Subversion Repositories eFlore/Applications.eflore-consultation

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Regard whitespace Rev 161 → Rev 163

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class DeterminationFormateur implements Formateur {
const TPL_VUE = 'determination';
private $parametres = null;
private $surligneur = null;
private $trieur = null;
private $urls = null;
private $fusioneur = null;
private $manipulateurDeChaine = null;
private $imagesService = null;
private $motsASurligner = array();
private $noms = array();
private $infosPourTpl = array();
public function __construct(ParametresResultats $parametres, Array $resultats,
Surligneur $surligneur = null, Trieur $trieur = null, AppUrls $urls = null,
ChaineManipulateur $manipulateurDeChaine = null, Images $imagesService = null) {
$this->parametres = $parametres;
$this->noms = $resultats['resultat'];
$this->surligneur = (is_null($surligneur)) ? new Surligneur() : $surligneur;
$this->trieur = (is_null($trieur)) ? new Trieur() : $trieur;
$this->urls = (is_null($urls)) ? new AppUrls() : $urls;
$this->manipulateurDeChaine = is_null($manipulateurDeChaine) ? new ChaineManipulateur() : $manipulateurDeChaine;
$this->imagesService = is_null($imagesService) ? new Images($this->parametres->projetImg) : $imagesService;
public function getTplInfos() {
return $this->infosPourTpl;
public function getTplNom() {
return self::TPL_VUE;
public function formater() {
private function obtenirUrlsPhotos() {
$ids = $this->extraireIdDesNoms();
$urls = $this->imagesService->getUrlsImagesParIdsNoms($ids);
$this->infosPourTpl['imagesUrls'] = $this->supprimerCodeReftaxDesIds($urls);
private function extraireIdDesNoms() {
$ids = array();
foreach ($this->noms as $id => $nom) {
$idAAjouter = $id;
if (is_numeric($idAAjouter)) {
$ids[] = $idAAjouter;
if (array_key_exists('', $nom)) {
if (in_array($nom[''], $ids) == false) {
$idAAjouter = $nom[''];
if (is_numeric($idAAjouter)) {
$ids[] = $idAAjouter;
return $ids;
private function supprimerCodeReftaxDesIds($urls) {
$codeReftax = $this->parametres->reftaxCourant.'.';
$urlsNettoyees = array();
foreach ($urls as $id => $url) {
$id = str_replace($codeReftax, '', $id);
$urlsNettoyees[$id] = $url;
return $urlsNettoyees;
private function extraireInfosNomsPourTplDetermination() {
$nomsSansCorrespondance = array();
$nomsAvecCorrespondance = array();
foreach ($this->noms as $idNomCourant => $nom) {
if ($nom['retenu'] == 'true') {
$nomRetenu = array();
$nomRetenu['nomSciRetenu'] = $nom['nom_sci'];
$nomRetenu['urlFiche'] = $this->urls->obtenirUrlFiche($idNomCourant);
$nomsAvecCorrespondance[$idNomCourant] = $nomRetenu;
} else {
if ($nom['nom_retenu'] == null) {
$nomsSansCorrespondance[$idNomCourant] = $nom['nom_sci'];
} else {
$idNomRetenu = $nom[''];
if (array_key_exists($nom[''], $nomsAvecCorrespondance) == false) {
$nomRetenu = array();
$nomRetenu['nomSciRetenu'] = $nom['nom_retenu'];
$nomRetenu['urlFiche'] = $this->urls->obtenirUrlFiche($idNomRetenu);
$nomsAvecCorrespondance[$idNomRetenu] = $nomRetenu;
$synonyme = array();
$synonyme['nn'] = $idNomCourant;
$synonyme['nomSci'] = $nom['nom_sci'];
$synonyme['urlFiche'] = $this->urls->obtenirUrlFiche($idNomCourant);
$nomsAvecCorrespondance[$idNomRetenu]['synonymes'][] = $synonyme;
$this->infosPourTpl['nomsSansCorrespondance'] = (count($nomsSansCorrespondance) > 0) ? $nomsSansCorrespondance : false;
$this->infosPourTpl['noms'] = (count($nomsAvecCorrespondance) > 0) ? $nomsAvecCorrespondance : false;
public function trier() {
$this->trieur->setChampsEtOrdres(array('score' => SORT_DESC));
$this->infosPourTpl['noms'] = $this->trieur->trier();
private function ajouterAuxNomsScoreSimilariteAvec($masque) {
$nom_demande_ss = strtolower($this->manipulateurDeChaine->supprimerAccents($masque));
foreach ($this->infosPourTpl['noms'] as $id => $nom) {
$nom_flou_ss = strtolower($this->manipulateurDeChaine->supprimerAccents($nom['nomSciRetenu']));
$stat = array();
// Prime pour la ressemblance globale :
$score = 500 - levenshtein($nom_flou_ss, $nom_demande_ss);
// On affine
$score = $score + (similar_text($nom_demande_ss, $nom_flou_ss) * 3);
$nom['score'] = $score;
$this->infosPourTpl['noms'][$id] = $nom;
public function surligner() {
foreach ($this->infosPourTpl['noms'] as $idNom => $nom) {
$nom['nomSciRetenu'] = $this->surlignerMotsMasqueRecherche($nom['nomSciRetenu']);
if (isset($nom['synonymes'])) {
foreach ($nom['synonymes'] as $idSyn => $synonyme) {
$nom['synonymes'][$idSyn]['nomSci'] = $this->surlignerMotsMasqueRecherche($synonyme['nomSci']);
$this->infosPourTpl['noms'][$idNom] = $nom;
private function definirMotsASurligner() {
$this->motsASurligner = explode(' ', $this->parametres->masqueRecherche);
private function surlignerMotsMasqueRecherche($nom) {
$nom = $this->surligneur->surlignerMots($this->motsASurligner);
return $nom;
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0,0 → 1,87
class RetenuFormateur implements Formateur {
const TPL_VUE = 'liste_noms';
private $parametres = null;
private $surligneur = null;
private $trieur = null;
private $urls = null;
private $fusioneur = null;
private $motsASurligner = array();
private $noms = array();
private $infosPourTpl = array();
public function __construct(ParametresResultats $parametres, Array $resultats, Surligneur $surligneur = null,
Trieur $trieur = null, AppUrls $urls = null, TableauManipulateur $tableau = null) {
$this->parametres = $parametres;
$this->noms = $resultats['resultat'];
$this->surligneur = (is_null($surligneur)) ? new Surligneur() : $surligneur;
$this->trieur = (is_null($trieur)) ? new Trieur() : $trieur;
$this->urls = (is_null($urls)) ? new AppUrls() : $urls;
$this->fusioneur = (is_null($tableau)) ? new TableauManipulateur() : $tableau;
public function getTplInfos() {
return $this->infosPourTpl;
public function getTplNom() {
return self::TPL_VUE;
public function formater() {
foreach ($this->noms as $id => $nom) {
$infosDuNom = array();
$infosDuNom['nomSci'] = $nom['nom_sci'];
$infosDuNom['retenu'] = $nom['retenu'];
$infosDuNom['urlFiche'] = $this->urls->obtenirUrlFiche($id);
$this->infosPourTpl['noms'][$id] = $infosDuNom;
public function trier() {
$nomsRetenus = array();
$nomsSynonymes = array();
foreach ($this->infosPourTpl['noms'] as $id => $nom) {
if ($nom['retenu'] == 'true') {
$nomsRetenus[$id] = $nom;
} else {
$nomsSynonymes[$id] = $nom;
$this->trieur->setChampsEtOrdres(array('nomSci' => SORT_ASC));
$nomsRetenus = $this->trieur->trier();
$this->trieur->setChampsEtOrdres(array('nomSci' => SORT_ASC));
$nomsSynonymes = $this->trieur->trier();
$this->infosPourTpl['noms'] = $this->fusioneur->getTableau();
public function surligner() {
foreach ($this->infosPourTpl['noms'] as $id => $nom) {
$this->infosPourTpl['noms'][$id]['nomSci'] = $this->surlignerMotsMasqueRecherche($nom['nomSci']);
private function definirMotsASurligner() {
$this->motsASurligner = explode(' ', $this->parametres->masqueRecherche);
private function surlignerMotsMasqueRecherche($nom) {
$nom = $this->surligneur->surlignerMots($this->motsASurligner);
return $nom;
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0,0 → 1,69
class DecompoFormateur implements Formateur {
const TPL_VUE = 'decomposition';
private $parametres = null;
private $surligneur = null;
private $trieur = null;
private $urls = null;
private $motsASurligner = array();
private $noms = array();
private $infosPourTpl = array();
public function __construct(ParametresResultats $parametres, Array $resultats, Surligneur $surligneur = null, Trieur $trieur = null, AppUrls $urls = null) {
$this->parametres = $parametres;
$this->noms = $resultats['resultat'];
$this->surligneur = (is_null($surligneur)) ? new Surligneur() : $surligneur;
$this->trieur = (is_null($trieur)) ? new Trieur() : $trieur;
$this->urls = (is_null($urls)) ? new AppUrls() : $urls;
public function getTplInfos() {
return $this->infosPourTpl;
public function getTplNom() {
return self::TPL_VUE;
public function formater() {
foreach ($this->noms as $id => $nom) {
$infosDuNom = array();
$infosDuNom['nomSci'] = $nom['nom_sci'];
$infosDuNom['retenu'] = $nom['retenu'] == 'true' ? true : false;
$infosDuNom['auteur'] = is_null($nom['auteur']) ? '' : $nom['auteur'];
$infosDuNom['annee'] = is_null($nom['annee']) ? '' : $nom['annee'];
$infosDuNom['biblio'] = is_null($nom['biblio_origine']) ? '' : $nom['biblio_origine'];
$infosDuNom['addendum'] = is_null($nom['nom_addendum']) ? '' : $nom['nom_addendum'];
$infosDuNom['nn'] = $id;
$infosDuNom['urlFiche'] = $this->urls->obtenirUrlFiche($id);
$this->infosPourTpl['noms'][$id] = $infosDuNom;
public function trier() {
$this->trieur->setChampsEtOrdres(array('nomSci' => SORT_ASC));
$this->infosPourTpl['noms'] = $this->trieur->trier();
public function surligner() {
foreach ($this->infosPourTpl['noms'] as $id => $nom) {
$this->infosPourTpl['noms'][$id]['nomSci'] = $this->surlignerMotsMasqueRecherche($nom['nomSci']);
private function definirMotsASurligner() {
$this->motsASurligner = explode(' ', $this->parametres->masqueRecherche);
private function surlignerMotsMasqueRecherche($nom) {
$nom = $this->surligneur->surlignerMots($this->motsASurligner);
return $nom;
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0,0 → 1,64
class AlphabFormateur implements Formateur {
const TPL_VUE = 'liste_noms';
private $parametres = null;
private $surligneur = null;
private $trieur = null;
private $urls = null;
private $motsASurligner = array();
private $noms = array();
private $infosPourTpl = array();
public function __construct(ParametresResultats $parametres, Array $resultats, Surligneur $surligneur = null, Trieur $trieur = null, AppUrls $urls = null) {
$this->parametres = $parametres;
$this->noms = $resultats['resultat'];
$this->surligneur = (is_null($surligneur)) ? new Surligneur() : $surligneur;
$this->trieur = (is_null($trieur)) ? new Trieur() : $trieur;
$this->urls = (is_null($urls)) ? new AppUrls() : $urls;
public function getTplInfos() {
return $this->infosPourTpl;
public function getTplNom() {
return self::TPL_VUE;
public function formater() {
foreach ($this->noms as $id => $nom) {
$infosDuNom = array();
$infosDuNom['nomSci'] = $nom['nom_sci'];
$infosDuNom['retenu'] = $nom['retenu'];
$infosDuNom['urlFiche'] = $this->urls->obtenirUrlFiche($id);
$this->infosPourTpl['noms'][$id] = $infosDuNom;
public function trier() {
$this->trieur->setChampsEtOrdres(array('nomSci' => SORT_ASC));
$this->infosPourTpl['noms'] = $this->trieur->trier();
public function surligner() {
foreach ($this->infosPourTpl['noms'] as $id => $nom) {
$this->infosPourTpl['noms'][$id]['nomSci'] = $this->surlignerMotsMasqueRecherche($nom['nomSci']);
private function definirMotsASurligner() {
$this->motsASurligner = explode(' ', $this->parametres->masqueRecherche);
private function surlignerMotsMasqueRecherche($nom) {
$nom = $this->surligneur->surlignerMots($this->motsASurligner);
return $nom;
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0,0 → 1,51
class DeterminationVernaFormateur implements Formateur {
const TPL_VUE = 'determination_verna';
private $parametres = null;
private $surligneur = null;
private $trieur = null;
private $urls = null;
private $fusioneur = null;
private $manipulateurDeChaine = null;
private $imagesService = null;
private $motsASurligner = array();
private $noms = array();
private $infosPourTpl = array();
public function __construct(ParametresResultats $parametres, Array $resultats,
Surligneur $surligneur = null, Trieur $trieur = null, AppUrls $urls = null,
ChaineManipulateur $manipulateurDeChaine = null, Images $imagesService = null) {
$this->parametres = $parametres;
$this->noms = $resultats['resultat'];
$this->surligneur = (is_null($surligneur)) ? new Surligneur() : $surligneur;
$this->trieur = (is_null($trieur)) ? new Trieur() : $trieur;
$this->urls = (is_null($urls)) ? new AppUrls() : $urls;
$this->manipulateurDeChaine = is_null($manipulateurDeChaine) ? new ChaineManipulateur() : $manipulateurDeChaine;
$this->imagesService = is_null($imagesService) ? new Images($this->parametres->projetImg) : $imagesService;
public function getTplInfos() {
return $this->infosPourTpl;
public function getTplNom() {
return self::TPL_VUE;
public function formater() {
$this->infosPourTpl['noms'] = false;
public function trier() {
public function surligner() {
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0,0 → 1,51
class AlphabVernaFormateur implements Formateur {
const TPL_VUE = 'liste_noms_verna';
private $parametres = null;
private $surligneur = null;
private $trieur = null;
private $urls = null;
private $fusioneur = null;
private $manipulateurDeChaine = null;
private $imagesService = null;
private $motsASurligner = array();
private $noms = array();
private $infosPourTpl = array();
public function __construct(ParametresResultats $parametres, Array $resultats,
Surligneur $surligneur = null, Trieur $trieur = null, AppUrls $urls = null,
ChaineManipulateur $manipulateurDeChaine = null, Images $imagesService = null) {
$this->parametres = $parametres;
$this->noms = $resultats['resultat'];
$this->surligneur = (is_null($surligneur)) ? new Surligneur() : $surligneur;
$this->trieur = (is_null($trieur)) ? new Trieur() : $trieur;
$this->urls = (is_null($urls)) ? new AppUrls() : $urls;
$this->manipulateurDeChaine = is_null($manipulateurDeChaine) ? new ChaineManipulateur() : $manipulateurDeChaine;
$this->imagesService = is_null($imagesService) ? new Images($this->parametres->projetImg) : $imagesService;
public function getTplInfos() {
return $this->infosPourTpl;
public function getTplNom() {
return self::TPL_VUE;
public function formater() {
$this->infosPourTpl['noms'] = false;
public function trier() {
public function surligner() {
5,7 → 5,7
$typeResultat = ucwords($parametres->typeResultat);
$typeNom = ($parametres->typeNom == 'nom_vernaculaire') ? 'Verna' : '';
$Classe = $typeResultat.$typeNom.'Formateur';
$chemin = dirname(__FILE__).DS.$Classe.'.php';
$chemin = dirname(__FILE__).DS.$parametres->typeNom.DS.$Classe.'.php';
$ResultatFormateur = null;
if (file_exists($chemin)) {
$ResultatFormateur = new $Classe($parametres, $resultats);