Subversion Repositories eFlore/Applications.moissonnage

Compare Revisions

No changes between revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 28 → Rev 29

New file
0,0 → 1,5
tbl.champ_longitude = 'longitude'
tbl.champ_latitude = 'latitude'
tbl.champ_id = 'guid'
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,5
tbl.champ_longitude = 'lieu_station_longitude'
tbl.champ_latitude = 'lieu_station_latitude'
tbl.champ_id = 'guid'
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,195
* Exemple lancement:
* /opt/lampp/bin/php -d memory_limit=3500M ~/web/moissonnage/scripts/cli.php maillage_projet
* -a source=nom_source
* @author alex
class MaillageProjet extends Script {
private $nomProjet = 'maillage_projet';
private $nomSource = '';
private $bdd = null;
private $tableRequetage = '';
private $mailles = array();
private $points = array();
public function executer() {
try {
$cmd = $this->getParametre('a');
$parametre = explode('=', $cmd);
if (count($parametre) != 2 && $parametre[0] != 'source') {
throw new Exception("Parametre passé incorrect : attendu source=nom_de_la_source\n");
} else {
if (!$this->estSourceDisponible($parametre[1])) {
$sourcesDispo = Config::get('sources_disponibles');
$message =
"Erreur lors de l'éxécution du script : la soruce demandée n'est pas disponible.\n".
"Les sources dont le maillage est réalisable sont les suivantes : {$sourcesDispo}.\n";
throw new Exception($message);
} else {
$this->nomSource = $parametre[1];
$this->tableRequetage = $parametre[1].Config::get('suffixe_table_interrogation');
} catch(Exception $e) {
private function initialiserScript() {
$fichierIni = $this->getScriptChemin().'maillage_projet.ini';
if (file_exists($fichierIni)) {
} else {
$m = "Veuillez configurer le projet en créant le fichier '{$this->nomProjet}.ini' ".
"dans le dossier du module de script du projet à partir du fichier '{$this->nomProjet}.defaut.ini'.";
throw new Exception($m);
private function estSourceDisponible($nomSource) {
$sourcesDispo = explode(',', Config::get('sources_disponibles'));
return (in_array($nomSource, $sourcesDispo));
private function chargerConfigurationSource($nomSource) {
$fichierIni = $this->getScriptChemin()."sources".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."{$nomSource}.ini";
if (file_exists($fichierIni)) {
} else {
$m = "Veuillez configurer les champs specifiques à la source en créant le fichier ".
"'{$nomSource}.ini' dans le dossier sources de script du projet {$this->nomProjet}.";
throw new Exception($m);
private function genererMaillage() {
if (!$this->estTableCreee()) {
$zoomMinimal = Config::get('zoom_minimal');
$niveauxZoom = range($zoomMinimal, Config::get('zoom_maximal'), 1);
foreach ($niveauxZoom as $zoom) {
print("Génération des mailles au niveau de zoom {$zoom}...\n");
if ($zoom == $zoomMinimal) {
} else {
private function estTableCreee() {
$tables = $this->getBdd()->recupererTous("SHOW TABLES FROM ".Config::get('bdd_nom'));
$tableInsertion = 'mailles_'.$this->nomSource;
for ($index = 0; $index < count($tables) && $tables[$index]['Tables_in_tb_eflore'] != $tableInsertion;
$index ++);
return $index < count($tables);
private function creerStructureTable() {
$tableInsertion = 'mailles_'.$this->nomSource;
print("Table {$tableInsertion} non trouvée dans la base de données, création de sa structure...\n");
$requete =
"CREATE TABLE {$tableInsertion} (".
"code_maille VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,".
"position_latitude SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,".
"position_longitude SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,".
"limite_sud DECIMAL(9,6) NOT NULL,".
"limite_est DECIMAL(9,6) NOT NULL,".
"limite_nord DECIMAL(9,6) NOT NULL,".
"limite_ouest DECIMAL(9,6) NOT NULL,".
"nombre_observations MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL".
$requete = "ALTER TABLE {$tableInsertion} ADD INDEX bbox(zoom, limite_sud, ".
"limite_nord, limite_ouest, limite_est)";
private function initialiserMailles() {
$limitesEspaceMaillage = $this->recupererExtremesCoordonnees();
$this->recupererIndexMailles($limitesEspaceMaillage, Config::get('zoom_minimal'));
private function recupererExtremesCoordonnees() {
$champLongitude = Config::get('tbl.champ_longitude');
$champLatitude = Config::get('tbl.champ_latitude');
$requete = "SELECT Min({$champLongitude}) AS lng_min, Max({$champLongitude}) AS lng_max, ".
"Min({$champLatitude}) AS lat_min, Max({$champLatitude}) AS lat_max FROM {$this->tableRequetage}";
$limites = $this->getBdd()->recuperer($requete);
return $limites;
private function getBdd() {
if (is_null($this->bdd)) {
$this->bdd = new Bdd();
return $this->bdd;
private function recupererIndexMailles($limites, $zoom) {
$bbox = array(
'sud' => $limites['lat_min'],
'ouest' => $limites['lng_min'],
'est' => $limites['lng_max'],
'nord' => $limites['lat_max']
$this->mailles = new Maillage($bbox, $zoom);
private function genererMaillesPourZoomMinimal() {
$this->points = $this->recupererPoints();
private function recupererPoints() {
print("Récupération des points dans la base de données...\n");
$champLongitude = Config::get('tbl.champ_longitude');
$champLatitude = Config::get('tbl.champ_latitude');
$id = Config::get('tbl.champ_id');
$requete = "SELECT COUNT({$id}) AS observations, {$champLatitude} AS latitude, {$champLongitude} ".
"AS longitude FROM {$this->tableRequetage} GROUP BY {$champLongitude},{$champLatitude}";
$points = $this->getBdd()->recupererTous($requete);
return $points;
print("Points chargés\n");
private function ajouterMaillesDansBdd() {
$aInserer = $this->mailles->formaterPourInsertionBdd();
$champsTable = Config::get('champs_table_mailles');
$tableInsertion = 'mailles_'.$this->nomSource;
$ordresInsertion = [];
$this->getBdd()->requeter("DELETE FROM {$tableInsertion} WHERE zoom={$aInserer[0]['zoom']}");
foreach ($aInserer as $ligne) {
$codeMaille = $this->nomSource.'.'.$ligne['zoom'].'-'.$ligne['indexLat'].'-'.$ligne['indexLng'];
$sql = "('{$codeMaille}',{$ligne['zoom']},{$ligne['indexLng']},{$ligne['indexLat']},".
$ordresInsertion[] = $sql;
$requete = "INSERT INTO {$tableInsertion} ({$champsTable}) VALUES ".implode(',', $ordresInsertion);
New file
0,0 → 1,10
table_index_mailles = "mailles_index"
suffixe_table_interrogation = "_tapir"
sources_disponibles = "sophy,baznat"
champs_table_mailles = "code_maille,zoom,position_longitude,position_latitude,limite_ouest,limite_sud,limite_est,limite_nord,nombre_sites,nombre_observations"
origine = 20037508.342789244
zoom_minimal = 3
zoom_maximal = 13
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property