Subversion Repositories eFlore/Applications.moissonnage

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 30 → Rev 31

31,24 → 31,19
define("RANG_FAMILLE", 180);
class Referentiel {
private $nomComplet;
private $nomCourt;
private $taxon;
private $bdd = null;
private $nomsChampsBdtfx = array('nn' => 'num_nom_retenu', 'nt' => 'num_taxonomique', 'ns' => 'nom_sci');
private $nomsChampsBdtxa = array('nn' => 'num_nom_retenu', 'nt' => 'num_tax', 'ns' => 'nom_sci');
private $champs;
public function __construct($nomReferentiel, $taxon = null) {
$this->nomComplet = $nomReferentiel;
$this->nomCourt = current(explode('_', $nomReferentiel));
59,8 → 54,6
$this->taxon = $taxon;
public function renvoyerNomCompletReferentiel() {
return $this->nomComplet;
69,15 → 62,16
return $this->taxon;
public function chargerTaxon($numTaxon) {
public function chargerTaxon($typeNumero, $numTaxon) {
$taxon = null;
// verifier que le numero de taxon soit bien une chaine de caracteres composee uniquement
// que de nombres entiers avant de construire la requete SQL a executer
if (preg_match('/^\d+$/', $numTaxon) == 1) {
$champWhere = $typeNumero == 'nt' ? $this->champs['nt']: 'num_nom';
$requete =
"SELECT ".$this->champs['nn']." AS nn, ".$this->champs['nt']." AS nt, ".
$this->champs['ns']." AS nom, rang FROM ".$this->nomComplet." WHERE ".
$this->champs['nt']."={$numTaxon} AND num_nom=".$this->champs['nn']." ".
$champWhere."={$numTaxon} AND num_nom=".$this->champs['nn']." ".
"ORDER BY rang, If(num_nom=".$this->champs['nn'].", 0, 1) LIMIT 0, 1";
$taxon = $this->getBdd()->recuperer($requete);
if ($taxon == false) {
89,10 → 83,21
$this->taxon = $taxon;
private function getBdd() {
if (is_null($this->bdd)) {
$this->bdd = new Bdd();
$nomBdd = Config::get('bdd_eflore');
if (is_null($nomBdd)) {
$nomBdd = Config::get('bdd_nom');
$this->bdd->requeter("USE ".$nomBdd);
return $this->bdd;
public function recupererSousTaxons($listeNn = null) {
public function recupererTaxonsSousEspeces($listeNn = null) {
$sousTaxons = array();
if (!is_null($this->taxon) && $this->taxon['rang'] >= RANG_FAMILLE) {
if (!is_null($this->taxon) && $this->taxon['rang'] == Config::get('rang.espece')) {
if (is_null($listeNn)) {
$listeNn = $this->taxon['nn'];
109,28 → 114,24
// recherche de sous taxons au niveau inferieur (parcours recursif de la methode)
if (count($resultats) > 0) {
$sousTaxons = array_merge($sousTaxons, $this->recupererSousTaxons($nouvelleListeNn));
$sousTaxons = array_merge($sousTaxons, $this->recupererTaxonsSousEspeces($nouvelleListeNn));
return $sousTaxons;
private function getBdd() {
if (is_null($this->bdd)) {
$this->bdd = new Bdd();
public function recupererTaxonsFamilles() {
$sousTaxons = array();
if (!is_null($this->taxon) && $this->taxon['rang'] == Config::get('rang.genre')) {
$requete =
"SELECT ".$this->champs['nn']." AS nn, ".$this->champs['nt']." AS nt, ".
$this->champs['ns']." AS nom, rang FROM ".$this->nomComplet." WHERE ".
"num_tax_sup=".$this->taxon['nn']." AND num_nom=".$this->champs['nn'];
$sousTaxons = $this->getBdd()->recupererTous($requete);
$nomBdd = Config::get('bdd_eflore');
if (is_null($nomBdd)) {
$nomBdd = Config::get('bdd_nom');
return $sousTaxons;
$this->bdd->requeter("USE ".$nomBdd);
return $this->bdd;
public static function recupererListeReferentielsDisponibles() {
$tableau = array();
$tableauPartiel = explode(',', Config::get('referentiels_dispo'));