Subversion Repositories Applications.papyrus

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 398 → Rev 399

19,7 → 19,7
// | License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software |
// | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA |
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// CVS : $Id: identification.php,v 1.15 2005-06-02 11:56:00 jpm Exp $
// CVS : $Id: identification.php,v 1.16 2005-06-09 17:06:28 jpm Exp $
* Applette : identification
38,7 → 38,7
//Autres auteurs :
*@author Aucun
*@copyright Tela-Botanica 2000-2004
*@version $Revision: 1.15 $ $Date: 2005-06-02 11:56:00 $
*@version $Revision: 1.16 $ $Date: 2005-06-09 17:06:28 $
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
74,12 → 74,12
setcookie("spip_session", $id_session, time() - 3600*24, "/$chemin_cookie_spip/") ;
setcookie("spip_admin", "@".$login, time() -3600*24, "/$chemin_cookie_spip/") ;
$dirname = $GLOBALS['flag_ecrire'] ? "data/" : "ecrire/data/";
$dirname = $GLOBALS['flag_ecrire'] ? 'data/' : 'ecrire/data/';
$dirname = $chemin_spip."/".$dirname ;
// ne pas se zapper soi-meme
if ($s = $GLOBALS['spip_session'])
$fichier_session = fichier_session($s, lire_meta('alea_ephemere'));
$fichier_session = $chemin_spip."/ecrire/".$fichier_session ;
$fichier_session = $chemin_spip.'/ecrire/'.$fichier_session ;
$dir = opendir($dirname);
$t = time();
while(($item = readdir($dir)) != '') {
141,17 → 141,17
// L'utilisateur n'est pas identifié:
$retour .= str_repeat(' ', 16).'<form id="form_connexion" class="form_identification" action="'.$url.'" method="post">'."\n";
$retour .= str_repeat(' ', 16).'<fieldset>'."\n";
$retour .= str_repeat(' ', 20).'<legend>'.'Identification'.'</legend>'."\n";
$retour .= str_repeat(' ', 20).'<legend>'.IDEN_LG_FORM_LEGEND.'</legend>'."\n";
$retour .= str_repeat(' ', 20).''."\n";
$retour .= str_repeat(' ', 24).'<label for="username">'.'Courriel :'.'</label>'."\n";
$retour .= str_repeat(' ', 24).'<input type="text" size="12" id="username" name="username" maxlength="80" tabindex="1" value="'.'courriel'.'" />'."\n";
$retour .= str_repeat(' ', 24).'<label for="username">'.IDEN_LG_FORM_LABEL_COURRIEL.'</label>'."\n";
$retour .= str_repeat(' ', 24).'<input type="text" size="12" id="username" name="username" maxlength="80" tabindex="1" value="'.IDEN_LG_FORM_VALUE_COURRIEL.'" />'."\n";
$retour .= str_repeat(' ', 20).''."\n";
$retour .= str_repeat(' ', 20).''."\n";
$retour .= str_repeat(' ', 24).'<label for="password">'.'Mot de passe :'.'</label>'."\n";
$retour .= str_repeat(' ', 24).'<input type="password" size="12" id="password" name="password" maxlength="80" tabindex="2" value="'.'mot de passe'.'" />'."\n";
$retour .= str_repeat(' ', 24).'<label for="password">'.IDEN_LG_FORM_LABEL_MDP.'</label>'."\n";
$retour .= str_repeat(' ', 24).'<input type="password" size="12" id="password" name="password" maxlength="80" tabindex="2" value="'.IDEN_LG_FORM_VALUE_MDP.'" />'."\n";
$retour .= str_repeat(' ', 20).''."\n";
$retour .= str_repeat(' ', 20).''."\n";
$retour .= str_repeat(' ', 24).'<input type="submit" id="connexion" name="connexion" tabindex="3" value="'.'ok'.'" />'."\n";
$retour .= str_repeat(' ', 24).'<input type="submit" id="connexion" name="connexion" tabindex="3" value="'.IDEN_LG_FORM_VALUE_SUBMIT.'" />'."\n";
$retour .= str_repeat(' ', 20).''."\n";
// Si l'url de la page d'inscription est stockée dans les paramêtres, nous l'affichons
if (isset($GLOBALS['_GEN_commun']['info_auth_bdd']->url_inscription)) {
189,7 → 189,7
// Affichage du bouton de déconnexion
$retour .= str_repeat(' ', 20).'<a id="deconnexion" href="'.$url.'&amp;logout=1">'.'Déconnexion'.'</a>'."\n";
$retour .= str_repeat(' ', 20).'<a id="deconnexion" href="'.$url.'&amp;logout=1">'.IDEN_LG_DECONNEXION.'</a>'."\n";
$retour .= str_repeat(' ', 16).'</p>'."\n";
return $retour;
204,6 → 204,9
/* +--Fin du code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
* Revision 1.15 2005/06/02 11:56:00 jpm
* Modification de l'affichage de l'identification.
* Revision 1.14 2005/05/19 14:00:58 jpm
* Déplacement du menu de modif de l'inscription.