Subversion Repositories Applications.papyrus

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Ignore whitespace Rev 3 → Rev 4

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0,0 → 1,634
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// gs_hex2bin ($data)
// $data : hex data (string) to be converted to binary.
// Convert hex value into binary value.
function gs_hex2bin ($data) {
$len = strlen ($data);
return pack ("H$len", $data);
// gs_localizeTimestamp ($ts, $locale)
// $ts : unix time stamp
// $locale : locale code
// Convert an unix time stamp in respect with locale (en, fr, sp).
function gs_localizeTimestamp ($ts, $locale) {
$format = 'Y/m/d H:m:s';
if ($locale == 'fr') $format = 'd/m/Y H:m:s';
if ($locale == 'sp') $format = 'd/m/Y H:m:s';
return date ($format, $ts);
// gs_localizeDate ($date, $locale)
// $date : date (MySQL format: YYYY-MM-DD)
// $locale : locale code
// Convert a MySQL date in respect with locale (en, fr, sp).
function gs_localizeDate ($date, $locale) {
$dateArray = explode ('-', $date);
$y = $dateArray[0];
$m = $dateArray[1];
$d = $dateArray[2];
if ($locale == 'en') return "$y/$m/$d";
if ($locale == 'fr') return "$d/$m/$y";
if ($locale == 'sp') return "$d/$m/$y";
return $date;
// gs_localizeDateTime ($date, $locale)
// $datetime : datetime field (MySQL format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
// $locale : locale code
// Convert a MySQL date in respect with locale (en, fr, sp).
function gs_localizeDateTime ($datetime, $locale) {
$date = substr ($datetime, 0, 10);
$time = substr ($datetime, 11, 8);
return gs_localizeDate ($date, $locale).' - '.$time;
// gs_localizeDate2MySQL ($date, $locale)
// $date : date (following locale)
// $locale : locale code
// Convert a date to MySQL format in respect with locale (en, fr, sp).
function gs_localizeDate2MySQL ($date, $locale) {
$dateArray = explode ('/', $date);
if ($locale == 'en') return "$dateArray[0]-$dateArray[1]-$dateArray[2]";
if ($locale == 'fr') return "$dateArray[2]-$dateArray[1]-$dateArray[0]";
if ($locale == 'sp') return "$dateArray[2]-$dateArray[1]-$dateArray[0]";
return $date;
// gs_getLabel ($db, $link, $ident, $locale, $appl, $entities)
// $db : database name
// $link : database link
// $ident : label name
// $locale : locale code
// $appl : application name
// $entities : htmlentities transformation ?
// Get localized label. If the label appears into a JavaScript string, $entities
// MUST be false.
function gs_getLabel ($dbname, $link, $ident, $locale, $appl = '', $entities = true) {
static $labelsCache = array ();
$tag = "$ident $locale $appl";
if (isset ($labelsCache[$tag])) {
return ($entities ? htmlentities ($labelsCache[$tag]) : $labelsCache[$tag]);
$query =
"select L_TRANSLATION from $dbname.LABELS".
" where L_IDENT='$ident' and L_LOCALE='$locale' and L_APPL='$appl'";
$result = mysql_query ($query, $link);
if (! $result) {
die ("Unable to perform query ($query / " . mysql_error ($link) . ")");
if (mysql_num_rows ($result) == 0) {
mysql_free_result ($result);
return "($ident)";
$row = mysql_fetch_object ($result);
mysql_free_result ($result);
$labelsCache[$tag] = $row->L_TRANSLATION;
return ($entities ? htmlentities ($row->L_TRANSLATION) : $row->L_TRANSLATION);
// gs_buildControlAndPages ($db, $link, $locale, $url, $first, $max, $numItems,
// $noResponse, $oneResponse, $responses,
// $width, $style, $imgdir)
// $db : database name
// $link : database link
// $locale : locale code
// $url : URL to show datas, without first and max limits
// $first : in the result set, the index of the first item to show
// $max : max count of results by page
// $numItems : results count
// $noResponse : label (if no responses)
// $oneResponse : label (if only one response)
// $responses : label (if more than one response)
// $width : table widh (if equal to zero, 100%)
// $style : style used into the images control cells
// $imgdir : the image set used for the control buttons
// Generation of control buttons (first, previous, next, last) and pages numbers
// (search result, for example).
function gs_buildControlAndPages ($db, $link, $locale,
$first, $max, $numItems,
$noResponse = null,
$oneResponse = null,
$responses = null,
$width = null,
$style = null,
$imgdir = null,
$appl = 'gsite') {
// Manage default values.
if (empty ($noResponse)) $noResponse = 'ctrl_no_response';
if (empty ($oneResponse)) $oneResponse = 'ctrl_one_response';
if (empty ($responses)) $responses = 'ctrl_responses';
if (empty ($width)) $width = '100%';
if (empty ($style)) $style = 'line';
if (empty ($imgdir)) $imgdir = 'dft';
// Build style.
global $GS_GLOBAL;
$STYLErow = $GS_GLOBAL['style_row'];
$fontStyle =
$anchorStyle = "";
// "text-decoration:none;".
// "color:$STYLErow->S_COLOR_TEXT;";
// Get labels.
$pageLabel = gs_getLabel ($db, $link, 'ctrl_page', $locale, $appl);
$numresLabel0 = gs_getLabel ($db, $link, $noResponse, $locale, $appl);
$numresLabel1 = gs_getLabel ($db, $link, $oneResponse, $locale, $appl);
$numresLabel = gs_getLabel ($db, $link, $responses, $locale, $appl);
// Build labels, switch number of results.
$responses = '';
if ($numItems == 0) {
$responses = $numresLabel0;
} else if ($numItems == 1) {
$responses = $numresLabel1;
} else {
$responses = $numresLabel.'&nbsp;: '.$numItems;
// Build pages count.
if ($numItems > $max) {
//-- More than one page.
$count = $pageLabel.'&nbsp;:';
$pgcount = 1;
//-- For all sets of items.
$current = 0;
$blockArray = array ();
for ($i = 0; $i < $numItems; $i += $max) {
if ($first == $i) {
//-- This is the current set.
$current = $pgcount;
$tag = '['.$pgcount.']';
} else {
//-- Another set: [$i, $i+$max]
$href = $url.'&amp;first='.$i.'&amp;max='.$max;
$tag = ('<A href="'.$href.'" style="'.$anchorStyle.'">'.$pgcount.'</A>');
$blockArray[$pgcount] = $tag;
$firstTag = ($current - 5 > 0 ? $current - 5 : 1);
$lastTag = $firstTag + 10;
if ($firstTag > 1) $count .= '&nbsp;...&nbsp;';
while (list ($k, $v) = each ($blockArray)) {
if (($k >= $firstTag) && ($k <= $lastTag)) {
$count .= '&nbsp;'.$v;
if ($lastTag + 1 < $pgcount) $count .= '&nbsp;...&nbsp;';
} else {
//-- Zero or one page.
$count = '&nbsp;';
// Build table.
$str = '';
$str .= "\n".' <TABLE width="'.$width.'" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" summary="">';
$str .= "\n".' <TR>';
$str .= "\n".' <TD width="25%" align="left">'.gs_buildControl ($url, $first, $max, $numItems, $style, $imgdir).'</TD>';
$str .= "\n".' <TD width="50%" align="center"><SPAN style="'.$fontStyle.'">'.$responses.'</SPAN></TD>';
$str .= "\n".' <TD width="25%" style="'.$fontStyle.'" align="right"><SPAN style="'.$fontStyle.'">'.$count.'</SPAN></TD>';
$str .= "\n".' </TR>';
$str .= "\n".' </TABLE>';
return $str;
// gs_buildControl ($url, $first, $max, $numItems, $style = 'line', $imgdir = 'dft')
// $url : URL to show datas, without first and max limits
// $first : in the result set, the index of the first item to show
// $max : max count of results by page
// $numItems : results count
// $style : style used into the images control cells
// $imgdir : the image set used for the control buttons
// Generation of control buttons (first, previous, next, last) for search
// result, for example.
function gs_buildControl ($url,
$first, $max, $numItems,
$style = 'line',
$imgdir = 'dft') {
// Compute index of last set.
if ($numItems == 0) {
$last = 0;
} else {
$last = ($numItems % $max == 0 ?
((int)($numItems / $max) - 1) * $max :
((int)($numItems / $max)) * $max);
// Build infos for gs_control.
$ctrlParam = array (
'style' => $style,
'imgdir' => $imgdir,
'begin' => $url.'&amp;first=0&amp;max='.$max,
'last' => $url.'&amp;first='.$last.'&amp;max='.$max
if ($first > 0) {
$ctrlParam['prev'] = $url.'&amp;first='.($first - $max).'&amp;max='.$max;
if ($first + $max < $numItems) {
$ctrlParam['next'] = $url.'&amp;first='.($first + $max).'&amp;max='.$max;
// Build control.
return gs_control ($ctrlParam);
// gs_control ($param)
// $param : (...)
// Dump a table containing images for first, prev, next, last navigation,
// according to $param parameters array.
// $param is an array, with the following items:
// - style : style used for the table cells
// - imgdir : the directory of the control images set (Local/controls/$imgdir)
// - begin : URL to the first set
// - prev : URL to the previous set
// - next : URL to the next set
// - last : URL to the last set
function gs_control ($param) {
$imgdir = (empty ($param['imgdir']) ? 'dft' : $param['imgdir']);
$icon1 = "Local/controls/$imgdir/01$imgdir.gif";
$icon2 = "Local/controls/$imgdir/02$imgdir.gif";
$icon3 = "Local/controls/$imgdir/03$imgdir.gif";
$icon4 = "Local/controls/$imgdir/04$imgdir.gif";
$icon5 = "Local/controls/$imgdir/05$imgdir.gif";
$icon6 = "Local/controls/$imgdir/06$imgdir.gif";
$beginImg = '<IMG src="'.$icon2.'" border="0" alt="">';
$prevImg = '<IMG src="'.$icon3.'" border="0" alt="">';
$nextImg = '<IMG src="'.$icon4.'" border="0" alt="">';
$lastImg = '<IMG src="'.$icon5.'" border="0" alt="">';
$style = (empty ($param['style']) ? '' : ' class="'.$param['style'].'"');
$beginImg = (empty ($param['begin']) ? $beginImg : '<A href="'.$param['begin'].'">'.$beginImg.'</A>');
$prevImg = (empty ($param['prev']) ? $prevImg : '<A href="'.$param['prev'].'">'.$prevImg.'</A>');
$nextImg = (empty ($param['next']) ? $nextImg : '<A href="'.$param['next'].'">'.$nextImg.'</A>');
$lastImg = (empty ($param['last']) ? $lastImg : '<A href="'.$param['last'].'">'.$lastImg.'</A>');
$str = '';
$str .= "\n".'<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" summary="">';
$str .= "\n".' <TR>';
$str .= "\n".' <TD><IMG src="'.$icon1.'" border="0" alt=""></TD>';
$str .= "\n".' <TD'.$style.'>'.$beginImg.'</TD>';
$str .= "\n".' <TD'.$style.'>'.$prevImg.'</TD>';
$str .= "\n".' <TD'.$style.'>'.$nextImg.'</TD>';
$str .= "\n".' <TD'.$style.'>'.$lastImg.'</TD>';
$str .= "\n".' <TD><IMG src="'.$icon6.'" border="0" alt=""></TD>';
$str .= "\n".' </TR>';
$str .= "\n".'</TABLE>';
return $str;
// gs_buildOptionInVar ($db, $link, $query, $current, $valueFieldName, $labelFieldName, $locale, $appl, $isLabel)
// $db : database name
// $link : database link
// $query : query to perform
// $current : current expected value of the select (option SELECTED)
// $valueFieldName : in the query, the field name of the value
// $labelFieldName : in the query, the field name of the text
// $locale : current locale, in case of labelled text
// $name : name of application, for labels
// $isLabel : true if $labelFieldName field is a label name.
// According to the result of the query $query, build SELECT options. The result
// is a string.
function gs_buildOptionInVar ($db, $query, $current, $valueFieldName, $labelFieldName, $locale = '', $appl= '', $isLabel = false) {
// Perform query.
$res = $db->query ($query);
if (DB::isError($res)) {
die ("Unable to perform query ($query / " . $res->getMessage() . ")");
// Build options.
$str = '';
while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
//-- Option label. If $isLabel is true, the field named $labelFieldName is
//-- used as a label. Otherwise, it's only a string.
$label = htmlentities ($row[$labelFieldName]);
//-- The value: field $valueFieldName of the result set.
$value = $row[$valueFieldName];
//-- If the value if equal to $current, this option is selected.
$selected = ($current == $value ? ' selected' : '');
//-- Build option.
$str .= "\n".'<OPTION value="'.$value.'"'.$selected.'>'.$label.'</OPTION>';
return $str;
// gs_localePutLanguagesFlagsInVar ($dbname, $dblink, $project)
// $dbname : database name
// $dblink : database link
// $project : project name
// Dump array of flags, one for each language supported by the project.
// Images are taken from Local/flags directory.
function gs_localePutLanguagesFlagsInVar ($dbname, $dblink, $project) {
// List of all the languages supported by project.
$query =
"select * from $dbname.LOCALE, $dbname.LOCALE_PRJ".
" where LP_PROJECT='$project' and LP_CODE=L_CODE".
" order by LP_ORDER";
$result = mysql_query ($query, $dblink);
if (! $result) {
die ("Unable to perform query (" . mysql_error ($dblink) . ")");
// Only one language ? Do nothing.
if (mysql_num_rows ($result) <= 1) {
mysql_free_result ($result);
// Dump array of flags.
$outputText = '';
$outputText .= "\n".'<TABLE summary="" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0" border="0">';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TR>';
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object ($result)) {
// The flags images are taken from Local/flags.
$url = "index.php?project=$project&amp;locale=$row->LP_CODE";
$img = "Local/flags/$row->L_FLAG";
$alt = htmlentities ($row->L_DESCRIPTION);
$outputText .= "\n".'<TD>';
$outputText .= '<A target="_top" href="'.$url.'">';
$outputText .= '<IMG border="0" src="'.$img.'" alt="'.$alt.'">';
$outputText .= '</A>';
$outputText .= '</TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".' </TR>';
$outputText .= "\n".'</TABLE>';
mysql_free_result ($result);
return $outputText;
// FUNCTION gs_putAmount ($frf, $euro)
// Convert an amount into euro.
// NOTE: must be move into project module.
function gs_putAmount ($frf, $euro) {
if ($euro == 0) {
$euro = $frf / 6.55957;
$euro = (round ($euro * 100)) / 100;
if ($euro == 0) return '&nbsp;';
if ($euro >= 150000) return 'A ( >= 150 000 &euro; )';
if ($euro >= 45000) return 'B ( < 150 000 &euro;, >= 45 000 &euro; )';
if ($euro >= 15000) return 'C ( < 45 000 &euro;, >= 15 000 &euro; )';
return 'D ( < 15 000 &euro;)';
/** function includeFile () Inclue des fichiers en essayant dans divers lieux
* @param mixed Un tableau contenant les fichiers à inclure
* @param string Un message d'erreur
* return boolean true en cas de succès
function includeFile($incFiles, $msg) {
if (! isset ($incFiles)) die ('Bad include path');
if (! is_array ($incFiles)) die ('Bad include path');
$searchPath = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < count ($incFiles); $i++) {
$searchPath .= $incFiles[$i].'<BR>'."\n";
if (file_exists ($incFiles[$i])) {
include_once ($incFiles[$i]);
die ("$msg<BR>\nSearch path:<BR>\n$searchPath");
// FUNCTION gs_getUser ($db, $link, $annu, $userid)
// Returns an array with user informations.
function gs_getUser ($db, $link, $annu, $userid) {
$query =
"select * from $db.annu_USERS".
" where U_ID=$userid".
" and U_ANNU_NAME='$annu'";
$result = mysql_query ($query, $link);
if (! $result) {
die ("Unable to perform query ($query / " . mysql_error ($link) . ")");
$row = mysql_fetch_object ($result);
if (! $row) return false;
$userInfo['login'] = $row->U_LOGIN;
$userInfo['name'] = $row->U_NAME;
$userInfo['surname'] = $row->U_SURNAME;
$userInfo['row'] = $row;
mysql_free_result ($result);
return $userInfo;
// FUNCTION messageTo ($project, $locale, $to)
// Dump an icon to send a message.
function messageTo ($project, $locale, $to) {
$args = "'$project', '$locale', $to";
$icon = '<IMG src="Local/icons/newmsg.gif" alt="" width="16" height="16" border="0">';
'<A href="javascript:openMessenger ('.$args.')">'.
function gs_print ($item) {
ob_start ();
print_r ($item);
$p = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();
echo '<PRE>'.htmlentities ($p).'</PRE>';