Subversion Repositories eFlore/Applications.cel

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 1582 → Rev 1585

90,43 → 90,38
public function getTout($params) {
$emplacements = null;
$concatenation_id = "CONCAT(IFNULL(latitude,''),IFNULL(longitude,''), IFNULL(wgs84_latitude,''),IFNULL(wgs84_longitude,'')) ";
$emplacements = null;
$concatenation_id = "CONCAT(IFNULL(latitude,''),IFNULL(longitude,''), IFNULL(wgs84_latitude,''),IFNULL(wgs84_longitude,'')) ";
$requete = 'SELECT ce_zone_geo, zone_geo, station, '.
"mots_cles_texte, ".
"latitude, ".
"wgs84_latitude, ".
"longitude, ".
"wgs84_longitude, ".
$concatenation_id." as id_coord ".
'FROM cel_obs AS co '.
' LEFT JOIN cel_zones_geo AS l '.
' ON (l.nom = co.zone_geo AND l.id_zone_geo = co.ce_zone_geo) '.
"WHERE transmission = '1' ".
" AND (".
$this->construireWhereRectangleStationOR()." OR ".
$this->construireWhereRectangleCommuneOR().") ".
' GROUP BY id_coord';
$requete = 'SELECT ce_zone_geo, zone_geo, station, '.
' mots_cles_texte, latitude, wgs84_latitude, longitude, wgs84_longitude, '.
" $concatenation_id AS id_coord ".
'FROM cel_obs AS co '.
' LEFT JOIN cel_zones_geo AS l '.
' ON (l.nom = co.zone_geo AND l.id_zone_geo = co.ce_zone_geo) '.
"WHERE transmission = '1' ".
" AND (".
$this->construireWhereRectangleStationOR()." OR ".
$this->construireWhereRectangleCommuneOR().") ".
' GROUP BY id_coord';
$resultats_emplacements = $this->executerRequete($requete);
$emplacements = $this->traiterEmplacements($resultats_emplacements, $this->compterObservations($params));
return $emplacements;
private function afficherRequeteFormatee($requete) {
$requete = str_replace(')',')<br />',$requete);
$requete = str_replace('(',' <br /> (',$requete);
138,25 → 133,25
private function compterObservations($params) {
$requete = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as nb '.
'FROM cel_obs AS co '.
' LEFT JOIN cel_zones_geo AS l '.
' ON (l.nom = co.zone_geo AND l.id_zone_geo = co.ce_zone_geo) '.
"WHERE transmission = '1' ".
" AND (".
$this->construireWhereRectangleStationOR()." OR ".
$this->construireWhereRectangleCommuneOR().") ".
'FROM cel_obs AS co '.
' LEFT JOIN cel_zones_geo AS l '.
' ON (l.nom = co.zone_geo AND l.id_zone_geo = co.ce_zone_geo) '.
"WHERE transmission = '1' ".
" AND (".
$this->construireWhereRectangleStationOR()." OR ".
$this->construireWhereRectangleCommuneOR().") ".
$resultats_nb_obs = $this->executerRequete($requete);
return $resultats_nb_obs[0]['nb'];
249,7 → 244,7
if (isset($this->parametres['ne']) && $this->parametres['sw'] && ! $this->etreNull($this->parametres['ne']) && ! $this->etreNull($this->parametres['ne']) && ! $this->etreNull($this->parametres['sw'])) {
$ne = $this->decomposerLatLng($this->parametres['ne']);
$sw = $this->decomposerLatLng($this->parametres['sw']);
$marqueurs['points'] = CartoGroupage::creerGroupesQuadtree(&$points, $ne['lat'], $ne['lng'], $sw['lat'], $sw['lng'], $zoom);
$marqueurs['points'] = CartoGroupage::creerGroupesQuadtree($points, $ne['lat'], $ne['lng'], $sw['lat'], $sw['lng'], $zoom);
} else {
$marqueurs['points'] = $points;
304,14 → 299,14
return $sensible;
private function communeEstDemandee() {
$station_infos = $this->decomposerParametreStation();
$commune_demandee = true;
if($station_infos['type'] == self::MARQUEUR_STATION) {
$station_infos = $this->decomposerParametreStation();
$commune_demandee = true;
if ($station_infos['type'] == self::MARQUEUR_STATION) {
$commune_demandee = false;
return $commune_demandee;
return $commune_demandee;
322,27 → 317,27
$total = 0;
if (isset($this->parametres['station']) && !$this->etreNull($this->parametres['station'])) {
$requete = 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS id_observation, ce_utilisateur, courriel_utilisateur, nom_utilisateur, prenom_utilisateur, '.
' nom_sel, nom_ret, nom_sel_nn, nom_ret_nn, nt, famille, '.
' lieudit, zone_geo, date_observation, milieu, commentaire, '.
' utm_secteur, utm_x, utm_y, code, date_transmission '.
'FROM cel_obs AS co '.
' LEFT JOIN cel_zones_geo AS l '.
" ON (l.nom = co.zone_geo AND l.id_zone_geo = co.ce_zone_geo) ".
"WHERE transmission = '1' ".
(($this->communeEstDemandee()) ? $this->construireWhereCommuneSansCoordonneesAvecSensibles() : $this->construireWhereCoordonneesSansSensibles()).
'ORDER BY nom_sel ASC '.
"LIMIT {$this->start},{$this->limit} ";
' nom_sel, nom_ret, nom_sel_nn, nom_ret_nn, nt, famille, '.
' lieudit, zone_geo, date_observation, milieu, commentaire, '.
' utm_secteur, utm_x, utm_y, code, date_transmission '.
'FROM cel_obs AS co '.
' LEFT JOIN cel_zones_geo AS l '.
" ON (l.nom = co.zone_geo AND l.id_zone_geo = co.ce_zone_geo) ".
"WHERE transmission = '1' ".
(($this->communeEstDemandee()) ? $this->construireWhereCommuneSansCoordonneesAvecSensibles() : $this->construireWhereCoordonneesSansSensibles()).
'ORDER BY nom_sel ASC '.
"LIMIT {$this->start},{$this->limit} ";
//echo $requete;exit;
$resultats = $this->requeter($requete, self::SQL_RETOUR_COMPLET, self::SQL_MODE_OBJET);
$requete = 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS()';
446,7 → 441,7
return $observations;
private function ajouterAuteursAuxObs($observations) {
$observateurs = $this->recupererUtilisateursIdentite(array_keys($observations['observateurs']));
478,25 → 473,25
$json = null;
$requete = 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT nom_ret, nom_ret_nn, nt, famille '.
'FROM cel_obs AS co '.
' LEFT JOIN cel_zones_geo AS l '.
' ON (l.nom = co.zone_geo AND l.id_zone_geo = co.ce_zone_geo) '.
"WHERE transmission = '1' ".
" AND nom_ret != '' ".
'ORDER BY nom_ret ASC '.
"LIMIT {$this->start},{$this->limit} ";
'FROM cel_obs AS co '.
' LEFT JOIN cel_zones_geo AS l '.
' ON (l.nom = co.zone_geo AND l.id_zone_geo = co.ce_zone_geo) '.
"WHERE transmission = '1' ".
" AND nom_ret != '' ".
'ORDER BY nom_ret ASC '.
"LIMIT {$this->start},{$this->limit} ";
//$this->debug[] = $requete;
$resultats = $this->requeter($requete, self::SQL_RETOUR_COMPLET, self::SQL_MODE_OBJET);
//echo $requete;exit;
544,7 → 539,7
return $sql;
private function construireWhereCoordonneesSansSensibles() {
$sql = '(';
// Récupération des coordonnées depuis l'id station
618,7 → 613,7
return $sql;
private function construireWhereReferentiel() {
$sql = '';
837,12 → 832,12
$sql = "( (latitude != 0 AND longitude != 0) ".
" AND latitude BETWEEN $latMin AND $latMax ".
" AND longitude BETWEEN $lngMin AND $lngMax )";
/*$sql = " MBRWithin(mon_point, GeomFromText('POLYGON((".$latMin.' '.$lngMin.','.
$latMax.' '.$lngMin.','.
$latMax.' '.$lngMax.','.
$latMax.' '.$lngMin.','.
$latMin.' '.$lngMin."))')) "; */
$latMin.' '.$lngMin."))')) "; */
return $sql;
881,7 → 876,7
$sql = "( wgs84_longitude != 0 AND wgs84_latitude != 0 ".
" AND wgs84_latitude BETWEEN $latMin AND $latMax ".
" AND wgs84_longitude BETWEEN $lngMin AND $lngMax )";
/*$sql = " MBRWithin(point_commune, GeomFromText('POLYGON((".$latMin.' '.$lngMin.','.
$latMax.' '.$lngMin.','.
$latMax.' '.$lngMax.','.
931,12 → 926,12
' OR mots_cles_texte LIKE "%sensible%"'.
') ';
return $sql;
private function construireWherePhotosSeulement() {
$sql = '';
if (isset($this->parametres['photos']) && $this->parametres['photos'] == 1) {
956,8 → 951,8
return $sql;
private function construireWhereNumTaxon() {
$sql = '';
// Récupération des coordonnées depuis l'id station
968,7 → 963,7
return $sql;
private function construireWhereNumTaxonAvecSousTaxons() {
$sql = '';
// Récupération des coordonnées depuis l'id station
989,7 → 984,7
return $sql;
private function obtenirSousTaxons($nt) {
$referentiel = 'bdtfx';
if($this->parametres['referentiel'] && $this->parametres['referentiel'] != "" && $this->parametres['referentiel'] != '*') {
1013,7 → 1008,7
return $sql;
* Traitement de $projet pour construction du filtre dans la requête
1024,7 → 1019,7
return $sql;
private function construireWhereTag() {
$sql = '';
1034,7 → 1029,7
return $sql;
private function construireWhereNombreDeJours() {
$sql = null;
1043,7 → 1038,7
return $sql;
* Traitement de $tag pour construction du filtre dans la requête
1072,10 → 1067,10
//$this->debug[] = $requete;
$elements_tag = $this->executerRequete($requete);
$requete_tag = array();
if ($elements_tag != false && count($elements_tag) > 0) {
$filtres = array();
foreach ($elements_tag as $occurence) {
$utilisateur = $occurence['utilisateur'];
1087,13 → 1082,13
$filtres[$utilisateur][$id_obs] = $id_obs;
// Pré-construction du where de la requête
$tpl_where = "(id_observation IN (%s))";
foreach ($filtres as $utilisateur => $id_obs) {
$requete_tag[] = sprintf($tpl_where, implode(',', $id_obs));
} else {
$this->messages[] = "Aucune observation ne possède d'images avec ce mot-clé.";
1103,7 → 1098,7
return $sql;
* Traitement de $tag pour construction du filtre dans la requête
1115,7 → 1110,7
//$this->debug[] = $sql;
return $sql;
* Traitement de $tag pour construction du filtre dans la requête
1127,9 → 1122,9
$where_mots_cles_images = implode(' '.$mots_cles_encodes['type'].' ', $where_mots_cles_images);
return $where_mots_cles_images;
private function decomposerParametreTag($tags) {
$mots_cles = array('type' => null, 'motsCles' => null, 'motsClesEncodesProteges' => null);
if (preg_match('/.+OU.+/', $tags)) {
$mots_cles['type'] = 'OR';
1140,7 → 1135,7
} else {
$mots_cles['motsCles'][] = $tags;
foreach ($mots_cles['motsCles'] as $mot) {
$mots_cles['motsClesEncodesProteges'][] = $this->bdd->quote('%'.$mot.'%');