Subversion Repositories eFlore/Projets.eflore-projets

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Regard whitespace Rev 735 → Rev 747

File deleted
\ No newline at end of file
File deleted
\ No newline at end of file
1,5 → 1,19
* Classe qui genere la carte SVG pour les parametres de la requete qui a ete utilisee pour appeler
* le web service
* @package framework-0.4
* @author Alexandre GALIBERT <>
* @license GPL v3 <>
* @license CECILL v2 <>
* @version $Id$
* @copyright 2013 Tela Botanica (
class FormateurSVG {
private $documentXML;
29,22 → 43,8
private function chargerSVG($nomFichierSVG) {
$this->documentXML = new DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF-8");
private function supprimerNoeudsInutiles(& $noeud) {
$index = 0;
while ($index < $noeud->childNodes->length) {
if (get_class($noeud->childNodes->item($index)) != 'DOMElement') {
} else {
$fils = $noeud->childNodes->item($index);
$index ++;
private function chargerCoordonnees() {
$viewbox = $this->recupererNoeuds('qgisviewbox');
$this->coordonnees = array(
117,10 → 117,10
public function formaterCarte($taxon) {
$limitesCarte = $this->renvoyerLimitesCarte();
$sourceDonnees = new SourceDonnees($limitesCarte, $taxon);
foreach ($this->sources as $source) {
$nomClasse = $source == 'floradata' ? 'DonneesFloradata' : 'DonneesMoissonnage';
$rechercheBdd = new $nomClasse($limitesCarte, $taxon, $source);
$stations = $rechercheBdd->recupererStations();
$nomMethode = "recupererStations".($source == 'floradata' ? 'Floradata' : 'Moissonnage');
$stations = $sourceDonnees->$nomMethode($source);
$this->ajouterStations($stations, $source);
147,6 → 147,9
$index = 0;
$maille = $grille->item($index);
foreach ($stations as $station) {
if (!isset($station['lat']) || !isset($station['lng']) || !isset($station['commune'])) {
$idMaille = $maille->attributes->getNamedItem('id')->value;
$bbox = explode('_', substr($idMaille, 5));
$bbox[0] = floatval($bbox[0]);
161,9 → 164,8
$bbox[1] = floatval($bbox[1]);
if ($bbox[1] == $station['lat'] && $bbox[0] == $station['lng']) {
$this->genererTitreMaille($station['nb_observations'], $source, $maille);
$this->ajouterCommentaire($station, $source, $maille);
$this->appliquerStyleMaille($source, $maille);
$maille = $grille->item($index ++);
if ($index == $grille->length) {
184,18 → 186,27
private function appliquerStyleMaille($source, & $maille) {
$style = $maille->hasAttribute('class') ? 'tout' : $source;
$maille->setAttribute('class', $style);
if ($maille->hasAttribute('class') && $maille->attributes->getNamedItem('class')->value != $source) {
$maille->setAttribute('class', 'tout');
} elseif (!$maille->hasAttribute('class')) {
$maille->setAttribute('class', $source);
private function genererTitreMaille($observations, $source, & $maille) {
$texte = '';
private function ajouterCommentaire($station, $source, & $maille) {
$commentaires = array();
if ($maille->hasAttribute('title')) {
$texte = $maille->attributes->getNamedItem('title')->value."\n$source : $observations observations";
$commentaires = explode("; ", $maille->attributes->getNamedItem('title')->value);
$commentaire = ucfirst($source)." : {$station['commune']}, ";
if (strlen($station['date']) == 4) {
$commentaire .= "en {$station['date']} par {$station['auteur']}";
} else {
$texte = "$source : $observations observations";
$date = preg_replace("/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/", "$3/$2/$1", $station['date']);
$commentaire .= "le {$date} par {$station['auteur']}";
$maille->setAttribute('title', $texte);
$commentaires[] = trim($commentaire);
$maille->setAttribute('title', implode('; ', $commentaires));
1,5 → 1,17
* Classe qui fournit une legende recuperee dans une table d'ontologies pour la renvoyer au client
* @package framework-0.4
* @author Alexandre GALIBERT <>
* @license GPL v3 <>
* @license CECILL v2 <>
* @version $Id$
* @copyright 2013 Tela Botanica (
class LegendeCartes {
const TYPE_MIME = 'application/json';
1,13 → 1,17
abstract class SourceDonnees {
class SourceDonnees {
protected $limitesCarte = '';
protected $taxon = array();
protected $source = '';
private $bdd = null;
private $limitesCarte = '';
private $taxon = array();
private $nomRang = '';
private $taxons = array();
private $genres = array();
public function __construct($limitesCarte, $taxon, $source) {
public function __construct($limitesCarte, $taxon) {
$this->limitesCarte = $limitesCarte;
foreach ($this->limitesCarte as $bord => $valeur) {
$this->limitesCarte[$bord] = str_replace(",", ".", round($valeur, 6));
14,14 → 18,15
$this->bdd = new Bdd();
$this->taxon = $taxon;
$this->source = $source;
$this->nomRang = $this->obtenirNomRang();
if ($this->nomRang == 'espece' || $this->nomRang == 'sous_espece') {
$this->taxons = $this->recupererSynonymesEtSousEspeces();
} elseif ($this->nomRang == 'famille') {
$this->genres = $this->recupererGenres();
abstract public function recupererStations();
abstract protected function construireWhereTaxon();
protected function obtenirNomRang() {
private function obtenirNomRang() {
$nomsRangs = array('famille', 'genre', 'espece', 'sous_espece');
$rangs = explode(',', Config::get('rangs'));
for ($index = 0; $index < count($nomsRangs) && $rangs[$index] != $this->taxon['rang']; $index ++);
30,7 → 35,6
protected function recupererSynonymesEtSousEspeces() {
$this->bdd->requeter("USE ".Config::get('bdd_nom'));
$requete =
"SELECT num_nom, nom_sci, num_taxonomique FROM bdtfx_v1_01 WHERE hierarchie LIKE '%-{$this->taxon['num_nom']}-%' ".
"OR num_taxonomique = {$this->taxon['num_taxonomique']}";
44,6 → 48,114
return $this->bdd->recupererTous($requete);
public function recupererStationsFloradata() {
$this->bdd->requeter("USE ".Config::get('bdd_nom_floradata'));
$requete =
"SELECT DISTINCTROW zone_geo AS commune, Date(date_observation) AS date, Floor(wgs84_latitude*10)/10 AS lat, ".
"Floor(wgs84_longitude*10)/10 AS lng, courriel_utilisateur AS auteur ".
"FROM cel_obs LEFT JOIN cel_zones_geo cz ON ce_zone_geo=id_zone_geo ".
"WHERE ".$this->construireWhereTaxonFloradata()." AND transmission=1 AND ".
"wgs84_longitude BETWEEN ".$this->limitesCarte['ouest']." AND ".$this->limitesCarte['est']." ".
"AND wgs84_latitude BETWEEN ".$this->limitesCarte['sud']." AND ".$this->limitesCarte['nord']." ".
"AND date_observation<>'0000-00-00 00-00-00' ORDER BY lat DESC, lng ASC, commune, date";
return $this->bdd->recupererTous($requete);
private function construireWhereTaxonFloradata() {
$criteres = array();
$nomRang = $this->obtenirNomRang($this->taxon);
if ($this->nomRang == 'famille') {
$criteres[] = "famille=".$this->bdd->proteger($this->taxon['nom_sci']);
} elseif ($this->nomRang == 'genre') {
$criteres[] = "nom_sel LIKE ".$this->bdd->proteger($this->taxon['nom_sci'].'%');
} else {
$taxons = array($this->taxon['num_taxonomique']);
foreach ($this->taxons as $sousTaxon) {
$taxons[] = $sousTaxon['num_taxonomique'];
$criteres[] = "nt IN (".implode(',', array_unique($taxons)) .")";
return "(".implode(' OR ',array_unique($criteres)).")";
public function recupererStationsMoissonnage($source) {
$this->bdd->requeter("USE ".Config::get('bdd_nom'));
$requete =
"SELECT DISTINCTROW lieu_commune_code_insee, observation_date AS date, observateur_nom_complet AS auteur ".
"FROM {$source}_tapir WHERE ".$this->construireWhereTaxonMoissonnage()." ".
"AND lieu_station_longitude BETWEEN ".$this->limitesCarte['ouest']." AND ".$this->limitesCarte['est']." ".
"AND lieu_station_latitude BETWEEN ".$this->limitesCarte['sud']." AND ".$this->limitesCarte['nord']." ".
"AND Length(lieu_commune_code_insee)=5 ORDER BY lieu_commune_code_insee, date";
$stations = $this->bdd->recupererTous($requete);
return $stations;
private function construireWhereTaxonMoissonnage() {
$nomRang = $this->obtenirNomRang();
$criteres = array();
$criteres[] = "nom_scientifique_complet LIKE ".$this->bdd->proteger($this->taxon['nom_sci']."%");
if ($this->nomRang == 'espece' || $this->nomRang == 'sous_espece') {
foreach ($this->taxons as $sousTaxon) {
$criteres[] = "nom_scientifique_complet LIKE ".$this->bdd->proteger($sousTaxon['nom_sci']."%");
} elseif ($this->nomRang == 'famille') {
foreach ($this->genres as $genre) {
$criteres[] = "nom_scientifique_complet LIKE ".$this->bdd->proteger($genre['nom_sci']."%");
return "(".implode(' OR ',array_unique($criteres)).")";
private function rechercherInfosCommune(& $stations) {
$codesInsee = array();
foreach ($stations as $station) {
$codeInsee = $station['lieu_commune_code_insee'];
if (substr($codeInsee, 0, 2) == '20') {
$codeInsee = '2A'.substr($codeInsee, 2);
$codeInsee2 = '2B'.substr($codeInsee, 2);
if (!in_array($codeInsee, $codesInsee)) {
if (substr($codeInsee, 0, 2) == '20') {
$codesInsee[] = "'$codeInsee2'";
$codesInsee[] = "'$codeInsee'";
$requete =
"SELECT insee, nom AS commune, Floor(latitude_degre*10)/10 AS lat, Floor(longitude_degre*10)/10 AS lng ".
"FROM lion1906_communes_v2008 WHERE insee IN (".implode(',', array_unique($codesInsee)).") ORDER BY insee";
$communes = $this->bdd->recupererTous($requete);
$indexStation = 0;
foreach ($communes as $commune) {
$codeInsee = $commune['insee'];
if (substr($codeInsee, 0, 2) == '2A' || substr($codeInsee, 0, 2) == '2B') {
$codeInsee = '20'.substr($codeInsee, 2);
while ($stations[$indexStation]['lieu_commune_code_insee'] < $codeInsee) {
$indexStation ++;
if ($stations[$indexStation]['lieu_commune_code_insee'] == $codeInsee) {
$stations[$indexStation]['lat'] = $commune['lat'];
$stations[$indexStation]['lng'] = $commune['lng'];
$stations[$indexStation]['commune'] = $commune['commune'];
$lat = array();
$lng = array();
foreach ($stations as $index => $station) {
if (!isset($station['lat'])) {
$station['lat'] = -100;
$station['lng'] = -100;
$lat[$index] = $station['lat'];
$lng[$index] = $station['lng'];
array_multisort($lat, SORT_DESC, $lng, SORT_ASC, $stations);