetNextHigherContourIdx($val) {
for( $i=0; $i < count($this->cont); ++$i ) {
if( $val < $this->cont[$i] ) return $i;
return count($this->cont);
function GetContVal($v1) {
for( $i=0; $i < count($this->cont); ++$i ) {
if( $this->cont[$i] > $v1 ) {
return $this->cont[$i];
die('No contour value is larger or equal than : '.$v1);
function GetColor($v) {
return $this->contcolors[$this->GetNextHigherContourIdx($v)];
function storeAnnotation($x1,$y1,$v1,$angle) {
$this->labels[$this->GetNextHigherContourIdx($v1)][] = array($x1,$y1,$v1,$angle);
function labelProx($x1,$y1,$v1) {
list($w,$h) = $this->getPlotSize();
if( $x1 < 20 || $x1 > $w-20 )
return true;
if( $y1 < 20 || $y1 > $h-20 )
return true;
if( !isset ($this->labels[$this->GetNextHigherContourIdx($v1)]) ) {
return false;
$p = $this->labels[$this->GetNextHigherContourIdx($v1)];
$n = count($p);
$d = 999999;
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $n ; $i++) {
$xp = $p[$i][0];
$yp = $p[$i][1];
$d = min($d, ($x1-$xp)*($x1-$xp) + ($y1-$yp)*($y1-$yp));
$limit = $w*$h/9;
$limit = max(min($limit,20000),3500);
if( $d < $limit ) return true;
else return false;
function putLabel($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$v1) {
$angle = 0;
if( $x2 - $x1 != 0 ) {
$grad = ($y2-$y1)/($x2-$x1);
$angle = -(atan($grad) * 180/M_PI);
$x = $this->scale->TranslateX($x1);
$y = $this->scale->TranslateY($y1);
if( !$this->labelProx($x, $y, $v1) ) {
$this->storeAnnotation($x, $y, $v1, $angle);
function strokeLabels() {
$t = new Text();
foreach ($this->labels as $cont_idx => $pos) {
if( $cont_idx >= 10 ) return;
foreach ($pos as $idx => $coord) {
$t->Set( sprintf("%.1f",$coord[2]) );
function annotate($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$x1p,$y1p,$v1,$v2,$v1p) {
if( !$this->showannotation ) return;
$this->g->img->FilledCircle($this->scale->TranslateX($x1),$this->scale->TranslateY($y1), 4);
$this->g->img->FilledCircle($this->scale->TranslateX($x2),$this->scale->TranslateY($y2), 4);
$this->g->img->FilledCircle($this->scale->TranslateX($x1p),$this->scale->TranslateY($y1p), 4);
$x = $this->scale->TranslateX($x1p);
$y = $this->scale->TranslateY($y1p);
if( !$this->labelProx($x, $y, $v1p) ) {
$this->storeAnnotation($x, $y, $v1p);
function Pertubate(&$v1,&$v2,&$v3,&$v4) {
$pert = 0.9999;
$n = count($this->cont);
for($i=0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
if( $v1==$this->cont[$i] ) {
$v1 *= $pert;
for($i=0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
if( $v2==$this->cont[$i] ) {
$v2 *= $pert;
for($i=0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
if( $v3==$this->cont[$i] ) {
$v3 *= $pert;
for($i=0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
if( $v4==$this->cont[$i] ) {
$v4 *= $pert;
function interp2($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$v1,$v2) {
$cv = $this->GetContVal(min($v1,$v2));
$alpha = ($v1-$cv)/($v1-$v2);
$x1p = $x1*(1-$alpha) + $x2*$alpha;
$y1p = $y1*(1-$alpha) + $y2*$alpha;
$v1p = $v1 + $alpha*($v2-$v1);
return array($x1p,$y1p,$v1p);
function RectFill($v1,$v2,$v3,$v4,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$x3,$y3,$x4,$y4,$depth) {
if( $depth >= self::$maxdepth ) {
// Abort and just appoximate the color of this area
// with the average of the three values
$color = $this->GetColor(($v1+$v2+$v3+$v4)/4);
$p = array($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3, $x4, $y4, $x1, $y1);
$this->FillPolygon($color,$p) ;
else {
$fcnt = 0 ;
$vv1 = $this->GetNextHigherContourIdx($v1);
$vv2 = $this->GetNextHigherContourIdx($v2);
$vv3 = $this->GetNextHigherContourIdx($v3);
$vv4 = $this->GetNextHigherContourIdx($v4);
$eps = 0.0001;
if( $vv1 == $vv2 && $vv2 == $vv3 && $vv3 == $vv4 ) {
$color = $this->GetColor($v1);
$p = array($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3, $x4, $y4, $x1, $y1);
$this->FillPolygon($color,$p) ;
else {
$dv1 = abs($vv1-$vv2);
$dv2 = abs($vv2-$vv3);
$dv3 = abs($vv3-$vv4);
$dv4 = abs($vv1-$vv4);
if( $dv1 == 1 ) {
list($x1p,$y1p,$v1p) = $this->interp2($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$v1,$v2);
if( $dv2 == 1 ) {
list($x2p,$y2p,$v2p) = $this->interp2($x2,$y2,$x3,$y3,$v2,$v3);
if( $dv3 == 1 ) {
list($x3p,$y3p,$v3p) = $this->interp2($x3,$y3,$x4,$y4,$v3,$v4);
if( $dv4 == 1 ) {
list($x4p,$y4p,$v4p) = $this->interp2($x4,$y4,$x1,$y1,$v4,$v1);
$totdv = $dv1 + $dv2 + $dv3 + $dv4 ;
if( ($fcnt == 2 && $totdv==2) || ($fcnt == 4 && $totdv==4) ) {
if( $fcnt == 2 && $totdv==2 ) {
if( $dv1 == 1 && $dv2 == 1) {
$color1 = $this->GetColor($v2);
$p1 = array($x1p,$y1p,$x2,$y2,$x2p,$y2p,$x1p,$y1p);
$color2 = $this->GetColor($v4);
$p2 = array($x1,$y1,$x1p,$y1p,$x2p,$y2p,$x3,$y3,$x4,$y4,$x1,$y1);
$color = $this->GetColor($v1p);
$p = array($x1p,$y1p,$x2p,$y2p);
$v = $v1p;
elseif( $dv1 == 1 && $dv3 == 1 ) {
$color1 = $this->GetColor($v2);
$p1 = array($x1p,$y1p,$x2,$y2,$x3,$y3,$x3p,$y3p,$x1p,$y1p);
$color2 = $this->GetColor($v4);
$p2 = array($x1,$y1,$x1p,$y1p,$x3p,$y3p,$x4,$y4,$x1,$y1);
$color = $this->GetColor($v1p);
$p = array($x1p,$y1p,$x3p,$y3p);
$v = $v1p;
elseif( $dv1 == 1 && $dv4 == 1 ) {
$color1 = $this->GetColor($v1);
$p1 = array($x1,$y1,$x1p,$y1p,$x4p,$y4p,$x1,$y1);
$color2 = $this->GetColor($v3);
$p2 = array($x1p,$y1p,$x2,$y2,$x3,$y3,$x4,$y4,$x4p,$y4p,$x1p,$y1p);
$color = $this->GetColor($v1p);
$p = array($x1p,$y1p,$x4p,$y4p);
$v = $v1p;
elseif( $dv2 == 1 && $dv4 == 1 ) {
$color1 = $this->GetColor($v1);
$p1 = array($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$x2p,$y2p,$x4p,$y4p,$x1,$y1);
$color2 = $this->GetColor($v3);
$p2 = array($x4p,$y4p,$x2p,$y2p,$x3,$y3,$x4,$y4,$x4p,$y4p);
$color = $this->GetColor($v2p);
$p = array($x2p,$y2p,$x4p,$y4p);
$v = $v2p;
elseif( $dv2 == 1 && $dv3 == 1 ) {
$color1 = $this->GetColor($v1);
$p1 = array($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$x2p,$y2p,$x3p,$y3p,$x4,$y4,$x1,$y1);
$color2 = $this->GetColor($v3);
$p2 = array($x2p,$y2p,$x3,$y3,$x3p,$y3p,$x2p,$y2p);
$color = $this->GetColor($v2p);
$p = array($x2p,$y2p,$x3p,$y3p);
$v = $v2p;
elseif( $dv3 == 1 && $dv4 == 1 ) {
$color1 = $this->GetColor($v1);
$p1 = array($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$x3,$y3,$x3p,$y3p,$x4p,$y4p,$x1,$y1);
$color2 = $this->GetColor($v4);
$p2 = array($x4p,$y4p,$x3p,$y3p,$x4,$y4,$x4p,$y4p);
$color = $this->GetColor($v4p);
$p = array($x4p,$y4p,$x3p,$y3p);
$v = $v4p;
if( $this->showcontlines ) {
if( $this->dofill ) {
else {
if( $this->showlabels ) {
$this->putLabel( ($p[0]+$p[2])/2, ($p[1]+$p[3])/2, $p[2],$p[3] , $v);
elseif( $fcnt == 4 && $totdv==4 ) {
$vc = ($v1+$v2+$v3+$v4)/4;
if( $v1p == $v2p && $v2p == $v3p && $v3p == $v4p ) {
// Four edge crossings (saddle point) of the same contour
// so we first need to
// find out how the saddle is crossing "/" or "\"
if( $this->GetNextHigherContourIdx($vc) == $this->GetNextHigherContourIdx($v1) ) {
// "\"
$color1 = $this->GetColor($v1);
$p1 = array($x1,$y1,$x1p,$y1p,$x4p,$y4p,$x1,$y1);
$color2 = $this->GetColor($v2);
$p2 = array($x1p,$y1p,$x2,$y2,$x2p,$y2p,$x3p,$y3p,$x4,$y4,$x4p,$y4p,$x1p,$y1p);
$color3 = $color1;
$p3 = array($x2p,$y2p,$x3,$y3,$x3p,$y3p,$x2p,$y2p);
$colorl1 = $this->GetColor($v1p);
$pl1 = array($x1p,$y1p,$x4p,$y4p);
$colorl2 = $this->GetColor($v2p);
$pl2 = array($x2p,$y2p,$x3p,$y3p);
$vl1 = $v1p; $vl2 = $v2p;
else {
// "/"
$color1 = $this->GetColor($v2);
$p1 = array($x1p,$y1p,$x2,$y2,$x2p,$y2p,$x1p,$y1p);
$color2 = $this->GetColor($v3);
$p2 = array($x1p,$y1p,$x2p,$y2p,$x3,$y3,$x3p,$y3p,$x4p,$y4p,$x1,$y1,$x1p,$y1p);
$color3 = $color1;
$p3 = array($x4p,$y4p,$x3p,$y3p,$x4,$y4,$x4p,$y4p);
$colorl1 = $this->GetColor($v1p);
$pl1 = array($x1p,$y1p,$x2p,$y2p);
$colorl2 = $this->GetColor($v4p);
$pl2 = array($x4p,$y4p,$x3p,$y3p);
$vl1 = $v1p; $vl2 = $v4p;
else {
// There are two different contours crossing so we need to find
// out which belongs to which
if( $v1p == $v2p ) {
// "/"
$color1 = $this->GetColor($v2);
$p1 = array($x1p,$y1p,$x2,$y2,$x2p,$y2p,$x1p,$y1p);
$color2 = $this->GetColor($v3);
$p2 = array($x1p,$y1p,$x2p,$y2p,$x3,$y3,$x3p,$y3p,$x4p,$y4p,$x1,$y1,$x1p,$y1p);
$color3 = $this->GetColor($v4);
$p3 = array($x4p,$y4p,$x3p,$y3p,$x4,$y4,$x4p,$y4p);
$colorl1 = $this->GetColor($v1p);
$pl1 = array($x1p,$y1p,$x2p,$y2p);
$colorl2 = $this->GetColor($v4p);
$pl2 = array($x4p,$y4p,$x3p,$y3p);
$vl1 = $v1p; $vl2 = $v4p;
else { //( $v1p == $v4p )
// "\"
$color1 = $this->GetColor($v1);
$p1 = array($x1,$y1,$x1p,$y1p,$x4p,$y4p,$x1,$y1);
$color2 = $this->GetColor($v2);
$p2 = array($x1p,$y1p,$x2,$y2,$x2p,$y2p,$x3p,$y3p,$x4,$y4,$x4p,$y4p,$x1p,$y1p);
$color3 = $this->GetColor($v3);
$p3 = array($x2p,$y2p,$x3,$y3,$x3p,$y3p,$x2p,$y2p);
$colorl1 = $this->GetColor($v1p);
$pl1 = array($x1p,$y1p,$x4p,$y4p);
$colorl2 = $this->GetColor($v2p);
$pl2 = array($x2p,$y2p,$x3p,$y3p);
$vl1 = $v1p; $vl2 = $v2p;
if( $this->showcontlines ) {
if( $this->dofill ) {
else {
if( $this->showlabels ) {
$this->putLabel( ($pl1[0]+$pl1[2])/2, ($pl1[1]+$pl1[3])/2, $pl1[2], $pl1[3], $vl1);
$this->putLabel( ($pl2[0]+$pl2[2])/2, ($pl2[1]+$pl2[3])/2, $pl2[2], $pl2[3],$vl2);
else {
$vc = ($v1+$v2+$v3+$v4)/4;
$xc = ($x1+$x4)/2;
$yc = ($y1+$y2)/2;
// Top left
$this->RectFill(($v1+$v2)/2, $v2, ($v2+$v3)/2, $vc,
$x1,$yc, $x2,$y2, $xc,$y2, $xc,$yc, $depth+1);
// Top right
$this->RectFill($vc, ($v2+$v3)/2, $v3, ($v3+$v4)/2,
$xc,$yc, $xc,$y2, $x3,$y3, $x3,$yc, $depth+1);
// Bottom left
$this->RectFill($v1, ($v1+$v2)/2, $vc, ($v1+$v4)/2,
$x1,$y1, $x1,$yc, $xc,$yc, $xc,$y4, $depth+1);
// Bottom right
$this->RectFill(($v1+$v4)/2, $vc, ($v3+$v4)/2, $v4,
$xc,$y1, $xc,$yc, $x3,$yc, $x4,$y4, $depth+1);
function TriFill($v1,$v2,$v3,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$x3,$y3,$depth) {
if( $depth >= self::$maxdepth ) {
// Abort and just appoximate the color of this area
// with the average of the three values
$color = $this->GetColor(($v1+$v2+$v3)/3);
$p = array($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3, $x1, $y1);
$this->FillPolygon($color,$p) ;
else {
// In order to avoid some real unpleasentness in case a vertice is exactly
// the same value as a contour we pertuberate them so that we do not end up
// in udefined situation. This will only affect the calculations and not the
// visual appearance
$fcnt = 0 ;
$vv1 = $this->GetNextHigherContourIdx($v1);
$vv2 = $this->GetNextHigherContourIdx($v2);
$vv3 = $this->GetNextHigherContourIdx($v3);
$eps = 0.0001;
if( $vv1 == $vv2 && $vv2 == $vv3 ) {
$color = $this->GetColor($v1);
$p = array($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3, $x1, $y1);
$this->FillPolygon($color,$p) ;
else {
$dv1 = abs($vv1-$vv2);
$dv2 = abs($vv2-$vv3);
$dv3 = abs($vv1-$vv3);
if( $dv1 == 1 ) {
list($x1p,$y1p,$v1p) = $this->interp2($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$v1,$v2);
else {
$x1p = ($x1+$x2)/2;
$y1p = ($y1+$y2)/2;
$v1p = ($v1+$v2)/2;
if( $dv2 == 1 ) {
list($x2p,$y2p,$v2p) = $this->interp2($x2,$y2,$x3,$y3,$v2,$v3);
else {
$x2p = ($x2+$x3)/2;
$y2p = ($y2+$y3)/2;
$v2p = ($v2+$v3)/2;
if( $dv3 == 1 ) {
list($x3p,$y3p,$v3p) = $this->interp2($x3,$y3,$x1,$y1,$v3,$v1);
else {
$x3p = ($x3+$x1)/2;
$y3p = ($y3+$y1)/2;
$v3p = ($v3+$v1)/2;
if( $fcnt == 2 &&
((abs($v1p-$v2p) < $eps && $dv1 ==1 && $dv2==1 ) ||
(abs($v1p-$v3p) < $eps && $dv1 ==1 && $dv3==1 ) ||
(abs($v2p-$v3p) < $eps && $dv2 ==1 && $dv3==1 )) ) {
// This means that the contour line crosses exactly two sides
// and that the values of each vertice is such that only this
// contour line will cross this section.
// We can now be smart. The cotour line will simply divide the
// area in two polygons that we can fill and then return. There is no
// need to recurse.
// First find out which two sides the contour is crossing
if( abs($v1p-$v2p) < $eps ) {
$p4 = array($x1,$y1,$x1p,$y1p,$x2p,$y2p,$x3,$y3,$x1,$y1);
$color4 = $this->GetColor($v1);
$p3 = array($x1p,$y1p,$x2,$y2,$x2p,$y2p,$x1p,$y1p);
$color3 = $this->GetColor($v2);
$p = array($x1p,$y1p,$x2p,$y2p);
$color = $this->GetColor($v1p);
$v = $v1p;
elseif( abs($v1p-$v3p) < $eps ) {
$p4 = array($x1p,$y1p,$x2,$y2,$x3,$y3,$x3p,$y3p,$x1p,$y1p);
$color4 = $this->GetColor($v2);
$p3 = array($x1,$y1,$x1p,$y1p,$x3p,$y3p,$x1,$y1);
$color3 = $this->GetColor($v1);
$p = array($x1p,$y1p,$x3p,$y3p);
$color = $this->GetColor($v1p);
$v = $v1p;
else {
$p4 = array($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$x2p,$y2p,$x3p,$y3p,$x1,$y1);
$color4 = $this->GetColor($v2);
$p3 = array($x3p,$y3p,$x2p,$y2p,$x3,$y3,$x3p,$y3p);
$color3 = $this->GetColor($v3);
$p = array($x3p,$y3p,$x2p,$y2p);
$color = $this->GetColor($v3p);
$v = $v3p;
if( $this->showcontlines ) {
if( $this->dofill ) {
else {
if( $this->showlabels ) {
$this->putLabel( ($p[0]+$p[2])/2, ($p[1]+$p[3])/2, $p[2], $p[3], $v);
else {
$this->TriFill($v1, $v1p, $v3p, $x1, $y1, $x1p, $y1p, $x3p, $y3p, $depth+1);
$this->TriFill($v1p, $v2, $v2p, $x1p, $y1p, $x2, $y2, $x2p, $y2p, $depth+1);
$this->TriFill($v3p, $v1p, $v2p, $x3p, $y3p, $x1p, $y1p, $x2p, $y2p, $depth+1);
$this->TriFill($v3p, $v2p, $v3, $x3p, $y3p, $x2p, $y2p, $x3, $y3, $depth+1);
function Fill($v1,$v2,$v3,$maxdepth) {
$x1=0; $y1=1;
$x2=1; $y2=0;
$x3=1; $y3=1;
self::$maxdepth = $maxdepth;
$this->TriFill($v1, $v2, $v3, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3, 0);
function Fillmesh($meshdata,$maxdepth,$method='tri') {
$nx = count($meshdata[0]);
$ny = count($meshdata);
self::$maxdepth = $maxdepth;
for( $x=0; $x < $nx-1; ++$x ) {
for( $y=0; $y < $ny-1; ++$y ) {
$v1 = $meshdata[$y][$x];
$v2 = $meshdata[$y][$x+1];
$v3 = $meshdata[$y+1][$x+1];
$v4 = $meshdata[$y+1][$x];
if( $method == 'tri' ) {
// Fill upper and lower triangle
$this->TriFill($v4, $v1, $v2, $x, $y+1, $x, $y, $x+1, $y, 0);
$this->TriFill($v4, $v2, $v3, $x, $y+1, $x+1, $y, $x+1, $y+1, 0);
else {
$this->RectFill($v4, $v1, $v2, $v3, $x, $y+1, $x, $y, $x+1, $y, $x+1, $y+1, 0);
if( $this->showlabels ) {
$meshdata = array(
array (12,12,10,10),
array (10,10,8,14),
array (7,7,13,17),
array (4,5,8,12),
array (10,8,7,8));
$tt = new SingleTestTriangle(400,400,count($meshdata[0])-1,count($meshdata)-1);
$tt->SetContours(array(4.7, 6.0, 7.2, 8.6, 9.9, 11.2, 12.5, 13.8, 15.1, 16.4));
$tt->Fillmesh($meshdata, 8, 'rect');
//$tt->Fill(4.0,3.0,7.0, 4);
New file
0,0 → 1,798
require_once '../jpgraph.php';
require_once '../jpgraph_canvas.php';
require_once '../jpgraph_canvtools.php';
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
* Description of test_findpolygon
* @author ljp
class Findpolygon {
private $nbrContours=-1;
public $contourCoord=array();
private $scale = array(0,6,0,8);
function flattenEdges($p) {
for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($p) ; $i++) {
$fp[] = $p[$i][0];
$fp[] = $p[$i][1];
return $fp;
function SetupTestData() {
// for($i=0; $i<count($this->contourCoord[0]); ++$i) {
// echo '('.$this->contourCoord[0][$i][0][0].','.$this->contourCoord[0][$i][0][1].') -> '.
// '('.$this->contourCoord[0][$i][1][0].','.$this->contourCoord[0][$i][1][1].")\n";
// }
$p[$c] = array(0.6,1, 1,0.5, 2,0.5, 3,0.5, 3.5,1, 3.5,2, 3,2.5, 2,2.5, 1,2.5, 0.5,2, 0.6,1);
$p[$c] = array(6,0.5, 5.5,1, 5.5,2, 6,2.5);
$this->nbrContours = $c+1;
for ($c = 0 ; $c < count($p) ; $c++) {
$this->contourCoord[$c][0] = array(array($p[$c][0],$p[$c][1]),array($p[$c][2],$p[$c][3]));
for ($i = 0; $i < ($n-4)/2; $i++, $k++) {
$this->contourCoord[$c][$k] = array($this->contourCoord[$c][$k-1][1], array($p[$c][2*$k+2],$p[$c][2*$k+1+2]));
// Swap edges order at random
$n = count($this->contourCoord[$c]);
for($i=0; $i < floor($n/2); ++$i) {
$swap1 = rand(0,$n-1);
$t = $this->contourCoord[$c][$swap1];
while( $swap1 == ($swap2 = rand(0,$n-1)) )
$this->contourCoord[$c][$swap1] = $this->contourCoord[$c][$swap2];
$this->contourCoord[$c][$swap2] = $t;
// Swap vector direction on 1/3 of the edges
for ($i = 0 ; $i < floor(count($this->contourCoord[$c])/3) ; $i++) {
$e = rand(0, count($this->contourCoord[$c])-1);
$edge = $this->contourCoord[$c][$e];
$v1 = $edge[0]; $v2 = $edge[1];
$this->contourCoord[$c][$e][0] = $v2;
$this->contourCoord[$c][$e][1] = $v1;
$pp = array();
for($j=0; $j < count($p); ++$j ) {
for( $i=0; $i < count($p[$j])/2; ++$i ) {
$pp[$j][$i] = array($p[$j][2*$i],$p[$j][2*$i+1]);
return $pp;
function p_edges($v) {
for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($v) ; $i++) {
echo "(".$v[$i][0][0].",".$v[$i][0][1].") -> (".$v[$i][1][0].",".$v[$i][1][1].")\n";
echo "\n";
function CompareCyclic($a,$b,$forward=true) {
// We assume disjoint vertices and if last==first this just means
// that the polygon is closed. For this comparison it must be unique
// elements
if( $a[count($a)-1] == $a[0] ) {
if( $b[count($b)-1] == $b[0] ) {
$n1 = count($a); $n2 = count($b);
if( $n1 != $n2 )
return false;
while( ($i < $n2) && ($a[0] != $b[$i]) )
if( $i >= $n2 )
return false;
if( $forward ) {
while( ($j < $n1) && ($a[$j] == $b[$i]) ) {
$i = ($i + 1) % $n2;
else {
while( ($j < $n1) && ($a[$j] == $b[$i]) ) {
if( $i < 0 ) {
$i = $n2-1;
return $j >= $n1;
function dbg($s) {
// echo $s."\n";
function IsVerticeOnBorder($x1,$y1) {
// Check if the vertice lies on any of the four border
if( $x1==$this->scale[0] || $x1==$this->scale[1] ) {
return true;
if( $y1==$this->scale[2] || $y1==$this->scale[3] ) {
return true;
return false;
function FindPolygons($debug=false) {
$pol = 0;
for ($c = 0; $c < $this->nbrContours; $c++) {
$this->dbg("\n** Searching polygon chain $c ... ");
$edges = $this->contourCoord[$c];
while( count($edges) > 0 ) {
$edge = array_shift($edges);
list($x1,$y1) = $edge[0];
list($x2,$y2) = $edge[1];
$this->dbg("Searching on second vertice.");
if( ! $this->IsVerticeOnBorder($x2,$y2) ) {
do {
$this->dbg(" --Searching on edge: ($x1,$y1)->($x2,$y2)");
$nn = count($edges);
for( $i=0; $i < $nn && !$found; ++$i ) {
$edge = $edges[$i];
if( $found = ($x2==$edge[0][0] && $y2==$edge[0][1]) ) {
$polygons[$pol][] = array($edge[1][0],$edge[1][1]);
$x1 = $x2; $y1 = $y2;
$x2 = $edge[1][0]; $y2 = $edge[1][1];
elseif( $found = ($x2==$edge[1][0] && $y2==$edge[1][1]) ) {
$polygons[$pol][] = array($edge[0][0],$edge[0][1]);
$x1 = $x2; $y1 = $y2;
$x2 = $edge[0][0]; $y2 = $edge[0][1];
if( $found ) {
$this->dbg(" --Found next edge: [i=$i], (%,%) -> ($x2,$y2)");
$edges = array_values($edges);
} while( $found );
if( !$found && count($edges)>0 ) {
$this->dbg("Searching on first vertice.");
list($x1,$y1) = $polygons[$pol][0];
list($x2,$y2) = $polygons[$pol][1];
if( ! $this->IsVerticeOnBorder($x1,$y1) ) {
do {
$this->dbg(" --Searching on edge: ($x1,$y1)->($x2,$y2)");
$nn = count($edges);
for( $i=0; $i < $nn && !$found; ++$i ) {
$edge = $edges[$i];
if( $found = ($x1==$edge[0][0] && $y1==$edge[0][1]) ) {
$x2 = $x1; $y2 = $y1;
$x1 = $edge[1][0]; $y1 = $edge[1][1];
elseif( $found = ($x1==$edge[1][0] && $y1==$edge[1][1]) ) {
$x2 = $x1; $y2 = $y1;
$x1 = $edge[0][0]; $y1 = $edge[0][1];
if( $found ) {
$this->dbg(" --Found next edge: [i=$i], ($x1,$y1) -> (%,%)");
$edges = array_values($edges);
} while( $found );
return $polygons;
class FillGridRect {
private $edges,$dataPoints,$colors,$isoBars;
private $invert=false;
function __construct(&$edges,&$dataPoints,$isoBars,$colors) {
$this->edges = $edges;
$this->dataPoints = $dataPoints;
$this->colors = $colors;
$this->isoBars = $isoBars;
function GetIsobarColor($val) {
for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($this->isoBars) ; $i++) {
if( $val <= $this->isoBars[$i] ) {
return $this->colors[$i];
return $this->colors[$i]; // The color for all values above the highest isobar
function GetIsobarVal($a,$b) {
// Get the isobar that is between the values a and b
// If there are more isobars then return the one with lowest index
if( $b < $a ) {
$t=$a; $a=$b; $b=$t;
$i = 0 ;
$n = count($this->isoBars);
while( $i < $n && $this->isoBars[$i] < $a ) {
if( $i >= $n )
die("Internal error. Cannot find isobar values for ($a,$b)");
return $this->isoBars[$i];
function getCrossingCoord($aRow,$aCol,$aEdgeDir,$aIsobarVal) {
// In order to avoid numerical problem when two vertices are very close
// we have to check and avoid dividing by close to zero denumerator.
if( $aEdgeDir == HORIZ_EDGE ) {
$d = abs($this->dataPoints[$aRow][$aCol] - $this->dataPoints[$aRow][$aCol+1]);
if( $d > 0.001 ) {
$xcoord = $aCol + abs($aIsobarVal - $this->dataPoints[$aRow][$aCol]) / $d;
else {
$xcoord = $aCol;
$ycoord = $aRow;
else {
$d = abs($this->dataPoints[$aRow][$aCol] - $this->dataPoints[$aRow+1][$aCol]);
if( $d > 0.001 ) {
$ycoord = $aRow + abs($aIsobarVal - $this->dataPoints[$aRow][$aCol]) / $d;
else {
$ycoord = $aRow;
$xcoord = $aCol;
if( $this->invert ) {
$ycoord = $this->nbrRows-1 - $ycoord;
return array($xcoord,$ycoord);
function Fill(ContCanvas $canvas) {
$nx_vertices = count($this->dataPoints[0]);
$ny_vertices = count($this->dataPoints);
// Loop through all squares in the grid
for($col=0; $col < $nx_vertices-1; ++$col) {
for($row=0; $row < $ny_vertices-1; ++$row) {
$n = 0;$quad_edges=array();
if ( $this->edges[VERT_EDGE][$row][$col] ) $quad_edges[$n++] = array($row, $col, VERT_EDGE);
if ( $this->edges[VERT_EDGE][$row][$col+1] ) $quad_edges[$n++] = array($row, $col+1,VERT_EDGE);
if ( $this->edges[HORIZ_EDGE][$row][$col] ) $quad_edges[$n++] = array($row, $col, HORIZ_EDGE);
if ( $this->edges[HORIZ_EDGE][$row+1][$col] ) $quad_edges[$n++] = array($row+1,$col, HORIZ_EDGE);
if( $n == 0 ) {
// Easy, fill the entire quadrant with one color since we have no crossings
// Select the top left datapoint as representing this quadrant
// color for this quadrant
$color = $this->GetIsobarColor($this->dataPoints[$row][$col]);
$polygon = array($col,$row,$col,$row+1,$col+1,$row+1,$col+1,$row,$col,$row);
} elseif( $n==2 ) {
// There is one isobar edge crossing this quadrant. In order to fill we need to
// find out the orientation of the two areas this edge is separating in order to
// construct the two polygons that define the two areas to be filled
// There are six possible variants
// 0) North-South
// 1) West-East
// 2) West-North
// 3) East-North
// 4) West-South
// 5) East-South
if( $this->edges[HORIZ_EDGE][$row][$col] ) {
if( $this->edges[HORIZ_EDGE][$row+1][$col] ) $type=0; // North-South
elseif( $this->edges[VERT_EDGE][$row][$col] ) $type=2;
elseif( $this->edges[VERT_EDGE][$row][$col+1] ) $type=3;
elseif( $this->edges[HORIZ_EDGE][$row+1][$col] ) {
if( $this->edges[VERT_EDGE][$row][$col] ) $type=4;
elseif( $this->edges[VERT_EDGE][$row][$col+1] ) $type=5;
else {
if( $type==-1 ) {
die('Internal error: n=2 but no edges in the quadrant was find to determine type.');
switch( $type ) {
case 0: //North-South
// North vertice
$v1 = $this->dataPoints[$row][$col];
$v2 = $this->dataPoints[$row][$col+1];
$isobarValue = $this->GetIsobarVal($v1, $v2);
list($x1,$y1) = $this->getCrossingCoord($row, $col,HORIZ_EDGE, $isobarValue);
// South vertice
$v1 = $this->dataPoints[$row+1][$col];
$v2 = $this->dataPoints[$row+1][$col+1];
$isobarValue = $this->GetIsobarVal($v1, $v2);
list($x2,$y2) = $this->getCrossingCoord($row+1, $col,HORIZ_EDGE, $isobarValue);
$polygon = array($col,$row,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$col,$row+1,$col,$row);
$polygon = array($col+1,$row,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$col+1,$row+1,$col+1,$row);
case 1: // West-East
// West vertice
$v1 = $this->dataPoints[$row][$col];
$v2 = $this->dataPoints[$row+1][$col];
$isobarValue = $this->GetIsobarVal($v1, $v2);
list($x1,$y1) = $this->getCrossingCoord($row, $col,VERT_EDGE, $isobarValue);
// East vertice
$v1 = $this->dataPoints[$row][$col+1];
$v2 = $this->dataPoints[$row+1][$col+1];
$isobarValue = $this->GetIsobarVal($v1, $v2);
list($x2,$y2) = $this->getCrossingCoord($row, $col+1,VERT_EDGE, $isobarValue);
$polygon = array($col,$row,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$col+1,$row,$col,$row);
$polygon = array($col,$row+1,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$col+1,$row+1,$col,$row+1);
case 2: // West-North
// West vertice
$v1 = $this->dataPoints[$row][$col];
$v2 = $this->dataPoints[$row+1][$col];
$isobarValue = $this->GetIsobarVal($v1, $v2);
list($x1,$y1) = $this->getCrossingCoord($row, $col,VERT_EDGE, $isobarValue);
// North vertice
$v1 = $this->dataPoints[$row][$col];
$v2 = $this->dataPoints[$row][$col+1];
$isobarValue = $this->GetIsobarVal($v1, $v2);
list($x2,$y2) = $this->getCrossingCoord($row, $col,HORIZ_EDGE, $isobarValue);
$polygon = array($col,$row,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$col,$row);
$polygon = array($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$col+1,$row,$col+1,$row+1,$col,$row+1,$x1,$y1);
case 3: // East-North
// if( $row==3 && $col==1 && $n==2 ) {
// echo " ** East-North<br>";
// }
// East vertice
$v1 = $this->dataPoints[$row][$col+1];
$v2 = $this->dataPoints[$row+1][$col+1];
$isobarValue = $this->GetIsobarVal($v1, $v2);
list($x1,$y1) = $this->getCrossingCoord($row, $col+1,VERT_EDGE, $isobarValue);
// if( $row==3 && $col==1 && $n==2 ) {
// echo " ** E_val($v1,$v2), isobar=$isobarValue<br>";
// echo " ** E($x1,$y1)<br>";
// }
// North vertice
$v1 = $this->dataPoints[$row][$col];
$v2 = $this->dataPoints[$row][$col+1];
$isobarValue = $this->GetIsobarVal($v1, $v2);
list($x2,$y2) = $this->getCrossingCoord($row, $col,HORIZ_EDGE, $isobarValue);
// if( $row==3 && $col==1 && $n==2 ) {
// echo " ** N_val($v1,$v2), isobar=$isobarValue<br>";
// echo " ** N($x2,$y2)<br>";
// }
// if( $row==3 && $col==1 && $n==2 )
// $canvas->Line($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,'blue');
$polygon = array($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$col+1,$row,$x1,$y1);
$polygon = array($col,$row,$x2,$y2,$x1,$y1,$col+1,$row+1,$col,$row+1,$col,$row);
case 4: // West-South
// West vertice
$v1 = $this->dataPoints[$row][$col];
$v2 = $this->dataPoints[$row+1][$col];
$isobarValue = $this->GetIsobarVal($v1, $v2);
list($x1,$y1) = $this->getCrossingCoord($row, $col,VERT_EDGE, $isobarValue);
// South vertice
$v1 = $this->dataPoints[$row+1][$col];
$v2 = $this->dataPoints[$row+1][$col+1];
$isobarValue = $this->GetIsobarVal($v1, $v2);
list($x2,$y2) = $this->getCrossingCoord($row+1, $col,HORIZ_EDGE, $isobarValue);
$polygon = array($col,$row+1,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$col,$row+1);
$polygon = array($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$col+1,$row+1,$col+1,$row,$col,$row,$x1,$y1);
case 5: // East-South
// if( $row==1 && $col==1 && $n==2 ) {
// echo " ** Sout-East<br>";
// }
// East vertice
$v1 = $this->dataPoints[$row][$col+1];
$v2 = $this->dataPoints[$row+1][$col+1];
$isobarValue = $this->GetIsobarVal($v1, $v2);
list($x1,$y1) = $this->getCrossingCoord($row, $col+1,VERT_EDGE, $isobarValue);
// if( $row==1 && $col==1 && $n==2 ) {
// echo " ** E_val($v1,$v2), isobar=$isobarValue<br>";
// echo " ** E($x1,$y1)<br>";
// }
// South vertice
$v1 = $this->dataPoints[$row+1][$col];
$v2 = $this->dataPoints[$row+1][$col+1];
$isobarValue = $this->GetIsobarVal($v1, $v2);
list($x2,$y2) = $this->getCrossingCoord($row+1, $col,HORIZ_EDGE, $isobarValue);
// if( $row==1 && $col==1 && $n==2 ) {
// echo " ** S_val($v1,$v2), isobar=$isobarValue<br>";
// echo " ** S($x2,$y2)<br>";
// }
$polygon = array($col+1,$row+1,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$col+1,$row+1);
$polygon = array($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$col,$row+1,$col,$row,$col+1,$row,$x1,$y1);
class ContCanvas {
public $g;
public $shape,$scale;
function __construct($xmax=6,$ymax=6,$width=400,$height=400) {
$this->g = new CanvasGraph($width,$height);
$this->scale = new CanvasScale($this->g, 0, $xmax, 0, $ymax);
$this->shape = new Shape($this->g, $this->scale);
for( $col=1; $col<$xmax; ++$col ) {
$this->shape->Line($col, 0, $col, $ymax);
for( $row=1; $row<$ymax; ++$row ) {
$this->shape->Line(0, $row, $xmax, $row);
function SetDatapoints($datapoints) {
$t = new Text();
for( $x=0; $x < $nx; ++$x ) {
for( $y=0; $y < $ny; ++$y ) {
list($x1,$y1) = $this->scale->Translate($x,$y);
if( $datapoints[$y][$x] > 0 )
function DrawLinePolygons($p,$color='red') {
for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($p) ; $i++) {
$x1 = $p[$i][0][0]; $y1 = $p[$i][0][1];
for ($j = 1 ; $j < count($p[$i]) ; $j++) {
$x2=$p[$i][$j][0]; $y2 = $p[$i][$j][1];
$this->shape->Line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
$x1=$x2; $y1=$y2;
function Line($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$color='red') {
$this->shape->Line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
function Polygon($p,$color='blue') {
function FilledPolygon($p,$color='lightblue') {
function Point($x,$y,$color) {
list($x1,$y1) = $this->scale->Translate($x, $y);
function Stroke() {
class PixelFill {
private $edges,$dataPoints,$colors,$isoBars;
function __construct(&$edges,&$dataPoints,$isoBars,$colors) {
$this->edges = $edges;
$this->dataPoints = $dataPoints;
$this->colors = $colors;
$this->isoBars = $isoBars;
function GetIsobarColor($val) {
for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($this->isoBars) ; $i++) {
if( $val <= $this->isoBars[$i] ) {
return $this->colors[$i];
return $this->colors[$i]; // The color for all values above the highest isobar
function Fill(ContCanvas $canvas) {
$nx_vertices = count($this->dataPoints[0]);
$ny_vertices = count($this->dataPoints);
// Loop through all squares in the grid
for($col=0; $col < $nx_vertices-1; ++$col) {
for($row=0; $row < $ny_vertices-1; ++$row) {
list($x1,$y1) = $canvas->scale->Translate($col, $row);
list($x2,$y2) = $canvas->scale->Translate($col+1, $row+1);
for( $x=$x1; $x < $x2; ++$x ) {
for( $y=$y1; $y < $y2; ++$y ) {
$v1 = $v[0] + ($v[1]-$v[0])*($x-$x1)/($x2-$x1);
$v2 = $v[3] + ($v[2]-$v[3])*($x-$x1)/($x2-$x1);
$val = $v1 + ($v2-$v1)*($y-$y1)/($y2-$y1);
if( $row==2 && $col==2 ) {
//echo " ($val ($x,$y)) (".$v[0].",".$v[1].",".$v[2].",".$v[3].")<br>";
$color = $this->GetIsobarColor($val);
$canvas->g->img->Point($x, $y);
for($col=0; $col<6; $col++) {
for($row=0; $row<6; $row++) {
$edges[VERT_EDGE][$row][$col] = false;
$edges[HORIZ_EDGE][$row][$col] = false;
$datapoints[1][2] = 2;
$datapoints[2][1] = 1;
$datapoints[2][2] = 7;
$datapoints[2][3] = 2;
$datapoints[3][1] = 2;
$datapoints[3][2] = 17;
$datapoints[3][3] = 4;
$datapoints[4][2] = 3;
$datapoints[1][4] = 12;
$edges[VERT_EDGE][1][2] = true;
$edges[VERT_EDGE][3][2] = true;
$edges[HORIZ_EDGE][2][1] = true;
$edges[HORIZ_EDGE][2][2] = true;
$edges[HORIZ_EDGE][3][1] = true;
$edges[HORIZ_EDGE][3][2] = true;
$isobars = array(5,10,15);
$colors = array('lightgray','lightblue','lightred','red');
$engine = new PixelFill($edges, $datapoints, $isobars, $colors);
$canvas = new ContCanvas();
//$tst = new Findpolygon();
//$p1 = $tst->SetupTestData();
//$canvas = new ContCanvas();
//for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($tst->contourCoord); $i++) {
// $canvas->DrawLinePolygons($tst->contourCoord[$i]);
//$p2 = $tst->FindPolygons();
//for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($p2) ; $i++) {
// $canvas->FilledPolygon($tst->flattenEdges($p2[$i]));
//for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($p2) ; $i++) {
// $canvas->Polygon($tst->flattenEdges($p2[$i]));
//for( $trial = 0; $trial < 1; ++$trial ) {
// echo "\nTest $trial:\n";
// echo "========================================\n";
// $tst = new Findpolygon();
// $p1 = $tst->SetupTestData();
// // for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($p1) ; $i++) {
// // echo "Test polygon $i:\n";
// // echo "---------------------\n";
// // $tst->p_edges($tst->contourCoord[$i]);
// // echo "\n";
// // }
// //
// $p2 = $tst->FindPolygons();
// $npol = count($p2);
// //echo "\n** Found $npol separate polygon chains.\n\n";
// for( $i=0; $i<$npol; ++$i ) {
// $res_forward = $tst->CompareCyclic($p1[$i], $p2[$i],true);
// $res_backward = $tst->CompareCyclic($p1[$i], $p2[$i],false);
// if( $res_backward || $res_forward ) {
// // if( $res_forward )
// // echo "Forward matches!\n";
// // else
// // echo "Backward matches!\n";
// }
// else {
// echo "********** NO MATCH!!.\n\n";
// echo "\nBefore find:\n";
// for ($j = 0 ; $j < count($p1[$i]) ; $j++) {
// echo "(".$p1[$i][$j][0].','.$p1[$i][$j][1]."), ";
// }
// echo "\n";
// echo "\nAfter find:\n";
// for ($j = 0 ; $j < count($p2[$i]) ; $j++) {
// echo "(".$p2[$i][$j][0].','.$p2[$i][$j][1]."), ";
// }
// echo "\n";
// }
// }
//echo "\n\nAll tests ready.\n\n";