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0,0 → 1,34
<!-- Inherit the core Web Toolkit stuff. -->
<inherits name=''/>
<!-- Inherit the default GWT style sheet. You can change -->
<!-- the theme of your GWT application by uncommenting -->
<!-- any one of the following lines. -->
<inherits name=''/>
<!-- <inherits name=''/> -->
<!-- <inherits name=''/> -->
<!-- Other module inherits -->
<!-- Parsing JSON -->
<inherits name='' />
<!-- Encore des trucs pour les user extensions -->
<inherits name='com.gwtextux.GwtExtUx'/>
<stylesheet src="js/ext/resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<script src="js/ext/adapter/ext/ext-base.js" />
<script src="js/ext/ext-all.js" />
<script src="js/UploadDialog/Ext.ux.UploadDialog.js" />
<script src="js/UploadDialog/Ext.ux.UploadDialog.packed.js" />
<!-- Specify the app entry point class. -->
<entry-point class='org.tela_botanica.client.cel2'/>
<!-- Specify the application specific style sheet. -->
<stylesheet src='cel2.css' />
New file
0,0 → 1,37
package org.tela_botanica.client.observation;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.iRetourObservation;
import org.tela_botanica.client.modeles.ObservationAsynchroneDAO;
public class ObservationModele {
private final String baseURL;
public ObservationModele() {
public void getNombreObservation(final iRetourObservation retour, String identifiant, String identifiantLocalite, String localite, String annee, String mois, String jour, String lieudit, String rechercheLibre) {
new ObservationAsynchroneDAO().getNombreObservation(baseURL, retour, identifiant, identifiantLocalite, localite, annee, mois, jour, lieudit, rechercheLibre );
public void getListeObservation(iRetourObservation retour, String identifiant, String identifiantLocalite, String localite, String annee, String mois, String jour, String lieudit, String rechercheLibre, int debut, int longueur) {
new ObservationAsynchroneDAO().getListeObservation(baseURL, retour, identifiant, identifiantLocalite, localite, annee, mois, jour, lieudit, rechercheLibre, debut, longueur );
New file
0,0 → 1,256
package org.tela_botanica.client.observation;
import org.tela_botanica.client.CarnetEnLigneMediateur;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.iMediateur;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.iRetourObservation;
import org.tela_botanica.client.modeles.Observation;
public class ObservationMediateur implements iMediateur{
// Evenenements
final static public int NOMBRE_OBSERVATION=1;
final static public int LISTE_OBSERVATION=2;
private CarnetEnLigneMediateur carnetEnLigneMediateur=null; // Mediateur General
private final ObservationModele observationModele=new ObservationModele();
private Observation observation=null;
// Variable interne
private final String texteDeconnexion="Utilisez ce carnet en ligne pour saisir vos observations, <u>identifiez-vous</u> pour les transmettre à Tela Botanica";
// Composants graphiques
private EtatConnexionVue etatConnexionVue=null; // Vue Etat de la connexion utilisateur
private FormulaireDeConnexionVue formulaireDeConnexionVue=null; // Formulaire de connexion utilisateur
private ListeObservationsVue listeObservationsVue = null; // Liste de releves
public ObservationMediateur(CarnetEnLigneMediateur carnetEnLigneMediateur) {
etatConnexionVue=new EtatConnexionVue(this);
listeObservationsVue=new ListeObservationsVue(this);
VerticalPanel panel=new VerticalPanel();
/// Methodes privees
* Initialisations
private void onInitialisation() {
// Filtre selection lieu
* Action sur selection d'un lieu : affichage de la liste des taxons correspondants au filtrage
public void onFiltrageListeObservation(String id_loc, String loc,String lieu) {
// Positionnement Filtre affichage
// Affichage des filtres
* Affichage etat de la connexion
private void afficheEtatConnexion() {
if (!carnetEnLigneMediateur.getUtilisateur().isIdentifie()) {
else {
etatConnexionVue.setEtat(carnetEnLigneMediateur.getUtilisateur().getIdentifiant()+ " (deconnexion)",true);
* Affichage boite de connexion
public void afficherDialogueConnexion() {
// TODO : singleton ?
formulaireDeConnexionVue = new FormulaireDeConnexionVue(this);
// Position it roughly in the middle of the screen.
int left = (Window.getClientWidth() - 512) / 2;
int top = (Window.getClientHeight() - 256) / 2;
formulaireDeConnexionVue.setPopupPosition(left, top);;
* Deconnexion de l'utilisateur en cours
public void deconnecterUtilisateur() {
// carnetEnLigneMediateur.addListener(CarnetEnLigneMediateur.DECONNEXION,this);
* Tentative de connexion utilisateur
* @param login
* @param password
public void connecterUtilisateur(String login, String password) {
// carnetEnLigneMediateur.addListener(CarnetEnLigneMediateur.CONNEXION,this);
carnetEnLigneMediateur.connecterUtilisateur(login, password);
* Recherche nombre d'enregistrement pour l'utilisateur et la localite en cours
public void getNombreObservation (String identifiantLocalite, String localite, String annee, String mois, String jour, String lieudit, String rechercheLibre ) {
new iRetourObservation() {
public void onRetour(Observation obs) {
}, carnetEnLigneMediateur.getUtilisateur().getIdentifiant(), identifiantLocalite, localite , annee, mois, jour, lieudit ,rechercheLibre
public void getListeObservation (String identifiantLocalite, String localite, String annee, String mois, String jour, String lieudit, String rechercheLibre, int debut, int longueur) {
new iRetourObservation() {
public void onRetour(Observation obs) {
}, carnetEnLigneMediateur.getUtilisateur().getIdentifiant(), identifiantLocalite, localite , annee, mois, jour, lieudit ,rechercheLibre, debut, longueur
public Observation getObservation() {
return observation;
* Evenements
public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) {
switch (be.type) {
case CarnetEnLigneMediateur.DECONNEXION:
case CarnetEnLigneMediateur.CONNEXION:
if (carnetEnLigneMediateur.getUtilisateur().isIdentifie()) {
else {
formulaireDeConnexionVue.afficherMessageAlerte(); // Erreur identification
New file
0,0 → 1,107
David Delon 2007
* : affichage information portant sur le statut de la connexion utilisateur
* 1: Le programme affiche le statut connecte si l'utilisateur s'est connecte precedemment, sinon s'affiche le statut deconnecte
* 2: Le programme arme les actions liees a la connection ou a la deconnection
* - Connection : affichage de la boite de connexion
* - Deconnexion : appel du service de deconnexion, et appel de la re-initialisation de l'affichage pour le nouvel identifiant utilisateur obtenu (identifiant de session)
package org.tela_botanica.client.observation;
public class EtatConnexionVue extends Composite {
private ObservationMediateur observationMediateur=null;
private HTML signLabel = new HTML() ;
private boolean connecte = false ;
public EtatConnexionVue(final ObservationMediateur med) {
HorizontalPanel outer = new HorizontalPanel();
HorizontalPanel inner = new HorizontalPanel();
new ClickListener() {
public void onClick(Widget sender) {
// Non connecte ? Lien vers boite de connection
if (!connecte) {
else {
public void setEtat(String text, boolean connecte) {
/* +--Fin du code ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
* Revision 1.1 2008-06-09 14:19:37 ddelon
* Initialisation observation
* Revision 1.2 2008-04-28 13:10:44 ddelon
* Integration MyGwt
* Revision 1.1 2008-01-02 21:26:04 ddelon
* mise en place mygwt
* Revision 1.6 2007-12-22 14:48:53 ddelon
* Documentation et refactorisation
* Revision 1.5 2007-09-17 19:25:34 ddelon
* Documentation
New file
0,0 → 1,208
David Delon 2007
* (DialogBox)
* Cas d'utilisation :
* Dialogue de validation de l'identification utilisateur
* 1 : L'utilisateur saisit son identifiant (e-mail) et son mot de passe
* 2 : Le dialogue controle aupres du systeme distant la validite des informations saisies
* 3 : Le dialogue transmet au systeme local les informations d'identification
* 3a : Le dialogue informe l'utilisateur que les elements d'identification ne sont pas valide : retour au point 1, ou passe au point 4.
* 4 : Cloture du dialogue
* 5 : Appel du dialogue d'importation
package org.tela_botanica.client.observation;
// TODO : utiliser classe formulaire
public class FormulaireDeConnexionVue extends DialogBox {
private ObservationMediateur observationMediateur=null;
private TextBox login = new TextBox();
private PasswordTextBox password = new PasswordTextBox();
private Grid inner = new Grid(4,2);
public FormulaireDeConnexionVue(final ObservationMediateur carnetEnLigneMediateur) {
VerticalPanel outer = new VerticalPanel();
* E-Mail : Zone_saisie_email
* Mot-de-passe : Zone_saisie_mot_de_passe
* Message d'information
* Bouton_Ok Bouton_Annuler
// Validation bouton
HTML okButton=new HTML("Ok");
new ClickListener() {
public void onClick(Widget sender) {
// Annulation
HTML cancelButton=new HTML("Annuler");
new ClickListener() {
public void onClick(Widget sender) {
//Validation utilisateur sans utilisation des boutons :
login.addKeyboardListener( new KeyboardListener() {
public void onKeyDown(Widget arg0, char arg1, int arg2) {
if(arg1 == KEY_ENTER)
public void onKeyUp(Widget arg0, char arg1, int arg2) { }
public void onKeyPress(Widget arg0, char arg1, int arg2) { }
// Validation utilisateur sans utilisation des boutons :
password.addKeyboardListener( new KeyboardListener() {
public void onKeyDown(Widget arg0, char arg1, int arg2) {
if(arg1 == KEY_ENTER)
public void onKeyUp(Widget arg0, char arg1, int arg2) { }
public void onKeyPress(Widget arg0, char arg1, int arg2) { }
inner.setHTML(1,0,"Mot de passe:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");
* Appel du service d'identification et positionnement de l'etat de connection en fonction du resultat.
* @param login : identifiant saisi
* @param password : mot de passe saisi
private void connecteUtilisateur() {
final String login=this.login.getText();
String password=this.password.getText();
public boolean onKeyDownPreview(char key, int modifiers) {
// Use the popup's key preview hooks to close the dialog when either
// escape is pressed.
switch (key) {
case KeyboardListener.KEY_ESCAPE:
return true;
public void afficherMessageAlerte() {
inner.setHTML(2,0,"Identification incorrecte !");
/* +--Fin du code ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
* Revision 1.1 2008-06-09 14:19:37 ddelon
* Initialisation observation
* Revision 1.10 2007-09-17 19:25:34 ddelon
* Documentation
* Revision 1.9 2007-05-21 21:03:44 ddelon
* nettoyage de code
* Revision 1.8 2007-05-21 18:14:06 ddelon
* Gestion importation releve locaux
* Revision 1.7 2007-05-21 11:47:30 ddelon
* meta cvs
* Revision 1.6 2007-05-21 11:39:48 ddelon
* meta cvs
* Revision 1.5 2007-05-21 11:39:12 ddelon
* meta cvs
* Revision 1.4 2007-05-21 11:37:35 ddelon
* meta cvs
* Revision 1.3 2007-05-21 11:36:51 ddelon
* meta cvs
New file
0,0 → 1,916
David Delon 2007
* (Composite de Panel)
* Cas d'utilisation :
* Affichage de releve
* 1 : Recherche du nombre de releves associe au navigateur ou a l'utilisateur est connecte, en fonction des criteres de selection
* 2 : Recherche des releves correspondant au critere precedent
* 3 : Affichage des releves avec positionnement sur le dernier releve
* Selection de releve
* 1 : L'utilisateur selectionne un releve : lancement de l'affichage detaille pour le releve selectionne
* Pagination :
* 1 : Avancement ou recul d'une page
* Suppression d'une liste d'element
/* Actions declenchees :
* onInventoryItemSelected(numero d'ordre de la ligne selectionne) : selection d'une ligne
* onInventoryItemUnselected(numero d'ordre de la ligne selectionne) : deselection d'une ligne
* onInventoryUpdated(localite) : action suite a la modification, suppression, creation d'un element d'inventaire
package org.tela_botanica.client.observation;
import org.tela_botanica.client.modeles.Observation;
public class ListeObservationsVue extends Composite
// Debut Barre de navigation
private class NavBar extends Composite implements ClickListener {
public final DockPanel bar = new DockPanel();
public final Button gotoFirst = new Button("&lt;&lt;", this);
public final Button gotoNext = new Button("&gt;", this);
public final Button gotoPrev = new Button("&lt;", this);
public final Button gotoEnd = new Button("&gt;&gt;", this);
public final Label status = new Label();
public NavBar() {
HorizontalPanel buttons = new HorizontalPanel();
buttons.setCellHorizontalAlignment(status, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT);
buttons.setCellVerticalAlignment(status, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE);
bar.add(buttons, DockPanel.EAST);
public void onClick(Widget sender) {
if (sender == gotoNext) {
// Move forward a page.
if (startIndex >= count)
} else {
if (sender == gotoPrev) {
// Move back a page.
if (startIndex < 0)
startIndex = 0;
} else {
if (sender == gotoEnd) {
} else {
if (sender == gotoFirst) {
startIndex = 0;
// Fin Barre de navigation
// Conteneur (header et table sont dans panel)
// private ContentPanel panel =null;
// private Table table = null;
// Services
private String serviceBaseUrl = null;
private String user;
private ObservationMediateur observationMediateur = null;
// Navigation
private int startIndex = 0;
private int count = 0;
private static final int VISIBLE_TAXON_COUNT = 15;
private NavBar navBar=null;
// Filtre par defaut :
private String identifiantLocalite = "all";
private String localite = "all";
private String annee = "all";
private String mois = "all";
private String jour = "all";
private String rechercheLibre = "all";
private String lieudit = "all";
private String ordre= null;
public ListeObservationsVue(ObservationMediateur observationMediateur) {
// Traitement contexte utilisateur et service
// panel= new ContentPanel(Style.HEADER);
// panel.setLayout(new FillLayout());
// Barre navigation integree au header
navBar = new NavBar();
// panel.getHeader().addWidget(navBar);
// Contenu :
// Colonnes :
// TableColumn[] columns = new TableColumn[6];
// TODO : renderer date, alignement etc
columns[0] = new TableColumn("etat","Aransmis", 50);
columns[1] = new TableColumn("nom","Nom saisi", 250);
columns[2] = new TableColumn("nomr","Nom retenu", 250);
columns[3] = new TableColumn("lieu","Lieu", 350);
columns[4] = new TableColumn("date","Date", 75);
columns[5] = new TableColumn("ordre","Ordre", 50);
TableColumnModel cm = new TableColumnModel(columns);
// Table :
table = new Table(Style.MULTI | Style.HORIZONTAL, cm);
// Selection d'une ligne
table.addListener(Events.RowClick, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) {
TableItem item=(TableItem) be.item;
if (item!=null) {
if (ordre==null) { // Affichage de la ligne selectionne
ordre= (String) item.getValue(5);
// observationMediateur.onInventoryItemSelected(ordre);
else {
// Si une ligne etait deja selectionne
if (ordre.compareTo((String) item.getValue(5))==0) { // C'est la meme, on la deselectionne
// observationMediateur.onInventoryItemUnselected();
else {
ordre= (String) item.getValue(5); // C'est une autre, on la selectionne
// observationMediateur.onInventoryItemSelected(ordre);
// initWidget(panel);
* Suppression d'un ensemble d'element de la liste d'inventaire, on garde ici car s'applique a plusieurs elements
public void deleteElement() {
TableItem[] selection=table.getSelection();
StringBuffer ids=new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) {
ids.append((String)(((TableItem) selection[i]).getValue(5)));
if (i<(selection.length-1)) ids.append(",");
if (ids.length()>0) {
HTTPRequest.asyncPost(serviceBaseUrl + "/Inventory/" + user
+ "/" + ids.toString(), "action=DELETE",
new ResponseTextHandler() {
public void onCompletion(String str) {
// observationMediateur.onInventoryUpdated(identifiantLocalite,"all","all");
// observationMediateur.getEntryView().clear();
* Transmission de releve a Tela, on garde ici car s'applique a plusieurs elements
public void transmitElement() {
/* TableItem[] selection=table.getSelection();
StringBuffer ids=new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) {
ids.append((String)(((TableItem) selection[i]).getValue(5)));
if (i<(selection.length-1)) ids.append(",");
if (ids.length()>0) {
HTTPRequest.asyncPost(serviceBaseUrl + "/InventoryTransmit/" + user
+ "/" + ids.toString(), "transmission=1",
new ResponseTextHandler() {
public void onCompletion(String str) {
getListeObservation(); // Pour affichage logo
* Recherche nombre d'enregistrement pour l'utilisateur et la localite en cours
public void initialiser() {
// observationMediateur.addListener(ObservationMediateur.NOMBRE_OBSERVATION,this);
observationMediateur.getNombreObservation(identifiantLocalite,localite,annee, mois, jour ,lieudit,rechercheLibre); // Retour dans handlevent() NOMBRE_OBSERVATION
* Mise a jour de l'affichage, a partir des donnaes d'inventaire deja
* saisies. La valeur de this.startIndex permet de determiner quelles
* donnaes seront affichees
public void getListeObservation() {
// observationMediateur.addListener(ObservationMediateur.LISTE_OBSERVATION,this);
observationMediateur.getListeObservation(identifiantLocalite,localite,annee, mois, jour ,lieudit,rechercheLibre, startIndex, VISIBLE_TAXON_COUNT); // Retour dans handlevent() LISTE_OBSERVATION
public void afficherListeObservation() {
Observation[] listeObservation =observationMediateur.getObservation().getListeObservation();
for (int i=0;i<listeObservation.length;i++) {
Object[] values = new Object[6];
// table.add(new TableItem(values));
// Ligne d'information
// Toutes date par defaut
HTTPRequest.asyncGet(serviceBaseUrl + "/InventoryItemList/" + user + "/" + identifiantLocalite + "/" + URL.encodeComponent(localite) +"/" + annee + "/" + mois + "/" + jour + "/" + URL.encodeComponent(rechercheLibre) + "/" + URL.encodeComponent(lieudit) + "/"
+ startIndex + "/" + VISIBLE_TAXON_COUNT,
new ResponseTextHandler() {
public void onCompletion(String str) {
JSONValue jsonValue = JSONParser.parse(str);
JSONArray jsonArray;
JSONArray jsonArrayNested;
int i=0;
if ((jsonArray = jsonValue.isArray()) != null) {
StringBuffer lieu=null;
int arraySize = jsonArray.size();
for (i = 0; i < arraySize; ++i) {
if ((jsonArrayNested = jsonArray.get(i).isArray()) != null) {
Object[] values = new Object[6];
// Statut Observation transmise ?
String atransmit=((JSONString) jsonArrayNested .get(13)).stringValue();
if (atransmit.compareTo("1")==0) {
values[0] = new Image("tela.gif");
else {
values[0] = new HTML("&nbsp;");
// Nom saisi
values[1] = new HTML("<b>"+Util.toCelString(((JSONString) jsonArrayNested .get(0)).toString())+"</b>");
// Nom retenu
String aname=Util.toCelString(((JSONString) jsonArrayNested .get(2)).toString());
if (aname.compareTo("null")==0) {
values[2] = new HTML("&nbsp;");
else {
values[2] = new HTML(aname);
// Num nomenclatural
String ann=((JSONString) jsonArrayNested .get(3)).stringValue();
if (ann.compareTo("0")!=0) {
else {
// Num Taxonomique
String ant=((JSONString) jsonArrayNested .get(4)).stringValue();
if (ant.compareTo("0")!=0) {
observationText.append(ant+", ");
else {
observationText.append("0, ");
// Famille
String afamily=Util.toCelString(((JSONString) jsonArrayNested .get(5)).toString());
if (afamily.compareTo("null")==0) {
else {
observationText.append(afamily+", ");
// Localisation - Lieu
lieu=new StringBuffer();
String aloc=Util.toCelString(((JSONString) jsonArrayNested .get(6)).toString());
if (aloc.compareTo("000null")==0) {
if (lieu.length()==0) {
lieu.append("Commune absente");
else {
lieu.append("commune absente");
else {
if (lieu.length()==0) {
lieu.append("Commune de "+aloc);
else {
lieu.append("commune de "+aloc);
String alieudit=Util.toCelString(((JSONString) jsonArrayNested .get(9)).toString());
// Localisation - Lieu dit
if (alieudit.compareTo("000null")!=0) {
lieu.append(", "+alieudit);
// Station -
String astation=Util.toCelString(((JSONString) jsonArrayNested .get(10)).toString());
if (astation.compareTo("000null")!=0) {
lieu.append(", "+astation);
// Milieu
String amilieu=Util.toCelString(((JSONString) jsonArrayNested .get(11)).toString());
if (amilieu.compareTo("000null")!=0) {
lieu.append(", "+amilieu);
String acomment=Util.toCelString(((JSONString) jsonArrayNested .get(12)).toString());
// Commentaire
if (acomment.compareTo("null")!=0) {
lieu.append(", "+acomment);
if (lieu.toString().compareTo("")==0) {
values[3] = new HTML("&nbsp;");
else {
values[3] = new HTML(lieu.toString());
String adate=((JSONString) jsonArrayNested .get(8)).stringValue();
// Date
if (adate.compareTo("0000-00-00 00:00:00")!=0) {
values[4]=new HTML("<b>"+adate+"</b>");
else {
values[4] = new HTML("&nbsp;");
String aordre=((JSONString) jsonArrayNested.get(7)).stringValue();
// Numero d'ordre (cache)
values[5] = aordre;
if (i>=table.getItemCount()) {
TableItem item = new TableItem(values);
else {
TableItem item=table.getItem(i);
// Spagetti
if (ordre!=null) {
if (aordre.compareTo(ordre)==0) {;
else {
// Suppression fin ancien affichage
if (i<table.getItemCount()) {
for (int j = table.getItemCount() -1 ; j >= i; j--) {
TableItem item=table.getItem(j);
* Affichage message d'attente et desactivation navigation
* @param
* @return void
private void setStatusDisabled() {
navBar.status.setText("Patientez ...");
* Affichage numero de page et gestion de la navigation
private void setStatusEnabled() {
// Il y a forcemment un disabled avant d'arriver ici
if (count > 0) {
if (startIndex >= VISIBLE_TAXON_COUNT) { // Au dela de la
// premiere page
if (startIndex < (count - VISIBLE_TAXON_COUNT)) { // Pas la
// derniere
// page
navBar.status.setText((startIndex + 1) + " - "
+ (startIndex + VISIBLE_TAXON_COUNT) + " sur " + count );
} else { // Derniere page
navBar.status.setText((startIndex + 1) + " - " + count + " sur " + count );
} else { // Premiere page
if (count > VISIBLE_TAXON_COUNT) { // Des pages derrieres
navBar.status.setText((startIndex + 1) + " - "
+ (startIndex + VISIBLE_TAXON_COUNT) + " sur " + count);
} else {
navBar.status.setText((startIndex + 1) + " - " + count + " sur " + count);
else { // Pas d'inventaire, pas de navigation
navBar.status.setText("0 - 0 sur 0");
* Positionnement index de parcours (this.startIndex) pour affichage de la
* derniere page
* @param
* @return void
private void gotoEnd() {
if ((count == 0) || (count % VISIBLE_TAXON_COUNT) > 0) {
startIndex = count - (count % VISIBLE_TAXON_COUNT);
} else {
startIndex = count - VISIBLE_TAXON_COUNT;
* Recherche en cours
public void setRechercheLibre(String search) {
this.rechercheLibre = search;
* Departement en cours
public void setIdLocation(String id_location) {
this.identifiantLocalite = id_location;
* Localite en cours
public void setLocalite(String location) {
this.localite = location;
* Lieudit en cours
public void setLieudit(String lieudit) {
this.lieudit = lieudit;
* Date en cours
public void setAnnee(String year) {
this.annee = year;
public void setMois(String month) {
this.mois = month;
public void setJour(String day) {
this.jour = day;
* Utilisateur en cours
public void setUser(String user) {
this.user = user;
public void displayFilter() {
// Mise a jour boutton export feuille de calcul
observationMediateur.getActionView().getExportButton().setHTML("<a href=\""+observationMediateur.getServiceBaseUrl()+"/InventoryExport/"
+ user + "/"
+ URL.encodeComponent(identifiantLocalite) + "/"
+ URL.encodeComponent(localite) + "/"
+ URL.encodeComponent(lieudit)+ "/"
+ annee + "/"
+ mois + "/"
+ jour
+ "\">"+"Export&nbsp;tableur</a>");
// Mise a jour ligne de selection
String dep;
if (identifiantLocalite.compareTo("all")==0) {
dep="Tous d&eacute;partements";
else {
if (identifiantLocalite.compareTo("000null")==0) {
dep="D&eacute;partements non renseign&eacute;es ";
else {
dep="Département "+identifiantLocalite;
String com;
if (localite.compareTo("all")==0) {
com=", toutes communes";
else {
if (localite.compareTo("000null")==0) {
com=", communes non renseign&eacute;es";
else {
com=", commune de "+localite;
String lieu;
if (lieudit.compareTo("all")==0) {
lieu=", tous lieux dits";
else {
if (lieudit.compareTo("000null")==0) {
lieu=", lieu-dit non renseign&eacute;es";
else {
lieu=", lieu-dit "+ lieudit;
String dat;
if ((annee.compareTo("all")==0) && (mois.compareTo("all")==0) && (jour.compareTo("all")==0)) {
dat=", toutes periodes";
else {
String yea="";
String da="";
String mont="";
if (annee.compareTo("all")==0) {
yea=", toutes ann&eacute;es";
else {
if (annee.compareTo("0")==0) {
yea=", periode non renseign&eacute;e";
else {
yea=", "+ annee;
if (mois.compareTo("all")==0) {
mont=", tous mois";
else {
mont="/"+ mois;
if (jour.compareTo("all")==0) {
da=", tous jours";
else {
da="/"+ jour;
dat=yea + mont + da;
//panel.getHeader().setText(dep + com + lieu + dat);
* Evenements
public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) {
switch (be.type) {
case ObservationMediateur.NOMBRE_OBSERVATION:
case ObservationMediateur.LISTE_OBSERVATION:
/* +--Fin du code ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
* Revision 1.3 2008-06-17 14:16:16 aperonnet
* *** empty log message ***
* Revision 1.2 2008-06-09 16:29:01 ddelon
* import branche observation
* Revision 1.1 2008-06-09 14:19:37 ddelon
* Initialisation observation
* Revision 1.3 2008-04-28 13:10:43 ddelon
* Integration MyGwt
* Revision 1.2 2008-01-30 08:55:40 ddelon
* fin mise en place mygwt
* Revision 1.1 2008-01-02 21:26:04 ddelon
* mise en place mygwt
* Revision 1.8 2007-12-22 14:48:53 ddelon
* Documentation et refactorisation
* Revision 1.7 2007-09-17 19:25:34 ddelon
* Documentation
New file
0,0 → 1,12
package org.tela_botanica.client;
public class Util {
public Util() {
public static String toCelString(String str) {
return str.substring(1,str.length()-1);
New file
0,0 → 1,54
Auteurs :
- David Delon 2007
Licence Cecill/GPL
* (Point d'entree de l'application carnet en ligne)
package org.tela_botanica.client;
* Entry point classes define <code>onModuleLoad()</code>.
public class CarnetEnLigne implements EntryPoint {
public void onModuleLoad() {
// new Mediator();
new CarnetEnLigneMediateur();
/* +--Fin du code ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
* Revision 1.1 2008-06-09 16:33:17 ddelon
* import branche observation
* Revision 1.1 2008-06-04 16:47:56 ddelon
* modele mvc+mediateur
* Revision 1.11 2008-01-02 21:26:04 ddelon
* mise en place mygwt
* Revision 1.10 2007-09-17 19:25:34 ddelon
* Documentation
New file
0,0 → 1,145
package org.tela_botanica.client;
import org.tela_botanica.client.image.ImageMediateur;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.iRetourUtilisateur;
import org.tela_botanica.client.modeles.Utilisateur;
import org.tela_botanica.client.observation.ObservationMediateur;
public class CarnetEnLigneMediateur {
// Evenenements
final static public int ETAT_CONNEXION=1;
final static public int DECONNEXION=2;
final static public int CONNEXION = 3;
private final CarnetEnLigneModele carnetEnLigneModele;
private Utilisateur utilisateur=null;
// Fonctionnement servicecs
private boolean async=true;
public CarnetEnLigneMediateur() {
carnetEnLigneModele=new CarnetEnLigneModele();
getEtatUtilisateur(); // Alimente Objet Utilisateur
* Fin construction (est appelle sur reception evenement Applicatif ETAT_CONNEXION)
private void _CarnetEnLigneMediateur() {
ImageMediateur.Instance() ;
new ObservationMediateur(this);
private void getEtatUtilisateur() { // Pourrait devenir publique ...
// TODO : utiliser une factory ici : Avec Modele synchrone ou non, ou au niveau methode comme dans cette exemple
// Pas possible de traiter dans Modele car retour asynchrone devant etre traité ici.
// if asynchrone
if (async) {
new iRetourUtilisateur() {
public void onRetour(Utilisateur uti) {
// fireEvent(ETAT_CONNEXION);
// else if synchrone
else {
utilisateur= carnetEnLigneModele.getUtilisateurSynchroneDAO();
// Evenenements Applicatifs
public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) {
if (be.type==CarnetEnLigneMediateur.ETAT_CONNEXION) {
_CarnetEnLigneMediateur(); // Fin initialisation
// Methode publiques
* Recherche Identifiant utilisateur en cours et etat de connection
* @return Utilisateur
public Utilisateur getUtilisateur() {
return utilisateur;
* Deconnecte l'utilisateur passe en parametre
public void deconnecterUtilisateur() {
new iRetourUtilisateur() {
public void onRetour(Utilisateur uti) {
}, utilisateur.getIdentifiant()
public void connecterUtilisateur(String login, String password) {
new iRetourUtilisateur() {
public void onRetour(Utilisateur uti) {
}, login, password
New file
0,0 → 1,742
package org.tela_botanica.client.image;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.Rafraichissable;
import org.tela_botanica.client.modeles.Configuration;
import org.tela_botanica.client.modeles.ImageAsynchroneDAO;
import org.tela_botanica.client.modeles.ImageCarnet;
import org.tela_botanica.client.modeles.ImageUploaderAsynchroneDAO;
import org.tela_botanica.client.modeles.ListeImageAsynchroneDAO;
import org.tela_botanica.client.modeles.ListeImageCarnet;
import org.tela_botanica.client.modeles.MotsClesAsynchroneDAO;
import org.tela_botanica.client.modeles.NombreImageAsynchroneDAO;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.tree.TreeNode;
* Modèle d'accès aux données pour les images.
* C'est un singleton
* @author aurelien
public class ImageModele implements Rafraichissable {
* Booleen indiquant si le médiateur est instancié (l'instance doit être unique donc le booleen est static)
private static boolean estInstancie = false ;
* le modèle lui même
private static ImageModele thisModele = null ;
* Le médiateur associé au modèle
private ImageMediateur iMediateur = null ;
* La configuration en cours
private Configuration config = null ;
* La liste des image affichées en cours
private ListeImageCarnet cacheImage = new ListeImageCarnet(0) ;
* Table de correspondance entre les mots clés et leurs identifiants
private HashMap<String, String> motsCles = new HashMap<String, String>(0) ;
* Le store contenant les données à afficher, que le modèle transmet au médiateur quand il le demande
private Store st = null ;
* Arbre des mots clés
private arbreMotsCles = new Tree() ;
* Numéro de page en cours
private int pageEncours = 0 ;
* Nombre de pages totales
private int pageMax = 1 ;
* Taille de page (par défaut 50)
private int taillePage = 50 ;
* Nombre d'éléments total correspondant à la requete
private int nbElements = 0 ;
* Retourne une instance de manière unique
* @param im le médiateur à associer
* @return l'instance du modèle
static ImageModele Instance(ImageMediateur im)
// si le modèle n'est pas encore instancié
// on en crée un nouveau
estInstancie = true ;
thisModele = new ImageModele(im);
// sinon on retourne le "pointeur" vers le modèle lui-même
return thisModele ;
* Le constructeur est privé et seule la méthode instance y accède
* @param im le médiateur à associer
private ImageModele(ImageMediateur im) {
iMediateur = im ;
config = new Configuration() ;
* Accesseur pour le médiateur
* @return le médiateur associé
public ImageMediateur getIMediateur()
return iMediateur ;
* Appelle le DAO asynchrone pour obtenir la liste des images
* @param r le rafraichissable auxquel on enverra les données
public void obtenirPhotoGalerie(Rafraichissable r)
String motsClesFiltres[][] = getIMediateur().renvoyerFiltres() ;
int tailleFiltres = motsClesFiltres.length ;
String[][] criteres = new String[tailleFiltres+1][2] ;
String[][] criteres2 = new String[tailleFiltres+2][2] ;
String[] utilisateur = {"ci_ce_utilisateur", ""+getIMediateur().getIdentifiant()} ;
criteres[0] = utilisateur ;
String[] limite = {"ci_limite" ,""+taillePage } ;
String[] taillePage = {"ci_numero_page",""+pageEncours} ;
criteres2[0] = limite ;
criteres2[1] = taillePage ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < motsClesFiltres.length; i++) {
criteres[i+1] = motsClesFiltres[i] ;
criteres2[i+2] = motsClesFiltres[i] ;
// on les crée un DAO auquel on les transmet et qui demande le nombre d'images correspondantes (pour les pages)
NombreImageAsynchroneDAO niaDAO = new NombreImageAsynchroneDAO(this) ;
niaDAO.obtenirNombreImages(this, criteres) ;
// et on crée un DAO auquel on les transmet et qui envoie une requete pour recevoir les images
ListeImageAsynchroneDAO liaDAO = new ListeImageAsynchroneDAO(this);
liaDAO.ObtenirListeImages(this, criteres2);
* Appelle le DAO d'upload qui va choisir la methode d'upload adaptée
* et lancer l'interface appropriée
public void uploaderImages()
ImageUploaderAsynchroneDAO IuADaO = new ImageUploaderAsynchroneDAO(this) ;
IuADaO.choisirMethodeUpload() ;
* Met à jour la liste des images à partir d'un objet
* @param o la nouvelle liste d'image
public void rafraichirListeImage(Object o)
cacheImage = (ListeImageCarnet)o ;
* Met à jour l'arbre des mots clés à partir d'un objet
* @param o le nouvel arbre de mots clés
public void rafraichirArbreMotsCles(Object o)
arbreMotsCles = ( ;
* Met à jour la table de correspondance mots clés / ids
* à partir d'un objet
* @param o la nouvelle table des mots clés
public void rafraichirMotsCles(Object o)
if(o instanceof HashMap)
motsCles = (HashMap<String, String>)o ;
* Va chercher les métadonnées associées à une image dans la liste
* des images chargée dans le modèle
* @param r le rafraichissable auquel on enverra les informations
* @param id l'identifiant de l'image
public void obtenirMetadonnees(Rafraichissable r, String id)
ImageCarnet im = (ImageCarnet)cacheImage.get(id) ;
Object meta[] = new Object[3] ;
meta[0] = im.getMetadonnesExif() ;
meta[1] = im.getMetadonnesIptc() ;
meta[2] = im.getInfoGenerales() ;
r.rafraichir(meta,false) ;
* Va chercher les mots clés associés à une image dans la liste
* des images chargée dans le modèle
* @param r le rafraichissable auquel on enverra les informations
* @param id l'identifiant de l'image
public void obtenirMotsClesId(Rafraichissable r, String id)
ImageCarnet im = cacheImage.get(id) ;
String motsClesId = im.getMotsCles() ;
String[] motsClesIdTab = motsClesId.split(",") ;
r.rafraichir(motsClesIdTab, false) ;
* Met à jour la liste des images en local et appelle le DAO de mise
* à jour pour les commentaires et la date des images selectionnées
* @param commentaires le commentaire à appliquer
* @param date la date à appliquer
* @param ids les identifiants des images selectionnées
public void mettreAJourCacheImage(String commentaires, String date, String note, String ids[])
for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++)
String key = ids[i] ;
ImageCarnet ic = cacheImage.get(key) ;
ic.miseAJourInfoGenerales(commentaires, date, note) ;
mettreAjourBaseDeDonneesImageCarnet(ic) ;
* Ajoute un nouveau mot clés à la liste des mots clés locale
* @param text le mot clé
* @param id l'identifiant du mot clé
public void mettreAjourMotsClesId(String text, String id)
motsCles.put(id, text) ;
* Appelle le DAO chargé de mettre à jour la base de données avec
* les toutes les informations des images modifiées par l'utilisateur
public void mettreAJourBaseDeDonneesListeImageCarnet()
ListeImageAsynchroneDAO liDaO = new ListeImageAsynchroneDAO(this);
* Appelle le DAO chargé de mettre à jour la base de données avec
* les toutes les informations d'une image donnée
* @param ic l'image à synchroniser avec la base
public void mettreAjourBaseDeDonneesImageCarnet(ImageCarnet ic)
ImageAsynchroneDAO iaDaO = new ImageAsynchroneDAO(this);
iaDaO.SynchroniserBaseDeDonnees(ic) ;
* Supprime les images données du cache local et appelle le DAO
* qui les supprime de la base de données
* @param ids les identifiants des images selectionnées
public void supprimerImages(String[] ids)
String rids[] = new String[ids.length] ;
ListeImageAsynchroneDAO liDao = new ListeImageAsynchroneDAO(this) ;
for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++)
String key = ids[i] ;
ImageCarnet ic = cacheImage.get(key) ;
rids[i] = ic.getId() ;
cacheImage.remove(key) ;
if(rids.length != 0)
* Met à jour les données locales suivant le type des nouvelles données
* et appelle le médiateur pour le notifier de la mise à jour
public void rafraichir(Object nouvelleDonnees, boolean repandreRafraichissement)
// si l'on a reçu une liste d'images
if(nouvelleDonnees instanceof ListeImageCarnet)
ListeImageCarnet data = (ListeImageCarnet) nouvelleDonnees ;
Object[][] photoData = new Object[data.size()][8];
int i = 0 ;
if(data.size() == 0)
pageEncours = 0 ;
// on la parse et on récupère les informations quiç nous interessent
for (Iterator<String> it = data.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();)
ImageCarnet im = data.get(;
photoData[i][0] = im.getOrdre() ;
photoData[i][1] = im.getDate() ;
photoData[i][2] = im.getIptcCity() ;
photoData[i][3] = im.getMake()+" "+im.getModel() ;
photoData[i][4] = im.getSUrl() ;
photoData[i][5] = im.getMUrl() ;
photoData[i][6] = im.getLUrl() ;
photoData[i][7] = im.getNote() ;
i++ ;
// creation du store qui les contient
FieldDef defNumImage = new IntegerFieldDef("num_image");
FieldDef defDatImage = new StringFieldDef("dat_image");
FieldDef defLieImage = new StringFieldDef("lie_image");
FieldDef defAppImage = new StringFieldDef("app_image");
FieldDef defUrlImageS = new StringFieldDef("url_image_S");
FieldDef defUrlImageM = new StringFieldDef("url_image_M");
FieldDef defUrlImage = new StringFieldDef("url_image");
FieldDef defNoteImage = new IntegerFieldDef("note_image") ;
FieldDef[] defTab = {defNumImage,defDatImage,defLieImage,defAppImage,defUrlImageS,defUrlImageM,defUrlImage,defNoteImage};
RecordDef rd = new RecordDef(defTab) ;
final MemoryProxy dataProxy = new MemoryProxy(photoData);
final ArrayReader reader = new ArrayReader(rd);
final Store photoStore = new Store(dataProxy, reader);
st = photoStore ;
st.load() ;
// par défaut le store est trié sur le numéro d'image
st.sort("num_image") ;
// si on doit répandre les données, on notifie le médiateur qui les distribuera à son tour
getIMediateur().synchroniserDonneesZoomListeGalerie(st, this) ;
// si on reçoit un tableau JSON
if(nouvelleDonnees instanceof JSONArray)
// alors on a reçu les informations sur les mots clés
JSONArray reponse = (JSONArray)nouvelleDonnees ;
final int taillemax = reponse.size();
// si le tableau est vide
if(taillemax == 0)
// on crée un arbre vide
TreeNode root = new TreeNode() ;
root.setId("racine") ;
root.setText("Tags") ;
String[] usObj = {"Tags","racine"} ;
root.setUserObject(usObj) ;
arbreMotsCles.setRootNode(root) ;
// pour chacun des élements du tableau
for (int j = 0; j < taillemax ; j++)
// on extrait les élements du tableau
if(reponse.get(j).isObject() != null)
JSONObject noeud = (JSONObject)reponse.get(j) ;
String id_noeud = noeud.get("cmc_id_mot_cle_utilisateur").isString().stringValue() ;
String mot_cle = noeud.get("cmc_mot_cle").isString().stringValue() ;
String parent = noeud.get("cmc_id_parent").isString().stringValue() ;
String[] usObj = {mot_cle, id_noeud} ;
// et on construit l'arbre à partir de la racine (qui est toujoursl e premier élément)
TreeNode root = new TreeNode() ;
root.setId(id_noeud) ;
root.setText(mot_cle) ;
root.setUserObject(usObj) ;
arbreMotsCles.setRootNode(root) ;
// et en ajoutant les noeuds un à un (qui sont renvoyé dans l'ordre hierarchique de leur niveau
// ce qui permet de les traiter séquentiellement)
TreeNode node = new TreeNode() ;
node.setId(id_noeud) ;
node.setText(mot_cle) ;
node.setChecked(false) ;
Node parentNode = arbreMotsCles.getNodeById(parent) ;
node.setUserObject(usObj) ;
parentNode.appendChild(node) ;
// enfin on met à jour l'arbre des mots clés contenu dans le modèle
rafraichirArbreMotsCles(arbreMotsCles) ;
// et on notifie le médiateur de la mise à jour en lui passant une copie des données
getIMediateur().rafraichirArbreMotsCles(arbreMotsCles) ;
// Si on reçoit un tableau d'entiers
// c'est un tableau d'un seul entier qui est le nombre d'images correspondant aux critères
if(nouvelleDonnees instanceof int[])
int[] pages = (int[])nouvelleDonnees ;
// on calcule le nombre de pages nécessaires et on les met à jour dans le modèle
pageMax = calculerNbPages(pages[0]) ;
nbElements = pages[0] ;
// et on notifie de le mediateur du changement des valeurs
getIMediateur().changerPageMaxEtCourante(pageMax,pageEncours,taillePage,pages[0]) ;
* Affiche les paires / valeur de tous les mots clés stockés
public void afficherMotsCles()
for(Iterator<String> it = motsCles.keySet().iterator() ; it.hasNext() ;)
String key = ;
String valeur = (String)motsCles.get(key) ;
System.out.println("clé : "+key+" valeur : "+valeur);
* Met à jour les mots clés associés à une image et appelle le DAO pour synchroniser la base de données
* @param ids les identifiants des images selectionnées
* @param motsClesEnCours les mots clés à appliquer aux images
* @param arbreMC l'arbre de mots clés en cours
public void mettreAjourMotsCles(String[] ids, String motsClesEnCours, arbreMC)
for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++)
ImageCarnet ic = (ImageCarnet)cacheImage.get(ids[i]) ;
ic.mettreAjourMotsCles(motsClesEnCours) ;
ImageAsynchroneDAO imgDao = new ImageAsynchroneDAO(this) ;
imgDao.SynchroniserMotsClesImageBaseDeDonnees(ic) ;
rafraichirArbreMotsCles(arbreMC) ;
* Appelle le DAO des mots clés pour obtenir l'arbre complet stocké dans la base de données
public void initialiserArbreMotsCles()
MotsClesAsynchroneDAO MCDao = new MotsClesAsynchroneDAO(this) ;
MCDao.obtenirListeMotsCles(this) ;
* Envoie l'arbre des mots clés stocké localement à l'élément rafrachissable donné, qui le demande
* @param r le rafraichissable demandeur de l'arbre
public void obtenirArbreMotCle(Rafraichissable r)
r.rafraichir(arbreMotsCles, false) ;
* Ajoute un mot clé à l'arbre des mots clés local et appelle le DAO qui fait la mise
* à jour de l'arbre des mots clés dans la base
* @param n le nouveau noeud contenant le mot clé
* @param arbreMC l'arbre des mots cles en cours
public void ajouterMotCleDansArbre(TreeNode n, arbreMC)
MotsClesAsynchroneDAO MCDao = new MotsClesAsynchroneDAO(this) ;
String[] usObj = (String[])n.getUserObject() ;
String motCle = usObj[0] ;
String id = usObj[1] ;
String parentId = "" ;
String[] parentUsObj = (String[])n.getParentNode().getUserObject() ;
parentId = parentUsObj[1] ;
parentId = "racine" ;
rafraichirArbreMotsCles(arbreMC) ;
String nouveauMotCle = "&identifiant="+getIdentifiant()+"&motcle="+motCle+"&id="+id+"&parent="+parentId ;
MCDao.ajouterBaseDeDonnees(nouveauMotCle) ;
* Supprime un noeud de l'arbre des mots clés et appelle le DAO qui va supprimer
* les mots clés associés dans la base
* @param n le noeud à supprimer
* @param arbreMC l'arbre des mots clés en cours
public void supprimerMotCleDansArbre(TreeNode n, Tree arbreMC)
MotsClesAsynchroneDAO MCDao = new MotsClesAsynchroneDAO(this) ;
String[] usObj = (String[])n.getUserObject() ;
String id = usObj[1] ;
MCDao.supprimerBaseDeDonnees(id) ;
* Modifie le noeud donné dans l'arbre des mots clés en cours et appelle le DAO
* qui synchronise la modification dans la base de données
* @param n le noeud modifié
* @param arbreMC l'arbre des mots clés en cours
public void modifierMotCleDansArbre(TreeNode n, Tree arbreMC)
MotsClesAsynchroneDAO MCDao = new MotsClesAsynchroneDAO(this) ;
String[] usObj = (String[])n.getUserObject() ;
String motCle = usObj[0] ;
String id = usObj[1] ;
String parentId = "" ;
String[] parentUsObj = (String[])n.getParentNode().getUserObject() ;
parentId = parentUsObj[1] ;
parentId = "racine" ;
rafraichirArbreMotsCles(arbreMC) ;
String motCleModifie = "&motcle="+motCle+"&id="+id+"&parent="+parentId ;
MCDao.modifierBaseDeDonnees(motCleModifie) ;
* Deplace un noeud dans l'arbre des mots cles et appelle le DAO qui reorganise l'arbre
* dans la base de donnees suivant le changement
* @param n le noeud deplace (et son sous arbre associe)
* @param arbreMC l'arbre des mots cles en cours
public void deplacerMotCleDansArbre(TreeNode n, Tree arbreMC)
MotsClesAsynchroneDAO MCDao = new MotsClesAsynchroneDAO(this) ;
String[] usObj = (String[])n.getUserObject() ;
String motCle = usObj[0] ;
String id = usObj[1] ;
String parentId = "" ;
String[] parentUsObj = (String[])n.getParentNode().getUserObject() ;
parentId = parentUsObj[1] ;
parentId = "racine" ;
rafraichirArbreMotsCles(arbreMC) ;
String motCleModifie = "&motcle="+motCle+"&id="+id+"&parent="+parentId ;
MCDao.deplacerBaseDeDonnees(motCleModifie) ;
* Change le numéro de la page en cours et envoie une demande de mise à jour des données
* @param nouvellePageCourante la nouvelle page à afficher
public void changerNumeroPage(int nouvellePageCourante)
pageEncours = nouvellePageCourante ;
obtenirPhotoGalerie(this) ;
* Calcule le nombre de pages nécessaires pour afficher un nombre d'élements donnés en fonction de la taille de page
* en cours
* @param nbElements le nombre d'élements total
* @return le nombre de pages
public int calculerNbPages(int nbElements)
// A cause de la betise de java pour les conversion implicite on fait quelques conversions manuellement
// pour eviter qu'il arrondisse mal la division
// nombre de pages = (nombre d'element / taille de la page) arrondie à l'entier superieur
double nPage = (1.0*nbElements)/(1.0*taillePage) ;
double nPageRound = Math.ceil(nPage) ;
Double nPageInt = new Double(nPageRound) ;
// on convertit en entier
return nPageInt.intValue() ;
* Recalcule la page en cours lors du changement du nombre d'élements
* @param nbElements le nombre d'élements total
* @return la nouvelle page encours
public int calculerPageCourante(int nbElements)
// on calcule le nombre de page
int nouvelNbPages = calculerNbPages(nbElements) ;
// la nouvelle page en cours
double nPageCourante = (1.0*pageEncours)/(1.0*pageMax) * (1.0*nouvelNbPages) ;
// on arrondit au supérieur
double nPageRound = Math.ceil(nPageCourante) ;
Double nPageInt = new Double(nPageRound) ;
// on convertit en entier
return Math.abs(nPageInt.intValue()) ;
* Change la taille de page et recalcule la page encours
* @param nouvelleTaillePage la nouvelle taille de page à utiliser
public void changerTaillePage(int nouvelleTaillePage)
taillePage = nouvelleTaillePage ;
pageEncours = calculerPageCourante(nbElements) ;
obtenirPhotoGalerie(this) ;
* Notifie le mediateur que l'upload ou le download est termine et qu'il faut rafraichir les vues avec les nouvelles données
public void requeteTerminee()
getIMediateur().demasquerChargement() ;
getIMediateur().rafraichirToutesVues() ;
* Obtient l'identifiant de l'utilisateur auprès du médiateur
* @return id de l'utilisateur
public String getIdentifiant() {
return getIMediateur().getIdentifiant() ;
* renvoie la taille d'une image grâce à son identifiant
* @param id l'identifiant de l'image
* @return un tableau contenant la longueur et la hauteur de l'image
public String[] obtenirTailleImage(String id) {
return (cacheImage.get(id)).getTailleImage() ;
* Suivant l'id d'une image donnée, fais une demande au modèle pour qu'il
* renvoie la note associée au rafrachissable qui la demande
* @param r le rafraichissable demandeur de l'information
* @param id l'identifiant del'image
public void obtenirNote(Rafraichissable r, String id) {
r.rafraichir((cacheImage.get(id)).getNote() ,true) ;
* Accesseur pour la configuration en cours d'utilisation
* @return la configuration
public Configuration getConfig() {
return config ;
New file
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package org.tela_botanica.client.image;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.IdVue;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.Rafraichissable;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.VueListable;
import org.tela_botanica.client.observation.ObservationMediateur;
import org.tela_botanica.client.vues.ArbreMotsClesFiltreVue;
import org.tela_botanica.client.vues.BarreOutilsVue;
import org.tela_botanica.client.vues.BarreRechercheFiltreVue;
import org.tela_botanica.client.vues.GalerieImageVue;
import org.tela_botanica.client.vues.ListeImageVue;
import org.tela_botanica.client.vues.MenuImageVue;
import org.tela_botanica.client.vues.PanneauFiltresVues;
import org.tela_botanica.client.vues.PanneauMetadonneesVue;
import org.tela_botanica.client.vues.ZoomImageVue;
import com.gwtext.client.core.EventObject;
import com.gwtext.client.core.Ext;
import com.gwtext.client.core.ExtElement;
import com.gwtext.client.core.RegionPosition;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.DataView;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Panel;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.TabPanel;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.event.TabPanelListenerAdapter;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.layout.BorderLayout;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.layout.BorderLayoutData;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.layout.FitLayout;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.tree.TreeEditor;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.tree.TreeNode;
* Mediateur gérant les interactions entre vues et les echanges de données
* C'est un singleton.
* @author aurelien
public class ImageMediateur {
* le mediateur des observations qui lie la partie images au carnet
private ObservationMediateur oMediateur = null ;
* booleen qui verifie l'unicite de l'instance (donc static)
private static boolean estInstancie = false ;
* modele de données
private ImageModele iModele = null ;
* L'identifiant utilisateur.
* Par défaut, il vaut 0
private String identifiant = "0" ;
* panneau principal des images (onglet "images")
private final Panel panneauPrincipalImage = new Panel("Images");
* panneau a onglet pour la liste, la galerie et la vue en grand
private TabPanel ongletsImage = null ;
* panneau de filtrage
private PanneauFiltresVues filtres = null ;
* conteneur du panneau a onglets
private Panel panneauMenuEtOngletsImage = null ;
* galerie de miniature
private GalerieImageVue galerieImage = null ;
* liste détaillée des images
private ListeImageVue listeImage = null ;
* vue agrandie de la l'image selectionnée
private ZoomImageVue zoomImage = null ;
* panneau a onglets affichant les métadonnées et les mots clés
private PanneauMetadonneesVue metadonneesIptcExif = null ;
* panneau conteneur pour le panneau a onglet des metadonnées
private final Panel detailsEtMotsCles = new Panel("Détails et mots clés");
* menu contextuel de manipulation des images
private MenuImageVue menuImageVue = null ;
* barre d'outils
private BarreOutilsVue barreOutilsVue = null ;
* l'indice du dernier onglet sélectionné
private int dernierIndexOnglet = 0 ;
* booleen explicitant s'il y a une selection en cours
private boolean selection = false ;
* Filtre pour les mots cles
private ArbreMotsClesFiltreVue filtreMotsCles = null ;
* Filtre pour les commentaires
private BarreRechercheFiltreVue filtreCommentaires = null ;
* constructeur privé (on accède a la classe par la méthode getInstance)
private ImageMediateur()
// quelques variables de position pour les borderlayouts
final BorderLayoutData regionNord = new BorderLayoutData(
RegionPosition.NORTH) ;
final BorderLayoutData regionCentre = new BorderLayoutData(
RegionPosition.CENTER) ;
final BorderLayoutData regionEst = new BorderLayoutData(
final BorderLayoutData regionOuest = new BorderLayoutData(
afficherMenuId() ;
// on crée un modèle
iModele = ImageModele.Instance(this);
// et on demande l'arbre des mots clés
iModele.initialiserArbreMotsCles() ;
// on gère la mise en page du panneau principal
panneauPrincipalImage.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
panneauPrincipalImage.setId("x-main-panel-image") ;
// on crée le panneau des filtres
filtres = new PanneauFiltresVues(this) ;
// on crée le panneau qui contient les differentes onglets ainsi que le menu supérieur
panneauMenuEtOngletsImage = new Panel() ;
panneauMenuEtOngletsImage.setLayout(new BorderLayout()) ;
// le panneau à onglet qui contient les trois vues
ongletsImage = new TabPanel();
// la galerie
galerieImage = new GalerieImageVue(this) ;
// la liste des images
Panel panneauListeImage = new Panel("Liste");
listeImage = new ListeImageVue(this);
panneauListeImage.setLayout(new FitLayout());
// le panneau zoom
zoomImage = new ZoomImageVue(this);
// on ajoute les panneaux au panneau à onglets
// on crée les menu et la barre de vue
menuImageVue = new MenuImageVue(this) ;
barreOutilsVue = new BarreOutilsVue(this) ;
// on initialise le volet qui contient les mots clés
filtreMotsCles = new ArbreMotsClesFiltreVue(this) ;
filtreCommentaires = new BarreRechercheFiltreVue(this) ;
// on crée le panneau conteneur des métadonnées et infos
metadonneesIptcExif = new PanneauMetadonneesVue(this) ;
// et on l'inclut dans le volet approprié
detailsEtMotsCles.add(metadonneesIptcExif) ;
// on ajoute la barre de vue au nord du panneau qui contient menu et onglets d'images
panneauMenuEtOngletsImage.add(barreOutilsVue,regionNord) ;
// les onglets au centre
// on ajoute le panneau qui contient le menu et les onglets d'images au centre
// et le panneau de métadonnées et d'info sur le coté droit
// on ajoute les filtres au panneau gauche
panneauPrincipalImage.add(filtres,regionOuest) ;
filtres.setWidth("15%") ;
ajouterListeners() ;
* constructeur avec paramètres privé (on accède a la classe par la méthode getInstance)
* @param om le médiateur des observations à associer à la partie image
private ImageMediateur(ObservationMediateur om)
oMediateur = om ;
// quelques variables de position pour les borderlayouts
final BorderLayoutData regionNord = new BorderLayoutData(
RegionPosition.NORTH) ;
final BorderLayoutData regionCentre = new BorderLayoutData(
RegionPosition.CENTER) ;
final BorderLayoutData regionEst = new BorderLayoutData(
final BorderLayoutData regionOuest = new BorderLayoutData(
afficherMenuId() ;
// on crée un modèle
iModele = ImageModele.Instance(this);
// et on demande l'arbre des mots clés
iModele.initialiserArbreMotsCles() ;
// on gère la mise en page du panneau principal
panneauPrincipalImage.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
// on crée le panneau des filtres
filtres = new PanneauFiltresVues(this) ;
filtres.setWidth(200) ;
// on crée le panneau qui contient les differentes onglets ainsi que le menu supérieur
panneauMenuEtOngletsImage = new Panel() ;
panneauMenuEtOngletsImage.setLayout(new BorderLayout()) ;
// le panneau à onglet qui contient les trois vues
ongletsImage = new TabPanel();
// la galerie
galerieImage = new GalerieImageVue(this) ;
// la liste des images
Panel panneauListeImage = new Panel("Liste");
listeImage = new ListeImageVue(this);
panneauListeImage.setLayout(new FitLayout());
// le panneau zoom
zoomImage = new ZoomImageVue(this);
// on ajoute les panneaux au panneau à onglets
// on crée les menu et la barre de vue
menuImageVue = new MenuImageVue(this) ;
barreOutilsVue = new BarreOutilsVue(this) ;
// on initialise le volet qui contient les mots clés
filtreMotsCles = new ArbreMotsClesFiltreVue(this) ;
filtreCommentaires = new BarreRechercheFiltreVue(this) ;
// on crée le panneau conteneur des métadonnées et infos
metadonneesIptcExif = new PanneauMetadonneesVue(this) ;
// et on l'inclut dans le volet approprié
detailsEtMotsCles.add(metadonneesIptcExif) ;
// on ajoute la barre de vue au nord du panneau qui contient menu et onglets d'images
panneauMenuEtOngletsImage.add(barreOutilsVue,regionNord) ;
// les onglets au centre
// on ajoute le panneau qui contient le menu et les onglets d'images au centre
// et le panneau de métadonnées et d'info sur le coté droit
// on ajoute les filtres au panneau gauche
//panneauMenuEtOngletsImage.add(filtres,regionOuest) ;
//filtres.setCollapsed(false) ;
* Change la valeur du booleen de selection
* @param selection la nouvelle valeur du booléen
public void setSelection(boolean selection) {
this.selection = selection;
* renvoie la valeur du booleen de selection
* @return la valeur du booleen de selection
public boolean isSelection() {
return selection;
* Retourne une instance de manière unique
* @return l'instance unique du médiateur
public static ImageMediateur Instance()
estInstancie = true ;
return new ImageMediateur() ;
return null ;
* Retourne une instance de manière unique en lui associant un médiateur pour les observations
* @param le médiateur des observations à associer
* @return l'instance unique du médiateur
public static ImageMediateur Instance(ObservationMediateur om)
estInstancie = true ;
return new ImageMediateur(om) ;
return null ;
* Renvoie l'identifiant de l'utilisateur en cours
* @return l'identifiant de l'utilisateur
public String getIdentifiant()
return identifiant ;
* Setteur pour l'identifiant de l'utilisateur en cours
* @param id le nouvel identifiant utilisateur
public void setIdentifiant(String id)
identifiant = id ;
* Appelle les fonctions de chargement de données, suit généralement un appel
* à setIdentifiant, pour obtenir l'arbre des mots clés et les images du nouvel utilisateur
public void changerUtilisateur()
getIModele().initialiserArbreMotsCles() ;
obtenirPhotoGalerie(getGalerieImage()) ;
* Accesseur pour le modèle associé au médiateur
* @return le modèle associé
public ImageModele getIModele() {
return iModele;
* Accesseur pour le panneau principal
* @return le panneau principal
public Panel getPanneauPrincipalImage() {
return panneauPrincipalImage;
* Accesseur pour le panneau à onglets
* @return le panneau à onglets
public TabPanel getOngletsImage() {
return ongletsImage;
* Accesseur pour la galerie d'images
* @return la galerie d'image
public GalerieImageVue getGalerieImage() {
return galerieImage;
public ListeImageVue getListeImage() {
return listeImage;
* Accesseur pour le panneau "zoom"
* @return le panneau zoom
public ZoomImageVue getZoomImage() {
return zoomImage;
* Accesseur pour le panneau détails et mot clés
* @return le panneau détails et mots clés
public Panel getDetailsEtMotsCles() {
return detailsEtMotsCles;
* Accesseur pour le booleen d'instanciation
* @return le booleen d'instanciation
public static boolean isEstInstancie() {
return estInstancie;
* Accesseur pour la panneau contenant le menu et les onglets images
* @return le panneauMenuEtOngletsImage
public Panel getPanneauMenuEtOngletsImage() {
return panneauMenuEtOngletsImage;
* Accesseur pour le menu image
* @return the menuImageVue
public MenuImageVue getMenuImageVue() {
return menuImageVue;
* Accesseur pour la barre d'outils
* @return the barreOutilsVue
public BarreOutilsVue getBarreOutilsVue() {
return barreOutilsVue;
* Accesseur pour le panneau infos et métadonnées
* @return the metadonneesIptcExif
public PanneauMetadonneesVue getMetadonneesIptcExif() {
return metadonneesIptcExif;
* Renvoie l'index du dernier onglet sélectionné
* @return l'index du dernier onglet
public int getDernierIndexOnglet() {
return dernierIndexOnglet;
* Accesseur pour l'arbre des filtres
* @return l'arbre pour filtrer les mots clés
public ArbreMotsClesFiltreVue getFiltreMotsCles()
return filtreMotsCles ;
* Accesseur pour la barre de recherche
* @return la barre de recherche pour filtrer les commentaires
public BarreRechercheFiltreVue getFiltreCommentaires()
return filtreCommentaires ;
* Renvoie la vue sélectionné par l'utilisateur
* @return la vue selectionnée par l'utilisateur
public VueListable getVueSelectionnee()
Panel active = ongletsImage.getActiveTab() ;
if(active != zoomImage)
if(active == galerieImage)
return galerieImage ;
return listeImage ;
if(dernierIndexOnglet == 0)
return galerieImage ;
return listeImage ;
* Renvoie l'identifiant de la vue en cours
* @return l'identifiant de la vue en cours de visualisation
public String getIdVueSelectionnee()
Panel active = ongletsImage.getActiveTab() ;
if(active != zoomImage)
if(active == galerieImage)
return galerieImage.getId() ;
return listeImage.getId() ;
if(dernierIndexOnglet == 0)
return galerieImage.getId() ;
return listeImage.getId() ;
* Met a jour les données provenant du modèle et synchronise les vues entre elles
* @param o données de mises a jour pour les vues
* @param r le refraichissable qui a demandé la mise a jour
public void synchroniserDonneesZoomListeGalerie(Object o, Rafraichissable r)
if(o instanceof Store) {
Store li = (Store)o ;
if(li.getCount() <= 0)
aucuneSelection() ;
selection() ;
if(r != getGalerieImage())
if(r != getZoomImage())
if(r != getListeImage())
aucuneSelection() ;
demasquerChargement() ;
* envoie au modèle une demande de mise a jour
* @param r la vue demandeuse de mise a jour
public void obtenirPhotoGalerie(Rafraichissable r)
masquerChargement() ;
getIModele().obtenirPhotoGalerie(r) ;
* demande au modèle les métadonnées associées a une image
* @param r la vue demandeuse de mise a jour
* @param id l'identifiant de l'image
public void obtenirMetadonnees(Rafraichissable r, String id)
getIModele().obtenirMetadonnees(r, id) ;
* demande au modèle les ids des mots clés associés a une image
* @param r la vue demandeuse de mise a jour
* @param id l'identifiant de l'image
public void obtenirMotsClesId(Rafraichissable r, String id)
getIModele().obtenirMotsClesId(r, id) ;
* Envoie au modèle une demande pour obtenir l'arbre des mots clés
* @param r le raffraichissable qui a demandé la mise à jour
public void obtenirArbreMotsCles(Rafraichissable r)
getIModele().obtenirArbreMotCle(r) ;
* envoie au modèle une demande de mise a jour des informations modifiables
* associées a une image
* @param commentaires le commentaire de l'image
* @param date la date modifiée par l'utilisateur
public void mettreAJourInfo(String commentaires, String date, String note)
String ids[] = getVueSelectionnee().getIdSelectionnees() ;
getIModele().mettreAJourCacheImage(commentaires, date, note, ids) ;
getListeImage().mettreAjourInfos(commentaires, date, note) ;
* Met à jour l'arbre des mots clés affichés dans le volet de droite à partir de l'arbre passé en paramètre
* @param arbreMC le nouvel arbre des mots clés
public void rafraichirArbreMotsCles(Tree arbreMC)
metadonneesIptcExif.getPanneauMotsCles().rafraichir(arbreMC, false) ;
filtres.getMotsClesFiltre().rafraichir(arbreMC, false) ;
* envoie au modèle une demande pour lancer le formulaire ou l'application d'upload
public void uploaderImages()
getIModele().uploaderImages() ;
* Envoie une demande au modèle pour obtenir toutes les données annexes de l'image (métadonnées, note, etc ...),
* on y centralise tous les appels a obtenirQuelqueChose
* @param imgNum l'identifiant de l'image
public void obtenirDonnes(String imgNum)
obtenirMetadonnees(metadonneesIptcExif,imgNum) ;
obtenirMotsClesId(metadonneesIptcExif.getPanneauMotsCles(), imgNum) ;
obtenirNote(metadonneesIptcExif.getNoteVue(), imgNum) ;
* Envoie une demande au modèle pour obtenir la note associée à une image
* @param noteVue le rafraichissable à qui est destiné cette information
* @param imgNum l'identifiant de l'image
private void obtenirNote(Rafraichissable r, String imgNum) {
getIModele().obtenirNote(r,imgNum) ;
* est appelé lors d'un clic de souris sur une vignette dans la galerie
* le médiateur gère alors les conséquences
* @param index l'index du noeud dans la galerie
* @param node le noeud selectionné
* @param e l'object source de l'évenement
public void clicGalerieImage(int index, Element node,
EventObject e)
Record rd = getGalerieImage().getDView().getRecord(node) ;
String imgUrl = rd.getAsString("url_image");
String[] imgXY = getIModele().obtenirTailleImage(rd.getAsString("num_image")) ;
String[] infosImage = {imgUrl , imgXY[0] , imgXY[1] } ;
dernierIndexOnglet = 0 ;
if(DOM.eventGetType(e.getBrowserEvent()) == Event.ONDBLCLICK)
String imgNum = rd.getAsString("num_image");
obtenirDonnes(imgNum) ;
* est appelé lors d'un clic de souris sur un enregistrement de la liste
* le médiateur gère alors les conséquences
* @param rowIndex le numéro de ligne selectionné
public void clicListeImage(int rowIndex)
Record rd = getListeImage().getSelectionModel().getSelected() ;
String imgUrl = rd.getAsString("url_image");
String[] imgXY = getIModele().obtenirTailleImage(rd.getAsString("num_image")) ;
String[] infosImage = {imgUrl , imgXY[0] , imgXY[1] } ;
dernierIndexOnglet = 1 ;
String imgNum = rd.getAsString("num_image");
obtenirDonnes(imgNum) ;
* gestion du double clic dans la liste
* @param rowIndex
public void doubleClicListeImage(int rowIndex)
clicListeImage(rowIndex) ;
* envoie une demande de mise a jour des données au modèle
public void rafraichirToutesVues()
* montre le menu au coordonnées indiquées
* @param e l'objet source de l'évenement
public void montrerContextMenu(EventObject e)
menuImageVue.showAt(e.getXY()) ;
* appelé lors du double clic sur l'image agrandie
public void doubleClicZoomImage()
* appelé lors du clic sur un des boutons de la zone zoom
* @param arg le nom du bouton qui a cliqué
public void clicBoutonZoomImage(String arg)
Store st ;
int selected ;
int storeIndex ;
Record nRec = null ;
// tout d'abord on obtient les index selectionnés suivant la vue
if(getVueSelectionnee() == galerieImage)
DataView dv = getGalerieImage().getDView();
st = getGalerieImage().getSt();
if(st.getCount() <= 0)
return ;
selected = st.indexOf(dv.getSelectedRecords()[0]);
storeIndex = dv.indexOf(selected);
st = listeImage.getSt() ;
if(st.getCount() <= 0)
return ;
selected = st.indexOf(listeImage.getSelectionModel().getSelected()) ;
storeIndex = selected ;
// si la photo séléctionnée est la première, on passe a la
// dernière
if (selected == 0) {
storeIndex = st.getCount() - 1 ;
nRec = st.getAt(storeIndex);
storeIndex = storeIndex - 1 ;
nRec = st.getAt(storeIndex);
// si la photo selectionnée est la dernière on passe a la
// première
if (selected == st.getCount() - 1) {
storeIndex = 0 ;
nRec = st.getAt(0);
storeIndex = storeIndex + 1 ;
nRec = st.getAt(storeIndex);
if(nRec != null)
String imgUrl = nRec.getAsString("url_image");
String[] imgXY = getIModele().obtenirTailleImage(nRec.getAsString("num_image")) ;
String[] infosImage = {imgUrl , imgXY[0] , imgXY[1] } ;
getListeImage().getSelectionModel().selectRecords(nRec) ;
String imgNum = nRec.getAsString("num_image");
obtenirDonnes(imgNum) ;
* synchronise la selection entre la galerie et la liste
* @param string le nom de la vue qui doit être synchronisee
public void synchroniserSelection(String string) {
if(string.equals("galerie") && getDernierIndexOnglet() != 2)
Record[] sel = getGalerieImage().getDView().getSelectedRecords() ;
getListeImage().selectionnerEnregistrements(sel) ;
if(string.equals("liste") && getDernierIndexOnglet() != 0)
Record[] sel = getListeImage().getSelectionModel().getSelections() ;
int[] ids = new int[sel.length] ;
for (int i = 0; i < sel.length; i++) {
ids[i] = getGalerieImage().getSt().indexOf(sel[i]) ;
getGalerieImage().selectionnerImages(ids) ;
* fait une demande de suppression des images (en local et en distant)
* des images selectionnees
public void supprimerImages() {
String[] ids = null ;
if(dernierIndexOnglet == 0)
ids = getGalerieImage().getIdSelectionnees() ;
ids = getListeImage().getIdSelectionnees() ;
if(ids.length > 0)
.confirm("Supprimer les images selectionnees ?"))
masquerChargement() ;
getIModele().supprimerImages(ids) ;
aucuneSelection() ;
Window.alert("Impossible de supprimer : aucune image selectionnee") ;
* desactive les onglets de metadonnees et de zoom (dans le cas ou rien n'est selectionne)
public void aucuneSelection() {
if(getListeImage().getSelectionModel().getCount() <= 0 && getGalerieImage().getDView().getSelectionCount() <= 0)
getZoomImage().disable() ;
getMetadonneesIptcExif().desactiverPanneau() ;
getZoomImage().desactiverPanneau() ;
setSelection(false) ;
* reactive les onglet metadonnees et zoom (lors d'une selection alors qu'il n'y en avait pas)
public void selection() {
getMetadonneesIptcExif().activerPanneau() ;
getZoomImage().activerPanneau() ;
getZoomImage().enable() ;
* Fait apparaitre le menu contextuel de l'arbre des mots clés au niveau d'un noeud donné
* @param n le noeud ou le menu doit apparaitre
* @param ev l'objet contenant les données sur l'évenement
* @param te l'éditeur associé à l'arbre qui permet de modifier les libellés des noeuds
public void montrerContextMenuArbre(final TreeNode n, EventObject ev, final TreeEditor te)
Menu mn = new Menu() ;
final ajoutN = new Item("Ajouter mot cle");
final suppN = new Item("Supprimer mot cle");
mn.addListener(new MenuListenerAdapter() {
public void onItemClick(BaseItem item, EventObject e)
getMetadonneesIptcExif().getPanneauMotsCles().supprimerNoeud(n) ;
getMetadonneesIptcExif().getPanneauMotsCles().ajouterNoeud(n) ;
* Appelle le modèle pour mettre à jour la paire mot-clé / identifiant du mot clé
* @param text le texte du mot clé
* @param id l'identifiant du mot clé
public void mettreAjourMotsClesId(String text, String id) {
getIModele().mettreAjourMotsClesId(text, id) ;
* Récupère les identifiants des images selectionnés
* et appelle le modèle pour qu'il mette à jour les associations mots clés/images
* @param motsClesEnCours les mots clés à associer aux images selectionnés séparés par une ','
* @param arbreMC l'arbre des mots clés à mettre à jour
public void mettreAjourMotsCles(String motsClesEnCours, Tree arbreMC) {
String[] ids = getGalerieImage().getIdSelectionnees() ;
getIModele().mettreAjourMotsCles(ids,motsClesEnCours,arbreMC) ;
* Appelle le médiateur pour qu'il ajoute un mot clé dans l'arbre des mots clés
* @param n le noeud à ajouter à l'arbre
* @param arbreMC le nouvel arbre de mots clés à mettre à jour
public void ajouterMotCleDansArbre(TreeNode n,Tree arbreMC)
getIModele().ajouterMotCleDansArbre(n, arbreMC) ;
filtres.getMotsClesFiltre().rafraichir(n, false) ;
* Appelle le médiateur pour qu'il supprime un mot clé et son sous arbre dans l'arbre des mots clés
* @param n le noeud à supprimer
* @param arbreMC le nouvel arbre de mots clés à mettre à jour
public void supprimerMotCleDansArbre(TreeNode n, Tree arbreMC) {
getIModele().supprimerMotCleDansArbre(n,arbreMC) ;
filtres.getMotsClesFiltre().rafraichir(n.getId(), false) ;
* Appelle le médiateur pour qu'il modifie un mot clé dans l'arbre des mots clés
* @param n le noeud à modifier
* @param arbreMC le nouvel arbre de mots clés à mettre à jour
public void modifierMotCleDansArbre(TreeNode n , Tree arbreMC) {
getIModele().modifierMotCleDansArbre(n,arbreMC) ;
filtres.getMotsClesFiltre().rafraichir(n, false) ;
* Appelle le médiateur pour qu'il déplace un mot clé et son sous arbre dans l'arbre des mots clés
* @param n le noeud à déplacer
* @param arbreMC le nouvel arbre de mots clés à mettre à jour
public void deplacerMotCleDansArbre(TreeNode n , Tree arbreMC) {
getIModele().deplacerMotCleDansArbre(n, arbreMC) ;
filtres.getMotsClesFiltre().rafraichir(n, false) ;
* initialise les mots clés cochés par rapport aux images sélectionnées
public void initialiserMotsCleCoches() {
obtenirMotsClesId(metadonneesIptcExif.getPanneauMotsCles(), getGalerieImage().getIdSelectionnees()[0]) ;
* Appelle le modèle pour lui demander les données d'une page à afficher
* @param pageCourante le numéro de page à affciher
public void changerNumeroPage(int pageCourante) {
// on met le mesage d'attente
masquerChargement() ;
// on appelle le modèle
getIModele().changerNumeroPage(pageCourante) ;
// et met à jour les numéros de page dans les barre d'outils
* Appelle le modèle pour qu'il change la taille de page utilisée
* @param nouvelleTaillePage la nouvelle taille de page
public void changerTaillePage(int nouvelleTaillePage)
// on met le message d'attente
masquerChargement() ;
// on appelle le modèle
getIModele().changerTaillePage(nouvelleTaillePage) ;
// et on met à jour la taille de page dans les barres d'outils
* Met à jour les barre d'outils avec des nouvelles valeurs
* @param pageMax le nombre de pages
* @param pageEncours la page en cours
* @param taillePage la taille de page
* @param nbElement le nombre d'élements par page
public void changerPageMaxEtCourante(int pageMax, int pageEncours, int taillePage, int nbElement)
int[] pages = {pageMax,pageEncours, taillePage, nbElement} ;
getGalerieImage().getToolBarVue().rafraichir(pages, false) ;
getListeImage().getToolBarVue().rafraichir(pages, false) ;
* Recherche l'élement actuellement affiché et affiche son message de chargement
public void masquerChargement()
ExtElement masked = Ext.get(getIdVueSelectionnee()) ;
if(masked != null && !masked.isMasked())
masked.mask("Chargement",true) ;
* Recherche l'élement actuellement affiché et retire son message de chargement si l'était affiché
public void demasquerChargement()
ExtElement masked = Ext.get(getIdVueSelectionnee()) ;
if(masked != null && masked.isMasked())
masked.unmask() ;
public void afficherMenuId()
IdVue i = new IdVue(this) ; ;
* C'est dans cette fonction que doivent être renvoyé les valeurs des filtres
* sous forme de tableau [nom, valeur]
* @return Les noms et valeurs des filtres
public String[][] renvoyerFiltres()
String[][] valeursFiltres = filtres.renvoyerValeursAFiltrer() ;
return valeursFiltres ;
* Indique si les filtres ont changés depuis la dernière requête
* (il faut faire un OR sur le résultat de toutes les fonctions
* renvoyerEtatFiltre s'il y a plus d'un filtre)
* @return true si au moins un des filtres a changé, false sinon
public boolean getEtatFiltres()
return (filtres.renvoyerEtatFiltre());
* Accesseur pour le panneau de droite contenant les filtres
* @return le panneau contenant les filtres
public PanneauFiltresVues getPanneauFiltres()
return filtres ;
public void ajouterListeners()
/*ongletsImage.addListener(new TabPanelListenerAdapter() {
public boolean doBeforeTabChange(TabPanel source, Panel newPanel,
Panel oldPanel) {
if(newPanel != null && newPanel.equals(getZoomImage()))
if(getGalerieImage() != null && getGalerieImage().getIdSelectionnees().length <= 0)
Window.alert("Aucune image selectionnée pour l'affichage !") ;
aucuneSelection() ;
return false ;
return true ;
public void onTabChange(TabPanel source, Panel tab) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onActivate(Panel panel) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
}) ;*/
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0,0 → 1,466
package org.tela_botanica.client.vues;
import org.tela_botanica.client.image.ImageMediateur;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.Rafraichissable;
import com.gwtext.client.core.EventObject;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Button;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Panel;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.event.ButtonListenerAdapter;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.form.TextField;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.layout.VerticalLayout;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.tree.TreeEditor;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.tree.TreeNode;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.tree.TreePanel;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.tree.event.TreePanelListenerAdapter;
* Arbre des mots clés, qui est une vue rafraichissable,
* qui contient des mots clés cochables et réorganisables à volonté
* @author aurelien
public class ArbreMotsClesVue extends Panel implements Rafraichissable {
* Le médiateur associé à la vue
private ImageMediateur iMediateur = null ;
* Le treepanel qui affiche l'arbre
private TreePanel arbreMotsCles = null ;
* L'éditeur qui permet de modifier les mots clés dans l'arbre
private TreeEditor te = null ;
* Le textfield associé à l'éditeur
private TextField tfEdit = null ;
* Bouton de validation
private Button valider = null ;
* Une string permettant connaitre les mots clés cochés en cours séparés par des virgules
private String motsClesEnCours = "" ;
* Tableau contenant les mots clés qui n'ont pas encore été jaouté à l'arbre
* (sert au lazy rendering quand on reçoit des mots clés avant que le rendu du conteneur n'ai été effectué)
private String[] motsClesEnAttente ;
* Booléen d'évènement qui sert à savoir si on est en train d'ajouter un noeud
private boolean ajoutNoeud = false ;
* Booléen d'évènement qui sert à savoir si on est en train de modifier un noeud
private boolean modifNoeud = false ;
* Booléen d'instanciation du conteneur
private boolean estInstancie = false ;
* Booléen d'évènement qui sert à savoir si les mots clés ont bien été reçu
private boolean motsCleInitialises ;
* Constructeur sans paramètre (privé car interdit d'utilisation)
private ArbreMotsClesVue()
super() ;
* Constructeur avec paramètre
* @param im le médiateur à associer
public ArbreMotsClesVue(ImageMediateur im)
// on crée le panel
super("Mots clés") ;
this.setLayout(new VerticalLayout());
iMediateur = im ;
// on crée le conteneur de l'arbre
arbreMotsCles = new TreePanel() ;
// on permet le drag and drop dans l'arbre
arbreMotsCles.setEnableDD(true) ;
arbreMotsCles.setId("x-view-tree-keyword") ;
// on crée une racine pour l'arbre
TreeNode root = new TreeNode("Tags") ;
root.setId("racine") ;
String[] usObject = {"Mots clés" , "racine" } ;
root.setUserObject(usObject) ;
arbreMotsCles.setRootNode(root) ;
arbreMotsCles.setRootVisible(false) ;
arbreMotsCles.setBorder(false) ;
arbreMotsCles.setWidth(500) ;
// on crée l'éditeur pour l'arbre
tfEdit = new TextField() ;
tfEdit.setAutoWidth(true) ;
te = new TreeEditor(arbreMotsCles,tfEdit) ;
valider = new Button("Appliquer") ;
arbreMotsCles.add(te) ;
// on met en forme le layout
this.add(arbreMotsCles) ;
this.add(valider) ;
this.setBorder(false) ;
this.setCollapsible(true) ;
this.setTitleCollapse(true) ;
// on ajoute les listeners
ajouterListeners() ;
* Acesseur pour le médiateur
* @return le médiateur associé à la vue
private ImageMediateur GetIMediateur() {
return iMediateur ;
* Acesseur pour l'arbre des mots clés
* @return le panel contenant l'arbre
public TreePanel getArbreMotsCles() {
return arbreMotsCles;
* Accesseur pour l'éditeur
* @return l'éditeur associé à l'arbre
public TreeEditor getTe() {
return te;
* Acesseur pour le TextField associé à l'éditeur
* @return le champ texte associé à l'éditeur
public TextField getTfEdit() {
return tfEdit;
* Ajoute les listeners nécessaires pour la gestion des évènements
private void ajouterListeners()
arbreMotsCles.addListener(new TreePanelListenerAdapter() {
// gestion du clic sur un noeud
public void onClick(TreeNode node, EventObject e) {
e.stopEvent() ;
// gestion du clic droit sur un noeud
public void onContextMenu(TreeNode node, EventObject e) {
e.stopEvent() ;
GetIMediateur().montrerContextMenuArbre(node, e , getTe()) ;
// gestion du double clic sur un noeud
public void onDblClick(TreeNode node, EventObject e) {
modifNoeud = true ;
if(! node.getId().equals("racine"))
// gestion de la modification du texte d'un noeud
public void onTextChange(TreeNode node, String text, String oldText) {
// on récupère les informations associées au noeud
TreeNode nd = node ;
String[] usObject = new String[2] ;
usObject[0] = text ;
usObject[1] = ((String[])nd.getUserObject())[1] ;
nd.setUserObject(usObject) ;
// si c'est un nouveau noeud
// on notifie le médiateur de l'ajout et on lui passe l'arbre
GetIMediateur().ajouterMotCleDansArbre(nd,getArbreMotsCles().getTree()) ;
// et considière l'ajout achevé
ajoutNoeud = false ;
// si c'est noeud déjà existant
// on notifie le médiateur de la modification et on lui passe l'arbre
GetIMediateur().modifierMotCleDansArbre(nd,getArbreMotsCles().getTree()) ;
// et on considère la modification achevée
modifNoeud = false ;
// gestion du déplacement d'un noeud
public void onMoveNode(Tree tree, TreeNode node, TreeNode oldParent, TreeNode newParent,int index)
// on notifie le médiateur et on lui passe l'arbre
GetIMediateur().deplacerMotCleDansArbre(node, getArbreMotsCles().getTree()) ;
}) ;
// gestion de la validation
valider.addListener(new ButtonListenerAdapter() {
// lors du clic
public void onClick(Button button, EventObject e) {
// on vide les mots clés en cours
motsClesEnCours = "" ;
// pour chaque noeud à partir de la racine
getArbreMotsCles().getRootNode().cascade(new NodeTraversalCallback() {
// on éxécute une fonction
public boolean execute(Node node) {
// on récupère le mot clé associé au noeud et ses infos
TreeNode tn = getArbreMotsCles().getNodeById(node.getId()) ;
String[] usObject = (String[])tn.getUserObject() ;
GetIMediateur().mettreAjourMotsClesId(usObject[0],usObject[1]) ;
// et les concatène à la string des mots clés en cours
motsClesEnCours += usObject[1]+"," ;
return true ;
// enfin on notifie le médiateur et on lui passe l'arbre et la liste des mots clés ainsi obtenue
GetIMediateur().mettreAjourMotsCles(motsClesEnCours,arbreMotsCles.getTree()) ;
}) ;
* Envoie une demande au médiateur pour obtenir l'arbre des mots clés
public void obtenirArbreMotsCles() {
GetIMediateur().obtenirArbreMotsCles(this) ;
* Supprime un noeud de l'arbre
* @param n le noeud à supprimer
public void supprimerNoeud(TreeNode n)
// si ça n'est pas la racine (qu'on ne peut pas supprimer)
// on détache le noeud et on le détruit
n.destroy() ;
// puis on en notifie le médiateur en lui passant le noeud supprimé et l'arbre
GetIMediateur().supprimerMotCleDansArbre(n, arbreMotsCles.getTree()) ;
// si l'utilisateur tente de supprimer la racine, on l'avertit de son erreur
Window.alert("Impossible de supprimer la racine de l'arbre") ;
* Ajoute un noeud dans l'arbre au parent donné
* @param parent le futur parent du noeud à ajouter
public void ajouterNoeud(TreeNode parent)
// on met l'ajout du noeud à vrai
ajoutNoeud = true ;
// on crée un nouveau noeud vide
TreeNode nd = new TreeNode("");
nd.setCls("x-view-treenode-keyword") ;
// on associe un objet au noeud qui contient des infos
String[] usObject = new String[2] ;
// l'objet contient le nom du noeud
usObject[0] = "" ;
usObject[1] = genererIdMotCle(nd) ;
nd.setId(usObject[1]) ;
nd.setUserObject(usObject) ;
// l'identifiant d'un noeud c'est son hashcode
// l'objet associé au noeud contient aussi son identifiant
// on le concatène au parent et on étend ses enfants
parent.expand() ;
// enfin on place le curseur et on fait apparaitre le champ d'édition pour que l'utilisateur nomme son mot clé
* Coche le noeud s'il est décoché, le décoche sinon
* @param node
public void gererClicNoeud(TreeNode node)
node.getUI().toggleCheck(false) ;
node.getUI().toggleCheck(true) ;
* Parcourt l'arbre et coche les noeud qui font partie de la liste des mots clés à cocher
* @param motsClesIds un tableau contenant les identifiants des mots clés à cocher
public void cocherMotsCles(final String[] motsClesIds)
if(getArbreMotsCles() != null && getArbreMotsCles().getRootNode() != null)
// à partir de la racine
getArbreMotsCles().getRootNode().cascade(new NodeTraversalCallback() {
// pour chaque noeud
public boolean execute(Node node) {
// on parcourt le tableau des mots clés
for(int i = 0 ; i < motsClesIds.length ; i++)
// si le mot clé fait partie des id à cocher on le coche
String usObject[] = (String[])node.getUserObject() ;
String nodeId = usObject[1] ;
getArbreMotsCles().getNodeById(nodeId).getUI().toggleCheck(true) ;
return true ;
getArbreMotsCles().getNodeById(node.getId()).getUI().toggleCheck(false) ;
// et on passe au suivant
return true;
}) ;
* Méthode héritée de l'interface rafraichissable
* @param nouvelleDonnees les nouvelles données pour l'objet
* @param repandreRafraichissement booleen qui dit si on doit répandre l'évenement
public void rafraichir(Object nouvelleDonnees,
boolean repandreRafraichissement) {
// si on a reçu un arbre
if(nouvelleDonnees instanceof Tree)
Tree nouvelArbre = (Tree)nouvelleDonnees ;
if(nouvelArbre.getRootNode().getChildNodes().length <= 0)
// on crée une racine pour l'arbre
TreeNode root = new TreeNode("Tags") ;
root.setId("racine") ;
String[] usObject = {"Mots clés" , "racine" } ;
root.setUserObject(usObject) ;
// on prend sa racine et on l'attache à l'arbre des mots clés
Node[] rootChild = getArbreMotsCles().getRootNode().getChildNodes() ;
for (int i = 0; i < rootChild.length; i++) {
rootChild[i].remove() ;
getArbreMotsCles().getRootNode().appendChild(nouvelArbre.getRootNode()) ;
// si l'arbre n'était pas encore considéré comme instancié
// on signale que oui
estInstancie = true ;
// s'il y a des mots clés en attente (lors du premier rendering)
if(motsCleInitialises == false && motsClesEnAttente != null)
// on les coche
//cocherMotsCles(motsClesEnAttente) ;
motsCleInitialises = true ;
// Si on reçoit un tableau de String (cas ou l'on séléectionne une nouvelle image)
if(nouvelleDonnees instanceof String[])
// et que l'arbre est instancié
if(estInstancie && nouvelleDonnees != null)
// le tableau de String contient les id des mots clés associés à l'image
// on coche les mots clés contenu dans le tableau
String[] motsClesIds = (String[])nouvelleDonnees ;
cocherMotsCles(motsClesIds) ;
// si l'arbre n'est pas encore instancié on met les mots clés en attente
motsClesEnAttente = (String[])nouvelleDonnees ;
private String genererIdMotCle(TreeNode nd)
return ""+(nd.hashCode()+(Math.random()*10000)) ;
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0,0 → 1,232
package org.tela_botanica.client.vues;
import org.tela_botanica.client.image.ImageMediateur;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.Rafraichissable;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Panel;
* Une barre de notation avec des étoiles, tout ce qu'il ya de plus classique,
* utilisant Ajax (et pas CSS)
* @author aurelien
public class BarreNotationVue extends Panel implements Rafraichissable {
* Le médiateur associé
private ImageMediateur iMediateur = null ;
* La note actuellement affichée
private int noteEnCours = 0 ;
* La note maximum
private int noteMax = 0 ;
* Booléen indiquant si une note est affectée à la barre en ce moment
private boolean estNote = false ;
* Tablmeau d'images contenant les étoiles affichées
private Image[] etoiles = null ;
* Constructeur sans argument (privé car ne doit pas être utilisé)
private BarreNotationVue()
super() ;
* Constructeur avec arguments
* @param im le médiateur à associer à la vue
* @param noteMax la note maximale
public BarreNotationVue(ImageMediateur im, int noteMax)
iMediateur = im ;
setNoteMax(noteMax) ;
this.setSize(200, 100) ;
this.setBodyBorder(false) ;
this.setBorder(false) ;
this.setCls("x-view-notation") ;
ajouterListeners() ;
public void ajouterListeners()
for (int i = 0; i < etoiles.length; i++) {
etoiles[i].addMouseListener(new MouseListenerAdapter() {
// si la souris passe sur la barre
public void onMouseEnter(Widget sender) {
Image enCours = (Image)sender ;
// on met en surbrillance toutes les étoiles allant de la première jusqu'à
// celle sous le curseur
for(int i = 0 ; etoiles[i] != enCours ; i++)
etoiles[i].setUrl("note-hover.gif") ;
enCours.setUrl("note-hover.gif") ;
// si la souris sort de la barre
public void onMouseLeave(Widget sender) {
// on affiche la véritable note
afficherNote() ;
}) ;
etoiles[i].addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
// si on clique sur une étoiles
public void onClick(Widget sender) {
int i = 0 ;
// on récupère le numéro de l'étoile sur laquelle on a cliqué
while(etoiles[i] != (Image)sender)
i++ ;
// et on affecte la note
noter(i) ;
}) ;
* Fonction héritée de l'interface rafraichissable
public void rafraichir(Object nouvelleDonnees,
boolean repandreRaffraichissement) {
// si on recoit un tableau de string
if(nouvelleDonnees instanceof String[])
// on récupère le premier élément (un entier, qui contient la note)
String[] note = (String[])nouvelleDonnees ;
int noteInt = Integer.parseInt(note[0]) ;
// si l'entier est une note valide
if(noteInt != -1 && noteInt >= 0)
noter(noteInt) ;
// sinon si l'entier vaut -1
// alors on note avec 0
// et on met le booleen de notation a false (qui signifie que l'image n'est pas encore notée)
estNote = false ;
noteEnCours = 0 ;
// et demande l'affichage
afficherNote() ;
* Affecte une note à la barre et rafraichit l'affichage
* @param note la nouvelle note
public void noter(int note)
// on affecte la note
noteEnCours = note ;
// on met le boolean de notation à true (l'image est notée)
estNote = true ;
// et on demande l'affichage
afficherNote() ;
* Setteur pour la note maximale
* @param nMax la nouvelle note maximale
public void setNoteMax(int nMax)
// on affecte la note
noteMax = nMax ;
// on prépare le tableau d'image
etoiles = new Image[noteMax] ;
// qu'on remplit par defaut avec des images d'étoiles vides
for(int i = 0 ; i < noteMax ; i++)
etoiles[i] = new Image("etoile_vide.jpg") ;
etoiles[i].setStylePrimaryName("x-view-notation-bar") ;
this.add(etoiles[i]) ;
* Affiche la note d'une image sous la forme d'étoiles
public void afficherNote()
// si l'image est notée
// on affiche autant d'étoiles que le chiffre de la note
for(int i = 0 ; i <= noteEnCours ; i++)
etoiles[i].setUrl("note-on.gif") ;
// et si elle est inférieure à la note maximale, on remplit le reste par des étoiles vides
for (int j = noteEnCours + 1 ; j < noteMax ; j++)
etoiles[j].setUrl("note-off.gif") ;
// sinon
// on remplit toute la barre avec des étoiles vides
for(int i = 0 ; i < noteMax ; i++)
etoiles[i].setUrl("note-off.gif") ;
* Accesseur pour la note en cours sous forme de string
* @return
public String getNote()
return ""+noteEnCours ;
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0,0 → 1,103
package org.tela_botanica.client.vues;
import org.tela_botanica.client.image.ImageMediateur;
import com.gwtext.client.core.EventObject;
* Menu de gestion des images
* @author aurelien
public class MenuImageVue extends Menu {
* Le médiateur associé à la vue
private ImageMediateur iMediateur ;
* Item pour l'upload
private Item uploaderImage = null ;
* Item pour la suppression
private Item supprimerImage = null ;
* Constructeur sans argument (privé car ne doit être utilisé)
private MenuImageVue()
* Constructeur avec paramètre
* @param im le médiateur à associer
public MenuImageVue(ImageMediateur im)
super() ;
iMediateur = im ;
// on construit le menu
uploaderImage = new Item("Uploader des images") ;
supprimerImage = new Item("Supprimer les images selectionnées") ;
addItem(supprimerImage) ;
// on ajoute les listeners
ajouterListeners() ;
* Ajoute les listeners pour la gestions des évènements
private void ajouterListeners()
this.addListener(new MenuListenerAdapter() {
// gestion du clic sur un item
public void onItemClick(BaseItem item, EventObject e) {
// si c'est l'upload
// on notifie le médiateur
getIMediateur().uploaderImages() ;
// si c'est la suppression
// on notifie le médiateur
getIMediateur().supprimerImages() ;
// enfin, on cache le menu
hide() ;
}) ;
* Accesseur pour le médiateur
* @return le médiateur associé à la vue
public ImageMediateur getIMediateur()
return iMediateur ;
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0,0 → 1,387
package org.tela_botanica.client.vues;
import org.tela_botanica.client.image.ImageMediateur;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.Rafraichissable;
import com.gwtext.client.core.RegionPosition;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Container;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Panel;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.event.PanelListenerAdapter;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.layout.BorderLayout;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.layout.BorderLayoutData;
* Panneau d'affichage d'une image avec des boutons précdents et suivant
* @author aurelien
public class ZoomImageVue extends Panel implements Rafraichissable {
* Le médiateur associé à la vue
private ImageMediateur iMediateur = null ;
* Panneau conteneur pour l'image
private Panel imageConteneur = null ;
* l'image à afficher
private Image image = new Image("vide.jpg") ;
* Bouton précédent
private final prev = new;
* Bouton suivant
private final suiv = new;
* Taille originale Y de l'image
private int imageHeight = 0 ;
* Taille originale X de l'image
private int imageWidth = 0 ;
* Booleen d'initalisation général
private boolean initialise = false ;
* Booleen d'initalisation du conteneur d'image
private boolean conteneurInitialise = false ;
* Constructeur sans argument (privé car ne doit être utilisé)
private ZoomImageVue()
super() ;
* Constructeur avec argument
* @param im le médiateur à associer à la vue
public ZoomImageVue(ImageMediateur im)
setId("x-view-zoom-panel") ;
// on associe le médiateur
iMediateur = im ;
prev.setStylePrimaryName("x-view-zoom-button-p") ;
suiv.setStylePrimaryName("x-view-zoom-button-s") ;
// on crée une image qui gère le double clic et la roulette de la souris
image = new Image() {
public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {
// lors du double clic
if (Event.ONDBLCLICK == DOM.eventGetType(event)) {
// on notifie le médiateur
// lors d'un déplacement de la roulette
if (Event.ONMOUSEWHEEL == DOM.eventGetType(event)) {
// on simule un clic sur le bouton précédent
if(event.getMouseWheelVelocityY() >= 1)
{ ;
// ou suivant
if(event.getMouseWheelVelocityY() <= -1)
{ ;
this.setHeader(false) ;
imageConteneur = new Panel() ;
imageConteneur.add(image) ;
imageConteneur.setId("x-view-zoom-img") ;
// il n'existe pas de méthode pour ajouter un listener pour le double clic sur une image
// alors on lui dit manuellement de capter l'évènement double clic
image.sinkEvents(Event.ONMOUSEWHEEL) ;
// l'image de base est vide
this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
this.add(prev,new BorderLayoutData(RegionPosition.WEST));
this.add(imageConteneur,new BorderLayoutData(RegionPosition.CENTER));
this.add(suiv,new BorderLayoutData(RegionPosition.EAST));
imageConteneur.setMaskDisabled(true) ;
conteneurInitialise = true ;
initialise = true ;
// on ajoute les listeners
* Méthode héritée de l'interface rafraichissable
* @param nouvelleDonnees les nouvelles données
* @param repandreRafraichissement le booleen qui dit si on doit répnadre l'évènement
public void rafraichir(Object nouvelleDonnees, boolean repandreRafraichissement) {
// si on reçoit une string
if(nouvelleDonnees instanceof String[] && initialise && conteneurInitialise)
String[] infos = (String[])nouvelleDonnees ;
// c'est l'url de l'image qu'on associe à la vue
if(infos[1] != null && infos[2] != null)
int x = Integer.parseInt(infos[1]) ;
int y = Integer.parseInt(infos[2]) ;
setTailleImage(x,y) ;
verifierEtRetaillerImage() ;
// sinon on met une image vide
getImage().setUrl("vide.jpeg") ;
* Desactive visuellement le panneau et les boutons
public void desactiverPanneau()
getImage().setUrl("vide.jpeg") ;
prev.setEnabled(false) ;
* Active visuellement le panneau et les boutons
public void activerPanneau()
* Ajoute les listeners pour la gestions d'évènement
public void ajouterListeners()
// gestion du clic sur le bouton précedent
prev.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
// en cas de clic
public void onClick(Widget sender) {
// on notifie le médiateur
// gestion du clic sur le bouton suivant
suiv.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
// en cas de clic
public void onClick(Widget sender) {
// on notifie le médiateur
// gestion du redimensionnement
this.addListener(new PanelListenerAdapter() {
// lors d'un redimensionnement de l'application
public void onBodyResize(Panel panel,java.lang.String width,java.lang.String height)
// on vérifie et on retaille l'image
verifierEtRetaillerImage() ;
}) ;
// gestion du redimensionnement lors de l'affichage du conteneur
imageConteneur.addListener(new PanelListenerAdapter() {
// avant de finir d'afficher
public void onAfterLayout(Container self)
// on redimensionne
verifierEtRetaillerImage() ;
}) ;
* Verifie si l'image est plus grande que le conteneur et la retaille le cas echeant
public void verifierEtRetaillerImage()
// si l'image est nulle
if(image == null)
// on ne fait rien
return ;
// on prend la taille originale de l'image
int originalX = getTailleImage()[0] ;
int originalY = getTailleImage()[1] ;
// on la transforme en float (la division entre entier donne de curieux résultats)
float fOriginalX = (new Float(originalX)).floatValue() ;
float fOriginalY = (new Float(originalY)).floatValue() ;
// et on fait le rapport longueur sur hauteur (pour connaitre le ratio)
float rapportTaille = fOriginalX/fOriginalY ;
// la nouvelle taille est pour le moment égale à l'ancienne
int nouvelleTailleX = originalX ;
int nouvelleTailleY = originalY ;
// on prend la taille du conteneur
int tailleConteneurX = imageConteneur.getWidth() ;
int tailleConteneurY = imageConteneur.getHeight() ;
// si celle-ci est égale à 0 (conteneur mal initialisé)
/*if(imageConteneur.getHeight() == 0 && tailleConteneurX == 0)
// on essaie de la calculer en fonction de la taille du parent et des frères
tailleConteneurY = this.getHeight() ;
tailleConteneurX = this.getWidth() - prev.getOffsetWidth() * 2 ;
// si l'image ne rentre pas telle quelle (longueur ou hauteur trop grande)
if(originalY > tailleConteneurY || originalX > tailleConteneurX)
// si la longueur de l'image est la plus grande des deux
if(originalX > originalY)
// on prend la longueur comme taille de référence, qu'on met à la longueur du conteneur
nouvelleTailleX = tailleConteneurX ;
// et on recalcule la hauteur, par rapport à la nouvelle longueur, en gardant le format de 'limage
nouvelleTailleY = (int)Math.floor(nouvelleTailleX*1/rapportTaille) ;
// si la hauteur est la plus grande, on fait le même genre d'opération en prenant la hauteur comme référence
nouvelleTailleY = tailleConteneurY ;
nouvelleTailleX = (int)Math.floor(nouvelleTailleY*rapportTaille) ;
// on modifie enfin la taille de l'image pour qu'elle soit affichée
getImage().setSize(""+nouvelleTailleX+"px", ""+nouvelleTailleY+"px") ;
* Accesseur pour le médiateur
* @return le médiateur associé à la vue
public ImageMediateur getIMediateur() {
return iMediateur;
* Accesseur au conteneur de l'image
* @return le conteneur de l'image
public Image getImage() {
return image;
* Accesseur pour le bouton précédent
* @return le bouton précédent
public getPrev() {
return prev;
* Accesseur pour le bouton suivant
* @return le bouton suivant
public getSuiv() {
return suiv;
* Setter pour la taille de l'image
* @param X la largeur en pixels
* @param Y la hauteur en pixels
public void setTailleImage(int x, int y)
imageHeight = y ;
imageWidth = x ;
* renvoie la taille originale de l'image
* @return un tableau de deux entiers contenant la largeur puis la hauteur
public int[] getTailleImage()
int[] taille = {imageHeight,imageWidth} ;
return taille ;
public Panel getImageConteneur() {
return imageConteneur ;
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0,0 → 1,158
package org.tela_botanica.client.vues;
import org.tela_botanica.client.image.ImageMediateur;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.Filtrable;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.Rafraichissable;
import com.gwtext.client.core.EventObject;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Panel;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.event.KeyListener;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.form.TextField;
* Fenêtre de recherche pour les mots clés, contenant un champ texte,
* et un bouton cliquable
* @author aurelien
public class BarreRechercheFiltreVue extends Panel implements Rafraichissable, Filtrable {
* Médiateur associé à la vue
private ImageMediateur iMediateur = null ;
* Barre de recherche
private TextField champRecherche = null ;
* Booleen d'etat du filtre
private boolean filtreModifie = false ;
* mot(s) à chercher
private String motsAChercher = "" ;
* Constructeur sans argument (privé car ne doit pas être utilisé)
private BarreRechercheFiltreVue()
super() ;
* Constructeur avec médiateur
* @param im
public BarreRechercheFiltreVue(ImageMediateur im)
super() ;
iMediateur = im ;
Label labelRecherche = new Label("Commentaires :") ;
champRecherche = new TextField() ;
add(labelRecherche) ;
add(champRecherche) ;
setPaddings(5) ;
setBorder(false) ;
setAutoWidth(true) ;
setCollapsible(true) ;
ajouterListeners() ;
* ajoute des listeners
private void ajouterListeners()
// gestion de la touche entrée
champRecherche.addKeyListener(EventObject.ENTER, new KeyListener() {
public void onKey(int key, EventObject e) {
valider() ;
getIMediateur().obtenirPhotoGalerie(getIMediateur().getFiltreCommentaires()) ;
}) ;
* Fonction héritée de l'interface rafraichissable
public void rafraichir(Object nouvelleDonnees,
boolean repandreRaffraichissement) {
filtreModifie = false ;
* renvoie l'état du filtre (modifié ou non)
* @return l'état du filtre
public boolean renvoyerEtatFiltre() {
return filtreModifie ;
* Renvoie le nom du filtre
* @return le nom du filtre
public String renvoyerNomFiltre() {
return "Recherche Commentaires" ;
* Renvoie un tableau contenant le nom du champ à filtrer et la valeur
* @return un tableau contenant le nom du champ à filtrer et sa valeur
public String[] renvoyerValeursAFiltrer() {
String[] valeurFiltre = {"ci_meta_comment" , motsAChercher } ;
return valeurFiltre ;
* Accesseur pour le médiateur
* @return le médiateur associé
public ImageMediateur getIMediateur()
return iMediateur ;
* Effectue quelque opérations dans la classe et envoie une requête de données
* au médiateur
public void valider()
filtreModifie = true ;
motsAChercher = champRecherche.getText() ;
* Affiche la fenetre
public void afficherFiltre() {
champRecherche.setValue(motsAChercher) ;
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0,0 → 1,99
package org.tela_botanica.client.vues;
import org.tela_botanica.client.image.ImageMediateur;
import com.gwtext.client.core.EventObject;
public class MenuFiltreVue extends Menu {
* Le médiateur associé à la vue
private ImageMediateur iMediateur ;
* Item pour la recherche par mots clés
private Item chercherImage = null ;
* Item pour la recherche sur les commentaires
private Item chercherCommentaire = null ;
* Constructeur sans argument (privé car ne doit être utilisé)
private MenuFiltreVue()
* Constructeur avec paramètre
* @param im le médiateur à associer
public MenuFiltreVue(ImageMediateur im)
super() ;
iMediateur = im ;
// on construit le menu
chercherImage = new Item("Filtrer par les mots clés") ;
chercherCommentaire = new Item("Filtrer par les commentaires") ;
addItem(chercherImage) ;
addItem(chercherCommentaire) ;
// on ajoute les listeners
ajouterListeners() ;
* Ajoute les listeners pour la gestions des évènements
private void ajouterListeners()
this.addListener(new MenuListenerAdapter() {
// gestion du clic sur un item
public void onItemClick(BaseItem item, EventObject e) {
// si c'est la recherche par mots clé
// on notifie le médiateur
// getIMediateur().afficherFiltreMotsCles() ;
// si c'est la recherche par commentaires
// on notifie le médiateur
//getIMediateur().afficherFiltreCommentaires() ;
// enfin, on cache le menu
hide() ;
}) ;
* Accesseur pour le médiateur
* @return le médiateur associé à la vue
public ImageMediateur getIMediateur()
return iMediateur ;
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0,0 → 1,363
package org.tela_botanica.client.vues;
import org.tela_botanica.client.image.ImageMediateur;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.Rafraichissable;
import com.gwtext.client.core.EventObject;
import com.gwtext.client.core.NameValuePair;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Button;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Panel;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.TabPanel;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.event.ButtonListenerAdapter;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.form.DateField;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.form.TextArea;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.form.TextField;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.GridPanel;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.GridView;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.PropertyGridPanel;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.event.GridCellListenerAdapter;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.layout.VerticalLayout;
* Panneau contenant les infos, les métadonnées et l'arbre des mots clés, il implémente l'interface rafraichissable
* @author aurelien
public class PanneauMetadonneesVue extends TabPanel implements Rafraichissable {
* Le médiateur associé à la vue
private ImageMediateur imediateur = null ;
* Le panneau des Exifs
private PropertyGridPanel ExifGrid = null ;
* Le panneau des Iptc
private PropertyGridPanel IptcGrid = null ;
* La grille pour le panneau des Exifs
private GridView gViewExif = null ;
* La grille pour le panneau de Iptc
private GridView gViewIptc = null ;
* L'onglet des Exifs
private Panel panneauExifGrid = null;
* L'onglet des Iptc
private Panel panneauIptcGrid = null ;
* L'onglet des infos
private Panel panneauInfoGrid = null ;
* L'onglet des mots clés
private ArbreMotsClesVue panneauMotsCles = null ;
* Le champ commentaire
private TextField commentaireGeneral = null ;
* Le champ date
private DateField dateImage = null ;
* Le bouton de validation
Button validerInfo = null ;
* Barre de notation
BarreNotationVue noteVue = null ;
* Booleen d'instanciation
boolean estInstancie = false ;
* Constructeur sans argument (privé car ne doit pas être utilisé)
private PanneauMetadonneesVue()
super() ;
* Constructeur avec argument
* @param im
public PanneauMetadonneesVue(ImageMediateur im)
super() ;
// on associe le médiateur
imediateur = im ;
// on crée et dispose les panneaux et les champs
panneauExifGrid = new Panel("Exif") ;
panneauIptcGrid = new Panel("Iptc") ;
panneauInfoGrid = new Panel("info") ;
panneauMotsCles = new ArbreMotsClesVue(im) ;
panneauMotsCles.setHeight("500px") ;
Panel sousPanneauInfosGenerales = new Panel("Infos Générales") ;
sousPanneauInfosGenerales.setLayout(new VerticalLayout());
sousPanneauInfosGenerales.setBorder(false) ;
sousPanneauInfosGenerales.setAutoWidth(true) ;
sousPanneauInfosGenerales.setMargins(5) ;
sousPanneauInfosGenerales.setPaddings(5) ;
sousPanneauInfosGenerales.setCollapsible(true) ;
Label labelComm = new Label("Commentaires :") ;
labelComm.setHeight("20px") ;
commentaireGeneral = new TextArea() ;
commentaireGeneral.setWidth("90%") ;
Label labelDate = new Label("Date :") ;
Label labelNote = new Label("Note :") ;
panneauMotsCles.setBorder(false) ;
labelDate.setHeight("20px") ;
dateImage = new DateField() ;
dateImage.setAutoWidth(true) ;
dateImage.setFormat("d/m/Y") ;
validerInfo = new Button("OK") ;
noteVue = new BarreNotationVue(im, 5) ;
sousPanneauInfosGenerales.add(labelComm) ;
sousPanneauInfosGenerales.add(commentaireGeneral) ;
sousPanneauInfosGenerales.add(labelDate) ;
sousPanneauInfosGenerales.add(dateImage) ;
sousPanneauInfosGenerales.add(labelNote) ;
sousPanneauInfosGenerales.add(noteVue) ;
sousPanneauInfosGenerales.add(validerInfo) ;
panneauMotsCles.setAutoHeight(true) ;
panneauInfoGrid.add(sousPanneauInfosGenerales) ;
panneauInfoGrid.add(panneauMotsCles) ;
this.add(panneauInfoGrid) ;
this.add(panneauExifGrid) ;
this.add(panneauIptcGrid) ;
gViewExif = new GridView();
ExifGrid = new PropertyGridPanel() ;
ExifGrid.setNameText("Métadonnées Exif");
gViewIptc = new GridView();
IptcGrid = new PropertyGridPanel() ;
IptcGrid.setNameText("Métadonnées IPTC");
// on ajoute les listeners
ajouterListeners() ;
// on effectue le rendu
this.doLayout(true) ;
private void ajouterListeners()
// on ajoute un écouteur
validerInfo.addListener(new ButtonListenerAdapter() {
// gestion du clic
public void onClick(Button button, EventObject e) {
button.focus() ;
// lors du clic sur le bouton valider on met à jour les commentaires et la date
getIMediateur().mettreAJourInfo(commentaireGeneral.getText(), dateImage.getRawValue(), noteVue.getNote()) ;
// gestion des clics dans la grille
ExifGrid.addGridCellListener(new GridCellListenerAdapter() {
// lors d'un clic d'une cellule
public void onCellClick(GridPanel grid, int rowIndex, int colIndex,
EventObject e) {
// on empeche l'édition
e.stopEvent() ;
ExifGrid.stopEditing() ;
// lors du double clic sur une cellule
public void onCellDblClick(GridPanel grid, int rowIndex,
int colIndex, EventObject e) {
// on empêche l'édition
e.stopEvent() ;
ExifGrid.stopEditing() ;
}) ;
IptcGrid.addGridCellListener(new GridCellListenerAdapter() {
// lors d'un clic d'une cellule
public void onCellClick(GridPanel grid, int rowIndex, int colIndex,
EventObject e) {
// on empeche l'édition
e.stopEvent() ;
ExifGrid.stopEditing() ;
// lors d'un double clic d'une cellule
public void onCellDblClick(GridPanel grid, int rowIndex,
int colIndex, EventObject e) {
// on empeche l'édition
e.stopEvent() ;
ExifGrid.stopEditing() ;
}) ;
* Desactive visuellement ce panneau
public void desactiverPanneau()
this.setDisabled(true) ;
* Active visuellement ce panneau
public void activerPanneau()
this.setDisabled(false) ;
* Accesseur pour le médiateur
* @return le médiateur associé à la vue
public ImageMediateur getIMediateur()
return imediateur ;
* Méthode héritée de l'interface rafraichissable
* @param nouvelleDonnees les nouvelles données
* @param repandreRafraichissement le booleen de notification de mise à jour
public void rafraichir(Object nouvelleDonnees, boolean repandreRafraichissement) {
// si on reçoit un tableau d'objets
if(nouvelleDonnees instanceof Object[])
// extrait infos, exifs et iptc
Object meta[] = (Object[])nouvelleDonnees ;
String[][] exif = (String[][])meta[0] ;
String[][] iptc = (String[][])meta[1] ;
String[][] gen = (String[][])meta[2] ;
NameValuePair[] exifSource = new NameValuePair[exif.length] ;
NameValuePair[] iptcSource = new NameValuePair[iptc.length] ;
int maxLength ;
if(exif.length <= iptc.length)
maxLength = iptc.length ;
maxLength = exif.length ;
for(int i = 0; i < maxLength ; i++)
if(i < exif.length && !exif[i][0].equals("null"))
exifSource[i] = new NameValuePair(exif[i][0],exif[i][1]) ;
if(i < iptc.length && !iptc[i][0].equals("null"))
iptcSource[i] = new NameValuePair(iptc[i][0],iptc[i][1]) ;
// on met à jour les champs avec la bonne valeur
commentaireGeneral.setValue(gen[0][1]) ;
dateImage.setRawValue(gen[1][1]) ;
// et on met à jour les données pour l'affichage
* Accesseur pour le panneau des mots clés
* @return the panneauMotsCles
public ArbreMotsClesVue getPanneauMotsCles() {
return panneauMotsCles;
public BarreNotationVue getNoteVue() {
return noteVue ;
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0,0 → 1,338
package org.tela_botanica.client.vues;
import org.tela_botanica.client.image.ImageMediateur;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.Filtrable;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.Rafraichissable;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Component;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Panel;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.event.PanelListenerAdapter;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.tree.TreeNode;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.tree.TreePanel;
* fenêtre de recherche affichant l'arbre des mots clés en lecture et un bouton
* cliquable
* @author aurelien
public class ArbreMotsClesFiltreVue extends Panel implements Rafraichissable, Filtrable {
* Le médiateur associé à la vue
private ImageMediateur iMediateur = null ;
* Les mots clés en cours
private String motsClesEncours = "" ;
* Le treepanel qui affiche l'arbre
private TreePanel arbreMotsCles = null ;
* booléen d'initialisation
private boolean estInstancie = false ;
* booléen d'etat
private boolean filtreModifie = false ;
* Constructeur sans argument (privé car ne doit pas être utilisé)
private ArbreMotsClesFiltreVue()
super() ;
* Constructeur avec paramètres
* @param im le médiateur à associer
public ArbreMotsClesFiltreVue(ImageMediateur im)
// on crée le panel
super() ;
//this.setLayout(new VerticalLayout());
iMediateur = im ;
// on crée le conteneur de l'arbre
Label labelRecherche = new Label("Mots clés :") ;
arbreMotsCles = new TreePanel() ;
this.setPaddings(5) ;
this.setBorder(false) ;
this.setCollapsible(true) ;
this.setAutoWidth(true) ;
add(labelRecherche) ;
// on ajoute les listeners
ajouterListenersPanel() ;
estInstancie = false ;
* Ajoute les listeners pour le rendu du panel
private void ajouterListenersPanel()
this.addListener(new PanelListenerAdapter() {
// on instancie réellement les composants au moment du rendu pour accélérer l'affichage
// et éviter des bugs
public void onRender(Component component) {
// on interdit le drag and drop dans l'arbre
arbreMotsCles.setEnableDD(false) ;
arbreMotsCles.setId("x-view-tree-filter") ;
arbreMotsCles.setAutoWidth(false) ;
arbreMotsCles.setAutoScroll(true) ;
arbreMotsCles.setBorder(false) ;
// on crée une racine pour l'arbre
TreeNode root = new TreeNode("Tags") ;
root.setId("racine_filtre") ;
String[] usObject = {"Mots clés" , "racine" } ;
root.setUserObject(usObject) ;
arbreMotsCles.setRootNode(root) ;
arbreMotsCles.setRootVisible(true) ;
arbreMotsCles.setBorder(false) ;
// on met en forme le layout
((Panel)component).add(arbreMotsCles) ;
// on ajoute les listeners d'évenements
ajouterListeners() ;
// et on demande l'arbre des mots clés
getIMediateur().obtenirArbreMotsCles(getIMediateur().getPanneauFiltres().getMotsClesFiltre()) ;
// enfin on considère le composant comme instancié
estInstancie = true ;
}) ;
* ajoute les listeners pour les boutons et le cochage des mots clés
private void ajouterListeners()
* Méthode héritée de l'interface rafraichissable
public void rafraichir(Object nouvelleDonnees,
boolean repandreRaffraichissement) {
// si on a reçu un arbre
if(nouvelleDonnees instanceof Tree)
Tree nouvelArbre = (Tree)nouvelleDonnees ;
// on vide tous les noeuds
arbreMotsCles.getRootNode().eachChild(new NodeTraversalCallback() {
public boolean execute(Node node) {
node.remove() ;
return true ;
}) ;
// et on recopie le nouvel arbre
copierFilsNoeud(nouvelArbre.getRootNode(), arbreMotsCles.getRootNode()) ;
// si l'arbre n'était pas encore considéré comme instancié
// on signale que oui
estInstancie = true ;
// l'état du filtre est réinitialisé
filtreModifie = false ;
show() ;
if(nouvelleDonnees instanceof TreeNode)
TreeNode nd = (TreeNode)nouvelleDonnees ;
// si le noeud n'existe pas déjà c'est un ajout
if(arbreMotsCles.getTree().getNodeById(nd.getId()+"_filtre") == null)
// donc on ne fait rien de spécial
// si le noeud existe déjà c'est un déplacement
// alors on supprime d'abord le noeud concerné
arbreMotsCles.getTree().getNodeById(nd.getId()+"_filtre").remove() ;
// on cherche le père du nouveau noeud
Node ndPereOriginal = nd.getParentNode() ;
String idPereFiltre = ndPereOriginal.getId()+"_filtre" ;
String[] usObj = (String[])nd.getUserObject() ;
TreeNode child = new TreeNode(usObj[0]) ;
child.setId(usObj[1]+"_filtre") ;
child.setUserObject(usObj) ;
arbreMotsCles.getNodeById(idPereFiltre).appendChild(child) ;
// et on ajoute le nouveau noeud à son père
copierFilsNoeud(nd, child) ;
// si on reçoit une string
if(nouvelleDonnees instanceof String)
String idSupp = (String)nouvelleDonnees+"_filtre" ;
// c'est une suppression et si le noeud existe bien
if(arbreMotsCles.getTree().getNodeById(idSupp) != null)
// on le supprime
arbreMotsCles.getTree().getNodeById(idSupp).remove() ;
* Accesseur pour le médiateur
* @return le médiateur associé
public ImageMediateur getIMediateur()
return iMediateur ;
* Accesseur pour le panneau contenant l'arbre
* @return le panneau de l'arbre des mots clés
public TreePanel getArbreMotsCles()
return arbreMotsCles ;
* Méthode héritée de Filtrable
* renvoie le nom du filtre
public String renvoyerNomFiltre() {
return "mots clés" ;
* Renvoie un tableau contenant le nom du champ à filtrer et la valeur
* @return un tableau contenant le nom du champ à filtrer et sa valeur
public String[] renvoyerValeursAFiltrer() {
valider() ;
String[] valeursFiltrees = {"ci_meta_mots_cles",motsClesEncours} ;
return valeursFiltrees ;
* Fonction récursive qui prend deux noeuds d'arbre en paramètre et crée un copie du sous arbre du premier
* noeud, qu'elle concatène au deuxième
* @param ndPereOriginal le père des noeuds de l'arbre original
* @param ndPereCopie le père qui va recevoir les copies
private void copierFilsNoeud(Node ndPereOriginal, TreeNode ndPereCopie)
if(ndPereCopie != null && ndPereOriginal != null)
Node[] ndNodeFils = ndPereOriginal.getChildNodes() ;
for (int i = 0; i < ndNodeFils.length; i++) {
String[] usObj = (String[])ndNodeFils[i].getUserObject() ;
TreeNode child = new TreeNode(usObj[0]) ;
child.setId(usObj[1]+"_filtre") ;
child.setUserObject(usObj) ;
ndPereCopie.appendChild(child) ;
if(! ndNodeFils[i].isLeaf())
copierFilsNoeud(ndNodeFils[i],child) ;
* Méthode héritée de Filtrable
* Renvoie l'état du filtre (modifié ou non)
public boolean renvoyerEtatFiltre() {
return filtreModifie ;
public void valider()
// on vide les mots clés en cours
motsClesEncours = "" ;
// pour chaque noeud à partir de la racine
getArbreMotsCles().getRootNode().cascade(new NodeTraversalCallback() {
// on éxécute une fonction
public boolean execute(Node node) {
// on récupère le mot clé associé au noeud et ses infos
TreeNode tn = getArbreMotsCles().getNodeById(node.getId()) ;
String[] usObject = (String[])tn.getUserObject() ;
getIMediateur().mettreAjourMotsClesId(usObject[0],usObject[1]) ;
// et les concatène à la string des mots clés en cours
motsClesEncours += usObject[1]+"," ;
return true ;
// on suppose que le filtre a change
filtreModifie = true ;
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0,0 → 1,91
package org.tela_botanica.client.vues;
import org.tela_botanica.client.image.ImageMediateur;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Toolbar;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.ToolbarMenuButton;
* Barre d'outils contenant le menu de gestion des images (accessible aussi par un clic droit dans la galerie)
* et d'autres menus et boutons utiles
* @author aurelien
public class BarreOutilsVue extends Toolbar {
* Un bouton qui sert à déployer le menu
ToolbarMenuButton images = null ;
* Un bouton qui sert à déployer le menu
ToolbarMenuButton utilisateur = null ;
* Le médiateur associé à la toolbar
ImageMediateur iMediateur = null ;
* Le menu de gestion des images
MenuImageVue imageMenu = null ;
* Le menu de gestion des filtres
MenuFiltreVue filtreMenu = null ;
* Le menu de gestion utilisateur
MenuIdVue idMenu = null ;
* Constructeur sans argument (ne doit pas être utilisé donc privé)
private BarreOutilsVue()
super() ;
* Constructeur avec paramètres
* @param im le médiateur à associer à la vue
public BarreOutilsVue(ImageMediateur im) {
super() ;
iMediateur = im ;
imageMenu = new MenuImageVue(im) ;
filtreMenu = new MenuFiltreVue(im) ;
idMenu = new MenuIdVue(im) ;
images = new ToolbarMenuButton("Fichiers",imageMenu) ;
utilisateur = new ToolbarMenuButton("Utilisateur",idMenu) ;
this.addButton(images) ;
this.addButton(utilisateur) ;
* @return the images
public ToolbarMenuButton getImages() {
return images;
* @return the iMediateur
public ImageMediateur getIMediateur() {
return iMediateur;
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0,0 → 1,309
package org.tela_botanica.client.vues;
import org.tela_botanica.client.image.ImageMediateur;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.Rafraichissable;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.VueListable;
import com.gwtext.client.core.EventObject;
import com.gwtext.client.core.XTemplate;
import com.gwtext.client.util.Format;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Component;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.DataView;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Panel;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.event.ContainerListenerAdapter;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.event.DataViewListenerAdapter;
* Galerie d'images miniatures
* Avec barre de pagination
* @author aurelien
public class GalerieImageVue extends Panel implements Rafraichissable, VueListable {
* instance du médiateur
private ImageMediateur iMediateur = null;
* Dataview, littéralement "vue de données" qui permet de définir la manière d'afficher les données
private DataView dView = null;
* Dataview, littéralement "vue de données" qui permet de définir la manière d'afficher les données
private Store st = null;
* Barre de pagination gérant l'affichage d'un nombre donné d'élements par page et la navigation entre eux
private pageToolBarVue pt = null ;
* Booleen indiquant si la galerie est instanciée ou pas
private boolean estInstancie = false ;
* Constructeur sans argument, privé car ne doit pas être utilisé
private GalerieImageVue()
super() ;
* Constructeur avec argument
* @param im le médiateur avec lequel la vue va communiquer
public GalerieImageVue(ImageMediateur im) {
iMediateur = im;
// on ajoute des listeners au composant tout entier
this.addListener(new ContainerListenerAdapter() {
// pour gagner du temps on n'instancie la vue en elle même que lors du premier affichage (lazy rendering)
public void onShow(Component component) {
if (!estInstancie) {
// et on ajoute la tool bar
pt = new pageToolBarVue(im) ;
this.setBottomToolbar(pt) ;
* Ajoute tous les listeners nécessaires à l'intercation utilisateur avec la vue de données
public void ajouterListenersDataView() {
// ajout de listeners pour la gestion de la selection
// dans la galerie
dView.addListener(new DataViewListenerAdapter() {
// gestion du clic sur une image
public void onClick(DataView source, int index, Element node,
EventObject e) {
// on en notifie le médiateur
getIMediateur().clicGalerieImage(index, node, e);
// gestion du clic droit
public void onContextMenu(DataView source, int index, Element node,
EventObject e) {
// on stoppe l'évenement
// et on notifie le médiateur
// gestion du double clic
public void onDblClick(DataView source, int index, Element node,
EventObject e) {
// on notife le mediateur
getIMediateur().clicGalerieImage(index, node, e);
// gestion des actions en fonction de la selection
public void onSelectionChange(DataView view, Element[] selections) {
// s'il n'y a aucun élement sélectionné
if (selections.length <= 0) {
// on en notifie le médiateur
} else {
// sinon on notifie le médiateur
// et on lui demande de synchroniser la séléction avec les autres vues
* Accesseur pour la dataview
* @return la dataview
public DataView getDView() {
return dView;
* Renvoie les ids des images sélectionnées
* @return un tableau de String contenant les identifiants des images sélectionnées
public String[] getIdSelectionnees() {
Record[] selection = getDView().getSelectedRecords();
int taille = selection.length;
String id_selection[] = new String[taille];
for (int i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) {
id_selection[i] = selection[i].getAsString("num_image");
return id_selection;
* Accesseur pour le médiateur
* @return le médiateur associé à la vue
public ImageMediateur getIMediateur() {
return iMediateur;
* Accesseur pour le store
* @return le store associé à la vue
public Store getSt() {
return st;
* Accesseur pour la toolbar
* @return la toolbar associée à la vue
public pageToolBarVue getToolBarVue()
return pt ;
* Fonction d'initialisation du contenu (appelée lors du premier affichage de la liste)
public void initialiser() {
// Preparation de la dataview et du template
// le template va créer une div contenant une image
// pour chacune des photos
final XTemplate template = new XTemplate(
new String[] {
"<tpl for='.'>",
"<div class='thumb-wrap' id='{num_image}'>",
"<div class='thumb'><img src='{url_image_M}' title='{num_image}'></div>",
"<span>{nom}</span></div>", "</tpl>",
"<div class='x-clear'></div>" });
// pour des raisons de performances on compile le template en une fonction
// la dataview affichera les images en accord avec le template
// cree precedemment
dView = new DataView("div.thumb-wrap") {
public void prepareData(Data data) {
data.setProperty("shortName", Format.ellipsis(data
.getProperty("num_image"), 15));
// parametre d'affichage de la dataview
dView.setEmptyText("Aucune image à afficher");
// creation du store
FieldDef defNumImage = new IntegerFieldDef("num_image");
FieldDef defDatImage = new StringFieldDef("dat_image");
FieldDef defLieImage = new StringFieldDef("lie_image");
FieldDef defAppImage = new StringFieldDef("app_image");
FieldDef defUrlImageS = new StringFieldDef("url_image_S");
FieldDef defUrlImageM = new StringFieldDef("url_image_M");
FieldDef defUrlImage = new StringFieldDef("url_image");
FieldDef[] defTab = { defNumImage, defDatImage, defLieImage,
defAppImage, defUrlImageS, defUrlImageM, defUrlImage };
RecordDef rd = new RecordDef(defTab);
st = new Store(rd);
// ajouts de la gestion des evenements pour la dataview
// enfin on envoie une demande de données au médiateur
// et on déclare le composant comme instancié
estInstancie = true ;
* Méthode héritée de l'interface rafraichissable
public void rafraichir(Object nouvelleDonnees,
boolean repandreRafraichissement) {
// si l'objet reçu est un store
if (nouvelleDonnees instanceof Store) {
st = (Store) nouvelleDonnees;
// on le charge
// on l'affecte à la vue
// et on rafrachit la vue
// si le composant doit répandre le rafraichissement
if (repandreRafraichissement) {
// il en notifie le médiateur en lui donnant une copie des données et en notifiant qu'il en est l'expéditeur
nouvelleDonnees, this);
// si c'est la première mise à jour que l'on reçoit
// alors le composant est considéré comme instancié
estInstancie = true ;
* Méthode héritée de l'interface VueListable
* Sélectionne les images dans la galerie suivant les identifiants donnés en paramètres
* @param ids les identifiants des images à sélectionner
public void selectionnerImages(int[] ids) {
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0,0 → 1,410
package org.tela_botanica.client.vues;
import org.tela_botanica.client.image.ImageMediateur;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.Rafraichissable;
import com.gwtext.client.core.EventCallback;
import com.gwtext.client.core.EventObject;
import com.gwtext.client.core.Template;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Button;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Toolbar;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.ToolbarButton;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.ToolbarTextItem;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.event.ButtonListenerAdapter;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.form.ComboBox;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.form.Field;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.form.TextField;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.form.event.ComboBoxListenerAdapter;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.form.event.TextFieldListenerAdapter;
* Barre de pagination asynchrone avec filtrage des touches et accès directs et séquentiels à une page
* @author aurelien
public class pageToolBarVue extends Toolbar implements Rafraichissable {
* Instance du médiateur à qui on notifie les évnènements
private ImageMediateur iMediateur = null ;
* Bouton précédent
private ToolbarButton prevPage = new ToolbarButton() ;
* Bouton suivant
private ToolbarButton suivPage = new ToolbarButton() ;
* Numéro de la page courante (attention, commence à zéro pour des raisons pratiques)
private int pageCourante = 0 ;
* Nombre de page total
private int pageTotale = 1 ;
* Nombre d'élements total
private int nbElement = 0 ;
* Nombre d'élément par page
private int taillePage = 0 ;
* Texte statique de la toolbar 1
private ToolbarTextItem page = new ToolbarTextItem("Page ") ;
* Affichage de la page courante
private TextField champPage = new TextField(""+(pageCourante+1)) ;
* Affichage de "sur pageTotale "
private ToolbarTextItem surTotalPage = new ToolbarTextItem(" sur "+pageTotale) ;
* Texte statique de la toolbar 2
private ToolbarTextItem afficherNbElem = new ToolbarTextItem("Afficher ") ;
* Combobox permettant de selectionner le nombre d'élements à afficher par page
* et donc de changer la variable taillePage
private ComboBox selecteurTaillePage = new ComboBox() ;
* Texte statique de la toolbar 3
private ToolbarTextItem nbElemParPage = new ToolbarTextItem(" images par page ") ;
* Affiche l'intervalle des éléments contenus dans la page
private ToolbarTextItem intervalleElements = new ToolbarTextItem("Images "+pageCourante*taillePage+" sur "+nbElement) ;
* retourne le mediateur associe à la barre
public ImageMediateur getImediateur()
return iMediateur ;
* constructeur sans argument (privé car ne doit pas être utilisé)
private pageToolBarVue()
super() ;
* constructeur avec paramètres
* @param im le médiateur à associer à la barre
public pageToolBarVue(ImageMediateur im)
super() ;
iMediateur = im ;
// on dispose un peu de texte et quelques espaces pour séparer les éléments
addButton(prevPage) ;
addSpacer() ;
addItem(page) ;
addField(champPage) ;
addItem(surTotalPage) ;
addSpacer() ;
addButton(suivPage) ;
champPage.setWidth(30) ;
addSpacer() ;
addItem(afficherNbElem) ;
prevPage.setIcon("page_prev.png") ;
suivPage.setIcon("page_suiv.png") ;
// le store contient les valeur possibles pour les tailles de page
final Store store = new SimpleStore(new String[]{"nb_page"}, getNbPages());
// le template definit ce que l'on affiche pour chaque element du store dans la combobox
final Template tp = new Template("<div class=\"x-combo-list-item\">"
+ "{nb_page}"
+ "<div class=\"x-clear\"></div></div>");
selecteurTaillePage.setTpl(tp) ;
selecteurTaillePage.setStore(store) ;
selecteurTaillePage.setWidth(40) ;
selecteurTaillePage.setEditable(false) ;
addField(selecteurTaillePage) ;
selecteurTaillePage.setValue("50") ;
selecteurTaillePage.setWidth(50) ;
addItem(nbElemParPage) ;
// on remplit l'espace pour que l'intervalle d'élement se place à droite de la barre
addFill() ;
addItem(intervalleElements) ;
addSpacer() ;
// on ajoute les différents listeners
ajouterListeners() ;
* ajoute les différents listeners nécessaires au bon fonctionnement des éléments de la barre de pagination
private void ajouterListeners()
// boutons suivants et précédents
prevPage.addListener(new ButtonListenerAdapter() {
public void onClick(Button button, EventObject e) {
// si la page courante n'est pas la première
if(pageCourante > 0)
// on décrémente la page courante de 1
pageCourante -- ;
// on rafraichit l'affichage
rafraichirNumeroPage() ;
// et on notifie le médiateur de l'évenement
getImediateur().changerNumeroPage(pageCourante) ;
}) ;
suivPage.addListener(new ButtonListenerAdapter() {
public void onClick(Button button, EventObject e) {
// si la page courante n'est pas la dernière
if(pageCourante < pageTotale -1)
// on incrémente la page courante de 1
pageCourante ++ ;
// on rafraichit l'affichage
rafraichirNumeroPage() ;
// et on notifie le médiateur de l'évenement
getImediateur().changerNumeroPage(pageCourante) ;
}) ;
champPage.addListener(new TextFieldListenerAdapter() {
public void onSpecialKey(Field field, EventObject e) {
// on teste si la touche entrée a été pressée
if(e.getKey() == EventObject.ENTER)
int nouvellePage = pageCourante ;
// on teste avec parseInt si la valeur entrée est un entier
nouvellePage = Integer.parseInt(champPage.getRawValue()) ;
// si ce n'est pas le cas alors on remet le numéro de page correct
catch(NumberFormatException nfe)
rafraichirNumeroPage() ;
champPage.focus(true) ;
return ;
// si la conversion reussit on verifie s'il est nécessaire de changer de page
// et si la nouvelle est comprise dans l'intervalle des pages existantes (0..pageTotale)
if(nouvellePage != pageCourante + 1 && nouvellePage > 0 && nouvellePage <= pageTotale)
// le cas échéant, on charge la nouvelle page et on notifie le médiateur
changerPageCourante(nouvellePage - 1) ;
getImediateur().changerNumeroPage(pageCourante) ;
// sinon on reaffiche l'ancien numero de page sans rien changer
rafraichirNumeroPage() ;
champPage.focus(true) ;
public void onFocus(Field field) {
champPage.focus(true) ;
// pour éviter de se compliquer la vie, on filtre tous les charactères non numériques
champPage.addKeyPressListener(new EventCallback() {
public void execute(EventObject e) {
// si c'est un numerique
// on laisse passer
return ;
// si c'est la touche entrée ou backspace (valider ou effacer)
if(e.getKey() == EventObject.ENTER || e.getKey() == EventObject.BACKSPACE)
// on laisse passer
return ;
// sinon on remet le numero de page correct et on annule l'évenement
rafraichirNumeroPage() ;
e.stopEvent() ;
}) ;
// listener pour la selection dans la combobox
selecteurTaillePage.addListener(new ComboBoxListenerAdapter() {
public void onSelect(ComboBox comboBox, Record record, int index) {
String nouvelleTaillePageString = comboBox.getStore().getRecordAt(index).getAsString("nb_page") ;
int nouvelleTaillePage = Integer.parseInt(nouvelleTaillePageString) ;
// si la taille de page est différente de l'ancienne
if(nouvelleTaillePage != taillePage)
// on la change
changerTaillePage(nouvelleTaillePage) ;
// et on met la valeur à jour dans la combobox
comboBox.setValue(nouvelleTaillePageString) ;
}) ;
* Met à jour les affichage sur les numéros de pages et d'intervalle d'éléments
* à partir des variables de classes
public void rafraichirNumeroPage()
surTotalPage.setText(" sur "+pageTotale) ;
if(nbElement == 0)
champPage.setValue(""+(0)) ;
// on met simplement à jour l'intervalle qui contient toujours le même nombre d'éléments
intervalleElements.setText("Images 0 - 0 sur 0") ;
champPage.setValue(""+(pageCourante+1)) ;
// si la page n'est pas la dernière
if(pageCourante + 1 != pageTotale)
// sauf pour la dernière page qui contient souvent moins d'élements que le nombre d'élements par page
intervalleElements.setText("Images "+pageCourante*taillePage+" - "+(pageCourante+1)*taillePage+" sur "+nbElement) ;
// on met simplement à jour l'intervalle qui contient toujours le même nombre d'éléments
intervalleElements.setText("Images "+pageCourante*taillePage+" - "+nbElement+" sur "+nbElement) ;
* Met à jour la page en cours
* @param nouvellePageCourante la nouvelle page en cours
public void changerPageCourante(int nouvellePageCourante)
pageCourante = nouvellePageCourante ;
* Methode héritée de l'interface rafraichissable
public void rafraichir(Object nouvelleDonnees,
boolean repandreRaffraichissement) {
// si on reçoit un tableau de int
if(nouvelleDonnees instanceof int[])
int [] page = (int[])nouvelleDonnees ;
// le premier élement est le nombre de pages totales
pageTotale = page[0] ;
// le second la page en cours
pageCourante = page[1] ;
// le troisième la taille de la page
taillePage = page[2] ;
// et le dernier le nombre total d'éléments
nbElement = page[3] ;
// si la page courante dépasse la page totale (cas normalement improbable car géré en amont)
// on met le numéro de page à la page courante -1 (car la page courante est comptée à partir
// de zéro)
if(pageCourante >= pageTotale && pageCourante != 0)
pageCourante = pageTotale - 1 ;
// le cas échéant on en notifie le médiateur
getImediateur().changerNumeroPage(pageCourante) ;
// enfin on rafraichit les informations affichées à partir des nouvelles variables de classes mises à jour
rafraichirNumeroPage() ;
* Renvoie les différents intervalles de pages possibles
* @return un tableau de tableau de string qui contient les différentes taille de pages
public String[][] getNbPages()
String[][] pages = {{"200"},{"100"},{"50"},{"20"},{"10"}} ;
return pages ;
* Envoie au médiateur une demande pour modifier la taille de la page
* (qui va à son tour faire les modifications nécessaires)
* @param nouvelleTaillePage la nouvelle taille de page (élement appartenant au tableau renvoyé par getNbPages())
public void changerTaillePage(int nouvelleTaillePage) {
getImediateur().changerTaillePage(nouvelleTaillePage) ;
* Selectionne la valeur correspond à celle passée en paramètre dans la combobox (si elle existe)
* @param nouvelleTaillePage la nouvelle taille de page
public void selectionnerTaillePage(int nouvelleTaillePage) {
selecteurTaillePage.setValue(""+nouvelleTaillePage) ;
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0,0 → 1,86
package org.tela_botanica.client.vues;
import org.tela_botanica.client.image.ImageMediateur;
import com.gwtext.client.core.EventObject;
public class MenuIdVue extends Menu {
* Le médiateur associé à la vue
private ImageMediateur iMediateur ;
* Item pour le changement d'utilisateur
private Item changerId = null ;
* Constructeur sans argument (privé car ne doit être utilisé)
private MenuIdVue()
* Constructeur avec paramètre
* @param im le médiateur à associer
public MenuIdVue(ImageMediateur im)
super() ;
iMediateur = im ;
// on construit le menu
changerId = new Item("Changer d'utilisateur") ;
addItem(changerId) ;
// on ajoute les listeners
ajouterListeners() ;
* Ajoute les listeners pour la gestions des évènements
private void ajouterListeners()
this.addListener(new MenuListenerAdapter() {
// gestion du clic sur un item
public void onItemClick(BaseItem item, EventObject e) {
// si c'est la recherche par commentaires
// on notifie le médiateur
getIMediateur().afficherMenuId() ;
// enfin, on cache le menu
hide() ;
}) ;
* Accesseur pour le médiateur
* @return le médiateur associé à la vue
public ImageMediateur getIMediateur()
return iMediateur ;
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0,0 → 1,148
package org.tela_botanica.client.vues;
import org.tela_botanica.client.image.ImageMediateur;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.Filtrable;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.Rafraichissable;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Panel;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.form.DateField;
* Classe implémentant un filtre qui permet de rechercher une aimge par rapport à la date associée,
* des critères plus fins viendront compléter cela
* @author aurelien
public class DateFiltreVue extends Panel implements Rafraichissable, Filtrable {
* Le médiateur associé à la vue
private ImageMediateur iMediateur = null ;
* Le widget calendrier
private DateField filtreDate = null ;
* Booleen d'état du filtre
private boolean filtreModifie = false ;
* Constructeur sans argument (privé car ne doit pas être utilisé)
private DateFiltreVue()
super() ;
* Constructeur avec arguments
* @param im le médiateur à associer
public DateFiltreVue(ImageMediateur im)
super() ;
setPaddings(5) ;
setCollapsible(true) ;
setBorder(false) ;
iMediateur = im ;
Label labelRecherche = new Label("Date :") ;
add(labelRecherche) ;
// on crée le calendrier et on définit le format de la date "jj/mm/aaaa"
filtreDate = new DateField() ;
filtreDate.setAutoWidth(true) ;
filtreDate.setFormat("d/m/Y") ;
ajouterListeners() ;
* Ajoute les listeners
public void ajouterListeners()
* Méthode héritée de l'interface rafraichissable
public void rafraichir(Object nouvelleDonnees,
boolean repandreRaffraichissement) {
filtreModifie = false ;
* Méthode héritée de l'interface filtrable
public void valider() {
filtreModifie = true ;
* Accesseur pour le médiateur
* @return le médiateur associé à la vue
private ImageMediateur getIMediateur() {
return iMediateur ;
* Méthode héritée de l'interface filtrable
public boolean renvoyerEtatFiltre() {
return filtreModifie ;
* Méthode héritée de l'interface filtrable
public String renvoyerNomFiltre() {
return "Recherche par date" ;
* Méthode héritée de l'interface filtrable
public String[] renvoyerValeursAFiltrer() {
// si la date est valide
// on en sépare les composants
String dt = filtreDate.getRawValue() ;
String[] dates = dt.split("/") ;
if(dates.length == 3)
// qu'on réassemble dans un autre format (américain) pour la base de donnée "aaaa-mm-jj"
String dateFormatee = dates[2]+"-"+dates[1]+"-"+dates[0] ;
String[] valeursFiltres = {"ci_meta_date" , dateFormatee } ;
return valeursFiltres ;
// si la date n'estp as valide on renvoie une chaine vide (ce qui correspond à n'importe qu'elle date)
String dateFormatee = "" ;
String[] valeursFiltres = {"ci_meta_date" , dateFormatee } ;
return valeursFiltres ;
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package org.tela_botanica.client.vues;
import org.tela_botanica.client.image.ImageMediateur;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.Rafraichissable;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.VueListable;
import com.gwtext.client.core.EventObject;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Component;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.event.ContainerListenerAdapter;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.CellMetadata;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.ColumnConfig;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.ColumnModel;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.GridPanel;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.Renderer;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.RowSelectionModel;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.event.GridRowListener;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.event.RowSelectionListenerAdapter;
* Liste d'image composée de miniatures et d'information sur l'image, implémente
* l'interface rafraichissable et l'interface vueListable
* @author aurelien
public class ListeImageVue extends GridPanel implements Rafraichissable,
VueListable {
* Le médiateur associé à la vue
private ImageMediateur iMediateur = null;
* Config de colonne
private ColumnConfig numImage;
* Config de colonne
private ColumnConfig urlImage;
* Config de colonne
private ColumnConfig lieImage;
* Config de colonne
private ColumnConfig datImage;
* Config de colonne
private ColumnConfig appImage;
* Config de colonne
private ColumnConfig noteImage;
* Modele de colonnes
private ColumnModel modeleColonnes;
* Booleen d'instanciation
private boolean estInstancie = false;
* Store qui contient les données à afficher
private Store st = null;
* Configuration des colonnes du store
private ColumnConfig cl = null;
* Barre de pagination
private pageToolBarVue bt = null ;
* Constructeur sans arguments (privé car ne doit pas être utilisé)
private ListeImageVue()
super() ;
* Constructeur avec argument
* @param im le médiateur à associer
public ListeImageVue(ImageMediateur im) {
new ListeImageVue() ;
// on associe le médiateur
this.iMediateur = im;
// on place la barre de pagination
bt = new pageToolBarVue(iMediateur);
setBottomToolbar(bt) ;
// on construit le modèle de colonnes
numImage = new ColumnConfig("numéro", "num_image", 30, true, new Renderer() {
public String render(Object value, CellMetadata cellMetadata,
Record record, int rowIndex, int colNum, Store store) {
String ImgNum = record.getAsString("num_image");
return "<div class=\"centered-list\">"+ ImgNum +"</div>";
}) ;
datImage = new ColumnConfig("date", "dat_image", 120, true, new Renderer() {
public String render(Object value, CellMetadata cellMetadata,
Record record, int rowIndex, int colNum, Store store) {
String ImgDat = record.getAsString("dat_image");
if(ImgDat == null)
ImgDat = " " ;
return "<div class=\"centered-list\">"+ ImgDat +"</div>";
}) ;
lieImage = new ColumnConfig("lieu", "lie_image", 120, true, new Renderer() {
public String render(Object value, CellMetadata cellMetadata,
Record record, int rowIndex, int colNum, Store store) {
String ImgLie = record.getAsString("lie_image");
if(ImgLie == null)
ImgLie = " " ;
return "<div class=\"centered-list\">"+ ImgLie +"</div>";
}) ;
appImage = new ColumnConfig("appareil", "app_image", 120, true, new Renderer() {
public String render(Object value, CellMetadata cellMetadata,
Record record, int rowIndex, int colNum, Store store) {
String ImgApp = record.getAsString("app_image");
if(ImgApp == null)
ImgApp = " " ;
return "<div class=\"centered-list\">"+ ImgApp +"</div>";
}) ;
// la colonne url possède une méthode de rendu spéciale
urlImage = new ColumnConfig("Image", "url_image_S", 30, true,
new Renderer() {
public String render(Object value,
CellMetadata cellMetadata, Record record,
int rowIndex, int colNum, Store store) {
// on affiche une div contenant l'image pointée par l'url
String ImgUrl = record.getAsString("url_image_S");
String ImgNum = record.getAsString("num_image");
return "<div class=\"img-list centered-list\"> <img src=\"" + ImgUrl
+ "\" title='" + ImgNum + "'> </div>";
noteImage = new ColumnConfig("note", "note_image", 80, true,
new Renderer()
public String render(Object value, CellMetadata cellMetadata,
Record record, int rowIndex, int colNum, Store store) {
String htmlImage = "" ;
int noteImg = record.getAsInteger("note_image") ;
if(noteImg >= 0)
htmlImage += "<div class=\"img-note centered-list\">" ;
for(int i = 0 ; i <= noteImg ; i++)
htmlImage += "<img src=\"note-on.gif\">" ;
htmlImage += "</div>" ;
return htmlImage ;
}) ;
// on associe le modèle de colonnes
ColumnConfig[] cm = {numImage, urlImage, datImage, lieImage, appImage, noteImage};
modeleColonnes = new ColumnModel(cm);
// creation du store
FieldDef defNumImage = new IntegerFieldDef("num_image");
FieldDef defDatImage = new StringFieldDef("dat_image");
FieldDef defLieImage = new StringFieldDef("lie_image");
FieldDef defAppImage = new StringFieldDef("app_image");
FieldDef defUrlImageS = new StringFieldDef("url_image_S");
FieldDef defUrlImageM = new StringFieldDef("url_image_M");
FieldDef defUrlImage = new StringFieldDef("url_image");
FieldDef defNoteImage = new StringFieldDef("note_image");
FieldDef[] defTab = { defNumImage, defDatImage, defLieImage,
defAppImage, defUrlImageS, defUrlImageM, defUrlImage, defNoteImage };
RecordDef rd = new RecordDef(defTab);
st = new Store(rd);
// on associe le store
// on crée un masque de chargement qui s'affichera lors des mises à jour
// on ajoute les listeners
* Ajoute les listeners pour la gestion des évènements
private void ajouterListeners() {
this.addListener(new ContainerListenerAdapter() {
public void onHide(Component component) {
// lors du premier rendu on demande les données qui sont déjà contenues dans la galerie qui est le premier élément affiché
public void onRender(Component component) {
if (!isEstInstancie()) {
public void onShow(Component component) {
this.addGridRowListener(new GridRowListener() {
// gestion du clic sur une ligne
public void onRowClick(GridPanel grid, int rowIndex, EventObject e) {
// on notifie le médiateur et on lui passe le nuémro de ligne
// gestion du clic droit
public void onRowContextMenu(GridPanel grid, int rowIndex,
EventObject e) {
// on stoppe l'évenement pour empecher le navigateur d'afficher son propre menu
e.stopEvent() ;
// on notifie le médiateur en lui passant l'évenement
// gestion du double clic
public void onRowDblClick(GridPanel grid, int rowIndex,
EventObject e) {
// on notifie le médiateur en lui passant le numéro de ligne
this.getSelectionModel().addListener(new RowSelectionListenerAdapter() {
// gestion de la sélection
public void onSelectionChange(RowSelectionModel sm) {
// si on a rien de sélectionné
if (sm.getCount() <= 0) {
// on notifie le médiateur (qui désactive notamment l'accès à certaines infos)
} else {
// sinon on notifie le médiateur
// et on lui demande de synchroniser la selection avec les autres vues
* Méthode héritée de l'interface VueListable
* Sélectionne les images dans la galerie suivant les identifiants donnés en paramètres
public String[] getIdSelectionnees() {
Record[] selection = this.getSelectionModel().getSelections();
int taille = selection.length;
String id_selection[] = new String[taille];
for (int i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) {
id_selection[i] = selection[i].getAsString("num_image");
return id_selection;
* Accesseur pour la config de colonnes
* @return la config de colonnes
public ColumnConfig getCl() {
return cl;
* Accesseur pour le médiateur
* @return le médiateur associé
public ImageMediateur getIMediateur() {
return iMediateur;
* Accesseur pour le modèle de colonnes
* @return le modèle de colonnes
public ColumnModel getModeleColonnes() {
return modeleColonnes;
* Accesseur pour le store
* @return le store contenant les données
public Store getSt() {
return st;
* Accesseur pour le booleen d'instanciation
* @return le booleen d'instanciation
public boolean isEstInstancie() {
return estInstancie;
* Méthode héritée de l'interface rafraichissable
* @param nouvelleDonnees les nouvelles données
* @param repandreRafraichissement le booleen de notification du rafraichissement
public void rafraichir(Object nouvelleDonnees,
boolean repandreRafraichissement) {
// si on reçoit un store
if (nouvelleDonnees instanceof Store) {
// on affecte celui-ci comme gestionnaire de données
st = (Store) nouvelleDonnees;
// et on reconfigure et rafraichit la vue
this.reconfigure(st, this.getColumnModel());
// si on doit répandre l'évenement
if (repandreRafraichissement) {
// on notifie le médiateur avec une copie des données
nouvelleDonnees, this);
* Sélectionne des enregistrements donné
* @param sel un tableau d'enregistrement à selectionner
public void selectionnerEnregistrements(Record[] sel) {
if (isEstInstancie()) {
* Accesseur pour la toolbar de pagination
* @return la toolbar de pagination
public pageToolBarVue getToolBarVue()
return bt ;
* Setteur pour le booleen d'instanciation
* @param estInstancie la nouvelle valeur du booleen
public void setEstInstancie(boolean estInstancie) {
this.estInstancie = estInstancie;
public void mettreAjourInfos(String commentaires, String date, String note) {
for (int i = 0; i < getSelectionModel().getCount(); i++) {
getSelectionModel().getSelections()[i].set("note_image", note) ;
getSelectionModel().getSelections()[i].set("dat_image", date) ;
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0,0 → 1,128
package org.tela_botanica.client.vues;
import org.tela_botanica.client.image.ImageMediateur;
import com.gwtext.client.core.EventObject;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Button;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Panel;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.event.ButtonListenerAdapter;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.layout.VerticalLayout;
* Panneau contenant les filtres qu'on peut appliquer aux images
* @author aurelien
public class PanneauFiltresVues extends Panel {
* Le médiateur associé
private ImageMediateur iMediateur = null ;
* L'arbre pour la recherche par mots clés
private ArbreMotsClesFiltreVue motsClesFiltres = null ;
* La barre de recherche par commentaires
private BarreRechercheFiltreVue commFiltresVues = null ;
* Recherche par date
private DateFiltreVue dateFiltreVues = null ;
* Bouton de validation
private Button valider = null ;
* Construcuteur sans argument (privé car on ne doit pas l'utiliser)
private PanneauFiltresVues()
super() ;
* Constructeur avec arguments
* @param im le médiateur à associer
public PanneauFiltresVues(ImageMediateur im)
super("Rechercher des images") ;
iMediateur = im ;
this.setCollapsible(true) ;
setLayout(new VerticalLayout()) ;
commFiltresVues = new BarreRechercheFiltreVue(im) ;
add(commFiltresVues) ;
dateFiltreVues = new DateFiltreVue(im) ;
add(dateFiltreVues) ;
motsClesFiltres = new ArbreMotsClesFiltreVue(im) ;
add(motsClesFiltres) ;
Panel panelValidation = new Panel() ;
valider = new Button("Rechercher") ;
panelValidation.add(valider) ;
panelValidation.setBorder(false) ;
add(panelValidation) ;
valider.addListener(new ButtonListenerAdapter() {
public void onClick(Button button, EventObject e) {
iMediateur.obtenirPhotoGalerie(iMediateur.getGalerieImage()) ;
}) ;
* Accesseur pour le filtre des mots clés
* @return le filtre des mots clés
public ArbreMotsClesFiltreVue getMotsClesFiltre()
return motsClesFiltres ;
* Accesseur pour le filtre par commentaire
* @return le filtre des commentaires
public BarreRechercheFiltreVue getBarreRecherche()
return commFiltresVues ;
* Renvoie un booléen indiquant si un des filtres a été modifié
* @return true sur un des filtres est modifié, false sinon
public boolean renvoyerEtatFiltre() {
return (motsClesFiltres.renvoyerEtatFiltre() || commFiltresVues.renvoyerEtatFiltre() || dateFiltreVues.renvoyerEtatFiltre() ) ;
* Renvoie un tableau à 2 niveaux contenant des paires "nom_de_filtre", "valeur"
* @return un tableau contenant les noms et les valeurs à filtrer
public String[][] renvoyerValeursAFiltrer()
String[][] filtres = { motsClesFiltres.renvoyerValeursAFiltrer(), commFiltresVues.renvoyerValeursAFiltrer() , dateFiltreVues.renvoyerValeursAFiltrer() } ;
return filtres ;
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0,0 → 1,8
package org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces;
import org.tela_botanica.client.modeles.Observation;
public interface iRetourObservation {
public void onRetour(Observation observation);
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0,0 → 1,11
package org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces;
* Interface Mediateur
public interface iMediateur {
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0,0 → 1,9
package org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces;
import org.tela_botanica.client.modeles.ListeImageCarnet;
public interface IRetourImage {
public void onRetour(ListeImageCarnet listeImage);
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0,0 → 1,99
package org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces;
import org.tela_botanica.client.image.ImageMediateur;
import com.gwtext.client.core.EventObject;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Button;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Panel;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Window;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.event.ButtonListenerAdapter;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.event.KeyListener;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.event.WindowListenerAdapter;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.form.TextField;
public class IdVue extends Window implements Rafraichissable {
private ImageMediateur iMediateur ;
private TextField champId = null ;
private Button ok = null ;
public IdVue(ImageMediateur im)
super("Identification") ;
iMediateur = im ;
champId = new TextField() ;
ok = new Button("OK") ;
add(champId) ;
add(ok) ;
setSize(156,75) ;
setClosable(false) ;
setModal(true) ;
this.setCloseAction(HIDE) ;
ajouterListeners() ;
private void ajouterListeners() {
// gestion du clic sur le bouton
ok.addListener(new ButtonListenerAdapter() {
public void onClick(Button button, EventObject e) {
valider() ;
}) ;
// gestion de la touche entrée
champId.addKeyListener(EventObject.ENTER, new KeyListener() {
public void onKey(int key, EventObject e) {
valider() ;
}) ;
this.addListener(new WindowListenerAdapter() {
public void onClose(Panel panel) {
public ImageMediateur getIMediateur()
return iMediateur ;
protected void valider() {
String id = champId.getText() ;
getIMediateur().setIdentifiant(""+id.hashCode()) ;
getIMediateur().changerUtilisateur() ;
this.close() ;
public void rafraichir(Object nouvelleDonnees,
boolean repandreRaffraichissement) {
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0,0 → 1,19
package org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces;
* Les classes qui implétement cette interface sont des classes qui affichent
* des éléments qui peuvent être identifiés de manière unique
* Cette interface facilite le travail du médiateur dans la mesure ou il peut obtenir
* les éléments selectionnés d'une vue sans se préoccuper de son type précis
* @author aurelien
public interface VueListable {
* Renvoie un tableau contenant les identifiants des élements selectionnés
* @return les id des éléments sélectionnés
public String[] getIdSelectionnees() ;
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0,0 → 1,21
package org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces;
* Toutes les classes qui recoivent des données de manières asynchrones ou imprévisible
* implémentent cette interface.
* Elle permet de faire transiter le rafraichissable jusqu'au DAO et d'appeler sa méthode rafraichir un fois
* les données reçues, tout celà en préservant bien la séparation des rôles car les classes qui font transiter
* le rafraichissable ne connaissent que cette interface et pas le restye de l'objet
* @author aurelien
public interface Rafraichissable {
* Méthode de mise à jour d'un objet
* @param nouvelleDonnees Un objet de n'importe quel type (programmation générique) qui contient les données de mise à jour
* @param repandreRaffraichissement indique si l'élement doit notifier d'autres éléments de sa mise à jour
public void rafraichir(Object nouvelleDonnees, boolean repandreRaffraichissement);
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0,0 → 1,34
package org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces;
* Les classes qui implémentent cette interface fonctionnent sous forme de filtres
* et doivent être capable de rendre compte de leur état (modifié ou non)
* et de renvoyer les valeurs de filtrage
* @author aurelien
public interface Filtrable {
* Renvoie un tableau contenant le nom du filtre et sa valeur
* @return un tableau contenant le nom du filtre (exemple : "ci_meta_mots_cle") et sa valeur
public String[] renvoyerValeursAFiltrer() ;
* Renvoie le nom du filtre de manière lisible (exemple : Filtre pour les mots clés)
* @return le nom du filtre
public String renvoyerNomFiltre() ;
* Renvoie l'état du filtre (modifié ou non)
* @return true si le filtre à été modifié depuis le dernier appel, false sinon
public boolean renvoyerEtatFiltre() ;
* Rassemble les valeurs contenant dans le ou les champs du filtre, les vérifie, et si celles-ci on
* changées, appelle le médiateur
public void valider() ;
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0,0 → 1,8
package org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces;
import org.tela_botanica.client.modeles.Utilisateur;
public interface iRetourUtilisateur {
public void onRetour(Utilisateur utilisateur);
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0,0 → 1,65
package org.tela_botanica.client;
* Modele generique permettant la validation, l'acces aux donnees distantes et la présentation des donnees en retour
* Ne previent pas les vues. Est appelle par le mediateur qui traite le resultat.
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.iRetourUtilisateur;
import org.tela_botanica.client.modeles.Utilisateur;
import org.tela_botanica.client.modeles.UtilisateurAsynchroneDAO;
public class CarnetEnLigneModele {
private final String baseURL; // Url d'appel aux services
* Constructeur
public CarnetEnLigneModele() {
public void getUtilisateurAsynchroneDAO(final iRetourUtilisateur retour) {
new UtilisateurAsynchroneDAO().getUtilisateur(baseURL,retour );
public Utilisateur getUtilisateurSynchroneDAO() {
return new Utilisateur("David Delon synchrone",true);
public void deconnecterUtilisateur(final iRetourUtilisateur retour, String user) {
new UtilisateurAsynchroneDAO().deconnecterUtilisateur(baseURL,retour,user );
public void connecterUtilisateur(final iRetourUtilisateur retour, String login , String password) {
new UtilisateurAsynchroneDAO().connecteUtilisateur(baseURL,retour,login, password );
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0,0 → 1,22
package org.tela_botanica.client;
import org.tela_botanica.client.image.ImageMediateur;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Viewport;
* Entry point classes define <code>onModuleLoad()</code>.
public class cel2 implements EntryPoint {
* This is the entry point method.
public void onModuleLoad() {
ImageMediateur im = ImageMediateur.Instance() ;
new Viewport(im.getPanneauPrincipalImage());
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package org.tela_botanica.client.modeles;
* Modele DAO, specifique, permettant la validation, l'acces aux donnees distantes et la présentation des donnees en retour
import org.tela_botanica.client.Util;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.iRetourObservation;
public class ObservationAsynchroneDAO {
* Constructeur
public ObservationAsynchroneDAO() {
public void getNombreObservation(String baseURL, final iRetourObservation retour, String identifiant, String identifiantLocalite, String localite, String annee, String mois, String jour, String lieudit, String rechercheLibre) {
HTTPRequest.asyncGet(baseURL + "/InventoryItemList/" + identifiant + "/" + identifiantLocalite + "/" + URL.encodeComponent(localite) + "/" + annee + "/" + mois + "/" + jour + "/" + URL.encodeComponent(rechercheLibre) + "/" + URL.encodeComponent(lieudit),
new ResponseTextHandler() {
public void onCompletion(String str) {
JSONValue jsonValue = JSONParser.parse(str);
JSONNumber jsonNumber;
if ((jsonNumber = jsonValue.isNumber()) != null) {
retour.onRetour(new Observation((int) jsonNumber.getValue()));
public void getListeObservation(String baseURL,final iRetourObservation retour, String identifiant, String identifiantLocalite, String localite, String annee, String mois, String jour, String lieudit, String rechercheLibre, int debut, int longueur)
HTTPRequest.asyncGet(baseURL + "/InventoryItemList/" + identifiant + "/" + identifiantLocalite + "/" + URL.encodeComponent(localite) +"/" + annee + "/" + mois + "/" + jour + "/" + URL.encodeComponent(rechercheLibre) + "/" + URL.encodeComponent(lieudit) + "/"
+ debut + "/" + longueur ,
new ResponseTextHandler() {
public void onCompletion(String str) {
JSONValue jsonValue = JSONParser.parse(str);
JSONArray jsonArray;
JSONArray jsonArrayNested;
if ((jsonArray = jsonValue.isArray()) != null) {
if ((jsonArray = jsonValue.isArray()) != null) {
int arraySize = jsonArray.size();
Observation[] listeObservation=new Observation[arraySize];
for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {
if ((jsonArrayNested = jsonArray.get(i).isArray()) != null) {
String transmis=((JSONString) jsonArrayNested.get(13)).stringValue();
String nomSaisi=Util.toCelString(((JSONString) jsonArrayNested.get(0)).toString());
String nomRetenu=Util.toCelString(((JSONString) jsonArrayNested.get(2)).toString());
String numeroNomenclatural=((JSONString) jsonArrayNested.get(3)).stringValue();
String numeroTaxonomique=((JSONString) jsonArrayNested.get(4)).stringValue();
String famille=Util.toCelString(((JSONString) jsonArrayNested .get(5)).toString());
String localite=Util.toCelString(((JSONString) jsonArrayNested .get(6)).toString());
String lieudit=Util.toCelString(((JSONString) jsonArrayNested .get(9)).toString());
String station=Util.toCelString(((JSONString) jsonArrayNested .get(10)).toString());
String milieu=Util.toCelString(((JSONString) jsonArrayNested .get(11)).toString());
String commentaire=Util.toCelString(((JSONString) jsonArrayNested .get(12)).toString());
String date=((JSONString) jsonArrayNested .get(8)).stringValue();
String numeroOrdre=((JSONString) jsonArrayNested.get(7)).stringValue();
listeObservation[i]=new Observation(transmis, nomSaisi, nomRetenu, numeroNomenclatural, numeroTaxonomique, famille, localite, lieudit, station, milieu, commentaire, date, numeroOrdre);
retour.onRetour(new Observation(listeObservation));
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0,0 → 1,33
package org.tela_botanica.client.modeles;
public class Utilisateur {
private String identifiant=null;
private boolean identifie=false;
public Utilisateur(String identifiant, boolean identifie) {
* Retourne l'identifiant de l'utilisateur identifie ou un identifiant de session
* @return String identifiant
public String getIdentifiant() {
return identifiant;
* Retourne vrai si utilisateur identifie
* @return boolean
public boolean isIdentifie() {
return identifie;
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0,0 → 1,95
package org.tela_botanica.client.modeles;
public class Observation {
private int nombreObservations=0;
private Observation [] listeObservation=null;
private String transmis=null;
private String nomSaisi=null;
private String nomRetenu=null;
private String numeroNomenclatural=null;
private String numeroTaxonomique=null;
private String famille=null;
private String localite=null;
private String lieudit=null;
private String station=null;
private String milieu=null;
private String commentaire=null;
private String date=null;
private String numeroOrdre=null;
public Observation() {
* Constructeur nombre total d'observations
* @param i
public Observation(int i) {
public int getNombreObservations() {
return nombreObservations;
* @param transmis
* @param nomSaisi
* @param nomRetenu
* @param numeroNomenclatural
* @param numeroTaxonomique
* @param famille
* @param localite
* @param lieudit
* @param station
* @param milieu
* @param commentaire
* @param date
* @param numeroOrdre
public Observation(String transmis, String nomSaisi, String nomRetenu, String numeroNomenclatural, String numeroTaxonomique, String famille, String localite, String lieudit, String station, String milieu, String commentaire, String date, String numeroOrdre) {
this.transmis = transmis;
this.nomSaisi = nomSaisi;
this.nomRetenu = nomRetenu;
this.numeroNomenclatural = numeroNomenclatural;
this.numeroTaxonomique = numeroTaxonomique;
this.famille = famille;
this.localite = localite;
this.lieudit = lieudit;
this.station = station;
this.milieu = milieu;
this.commentaire = commentaire; = date;
this.numeroOrdre = numeroOrdre;
public Observation(Observation[] listeObservation) {
public Observation[] getListeObservation() {
return listeObservation;
public String getNomSaisi() {
return nomSaisi;
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0,0 → 1,173
package org.tela_botanica.client.modeles;
import org.tela_botanica.client.image.ImageModele;
import com.gwtext.client.core.UrlParam;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Panel;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Window;
import com.gwtext.client.widgets.event.WindowListenerAdapter;
import com.gwtextux.client.widgets.upload.UploadDialog;
import com.gwtextux.client.widgets.upload.UploadDialogListenerAdapter;
* DAO un peu particulier car il crée une fenetre d'upload différente
* suivant que le plugin Java est détecté ou non
public class ImageUploaderAsynchroneDAO {
* Modele associé au DAO
private static ImageModele iModele ;
public ImageUploaderAsynchroneDAO(ImageModele im)
iModele = im ;
* Setteur pour le modele
* @param im le modèle à associer au DAO
public void setIModele(ImageModele im)
iModele = im ;
* Crée un panel d'upload simple aux fonctions réduites mais utilisant uniquement javascript
* (pour les utilisateurs qui n'ont pas java)
private static void appelerUploadSimple()
UploadDialog up = new UploadDialog("Upload simple de fichiers") ;
UrlParam id = new UrlParam("identifiant",iModele.getIdentifiant()) ;
UrlParam[] params = {id} ;
up.setModal(true) ;
up.addListener(new UploadDialogListenerAdapter() {
public void onClose(Panel panel) {
iModele.requeteTerminee() ;
public void onUploadComplete(UploadDialog source) {
iModele.requeteTerminee() ;
* Crée une fenêtre contenant une applet java pour uploader plusieurs fichiers à la fois avec quelques
* fonctions avancées (nécessite le plugin java pour le navigateur)
private static void appelerUploadMultiple()
final Window nPan = new Window("Upload multiple");
nPan.setWidth(640) ;
final String warning = "<p class=\"warning_upload\"> A la fin de l'envoi, veuillez fermer la fenêtre pour accéder aux images. </p>" ;
final String applet = "<applet code=\"wjhk.jupload2.JUploadApplet\" archive=\"wjhk.jupload.jar\" alt=\"\" mayscript=\"\" height=\"350\" width=\"625\">";
final String paramPostTarget = "<param name=\"postURL\" value=\""+iModele.getConfig().getServiceBaseUrl()+"/InventoryImage/\">";
final String paramUploadPolicy = "<param name=\"uploadPolicy\" value=\"PictureUploadPolicy\">";
final String paramMaxChunkSize = "<param name=\"maxChunkSize\" value=\"0\">";
final String paramMaxFileSize = "<param name=\"maxFileSize\" value=\"10000000\">";
final String paramTransmitMetaData = "<param name=\"pictureTransmitMetadata\" value=\"true\">";
final String paramFilesPerRequest = "<param name=\"nbFilesPerRequest\" value=\"1\">";
final String paramAllowedExtensions = "<param name=\"allowedFileExtensions\" value=\"jpg/jpeg/\">";
final String paramUploadSuccess = "<param name=\"stringUploadSuccess\" value=\"OK\">" ;
final String paramShowLogWindow = "<param name=\"showLogWindow\" value=\"false\">";
final String paramFormdata = "<param name=\"formData\" value=\"postid\">" ;
final String finApplet = "</applet>";
final String appelApplet = applet
+ paramPostTarget
+ paramUploadPolicy
+ paramMaxChunkSize
+ paramMaxFileSize
+ paramTransmitMetaData
+ paramFilesPerRequest
+ paramAllowedExtensions
+ paramUploadSuccess
+ paramShowLogWindow
+ finApplet;
final String htmlForm =
"<form method=\"post\" name=\"postid\">"
+"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"identifiant\" value=\""+iModele.getIdentifiant()+"\">"
+"</form>" ;
nPan.setModal(true) ;
nPan.addListener(new WindowListenerAdapter() {
public void onClose(Panel panel) {
iModele.requeteTerminee() ;
* Fonction javascript native qui détecte la présence du plugin java pour le navigateur
* et appelle la méthode d'upload adaptée (appelerUploadSimple ou appelerUploadMultiple)
public static native void choisirMethodeUpload() /*-{
var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var ie = (agt.indexOf("msie") != -1);
var ns = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1);
var win = ((agt.indexOf("win")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("32bit")!=-1));
var mac = (agt.indexOf("mac")!=-1);
function detectIE(ClassID,name) { result = false; document.write('<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=VBScript>\n on error resume next \n result = IsObject(CreateObject("' + ClassID + '"))</SCRIPT>\n'); if (result) return name+','; else return ''; }
function detectNS(ClassID,name) { n = ""; if (nse.indexOf(ClassID) != -1) if (navigator.mimeTypes[ClassID].enabledPlugin != null) n = name+","; return n; }
if (ie && win) { pluginlist = detectIE("Adobe.SVGCtl","SVG Viewer") + detectIE("SWCtl.SWCtl.1","Shockwave Director") + detectIE("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.1","Shockwave Flash") + detectIE("rmocx.RealPlayer G2 Control.1","RealPlayer") + detectIE("QuickTimeCheckObject.QuickTimeCheck.1","QuickTime") + detectIE("MediaPlayer.MediaPlayer.1","Windows Media Player") + detectIE("PDF.PdfCtrl.5","Acrobat Reader"); }
if (ns || !win) {
nse = ""; for (var i=0;i<navigator.mimeTypes.length;i++) nse += navigator.mimeTypes[i].type.toLowerCase();
pluginlist = detectNS("image/svg-xml","SVG Viewer") + detectNS("application/x-director","Shockwave Director") + detectNS("application/x-shockwave-flash","Shockwave Flash") + detectNS("audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin","RealPlayer") + detectNS("video/quicktime","QuickTime") + detectNS("application/x-mplayer2","Windows Media Player") + detectNS("application/pdf","Acrobat Reader");
pluginlist += navigator.javaEnabled() ? "Java," : "";
if (pluginlist.length > 0) pluginlist = pluginlist.substring(0,pluginlist.length-1);
@org.tela_botanica.client.modeles.ImageUploaderAsynchroneDAO::appelerUploadMultiple()() ;
@org.tela_botanica.client.modeles.ImageUploaderAsynchroneDAO::appelerUploadSimple()() ;
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0,0 → 1,367
package org.tela_botanica.client.modeles;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
* Classe representant une image du carnet,
* elle ne contient pas d'image à proprement parler mais
* plutôt les informations associées ainsi que l'url distante.
* C'est une table de hachage qui contient des paires propriété/valeur
public class ImageCarnet extends HashMap<String, String> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6220175386957259859L;
* Constructeur avec un objet JSON
* @param image
public ImageCarnet(JSONObject image)
// l'objet JSON est une table de hachage
Set<String> im = image.keySet() ;
// on la parcourt pour chaque clé
for (Iterator<String> iterator = im.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
// si elle est associée à une valeur, on l'ajoute
String key =;
if(image.get(key).isString() != null)
String valeur = image.get(key).isString().stringValue() ;
this.put(key, valeur) ;
// sinon on ajoute la clé avec une valeur vide
String valeur = " " ;
this.put(key, valeur) ;
* Surcharge de toString qui affiche toutes les propriétés de l'image
public String toString()
String valeur = " ";
for (Iterator<String> iterator = this.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
String key =;
if(this.get(key) != null)
valeur += "cle : "+key+" valeur :"+this.get(key)+"\n" ;
return valeur ;
* Pour éviter que l'on traite des valeurs nulles à l'affichage
* on passe par cette fonction qui retire les charactères nuls qui font planter
* l'affichage, il ne faut pas utiliser get directement
* @param cle
* @return la valeur associée à la clé
public String renvoyerValeurCorrecte(String cle)
String valeur = this.get(cle) ;
if(valeur.equals("null") || valeur == null)
return " " ;
char nullChar = '\u0000' ;
String sNull = ""+nullChar ;
valeur = valeur.replaceAll(sNull, "") ;
return valeur ;
return " " ;
* Acesseur pour l'id de l'image
* @return l'id de l'image
public String getId() {
return renvoyerValeurCorrecte("ci_id_image") ;
* Acesseur pour le numero d'ordre de l'image
* @return l'ordre de l'image
public String getOrdre() {
return renvoyerValeurCorrecte("ci_ordre") ;
* Base de l'url serveur pour les images
* @return url racine pour les images
public String getBaseUrl()
return "" ;
* Renvoie le nom de base du fichier image et ses sous dossier
* @return le nom de base du fichier de type (XXX_XXX_XXX), et ses sous dossier
public String[] getBaseFileName()
String id = getId() ;
int maxZeros = 9 - id.length() ;
for(int i = 0 ; i < maxZeros ; i++)
id = "0"+id ;
String dossierNv1 = id.substring(0, 3) ;
String dossierNv2 = id.substring(3, 6) ;
String fichierNv = id.substring(6, 9) ;
String nomFichier = dossierNv1+"_"+dossierNv2+"_"+fichierNv ;
String[] infosFichier = {nomFichier , dossierNv1 , dossierNv2} ;
return infosFichier ;
* Renvoie le chemin et nom du fichier grand format
* @return le chemin du fichier grand format
public String getLUrl() {
String[] infosFichier = getBaseFileName() ;
return getBaseUrl()+infosFichier[1]+"/"+infosFichier[2]+"/L/"+infosFichier[0]+"_L.jpg" ;
* Renvoie le chemin et nom du fichier petit format
* @return le chemin du fichier petit format
public String getSUrl() {
String[] infosFichier = getBaseFileName() ;
return getBaseUrl()+infosFichier[1]+"/"+infosFichier[2]+"/S/"+infosFichier[0]+"_S.jpg" ;
* Renvoie le chemin et nom du fichier moyen format
* @return le chemin du fichier moyen format
public String getMUrl() {
String[] infosFichier = getBaseFileName() ;
return getBaseUrl()+infosFichier[1]+"/"+infosFichier[2]+"/M/"+infosFichier[0]+"_M.jpg" ;
* Renvoie la taille de l'image
* @return un tableau de deux string contenant la hauteur puis la largeur
public String[] getTailleImage()
String[] XY = { renvoyerValeurCorrecte("ci_meta_height") , renvoyerValeurCorrecte("ci_meta_width") } ;
return XY ;
public String[] getNote()
String[] note = {renvoyerValeurCorrecte("ci_note_image") } ;
return note ;
* Renvoie la date exif associée à l'image
* @return la date associée à l'image
public String getDate() {
return renvoyerValeurCorrecte("ci_meta_date") ;
* Renvoie la ville associée à l'image
* @return la ville iptc
public Object getIptcCity() {
return renvoyerValeurCorrecte("ci_meta_iptc_city") ;
* Renvoie le fabricant de l'appareil
* @return le fabricant
public String getMake() {
return renvoyerValeurCorrecte("ci_meta_make") ;
* Renvoie le modele de l'appareil
* @return le modele
public String getModel() {
return renvoyerValeurCorrecte("ci_meta_model") ;
* Renvoie un tableau nom / valeur de toutes les metadonnées Iptc
* @return les métadonnées iptc
public String[][] getMetadonnesIptc() {
String[][] metaIptc = new String[14][2] ;
int elem = 0 ;
for (Iterator<String> it = this.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();)
String key =;
// on filtre le "ci"
String type[] = key.split("_",3) ;
// si c'est une metadonnee exif ou iptc
String[] genre = type[2].split("_",2) ;
String nom = genre[1] ;
metaIptc[elem][0] = nom ;
metaIptc[elem][1] = renvoyerValeurCorrecte(key) ;
elem++ ;
return metaIptc ;
* Renvoie un tableau nom / valeur de toutes les metadonnées Exif
* @return les métadonnées Exif
public String[][] getMetadonnesExif() {
String[][] metaExif = new String[31][2] ;
int elem = 0 ;
for (Iterator<String> it = this.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();)
String key =;
// on filtre le "ci"
String type[] = key.split("_",3) ;
// si c'est une metadonnee exif ou iptc
String[] genre = type[2].split("_",2) ;
String nom = genre[1] ;
metaExif[elem][0] = nom ;
metaExif[elem][1] = renvoyerValeurCorrecte(key) ;
elem++ ;
return metaExif ;
* Renvoie un tableau nom / valeur contenant les infos générales
* @return les infos générales
public String[][] getInfoGenerales() {
String[][] metaGen = new String[2][2] ;
metaGen[0][0] = "ci_meta_comment" ;
metaGen[0][1] = this.renvoyerValeurCorrecte("ci_meta_comment") ;
metaGen[1][0] = "ci_meta_date" ;
metaGen[1][1] = this.renvoyerValeurCorrecte("ci_meta_date") ;
return metaGen ;
* Renvoie une string contenant les mots clés séparés par des ','
* @return les mots clés
public String getMotsCles() {
return renvoyerValeurCorrecte("ci_meta_mots_cles") ;
* Met à jour le commenentaire et la date
* @param commentaires le nouveau commentaire
* @param date la nouvelle date
public void miseAJourInfoGenerales(String commentaires, String date, String note)
put("ci_meta_comment",commentaires) ;
put("ci_note_image",note) ;
put("ci_meta_date",date) ;
* Met à jour les mots clés
* @param motsClesEnCours la liste de mots clés séparés par des ','
public void mettreAjourMotsCles(String motsClesEnCours) {
put("ci_meta_mots_cles",motsClesEnCours) ;
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0,0 → 1,165
package org.tela_botanica.client.modeles;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.tela_botanica.client.image.ImageModele;
* DAO d'accès à une image, n'est utilisé que pour l'écriture et pas pour la lecture des images
* qui se fait par paquet
* @author aurelien
public class ImageAsynchroneDAO {
ImageModele iModele = null ;
public ImageAsynchroneDAO(ImageModele im)
iModele = im ;
public void setIModele(ImageModele im)
iModele = im ;
* Met à jour la base de données avec toutes les données d'une image
* @param ic l'image à mettre à jour
public void SynchroniserBaseDeDonnees(final ImageCarnet ic)
String postData = "" ;
// on construit le post avec toutes les valeur de l'image
for(Iterator<String> imgIt = ic.keySet().iterator();imgIt.hasNext();)
String key = ;
String valeur = ic.renvoyerValeurCorrecte(key) ;
postData += "&"+key+"="+valeur ;
// et on envoie une requête asynchrone
RequestBuilder rb = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, iModele.getConfig().getServiceBaseUrl()+"/inventoryImage/"+iModele.getIdentifiant()+"/") ;
try {
rb.sendRequest(postData, new RequestCallback() {
public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
return ;
{"Problème lors de la mise à jour des données") ;
}) ;
} catch (RequestException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
* Met à jour la base de données avec les mots clés associés à l'image
* @param ic l'image à mettre à jour
public void SynchroniserMotsClesImageBaseDeDonnees(final ImageCarnet ic)
String postData = "" ;
// on récupère les mots clés de l'image et on fabrique le post
String motsCles = ic.getMotsCles() ;
String id = ic.getId() ;
postData += "&ci_id_image="+id+"&ci_meta_mots_cles="+motsCles ;
// on envoie une requête asynchrone
RequestBuilder rb = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, iModele.getConfig().getServiceBaseUrl()+"/inventoryImage/"+iModele.getIdentifiant()+"/") ;
try {
rb.sendRequest(postData, new RequestCallback() {
public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
return ;
{"Problème lors de la mise à jour des données") ;
}) ;
} catch (RequestException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
* Supprime une image de la base de données
* @param ic l'image à supprimer
public void supprimerBaseDeDonnees(final ImageCarnet ic)
// le post contient l'action delete pour JREST (qui ne gère pas DELETE comme une requête à part entière)
String postData = "" ;
postData += "&action=DELETE" ;
// on envoie un post avec l'id de l'image à supprimer
RequestBuilder rb = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, iModele.getConfig().getServiceBaseUrl()+"/inventoryImage/"+iModele.getIdentifiant()+"/"+ic.getId()) ;
try {
rb.sendRequest(postData, new RequestCallback() {
public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
return ;
{"Problème lors de la mise à jour des données") ;
}) ;
} catch (RequestException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
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0,0 → 1,55
package org.tela_botanica.client.modeles;
import java.util.HashMap;
* table de hachage composée d'ImageCarnet, renvoyé par les objets de type DAO
* pour les images.
* La clé est l'identifiant de l'image dans la base de données, et la valeur un objet
* de type ImageCarnet.
* GWT ne supporte pas encore les type paramètres mais quand il le fera il faudra créer la HashMap
* avec <String,ImageCarnet>
* @author aurelien
public class ListeImageCarnet extends HashMap<String, ImageCarnet> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2715320270773281540L;
* Constructeur sans paramètres
public ListeImageCarnet()
* Constructeur avec paramètre
* @param taille la taille de la table de hachage
public ListeImageCarnet(int taille)
* Constructeur avec paramètre
* @param ic un tableau d'ImageCarnet
public ListeImageCarnet(ImageCarnet[] ic)
super() ;
for (int i = 0; i < ic.length; i++)
if(ic[i] != null && ic[i] instanceof ImageCarnet)
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0,0 → 1,237
package org.tela_botanica.client.modeles;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.tela_botanica.client.image.ImageModele;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.Rafraichissable;
* Data Object Access communiquant avec le serveur jrest fournissant la liste des images
* répondant à des critères donné
* @author aurelien
public class ListeImageAsynchroneDAO {
* Le modèle associé au DAO
ImageModele iModele = null ;
public ListeImageAsynchroneDAO(ImageModele im)
iModele = im ;
* Setteur pour le modèle
* @param im le modèle à associer
public void setIModele(ImageModele im)
iModele = im ;
* Envoie une requete au serveur jrest pour obtenir une liste d'images correspondant à des critères demandés
* @param r le rafraichissable qui a demandé les données
* @param criteres un tableau contenant les critères de selections
public void ObtenirListeImages(final Rafraichissable r, String[][] criteres)
String requete = "" ;
// on construit les paramètres du get
if(criteres != null)
for (int i = 0; i < criteres.length; i++) {
if(i!= 0)
requete += "&";
requete += criteres[i][0]+"="+criteres[i][1] ;
// on envoie le get asynchrone
RequestBuilder rb = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET,iModele.getConfig().getServiceBaseUrl()+"/InventoryImageList/"+iModele.getIdentifiant()+"/"+requete) ;
try {
rb.sendRequest(null , new RequestCallback() {
public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
final ListeImageCarnet photoData ;
final JSONValue responseValue = JSONParser.parse(response.getText());
// si c'est un tableau
if (responseValue.isArray() != null) {
final JSONArray reponse = responseValue.isArray();
final int taillemax = reponse.size();
photoData = new ListeImageCarnet(taillemax);
// on le parcourt
for (int j = 0; j < taillemax ; j++) {
JSONObject image = (JSONObject)reponse.get(j) ;
ImageCarnet im = new ImageCarnet(image) ;
// et on en extrait les données pour construire la liste d'image
photoData.put(im.getOrdre(),im) ;
// si c'est un objet alors il n'y a qu'une réponse
if(responseValue.isObject() != null)
photoData = new ListeImageCarnet(1);
ImageCarnet im = new ImageCarnet(responseValue.isObject()) ;
// on crée une liste de 1 élement auquel on ajoute ce qui a été reçu
photoData.put(im.getOrdre(),im) ;
// sinon on crée une liste vide
photoData = new ListeImageCarnet(0) ;
// dans tous les cas on transmet la liste crée au rafraichissable en lui demandant de répandre les données car il est
// le premier à les recevoir
}) ;
} catch (RequestException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
* Met à jour les valeurs d'une liste d'image donnée dans la base de données
* @param li la liste d'image à synchroniser avec la base
public void SynchroniserBaseDeDonnees(ListeImageCarnet li)
// on parcourt toute la liste d'image
for(Iterator<String> listIt = li.keySet().iterator() ; listIt.hasNext() ;)
String postData = "" ;
ImageCarnet enCours = li.get( ;
// pour chaque image on extrait les informations
for(Iterator<String> imgIt = enCours.keySet().iterator();imgIt.hasNext();)
// qu'on place dans le poste
String key = ;
String valeur = enCours.renvoyerValeurCorrecte(key) ;
valeur.replaceAll("'", "\'") ;
postData += "&"+key+"="+enCours.renvoyerValeurCorrecte(key) ;
// on fait un post asynchrone et on les envoie à jrest
RequestBuilder rb = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST,iModele.getConfig().getServiceBaseUrl()+"/inventoryImage/"+iModele.getIdentifiant()+"/") ;
try {
rb.sendRequest(postData, new RequestCallback() {
public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {
public void onResponseReceived(Request request,
Response response) {
return ;
{"Problème lors de la mise à jour des données") ;
}) ;
} catch (RequestException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
* Supprime des image sur le serveur par rapport à leur identifant
* @param ids un tableau d'identifiants d'images à supprimer
public void supprimerBaseDeDonnees(String[] ids)
String postData = "" ;
// on fait un delete dans le post (jrest ne gère pas delete comme une action à part entière)
postData += "&action=DELETE" ;
String uid = "" ;
// on concatène les ids
for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
uid += ids[i]+"," ;
// et on envoie ça au serveur
RequestBuilder rb = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST,iModele.getConfig().getServiceBaseUrl()+"/inventoryImageList/"+iModele.getIdentifiant()+"/"+uid) ;
try {
rb.sendRequest(postData, new RequestCallback() {
public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
// quand la requête est éxecutée on le signale au modèle poru qu'il mette à jour les données
// et en notifie le médiateur
iModele.requeteTerminee() ;
}) ;
} catch (RequestException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
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package org.tela_botanica.client.modeles;
import org.tela_botanica.client.image.ImageModele;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.Rafraichissable;
* DAO qui renvoie le nombre d'image associées à différents critères donnés (utile pour la pagination)
* @author aurelien
public class NombreImageAsynchroneDAO {
* Le modèle associé au DAO
private ImageModele iModele = null ;
public NombreImageAsynchroneDAO(ImageModele im)
iModele = im ;
* Setteur pour le modèle
* @param im le modèlme à associer
public void setIModele(ImageModele im)
iModele = im ;
* Envoie une requete au serveur jrest pour obtenir le nombre d'images correspondant
* à des critères données en paramètres
* @param r le rafraichissable qui demande la mise à jour
* @param criteres un tableau nom/valeur des critères pour les images
public void obtenirNombreImages(final Rafraichissable r, String[][] criteres)
String requete = "" ;
if(criteres != null)
// on construit les paramètres du get avec les critères (&critere1=valeur1&critere2=valeur2 etc...)
for (int i = 0; i < criteres.length; i++) {
if(i!= 0)
requete += "&";
requete += criteres[i][0]+"="+criteres[i][1] ;
// on fait un get asynchrone
RequestBuilder rb = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET, iModele.getConfig().getServiceBaseUrl()+"/InventoryImageCount/"+iModele.getIdentifiant()+"/"+requete) ;
try {
rb.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() {
public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
final JSONValue responseValue = JSONParser.parse(response.getText());
// si la requete se passe bien on reçoit un tableau JSON
if(responseValue.isArray() != null)
// qui contient une valeur : le nombre d'images correspondant au critères
JSONValue res = responseValue.isArray().get(0) ;
JSONString reponseNombre = res.isString() ;
int maxImages = Integer.parseInt(reponseNombre.stringValue()) ;
int[] nbImages = {maxImages} ;
// on le met dans un tableau d'entiers qu'on transmet au demandeur de la mise à jour
r.rafraichir(nbImages, true) ;
}) ;
} catch (RequestException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
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package org.tela_botanica.client.modeles;
* Classe chargeant certains paramètres de configuration à partir d'un fichier javascript (config.js)
* @author aurelien
public class Configuration {
* L'url de base du serveur jrest
private String serviceBaseUrl ;
* Constructeur sans argument
public Configuration()
// on utilise le dictionnaire d'internationalisation pour lire les variables du fichier javascript
serviceBaseUrl = Dictionary.getDictionary("configuration").get("serviceBaseUrl") ;
* Accesseur pour l'url de base du serveur jrest
* @return une url de la forme http://emplacement_serveur/jrest
public String getServiceBaseUrl()
return serviceBaseUrl ;
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package org.tela_botanica.client.modeles;
import org.tela_botanica.client.image.ImageModele;
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.Rafraichissable;
* DAO d'accès à l'arbre de mots clés
* @author aurelien
public class MotsClesAsynchroneDAO {
* Le modele associé au DAO
private ImageModele iModele = null ;
public MotsClesAsynchroneDAO(ImageModele im)
iModele = im ;
* Setteur pour le modèle
* @param im le modèle à associer
public void setIModele(ImageModele im)
iModele = im ;
* Envoie une requete au serveur jrest pour obtenir l'arbre des mots clés
* @param r le rafraichissable qui demande les données
public void obtenirListeMotsCles(final Rafraichissable r)
// on demande tous les mots clés associés à l'utilisateur
RequestBuilder rb = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET,iModele.getConfig().getServiceBaseUrl()+"/InventoryKeyWordList/"+iModele.getIdentifiant()) ;
try {
rb.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() {
public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
final JSONValue responseValue = JSONParser.parse(response.getText());
// si la requête est un succès on reçoit un tableau
if (responseValue.isArray() != null) {
final JSONArray reponse = responseValue.isArray();
// et on met à jour le demandeur des données
r.rafraichir(reponse, true) ;
}) ;
} catch (RequestException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
* Envoie requete au serveur jrest pour ajouter un mot clé
* @param motcle le mots clés à ajouter avec son parent et son identifiant
public void ajouterBaseDeDonnees(String motcle)
String postData = motcle ;
// on fait un post asynchrone
RequestBuilder rb = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST,iModele.getConfig().getServiceBaseUrl()+"/InventoryKeyWordList/") ;
try {
rb.sendRequest(postData, new RequestCallback() {
public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onResponseReceived(Request request,
Response response) {
// si on reçoit une erreur d'ajout, on affiche un message d'erreur
Window.alert("Attention, la base de données des mots clés n'est plus synchronisée avec l'application," +
"nous vous invitons à recharger la page. ") ;
}) ;
} catch (RequestException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
* Envoie requete au serveur jrest pour supprimer un mot clé
* @param motcle le mots clés à supprimer
public void supprimerBaseDeDonnees(String motcle)
String postData = "" ;
postData += "&action=DELETE" ;
RequestBuilder rb = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST,iModele.getConfig().getServiceBaseUrl()+"/InventoryKeyWordList/"+iModele.getIdentifiant()+"/"+motcle) ;
try {
rb.sendRequest(postData, new RequestCallback() {
public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onResponseReceived(Request request,
Response response) {
Window.alert("Attention, la base de données des mots clés n'est plus synchronisée avec l'application," +
"nous vous invitons à recharger la page. ") ;
} catch (RequestException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
* Envoie requete au serveur jrest pour modifier un mot clé
* @param motcle le mots clés à modifier avec son parent et son identifiant
public void modifierBaseDeDonnees(String motcle) {
String postData = "" ;
postData += "&action=modification"+motcle ;
RequestBuilder rb = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST,iModele.getConfig().getServiceBaseUrl()+"/InventoryKeyWordList/"+iModele.getIdentifiant()) ;
try {
rb.sendRequest(postData, new RequestCallback() {
public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
} catch (RequestException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
* Envoie requete au serveur jrest pour modifier un mot clé
* @param motcle le mots clés à ajouter avec son ancien parent, son nouveau et son identifiant
public void deplacerBaseDeDonnees(String motcle) {
String postData = "" ;
postData += "&action=deplacement"+motcle ;
RequestBuilder rb = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST,iModele.getConfig().getServiceBaseUrl()+"/InventoryKeyWordList/"+iModele.getIdentifiant()) ;
try {
rb.sendRequest(postData, new RequestCallback() {
public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
} catch (RequestException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
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package org.tela_botanica.client.modeles;
* Modele DAO, specifique, permettant la validation, l'acces aux donnees distantes et la présentation des donnees en retour
import org.tela_botanica.client.interfaces.iRetourUtilisateur;
public class UtilisateurAsynchroneDAO {
* Constructeur
public UtilisateurAsynchroneDAO() {
* Methode de classe d'appel du service gestion identification
* @param baseURL : URL du service
* @param retour : methode appelle en retour d'appel
public void getUtilisateur(String baseURL, final iRetourUtilisateur retour) {
// Recherche identifiant utilisateur identifie
HTTPRequest.asyncGet(baseURL + "/User/", new ResponseTextHandler() {
public void onCompletion(String str) {
JSONValue jsonValue = JSONParser.parse(str);
JSONArray jsonArray;
if ((jsonArray = jsonValue.isArray()) != null) {
String identifiant = ((JSONString) jsonArray.get(0))
.stringValue(); // Identifiant utilisateur ou
// identifiant de session si non
// identifie
boolean identifie = ((JSONBoolean) jsonArray.get(1))
.booleanValue(); // Drapeau leve si utilisateur
// deja identifie
retour.onRetour(new Utilisateur(identifiant, identifie));
public void deconnecterUtilisateur(String baseURL, final iRetourUtilisateur retour, String user) {
HTTPRequest.asyncGet(baseURL + "/User/" + user ,
new ResponseTextHandler() {
public void onCompletion(String str) {
JSONValue jsonValue = JSONParser.parse(str);
JSONArray jsonArray;
if ((jsonArray = jsonValue.isArray()) != null) {
String identifiant = ((JSONString) jsonArray.get(0))
.stringValue(); // Identifiant utilisateur ou
// identifiant de session si non
// identifie
boolean identifie = ((JSONBoolean) jsonArray.get(1))
.booleanValue(); // Drapeau leve si utilisateur
// deja identifie
retour.onRetour(new Utilisateur(identifiant, identifie));
public void connecteUtilisateur(String baseURL,final iRetourUtilisateur retour, String login, String password) {
HTTPRequest.asyncGet(baseURL + "/User/" + login + "/" + password ,
new ResponseTextHandler() {
public void onCompletion(String str) {
JSONValue jsonValue = JSONParser.parse(str);
JSONArray jsonArray;
if ((jsonArray = jsonValue.isArray()) != null) {
String identifiant = ((JSONString) jsonArray.get(0))
.stringValue(); // Identifiant utilisateur ou
// identifiant de session si non
// identifie
boolean identifie = ((JSONBoolean) jsonArray.get(1))
.booleanValue(); // Drapeau leve si utilisateur
// deja identifie
retour.onRetour(new Utilisateur(identifiant, identifie));
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<!-- vim: ts=2:sw=2:nu:fdc=2:spell
FileTree Application Example Page
@author Ing.Jozef Sakáloš
@copyright (c) 2008, by Ing. Jozef Sakáloš
@date 30. March 2008
@version $Id: filetree.html,v 1.1 2008-09-19 10:27:25 aperonnet Exp $
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<title id="title">FileTreePanel for Ext 2.x - Beta1 by Saki</title>
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<h1 style="text-align:center;font-size:16pt">FileTreePanel for Ext 2.x - Beta1 by Saki</h1>
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<a href="">ExtJS Forum Thread</a>
<a href="">Previous implementation</a> (for Ext 1.x, contains client/server communication specification)
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<a href=" download/filetree/filetree.tar.bz2">filetree.tar.bz2</a><br>
<a href=" download/filetree/filetree.tar.gz">filetree.tar.gz</a><br>
<a href=" download/filetree/"></a></br>
<p><b><a href="" target="_blank">Other Extensions and Plugins</a></b></p>
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<p><b>Other 2.x Extensions:</b></p>
<a href="">Buffering Http State Provider</a><br>
<a href="">DateTime Field</a><br>
<a href="">EditorGrid Validation Plugin</a><br>
<a href="">Ext.ux.clone() - Object or Array cloning function</a><br>
<a href="">FileTreePanel - Remote File Management Tree</a><br>
<a href="">Grid CellActions Plugin</a><br>
<a href="">Grid RowActions Plugin</a><br>
<a href="">Grid Search Plugin</a><br>
<a href="">IconCombo Extension</a><br>
<a href="">IconCombo Plugin</a><br>
<a href="">IconMenu Plugin for Window/Panel</a><br>
<a href="">MetaForm - A FormPanel configured by metadata received from server</a><br>
<a href="">Remote Field Validation Plugin</a><br>
<a href="">ThemeCombo - w/o page reload and keeping state</a><br>
<a href="">UploadPanel</a><br>
<a href="">XDateField with configurable submitFormat</a><br>
<a href="">XTimeField with configurable submitFormat</a><br>
<a href="">XCheckbox - A nicer checkbox always submitting configurable values</a><br>
<p><b>Ext 1.x Extensions:</b></p>
<a href="">Collapsible InfoPanel/Accordion - Extension classes with Live Demo</a><br>
<a href="">Ext.ux.UploadForm File Upload Widget</a><br>
<a href="">FileTreePanel</a><br>
<a href="">Application Layout for Beginners</a><br>
<a href="">Advanced Custom Drag and Drop Series</a><br>
<a href="">Custom Drag and Drop Series</a><br>
<a href="">Extending Classes in Ext</a><br>
<a href="">Extending Ext 2 Class (IconCombo)</a><br>
<a href="">Linked Combos Tutorial for Ext 2</a><br>
<a href="">Localizing Ext</a><br>
<a href="">What is that Scope all about</a><br>
<a href="">Writing Ext 2 Plugins (IconCombo)</a><br>
<p><b>Important Forum Posts:</b></p>
<a href="">Application Design Based On Pre-Configured Classes</a><br>
<a href="">call(this, ...) vs apply(this, ...)</a><br>
<a href=""> explanation</a><br>
<a href="">How to add tooltips to form fields</a><br>
<a href="">How to solve encoding problem</a><br>
<a href="">How to get reply to your question quickly?</a><br>
<a href="">Lazy Instantiating/Rendering Explanation</a><br>
<a href="">Login Form Security Talk</a><br>
<a href="">Paging Grid Example with PHP 5.x Backend</a><br>
<a href="">Private Messaging, The use of</a><br>
<a href="">Rendering grid to an inactive tab</a><br>
<a href="">Simple File Upload Example</a><br>
<a href="">Why to load store from grid render event</a><br>
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Extension Page :
Author : Jozef Sakalos, aka Saki
Version: Beta 1
License : ?
There were some changes to the original code.
The original files are renamed .org so that a comparison can be made.
Here is the list of changes:
1. Explicitly send 'cmd:get' whenever a directory is loaded. For some reason
it was not sending. The author cannot replicate and I only can do it with
gwt-ext. So, for now, I've just updated the .js code to include the
'cmd:get' again.
2. Call a callback method to calculate the path when download is needed or
open is perform. Usually, the file is not at the same root level as
displayed in the tree; so, there is a way to overwrite this path as
a callback.
3. ext image directory in .css are one level above the one from the css files
for the Showcase. So, I've added another "../" to go one more level up to
find the ext/resource/images.
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New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,300
// Ext JS Release Notes
// Release Date: February 24, 2008
// Current Version: 2.0.1 (rev 1688)
// Previous Version: 2.0.1 (rev 1589)
NOTE: This is primarily a release of the new Ext AIR support, along with other minor bug fixes. Everything under the 'air' folder in SVN is new in this release.
===== Added =====
- New simple form label class for adding labels manually
===== Removed =====
===== Modified =====
- Changed instanceOf Array check to Ext.isArray
- Changed instanceOf Array check to Ext.isArray
- Internal refactoring and doc updates to support efficient creation of document fragments based on an array of specification objects
- Changed instanceOf Array check to Ext.isArray
- Doc updates
- Added isSafari2, isSafari3 and isAir properties
- Changed the extend function to support supplying a custom constructor when extending a class via the constructor config
- Added isArray and isDate functions
- Changed instanceOf Array check to Ext.isArray
- Changes in destroy to call destroy recursively before removing the listeners and element
- Fix in removeNode to not remove the body node (e.g., when destroying a Viewport)
- Changed instanceOf Array check to Ext.isArray
- Fix in readRecords to pass second param of full data to convert() function
- Changed instanceOf Date check to Ext.isDate
- Changed instanceOf Array check to Ext.isArray
- Fix in readRecords to pass second param of full data to convert() function
- Added isModified function
- Doc updates
- Changed instanceOf Date check to Ext.isDate
- Changed instanceOf Array check to Ext.isArray
- Fix in readRecords to pass second param of full data to convert() function
- Changed instanceOf Array check to Ext.isArray
Czech (-cs)
German (-de)
Hungarian (-hu)
Portuguese/Brazil (-pt_BR)
Portuguese/European (-pt)
Spanish/Latin American (-es)
Turkish (-tr)
- Various updates
Norwegian (-no)
- Split into 2 files, Bokmål (-no-NB) and Nynorsk (-no-NN)
- Changed instanceOf Date/Array check to Ext.isDate/isArray
- Changed instanceOf Array check to Ext.isArray
- Internal fixes
- Changed instanceOf Date check to Ext.isDate
- Changed instanceOf Date/Array check to Ext.isDate/isArray
- Changed instanceOf Array check to Ext.isArray
- Changed instanceOf Array check to Ext.isArray
- Doc updates only
- Changed instanceOf Array check to Ext.isArray
- Added an execute function to execute the action manually using the default handler
- Doc updates
- Added ownerCt property
- Hid autoEl config since it does not apply
- Changed render logic to use the existing template (this.tpl) if specified
- Hid autoEl config since it does not apply
- Changed instanceOf Array check to Ext.isArray
- Added autoEl docs
- Fix to apply the component id to the rendered element if needed when autoEl is used
- Added findParentBy and findParentByType functions
- Changed instanceOf Array check to Ext.isArray
- Changed doLayout to support an optional shallow argument to support recalculating layout only for the current container, not all subcontainers
- Internal refactoring
- Added forceIcon config
- Changed instanceOf Array check to Ext.isArray
- Hid autoEl config since it does not apply
- Changed instanceOf Array check to Ext.isArray
- Added logic to set inEditor=true (internal property) on bound fields
- Internal refactoring
- Added docs to show and hide so they will show as public
- Other doc updates
- Fixed issue of window adding a new internal 'show' handler to manage its keymap each time the window is shown (added single:true)
- Added print tool
- Changed instanceOf Array check to Ext.isArray
- Change to set ownerCt property on buttons added to the panel
- Hid autoEl config since it does not apply
- Added support for item.tabCls to apply a custom class to tabs
- Internal Air-specific fixes in autoScrollTabs
- Added additional @hides for configs that do not apply
- Changed instanceOf Array check to Ext.isArray
- Hid autoEl config since it does not apply
- Doc updates
- Added standardSubmit config to support standard (non-Ajax) form submissions
- Changed instanceOf Array check to Ext.isArray
- Changed logic to restrict the combo height to the viewport based on the optimal available space above or below the combo, also taking scroll position into account
- Added minHeight config to control minimum height based on new height restriction logic
- Added non-0-padded formats to the default altFormats config
- Changed instanceOf Date check to Ext.isDate
- Fix to adjust width properly when fields are in an editor
- Added additional @hides for configs that do not apply
- Changed render logic to only output the legend element if a title, header or checkbox is specified
- Doc updates only
- Added Air/Safari3 support for font sizing
- Added additional @hides for configs that do not apply
- Added setValue override to support checking a sibling Radio of the same name whose value is the value specified (if a string value is passed)
- Added support for passing the standard cm config as a 'columns' property on the config object to support additional config properties that will get applied to the column model
- Added menuDisabled config and isMenuDisabled property function
- Added menuDisabled:true to disable the header menu by default
- Change to not enter edit mode on right-click
- Fixes to pre/postEditValue to encode only if the value is a string type
- Added docs to clarify that autoWidth is not supported
- Changed instanceOf Array check to Ext.isArray
- Added config hideHeaders (used in GridView)
- Doc updates
- Added support for GridPanel hideHeaders config
- Added column resize cursor for Air
- Internal bug fixes
- Change to getGroupId to encode the value when generating the groupd id
- Changed instanceOf Date check to Ext.isDate
- Added menuDisabled:true to disable the header menus by default
- Added menuDisabled:true to disable the header menu by default
- Added config moveEditorOnEnter to control moving the editor to the next cell on enter
- Changed selectNext and selectPrevious to return boolean instead of void
- Added AnchorLayout overrides for absolute positioing form elements when specifying position:'absolute' on a FormPanel
- Changed this.collapsedEl so that it now gets an id of the panel's id + '-xcollapsed'
- Changed this.splitEl so that it now gets an id of the panel's id + '-xsplit'
- Added check to adjust anchor width for labels only if the anchored component is a form field
- Refactored layout logic to reduce code and fix cell spanning bugs
- Menu item will now use itemText if available, or text by default
- Changed instanceOf Array check to Ext.isArray
- Added check to use an existing keyNav on render if specified
- Changed instanceOf Array check to Ext.isArray
- Changed onNodeDrop to return a status value instead of false after a canceled drop to allow passing custom status
- Changed instanceOf Array check to Ext.isArray
- Changes to avoid entering auto-edit mode on node double-click
- Changes to only monitor mouseover and mouseout if trackMouseOver=true
- Added support for tracking mouseover and mouseout on the tree node icon separately from the rest of the node
- Added config useArrows for Vista-style arrow support
- Doc updates
- Added logic to re-sort automatically on text change
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,44
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<option>Any Match</option>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
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\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
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\ No newline at end of property
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
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\ No newline at end of property
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
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\ No newline at end of property
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
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\ No newline at end of property
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
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\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
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\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
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\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
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\ No newline at end of property
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
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\ No newline at end of property
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
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\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
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\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
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\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Hidden-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Hidden-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Hidden-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Hidden-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.form.Hidden"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
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<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html">Field</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Hidden</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.form.Hidden</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.form</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/form/Hidden.js" target="_blank">Hidden.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Hidden</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html">Field</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A basic hidden field for storing hidden values in forms that need to be passed in the form submit. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-autoCreate"></a>
<b>autoCreate</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "20", au...</div>
<div class="long">
A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "20", autocomplete: "off"}) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#autoCreate" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#autoCreate">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-clearCls"></a>
<b>clearCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class used to provide field clearing (defaults to 'x-form-clear-left') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#clearCls" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#clearCls">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable the field (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#disabled">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-fieldClass"></a>
<b>fieldClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default CSS class for the field (defaults to "x-form-field") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#fieldClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#fieldClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-fieldLabel"></a>
<b>fieldLabel</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The label text to display next to this field (defaults to '') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#fieldLabel" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#fieldLabel">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-focusClass"></a>
<b>focusClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when the field receives focus (defaults to "x-form-focus") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#focusClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#focusClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-hideLabel"></a>
<b>hideLabel</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to completely hide the label element (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#hideLabel" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#hideLabel">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-inputType"></a>
<b>inputType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type attribute for input fields -- e.g. radio, text, password (defaults to "text"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#inputType" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#inputType">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-invalidClass"></a>
<b>invalidClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when marking a field invalid (defaults to "x-form-invalid") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#invalidClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#invalidClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-invalidText"></a>
<b>invalidText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided (defaults to "The value in this field i...</div>
<div class="long">
The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided (defaults to "The value in this field is invalid") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#invalidText" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#invalidText">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-itemCls"></a>
<b>itemCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if s...</div>
<div class="long">
An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if set, or ''). Since it is applied to the wrapper, it allows you to write standard CSS rules that can apply to the field, the label (if specified) or any other element within the markup for the field. Example use: <pre><code><i>// Apply a style to the field's label:</i>
.required .x-form-item-label {font-weight:bold;color:red;}
<b>new</b> Ext.FormPanel({
height: 100,
renderTo: document.body,
items: [{
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Name'</em>,
itemCls: <em>'required'</em> <i>//<b>this</b> label will be styled</i>
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Favorite Color'</em>
});</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#itemCls" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#itemCls">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-labelSeparator"></a>
<b>labelSeparator</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of Ext.layout.FormLayout.l...</div>
<div class="long">
The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" ext:member="labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html#labelSeparator">Ext.layout.FormLayout.labelSeparator</a>, which is a colon ':' by default). To display no separator for this field's label specify empty string ''. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#labelSeparator">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-labelStyle"></a>
<b>labelStyle</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if se...</div>
<div class="long">
A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if set, or ''). For example, <code>labelStyle: 'font-weight:bold;'</code>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#labelStyle" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#labelStyle">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-msgFx"></a>
<b>msgFx</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<b>Experimental</b> The effect used when displaying a validation message under the field (defaults to 'normal'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#msgFx" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#msgFx">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-msgTarget"></a>
<b>msgTarget</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): Value ...</div>
<div class="long">
The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): <pre>Value Description
----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
qtip Display a quick tip when the user hovers over the field
title Display a default browser title attribute popup
under Add a block div beneath the field containing the error text
side Add an error icon to the right of the field with a popup on hover
[element id] Add the error text directly to the innerHTML of the specified element</pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#msgTarget" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#msgTarget">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-name"></a>
<b>name</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The field's HTML name attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#name" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#name">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-readOnly"></a>
<b>readOnly</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM att...</div>
<div class="long">
True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#readOnly" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#readOnly">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-tabIndex"></a>
<b>tabIndex</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyT...</div>
<div class="long">
The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyTo (defaults to undefined). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#tabIndex" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#tabIndex">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-validateOnBlur"></a>
<b>validateOnBlur</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the field should validate when it loses focus (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validateOnBlur" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validateOnBlur">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-validationDelay"></a>
<b>validationDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The length of time in milliseconds after user input begins until validation is initiated (defaults to 250) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validationDelay" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validationDelay">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-validationEvent"></a>
<b>validationEvent</b> : String/Boolean <div class="mdesc">
The event that should initiate field validation. Set to false to disable automatic validation (defaults to "keyup"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validationEvent" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validationEvent">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-value"></a>
<b>value</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
A value to initialize this field with. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#value" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#value">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-Hidden"></a>
<b>Hidden</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new Hidden field.</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new Hidden field. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Hidden</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-clearInvalid"></a>
<b>clearInvalid</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field</div>
<div class="long">
Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#clearInvalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#clearInvalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-getName"></a>
<b>getName</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the name attribute of the field if available</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the name attribute of the field if available <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">name The field name</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getName" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getName">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-getRawValue"></a>
<b>getRawValue</b>() : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getRawValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-getValue"></a>
<b>getValue</b>() : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the normalized data value (undefined or emptyText will be returned as ''). To return the raw value see getRa...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the normalized data value (undefined or emptyText will be returned as ''). To return the raw value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getRawValue">getRawValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-isDirty"></a>
<b>isDirty</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isDirty" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isDirty">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-isValid"></a>
<b>isValid</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean preventMark</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid</div>
<div class="long">
Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>preventMark</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to disable marking the field invalid</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isValid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isValid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-markInvalid"></a>
<b>markInvalid</b>(&nbsp;<code>String msg</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Mark this field as invalid</div>
<div class="long">
Mark this field as invalid <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The validation message</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#markInvalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#markInvalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-reset"></a>
<b>reset</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages</div>
<div class="long">
Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#reset" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#reset">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-setRawValue"></a>
<b>setRawValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-setValue"></a>
<b>setValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets a data value into the field and validates it. To set the value directly without validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">setRawValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets a data value into the field and validates it. To set the value directly without validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">setRawValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-validate"></a>
<b>validate</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Validates the field value</div>
<div class="long">
Validates the field value <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validate" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validate">Field</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-blur"></a>
<b>blur</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this field loses input focus.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this field loses input focus. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-blur" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-blur">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-change"></a>
<b>change</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Mixed newValue</code>, <code>Mixed oldValue</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>newValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The new value</div></li><li><code>oldValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The original value</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-change" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-change">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this field receives input focus.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this field receives input focus. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-focus" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-focus">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-invalid"></a>
<b>invalid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>String msg</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the field has been marked as invalid.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the field has been marked as invalid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The validation message</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-invalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-invalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-specialkey"></a>
<b>specialkey</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<div class="long">
Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<a ext:cls="Ext.EventObject" ext:member="getKey" href="output/Ext.EventObject.html#getKey">Ext.EventObject.getKey</a> to determine which key was pressed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-specialkey" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-specialkey">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Hidden-valid"></a>
<b>valid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the field has been validated with no errors.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the field has been validated with no errors. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-valid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-valid">Field</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.MixedCollection-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.MixedCollection-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.MixedCollection-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.MixedCollection-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.util.MixedCollection"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>MixedCollection</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.util.MixedCollection</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.util</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/util/MixedCollection.js" target="_blank">MixedCollection.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">MixedCollection</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.StoreMgr" href="output/Ext.StoreMgr.html">StoreMgr</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A Collection class that maintains both numeric indexes and keys and exposes events. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-MixedCollection"></a>
<b>MixedCollection</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean allowFunctions</code>, <code>Function keyFn</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>allowFunctions</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the addAll function should add function references to the
collection (defaults to false)</div></li><li><code>keyFn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">A function that can accept an item of the type(s) stored in this MixedCollection
and return the key value for that item. This is used when available to look up the key on items that
were passed without an explicit key parameter to a MixedCollection method. Passing this parameter is
equivalent to providing an implementation for the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="getKey" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#getKey">getKey</a> method.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-add"></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>String key</code>, <code>Object o</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds an item to the collection. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="add" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#add">add</a> event when complete.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds an item to the collection. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="add" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#add">add</a> event when complete. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>key</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key to associate with the item</div></li><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The item to add.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The item added.</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-addAll"></a>
<b>addAll</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object/Array objs</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds all elements of an Array or an Object to the collection.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds all elements of an Array or an Object to the collection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>objs</code> : Object/Array<div class="sub-desc">An Object containing properties which will be added to the collection, or
an Array of values, each of which are added to the collection.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-clear"></a>
<b>clear</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all items from the collection. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="clear" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#clear">clear</a> event when complete.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all items from the collection. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="clear" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#clear">clear</a> event when complete. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-clone"></a>
<b>clone</b>() : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a duplicate of this collection</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a duplicate of this collection <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-contains"></a>
<b>contains</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object o</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the collection contains the passed Object as an item.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the collection contains the passed Object as an item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The Object to look for in the collection.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the collection contains the Object as an item.</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-containsKey"></a>
<b>containsKey</b>(&nbsp;<code>String key</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the collection contains the passed Object as a key.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the collection contains the passed Object as a key. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>key</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key to look for in the collection.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the collection contains the Object as a key.</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-each"></a>
<b>each</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Executes the specified function once for every item in the collection, passing the following arguments:
item : Mixed...</div>
<div class="long">
Executes the specified function once for every item in the collection, passing the following arguments:
<div class="mdetail-params"><ul>
<li><b>item</b> : Mixed<p class="sub-desc">The collection item</p></li>
<li><b>index</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The item's index</p></li>
<li><b>length</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The total number of items in the collection</p></li>
The function should return a boolean value. Returning false from the function will stop the iteration. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to execute for each item.</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the function.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-eachKey"></a>
<b>eachKey</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Executes the specified function once for every key in the collection, passing each
key, and its associated item as th...</div>
<div class="long">
Executes the specified function once for every key in the collection, passing each
key, and its associated item as the first two parameters. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to execute for each item.</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the function.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-filter"></a>
<b>filter</b>(&nbsp;<code>String property</code>, <code>String/RegExp value</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean anyMatch</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean caseSensitive</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Filter the <i>objects</i> in this collection by a specific property.
Returns a new collection that has been filtered.</div>
<div class="long">
Filter the <i>objects</i> in this collection by a specific property.
Returns a new collection that has been filtered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>property</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A property on your objects</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String/RegExp<div class="sub-desc">Either string that the property values
should start with or a RegExp to test against the property</div></li><li><code>anyMatch</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to match any part of the string, not just the beginning</div></li><li><code>caseSensitive</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for case sensitive comparison (defaults to False).</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>MixedCollection</code><div class="sub-desc">The new filtered collection</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-filterBy"></a>
<b>filterBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Filter by a function. Returns a new collection that has been filtered.
The passed function will be called with each o...</div>
<div class="long">
Filter by a function. Returns a <i>new</i> collection that has been filtered.
The passed function will be called with each object in the collection.
If the function returns true, the value is included otherwise it is filtered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called, it will receive the args o (the object), k (the key)</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to this)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>MixedCollection</code><div class="sub-desc">The new filtered collection</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-find"></a>
<b>find</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the first item in the collection which elicits a true return value from the
passed selection function.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the first item in the collection which elicits a true return value from the
passed selection function. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The selection function to execute for each item.</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the function.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The first item in the collection which returned true from the selection function.</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-findIndex"></a>
<b>findIndex</b>(&nbsp;<code>String property</code>, <code>String/RegExp value</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number start</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean anyMatch</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean caseSensitive</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Finds the index of the first matching object in this collection by a specific property/value.</div>
<div class="long">
Finds the index of the first matching object in this collection by a specific property/value. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>property</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of a property on your objects.</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String/RegExp<div class="sub-desc">A string that the property values
should start with or a RegExp to test against the property.</div></li><li><code>start</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index to start searching at (defaults to 0).</div></li><li><code>anyMatch</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to match any part of the string, not just the beginning.</div></li><li><code>caseSensitive</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for case sensitive comparison.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The matched index or -1</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-findIndexBy"></a>
<b>findIndexBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number start</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find the index of the first matching object in this collection by a function.
If the function returns true it is cons...</div>
<div class="long">
Find the index of the first matching object in this collection by a function.
If the function returns <i>true</i> it is considered a match. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called, it will receive the args o (the object), k (the key).</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to this).</div></li><li><code>start</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index to start searching at (defaults to 0).</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The matched index or -1</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-first"></a>
<b>first</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the first item in the collection.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the first item in the collection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">the first item in the collection..</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-get"></a>
<b>get</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Number key</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item associated with the passed key or index.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item associated with the passed key or index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>key</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">The key or index of the item.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The item associated with the passed key.</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-getCount"></a>
<b>getCount</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the number of items in the collection.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the number of items in the collection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">the number of items in the collection.</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-getKey"></a>
<b>getKey</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object item</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">MixedCollection has a generic way to fetch keys if you implement getKey. The default implementation
simply returns i...</div>
<div class="long">
MixedCollection has a generic way to fetch keys if you implement getKey. The default implementation
simply returns <tt style="font-weight:bold;"></tt> but you can provide your own implementation
to return a different value as in the following examples:
<pre><code><i>// normal way</i>
<b>var</b> mc = <b>new</b> Ext.util.MixedCollection();
mc.add(, someEl);
mc.add(, otherEl);
<i>//and so on</i>
<i>// using getKey</i>
<b>var</b> mc = <b>new</b> Ext.util.MixedCollection();
mc.getKey = <b>function</b>(el){
<i>// or via the constructor</i>
<b>var</b> mc = <b>new</b> Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, <b>function</b>(el){
mc.add(otherEl);</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>item</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The item for which to find the key.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The key for the passed item.</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-getRange"></a>
<b>getRange</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number startIndex</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number endIndex</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a range of items in this collection</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a range of items in this collection <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>startIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) defaults to 0</div></li><li><code>endIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) default to the last item</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">An array of items</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-indexOf"></a>
<b>indexOf</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object o</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns index within the collection of the passed Object.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns index within the collection of the passed Object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The item to find the index of.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">index of the item.</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-indexOfKey"></a>
<b>indexOfKey</b>(&nbsp;<code>String key</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns index within the collection of the passed key.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns index within the collection of the passed key. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>key</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key to find the index of.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">index of the key.</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-insert"></a>
<b>insert</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code>String key</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object o</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts an item at the specified index in the collection. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="add" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#add">add</a> event when complete.</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts an item at the specified index in the collection. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="add" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#add">add</a> event when complete. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index to insert the item at.</div></li><li><code>key</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key to associate with the new item, or the item itself.</div></li><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If the second parameter was a key, the new item.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The item inserted.</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-item"></a>
<b>item</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Number key</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item associated with the passed key OR index. Key has priority over index. This is the equivalent
of cal...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item associated with the passed key OR index. Key has priority over index. This is the equivalent
of calling <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="key" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#key">key</a> first, then if nothing matched calling <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="itemAt" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#itemAt">itemAt</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>key</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">The key or index of the item.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The item associated with the passed key.</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-itemAt"></a>
<b>itemAt</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item at the specified index.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item at the specified index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the item.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The item at the specified index.</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-key"></a>
<b>key</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Number key</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item associated with the passed key.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item associated with the passed key. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>key</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">The key of the item.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The item associated with the passed key.</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-keySort"></a>
<b>keySort</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String direction</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function fn</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sorts this collection by keys</div>
<div class="long">
Sorts this collection by keys <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>direction</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) "ASC" or "DESC"</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) a comparison function (defaults to case insensitive string)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-last"></a>
<b>last</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the last item in the collection.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the last item in the collection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">the last item in the collection..</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object o</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removed an item from the collection.</div>
<div class="long">
Removed an item from the collection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The item to remove.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The item removed or false if no item was removed.</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-removeAt"></a>
<b>removeAt</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove an item from a specified index in the collection. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="remove" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#remove">remove</a> event when complete.</div>
<div class="long">
Remove an item from a specified index in the collection. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="remove" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#remove">remove</a> event when complete. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index within the collection of the item to remove.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The item removed or false if no item was removed.</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-removeKey"></a>
<b>removeKey</b>(&nbsp;<code>String key</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removed an item associated with the passed key fom the collection.</div>
<div class="long">
Removed an item associated with the passed key fom the collection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>key</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key of the item to remove.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The item removed or false if no item was removed.</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-replace"></a>
<b>replace</b>(&nbsp;<code>String key</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>o {Object}</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Replaces an item in the collection. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="replace" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#replace">replace</a> event when complete.</div>
<div class="long">
Replaces an item in the collection. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="replace" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#replace">replace</a> event when complete. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>key</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key associated with the item to replace, or the item to replace.</div></li><li><code>{Object}</code> : o<div class="sub-desc">o (optional) If the first parameter passed was a key, the item to associate with that key.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The new item.</div></li>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-sort"></a>
<b>sort</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String direction</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function fn</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sorts this collection with the passed comparison function</div>
<div class="long">
Sorts this collection with the passed comparison function <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>direction</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) "ASC" or "DESC"</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) comparison function</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-add"></a>
<b>add</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code>Object o</code>, <code>String key</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when an item is added to the collection.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when an item is added to the collection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the item was added.</div></li><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The item added.</div></li><li><code>key</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key associated with the added item.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-clear"></a>
<b>clear</b> : () <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the collection is cleared.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the collection is cleared. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object o</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String key</code>]</span>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when an item is removed from the collection.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when an item is removed from the collection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The item being removed.</div></li><li><code>key</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The key associated with the removed item.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.MixedCollection-replace"></a>
<b>replace</b> : (&nbsp;<code>String key</code>, <code>Object old</code>, <code>Object new</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when an item is replaced in the collection.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when an item is replaced in the collection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>key</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">he key associated with the new added.</div></li><li><code>old</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The item being replaced.</div></li><li><code>new</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The new item.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">MixedCollection</td>
New file
0,0 → 1,52
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.Sound-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.Sound-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.Sound-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.air.Sound"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.air.Sound</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.air</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/Sound.js" target="_blank">Sound.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Sound</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
<br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.air.Sound-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.air.Sound-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.Sound-play"></a>
<b>play</b>(&nbsp;<code>String file</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number startAt</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Play a sound.</div>
<div class="long">
Play a sound. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>file</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The file to be played. The path is resolved against applicationDirectory</div></li><li><code>startAt</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) A time in the sound file to skip to before playing</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Sound</td>
<a id="Ext.air.Sound-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,1409
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">BaseItem</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Separator</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/menu/Separator.js" target="_blank">Separator.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Separator</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Adds a separator bar to a menu, used to divide logical groups of menu items. Generally you will
add one of these by using "-" in you call to add() or in your items config rather than creating one directly. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>activeClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when the item becomes activated (defaults to "x-menu-item-active") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#activeClass" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>autoEl</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inlin...</div>
<div class="long">
A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inline via JSON. It should not be used for higher level components which already create their own elements. Example usage: <pre><code>{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: <em>'div'</em>, cls:<em>'my-class'</em>}
{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: {tag:<em>'blockquote'</em>, html:<em>'autoEl is cool!'</em>}} // <b>with</b> DomHelper</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>canActivate</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this item can be visually activated (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#canActivate" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>handler</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
A function that will handle the click event of this menu item (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#handler" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Length of time in milliseconds to wait before hiding after a click (defaults to 100) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#hideDelay" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideOnClick</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the containing menu after this item is clicked (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Separator</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>itemCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default CSS class to use for separators (defaults to "x-menu-sep") </div>
<td class="msource">Separator</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>scope</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The scope in which the handler function will be called. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#scope" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>Separator</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Separator</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setHandler</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function handler</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the function that will handle click events for this item (equivalent to passing in the handler
config property)....</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the function that will handle click events for this item (equivalent to passing in the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="handler" href="output/">handler</a>
config property). If an existing handler is already registered, it will be unregistered for you. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function that should be called on click</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope that should be passed to the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#setHandler" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>activate</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is activated</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is activated <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-activate" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-click" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>deactivate</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is deactivated</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is deactivated <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-deactivate" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Updater.defaults-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Updater.defaults-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Updater.defaults-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Updater.defaults"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.Updater.defaults</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/core/UpdateManager.js" target="_blank">UpdateManager.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Updater.defaults</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
The defaults collection enables customizing the default properties of Updater </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Updater.defaults-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater.defaults-disableCaching"></a>
<b>disableCaching</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether to append unique parameter on get request to disable caching (Defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">Updater.defaults</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater.defaults-indicatorText"></a>
<b>indicatorText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Text for loading indicator (Defaults to '&lt;div class="loading-indicator"&gt;Loading...&lt;/div&gt;'). </div>
<td class="msource">Updater.defaults</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater.defaults-loadScripts"></a>
<b>loadScripts</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to process scripts by default (Defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">Updater.defaults</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater.defaults-showLoadIndicator"></a>
<b>showLoadIndicator</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether to show indicatorText when loading (Defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource">Updater.defaults</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater.defaults-sslBlankUrl"></a>
<b>sslBlankUrl</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Blank page URL to use with SSL file uploads (Defaults to "javascript:false"). </div>
<td class="msource">Updater.defaults</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater.defaults-timeout"></a>
<b>timeout</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Timeout for requests or form posts in seconds (Defaults 30 seconds). </div>
<td class="msource">Updater.defaults</td>
<a id="Ext.Updater.defaults-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public methods.</div> <a id="Ext.Updater.defaults-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
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<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Container</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Panel</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html">GridPanel</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel.html">EditorGridPanel</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>PropertyGrid</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.grid.PropertyGrid</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.grid</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/grid/PropertyGrid.js" target="_blank">PropertyGrid.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">PropertyGrid</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel.html">EditorGridPanel</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A specialized grid implementation intended to mimic the traditional property grid as typically seen in
development IDEs. Each row in the grid represents a property of some object, and the data is stored
as a set of name/value pairs in <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.PropertyRecord" href="output/Ext.grid.PropertyRecord.html">Ext.grid.PropertyRecord</a>s. Example usage:
var grid = new Ext.grid.PropertyGrid({
title: 'Properties Grid',
autoHeight: true,
width: 300,
renderTo: 'grid-ct',
source: {
"(name)": "My Object",
"Created": new Date(Date.parse('10/15/2006')),
"Available": false,
"Version": .01,
"Description": "A test object"
});</pre></code> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-animCollapse"></a>
<b>animCollapse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the Ext....</div>
<div class="long">
True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the <a ext:cls="Ext.Fx" href="output/Ext.Fx.html">Ext.Fx</a> class is available, otherwise false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-autoEncode"></a>
<b>autoEncode</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to automatically HTML encode and decode values pre and post edit (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel" ext:member="#autoEncode" href="output/Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel.html#autoEncode">EditorGridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-autoExpandColumn"></a>
<b>autoExpandColumn</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The id of a column in this grid that should expand to fill unused space. This id can not be 0. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#autoExpandColumn" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#autoExpandColumn">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-autoExpandMax"></a>
<b>autoExpandMax</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The maximum width the autoExpandColumn can have (if enabled). Defaults to 1000. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#autoExpandMax" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#autoExpandMax">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-autoExpandMin"></a>
<b>autoExpandMin</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width the autoExpandColumn can have (if enabled). defaults to 50. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#autoExpandMin" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#autoExpandMin">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-autoHeight"></a>
<b>autoHeight</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a height of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-baseCls"></a>
<b>baseCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The base CSS class to apply to this panel's element (defaults to 'x-panel'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#baseCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#baseCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-bbar"></a>
<b>bbar</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The bottom toolbar of the panel. This can be a Ext.Toolbar object, a toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button co...</div>
<div class="long">
The bottom toolbar of the panel. This can be a <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Ext.Toolbar</a> object, a toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render. To access the bottom toolbar after render, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getBottomToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getBottomToolbar">getBottomToolbar</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-border"></a>
<b>border</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). By default, the borde...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). By default, the border is a 2px wide inset border, but this can be further altered by setting <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="bodyBorder" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyBorder">bodyBorder</a> to false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#border" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#border">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-buttonAlign"></a>
<b>buttonAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The alignment of any buttons added to this panel. Valid values are 'right,' 'left' and 'center' (defaults to 'right'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttonAlign" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttonAlign">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-buttons"></a>
<b>buttons</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
An array of <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> <b>configs</b> used to add buttons to the footer of this panel. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-clicksToEdit"></a>
<b>clicksToEdit</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The number of clicks on a cell required to display the cell's editor (defaults to 2) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel" ext:member="#clicksToEdit" href="output/Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel.html#clicksToEdit">EditorGridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-cm"></a>
<b>cm</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="colModel" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#colModel">colModel</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#cm" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#cm">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-colModel"></a>
<b>colModel</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html">Ext.grid.ColumnModel</a> to use when rendering the grid (required). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#colModel" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#colModel">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-collapseFirst"></a>
<b>collapseFirst</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the pane...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the panel's title bar, false to render it last (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapseFirst" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapseFirst">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-collapsed"></a>
<b>collapsed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render the panel collapsed, false to render it expanded (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsed" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsed">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-collapsedCls"></a>
<b>collapsedCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class to add to the panel's element after it has been collapsed (defaults to 'x-panel-collapsed'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsedCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsedCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-collapsible"></a>
<b>collapsible</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header tool button area, false to keep the panel statically sized with no button (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-columns"></a>
<b>columns</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
An array of columns to auto create a ColumnModel </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#columns" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#columns">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-customEditors"></a>
<b>customEditors</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object containing name/value pairs of custom editor type definitions that allow the grid to support additional typ...</div>
<div class="long">
An object containing name/value pairs of custom editor type definitions that allow the grid to support additional types of editable fields. By default, the grid supports strongly-typed editing of strings, dates, numbers and booleans using built-in form editors, but any custom type can be supported and associated with a custom input control by specifying a custom editor. The name of the editor type should correspond with the name of the property that will use the editor. Example usage: <pre><code>var grid = <b>new</b> Ext.grid.PropertyGrid({
customEditors: {
<em>'Start Time'</em>: <b>new</b> Ext.grid.GridEditor(<b>new</b> Ext.form.TimeField({selectOnFocus:true}))
source: {
<em>'Start Time'</em>: <em>'10:00 AM'</em>
});</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource">PropertyGrid</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-disableSelection"></a>
<b>disableSelection</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable selections in the grid (defaults to false). - ignored a SelectionModel is specified </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#disableSelection" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#disableSelection">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-draggable"></a>
<b>draggable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false). For custom drag/drop implementations, an Ext.Panel.DD conf...</div>
<div class="long">
True to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false). For custom drag/drop implementations, an Ext.Panel.DD config could also be passed in this config instead of true, although Ext.Panel.DD is an internal, undocumented class. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#draggable" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#draggable">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-enableColumnHide"></a>
<b>enableColumnHide</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to enable hiding of columns with the header context menu. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#enableColumnHide" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#enableColumnHide">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-enableColumnMove"></a>
<b>enableColumnMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to enable drag and drop reorder of columns. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#enableColumnMove" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#enableColumnMove">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-enableColumnResize"></a>
<b>enableColumnResize</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to turn off column resizing for the whole grid (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#enableColumnResize" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#enableColumnResize">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-enableDragDrop"></a>
<b>enableDragDrop</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to enable drag and drop of rows. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#enableDragDrop" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#enableDragDrop">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-enableHdMenu"></a>
<b>enableHdMenu</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to enable the drop down button for menu in the headers. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#enableHdMenu" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#enableHdMenu">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-floating"></a>
<b>floating</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to float the panel (absolute position it with automatic shimming and shadow), false to display it inline where i...</div>
<div class="long">
True to float the panel (absolute position it with automatic shimming and shadow), false to display it inline where it is rendered (defaults to false). Note that by default, setting floating to true will cause the panel to display at negative offsets so that it is hidden -- because the panel is absolute positioned, the position must be set explicitly after render (e.g., myPanel.setPosition(100,100);). Also, when floating a panel you should always assign a fixed width, otherwise it will be auto width and will expand to fill to the right edge of the viewport. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#floating" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#floating">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-footer"></a>
<b>footer</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to create the footer element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when footer is not specified, if...</div>
<div class="long">
True to create the footer element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when footer is not specified, if one or more buttons have been added to the panel the footer will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#footer" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#footer">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-frame"></a>
<b>frame</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render the panel with custom rounded borders, false to render with plain 1px square borders (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#frame" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#frame">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to create the header element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when header is not specified, if...</div>
<div class="long">
True to create the header element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when header is not specified, if a <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">title</a> is set the header will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. If a title is set but header is explicitly set to false, the header will not be rendered. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-headerAsText"></a>
<b>headerAsText</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to display the panel title in the header, false to hide it (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#headerAsText" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#headerAsText">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-hideCollapseTool"></a>
<b>hideCollapseTool</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the expand/collapse toggle button when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> = true, false to display it (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#hideCollapseTool" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#hideCollapseTool">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-hideHeaders"></a>
<b>hideHeaders</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the grid's header (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#hideHeaders" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#hideHeaders">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-iconCls"></a>
<b>iconCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class that will provide a background image to be used as the panel header icon (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#iconCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#iconCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-keys"></a>
<b>keys</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by Ext.KeyMap.addBinding used to assign custom key handling to this pa...</div>
<div class="long">
A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by <a ext:cls="Ext.KeyMap" ext:member="addBinding" href="output/Ext.KeyMap.html#addBinding">Ext.KeyMap.addBinding</a> used to assign custom key handling to this panel (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#keys" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#keys">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-loadMask"></a>
<b>loadMask</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
An <a ext:cls="Ext.LoadMask" href="output/Ext.LoadMask.html">Ext.LoadMask</a> config or true to mask the grid while loading (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#loadMask" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#loadMask">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-maskDisabled"></a>
<b>maskDisabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will alway...</div>
<div class="long">
True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will always tell its contained elements to disable themselves when it is disabled, but masking the panel can provide an additional visual cue that the panel is disabled. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#maskDisabled" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#maskDisabled">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-maxHeight"></a>
<b>maxHeight</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Sets the maximum height of the grid - ignored if autoHeight is not on. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#maxHeight" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#maxHeight">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-minButtonWidth"></a>
<b>minButtonWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Minimum width in pixels of all buttons in this panel (defaults to 75) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#minButtonWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#minButtonWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-minColumnWidth"></a>
<b>minColumnWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width a column can be resized to. Defaults to 25. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#minColumnWidth" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#minColumnWidth">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-selModel"></a>
<b>selModel</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Any subclass of AbstractSelectionModel that will provide the selection model for the grid (defaults to Ext.grid.RowSe...</div>
<div class="long">
Any subclass of AbstractSelectionModel that will provide the selection model for the grid (defaults to <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html">Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel</a> if not specified). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#selModel" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#selModel">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-shadow"></a>
<b>shadow</b> : Boolean/String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True (or a valid Ext.Shadow Ext.Shadow.mode value) to display a shadow behind the panel, false to display no shadow (...</div>
<div class="long">
True (or a valid Ext.Shadow <a ext:cls="Ext.Shadow" ext:member="mode" href="output/Ext.Shadow.html#mode">Ext.Shadow.mode</a> value) to display a shadow behind the panel, false to display no shadow (defaults to 'sides'). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shadow" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shadow">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-shadowOffset"></a>
<b>shadowOffset</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). Note that this option only applies when float...</div>
<div class="long">
The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shadowOffset" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shadowOffset">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-shim"></a>
<b>shim</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true). Note that this option only applies wh...</div>
<div class="long">
False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shim" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shim">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-sm"></a>
<b>sm</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="selModel" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#selModel">selModel</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#sm" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#sm">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-source"></a>
<b>source</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
A data object to use as the data source of the grid (see <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid" ext:member="setSource" href="output/Ext.grid.PropertyGrid.html#setSource">setSource</a> for details). </div>
<td class="msource">PropertyGrid</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-store"></a>
<b>store</b> : <div class="mdesc">
The <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> the grid should use as its data source (required). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#store" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#store">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-stripeRows"></a>
<b>stripeRows</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to stripe the rows. Default is false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#stripeRows" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#stripeRows">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-tabTip"></a>
<b>tabTip</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must be called in order for the tips to render. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tabTip" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tabTip">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-tbar"></a>
<b>tbar</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The top toolbar of the panel. This can be either an Ext.Toolbar object or an array of buttons/button configs to be ad...</div>
<div class="long">
The top toolbar of the panel. This can be either an <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Ext.Toolbar</a> object or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render. To access the top toolbar after render, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getTopToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getTopToolbar">getTopToolbar</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-title"></a>
<b>title</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will aut...</div>
<div class="long">
The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will automatically be created and displayed unless <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">header</a> is explicitly set to false. If you don't want to specify a title at config time, but you may want one later, you must either specify a non-empty title (a blank space ' ' will do) or header:true so that the container element will get created. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-titleCollapse"></a>
<b>titleCollapse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when collapsible = true) by clicking anywhere in the header bar, fa...</div>
<div class="long">
True to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> = true) by clicking anywhere in the header bar, false to allow it only by clicking to tool button (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#titleCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#titleCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-tools"></a>
<b>tools</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of tool button configs to be added to the header tool area. Each tool config may contain the following prope...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of tool button configs to be added to the header tool area. Each tool config may contain the following properties: <div class="mdetail-params"><ul> <li><b>id</b> : String<p class="sub-desc"><b>Required.</b> The type of tool to create. Values may be<ul> <li><tt>toggle</tt> (Created by default when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> is <tt>true</tt>)</li> <li><tt>close</tt></li> <li><tt>minimize</tt></li> <li><tt>maximize</tt></li> <li><tt>restore</tt></li> <li><tt>gear</tt></li> <li><tt>pin</tt></li> <li><tt>unpin</tt></li> <li><tt>right</tt></li> <li><tt>left</tt></li> <li><tt>up</tt></li> <li><tt>down</tt></li> <li><tt>refresh</tt></li> <li><tt>minus</tt></li> <li><tt>plus</tt></li> <li><tt>help</tt></li> <li><tt>search</tt></li> <li><tt>save</tt></li> <li><tt>print</tt></li> </ul></div></p></li> <li><b>handler</b> : Function<p class="sub-desc"><b>Required.</b> The function to call when clicked. Arguments passed are:<ul> <li><b>event</b> : Ext.EventObject<p class="sub-desc">The click event.</p></li> <li><b>toolEl</b> : Ext.Element<p class="sub-desc">The tool Element.</p></li> <li><b>Panel</b> : Ext.Panel<p class="sub-desc">The host Panel</p></li> </ul></p></li> <li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to call the handler.</p></li> <li><b>qtip</b> : String/Object<p class="sub-desc">A tip string, or a config argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.QuickTip" ext:member="register" href="output/Ext.QuickTip.html#register">Ext.QuickTip.register</a></p></li> <li><b>hidden</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to initially render hidden.</p></li> <li><b>on</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">A listener config object specifiying event listeners in the format of an argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#addListener">addListener</a></p></li> </ul> Example usage: <pre><code>tools:[{
<i>// hidden:true,</i>
handler: <b>function</b>(event, toolEl, panel){
<i>// refresh logic</i>
}]</code></pre> Note that apart from the toggle tool which is provided when a panel is collapsible, these tools only provide the visual button. Any required functionality must be provided by adding handlers that implement the necessary behavior. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tools" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tools">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-view"></a>
<b>view</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html">Ext.grid.GridView</a> used by the grid. This can be set before a call to render(). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#view" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#view">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-viewConfig"></a>
<b>viewConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object that will be applied to the grid's UI view. Any of the config options available for Ext.grid.GridView...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object that will be applied to the grid's UI view. Any of the config options available for <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html">Ext.grid.GridView</a> can be specified here. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#viewConfig" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#viewConfig">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-body"></a>
<b>body</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
The Panel's body Element which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the html config,...</div>
<div class="long">
The Panel's body <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a> which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="html" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#html">html</a> config, or it may be loaded using the
<a ext:cls="autoLoad" href="output/autoLoad.html">autoLoad</a> config, or through the Panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getUpdater" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getUpdater">Updater</a>. Read-only.
<p>If this is used to load visible HTML elements in either way, then
the Panel may not be used as a Layout for hosting nested Panels.</p>
<p>If this Panel is intended to be used as the host of a Layout (See <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#layout">layout</a>
then the body Element must not be loaded or changed - it is under the control
of the Panel's Layout. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#body" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#body">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-buttons"></a>
<b>buttons</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
This Panel's Array of buttons as created from the <tt>buttons</tt>
config property. Read only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-ddText"></a>
<b>ddText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
Configures the text in the drag proxy (defaults to "{0} selected row(s)").
{0} is replaced with the number of select...</div>
<div class="long">
Configures the text in the drag proxy (defaults to "{0} selected row(s)").
{0} is replaced with the number of selected rows. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#ddText" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#ddText">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-footer"></a>
<b>footer</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
The Panel's footer <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a>. Read-only.
<p>This Element is used to house the Panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">buttons</a>.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#footer" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#footer">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
The Panel's header <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a>. Read-only.
<p>This Element is used to house the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">title</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="tools" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tools">tools</a></p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-PropertyGrid"></a>
<b>PropertyGrid</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The grid config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">PropertyGrid</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-addButton"></a>
<b>addButton</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object config</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Button <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to ...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to add buttons via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">buttons</a> config. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">A valid <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> config. A string will become the text for a default
button config, an object will be treated as a button config object.</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called on button <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="click" href="output/Ext.Button.html#click"></a></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope to use for the button handler function</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Button</code><div class="sub-desc">The button that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#addButton" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#addButton">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-bubble"></a>
<b>bubble</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (this) of...</div>
<div class="long">
Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the bubble is stopped. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#bubble" href="output/Ext.Container.html#bubble">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the beforecollapse event which will
cancel the collapse ac...</div>
<div class="long">
Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforecollapse">beforecollapse</a> event which will
cancel the collapse action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the beforeexpand event which will
cancel the expand action ...</div>
<div class="long">
Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforeexpand">beforeexpand</a> event which will
cancel the expand action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-getBottomToolbar"></a>
<b>getBottomToolbar</b>() : Ext.Toolbar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar</code><div class="sub-desc">The toolbar</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getBottomToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getBottomToolbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-getColumnModel"></a>
<b>getColumnModel</b>() : ColumnModel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the grid's ColumnModel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the grid's ColumnModel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>ColumnModel</code><div class="sub-desc">The column model</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#getColumnModel" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#getColumnModel">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-getDragDropText"></a>
<b>getDragDropText</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called to get grid's drag proxy text, by default returns this.ddText.</div>
<div class="long">
Called to get grid's drag proxy text, by default returns this.ddText. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The text</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#getDragDropText" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#getDragDropText">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-getFrameHeight"></a>
<b>getFrameHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and ...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and footer elements, but not including the body height). To retrieve the body height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerHeight">getInnerHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getFrameHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameHeight">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-getFrameWidth"></a>
<b>getFrameWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the bo...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the body width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerWidth">getInnerWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-getGridEl"></a>
<b>getGridEl</b>() : Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the grid's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the grid's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#getGridEl" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#getGridEl">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-getInnerHeight"></a>
<b>getInnerHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame he...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameHeight">getFrameHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getInnerHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerHeight">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-getInnerWidth"></a>
<b>getInnerWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame widt...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameWidth">getFrameWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getInnerWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-getSelectionModel"></a>
<b>getSelectionModel</b>() : SelectionModel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the grid's SelectionModel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the grid's SelectionModel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>SelectionModel</code><div class="sub-desc">The selection model</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#getSelectionModel" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#getSelectionModel">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-getSource"></a>
<b>getSource</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the source data object containing the property data. See setSource for details regarding the
format of the data...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the source data object containing the property data. See <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid" ext:member="setSource" href="output/Ext.grid.PropertyGrid.html#setSource">setSource</a> for details regarding the
format of the data object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The data object</div></li>
<td class="msource">PropertyGrid</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-getStore"></a>
<b>getStore</b>() : DataSource <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the grid's data store.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the grid's data store. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>DataSource</code><div class="sub-desc">The store</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#getStore" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#getStore">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-getTopToolbar"></a>
<b>getTopToolbar</b>() : Ext.Toolbar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar</code><div class="sub-desc">The toolbar</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getTopToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getTopToolbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-getView"></a>
<b>getView</b>() : GridView <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the grid's GridView object.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the grid's GridView object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>GridView</code><div class="sub-desc">The grid view</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#getView" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#getView">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-reconfigure"></a>
<b>reconfigure</b>(&nbsp;<code> store</code>, <code>Ext.grid.ColumnModel colModel</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Reconfigures the grid to use a different Store and Column Model.
The View will be bound to the new objects and refres...</div>
<div class="long">
Reconfigures the grid to use a different Store and Column Model.
The View will be bound to the new objects and refreshed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>store</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The new <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> object</div></li><li><code>colModel</code> : Ext.grid.ColumnModel<div class="sub-desc">The new <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html">Ext.grid.ColumnModel</a> object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#reconfigure" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#reconfigure">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-setIconClass"></a>
<b>setIconClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. This method will replace any existing
icon class if ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. This method will replace any existing
icon class if one has already been set. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new CSS class name</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#setIconClass" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#setIconClass">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-setSource"></a>
<b>setSource</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object source</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the source data object containing the property data. The data object can contain one or more name/value
pairs r...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the source data object containing the property data. The data object can contain one or more name/value
pairs representing all of the properties of an object to display in the grid, and this data will automatically
be loaded into the grid's <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid" ext:member="store" href="output/Ext.grid.PropertyGrid.html#store">store</a>. The values should be supplied in the proper data type if needed,
otherwise string type will be assumed. If the grid already contains data, this method will replace any
existing data. See also the <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid" ext:member="source" href="output/Ext.grid.PropertyGrid.html#source">source</a> config value. Example usage:
<em>"(name)"</em>: <em>"My Object"</em>,
<em>"Created"</em>: <b>new</b> Date(Date.parse(<em>'10/15/2006'</em>)), <i>// date type</i>
<em>"Available"</em>: false, <i>// boolean type</i>
<em>"Version"</em>: .01, <i>// decimal type</i>
<em>"Description"</em>: <em>"A test object"</em>
});</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>source</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The data object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">PropertyGrid</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-setTitle"></a>
<b>setTitle</b>(&nbsp;<code>String title</code>, <code>String (optional)</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>title</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The title text to set</div></li><li><code>(optional)</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">iconCls A custon, user-defined CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#setTitle" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#setTitle">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-startEditing"></a>
<b>startEditing</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Number colIndex</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Starts editing the specified for the specified row/column</div>
<div class="long">
Starts editing the specified for the specified row/column <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>colIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel" ext:member="#startEditing" href="output/Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel.html#startEditing">EditorGridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-stopEditing"></a>
<b>stopEditing</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean cancel</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Stops any active editing</div>
<div class="long">
Stops any active editing <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cancel</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to cancel any changes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel" ext:member="#stopEditing" href="output/Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel.html#stopEditing">EditorGridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-toggleCollapse"></a>
<b>toggleCollapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#toggleCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#toggleCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-activate"></a>
<b>activate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been visually activated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being activated, but some...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been visually activated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being activated, but some Panel subclasses
do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel fire the
activate and deactivate events under the control of the TabPanel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been activated.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-activate" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-activate">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-add"></a>
<b>add</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component was added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-add">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-afteredit"></a>
<b>afteredit</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after a cell is edited.
grid - This grid
record - The record being edited
field - The field name being edited...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after a cell is edited. <br />
<ul style="padding:5px;padding-left:16px;">
<li>grid - This grid</li>
<li>record - The record being edited</li>
<li>field - The field name being edited</li>
<li>value - The value being set</li>
<li>originalValue - The original value for the field, before the edit.</li>
<li>row - The grid row index</li>
<li>column - The grid column index</li>
</ul> <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An edit event (see above for description)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel" ext:member="#event-afteredit" href="output/Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel.html#event-afteredit">EditorGridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-afterlayout"></a>
<b>afterlayout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>ContainerLayout layout</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>layout</code> : ContainerLayout<div class="sub-desc">The ContainerLayout implementation for this container</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-afterlayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-afterlayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-beforeadd"></a>
<b>beforeadd</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component will be added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeadd" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeadd">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-beforeclose"></a>
<b>beforeclose</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses d...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). This event only applies to such subclasses.
A handler can return false to cancel the close. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel being closed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforeclose" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforeclose">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-beforecollapse"></a>
<b>beforecollapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel being collapsed.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the collapse is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforecollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-beforeedit"></a>
<b>beforeedit</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before cell editing is triggered. The edit event object has the following properties
grid - This grid
record ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before cell editing is triggered. The edit event object has the following properties <br />
<ul style="padding:5px;padding-left:16px;">
<li>grid - This grid</li>
<li>record - The record being edited</li>
<li>field - The field name being edited</li>
<li>value - The value for the field being edited.</li>
<li>row - The grid row index</li>
<li>column - The grid column index</li>
<li>cancel - Set this to true to cancel the edit or return false from your handler.</li>
</ul> <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An edit event (see above for description)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel" ext:member="#event-beforeedit" href="output/Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel.html#event-beforeedit">EditorGridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-beforeexpand"></a>
<b>beforeexpand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel being expanded.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the expand is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforeexpand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-beforepropertychange"></a>
<b>beforepropertychange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object source</code>, <code>String recordId</code>, <code>Mixed value</code>, <code>Mixed oldValue</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a property value changes. Handlers can return false to cancel the property change
(this will internally...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a property value changes. Handlers can return false to cancel the property change
(this will internally call <a ext:cls="" ext:member="reject" href="output/"></a> on the property's record). <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>source</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The source data object for the grid (corresponds to the same object passed in
as the <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid" ext:member="source" href="output/Ext.grid.PropertyGrid.html#source">source</a> config property).</div></li><li><code>recordId</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The record's id in the data store</div></li><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The current edited property value</div></li><li><code>oldValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The original property value prior to editing</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">PropertyGrid</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-beforeremove"></a>
<b>beforeremove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeremove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeremove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-bodyresize"></a>
<b>bodyresize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel which has been resized.</div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The Panel's new width.</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The Panel's new height.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-bodyresize" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-bodyresize">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-bodyscroll"></a>
<b>bodyscroll</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Number scrollLeft</code>, <code>Number scrollTop</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the body element is scrolled</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the body element is scrolled <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>scrollLeft</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scrollTop</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-bodyscroll" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-bodyscroll">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-cellclick"></a>
<b>cellclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a cell is clicked.
The data for the cell is drawn from the Record
for this row. To access the data in the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a cell is clicked.
The data for the cell is drawn from the <a ext:cls="" href="output/">Record</a>
for this row. To access the data in the listener function use the
following technique:
<pre><code>function(grid, rowIndex, columnIndex, e) {
<b>var</b> record = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex); <i>// Get the Record</i>
<b>var</b> fieldName = grid.getColumnModel().getDataIndex(columnIndex); <i>// Get field name</i>
<b>var</b> data = record.get(fieldName);
}</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-cellclick" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-cellclick">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-cellcontextmenu"></a>
<b>cellcontextmenu</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Number cellIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a cell is right clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a cell is right clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>cellIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-cellcontextmenu" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-cellcontextmenu">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-celldblclick"></a>
<b>celldblclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a cell is double clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a cell is double clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-celldblclick" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-celldblclick">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-cellmousedown"></a>
<b>cellmousedown</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a cell is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a cell is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-cellmousedown" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-cellmousedown">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-click"></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw click event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw click event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-click" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-click">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-close"></a>
<b>close</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been closed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-close" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-close">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been collapsed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been collapsed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel that has been collapsed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-collapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-columnmove"></a>
<b>columnmove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Number oldIndex</code>, <code>Number newIndex</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the user moves a column</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the user moves a column <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>oldIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>newIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-columnmove" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-columnmove">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-columnresize"></a>
<b>columnresize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Number newSize</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the user resizes a column</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the user resizes a column <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>newSize</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-columnresize" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-columnresize">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-contextmenu"></a>
<b>contextmenu</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw contextmenu event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw contextmenu event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-contextmenu" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-contextmenu">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-dblclick"></a>
<b>dblclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw dblclick event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw dblclick event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-dblclick" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-dblclick">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-deactivate"></a>
<b>deactivate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been visually deactivated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being deactivated, but ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been visually deactivated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being deactivated, but some Panel subclasses
do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel fire the
activate and deactivate events under the control of the TabPanel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been deactivated.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-deactivate" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-deactivate">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been expanded.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been expanded. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been expanded.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-expand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-headerclick"></a>
<b>headerclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a header is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a header is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-headerclick" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-headerclick">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-headercontextmenu"></a>
<b>headercontextmenu</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a header is right clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a header is right clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-headercontextmenu" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-headercontextmenu">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-headerdblclick"></a>
<b>headerdblclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a header cell is double clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a header cell is double clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-headerdblclick" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-headerdblclick">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-headermousedown"></a>
<b>headermousedown</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a header is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a header is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-headermousedown" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-headermousedown">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-keydown"></a>
<b>keydown</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw keydown event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw keydown event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-keydown" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-keydown">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-keypress"></a>
<b>keypress</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw keypress event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw keypress event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-keypress" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-keypress">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-mousedown"></a>
<b>mousedown</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw mousedown event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw mousedown event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-mousedown" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-mousedown">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-mouseout"></a>
<b>mouseout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw mouseout event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw mouseout event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-mouseout" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-mouseout">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-mouseover"></a>
<b>mouseover</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw mouseover event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw mouseover event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-mouseover" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-mouseover">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-mouseup"></a>
<b>mouseup</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw mouseup event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw mouseup event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-mouseup" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-mouseup">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-propertychange"></a>
<b>propertychange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object source</code>, <code>String recordId</code>, <code>Mixed value</code>, <code>Mixed oldValue</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after a property value has changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after a property value has changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>source</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The source data object for the grid (corresponds to the same object passed in
as the <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid" ext:member="source" href="output/Ext.grid.PropertyGrid.html#source">source</a> config property).</div></li><li><code>recordId</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The record's id in the data store</div></li><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The current edited property value</div></li><li><code>oldValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The original property value prior to editing</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">PropertyGrid</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-remove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-remove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-rowclick"></a>
<b>rowclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a row is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a row is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-rowclick" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-rowclick">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-rowcontextmenu"></a>
<b>rowcontextmenu</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a row is right clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a row is right clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-rowcontextmenu" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-rowcontextmenu">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-rowdblclick"></a>
<b>rowdblclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a row is double clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a row is double clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-rowdblclick" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-rowdblclick">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-rowmousedown"></a>
<b>rowmousedown</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a row is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a row is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-rowmousedown" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-rowmousedown">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-sortchange"></a>
<b>sortchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Object sortInfo</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the grid's store sort changes</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the grid's store sort changes <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>sortInfo</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object with the keys field and direction</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-sortchange" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-sortchange">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-titlechange"></a>
<b>titlechange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>String The</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel which has had its title changed.</div></li><li><code>The</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">new title.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-titlechange" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-titlechange">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid-validateedit"></a>
<b>validateedit</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after a cell is edited, but before the value is set in the record. Return false
to cancel the change. The edit ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after a cell is edited, but before the value is set in the record. Return false
to cancel the change. The edit event object has the following properties <br />
<ul style="padding:5px;padding-left:16px;">
<li>grid - This grid</li>
<li>record - The record being edited</li>
<li>field - The field name being edited</li>
<li>value - The value being set</li>
<li>originalValue - The original value for the field, before the edit.</li>
<li>row - The grid row index</li>
<li>column - The grid column index</li>
<li>cancel - Set this to true to cancel the edit or return false from your handler.</li>
</ul> <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An edit event (see above for description)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel" ext:member="#event-validateedit" href="output/Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel.html#event-validateedit">EditorGridPanel</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.SplitBar-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.SplitBar-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.SplitBar-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.SplitBar-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.SplitBar"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>SplitBar</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.SplitBar</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/SplitBar.js" target="_blank">SplitBar.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">SplitBar</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Creates draggable splitter bar functionality from two elements (element to be dragged and element to be resized).
<pre><code>var split = <b>new</b> Ext.SplitBar(<em>"elementToDrag"</em>, <em>"elementToSize"</em>,
Ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL, Ext.SplitBar.LEFT);
split.setAdapter(<b>new</b> Ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter(<em>"container"</em>));
split.minSize = 100;
split.maxSize = 600;
split.animate = true;
split.on(<em>'moved'</em>, splitterMoved);</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-animate"></a>
<b>animate</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether to animate the transition to the new size </div>
<td class="msource">SplitBar</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-maxSize"></a>
<b>maxSize</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The maximum size of the resizing element. (Defaults to 2000) </div>
<td class="msource">SplitBar</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-minSize"></a>
<b>minSize</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum size of the resizing element. (Defaults to 0) </div>
<td class="msource">SplitBar</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-useShim"></a>
<b>useShim</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether to create a transparent shim that overlays the page when dragging, enables dragging across iframes. </div>
<td class="msource">SplitBar</td>
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-SplitBar"></a>
<b>SplitBar</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed dragElement</code>, <code>Mixed resizingElement</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number orientation</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number placement</code>]</span>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new SplitBar</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new SplitBar <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>dragElement</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to be dragged and act as the SplitBar.</div></li><li><code>resizingElement</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to be resized based on where the SplitBar element is dragged</div></li><li><code>orientation</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Either Ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL or Ext.SplitBar.VERTICAL. (Defaults to HORIZONTAL)</div></li><li><code>placement</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Either Ext.SplitBar.LEFT or Ext.SplitBar.RIGHT for horizontal or
Ext.SplitBar.TOP or Ext.SplitBar.BOTTOM for vertical. (By default, this is determined automatically by the initial
position of the SplitBar).</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">SplitBar</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean removeEl</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroy this splitbar.</div>
<div class="long">
Destroy this splitbar. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>removeEl</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to remove the element</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">SplitBar</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-getAdapter"></a>
<b>getAdapter</b>() : The <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the adapter this SplitBar uses</div>
<div class="long">
Get the adapter this SplitBar uses <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>The</code><div class="sub-desc">adapter object</div></li>
<td class="msource">SplitBar</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-getMaximumSize"></a>
<b>getMaximumSize</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the maximum size for the resizing element</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the maximum size for the resizing element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The maximum size</div></li>
<td class="msource">SplitBar</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-getMinimumSize"></a>
<b>getMinimumSize</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the minimum size for the resizing element</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the minimum size for the resizing element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The minimum size</div></li>
<td class="msource">SplitBar</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-setAdapter"></a>
<b>setAdapter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object adapter</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Set the adapter this SplitBar uses</div>
<div class="long">
Set the adapter this SplitBar uses <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>adapter</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A SplitBar adapter object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">SplitBar</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-setCurrentSize"></a>
<b>setCurrentSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number size</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the initialize size for the resizing element</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the initialize size for the resizing element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>size</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The initial size</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">SplitBar</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-setMaximumSize"></a>
<b>setMaximumSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number maxSize</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the maximum size for the resizing element</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the maximum size for the resizing element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>maxSize</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The maximum size</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">SplitBar</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-setMinimumSize"></a>
<b>setMinimumSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number minSize</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the minimum size for the resizing element</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the minimum size for the resizing element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>minSize</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The minimum size</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">SplitBar</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-beforeresize"></a>
<b>beforeresize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.SplitBar this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the splitter is dragged</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the splitter is dragged <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.SplitBar<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">SplitBar</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-moved"></a>
<b>moved</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.SplitBar this</code>, <code>Number newSize</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the splitter is moved</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the splitter is moved <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.SplitBar<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>newSize</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">the new width or height</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">SplitBar</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.SplitBar this</code>, <code>Number newSize</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the splitter is moved (alias for {@link #event-moved})</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the splitter is moved (alias for {@link #event-moved}) <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.SplitBar<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>newSize</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">the new width or height</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">SplitBar</td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Container-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Container-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Container-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Container-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Container"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Container</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.Container</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/Container.js" target="_blank">Container.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Container</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Panel</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.Viewport" href="output/Ext.Viewport.html">Viewport</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Base class for any <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">Ext.BoxComponent</a> that can contain other components. Containers handle the basic
behavior of containing items, namely adding, inserting and removing them. The specific layout logic required
to visually render contained items is delegated to any one of the different <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">layout</a> classes available.
This class is intended to be extended and should generally not need to be created directly via the new keyword. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Container-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-activeItem"></a>
<b>activeItem</b> : String/Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be initially activated within the container's...</div>
<div class="long">
A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be initially activated within the container's layout on render. For example, activeItem: 'item-1' or activeItem: 0 (index 0 = the first item in the container's collection). activeItem only applies to layout styles that can display items one at a time (like <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Ext.layout.Accordion</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">Ext.layout.FitLayout</a>). Related to <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="activeItem" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#activeItem">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.activeItem</a>. </div>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-autoDestroy"></a>
<b>autoDestroy</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else destruction mu...</div>
<div class="long">
If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else destruction must be handled manually (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-autoEl"></a>
<b>autoEl</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inlin...</div>
<div class="long">
A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inline via JSON. It should not be used for higher level components which already create their own elements. Example usage: <pre><code>{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: <em>'div'</em>, cls:<em>'my-class'</em>}
{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: {tag:<em>'blockquote'</em>, html:<em>'autoEl is cool!'</em>}} // <b>with</b> DomHelper</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-autoHeight"></a>
<b>autoHeight</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a height of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-autoWidth"></a>
<b>autoWidth</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not al...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a width of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-bufferResize"></a>
<b>bufferResize</b> : Boolean/Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">When set to true (100 milliseconds) or a number of milliseconds, the layout assigned for this container will buffer t...</div>
<div class="long">
When set to true (100 milliseconds) or a number of milliseconds, the layout assigned for this container will buffer the frequency it calculates and does a re-layout of components. This is useful for heavy containers or containers with a large amount of sub components that frequent calls to layout are expensive. </div>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-defaultType"></a>
<b>defaultType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default type of container represented by this object as registered in <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a> (defaults to 'panel'). </div>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-defaults"></a>
<b>defaults</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object that will be applied to all components added to this container either via the items config or via the...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object that will be applied to all components added to this container either via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">items</a> config or via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#add">add</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="insert" href="output/Ext.Container.html#insert">insert</a> methods. The defaults config can contain any number of name/value property pairs to be added to each item, and should be valid for the types of items being added to the container. For example, to automatically apply padding to the body of each of a set of contained <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Ext.Panel</a> items, you could pass: defaults: {bodyStyle:'padding:15px'}. </div>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-hideBorders"></a>
<b>hideBorders</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide the borders of each contained component, false to defer to the component's existing border settings (def...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide the borders of each contained component, false to defer to the component's existing border settings (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-items"></a>
<b>items</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container. Each item can be any type of object bas...</div>
<div class="long">
A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container. Each item can be any type of object based on <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.<br><br> Component config objects may also be specified in order to avoid the overhead of constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the added Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of this "lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config property to the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br> For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>. If a single item is being passed, it should be passed directly as an object reference (e.g., items: {...}). Multiple items should be passed as an array of objects (e.g., items: [{...}, {...}]). </div>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-layout"></a>
<b>layout</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The layout type to be used in this container. If not specified, a default Ext.layout.ContainerLayout will be created ...</div>
<div class="long">
The layout type to be used in this container. If not specified, a default <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout</a> will be created and used. Valid values are: accordion, anchor, border, card, column, fit, form and table. Specific config values for the chosen layout type can be specified using <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layoutConfig" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layoutConfig">layoutConfig</a>. </div>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-layoutConfig"></a>
<b>layoutConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen layout (to be used in conjunction with the layou...</div>
<div class="long">
This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen layout (to be used in conjunction with the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">layout</a> config value). For complete details regarding the valid config options for each layout type, see the layout class corresponding to the type specified:<ul class="mdetail-params"> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Ext.layout.Accordion</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.AnchorLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.AnchorLayout.html">Ext.layout.AnchorLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.html">Ext.layout.BorderLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ColumnLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ColumnLayout.html">Ext.layout.ColumnLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">Ext.layout.FitLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html">Ext.layout.FormLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.TableLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.TableLayout.html">Ext.layout.TableLayout</a></li></ul> </div>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-monitorResize"></a>
<b>monitorResize</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to automatically monitor window resize events to handle anything that is sensitive to the current size of the vi...</div>
<div class="long">
True to automatically monitor window resize events to handle anything that is sensitive to the current size of the viewport. This value is typically managed by the chosen <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">layout</a> and should not need to be set manually. </div>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Container-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-items"></a>
<b>items</b> : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
The collection of components in this container as a <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html">Ext.util.MixedCollection</a> </div>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Container-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-add"></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component/Object component</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a component to this container. Fires the beforeadd event before adding,
then fires the add event after the compo...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a component to this container. Fires the beforeadd event before adding,
then fires the add event after the component has been added. If the container is
already rendered when add is called, you may need to call <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="doLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#doLayout">doLayout</a> to refresh
the view. This is required so that you can add multiple child components if needed
while only refreshing the layout once. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component/Object<div class="sub-desc">The component to add.<br><br>
Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the added Component should
it become necessary.<br><br>
A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of
constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
added Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of this
"lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config property to
the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br>
For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">component The Component (or config object) that was added with the Container's default config values applied.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-bubble"></a>
<b>bubble</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (this) of...</div>
<div class="long">
Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the bubble is stopped. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-cascade"></a>
<b>cascade</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function wi...</div>
<div class="long">
Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function with
each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the cascade is stopped on that branch. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current component)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (defaults to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-doLayout"></a>
<b>doLayout</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force this container's layout to be recalculated. A call to this function is required after adding a new component
<div class="long">
Force this container's layout to be recalculated. A call to this function is required after adding a new component
to an already rendered container, or possibly after changing sizing/position properties of child components. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to only calc the layout of this component, and let child components auto
calc layouts as required (defaults to false, which calls doLayout recursively for each subcontainer)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-find"></a>
<b>find</b>(&nbsp;<code>String prop</code>, <code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by property</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by property <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>prop</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-findBy"></a>
<b>findBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the com...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the component will be included in the results. The passed function is called with the arguments (component, this container). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-findById"></a>
<b>findById</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by id</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-findByType"></a>
<b>findByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-getComponent"></a>
<b>getComponent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Number id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets a direct child Component by id, or by index.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets a direct child Component by id, or by index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">or index of child Component to return.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-getLayout"></a>
<b>getLayout</b>() : ContainerLayout <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the layout currently in use by the container. If the container does not currently have a layout
set, a defau...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the layout currently in use by the container. If the container does not currently have a layout
set, a default <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout</a> will be created and set as the container's layout. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>ContainerLayout</code><div class="sub-desc">layout The container's layout</div></li>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-insert"></a>
<b>insert</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the
beforeadd event before inserting, then fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the
beforeadd event before inserting, then fires the add event after the
Component has been inserted. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the Component will be inserted
into the Container's items collection</div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The child Component to insert.<br><br>
Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the inserted Component should
it become necessary.<br><br>
A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of
constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
inserted Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of
this "lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config
property to the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br>
For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">component The Component (or config object) that was inserted with the Container's default config values applied.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b>(&nbsp;<code>Component/String component</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean autoDestroy</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a component from this container. Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires
the remove event a...</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a component from this container. Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires
the remove event after the component has been removed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>component</code> : Component/String<div class="sub-desc">The component reference or id to remove</div></li><li><code>autoDestroy</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to automatically invoke the component's <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Ext.Component.destroy</a> function</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Container-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-add"></a>
<b>add</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component was added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-afterlayout"></a>
<b>afterlayout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>ContainerLayout layout</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>layout</code> : ContainerLayout<div class="sub-desc">The ContainerLayout implementation for this container</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-beforeadd"></a>
<b>beforeadd</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component will be added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-beforeremove"></a>
<b>beforeremove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Container</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Container-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.NativeWindowManager-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.NativeWindowManager-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.NativeWindowManager-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.air.NativeWindowManager"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup.html">NativeWindowGroup</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>NativeWindowManager</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.air.NativeWindowManager</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.air</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/NativeWindow.js" target="_blank">NativeWindow.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">NativeWindowManager</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup.html">NativeWindowGroup</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Collection of all NativeWindows created.<br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindowManager-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.air.NativeWindowManager-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindowManager-closeAll"></a>
<b>closeAll</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Closes all windows</div>
<div class="long">
Closes all windows <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup" ext:member="#closeAll" href="output/Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup.html#closeAll">NativeWindowGroup</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindowManager-each"></a>
<b>each</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Executes the specified function once for every window in the group, passing each
window as the only parameter. Return...</div>
<div class="long">
Executes the specified function once for every window in the group, passing each
window as the only parameter. Returning false from the function will stop the iteration. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to execute for each item</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the function</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup" ext:member="#each" href="output/Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup.html#each">NativeWindowGroup</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindowManager-get"></a>
<b>get</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup" ext:member="#get" href="output/Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup.html#get">NativeWindowGroup</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindowManager-register"></a>
<b>register</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object win</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>win</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup" ext:member="#register" href="output/Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup.html#register">NativeWindowGroup</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindowManager-unregister"></a>
<b>unregister</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object win</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>win</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup" ext:member="#unregister" href="output/Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup.html#unregister">NativeWindowGroup</a></td>
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindowManager-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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0,0 → 1,180
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.CardLayout-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.CardLayout-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.CardLayout-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.CardLayout-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.layout.CardLayout"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">ContainerLayout</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">FitLayout</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>CardLayout</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.layout.CardLayout</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.layout</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/layout/CardLayout.js" target="_blank">CardLayout.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">CardLayout</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">FitLayout</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
<p>This layout contains multiple panels, each fit to the container, where only a single panel can be
visible at any given time. This layout style is most commonly used for wizards, tab implementations, etc.
This class is intended to be extended or created via the layout:'card' <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">Ext.Container.layout</a> config,
and should generally not need to be created directly via the new keyword.</p>
<p>The CardLayout's focal method is <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" ext:member="setActiveItem" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html#setActiveItem">setActiveItem</a>. Since only one panel is displayed at a time,
the only way to move from one panel to the next is by calling setActiveItem, passing the id or index of
the next panel to display. The layout itself does not provide a mechanism for handling this navigation,
so that functionality must be provided by the developer.</p>
<p>In the following example, a simplistic wizard setup is demonstrated. A button bar is added
to the footer of the containing panel to provide navigation buttons. The buttons will be handled by a
common navigation routine -- for this example, the implementation of that routine has been ommitted since
it can be any type of custom logic. Note that other uses of a CardLayout (like a tab control) would require a
completely different implementation. For serious implementations, a better approach would be to extend
CardLayout to provide the custom functionality needed. Example usage:</p>
<pre><code>var navHandler = <b>function</b>(direction){
<i>// This routine could contain business logic required to manage the navigation steps.</i>
<i>// It would call setActiveItem as needed, manage navigation button state, handle any</i>
<i>// branching logic that might be required, handle alternate actions like cancellation</i>
<i>// or finalization, etc. A complete wizard implementation could get pretty</i>
<i>// sophisticated depending on the complexity required, and should probably be</i>
<i>// done as a subclass of CardLayout <b>in</b> a real-world implementation.</i>
<b>var</b> card = <b>new</b> Ext.Panel({
title: <em>'Example Wizard'</em>,
activeItem: 0, <i>// make sure the active item is set on the container config!</i>
bodyStyle: <em>'padding:15px'</em>,
defaults: {
<i>// applied to each contained panel</i>
<i>// just an example of one possible navigation scheme, using buttons</i>
bbar: [
id: <em>'move-prev'</em>,
text: <em>'Back'</em>,
handler: navHandler.createDelegate(<b>this</b>, [-1]),
disabled: true
<em>'->'</em>, <i>// greedy spacer so that the buttons are aligned to each side</i>
id: <em>'move-next'</em>,
text: <em>'Next'</em>,
handler: navHandler.createDelegate(<b>this</b>, [1])
<i>// the panels (or <em>"cards"</em>) within the layout</i>
items: [{
id: <em>'card-0'</em>,
html: <em>'&lt;h1&gt;Welcome to the Wizard!&lt;/h1&gt;&lt;p&gt;Step 1 of 3&lt;/p&gt;'</em>
id: <em>'card-1'</em>,
html: <em>'&lt;p&gt;Step 2 of 3&lt;/p&gt;'</em>
id: <em>'card-2'</em>,
html: <em>'&lt;h1&gt;Congratulations!&lt;/h1&gt;&lt;p&gt;Step 3 of 3 - Complete&lt;/p&gt;'</em>
});</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.layout.CardLayout-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.CardLayout-deferredRender"></a>
<b>deferredRender</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to render each contained item at the time it becomes active, false to render all contained items as soon as the ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to render each contained item at the time it becomes active, false to render all contained items as soon as the layout is rendered (defaults to false). If there is a significant amount of content or a lot of heavy controls being rendered into panels that are not displayed by default, setting this to true might improve performance. </div>
<td class="msource">CardLayout</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.CardLayout-extraCls"></a>
<b>extraCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to the container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding custo...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to the container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="#extraCls" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#extraCls">ContainerLayout</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.CardLayout-renderHidden"></a>
<b>renderHidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide each contained item on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="#renderHidden" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#renderHidden">ContainerLayout</a></td>
<a id="Ext.layout.CardLayout-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.CardLayout-activeItem"></a>
<b>activeItem</b> : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
A reference to the Ext.Component that is active. For example,
if( == 'item-1') { ... }....</div>
<div class="long">
A reference to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> that is active. For example,
if( == 'item-1') { ... }. activeItem only applies to layout styles that can
display items one at a time (like <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Ext.layout.Accordion</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a>
and <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">Ext.layout.FitLayout</a>). Read-only. Related to <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="activeItem" href="output/Ext.Container.html#activeItem">Ext.Container.activeItem</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="#activeItem" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#activeItem">ContainerLayout</a></td>
<a id="Ext.layout.CardLayout-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.CardLayout-setActiveItem"></a>
<b>setActiveItem</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Number item</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the active (visible) item in the layout.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the active (visible) item in the layout. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>item</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">The string component id or numeric index of the item to activate</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CardLayout</td>
<a id="Ext.layout.CardLayout-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Ajax-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Ajax-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Ajax-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Ajax-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Ajax"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">Connection</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Ajax</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.Ajax</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/data/Connection.js" target="_blank">Connection.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Ajax</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">Connection</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Global Ajax request class. Provides a simple way to make Ajax requests with maximum flexibility. Example usage:
<pre><code><i>// Basic request</i>
url: <em>'foo.php'</em>,
success: someFn,
failure: otherFn,
headers: {
<em>'my-header'</em>: <em>'foo'</em>
params: { foo: <em>'bar'</em> }
<i>// Simple ajax form submission</i>
form: <em>'some-form'</em>,
params: <em>'foo=bar'</em>
<i>// Default headers to pass <b>in</b> every request</i>
Ext.Ajax.defaultHeaders = {
<em>'Powered-By'</em>: <em>'Ext'</em>
<i>// Global Ajax events can be handled on every request!</i>
Ext.Ajax.on(<em>'beforerequest'</em>, <b>this</b>.showSpinner, <b>this</b>);</code></pre><br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Ajax-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Ajax-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-autoAbort"></a>
<b>autoAbort</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether a new request should abort any pending requests. (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Ajax</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-defaultHeaders"></a>
<b>defaultHeaders</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
An object containing request headers which are added to each request made by this object. (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource">Ajax</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-disableCaching"></a>
<b>disableCaching</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to add a unique cache-buster param to GET requests. (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">Ajax</td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-extraParams"></a>
<b>extraParams</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
An object containing properties which are used as
extra parameters to each request made by this object. (defaults to...</div>
<div class="long">
An object containing properties which are used as
extra parameters to each request made by this object. (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource">Ajax</td>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-method"></a>
<b>method</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
The default HTTP method to be used for requests. Note that this is case-sensitive and should be all caps (defaults
<div class="long">
The default HTTP method to be used for requests. Note that this is case-sensitive and should be all caps (defaults
to undefined; if not set but parms are present will use "POST," otherwise "GET.") </div>
<td class="msource">Ajax</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-timeout"></a>
<b>timeout</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The timeout in milliseconds to be used for requests. (defaults to 30000) </div>
<td class="msource">Ajax</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-url"></a>
<b>url</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default URL to be used for requests to the server. (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource">Ajax</td>
<a id="Ext.Ajax-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-abort"></a>
<b>abort</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number transactionId</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Aborts any outstanding request.</div>
<div class="long">
Aborts any outstanding request. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>transactionId</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(Optional) defaults to the last transaction</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#abort" href="output/">Connection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-isLoading"></a>
<b>isLoading</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number transactionId</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Determine whether this object has a request outstanding.</div>
<div class="long">
Determine whether this object has a request outstanding. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>transactionId</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(Optional) defaults to the last transaction</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if there is an outstanding request.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#isLoading" href="output/">Connection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-request"></a>
<b>request</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sends an HTTP request to a remote server.
Important: Ajax server requests are asynchronous, and this call will
<div class="long">
<p>Sends an HTTP request to a remote server.</p>
<p><b>Important:</b> Ajax server requests are asynchronous, and this call will
return before the response has been recieved. Process any returned data
in a callback function. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object which may contain the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>url</b> : String (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">The URL to
which to send the request. Defaults to configured URL</p></li>
<li><b>params</b> : Object/String/Function (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">
An object containing properties which are used as parameters to the
request, a url encoded string or a function to call to get either.</p></li>
<li><b>method</b> : String (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">The HTTP method to use
for the request. Defaults to the configured method, or if no method was configured,
"GET" if no parameters are being sent, and "POST" if parameters are being sent. Note that
the method name is case-sensitive and should be all caps.</p></li>
<li><b>callback</b> : Function (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">The
function to be called upon receipt of the HTTP response. The callback is
called regardless of success or failure and is passed the following
<li><b>options</b> : Object<p style="margin-left:1em">The parameter to the request call.</p></li>
<li><b>success</b> : Boolean<p style="margin-left:1em">True if the request succeeded.</p></li>
<li><b>response</b> : Object<p style="margin-left:1em">The XMLHttpRequest object containing the response data. See for details about accessing elements of the response.</p></li>
<li><b>success</b> : Function (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">The function
to be called upon success of the request. The callback is passed the following
<li><b>response</b> : Object<p style="margin-left:1em">The XMLHttpRequest object containing the response data.</p></li>
<li><b>options</b> : Object<p style="margin-left:1em">The parameter to the request call.</p></li>
<li><b>failure</b> : Function (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">The function
to be called upon failure of the request. The callback is passed the
following parameters:<ul>
<li><b>response</b> : Object<p style="margin-left:1em">The XMLHttpRequest object containing the response data.</p></li>
<li><b>options</b> : Object<p style="margin-left:1em">The parameter to the request call.</p></li>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">The scope in
which to execute the callbacks: The "this" object for the callback function.
Defaults to the browser window.</p></li>
<li><b>form</b> : Object/String (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">A form
object or id to pull parameters from.</p></li>
<li><b>isUpload</b> : Boolean (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">True if
the form object is a file upload (will usually be automatically detected).</p></li>
<li><b>headers</b> : Object (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">Request
headers to set for the request.</p></li>
<li><b>xmlData</b> : Object (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">XML document
to use for the post. Note: This will be used instead of params for the post
data. Any params will be appended to the URL.</p></li>
<li><b>jsonData</b> : Object/String (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">JSON
data to use as the post. Note: This will be used instead of params for the post
data. Any params will be appended to the URL.</p></li>
<li><b>disableCaching</b> : Boolean (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">True
to add a unique cache-buster param to GET requests.</p></li>
<p>The options object may also contain any other property which might be needed to perform
postprocessing in a callback because it is passed to callback functions.</p></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">transactionId The id of the server transaction. This may be used to cancel the request.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#request" href="output/">Connection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-serializeForm"></a>
<b>serializeForm</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement form</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Serialize the passed form into a url encoded string</div>
<div class="long">
Serialize the passed form into a url encoded string <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>form</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Ajax</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Ajax-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-beforerequest"></a>
<b>beforerequest</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Connection conn</code>, <code>Object options</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a network request is made to retrieve a data object.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a network request is made to retrieve a data object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>conn</code> : Connection<div class="sub-desc">This Connection object.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The options config object passed to the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="request" href="output/">request</a> method.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-beforerequest" href="output/">Connection</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-requestcomplete"></a>
<b>requestcomplete</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Connection conn</code>, <code>Object response</code>, <code>Object options</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires if the request was successfully completed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires if the request was successfully completed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>conn</code> : Connection<div class="sub-desc">This Connection object.</div></li><li><code>response</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The XHR object containing the response data.
See <a href="">The XMLHttpRequest Object</a>
for details.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The options config object passed to the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="request" href="output/">request</a> method.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-requestcomplete" href="output/">Connection</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Ajax-requestexception"></a>
<b>requestexception</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Connection conn</code>, <code>Object response</code>, <code>Object options</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires if an error HTTP status was returned from the server.
See HTTP Status Code Definitions
for details of HTTP stat...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires if an error HTTP status was returned from the server.
See <a href="">HTTP Status Code Definitions</a>
for details of HTTP status codes. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>conn</code> : Connection<div class="sub-desc">This Connection object.</div></li><li><code>response</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The XHR object containing the response data.
See <a href="">The XMLHttpRequest Object</a>
for details.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The options config object passed to the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="request" href="output/">request</a> method.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-requestexception" href="output/">Connection</a></td>
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0,0 → 1,187
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/data/SortTypes.js" target="_blank">SortTypes.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">SortTypes</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
<br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stripTagsRE</b> : RegExp <div class="mdesc">
The regular expression used to strip tags </div>
<td class="msource">SortTypes</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>asDate</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed s</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Date sorting</div>
<div class="long">
Date sorting <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>s</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value being converted</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The comparison value</div></li>
<td class="msource">SortTypes</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>asFloat</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed s</code>&nbsp;) : Float <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Float sorting</div>
<div class="long">
Float sorting <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>s</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value being converted</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Float</code><div class="sub-desc">The comparison value</div></li>
<td class="msource">SortTypes</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>asInt</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed s</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Integer sorting</div>
<div class="long">
Integer sorting <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>s</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value being converted</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The comparison value</div></li>
<td class="msource">SortTypes</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>asText</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed s</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Strips all HTML tags to sort on text only</div>
<div class="long">
Strips all HTML tags to sort on text only <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>s</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value being converted</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The comparison value</div></li>
<td class="msource">SortTypes</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>asUCString</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed s</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Case insensitive string</div>
<div class="long">
Case insensitive string <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>s</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value being converted</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The comparison value</div></li>
<td class="msource">SortTypes</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>asUCText</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed s</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Strips all HTML tags to sort on text only - Case insensitive</div>
<div class="long">
Strips all HTML tags to sort on text only - Case insensitive <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>s</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value being converted</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The comparison value</div></li>
<td class="msource">SortTypes</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>none</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed s</code>&nbsp;) : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Default sort that does nothing</div>
<div class="long">
Default sort that does nothing <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>s</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value being converted</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">The comparison value</div></li>
<td class="msource">SortTypes</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,86
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.AnchorLayout-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.AnchorLayout-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.AnchorLayout-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.AnchorLayout-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.layout.AnchorLayout"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">ContainerLayout</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>AnchorLayout</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.layout.AnchorLayout</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.layout</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/layout/AnchorLayout.js" target="_blank">AnchorLayout.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">AnchorLayout</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.AbsoluteLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.AbsoluteLayout.html">AbsoluteLayout</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html">FormLayout</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">ContainerLayout</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
<p>This is a layout that enables anchoring of contained elements relative to the container's dimensions. If
the container is resized, all anchored items are automatically rerendered according to their anchor rules.
This class is intended to be extended or created via the layout:'anchor' <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">Ext.Container.layout</a> config,
and should generally not need to be created directly via the new keyword.</p>
<p>AnchorLayout does not have any direct config options (other than inherited ones). However, the container
using the AnchorLayout can supply an anchoring-specific config property of <b>anchorSize</b>. By default,
AnchorLayout will calculate anchor measurements based on the size of the container itself. However, if
anchorSize is specifed, the layout will use it as a virtual container for the purposes of calculating anchor
measurements based on it instead, allowing the container to be sized independently of the anchoring logic if necessary.</p>
<p>The items added to an AnchorLayout can also supply an anchoring-specific config property of <b>anchor</b> which
is a string containing two values: the horizontal anchor value and the vertical anchor value (for example, '100% 50%').
This value is what tells the layout how the item should be anchored to the container. The following types of
anchor values are supported:
<li><b>Percentage</b>: Any value between 1 and 100, expressed as a percentage. The first anchor is the percentage
width that the item should take up within the container, and the second is the percentage height. Example: '100% 50%'
would render an item the complete width of the container and 1/2 its height. If only one anchor value is supplied
it is assumed to be the width value and the height will default to auto.</li>
<li><b>Offsets</b>: Any positive or negative integer value. The first anchor is the offset from the right edge of
the container, and the second is the offset from the bottom edge. Example: '-50 -100' would render an item the
complete width of the container minus 50 pixels and the complete height minus 100 pixels. If only one anchor value
is supplied it is assumed to be the right offset value and the bottom offset will default to 0.</li>
<li><b>Sides</b>: Valid values are 'right' (or 'r') and 'bottom' (or 'b'). Either the container must have a fixed
size or an anchorSize config value defined at render time in order for these to have any effect.</li>
<p>Anchor values can also be mixed as needed. For example, '-50 75%' would render the width offset from the
container right edge by 50 pixels and 75% of the container's height.</p> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.layout.AnchorLayout-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.AnchorLayout-extraCls"></a>
<b>extraCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to the container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding custo...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to the container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="#extraCls" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#extraCls">ContainerLayout</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.AnchorLayout-renderHidden"></a>
<b>renderHidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide each contained item on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="#renderHidden" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#renderHidden">ContainerLayout</a></td>
<a id="Ext.layout.AnchorLayout-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.layout.AnchorLayout-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public methods.</div> <a id="Ext.layout.AnchorLayout-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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0,0 → 1,186
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Shadow-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Shadow-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Shadow-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Shadow-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Shadow"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.Shadow</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/Shadow.js" target="_blank">Shadow.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Shadow</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Simple class that can provide a shadow effect for any element. Note that the element MUST be absolutely positioned,
and the shadow does not provide any shimming. This should be used only in simple cases -- for more advanced
functionality that can also provide the same shadow effect, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Layer" href="output/Ext.Layer.html">Ext.Layer</a> class. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Shadow-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Shadow-mode"></a>
<b>mode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The shadow display mode. Supports the following options: sides: Shadow displays on both sides and bottom only frame: ...</div>
<div class="long">
The shadow display mode. Supports the following options:<br /> sides: Shadow displays on both sides and bottom only<br /> frame: Shadow displays equally on all four sides<br /> drop: Traditional bottom-right drop shadow (default) </div>
<td class="msource">Shadow</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Shadow-offset"></a>
<b>offset</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The number of pixels to offset the shadow from the element (defaults to 4) </div>
<td class="msource">Shadow</td>
<a id="Ext.Shadow-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.Shadow-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Shadow-Shadow"></a>
<b>Shadow</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new Shadow</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new Shadow <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Shadow</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Shadow-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides this shadow</div>
<div class="long">
Hides this shadow <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Shadow</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Shadow-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the shadow is visible, else false</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the shadow is visible, else false <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Shadow</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Shadow-realign"></a>
<b>realign</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>, <code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Direct alignment when values are already available. Show must be called at least once before
calling this method to e...</div>
<div class="long">
Direct alignment when values are already available. Show must be called at least once before
calling this method to ensure it is initialized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The target element left position</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The target element top position</div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The target element width</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The target element height</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Shadow</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Shadow-setZIndex"></a>
<b>setZIndex</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number zindex</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adjust the z-index of this shadow</div>
<div class="long">
Adjust the z-index of this shadow <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>zindex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new z-index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Shadow</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Shadow-show"></a>
<b>show</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed targetEl</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Displays the shadow under the target element</div>
<div class="long">
Displays the shadow under the target element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>targetEl</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The id or element under which the shadow should display</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Shadow</td>
<a id="Ext.Shadow-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/data/Record.js" target="_blank">Record.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Record</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Instances of this class encapsulate both record <em>definition</em> information, and record
<em>value</em> information for use in <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> objects, or any code which needs
to access Records cached in an <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> object.<br>
Constructors for this class are generated by passing an Array of field definition objects to <a ext:cls="" ext:member="create" href="output/">create</a>.
Instances are usually only created by <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> implementations when processing unformatted data
Record objects generated by this constructor inherit all the methods of listed below. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>data</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The data for this record an object hash. </div>
<td class="msource">Record</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>dirty</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Readonly flag - true if this record has been modified. </div>
<td class="msource">Record</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>id</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The unique ID of the record as specified at construction time. </div>
<td class="msource">Record</td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>modified</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">This object contains a key and value storing the original values of all modified fields or is null if no fields have ...</div>
<div class="long">
This object contains a key and value storing the original values of all modified fields or is null if no fields have been modified. </div>
<td class="msource">Record</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>Record</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array data</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object id</code>]</span>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">This constructor should not be used to create Record objects. Instead, use the constructor generated by
create. The p...</div>
<div class="long">
This constructor should not be used to create Record objects. Instead, use the constructor generated by
<a ext:cls="" ext:member="create" href="output/">create</a>. The parameters are the same. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>data</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">An associative Array of data values keyed by the field name.</div></li><li><code>id</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(Optional) The id of the record. This id should be unique, and is used by the
<a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> object which owns the Record to index its collection of Records. If
not specified an integer id is generated.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Record</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beginEdit</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Begin an edit. While in edit mode, no events are relayed to the containing store.</div>
<div class="long">
Begin an edit. While in edit mode, no events are relayed to the containing store. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Record</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>cancelEdit</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Cancels all changes made in the current edit operation.</div>
<div class="long">
Cancels all changes made in the current edit operation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Record</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>commit</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean silent</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Usually called by the which owns the Record.
Commits all changes made to the Record since either creat...</div>
<div class="long">
Usually called by the <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> which owns the Record.
Commits all changes made to the Record since either creation, or the last commit operation.
Developers should subscribe to the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="update" href="output/"></a> event to have their code notified
of commit operations. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>silent</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to skip notification of the owning store of the change (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Record</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>copy</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String id</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Record <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a copy of this record.</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a copy of this record. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) A new record id if you don't want to use this record's id</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Record</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>create</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array o</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Generate a constructor for a specific record layout.</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Generate a constructor for a specific record layout. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>o</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">An Array of field definition objects which specify field names, and optionally,
data types, and a mapping for an <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> to extract the field's value from a data object.
Each field definition object may contain the following properties: <ul>
<li><b>name</b> : String<p style="margin-left:1em">The name by which the field is referenced within the Record. This is referenced by,
for example the <em>dataIndex</em> property in column definition objects passed to <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html">Ext.grid.ColumnModel</a></p></li>
<li><b>mapping</b> : String<p style="margin-left:1em">(Optional) A path specification for use by the <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> implementation
that is creating the Record to access the data value from the data object. If an <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a>
is being used, then this is a string containing the javascript expression to reference the data relative to
the record item's root. If an <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> is being used, this is an <a ext:cls="Ext.DomQuery" href="output/Ext.DomQuery.html">Ext.DomQuery</a> path
to the data item relative to the record element. If the mapping expression is the same as the field name,
this may be omitted.</p></li>
<li><b>type</b> : String<p style="margin-left:1em">(Optional) The data type for conversion to displayable value. Possible values are
<ul><li>auto (Default, implies no conversion)</li>
<li><b>sortType</b> : Mixed<p style="margin-left:1em">(Optional) A member of <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a>.</p></li>
<li><b>sortDir</b> : String<p style="margin-left:1em">(Optional) Initial direction to sort. "ASC" or "DESC"</p></li>
<li><b>convert</b> : Function<p style="margin-left:1em">(Optional) A function which converts the value provided
by the Reader into an object that will be stored in the Record. It is passed the
following parameters:<ul>
<li><b>v</b> : Mixed<p style="margin-left:1em">The data value as read by the Reader.</p></li>
<li><b>rec</b> : Mixed<p style="margin-left:1em">The data object containting the row as read by the Reader.
Depending on Reader type, this could be an Array, an object, or an XML element.</p></li>
<li><b>dateFormat</b> : String<p style="margin-left:1em">(Optional) A format String for the Date.parseDate function.</p></li>
<br>usage:<br><pre><code>var TopicRecord =[
{name: <em>'title'</em>, mapping: <em>'topic_title'</em>},
{name: <em>'author'</em>, mapping: <em>'username'</em>},
{name: <em>'totalPosts'</em>, mapping: <em>'topic_replies'</em>, type: <em>'int'</em>},
{name: <em>'lastPost'</em>, mapping: <em>'post_time'</em>, type: <em>'date'</em>},
{name: <em>'lastPoster'</em>, mapping: <em>'user2'</em>},
{name: <em>'excerpt'</em>, mapping: <em>'post_text'</em>}
<b>var</b> myNewRecord = <b>new</b> TopicRecord({
title: <em>'Do my job please'</em>,
author: <em>'noobie'</em>,
totalPosts: 1,
lastPost: <b>new</b> Date(),
lastPoster: <em>'Animal'</em>,
excerpt: <em>'No way dude!'</em>
<p>In the simplest case, if no properties other than <tt>name</tt> are required, a field definition
may consist of just a field name string.</p></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>function</code><div class="sub-desc">A constructor which is used to create new Records according to the definition.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Record</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>endEdit</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">End an edit. If any data was modified, the containing store is notified.</div>
<div class="long">
End an edit. If any data was modified, the containing store is notified. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Record</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>get</b>(&nbsp;<code>String name</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the value of the named field.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the value of the named field. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>name</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the field to get the value of.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The value of the field.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Record</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getChanges</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets a hash of only the fields that have been modified since this record was created or commited.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets a hash of only the fields that have been modified since this record was created or commited. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Record</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isModified</b>(&nbsp;<code>String fieldName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the field passed has been modified since the load or last commit.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the field passed has been modified since the load or last commit. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fieldName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Record</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>reject</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean silent</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Usually called by the which owns the Record.
Rejects all changes made to the Record since either creat...</div>
<div class="long">
Usually called by the <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> which owns the Record.
Rejects all changes made to the Record since either creation, or the last commit operation.
Modified fields are reverted to their original values.
Developers should subscribe to the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="update" href="output/"></a> event to have their code notified
of reject operations. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>silent</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to skip notification of the owning store of the change (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Record</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>set</b>(&nbsp;<code>String name</code>, <code>Object value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Set the named field to the specified value.</div>
<div class="long">
Set the named field to the specified value. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>name</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the field to set.</div></li><li><code>value</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The value to set the field to.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Record</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Checkbox-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Checkbox-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Checkbox-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Checkbox-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.form.Checkbox"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html">Field</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Checkbox</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.form.Checkbox</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.form</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/form/Checkbox.js" target="_blank">Checkbox.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Checkbox</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Radio" href="output/Ext.form.Radio.html">Radio</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html">Field</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Single checkbox field. Can be used as a direct replacement for traditional checkbox fields. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-autoCreate"></a>
<b>autoCreate</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "input", type: "checkbox", autocomple...</div>
<div class="long">
A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "input", type: "checkbox", autocomplete: "off"}) </div>
<td class="msource">Checkbox</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-boxLabel"></a>
<b>boxLabel</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The text that appears beside the checkbox </div>
<td class="msource">Checkbox</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-checked"></a>
<b>checked</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if the the checkbox should render already checked (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Checkbox</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-clearCls"></a>
<b>clearCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class used to provide field clearing (defaults to 'x-form-clear-left') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#clearCls" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#clearCls">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable the field (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#disabled">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-fieldClass"></a>
<b>fieldClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default CSS class for the checkbox (defaults to "x-form-field") </div>
<td class="msource">Checkbox</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-fieldLabel"></a>
<b>fieldLabel</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The label text to display next to this field (defaults to '') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#fieldLabel" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#fieldLabel">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-focusClass"></a>
<b>focusClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when the checkbox receives focus (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource">Checkbox</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-hideLabel"></a>
<b>hideLabel</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to completely hide the label element (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#hideLabel" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#hideLabel">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-inputType"></a>
<b>inputType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type attribute for input fields -- e.g. radio, text, password (defaults to "text"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#inputType" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#inputType">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-inputValue"></a>
<b>inputValue</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The value that should go into the generated input element's value attribute </div>
<td class="msource">Checkbox</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-invalidClass"></a>
<b>invalidClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when marking a field invalid (defaults to "x-form-invalid") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#invalidClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#invalidClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-invalidText"></a>
<b>invalidText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided (defaults to "The value in this field i...</div>
<div class="long">
The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided (defaults to "The value in this field is invalid") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#invalidText" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#invalidText">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-itemCls"></a>
<b>itemCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if s...</div>
<div class="long">
An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if set, or ''). Since it is applied to the wrapper, it allows you to write standard CSS rules that can apply to the field, the label (if specified) or any other element within the markup for the field. Example use: <pre><code><i>// Apply a style to the field's label:</i>
.required .x-form-item-label {font-weight:bold;color:red;}
<b>new</b> Ext.FormPanel({
height: 100,
renderTo: document.body,
items: [{
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Name'</em>,
itemCls: <em>'required'</em> <i>//<b>this</b> label will be styled</i>
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Favorite Color'</em>
});</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#itemCls" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#itemCls">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-labelSeparator"></a>
<b>labelSeparator</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of Ext.layout.FormLayout.l...</div>
<div class="long">
The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" ext:member="labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html#labelSeparator">Ext.layout.FormLayout.labelSeparator</a>, which is a colon ':' by default). To display no separator for this field's label specify empty string ''. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#labelSeparator">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-labelStyle"></a>
<b>labelStyle</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if se...</div>
<div class="long">
A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if set, or ''). For example, <code>labelStyle: 'font-weight:bold;'</code>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#labelStyle" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#labelStyle">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-msgFx"></a>
<b>msgFx</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<b>Experimental</b> The effect used when displaying a validation message under the field (defaults to 'normal'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#msgFx" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#msgFx">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-msgTarget"></a>
<b>msgTarget</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): Value ...</div>
<div class="long">
The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): <pre>Value Description
----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
qtip Display a quick tip when the user hovers over the field
title Display a default browser title attribute popup
under Add a block div beneath the field containing the error text
side Add an error icon to the right of the field with a popup on hover
[element id] Add the error text directly to the innerHTML of the specified element</pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#msgTarget" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#msgTarget">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-name"></a>
<b>name</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The field's HTML name attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#name" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#name">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-readOnly"></a>
<b>readOnly</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM att...</div>
<div class="long">
True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#readOnly" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#readOnly">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-tabIndex"></a>
<b>tabIndex</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyT...</div>
<div class="long">
The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyTo (defaults to undefined). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#tabIndex" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#tabIndex">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-validateOnBlur"></a>
<b>validateOnBlur</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the field should validate when it loses focus (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validateOnBlur" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validateOnBlur">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-validationDelay"></a>
<b>validationDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The length of time in milliseconds after user input begins until validation is initiated (defaults to 250) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validationDelay" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validationDelay">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-validationEvent"></a>
<b>validationEvent</b> : String/Boolean <div class="mdesc">
The event that should initiate field validation. Set to false to disable automatic validation (defaults to "keyup"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validationEvent" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validationEvent">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-value"></a>
<b>value</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
A value to initialize this field with. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#value" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#value">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-Checkbox"></a>
<b>Checkbox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new Checkbox</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new Checkbox <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Checkbox</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-getName"></a>
<b>getName</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the name attribute of the field if available</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the name attribute of the field if available <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">name The field name</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getName" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getName">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-getRawValue"></a>
<b>getRawValue</b>() : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getRawValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-getValue"></a>
<b>getValue</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the checked state of the checkbox.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the checked state of the checkbox. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if checked, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">Checkbox</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-isDirty"></a>
<b>isDirty</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isDirty" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isDirty">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-isValid"></a>
<b>isValid</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean preventMark</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid</div>
<div class="long">
Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>preventMark</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to disable marking the field invalid</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isValid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isValid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-reset"></a>
<b>reset</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages</div>
<div class="long">
Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#reset" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#reset">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-setRawValue"></a>
<b>setRawValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-setValue"></a>
<b>setValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean/String checked</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the checked state of the checkbox.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the checked state of the checkbox. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>checked</code> : Boolean/String<div class="sub-desc">True, 'true', '1', or 'on' to check the checkbox, any other value will uncheck it.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Checkbox</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-validate"></a>
<b>validate</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Validates the field value</div>
<div class="long">
Validates the field value <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validate" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validate">Field</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-blur"></a>
<b>blur</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this field loses input focus.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this field loses input focus. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-blur" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-blur">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-change"></a>
<b>change</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Mixed newValue</code>, <code>Mixed oldValue</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>newValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The new value</div></li><li><code>oldValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The original value</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-change" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-change">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-check"></a>
<b>check</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Checkbox this</code>, <code>Boolean checked</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the checkbox is checked or unchecked.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the checkbox is checked or unchecked. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Checkbox<div class="sub-desc">This checkbox</div></li><li><code>checked</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">The new checked value</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Checkbox</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this field receives input focus.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this field receives input focus. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-focus" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-focus">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-invalid"></a>
<b>invalid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>String msg</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the field has been marked as invalid.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the field has been marked as invalid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The validation message</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-invalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-invalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-specialkey"></a>
<b>specialkey</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<div class="long">
Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<a ext:cls="Ext.EventObject" ext:member="getKey" href="output/Ext.EventObject.html#getKey">Ext.EventObject.getKey</a> to determine which key was pressed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-specialkey" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-specialkey">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Checkbox-valid"></a>
<b>valid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the field has been validated with no errors.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the field has been validated with no errors. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-valid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-valid">Field</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.PagingToolbar-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.PagingToolbar-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.PagingToolbar-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.PagingToolbar-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.PagingToolbar"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Toolbar</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>PagingToolbar</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.PagingToolbar</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/PagingToolbar.js" target="_blank">PagingToolbar.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">PagingToolbar</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Toolbar</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A specialized toolbar that is bound to a <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> and provides automatic paging controls. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-autoHeight"></a>
<b>autoHeight</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a height of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-autoWidth"></a>
<b>autoWidth</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not al...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a width of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-displayInfo"></a>
<b>displayInfo</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to display the displayMsg (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">PagingToolbar</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-displayMsg"></a>
<b>displayMsg</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The paging status message to display (defaults to "Displaying {0} - {1} of {2}"). Note that this string is formatted ...</div>
<div class="long">
The paging status message to display (defaults to "Displaying {0} - {1} of {2}"). Note that this string is formatted using the braced numbers 0-2 as tokens that are replaced by the values for start, end and total respectively. These tokens should be preserved when overriding this string if showing those values is desired. </div>
<td class="msource">PagingToolbar</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-emptyMsg"></a>
<b>emptyMsg</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The message to display when no records are found (defaults to "No data to display") </div>
<td class="msource">PagingToolbar</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-pageSize"></a>
<b>pageSize</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The number of records to display per page (defaults to 20) </div>
<td class="msource">PagingToolbar</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-store"></a>
<b>store</b> : <div class="mdesc">
The <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> the paging toolbar should use as its data source (required). </div>
<td class="msource">PagingToolbar</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-afterPageText"></a>
<b>afterPageText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Customizable piece of the default paging text (defaults to "of %0") </div>
<td class="msource">PagingToolbar</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-beforePageText"></a>
<b>beforePageText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Customizable piece of the default paging text (defaults to "Page") </div>
<td class="msource">PagingToolbar</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-firstText"></a>
<b>firstText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Customizable piece of the default paging text (defaults to "First Page") </div>
<td class="msource">PagingToolbar</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-items"></a>
<b>items</b> : Ext.util.MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
A MixedCollection of this Toolbar's items </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="#items" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#items">Toolbar</a></td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-lastText"></a>
<b>lastText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Customizable piece of the default paging text (defaults to "Last Page") </div>
<td class="msource">PagingToolbar</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-nextText"></a>
<b>nextText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Customizable piece of the default paging text (defaults to "Next Page") </div>
<td class="msource">PagingToolbar</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-paramNames"></a>
<b>paramNames</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Object mapping of parameter names for load calls (defaults to {start: 'start', limit: 'limit'}) </div>
<td class="msource">PagingToolbar</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-prevText"></a>
<b>prevText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Customizable piece of the default paging text (defaults to "Previous Page") </div>
<td class="msource">PagingToolbar</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-refreshText"></a>
<b>refreshText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Customizable piece of the default paging text (defaults to "Refresh") </div>
<td class="msource">PagingToolbar</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-PagingToolbar"></a>
<b>PagingToolbar</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new PagingToolbar</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new PagingToolbar <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">PagingToolbar</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-add"></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed arg1</code>, <code>Mixed arg2</code>, <code>Mixed etc.</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds element(s) to the toolbar -- this function takes a variable number of
arguments of mixed type and adds them to t...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds element(s) to the toolbar -- this function takes a variable number of
arguments of mixed type and adds them to the toolbar. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>arg1</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The following types of arguments are all valid:<br />
<li><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Button" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Button.html">Ext.Toolbar.Button</a> config: A valid button config object (equivalent to <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="addButton" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addButton">addButton</a>)</li>
<li>HtmlElement: Any standard HTML element (equivalent to <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="addElement" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addElement">addElement</a>)</li>
<li>Field: Any form field (equivalent to <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="addField" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addField">addField</a>)</li>
<li>Item: Any subclass of <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html">Ext.Toolbar.Item</a> (equivalent to <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="addItem" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addItem">addItem</a>)</li>
<li>String: Any generic string (gets wrapped in a <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.TextItem" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.TextItem.html">Ext.Toolbar.TextItem</a>, equivalent to <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="addText" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addText">addText</a>).
Note that there are a few special strings that are treated differently as explained next.</li>
<li>'separator' or '-': Creates a separator element (equivalent to <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="addSeparator" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addSeparator">addSeparator</a>)</li>
<li>' ': Creates a spacer element (equivalent to <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="addSpacer" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addSpacer">addSpacer</a>)</li>
<li>'->': Creates a fill element (equivalent to <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="addFill" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addFill">addFill</a>)</li>
</ul></div></li><li><code>arg2</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>etc.</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="#add" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#add">Toolbar</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-addButton"></a>
<b>addButton</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object/Array config</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Toolbar.Button/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a button (or buttons). See <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Button" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Button.html">Ext.Toolbar.Button</a> for more info on the config.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a button (or buttons). See <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Button" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Button.html">Ext.Toolbar.Button</a> for more info on the config. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object/Array<div class="sub-desc">A button config or array of configs</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="#addButton" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addButton">Toolbar</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-addDom"></a>
<b>addDom</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Toolbar.Item <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a new element to the toolbar from the passed <a ext:cls="Ext.DomHelper" href="output/Ext.DomHelper.html">Ext.DomHelper</a> config</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a new element to the toolbar from the passed <a ext:cls="Ext.DomHelper" href="output/Ext.DomHelper.html">Ext.DomHelper</a> config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar.Item</code><div class="sub-desc">The element's item</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="#addDom" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addDom">Toolbar</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-addElement"></a>
<b>addElement</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Toolbar.Item <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds any standard HTML element to the toolbar</div>
<div class="long">
Adds any standard HTML element to the toolbar <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element or id of the element to add</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar.Item</code><div class="sub-desc">The element's item</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="#addElement" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addElement">Toolbar</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-addField"></a>
<b>addField</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field field</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.ToolbarItem <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a dynamically rendered Ext.form field (TextField, ComboBox, etc). Note: the field should not have
been rendered ...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a dynamically rendered Ext.form field (TextField, ComboBox, etc). Note: the field should not have
been rendered yet. For a field that has already been rendered, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="addElement" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addElement">addElement</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>field</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="#addField" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addField">Toolbar</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-addFill"></a>
<b>addFill</b>() : Ext.Toolbar.Fill <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a fill element that forces subsequent additions to the right side of the toolbar</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a fill element that forces subsequent additions to the right side of the toolbar <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar.Fill</code><div class="sub-desc">The fill item</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="#addFill" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addFill">Toolbar</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-addItem"></a>
<b>addItem</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.Toolbar.Item item</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Toolbar.Item <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds any Toolbar.Item or subclass</div>
<div class="long">
Adds any Toolbar.Item or subclass <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>item</code> : Ext.Toolbar.Item<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar.Item</code><div class="sub-desc">The item</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="#addItem" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addItem">Toolbar</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-addSeparator"></a>
<b>addSeparator</b>() : Ext.Toolbar.Item <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a separator</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a separator <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar.Item</code><div class="sub-desc">The separator item</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="#addSeparator" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addSeparator">Toolbar</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-addSpacer"></a>
<b>addSpacer</b>() : Ext.Toolbar.Spacer <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a spacer element</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a spacer element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar.Spacer</code><div class="sub-desc">The spacer item</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="#addSpacer" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addSpacer">Toolbar</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-addText"></a>
<b>addText</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Toolbar.Item <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds text to the toolbar</div>
<div class="long">
Adds text to the toolbar <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The text to add</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar.Item</code><div class="sub-desc">The element's item</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="#addText" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addText">Toolbar</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-bind"></a>
<b>bind</b>(&nbsp;<code> store</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Binds the paging toolbar to the specified <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a></div>
<div class="long">
Binds the paging toolbar to the specified <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>store</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The data store to bind</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">PagingToolbar</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-insertButton"></a>
<b>insertButton</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code>Object/Ext.Toolbar.Item/Ext.Toolbar.Button/Array item</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Toolbar.Button/Item <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts any <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html">Ext.Toolbar.Item</a>/<a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Button" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Button.html">Ext.Toolbar.Button</a> at the specified index.</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts any <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html">Ext.Toolbar.Item</a>/<a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Button" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Button.html">Ext.Toolbar.Button</a> at the specified index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index where the item is to be inserted</div></li><li><code>item</code> : Object/Ext.Toolbar.Item/Ext.Toolbar.Button/Array<div class="sub-desc">The button, or button config object to be
inserted, or an array of buttons/configs.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="#insertButton" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#insertButton">Toolbar</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-unbind"></a>
<b>unbind</b>(&nbsp;<code> store</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unbinds the paging toolbar from the specified <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a></div>
<div class="long">
Unbinds the paging toolbar from the specified <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>store</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The data store to unbind</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">PagingToolbar</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.PagingToolbar-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">DataProxy</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>HttpProxy</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/data/HttpProxy.js" target="_blank">HttpProxy.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">HttpProxy</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">DataProxy</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
An implementation of <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> that reads a data object from a <a ext:cls="" href="output/">Connection</a> object
configured to reference a certain URL.<br>
<b>Note that this class cannot be used to retrieve data from a domain other than the domain
from which the running page was served.<br>
For cross-domain access to remote data, use a <a ext:cls="" href="output/">ScriptTagProxy</a>.</b><br>
Be aware that to enable the browser to parse an XML document, the server must set
the Content-Type header in the HTTP response to "text/xml". </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>conn</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The Connection object (Or options parameter to Ext.Ajax.request) which this HttpProxy uses to make requests to the se...</div>
<div class="long">
The Connection object (Or options parameter to <a ext:cls="Ext.Ajax.request" href="output/Ext.Ajax.request.html">Ext.Ajax.request</a>) which this HttpProxy uses to make requests to the server.
Properties of this object may be changed dynamically to change the way data is requested. </div>
<td class="msource">HttpProxy</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>HttpProxy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object conn</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>conn</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">an <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> object, or options parameter to <a ext:cls="Ext.Ajax.request" href="output/Ext.Ajax.request.html">Ext.Ajax.request</a>.
If an options parameter is passed, the singleton <a ext:cls="Ext.Ajax" href="output/Ext.Ajax.html">Ext.Ajax</a> object will be used to make the request.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">HttpProxy</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getConnection</b>() : Connection <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Return the <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> object being used by this Proxy.</div>
<div class="long">
Return the <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> object being used by this Proxy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Connection</code><div class="sub-desc">The Connection object. This object may be used to subscribe to events on a finer-grained basis than the DataProxy events.</div></li>
<td class="msource">HttpProxy</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>load</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object params</code>, <code> reader</code>, <code>Function callback</code>, <code>Object scope</code>, <code>Object arg</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Load data from the configured, read the data object into
a block of using the pa...</div>
<div class="long">
Load data from the configured <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a>, read the data object into
a block of using the passed <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> implementation, and
process that block using the passed callback. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>params</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing properties which are to be used as HTTP parameters
for the request to the remote server.</div></li><li><code>reader</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The Reader object which converts the data
object into a block of</div></li><li><code>callback</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function into which to pass the block of
The function must be passed <ul>
<li>The Record block object</li>
<li>The "arg" argument from the load function</li>
<li>A boolean success indicator</li>
</ul></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope in which to call the callback</div></li><li><code>arg</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An optional argument which is passed to the callback as its second parameter.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">HttpProxy</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeload</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object This</code>, <code>Object params</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a network request is made to retrieve a data object.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a network request is made to retrieve a data object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>This</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">DataProxy object.</div></li><li><code>params</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The params parameter to the load function.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-beforeload" href="output/">DataProxy</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>load</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object This</code>, <code>Object o</code>, <code>Object arg</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the load method's callback is called.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the load method's callback is called. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>This</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">DataProxy object.</div></li><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The data object.</div></li><li><code>arg</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The callback argument object passed to the load function.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-load" href="output/">DataProxy</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>loadexception</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object This</code>, <code>Object o</code>, <code>Object arg</code>, <code>Object e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires if an Exception occurs during data retrieval.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires if an Exception occurs during data retrieval. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>This</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">DataProxy object.</div></li><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The data object.</div></li><li><code>arg</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The callback argument object passed to the load function.</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The Exception.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-loadexception" href="output/">DataProxy</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.ProgressBar-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.ProgressBar-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.ProgressBar-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.ProgressBar-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.ProgressBar"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>ProgressBar</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.ProgressBar</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/ProgressBar.js" target="_blank">ProgressBar.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">ProgressBar</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
<p>An updateable progress bar component. The progress bar supports two different modes: manual and automatic.</p>
<p>In manual mode, you are responsible for showing, updating (via <a ext:cls="Ext.ProgressBar" ext:member="updateProgress" href="output/Ext.ProgressBar.html#updateProgress">updateProgress</a>) and clearing the
progress bar as needed from your own code. This method is most appropriate when you want to show progress
throughout an operation that has predictable points of interest at which you can update the control.</p>
<p>In automatic mode, you simply call <a ext:cls="Ext.ProgressBar" ext:member="wait" href="output/Ext.ProgressBar.html#wait">wait</a> and let the progress bar run indefinitely, only clearing it
once the operation is complete. You can optionally have the progress bar wait for a specific amount of time
and then clear itself. Automatic mode is most appropriate for timed operations or asymchronous operations in
which you have no need for indicating intermediate progress.</p> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-autoEl"></a>
<b>autoEl</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inlin...</div>
<div class="long">
A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inline via JSON. It should not be used for higher level components which already create their own elements. Example usage: <pre><code>{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: <em>'div'</em>, cls:<em>'my-class'</em>}
{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: {tag:<em>'blockquote'</em>, html:<em>'autoEl is cool!'</em>}} // <b>with</b> DomHelper</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-autoHeight"></a>
<b>autoHeight</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a height of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-autoWidth"></a>
<b>autoWidth</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not al...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a width of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-baseCls"></a>
<b>baseCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The base CSS class to apply to the progress bar's wrapper element (defaults to 'x-progress') </div>
<td class="msource">ProgressBar</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The progress bar element's id (defaults to an auto-generated id) </div>
<td class="msource">ProgressBar</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-text"></a>
<b>text</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The progress bar text (defaults to '') </div>
<td class="msource">ProgressBar</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-textEl"></a>
<b>textEl</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
The element to render the progress text to (defaults to the progress bar's internal text element) </div>
<td class="msource">ProgressBar</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-value"></a>
<b>value</b> : Float <div class="mdesc">
A floating point value between 0 and 1 (e.g., .5, defaults to 0) </div>
<td class="msource">ProgressBar</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-isWaiting"></a>
<b>isWaiting</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the progress bar is currently in a <a ext:cls="Ext.ProgressBar" ext:member="wait" href="output/Ext.ProgressBar.html#wait">wait</a> operation</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the progress bar is currently in a <a ext:cls="Ext.ProgressBar" ext:member="wait" href="output/Ext.ProgressBar.html#wait">wait</a> operation <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if waiting, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">ProgressBar</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-reset"></a>
<b>reset</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean hide</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.ProgressBar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resets the progress bar value to 0 and text to empty string. If hide = true, the progress
bar will also be hidden (u...</div>
<div class="long">
Resets the progress bar value to 0 and text to empty string. If hide = true, the progress
bar will also be hidden (using the <a ext:cls="Ext.ProgressBar" ext:member="hideMode" href="output/Ext.ProgressBar.html#hideMode">hideMode</a> property internally). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>hide</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to hide the progress bar (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.ProgressBar</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">ProgressBar</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.ProgressBar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the size of the progress bar.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the size of the progress bar. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width in pixels</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height in pixels</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.ProgressBar</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">ProgressBar</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-updateProgress"></a>
<b>updateProgress</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Float value</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String text</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.ProgressBar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Updates the progress bar value, and optionally its text. If the text argument is not specified,
any existing text va...</div>
<div class="long">
Updates the progress bar value, and optionally its text. If the text argument is not specified,
any existing text value will be unchanged. To blank out existing text, pass ''. Note that even
if the progress bar value exceeds 1, it will never automatically reset -- you are responsible for
determining when the progress is complete and calling <a ext:cls="Ext.ProgressBar" ext:member="reset" href="output/Ext.ProgressBar.html#reset">reset</a> to clear and/or hide the control. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Float<div class="sub-desc">(optional) A floating point value between 0 and 1 (e.g., .5, defaults to 0)</div></li><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The string to display in the progress text element (defaults to '')</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.ProgressBar</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">ProgressBar</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-updateText"></a>
<b>updateText</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String text</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.ProgressBar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Updates the progress bar text. If specified, textEl will be updated, otherwise the progress
bar itself will display ...</div>
<div class="long">
Updates the progress bar text. If specified, textEl will be updated, otherwise the progress
bar itself will display the updated text. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The string to display in the progress text element (defaults to '')</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.ProgressBar</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">ProgressBar</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-wait"></a>
<b>wait</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object config</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.ProgressBar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initiates an auto-updating progress bar. A duration can be specified, in which case the progress
bar will automatica...</div>
<div class="long">
Initiates an auto-updating progress bar. A duration can be specified, in which case the progress
bar will automatically reset after a fixed amount of time and optionally call a callback function
if specified. If no duration is passed in, then the progress bar will run indefinitely and must
be manually cleared by calling <a ext:cls="Ext.ProgressBar" ext:member="reset" href="output/Ext.ProgressBar.html#reset">reset</a>. The wait method accepts a config object with
the following properties:
<pre>Property Type Description
---------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
duration Number The length of time in milliseconds that the progress bar should
run before resetting itself (defaults to undefined, in which case it
will run indefinitely until reset is called)
interval Number The length of time in milliseconds between each progress update
(defaults to 1000 ms)
increment Number The number of progress update segments to display within the progress
bar (defaults to 10). If the bar reaches the end and is still
updating, it will automatically wrap back to the beginning.
fn Function A callback function to execute after the progress bar finishes auto-
updating. The function will be called with no arguments. This function
will be ignored if duration is not specified since in that case the
progress bar can only be stopped programmatically, so any required function
should be called by the same code after it resets the progress bar.
scope Object The scope that is passed to the callback function (only applies when
duration and fn are both passed).</pre>
Example usage:
<pre><code>var p = <b>new</b> Ext.ProgressBar({
renderTo: <em>'my-el'</em>
<i>//Wait <b>for</b> 5 seconds, then update the status el (progress bar will auto-reset)</i>
interval: 100, <i>//bar will move fast!</i>
duration: 5000,
increment: 15,
scope: <b>this</b>,
fn: <b>function</b>(){<em>'status'</em>).update(<em>'Done!'</em>);
<i>//Or update indefinitely until some async action completes, then reset manually</i>
myAction.on(<em>'complete'</em>, <b>function</b>(){
});</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.ProgressBar</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">ProgressBar</td>
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ProgressBar-update"></a>
<b>update</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.ProgressBar this</code>, <code>Number The</code>, <code>String The</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after each update interval</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after each update interval <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.ProgressBar<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>The</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">current progress value</div></li><li><code>The</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">current progress text</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ProgressBar</td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.TextField-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.TextField-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.TextField-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.TextField-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.form.TextField"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html">Field</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>TextField</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.form.TextField</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.form</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/form/TextField.js" target="_blank">TextField.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">TextField</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.NumberField" href="output/Ext.form.NumberField.html">NumberField</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextArea" href="output/Ext.form.TextArea.html">TextArea</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TriggerField" href="output/Ext.form.TriggerField.html">TriggerField</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html">Field</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Basic text field. Can be used as a direct replacement for traditional text inputs, or as the base
class for more sophisticated input controls (like <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextArea" href="output/Ext.form.TextArea.html">Ext.form.TextArea</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html">Ext.form.ComboBox</a>). </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-allowBlank"></a>
<b>allowBlank</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to validate that the value length > 0 (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-autoCreate"></a>
<b>autoCreate</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "20", au...</div>
<div class="long">
A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "20", autocomplete: "off"}) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#autoCreate" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#autoCreate">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-blankText"></a>
<b>blankText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Error text to display if the allow blank validation fails (defaults to "This field is required") </div>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-clearCls"></a>
<b>clearCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class used to provide field clearing (defaults to 'x-form-clear-left') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#clearCls" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#clearCls">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-disableKeyFilter"></a>
<b>disableKeyFilter</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable input keystroke filtering (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable the field (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#disabled">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-emptyClass"></a>
<b>emptyClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The CSS class to apply to an empty field to style the emptyText (defaults to 'x-form-empty-field'). This class is aut...</div>
<div class="long">
The CSS class to apply to an empty field to style the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="emptyText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#emptyText">emptyText</a> (defaults to 'x-form-empty-field'). This class is automatically added and removed as needed depending on the current field value. </div>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-emptyText"></a>
<b>emptyText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default text to display in an empty field (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-fieldClass"></a>
<b>fieldClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default CSS class for the field (defaults to "x-form-field") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#fieldClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#fieldClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-fieldLabel"></a>
<b>fieldLabel</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The label text to display next to this field (defaults to '') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#fieldLabel" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#fieldLabel">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-focusClass"></a>
<b>focusClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when the field receives focus (defaults to "x-form-focus") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#focusClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#focusClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-grow"></a>
<b>grow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this field should automatically grow and shrink to its content </div>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-growMax"></a>
<b>growMax</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The maximum width to allow when grow = true (defaults to 800) </div>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-growMin"></a>
<b>growMin</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width to allow when grow = true (defaults to 30) </div>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-hideLabel"></a>
<b>hideLabel</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to completely hide the label element (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#hideLabel" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#hideLabel">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-inputType"></a>
<b>inputType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type attribute for input fields -- e.g. radio, text, password (defaults to "text"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#inputType" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#inputType">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-invalidClass"></a>
<b>invalidClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when marking a field invalid (defaults to "x-form-invalid") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#invalidClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#invalidClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-invalidText"></a>
<b>invalidText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided (defaults to "The value in this field i...</div>
<div class="long">
The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided (defaults to "The value in this field is invalid") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#invalidText" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#invalidText">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-itemCls"></a>
<b>itemCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if s...</div>
<div class="long">
An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if set, or ''). Since it is applied to the wrapper, it allows you to write standard CSS rules that can apply to the field, the label (if specified) or any other element within the markup for the field. Example use: <pre><code><i>// Apply a style to the field's label:</i>
.required .x-form-item-label {font-weight:bold;color:red;}
<b>new</b> Ext.FormPanel({
height: 100,
renderTo: document.body,
items: [{
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Name'</em>,
itemCls: <em>'required'</em> <i>//<b>this</b> label will be styled</i>
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Favorite Color'</em>
});</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#itemCls" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#itemCls">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-labelSeparator"></a>
<b>labelSeparator</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of Ext.layout.FormLayout.l...</div>
<div class="long">
The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" ext:member="labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html#labelSeparator">Ext.layout.FormLayout.labelSeparator</a>, which is a colon ':' by default). To display no separator for this field's label specify empty string ''. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#labelSeparator">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-labelStyle"></a>
<b>labelStyle</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if se...</div>
<div class="long">
A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if set, or ''). For example, <code>labelStyle: 'font-weight:bold;'</code>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#labelStyle" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#labelStyle">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-maskRe"></a>
<b>maskRe</b> : RegExp <div class="mdesc">
An input mask regular expression that will be used to filter keystrokes that don't match (defaults to null) </div>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-maxLength"></a>
<b>maxLength</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Maximum input field length allowed (defaults to Number.MAX_VALUE) </div>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-maxLengthText"></a>
<b>maxLengthText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Error text to display if the maximum length validation fails (defaults to "The maximum length for this field is {maxL...</div>
<div class="long">
Error text to display if the maximum length validation fails (defaults to "The maximum length for this field is {maxLength}") </div>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-minLength"></a>
<b>minLength</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Minimum input field length required (defaults to 0) </div>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-minLengthText"></a>
<b>minLengthText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Error text to display if the minimum length validation fails (defaults to "The minimum length for this field is {minL...</div>
<div class="long">
Error text to display if the minimum length validation fails (defaults to "The minimum length for this field is {minLength}") </div>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-msgFx"></a>
<b>msgFx</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<b>Experimental</b> The effect used when displaying a validation message under the field (defaults to 'normal'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#msgFx" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#msgFx">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-msgTarget"></a>
<b>msgTarget</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): Value ...</div>
<div class="long">
The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): <pre>Value Description
----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
qtip Display a quick tip when the user hovers over the field
title Display a default browser title attribute popup
under Add a block div beneath the field containing the error text
side Add an error icon to the right of the field with a popup on hover
[element id] Add the error text directly to the innerHTML of the specified element</pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#msgTarget" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#msgTarget">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-name"></a>
<b>name</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The field's HTML name attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#name" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#name">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-readOnly"></a>
<b>readOnly</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM att...</div>
<div class="long">
True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#readOnly" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#readOnly">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-regex"></a>
<b>regex</b> : RegExp <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A JavaScript RegExp object to be tested against the field value during validation (defaults to null). If available, t...</div>
<div class="long">
A JavaScript RegExp object to be tested against the field value during validation (defaults to null). If available, this regex will be evaluated only after the basic validators all return true, and will be passed the current field value. If the test fails, the field will be marked invalid using <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="regexText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regexText">regexText</a>. </div>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-regexText"></a>
<b>regexText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The error text to display if <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="regex" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regex">regex</a> is used and the test fails during validation (defaults to "") </div>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-selectOnFocus"></a>
<b>selectOnFocus</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to automatically select any existing field text when the field receives input focus (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-tabIndex"></a>
<b>tabIndex</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyT...</div>
<div class="long">
The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyTo (defaults to undefined). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#tabIndex" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#tabIndex">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-validateOnBlur"></a>
<b>validateOnBlur</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the field should validate when it loses focus (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validateOnBlur" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validateOnBlur">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-validationDelay"></a>
<b>validationDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The length of time in milliseconds after user input begins until validation is initiated (defaults to 250) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validationDelay" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validationDelay">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-validationEvent"></a>
<b>validationEvent</b> : String/Boolean <div class="mdesc">
The event that should initiate field validation. Set to false to disable automatic validation (defaults to "keyup"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validationEvent" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validationEvent">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-validator"></a>
<b>validator</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom validation function to be called during field validation (defaults to null). If available, this function wil...</div>
<div class="long">
A custom validation function to be called during field validation (defaults to null). If available, this function will be called only after the basic validators all return true, and will be passed the current field value and expected to return boolean true if the value is valid or a string error message if invalid. </div>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-value"></a>
<b>value</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
A value to initialize this field with. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#value" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#value">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-vtype"></a>
<b>vtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A validation type name as defined in <a ext:cls="Ext.form.VTypes" href="output/Ext.form.VTypes.html">Ext.form.VTypes</a> (defaults to null) </div>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-vtypeText"></a>
<b>vtypeText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom error message to display in place of the default message provided for the vtype currently set for this field...</div>
<div class="long">
A custom error message to display in place of the default message provided for the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="vtype" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#vtype">vtype</a> currently set for this field (defaults to ''). Only applies if vtype is set, else ignored. </div>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-TextField"></a>
<b>TextField</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new TextField</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new TextField <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-autoSize"></a>
<b>autoSize</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Automatically grows the field to accomodate the width of the text up to the maximum field width allowed.
This only ta...</div>
<div class="long">
Automatically grows the field to accomodate the width of the text up to the maximum field width allowed.
This only takes effect if grow = true, and fires the autosize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-clearInvalid"></a>
<b>clearInvalid</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field</div>
<div class="long">
Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#clearInvalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#clearInvalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-getName"></a>
<b>getName</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the name attribute of the field if available</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the name attribute of the field if available <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">name The field name</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getName" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getName">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-getRawValue"></a>
<b>getRawValue</b>() : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getRawValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-getValue"></a>
<b>getValue</b>() : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the normalized data value (undefined or emptyText will be returned as ''). To return the raw value see getRa...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the normalized data value (undefined or emptyText will be returned as ''). To return the raw value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getRawValue">getRawValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-isDirty"></a>
<b>isDirty</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isDirty" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isDirty">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-isValid"></a>
<b>isValid</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean preventMark</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid</div>
<div class="long">
Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>preventMark</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to disable marking the field invalid</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isValid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isValid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-markInvalid"></a>
<b>markInvalid</b>(&nbsp;<code>String msg</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Mark this field as invalid</div>
<div class="long">
Mark this field as invalid <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The validation message</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#markInvalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#markInvalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-reset"></a>
<b>reset</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resets the current field value to the originally-loaded value and clears any validation messages.
Also adds emptyText...</div>
<div class="long">
Resets the current field value to the originally-loaded value and clears any validation messages.
Also adds emptyText and emptyClass if the original value was blank. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-selectText"></a>
<b>selectText</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number start</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number end</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects text in this field</div>
<div class="long">
Selects text in this field <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>start</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index where the selection should start (defaults to 0)</div></li><li><code>end</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index where the selection should end (defaults to the text length)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-setRawValue"></a>
<b>setRawValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-setValue"></a>
<b>setValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets a data value into the field and validates it. To set the value directly without validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">setRawValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets a data value into the field and validates it. To set the value directly without validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">setRawValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-validate"></a>
<b>validate</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Validates the field value</div>
<div class="long">
Validates the field value <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validate" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validate">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-validateValue"></a>
<b>validateValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Validates a value according to the field's validation rules and marks the field as invalid
if the validation fails</div>
<div class="long">
Validates a value according to the field's validation rules and marks the field as invalid
if the validation fails <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to validate</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-autosize"></a>
<b>autosize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the autosize function is triggered. The field may or may not have actually changed size
according to the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the autosize function is triggered. The field may or may not have actually changed size
according to the default logic, but this event provides a hook for the developer to apply additional
logic at runtime to resize the field if needed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc">This text field</div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new field width</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TextField</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-blur"></a>
<b>blur</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this field loses input focus.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this field loses input focus. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-blur" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-blur">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-change"></a>
<b>change</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Mixed newValue</code>, <code>Mixed oldValue</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>newValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The new value</div></li><li><code>oldValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The original value</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-change" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-change">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this field receives input focus.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this field receives input focus. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-focus" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-focus">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-invalid"></a>
<b>invalid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>String msg</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the field has been marked as invalid.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the field has been marked as invalid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The validation message</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-invalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-invalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-specialkey"></a>
<b>specialkey</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<div class="long">
Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<a ext:cls="Ext.EventObject" ext:member="getKey" href="output/Ext.EventObject.html#getKey">Ext.EventObject.getKey</a> to determine which key was pressed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-specialkey" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-specialkey">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextField-valid"></a>
<b>valid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the field has been validated with no errors.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the field has been validated with no errors. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-valid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-valid">Field</a></td>
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.Registry-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.Registry-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.Registry-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.dd.Registry"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.dd.Registry</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.dd</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/dd/Registry.js" target="_blank">Registry.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Registry</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Provides easy access to all drag drop components that are registered on a page. Items can be retrieved either
directly by DOM node id, or by passing in the drag drop event that occurred and looking up the event target.<br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.dd.Registry-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.dd.Registry-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.Registry-getHandle"></a>
<b>getHandle</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement id</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the handle registered for a DOM Node by id</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the handle registered for a DOM Node by id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The DOM node or id to look up</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">handle The custom handle data</div></li>
<td class="msource">Registry</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.Registry-getHandleFromEvent"></a>
<b>getHandleFromEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the handle that is registered for the DOM node that is the target of the event</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the handle that is registered for the DOM node that is the target of the event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">handle The custom handle data</div></li>
<td class="msource">Registry</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.Registry-getTarget"></a>
<b>getTarget</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement id</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a custom data object that is registered for a DOM node by id</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a custom data object that is registered for a DOM node by id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The DOM node or id to look up</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">data The custom data</div></li>
<td class="msource">Registry</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.Registry-getTargetFromEvent"></a>
<b>getTargetFromEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a custom data object that is registered for the DOM node that is the target of the event</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a custom data object that is registered for the DOM node that is the target of the event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">data The custom data</div></li>
<td class="msource">Registry</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.Registry-register"></a>
<b>register</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement) element</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object data</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resgister a drag drop element</div>
<div class="long">
Resgister a drag drop element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>element</code> : String/HTMLElement)<div class="sub-desc">The id or DOM node to register</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An custom data object that will be passed between the elements that are involved
in drag drop operations. You can populate this object with any arbitrary properties that your own code
knows how to interpret, plus there are some specific properties known to the Registry that should be
populated in the data object (if applicable):
<pre>Value Description<br />
--------- ------------------------------------------<br />
handles Array of DOM nodes that trigger dragging<br />
for the element being registered<br />
isHandle True if the element passed in triggers<br />
dragging itself, else false</pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Registry</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.Registry-unregister"></a>
<b>unregister</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement) element</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unregister a drag drop element</div>
<div class="long">
Unregister a drag drop element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>element</code> : String/HTMLElement)<div class="sub-desc">The id or DOM node to unregister</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Registry</td>
<a id="Ext.dd.Registry-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">BaseItem</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">Item</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>CheckItem</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/menu/CheckItem.js" target="_blank">CheckItem.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">CheckItem</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">Item</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Adds a menu item that contains a checkbox by default, but can also be part of a radio group. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>activeClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when the item becomes activated (defaults to "x-menu-item-active") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#activeClass" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>autoEl</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inlin...</div>
<div class="long">
A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inline via JSON. It should not be used for higher level components which already create their own elements. Example usage: <pre><code>{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: <em>'div'</em>, cls:<em>'my-class'</em>}
{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: {tag:<em>'blockquote'</em>, html:<em>'autoEl is cool!'</em>}} // <b>with</b> DomHelper</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>canActivate</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this item can be visually activated (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#canActivate" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>checked</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to initialize this checkbox as checked (defaults to false). Note that if this checkbox is part of a radio group ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to initialize this checkbox as checked (defaults to false). Note that if this checkbox is part of a radio group (group = true) only the last item in the group that is initialized with checked = true will be rendered as checked. </div>
<td class="msource">CheckItem</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>group</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">All check items with the same group name will automatically be grouped into a single-select radio button group (defau...</div>
<div class="long">
All check items with the same group name will automatically be grouped into a single-select radio button group (defaults to '') </div>
<td class="msource">CheckItem</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>groupClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default CSS class to use for radio group check items (defaults to "x-menu-group-item") </div>
<td class="msource">CheckItem</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>handler</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
A function that will handle the click event of this menu item (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#handler" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Length of time in milliseconds to wait before hiding after a click (defaults to 100) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#hideDelay" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideOnClick</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the containing menu after this item is clicked (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#hideOnClick" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>href</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The href attribute to use for the underlying anchor link (defaults to '#'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#href" href="output/">Item</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hrefTarget</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The target attribute to use for the underlying anchor link (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#hrefTarget" href="output/">Item</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>icon</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The path to an icon to display in this item (defaults to Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL). If icon is specified iconCls should no...</div>
<div class="long">
The path to an icon to display in this item (defaults to Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL). If icon is specified <a ext:cls="" ext:member="iconCls" href="output/">iconCls</a> should not be. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#icon" href="output/">Item</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>iconCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A CSS class that specifies a background image that will be used as the icon for this item (defaults to ''). If iconCl...</div>
<div class="long">
A CSS class that specifies a background image that will be used as the icon for this item (defaults to ''). If iconCls is specified <a ext:cls="" ext:member="icon" href="output/">icon</a> should not be. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#iconCls" href="output/">Item</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>itemCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default CSS class to use for check items (defaults to "x-menu-item x-menu-check-item") </div>
<td class="msource">CheckItem</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>scope</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The scope in which the handler function will be called. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#scope" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>showDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Length of time in milliseconds to wait before showing this item (defaults to 200) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#showDelay" href="output/">Item</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>text</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The text to display in this item (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#text" href="output/">Item</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>CheckItem</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new CheckItem</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new CheckItem <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CheckItem</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>checkHandler</b>(&nbsp;<code> this</code>, <code>Boolean checked</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A function that handles the checkchange event. The function is undefined by default, but if an implementation
is pro...</div>
<div class="long">
A function that handles the checkchange event. The function is undefined by default, but if an implementation
is provided, it will be called automatically when the checkchange event fires. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>checked</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">The checked value that was set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CheckItem</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setChecked</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean checked</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean suppressEvent</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Set the checked state of this item</div>
<div class="long">
Set the checked state of this item <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>checked</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">The new checked value</div></li><li><code>suppressEvent</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to prevent the checkchange event from firing (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CheckItem</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setHandler</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function handler</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the function that will handle click events for this item (equivalent to passing in the handler
config property)....</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the function that will handle click events for this item (equivalent to passing in the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="handler" href="output/">handler</a>
config property). If an existing handler is already registered, it will be unregistered for you. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function that should be called on click</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope that should be passed to the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#setHandler" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setIconClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the CSS class to apply to the item's icon element</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the CSS class to apply to the item's icon element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class to apply</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#setIconClass" href="output/">Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setText</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the text to display in this menu item</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the text to display in this menu item <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The text to display</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#setText" href="output/">Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>activate</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is activated</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is activated <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-activate" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforecheckchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>, <code>Boolean checked</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the checked value is set, providing an opportunity to cancel if needed</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the checked value is set, providing an opportunity to cancel if needed <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>checked</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">The new checked value that will be set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CheckItem</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>checkchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>, <code>Boolean checked</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the checked value has been set</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the checked value has been set <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>checked</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">The checked value that was set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CheckItem</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-click" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>deactivate</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is deactivated</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is deactivated <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-deactivate" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DragZone-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DragZone-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DragZone-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DragZone-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.dd.DragZone"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html">DragDrop</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html">DD</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDProxy" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DDProxy.html">DDProxy</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">DragSource</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>DragZone</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.dd.DragZone</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.dd</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/dd/DragZone.js" target="_blank">DragZone.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">DragZone</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeDragZone.html">TreeDragZone</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">DragSource</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
This class provides a container DD instance that proxies for multiple child node sources.<br />
By default, this class requires that draggable child nodes are registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.Registry" href="output/Ext.dd.Registry.html">Ext.dd.Registry</a>. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-containerScroll"></a>
<b>containerScroll</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to register this container with the Scrollmanager for auto scrolling during drag operations. </div>
<td class="msource">DragZone</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-ddGroup"></a>
<b>ddGroup</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A named drag drop group to which this object belongs. If a group is specified, then this object will only interact wi...</div>
<div class="long">
A named drag drop group to which this object belongs. If a group is specified, then this object will only interact with other drag drop objects in the same group (defaults to undefined). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#ddGroup" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#ddGroup">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-dropAllowed"></a>
<b>dropAllowed</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class returned to the drag source when drop is allowed (defaults to "x-dd-drop-ok"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#dropAllowed" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#dropAllowed">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-dropNotAllowed"></a>
<b>dropNotAllowed</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class returned to the drag source when drop is not allowed (defaults to "x-dd-drop-nodrop"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#dropNotAllowed" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#dropNotAllowed">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-hlColor"></a>
<b>hlColor</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The color to use when visually highlighting the drag source in the afterRepair method after a failed drop (defaults t...</div>
<div class="long">
The color to use when visually highlighting the drag source in the afterRepair method after a failed drop (defaults to "c3daf9" - light blue) </div>
<td class="msource">DragZone</td>
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-available"></a>
<b>available</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
The availabe property is false until the linked dom element is accessible. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#available" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#available">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-centerFrame"></a>
<b>centerFrame</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default the frame is positioned exactly where the drag element is, so
we use the cursor offset provided by Ext.dd....</div>
<div class="long">
By default the frame is positioned exactly where the drag element is, so
we use the cursor offset provided by Ext.dd.DD. Another option that works only if
you do not have constraints on the obj is to have the drag frame centered
around the cursor. Set centerFrame to true for this effect. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDProxy" ext:member="#centerFrame" href="output/Ext.dd.DDProxy.html#centerFrame">DDProxy</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-config"></a>
<b>config</b> : object <div class="mdesc">
Configuration attributes passed into the constructor </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#config" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#config">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-groups"></a>
<b>groups</b> : object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The group defines a logical collection of DragDrop objects that are
related. Instances only get events when interact...</div>
<div class="long">
The group defines a logical collection of DragDrop objects that are
related. Instances only get events when interacting with other
DragDrop object in the same group. This lets us define multiple
groups using a single DragDrop subclass if we want. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#groups" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#groups">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-hasOuterHandles"></a>
<b>hasOuterHandles</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, drags can only be initiated if the mousedown occurs in the
region the linked element is. This is done in...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, drags can only be initiated if the mousedown occurs in the
region the linked element is. This is done in part to work around a
bug in some browsers that mis-report the mousedown if the previous
mouseup happened outside of the window. This property is set to true
if outer handles are defined. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#hasOuterHandles" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#hasOuterHandles">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the element associated with this object. This is what we
refer to as the "linked element" because the size...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the element associated with this object. This is what we
refer to as the "linked element" because the size and position of
this element is used to determine when the drag and drop objects have
interacted. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#id">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-invalidHandleClasses"></a>
<b>invalidHandleClasses</b> : string[] <div class="mdesc">
An indexted array of css class names for elements that will be ignored
if clicked. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleClasses" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleClasses">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-invalidHandleIds"></a>
<b>invalidHandleIds</b> : string: <div class="mdesc">
An associative array of ids for elements that will be ignored if clicked </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleIds" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleIds">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-invalidHandleTypes"></a>
<b>invalidHandleTypes</b> : string: <div class="mdesc">
An associative array of HTML tags that will be ignored if clicked. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleTypes" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleTypes">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-isTarget"></a>
<b>isTarget</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
By default, all insances can be a drop target. This can be disabled by
setting isTarget to false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isTarget">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-maintainOffset"></a>
<b>maintainOffset</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Maintain offsets when we resetconstraints. Set to true when you want
the position of the element relative to its par...</div>
<div class="long">
Maintain offsets when we resetconstraints. Set to true when you want
the position of the element relative to its parent to stay the same
when the page changes </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#maintainOffset" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#maintainOffset">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-onStartDrag"></a>
<b>onStartDrag</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action once the initial
drag event has be...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action once the initial
drag event has begun. The drag cannot be canceled from this function. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#onStartDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#onStartDrag">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-padding"></a>
<b>padding</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
The padding configured for this drag and drop object for calculating
the drop zone intersection with this object. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#padding" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#padding">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-primaryButtonOnly"></a>
<b>primaryButtonOnly</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default the drag and drop instance will only respond to the primary
button click (left button for a right-handed m...</div>
<div class="long">
By default the drag and drop instance will only respond to the primary
button click (left button for a right-handed mouse). Set to true to
allow drag and drop to start with any mouse click that is propogated
by the browser </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#primaryButtonOnly" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#primaryButtonOnly">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-resizeFrame"></a>
<b>resizeFrame</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default we resize the drag frame to be the same size as the element
we want to drag (this is to get the frame effe...</div>
<div class="long">
By default we resize the drag frame to be the same size as the element
we want to drag (this is to get the frame effect). We can turn it off
if we want a different behavior. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDProxy" ext:member="#resizeFrame" href="output/Ext.dd.DDProxy.html#resizeFrame">DDProxy</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-scroll"></a>
<b>scroll</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">When set to true, the utility automatically tries to scroll the browser
window wehn a drag and drop element is dragge...</div>
<div class="long">
When set to true, the utility automatically tries to scroll the browser
window wehn a drag and drop element is dragged near the viewport boundary.
Defaults to true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#scroll" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#scroll">DD</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-xTicks"></a>
<b>xTicks</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
horizontal graduation/interval. This array is ge...</div>
<div class="long">
Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
horizontal graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically
when you define a tick interval. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#xTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#xTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-yTicks"></a>
<b>yTicks</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
vertical graduation/interval. This array is gene...</div>
<div class="long">
Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
vertical graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically
when you define a tick interval. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#yTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#yTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-DragZone"></a>
<b>DragZone</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The container element</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragZone</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-addInvalidHandleClass"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cssClass</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lets you specify a css class of elements that will not initiate a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Lets you specify a css class of elements that will not initiate a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cssClass</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the class of the elements you wish to ignore</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleClass" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleClass">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-addInvalidHandleId"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleId</b>(&nbsp;<code>string id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lets you to specify an element id for a child of a drag handle
that should not initiate a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Lets you to specify an element id for a child of a drag handle
that should not initiate a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the element id of the element you wish to ignore</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-addInvalidHandleType"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleType</b>(&nbsp;<code>string tagName</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify a tag name that should not start a drag operation
when clicked. This is designed to facilitate...</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify a tag name that should not start a drag operation
when clicked. This is designed to facilitate embedding links within a
drag handle that do something other than start the drag. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tagName</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the type of element to exclude</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleType" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleType">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-addToGroup"></a>
<b>addToGroup</b>(&nbsp;<code>sGroup {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Add this instance to a group of related drag/drop objects. All
instances belong to at least one group, and can belon...</div>
<div class="long">
Add this instance to a group of related drag/drop objects. All
instances belong to at least one group, and can belong to as many
groups as needed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : sGroup<div class="sub-desc">the name of the group</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addToGroup" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addToGroup">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-afterDragDrop"></a>
<b>afterDragDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
after a valid drag drop has occurr...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
after a valid drag drop has occurred by providing an implementation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dropped element</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#afterDragDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#afterDragDrop">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-afterDragEnter"></a>
<b>afterDragEnter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
when the dragged item enters the d...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
when the dragged item enters the drop target by providing an implementation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#afterDragEnter" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#afterDragEnter">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-afterDragOut"></a>
<b>afterDragOut</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
after the dragged item is dragged ...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
after the dragged item is dragged out of the target without dropping. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#afterDragOut" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#afterDragOut">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-afterDragOver"></a>
<b>afterDragOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
while the dragged item is over the...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
while the dragged item is over the drop target by providing an implementation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#afterDragOver" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#afterDragOver">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-afterInvalidDrop"></a>
<b>afterInvalidDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
after an invalid drop has occurred...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
after an invalid drop has occurred by providing an implementation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dropped element</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#afterInvalidDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#afterInvalidDrop">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-afterRepair"></a>
<b>afterRepair</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called after a repair of an invalid drop. By default, highlights this.dragData.ddel</div>
<div class="long">
Called after a repair of an invalid drop. By default, highlights this.dragData.ddel <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragZone</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-alignElWithMouse"></a>
<b>alignElWithMouse</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement el</code>, <code>int iPageX</code>, <code>int iPageY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the element to the location of the mousedown or click event,
maintaining the cursor location relative to the loc...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the element to the location of the mousedown or click event,
maintaining the cursor location relative to the location on the element
that was clicked. Override this if you want to place the element in a
location other than where the cursor is. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">the element to move</div></li><li><code>iPageX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X coordinate of the mousedown or drag event</div></li><li><code>iPageY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y coordinate of the mousedown or drag event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#alignElWithMouse" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#alignElWithMouse">DD</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-applyConfig"></a>
<b>applyConfig</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Applies the configuration parameters that were passed into the constructor.
This is supposed to happen at each level ...</div>
<div class="long">
Applies the configuration parameters that were passed into the constructor.
This is supposed to happen at each level through the inheritance chain. So
a DDProxy implentation will execute apply config on DDProxy, DD, and
DragDrop in order to get all of the parameters that are available in
each object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#applyConfig" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#applyConfig">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-autoOffset"></a>
<b>autoOffset</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iPageX</code>, <code>int iPageY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the pointer offset to the distance between the linked element's top
left corner and the location the element was...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the pointer offset to the distance between the linked element's top
left corner and the location the element was clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iPageX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X coordinate of the click</div></li><li><code>iPageY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y coordinate of the click</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#autoOffset" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#autoOffset">DD</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-beforeDragDrop"></a>
<b>beforeDragDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action before the dragged
item is dropped...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action before the dragged
item is dropped onto the target and optionally cancel the onDragDrop. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">isValid True if the drag drop event is valid, else false to cancel</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#beforeDragDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#beforeDragDrop">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-beforeDragEnter"></a>
<b>beforeDragEnter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
before the dragged item enters the...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
before the dragged item enters the drop target and optionally cancel the onDragEnter. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">isValid True if the drag event is valid, else false to cancel</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#beforeDragEnter" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#beforeDragEnter">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-beforeDragOut"></a>
<b>beforeDragOut</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action before the dragged
item is dragged...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action before the dragged
item is dragged out of the target without dropping, and optionally cancel the onDragOut. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">isValid True if the drag event is valid, else false to cancel</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#beforeDragOut" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#beforeDragOut">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-beforeDragOver"></a>
<b>beforeDragOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
while the dragged item is over the...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
while the dragged item is over the drop target and optionally cancel the onDragOver. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">isValid True if the drag event is valid, else false to cancel</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#beforeDragOver" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#beforeDragOver">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-beforeInvalidDrop"></a>
<b>beforeInvalidDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action after an invalid
drop has occurred.</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action after an invalid
drop has occurred. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">isValid True if the invalid drop should proceed, else false to cancel</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#beforeInvalidDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#beforeInvalidDrop">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-cachePosition"></a>
<b>cachePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>iPageX the</code>, <code>iPageY the</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Saves the most recent position so that we can reset the constraints and
tick marks on-demand. We need to know this s...</div>
<div class="long">
Saves the most recent position so that we can reset the constraints and
tick marks on-demand. We need to know this so that we can calculate the
number of pixels the element is offset from its original position. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : iPageX<div class="sub-desc">current x position (optional, this just makes it so we
don't have to look it up again)</div></li><li><code>the</code> : iPageY<div class="sub-desc">current y position (optional, this just makes it so we
don't have to look it up again)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#cachePosition" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#cachePosition">DD</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-clearConstraints"></a>
<b>clearConstraints</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any constraints applied to this instance. Also clears ticks
since they can't exist independent of a constrain...</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any constraints applied to this instance. Also clears ticks
since they can't exist independent of a constraint at this time. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#clearConstraints" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#clearConstraints">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-clearTicks"></a>
<b>clearTicks</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any tick interval defined for this instance</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any tick interval defined for this instance <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#clearTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#clearTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-createFrame"></a>
<b>createFrame</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates the proxy element if it does not yet exist</div>
<div class="long">
Creates the proxy element if it does not yet exist <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDProxy" ext:member="#createFrame" href="output/Ext.dd.DDProxy.html#createFrame">DDProxy</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-endDrag"></a>
<b>endDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fired when we are done dragging the object</div>
<div class="long">
Fired when we are done dragging the object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#endDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#endDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-getDragData"></a>
<b>getDragData</b>(&nbsp;<code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
Called when a mousedown occurs in this container. Looks in Ext.dd.Registry
for a valid target to drag based on the m...</div>
<div class="long">
Called when a mousedown occurs in this container. Looks in <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.Registry" href="output/Ext.dd.Registry.html">Ext.dd.Registry</a>
for a valid target to drag based on the mouse down. Override this method
to provide your own lookup logic (e.g. finding a child by class name). Make sure your returned
object has a "ddel" attribute (with an HTML Element) for other functions to work. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The mouse down event</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The dragData</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragZone</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-getDragEl"></a>
<b>getDragEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a reference to the actual element to drag. By default this is
the same as the html element, but it can be as...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a reference to the actual element to drag. By default this is
the same as the html element, but it can be assigned to another
element. An example of this can be found in Ext.dd.DDProxy <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">the html element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#getDragEl" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#getDragEl">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a reference to the linked element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a reference to the linked element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">the html element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#getEl">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-getProxy"></a>
<b>getProxy</b>() : Ext.dd.StatusProxy <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the drag source's underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.StatusProxy" href="output/Ext.dd.StatusProxy.html">Ext.dd.StatusProxy</a></div>
<div class="long">
Returns the drag source's underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.StatusProxy" href="output/Ext.dd.StatusProxy.html">Ext.dd.StatusProxy</a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.dd.StatusProxy</code><div class="sub-desc">proxy The StatusProxy</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#getProxy" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#getProxy">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-getRepairXY"></a>
<b>getRepairXY</b>(&nbsp;<code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called before a repair of an invalid drop to get the XY to animate to. By default returns
the XY of this.dragData.ddel</div>
<div class="long">
Called before a repair of an invalid drop to get the XY to animate to. By default returns
the XY of this.dragData.ddel <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The mouse up event</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The xy location (e.g. [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragZone</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-hideProxy"></a>
<b>hideProxy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides the drag source's <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.StatusProxy" href="output/Ext.dd.StatusProxy.html">Ext.dd.StatusProxy</a></div>
<div class="long">
Hides the drag source's <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.StatusProxy" href="output/Ext.dd.StatusProxy.html">Ext.dd.StatusProxy</a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#hideProxy" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#hideProxy">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-init"></a>
<b>init</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets up the DragDrop object. Must be called in the constructor of any
Ext.dd.DragDrop subclass</div>
<div class="long">
Sets up the DragDrop object. Must be called in the constructor of any
Ext.dd.DragDrop subclass <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the linked element</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related items</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">configuration attributes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#init" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#init">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-initFrame"></a>
<b>initFrame</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initialization for the drag frame element. Must be called in the
constructor of all subclasses</div>
<div class="long">
Initialization for the drag frame element. Must be called in the
constructor of all subclasses <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDProxy" ext:member="#initFrame" href="output/Ext.dd.DDProxy.html#initFrame">DDProxy</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-initTarget"></a>
<b>initTarget</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initializes Targeting functionality only... the object does not
get a mousedown handler.</div>
<div class="long">
Initializes Targeting functionality only... the object does not
get a mousedown handler. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the linked element</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related items</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">configuration attributes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#initTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#initTarget">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-isLocked"></a>
<b>isLocked</b>() : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this instance is locked, or the drag drop mgr is locked
(meaning that all drag/drop is disabled on th...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this instance is locked, or the drag drop mgr is locked
(meaning that all drag/drop is disabled on the page.) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if this obj or all drag/drop is locked, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isLocked" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isLocked">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-isValidHandleChild"></a>
<b>isValidHandleChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement node</code>&nbsp;) : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks the tag exclusion list to see if this click should be ignored</div>
<div class="long">
Checks the tag exclusion list to see if this click should be ignored <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">the HTMLElement to evaluate</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if this is a valid tag type, false if not</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isValidHandleChild" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isValidHandleChild">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-lock"></a>
<b>lock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lock this instance</div>
<div class="long">
Lock this instance <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#lock" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#lock">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-onAvailable"></a>
<b>onAvailable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Override the onAvailable method to do what is needed after the initial
position was determined.</div>
<div class="long">
Override the onAvailable method to do what is needed after the initial
position was determined. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onAvailable" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onAvailable">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-onBeforeDrag"></a>
<b>onBeforeDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object data</code>, <code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action before the initial
drag event begi...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action before the initial
drag event begins and optionally cancel it. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data to be shared with drop targets</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">isValid True if the drag event is valid, else false to cancel</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#onBeforeDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#onBeforeDrag">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-onDrag"></a>
<b>onDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called during the onMouseMove event while dragging an
<div class="long">
Abstract method called during the onMouseMove event while dragging an
object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-onDragDrop"></a>
<b>onDragDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this item is dropped on another DragDrop
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this item is dropped on another DragDrop
obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this was dropped on. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items this
was dropped on.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragDrop">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-onDragEnter"></a>
<b>onDragEnter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this element fist begins hovering over
another DragDrop obj</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this element fist begins hovering over
another DragDrop obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this is hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of one or more
dragdrop items being hovered over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragEnter" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragEnter">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-onDragOut"></a>
<b>onDragOut</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when we are no longer hovering over an element</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when we are no longer hovering over an element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this was hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items
that the mouse is no longer over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragOut" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragOut">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-onDragOver"></a>
<b>onDragOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this element is hovering over another
DragDrop obj</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this element is hovering over another
DragDrop obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this is hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items
being hovered over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragOver" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragOver">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-onInitDrag"></a>
<b>onInitDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called once drag threshold has been reached to initialize the proxy element. By default, it clones the
<div class="long">
Called once drag threshold has been reached to initialize the proxy element. By default, it clones the
this.dragData.ddel <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The x position of the click on the dragged object</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The y position of the click on the dragged object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true to continue the drag, false to cancel</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragZone</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-onInvalidDrop"></a>
<b>onInvalidDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this item is dropped on an area with no
drop target</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this item is dropped on an area with no
drop target <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onInvalidDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onInvalidDrop">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-onMouseDown"></a>
<b>onMouseDown</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mousedown</div>
<div class="long">
Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mousedown <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousedown event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onMouseDown" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onMouseDown">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-onMouseUp"></a>
<b>onMouseUp</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mouseup</div>
<div class="long">
Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mouseup <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onMouseUp" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onMouseUp">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-removeFromGroup"></a>
<b>removeFromGroup</b>(&nbsp;<code>string sGroup</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove's this instance from the supplied interaction group</div>
<div class="long">
Remove's this instance from the supplied interaction group <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>sGroup</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The group to drop</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeFromGroup" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeFromGroup">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-removeInvalidHandleClass"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cssClass</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an invalid css class</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an invalid css class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cssClass</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the class of the element(s) you wish to
re-enable</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleClass" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleClass">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-removeInvalidHandleId"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleId</b>(&nbsp;<code>string id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an invalid handle id</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an invalid handle id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element to re-enable</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-removeInvalidHandleType"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleType</b>(&nbsp;<code>string tagName</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an excluded tag name set by addInvalidHandleType</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an excluded tag name set by addInvalidHandleType <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tagName</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the type of element to unexclude</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleType" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleType">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-resetConstraints"></a>
<b>resetConstraints</b>(&nbsp;<code>boolean maintainOffset</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">resetConstraints must be called if you manually reposition a dd element.</div>
<div class="long">
resetConstraints must be called if you manually reposition a dd element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>maintainOffset</code> : boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#resetConstraints" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#resetConstraints">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-setDelta"></a>
<b>setDelta</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iDeltaX</code>, <code>int iDeltaY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the pointer offset. You can call this directly to force the
offset to be in a particular location (e.g., pass i...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the pointer offset. You can call this directly to force the
offset to be in a particular location (e.g., pass in 0,0 to set it
to the center of the object) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iDeltaX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the distance from the left</div></li><li><code>iDeltaY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the distance from the top</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#setDelta" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#setDelta">DD</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-setDragElId"></a>
<b>setDragElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify that an element other than the linked element
will be moved with the cursor during a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify that an element other than the linked element
will be moved with the cursor during a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element that will be used to initiate the drag</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setDragElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setDragElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-setDragElPos"></a>
<b>setDragElPos</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iPageX</code>, <code>int iPageY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the drag element to the location of the mousedown or click event,
maintaining the cursor location relative to th...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the drag element to the location of the mousedown or click event,
maintaining the cursor location relative to the location on the element
that was clicked. Override this if you want to place the element in a
location other than where the cursor is. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iPageX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X coordinate of the mousedown or drag event</div></li><li><code>iPageY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y coordinate of the mousedown or drag event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#setDragElPos" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#setDragElPos">DD</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-setHandleElId"></a>
<b>setHandleElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify a child of the linked element that should be
used to initiate the drag operation. An example o...</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify a child of the linked element that should be
used to initiate the drag operation. An example of this would be if
you have a content div with text and links. Clicking anywhere in the
content area would normally start the drag operation. Use this method
to specify that an element inside of the content div is the element
that starts the drag operation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element that will be used to
initiate the drag.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setHandleElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setHandleElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-setInitialPosition"></a>
<b>setInitialPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>int diffX</code>, <code>int diffY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Stores the initial placement of the linked element.</div>
<div class="long">
Stores the initial placement of the linked element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>diffX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X offset, default 0</div></li><li><code>diffY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y offset, default 0</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setInitialPosition" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setInitialPosition">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-setOuterHandleElId"></a>
<b>setOuterHandleElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to set an element outside of the linked element as a drag
<div class="long">
Allows you to set an element outside of the linked element as a drag
handle <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the element that will be used to initiate the drag</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setOuterHandleElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setOuterHandleElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-setPadding"></a>
<b>setPadding</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iTop</code>, <code>int iRight</code>, <code>int iBot</code>, <code>int iLeft</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Configures the padding for the target zone in px. Effectively expands
(or reduces) the virtual object size for targe...</div>
<div class="long">
Configures the padding for the target zone in px. Effectively expands
(or reduces) the virtual object size for targeting calculations.
Supports css-style shorthand; if only one parameter is passed, all sides
will have that padding, and if only two are passed, the top and bottom
will have the first param, the left and right the second. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iTop</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Top pad</div></li><li><code>iRight</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Right pad</div></li><li><code>iBot</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Bot pad</div></li><li><code>iLeft</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Left pad</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setPadding" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setPadding">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-setXConstraint"></a>
<b>setXConstraint</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iLeft</code>, <code>int iRight</code>, <code>int iTickSize</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Use
this method to limit the horizontal travel of th...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Use
this method to limit the horizontal travel of the element. Pass in
0,0 for the parameters if you want to lock the drag to the y axis. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iLeft</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move to the left</div></li><li><code>iRight</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move to the
right</div></li><li><code>iTickSize</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">optional parameter for specifying that the
should move iTickSize pixels at a time.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setXConstraint" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setXConstraint">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-setYConstraint"></a>
<b>setYConstraint</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iUp</code>, <code>int iDown</code>, <code>int iTickSize</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Set
this to limit the vertical travel of the element...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Set
this to limit the vertical travel of the element. Pass in 0,0 for the
parameters if you want to lock the drag to the x axis. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iUp</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move up</div></li><li><code>iDown</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move down</div></li><li><code>iTickSize</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">optional parameter for specifying that the
element should move iTickSize pixels at a time.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setYConstraint" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setYConstraint">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-startDrag"></a>
<b>startDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>int X</code>, <code>int Y</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called after a drag/drop object is clicked
and the drag or mousedown time thresholds have beeen met.</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called after a drag/drop object is clicked
and the drag or mousedown time thresholds have beeen met. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>X</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">click location</div></li><li><code>Y</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">click location</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#startDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#startDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-toString"></a>
<b>toString</b>() : string <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">toString method</div>
<div class="long">
toString method <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>string</code><div class="sub-desc">string representation of the dd obj</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#toString" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#toString">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-unlock"></a>
<b>unlock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unlock this instace</div>
<div class="long">
Unlock this instace <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#unlock" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#unlock">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-unreg"></a>
<b>unreg</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove all drag and drop hooks for this element</div>
<div class="long">
Remove all drag and drop hooks for this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#unreg" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#unreg">DragDrop</a></td>
<a id="Ext.dd.DragZone-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,74
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/SplitBar.js" target="_blank">SplitBar.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter" href="output/Ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter.html">SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Default Adapter. It assumes the splitter and resizing element are not positioned
elements and only gets/sets the width of the element. Generally used for table based layouts. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter-getElementSize"></a>
<b>getElementSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.SplitBar s</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called before drag operations to get the current size of the resizing element.</div>
<div class="long">
Called before drag operations to get the current size of the resizing element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>s</code> : Ext.SplitBar<div class="sub-desc">The SplitBar using this adapter</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter-setElementSize"></a>
<b>setElementSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.SplitBar s</code>, <code>Number newSize</code>, <code>Function onComplete</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called after drag operations to set the size of the resizing element.</div>
<div class="long">
Called after drag operations to set the size of the resizing element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>s</code> : Ext.SplitBar<div class="sub-desc">The SplitBar using this adapter</div></li><li><code>newSize</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new size to set</div></li><li><code>onComplete</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">A function to be invoked when resizing is complete</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter</td>
<a id="Ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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0,0 → 1,926
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel.html">AbstractSelectionModel</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html">RowSelectionModel</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>CheckboxSelectionModel</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.grid</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/grid/CheckboxSelectionModel.js" target="_blank">CheckboxSelectionModel.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">CheckboxSelectionModel</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html">RowSelectionModel</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A custom selection model that renders a column of checkboxes that can be toggled to select or deselect rows. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Any valid text or HTML fragment to display in the header cell for the checkbox column (defaults to '&lt;div class="x-...</div>
<div class="long">
Any valid text or HTML fragment to display in the header cell for the checkbox column (defaults to '&lt;div class="x-grid3-hd-checker">&#160;&lt;/div>'). The default CSS class of 'x-grid3-hd-checker' displays a checkbox in the header and provides support for automatic check all/none behavior on header click. This string can be replaced by any valid HTML fragment, including a simple text string (e.g., 'Select Rows'), but the automatic check all/none behavior will only work if the 'x-grid3-hd-checker' class is supplied. </div>
<td class="msource">CheckboxSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-moveEditorOnEnter"></a>
<b>moveEditorOnEnter</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to turn off moving the editor to the next cell when the enter key is pressed </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#moveEditorOnEnter" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#moveEditorOnEnter">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-singleSelect"></a>
<b>singleSelect</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to allow selection of only one row at a time (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#singleSelect" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#singleSelect">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-sortable"></a>
<b>sortable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if the checkbox column is sortable (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">CheckboxSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The default width in pixels of the checkbox column (defaults to 20). </div>
<td class="msource">CheckboxSelectionModel</td>
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-CheckboxSelectionModel"></a>
<b>CheckboxSelectionModel</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CheckboxSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-clearSelections"></a>
<b>clearSelections</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears all selections.</div>
<div class="long">
Clears all selections. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#clearSelections" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#clearSelections">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-deselectRange"></a>
<b>deselectRange</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number startRow</code>, <code>Number endRow</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Deselects a range of rows. All rows in between startRow and endRow are also deselected.</div>
<div class="long">
Deselects a range of rows. All rows in between startRow and endRow are also deselected. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>startRow</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the first row in the range</div></li><li><code>endRow</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the last row in the range</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#deselectRange" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#deselectRange">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-deselectRow"></a>
<b>deselectRow</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number row</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Deselects a row.</div>
<div class="long">
Deselects a row. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>row</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the row to deselect</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#deselectRow" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#deselectRow">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-each"></a>
<b>each</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Calls the passed function with each selection. If the function returns false, iteration is
stopped and this function ...</div>
<div class="long">
Calls the passed function with each selection. If the function returns false, iteration is
stopped and this function returns false. Otherwise it returns true. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if all selections were iterated</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#each" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#each">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-getCount"></a>
<b>getCount</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the number of selected rows.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the number of selected rows. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#getCount" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#getCount">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-getSelected"></a>
<b>getSelected</b>() : Record <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the first selected record.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the first selected record. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#getSelected" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#getSelected">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-getSelections"></a>
<b>getSelections</b>() : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the selected records</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the selected records <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of selected records</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#getSelections" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#getSelections">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-hasNext"></a>
<b>hasNext</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if there is a next record to select</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if there is a next record to select <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#hasNext" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#hasNext">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-hasPrevious"></a>
<b>hasPrevious</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if there is a previous record to select</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if there is a previous record to select <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#hasPrevious" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#hasPrevious">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-hasSelection"></a>
<b>hasSelection</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns True if there is a selection.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns True if there is a selection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#hasSelection" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#hasSelection">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-isIdSelected"></a>
<b>isIdSelected</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns True if the specified record id is selected.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns True if the specified record id is selected. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of record to check</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#isIdSelected" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#isIdSelected">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-isLocked"></a>
<b>isLocked</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the selections are locked.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the selections are locked. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel" ext:member="#isLocked" href="output/Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel.html#isLocked">AbstractSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-isSelected"></a>
<b>isSelected</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Record record</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns True if the specified row is selected.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns True if the specified row is selected. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>record</code> : Number/Record<div class="sub-desc">The record or index of the record to check</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#isSelected" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#isSelected">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-lock"></a>
<b>lock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Locks the selections.</div>
<div class="long">
Locks the selections. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel" ext:member="#lock" href="output/Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel.html#lock">AbstractSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-selectAll"></a>
<b>selectAll</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects all rows.</div>
<div class="long">
Selects all rows. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#selectAll" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#selectAll">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-selectFirstRow"></a>
<b>selectFirstRow</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects the first row in the grid.</div>
<div class="long">
Selects the first row in the grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#selectFirstRow" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#selectFirstRow">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-selectLastRow"></a>
<b>selectLastRow</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean keepExisting</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Select the last row.</div>
<div class="long">
Select the last row. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>keepExisting</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to keep existing selections</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#selectLastRow" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#selectLastRow">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-selectNext"></a>
<b>selectNext</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean keepExisting</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects the row immediately following the last selected row.</div>
<div class="long">
Selects the row immediately following the last selected row. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>keepExisting</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to keep existing selections</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if there is a next row, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#selectNext" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#selectNext">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-selectPrevious"></a>
<b>selectPrevious</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean keepExisting</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects the row that precedes the last selected row.</div>
<div class="long">
Selects the row that precedes the last selected row. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>keepExisting</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to keep existing selections</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if there is a previous row, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#selectPrevious" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#selectPrevious">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-selectRange"></a>
<b>selectRange</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number startRow</code>, <code>Number endRow</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean keepExisting</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects a range of rows. All rows in between startRow and endRow are also selected.</div>
<div class="long">
Selects a range of rows. All rows in between startRow and endRow are also selected. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>startRow</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the first row in the range</div></li><li><code>endRow</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the last row in the range</div></li><li><code>keepExisting</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to retain existing selections</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#selectRange" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#selectRange">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-selectRecords"></a>
<b>selectRecords</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array records</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean keepExisting</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Select records.</div>
<div class="long">
Select records. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>records</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">The records to select</div></li><li><code>keepExisting</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to keep existing selections</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#selectRecords" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#selectRecords">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-selectRow"></a>
<b>selectRow</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number row</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean keepExisting</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects a row.</div>
<div class="long">
Selects a row. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>row</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the row to select</div></li><li><code>keepExisting</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to keep existing selections</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#selectRow" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#selectRow">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-selectRows"></a>
<b>selectRows</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array rows</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean keepExisting</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects multiple rows.</div>
<div class="long">
Selects multiple rows. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>rows</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">Array of the indexes of the row to select</div></li><li><code>keepExisting</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to keep existing selections (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#selectRows" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#selectRows">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-unlock"></a>
<b>unlock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unlocks the selections.</div>
<div class="long">
Unlocks the selections. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel" ext:member="#unlock" href="output/Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel.html#unlock">AbstractSelectionModel</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-beforerowselect"></a>
<b>beforerowselect</b> : (&nbsp;<code>SelectionModel this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Boolean keepExisting</code>, <code>Record record</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a row is being selected, return false to cancel.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a row is being selected, return false to cancel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : SelectionModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index to be selected</div></li><li><code>keepExisting</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">False if other selections will be cleared</div></li><li><code>record</code> : Record<div class="sub-desc">The record to be selected</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#event-beforerowselect" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#event-beforerowselect">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-rowdeselect"></a>
<b>rowdeselect</b> : (&nbsp;<code>SelectionModel this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Record record</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a row is deselected.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a row is deselected. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : SelectionModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>record</code> : Record<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#event-rowdeselect" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#event-rowdeselect">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-rowselect"></a>
<b>rowselect</b> : (&nbsp;<code>SelectionModel this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code> r</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a row is selected.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a row is selected. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : SelectionModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The selected index</div></li><li><code>r</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The selected record</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#event-rowselect" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#event-rowselect">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel-selectionchange"></a>
<b>selectionchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>SelectionModel this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the selection changes</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the selection changes <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : SelectionModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="#event-selectionchange" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#event-selectionchange">RowSelectionModel</a></td>
New file
0,0 → 1,222
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar.Separator-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar.Separator-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar.Separator-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Toolbar.Separator"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html">Toolbar.Item</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Toolbar.Separator</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.Toolbar.Separator</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/Toolbar.js" target="_blank">Toolbar.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Toolbar.Separator</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html">Toolbar.Item</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A simple class that adds a vertical separator bar between toolbar items. Example usage:
<pre><code>new Ext.Panel({
tbar : [
<em>'Item 1'</em>,
{xtype: <em>'tbseparator'</em>}, <i>// or <em>'-'</em></i>
<em>'Item 2'</em>
});</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Separator-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.Toolbar.Separator-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Separator-Toolbar.Separator"></a>
<b>Toolbar.Separator</b>() <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new Separator</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new Separator <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Toolbar.Separator</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Separator-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes and destroys this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes and destroys this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#destroy">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Separator-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disables this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Disables this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#disable">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Separator-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enables this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Enables this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#enable">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Separator-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this item</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this item <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#focus">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Separator-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get this item's HTML Element</div>
<div class="long">
Get this item's HTML Element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#getEl">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Separator-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Hides this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#hide">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Separator-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for boolean show/hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for boolean show/hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">true to show/false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#setVisible">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Separator-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shows this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Shows this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#show">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Separator-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,1511
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">BaseItem</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Item</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/menu/Item.js" target="_blank">Item.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Item</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" href="output/">CheckItem</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A base class for all menu items that require menu-related functionality (like sub-menus) and are not static
display items. Item extends the base functionality of <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> by adding menu-specific
activation and click handling. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>activeClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when the item becomes activated (defaults to "x-menu-item-active") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#activeClass" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>autoEl</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inlin...</div>
<div class="long">
A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inline via JSON. It should not be used for higher level components which already create their own elements. Example usage: <pre><code>{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: <em>'div'</em>, cls:<em>'my-class'</em>}
{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: {tag:<em>'blockquote'</em>, html:<em>'autoEl is cool!'</em>}} // <b>with</b> DomHelper</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>canActivate</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this item can be visually activated (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">Item</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>handler</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
A function that will handle the click event of this menu item (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#handler" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Length of time in milliseconds to wait before hiding after a click (defaults to 100) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#hideDelay" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideOnClick</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the containing menu after this item is clicked (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#hideOnClick" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>href</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The href attribute to use for the underlying anchor link (defaults to '#'). </div>
<td class="msource">Item</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hrefTarget</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The target attribute to use for the underlying anchor link (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource">Item</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>icon</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The path to an icon to display in this item (defaults to Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL). If icon is specified iconCls should no...</div>
<div class="long">
The path to an icon to display in this item (defaults to Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL). If icon is specified <a ext:cls="" ext:member="iconCls" href="output/">iconCls</a> should not be. </div>
<td class="msource">Item</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>iconCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A CSS class that specifies a background image that will be used as the icon for this item (defaults to ''). If iconCl...</div>
<div class="long">
A CSS class that specifies a background image that will be used as the icon for this item (defaults to ''). If iconCls is specified <a ext:cls="" ext:member="icon" href="output/">icon</a> should not be. </div>
<td class="msource">Item</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>itemCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default CSS class to use for menu items (defaults to 'x-menu-item') </div>
<td class="msource">Item</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>scope</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The scope in which the handler function will be called. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#scope" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>showDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Length of time in milliseconds to wait before showing this item (defaults to 200) </div>
<td class="msource">Item</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>text</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The text to display in this item (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource">Item</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>Item</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new Item</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new Item <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Item</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setHandler</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function handler</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the function that will handle click events for this item (equivalent to passing in the handler
config property)....</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the function that will handle click events for this item (equivalent to passing in the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="handler" href="output/">handler</a>
config property). If an existing handler is already registered, it will be unregistered for you. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function that should be called on click</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope that should be passed to the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#setHandler" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setIconClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the CSS class to apply to the item's icon element</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the CSS class to apply to the item's icon element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class to apply</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Item</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setText</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the text to display in this menu item</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the text to display in this menu item <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The text to display</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Item</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>activate</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is activated</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is activated <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-activate" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-click" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>deactivate</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is deactivated</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is deactivated <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-deactivate" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
New file
0,0 → 1,98
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeFilter-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeFilter-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeFilter-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.tree.TreeFilter"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.tree.TreeFilter</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.tree</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/tree/TreeFilter.js" target="_blank">TreeFilter.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">TreeFilter</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Note this class is experimental and doesn't update the indent (lines) or expand collapse icons of the nodes </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeFilter-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.tree.TreeFilter-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeFilter-clear"></a>
<b>clear</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears the current filter. Note: with the "remove" option
set a filter cannot be cleared.</div>
<div class="long">
Clears the current filter. Note: with the "remove" option
set a filter cannot be cleared. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeFilter</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeFilter-filter"></a>
<b>filter</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/RegExp value</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String attr</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>TreeNode startNode</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Filter the data by a specific attribute.</div>
<div class="long">
Filter the data by a specific attribute. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : String/RegExp<div class="sub-desc">Either string that the attribute value
should start with or a RegExp to test against the attribute</div></li><li><code>attr</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The attribute passed in your node's attributes collection. Defaults to "text".</div></li><li><code>startNode</code> : TreeNode<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The node to start the filter at.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeFilter</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeFilter-filterBy"></a>
<b>filterBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Filter by a function. The passed function will be called with each
node in the tree (or from the startNode). If the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Filter by a function. The passed function will be called with each
node in the tree (or from the startNode). If the function returns true, the node is kept
otherwise it is filtered. If a node is filtered, its children are also filtered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The filter function</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to the current node)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeFilter</td>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeFilter-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,374
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.XTemplate-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.XTemplate-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.XTemplate-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.XTemplate"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.Template" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Template.html">Template</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>XTemplate</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.XTemplate</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/util/XTemplate.js" target="_blank">XTemplate.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">XTemplate</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Template" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Template.html">Template</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
<p>A template class that supports advanced functionality like autofilling arrays, conditional processing with
basic comparison operators, sub-templates, basic math function support, special built-in template variables,
inline code execution and more. XTemplate also provides the templating mechanism built into <a ext:cls="Ext.DataView" href="output/Ext.DataView.html">Ext.DataView</a>.</p>
<p>XTemplate supports many special tags and built-in operators that aren't defined as part of the API, but are
supported in the templates that can be created. The following examples demonstrate all of the supported features.
This is the data object used for reference in each code example:</p>
<pre><code>var data = {
name: <em>'Jack Slocum'</em>,
title: <em>'Lead Developer'</em>,
company: <em>'Ext JS, LLC'</em>,
email: <em>''</em>,
address: <em>'4 Red Bulls Drive'</em>,
city: <em>'Cleveland'</em>,
state: <em>'Ohio'</em>,
zip: <em>'44102'</em>,
drinks: [<em>'Red Bull'</em>, <em>'Coffee'</em>, <em>'Water'</em>],
kids: [{
name: <em>'Sara Grace'</em>,
name: <em>'Zachary'</em>,
name: <em>'John James'</em>,
<p><b>Auto filling of arrays and scope switching</b><br/>Using the <tt>tpl</tt> tag and the <tt>for</tt> operator,
you can switch to the scope of the object specified by <tt>for</tt> and access its members to populate the teamplte.
If the variable in <tt>for</tt> is an array, it will auto-fill, repeating the template block inside the <tt>tpl</tt>
tag for each item in the array:</p>
<pre><code>var tpl = <b>new</b> Ext.XTemplate(
<em>'&lt;p>Name: {name}&lt;/p>'</em>,
<em>'&lt;p>Title: {title}&lt;/p>'</em>,
<em>'&lt;p>Company: {company}&lt;/p>'</em>,
<em>'&lt;p>Kids: '</em>,
<em>'&lt;tpl <b>for</b>="kids">'</em>,
tpl.overwrite(panel.body, data);</code></pre>
<p><b>Access to parent object from within sub-template scope</b><br/>When processing a sub-template, for example while
looping through a child array, you can access the parent object's members via the <tt>parent</tt> object:</p>
<pre><code>var tpl = <b>new</b> Ext.XTemplate(
<em>'&lt;p>Name: {name}&lt;/p>'</em>,
<em>'&lt;p>Kids: '</em>,
<em>'&lt;tpl <b>for</b>="kids">'</em>,
<em>'&lt;tpl <b>if</b>="age &gt; 1">'</em>,
<em>'&lt;p>Dad: {}&lt;/p>'</em>,
tpl.overwrite(panel.body, data);</code></pre>
<p><b>Array item index and basic math support</b> <br/>While processing an array, the special variable <tt>{#}</tt>
will provide the current array index + 1 (starts at 1, not 0). Templates also support the basic math operators
+ - * and / that can be applied directly on numeric data values:</p>
<pre><code>var tpl = <b>new</b> Ext.XTemplate(
<em>'&lt;p>Name: {name}&lt;/p>'</em>,
<em>'&lt;p>Kids: '</em>,
<em>'&lt;tpl <b>for</b>="kids">'</em>,
<em>'&lt;tpl <b>if</b>="age &gt; 1">'</em>,
<em>'&lt;p>{#}: {name}&lt;/p>'</em>, <i>// <-- Auto-number each item</i>
<em>'&lt;p>In 5 Years: {age+5}&lt;/p>'</em>, <i>// <-- Basic math</i>
<em>'&lt;p>Dad: {}&lt;/p>'</em>,
tpl.overwrite(panel.body, data);</code></pre>
<p><b>Auto-rendering of flat arrays</b> <br/>Flat arrays that contain values (and not objects) can be auto-rendered
using the special <tt>{.}</tt> variable inside a loop. This variable will represent the value of
the array at the current index:</p>
<pre><code>var tpl = <b>new</b> Ext.XTemplate(
<em>'&lt;p>{name}\'</em>s favorite beverages:&lt;/p>',
<em>'&lt;tpl <b>for</b>="drinks">'</em>,
<em>'&lt;div> - {.}&lt;/div>'</em>,
tpl.overwrite(panel.body, data);</code></pre>
<p><b>Basic conditional logic</b> <br/>Using the <tt>tpl</tt> tag and the <tt>if</tt>
operator you can provide conditional checks for deciding whether or not to render specific parts of the template.
Note that there is no <tt>else</tt> operator &mdash; if needed, you should use two opposite <tt>if</tt> statements.
Properly-encoded attributes are required as seen in the following example:</p>
<pre><code>var tpl = <b>new</b> Ext.XTemplate(
<em>'&lt;p>Name: {name}&lt;/p>'</em>,
<em>'&lt;p>Kids: '</em>,
<em>'&lt;tpl <b>for</b>="kids">'</em>,
<em>'&lt;tpl <b>if</b>="age &amp;gt; 1">'</em>, <i>// <-- Note that the &gt; is encoded</i>
tpl.overwrite(panel.body, data);</code></pre>
<p><b>Ability to execute arbitrary inline code</b> <br/>In an XTemplate, anything between {[ ... ]} is considered
code to be executed in the scope of the template. There are some special variables available in that code:
<li><b><tt>values</tt></b>: The values in the current scope. If you are using scope changing sub-templates, you
can change what <tt>values</tt> is.</li>
<li><b><tt>parent</tt></b>: The scope (values) of the ancestor template.</li>
<li><b><tt>xindex</tt></b>: If you are in a looping template, the index of the loop you are in (1-based).</li>
<li><b><tt>xcount</tt></b>: If you are in a looping template, the total length of the array you are looping.</li>
<li><b><tt>fm</tt></b>: An alias for <tt>Ext.util.Format</tt>.</li>
This example demonstrates basic row striping using an inline code block and the <tt>xindex</tt> variable:</p>
<pre><code>var tpl = <b>new</b> Ext.XTemplate(
<em>'&lt;p>Name: {name}&lt;/p>'</em>,
<em>'&lt;p>Company: {[company.toUpperCase() + '</em>, <em>' + title]}&lt;/p>'</em>,
<em>'&lt;p>Kids: '</em>,
<em>'&lt;tpl <b>for</b>="kids">'</em>,
'&lt;div class=<em>"{[xindex % 2 === 0 ? "</em>even<em>" : "</em>odd<em>"]}"</em>>,
tpl.overwrite(panel.body, data);</code></pre>
<p><b>Template member functions</b> <br/>One or more member functions can be defined directly on the config
object passed into the XTemplate constructor for more complex processing:</p>
<pre><code>var tpl = <b>new</b> Ext.XTemplate(
<em>'&lt;p>Name: {name}&lt;/p>'</em>,
<em>'&lt;p>Kids: '</em>,
<em>'&lt;tpl <b>for</b>="kids">'</em>,
<em>'&lt;tpl <b>if</b>="<b>this</b>.isGirl(name)">'</em>,
<em>'&lt;p>Girl: {name} - {age}&lt;/p>'</em>,
<em>'&lt;tpl <b>if</b>="<b>this</b>.isGirl(name) == false">'</em>,
<em>'&lt;p>Boy: {name} - {age}&lt;/p>'</em>,
<em>'&lt;tpl <b>if</b>="<b>this</b>.isBaby(age)">'</em>,
<em>'&lt;p>{name} is a baby!&lt;/p>'</em>,
<em>'&lt;/tpl>&lt;/p>'</em>, {
isGirl: <b>function</b>(name){
<b>return</b> name == <em>'Sara Grace'</em>;
isBaby: <b>function</b>(age){
<b>return</b> age < 1;
tpl.overwrite(panel.body, data);</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.XTemplate-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.XTemplate-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.XTemplate-XTemplate"></a>
<b>XTemplate</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Array/Object parts</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>parts</code> : String/Array/Object<div class="sub-desc">The HTML fragment or an array of fragments to join(""), or multiple arguments
to join("") that can also include a config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">XTemplate</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.XTemplate-XTemplate.from"></a>
<b>XTemplate.from</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Template <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Creates a template from the passed element's value (<i>display:none</i> textarea, preferred) or innerHTML.</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Creates a template from the passed element's value (<i>display:none</i> textarea, preferred) or innerHTML. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">A DOM element or its id</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Template</code><div class="sub-desc">The created template</div></li>
<td class="msource">XTemplate</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.XTemplate-append"></a>
<b>append</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object/Array values</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnElement</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Applies the supplied values to the template and appends the new node(s) to el.</div>
<div class="long">
Applies the supplied values to the template and appends the new node(s) to el. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The context element</div></li><li><code>values</code> : Object/Array<div class="sub-desc">The template values. Can be an array if your params are numeric (i.e. {0}) or an object (i.e. {foo: 'bar'})</div></li><li><code>returnElement</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to return a Ext.Element (defaults to undefined)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement/Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The new node or Element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Template" ext:member="#append" href="output/Ext.Template.html#append">Template</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.XTemplate-apply"></a>
<b>apply</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Alias of <a ext:cls="Ext.XTemplate" ext:member="applyTemplate" href="output/Ext.XTemplate.html#applyTemplate">applyTemplate</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Alias of <a ext:cls="Ext.XTemplate" ext:member="applyTemplate" href="output/Ext.XTemplate.html#applyTemplate">applyTemplate</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">XTemplate</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.XTemplate-applyTemplate"></a>
<b>applyTemplate</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object values</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns an HTML fragment of this template with the specified values applied.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns an HTML fragment of this template with the specified values applied. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>values</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The template values. Can be an array if your params are numeric (i.e. {0}) or an object (i.e. {foo: 'bar'})</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The HTML fragment</div></li>
<td class="msource">XTemplate</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.XTemplate-compile"></a>
<b>compile</b>() : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Compile the template to a function for optimized performance. Recommended if the template will be used frequently.</div>
<div class="long">
Compile the template to a function for optimized performance. Recommended if the template will be used frequently. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Function</code><div class="sub-desc">The compiled function</div></li>
<td class="msource">XTemplate</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.XTemplate-insertAfter"></a>
<b>insertAfter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object/Array values</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnElement</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Applies the supplied values to the template and inserts the new node(s) after el.</div>
<div class="long">
Applies the supplied values to the template and inserts the new node(s) after el. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The context element</div></li><li><code>values</code> : Object/Array<div class="sub-desc">The template values. Can be an array if your params are numeric (i.e. {0}) or an object (i.e. {foo: 'bar'})</div></li><li><code>returnElement</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to return a Ext.Element (defaults to undefined)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement/Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The new node or Element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Template" ext:member="#insertAfter" href="output/Ext.Template.html#insertAfter">Template</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.XTemplate-insertBefore"></a>
<b>insertBefore</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object/Array values</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnElement</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Applies the supplied values to the template and inserts the new node(s) before el.</div>
<div class="long">
Applies the supplied values to the template and inserts the new node(s) before el. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The context element</div></li><li><code>values</code> : Object/Array<div class="sub-desc">The template values. Can be an array if your params are numeric (i.e. {0}) or an object (i.e. {foo: 'bar'})</div></li><li><code>returnElement</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to return a Ext.Element (defaults to undefined)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement/Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The new node or Element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Template" ext:member="#insertBefore" href="output/Ext.Template.html#insertBefore">Template</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.XTemplate-insertFirst"></a>
<b>insertFirst</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object/Array values</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnElement</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Applies the supplied values to the template and inserts the new node(s) as the first child of el.</div>
<div class="long">
Applies the supplied values to the template and inserts the new node(s) as the first child of el. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The context element</div></li><li><code>values</code> : Object/Array<div class="sub-desc">The template values. Can be an array if your params are numeric (i.e. {0}) or an object (i.e. {foo: 'bar'})</div></li><li><code>returnElement</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to return a Ext.Element (defaults to undefined)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement/Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The new node or Element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Template" ext:member="#insertFirst" href="output/Ext.Template.html#insertFirst">Template</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.XTemplate-overwrite"></a>
<b>overwrite</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object/Array values</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnElement</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Applies the supplied values to the template and overwrites the content of el with the new node(s).</div>
<div class="long">
Applies the supplied values to the template and overwrites the content of el with the new node(s). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The context element</div></li><li><code>values</code> : Object/Array<div class="sub-desc">The template values. Can be an array if your params are numeric (i.e. {0}) or an object (i.e. {foo: 'bar'})</div></li><li><code>returnElement</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to return a Ext.Element (defaults to undefined)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement/Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The new node or Element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Template" ext:member="#overwrite" href="output/Ext.Template.html#overwrite">Template</a></td>
<a id="Ext.XTemplate-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeNode-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeNode-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeNode-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeNode-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.tree.TreeNode"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">Node</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>TreeNode</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.tree.TreeNode</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.tree</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/tree/TreeNode.js" target="_blank">TreeNode.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">TreeNode</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode" href="output/Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode.html">AsyncTreeNode</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">Node</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-allowChildren"></a>
<b>allowChildren</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to not allow this node to have child nodes (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-allowDrag"></a>
<b>allowDrag</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to make this node undraggable if <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="draggable" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#draggable">draggable</a> = true (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-allowDrop"></a>
<b>allowDrop</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False if this node cannot have child nodes dropped on it (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-checked"></a>
<b>checked</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to render a checked checkbox for this node, false to render an unchecked checkbox (defaults to undefined with no...</div>
<div class="long">
True to render a checked checkbox for this node, false to render an unchecked checkbox (defaults to undefined with no checkbox rendered) </div>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A css class to be added to the node </div>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
true to start the node disabled </div>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-draggable"></a>
<b>draggable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to make this node draggable (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-expandable"></a>
<b>expandable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
If set to true, the node will always show a plus/minus icon, even when empty </div>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-expanded"></a>
<b>expanded</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
true to start the node expanded </div>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-href"></a>
<b>href</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
URL of the link used for the node (defaults to #) </div>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-hrefTarget"></a>
<b>hrefTarget</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
target frame for the link </div>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-icon"></a>
<b>icon</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The path to an icon for the node. The preferred way to do this is to use the cls or iconCls attributes and add the ic...</div>
<div class="long">
The path to an icon for the node. The preferred way to do this is to use the cls or iconCls attributes and add the icon via a CSS background image. </div>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-iconCls"></a>
<b>iconCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A css class to be added to the nodes icon element for applying css background images </div>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The id for this node. If one is not specified, one is generated. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#id" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-isTarget"></a>
<b>isTarget</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to not allow this node to act as a drop target (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-leaf"></a>
<b>leaf</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
true if this node is a leaf and does not have children </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#leaf" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-qtip"></a>
<b>qtip</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
An Ext QuickTip for the node </div>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-qtipCfg"></a>
<b>qtipCfg</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
An Ext QuickTip config for the node (used instead of qtip) </div>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-singleClickExpand"></a>
<b>singleClickExpand</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True for single click expand on this node </div>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-text"></a>
<b>text</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The text for this node </div>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-uiProvider"></a>
<b>uiProvider</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
A UI <b>class</b> to use for this node (defaults to Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI) </div>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-attributes"></a>
<b>attributes</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The attributes supplied for the node. You can use this property to access any custom attributes you supplied. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#attributes" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-childNodes"></a>
<b>childNodes</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
All child nodes of this node. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#childNodes" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this node is disabled. </div>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-firstChild"></a>
<b>firstChild</b> : Node <div class="mdesc">
The first direct child node of this node, or null if this node has no child nodes. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#firstChild" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The node id. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#id" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-lastChild"></a>
<b>lastChild</b> : Node <div class="mdesc">
The last direct child node of this node, or null if this node has no child nodes. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#lastChild" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-nextSibling"></a>
<b>nextSibling</b> : Node <div class="mdesc">
The node immediately following this node in the tree, or null if there is no sibling node. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#nextSibling" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-parentNode"></a>
<b>parentNode</b> : Node <div class="mdesc">
The parent node for this node. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#parentNode" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-previousSibling"></a>
<b>previousSibling</b> : Node <div class="mdesc">
The node immediately preceding this node in the tree, or null if there is no sibling node. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#previousSibling" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-text"></a>
<b>text</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Read-only. The text for this node. To change it use setText(). </div>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-ui"></a>
<b>ui</b> : TreeNodeUI <div class="mdesc">
Read-only. The UI for this node </div>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-TreeNode"></a>
<b>TreeNode</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object/String attributes</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>attributes</code> : Object/String<div class="sub-desc">The attributes/config for the node or just a string with the text for the node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-appendChild"></a>
<b>appendChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>Node/Array node</code>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Insert node(s) as the last child node of this node.</div>
<div class="long">
Insert node(s) as the last child node of this node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node/Array<div class="sub-desc">The node or Array of nodes to append</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Node</code><div class="sub-desc">The appended node if single append, or null if an array was passed</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#appendChild" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-bubble"></a>
<b>bubble</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Bubbles up the tree from this node, calling the specified function with each node. The scope (this) of
function call ...</div>
<div class="long">
Bubbles up the tree from this node, calling the specified function with each node. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current node. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current node. If the function returns false at any point,
the bubble is stopped. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current node)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#bubble" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-cascade"></a>
<b>cascade</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Cascades down the tree from this node, calling the specified function with each node. The scope (this) of
function ca...</div>
<div class="long">
Cascades down the tree from this node, calling the specified function with each node. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current node. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current node. If the function returns false at any point,
the cascade is stopped on that branch. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current node)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#cascade" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean deep</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean anim</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collapse this node.</div>
<div class="long">
Collapse this node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>deep</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to collapse all children as well</div></li><li><code>anim</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) false to cancel the default animation</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-collapseChildNodes"></a>
<b>collapseChildNodes</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean deep</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collapse all child nodes</div>
<div class="long">
Collapse all child nodes <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>deep</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true if the child nodes should also collapse their child nodes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-contains"></a>
<b>contains</b>(&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this node is an ancestor (at any point) of the passed node.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this node is an ancestor (at any point) of the passed node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#contains" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disables this node</div>
<div class="long">
Disables this node <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-eachChild"></a>
<b>eachChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Interates the child nodes of this node, calling the specified function with each node. The scope (this) of
function c...</div>
<div class="long">
Interates the child nodes of this node, calling the specified function with each node. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current node. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current node. If the function returns false at any point,
the iteration stops. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current node)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#eachChild" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enables this node</div>
<div class="long">
Enables this node <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-ensureVisible"></a>
<b>ensureVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Ensures all parent nodes are expanded, and if necessary, scrolls
the node into view.</div>
<div class="long">
Ensures all parent nodes are expanded, and if necessary, scrolls
the node into view. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean deep</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean anim</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function callback</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Expand this node.</div>
<div class="long">
Expand this node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>deep</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to expand all children as well</div></li><li><code>anim</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) false to cancel the default animation</div></li><li><code>callback</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) A callback to be called when
expanding this node completes (does not wait for deep expand to complete).
Called with 1 parameter, this node.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-expandChildNodes"></a>
<b>expandChildNodes</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean deep</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Expand all child nodes</div>
<div class="long">
Expand all child nodes <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>deep</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true if the child nodes should also expand their child nodes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-findChild"></a>
<b>findChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>String attribute</code>, <code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Finds the first child that has the attribute with the specified value.</div>
<div class="long">
Finds the first child that has the attribute with the specified value. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>attribute</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The attribute name</div></li><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to search for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Node</code><div class="sub-desc">The found child or null if none was found</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#findChild" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-findChildBy"></a>
<b>findChildBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Finds the first child by a custom function. The child matches if the function passed
returns true.</div>
<div class="long">
Finds the first child by a custom function. The child matches if the function passed
returns true. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Node</code><div class="sub-desc">The found child or null if none was found</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#findChildBy" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-getDepth"></a>
<b>getDepth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns depth of this node (the root node has a depth of 0)</div>
<div class="long">
Returns depth of this node (the root node has a depth of 0) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getDepth" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-getOwnerTree"></a>
<b>getOwnerTree</b>() : Tree <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the tree this node is in.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the tree this node is in. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getOwnerTree" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-getPath"></a>
<b>getPath</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String attr</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the path for this node. The path can be used to expand or select this node programmatically.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the path for this node. The path can be used to expand or select this node programmatically. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>attr</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The attr to use for the path (defaults to the node's id)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The path</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getPath" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-getUI"></a>
<b>getUI</b>() : TreeNodeUI <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the UI object for this node.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the UI object for this node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>TreeNodeUI</code><div class="sub-desc">The object which is providing the user interface for this tree node. Unless otherwise specified in the {@link #uiProvider}, this will be an instance of {@link Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI}</div></li>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-indexOf"></a>
<b>indexOf</b>(&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the index of a child node</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the index of a child node <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The index of the node or -1 if it was not found</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#indexOf" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-insertBefore"></a>
<b>insertBefore</b>(&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>, <code>Node refNode</code>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts the first node before the second node in this nodes childNodes collection.</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts the first node before the second node in this nodes childNodes collection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node to insert</div></li><li><code>refNode</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node to insert before (if null the node is appended)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Node</code><div class="sub-desc">The inserted node</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#insertBefore" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-isAncestor"></a>
<b>isAncestor</b>(&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the passed node is an ancestor (at any point) of this node.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the passed node is an ancestor (at any point) of this node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#isAncestor" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-isExpanded"></a>
<b>isExpanded</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this node is expanded</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this node is expanded <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-isFirst"></a>
<b>isFirst</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this node is the first child of its parent</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this node is the first child of its parent <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#isFirst" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-isLast"></a>
<b>isLast</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this node is the last child of its parent</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this node is the last child of its parent <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#isLast" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-isLeaf"></a>
<b>isLeaf</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this node is a leaf</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this node is a leaf <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#isLeaf" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-isSelected"></a>
<b>isSelected</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this node is selected</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this node is selected <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-item"></a>
<b>item</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the child node at the specified index.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the child node at the specified index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#item" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b>() : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes this node from it's parent</div>
<div class="long">
Removes this node from it's parent <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Node</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#remove" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-removeChild"></a>
<b>removeChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a child node from this node.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a child node from this node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node to remove</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Node</code><div class="sub-desc">The removed node</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#removeChild" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-replaceChild"></a>
<b>replaceChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>Node newChild</code>, <code>Node oldChild</code>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Replaces one child node in this node with another.</div>
<div class="long">
Replaces one child node in this node with another. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>newChild</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The replacement node</div></li><li><code>oldChild</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node to replace</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Node</code><div class="sub-desc">The replaced node</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#replaceChild" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-select"></a>
<b>select</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Triggers selection of this node</div>
<div class="long">
Triggers selection of this node <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-setText"></a>
<b>setText</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the text for this node</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the text for this node <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-sort"></a>
<b>sort</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sorts this nodes children using the supplied sort function</div>
<div class="long">
Sorts this nodes children using the supplied sort function <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#sort" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-toggle"></a>
<b>toggle</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Toggles expanded/collapsed state of the node</div>
<div class="long">
Toggles expanded/collapsed state of the node <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-unselect"></a>
<b>unselect</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Triggers deselection of this node</div>
<div class="long">
Triggers deselection of this node <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-append"></a>
<b>append</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node node</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a new child node is appended</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a new child node is appended <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The newly appended node</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the newly appended node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-append" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-beforeappend"></a>
<b>beforeappend</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a new child is appended, return false to cancel the append.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a new child is appended, return false to cancel the append. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node to be appended</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-beforeappend" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-beforechildrenrendered"></a>
<b>beforechildrenrendered</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires right before the child nodes for this node are rendered</div>
<div class="long">
Fires right before the child nodes for this node are rendered <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-beforeclick"></a>
<b>beforeclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before click processing. Return false to cancel the default action.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before click processing. Return false to cancel the default action. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-beforecollapse"></a>
<b>beforecollapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>, <code>Boolean deep</code>, <code>Boolean anim</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before this node is collapsed, return false to cancel.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before this node is collapsed, return false to cancel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>deep</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>anim</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-beforeexpand"></a>
<b>beforeexpand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>, <code>Boolean deep</code>, <code>Boolean anim</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before this node is expanded, return false to cancel.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before this node is expanded, return false to cancel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>deep</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>anim</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-beforeinsert"></a>
<b>beforeinsert</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node node</code>, <code>Node refNode</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a new child is inserted, return false to cancel the insert.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a new child is inserted, return false to cancel the insert. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node to be inserted</div></li><li><code>refNode</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node the node is being inserted before</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-beforeinsert" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-beforemove"></a>
<b>beforemove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node oldParent</code>, <code>Node newParent</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before this node is moved to a new location in the tree. Return false to cancel the move.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before this node is moved to a new location in the tree. Return false to cancel the move. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>oldParent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The parent of this node</div></li><li><code>newParent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The new parent this node is moving to</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index it is being moved to</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-beforemove" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-beforeremove"></a>
<b>beforeremove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a child is removed, return false to cancel the remove.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a child is removed, return false to cancel the remove. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node to be removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-beforeremove" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-checkchange"></a>
<b>checkchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>, <code>Boolean checked</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a node with a checkbox's checked property changes</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a node with a checkbox's checked property changes <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>checked</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-click"></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this node is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this node is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this node is collapsed</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this node is collapsed <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-contextmenu"></a>
<b>contextmenu</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this node is right clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this node is right clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-dblclick"></a>
<b>dblclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this node is double clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this node is double clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-disabledchange"></a>
<b>disabledchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>, <code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the disabled status of this node changes</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the disabled status of this node changes <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this node is expanded</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this node is expanded <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-insert"></a>
<b>insert</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node node</code>, <code>Node refNode</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a new child node is inserted.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a new child node is inserted. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node inserted</div></li><li><code>refNode</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node the node was inserted before</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-insert" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node oldParent</code>, <code>Node newParent</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this node is moved to a new location in the tree</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this node is moved to a new location in the tree <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>oldParent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The old parent of this node</div></li><li><code>newParent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The new parent of this node</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index it was moved to</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a child node is removed</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a child node is removed <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The removed node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-remove" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNode-textchange"></a>
<b>textchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>, <code>String text</code>, <code>String oldText</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the text for this node is changed</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the text for this node is changed <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new text</div></li><li><code>oldText</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The old text</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNode</td>
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.TimeField-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.TimeField-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.TimeField-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.TimeField-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.form.TimeField"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html">Field</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html">TextField</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TriggerField" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.TriggerField.html">TriggerField</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html">ComboBox</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>TimeField</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.form.TimeField</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.form</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/form/TimeField.js" target="_blank">TimeField.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">TimeField</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html">ComboBox</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Provides a time input field with a time dropdown and automatic time validation. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-allQuery"></a>
<b>allQuery</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The text query to send to the server to return all records for the list with no filtering (defaults to '') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#allQuery" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#allQuery">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-allowBlank"></a>
<b>allowBlank</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to validate that the value length > 0 (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#allowBlank" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#allowBlank">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-altFormats"></a>
<b>altFormats</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Multiple date formats separated by "|" to try when parsing a user input value and it doesn't match the defined format...</div>
<div class="long">
Multiple date formats separated by "|" to try when parsing a user input value and it doesn't match the defined format (defaults to 'm/d/Y|m-d-y|m-d-Y|m/d|m-d|d'). </div>
<td class="msource">TimeField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-autoCreate"></a>
<b>autoCreate</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "20", au...</div>
<div class="long">
A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "20", autocomplete: "off"}) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#autoCreate" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#autoCreate">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-blankText"></a>
<b>blankText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Error text to display if the allow blank validation fails (defaults to "This field is required") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#blankText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#blankText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-clearCls"></a>
<b>clearCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class used to provide field clearing (defaults to 'x-form-clear-left') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#clearCls" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#clearCls">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-disableKeyFilter"></a>
<b>disableKeyFilter</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable input keystroke filtering (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#disableKeyFilter" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#disableKeyFilter">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable the field (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#disabled">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-displayField"></a>
<b>displayField</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The underlying data field name to bind to this ComboBox (defaults to undefined if mode = 'remote' or 'text' if transf...</div>
<div class="long">
The underlying data field name to bind to this ComboBox (defaults to undefined if mode = 'remote' or 'text' if transforming a select) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#displayField" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#displayField">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-editable"></a>
<b>editable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to prevent the user from typing text directly into the field, just like a traditional select (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#editable" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#editable">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-emptyClass"></a>
<b>emptyClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The CSS class to apply to an empty field to style the emptyText (defaults to 'x-form-empty-field'). This class is aut...</div>
<div class="long">
The CSS class to apply to an empty field to style the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="emptyText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#emptyText">emptyText</a> (defaults to 'x-form-empty-field'). This class is automatically added and removed as needed depending on the current field value. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#emptyClass" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#emptyClass">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-emptyText"></a>
<b>emptyText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default text to display in an empty field (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#emptyText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#emptyText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-fieldClass"></a>
<b>fieldClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default CSS class for the field (defaults to "x-form-field") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#fieldClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#fieldClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-fieldLabel"></a>
<b>fieldLabel</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The label text to display next to this field (defaults to '') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#fieldLabel" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#fieldLabel">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-focusClass"></a>
<b>focusClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when the field receives focus (defaults to "x-form-focus") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#focusClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#focusClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-forceSelection"></a>
<b>forceSelection</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to restrict the selected value to one of the values in the list, false to allow the user to set arbitrary text i...</div>
<div class="long">
True to restrict the selected value to one of the values in the list, false to allow the user to set arbitrary text into the field (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#forceSelection" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#forceSelection">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-format"></a>
<b>format</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The default date format string which can be overriden for localization support. The format must be valid according to...</div>
<div class="long">
The default date format string which can be overriden for localization support. The format must be valid according to <a ext:cls="Date" ext:member="parseDate" href="output/Date.html#parseDate">Date.parseDate</a> (defaults to 'm/d/y'). </div>
<td class="msource">TimeField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-handleHeight"></a>
<b>handleHeight</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height in pixels of the dropdown list resize handle if resizable = true (defaults to 8) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#handleHeight" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#handleHeight">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-hiddenId"></a>
<b>hiddenId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If hiddenName is specified, hiddenId can also be provided to give the hidden field a unique id (defaults to the hidde...</div>
<div class="long">
If <a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="hiddenName" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#hiddenName">hiddenName</a> is specified, hiddenId can also be provided to give the hidden field a unique id (defaults to the hiddenName). The hiddenId and combo <a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="id" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#id">id</a> should be different, since no two DOM nodes should share the same id. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#hiddenId" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#hiddenId">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-hiddenName"></a>
<b>hiddenName</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If specified, a hidden form field with this name is dynamically generated to store the field's data value (defaults t...</div>
<div class="long">
If specified, a hidden form field with this name is dynamically generated to store the field's data value (defaults to the underlying DOM element's name). Required for the combo's value to automatically post during a form submission. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#hiddenName" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#hiddenName">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-hideLabel"></a>
<b>hideLabel</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to completely hide the label element (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#hideLabel" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#hideLabel">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-hideTrigger"></a>
<b>hideTrigger</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the trigger element and display only the base text field (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TriggerField" ext:member="#hideTrigger" href="output/Ext.form.TriggerField.html#hideTrigger">TriggerField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-increment"></a>
<b>increment</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The number of minutes between each time value in the list (defaults to 15). </div>
<td class="msource">TimeField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-inputType"></a>
<b>inputType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type attribute for input fields -- e.g. radio, text, password (defaults to "text"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#inputType" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#inputType">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-invalidClass"></a>
<b>invalidClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when marking a field invalid (defaults to "x-form-invalid") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#invalidClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#invalidClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-invalidText"></a>
<b>invalidText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The error text to display when the time in the field is invalid (defaults to '{value} is not a valid time - it must b...</div>
<div class="long">
The error text to display when the time in the field is invalid (defaults to '{value} is not a valid time - it must be in the format {format}'). </div>
<td class="msource">TimeField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-itemCls"></a>
<b>itemCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if s...</div>
<div class="long">
An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if set, or ''). Since it is applied to the wrapper, it allows you to write standard CSS rules that can apply to the field, the label (if specified) or any other element within the markup for the field. Example use: <pre><code><i>// Apply a style to the field's label:</i>
.required .x-form-item-label {font-weight:bold;color:red;}
<b>new</b> Ext.FormPanel({
height: 100,
renderTo: document.body,
items: [{
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Name'</em>,
itemCls: <em>'required'</em> <i>//<b>this</b> label will be styled</i>
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Favorite Color'</em>
});</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#itemCls" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#itemCls">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-labelSeparator"></a>
<b>labelSeparator</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of Ext.layout.FormLayout.l...</div>
<div class="long">
The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" ext:member="labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html#labelSeparator">Ext.layout.FormLayout.labelSeparator</a>, which is a colon ':' by default). To display no separator for this field's label specify empty string ''. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#labelSeparator">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-labelStyle"></a>
<b>labelStyle</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if se...</div>
<div class="long">
A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if set, or ''). For example, <code>labelStyle: 'font-weight:bold;'</code>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#labelStyle" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#labelStyle">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-lazyInit"></a>
<b>lazyInit</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to not initialize the list for this combo until the field is focused. (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#lazyInit" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#lazyInit">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-lazyRender"></a>
<b>lazyRender</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to prevent the ComboBox from rendering until requested (should always be used when rendering into an Ext.Editor,...</div>
<div class="long">
True to prevent the ComboBox from rendering until requested (should always be used when rendering into an Ext.Editor, defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#lazyRender" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#lazyRender">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-listAlign"></a>
<b>listAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A valid anchor position value. See <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a> for details on supported anchor positions (defaults to 'tl-bl') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#listAlign" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#listAlign">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-listClass"></a>
<b>listClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class to apply to the dropdown list element (defaults to '') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#listClass" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#listClass">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-listWidth"></a>
<b>listWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width in pixels of the dropdown list (defaults to the width of the ComboBox field) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#listWidth" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#listWidth">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-loadingText"></a>
<b>loadingText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The text to display in the dropdown list while data is loading. Only applies when mode = 'remote' (defaults to 'Loadi...</div>
<div class="long">
The text to display in the dropdown list while data is loading. Only applies when mode = 'remote' (defaults to 'Loading...') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#loadingText" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#loadingText">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-maskRe"></a>
<b>maskRe</b> : RegExp <div class="mdesc">
An input mask regular expression that will be used to filter keystrokes that don't match (defaults to null) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#maskRe" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#maskRe">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-maxHeight"></a>
<b>maxHeight</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The maximum height in pixels of the dropdown list before scrollbars are shown (defaults to 300) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#maxHeight" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#maxHeight">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-maxLength"></a>
<b>maxLength</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Maximum input field length allowed (defaults to Number.MAX_VALUE) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#maxLength" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#maxLength">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-maxLengthText"></a>
<b>maxLengthText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Error text to display if the maximum length validation fails (defaults to "The maximum length for this field is {maxL...</div>
<div class="long">
Error text to display if the maximum length validation fails (defaults to "The maximum length for this field is {maxLength}") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#maxLengthText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#maxLengthText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-maxText"></a>
<b>maxText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The error text to display when the time is after maxValue (defaults to 'The time in this field must be equal to or be...</div>
<div class="long">
The error text to display when the time is after maxValue (defaults to 'The time in this field must be equal to or before {0}'). </div>
<td class="msource">TimeField</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-maxValue"></a>
<b>maxValue</b> : Date/String <div class="mdesc">
The maximum allowed time. Can be either a Javascript date object or a string date in a valid format (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource">TimeField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-minChars"></a>
<b>minChars</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The minimum number of characters the user must type before autocomplete and typeahead activate (defaults to 4 if remo...</div>
<div class="long">
The minimum number of characters the user must type before autocomplete and typeahead activate (defaults to 4 if remote or 0 if local, does not apply if editable = false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#minChars" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#minChars">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-minHeight"></a>
<b>minHeight</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The minimum height in pixels of the dropdown list when the list is constrained by its distance to the viewport edges ...</div>
<div class="long">
The minimum height in pixels of the dropdown list when the list is constrained by its distance to the viewport edges (defaults to 90) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#minHeight" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#minHeight">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-minLength"></a>
<b>minLength</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Minimum input field length required (defaults to 0) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#minLength" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#minLength">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-minLengthText"></a>
<b>minLengthText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Error text to display if the minimum length validation fails (defaults to "The minimum length for this field is {minL...</div>
<div class="long">
Error text to display if the minimum length validation fails (defaults to "The minimum length for this field is {minLength}") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#minLengthText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#minLengthText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-minListWidth"></a>
<b>minListWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width of the dropdown list in pixels (defaults to 70, will be ignored if listWidth has a higher value) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#minListWidth" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#minListWidth">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-minText"></a>
<b>minText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The error text to display when the date in the cell is before minValue (defaults to 'The time in this field must be e...</div>
<div class="long">
The error text to display when the date in the cell is before minValue (defaults to 'The time in this field must be equal to or after {0}'). </div>
<td class="msource">TimeField</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-minValue"></a>
<b>minValue</b> : Date/String <div class="mdesc">
The minimum allowed time. Can be either a Javascript date object or a string date in a valid format (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource">TimeField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-mode"></a>
<b>mode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Set to 'local' if the ComboBox loads local data (defaults to 'remote' which loads from the server) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#mode" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#mode">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-msgFx"></a>
<b>msgFx</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<b>Experimental</b> The effect used when displaying a validation message under the field (defaults to 'normal'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#msgFx" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#msgFx">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-msgTarget"></a>
<b>msgTarget</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): Value ...</div>
<div class="long">
The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): <pre>Value Description
----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
qtip Display a quick tip when the user hovers over the field
title Display a default browser title attribute popup
under Add a block div beneath the field containing the error text
side Add an error icon to the right of the field with a popup on hover
[element id] Add the error text directly to the innerHTML of the specified element</pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#msgTarget" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#msgTarget">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-name"></a>
<b>name</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The field's HTML name attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#name" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#name">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-pageSize"></a>
<b>pageSize</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If greater than 0, a paging toolbar is displayed in the footer of the dropdown list and the filter queries will execu...</div>
<div class="long">
If greater than 0, a paging toolbar is displayed in the footer of the dropdown list and the filter queries will execute with page start and limit parameters. Only applies when mode = 'remote' (defaults to 0) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#pageSize" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#pageSize">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-queryDelay"></a>
<b>queryDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The length of time in milliseconds to delay between the start of typing and sending the query to filter the dropdown ...</div>
<div class="long">
The length of time in milliseconds to delay between the start of typing and sending the query to filter the dropdown list (defaults to 500 if mode = 'remote' or 10 if mode = 'local') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#queryDelay" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#queryDelay">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-queryParam"></a>
<b>queryParam</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Name of the query as it will be passed on the querystring (defaults to 'query') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#queryParam" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#queryParam">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-readOnly"></a>
<b>readOnly</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM att...</div>
<div class="long">
True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#readOnly" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#readOnly">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-regex"></a>
<b>regex</b> : RegExp <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A JavaScript RegExp object to be tested against the field value during validation (defaults to null). If available, t...</div>
<div class="long">
A JavaScript RegExp object to be tested against the field value during validation (defaults to null). If available, this regex will be evaluated only after the basic validators all return true, and will be passed the current field value. If the test fails, the field will be marked invalid using <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="regexText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regexText">regexText</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#regex" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regex">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-regexText"></a>
<b>regexText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The error text to display if <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="regex" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regex">regex</a> is used and the test fails during validation (defaults to "") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#regexText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regexText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-resizable"></a>
<b>resizable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to add a resize handle to the bottom of the dropdown list (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#resizable" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#resizable">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-selectOnFocus"></a>
<b>selectOnFocus</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to automatically select any existing field text when the field receives input focus (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#selectOnFocus" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#selectOnFocus">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-selectedClass"></a>
<b>selectedClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class to apply to the selected item in the dropdown list (defaults to 'x-combo-selected') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#selectedClass" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#selectedClass">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-shadow"></a>
<b>shadow</b> : Boolean/String <div class="mdesc">
True or "sides" for the default effect, "frame" for 4-way shadow, and "drop" for bottom-right </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#shadow" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#shadow">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-store"></a>
<b>store</b> : <div class="mdesc">
The data store to which this combo is bound (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#store" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#store">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-tabIndex"></a>
<b>tabIndex</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyT...</div>
<div class="long">
The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyTo (defaults to undefined). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#tabIndex" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#tabIndex">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-title"></a>
<b>title</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If supplied, a header element is created containing this text and added into the top of the dropdown list (defaults t...</div>
<div class="long">
If supplied, a header element is created containing this text and added into the top of the dropdown list (defaults to undefined, with no header element) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#title" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#title">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-tpl"></a>
<b>tpl</b> : String/Ext.XTemplate <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The template string, or Ext.XTemplate instance to use to display each item in the dropdown list. Use this to create c...</div>
<div class="long">
The template string, or <a ext:cls="Ext.XTemplate" href="output/Ext.XTemplate.html">Ext.XTemplate</a> instance to use to display each item in the dropdown list. Use this to create custom UI layouts for items in the list. <p> If you wish to preserve the default visual look of list items, add the CSS class name <pre>x-combo-list-item</pre> to the template's container element. <p> <b>The template must contain one or more substitution parameters using field names from the Combo's</b> <a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="store" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#store">Store</a>. An example of a custom template would be adding an <pre>ext:qtip</pre> attribute which might display other fields from the Store. <p> The dropdown list is displayed in a DataView. See <a ext:cls="Ext.DataView" href="output/Ext.DataView.html">Ext.DataView</a> for details. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#tpl" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#tpl">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-transform"></a>
<b>transform</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id, DOM node or element of an existing HTML SELECT to convert to a ComboBox. Note that if you specify this and th...</div>
<div class="long">
The id, DOM node or element of an existing HTML SELECT to convert to a ComboBox. Note that if you specify this and the combo is going to be in a <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html">Ext.form.BasicForm</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.form.FormPanel" href="output/Ext.form.FormPanel.html">Ext.form.FormPanel</a>, you must also set <a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="lazyRender" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#lazyRender">lazyRender</a> = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#transform" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#transform">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-triggerAction"></a>
<b>triggerAction</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The action to execute when the trigger field is activated. Use 'all' to run the query specified by the allQuery confi...</div>
<div class="long">
The action to execute when the trigger field is activated. Use 'all' to run the query specified by the allQuery config option (defaults to 'query') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#triggerAction" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#triggerAction">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-triggerClass"></a>
<b>triggerClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class to apply to the trigger </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TriggerField" ext:member="#triggerClass" href="output/Ext.form.TriggerField.html#triggerClass">TriggerField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-typeAhead"></a>
<b>typeAhead</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to populate and autoselect the remainder of the text being typed after a configurable delay (typeAheadDelay) if ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to populate and autoselect the remainder of the text being typed after a configurable delay (typeAheadDelay) if it matches a known value (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#typeAhead" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#typeAhead">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-typeAheadDelay"></a>
<b>typeAheadDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The length of time in milliseconds to wait until the typeahead text is displayed if typeAhead = true (defaults to 250) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#typeAheadDelay" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#typeAheadDelay">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-validateOnBlur"></a>
<b>validateOnBlur</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the field should validate when it loses focus (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validateOnBlur" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validateOnBlur">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-validationDelay"></a>
<b>validationDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The length of time in milliseconds after user input begins until validation is initiated (defaults to 250) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validationDelay" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validationDelay">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-validationEvent"></a>
<b>validationEvent</b> : String/Boolean <div class="mdesc">
The event that should initiate field validation. Set to false to disable automatic validation (defaults to "keyup"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validationEvent" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validationEvent">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-validator"></a>
<b>validator</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom validation function to be called during field validation (defaults to null). If available, this function wil...</div>
<div class="long">
A custom validation function to be called during field validation (defaults to null). If available, this function will be called only after the basic validators all return true, and will be passed the current field value and expected to return boolean true if the value is valid or a string error message if invalid. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#validator" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#validator">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-value"></a>
<b>value</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
A value to initialize this field with. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#value" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#value">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-valueField"></a>
<b>valueField</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The underlying data value name to bind to this ComboBox (defaults to undefined if mode = 'remote' or 'value' if trans...</div>
<div class="long">
The underlying data value name to bind to this ComboBox (defaults to undefined if mode = 'remote' or 'value' if transforming a select) Note: use of a valueField requires the user to make a selection in order for a value to be mapped. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#valueField" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#valueField">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-valueNotFoundText"></a>
<b>valueNotFoundText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">When using a name/value combo, if the value passed to setValue is not found in the store, valueNotFoundText will be d...</div>
<div class="long">
When using a name/value combo, if the value passed to setValue is not found in the store, valueNotFoundText will be displayed as the field text if defined (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#valueNotFoundText" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#valueNotFoundText">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-vtype"></a>
<b>vtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A validation type name as defined in <a ext:cls="Ext.form.VTypes" href="output/Ext.form.VTypes.html">Ext.form.VTypes</a> (defaults to null) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#vtype" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#vtype">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-vtypeText"></a>
<b>vtypeText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom error message to display in place of the default message provided for the vtype currently set for this field...</div>
<div class="long">
A custom error message to display in place of the default message provided for the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="vtype" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#vtype">vtype</a> currently set for this field (defaults to ''). Only applies if vtype is set, else ignored. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#vtypeText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#vtypeText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-view"></a>
<b>view</b> : Ext.DataView <div class="mdesc">
The <a ext:cls="Ext.DataView" href="output/Ext.DataView.html">DataView</a> used to display the ComboBox's options. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#view" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#view">ComboBox</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-TimeField"></a>
<b>TimeField</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new TimeField</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new TimeField <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TimeField</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-clearInvalid"></a>
<b>clearInvalid</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field</div>
<div class="long">
Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#clearInvalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#clearInvalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-clearValue"></a>
<b>clearValue</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any text/value currently set in the field</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any text/value currently set in the field <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#clearValue" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#clearValue">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides the dropdown list if it is currently expanded. Fires the 'collapse' event on completion.</div>
<div class="long">
Hides the dropdown list if it is currently expanded. Fires the 'collapse' event on completion. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#collapse" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#collapse">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-doQuery"></a>
<b>doQuery</b>(&nbsp;<code>String query</code>, <code>Boolean forceAll</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Execute a query to filter the dropdown list. Fires the beforequery event prior to performing the
query allowing the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Execute a query to filter the dropdown list. Fires the beforequery event prior to performing the
query allowing the query action to be canceled if needed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>query</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The SQL query to execute</div></li><li><code>forceAll</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to force the query to execute even if there are currently fewer characters
in the field than the minimum specified by the minChars config option. It also clears any filter previously
saved in the current store (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#doQuery" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#doQuery">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Expands the dropdown list if it is currently hidden. Fires the 'expand' event on completion.</div>
<div class="long">
Expands the dropdown list if it is currently hidden. Fires the 'expand' event on completion. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#expand" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#expand">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-getName"></a>
<b>getName</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the name attribute of the field if available</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the name attribute of the field if available <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">name The field name</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getName" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getName">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-getRawValue"></a>
<b>getRawValue</b>() : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getRawValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-getValue"></a>
<b>getValue</b>() : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the normalized data value (undefined or emptyText will be returned as ''). To return the raw value see getRa...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the normalized data value (undefined or emptyText will be returned as ''). To return the raw value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getRawValue">getRawValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-isDirty"></a>
<b>isDirty</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isDirty" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isDirty">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-isExpanded"></a>
<b>isExpanded</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the dropdown list is expanded, else false.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the dropdown list is expanded, else false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#isExpanded" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#isExpanded">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-isValid"></a>
<b>isValid</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean preventMark</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid</div>
<div class="long">
Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>preventMark</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to disable marking the field invalid</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isValid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isValid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-markInvalid"></a>
<b>markInvalid</b>(&nbsp;<code>String msg</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Mark this field as invalid</div>
<div class="long">
Mark this field as invalid <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The validation message</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#markInvalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#markInvalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-onTriggerClick"></a>
<b>onTriggerClick</b>(&nbsp;<code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function that should handle the trigger's click event. This method does nothing by default until overridden
by a...</div>
<div class="long">
The function that should handle the trigger's click event. This method does nothing by default until overridden
by an implementing function. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TriggerField" ext:member="#onTriggerClick" href="output/Ext.form.TriggerField.html#onTriggerClick">TriggerField</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-reset"></a>
<b>reset</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages</div>
<div class="long">
Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#reset" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#reset">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-select"></a>
<b>select</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code>Boolean scrollIntoView</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Select an item in the dropdown list by its numeric index in the list. This function does NOT cause the select event t...</div>
<div class="long">
Select an item in the dropdown list by its numeric index in the list. This function does NOT cause the select event to fire.
The store must be loaded and the list expanded for this function to work, otherwise use setValue. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The zero-based index of the list item to select</div></li><li><code>scrollIntoView</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">False to prevent the dropdown list from autoscrolling to display the
selected item if it is not currently in view (defaults to true)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#select" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#select">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-selectByValue"></a>
<b>selectByValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>String value</code>, <code>Boolean scrollIntoView</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Select an item in the dropdown list by its data value. This function does NOT cause the select event to fire.
The sto...</div>
<div class="long">
Select an item in the dropdown list by its data value. This function does NOT cause the select event to fire.
The store must be loaded and the list expanded for this function to work, otherwise use setValue. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The data value of the item to select</div></li><li><code>scrollIntoView</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">False to prevent the dropdown list from autoscrolling to display the
selected item if it is not currently in view (defaults to true)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value matched an item in the list, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#selectByValue" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#selectByValue">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-selectText"></a>
<b>selectText</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number start</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number end</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects text in this field</div>
<div class="long">
Selects text in this field <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>start</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index where the selection should start (defaults to 0)</div></li><li><code>end</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index where the selection should end (defaults to the text length)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#selectText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#selectText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-setEditable"></a>
<b>setEditable</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allow or prevent the user from directly editing the field text. If false is passed,
the user will only be able to se...</div>
<div class="long">
Allow or prevent the user from directly editing the field text. If false is passed,
the user will only be able to select from the items defined in the dropdown list. This method
is the runtime equivalent of setting the 'editable' config option at config time. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to allow the user to directly edit the field text</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#setEditable" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#setEditable">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-setRawValue"></a>
<b>setRawValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-setValue"></a>
<b>setValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets a data value into the field and validates it. To set the value directly without validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">setRawValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets a data value into the field and validates it. To set the value directly without validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">setRawValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-validate"></a>
<b>validate</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Validates the field value</div>
<div class="long">
Validates the field value <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validate" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validate">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-validateValue"></a>
<b>validateValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Validates a value according to the field's validation rules and marks the field as invalid
if the validation fails</div>
<div class="long">
Validates a value according to the field's validation rules and marks the field as invalid
if the validation fails <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to validate</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#validateValue" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#validateValue">TextField</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-autosize"></a>
<b>autosize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the autosize function is triggered. The field may or may not have actually changed size
according to the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the autosize function is triggered. The field may or may not have actually changed size
according to the default logic, but this event provides a hook for the developer to apply additional
logic at runtime to resize the field if needed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc">This text field</div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new field width</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#event-autosize" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#event-autosize">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-beforequery"></a>
<b>beforequery</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object queryEvent</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before all queries are processed. Return false to cancel the query or set the queryEvent's
cancel property to t...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before all queries are processed. Return false to cancel the query or set the queryEvent's
cancel property to true. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>queryEvent</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object that has these properties:<ul>
<li><code>combo</code> : Ext.form.ComboBox <div class="sub-desc">This combo box</div></li>
<li><code>query</code> : String <div class="sub-desc">The query</div></li>
<li><code>forceAll</code> : Boolean <div class="sub-desc">True to force "all" query</div></li>
<li><code>cancel</code> : Boolean <div class="sub-desc">Set to true to cancel the query</div></li>
</ul></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#event-beforequery" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#event-beforequery">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-beforeselect"></a>
<b>beforeselect</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.ComboBox combo</code>, <code> record</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a list item is selected. Return false to cancel the selection.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a list item is selected. Return false to cancel the selection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>combo</code> : Ext.form.ComboBox<div class="sub-desc">This combo box</div></li><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The data record returned from the underlying store</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the selected item in the dropdown list</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#event-beforeselect" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#event-beforeselect">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-blur"></a>
<b>blur</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this field loses input focus.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this field loses input focus. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-blur" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-blur">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-change"></a>
<b>change</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Mixed newValue</code>, <code>Mixed oldValue</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>newValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The new value</div></li><li><code>oldValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The original value</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-change" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-change">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.ComboBox combo</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the dropdown list is collapsed</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the dropdown list is collapsed <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>combo</code> : Ext.form.ComboBox<div class="sub-desc">This combo box</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#event-collapse" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#event-collapse">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.ComboBox combo</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the dropdown list is expanded</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the dropdown list is expanded <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>combo</code> : Ext.form.ComboBox<div class="sub-desc">This combo box</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#event-expand" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#event-expand">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this field receives input focus.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this field receives input focus. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-focus" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-focus">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-invalid"></a>
<b>invalid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>String msg</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the field has been marked as invalid.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the field has been marked as invalid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The validation message</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-invalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-invalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-select"></a>
<b>select</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.ComboBox combo</code>, <code> record</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a list item is selected</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a list item is selected <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>combo</code> : Ext.form.ComboBox<div class="sub-desc">This combo box</div></li><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The data record returned from the underlying store</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the selected item in the dropdown list</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="#event-select" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#event-select">ComboBox</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-specialkey"></a>
<b>specialkey</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<div class="long">
Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<a ext:cls="Ext.EventObject" ext:member="getKey" href="output/Ext.EventObject.html#getKey">Ext.EventObject.getKey</a> to determine which key was pressed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-specialkey" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-specialkey">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TimeField-valid"></a>
<b>valid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the field has been validated with no errors.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the field has been validated with no errors. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-valid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-valid">Field</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.DataView-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.DataView-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.DataView-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.DataView-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.DataView"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>DataView</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.DataView</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/DataView.js" target="_blank">DataView.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">DataView</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A mechanism for displaying data using custom layout templates and formatting. DataView uses an <a ext:cls="Ext.XTemplate" href="output/Ext.XTemplate.html">Ext.XTemplate</a>
as its internal templating mechanisma, and is bound to an <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a>
so that as the data in the store changes the view is automatically updated to reflect the changes. The view also
provides built-in behavior for many common events that can occur for its contained items including click, doubleclick,
mouseover, mouseout, etc. as well as a built-in selection model. <b>In order to use these features, an <a ext:cls="Ext.DataView" ext:member="itemSelector" href="output/Ext.DataView.html#itemSelector">itemSelector</a>
config must be provided for the DataView to determine what nodes it will be working with.</b>
<p>The example below binds a DataView to a <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> and renders it into an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Ext.Panel</a>.</p>
<pre><code>var store = <b>new</b>{
url: <em>'get-images.php'</em>,
root: <em>'images'</em>,
fields: [
<em>'name'</em>, <em>'url'</em>,
{name:<em>'size'</em>, type: <em>'float'</em>},
{name:<em>'lastmod'</em>, type:<em>'date'</em>, dateFormat:<em>'timestamp'</em>}
<b>var</b> tpl = <b>new</b> Ext.XTemplate(
<em>'&lt;tpl <b>for</b>="."&gt;'</em>,
<em>'&lt;div class="thumb-wrap" id="{name}"&gt;'</em>,
<em>'&lt;div class="thumb"&gt;&lt;img src="{url}" title="{name}"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;'</em>,
<em>'&lt;span class="x-editable"&gt;{shortName}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;'</em>,
<em>'&lt;div class="x-clear"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;'</em>
<b>var</b> panel = <b>new</b> Ext.Panel({
title:<em>'Simple DataView'</em>,
items: <b>new</b> Ext.DataView({
store: store,
tpl: tpl,
multiSelect: true,
emptyText: <em>'No images to display'</em>
panel.render(document.body);</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.DataView-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-autoEl"></a>
<b>autoEl</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inlin...</div>
<div class="long">
A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inline via JSON. It should not be used for higher level components which already create their own elements. Example usage: <pre><code>{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: <em>'div'</em>, cls:<em>'my-class'</em>}
{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: {tag:<em>'blockquote'</em>, html:<em>'autoEl is cool!'</em>}} // <b>with</b> DomHelper</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-autoHeight"></a>
<b>autoHeight</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a height of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-autoWidth"></a>
<b>autoWidth</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not al...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a width of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-emptyText"></a>
<b>emptyText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The text to display in the view when there is no data to display (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-itemSelector"></a>
<b>itemSelector</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">This is a required setting. A simple CSS selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child) that will be used to dete...</div>
<div class="long">
<b>This is a required setting</b>. A simple CSS selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child) that will be used to determine what nodes this DataView will be working with. </div>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-loadingText"></a>
<b>loadingText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A string to display during data load operations (defaults to undefined). If specified, this text will be displayed in...</div>
<div class="long">
A string to display during data load operations (defaults to undefined). If specified, this text will be displayed in a loading div and the view's contents will be cleared while loading, otherwise the view's contents will continue to display normally until the new data is loaded and the contents are replaced. </div>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-multiSelect"></a>
<b>multiSelect</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to allow selection of more than one item at a time, false to allow selection of only a single item at a time or ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to allow selection of more than one item at a time, false to allow selection of only a single item at a time or no selection at all, depending on the value of <a ext:cls="Ext.DataView" ext:member="singleSelect" href="output/Ext.DataView.html#singleSelect">singleSelect</a> (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-overClass"></a>
<b>overClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class to apply to each item in the view on mouseover (defaults to undefined). </div>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-selectedClass"></a>
<b>selectedClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class to apply to each selected item in the view (defaults to 'x-view-selected'). </div>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-simpleSelect"></a>
<b>simpleSelect</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to enable multiselection by clicking on multiple items without requiring the user to hold Shift or Ctrl, false t...</div>
<div class="long">
True to enable multiselection by clicking on multiple items without requiring the user to hold Shift or Ctrl, false to force the user to hold Ctrl or Shift to select more than on item (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-singleSelect"></a>
<b>singleSelect</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to allow selection of exactly one item at a time, false to allow no selection at all (defaults to false). Note t...</div>
<div class="long">
True to allow selection of exactly one item at a time, false to allow no selection at all (defaults to false). Note that if <a ext:cls="Ext.DataView" ext:member="multiSelect" href="output/Ext.DataView.html#multiSelect">multiSelect</a> = true, this value will be ignored. </div>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-store"></a>
<b>store</b> : <div class="mdesc">
The <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> to bind this DataView to. </div>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-tpl"></a>
<b>tpl</b> : String/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The HTML fragment or an array of fragments that will make up the template used by this DataView. This should be speci...</div>
<div class="long">
The HTML fragment or an array of fragments that will make up the template used by this DataView. This should be specified in the same format expected by the constructor of <a ext:cls="Ext.XTemplate" href="output/Ext.XTemplate.html">Ext.XTemplate</a>. </div>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.DataView-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.DataView-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-DataView"></a>
<b>DataView</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new DataView</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new DataView <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-clearSelections"></a>
<b>clearSelections</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean suppressEvent</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears all selections.</div>
<div class="long">
Clears all selections. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>suppressEvent</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to skip firing of the selectionchange event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-deselect"></a>
<b>deselect</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement/Number node</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Deselects a node.</div>
<div class="long">
Deselects a node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : HTMLElement/Number<div class="sub-desc">The node to deselect</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-findItemFromChild"></a>
<b>findItemFromChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement node</code>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the template node the passed child belongs to, or null if it doesn't belong to one.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the template node the passed child belongs to, or null if it doesn't belong to one. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The template node</div></li>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-getNode"></a>
<b>getNode</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement/String/Number nodeInfo</code>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets a template node.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets a template node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>nodeInfo</code> : HTMLElement/String/Number<div class="sub-desc">An HTMLElement template node, index of a template node or the id of a template node</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The node or null if it wasn't found</div></li>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-getNodes"></a>
<b>getNodes</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number start</code>, <code>Number end</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets a range nodes.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets a range nodes. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>start</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the first node in the range</div></li><li><code>end</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the last node in the range</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">An array of nodes</div></li>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-getRecord"></a>
<b>getRecord</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement node</code>&nbsp;) : Record <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets a record from a node</div>
<div class="long">
Gets a record from a node <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The node to evaluate</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Record</code><div class="sub-desc">record The {@link} object</div></li>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-getRecords"></a>
<b>getRecords</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array nodes</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets an array of the records from an array of nodes</div>
<div class="long">
Gets an array of the records from an array of nodes <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>nodes</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">The nodes to evaluate</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">records The {@link} objects</div></li>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-getSelectedIndexes"></a>
<b>getSelectedIndexes</b>() : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the indexes of the selected nodes.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the indexes of the selected nodes. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">An array of numeric indexes</div></li>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-getSelectedNodes"></a>
<b>getSelectedNodes</b>() : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the currently selected nodes.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the currently selected nodes. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">An array of HTMLElements</div></li>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-getSelectedRecords"></a>
<b>getSelectedRecords</b>() : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets an array of the selected records</div>
<div class="long">
Gets an array of the selected records <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">An array of {@link} objects</div></li>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-getSelectionCount"></a>
<b>getSelectionCount</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the number of selected nodes.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the number of selected nodes. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The node count</div></li>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-indexOf"></a>
<b>indexOf</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement/String/Number nodeInfo</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Finds the index of the passed node.</div>
<div class="long">
Finds the index of the passed node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>nodeInfo</code> : HTMLElement/String/Number<div class="sub-desc">An HTMLElement template node, index of a template node or the id of a template node</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The index of the node or -1</div></li>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-isSelected"></a>
<b>isSelected</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement/Number node</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the passed node is selected, else false.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the passed node is selected, else false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : HTMLElement/Number<div class="sub-desc">The node or node index to check</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if selected, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-prepareData"></a>
<b>prepareData</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array/Object data</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Function that can be overridden to provide custom formatting for the data that is sent to the template for each node.</div>
<div class="long">
Function that can be overridden to provide custom formatting for the data that is sent to the template for each node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>data</code> : Array/Object<div class="sub-desc">The raw data (array of colData for a data model bound view or
a JSON object for an Updater bound view).</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-refresh"></a>
<b>refresh</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Refreshes the view by reloading the data from the store and re-rendering the template.</div>
<div class="long">
Refreshes the view by reloading the data from the store and re-rendering the template. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-refreshNode"></a>
<b>refreshNode</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Refreshes an individual node's data from the store.</div>
<div class="long">
Refreshes an individual node's data from the store. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The item's data index in the store</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-select"></a>
<b>select</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array/HTMLElement/String/Number nodeInfo</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean keepExisting</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean suppressEvent</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects a set of nodes.</div>
<div class="long">
Selects a set of nodes. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>nodeInfo</code> : Array/HTMLElement/String/Number<div class="sub-desc">An HTMLElement template node, index of a template node,
id of a template node or an array of any of those to select</div></li><li><code>keepExisting</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to keep existing selections</div></li><li><code>suppressEvent</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to skip firing of the selectionchange vent</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-selectRange"></a>
<b>selectRange</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number start</code>, <code>Number end</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean keepExisting</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects a range of nodes. All nodes between start and end are selected.</div>
<div class="long">
Selects a range of nodes. All nodes between start and end are selected. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>start</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the first node in the range</div></li><li><code>end</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the last node in the range</div></li><li><code>keepExisting</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to retain existing selections</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-setStore"></a>
<b>setStore</b>(&nbsp;<code>Store store</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Changes the data store bound to this view and refreshes it.</div>
<div class="long">
Changes the data store bound to this view and refreshes it. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>store</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc">The store to bind to this view</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.DataView-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-beforeclick"></a>
<b>beforeclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.DataView this</code>, <code>Number index</code>, <code>HTMLElement node</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a click is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a click is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.DataView<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the target node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The target node</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The raw event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-beforeselect"></a>
<b>beforeselect</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.DataView this</code>, <code>HTMLElement node</code>, <code>Array selections</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a selection is made. If any handlers return false, the selection is cancelled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a selection is made. If any handlers return false, the selection is cancelled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.DataView<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>node</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The node to be selected</div></li><li><code>selections</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">Array of currently selected nodes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-click"></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.DataView this</code>, <code>Number index</code>, <code>HTMLElement node</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a template node is clicked.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a template node is clicked. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.DataView<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the target node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The target node</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The raw event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-containerclick"></a>
<b>containerclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.DataView this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a click occurs and it is not on a template node.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a click occurs and it is not on a template node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.DataView<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The raw event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-contextmenu"></a>
<b>contextmenu</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.DataView this</code>, <code>Number index</code>, <code>HTMLElement node</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a template node is right clicked.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a template node is right clicked. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.DataView<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the target node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The target node</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The raw event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-dblclick"></a>
<b>dblclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.DataView this</code>, <code>Number index</code>, <code>HTMLElement node</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a template node is double clicked.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a template node is double clicked. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.DataView<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the target node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The target node</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The raw event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-selectionchange"></a>
<b>selectionchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.DataView this</code>, <code>Array selections</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the selected nodes change.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the selected nodes change. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.DataView<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>selections</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">Array of the selected nodes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DataView</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DataView-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.air</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/NativeWindow.js" target="_blank">NativeWindow.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">NativeWindowGroup</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.air.NativeWindowManager" href="output/Ext.air.NativeWindowManager.html">NativeWindowManager</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
A collection of NativeWindows. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup-closeAll"></a>
<b>closeAll</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Closes all windows</div>
<div class="long">
Closes all windows <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindowGroup</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup-each"></a>
<b>each</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Executes the specified function once for every window in the group, passing each
window as the only parameter. Return...</div>
<div class="long">
Executes the specified function once for every window in the group, passing each
window as the only parameter. Returning false from the function will stop the iteration. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to execute for each item</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the function</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindowGroup</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup-get"></a>
<b>get</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindowGroup</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup-register"></a>
<b>register</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object win</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>win</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindowGroup</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup-unregister"></a>
<b>unregister</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object win</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>win</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindowGroup</td>
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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0,0 → 1,1417
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">BaseItem</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>TextItem</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/menu/TextItem.js" target="_blank">TextItem.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">TextItem</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Adds a static text string to a menu, usually used as either a heading or group separator. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>activeClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when the item becomes activated (defaults to "x-menu-item-active") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#activeClass" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>autoEl</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inlin...</div>
<div class="long">
A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inline via JSON. It should not be used for higher level components which already create their own elements. Example usage: <pre><code>{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: <em>'div'</em>, cls:<em>'my-class'</em>}
{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: {tag:<em>'blockquote'</em>, html:<em>'autoEl is cool!'</em>}} // <b>with</b> DomHelper</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>canActivate</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this item can be visually activated (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#canActivate" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>handler</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
A function that will handle the click event of this menu item (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#handler" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Length of time in milliseconds to wait before hiding after a click (defaults to 100) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#hideDelay" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideOnClick</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the containing menu after this item is clicked (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">TextItem</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>itemCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default CSS class to use for text items (defaults to "x-menu-text") </div>
<td class="msource">TextItem</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>scope</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The scope in which the handler function will be called. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#scope" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>text</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The text to display for this item (defaults to '') </div>
<td class="msource">TextItem</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>TextItem</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new TextItem</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new TextItem <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The text to display</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TextItem</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setHandler</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function handler</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the function that will handle click events for this item (equivalent to passing in the handler
config property)....</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the function that will handle click events for this item (equivalent to passing in the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="handler" href="output/">handler</a>
config property). If an existing handler is already registered, it will be unregistered for you. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function that should be called on click</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope that should be passed to the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#setHandler" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>activate</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is activated</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is activated <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-activate" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-click" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>deactivate</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is deactivated</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is deactivated <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-deactivate" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.PropertyRecord-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.PropertyRecord-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.PropertyRecord-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.grid.PropertyRecord"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.grid.PropertyRecord</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.grid</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/grid/PropertyGrid.js" target="_blank">PropertyGrid.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">PropertyRecord</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
A specific <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> type that represents a name/value pair and is made to work with the
<a ext:cls="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid" href="output/Ext.grid.PropertyGrid.html">Ext.grid.PropertyGrid</a>. Typically, PropertyRecords do not need to be created directly as they can be
created implicitly by simply using the appropriate data configs either via the <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid" ext:member="source" href="output/Ext.grid.PropertyGrid.html#source">Ext.grid.PropertyGrid.source</a>
config property or by calling <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid" ext:member="setSource" href="output/Ext.grid.PropertyGrid.html#setSource">Ext.grid.PropertyGrid.setSource</a>. However, if the need arises, these records
can also be created explicitly as shwon below. Example usage:
<pre><code>var rec = <b>new</b> Ext.grid.PropertyRecord({
name: <em>'Birthday'</em>,
value: <b>new</b> Date(Date.parse(<em>'05/26/1972'</em>))
<i>// Add record to an already populated grid</i>;</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyRecord-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.grid.PropertyRecord-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyRecord-PropertyRecord"></a>
<b>PropertyRecord</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A data object in the format: {name: [name], value: [value]}. The specified value's type
will be read automatically by the grid to determine the type of editor to use when displaying it.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">PropertyRecord</td>
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyRecord-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.EventObject-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.EventObject-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.EventObject-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.EventObject"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.EventObject</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/core/EventManager.js" target="_blank">EventManager.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">EventObject</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
EventObject exposes the Yahoo! UI Event functionality directly on the object
passed to your event handler. It exists mostly for convenience. It also fixes the annoying null checks automatically to cleanup your code
<pre><code>function handleClick(e){ <i>// e is not a standard event object, it is a Ext.EventObject</i>
<b>var</b> target = e.getTarget();
<b>var</b> myDiv = Ext.get(<em>"myDiv"</em>);
myDiv.on(<em>"click"</em>, handleClick);
Ext.EventManager.on(<em>"myDiv"</em>, <em>'click'</em>, handleClick);
Ext.EventManager.addListener(<em>"myDiv"</em>, <em>'click'</em>, handleClick);</code></pre><br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.EventObject-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-BACKSPACE"></a>
<b>BACKSPACE</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Key constant </div>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-CONTROL"></a>
<b>CONTROL</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Key constant </div>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-DELETE"></a>
<b>DELETE</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Key constant </div>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-DOWN"></a>
<b>DOWN</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Key constant </div>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-END"></a>
<b>END</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Key constant </div>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-ENTER"></a>
<b>ENTER</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Key constant </div>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-ESC"></a>
<b>ESC</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Key constant </div>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-F5"></a>
<b>F5</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Key constant </div>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-HOME"></a>
<b>HOME</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Key constant </div>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-LEFT"></a>
<b>LEFT</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Key constant </div>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-PAGEDOWN"></a>
<b>PAGEDOWN</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Key constant </div>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-PAGEUP"></a>
<b>PAGEUP</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Key constant </div>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-RETURN"></a>
<b>RETURN</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Key constant </div>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-RIGHT"></a>
<b>RIGHT</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Key constant </div>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-SHIFT"></a>
<b>SHIFT</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Key constant </div>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-SPACE"></a>
<b>SPACE</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Key constant </div>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-TAB"></a>
<b>TAB</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Key constant </div>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-UP"></a>
<b>UP</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Key constant </div>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-altKey"></a>
<b>altKey</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
True if the alt key was down during the event </div>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-browserEvent"></a>
<b>browserEvent</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The normal browser event </div>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-button"></a>
<b>button</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The button pressed in a mouse event </div>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-ctrlKey"></a>
<b>ctrlKey</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
True if the control key was down during the event </div>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-shiftKey"></a>
<b>shiftKey</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
True if the shift key was down during the event </div>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<a id="Ext.EventObject-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-getCharCode"></a>
<b>getCharCode</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the key code for the event.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the key code for the event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-getKey"></a>
<b>getKey</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a normalized keyCode for the event.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a normalized keyCode for the event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The key code</div></li>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-getPageX"></a>
<b>getPageX</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the x coordinate of the event.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the x coordinate of the event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-getPageY"></a>
<b>getPageY</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the y coordinate of the event.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the y coordinate of the event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-getRelatedTarget"></a>
<b>getRelatedTarget</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the related target.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the related target. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-getTarget"></a>
<b>getTarget</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String selector</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number/Mixed maxDepth</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnEl</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLelement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the target for the event.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the target for the event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) A simple selector to filter the target or look for an ancestor of the target</div></li><li><code>maxDepth</code> : Number/Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The max depth to
search as a number or element (defaults to 10 || document.body)</div></li><li><code>returnEl</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return a Ext.Element object instead of DOM node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-getTime"></a>
<b>getTime</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the time of the event.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the time of the event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-getWheelDelta"></a>
<b>getWheelDelta</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Normalizes mouse wheel delta across browsers</div>
<div class="long">
Normalizes mouse wheel delta across browsers <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The delta</div></li>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-getXY"></a>
<b>getXY</b>() : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the page coordinates of the event.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the page coordinates of the event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The xy values like [x, y]</div></li>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-hasModifier"></a>
<b>hasModifier</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the control, meta, shift or alt key was pressed during this event.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the control, meta, shift or alt key was pressed during this event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-preventDefault"></a>
<b>preventDefault</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Prevents the browsers default handling of the event.</div>
<div class="long">
Prevents the browsers default handling of the event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-stopEvent"></a>
<b>stopEvent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Stop the event (preventDefault and stopPropagation)</div>
<div class="long">
Stop the event (preventDefault and stopPropagation) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-stopPropagation"></a>
<b>stopPropagation</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Cancels bubbling of the event.</div>
<div class="long">
Cancels bubbling of the event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventObject-within"></a>
<b>within</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean related</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the target of this event equals el or is a child of el</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the target of this event equals el or is a child of el <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>related</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to test if the related target is within el instead of the target</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">EventObject</td>
<a id="Ext.EventObject-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>MultiSelectionModel</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.tree</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/tree/TreeSelectionModel.js" target="_blank">TreeSelectionModel.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">MultiSelectionModel</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Multi selection for a TreePanel. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-clearSelections"></a>
<b>clearSelections</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clear all selections</div>
<div class="long">
Clear all selections <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">MultiSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-getSelectedNodes"></a>
<b>getSelectedNodes</b>() : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns an array of the selected nodes</div>
<div class="long">
Returns an array of the selected nodes <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">MultiSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-isSelected"></a>
<b>isSelected</b>(&nbsp;<code>TreeNode node</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the node is selected</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the node is selected <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : TreeNode<div class="sub-desc">The node to check</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">MultiSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-select"></a>
<b>select</b>(&nbsp;<code>TreeNode node</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>EventObject e</code>]</span>, <code>Boolean keepExisting</code>&nbsp;) : TreeNode <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Select a node.</div>
<div class="long">
Select a node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : TreeNode<div class="sub-desc">The node to select</div></li><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An event associated with the selection</div></li><li><code>keepExisting</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to retain existing selections</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>TreeNode</code><div class="sub-desc">The selected node</div></li>
<td class="msource">MultiSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-unselect"></a>
<b>unselect</b>(&nbsp;<code>TreeNode node</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Deselect a node.</div>
<div class="long">
Deselect a node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : TreeNode<div class="sub-desc">The node to unselect</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">MultiSelectionModel</td>
<a id="Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel-selectionchange"></a>
<b>selectionchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>MultiSelectionModel this</code>, <code>Array nodes</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the selected nodes change</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the selected nodes change <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : MultiSelectionModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>nodes</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">Array of the selected nodes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">MultiSelectionModel</td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>DataProxy</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/data/DataProxy.js" target="_blank">DataProxy.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">DataProxy</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" href="output/">HttpProxy</a>, <a ext:cls="" href="output/">MemoryProxy</a>, <a ext:cls="" href="output/">ScriptTagProxy</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
This class is an abstract base class for implementations which provide retrieval of
unformatted data objects.<br>
DataProxy implementations are usually used in conjunction with an implementation of
(of the appropriate type which knows how to parse the data object) to provide a block of
<a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> to an <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a>.<br>
Custom implementations must implement the load method as described in
<a ext:cls="" ext:member="load" href="output/"></a>. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeload</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object This</code>, <code>Object params</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a network request is made to retrieve a data object.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a network request is made to retrieve a data object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>This</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">DataProxy object.</div></li><li><code>params</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The params parameter to the load function.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DataProxy</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>load</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object This</code>, <code>Object o</code>, <code>Object arg</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the load method's callback is called.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the load method's callback is called. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>This</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">DataProxy object.</div></li><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The data object.</div></li><li><code>arg</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The callback argument object passed to the load function.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DataProxy</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>loadexception</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object This</code>, <code>Object o</code>, <code>Object arg</code>, <code>Object e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires if an Exception occurs during data retrieval.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires if an Exception occurs during data retrieval. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>This</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">DataProxy object.</div></li><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The data object.</div></li><li><code>arg</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The callback argument object passed to the load function.</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The Exception.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DataProxy</td>
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<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.FormPanel-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.FormPanel-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.FormPanel-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.FormPanel-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.form.FormPanel"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Container</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Panel</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>FormPanel</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.form.FormPanel</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.form</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/form/Form.js" target="_blank">Form.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">FormPanel</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Panel</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Standard form container.
<p><b>Although they are not listed, this class also accepts all the config options required to configure its internal <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html">Ext.form.BasicForm</a></b></p>
FormPanel uses a <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html">Ext.layout.FormLayout</a> internally, and that is required for fields and labels to work correctly
within the FormPanel's layout. To nest additional layout styles within a FormPanel, you should nest additional Panels
or other containers that can provide additional layout functionality. <b>You should not override FormPanel's layout.</b>
By default, Ext Forms are submitted through Ajax, using <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html">Ext.form.Action</a>.
To enable normal browser submission of the Ext Form contained in this FormPanel,
override the Form's onSubmit, and submit methods:<br><br><pre><code>var myForm = <b>new</b> Ext.form.FormPanel({
onSubmit: Ext.emptyFn,
submit: <b>function</b>() {
});</code></pre><br> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-activeItem"></a>
<b>activeItem</b> : String/Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be initially activated within the container's...</div>
<div class="long">
A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be initially activated within the container's layout on render. For example, activeItem: 'item-1' or activeItem: 0 (index 0 = the first item in the container's collection). activeItem only applies to layout styles that can display items one at a time (like <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Ext.layout.Accordion</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">Ext.layout.FitLayout</a>). Related to <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="activeItem" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#activeItem">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.activeItem</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#activeItem" href="output/Ext.Container.html#activeItem">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-animCollapse"></a>
<b>animCollapse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the Ext....</div>
<div class="long">
True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the <a ext:cls="Ext.Fx" href="output/Ext.Fx.html">Ext.Fx</a> class is available, otherwise false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-autoDestroy"></a>
<b>autoDestroy</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else destruction mu...</div>
<div class="long">
If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else destruction must be handled manually (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#autoDestroy" href="output/Ext.Container.html#autoDestroy">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-autoHeight"></a>
<b>autoHeight</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a height of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-autoLoad"></a>
<b>autoLoad</b> : Object/String/Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A valid url spec according to the Updater Ext.Updater.update method. If autoLoad is not null, the panel will attempt ...</div>
<div class="long">
A valid url spec according to the Updater <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" ext:member="update" href="output/Ext.Updater.html#update">Ext.Updater.update</a> method. If autoLoad is not null, the panel will attempt to load its contents immediately upon render.<p> The URL will become the default URL for this panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="body" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#body">body</a> element, so it may be <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="refresh" href="output/Ext.Element.html#refresh">refresh</a>ed at any time.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#autoLoad" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#autoLoad">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-autoScroll"></a>
<b>autoScroll</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use overflow:'auto' on the panel's body element and show scroll bars automatically when necessary, false to c...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use overflow:'auto' on the panel's body element and show scroll bars automatically when necessary, false to clip any overflowing content (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#autoScroll" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#autoScroll">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-autoWidth"></a>
<b>autoWidth</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not al...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a width of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-baseCls"></a>
<b>baseCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The base CSS class to apply to this panel's element (defaults to 'x-panel'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#baseCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#baseCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-bbar"></a>
<b>bbar</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The bottom toolbar of the panel. This can be a Ext.Toolbar object, a toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button co...</div>
<div class="long">
The bottom toolbar of the panel. This can be a <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Ext.Toolbar</a> object, a toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render. To access the bottom toolbar after render, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getBottomToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getBottomToolbar">getBottomToolbar</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-bodyBorder"></a>
<b>bodyBorder</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display an interior border on the body element of the panel, false to hide it (defaults to true). This only a...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display an interior border on the body element of the panel, false to hide it (defaults to true). This only applies when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="border" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#border">border</a> == true. If border == true and bodyBorder == false, the border will display as a 1px wide inset border, giving the entire body element an inset appearance. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bodyBorder" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyBorder">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-bodyStyle"></a>
<b>bodyStyle</b> : String/Object/Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Custom CSS styles to be applied to the body element in the format expected by Ext.Element.applyStyles (defaults to nu...</div>
<div class="long">
Custom CSS styles to be applied to the body element in the format expected by <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a> (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bodyStyle" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyStyle">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-border"></a>
<b>border</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). By default, the borde...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). By default, the border is a 2px wide inset border, but this can be further altered by setting <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="bodyBorder" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyBorder">bodyBorder</a> to false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#border" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#border">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-bufferResize"></a>
<b>bufferResize</b> : Boolean/Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">When set to true (100 milliseconds) or a number of milliseconds, the layout assigned for this container will buffer t...</div>
<div class="long">
When set to true (100 milliseconds) or a number of milliseconds, the layout assigned for this container will buffer the frequency it calculates and does a re-layout of components. This is useful for heavy containers or containers with a large amount of sub components that frequent calls to layout are expensive. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#bufferResize" href="output/Ext.Container.html#bufferResize">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-buttonAlign"></a>
<b>buttonAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Valid values are "left," "center" and "right" (defaults to "center") </div>
<td class="msource">FormPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-buttons"></a>
<b>buttons</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
An array of <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> <b>configs</b> used to add buttons to the footer of this panel. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-collapseFirst"></a>
<b>collapseFirst</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the pane...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the panel's title bar, false to render it last (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapseFirst" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapseFirst">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-collapsed"></a>
<b>collapsed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render the panel collapsed, false to render it expanded (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsed" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsed">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-collapsedCls"></a>
<b>collapsedCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class to add to the panel's element after it has been collapsed (defaults to 'x-panel-collapsed'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsedCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsedCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-collapsible"></a>
<b>collapsible</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header tool button area, false to keep the panel statically sized with no button (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-contentEl"></a>
<b>contentEl</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The id of an existing HTML node to use as the panel's body content (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#contentEl" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#contentEl">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-defaultType"></a>
<b>defaultType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default type of container represented by this object as registered in <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a> (defaults to 'panel'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#defaultType" href="output/Ext.Container.html#defaultType">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-defaults"></a>
<b>defaults</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object that will be applied to all components added to this container either via the items config or via the...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object that will be applied to all components added to this container either via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">items</a> config or via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#add">add</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="insert" href="output/Ext.Container.html#insert">insert</a> methods. The defaults config can contain any number of name/value property pairs to be added to each item, and should be valid for the types of items being added to the container. For example, to automatically apply padding to the body of each of a set of contained <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Ext.Panel</a> items, you could pass: defaults: {bodyStyle:'padding:15px'}. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#defaults" href="output/Ext.Container.html#defaults">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-draggable"></a>
<b>draggable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false). For custom drag/drop implementations, an Ext.Panel.DD conf...</div>
<div class="long">
True to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false). For custom drag/drop implementations, an Ext.Panel.DD config could also be passed in this config instead of true, although Ext.Panel.DD is an internal, undocumented class. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#draggable" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#draggable">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-elements"></a>
<b>elements</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A comma-delimited list of panel elements to initialize when the panel is rendered. Normally, this list will be genera...</div>
<div class="long">
A comma-delimited list of panel elements to initialize when the panel is rendered. Normally, this list will be generated automatically based on the items added to the panel at config time, but sometimes it might be useful to make sure a structural element is rendered even if not specified at config time (for example, you may want to add a button or toolbar dynamically after the panel has been rendered). Adding those elements to this list will allocate the required placeholders in the panel when it is rendered. Valid values are<ul> <li><b>header</b></li> <li><b>tbar</b> (top bar)</li> <li><b>body</b></li> <li><b>bbar</b> (bottom bar)</li> <li><b>footer</b><li> </ul> Defaults to 'body'. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#elements" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#elements">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-floating"></a>
<b>floating</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to float the panel (absolute position it with automatic shimming and shadow), false to display it inline where i...</div>
<div class="long">
True to float the panel (absolute position it with automatic shimming and shadow), false to display it inline where it is rendered (defaults to false). Note that by default, setting floating to true will cause the panel to display at negative offsets so that it is hidden -- because the panel is absolute positioned, the position must be set explicitly after render (e.g., myPanel.setPosition(100,100);). Also, when floating a panel you should always assign a fixed width, otherwise it will be auto width and will expand to fill to the right edge of the viewport. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#floating" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#floating">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-footer"></a>
<b>footer</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to create the footer element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when footer is not specified, if...</div>
<div class="long">
True to create the footer element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when footer is not specified, if one or more buttons have been added to the panel the footer will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#footer" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#footer">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-formId"></a>
<b>formId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
(optional) The id of the FORM tag (defaults to an auto-generated id). </div>
<td class="msource">FormPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-frame"></a>
<b>frame</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render the panel with custom rounded borders, false to render with plain 1px square borders (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#frame" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#frame">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to create the header element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when header is not specified, if...</div>
<div class="long">
True to create the header element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when header is not specified, if a <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">title</a> is set the header will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. If a title is set but header is explicitly set to false, the header will not be rendered. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-headerAsText"></a>
<b>headerAsText</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to display the panel title in the header, false to hide it (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#headerAsText" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#headerAsText">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-hideBorders"></a>
<b>hideBorders</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide the borders of each contained component, false to defer to the component's existing border settings (def...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide the borders of each contained component, false to defer to the component's existing border settings (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#hideBorders" href="output/Ext.Container.html#hideBorders">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-hideCollapseTool"></a>
<b>hideCollapseTool</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the expand/collapse toggle button when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> = true, false to display it (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#hideCollapseTool" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#hideCollapseTool">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-html"></a>
<b>html</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
An HTML fragment, or a <a ext:cls="Ext.DomHelper" href="output/Ext.DomHelper.html">DomHelper</a> specification to use as the panel's body content (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#html" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#html">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-iconCls"></a>
<b>iconCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class that will provide a background image to be used as the panel header icon (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#iconCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#iconCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-itemCls"></a>
<b>itemCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A css class to apply to the x-form-item of fields. This property cascades to child containers. </div>
<td class="msource">FormPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-items"></a>
<b>items</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container. Each item can be any type of object bas...</div>
<div class="long">
A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container. Each item can be any type of object based on <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.<br><br> Component config objects may also be specified in order to avoid the overhead of constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the added Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of this "lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config property to the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br> For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>. If a single item is being passed, it should be passed directly as an object reference (e.g., items: {...}). Multiple items should be passed as an array of objects (e.g., items: [{...}, {...}]). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-keys"></a>
<b>keys</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by Ext.KeyMap.addBinding used to assign custom key handling to this pa...</div>
<div class="long">
A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by <a ext:cls="Ext.KeyMap" ext:member="addBinding" href="output/Ext.KeyMap.html#addBinding">Ext.KeyMap.addBinding</a> used to assign custom key handling to this panel (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#keys" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#keys">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-labelAlign"></a>
<b>labelAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Valid values are "left," "top" and "right" (defaults to "left"). This property cascades to child containers if not set. </div>
<td class="msource">FormPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-labelWidth"></a>
<b>labelWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of labels. This property cascades to child containers. </div>
<td class="msource">FormPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-layoutConfig"></a>
<b>layoutConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen layout (to be used in conjunction with the layou...</div>
<div class="long">
This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen layout (to be used in conjunction with the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">layout</a> config value). For complete details regarding the valid config options for each layout type, see the layout class corresponding to the type specified:<ul class="mdetail-params"> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Ext.layout.Accordion</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.AnchorLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.AnchorLayout.html">Ext.layout.AnchorLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.html">Ext.layout.BorderLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ColumnLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ColumnLayout.html">Ext.layout.ColumnLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">Ext.layout.FitLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html">Ext.layout.FormLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.TableLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.TableLayout.html">Ext.layout.TableLayout</a></li></ul> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#layoutConfig" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layoutConfig">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-maskDisabled"></a>
<b>maskDisabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will alway...</div>
<div class="long">
True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will always tell its contained elements to disable themselves when it is disabled, but masking the panel can provide an additional visual cue that the panel is disabled. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#maskDisabled" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#maskDisabled">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-minButtonWidth"></a>
<b>minButtonWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Minimum width of all buttons in pixels (defaults to 75) </div>
<td class="msource">FormPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-monitorPoll"></a>
<b>monitorPoll</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The milliseconds to poll valid state, ignored if monitorValid is not true (defaults to 200) </div>
<td class="msource">FormPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-monitorResize"></a>
<b>monitorResize</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to automatically monitor window resize events to handle anything that is sensitive to the current size of the vi...</div>
<div class="long">
True to automatically monitor window resize events to handle anything that is sensitive to the current size of the viewport. This value is typically managed by the chosen <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">layout</a> and should not need to be set manually. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#monitorResize" href="output/Ext.Container.html#monitorResize">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-monitorValid"></a>
<b>monitorValid</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If true the form monitors its valid state client-side and fires a looping event with that state. This is required to ...</div>
<div class="long">
If true the form monitors its valid state <b>client-side</b> and fires a looping event with that state. This is required to bind buttons to the valid state using the config value formBind:true on the button. </div>
<td class="msource">FormPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-shadow"></a>
<b>shadow</b> : Boolean/String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True (or a valid Ext.Shadow Ext.Shadow.mode value) to display a shadow behind the panel, false to display no shadow (...</div>
<div class="long">
True (or a valid Ext.Shadow <a ext:cls="Ext.Shadow" ext:member="mode" href="output/Ext.Shadow.html#mode">Ext.Shadow.mode</a> value) to display a shadow behind the panel, false to display no shadow (defaults to 'sides'). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shadow" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shadow">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-shadowOffset"></a>
<b>shadowOffset</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). Note that this option only applies when float...</div>
<div class="long">
The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shadowOffset" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shadowOffset">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-shim"></a>
<b>shim</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true). Note that this option only applies wh...</div>
<div class="long">
False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shim" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shim">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-tabTip"></a>
<b>tabTip</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must be called in order for the tips to render. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tabTip" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tabTip">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-tbar"></a>
<b>tbar</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The top toolbar of the panel. This can be either an Ext.Toolbar object or an array of buttons/button configs to be ad...</div>
<div class="long">
The top toolbar of the panel. This can be either an <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Ext.Toolbar</a> object or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render. To access the top toolbar after render, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getTopToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getTopToolbar">getTopToolbar</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-title"></a>
<b>title</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will aut...</div>
<div class="long">
The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will automatically be created and displayed unless <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">header</a> is explicitly set to false. If you don't want to specify a title at config time, but you may want one later, you must either specify a non-empty title (a blank space ' ' will do) or header:true so that the container element will get created. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-titleCollapse"></a>
<b>titleCollapse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when collapsible = true) by clicking anywhere in the header bar, fa...</div>
<div class="long">
True to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> = true) by clicking anywhere in the header bar, false to allow it only by clicking to tool button (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#titleCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#titleCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-tools"></a>
<b>tools</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of tool button configs to be added to the header tool area. Each tool config may contain the following prope...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of tool button configs to be added to the header tool area. Each tool config may contain the following properties: <div class="mdetail-params"><ul> <li><b>id</b> : String<p class="sub-desc"><b>Required.</b> The type of tool to create. Values may be<ul> <li><tt>toggle</tt> (Created by default when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> is <tt>true</tt>)</li> <li><tt>close</tt></li> <li><tt>minimize</tt></li> <li><tt>maximize</tt></li> <li><tt>restore</tt></li> <li><tt>gear</tt></li> <li><tt>pin</tt></li> <li><tt>unpin</tt></li> <li><tt>right</tt></li> <li><tt>left</tt></li> <li><tt>up</tt></li> <li><tt>down</tt></li> <li><tt>refresh</tt></li> <li><tt>minus</tt></li> <li><tt>plus</tt></li> <li><tt>help</tt></li> <li><tt>search</tt></li> <li><tt>save</tt></li> <li><tt>print</tt></li> </ul></div></p></li> <li><b>handler</b> : Function<p class="sub-desc"><b>Required.</b> The function to call when clicked. Arguments passed are:<ul> <li><b>event</b> : Ext.EventObject<p class="sub-desc">The click event.</p></li> <li><b>toolEl</b> : Ext.Element<p class="sub-desc">The tool Element.</p></li> <li><b>Panel</b> : Ext.Panel<p class="sub-desc">The host Panel</p></li> </ul></p></li> <li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to call the handler.</p></li> <li><b>qtip</b> : String/Object<p class="sub-desc">A tip string, or a config argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.QuickTip" ext:member="register" href="output/Ext.QuickTip.html#register">Ext.QuickTip.register</a></p></li> <li><b>hidden</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to initially render hidden.</p></li> <li><b>on</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">A listener config object specifiying event listeners in the format of an argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#addListener">addListener</a></p></li> </ul> Example usage: <pre><code>tools:[{
<i>// hidden:true,</i>
handler: <b>function</b>(event, toolEl, panel){
<i>// refresh logic</i>
}]</code></pre> Note that apart from the toggle tool which is provided when a panel is collapsible, these tools only provide the visual button. Any required functionality must be provided by adding handlers that implement the necessary behavior. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tools" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tools">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-body"></a>
<b>body</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
The Panel's body Element which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the html config,...</div>
<div class="long">
The Panel's body <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a> which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="html" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#html">html</a> config, or it may be loaded using the
<a ext:cls="autoLoad" href="output/autoLoad.html">autoLoad</a> config, or through the Panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getUpdater" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getUpdater">Updater</a>. Read-only.
<p>If this is used to load visible HTML elements in either way, then
the Panel may not be used as a Layout for hosting nested Panels.</p>
<p>If this Panel is intended to be used as the host of a Layout (See <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#layout">layout</a>
then the body Element must not be loaded or changed - it is under the control
of the Panel's Layout. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#body" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#body">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-buttons"></a>
<b>buttons</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
This Panel's Array of buttons as created from the <tt>buttons</tt>
config property. Read only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-footer"></a>
<b>footer</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
The Panel's footer <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a>. Read-only.
<p>This Element is used to house the Panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">buttons</a>.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#footer" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#footer">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
The Panel's header <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a>. Read-only.
<p>This Element is used to house the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">title</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="tools" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tools">tools</a></p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-items"></a>
<b>items</b> : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
The collection of components in this container as a <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html">Ext.util.MixedCollection</a> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">Container</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-FormPanel"></a>
<b>FormPanel</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">FormPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-add"></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component/Object component</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a component to this container. Fires the beforeadd event before adding,
then fires the add event after the compo...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a component to this container. Fires the beforeadd event before adding,
then fires the add event after the component has been added. If the container is
already rendered when add is called, you may need to call <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="doLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#doLayout">doLayout</a> to refresh
the view. This is required so that you can add multiple child components if needed
while only refreshing the layout once. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component/Object<div class="sub-desc">The component to add.<br><br>
Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the added Component should
it become necessary.<br><br>
A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of
constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
added Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of this
"lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config property to
the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br>
For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">component The Component (or config object) that was added with the Container's default config values applied.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#add">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-addButton"></a>
<b>addButton</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object config</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Button <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to ...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to add buttons via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">buttons</a> config. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">A valid <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> config. A string will become the text for a default
button config, an object will be treated as a button config object.</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called on button <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="click" href="output/Ext.Button.html#click"></a></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope to use for the button handler function</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Button</code><div class="sub-desc">The button that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#addButton" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#addButton">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-bubble"></a>
<b>bubble</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (this) of...</div>
<div class="long">
Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the bubble is stopped. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#bubble" href="output/Ext.Container.html#bubble">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-cascade"></a>
<b>cascade</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function wi...</div>
<div class="long">
Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function with
each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the cascade is stopped on that branch. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current component)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (defaults to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#cascade" href="output/Ext.Container.html#cascade">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the beforecollapse event which will
cancel the collapse ac...</div>
<div class="long">
Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforecollapse">beforecollapse</a> event which will
cancel the collapse action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-doLayout"></a>
<b>doLayout</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force this container's layout to be recalculated. A call to this function is required after adding a new component
<div class="long">
Force this container's layout to be recalculated. A call to this function is required after adding a new component
to an already rendered container, or possibly after changing sizing/position properties of child components. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to only calc the layout of this component, and let child components auto
calc layouts as required (defaults to false, which calls doLayout recursively for each subcontainer)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#doLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#doLayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the beforeexpand event which will
cancel the expand action ...</div>
<div class="long">
Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforeexpand">beforeexpand</a> event which will
cancel the expand action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-find"></a>
<b>find</b>(&nbsp;<code>String prop</code>, <code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by property</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by property <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>prop</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#find" href="output/Ext.Container.html#find">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-findBy"></a>
<b>findBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the com...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the component will be included in the results. The passed function is called with the arguments (component, this container). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findBy" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findBy">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-findById"></a>
<b>findById</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by id</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findById" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findById">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-findByType"></a>
<b>findByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findByType" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findByType">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-getBottomToolbar"></a>
<b>getBottomToolbar</b>() : Ext.Toolbar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar</code><div class="sub-desc">The toolbar</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getBottomToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getBottomToolbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-getComponent"></a>
<b>getComponent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Number id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets a direct child Component by id, or by index.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets a direct child Component by id, or by index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">or index of child Component to return.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#getComponent" href="output/Ext.Container.html#getComponent">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-getForm"></a>
<b>getForm</b>() : Ext.form.BasicForm <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Provides access to the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html">Form</a> which this Panel contains.</div>
<div class="long">
Provides access to the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html">Form</a> which this Panel contains. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.form.BasicForm</code><div class="sub-desc">The {@link Ext.form.BasicForm Form} which this Panel contains.</div></li>
<td class="msource">FormPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-getFrameHeight"></a>
<b>getFrameHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and ...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and footer elements, but not including the body height). To retrieve the body height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerHeight">getInnerHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getFrameHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameHeight">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-getFrameWidth"></a>
<b>getFrameWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the bo...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the body width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerWidth">getInnerWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-getInnerHeight"></a>
<b>getInnerHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame he...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameHeight">getFrameHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getInnerHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerHeight">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-getInnerWidth"></a>
<b>getInnerWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame widt...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameWidth">getFrameWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getInnerWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-getLayout"></a>
<b>getLayout</b>() : ContainerLayout <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the layout currently in use by the container. If the container does not currently have a layout
set, a defau...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the layout currently in use by the container. If the container does not currently have a layout
set, a default <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout</a> will be created and set as the container's layout. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>ContainerLayout</code><div class="sub-desc">layout The container's layout</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#getLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#getLayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-getTopToolbar"></a>
<b>getTopToolbar</b>() : Ext.Toolbar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar</code><div class="sub-desc">The toolbar</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getTopToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getTopToolbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-getUpdater"></a>
<b>getUpdater</b>() : Ext.Updater <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" href="output/Ext.Updater.html">Ext.Updater</a> for this panel. Enables you to perform Ajax updates of this panel's body.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" href="output/Ext.Updater.html">Ext.Updater</a> for this panel. Enables you to perform Ajax updates of this panel's body. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Updater</code><div class="sub-desc">The Updater</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getUpdater" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getUpdater">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-insert"></a>
<b>insert</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the
beforeadd event before inserting, then fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the
beforeadd event before inserting, then fires the add event after the
Component has been inserted. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the Component will be inserted
into the Container's items collection</div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The child Component to insert.<br><br>
Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the inserted Component should
it become necessary.<br><br>
A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of
constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
inserted Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of
this "lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config
property to the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br>
For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">component The Component (or config object) that was inserted with the Container's default config values applied.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#insert" href="output/Ext.Container.html#insert">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-load"></a>
<b>load</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object options</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">This is a proxy for the underlying BasicForm's <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" ext:member="load" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html#load">Ext.form.BasicForm.load</a> call.</div>
<div class="long">
This is a proxy for the underlying BasicForm's <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" ext:member="load" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html#load">Ext.form.BasicForm.load</a> call. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The options to pass to the action (see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" ext:member="doAction" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html#doAction">Ext.form.BasicForm.doAction</a> for details)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">FormPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b>(&nbsp;<code>Component/String component</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean autoDestroy</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a component from this container. Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires
the remove event a...</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a component from this container. Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires
the remove event after the component has been removed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>component</code> : Component/String<div class="sub-desc">The component reference or id to remove</div></li><li><code>autoDestroy</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to automatically invoke the component's <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Ext.Component.destroy</a> function</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#remove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#remove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-setIconClass"></a>
<b>setIconClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. This method will replace any existing
icon class if ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. This method will replace any existing
icon class if one has already been set. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new CSS class name</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#setIconClass" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#setIconClass">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-setTitle"></a>
<b>setTitle</b>(&nbsp;<code>String title</code>, <code>String (optional)</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>title</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The title text to set</div></li><li><code>(optional)</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">iconCls A custon, user-defined CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#setTitle" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#setTitle">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-startMonitoring"></a>
<b>startMonitoring</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Starts monitoring of the valid state of this form. Usually this is done by passing the config
option "monitorValid"</div>
<div class="long">
Starts monitoring of the valid state of this form. Usually this is done by passing the config
option "monitorValid" <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">FormPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-stopMonitoring"></a>
<b>stopMonitoring</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Stops monitoring of the valid state of this form</div>
<div class="long">
Stops monitoring of the valid state of this form <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">FormPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-toggleCollapse"></a>
<b>toggleCollapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#toggleCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#toggleCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-activate"></a>
<b>activate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been visually activated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being activated, but some...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been visually activated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being activated, but some Panel subclasses
do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel fire the
activate and deactivate events under the control of the TabPanel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been activated.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-activate" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-activate">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-add"></a>
<b>add</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component was added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-add">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-afterlayout"></a>
<b>afterlayout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>ContainerLayout layout</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>layout</code> : ContainerLayout<div class="sub-desc">The ContainerLayout implementation for this container</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-afterlayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-afterlayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-beforeadd"></a>
<b>beforeadd</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component will be added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeadd" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeadd">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-beforeclose"></a>
<b>beforeclose</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses d...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). This event only applies to such subclasses.
A handler can return false to cancel the close. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel being closed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforeclose" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforeclose">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-beforecollapse"></a>
<b>beforecollapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel being collapsed.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the collapse is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforecollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-beforeexpand"></a>
<b>beforeexpand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel being expanded.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the expand is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforeexpand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-beforeremove"></a>
<b>beforeremove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeremove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeremove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-bodyresize"></a>
<b>bodyresize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel which has been resized.</div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The Panel's new width.</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The Panel's new height.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-bodyresize" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-bodyresize">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-clientvalidation"></a>
<b>clientvalidation</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.FormPanel this</code>, <code>Boolean valid</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If the monitorValid config option is true, this event fires repetitively to notify of valid state</div>
<div class="long">
If the monitorValid config option is true, this event fires repetitively to notify of valid state <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.FormPanel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>valid</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">true if the form has passed client-side validation</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">FormPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-close"></a>
<b>close</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been closed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-close" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-close">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been collapsed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been collapsed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel that has been collapsed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-collapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-deactivate"></a>
<b>deactivate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been visually deactivated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being deactivated, but ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been visually deactivated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being deactivated, but some Panel subclasses
do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel fire the
activate and deactivate events under the control of the TabPanel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been deactivated.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-deactivate" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-deactivate">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been expanded.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been expanded. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been expanded.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-expand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-remove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-remove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FormPanel-titlechange"></a>
<b>titlechange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>String The</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel which has had its title changed.</div></li><li><code>The</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">new title.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-titlechange" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-titlechange">Panel</a></td>
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.CompositeElementLite-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.CompositeElementLite-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.CompositeElementLite-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.CompositeElementLite"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.CompositeElement" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.CompositeElement.html">CompositeElement</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>CompositeElementLite</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.CompositeElementLite</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/core/CompositeElement.js" target="_blank">CompositeElement.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">CompositeElementLite</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.CompositeElement" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.CompositeElement.html">CompositeElement</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Flyweight composite class. Reuses the same Ext.Element for element operations.
<pre><code>var els =<em>"#some-el div.some-class"</em>);
<i>// or select directly from an existing element</i>
<b>var</b> el = Ext.get(<em>'some-el'</em>);<em>'div.some-class'</em>);
els.setWidth(100); <i>// all elements become 100 width</i>
els.hide(true); <i>// all elements fade out and hide</i>
<i>// or</i>
<b>NOTE: Although they are not listed, this class supports all of the set/update methods of Ext.Element. All Ext.Element
actions will be performed on all the elements in this collection.</b> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.CompositeElementLite-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.CompositeElementLite-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElementLite-add"></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Array els</code>&nbsp;) : CompositeElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds elements to this composite.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds elements to this composite. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>els</code> : String/Array<div class="sub-desc">A string CSS selector, an array of elements or an element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>CompositeElement</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.CompositeElement" ext:member="#add" href="output/Ext.CompositeElement.html#add">CompositeElement</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElementLite-clear"></a>
<b>clear</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all elements.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all elements. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.CompositeElement" ext:member="#clear" href="output/Ext.CompositeElement.html#clear">CompositeElement</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElementLite-contains"></a>
<b>contains</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this composite contains the passed element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this composite contains the passed element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.CompositeElement" ext:member="#contains" href="output/Ext.CompositeElement.html#contains">CompositeElement</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElementLite-each"></a>
<b>each</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : CompositeElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Calls the passed function passing (el, this, index) for each element in this composite. The element
passed is the fly...</div>
<div class="long">
Calls the passed function passing (el, this, index) for each element in this composite. <b>The element
passed is the flyweight (shared) Ext.Element instance, so if you require a
a reference to the dom node, use el.dom.</b> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The <i>this</i> object (defaults to the element)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>CompositeElement</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">CompositeElementLite</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElementLite-fill"></a>
<b>fill</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Array els</code>&nbsp;) : CompositeElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears this composite and adds the elements returned by the passed selector.</div>
<div class="long">
Clears this composite and adds the elements returned by the passed selector. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>els</code> : String/Array<div class="sub-desc">A string CSS selector, an array of elements or an element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>CompositeElement</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.CompositeElement" ext:member="#fill" href="output/Ext.CompositeElement.html#fill">CompositeElement</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElementLite-filter"></a>
<b>filter</b>(&nbsp;<code>String selector</code>&nbsp;) : CompositeElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Filters this composite to only elements that match the passed selector.</div>
<div class="long">
Filters this composite to only elements that match the passed selector. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A string CSS selector</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>CompositeElement</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.CompositeElement" ext:member="#filter" href="output/Ext.CompositeElement.html#filter">CompositeElement</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElementLite-first"></a>
<b>first</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the first Element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the first Element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.CompositeElement" ext:member="#first" href="output/Ext.CompositeElement.html#first">CompositeElement</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElementLite-getCount"></a>
<b>getCount</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the number of elements in this composite</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the number of elements in this composite <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.CompositeElement" ext:member="#getCount" href="output/Ext.CompositeElement.html#getCount">CompositeElement</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElementLite-indexOf"></a>
<b>indexOf</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this composite contains the passed element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this composite contains the passed element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.CompositeElement" ext:member="#indexOf" href="output/Ext.CompositeElement.html#indexOf">CompositeElement</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElementLite-item"></a>
<b>item</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a flyweight Element of the dom element object at the specified index</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a flyweight Element of the dom element object at the specified index <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CompositeElementLite</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElementLite-last"></a>
<b>last</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the last Element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the last Element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.CompositeElement" ext:member="#last" href="output/Ext.CompositeElement.html#last">CompositeElement</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElementLite-removeElement"></a>
<b>removeElement</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean removeDom</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : CompositeElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes the specified element(s).</div>
<div class="long">
Removes the specified element(s). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The id of an element, the Element itself, the index of the element in this composite
or an array of any of those.</div></li><li><code>removeDom</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to also remove the element from the document</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>CompositeElement</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.CompositeElement" ext:member="#removeElement" href="output/Ext.CompositeElement.html#removeElement">CompositeElement</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElementLite-replaceElement"></a>
<b>replaceElement</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Mixed replacement</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean domReplace</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : CompositeElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Replaces the specified element with the passed element.</div>
<div class="long">
Replaces the specified element with the passed element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The id of an element, the Element itself, the index of the element in this composite
to replace.</div></li><li><code>replacement</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The id of an element or the Element itself.</div></li><li><code>domReplace</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(Optional) True to remove and replace the element in the document too.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>CompositeElement</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.CompositeElement" ext:member="#replaceElement" href="output/Ext.CompositeElement.html#replaceElement">CompositeElement</a></td>
<a id="Ext.CompositeElementLite-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">DataReader</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>XmlReader</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/data/XmlReader.js" target="_blank">XmlReader.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">XmlReader</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">DataReader</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Data reader class to create an Array of <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> objects from an XML document
based on mappings in a provided constructor.<br><br>
<em>Note that in order for the browser to parse a returned XML document, the Content-Type
header in the HTTP response must be set to "text/xml".</em>
Example code:
<pre><code>var Employee =[
{name: <em>'name'</em>, mapping: <em>'name'</em>}, <i>// <em>"mapping"</em> property not needed <b>if</b> it's the same as <em>"name"</em></i>
{name: <em>'occupation'</em>} <i>// This field will use <em>"occupation"</em> as the mapping.</i>
<b>var</b> myReader = <b>new</b>{
totalRecords: <em>"results"</em>, <i>// The element which contains the total dataset size (optional)</i>
record: <em>"row"</em>, <i>// The repeated element which contains row information</i>
id: <em>"id"</em> <i>// The element within the row that provides an ID <b>for</b> the record (optional)</i>
}, Employee);</code></pre>
This would consume an XML file like this:
&lt;/dataset></code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The DomQuery path relative from the record element to the element that contains a record identifier value. </div>
<td class="msource">XmlReader</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>record</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The DomQuery path to the repeated element which contains record information. </div>
<td class="msource">XmlReader</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>success</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The DomQuery path to the success attribute used by forms. </div>
<td class="msource">XmlReader</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>totalRecords</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The DomQuery path from which to retrieve the total number of records in the dataset. This is only needed if the whole...</div>
<div class="long">
The DomQuery path from which to retrieve the total number of records in the dataset. This is only needed if the whole dataset is not passed in one go, but is being paged from the remote server. </div>
<td class="msource">XmlReader</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>meta</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
This DataReader's configured metadata as passed to the constructor. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#meta" href="output/">DataReader</a></td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>xmlData</b> : XMLDocument <div class="mdesc">
After any data loads/reads, the raw XML Document is available for further custom processing. </div>
<td class="msource">XmlReader</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>XmlReader</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object meta</code>, <code>Object recordType</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new XmlReader.</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new XmlReader. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>meta</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Metadata configuration options</div></li><li><code>recordType</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Either an Array of field definition objects as passed to
<a ext:cls="" ext:member="create" href="output/"></a>, or a Record constructor object created using <a ext:cls="" ext:member="create" href="output/"></a>.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">XmlReader</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>read</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object response</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">This method is only used by a DataProxy which has retrieved data from a remote server.</div>
<div class="long">
This method is only used by a DataProxy which has retrieved data from a remote server. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>response</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The XHR object which contains the parsed XML document. The response is expected
to contain a property called <tt>responseXML</tt> which refers to an XML document object.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">records A data block which is used by an {@link} as a cache of</div></li>
<td class="msource">XmlReader</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>readRecords</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object doc</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a data block containing from an XML document.</div>
<div class="long">
Create a data block containing from an XML document. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>doc</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A parsed XML document.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">records A data block which is used by an {@link} as a cache of</div></li>
<td class="msource">XmlReader</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,115
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeSorter-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeSorter-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeSorter-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeSorter-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.tree.TreeSorter"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.tree.TreeSorter</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.tree</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/tree/TreeSorter.js" target="_blank">TreeSorter.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">TreeSorter</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Provides sorting of nodes in a TreePanel </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeSorter-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeSorter-caseSensitive"></a>
<b>caseSensitive</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
true for case sensitive sort (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">TreeSorter</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeSorter-dir"></a>
<b>dir</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The direction to sort (asc or desc) (defaults to asc) </div>
<td class="msource">TreeSorter</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeSorter-folderSort"></a>
<b>folderSort</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to sort leaf nodes under non leaf nodes </div>
<td class="msource">TreeSorter</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeSorter-leafAttr"></a>
<b>leafAttr</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The attribute used to determine leaf nodes in folder sort (defaults to "leaf") </div>
<td class="msource">TreeSorter</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeSorter-property"></a>
<b>property</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The named attribute on the node to sort by (defaults to text) </div>
<td class="msource">TreeSorter</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeSorter-sortType"></a>
<b>sortType</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
A custom "casting" function used to convert node values before sorting </div>
<td class="msource">TreeSorter</td>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeSorter-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.tree.TreeSorter-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeSorter-TreeSorter"></a>
<b>TreeSorter</b>(&nbsp;<code>TreePanel tree</code>, <code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : TreePanel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeSorter</td>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeSorter-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,150
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.KeyNav-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.KeyNav-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.KeyNav-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.KeyNav-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.KeyNav"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.KeyNav</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/util/KeyNav.js" target="_blank">KeyNav.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">KeyNav</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
<p>Provides a convenient wrapper for normalized keyboard navigation. KeyNav allows you to bind
navigation keys to function calls that will get called when the keys are pressed, providing an easy
way to implement custom navigation schemes for any UI component.</p>
<p>The following are all of the possible keys that can be implemented: enter, left, right, up, down, tab, esc,
pageUp, pageDown, del, home, end. Usage:</p>
<pre><code>var nav = <b>new</b> Ext.KeyNav(<em>"my-element"</em>, {
<em>"left"</em> : <b>function</b>(e){
<em>"right"</em> : <b>function</b>(e){
<em>"enter"</em> : <b>function</b>(e){
scope : <b>this</b>
});</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.KeyNav-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.KeyNav-defaultEventAction"></a>
<b>defaultEventAction</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The method to call on the Ext.EventObject after this KeyNav intercepts a key. Valid values are Ext.EventObject.stopEv...</div>
<div class="long">
The method to call on the <a ext:cls="Ext.EventObject" href="output/Ext.EventObject.html">Ext.EventObject</a> after this KeyNav intercepts a key. Valid values are <a ext:cls="Ext.EventObject" ext:member="stopEvent" href="output/Ext.EventObject.html#stopEvent">Ext.EventObject.stopEvent</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.EventObject" ext:member="preventDefault" href="output/Ext.EventObject.html#preventDefault">Ext.EventObject.preventDefault</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.EventObject" ext:member="stopPropagation" href="output/Ext.EventObject.html#stopPropagation">Ext.EventObject.stopPropagation</a> (defaults to 'stopEvent') </div>
<td class="msource">KeyNav</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.KeyNav-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable this KeyNav instance (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">KeyNav</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.KeyNav-forceKeyDown"></a>
<b>forceKeyDown</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Handle the keydown event instead of keypress (defaults to false). KeyNav automatically does this for IE since IE does...</div>
<div class="long">
Handle the keydown event instead of keypress (defaults to false). KeyNav automatically does this for IE since IE does not propagate special keys on keypress, but setting this to true will force other browsers to also handle keydown instead of keypress. </div>
<td class="msource">KeyNav</td>
<a id="Ext.KeyNav-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.KeyNav-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.KeyNav-KeyNav"></a>
<b>KeyNav</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to bind to</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The config</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">KeyNav</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.KeyNav-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this KeyNav</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this KeyNav <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">KeyNav</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.KeyNav-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this KeyNav</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this KeyNav <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">KeyNav</td>
<a id="Ext.KeyNav-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,1409
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">BaseItem</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">Adapter</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>ColorItem</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/menu/ColorItem.js" target="_blank">ColorItem.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">ColorItem</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">Adapter</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A menu item that wraps the <a ext:cls="Ext.ColorPalette" href="output/Ext.ColorPalette.html">Ext.ColorPalette</a> component. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>activeClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when the item becomes activated (defaults to "x-menu-item-active") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#activeClass" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>autoEl</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inlin...</div>
<div class="long">
A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inline via JSON. It should not be used for higher level components which already create their own elements. Example usage: <pre><code>{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: <em>'div'</em>, cls:<em>'my-class'</em>}
{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: {tag:<em>'blockquote'</em>, html:<em>'autoEl is cool!'</em>}} // <b>with</b> DomHelper</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>canActivate</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this item can be visually activated (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#canActivate" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>handler</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
A function that will handle the click event of this menu item (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#handler" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Length of time in milliseconds to wait before hiding after a click (defaults to 100) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#hideDelay" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideOnClick</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the containing menu after this item is clicked (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#hideOnClick" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>scope</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The scope in which the handler function will be called. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#scope" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>palette</b> : Ext.ColorPalette <div class="mdesc">
The Ext.ColorPalette object </div>
<td class="msource">ColorItem</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>ColorItem</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new ColorItem</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new ColorItem <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColorItem</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setHandler</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function handler</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the function that will handle click events for this item (equivalent to passing in the handler
config property)....</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the function that will handle click events for this item (equivalent to passing in the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="handler" href="output/">handler</a>
config property). If an existing handler is already registered, it will be unregistered for you. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function that should be called on click</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope that should be passed to the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#setHandler" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>activate</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is activated</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is activated <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-activate" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-click" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>deactivate</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is deactivated</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is deactivated <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-deactivate" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Radio-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Radio-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Radio-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Radio-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.form.Radio"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html">Field</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Checkbox" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.Checkbox.html">Checkbox</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Radio</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.form.Radio</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.form</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/form/Radio.js" target="_blank">Radio.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Radio</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Checkbox" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.Checkbox.html">Checkbox</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Single radio field. Same as Checkbox, but provided as a convenience for automatically setting the input type.
Radio grouping is handled automatically by the browser if you give each radio in a group the same name. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-autoCreate"></a>
<b>autoCreate</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "20", au...</div>
<div class="long">
A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "20", autocomplete: "off"}) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#autoCreate" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#autoCreate">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-boxLabel"></a>
<b>boxLabel</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The text that appears beside the checkbox </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Checkbox" ext:member="#boxLabel" href="output/Ext.form.Checkbox.html#boxLabel">Checkbox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-checked"></a>
<b>checked</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if the the checkbox should render already checked (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Checkbox" ext:member="#checked" href="output/Ext.form.Checkbox.html#checked">Checkbox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-clearCls"></a>
<b>clearCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class used to provide field clearing (defaults to 'x-form-clear-left') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#clearCls" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#clearCls">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable the field (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#disabled">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-fieldClass"></a>
<b>fieldClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default CSS class for the field (defaults to "x-form-field") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#fieldClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#fieldClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-fieldLabel"></a>
<b>fieldLabel</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The label text to display next to this field (defaults to '') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#fieldLabel" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#fieldLabel">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-focusClass"></a>
<b>focusClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when the field receives focus (defaults to "x-form-focus") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#focusClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#focusClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-hideLabel"></a>
<b>hideLabel</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to completely hide the label element (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#hideLabel" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#hideLabel">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-inputType"></a>
<b>inputType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type attribute for input fields -- e.g. radio, text, password (defaults to "text"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#inputType" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#inputType">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-inputValue"></a>
<b>inputValue</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The value that should go into the generated input element's value attribute </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Checkbox" ext:member="#inputValue" href="output/Ext.form.Checkbox.html#inputValue">Checkbox</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-invalidClass"></a>
<b>invalidClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when marking a field invalid (defaults to "x-form-invalid") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#invalidClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#invalidClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-invalidText"></a>
<b>invalidText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided (defaults to "The value in this field i...</div>
<div class="long">
The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided (defaults to "The value in this field is invalid") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#invalidText" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#invalidText">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-itemCls"></a>
<b>itemCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if s...</div>
<div class="long">
An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if set, or ''). Since it is applied to the wrapper, it allows you to write standard CSS rules that can apply to the field, the label (if specified) or any other element within the markup for the field. Example use: <pre><code><i>// Apply a style to the field's label:</i>
.required .x-form-item-label {font-weight:bold;color:red;}
<b>new</b> Ext.FormPanel({
height: 100,
renderTo: document.body,
items: [{
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Name'</em>,
itemCls: <em>'required'</em> <i>//<b>this</b> label will be styled</i>
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Favorite Color'</em>
});</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#itemCls" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#itemCls">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-labelSeparator"></a>
<b>labelSeparator</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of Ext.layout.FormLayout.l...</div>
<div class="long">
The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" ext:member="labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html#labelSeparator">Ext.layout.FormLayout.labelSeparator</a>, which is a colon ':' by default). To display no separator for this field's label specify empty string ''. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#labelSeparator">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-labelStyle"></a>
<b>labelStyle</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if se...</div>
<div class="long">
A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if set, or ''). For example, <code>labelStyle: 'font-weight:bold;'</code>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#labelStyle" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#labelStyle">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-msgFx"></a>
<b>msgFx</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<b>Experimental</b> The effect used when displaying a validation message under the field (defaults to 'normal'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#msgFx" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#msgFx">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-msgTarget"></a>
<b>msgTarget</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): Value ...</div>
<div class="long">
The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): <pre>Value Description
----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
qtip Display a quick tip when the user hovers over the field
title Display a default browser title attribute popup
under Add a block div beneath the field containing the error text
side Add an error icon to the right of the field with a popup on hover
[element id] Add the error text directly to the innerHTML of the specified element</pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#msgTarget" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#msgTarget">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-name"></a>
<b>name</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The field's HTML name attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#name" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#name">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-readOnly"></a>
<b>readOnly</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM att...</div>
<div class="long">
True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#readOnly" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#readOnly">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-tabIndex"></a>
<b>tabIndex</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyT...</div>
<div class="long">
The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyTo (defaults to undefined). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#tabIndex" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#tabIndex">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-validateOnBlur"></a>
<b>validateOnBlur</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the field should validate when it loses focus (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validateOnBlur" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validateOnBlur">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-validationDelay"></a>
<b>validationDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The length of time in milliseconds after user input begins until validation is initiated (defaults to 250) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validationDelay" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validationDelay">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-validationEvent"></a>
<b>validationEvent</b> : String/Boolean <div class="mdesc">
The event that should initiate field validation. Set to false to disable automatic validation (defaults to "keyup"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validationEvent" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validationEvent">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-value"></a>
<b>value</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
A value to initialize this field with. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#value" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#value">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-Radio"></a>
<b>Radio</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new Radio</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new Radio <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Radio</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-getGroupValue"></a>
<b>getGroupValue</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this radio is part of a group, it will return the selected value</div>
<div class="long">
If this radio is part of a group, it will return the selected value <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Radio</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-getName"></a>
<b>getName</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the name attribute of the field if available</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the name attribute of the field if available <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">name The field name</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getName" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getName">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-getRawValue"></a>
<b>getRawValue</b>() : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getRawValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-getValue"></a>
<b>getValue</b>() : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the normalized data value (undefined or emptyText will be returned as ''). To return the raw value see getRa...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the normalized data value (undefined or emptyText will be returned as ''). To return the raw value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getRawValue">getRawValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-isDirty"></a>
<b>isDirty</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isDirty" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isDirty">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-isValid"></a>
<b>isValid</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean preventMark</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid</div>
<div class="long">
Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>preventMark</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to disable marking the field invalid</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isValid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isValid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-reset"></a>
<b>reset</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages</div>
<div class="long">
Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#reset" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#reset">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-setRawValue"></a>
<b>setRawValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-setValue"></a>
<b>setValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>value {String/Boolean}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets either the checked/unchecked status of this Radio, or, if a string value
is passed, checks a sibling Radio of th...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets either the checked/unchecked status of this Radio, or, if a string value
is passed, checks a sibling Radio of the same name whose value is the value specified. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{String/Boolean}</code> : value<div class="sub-desc">Checked value, or the value of the sibling radio button to check.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Radio</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-validate"></a>
<b>validate</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Validates the field value</div>
<div class="long">
Validates the field value <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validate" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validate">Field</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-blur"></a>
<b>blur</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this field loses input focus.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this field loses input focus. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-blur" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-blur">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-change"></a>
<b>change</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Mixed newValue</code>, <code>Mixed oldValue</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>newValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The new value</div></li><li><code>oldValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The original value</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-change" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-change">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-check"></a>
<b>check</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Checkbox this</code>, <code>Boolean checked</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the checkbox is checked or unchecked.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the checkbox is checked or unchecked. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Checkbox<div class="sub-desc">This checkbox</div></li><li><code>checked</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">The new checked value</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Checkbox" ext:member="#event-check" href="output/Ext.form.Checkbox.html#event-check">Checkbox</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this field receives input focus.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this field receives input focus. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-focus" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-focus">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-invalid"></a>
<b>invalid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>String msg</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the field has been marked as invalid.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the field has been marked as invalid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The validation message</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-invalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-invalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-specialkey"></a>
<b>specialkey</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<div class="long">
Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<a ext:cls="Ext.EventObject" ext:member="getKey" href="output/Ext.EventObject.html#getKey">Ext.EventObject.getKey</a> to determine which key was pressed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-specialkey" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-specialkey">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Radio-valid"></a>
<b>valid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the field has been validated with no errors.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the field has been validated with no errors. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-valid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-valid">Field</a></td>
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.DomQuery-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.DomQuery-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.DomQuery-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.DomQuery"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.DomQuery</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/core/DomQuery.js" target="_blank">DomQuery.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">DomQuery</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Provides high performance selector/xpath processing by compiling queries into reusable functions. New pseudo classes and matchers can be plugged. It works on HTML and XML documents (if a content node is passed in).
DomQuery supports most of the <a href="">CSS3 selectors spec</a>, along with some custom selectors and basic XPath.</p>
All selectors, attribute filters and pseudos below can be combined infinitely in any order. For example "[@foo=bar].bar:first" would be a perfectly valid selector. Node filters are processed in the order in which they appear, which allows you to optimize your queries for your document structure.
<h4>Element Selectors:</h4>
<ul class="list">
<li> <b>*</b> any element</li>
<li> <b>E</b> an element with the tag E</li>
<li> <b>E F</b> All descendent elements of E that have the tag F</li>
<li> <b>E > F</b> or <b>E/F</b> all direct children elements of E that have the tag F</li>
<li> <b>E + F</b> all elements with the tag F that are immediately preceded by an element with the tag E</li>
<li> <b>E ~ F</b> all elements with the tag F that are preceded by a sibling element with the tag E</li>
<h4>Attribute Selectors:</h4>
<p>The use of @ and quotes are optional. For example, div[@foo='bar'] is also a valid attribute selector.</p>
<ul class="list">
<li> <b>E[foo]</b> has an attribute "foo"</li>
<li> <b>E[foo=bar]</b> has an attribute "foo" that equals "bar"</li>
<li> <b>E[foo^=bar]</b> has an attribute "foo" that starts with "bar"</li>
<li> <b>E[foo$=bar]</b> has an attribute "foo" that ends with "bar"</li>
<li> <b>E[foo*=bar]</b> has an attribute "foo" that contains the substring "bar"</li>
<li> <b>E[foo%=2]</b> has an attribute "foo" that is evenly divisible by 2</li>
<li> <b>E[foo!=bar]</b> has an attribute "foo" that does not equal "bar"</li>
<h4>Pseudo Classes:</h4>
<ul class="list">
<li> <b>E:first-child</b> E is the first child of its parent</li>
<li> <b>E:last-child</b> E is the last child of its parent</li>
<li> <b>E:nth-child(<i>n</i>)</b> E is the <i>n</i>th child of its parent (1 based as per the spec)</li>
<li> <b>E:nth-child(odd)</b> E is an odd child of its parent</li>
<li> <b>E:nth-child(even)</b> E is an even child of its parent</li>
<li> <b>E:only-child</b> E is the only child of its parent</li>
<li> <b>E:checked</b> E is an element that is has a checked attribute that is true (e.g. a radio or checkbox) </li>
<li> <b>E:first</b> the first E in the resultset</li>
<li> <b>E:last</b> the last E in the resultset</li>
<li> <b>E:nth(<i>n</i>)</b> the <i>n</i>th E in the resultset (1 based)</li>
<li> <b>E:odd</b> shortcut for :nth-child(odd)</li>
<li> <b>E:even</b> shortcut for :nth-child(even)</li>
<li> <b>E:contains(foo)</b> E's innerHTML contains the substring "foo"</li>
<li> <b>E:nodeValue(foo)</b> E contains a textNode with a nodeValue that equals "foo"</li>
<li> <b>E:not(S)</b> an E element that does not match simple selector S</li>
<li> <b>E:has(S)</b> an E element that has a descendent that matches simple selector S</li>
<li> <b>E:next(S)</b> an E element whose next sibling matches simple selector S</li>
<li> <b>E:prev(S)</b> an E element whose previous sibling matches simple selector S</li>
<h4>CSS Value Selectors:</h4>
<ul class="list">
<li> <b>E{display=none}</b> css value "display" that equals "none"</li>
<li> <b>E{display^=none}</b> css value "display" that starts with "none"</li>
<li> <b>E{display$=none}</b> css value "display" that ends with "none"</li>
<li> <b>E{display*=none}</b> css value "display" that contains the substring "none"</li>
<li> <b>E{display%=2}</b> css value "display" that is evenly divisible by 2</li>
<li> <b>E{display!=none}</b> css value "display" that does not equal "none"</li>
</ul><br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.DomQuery-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DomQuery-matchers"></a>
<b>matchers</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Collection of matching regular expressions and code snippets. </div>
<td class="msource">DomQuery</td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DomQuery-operators"></a>
<b>operators</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collection of operator comparison functions. The default operators are =, !=, ^=, $=, *=, %=, |= and ~=.
New operator...</div>
<div class="long">
Collection of operator comparison functions. The default operators are =, !=, ^=, $=, *=, %=, |= and ~=.
New operators can be added as long as the match the format <i>c</i>= where <i>c</i> is any character other than space, &gt; &lt;. </div>
<td class="msource">DomQuery</td>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DomQuery-pseudos"></a>
<b>pseudos</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collection of "pseudo class" processors. Each processor is passed the current nodeset (array)
and the argument (if an...</div>
<div class="long">
Collection of "pseudo class" processors. Each processor is passed the current nodeset (array)
and the argument (if any) supplied in the selector. </div>
<td class="msource">DomQuery</td>
<a id="Ext.DomQuery-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DomQuery-compile"></a>
<b>compile</b>(&nbsp;<code>String selector</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String type</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Compiles a selector/xpath query into a reusable function. The returned function
takes one parameter "root" (optional)...</div>
<div class="long">
Compiles a selector/xpath query into a reusable function. The returned function
takes one parameter "root" (optional), which is the context node from where the query should start. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The selector/xpath query</div></li><li><code>type</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Either "select" (the default) or "simple" for a simple selector match</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DomQuery</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DomQuery-filter"></a>
<b>filter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array el</code>, <code>String selector</code>, <code>Boolean nonMatches</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Filters an array of elements to only include matches of a simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child)</div>
<div class="long">
Filters an array of elements to only include matches of a simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">An array of elements to filter</div></li><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The simple selector to test</div></li><li><code>nonMatches</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">If true, it returns the elements that DON'T match
the selector instead of the ones that match</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DomQuery</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DomQuery-is"></a>
<b>is</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement/Array el</code>, <code>String selector</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the passed element(s) match the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child)</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the passed element(s) match the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement/Array<div class="sub-desc">An element id, element or array of elements</div></li><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The simple selector to test</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DomQuery</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DomQuery-select"></a>
<b>select</b>(&nbsp;<code>String selector</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Node root</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects a group of elements.</div>
<div class="long">
Selects a group of elements. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The selector/xpath query (can be a comma separated list of selectors)</div></li><li><code>root</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The start of the query (defaults to document).</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DomQuery</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DomQuery-selectNode"></a>
<b>selectNode</b>(&nbsp;<code>String selector</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Node root</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects a single element.</div>
<div class="long">
Selects a single element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The selector/xpath query</div></li><li><code>root</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The start of the query (defaults to document).</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DomQuery</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DomQuery-selectNumber"></a>
<b>selectNumber</b>(&nbsp;<code>String selector</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Node root</code>]</span>, <code>Number defaultValue</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects the value of a node, parsing integers and floats.</div>
<div class="long">
Selects the value of a node, parsing integers and floats. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The selector/xpath query</div></li><li><code>root</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The start of the query (defaults to document).</div></li><li><code>defaultValue</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DomQuery</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DomQuery-selectValue"></a>
<b>selectValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>String selector</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Node root</code>]</span>, <code>String defaultValue</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects the value of a node, optionally replacing null with the defaultValue.</div>
<div class="long">
Selects the value of a node, optionally replacing null with the defaultValue. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The selector/xpath query</div></li><li><code>root</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The start of the query (defaults to document).</div></li><li><code>defaultValue</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DomQuery</td>
<a id="Ext.DomQuery-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">Menu</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>DateMenu</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/menu/DateMenu.js" target="_blank">DateMenu.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">DateMenu</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">Menu</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A menu containing a <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> component (which provides a date picker). </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>allowOtherMenus</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to allow multiple menus to be displayed at the same time (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#allowOtherMenus" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>defaultAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The default {@link Ext.Element#alignTo) anchor position value for this menu relative to its element of origin (defaul...</div>
<div class="long">
The default {@link Ext.Element#alignTo) anchor position value for this menu relative to its element of origin (defaults to "tl-bl?") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#defaultAlign" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>defaults</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object that will be applied to all items added to this container either via the items config or via the add ...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object that will be applied to all items added to this container either via the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="items" href="output/">items</a> config or via the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="add" href="output/">add</a> method. The defaults config can contain any number of name/value property pairs to be added to each item, and should be valid for the types of items being added to the menu. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#defaults" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>items</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
An array of items to be added to this menu. See <a ext:cls="" ext:member="add" href="output/">add</a> for a list of valid item types. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#items" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>minWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width of the menu in pixels (defaults to 120) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#minWidth" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>shadow</b> : Boolean/String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True or "sides" for the default effect, "frame" for 4-way shadow, and "drop" for bottom-right shadow (defaults to "si...</div>
<div class="long">
True or "sides" for the default effect, "frame" for 4-way shadow, and "drop" for bottom-right shadow (defaults to "sides") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#shadow" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>subMenuAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a> anchor position value to use for submenus of this menu (defaults to "tl-tr?") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#subMenuAlign" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>items</b> : Ext.util.MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
A MixedCollection of this Menu's items </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#items" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>picker</b> : DatePicker <div class="mdesc">
The <a ext:cls="Ext.DatePicker" href="output/Ext.DatePicker.html">Ext.DatePicker</a> instance for this DateMenu </div>
<td class="msource">DateMenu</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>DateMenu</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new DateMenu</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new DateMenu <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DateMenu</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed args</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Addds one or more items of any type supported by the Menu class, or that can be converted into menu items.
Any of the...</div>
<div class="long">
Addds one or more items of any type supported by the Menu class, or that can be converted into menu items.
Any of the following are valid:
<li>Any menu item object based on <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a></li>
<li>An HTMLElement object which will be converted to a menu item</li>
<li>A menu item config object that will be created as a new menu item</li>
<li>A string, which can either be '-' or 'separator' to add a menu separator, otherwise
it will be converted into a <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> and added</li>
<pre><code><i>// Create the menu</i>
<b>var</b> menu = <b>new</b>;
<i>// Create a menu item to add by reference</i>
<b>var</b> menuItem = <b>new</b>{ text: <em>'New Item!'</em> });
<i>// Add a bunch of items at once using different methods.</i>
<i>// Only the last item added will be returned.</i>
<b>var</b> item = menu.add(
menuItem, <i>// add existing item by ref</i>
<em>'Dynamic Item'</em>, <i>// <b>new</b> TextItem</i>
<em>'-'</em>, <i>// <b>new</b> separator</i>
{ text: <em>'Config Item'</em> } <i>// <b>new</b> item by config</i>
);</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>args</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">One or more menu items, menu item configs or other objects that can be converted to menu items</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was added, or the last one if multiple items were added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#add" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addElement</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds an <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a> object to the menu</div>
<div class="long">
Adds an <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a> object to the menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element or DOM node to add, or its id</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#addElement" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addItem</b>(&nbsp;<code> item</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds an existing object based on <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> to the menu</div>
<div class="long">
Adds an existing object based on <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> to the menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>item</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The menu item to add</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#addItem" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addMenuItem</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> based an the supplied config object and adds it to the menu</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> based an the supplied config object and adds it to the menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A MenuItem config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#addMenuItem" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addSeparator</b>() : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a separator bar to the menu</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a separator bar to the menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#addSeparator" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addText</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> with the supplied text and adds it to the menu</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> with the supplied text and adds it to the menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The text to display in the menu item</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#addText" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys the menu by unregistering it from, purging event listeners,
removing all of the menus item...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys the menu by unregistering it from <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a>, purging event listeners,
removing all of the menus items, then destroying the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this menu's underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a> object</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this menu's underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a> object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hide</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean deep</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides this menu and optionally all parent menus</div>
<div class="long">
Hides this menu and optionally all parent menus <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>deep</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to hide all parent menus recursively, if any (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#hide" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>insert</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code> item</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts an existing object based on <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> to the menu at a specified index</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts an existing object based on <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> to the menu at a specified index <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index in the menu's list of current items where the new item should be inserted</div></li><li><code>item</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The menu item to add</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#insert" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Read-only. Returns true if the menu is currently displayed, else false.</div>
<div class="long">
Read-only. Returns true if the menu is currently displayed, else false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>remove</b>(&nbsp;<code> item</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes an <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> from the menu and destroys the object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes an <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> from the menu and destroys the object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>item</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The menu item to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#remove" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeAll</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes and destroys all items in the menu</div>
<div class="long">
Removes and destroys all items in the menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#removeAll" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>show</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed element</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String position</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code> parentMenu</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Displays this menu relative to another element</div>
<div class="long">
Displays this menu relative to another element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>element</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to align to</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a> anchor position to use in aligning to
the element (defaults to this.defaultAlign)</div></li><li><code>parentMenu</code> :<div class="sub-desc">(optional) This menu's parent menu, if applicable (defaults to undefined)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#show" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>showAt</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array xyPosition</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code> parentMenu</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Displays this menu at a specific xy position</div>
<div class="long">
Displays this menu at a specific xy position <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xyPosition</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">Contains X & Y [x, y] values for the position at which to show the menu (coordinates are page-based)</div></li><li><code>parentMenu</code> :<div class="sub-desc">(optional) This menu's parent menu, if applicable (defaults to undefined)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#showAt" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before this menu is hidden</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before this menu is hidden <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before this menu is displayed</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before this menu is displayed <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>, <code> menuItem</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this menu is clicked (or when the enter key is pressed while it is active)</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this menu is clicked (or when the enter key is pressed while it is active) <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menuItem</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was clicked</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-click" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after this menu is hidden</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after this menu is hidden <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>itemclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code> baseItem</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a menu item contained in this menu is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a menu item contained in this menu is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>baseItem</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The BaseItem that was clicked</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-itemclick" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>mouseout</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>, <code> menuItem</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the mouse exits this menu</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the mouse exits this menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menuItem</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was clicked</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-mouseout" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>mouseover</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>, <code> menuItem</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the mouse is hovering over this menu</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the mouse is hovering over this menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menuItem</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was clicked</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-mouseover" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>select</b> : (&nbsp;<code>DatePicker picker</code>, <code>Date date</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>picker</code> : DatePicker<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>date</code> : Date<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DateMenu</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after this menu is displayed</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after this menu is displayed <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Window-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Window-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Window-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Window-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Window"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Container</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Panel</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Window</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.Window</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/Window.js" target="_blank">Window.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Window</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Panel</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A specialized panel intended for use as an application window. Windows are floated and draggable by default, and
also provide specific behavior like the ability to maximize and restore (with an event for minimizing, since the
minimize behavior is application-specific). Windows can also be linked to a <a ext:cls="Ext.WindowGroup" href="output/Ext.WindowGroup.html">Ext.WindowGroup</a> or managed
by the <a ext:cls="Ext.WindowManager" href="output/Ext.WindowManager.html">Ext.WindowManager</a> to provide grouping, activation, to front/back and other application-specific behavior. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Window-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-activeItem"></a>
<b>activeItem</b> : String/Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be initially activated within the container's...</div>
<div class="long">
A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be initially activated within the container's layout on render. For example, activeItem: 'item-1' or activeItem: 0 (index 0 = the first item in the container's collection). activeItem only applies to layout styles that can display items one at a time (like <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Ext.layout.Accordion</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">Ext.layout.FitLayout</a>). Related to <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="activeItem" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#activeItem">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.activeItem</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#activeItem" href="output/Ext.Container.html#activeItem">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-animCollapse"></a>
<b>animCollapse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the Ext....</div>
<div class="long">
True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the <a ext:cls="Ext.Fx" href="output/Ext.Fx.html">Ext.Fx</a> class is available, otherwise false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-animateTarget"></a>
<b>animateTarget</b> : String/Element <div class="mdesc">
Id or element from which the window should animate while opening (defaults to null with no animation). </div>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-autoDestroy"></a>
<b>autoDestroy</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else destruction mu...</div>
<div class="long">
If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else destruction must be handled manually (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#autoDestroy" href="output/Ext.Container.html#autoDestroy">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-autoHeight"></a>
<b>autoHeight</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a height of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-autoLoad"></a>
<b>autoLoad</b> : Object/String/Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A valid url spec according to the Updater Ext.Updater.update method. If autoLoad is not null, the panel will attempt ...</div>
<div class="long">
A valid url spec according to the Updater <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" ext:member="update" href="output/Ext.Updater.html#update">Ext.Updater.update</a> method. If autoLoad is not null, the panel will attempt to load its contents immediately upon render.<p> The URL will become the default URL for this panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="body" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#body">body</a> element, so it may be <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="refresh" href="output/Ext.Element.html#refresh">refresh</a>ed at any time.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#autoLoad" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#autoLoad">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-autoScroll"></a>
<b>autoScroll</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use overflow:'auto' on the panel's body element and show scroll bars automatically when necessary, false to c...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use overflow:'auto' on the panel's body element and show scroll bars automatically when necessary, false to clip any overflowing content (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#autoScroll" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#autoScroll">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-autoWidth"></a>
<b>autoWidth</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not al...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a width of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-baseCls"></a>
<b>baseCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The base CSS class to apply to this panel's element (defaults to 'x-window'). </div>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-bbar"></a>
<b>bbar</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The bottom toolbar of the panel. This can be a Ext.Toolbar object, a toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button co...</div>
<div class="long">
The bottom toolbar of the panel. This can be a <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Ext.Toolbar</a> object, a toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render. To access the bottom toolbar after render, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getBottomToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getBottomToolbar">getBottomToolbar</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-bodyBorder"></a>
<b>bodyBorder</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display an interior border on the body element of the panel, false to hide it (defaults to true). This only a...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display an interior border on the body element of the panel, false to hide it (defaults to true). This only applies when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="border" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#border">border</a> == true. If border == true and bodyBorder == false, the border will display as a 1px wide inset border, giving the entire body element an inset appearance. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bodyBorder" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyBorder">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-bodyStyle"></a>
<b>bodyStyle</b> : String/Object/Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Custom CSS styles to be applied to the body element in the format expected by Ext.Element.applyStyles (defaults to nu...</div>
<div class="long">
Custom CSS styles to be applied to the body element in the format expected by <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a> (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bodyStyle" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyStyle">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-border"></a>
<b>border</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). By default, the borde...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). By default, the border is a 2px wide inset border, but this can be further altered by setting <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="bodyBorder" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyBorder">bodyBorder</a> to false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#border" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#border">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-bufferResize"></a>
<b>bufferResize</b> : Boolean/Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">When set to true (100 milliseconds) or a number of milliseconds, the layout assigned for this container will buffer t...</div>
<div class="long">
When set to true (100 milliseconds) or a number of milliseconds, the layout assigned for this container will buffer the frequency it calculates and does a re-layout of components. This is useful for heavy containers or containers with a large amount of sub components that frequent calls to layout are expensive. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#bufferResize" href="output/Ext.Container.html#bufferResize">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-buttonAlign"></a>
<b>buttonAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The alignment of any buttons added to this panel. Valid values are 'right,' 'left' and 'center' (defaults to 'right'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttonAlign" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttonAlign">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-buttons"></a>
<b>buttons</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
An array of <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> <b>configs</b> used to add buttons to the footer of this panel. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-closable"></a>
<b>closable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display the 'close' tool button and allow the user to close the window, false to hide the button and disallow...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display the 'close' tool button and allow the user to close the window, false to hide the button and disallow closing the window (default to true). </div>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-closeAction"></a>
<b>closeAction</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The action to take when the close button is clicked. The default action is 'close' which will actually remove the win...</div>
<div class="long">
The action to take when the close button is clicked. The default action is 'close' which will actually remove the window from the DOM and destroy it. The other valid option is 'hide' which will simply hide the window by setting visibility to hidden and applying negative offsets, keeping the window available to be redisplayed via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" ext:member="show" href="output/Ext.Window.html#show">show</a> method. </div>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-collapseFirst"></a>
<b>collapseFirst</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the pane...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the panel's title bar, false to render it last (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapseFirst" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapseFirst">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-collapsed"></a>
<b>collapsed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render the panel collapsed, false to render it expanded (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsed" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsed">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-collapsedCls"></a>
<b>collapsedCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class to add to the panel's element after it has been collapsed (defaults to 'x-panel-collapsed'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsedCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsedCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-collapsible"></a>
<b>collapsible</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header tool button area, false to keep the panel statically sized with no button (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-constrain"></a>
<b>constrain</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to constrain the window to the viewport, false to allow it to fall outside of the viewport (defaults to false). ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to constrain the window to the viewport, false to allow it to fall outside of the viewport (defaults to false). Optionally the header only can be constrained using <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" ext:member="constrainHeader" href="output/Ext.Window.html#constrainHeader">constrainHeader</a>. </div>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-constrainHeader"></a>
<b>constrainHeader</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to constrain the window header to the viewport, allowing the window body to fall outside of the viewport, false ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to constrain the window header to the viewport, allowing the window body to fall outside of the viewport, false to allow the header to fall outside the viewport (defaults to false). Optionally the entire window can be constrained using <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" ext:member="constrain" href="output/Ext.Window.html#constrain">constrain</a>. </div>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-contentEl"></a>
<b>contentEl</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The id of an existing HTML node to use as the panel's body content (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#contentEl" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#contentEl">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-defaultButton"></a>
<b>defaultButton</b> : String/Number/Button <div class="mdesc">
The id / index of a button or a button instance to focus when this window received the focus. </div>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-defaultType"></a>
<b>defaultType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default type of container represented by this object as registered in <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a> (defaults to 'panel'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#defaultType" href="output/Ext.Container.html#defaultType">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-defaults"></a>
<b>defaults</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object that will be applied to all components added to this container either via the items config or via the...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object that will be applied to all components added to this container either via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">items</a> config or via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#add">add</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="insert" href="output/Ext.Container.html#insert">insert</a> methods. The defaults config can contain any number of name/value property pairs to be added to each item, and should be valid for the types of items being added to the container. For example, to automatically apply padding to the body of each of a set of contained <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Ext.Panel</a> items, you could pass: defaults: {bodyStyle:'padding:15px'}. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#defaults" href="output/Ext.Container.html#defaults">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-draggable"></a>
<b>draggable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to allow the window to be dragged by the header bar, false to disable dragging (defaults to true). Note that by ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to allow the window to be dragged by the header bar, false to disable dragging (defaults to true). Note that by default the window will be centered in the viewport, so if dragging is disabled the window may need to be positioned programmatically after render (e.g., myWindow.setPosition(100, 100);). </div>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-expandOnShow"></a>
<b>expandOnShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to always expand the window when it is displayed, false to keep it in its current state (which may be collapsed)...</div>
<div class="long">
True to always expand the window when it is displayed, false to keep it in its current state (which may be collapsed) when displayed (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-footer"></a>
<b>footer</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to create the footer element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when footer is not specified, if...</div>
<div class="long">
True to create the footer element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when footer is not specified, if one or more buttons have been added to the panel the footer will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#footer" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#footer">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to create the header element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when header is not specified, if...</div>
<div class="long">
True to create the header element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when header is not specified, if a <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">title</a> is set the header will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. If a title is set but header is explicitly set to false, the header will not be rendered. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-headerAsText"></a>
<b>headerAsText</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to display the panel title in the header, false to hide it (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#headerAsText" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#headerAsText">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-hideBorders"></a>
<b>hideBorders</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide the borders of each contained component, false to defer to the component's existing border settings (def...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide the borders of each contained component, false to defer to the component's existing border settings (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#hideBorders" href="output/Ext.Container.html#hideBorders">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-hideCollapseTool"></a>
<b>hideCollapseTool</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the expand/collapse toggle button when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> = true, false to display it (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#hideCollapseTool" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#hideCollapseTool">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-html"></a>
<b>html</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
An HTML fragment, or a <a ext:cls="Ext.DomHelper" href="output/Ext.DomHelper.html">DomHelper</a> specification to use as the panel's body content (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#html" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#html">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-iconCls"></a>
<b>iconCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class that will provide a background image to be used as the panel header icon (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#iconCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#iconCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-items"></a>
<b>items</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container. Each item can be any type of object bas...</div>
<div class="long">
A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container. Each item can be any type of object based on <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.<br><br> Component config objects may also be specified in order to avoid the overhead of constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the added Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of this "lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config property to the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br> For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>. If a single item is being passed, it should be passed directly as an object reference (e.g., items: {...}). Multiple items should be passed as an array of objects (e.g., items: [{...}, {...}]). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-keys"></a>
<b>keys</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by Ext.KeyMap.addBinding used to assign custom key handling to this pa...</div>
<div class="long">
A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by <a ext:cls="Ext.KeyMap" ext:member="addBinding" href="output/Ext.KeyMap.html#addBinding">Ext.KeyMap.addBinding</a> used to assign custom key handling to this panel (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#keys" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#keys">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-layout"></a>
<b>layout</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The layout type to be used in this container. If not specified, a default Ext.layout.ContainerLayout will be created ...</div>
<div class="long">
The layout type to be used in this container. If not specified, a default <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout</a> will be created and used. Valid values are: accordion, anchor, border, card, column, fit, form and table. Specific config values for the chosen layout type can be specified using <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layoutConfig" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layoutConfig">layoutConfig</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-layoutConfig"></a>
<b>layoutConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen layout (to be used in conjunction with the layou...</div>
<div class="long">
This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen layout (to be used in conjunction with the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">layout</a> config value). For complete details regarding the valid config options for each layout type, see the layout class corresponding to the type specified:<ul class="mdetail-params"> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Ext.layout.Accordion</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.AnchorLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.AnchorLayout.html">Ext.layout.AnchorLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.html">Ext.layout.BorderLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ColumnLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ColumnLayout.html">Ext.layout.ColumnLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">Ext.layout.FitLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html">Ext.layout.FormLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.TableLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.TableLayout.html">Ext.layout.TableLayout</a></li></ul> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#layoutConfig" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layoutConfig">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-manager"></a>
<b>manager</b> : Ext.WindowGroup <div class="mdesc">
A reference to the WindowGroup that should manage this window (defaults to <a ext:cls="Ext.WindowMgr" href="output/Ext.WindowMgr.html">Ext.WindowMgr</a>). </div>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-maskDisabled"></a>
<b>maskDisabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will alway...</div>
<div class="long">
True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will always tell its contained elements to disable themselves when it is disabled, but masking the panel can provide an additional visual cue that the panel is disabled. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#maskDisabled" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#maskDisabled">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-maximizable"></a>
<b>maximizable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display the 'maximize' tool button and allow the user to maximize the window, false to hide the button and di...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display the 'maximize' tool button and allow the user to maximize the window, false to hide the button and disallow maximizing the window (defaults to false). Note that when a window is maximized, the tool button will automatically change to a 'restore' button with the appropriate behavior already built-in that will restore the window to its previous size. </div>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-minButtonWidth"></a>
<b>minButtonWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Minimum width in pixels of all buttons in this panel (defaults to 75) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#minButtonWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#minButtonWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-minHeight"></a>
<b>minHeight</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum height in pixels allowed for this window (defaults to 100). Only applies when resizable = true. </div>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-minWidth"></a>
<b>minWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width in pixels allowed for this window (defaults to 200). Only applies when resizable = true. </div>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-minimizable"></a>
<b>minimizable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display the 'minimize' tool button and allow the user to minimize the window, false to hide the button and di...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display the 'minimize' tool button and allow the user to minimize the window, false to hide the button and disallow minimizing the window (defaults to false). Note that this button provides no implementation -- the behavior of minimizing a window is implementation-specific, so the minimize event must be handled and a custom minimize behavior implemented for this option to be useful. </div>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-modal"></a>
<b>modal</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make the window modal and mask everything behind it when displayed, false to display it without restricting a...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make the window modal and mask everything behind it when displayed, false to display it without restricting access to other UI elements (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-onEsc"></a>
<b>onEsc</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows override of the built-in processing for the escape key. Default action is to close the Window (performing what...</div>
<div class="long">
Allows override of the built-in processing for the escape key. Default action is to close the Window (performing whatever action is specified in <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" ext:member="closeAction" href="output/Ext.Window.html#closeAction">closeAction</a>. To prevent the Window closing when the escape key is pressed, specify this as Ext.emptyFn (See <a ext:cls="Ext" ext:member="emptyFn" href="output/Ext.html#emptyFn">Ext.emptyFn</a>). </div>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-plain"></a>
<b>plain</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to render the window body with a transparent background so that it will blend into the framing elements, false t...</div>
<div class="long">
True to render the window body with a transparent background so that it will blend into the framing elements, false to add a lighter background color to visually highlight the body element and separate it more distinctly from the surrounding frame (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-resizable"></a>
<b>resizable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to allow user resizing at each edge and corner of the window, false to disable resizing (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-resizeHandles"></a>
<b>resizeHandles</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A valid <a ext:cls="Ext.Resizable" href="output/Ext.Resizable.html">Ext.Resizable</a> handles config string (defaults to 'all'). Only applies when resizable = true. </div>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-shadow"></a>
<b>shadow</b> : Boolean/String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True (or a valid Ext.Shadow Ext.Shadow.mode value) to display a shadow behind the panel, false to display no shadow (...</div>
<div class="long">
True (or a valid Ext.Shadow <a ext:cls="Ext.Shadow" ext:member="mode" href="output/Ext.Shadow.html#mode">Ext.Shadow.mode</a> value) to display a shadow behind the panel, false to display no shadow (defaults to 'sides'). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shadow" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shadow">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-shadowOffset"></a>
<b>shadowOffset</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). Note that this option only applies when float...</div>
<div class="long">
The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shadowOffset" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shadowOffset">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-shim"></a>
<b>shim</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true). Note that this option only applies wh...</div>
<div class="long">
False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shim" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shim">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-tabTip"></a>
<b>tabTip</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must be called in order for the tips to render. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tabTip" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tabTip">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-tbar"></a>
<b>tbar</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The top toolbar of the panel. This can be either an Ext.Toolbar object or an array of buttons/button configs to be ad...</div>
<div class="long">
The top toolbar of the panel. This can be either an <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Ext.Toolbar</a> object or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render. To access the top toolbar after render, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getTopToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getTopToolbar">getTopToolbar</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-title"></a>
<b>title</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will aut...</div>
<div class="long">
The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will automatically be created and displayed unless <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">header</a> is explicitly set to false. If you don't want to specify a title at config time, but you may want one later, you must either specify a non-empty title (a blank space ' ' will do) or header:true so that the container element will get created. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-titleCollapse"></a>
<b>titleCollapse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when collapsible = true) by clicking anywhere in the header bar, fa...</div>
<div class="long">
True to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> = true) by clicking anywhere in the header bar, false to allow it only by clicking to tool button (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#titleCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#titleCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-tools"></a>
<b>tools</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of tool button configs to be added to the header tool area. Each tool config may contain the following prope...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of tool button configs to be added to the header tool area. Each tool config may contain the following properties: <div class="mdetail-params"><ul> <li><b>id</b> : String<p class="sub-desc"><b>Required.</b> The type of tool to create. Values may be<ul> <li><tt>toggle</tt> (Created by default when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> is <tt>true</tt>)</li> <li><tt>close</tt></li> <li><tt>minimize</tt></li> <li><tt>maximize</tt></li> <li><tt>restore</tt></li> <li><tt>gear</tt></li> <li><tt>pin</tt></li> <li><tt>unpin</tt></li> <li><tt>right</tt></li> <li><tt>left</tt></li> <li><tt>up</tt></li> <li><tt>down</tt></li> <li><tt>refresh</tt></li> <li><tt>minus</tt></li> <li><tt>plus</tt></li> <li><tt>help</tt></li> <li><tt>search</tt></li> <li><tt>save</tt></li> <li><tt>print</tt></li> </ul></div></p></li> <li><b>handler</b> : Function<p class="sub-desc"><b>Required.</b> The function to call when clicked. Arguments passed are:<ul> <li><b>event</b> : Ext.EventObject<p class="sub-desc">The click event.</p></li> <li><b>toolEl</b> : Ext.Element<p class="sub-desc">The tool Element.</p></li> <li><b>Panel</b> : Ext.Panel<p class="sub-desc">The host Panel</p></li> </ul></p></li> <li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to call the handler.</p></li> <li><b>qtip</b> : String/Object<p class="sub-desc">A tip string, or a config argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.QuickTip" ext:member="register" href="output/Ext.QuickTip.html#register">Ext.QuickTip.register</a></p></li> <li><b>hidden</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to initially render hidden.</p></li> <li><b>on</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">A listener config object specifiying event listeners in the format of an argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#addListener">addListener</a></p></li> </ul> Example usage: <pre><code>tools:[{
<i>// hidden:true,</i>
handler: <b>function</b>(event, toolEl, panel){
<i>// refresh logic</i>
}]</code></pre> Note that apart from the toggle tool which is provided when a panel is collapsible, these tools only provide the visual button. Any required functionality must be provided by adding handlers that implement the necessary behavior. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tools" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tools">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Window-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-body"></a>
<b>body</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
The Panel's body Element which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the html config,...</div>
<div class="long">
The Panel's body <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a> which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="html" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#html">html</a> config, or it may be loaded using the
<a ext:cls="autoLoad" href="output/autoLoad.html">autoLoad</a> config, or through the Panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getUpdater" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getUpdater">Updater</a>. Read-only.
<p>If this is used to load visible HTML elements in either way, then
the Panel may not be used as a Layout for hosting nested Panels.</p>
<p>If this Panel is intended to be used as the host of a Layout (See <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#layout">layout</a>
then the body Element must not be loaded or changed - it is under the control
of the Panel's Layout. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#body" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#body">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-buttons"></a>
<b>buttons</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
This Panel's Array of buttons as created from the <tt>buttons</tt>
config property. Read only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-footer"></a>
<b>footer</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
The Panel's footer <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a>. Read-only.
<p>This Element is used to house the Panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">buttons</a>.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#footer" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#footer">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
The Panel's header <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a>. Read-only.
<p>This Element is used to house the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">title</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="tools" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tools">tools</a></p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-items"></a>
<b>items</b> : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
The collection of components in this container as a <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html">Ext.util.MixedCollection</a> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">Container</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Window-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-Window"></a>
<b>Window</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-add"></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component/Object component</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a component to this container. Fires the beforeadd event before adding,
then fires the add event after the compo...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a component to this container. Fires the beforeadd event before adding,
then fires the add event after the component has been added. If the container is
already rendered when add is called, you may need to call <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="doLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#doLayout">doLayout</a> to refresh
the view. This is required so that you can add multiple child components if needed
while only refreshing the layout once. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component/Object<div class="sub-desc">The component to add.<br><br>
Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the added Component should
it become necessary.<br><br>
A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of
constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
added Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of this
"lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config property to
the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br>
For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">component The Component (or config object) that was added with the Container's default config values applied.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#add">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-addButton"></a>
<b>addButton</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object config</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Button <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to ...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to add buttons via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">buttons</a> config. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">A valid <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> config. A string will become the text for a default
button config, an object will be treated as a button config object.</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called on button <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="click" href="output/Ext.Button.html#click"></a></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope to use for the button handler function</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Button</code><div class="sub-desc">The button that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#addButton" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#addButton">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-alignTo"></a>
<b>alignTo</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed element</code>, <code>String position</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array offsets</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Window <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Aligns the window to the specified element</div>
<div class="long">
Aligns the window to the specified element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>element</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to align to.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The position to align to (see <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a> for more details).</div></li><li><code>offsets</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Offset the positioning by [x, y]</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Window</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-anchorTo"></a>
<b>anchorTo</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed element</code>, <code>String position</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array offsets</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number monitorScroll</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Window <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Anchors this window to another element and realigns it when the window is resized or scrolled.</div>
<div class="long">
Anchors this window to another element and realigns it when the window is resized or scrolled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>element</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to align to.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The position to align to (see <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a> for more details)</div></li><li><code>offsets</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Offset the positioning by [x, y]</div></li><li><code>monitorScroll</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to monitor body scroll and reposition. If this parameter
is a number, it is used as the buffer delay (defaults to 50ms).</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Window</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-bubble"></a>
<b>bubble</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (this) of...</div>
<div class="long">
Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the bubble is stopped. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#bubble" href="output/Ext.Container.html#bubble">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-cascade"></a>
<b>cascade</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function wi...</div>
<div class="long">
Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function with
each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the cascade is stopped on that branch. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current component)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (defaults to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#cascade" href="output/Ext.Container.html#cascade">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-center"></a>
<b>center</b>() : Ext.Window <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Centers this window in the viewport</div>
<div class="long">
Centers this window in the viewport <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Window</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-close"></a>
<b>close</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Closes the window, removes it from the DOM and destroys the window object. The beforeclose event is fired
before the...</div>
<div class="long">
Closes the window, removes it from the DOM and destroys the window object. The beforeclose event is fired
before the close happens and will cancel the close action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the beforecollapse event which will
cancel the collapse ac...</div>
<div class="long">
Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforecollapse">beforecollapse</a> event which will
cancel the collapse action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-doLayout"></a>
<b>doLayout</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force this container's layout to be recalculated. A call to this function is required after adding a new component
<div class="long">
Force this container's layout to be recalculated. A call to this function is required after adding a new component
to an already rendered container, or possibly after changing sizing/position properties of child components. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to only calc the layout of this component, and let child components auto
calc layouts as required (defaults to false, which calls doLayout recursively for each subcontainer)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#doLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#doLayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the beforeexpand event which will
cancel the expand action ...</div>
<div class="long">
Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforeexpand">beforeexpand</a> event which will
cancel the expand action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-find"></a>
<b>find</b>(&nbsp;<code>String prop</code>, <code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by property</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by property <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>prop</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#find" href="output/Ext.Container.html#find">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-findBy"></a>
<b>findBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the com...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the component will be included in the results. The passed function is called with the arguments (component, this container). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findBy" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findBy">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-findById"></a>
<b>findById</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by id</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findById" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findById">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-findByType"></a>
<b>findByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findByType" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findByType">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Focuses the window. If a defaultButton is set, it will receive focus, otherwise the
window itself will receive focus.</div>
<div class="long">
Focuses the window. If a defaultButton is set, it will receive focus, otherwise the
window itself will receive focus. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-getBottomToolbar"></a>
<b>getBottomToolbar</b>() : Ext.Toolbar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar</code><div class="sub-desc">The toolbar</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getBottomToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getBottomToolbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-getComponent"></a>
<b>getComponent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Number id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets a direct child Component by id, or by index.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets a direct child Component by id, or by index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">or index of child Component to return.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#getComponent" href="output/Ext.Container.html#getComponent">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-getFrameHeight"></a>
<b>getFrameHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and ...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and footer elements, but not including the body height). To retrieve the body height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerHeight">getInnerHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getFrameHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameHeight">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-getFrameWidth"></a>
<b>getFrameWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the bo...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the body width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerWidth">getInnerWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-getInnerHeight"></a>
<b>getInnerHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame he...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameHeight">getFrameHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getInnerHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerHeight">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-getInnerWidth"></a>
<b>getInnerWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame widt...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameWidth">getFrameWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getInnerWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-getLayout"></a>
<b>getLayout</b>() : ContainerLayout <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the layout currently in use by the container. If the container does not currently have a layout
set, a defau...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the layout currently in use by the container. If the container does not currently have a layout
set, a default <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout</a> will be created and set as the container's layout. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>ContainerLayout</code><div class="sub-desc">layout The container's layout</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#getLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#getLayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-getTopToolbar"></a>
<b>getTopToolbar</b>() : Ext.Toolbar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar</code><div class="sub-desc">The toolbar</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getTopToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getTopToolbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-getUpdater"></a>
<b>getUpdater</b>() : Ext.Updater <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" href="output/Ext.Updater.html">Ext.Updater</a> for this panel. Enables you to perform Ajax updates of this panel's body.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" href="output/Ext.Updater.html">Ext.Updater</a> for this panel. Enables you to perform Ajax updates of this panel's body. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Updater</code><div class="sub-desc">The Updater</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getUpdater" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getUpdater">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Element animateTarget</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function callback</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides the window, setting it to invisible and applying negative offsets.</div>
<div class="long">
Hides the window, setting it to invisible and applying negative offsets. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animateTarget</code> : String/Element<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The target element or id to which the window should
animate while hiding (defaults to null with no animation)</div></li><li><code>callback</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) A callback function to call after the window is hidden</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the callback</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-insert"></a>
<b>insert</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the
beforeadd event before inserting, then fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the
beforeadd event before inserting, then fires the add event after the
Component has been inserted. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the Component will be inserted
into the Container's items collection</div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The child Component to insert.<br><br>
Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the inserted Component should
it become necessary.<br><br>
A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of
constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
inserted Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of
this "lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config
property to the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br>
For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">component The Component (or config object) that was inserted with the Container's default config values applied.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#insert" href="output/Ext.Container.html#insert">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-load"></a>
<b>load</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object/String/Function config</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Loads this content panel immediately with content returned from an XHR call.</div>
<div class="long">
Loads this content panel immediately with content returned from an XHR call. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object/String/Function<div class="sub-desc">A config object containing any of the following options:
url: <em>"your-url.php"</em>,
params: {param1: <em>"foo"</em>, param2: <em>"bar"</em>}, <i>// or a URL encoded string</i>
callback: yourFunction,
scope: yourObject, <i>// optional scope <b>for</b> the callback</i>
discardUrl: false,
nocache: false,
text: <em>"Loading..."</em>,
timeout: 30,
scripts: false
The only required property is url. The optional properties nocache, text and scripts
are shorthand for disableCaching, indicatorText and loadScripts and are used to set their
associated property on this panel Updater instance.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#load" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#load">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-maximize"></a>
<b>maximize</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fits the window within its current container and automatically replaces the 'maximize' tool button with
the 'restore'...</div>
<div class="long">
Fits the window within its current container and automatically replaces the 'maximize' tool button with
the 'restore' tool button. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-minimize"></a>
<b>minimize</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Placeholder method for minimizing the window. By default, this method simply fires the minimize event
since the beha...</div>
<div class="long">
Placeholder method for minimizing the window. By default, this method simply fires the minimize event
since the behavior of minimizing a window is application-specific. To implement custom minimize behavior,
either the minimize event can be handled or this method can be overridden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b>(&nbsp;<code>Component/String component</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean autoDestroy</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a component from this container. Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires
the remove event a...</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a component from this container. Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires
the remove event after the component has been removed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>component</code> : Component/String<div class="sub-desc">The component reference or id to remove</div></li><li><code>autoDestroy</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to automatically invoke the component's <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Ext.Component.destroy</a> function</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#remove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#remove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-restore"></a>
<b>restore</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Restores a maximized window back to its original size and position prior to being maximized and also replaces
the 're...</div>
<div class="long">
Restores a maximized window back to its original size and position prior to being maximized and also replaces
the 'restore' tool button with the 'maximize' tool button. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-setActive"></a>
<b>setActive</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean active</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Makes this the active window by showing its shadow, or deactivates it by hiding its shadow. This method also
fires t...</div>
<div class="long">
Makes this the active window by showing its shadow, or deactivates it by hiding its shadow. This method also
fires the activate or deactivate event depending on which action occurred. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>active</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to activate the window, false to deactivate it (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-setAnimateTarget"></a>
<b>setAnimateTarget</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Element el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the target element from which the window should animate while opening.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the target element from which the window should animate while opening. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/Element<div class="sub-desc">The target element or id</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-setIconClass"></a>
<b>setIconClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. This method will replace any existing
icon class if ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. This method will replace any existing
icon class if one has already been set. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new CSS class name</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#setIconClass" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#setIconClass">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-setTitle"></a>
<b>setTitle</b>(&nbsp;<code>String title</code>, <code>String (optional)</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>title</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The title text to set</div></li><li><code>(optional)</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">iconCls A custon, user-defined CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#setTitle" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#setTitle">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-show"></a>
<b>show</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Element animateTarget</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function callback</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shows the window, rendering it first if necessary, or activates it and brings it to front if hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Shows the window, rendering it first if necessary, or activates it and brings it to front if hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animateTarget</code> : String/Element<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The target element or id from which the window should
animate while opening (defaults to null with no animation)</div></li><li><code>callback</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) A callback function to call after the window is displayed</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the callback</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-toBack"></a>
<b>toBack</b>() : Ext.Window <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sends this window to the back of (lower z-index than) any other visible windows</div>
<div class="long">
Sends this window to the back of (lower z-index than) any other visible windows <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Window</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-toFront"></a>
<b>toFront</b>() : Ext.Window <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Brings this window to the front of any other visible windows</div>
<div class="long">
Brings this window to the front of any other visible windows <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Window</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-toggleCollapse"></a>
<b>toggleCollapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#toggleCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#toggleCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-toggleMaximize"></a>
<b>toggleMaximize</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A shortcut method for toggling between <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" ext:member="maximize" href="output/Ext.Window.html#maximize">maximize</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" ext:member="restore" href="output/Ext.Window.html#restore">restore</a> based on the current maximized
state of the window.</div>
<div class="long">
A shortcut method for toggling between <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" ext:member="maximize" href="output/Ext.Window.html#maximize">maximize</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" ext:member="restore" href="output/Ext.Window.html#restore">restore</a> based on the current maximized
state of the window. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Window-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-activate"></a>
<b>activate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Window this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the window has been visually activated via <a ext:cls="setActive" href="output/setActive.html">setActive</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the window has been visually activated via <a ext:cls="setActive" href="output/setActive.html">setActive</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Window<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-add"></a>
<b>add</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component was added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-add">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-afterlayout"></a>
<b>afterlayout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>ContainerLayout layout</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>layout</code> : ContainerLayout<div class="sub-desc">The ContainerLayout implementation for this container</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-afterlayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-afterlayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-beforeadd"></a>
<b>beforeadd</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component will be added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeadd" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeadd">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-beforeclose"></a>
<b>beforeclose</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses d...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). This event only applies to such subclasses.
A handler can return false to cancel the close. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel being closed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforeclose" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforeclose">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-beforecollapse"></a>
<b>beforecollapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel being collapsed.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the collapse is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforecollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-beforeexpand"></a>
<b>beforeexpand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel being expanded.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the expand is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforeexpand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-beforeremove"></a>
<b>beforeremove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeremove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeremove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-bodyresize"></a>
<b>bodyresize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel which has been resized.</div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The Panel's new width.</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The Panel's new height.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-bodyresize" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-bodyresize">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-close"></a>
<b>close</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been closed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-close" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-close">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been collapsed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been collapsed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel that has been collapsed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-collapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-deactivate"></a>
<b>deactivate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Window this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
Fires after the window has been visually deactivated via <a ext:cls="setActive" href="output/setActive.html">setActive</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the window has been visually deactivated via <a ext:cls="setActive" href="output/setActive.html">setActive</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Window<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been expanded.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been expanded. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been expanded.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-expand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-maximize"></a>
<b>maximize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Window this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the window has been maximized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the window has been maximized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Window<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-minimize"></a>
<b>minimize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Window this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the window has been minimized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the window has been minimized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Window<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-remove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-remove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Window this</code>, <code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
Fires after the window has been resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the window has been resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Window<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The window's new width</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The window's new height</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-restore"></a>
<b>restore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Window this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the window has been restored to its original size after being maximized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the window has been restored to its original size after being maximized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Window<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Window</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Window-titlechange"></a>
<b>titlechange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>String The</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel which has had its title changed.</div></li><li><code>The</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">new title.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-titlechange" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-titlechange">Panel</a></td>
New file
0,0 → 1,193
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">DataReader</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">JsonReader</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>ArrayReader</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/data/ArrayReader.js" target="_blank">ArrayReader.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">ArrayReader</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">JsonReader</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Data reader class to create an Array of objects from an Array.
Each element of that Array represents a row of data fields. The
fields are pulled into a Record object using as a subscript, the <em>mapping</em> property
of the field definition if it exists, or the field's ordinal position in the definition.<br>
Example code:.
<pre><code>var Employee =[
{name: <em>'name'</em>, mapping: 1}, <i>// <em>"mapping"</em> only needed <b>if</b> an <em>"id"</em> field is present which</i>
{name: <em>'occupation'</em>, mapping: 2} <i>// precludes using the ordinal position as the index.</i>
<b>var</b> myReader = <b>new</b>{
id: 0 <i>// The subscript within row Array that provides an ID <b>for</b> the Record (optional)</i>
}, Employee);</code></pre>
This would consume an Array like this:
<pre><code>[ [1, <em>'Bill'</em>, <em>'Gardener'</em>], [2, <em>'Ben'</em>, <em>'Horticulturalist'</em>] ]</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
(optional) The subscript within row Array that provides an ID for the Record </div>
<td class="msource">ArrayReader</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>root</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
name of the property which contains the Array of row objects. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#root" href="output/">JsonReader</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>successProperty</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Name of the property from which to retrieve the success attribute used by forms. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#successProperty" href="output/">JsonReader</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>totalProperty</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Name of the property from which to retrieve the total number of records in the dataset. This is only needed if the wh...</div>
<div class="long">
Name of the property from which to retrieve the total number of records in the dataset. This is only needed if the whole dataset is not passed in one go, but is being paged from the remote server. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#totalProperty" href="output/">JsonReader</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>jsonData</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">After any data loads, the raw JSON data is available for further custom processing. If no data is
loaded or there is...</div>
<div class="long">
After any data loads, the raw JSON data is available for further custom processing. If no data is
loaded or there is a load exception this property will be undefined. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#jsonData" href="output/">JsonReader</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>meta</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
This DataReader's configured metadata as passed to the constructor. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#meta" href="output/">DataReader</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>ArrayReader</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object meta</code>, <code>Object recordType</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new ArrayReader</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new ArrayReader <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>meta</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Metadata configuration options.</div></li><li><code>recordType</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Either an Array of field definition objects
as specified to <a ext:cls="" ext:member="create" href="output/"></a>,
or a <a ext:cls="" href="output/">Record</a> constructor
created using <a ext:cls="" ext:member="create" href="output/"></a>.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ArrayReader</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>read</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object response</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
This method is only used by a DataProxy which has retrieved data from a remote server.</div>
<div class="long">
This method is only used by a DataProxy which has retrieved data from a remote server. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>response</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The XHR object which contains the JSON data in its responseText.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">data A data block which is used by an object as a cache of</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#read" href="output/">JsonReader</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>readRecords</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object o</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a data block containing from an XML document.</div>
<div class="long">
Create a data block containing from an XML document. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An Array of row objects which represents the dataset.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">data A data block which is used by an object as a cache of</div></li>
<td class="msource">ArrayReader</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>DefaultSelectionModel</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.tree</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/tree/TreeSelectionModel.js" target="_blank">TreeSelectionModel.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">DefaultSelectionModel</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
The default single selection for a TreePanel. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-clearSelections"></a>
<b>clearSelections</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clear all selections</div>
<div class="long">
Clear all selections <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DefaultSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-getSelectedNode"></a>
<b>getSelectedNode</b>() : TreeNode <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the selected node</div>
<div class="long">
Get the selected node <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>TreeNode</code><div class="sub-desc">The selected node</div></li>
<td class="msource">DefaultSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-isSelected"></a>
<b>isSelected</b>(&nbsp;<code>TreeNode node</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the node is selected</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the node is selected <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : TreeNode<div class="sub-desc">The node to check</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DefaultSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-select"></a>
<b>select</b>(&nbsp;<code>TreeNode node</code>&nbsp;) : TreeNode <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Select a node.</div>
<div class="long">
Select a node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : TreeNode<div class="sub-desc">The node to select</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>TreeNode</code><div class="sub-desc">The selected node</div></li>
<td class="msource">DefaultSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-selectNext"></a>
<b>selectNext</b>() : TreeNode <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects the node above the selected node in the tree, intelligently walking the nodes</div>
<div class="long">
Selects the node above the selected node in the tree, intelligently walking the nodes <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>TreeNode</code><div class="sub-desc">The new selection</div></li>
<td class="msource">DefaultSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-selectPrevious"></a>
<b>selectPrevious</b>() : TreeNode <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects the node above the selected node in the tree, intelligently walking the nodes</div>
<div class="long">
Selects the node above the selected node in the tree, intelligently walking the nodes <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>TreeNode</code><div class="sub-desc">The new selection</div></li>
<td class="msource">DefaultSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-unselect"></a>
<b>unselect</b>(&nbsp;<code>TreeNode node</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Deselect a node.</div>
<div class="long">
Deselect a node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : TreeNode<div class="sub-desc">The node to unselect</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DefaultSelectionModel</td>
<a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-beforeselect"></a>
<b>beforeselect</b> : (&nbsp;<code>DefaultSelectionModel this</code>, <code>TreeNode node</code>, <code>TreeNode node</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the selected node changes, return false to cancel the change</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the selected node changes, return false to cancel the change <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : DefaultSelectionModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>node</code> : TreeNode<div class="sub-desc">the new selection</div></li><li><code>node</code> : TreeNode<div class="sub-desc">the old selection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DefaultSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel-selectionchange"></a>
<b>selectionchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>DefaultSelectionModel this</code>, <code>TreeNode node</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the selected node changes</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the selected node changes <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : DefaultSelectionModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>node</code> : TreeNode<div class="sub-desc">the new selection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DefaultSelectionModel</td>
New file
0,0 → 1,55
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/core/UpdateManager.js" target="_blank">UpdateManager.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Updater.BasicRenderer</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Default Content renderer. Updates the elements innerHTML with the responseText. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.Element el</code>, <code>Object response</code>, <code>Updater updateManager</code>, <code>Function callback</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">This is called when the transaction is completed and it's time to update the element - The BasicRenderer
updates the ...</div>
<div class="long">
This is called when the transaction is completed and it's time to update the element - The BasicRenderer
updates the elements innerHTML with the responseText - To perform a custom render (i.e. XML or JSON processing),
create an object with a "render(el, response)" method and pass it to setRenderer on the Updater. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Ext.Element<div class="sub-desc">The element being rendered</div></li><li><code>response</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The XMLHttpRequest object</div></li><li><code>updateManager</code> : Updater<div class="sub-desc">The calling update manager</div></li><li><code>callback</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">A callback that will need to be called if loadScripts is true on the Updater</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Updater.BasicRenderer</td>
<a id="Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,3151
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Layer-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Layer-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Layer-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Layer-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Layer"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Layer</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.Layer</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/Layer.js" target="_blank">Layer.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Layer</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
An extended <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a> object that supports a shadow and shim, constrain to viewport and
automatic maintaining of shadow/shim positions. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Layer-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class to add to the element </div>
<td class="msource">Layer</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-constrain"></a>
<b>constrain</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to disable constrain to viewport (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">Layer</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-dh"></a>
<b>dh</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
DomHelper object config to create element with (defaults to {tag: "div", cls: "x-layer"}). </div>
<td class="msource">Layer</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-shadow"></a>
<b>shadow</b> : String/Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to create a shadow element with default class "x-layer-shadow", or you can pass a string with a CSS class name. ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to create a shadow element with default class "x-layer-shadow", or you can pass a string with a CSS class name. False turns off the shadow. </div>
<td class="msource">Layer</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-shadowOffset"></a>
<b>shadowOffset</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Number of pixels to offset the shadow (defaults to 3) </div>
<td class="msource">Layer</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-shim"></a>
<b>shim</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">Layer</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-zindex"></a>
<b>zindex</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Starting z-index (defaults to 11000) </div>
<td class="msource">Layer</td>
<a id="Ext.Layer-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-defaultUnit"></a>
<b>defaultUnit</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default unit to append to CSS values where a unit isn't provided (defaults to px). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#defaultUnit" href="output/Ext.Element.html#defaultUnit">Element</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-dom"></a>
<b>dom</b> : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
The DOM element </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#dom" href="output/Ext.Element.html#dom">Element</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The DOM element ID </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Element.html#id">Element</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-originalDisplay"></a>
<b>originalDisplay</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The element's default display mode (defaults to "") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#originalDisplay" href="output/Ext.Element.html#originalDisplay">Element</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Layer-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-Layer"></a>
<b>Layer</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/HTMLElement existingEl</code>]</span>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object with config options.</div></li><li><code>existingEl</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Uses an existing DOM element. If the element is not found it creates it.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Layer</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Array className</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds one or more CSS classes to the element. Duplicate classes are automatically filtered out.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds one or more CSS classes to the element. Duplicate classes are automatically filtered out. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>className</code> : String/Array<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class to add, or an array of classes</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Element.html#addClass">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-addClassOnClick"></a>
<b>addClassOnClick</b>(&nbsp;<code>String className</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets up event handlers to add and remove a css class when the mouse is down and then up on this element (a click effect)</div>
<div class="long">
Sets up event handlers to add and remove a css class when the mouse is down and then up on this element (a click effect) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>className</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#addClassOnClick" href="output/Ext.Element.html#addClassOnClick">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-addClassOnFocus"></a>
<b>addClassOnFocus</b>(&nbsp;<code>String className</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets up event handlers to add and remove a css class when this element has the focus</div>
<div class="long">
Sets up event handlers to add and remove a css class when this element has the focus <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>className</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#addClassOnFocus" href="output/Ext.Element.html#addClassOnFocus">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-addClassOnOver"></a>
<b>addClassOnOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>String className</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean preventFlicker</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets up event handlers to add and remove a css class when the mouse is over this element</div>
<div class="long">
Sets up event handlers to add and remove a css class when the mouse is over this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>className</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>preventFlicker</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If set to true, it prevents flickering by filtering
mouseout events for children elements</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#addClassOnOver" href="output/Ext.Element.html#addClassOnOver">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-addKeyListener"></a>
<b>addKeyListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Array/Object/String key</code>, <code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.KeyMap <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience method for constructing a KeyMap</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience method for constructing a KeyMap <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>key</code> : Number/Array/Object/String<div class="sub-desc">Either a string with the keys to listen for, the numeric key code, array of key codes or an object with the following options:
{key: (number or array), shift: (true/false), ctrl: (true/false), alt: (true/false)}</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.KeyMap</code><div class="sub-desc">The KeyMap created</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#addKeyListener" href="output/Ext.Element.html#addKeyListener">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-addKeyMap"></a>
<b>addKeyMap</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.KeyMap <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a KeyMap for this element</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a KeyMap for this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The KeyMap config. See <a ext:cls="Ext.KeyMap" href="output/Ext.KeyMap.html">Ext.KeyMap</a> for more details</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.KeyMap</code><div class="sub-desc">The KeyMap created</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#addKeyMap" href="output/Ext.Element.html#addKeyMap">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element. The shorthand version <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="on" href="output/Ext.Element.html#on">on</a> is equivalent.</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element. The shorthand version <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="on" href="output/Ext.Element.html#on">on</a> is equivalent. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to handle</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler function the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this element) of the handler function</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration properties.
This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li>scope {Object} : The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</li>
<li>delegate {String} : A simple selector to filter the target or look for a descendant of the target</li>
<li>stopEvent {Boolean} : True to stop the event. That is stop propagation, and prevent the default action.</li>
<li>preventDefault {Boolean} : True to prevent the default action</li>
<li>stopPropagation {Boolean} : True to prevent event propagation</li>
<li>normalized {Boolean} : False to pass a browser event to the handler function instead of an Ext.EventObject</li>
<li>delay {Number} : The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after te event fires.</li>
<li>single {Boolean} : True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</li>
<li>buffer {Number} : Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
In the following examples, the shorthand form <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="on" href="output/Ext.Element.html#on">on</a> is used rather than the more verbose
addListener. The two are equivalent. Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different
types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)<div style="margin: 5px 20px 20px;">
Code:<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
stopEvent : true,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.Element.html#addListener">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-alignTo"></a>
<b>alignTo</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed element</code>, <code>String position</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array offsets</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Aligns this element with another element relative to the specified anchor points. If the other element is the
<div class="long">
Aligns this element with another element relative to the specified anchor points. If the other element is the
document it aligns it to the viewport.
The position parameter is optional, and can be specified in any one of the following formats:
<li><b>Blank</b>: Defaults to aligning the element's top-left corner to the target's bottom-left corner ("tl-bl").</li>
<li><b>One anchor (deprecated)</b>: The passed anchor position is used as the target element's anchor point.
The element being aligned will position its top-left corner (tl) to that point. <i>This method has been
deprecated in favor of the newer two anchor syntax below</i>.</li>
<li><b>Two anchors</b>: If two values from the table below are passed separated by a dash, the first value is used as the
element's anchor point, and the second value is used as the target's anchor point.</li>
In addition to the anchor points, the position parameter also supports the "?" character. If "?" is passed at the end of
the position string, the element will attempt to align as specified, but the position will be adjusted to constrain to
the viewport if necessary. Note that the element being aligned might be swapped to align to a different position than
that specified in order to enforce the viewport constraints.
Following are all of the supported anchor positions:
<pre>Value Description
----- -----------------------------
tl The top left corner (default)
t The center of the top edge
tr The top right corner
l The center of the left edge
c In the center of the element
r The center of the right edge
bl The bottom left corner
b The center of the bottom edge
br The bottom right corner</pre>
Example Usage:
<pre><code><i>// align el to other-el using the <b>default</b> positioning (<em>"tl-bl"</em>, non-constrained)</i>
<i>// align the top left corner of el <b>with</b> the top right corner of other-el (constrained to viewport)</i>
el.alignTo(<em>"other-el"</em>, <em>"tr?"</em>);
<i>// align the bottom right corner of el <b>with</b> the center left edge of other-el</i>
el.alignTo(<em>"other-el"</em>, <em>"br-l?"</em>);
<i>// align the center of el <b>with</b> the bottom left corner of other-el and</i>
<i>// adjust the x position by -6 pixels (and the y position by 0)</i>
el.alignTo(<em>"other-el"</em>, <em>"c-bl"</em>, [-6, 0]);</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>element</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to align to.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The position to align to.</div></li><li><code>offsets</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Offset the positioning by [x, y]</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-anchorTo"></a>
<b>anchorTo</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed element</code>, <code>String position</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array offsets</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number monitorScroll</code>]</span>, <code>Function callback</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Anchors an element to another element and realigns it when the window is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Anchors an element to another element and realigns it when the window is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>element</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to align to.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The position to align to.</div></li><li><code>offsets</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Offset the positioning by [x, y]</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li><li><code>monitorScroll</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to monitor body scroll and reposition. If this parameter
is a number, it is used as the buffer delay (defaults to 50ms).</div></li><li><code>callback</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call after the animation finishes</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#anchorTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#anchorTo">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-animate"></a>
<b>animate</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object args</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Float duration</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function onComplete</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String easing</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String animType</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Perform animation on this element.</div>
<div class="long">
Perform animation on this element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>args</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The animation control args</div></li><li><code>duration</code> : Float<div class="sub-desc">(optional) How long the animation lasts in seconds (defaults to .35)</div></li><li><code>onComplete</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Function to call when animation completes</div></li><li><code>easing</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Easing method to use (defaults to 'easeOut')</div></li><li><code>animType</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) 'run' is the default. Can also be 'color', 'motion', or 'scroll'</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#animate" href="output/Ext.Element.html#animate">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-appendChild"></a>
<b>appendChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement/Array/Element/CompositeElement el</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends the passed element(s) to this element</div>
<div class="long">
Appends the passed element(s) to this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement/Array/Element/CompositeElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#appendChild" href="output/Ext.Element.html#appendChild">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-appendTo"></a>
<b>appendTo</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends this element to the passed element</div>
<div class="long">
Appends this element to the passed element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The new parent element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#appendTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#appendTo">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-applyStyles"></a>
<b>applyStyles</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object/Function styles</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">More flexible version of <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="setStyle" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setStyle">setStyle</a> for setting style properties.</div>
<div class="long">
More flexible version of <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="setStyle" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setStyle">setStyle</a> for setting style properties. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>styles</code> : String/Object/Function<div class="sub-desc">A style specification string, e.g. "width:100px", or object in the form {width:"100px"}, or
a function which returns such a specification.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-autoHeight"></a>
<b>autoHeight</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean animate</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Float duration</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function onComplete</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String easing</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Measures the element's content height and updates height to match. Note: this function uses setTimeout so
the new hei...</div>
<div class="long">
Measures the element's content height and updates height to match. Note: this function uses setTimeout so
the new height may not be available immediately. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Animate the transition (defaults to false)</div></li><li><code>duration</code> : Float<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Length of the animation in seconds (defaults to .35)</div></li><li><code>onComplete</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Function to call when animation completes</div></li><li><code>easing</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Easing method to use (defaults to easeOut)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#autoHeight" href="output/Ext.Element.html#autoHeight">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-blur"></a>
<b>blur</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tries to blur the element. Any exceptions are caught and ignored.</div>
<div class="long">
Tries to blur the element. Any exceptions are caught and ignored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#blur" href="output/Ext.Element.html#blur">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-boxWrap"></a>
<b>boxWrap</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String class</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Wraps the specified element with a special markup/CSS block that renders by default as a gray container with a
<div class="long">
Wraps the specified element with a special markup/CSS block that renders by default as a gray container with a
gradient background, rounded corners and a 4-way shadow. Example usage:
// Basic box wrap
// You can also add a custom class and use CSS inheritance rules to customize the box look.
// 'x-box-blue' is a built-in alternative -- look at the related CSS definitions as an example
// for how to create a custom box wrap style.
Ext.get("foo").boxWrap().addClass("x-box-blue");</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>class</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) A base CSS class to apply to the containing wrapper element (defaults to 'x-box').
Note that there are a number of CSS rules that are dependent on this name to make the overall effect work,
so if you supply an alternate base class, make sure you also supply all of the necessary rules.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#boxWrap" href="output/Ext.Element.html#boxWrap">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-center"></a>
<b>center</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed centerIn</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Centers the Element in either the viewport, or another Element.</div>
<div class="long">
Centers the Element in either the viewport, or another Element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>centerIn</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element in which to center the element.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#center" href="output/Ext.Element.html#center">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-child"></a>
<b>child</b>(&nbsp;<code>String selector</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnDom</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects a single child at any depth below this element based on the passed CSS selector (the selector should not cont...</div>
<div class="long">
Selects a single child at any depth below this element based on the passed CSS selector (the selector should not contain an id). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The CSS selector</div></li><li><code>returnDom</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return the DOM node instead of Ext.Element (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement/Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The child Ext.Element (or DOM node if returnDom = true)</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#child" href="output/Ext.Element.html#child">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-clean"></a>
<b>clean</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean forceReclean</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes worthless text nodes</div>
<div class="long">
Removes worthless text nodes <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>forceReclean</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) By default the element
keeps track if it has been cleaned already so
you can call this over and over. However, if you update the element and
need to force a reclean, you can pass true.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#clean" href="output/Ext.Element.html#clean">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-clearOpacity"></a>
<b>clearOpacity</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any opacity settings from this element. Required in some cases for IE.</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any opacity settings from this element. Required in some cases for IE. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#clearOpacity" href="output/Ext.Element.html#clearOpacity">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-clearPositioning"></a>
<b>clearPositioning</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String value</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clear positioning back to the default when the document was loaded</div>
<div class="long">
Clear positioning back to the default when the document was loaded <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The value to use for the left,right,top,bottom, defaults to '' (empty string). You could use 'auto'.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#clearPositioning" href="output/Ext.Element.html#clearPositioning">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-clip"></a>
<b>clip</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Store the current overflow setting and clip overflow on the element - use <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="unclip" href="output/Ext.Element.html#unclip">unclip</a> to remove</div>
<div class="long">
Store the current overflow setting and clip overflow on the element - use <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="unclip" href="output/Ext.Element.html#unclip">unclip</a> to remove <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#clip" href="output/Ext.Element.html#clip">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-contains"></a>
<b>contains</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement/String el</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this element is an ancestor of the passed element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this element is an ancestor of the passed element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : HTMLElement/String<div class="sub-desc">The element to check</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if this element is an ancestor of el, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#contains" href="output/Ext.Element.html#contains">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-createChild"></a>
<b>createChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>HTMLElement insertBefore</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnDom</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates the passed DomHelper config and appends it to this element or optionally inserts it before the passed child e...</div>
<div class="long">
Creates the passed DomHelper config and appends it to this element or optionally inserts it before the passed child element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">DomHelper element config object. If no tag is specified (e.g., {tag:'input'}) then a div will be
automatically generated with the specified attributes.</div></li><li><code>insertBefore</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">(optional) a child element of this element</div></li><li><code>returnDom</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to return the dom node instead of creating an Element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The new child element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#createChild" href="output/Ext.Element.html#createChild">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-createProxy"></a>
<b>createProxy</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object config</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/HTMLElement renderTo</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean matchBox</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a proxy element of this element</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a proxy element of this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">The class name of the proxy element or a DomHelper config object</div></li><li><code>renderTo</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element or element id to render the proxy to (defaults to document.body)</div></li><li><code>matchBox</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to align and size the proxy to this element now (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The new proxy element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#createProxy" href="output/Ext.Element.html#createProxy">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-createShim"></a>
<b>createShim</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates an iframe shim for this element to keep selects and other windowed objects from
showing through.</div>
<div class="long">
Creates an iframe shim for this element to keep selects and other windowed objects from
showing through. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The new shim element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#createShim" href="output/Ext.Element.html#createShim">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-down"></a>
<b>down</b>(&nbsp;<code>String selector</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnDom</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects a single *direct* child based on the passed CSS selector (the selector should not contain an id).</div>
<div class="long">
Selects a single *direct* child based on the passed CSS selector (the selector should not contain an id). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The CSS selector</div></li><li><code>returnDom</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return the DOM node instead of Ext.Element (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement/Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The child Ext.Element (or DOM node if returnDom = true)</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#down" href="output/Ext.Element.html#down">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-enableDisplayMode"></a>
<b>enableDisplayMode</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String display</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience method for setVisibilityMode(Element.DISPLAY)</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience method for setVisibilityMode(Element.DISPLAY) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>display</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) What to set display to when visible</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#enableDisplayMode" href="output/Ext.Element.html#enableDisplayMode">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-findParent"></a>
<b>findParent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String selector</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number/Mixed maxDepth</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnEl</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Looks at this node and then at parent nodes for a match of the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:fi...</div>
<div class="long">
Looks at this node and then at parent nodes for a match of the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The simple selector to test</div></li><li><code>maxDepth</code> : Number/Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The max depth to
search as a number or element (defaults to 10 || document.body)</div></li><li><code>returnEl</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return a Ext.Element object instead of DOM node</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The matching DOM node (or null if no match was found)</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#findParent" href="output/Ext.Element.html#findParent">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-findParentNode"></a>
<b>findParentNode</b>(&nbsp;<code>String selector</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number/Mixed maxDepth</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnEl</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Looks at parent nodes for a match of the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child)</div>
<div class="long">
Looks at parent nodes for a match of the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The simple selector to test</div></li><li><code>maxDepth</code> : Number/Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The max depth to
search as a number or element (defaults to 10 || document.body)</div></li><li><code>returnEl</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return a Ext.Element object instead of DOM node</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The matching DOM node (or null if no match was found)</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#findParentNode" href="output/Ext.Element.html#findParentNode">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-first"></a>
<b>first</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String selector</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnDom</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element/HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the first child, skipping text nodes</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the first child, skipping text nodes <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Find the next sibling that matches the passed simple selector</div></li><li><code>returnDom</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return a raw dom node instead of an Ext.Element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element/HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The first child or null</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#first" href="output/Ext.Element.html#first">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tries to focus the element. Any exceptions are caught and ignored.</div>
<div class="long">
Tries to focus the element. Any exceptions are caught and ignored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Element.html#focus">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getAlignToXY"></a>
<b>getAlignToXY</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed element</code>, <code>String position</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array offsets</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the x,y coordinates to align this element with another element. See alignTo for more info on the
supported posit...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the x,y coordinates to align this element with another element. See <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">alignTo</a> for more info on the
supported position values. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>element</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to align to.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The position to align to.</div></li><li><code>offsets</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Offset the positioning by [x, y]</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">[x, y]</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getAlignToXY" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getAlignToXY">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getAnchorXY"></a>
<b>getAnchorXY</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String anchor</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object size</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the x,y coordinates specified by the anchor position on the element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the x,y coordinates specified by the anchor position on the element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>anchor</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The specified anchor position (defaults to "c"). See <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">alignTo</a>
for details on supported anchor positions.</div></li><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to get the local (element top/left-relative) anchor position instead
of page coordinates</div></li><li><code>size</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing the size to use for calculating anchor position
{width: (target width), height: (target height)} (defaults to the element's current size)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">[x, y] An array containing the element's x and y coordinates</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getAnchorXY" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getAnchorXY">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getAttributeNS"></a>
<b>getAttributeNS</b>(&nbsp;<code>String namespace</code>, <code>String name</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the value of a namespaced attribute from the element's underlying DOM node.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the value of a namespaced attribute from the element's underlying DOM node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>namespace</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The namespace in which to look for the attribute</div></li><li><code>name</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The attribute name</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The attribute value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getAttributeNS" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getAttributeNS">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getBorderWidth"></a>
<b>getBorderWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>String side</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the width of the border(s) for the specified side(s)</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the width of the border(s) for the specified side(s) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>side</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">Can be t, l, r, b or any combination of those to add multiple values. For example,
passing lr would get the border (l)eft width + the border (r)ight width.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The width of the sides passed added together</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getBorderWidth" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getBorderWidth">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getBottom"></a>
<b>getBottom</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean local</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the bottom Y coordinate of the element (element Y position + element height)</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the bottom Y coordinate of the element (element Y position + element height) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to get the local css position instead of page coordinate</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getBottom" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getBottom">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean contentBox</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Return a box {x, y, width, height} that can be used to set another elements
size/location to match this element.</div>
<div class="long">
Return a box {x, y, width, height} that can be used to set another elements
size/location to match this element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>contentBox</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true a box for the content of the element is returned.</div></li><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page x/y.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getBox">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getCenterXY"></a>
<b>getCenterXY</b>() : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Calculates the x, y to center this element on the screen</div>
<div class="long">
Calculates the x, y to center this element on the screen <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The x, y values [x, y]</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getCenterXY" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getCenterXY">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getColor"></a>
<b>getColor</b>(&nbsp;<code>String attr</code>, <code>String defaultValue</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String prefix</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Return the CSS color for the specified CSS attribute. rgb, 3 digit (like #fff) and valid values
are convert to standa...</div>
<div class="long">
Return the CSS color for the specified CSS attribute. rgb, 3 digit (like #fff) and valid values
are convert to standard 6 digit hex color. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>attr</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The css attribute</div></li><li><code>defaultValue</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The default value to use when a valid color isn't found</div></li><li><code>prefix</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) defaults to #. Use an empty string when working with
color anims.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getColor" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getColor">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getComputedHeight"></a>
<b>getComputedHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns either the offsetHeight or the height of this element based on CSS height adjusted by padding or borders
<div class="long">
Returns either the offsetHeight or the height of this element based on CSS height adjusted by padding or borders
when needed to simulate offsetHeight when offsets aren't available. This may not work on display:none elements
if a height has not been set using CSS. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getComputedHeight" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getComputedHeight">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getComputedWidth"></a>
<b>getComputedWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns either the offsetWidth or the width of this element based on CSS width adjusted by padding or borders
when ne...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns either the offsetWidth or the width of this element based on CSS width adjusted by padding or borders
when needed to simulate offsetWidth when offsets aren't available. This may not work on display:none elements
if a width has not been set using CSS. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getComputedWidth" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getComputedWidth">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getFrameWidth"></a>
<b>getFrameWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>String sides</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the sum width of the padding and borders for the passed "sides". See getBorderWidth()
for more informati...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the sum width of the padding and borders for the passed "sides". See getBorderWidth()
for more information about the sides. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>sides</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getFrameWidth">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getHeight"></a>
<b>getHeight</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean contentHeight</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the offset height of the element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the offset height of the element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>contentHeight</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to get the height minus borders and padding</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The element's height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getHeight" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getHeight">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getLeft"></a>
<b>getLeft</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean local</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the left X coordinate</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the left X coordinate <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to get the local css position instead of page coordinate</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getLeft" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getLeft">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getMargins"></a>
<b>getMargins</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String sides</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object/Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns an object with properties top, left, right and bottom representing the margins of this element unless sides i...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns an object with properties top, left, right and bottom representing the margins of this element unless sides is passed,
then it returns the calculated width of the sides (see getPadding) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>sides</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Any combination of l, r, t, b to get the sum of those sides</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getMargins" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getMargins">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getOffsetsTo"></a>
<b>getOffsetsTo</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed element</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the offsets of this element from the passed element. Both element must be part of the DOM tree and not have d...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the offsets of this element from the passed element. Both element must be part of the DOM tree and not have display:none to have page coordinates. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>element</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to get the offsets from.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY page offsets (e.g. [100, -200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getOffsetsTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getOffsetsTo">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getPadding"></a>
<b>getPadding</b>(&nbsp;<code>String side</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the width of the padding(s) for the specified side(s)</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the width of the padding(s) for the specified side(s) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>side</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">Can be t, l, r, b or any combination of those to add multiple values. For example,
passing lr would get the padding (l)eft + the padding (r)ight.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The padding of the sides passed added together</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getPadding" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getPadding">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getPositioning"></a>
<b>getPositioning</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets an object with all CSS positioning properties. Useful along with setPostioning to get
snapshot before performing...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets an object with all CSS positioning properties. Useful along with setPostioning to get
snapshot before performing an update and then restoring the element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getPositioning" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getPositioning">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getRegion"></a>
<b>getRegion</b>() : Region <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the region of the given element.
The element must be part of the DOM tree to have a region (display:none or e...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the region of the given element.
The element must be part of the DOM tree to have a region (display:none or elements not appended return false). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Region</code><div class="sub-desc">A Ext.lib.Region containing "top, left, bottom, right" member data.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getRegion" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getRegion">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getRight"></a>
<b>getRight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean local</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the right X coordinate of the element (element X position + element width)</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the right X coordinate of the element (element X position + element width) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to get the local css position instead of page coordinate</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getRight" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getRight">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getScroll"></a>
<b>getScroll</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the current scroll position of the element.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the current scroll position of the element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the scroll position in the format {left: (scrollLeft), top: (scrollTop)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getScroll" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getScroll">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean contentSize</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the size of the element.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the size of the element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>contentSize</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to get the width/size minus borders and padding</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getSize">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getStyle"></a>
<b>getStyle</b>(&nbsp;<code>String property</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Normalizes currentStyle and computedStyle.</div>
<div class="long">
Normalizes currentStyle and computedStyle. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>property</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The style property whose value is returned.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The current value of the style property for this element.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getStyle" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getStyle">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getStyles"></a>
<b>getStyles</b>(&nbsp;<code>String style1</code>, <code>String style2</code>, <code>String etc.</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns an object with properties matching the styles requested.
For example, el.getStyles('color', 'font-size', 'wid...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns an object with properties matching the styles requested.
For example, el.getStyles('color', 'font-size', 'width') might return
{'color': '#FFFFFF', 'font-size': '13px', 'width': '100px'}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>style1</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A style name</div></li><li><code>style2</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A style name</div></li><li><code>etc.</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The style object</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getStyles">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getTop"></a>
<b>getTop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean local</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the top Y coordinate</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the top Y coordinate <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to get the local css position instead of page coordinate</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getTop" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getTop">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getUpdater"></a>
<b>getUpdater</b>() : Ext.Updater <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets this element's Updater</div>
<div class="long">
Gets this element's Updater <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Updater</code><div class="sub-desc">The Updater</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getUpdater" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getUpdater">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getValue"></a>
<b>getValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean asNumber</code>&nbsp;) : String/Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the value of the "value" attribute</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the value of the "value" attribute <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>asNumber</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">true to parse the value as a number</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getValue" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getValue">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getViewSize"></a>
<b>getViewSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width and height of the viewport.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width and height of the viewport. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the viewport's size {width: (viewport width), height: (viewport height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getViewSize" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getViewSize">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getWidth"></a>
<b>getWidth</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean contentWidth</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the offset width of the element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the offset width of the element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>contentWidth</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to get the width minus borders and padding</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The element's width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getWidth" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getWidth">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getX"></a>
<b>getX</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current X position of the element based on page coordinates. Element must be part of the DOM tree to have p...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current X position of the element based on page coordinates. Element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The X position of the element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getX" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getX">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getXY"></a>
<b>getXY</b>() : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current position of the element based on page coordinates. Element must be part of the DOM tree to have pag...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current position of the element based on page coordinates. Element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getXY" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getXY">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-getY"></a>
<b>getY</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current Y position of the element based on page coordinates. Element must be part of the DOM tree to have p...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current Y position of the element based on page coordinates. Element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The Y position of the element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#getY" href="output/Ext.Element.html#getY">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-hasClass"></a>
<b>hasClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String className</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks if the specified CSS class exists on this element's DOM node.</div>
<div class="long">
Checks if the specified CSS class exists on this element's DOM node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>className</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the class exists, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#hasClass" href="output/Ext.Element.html#hasClass">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this element - Uses display mode to determine whether to use "display" or "visibility". See <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="setVisible" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setVisible">setVisible</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this element - Uses display mode to determine whether to use "display" or "visibility". See <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="setVisible" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setVisible">setVisible</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Element.html#hide">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-hover"></a>
<b>hover</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function overFn</code>, <code>Function outFn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets up event handlers to call the passed functions when the mouse is over this element. Automatically
filters child ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets up event handlers to call the passed functions when the mouse is over this element. Automatically
filters child element mouse events. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overFn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>outFn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#hover" href="output/Ext.Element.html#hover">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-initDD"></a>
<b>initDD</b>(&nbsp;<code>String group</code>, <code>Object config</code>, <code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.dd.DD <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initializes a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html">Ext.dd.DD</a> drag drop object for this element.</div>
<div class="long">
Initializes a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html">Ext.dd.DD</a> drag drop object for this element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>group</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The group the DD object is member of</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The DD config object</div></li><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing methods to override/implement on the DD object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.dd.DD</code><div class="sub-desc">The DD object</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#initDD" href="output/Ext.Element.html#initDD">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-initDDProxy"></a>
<b>initDDProxy</b>(&nbsp;<code>String group</code>, <code>Object config</code>, <code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.dd.DDProxy <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initializes a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDProxy" href="output/Ext.dd.DDProxy.html">Ext.dd.DDProxy</a> object for this element.</div>
<div class="long">
Initializes a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDProxy" href="output/Ext.dd.DDProxy.html">Ext.dd.DDProxy</a> object for this element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>group</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The group the DDProxy object is member of</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The DDProxy config object</div></li><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing methods to override/implement on the DDProxy object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.dd.DDProxy</code><div class="sub-desc">The DDProxy object</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#initDDProxy" href="output/Ext.Element.html#initDDProxy">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-initDDTarget"></a>
<b>initDDTarget</b>(&nbsp;<code>String group</code>, <code>Object config</code>, <code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.dd.DDTarget <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initializes a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DDTarget.html">Ext.dd.DDTarget</a> object for this element.</div>
<div class="long">
Initializes a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DDTarget.html">Ext.dd.DDTarget</a> object for this element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>group</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The group the DDTarget object is member of</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The DDTarget config object</div></li><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing methods to override/implement on the DDTarget object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.dd.DDTarget</code><div class="sub-desc">The DDTarget object</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#initDDTarget" href="output/Ext.Element.html#initDDTarget">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-insertAfter"></a>
<b>insertAfter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts this element after the passed element in the DOM</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts this element after the passed element in the DOM <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to insert after</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#insertAfter" href="output/Ext.Element.html#insertAfter">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-insertBefore"></a>
<b>insertBefore</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts this element before the passed element in the DOM</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts this element before the passed element in the DOM <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element before which this element will be inserted</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#insertBefore" href="output/Ext.Element.html#insertBefore">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-insertFirst"></a>
<b>insertFirst</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed/Object el</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts (or creates) an element (or DomHelper config) as the first child of this element</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts (or creates) an element (or DomHelper config) as the first child of this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed/Object<div class="sub-desc">The id or element to insert or a DomHelper config to create and insert</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The new child</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#insertFirst" href="output/Ext.Element.html#insertFirst">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-insertHtml"></a>
<b>insertHtml</b>(&nbsp;<code>String where</code>, <code>String html</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnEl</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts an html fragment into this element</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts an html fragment into this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>where</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">Where to insert the html in relation to this element - beforeBegin, afterBegin, beforeEnd, afterEnd.</div></li><li><code>html</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The HTML fragment</div></li><li><code>returnEl</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return an Ext.Element (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement/Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The inserted node (or nearest related if more than 1 inserted)</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#insertHtml" href="output/Ext.Element.html#insertHtml">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-insertSibling"></a>
<b>insertSibling</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed/Object/Array el</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String where</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnDom</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts (or creates) the passed element (or DomHelper config) as a sibling of this element</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts (or creates) the passed element (or DomHelper config) as a sibling of this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed/Object/Array<div class="sub-desc">The id, element to insert or a DomHelper config to create and insert *or* an array of any of those.</div></li><li><code>where</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) 'before' or 'after' defaults to before</div></li><li><code>returnDom</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return the raw DOM element instead of Ext.Element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">the inserted Element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#insertSibling" href="output/Ext.Element.html#insertSibling">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-is"></a>
<b>is</b>(&nbsp;<code>String selector</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this element matches the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child)</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this element matches the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The simple selector to test</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if this element matches the selector, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#is" href="output/Ext.Element.html#is">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-isBorderBox"></a>
<b>isBorderBox</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests various css rules/browsers to determine if this element uses a border box</div>
<div class="long">
Tests various css rules/browsers to determine if this element uses a border box <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#isBorderBox" href="output/Ext.Element.html#isBorderBox">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-isDisplayed"></a>
<b>isDisplayed</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if display is not "none"</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if display is not "none" <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#isDisplayed" href="output/Ext.Element.html#isDisplayed">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-isMasked"></a>
<b>isMasked</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this element is masked</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this element is masked <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#isMasked" href="output/Ext.Element.html#isMasked">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-isScrollable"></a>
<b>isScrollable</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this element is scrollable.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this element is scrollable. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#isScrollable" href="output/Ext.Element.html#isScrollable">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean deep</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks whether the element is currently visible using both visibility and display properties.</div>
<div class="long">
Checks whether the element is currently visible using both visibility and display properties. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>deep</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to walk the dom and see if parent elements are hidden (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the element is currently visible, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Element.html#isVisible">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-last"></a>
<b>last</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String selector</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnDom</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element/HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the last child, skipping text nodes</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the last child, skipping text nodes <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Find the previous sibling that matches the passed simple selector</div></li><li><code>returnDom</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return a raw dom node instead of an Ext.Element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element/HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The last child or null</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#last" href="output/Ext.Element.html#last">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-load"></a>
<b>load</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Function url</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Object params</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function callback</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean discardUrl</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Direct access to the Updater <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" ext:member="update" href="output/Ext.Updater.html#update">Ext.Updater.update</a> method (takes the same parameters).</div>
<div class="long">
Direct access to the Updater <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" ext:member="update" href="output/Ext.Updater.html#update">Ext.Updater.update</a> method (takes the same parameters). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>url</code> : String/Function<div class="sub-desc">The url for this request or a function to call to get the url</div></li><li><code>params</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The parameters to pass as either a url encoded string "param1=1&amp;param2=2" or an object {param1: 1, param2: 2}</div></li><li><code>callback</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Callback when transaction is complete - called with signature (oElement, bSuccess)</div></li><li><code>discardUrl</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) By default when you execute an update the defaultUrl is changed to the last used url. If true, it will not store the url.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#load" href="output/Ext.Element.html#load">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-mask"></a>
<b>mask</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String msg</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String msgCls</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Puts a mask over this element to disable user interaction. Requires core.css.
This method can only be applied to elem...</div>
<div class="long">
Puts a mask over this element to disable user interaction. Requires core.css.
This method can only be applied to elements which accept child nodes. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) A message to display in the mask</div></li><li><code>msgCls</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) A css class to apply to the msg element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The mask element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#mask" href="output/Ext.Element.html#mask">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-move"></a>
<b>move</b>(&nbsp;<code>String direction</code>, <code>Number distance</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Move this element relative to its current position.</div>
<div class="long">
Move this element relative to its current position. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>direction</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">Possible values are: "l","left" - "r","right" - "t","top","up" - "b","bottom","down".</div></li><li><code>distance</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">How far to move the element in pixels</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#move" href="output/Ext.Element.html#move">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-moveTo"></a>
<b>moveTo</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the position of the element in page coordinates, regardless of how the element is positioned.
The element must b...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the position of the element in page coordinates, regardless of how the element is positioned.
The element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">X value for new position (coordinates are page-based)</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">Y value for new position (coordinates are page-based)</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for the default animation, or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#moveTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#moveTo">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-next"></a>
<b>next</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String selector</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnDom</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element/HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the next sibling, skipping text nodes</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the next sibling, skipping text nodes <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Find the next sibling that matches the passed simple selector</div></li><li><code>returnDom</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return a raw dom node instead of an Ext.Element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element/HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The next sibling or null</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#next" href="output/Ext.Element.html#next">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler (shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.Element.html#addListener">addListener</a>).</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler (shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.Element.html#addListener">addListener</a>). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to handle</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler function the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this element) of the handler function</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing standard <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.Element.html#addListener">addListener</a> options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.Element.html#on">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-parent"></a>
<b>parent</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String selector</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnDom</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element/HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the parent node for this element, optionally chaining up trying to match a selector</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the parent node for this element, optionally chaining up trying to match a selector <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Find a parent node that matches the passed simple selector</div></li><li><code>returnDom</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return a raw dom node instead of an Ext.Element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element/HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The parent node or null</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#parent" href="output/Ext.Element.html#parent">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-position"></a>
<b>position</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String pos</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number zIndex</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number x</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number y</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initializes positioning on this element. If a desired position is not passed, it will make the
the element positioned...</div>
<div class="long">
Initializes positioning on this element. If a desired position is not passed, it will make the
the element positioned relative IF it is not already positioned. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>pos</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Positioning to use "relative", "absolute" or "fixed"</div></li><li><code>zIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The zIndex to apply</div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Set the page X position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Set the page Y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#position" href="output/Ext.Element.html#position">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-prev"></a>
<b>prev</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String selector</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnDom</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element/HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the previous sibling, skipping text nodes</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the previous sibling, skipping text nodes <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Find the previous sibling that matches the passed simple selector</div></li><li><code>returnDom</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return a raw dom node instead of an Ext.Element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element/HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The previous sibling or null</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#prev" href="output/Ext.Element.html#prev">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-query"></a>
<b>query</b>(&nbsp;<code>String selector</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects child nodes based on the passed CSS selector (the selector should not contain an id).</div>
<div class="long">
Selects child nodes based on the passed CSS selector (the selector should not contain an id). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The CSS selector</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">An array of the matched nodes</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#query" href="output/Ext.Element.html#query">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-radioClass"></a>
<b>radioClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Array className</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds one or more CSS classes to this element and removes the same class(es) from all siblings.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds one or more CSS classes to this element and removes the same class(es) from all siblings. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>className</code> : String/Array<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class to add, or an array of classes</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#radioClass" href="output/Ext.Element.html#radioClass">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-relayEvent"></a>
<b>relayEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create an event handler on this element such that when the event fires and is handled by this element,
it will be rel...</div>
<div class="long">
Create an event handler on this element such that when the event fires and is handled by this element,
it will be relayed to another object (i.e., fired again as if it originated from that object instead). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to relay</div></li><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Any object that extends <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Ext.util.Observable</a> that will provide the context
for firing the relayed event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#relayEvent" href="output/Ext.Element.html#relayEvent">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes this element from the DOM and deletes it from the cache</div>
<div class="long">
Removes this element from the DOM and deletes it from the cache <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#remove" href="output/Ext.Element.html#remove">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-removeAllListeners"></a>
<b>removeAllListeners</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all previous added listeners from this element</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all previous added listeners from this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#removeAllListeners" href="output/Ext.Element.html#removeAllListeners">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Array className</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes one or more CSS classes from the element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes one or more CSS classes from the element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>className</code> : String/Array<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class to remove, or an array of classes</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Element.html#removeClass">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function fn</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes an event handler from this element. The shorthand version un is equivalent. Example:
<div class="long">
Removes an event handler from this element. The shorthand version <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="un" href="output/Ext.Element.html#un">un</a> is equivalent. Example:
<pre><code>el.removeListener(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.handlerFn);
<i>// or</i>
el.un(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.handlerFn);</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the type of event to remove</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">the method the event invokes</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.Element.html#removeListener">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-repaint"></a>
<b>repaint</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Forces the browser to repaint this element</div>
<div class="long">
Forces the browser to repaint this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#repaint" href="output/Ext.Element.html#repaint">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-replace"></a>
<b>replace</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Replaces the passed element with this element</div>
<div class="long">
Replaces the passed element with this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to replace</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#replace" href="output/Ext.Element.html#replace">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-replaceClass"></a>
<b>replaceClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String oldClassName</code>, <code>String newClassName</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Replaces a CSS class on the element with another. If the old name does not exist, the new name will simply be added.</div>
<div class="long">
Replaces a CSS class on the element with another. If the old name does not exist, the new name will simply be added. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>oldClassName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class to replace</div></li><li><code>newClassName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The replacement CSS class</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#replaceClass" href="output/Ext.Element.html#replaceClass">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-replaceWith"></a>
<b>replaceWith</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed/Object el</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Replaces this element with the passed element</div>
<div class="long">
Replaces this element with the passed element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new element or a DomHelper config of an element to create</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#replaceWith" href="output/Ext.Element.html#replaceWith">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-scroll"></a>
<b>scroll</b>(&nbsp;<code>String direction</code>, <code>Number distance</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Scrolls this element the specified direction. Does bounds checking to make sure the scroll is
within this element's s...</div>
<div class="long">
Scrolls this element the specified direction. Does bounds checking to make sure the scroll is
within this element's scrollable range. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>direction</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">Possible values are: "l","left" - "r","right" - "t","top","up" - "b","bottom","down".</div></li><li><code>distance</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">How far to scroll the element in pixels</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">Returns true if a scroll was triggered or false if the element was scrolled as far as it could go.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#scroll" href="output/Ext.Element.html#scroll">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-scrollIntoView"></a>
<b>scrollIntoView</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean hscroll</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Scrolls this element into view within the passed container.</div>
<div class="long">
Scrolls this element into view within the passed container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The container element to scroll (defaults to document.body)</div></li><li><code>hscroll</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to disable horizontal scroll (defaults to true)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#scrollIntoView" href="output/Ext.Element.html#scrollIntoView">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-scrollTo"></a>
<b>scrollTo</b>(&nbsp;<code>String side</code>, <code>Number value</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Scrolls this element the specified scroll point. It does NOT do bounds checking so if you scroll to a weird value it ...</div>
<div class="long">
Scrolls this element the specified scroll point. It does NOT do bounds checking so if you scroll to a weird value it will try to do it. For auto bounds checking, use scroll(). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>side</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">Either "left" for scrollLeft values or "top" for scrollTop values.</div></li><li><code>value</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new scroll value</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#scrollTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#scrollTo">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-select"></a>
<b>select</b>(&nbsp;<code>String selector</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean unique</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : CompositeElement/CompositeElementLite <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a <a ext:cls="Ext.CompositeElement" href="output/Ext.CompositeElement.html">Ext.CompositeElement</a> for child nodes based on the passed CSS selector (the selector should not contain an id).</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a <a ext:cls="Ext.CompositeElement" href="output/Ext.CompositeElement.html">Ext.CompositeElement</a> for child nodes based on the passed CSS selector (the selector should not contain an id). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The CSS selector</div></li><li><code>unique</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to create a unique Ext.Element for each child (defaults to false, which creates a single shared flyweight object)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>CompositeElement/CompositeElementLite</code><div class="sub-desc">The composite element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#select" href="output/Ext.Element.html#select">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-set"></a>
<b>set</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object o</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean useSet</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the passed attributes as attributes of this element (a style attribute can be a string, object or function)</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the passed attributes as attributes of this element (a style attribute can be a string, object or function) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the attributes</div></li><li><code>useSet</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) false to override the default setAttribute to use expandos.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#set" href="output/Ext.Element.html#set">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-setBottom"></a>
<b>setBottom</b>(&nbsp;<code>String bottom</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the element's CSS bottom style.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the element's CSS bottom style. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>bottom</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The bottom CSS property value</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#setBottom" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setBottom">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-setBounds"></a>
<b>setBounds</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>, <code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the element's position and size in one shot. If animation is true then width, height, x and y will be animated c...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the element's position and size in one shot. If animation is true then width, height, x and y will be animated concurrently. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">X value for new position (coordinates are page-based)</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">Y value for new position (coordinates are page-based)</div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#setBounds" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setBounds">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-setBox"></a>
<b>setBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean adjust</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the element's box. Use getBox() on another element to get a box obj. If animate is true then width, height, x an...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the element's box. Use getBox() on another element to get a box obj. If animate is true then width, height, x and y will be animated concurrently. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The box to fill {x, y, width, height}</div></li><li><code>adjust</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Whether to adjust for box-model issues automatically</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#setBox" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setBox">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-setDisplayed"></a>
<b>setDisplayed</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the CSS display property. Uses originalDisplay if the specified value is a boolean true.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the CSS display property. Uses originalDisplay if the specified value is a boolean true. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">Boolean value to display the element using its default display, or a string to set the display directly.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#setDisplayed" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setDisplayed">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Set the height of the element</div>
<div class="long">
Set the height of the element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setHeight">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-setLeft"></a>
<b>setLeft</b>(&nbsp;<code>String left</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the element's left position directly using CSS style (instead of <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="setX" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setX">setX</a>).</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the element's left position directly using CSS style (instead of <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="setX" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setX">setX</a>). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The left CSS property value</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#setLeft" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setLeft">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-setLeftTop"></a>
<b>setLeftTop</b>(&nbsp;<code>String left</code>, <code>String top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Quick set left and top adding default units</div>
<div class="long">
Quick set left and top adding default units <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The left CSS property value</div></li><li><code>top</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The top CSS property value</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#setLeftTop" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setLeftTop">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-setLocation"></a>
<b>setLocation</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the position of the element in page coordinates, regardless of how the element is positioned.
The element must b...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the position of the element in page coordinates, regardless of how the element is positioned.
The element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">X value for new position (coordinates are page-based)</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">Y value for new position (coordinates are page-based)</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for the default animation, or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#setLocation" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setLocation">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-setOpacity"></a>
<b>setOpacity</b>(&nbsp;<code>Float opacity</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Set the opacity of the element</div>
<div class="long">
Set the opacity of the element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>opacity</code> : Float<div class="sub-desc">The new opacity. 0 = transparent, .5 = 50% visibile, 1 = fully visible, etc</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#setOpacity" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setOpacity">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-setPositioning"></a>
<b>setPositioning</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object posCfg</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Set positioning with an object returned by getPositioning().</div>
<div class="long">
Set positioning with an object returned by getPositioning(). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>posCfg</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#setPositioning" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setPositioning">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-setRegion"></a>
<b>setRegion</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.lib.Region region</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the element's position and size the the specified region. If animation is true then width, height, x and y will ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the element's position and size the the specified region. If animation is true then width, height, x and y will be animated concurrently. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>region</code> : Ext.lib.Region<div class="sub-desc">The region to fill</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#setRegion" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setRegion">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-setRight"></a>
<b>setRight</b>(&nbsp;<code>String right</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the element's CSS right style.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the element's CSS right style. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>right</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The right CSS property value</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#setRight" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setRight">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Set the size of the element. If animation is true, both width an height will be animated concurrently.</div>
<div class="long">
Set the size of the element. If animation is true, both width an height will be animated concurrently. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setSize">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-setStyle"></a>
<b>setStyle</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object property</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String value</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Wrapper for setting style properties, also takes single object parameter of multiple styles.</div>
<div class="long">
Wrapper for setting style properties, also takes single object parameter of multiple styles. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>property</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">The style property to be set, or an object of multiple styles.</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The value to apply to the given property, or null if an object was passed.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#setStyle" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setStyle">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-setTop"></a>
<b>setTop</b>(&nbsp;<code>String top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the element's top position directly using CSS style (instead of <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="setY" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setY">setY</a>).</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the element's top position directly using CSS style (instead of <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="setY" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setY">setY</a>). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>top</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The top CSS property value</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#setTop" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setTop">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-setVisibilityMode"></a>
<b>setVisibilityMode</b>(&nbsp;<code>visMode Element.VISIBILITY</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the element's visibility mode. When setVisible() is called it
will use this to determine whether to set the visi...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the element's visibility mode. When setVisible() is called it
will use this to determine whether to set the visibility or the display property. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>Element.VISIBILITY</code> : visMode<div class="sub-desc">or Element.DISPLAY</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#setVisibilityMode" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setVisibilityMode">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the visibility of the element (see details). If the visibilityMode is set to Element.DISPLAY, it will use
the di...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the visibility of the element (see details). If the visibilityMode is set to Element.DISPLAY, it will use
the display property to hide the element, otherwise it uses visibility. The default is to hide and show using the visibility property. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">Whether the element is visible</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for the default animation, or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setVisible">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Set the width of the element</div>
<div class="long">
Set the width of the element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setWidth">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-setX"></a>
<b>setX</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number The</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the X position of the element based on page coordinates. Element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coor...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the X position of the element based on page coordinates. Element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>The</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">X position of the element</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for the default animation, or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#setX" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setX">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-setXY"></a>
<b>setXY</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array pos</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the position of the element in page coordinates, regardless of how the element is positioned.
The element must b...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the position of the element in page coordinates, regardless of how the element is positioned.
The element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>pos</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">Contains X & Y [x, y] values for new position (coordinates are page-based)</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for the default animation, or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#setXY" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setXY">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-setY"></a>
<b>setY</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number The</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the Y position of the element based on page coordinates. Element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coor...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the Y position of the element based on page coordinates. Element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>The</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">Y position of the element</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for the default animation, or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#setY" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setY">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-setZIndex"></a>
<b>setZIndex</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number zindex</code>&nbsp;) : this <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the z-index of this layer and adjusts any shadow and shim z-indexes. The layer z-index is automatically
<div class="long">
Sets the z-index of this layer and adjusts any shadow and shim z-indexes. The layer z-index is automatically
incremented by two more than the value passed in so that it always shows above any shadow or shim (the shadow
element, if any, will be assigned z-index + 1, and the shim element, if any, will be assigned the unmodified z-index). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>zindex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new z-index to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>this</code><div class="sub-desc">The Layer</div></li>
<td class="msource">Layer</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-show"></a>
<b>show</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this element - Uses display mode to determine whether to use "display" or "visibility". See <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="setVisible" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setVisible">setVisible</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this element - Uses display mode to determine whether to use "display" or "visibility". See <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="setVisible" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setVisible">setVisible</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Element.html#show">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-swallowEvent"></a>
<b>swallowEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean preventDefault</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Stops the specified event from bubbling and optionally prevents the default action</div>
<div class="long">
Stops the specified event from bubbling and optionally prevents the default action <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>preventDefault</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to prevent the default action too</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#swallowEvent" href="output/Ext.Element.html#swallowEvent">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-toggle"></a>
<b>toggle</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Toggles the element's visibility or display, depending on visibility mode.</div>
<div class="long">
Toggles the element's visibility or display, depending on visibility mode. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for the default animation, or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#toggle" href="output/Ext.Element.html#toggle">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-toggleClass"></a>
<b>toggleClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String className</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Toggles the specified CSS class on this element (removes it if it already exists, otherwise adds it).</div>
<div class="long">
Toggles the specified CSS class on this element (removes it if it already exists, otherwise adds it). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>className</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class to toggle</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#toggleClass" href="output/Ext.Element.html#toggleClass">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-translatePoints"></a>
<b>translatePoints</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Array x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Translates the passed page coordinates into left/top css values for this element</div>
<div class="long">
Translates the passed page coordinates into left/top css values for this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number/Array<div class="sub-desc">The page x or an array containing [x, y]</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The page y</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object with left and top properties. e.g. {left: (value), top: (value)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#translatePoints" href="output/Ext.Element.html#translatePoints">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function fn</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes an event handler from this element (shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="removeListener" href="output/Ext.Element.html#removeListener">removeListener</a>).</div>
<div class="long">
Removes an event handler from this element (shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="removeListener" href="output/Ext.Element.html#removeListener">removeListener</a>). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the type of event to remove</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">the method the event invokes</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.Element.html#un">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-unclip"></a>
<b>unclip</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Return clipping (overflow) to original clipping before clip() was called</div>
<div class="long">
Return clipping (overflow) to original clipping before clip() was called <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#unclip" href="output/Ext.Element.html#unclip">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-unmask"></a>
<b>unmask</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a previously applied mask.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a previously applied mask. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#unmask" href="output/Ext.Element.html#unmask">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-unselectable"></a>
<b>unselectable</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disables text selection for this element (normalized across browsers)</div>
<div class="long">
Disables text selection for this element (normalized across browsers) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#unselectable" href="output/Ext.Element.html#unselectable">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-up"></a>
<b>up</b>(&nbsp;<code>String selector</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number/Mixed maxDepth</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Walks up the dom looking for a parent node that matches the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first...</div>
<div class="long">
Walks up the dom looking for a parent node that matches the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child).
This is a shortcut for findParentNode() that always returns an Ext.Element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The simple selector to test</div></li><li><code>maxDepth</code> : Number/Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The max depth to
search as a number or element (defaults to 10 || document.body)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The matching DOM node (or null if no match was found)</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#up" href="output/Ext.Element.html#up">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-update"></a>
<b>update</b>(&nbsp;<code>String html</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean loadScripts</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function callback</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Update the innerHTML of this element, optionally searching for and processing scripts</div>
<div class="long">
Update the innerHTML of this element, optionally searching for and processing scripts <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>html</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new HTML</div></li><li><code>loadScripts</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to look for and process scripts (defaults to false)</div></li><li><code>callback</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) For async script loading you can be notified when the update completes</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#update" href="output/Ext.Element.html#update">Element</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Layer-wrap"></a>
<b>wrap</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object config</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnDom</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement/Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates and wraps this element with another element</div>
<div class="long">
Creates and wraps this element with another element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) DomHelper element config object for the wrapper element or null for an empty div</div></li><li><code>returnDom</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return the raw DOM element instead of Ext.Element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement/Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The newly created wrapper element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="#wrap" href="output/Ext.Element.html#wrap">Element</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Layer-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.HtmlEditor-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.HtmlEditor-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.HtmlEditor-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.HtmlEditor-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.form.HtmlEditor"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html">Field</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>HtmlEditor</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.form.HtmlEditor</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.form</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/form/HtmlEditor.js" target="_blank">HtmlEditor.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">HtmlEditor</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html">Field</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Provides a lightweight HTML Editor component.
<br><br><b>Note: The focus/blur and validation marking functionality inherited from Ext.form.Field is NOT
supported by this editor.</b><br/><br/>
An Editor is a sensitive component that can't be used in all spots standard fields can be used. Putting an Editor within
any element that has display set to 'none' can cause problems in Safari and Firefox due to their default iframe reloading bugs. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-clearCls"></a>
<b>clearCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class used to provide field clearing (defaults to 'x-form-clear-left') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#clearCls" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#clearCls">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-createLinkText"></a>
<b>createLinkText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default text for the create link prompt </div>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-defaultLinkValue"></a>
<b>defaultLinkValue</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default value for the create link prompt (defaults to http:/ /) </div>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-enableAlignments"></a>
<b>enableAlignments</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Enable the left, center, right alignment buttons (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-enableColors"></a>
<b>enableColors</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Enable the fore/highlight color buttons (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-enableFont"></a>
<b>enableFont</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Enable font selection. Not available in Safari. (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-enableFontSize"></a>
<b>enableFontSize</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Enable the increase/decrease font size buttons (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-enableFormat"></a>
<b>enableFormat</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Enable the bold, italic and underline buttons (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-enableLinks"></a>
<b>enableLinks</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Enable the create link button. Not available in Safari. (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-enableLists"></a>
<b>enableLists</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Enable the bullet and numbered list buttons. Not available in Safari. (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-enableSourceEdit"></a>
<b>enableSourceEdit</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Enable the switch to source edit button. Not available in Safari. (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-fieldLabel"></a>
<b>fieldLabel</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The label text to display next to this field (defaults to '') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#fieldLabel" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#fieldLabel">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-fontFamilies"></a>
<b>fontFamilies</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
An array of available font families </div>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-hideLabel"></a>
<b>hideLabel</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to completely hide the label element (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#hideLabel" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#hideLabel">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-itemCls"></a>
<b>itemCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if s...</div>
<div class="long">
An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if set, or ''). Since it is applied to the wrapper, it allows you to write standard CSS rules that can apply to the field, the label (if specified) or any other element within the markup for the field. Example use: <pre><code><i>// Apply a style to the field's label:</i>
.required .x-form-item-label {font-weight:bold;color:red;}
<b>new</b> Ext.FormPanel({
height: 100,
renderTo: document.body,
items: [{
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Name'</em>,
itemCls: <em>'required'</em> <i>//<b>this</b> label will be styled</i>
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Favorite Color'</em>
});</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#itemCls" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#itemCls">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-labelSeparator"></a>
<b>labelSeparator</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of Ext.layout.FormLayout.l...</div>
<div class="long">
The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" ext:member="labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html#labelSeparator">Ext.layout.FormLayout.labelSeparator</a>, which is a colon ':' by default). To display no separator for this field's label specify empty string ''. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#labelSeparator">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-labelStyle"></a>
<b>labelStyle</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if se...</div>
<div class="long">
A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if set, or ''). For example, <code>labelStyle: 'font-weight:bold;'</code>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#labelStyle" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#labelStyle">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-name"></a>
<b>name</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The field's HTML name attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#name" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#name">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-value"></a>
<b>value</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
A value to initialize this field with. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#value" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#value">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-buttonTips"></a>
<b>buttonTips</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Object collection of toolbar tooltips for the buttons in the editor. The key
is the command id associated with that b...</div>
<div class="long">
Object collection of toolbar tooltips for the buttons in the editor. The key
is the command id associated with that button and the value is a valid QuickTips object.
For example:
bold : {
title: <em>'Bold (Ctrl+B)'</em>,
text: <em>'Make the selected text bold.'</em>,
cls: <em>'x-html-editor-tip'</em>
italic : {
title: <em>'Italic (Ctrl+I)'</em>,
text: <em>'Make the selected text italic.'</em>,
cls: <em>'x-html-editor-tip'</em>
...</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-cleanHtml"></a>
<b>cleanHtml</b>(&nbsp;<code>String html</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Protected method that will not generally be called directly. If you need/want
custom HTML cleanup, this is the method...</div>
<div class="long">
Protected method that will not generally be called directly. If you need/want
custom HTML cleanup, this is the method you should override. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>html</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The HTML to be cleaned
return {String} The cleaned HTML</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-execCmd"></a>
<b>execCmd</b>(&nbsp;<code>String cmd</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Boolean value</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Executes a Midas editor command directly on the editor document.
For visual commands, you should use relayCmd instead...</div>
<div class="long">
Executes a Midas editor command directly on the editor document.
For visual commands, you should use <a ext:cls="Ext.form.HtmlEditor" ext:member="relayCmd" href="output/Ext.form.HtmlEditor.html#relayCmd">relayCmd</a> instead.
<b>This should only be called after the editor is initialized.</b> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cmd</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The Midas command</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String/Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The value to pass to the command (defaults to null)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-getDocMarkup"></a>
<b>getDocMarkup</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Protected method that will not generally be called directly. It
is called when the editor initializes the iframe with...</div>
<div class="long">
Protected method that will not generally be called directly. It
is called when the editor initializes the iframe with HTML contents. Override this method if you
want to change the initialization markup of the iframe (e.g. to add stylesheets). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-getName"></a>
<b>getName</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the name attribute of the field if available</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the name attribute of the field if available <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">name The field name</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getName" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getName">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-getRawValue"></a>
<b>getRawValue</b>() : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getRawValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-getToolbar"></a>
<b>getToolbar</b>() : Ext.Toolbar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the editor's toolbar. <b>This is only available after the editor has been rendered.</b></div>
<div class="long">
Returns the editor's toolbar. <b>This is only available after the editor has been rendered.</b> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-getValue"></a>
<b>getValue</b>() : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the normalized data value (undefined or emptyText will be returned as ''). To return the raw value see getRa...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the normalized data value (undefined or emptyText will be returned as ''). To return the raw value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getRawValue">getRawValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-insertAtCursor"></a>
<b>insertAtCursor</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts the passed text at the current cursor position. Note: the editor must be initialized and activated
to insert ...</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts the passed text at the current cursor position. Note: the editor must be initialized and activated
to insert text. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-isDirty"></a>
<b>isDirty</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isDirty" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isDirty">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-isValid"></a>
<b>isValid</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean preventMark</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid</div>
<div class="long">
Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>preventMark</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to disable marking the field invalid</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isValid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isValid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-pushValue"></a>
<b>pushValue</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Protected method that will not generally be called directly. Pushes the value of the textarea
into the iframe editor.</div>
<div class="long">
Protected method that will not generally be called directly. Pushes the value of the textarea
into the iframe editor. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-relayCmd"></a>
<b>relayCmd</b>(&nbsp;<code>String cmd</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Boolean value</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Executes a Midas editor command on the editor document and performs necessary focus and
toolbar updates. This should ...</div>
<div class="long">
Executes a Midas editor command on the editor document and performs necessary focus and
toolbar updates. <b>This should only be called after the editor is initialized.</b> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cmd</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The Midas command</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String/Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The value to pass to the command (defaults to null)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-reset"></a>
<b>reset</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages</div>
<div class="long">
Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#reset" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#reset">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-setRawValue"></a>
<b>setRawValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-setValue"></a>
<b>setValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets a data value into the field and validates it. To set the value directly without validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">setRawValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets a data value into the field and validates it. To set the value directly without validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">setRawValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-syncValue"></a>
<b>syncValue</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Protected method that will not generally be called directly. Syncs the contents
of the editor iframe with the textarea.</div>
<div class="long">
Protected method that will not generally be called directly. Syncs the contents
of the editor iframe with the textarea. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-toggleSourceEdit"></a>
<b>toggleSourceEdit</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean sourceEdit</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Toggles the editor between standard and source edit mode.</div>
<div class="long">
Toggles the editor between standard and source edit mode. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>sourceEdit</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for source edit, false for standard</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-updateToolbar"></a>
<b>updateToolbar</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Protected method that will not generally be called directly. It triggers
a toolbar update by reading the markup state...</div>
<div class="long">
Protected method that will not generally be called directly. It triggers
a toolbar update by reading the markup state of the current selection in the editor. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-activate"></a>
<b>activate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>HtmlEditor this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the editor is first receives the focus. Any insertion must wait
until after this event.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the editor is first receives the focus. Any insertion must wait
until after this event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : HtmlEditor<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-beforepush"></a>
<b>beforepush</b> : (&nbsp;<code>HtmlEditor this</code>, <code>String html</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the iframe editor is updated with content from the textarea. Return false
to cancel the push.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the iframe editor is updated with content from the textarea. Return false
to cancel the push. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : HtmlEditor<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>html</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-beforesync"></a>
<b>beforesync</b> : (&nbsp;<code>HtmlEditor this</code>, <code>String html</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the textarea is updated with content from the editor iframe. Return false
to cancel the sync.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the textarea is updated with content from the editor iframe. Return false
to cancel the sync. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : HtmlEditor<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>html</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-editmodechange"></a>
<b>editmodechange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>HtmlEditor this</code>, <code>Boolean sourceEdit</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the editor switches edit modes</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the editor switches edit modes <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : HtmlEditor<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>sourceEdit</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if source edit, false if standard editing.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-initialize"></a>
<b>initialize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>HtmlEditor this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the editor is fully initialized (including the iframe)</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the editor is fully initialized (including the iframe) <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : HtmlEditor<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-invalid"></a>
<b>invalid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>String msg</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the field has been marked as invalid.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the field has been marked as invalid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The validation message</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-invalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-invalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-push"></a>
<b>push</b> : (&nbsp;<code>HtmlEditor this</code>, <code>String html</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the iframe editor is updated with content from the textarea.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the iframe editor is updated with content from the textarea. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : HtmlEditor<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>html</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.HtmlEditor-sync"></a>
<b>sync</b> : (&nbsp;<code>HtmlEditor this</code>, <code>String html</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the textarea is updated with content from the editor iframe.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the textarea is updated with content from the editor iframe. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : HtmlEditor<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>html</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">HtmlEditor</td>
New file
0,0 → 1,223
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar.Spacer-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar.Spacer-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar.Spacer-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Toolbar.Spacer"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html">Toolbar.Item</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Toolbar.Spacer</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.Toolbar.Spacer</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/Toolbar.js" target="_blank">Toolbar.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Toolbar.Spacer</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Fill" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Fill.html">Toolbar.Fill</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html">Toolbar.Item</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A simple element that adds extra horizontal space between items in a toolbar.
<pre><code>new Ext.Panel({
tbar : [
<em>'Item 1'</em>,
{xtype: <em>'tbspacer'</em>}, <i>// or <em>' '</em></i>
<em>'Item 2'</em>
});</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Spacer-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.Toolbar.Spacer-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Spacer-Toolbar.Spacer"></a>
<b>Toolbar.Spacer</b>() <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new Spacer</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new Spacer <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Toolbar.Spacer</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Spacer-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes and destroys this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes and destroys this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#destroy">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Spacer-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disables this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Disables this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#disable">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Spacer-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enables this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Enables this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#enable">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Spacer-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this item</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this item <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#focus">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Spacer-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get this item's HTML Element</div>
<div class="long">
Get this item's HTML Element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#getEl">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Spacer-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Hides this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#hide">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Spacer-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for boolean show/hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for boolean show/hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">true to show/false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#setVisible">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Spacer-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shows this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Shows this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#show">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Spacer-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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0,0 → 1,1485
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.tree.TreeDropZone"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html">DragDrop</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDTarget" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DDTarget.html">DDTarget</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropTarget" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DropTarget.html">DropTarget</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html">DropZone</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>TreeDropZone</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.tree.TreeDropZone</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.tree</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/tree/TreeDropZone.js" target="_blank">TreeDropZone.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">TreeDropZone</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html">DropZone</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-allowContainerDrop"></a>
<b>allowContainerDrop</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
True if drops on the tree container (outside of a specific tree node) are allowed (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">TreeDropZone</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-allowParentInsert"></a>
<b>allowParentInsert</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allow inserting a dragged node between an expanded parent node and its first child that will become a sibling of the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Allow inserting a dragged node between an expanded parent node and its first child that will become a sibling of the parent when dropped (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">TreeDropZone</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-appendOnly"></a>
<b>appendOnly</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
True if the tree should only allow append drops (use for trees which are sorted, defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">TreeDropZone</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-ddGroup"></a>
<b>ddGroup</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A named drag drop group to which this object belongs. If a group is specified, then this object will only interact wi...</div>
<div class="long">
A named drag drop group to which this object belongs. If a group is specified, then this object will only interact with other drag drop objects in the same group (defaults to 'TreeDD'). </div>
<td class="msource">TreeDropZone</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-dropAllowed"></a>
<b>dropAllowed</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class returned to the drag source when drop is allowed (defaults to "x-dd-drop-ok"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropTarget" ext:member="#dropAllowed" href="output/Ext.dd.DropTarget.html#dropAllowed">DropTarget</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-dropNotAllowed"></a>
<b>dropNotAllowed</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class returned to the drag source when drop is not allowed (defaults to "x-dd-drop-nodrop"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropTarget" ext:member="#dropNotAllowed" href="output/Ext.dd.DropTarget.html#dropNotAllowed">DropTarget</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-expandDelay"></a>
<b>expandDelay</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The delay in milliseconds to wait before expanding a target tree node while dragging a droppable node over the target...</div>
<div class="long">
The delay in milliseconds to wait before expanding a target tree node while dragging a droppable node over the target (defaults to 1000) </div>
<td class="msource">TreeDropZone</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-overClass"></a>
<b>overClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class applied to the drop target element while the drag source is over it (defaults to ""). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropTarget" ext:member="#overClass" href="output/Ext.dd.DropTarget.html#overClass">DropTarget</a></td>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-available"></a>
<b>available</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
The availabe property is false until the linked dom element is accessible. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#available" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#available">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-config"></a>
<b>config</b> : object <div class="mdesc">
Configuration attributes passed into the constructor </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#config" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#config">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-dragOverData"></a>
<b>dragOverData</b> : Ext.tree.TreePanel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Arbitrary data that can be associated with this tree and will be included in the event object that gets
passed to any...</div>
<div class="long">
Arbitrary data that can be associated with this tree and will be included in the event object that gets
passed to any nodedragover event handler (defaults to {}) </div>
<td class="msource">TreeDropZone</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-groups"></a>
<b>groups</b> : object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The group defines a logical collection of DragDrop objects that are
related. Instances only get events when interact...</div>
<div class="long">
The group defines a logical collection of DragDrop objects that are
related. Instances only get events when interacting with other
DragDrop object in the same group. This lets us define multiple
groups using a single DragDrop subclass if we want. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#groups" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#groups">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-hasOuterHandles"></a>
<b>hasOuterHandles</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, drags can only be initiated if the mousedown occurs in the
region the linked element is. This is done in...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, drags can only be initiated if the mousedown occurs in the
region the linked element is. This is done in part to work around a
bug in some browsers that mis-report the mousedown if the previous
mouseup happened outside of the window. This property is set to true
if outer handles are defined. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#hasOuterHandles" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#hasOuterHandles">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the element associated with this object. This is what we
refer to as the "linked element" because the size...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the element associated with this object. This is what we
refer to as the "linked element" because the size and position of
this element is used to determine when the drag and drop objects have
interacted. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#id">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-invalidHandleClasses"></a>
<b>invalidHandleClasses</b> : string[] <div class="mdesc">
An indexted array of css class names for elements that will be ignored
if clicked. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleClasses" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleClasses">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-invalidHandleIds"></a>
<b>invalidHandleIds</b> : string: <div class="mdesc">
An associative array of ids for elements that will be ignored if clicked </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleIds" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleIds">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-invalidHandleTypes"></a>
<b>invalidHandleTypes</b> : string: <div class="mdesc">
An associative array of HTML tags that will be ignored if clicked. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleTypes" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleTypes">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-isTarget"></a>
<b>isTarget</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
By default, all insances can be a drop target. This can be disabled by
setting isTarget to false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isTarget">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-maintainOffset"></a>
<b>maintainOffset</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Maintain offsets when we resetconstraints. Set to true when you want
the position of the element relative to its par...</div>
<div class="long">
Maintain offsets when we resetconstraints. Set to true when you want
the position of the element relative to its parent to stay the same
when the page changes </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#maintainOffset" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#maintainOffset">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-padding"></a>
<b>padding</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
The padding configured for this drag and drop object for calculating
the drop zone intersection with this object. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#padding" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#padding">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-primaryButtonOnly"></a>
<b>primaryButtonOnly</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default the drag and drop instance will only respond to the primary
button click (left button for a right-handed m...</div>
<div class="long">
By default the drag and drop instance will only respond to the primary
button click (left button for a right-handed mouse). Set to true to
allow drag and drop to start with any mouse click that is propogated
by the browser </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#primaryButtonOnly" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#primaryButtonOnly">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-tree"></a>
<b>tree</b> : Ext.tree.TreePanel <div class="mdesc">
The TreePanel for this drop zone </div>
<td class="msource">TreeDropZone</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-xTicks"></a>
<b>xTicks</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
horizontal graduation/interval. This array is ge...</div>
<div class="long">
Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
horizontal graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically
when you define a tick interval. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#xTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#xTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-yTicks"></a>
<b>yTicks</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
vertical graduation/interval. This array is gene...</div>
<div class="long">
Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
vertical graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically
when you define a tick interval. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#yTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#yTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-TreeDropZone"></a>
<b>TreeDropZone</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement/Element tree</code>, <code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : String/HTMLElement/Element<div class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreePanel" href="output/Ext.tree.TreePanel.html">Ext.tree.TreePanel</a> for which to enable dropping</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeDropZone</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-addInvalidHandleClass"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cssClass</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lets you specify a css class of elements that will not initiate a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Lets you specify a css class of elements that will not initiate a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cssClass</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the class of the elements you wish to ignore</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleClass" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleClass">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-addInvalidHandleId"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleId</b>(&nbsp;<code>string id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lets you to specify an element id for a child of a drag handle
that should not initiate a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Lets you to specify an element id for a child of a drag handle
that should not initiate a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the element id of the element you wish to ignore</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-addInvalidHandleType"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleType</b>(&nbsp;<code>string tagName</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify a tag name that should not start a drag operation
when clicked. This is designed to facilitate...</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify a tag name that should not start a drag operation
when clicked. This is designed to facilitate embedding links within a
drag handle that do something other than start the drag. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tagName</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the type of element to exclude</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleType" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleType">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-addToGroup"></a>
<b>addToGroup</b>(&nbsp;<code>sGroup {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Add this instance to a group of related drag/drop objects. All
instances belong to at least one group, and can belon...</div>
<div class="long">
Add this instance to a group of related drag/drop objects. All
instances belong to at least one group, and can belong to as many
groups as needed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : sGroup<div class="sub-desc">the name of the group</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addToGroup" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addToGroup">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-applyConfig"></a>
<b>applyConfig</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Applies the configuration parameters that were passed into the constructor.
This is supposed to happen at each level ...</div>
<div class="long">
Applies the configuration parameters that were passed into the constructor.
This is supposed to happen at each level through the inheritance chain. So
a DDProxy implentation will execute apply config on DDProxy, DD, and
DragDrop in order to get all of the parameters that are available in
each object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#applyConfig" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#applyConfig">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-clearConstraints"></a>
<b>clearConstraints</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any constraints applied to this instance. Also clears ticks
since they can't exist independent of a constrain...</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any constraints applied to this instance. Also clears ticks
since they can't exist independent of a constraint at this time. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#clearConstraints" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#clearConstraints">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-clearTicks"></a>
<b>clearTicks</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any tick interval defined for this instance</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any tick interval defined for this instance <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#clearTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#clearTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-endDrag"></a>
<b>endDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fired when we are done dragging the object</div>
<div class="long">
Fired when we are done dragging the object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#endDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#endDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-getDragEl"></a>
<b>getDragEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a reference to the actual element to drag. By default this is
the same as the html element, but it can be as...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a reference to the actual element to drag. By default this is
the same as the html element, but it can be assigned to another
element. An example of this can be found in Ext.dd.DDProxy <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">the html element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#getDragEl" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#getDragEl">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a reference to the linked element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a reference to the linked element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">the html element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#getEl">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-getTargetFromEvent"></a>
<b>getTargetFromEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a custom data object associated with the DOM node that is the target of the event. By default
this looks up ...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a custom data object associated with the DOM node that is the target of the event. By default
this looks up the event target in the <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.Registry" href="output/Ext.dd.Registry.html">Ext.dd.Registry</a>, although you can override this method to
provide your own custom lookup. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">data The custom data</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="#getTargetFromEvent" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html#getTargetFromEvent">DropZone</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-init"></a>
<b>init</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets up the DragDrop object. Must be called in the constructor of any
Ext.dd.DragDrop subclass</div>
<div class="long">
Sets up the DragDrop object. Must be called in the constructor of any
Ext.dd.DragDrop subclass <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the linked element</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related items</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">configuration attributes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#init" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#init">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-initTarget"></a>
<b>initTarget</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initializes Targeting functionality only... the object does not
get a mousedown handler.</div>
<div class="long">
Initializes Targeting functionality only... the object does not
get a mousedown handler. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the linked element</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related items</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">configuration attributes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#initTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#initTarget">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-isLocked"></a>
<b>isLocked</b>() : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this instance is locked, or the drag drop mgr is locked
(meaning that all drag/drop is disabled on th...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this instance is locked, or the drag drop mgr is locked
(meaning that all drag/drop is disabled on the page.) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if this obj or all drag/drop is locked, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isLocked" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isLocked">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-isValidHandleChild"></a>
<b>isValidHandleChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement node</code>&nbsp;) : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks the tag exclusion list to see if this click should be ignored</div>
<div class="long">
Checks the tag exclusion list to see if this click should be ignored <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">the HTMLElement to evaluate</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if this is a valid tag type, false if not</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isValidHandleChild" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isValidHandleChild">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-lock"></a>
<b>lock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lock this instance</div>
<div class="long">
Lock this instance <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#lock" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#lock">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-notifyDrop"></a>
<b>notifyDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function a Ext.dd.DragSource calls once to notify this drop target that the dragged item has
been dropped on it. ...</div>
<div class="long">
The function a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> calls once to notify this drop target that the dragged item has
been dropped on it. This method has no default implementation and returns false, so you must provide an
implementation that does something to process the drop event and returns true so that the drag source's
repair action does not run. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the drop was valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropTarget" ext:member="#notifyDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DropTarget.html#notifyDrop">DropTarget</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-notifyEnter"></a>
<b>notifyEnter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function a Ext.dd.DragSource calls once to notify this drop target that the source is now over the
target. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The function a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> calls once to notify this drop target that the source is now over the
target. This default implementation adds the CSS class specified by overClass (if any) to the drop element
and returns the dropAllowed config value. This method should be overridden if drop validation is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">status The CSS class that communicates the drop status back to the source so that the underlying {@link Ext.dd.StatusProxy} can be updated</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropTarget" ext:member="#notifyEnter" href="output/Ext.dd.DropTarget.html#notifyEnter">DropTarget</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-notifyOut"></a>
<b>notifyOut</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function a Ext.dd.DragSource calls once to notify this drop target that the source has been dragged
out of the ta...</div>
<div class="long">
The function a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> calls once to notify this drop target that the source has been dragged
out of the target without dropping. This default implementation simply removes the CSS class specified by
overClass (if any) from the drop element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropTarget" ext:member="#notifyOut" href="output/Ext.dd.DropTarget.html#notifyOut">DropTarget</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-notifyOver"></a>
<b>notifyOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function a Ext.dd.DragSource calls continuously while it is being dragged over the target.
This method will be ca...</div>
<div class="long">
The function a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> calls continuously while it is being dragged over the target.
This method will be called on every mouse movement while the drag source is over the drop target.
This default implementation simply returns the dropAllowed config value. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">status The CSS class that communicates the drop status back to the source so that the underlying {@link Ext.dd.StatusProxy} can be updated</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropTarget" ext:member="#notifyOver" href="output/Ext.dd.DropTarget.html#notifyOver">DropTarget</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-onAvailable"></a>
<b>onAvailable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Override the onAvailable method to do what is needed after the initial
position was determined.</div>
<div class="long">
Override the onAvailable method to do what is needed after the initial
position was determined. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onAvailable" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onAvailable">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-onContainerDrop"></a>
<b>onContainerDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called internally when the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource has been dropped on it,
but not on any of its...</div>
<div class="long">
Called internally when the DropZone determines that a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> has been dropped on it,
but not on any of its registered drop nodes. The default implementation returns false, so it should be
overridden to provide the appropriate processing of the drop event if you need the drop zone itself to
be able to accept drops. It should return true when valid so that the drag source's repair action does not run. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the drop was valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="#onContainerDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html#onContainerDrop">DropZone</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-onContainerOver"></a>
<b>onContainerOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called internally while the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource is being dragged over it,
but not over any o...</div>
<div class="long">
Called internally while the DropZone determines that a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> is being dragged over it,
but not over any of its registered drop nodes. The default implementation returns this.dropNotAllowed, so
it should be overridden to provide the proper feedback if necessary. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">status The CSS class that communicates the drop status back to the source so that the underlying {@link Ext.dd.StatusProxy} can be updated</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="#onContainerOver" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html#onContainerOver">DropZone</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-onDrag"></a>
<b>onDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called during the onMouseMove event while dragging an
<div class="long">
Abstract method called during the onMouseMove event while dragging an
object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-onDragDrop"></a>
<b>onDragDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this item is dropped on another DragDrop
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this item is dropped on another DragDrop
obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this was dropped on. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items this
was dropped on.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragDrop">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-onDragEnter"></a>
<b>onDragEnter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this element fist begins hovering over
another DragDrop obj</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this element fist begins hovering over
another DragDrop obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this is hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of one or more
dragdrop items being hovered over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragEnter" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragEnter">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-onDragOut"></a>
<b>onDragOut</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when we are no longer hovering over an element</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when we are no longer hovering over an element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this was hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items
that the mouse is no longer over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragOut" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragOut">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-onDragOver"></a>
<b>onDragOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this element is hovering over another
DragDrop obj</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this element is hovering over another
DragDrop obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this is hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items
being hovered over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragOver" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragOver">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-onInvalidDrop"></a>
<b>onInvalidDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this item is dropped on an area with no
drop target</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this item is dropped on an area with no
drop target <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onInvalidDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onInvalidDrop">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-onMouseDown"></a>
<b>onMouseDown</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mousedown</div>
<div class="long">
Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mousedown <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousedown event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onMouseDown" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onMouseDown">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-onMouseUp"></a>
<b>onMouseUp</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mouseup</div>
<div class="long">
Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mouseup <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onMouseUp" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onMouseUp">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-onNodeDrop"></a>
<b>onNodeDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object nodeData</code>, <code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called internally when the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource has been dropped onto
the drop node. The def...</div>
<div class="long">
Called internally when the DropZone determines that a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> has been dropped onto
the drop node. The default implementation returns false, so it should be overridden to provide the
appropriate processing of the drop event and return true so that the drag source's repair action does not run. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>nodeData</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The custom data associated with the drop node (this is the same value returned from
<a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="getTargetFromEvent" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html#getTargetFromEvent">getTargetFromEvent</a> for this node)</div></li><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the drop was valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="#onNodeDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html#onNodeDrop">DropZone</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-onNodeEnter"></a>
<b>onNodeEnter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object nodeData</code>, <code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called internally when the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource has entered a drop node
that it has registere...</div>
<div class="long">
Called internally when the DropZone determines that a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> has entered a drop node
that it has registered. This method has no default implementation and should be overridden to provide
node-specific processing if necessary. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>nodeData</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The custom data associated with the drop node (this is the same value returned from
<a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="getTargetFromEvent" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html#getTargetFromEvent">getTargetFromEvent</a> for this node)</div></li><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="#onNodeEnter" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html#onNodeEnter">DropZone</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-onNodeOut"></a>
<b>onNodeOut</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object nodeData</code>, <code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called internally when the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource has been dragged out of
the drop node without...</div>
<div class="long">
Called internally when the DropZone determines that a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> has been dragged out of
the drop node without dropping. This method has no default implementation and should be overridden to provide
node-specific processing if necessary. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>nodeData</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The custom data associated with the drop node (this is the same value returned from
<a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="getTargetFromEvent" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html#getTargetFromEvent">getTargetFromEvent</a> for this node)</div></li><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="#onNodeOut" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html#onNodeOut">DropZone</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-onNodeOver"></a>
<b>onNodeOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object nodeData</code>, <code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called internally while the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource is over a drop node
that it has registered. ...</div>
<div class="long">
Called internally while the DropZone determines that a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> is over a drop node
that it has registered. The default implementation returns this.dropNotAllowed, so it should be
overridden to provide the proper feedback. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>nodeData</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The custom data associated with the drop node (this is the same value returned from
<a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="getTargetFromEvent" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html#getTargetFromEvent">getTargetFromEvent</a> for this node)</div></li><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">status The CSS class that communicates the drop status back to the source so that the underlying {@link Ext.dd.StatusProxy} can be updated</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="#onNodeOver" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html#onNodeOver">DropZone</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-removeFromGroup"></a>
<b>removeFromGroup</b>(&nbsp;<code>string sGroup</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove's this instance from the supplied interaction group</div>
<div class="long">
Remove's this instance from the supplied interaction group <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>sGroup</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The group to drop</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeFromGroup" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeFromGroup">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-removeInvalidHandleClass"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cssClass</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an invalid css class</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an invalid css class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cssClass</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the class of the element(s) you wish to
re-enable</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleClass" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleClass">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-removeInvalidHandleId"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleId</b>(&nbsp;<code>string id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an invalid handle id</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an invalid handle id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element to re-enable</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-removeInvalidHandleType"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleType</b>(&nbsp;<code>string tagName</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an excluded tag name set by addInvalidHandleType</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an excluded tag name set by addInvalidHandleType <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tagName</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the type of element to unexclude</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleType" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleType">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-resetConstraints"></a>
<b>resetConstraints</b>(&nbsp;<code>boolean maintainOffset</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">resetConstraints must be called if you manually reposition a dd element.</div>
<div class="long">
resetConstraints must be called if you manually reposition a dd element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>maintainOffset</code> : boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#resetConstraints" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#resetConstraints">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-setDragElId"></a>
<b>setDragElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify that an element other than the linked element
will be moved with the cursor during a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify that an element other than the linked element
will be moved with the cursor during a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element that will be used to initiate the drag</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setDragElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setDragElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-setHandleElId"></a>
<b>setHandleElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify a child of the linked element that should be
used to initiate the drag operation. An example o...</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify a child of the linked element that should be
used to initiate the drag operation. An example of this would be if
you have a content div with text and links. Clicking anywhere in the
content area would normally start the drag operation. Use this method
to specify that an element inside of the content div is the element
that starts the drag operation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element that will be used to
initiate the drag.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setHandleElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setHandleElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-setInitialPosition"></a>
<b>setInitialPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>int diffX</code>, <code>int diffY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Stores the initial placement of the linked element.</div>
<div class="long">
Stores the initial placement of the linked element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>diffX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X offset, default 0</div></li><li><code>diffY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y offset, default 0</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setInitialPosition" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setInitialPosition">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-setOuterHandleElId"></a>
<b>setOuterHandleElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to set an element outside of the linked element as a drag
<div class="long">
Allows you to set an element outside of the linked element as a drag
handle <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the element that will be used to initiate the drag</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setOuterHandleElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setOuterHandleElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-setPadding"></a>
<b>setPadding</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iTop</code>, <code>int iRight</code>, <code>int iBot</code>, <code>int iLeft</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Configures the padding for the target zone in px. Effectively expands
(or reduces) the virtual object size for targe...</div>
<div class="long">
Configures the padding for the target zone in px. Effectively expands
(or reduces) the virtual object size for targeting calculations.
Supports css-style shorthand; if only one parameter is passed, all sides
will have that padding, and if only two are passed, the top and bottom
will have the first param, the left and right the second. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iTop</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Top pad</div></li><li><code>iRight</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Right pad</div></li><li><code>iBot</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Bot pad</div></li><li><code>iLeft</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Left pad</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setPadding" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setPadding">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-setXConstraint"></a>
<b>setXConstraint</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iLeft</code>, <code>int iRight</code>, <code>int iTickSize</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Use
this method to limit the horizontal travel of th...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Use
this method to limit the horizontal travel of the element. Pass in
0,0 for the parameters if you want to lock the drag to the y axis. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iLeft</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move to the left</div></li><li><code>iRight</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move to the
right</div></li><li><code>iTickSize</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">optional parameter for specifying that the
should move iTickSize pixels at a time.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setXConstraint" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setXConstraint">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-setYConstraint"></a>
<b>setYConstraint</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iUp</code>, <code>int iDown</code>, <code>int iTickSize</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Set
this to limit the vertical travel of the element...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Set
this to limit the vertical travel of the element. Pass in 0,0 for the
parameters if you want to lock the drag to the x axis. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iUp</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move up</div></li><li><code>iDown</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move down</div></li><li><code>iTickSize</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">optional parameter for specifying that the
element should move iTickSize pixels at a time.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setYConstraint" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setYConstraint">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-startDrag"></a>
<b>startDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>int X</code>, <code>int Y</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called after a drag/drop object is clicked
and the drag or mousedown time thresholds have beeen met.</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called after a drag/drop object is clicked
and the drag or mousedown time thresholds have beeen met. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>X</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">click location</div></li><li><code>Y</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">click location</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#startDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#startDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-toString"></a>
<b>toString</b>() : string <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">toString method</div>
<div class="long">
toString method <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>string</code><div class="sub-desc">string representation of the dd obj</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#toString" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#toString">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-unlock"></a>
<b>unlock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unlock this instace</div>
<div class="long">
Unlock this instace <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#unlock" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#unlock">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-unreg"></a>
<b>unreg</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove all drag and drop hooks for this element</div>
<div class="long">
Remove all drag and drop hooks for this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#unreg" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#unreg">DragDrop</a></td>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">Store</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>GroupingStore</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/data/GroupingStore.js" target="_blank">GroupingStore.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">GroupingStore</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">Store</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A specialized store implementation that provides for grouping records by one of the available fields. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>autoLoad</b> : Boolean/Object <div class="mdesc">
If passed, this store's load method is automatically called after creation with the autoLoad object </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#autoLoad" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>baseParams</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
An object containing properties which are to be sent as parameters on any HTTP request </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#baseParams" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>data</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
Inline data to be loaded when the store is initialized. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#data" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>groupField</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The field name by which to sort the store's data (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource">GroupingStore</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>groupOnSort</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to sort the data on the grouping field when a grouping operation occurs, false to sort based on the existing sor...</div>
<div class="long">
True to sort the data on the grouping field when a grouping operation occurs, false to sort based on the existing sort info (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">GroupingStore</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>proxy</b> : <div class="mdesc">
The Proxy object which provides access to a data object. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#proxy" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>pruneModifiedRecords</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to clear all modified record information each time the store is loaded or when a record is removed. (defaults to...</div>
<div class="long">
True to clear all modified record information each time the store is loaded or when a record is removed. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#pruneModifiedRecords" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>reader</b> : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The DataReader object which processes the data object and returns an Array of objects which are cache...</div>
<div class="long">
The DataReader object which processes the data object and returns an Array of objects which are cached keyed by their <em>id</em> property. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#reader" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>remoteGroup</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the grouping should apply on the server side, false if it is local only (defaults to false). If the grouping ...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the grouping should apply on the server side, false if it is local only (defaults to false). If the grouping is local, it can be applied immediately to the data. If it is remote, then it will simply act as a helper, automatically sending the grouping field name as the 'groupBy' param with each XHR call. </div>
<td class="msource">GroupingStore</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>remoteSort</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if sorting is to be handled by requesting the Proxy to provide a refreshed version of the data object in sorted ...</div>
<div class="long">
True if sorting is to be handled by requesting the Proxy to provide a refreshed version of the data object in sorted order, as opposed to sorting the Record cache in place (defaults to false). <p>If remote sorting is specified, then clicking on a column header causes the current page to be requested from the server with the addition of the following two parameters: <div class="mdetail-params"><ul> <li><b>sort</b> : String<p class="sub-desc">The name (as specified in the Record's Field definition) of the field to sort on.</p></li> <li><b>dir</b> : String<p class="sub-desc">The direction of the sort, "ASC" or "DESC" (case-sensitive).</p></li> </ul></div></p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#remoteSort" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>sortInfo</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
A config object in the format: {field: "fieldName", direction: "ASC|DESC"}. The direction property is case-sensitive. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#sortInfo" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>storeId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
If passed, the id to use to register with the StoreMgr </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#storeId" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>url</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
If passed, an HttpProxy is created for the passed URL </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#url" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>baseParams</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
An object containing properties which are used as parameters on any HTTP request. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#baseParams" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>lastOptions</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Contains the last options object used as the parameter to the load method. See load
for the details of what this may ...</div>
<div class="long">
Contains the last options object used as the parameter to the load method. See <a ext:cls="" ext:member="load" href="output/">load</a>
for the details of what this may contain. This may be useful for accessing any params which
were used to load the current Record cache. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#lastOptions" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>GroupingStore</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new GroupingStore.</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new GroupingStore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A config object containing the objects needed for the Store to access data,
and read the data into Records.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GroupingStore</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>[] records</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Add Records to the Store and fires the add event.</div>
<div class="long">
Add Records to the Store and fires the add event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>records</code> :[]<div class="sub-desc">An Array of objects to add to the cache.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#add" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addSorted</b>(&nbsp;<code> record</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">(Local sort only) Inserts the passed the record in the Store at the index where it
should go based on the current sor...</div>
<div class="long">
(Local sort only) Inserts the passed the record in the Store at the index where it
should go based on the current sort information <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#addSorted" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>clearFilter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean suppressEvent</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Revert to a view of the Record cache with no filtering applied.</div>
<div class="long">
Revert to a view of the Record cache with no filtering applied. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>suppressEvent</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">If true the filter is cleared silently without notifying listeners</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#clearFilter" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>clearGrouping</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any existing grouping and refreshes the data using the default sort.</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any existing grouping and refreshes the data using the default sort. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GroupingStore</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>collect</b>(&nbsp;<code>String dataIndex</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean allowNull</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean bypassFilter</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collects unique values for a particular dataIndex from this store.</div>
<div class="long">
Collects unique values for a particular dataIndex from this store. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>dataIndex</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The property to collect</div></li><li><code>allowNull</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Pass true to allow null, undefined or empty string values</div></li><li><code>bypassFilter</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Pass true to collect from all records, even ones which are filtered</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">An array of the unique values</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#collect" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>commitChanges</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Commit all Records with outstanding changes. To handle updates for changes, subscribe to the
Store's "update" event, ...</div>
<div class="long">
Commit all Records with outstanding changes. To handle updates for changes, subscribe to the
Store's "update" event, and perform updating when the third parameter is <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#commitChanges" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>each</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Calls the specified function for each of the Records in the cache.</div>
<div class="long">
Calls the specified function for each of the Records in the cache. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call. The Record is passed as the first parameter.
Returning <tt>false</tt> aborts and exits the iteration.</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to call the function (defaults to the Record).</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#each" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>filter</b>(&nbsp;<code>String field</code>, <code>String/RegExp value</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean anyMatch</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean caseSensitive</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Filter the records by a specified property.</div>
<div class="long">
Filter the records by a specified property. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>field</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A field on your records</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String/RegExp<div class="sub-desc">Either a string that the field
should start with or a RegExp to test against the field</div></li><li><code>anyMatch</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to match any part not just the beginning</div></li><li><code>caseSensitive</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for case sensitive comparison</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#filter" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>filterBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Filter by a function. The specified function will be called for each
Record in this Store. If the function returns tr...</div>
<div class="long">
Filter by a function. The specified function will be called for each
Record in this Store. If the function returns <tt>true</tt> the Record is included,
otherwise it is filtered out. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called. It will be passed the following parameters:<ul>
<li><b>record</b> :<p class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="" href="output/">record</a>
to test for filtering. Access field values using <a ext:cls="" ext:member="get" href="output/"></a>.</p></li>
<li><b>id</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The ID of the Record passed.</p></li>
</ul></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to this)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#filterBy" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>find</b>(&nbsp;<code>String property</code>, <code>String/RegExp value</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number startIndex</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean anyMatch</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean caseSensitive</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Finds the index of the first matching record in this store by a specific property/value.</div>
<div class="long">
Finds the index of the first matching record in this store by a specific property/value. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>property</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A property on your objects</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String/RegExp<div class="sub-desc">Either string that the property values
should start with or a RegExp to test against the property.</div></li><li><code>startIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index to start searching at</div></li><li><code>anyMatch</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to match any part of the string, not just the beginning</div></li><li><code>caseSensitive</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for case sensitive comparison</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The matched index or -1</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#find" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>findBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number startIndex</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find the index of the first matching Record in this Store by a function.
If the function returns true it is considere...</div>
<div class="long">
Find the index of the first matching Record in this Store by a function.
If the function returns <tt>true</tt> it is considered a match. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called. It will be passed the following parameters:<ul>
<li><b>record</b> :<p class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="" href="output/">record</a>
to test for filtering. Access field values using <a ext:cls="" ext:member="get" href="output/"></a>.</p></li>
<li><b>id</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The ID of the Record passed.</p></li>
</ul></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to this)</div></li><li><code>startIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index to start searching at</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The matched index or -1</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#findBy" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getAt</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the Record at the specified index.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the Record at the specified index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the Record to find.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The Record at the passed index. Returns undefined if not found.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getAt" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getById</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the Record with the specified id.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the Record with the specified id. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the Record to find.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The Record with the passed id. Returns undefined if not found.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getById" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getCount</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the number of cached records.
If using paging, this may not be the total size of the dataset. If the data object...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the number of cached records.
<p>If using paging, this may not be the total size of the dataset. If the data object
used by the Reader contains the dataset size, then the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="getTotalCount" href="output/">getTotalCount</a> function returns
the dataset size.</p> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The number of Records in the Store's cache.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getCount" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getModifiedRecords</b>() :[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets all records modified since the last commit. Modified records are persisted across load operations
(e.g., during...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets all records modified since the last commit. Modified records are persisted across load operations
(e.g., during paging). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>[]</code><div class="sub-desc">An array of Records containing outstanding modifications.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getModifiedRecords" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getRange</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number startIndex</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number endIndex</code>]</span>&nbsp;) :[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a range of Records between specified indices.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a range of Records between specified indices. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>startIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The starting index (defaults to 0)</div></li><li><code>endIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The ending index (defaults to the last Record in the Store)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>[]</code><div class="sub-desc">An array of Records</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getRange" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getSortState</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns an object describing the current sort state of this Store.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns an object describing the current sort state of this Store. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The sort state of the Store. An object with two properties:<ul> <li><b>field : String<p class="sub-desc">The name of the field by which the Records are sorted.</p></li> <li><b>direction : String<p class="sub-desc">The sort order, "ASC" or "DESC" (case-sensitive).</p></li> </ul></div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getSortState" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getTotalCount</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the total number of records in the dataset as returned by the server.
If using paging, for this to be accurate, ...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the total number of records in the dataset as returned by the server.
<p>If using paging, for this to be accurate, the data object used by the Reader must contain
the dataset size. For remote data sources, this is provided by a query on the server.</p> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The number of Records as specified in the data object passed to the Reader by the Proxy <p><b>This value is not updated when changing the contents of the Store locally.</b></p></div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getTotalCount" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>groupBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>String field</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean forceRegroup</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Groups the data by the specified field.</div>
<div class="long">
Groups the data by the specified field. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>field</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The field name by which to sort the store's data</div></li><li><code>forceRegroup</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to force the group to be refreshed even if the field passed
in is the same as the current grouping field, false to skip grouping on the same field (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GroupingStore</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>indexOf</b>(&nbsp;<code> record</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the index within the cache of the passed Record.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the index within the cache of the passed Record. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The object to to find.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The index of the passed Record. Returns -1 if not found.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#indexOf" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>indexOfId</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the index within the cache of the Record with the passed id.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the index within the cache of the Record with the passed id. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the Record to find.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The index of the Record. Returns -1 if not found.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#indexOfId" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>insert</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code>[] records</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts Records to the Store at the given index and fires the add event.</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts Records to the Store at the given index and fires the add event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The start index at which to insert the passed Records.</div></li><li><code>records</code> :[]<div class="sub-desc">An Array of objects to add to the cache.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#insert" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isFiltered</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this store is currently filtered</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this store is currently filtered <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#isFiltered" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>load</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object options</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Loads the Record cache from the configured Proxy using the configured Reader.
If using remote paging, then the first ...</div>
<div class="long">
Loads the Record cache from the configured Proxy using the configured Reader.
<p>If using remote paging, then the first load call must specify the <tt>start</tt>
and <tt>limit</tt> properties in the options.params property to establish the initial
position within the dataset, and the number of Records to cache on each read from the Proxy.</p>
<p><b>It is important to note that for remote data sources, loading is asynchronous,
and this call will return before the new data has been loaded. Perform any post-processing
in a callback function, or in a "load" event handler.</b></p> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing properties which control loading options:<ul>
<li><b>params</b> :Object<p class="sub-desc">An object containing properties to pass as HTTP parameters to a remote data source.</p></li>
<li><b>callback</b> : Function<p class="sub-desc">A function to be called after the Records have been loaded. The callback is
passed the following arguments:<ul>
<li>r :[]</li>
<li>options: Options object from the load call</li>
<li>success: Boolean success indicator</li></ul></p></li>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">Scope with which to call the callback (defaults to the Store object)</p></li>
<li><b>add</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">Indicator to append loaded records rather than replace the current cache.</p></li>
</ul></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">Whether the load fired (if beforeload failed).</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#load" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>loadData</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object data</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean append</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Loads data from a passed data block. A Reader which understands the format of the data
must have been configured in t...</div>
<div class="long">
Loads data from a passed data block. A Reader which understands the format of the data
must have been configured in the constructor. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The data block from which to read the Records. The format of the data expected
is dependent on the type of Reader that is configured and should correspond to that Reader's readRecords parameter.</div></li><li><code>append</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(Optional) True to append the new Records rather than replace the existing cache.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#loadData" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>query</b>(&nbsp;<code>String field</code>, <code>String/RegExp value</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean anyMatch</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean caseSensitive</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Query the records by a specified property.</div>
<div class="long">
Query the records by a specified property. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>field</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A field on your records</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String/RegExp<div class="sub-desc">Either a string that the field
should start with or a RegExp to test against the field</div></li><li><code>anyMatch</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to match any part not just the beginning</div></li><li><code>caseSensitive</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for case sensitive comparison</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>MixedCollection</code><div class="sub-desc">Returns an Ext.util.MixedCollection of the matched records</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#query" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>queryBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Query the cached records in this Store using a filtering function. The specified function
will be called with each re...</div>
<div class="long">
Query the cached records in this Store using a filtering function. The specified function
will be called with each record in this Store. If the function returns <tt>true</tt> the record is
included in the results. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called. It will be passed the following parameters:<ul>
<li><b>record</b> :<p class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="" href="output/">record</a>
to test for filtering. Access field values using <a ext:cls="" ext:member="get" href="output/"></a>.</p></li>
<li><b>id</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The ID of the Record passed.</p></li>
</ul></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to this)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>MixedCollection</code><div class="sub-desc">Returns an Ext.util.MixedCollection of the matched records</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#queryBy" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>rejectChanges</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Cancel outstanding changes on all changed records.</div>
<div class="long">
Cancel outstanding changes on all changed records. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#rejectChanges" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>reload</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Reloads the Record cache from the configured Proxy using the configured Reader and
the options from the last load ope...</div>
<div class="long">
Reloads the Record cache from the configured Proxy using the configured Reader and
the options from the last load operation performed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing properties which may override the options
used in the last load operation. See <a ext:cls="" ext:member="load" href="output/">load</a> for details (defaults to null, in which case
the most recently used options are reused).</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#reload" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>remove</b>(&nbsp;<code> record</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove a Record from the Store and fires the remove event.</div>
<div class="long">
Remove a Record from the Store and fires the remove event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">Th object to remove from the cache.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#remove" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeAll</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove all Records from the Store and fires the clear event.</div>
<div class="long">
Remove all Records from the Store and fires the clear event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#removeAll" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setDefaultSort</b>(&nbsp;<code>String fieldName</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String dir</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the default sort column and order to be used by the next load operation.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the default sort column and order to be used by the next load operation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fieldName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the field to sort by.</div></li><li><code>dir</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The sort order, "ASC" or "DESC" (case-sensitive, defaults to "ASC")</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#setDefaultSort" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>sort</b>(&nbsp;<code>String fieldName</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String dir</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sort the Records.
If remote sorting is used, the sort is performed on the server, and the cache is
reloaded. If local...</div>
<div class="long">
Sort the Records.
If remote sorting is used, the sort is performed on the server, and the cache is
reloaded. If local sorting is used, the cache is sorted internally. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fieldName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the field to sort by.</div></li><li><code>dir</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The sort order, "ASC" or "DESC" (case-sensitive, defaults to "ASC")</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#sort" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>sum</b>(&nbsp;<code>String property</code>, <code>Number start</code>, <code>Number end</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sums the value of <i>property</i> for each record between start and end and returns the result.</div>
<div class="long">
Sums the value of <i>property</i> for each record between start and end and returns the result. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>property</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A field on your records</div></li><li><code>start</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The record index to start at (defaults to 0)</div></li><li><code>end</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The last record index to include (defaults to length - 1)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The sum</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#sum" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>add</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code>[] records</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when Records have been added to the Store</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when Records have been added to the Store <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>records</code> :[]<div class="sub-desc">The array of Records added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the record(s) were added</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-add" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeload</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code>Object options</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a request is made for a new data object. If the beforeload handler returns false
the load action will b...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a request is made for a new data object. If the beforeload handler returns false
the load action will be canceled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The loading options that were specified (see <a ext:cls="" ext:member="load" href="output/">load</a> for details)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-beforeload" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>clear</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the data cache has been cleared.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the data cache has been cleared. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-clear" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>datachanged</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the data cache has changed, and a widget which is using this Store
as a Record cache should refresh its view.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the data cache has changed, and a widget which is using this Store
as a Record cache should refresh its view. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-datachanged" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>load</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code>[] records</code>, <code>Object options</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after a new set of Records has been loaded.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after a new set of Records has been loaded. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>records</code> :[]<div class="sub-desc">The Records that were loaded</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The loading options that were specified (see <a ext:cls="" ext:member="load" href="output/">load</a> for details)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-load" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>loadexception</b> : () <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires if an exception occurs in the Proxy during loading.
Called with the signature of the Proxy's "loadexception" ev...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires if an exception occurs in the Proxy during loading.
Called with the signature of the Proxy's "loadexception" event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-loadexception" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>metachange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code>Object meta</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this store's reader provides new metadata (fields). This is currently only supported for JsonReaders.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this store's reader provides new metadata (fields). This is currently only supported for JsonReaders. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>meta</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The JSON metadata</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-metachange" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code> record</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a Record has been removed from the Store</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a Record has been removed from the Store <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The Record that was removed</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the record was removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-remove" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>update</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code> record</code>, <code>String operation</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a Record has been updated</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a Record has been updated <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The Record that was updated</div></li><li><code>operation</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The update operation being performed. Value may be one of:
<pre><code></code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-update" href="output/">Store</a></td>
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Resizable-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Resizable-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Resizable-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Resizable-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Resizable"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Resizable</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.Resizable</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/Resizable.js" target="_blank">Resizable.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Resizable</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
<p>Applies drag handles to an element to make it resizable. The drag handles are inserted into the element
and positioned absolute. Some elements, such as a textarea or image, don't support this. To overcome that, you can wrap
the textarea in a div and set "resizeChild" to true (or to the id of the element), <b>or</b> set wrap:true in your config and
the element will be wrapped for you automatically.</p>
<p>Here is the list of valid resize handles:</p>
<pre>Value Description
------ -------------------
'n' north
's' south
'e' east
'w' west
'nw' northwest
'sw' southwest
'se' southeast
'ne' northeast
'all' all</pre>
<p>Here's an example showing the creation of a typical Resizable:</p>
<pre><code>var resizer = <b>new</b> Ext.Resizable(<em>"element-id"</em>, {
handles: <em>'all'</em>,
minWidth: 200,
minHeight: 100,
maxWidth: 500,
maxHeight: 400,
pinned: true
resizer.on(<em>"resize"</em>, myHandler);</code></pre>
<p>To hide a particular handle, set its display to none in CSS, or through script:<br>
resizer.east.setDisplayed(false);</p> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Resizable-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-adjustments"></a>
<b>adjustments</b> : Array/String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">String "auto" or an array [width, height] with values to be added to the resize operation's new size (defaults to [0,...</div>
<div class="long">
String "auto" or an array [width, height] with values to be <b>added</b> to the resize operation's new size (defaults to [0, 0]) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-animate"></a>
<b>animate</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to animate the resize (not compatible with dynamic sizing, defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-constrainTo"></a>
<b>constrainTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
Constrain the resize to a particular element </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-disableTrackOver"></a>
<b>disableTrackOver</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable mouse tracking. This is only applied at config time. (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-draggable"></a>
<b>draggable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Convenience to initialize drag drop (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-duration"></a>
<b>duration</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Animation duration if animate = true (defaults to .35) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-dynamic"></a>
<b>dynamic</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to resize the element while dragging instead of using a proxy (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-easing"></a>
<b>easing</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Animation easing if animate = true (defaults to 'easingOutStrong') </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-enabled"></a>
<b>enabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to disable resizing (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-handles"></a>
<b>handles</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
String consisting of the resize handles to display (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of the element in pixels (defaults to null) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-heightIncrement"></a>
<b>heightIncrement</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The increment to snap the height resize in pixels (dynamic must be true, defaults to 0) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-maxHeight"></a>
<b>maxHeight</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The maximum height for the element (defaults to 10000) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-maxWidth"></a>
<b>maxWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The maximum width for the element (defaults to 10000) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-minHeight"></a>
<b>minHeight</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum height for the element (defaults to 5) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-minWidth"></a>
<b>minWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width for the element (defaults to 5) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-minX"></a>
<b>minX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum allowed page X for the element (only used for west resizing, defaults to 0) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-minY"></a>
<b>minY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum allowed page Y for the element (only used for north resizing, defaults to 0) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-multiDirectional"></a>
<b>multiDirectional</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Deprecated. The old style of adding multi-direction resize handles, deprecated in favor of the handles config option ...</div>
<div class="long">
<b>Deprecated</b>. The old style of adding multi-direction resize handles, deprecated in favor of the handles config option (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-pinned"></a>
<b>pinned</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to ensure that the resize handles are always visible, false to display them only when the user mouses over the r...</div>
<div class="long">
True to ensure that the resize handles are always visible, false to display them only when the user mouses over the resizable borders. This is only applied at config time. (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-preserveRatio"></a>
<b>preserveRatio</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to preserve the original ratio between height and width during resize (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-resizeChild"></a>
<b>resizeChild</b> : Boolean/String/Element <div class="mdesc">
True to resize the first child, or id/element to resize (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-resizeRegion"></a>
<b>resizeRegion</b> : Ext.lib.Region <div class="mdesc">
Constrain the resize to a particular region </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-transparent"></a>
<b>transparent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True for transparent handles. This is only applied at config time. (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of the element in pixels (defaults to null) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-widthIncrement"></a>
<b>widthIncrement</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The increment to snap the width resize in pixels (dynamic must be true, defaults to 0) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-wrap"></a>
<b>wrap</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to wrap an element with a div if needed (required for textareas and images, defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<a id="Ext.Resizable-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.Resizable-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-Resizable"></a>
<b>Resizable</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new resizable component</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new resizable component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The id or element to resize</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean removeEl</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this resizable. If the element was wrapped and
removeEl is not true then the element remains.</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this resizable. If the element was wrapped and
removeEl is not true then the element remains. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>removeEl</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to remove the element from the DOM</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the element this component is bound to.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the element this component is bound to. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-getResizeChild"></a>
<b>getResizeChild</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the resizeChild element (or null).</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the resizeChild element (or null). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-resizeTo"></a>
<b>resizeTo</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
Perform a manual resize</div>
<div class="long">
Perform a manual resize <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Resizable-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-beforeresize"></a>
<b>beforeresize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Resizable this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
Fired before resize is allowed. Set enabled to false to cancel resize.</div>
<div class="long">
Fired before resize is allowed. Set enabled to false to cancel resize. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Resizable<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The mousedown event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Resizable-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Resizable this</code>, <code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
Fired after a resize.</div>
<div class="long">
Fired after a resize. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Resizable<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Resizable</td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel.html">AbstractSelectionModel</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>RowSelectionModel</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.grid</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/grid/RowSelectionModel.js" target="_blank">RowSelectionModel.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">RowSelectionModel</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel" href="output/Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel.html">CheckboxSelectionModel</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel.html">AbstractSelectionModel</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
The default SelectionModel used by <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html">Ext.grid.GridPanel</a>.
It supports multiple selections and keyboard selection/navigation. The objects stored
as selections and returned by <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="getSelected" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#getSelected">getSelected</a>, and <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" ext:member="getSelections" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html#getSelections">getSelections</a> are
the <a ext:cls="" href="output/">Record</a>s which provide the data for the selected rows. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-moveEditorOnEnter"></a>
<b>moveEditorOnEnter</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to turn off moving the editor to the next cell when the enter key is pressed </div>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-singleSelect"></a>
<b>singleSelect</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to allow selection of only one row at a time (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-RowSelectionModel"></a>
<b>RowSelectionModel</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-clearSelections"></a>
<b>clearSelections</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears all selections.</div>
<div class="long">
Clears all selections. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-deselectRange"></a>
<b>deselectRange</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number startRow</code>, <code>Number endRow</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Deselects a range of rows. All rows in between startRow and endRow are also deselected.</div>
<div class="long">
Deselects a range of rows. All rows in between startRow and endRow are also deselected. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>startRow</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the first row in the range</div></li><li><code>endRow</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the last row in the range</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-deselectRow"></a>
<b>deselectRow</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number row</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Deselects a row.</div>
<div class="long">
Deselects a row. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>row</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the row to deselect</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-each"></a>
<b>each</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Calls the passed function with each selection. If the function returns false, iteration is
stopped and this function ...</div>
<div class="long">
Calls the passed function with each selection. If the function returns false, iteration is
stopped and this function returns false. Otherwise it returns true. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if all selections were iterated</div></li>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-getCount"></a>
<b>getCount</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the number of selected rows.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the number of selected rows. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-getSelected"></a>
<b>getSelected</b>() : Record <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the first selected record.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the first selected record. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-getSelections"></a>
<b>getSelections</b>() : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the selected records</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the selected records <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of selected records</div></li>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-hasNext"></a>
<b>hasNext</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if there is a next record to select</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if there is a next record to select <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-hasPrevious"></a>
<b>hasPrevious</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if there is a previous record to select</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if there is a previous record to select <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-hasSelection"></a>
<b>hasSelection</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns True if there is a selection.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns True if there is a selection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-isIdSelected"></a>
<b>isIdSelected</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns True if the specified record id is selected.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns True if the specified record id is selected. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of record to check</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-isLocked"></a>
<b>isLocked</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the selections are locked.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the selections are locked. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel" ext:member="#isLocked" href="output/Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel.html#isLocked">AbstractSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-isSelected"></a>
<b>isSelected</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Record record</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns True if the specified row is selected.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns True if the specified row is selected. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>record</code> : Number/Record<div class="sub-desc">The record or index of the record to check</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-lock"></a>
<b>lock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Locks the selections.</div>
<div class="long">
Locks the selections. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel" ext:member="#lock" href="output/Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel.html#lock">AbstractSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-selectAll"></a>
<b>selectAll</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects all rows.</div>
<div class="long">
Selects all rows. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-selectFirstRow"></a>
<b>selectFirstRow</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects the first row in the grid.</div>
<div class="long">
Selects the first row in the grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-selectLastRow"></a>
<b>selectLastRow</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean keepExisting</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Select the last row.</div>
<div class="long">
Select the last row. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>keepExisting</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to keep existing selections</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-selectNext"></a>
<b>selectNext</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean keepExisting</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects the row immediately following the last selected row.</div>
<div class="long">
Selects the row immediately following the last selected row. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>keepExisting</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to keep existing selections</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if there is a next row, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-selectPrevious"></a>
<b>selectPrevious</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean keepExisting</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects the row that precedes the last selected row.</div>
<div class="long">
Selects the row that precedes the last selected row. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>keepExisting</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to keep existing selections</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if there is a previous row, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-selectRange"></a>
<b>selectRange</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number startRow</code>, <code>Number endRow</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean keepExisting</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects a range of rows. All rows in between startRow and endRow are also selected.</div>
<div class="long">
Selects a range of rows. All rows in between startRow and endRow are also selected. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>startRow</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the first row in the range</div></li><li><code>endRow</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the last row in the range</div></li><li><code>keepExisting</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to retain existing selections</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-selectRecords"></a>
<b>selectRecords</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array records</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean keepExisting</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Select records.</div>
<div class="long">
Select records. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>records</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">The records to select</div></li><li><code>keepExisting</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to keep existing selections</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-selectRow"></a>
<b>selectRow</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number row</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean keepExisting</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects a row.</div>
<div class="long">
Selects a row. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>row</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the row to select</div></li><li><code>keepExisting</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to keep existing selections</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-selectRows"></a>
<b>selectRows</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array rows</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean keepExisting</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects multiple rows.</div>
<div class="long">
Selects multiple rows. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>rows</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">Array of the indexes of the row to select</div></li><li><code>keepExisting</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to keep existing selections (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-unlock"></a>
<b>unlock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unlocks the selections.</div>
<div class="long">
Unlocks the selections. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel" ext:member="#unlock" href="output/Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel.html#unlock">AbstractSelectionModel</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-beforerowselect"></a>
<b>beforerowselect</b> : (&nbsp;<code>SelectionModel this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Boolean keepExisting</code>, <code>Record record</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a row is being selected, return false to cancel.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a row is being selected, return false to cancel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : SelectionModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index to be selected</div></li><li><code>keepExisting</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">False if other selections will be cleared</div></li><li><code>record</code> : Record<div class="sub-desc">The record to be selected</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-rowdeselect"></a>
<b>rowdeselect</b> : (&nbsp;<code>SelectionModel this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Record record</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a row is deselected.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a row is deselected. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : SelectionModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>record</code> : Record<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-rowselect"></a>
<b>rowselect</b> : (&nbsp;<code>SelectionModel this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code> r</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a row is selected.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a row is selected. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : SelectionModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The selected index</div></li><li><code>r</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The selected record</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel-selectionchange"></a>
<b>selectionchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>SelectionModel this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the selection changes</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the selection changes <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : SelectionModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">RowSelectionModel</td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeLoader-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeLoader-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeLoader-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeLoader-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.tree.TreeLoader"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>TreeLoader</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.tree.TreeLoader</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.tree</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/tree/TreeLoader.js" target="_blank">TreeLoader.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">TreeLoader</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A TreeLoader provides for lazy loading of an <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html">Ext.tree.TreeNode</a>'s child
nodes from a specified URL. The response must be a JavaScript Array definition
whose elements are node definition objects. eg:
id: 1,
text: <em>'A leaf Node'</em>,
leaf: true
id: 2,
text: <em>'A folder Node'</em>,
children: [{
id: 3,
text: <em>'A child Node'</em>,
leaf: true
A server request is sent, and child nodes are loaded only when a node is expanded.
The loading node's id is passed to the server under the parameter name "node" to
enable the server to produce the correct child nodes.
To pass extra parameters, an event handler may be attached to the "beforeload"
event, and the parameters specified in the TreeLoader's baseParams property:
<pre><code>myTreeLoader.on(<em>"beforeload"</em>, <b>function</b>(treeLoader, node) {
<b>this</b>.baseParams.category = node.attributes.category;
}, <b>this</b>);</code></pre><
This would pass an HTTP parameter called "category" to the server containing
the value of the Node's "category" attribute. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-baseAttrs"></a>
<b>baseAttrs</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">(optional) An object containing attributes to be added to all nodes created by this loader. If the attributes sent by...</div>
<div class="long">
(optional) An object containing attributes to be added to all nodes created by this loader. If the attributes sent by the server have an attribute in this object, they take priority. </div>
<td class="msource">TreeLoader</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-baseParams"></a>
<b>baseParams</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
(optional) An object containing properties which specify HTTP parameters to be passed to each request for child nodes. </div>
<td class="msource">TreeLoader</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-clearOnLoad"></a>
<b>clearOnLoad</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
(optional) Default to true. Remove previously existing child nodes before loading. </div>
<td class="msource">TreeLoader</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-dataUrl"></a>
<b>dataUrl</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The URL from which to request a Json string which specifies an array of node definition objects representing the chil...</div>
<div class="long">
The URL from which to request a Json string which specifies an array of node definition objects representing the child nodes to be loaded. </div>
<td class="msource">TreeLoader</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-preloadChildren"></a>
<b>preloadChildren</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
If set to true, the loader recursively loads "children" attributes when doing the first load on nodes. </div>
<td class="msource">TreeLoader</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-requestMethod"></a>
<b>requestMethod</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The HTTP request method for loading data (defaults to 'POST'). </div>
<td class="msource">TreeLoader</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-uiProviders"></a>
<b>uiProviders</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">(optional) An object containing properties which specify custom Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI implementations. If the optional ...</div>
<div class="long">
(optional) An object containing properties which specify custom <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI.html">Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI</a> implementations. If the optional <i>uiProvider</i> attribute of a returned child node is a string rather than a reference to a TreeNodeUI implementation, this that string value is used as a property name in the uiProviders object. </div>
<td class="msource">TreeLoader</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-url"></a>
<b>url</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Equivalent to <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeLoader" ext:member="dataUrl" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeLoader.html#dataUrl">dataUrl</a>. </div>
<td class="msource">TreeLoader</td>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-TreeLoader"></a>
<b>TreeLoader</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new Treeloader.</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new Treeloader. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A config object containing config properties.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeLoader</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-createNode"></a>
<b>createNode</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Override this function for custom TreeNode node implementation</div>
<div class="long">
Override this function for custom TreeNode node implementation <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeLoader</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-load"></a>
<b>load</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.tree.TreeNode node</code>, <code>Function callback</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Load an Ext.tree.TreeNode from the URL specified in the constructor.
This is called automatically when a node is expa...</div>
<div class="long">
Load an <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html">Ext.tree.TreeNode</a> from the URL specified in the constructor.
This is called automatically when a node is expanded, but may be used to reload
a node (or append new children if the <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeLoader" ext:member="clearOnLoad" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeLoader.html#clearOnLoad">clearOnLoad</a> option is false.) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Ext.tree.TreeNode<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>callback</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeLoader</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-beforeload"></a>
<b>beforeload</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object This</code>, <code>Object node</code>, <code>Object callback</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a network request is made to retrieve the Json text which specifies a node's children.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a network request is made to retrieve the Json text which specifies a node's children. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>This</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">TreeLoader object.</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html">Ext.tree.TreeNode</a> object being loaded.</div></li><li><code>callback</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The callback function specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeLoader" ext:member="load" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeLoader.html#load">load</a> call.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeLoader</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-load"></a>
<b>load</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object This</code>, <code>Object node</code>, <code>Object response</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the node has been successfuly loaded.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the node has been successfuly loaded. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>This</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">TreeLoader object.</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html">Ext.tree.TreeNode</a> object being loaded.</div></li><li><code>response</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The response object containing the data from the server.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeLoader</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeLoader-loadexception"></a>
<b>loadexception</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object This</code>, <code>Object node</code>, <code>Object response</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires if the network request failed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires if the network request failed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>This</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">TreeLoader object.</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html">Ext.tree.TreeNode</a> object being loaded.</div></li><li><code>response</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The response object containing the data from the server.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeLoader</td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DDTarget-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DDTarget-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DDTarget-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.dd.DDTarget"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html">DragDrop</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>DDTarget</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.dd.DDTarget</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.dd</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/dd/DDCore.js" target="_blank">DDCore.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">DDTarget</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DropTarget.html">DropTarget</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html">DragDrop</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A DragDrop implementation that does not move, but can be a drop
target. You would get the same result by simply omitting implementation
for the event callbacks, but this way we reduce the processing cost of the
event listener and the callbacks. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-available"></a>
<b>available</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
The availabe property is false until the linked dom element is accessible. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#available" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#available">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-config"></a>
<b>config</b> : object <div class="mdesc">
Configuration attributes passed into the constructor </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#config" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#config">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-groups"></a>
<b>groups</b> : object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The group defines a logical collection of DragDrop objects that are
related. Instances only get events when interact...</div>
<div class="long">
The group defines a logical collection of DragDrop objects that are
related. Instances only get events when interacting with other
DragDrop object in the same group. This lets us define multiple
groups using a single DragDrop subclass if we want. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#groups" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#groups">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-hasOuterHandles"></a>
<b>hasOuterHandles</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, drags can only be initiated if the mousedown occurs in the
region the linked element is. This is done in...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, drags can only be initiated if the mousedown occurs in the
region the linked element is. This is done in part to work around a
bug in some browsers that mis-report the mousedown if the previous
mouseup happened outside of the window. This property is set to true
if outer handles are defined. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#hasOuterHandles" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#hasOuterHandles">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the element associated with this object. This is what we
refer to as the "linked element" because the size...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the element associated with this object. This is what we
refer to as the "linked element" because the size and position of
this element is used to determine when the drag and drop objects have
interacted. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#id">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-invalidHandleClasses"></a>
<b>invalidHandleClasses</b> : string[] <div class="mdesc">
An indexted array of css class names for elements that will be ignored
if clicked. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleClasses" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleClasses">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-invalidHandleIds"></a>
<b>invalidHandleIds</b> : string: <div class="mdesc">
An associative array of ids for elements that will be ignored if clicked </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleIds" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleIds">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-invalidHandleTypes"></a>
<b>invalidHandleTypes</b> : string: <div class="mdesc">
An associative array of HTML tags that will be ignored if clicked. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleTypes" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleTypes">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-isTarget"></a>
<b>isTarget</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
By default, all insances can be a drop target. This can be disabled by
setting isTarget to false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isTarget">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-maintainOffset"></a>
<b>maintainOffset</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Maintain offsets when we resetconstraints. Set to true when you want
the position of the element relative to its par...</div>
<div class="long">
Maintain offsets when we resetconstraints. Set to true when you want
the position of the element relative to its parent to stay the same
when the page changes </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#maintainOffset" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#maintainOffset">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-padding"></a>
<b>padding</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
The padding configured for this drag and drop object for calculating
the drop zone intersection with this object. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#padding" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#padding">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-primaryButtonOnly"></a>
<b>primaryButtonOnly</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default the drag and drop instance will only respond to the primary
button click (left button for a right-handed m...</div>
<div class="long">
By default the drag and drop instance will only respond to the primary
button click (left button for a right-handed mouse). Set to true to
allow drag and drop to start with any mouse click that is propogated
by the browser </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#primaryButtonOnly" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#primaryButtonOnly">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-xTicks"></a>
<b>xTicks</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
horizontal graduation/interval. This array is ge...</div>
<div class="long">
Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
horizontal graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically
when you define a tick interval. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#xTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#xTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-yTicks"></a>
<b>yTicks</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
vertical graduation/interval. This array is gene...</div>
<div class="long">
Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
vertical graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically
when you define a tick interval. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#yTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#yTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-DDTarget"></a>
<b>DDTarget</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element that is a drop target</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related DragDrop objects</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">an object containing configurable attributes
Valid properties for DDTarget in addition to those in
none</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DDTarget</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-addInvalidHandleClass"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cssClass</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lets you specify a css class of elements that will not initiate a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Lets you specify a css class of elements that will not initiate a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cssClass</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the class of the elements you wish to ignore</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleClass" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleClass">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-addInvalidHandleId"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleId</b>(&nbsp;<code>string id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lets you to specify an element id for a child of a drag handle
that should not initiate a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Lets you to specify an element id for a child of a drag handle
that should not initiate a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the element id of the element you wish to ignore</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-addInvalidHandleType"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleType</b>(&nbsp;<code>string tagName</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify a tag name that should not start a drag operation
when clicked. This is designed to facilitate...</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify a tag name that should not start a drag operation
when clicked. This is designed to facilitate embedding links within a
drag handle that do something other than start the drag. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tagName</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the type of element to exclude</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleType" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleType">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-addToGroup"></a>
<b>addToGroup</b>(&nbsp;<code>sGroup {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Add this instance to a group of related drag/drop objects. All
instances belong to at least one group, and can belon...</div>
<div class="long">
Add this instance to a group of related drag/drop objects. All
instances belong to at least one group, and can belong to as many
groups as needed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : sGroup<div class="sub-desc">the name of the group</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addToGroup" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addToGroup">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-applyConfig"></a>
<b>applyConfig</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Applies the configuration parameters that were passed into the constructor.
This is supposed to happen at each level ...</div>
<div class="long">
Applies the configuration parameters that were passed into the constructor.
This is supposed to happen at each level through the inheritance chain. So
a DDProxy implentation will execute apply config on DDProxy, DD, and
DragDrop in order to get all of the parameters that are available in
each object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#applyConfig" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#applyConfig">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-clearConstraints"></a>
<b>clearConstraints</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any constraints applied to this instance. Also clears ticks
since they can't exist independent of a constrain...</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any constraints applied to this instance. Also clears ticks
since they can't exist independent of a constraint at this time. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#clearConstraints" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#clearConstraints">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-clearTicks"></a>
<b>clearTicks</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any tick interval defined for this instance</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any tick interval defined for this instance <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#clearTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#clearTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-endDrag"></a>
<b>endDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fired when we are done dragging the object</div>
<div class="long">
Fired when we are done dragging the object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#endDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#endDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-getDragEl"></a>
<b>getDragEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a reference to the actual element to drag. By default this is
the same as the html element, but it can be as...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a reference to the actual element to drag. By default this is
the same as the html element, but it can be assigned to another
element. An example of this can be found in Ext.dd.DDProxy <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">the html element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#getDragEl" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#getDragEl">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a reference to the linked element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a reference to the linked element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">the html element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#getEl">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-init"></a>
<b>init</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets up the DragDrop object. Must be called in the constructor of any
Ext.dd.DragDrop subclass</div>
<div class="long">
Sets up the DragDrop object. Must be called in the constructor of any
Ext.dd.DragDrop subclass <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the linked element</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related items</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">configuration attributes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#init" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#init">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-initTarget"></a>
<b>initTarget</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initializes Targeting functionality only... the object does not
get a mousedown handler.</div>
<div class="long">
Initializes Targeting functionality only... the object does not
get a mousedown handler. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the linked element</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related items</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">configuration attributes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#initTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#initTarget">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-isLocked"></a>
<b>isLocked</b>() : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this instance is locked, or the drag drop mgr is locked
(meaning that all drag/drop is disabled on th...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this instance is locked, or the drag drop mgr is locked
(meaning that all drag/drop is disabled on the page.) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if this obj or all drag/drop is locked, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isLocked" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isLocked">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-isValidHandleChild"></a>
<b>isValidHandleChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement node</code>&nbsp;) : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks the tag exclusion list to see if this click should be ignored</div>
<div class="long">
Checks the tag exclusion list to see if this click should be ignored <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">the HTMLElement to evaluate</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if this is a valid tag type, false if not</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isValidHandleChild" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isValidHandleChild">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-lock"></a>
<b>lock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lock this instance</div>
<div class="long">
Lock this instance <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#lock" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#lock">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-onAvailable"></a>
<b>onAvailable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Override the onAvailable method to do what is needed after the initial
position was determined.</div>
<div class="long">
Override the onAvailable method to do what is needed after the initial
position was determined. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onAvailable" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onAvailable">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-onDrag"></a>
<b>onDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called during the onMouseMove event while dragging an
<div class="long">
Abstract method called during the onMouseMove event while dragging an
object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-onDragDrop"></a>
<b>onDragDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this item is dropped on another DragDrop
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this item is dropped on another DragDrop
obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this was dropped on. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items this
was dropped on.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragDrop">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-onDragEnter"></a>
<b>onDragEnter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this element fist begins hovering over
another DragDrop obj</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this element fist begins hovering over
another DragDrop obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this is hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of one or more
dragdrop items being hovered over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragEnter" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragEnter">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-onDragOut"></a>
<b>onDragOut</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when we are no longer hovering over an element</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when we are no longer hovering over an element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this was hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items
that the mouse is no longer over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragOut" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragOut">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-onDragOver"></a>
<b>onDragOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this element is hovering over another
DragDrop obj</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this element is hovering over another
DragDrop obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this is hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items
being hovered over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragOver" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragOver">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-onInvalidDrop"></a>
<b>onInvalidDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this item is dropped on an area with no
drop target</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this item is dropped on an area with no
drop target <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onInvalidDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onInvalidDrop">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-onMouseDown"></a>
<b>onMouseDown</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mousedown</div>
<div class="long">
Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mousedown <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousedown event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onMouseDown" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onMouseDown">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-onMouseUp"></a>
<b>onMouseUp</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mouseup</div>
<div class="long">
Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mouseup <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onMouseUp" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onMouseUp">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-removeFromGroup"></a>
<b>removeFromGroup</b>(&nbsp;<code>string sGroup</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove's this instance from the supplied interaction group</div>
<div class="long">
Remove's this instance from the supplied interaction group <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>sGroup</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The group to drop</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeFromGroup" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeFromGroup">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-removeInvalidHandleClass"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cssClass</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an invalid css class</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an invalid css class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cssClass</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the class of the element(s) you wish to
re-enable</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleClass" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleClass">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-removeInvalidHandleId"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleId</b>(&nbsp;<code>string id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an invalid handle id</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an invalid handle id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element to re-enable</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-removeInvalidHandleType"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleType</b>(&nbsp;<code>string tagName</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an excluded tag name set by addInvalidHandleType</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an excluded tag name set by addInvalidHandleType <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tagName</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the type of element to unexclude</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleType" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleType">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-resetConstraints"></a>
<b>resetConstraints</b>(&nbsp;<code>boolean maintainOffset</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">resetConstraints must be called if you manually reposition a dd element.</div>
<div class="long">
resetConstraints must be called if you manually reposition a dd element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>maintainOffset</code> : boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#resetConstraints" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#resetConstraints">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-setDragElId"></a>
<b>setDragElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify that an element other than the linked element
will be moved with the cursor during a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify that an element other than the linked element
will be moved with the cursor during a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element that will be used to initiate the drag</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setDragElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setDragElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-setHandleElId"></a>
<b>setHandleElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify a child of the linked element that should be
used to initiate the drag operation. An example o...</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify a child of the linked element that should be
used to initiate the drag operation. An example of this would be if
you have a content div with text and links. Clicking anywhere in the
content area would normally start the drag operation. Use this method
to specify that an element inside of the content div is the element
that starts the drag operation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element that will be used to
initiate the drag.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setHandleElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setHandleElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-setInitialPosition"></a>
<b>setInitialPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>int diffX</code>, <code>int diffY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Stores the initial placement of the linked element.</div>
<div class="long">
Stores the initial placement of the linked element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>diffX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X offset, default 0</div></li><li><code>diffY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y offset, default 0</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setInitialPosition" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setInitialPosition">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-setOuterHandleElId"></a>
<b>setOuterHandleElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to set an element outside of the linked element as a drag
<div class="long">
Allows you to set an element outside of the linked element as a drag
handle <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the element that will be used to initiate the drag</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setOuterHandleElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setOuterHandleElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-setPadding"></a>
<b>setPadding</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iTop</code>, <code>int iRight</code>, <code>int iBot</code>, <code>int iLeft</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Configures the padding for the target zone in px. Effectively expands
(or reduces) the virtual object size for targe...</div>
<div class="long">
Configures the padding for the target zone in px. Effectively expands
(or reduces) the virtual object size for targeting calculations.
Supports css-style shorthand; if only one parameter is passed, all sides
will have that padding, and if only two are passed, the top and bottom
will have the first param, the left and right the second. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iTop</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Top pad</div></li><li><code>iRight</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Right pad</div></li><li><code>iBot</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Bot pad</div></li><li><code>iLeft</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Left pad</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setPadding" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setPadding">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-setXConstraint"></a>
<b>setXConstraint</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iLeft</code>, <code>int iRight</code>, <code>int iTickSize</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Use
this method to limit the horizontal travel of th...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Use
this method to limit the horizontal travel of the element. Pass in
0,0 for the parameters if you want to lock the drag to the y axis. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iLeft</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move to the left</div></li><li><code>iRight</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move to the
right</div></li><li><code>iTickSize</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">optional parameter for specifying that the
should move iTickSize pixels at a time.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setXConstraint" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setXConstraint">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-setYConstraint"></a>
<b>setYConstraint</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iUp</code>, <code>int iDown</code>, <code>int iTickSize</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Set
this to limit the vertical travel of the element...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Set
this to limit the vertical travel of the element. Pass in 0,0 for the
parameters if you want to lock the drag to the x axis. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iUp</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move up</div></li><li><code>iDown</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move down</div></li><li><code>iTickSize</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">optional parameter for specifying that the
element should move iTickSize pixels at a time.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setYConstraint" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setYConstraint">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-startDrag"></a>
<b>startDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>int X</code>, <code>int Y</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called after a drag/drop object is clicked
and the drag or mousedown time thresholds have beeen met.</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called after a drag/drop object is clicked
and the drag or mousedown time thresholds have beeen met. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>X</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">click location</div></li><li><code>Y</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">click location</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#startDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#startDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-toString"></a>
<b>toString</b>() : string <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">toString method</div>
<div class="long">
toString method <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>string</code><div class="sub-desc">string representation of the dd obj</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#toString" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#toString">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-unlock"></a>
<b>unlock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unlock this instace</div>
<div class="long">
Unlock this instace <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#unlock" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#unlock">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-unreg"></a>
<b>unreg</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove all drag and drop hooks for this element</div>
<div class="long">
Remove all drag and drop hooks for this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#unreg" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#unreg">DragDrop</a></td>
<a id="Ext.dd.DDTarget-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Function-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Function-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Function-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Function"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Function</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Global</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/core/Ext.js" target="_blank">Ext.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Function</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
These functions are available on every Function object (any JavaScript function). </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Function-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Function-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Function-createCallback"></a>
<b>createCallback</b>() : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a callback that passes arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], ...
Call directly on any function. Example: ...</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a callback that passes arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], ...
Call directly on any function. Example: <code>myFunction.createCallback(myarg, myarg2)</code>
Will create a function that is bound to those 2 args. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Function</code><div class="sub-desc">The new function</div></li>
<td class="msource">Function</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Function-createDelegate"></a>
<b>createDelegate</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object obj</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number appendArgs</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a delegate (callback) that sets the scope to obj.
Call directly on any function. Example: this.myFunction.cre...</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a delegate (callback) that sets the scope to obj.
Call directly on any function. Example: <code>this.myFunction.createDelegate(this)</code>
Will create a function that is automatically scoped to this. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>obj</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The object for which the scope is set</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Overrides arguments for the call. (Defaults to the arguments passed by the caller)</div></li><li><code>appendArgs</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) if True args are appended to call args instead of overriding,
if a number the args are inserted at the specified position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Function</code><div class="sub-desc">The new function</div></li>
<td class="msource">Function</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Function-createInterceptor"></a>
<b>createInterceptor</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates an interceptor function. The passed fcn is called before the original one. If it returns false, the original ...</div>
<div class="long">
Creates an interceptor function. The passed fcn is called before the original one. If it returns false, the original one is not called.
The resulting function returns the results of the original function.
The passed fcn is called with the parameters of the original function.
@addon <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call before the original</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the passed fcn (Defaults to scope of original function or window)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Function</code><div class="sub-desc">The new function</div></li>
<td class="msource">Function</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Function-createSequence"></a>
<b>createSequence</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a combined function call sequence of the original function + the passed function.
The resulting function retur...</div>
<div class="long">
Create a combined function call sequence of the original function + the passed function.
The resulting function returns the results of the original function.
The passed fcn is called with the parameters of the original function <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to sequence</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the passed fcn (Defaults to scope of original function or window)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Function</code><div class="sub-desc">The new function</div></li>
<td class="msource">Function</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Function-defer"></a>
<b>defer</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number millis</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object obj</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number appendArgs</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Calls this function after the number of millseconds specified.</div>
<div class="long">
Calls this function after the number of millseconds specified. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>millis</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds for the setTimeout call (if 0 the function is executed immediately)</div></li><li><code>obj</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The object for which the scope is set</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Overrides arguments for the call. (Defaults to the arguments passed by the caller)</div></li><li><code>appendArgs</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) if True args are appended to call args instead of overriding,
if a number the args are inserted at the specified position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The timeout id that can be used with clearTimeout</div></li>
<td class="msource">Function</td>
<a id="Function-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DragDrop-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DragDrop-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DragDrop-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.dd.DragDrop"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.dd.DragDrop</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.dd</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/dd/DDCore.js" target="_blank">DDCore.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">DragDrop</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html">DD</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DDTarget.html">DDTarget</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Defines the interface and base operation of items that that can be
dragged or can be drop targets. It was designed to be extended, overriding
the event handlers for startDrag, onDrag, onDragOver and onDragOut.
Up to three html elements can be associated with a DragDrop instance:
<li>linked element: the element that is passed into the constructor.
This is the element which defines the boundaries for interaction with
other DragDrop objects.</li>
<li>handle element(s): The drag operation only occurs if the element that
was clicked matches a handle element. By default this is the linked
element, but there are times that you will want only a portion of the
linked element to initiate the drag operation, and the setHandleElId()
method provides a way to define this.</li>
<li>drag element: this represents the element that would be moved along
with the cursor during a drag operation. By default, this is the linked
element itself as in <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html">Ext.dd.DD</a>. setDragElId() lets you define
a separate element that would be moved, as in <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDProxy" href="output/Ext.dd.DDProxy.html">Ext.dd.DDProxy</a>.
This class should not be instantiated until the onload event to ensure that
the associated elements are available.
The following would define a DragDrop obj that would interact with any
other DragDrop obj in the "group1" group:
<pre>dd = new Ext.dd.DragDrop("div1", "group1");</pre>
Since none of the event handlers have been implemented, nothing would
actually happen if you were to run the code above. Normally you would
override this class or one of the default implementations, but you can
also override the methods you want on an instance of the class...
<pre>dd.onDragDrop = function(e, id) {
&nbsp;&nbsp;alert("dd was dropped on " + id);
}</pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-available"></a>
<b>available</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
The availabe property is false until the linked dom element is accessible. </div>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-config"></a>
<b>config</b> : object <div class="mdesc">
Configuration attributes passed into the constructor </div>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-groups"></a>
<b>groups</b> : object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The group defines a logical collection of DragDrop objects that are
related. Instances only get events when interact...</div>
<div class="long">
The group defines a logical collection of DragDrop objects that are
related. Instances only get events when interacting with other
DragDrop object in the same group. This lets us define multiple
groups using a single DragDrop subclass if we want. </div>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-hasOuterHandles"></a>
<b>hasOuterHandles</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, drags can only be initiated if the mousedown occurs in the
region the linked element is. This is done in...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, drags can only be initiated if the mousedown occurs in the
region the linked element is. This is done in part to work around a
bug in some browsers that mis-report the mousedown if the previous
mouseup happened outside of the window. This property is set to true
if outer handles are defined. </div>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the element associated with this object. This is what we
refer to as the "linked element" because the size...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the element associated with this object. This is what we
refer to as the "linked element" because the size and position of
this element is used to determine when the drag and drop objects have
interacted. </div>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-invalidHandleClasses"></a>
<b>invalidHandleClasses</b> : string[] <div class="mdesc">
An indexted array of css class names for elements that will be ignored
if clicked. </div>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-invalidHandleIds"></a>
<b>invalidHandleIds</b> : string: <div class="mdesc">
An associative array of ids for elements that will be ignored if clicked </div>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-invalidHandleTypes"></a>
<b>invalidHandleTypes</b> : string: <div class="mdesc">
An associative array of HTML tags that will be ignored if clicked. </div>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-isTarget"></a>
<b>isTarget</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
By default, all insances can be a drop target. This can be disabled by
setting isTarget to false. </div>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-maintainOffset"></a>
<b>maintainOffset</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Maintain offsets when we resetconstraints. Set to true when you want
the position of the element relative to its par...</div>
<div class="long">
Maintain offsets when we resetconstraints. Set to true when you want
the position of the element relative to its parent to stay the same
when the page changes </div>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-padding"></a>
<b>padding</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
The padding configured for this drag and drop object for calculating
the drop zone intersection with this object. </div>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-primaryButtonOnly"></a>
<b>primaryButtonOnly</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default the drag and drop instance will only respond to the primary
button click (left button for a right-handed m...</div>
<div class="long">
By default the drag and drop instance will only respond to the primary
button click (left button for a right-handed mouse). Set to true to
allow drag and drop to start with any mouse click that is propogated
by the browser </div>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-xTicks"></a>
<b>xTicks</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
horizontal graduation/interval. This array is ge...</div>
<div class="long">
Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
horizontal graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically
when you define a tick interval. </div>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-yTicks"></a>
<b>yTicks</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
vertical graduation/interval. This array is gene...</div>
<div class="long">
Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
vertical graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically
when you define a tick interval. </div>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-DragDrop"></a>
<b>DragDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">of the element that is linked to this instance</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related DragDrop objects</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">an object containing configurable attributes
Valid properties for DragDrop:
padding, isTarget, maintainOffset, primaryButtonOnly</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-addInvalidHandleClass"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cssClass</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lets you specify a css class of elements that will not initiate a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Lets you specify a css class of elements that will not initiate a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cssClass</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the class of the elements you wish to ignore</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-addInvalidHandleId"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleId</b>(&nbsp;<code>string id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lets you to specify an element id for a child of a drag handle
that should not initiate a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Lets you to specify an element id for a child of a drag handle
that should not initiate a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the element id of the element you wish to ignore</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-addInvalidHandleType"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleType</b>(&nbsp;<code>string tagName</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify a tag name that should not start a drag operation
when clicked. This is designed to facilitate...</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify a tag name that should not start a drag operation
when clicked. This is designed to facilitate embedding links within a
drag handle that do something other than start the drag. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tagName</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the type of element to exclude</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-addToGroup"></a>
<b>addToGroup</b>(&nbsp;<code>sGroup {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Add this instance to a group of related drag/drop objects. All
instances belong to at least one group, and can belon...</div>
<div class="long">
Add this instance to a group of related drag/drop objects. All
instances belong to at least one group, and can belong to as many
groups as needed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : sGroup<div class="sub-desc">the name of the group</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-applyConfig"></a>
<b>applyConfig</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Applies the configuration parameters that were passed into the constructor.
This is supposed to happen at each level ...</div>
<div class="long">
Applies the configuration parameters that were passed into the constructor.
This is supposed to happen at each level through the inheritance chain. So
a DDProxy implentation will execute apply config on DDProxy, DD, and
DragDrop in order to get all of the parameters that are available in
each object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-clearConstraints"></a>
<b>clearConstraints</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any constraints applied to this instance. Also clears ticks
since they can't exist independent of a constrain...</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any constraints applied to this instance. Also clears ticks
since they can't exist independent of a constraint at this time. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-clearTicks"></a>
<b>clearTicks</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any tick interval defined for this instance</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any tick interval defined for this instance <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-endDrag"></a>
<b>endDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fired when we are done dragging the object</div>
<div class="long">
Fired when we are done dragging the object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-getDragEl"></a>
<b>getDragEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a reference to the actual element to drag. By default this is
the same as the html element, but it can be as...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a reference to the actual element to drag. By default this is
the same as the html element, but it can be assigned to another
element. An example of this can be found in Ext.dd.DDProxy <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">the html element</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a reference to the linked element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a reference to the linked element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">the html element</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-init"></a>
<b>init</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets up the DragDrop object. Must be called in the constructor of any
Ext.dd.DragDrop subclass</div>
<div class="long">
Sets up the DragDrop object. Must be called in the constructor of any
Ext.dd.DragDrop subclass <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the linked element</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related items</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">configuration attributes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-initTarget"></a>
<b>initTarget</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initializes Targeting functionality only... the object does not
get a mousedown handler.</div>
<div class="long">
Initializes Targeting functionality only... the object does not
get a mousedown handler. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the linked element</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related items</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">configuration attributes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-isLocked"></a>
<b>isLocked</b>() : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this instance is locked, or the drag drop mgr is locked
(meaning that all drag/drop is disabled on th...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this instance is locked, or the drag drop mgr is locked
(meaning that all drag/drop is disabled on the page.) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if this obj or all drag/drop is locked, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-isValidHandleChild"></a>
<b>isValidHandleChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement node</code>&nbsp;) : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks the tag exclusion list to see if this click should be ignored</div>
<div class="long">
Checks the tag exclusion list to see if this click should be ignored <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">the HTMLElement to evaluate</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if this is a valid tag type, false if not</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-lock"></a>
<b>lock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lock this instance</div>
<div class="long">
Lock this instance <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-onAvailable"></a>
<b>onAvailable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Override the onAvailable method to do what is needed after the initial
position was determined.</div>
<div class="long">
Override the onAvailable method to do what is needed after the initial
position was determined. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-onDrag"></a>
<b>onDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called during the onMouseMove event while dragging an
<div class="long">
Abstract method called during the onMouseMove event while dragging an
object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-onDragDrop"></a>
<b>onDragDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this item is dropped on another DragDrop
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this item is dropped on another DragDrop
obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this was dropped on. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items this
was dropped on.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-onDragEnter"></a>
<b>onDragEnter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this element fist begins hovering over
another DragDrop obj</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this element fist begins hovering over
another DragDrop obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this is hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of one or more
dragdrop items being hovered over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-onDragOut"></a>
<b>onDragOut</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when we are no longer hovering over an element</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when we are no longer hovering over an element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this was hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items
that the mouse is no longer over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-onDragOver"></a>
<b>onDragOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this element is hovering over another
DragDrop obj</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this element is hovering over another
DragDrop obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this is hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items
being hovered over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-onInvalidDrop"></a>
<b>onInvalidDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this item is dropped on an area with no
drop target</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this item is dropped on an area with no
drop target <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-onMouseDown"></a>
<b>onMouseDown</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mousedown</div>
<div class="long">
Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mousedown <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousedown event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-onMouseUp"></a>
<b>onMouseUp</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mouseup</div>
<div class="long">
Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mouseup <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-removeFromGroup"></a>
<b>removeFromGroup</b>(&nbsp;<code>string sGroup</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove's this instance from the supplied interaction group</div>
<div class="long">
Remove's this instance from the supplied interaction group <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>sGroup</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The group to drop</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-removeInvalidHandleClass"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cssClass</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an invalid css class</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an invalid css class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cssClass</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the class of the element(s) you wish to
re-enable</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-removeInvalidHandleId"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleId</b>(&nbsp;<code>string id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an invalid handle id</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an invalid handle id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element to re-enable</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-removeInvalidHandleType"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleType</b>(&nbsp;<code>string tagName</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an excluded tag name set by addInvalidHandleType</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an excluded tag name set by addInvalidHandleType <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tagName</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the type of element to unexclude</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-resetConstraints"></a>
<b>resetConstraints</b>(&nbsp;<code>boolean maintainOffset</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">resetConstraints must be called if you manually reposition a dd element.</div>
<div class="long">
resetConstraints must be called if you manually reposition a dd element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>maintainOffset</code> : boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-setDragElId"></a>
<b>setDragElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify that an element other than the linked element
will be moved with the cursor during a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify that an element other than the linked element
will be moved with the cursor during a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element that will be used to initiate the drag</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-setHandleElId"></a>
<b>setHandleElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify a child of the linked element that should be
used to initiate the drag operation. An example o...</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify a child of the linked element that should be
used to initiate the drag operation. An example of this would be if
you have a content div with text and links. Clicking anywhere in the
content area would normally start the drag operation. Use this method
to specify that an element inside of the content div is the element
that starts the drag operation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element that will be used to
initiate the drag.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-setInitialPosition"></a>
<b>setInitialPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>int diffX</code>, <code>int diffY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Stores the initial placement of the linked element.</div>
<div class="long">
Stores the initial placement of the linked element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>diffX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X offset, default 0</div></li><li><code>diffY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y offset, default 0</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-setOuterHandleElId"></a>
<b>setOuterHandleElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to set an element outside of the linked element as a drag
<div class="long">
Allows you to set an element outside of the linked element as a drag
handle <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the element that will be used to initiate the drag</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-setPadding"></a>
<b>setPadding</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iTop</code>, <code>int iRight</code>, <code>int iBot</code>, <code>int iLeft</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Configures the padding for the target zone in px. Effectively expands
(or reduces) the virtual object size for targe...</div>
<div class="long">
Configures the padding for the target zone in px. Effectively expands
(or reduces) the virtual object size for targeting calculations.
Supports css-style shorthand; if only one parameter is passed, all sides
will have that padding, and if only two are passed, the top and bottom
will have the first param, the left and right the second. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iTop</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Top pad</div></li><li><code>iRight</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Right pad</div></li><li><code>iBot</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Bot pad</div></li><li><code>iLeft</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Left pad</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-setXConstraint"></a>
<b>setXConstraint</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iLeft</code>, <code>int iRight</code>, <code>int iTickSize</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Use
this method to limit the horizontal travel of th...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Use
this method to limit the horizontal travel of the element. Pass in
0,0 for the parameters if you want to lock the drag to the y axis. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iLeft</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move to the left</div></li><li><code>iRight</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move to the
right</div></li><li><code>iTickSize</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">optional parameter for specifying that the
should move iTickSize pixels at a time.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-setYConstraint"></a>
<b>setYConstraint</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iUp</code>, <code>int iDown</code>, <code>int iTickSize</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Set
this to limit the vertical travel of the element...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Set
this to limit the vertical travel of the element. Pass in 0,0 for the
parameters if you want to lock the drag to the x axis. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iUp</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move up</div></li><li><code>iDown</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move down</div></li><li><code>iTickSize</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">optional parameter for specifying that the
element should move iTickSize pixels at a time.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-startDrag"></a>
<b>startDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>int X</code>, <code>int Y</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called after a drag/drop object is clicked
and the drag or mousedown time thresholds have beeen met.</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called after a drag/drop object is clicked
and the drag or mousedown time thresholds have beeen met. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>X</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">click location</div></li><li><code>Y</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">click location</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-toString"></a>
<b>toString</b>() : string <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">toString method</div>
<div class="long">
toString method <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>string</code><div class="sub-desc">string representation of the dd obj</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-unlock"></a>
<b>unlock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unlock this instace</div>
<div class="long">
Unlock this instace <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-unreg"></a>
<b>unreg</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove all drag and drop hooks for this element</div>
<div class="long">
Remove all drag and drop hooks for this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDrop</td>
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDrop-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.NativeWindow-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.NativeWindow-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.NativeWindow-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.NativeWindow-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.air.NativeWindow"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.air.NativeObservable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.air.NativeObservable.html">NativeObservable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>NativeWindow</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.air.NativeWindow</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.air</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/NativeWindow.js" target="_blank">NativeWindow.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">NativeWindow</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.air.NativeObservable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.air.NativeObservable.html">NativeObservable</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Wraps the AIR NativeWindow class to give an Ext friendly API. <br/><br/>This class also adds
automatic state management (position and size) for the window (by id) and it can be used
for easily creating "minimize to system tray" for the main window in your application.<br/><br/>
Note: Many of the config options for this class can only be applied to NEW windows. Passing
in an existing instance of a window along with those config options will have no effect. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-chrome"></a>
<b>chrome</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The native window chrome (defaults to 'standard', can also be 'none'). </div>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-instance"></a>
<b>instance</b> : air.NativeWindow <div class="mdesc">
The native window instance to wrap. If undefined, a new window will be created. </div>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-maximizable"></a>
<b>maximizable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-minimizable"></a>
<b>minimizable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-minimizeToTray"></a>
<b>minimizeToTray</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to enable minimizing to the system tray. Note: this should only be applied to the primary window in your applica...</div>
<div class="long">
True to enable minimizing to the system tray. Note: this should only be applied to the primary window in your application. A trayIcon is required. </div>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-resizable"></a>
<b>resizable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-transparent"></a>
<b>transparent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-trayIcon"></a>
<b>trayIcon</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The icon to display when minimized in the system tray </div>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-trayMenu"></a>
<b>trayMenu</b> : NativeMenu <div class="mdesc">
Menu to display when the tray icon is right clicked </div>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-trayTip"></a>
<b>trayTip</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Tooltip for the tray icon </div>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-type"></a>
<b>type</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The native window type - normal, utility or lightweight. (defaults to normal) </div>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-NativeWindow"></a>
<b>NativeWindow</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-NativeWindow.getRootHtmlWindow"></a>
<b>NativeWindow.getRootHtmlWindow</b>() : Window <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Returns the javascript "window" object of the first opened window in your application</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Returns the javascript "window" object of the first opened window in your application <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-NativeWindow.getRootWindow"></a>
<b>NativeWindow.getRootWindow</b>() : air.NativeWindow <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Returns the first opened window in your application</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Returns the first opened window in your application <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-activate"></a>
<b>activate</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shows and activates the window</div>
<div class="long">
Shows and activates the window <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-close"></a>
<b>close</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Closes the window</div>
<div class="long">
Closes the window <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-getCenterXY"></a>
<b>getCenterXY</b>() : x: <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the x/y coordinates for centering the windw on the screen</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the x/y coordinates for centering the windw on the screen <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>x:</code><div class="sub-desc">Number, y: Number}</div></li>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-getNative"></a>
<b>getNative</b>() : air.NativeWindow <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the air.NativeWindow instance</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the air.NativeWindow instance <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides the window</div>
<div class="long">
Hides the window <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-isMaximized"></a>
<b>isMaximized</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this window is maximized</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this window is maximized <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-isMinimized"></a>
<b>isMinimized</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this window is minimized</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this window is minimized <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-moveTo"></a>
<b>moveTo</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Moves the window to the passed xy and y coordinates</div>
<div class="long">
Moves the window to the passed xy and y coordinates <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shows the window</div>
<div class="long">
Shows the window <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-close"></a>
<b>close</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The air event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-closing"></a>
<b>closing</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The air event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-displayStateChange"></a>
<b>displayStateChange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The air event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-displayStateChanging"></a>
<b>displayStateChanging</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The air event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The air event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-moving"></a>
<b>moving</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The air event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The air event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeWindow-resizing"></a>
<b>resizing</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The air event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeWindow</td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Element-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Element-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Element-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Element"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.Element</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/core/Element.js" target="_blank">Element.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Element</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Layer" href="output/Ext.Layer.html">Layer</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Represents an Element in the DOM.<br><br>
<pre><code>var el = Ext.get(<em>"my-div"</em>);
<i>// or <b>with</b> getEl</i>
<b>var</b> el = getEl(<em>"my-div"</em>);
<i>// or <b>with</b> a DOM element</i>
<b>var</b> el = Ext.get(myDivElement);</code></pre>
Using Ext.get() or getEl() instead of calling the constructor directly ensures you get the same object
each call instead of constructing a new one.<br><br>
<b>Animations</b><br />
Many of the functions for manipulating an element have an optional "animate" parameter. The animate parameter
should either be a boolean (true) or an object literal with animation options. Note that the supported Element animation
options are a subset of the <a ext:cls="Ext.Fx" href="output/Ext.Fx.html">Ext.Fx</a> animation options specific to Fx effects. The Element animation options are:
<pre>Option Default Description
--------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
duration .35 The duration of the animation in seconds
easing easeOut The easing method
callback none A function to execute when the anim completes
scope this The scope (this) of the callback function</pre>
Also, the Anim object being used for the animation will be set on your options object as "anim", which allows you to stop or
manipulate the animation. Here's an example:
<pre><code>var el = Ext.get(<em>"my-div"</em>);
<i>// no animation</i>
<i>// <b>default</b> animation</i>
el.setWidth(100, true);
<i>// animation <b>with</b> some options set</i>
el.setWidth(100, {
duration: 1,
callback: <b>this</b>.foo,
scope: <b>this</b>
<i>// using the <em>"anim"</em> property to get the Anim object</i>
<b>var</b> opt = {
duration: 1,
callback: <b>this</b>.foo,
scope: <b>this</b>
el.setWidth(100, opt);
<b> Composite (Collections of) Elements</b><br />
For working with collections of Elements, see <a ext:cls="Ext.CompositeElement" href="output/Ext.CompositeElement.html">Ext.CompositeElement</a> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Element-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-Element.DISPLAY"></a>
<b>Element.DISPLAY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
&lt;static&gt; Visibility mode constant - Use display to hide element </div>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-Element.VISIBILITY"></a>
<b>Element.VISIBILITY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
&lt;static&gt; Visibility mode constant - Use visibility to hide element </div>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-defaultUnit"></a>
<b>defaultUnit</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default unit to append to CSS values where a unit isn't provided (defaults to px). </div>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-dom"></a>
<b>dom</b> : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
The DOM element </div>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The DOM element ID </div>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-originalDisplay"></a>
<b>originalDisplay</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The element's default display mode (defaults to "") </div>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<a id="Ext.Element-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-Element"></a>
<b>Element</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement element</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean forceNew</code>]</span>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new Element directly.</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new Element directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>element</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>forceNew</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) By default the constructor checks to see if there is already an instance of this element in the cache and if there is it returns the same instance. This will skip that check (useful for extending this class).</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b></b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String named</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Gets the globally shared flyweight Element, with the passed node as the active element. Do not store a...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Gets the globally shared flyweight Element, with the passed node as the active element. Do not store a reference to this element -
the dom node can be overwritten by other code. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The dom node or id</div></li><li><code>named</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Allows for creation of named reusable flyweights to
prevent conflicts (e.g. internally Ext uses "_internal")</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The shared Element object (or null if no matching element was found)</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-Element.get"></a>
<b>Element.get</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>&nbsp;) : Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Static method to retrieve Element objects. Uses simple caching to consistently return the same object....</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Static method to retrieve Element objects. Uses simple caching to consistently return the same object.
Automatically fixes if an object was recreated with the same id via AJAX or DOM. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The id of the node, a DOM Node or an existing Element.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The Element object (or null if no matching element was found)</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Array className</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds one or more CSS classes to the element. Duplicate classes are automatically filtered out.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds one or more CSS classes to the element. Duplicate classes are automatically filtered out. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>className</code> : String/Array<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class to add, or an array of classes</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-addClassOnClick"></a>
<b>addClassOnClick</b>(&nbsp;<code>String className</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets up event handlers to add and remove a css class when the mouse is down and then up on this element (a click effect)</div>
<div class="long">
Sets up event handlers to add and remove a css class when the mouse is down and then up on this element (a click effect) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>className</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-addClassOnFocus"></a>
<b>addClassOnFocus</b>(&nbsp;<code>String className</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets up event handlers to add and remove a css class when this element has the focus</div>
<div class="long">
Sets up event handlers to add and remove a css class when this element has the focus <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>className</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-addClassOnOver"></a>
<b>addClassOnOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>String className</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean preventFlicker</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets up event handlers to add and remove a css class when the mouse is over this element</div>
<div class="long">
Sets up event handlers to add and remove a css class when the mouse is over this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>className</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>preventFlicker</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If set to true, it prevents flickering by filtering
mouseout events for children elements</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-addKeyListener"></a>
<b>addKeyListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Array/Object/String key</code>, <code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.KeyMap <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience method for constructing a KeyMap</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience method for constructing a KeyMap <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>key</code> : Number/Array/Object/String<div class="sub-desc">Either a string with the keys to listen for, the numeric key code, array of key codes or an object with the following options:
{key: (number or array), shift: (true/false), ctrl: (true/false), alt: (true/false)}</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.KeyMap</code><div class="sub-desc">The KeyMap created</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-addKeyMap"></a>
<b>addKeyMap</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.KeyMap <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a KeyMap for this element</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a KeyMap for this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The KeyMap config. See <a ext:cls="Ext.KeyMap" href="output/Ext.KeyMap.html">Ext.KeyMap</a> for more details</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.KeyMap</code><div class="sub-desc">The KeyMap created</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element. The shorthand version <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="on" href="output/Ext.Element.html#on">on</a> is equivalent.</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element. The shorthand version <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="on" href="output/Ext.Element.html#on">on</a> is equivalent. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to handle</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler function the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this element) of the handler function</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration properties.
This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li>scope {Object} : The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</li>
<li>delegate {String} : A simple selector to filter the target or look for a descendant of the target</li>
<li>stopEvent {Boolean} : True to stop the event. That is stop propagation, and prevent the default action.</li>
<li>preventDefault {Boolean} : True to prevent the default action</li>
<li>stopPropagation {Boolean} : True to prevent event propagation</li>
<li>normalized {Boolean} : False to pass a browser event to the handler function instead of an Ext.EventObject</li>
<li>delay {Number} : The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after te event fires.</li>
<li>single {Boolean} : True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</li>
<li>buffer {Number} : Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
In the following examples, the shorthand form <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="on" href="output/Ext.Element.html#on">on</a> is used rather than the more verbose
addListener. The two are equivalent. Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different
types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)<div style="margin: 5px 20px 20px;">
Code:<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
stopEvent : true,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-alignTo"></a>
<b>alignTo</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed element</code>, <code>String position</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array offsets</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Aligns this element with another element relative to the specified anchor points. If the other element is the
<div class="long">
Aligns this element with another element relative to the specified anchor points. If the other element is the
document it aligns it to the viewport.
The position parameter is optional, and can be specified in any one of the following formats:
<li><b>Blank</b>: Defaults to aligning the element's top-left corner to the target's bottom-left corner ("tl-bl").</li>
<li><b>One anchor (deprecated)</b>: The passed anchor position is used as the target element's anchor point.
The element being aligned will position its top-left corner (tl) to that point. <i>This method has been
deprecated in favor of the newer two anchor syntax below</i>.</li>
<li><b>Two anchors</b>: If two values from the table below are passed separated by a dash, the first value is used as the
element's anchor point, and the second value is used as the target's anchor point.</li>
In addition to the anchor points, the position parameter also supports the "?" character. If "?" is passed at the end of
the position string, the element will attempt to align as specified, but the position will be adjusted to constrain to
the viewport if necessary. Note that the element being aligned might be swapped to align to a different position than
that specified in order to enforce the viewport constraints.
Following are all of the supported anchor positions:
<pre>Value Description
----- -----------------------------
tl The top left corner (default)
t The center of the top edge
tr The top right corner
l The center of the left edge
c In the center of the element
r The center of the right edge
bl The bottom left corner
b The center of the bottom edge
br The bottom right corner</pre>
Example Usage:
<pre><code><i>// align el to other-el using the <b>default</b> positioning (<em>"tl-bl"</em>, non-constrained)</i>
<i>// align the top left corner of el <b>with</b> the top right corner of other-el (constrained to viewport)</i>
el.alignTo(<em>"other-el"</em>, <em>"tr?"</em>);
<i>// align the bottom right corner of el <b>with</b> the center left edge of other-el</i>
el.alignTo(<em>"other-el"</em>, <em>"br-l?"</em>);
<i>// align the center of el <b>with</b> the bottom left corner of other-el and</i>
<i>// adjust the x position by -6 pixels (and the y position by 0)</i>
el.alignTo(<em>"other-el"</em>, <em>"c-bl"</em>, [-6, 0]);</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>element</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to align to.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The position to align to.</div></li><li><code>offsets</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Offset the positioning by [x, y]</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-anchorTo"></a>
<b>anchorTo</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed element</code>, <code>String position</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array offsets</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number monitorScroll</code>]</span>, <code>Function callback</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Anchors an element to another element and realigns it when the window is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Anchors an element to another element and realigns it when the window is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>element</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to align to.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The position to align to.</div></li><li><code>offsets</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Offset the positioning by [x, y]</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li><li><code>monitorScroll</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to monitor body scroll and reposition. If this parameter
is a number, it is used as the buffer delay (defaults to 50ms).</div></li><li><code>callback</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call after the animation finishes</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-animate"></a>
<b>animate</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object args</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Float duration</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function onComplete</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String easing</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String animType</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Perform animation on this element.</div>
<div class="long">
Perform animation on this element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>args</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The animation control args</div></li><li><code>duration</code> : Float<div class="sub-desc">(optional) How long the animation lasts in seconds (defaults to .35)</div></li><li><code>onComplete</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Function to call when animation completes</div></li><li><code>easing</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Easing method to use (defaults to 'easeOut')</div></li><li><code>animType</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) 'run' is the default. Can also be 'color', 'motion', or 'scroll'</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-appendChild"></a>
<b>appendChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement/Array/Element/CompositeElement el</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends the passed element(s) to this element</div>
<div class="long">
Appends the passed element(s) to this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement/Array/Element/CompositeElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-appendTo"></a>
<b>appendTo</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends this element to the passed element</div>
<div class="long">
Appends this element to the passed element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The new parent element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-applyStyles"></a>
<b>applyStyles</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object/Function styles</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">More flexible version of <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="setStyle" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setStyle">setStyle</a> for setting style properties.</div>
<div class="long">
More flexible version of <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="setStyle" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setStyle">setStyle</a> for setting style properties. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>styles</code> : String/Object/Function<div class="sub-desc">A style specification string, e.g. "width:100px", or object in the form {width:"100px"}, or
a function which returns such a specification.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-autoHeight"></a>
<b>autoHeight</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean animate</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Float duration</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function onComplete</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String easing</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Measures the element's content height and updates height to match. Note: this function uses setTimeout so
the new hei...</div>
<div class="long">
Measures the element's content height and updates height to match. Note: this function uses setTimeout so
the new height may not be available immediately. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Animate the transition (defaults to false)</div></li><li><code>duration</code> : Float<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Length of the animation in seconds (defaults to .35)</div></li><li><code>onComplete</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Function to call when animation completes</div></li><li><code>easing</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Easing method to use (defaults to easeOut)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-blur"></a>
<b>blur</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tries to blur the element. Any exceptions are caught and ignored.</div>
<div class="long">
Tries to blur the element. Any exceptions are caught and ignored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-boxWrap"></a>
<b>boxWrap</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String class</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Wraps the specified element with a special markup/CSS block that renders by default as a gray container with a
<div class="long">
Wraps the specified element with a special markup/CSS block that renders by default as a gray container with a
gradient background, rounded corners and a 4-way shadow. Example usage:
// Basic box wrap
// You can also add a custom class and use CSS inheritance rules to customize the box look.
// 'x-box-blue' is a built-in alternative -- look at the related CSS definitions as an example
// for how to create a custom box wrap style.
Ext.get("foo").boxWrap().addClass("x-box-blue");</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>class</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) A base CSS class to apply to the containing wrapper element (defaults to 'x-box').
Note that there are a number of CSS rules that are dependent on this name to make the overall effect work,
so if you supply an alternate base class, make sure you also supply all of the necessary rules.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-center"></a>
<b>center</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed centerIn</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Centers the Element in either the viewport, or another Element.</div>
<div class="long">
Centers the Element in either the viewport, or another Element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>centerIn</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element in which to center the element.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-child"></a>
<b>child</b>(&nbsp;<code>String selector</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnDom</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects a single child at any depth below this element based on the passed CSS selector (the selector should not cont...</div>
<div class="long">
Selects a single child at any depth below this element based on the passed CSS selector (the selector should not contain an id). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The CSS selector</div></li><li><code>returnDom</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return the DOM node instead of Ext.Element (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement/Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The child Ext.Element (or DOM node if returnDom = true)</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-clean"></a>
<b>clean</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean forceReclean</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes worthless text nodes</div>
<div class="long">
Removes worthless text nodes <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>forceReclean</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) By default the element
keeps track if it has been cleaned already so
you can call this over and over. However, if you update the element and
need to force a reclean, you can pass true.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-clearOpacity"></a>
<b>clearOpacity</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any opacity settings from this element. Required in some cases for IE.</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any opacity settings from this element. Required in some cases for IE. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-clearPositioning"></a>
<b>clearPositioning</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String value</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clear positioning back to the default when the document was loaded</div>
<div class="long">
Clear positioning back to the default when the document was loaded <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The value to use for the left,right,top,bottom, defaults to '' (empty string). You could use 'auto'.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-clip"></a>
<b>clip</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Store the current overflow setting and clip overflow on the element - use <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="unclip" href="output/Ext.Element.html#unclip">unclip</a> to remove</div>
<div class="long">
Store the current overflow setting and clip overflow on the element - use <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="unclip" href="output/Ext.Element.html#unclip">unclip</a> to remove <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-contains"></a>
<b>contains</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement/String el</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this element is an ancestor of the passed element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this element is an ancestor of the passed element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : HTMLElement/String<div class="sub-desc">The element to check</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if this element is an ancestor of el, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-createChild"></a>
<b>createChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>HTMLElement insertBefore</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnDom</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates the passed DomHelper config and appends it to this element or optionally inserts it before the passed child e...</div>
<div class="long">
Creates the passed DomHelper config and appends it to this element or optionally inserts it before the passed child element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">DomHelper element config object. If no tag is specified (e.g., {tag:'input'}) then a div will be
automatically generated with the specified attributes.</div></li><li><code>insertBefore</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">(optional) a child element of this element</div></li><li><code>returnDom</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to return the dom node instead of creating an Element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The new child element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-createProxy"></a>
<b>createProxy</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object config</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/HTMLElement renderTo</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean matchBox</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a proxy element of this element</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a proxy element of this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">The class name of the proxy element or a DomHelper config object</div></li><li><code>renderTo</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element or element id to render the proxy to (defaults to document.body)</div></li><li><code>matchBox</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to align and size the proxy to this element now (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The new proxy element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-createShim"></a>
<b>createShim</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates an iframe shim for this element to keep selects and other windowed objects from
showing through.</div>
<div class="long">
Creates an iframe shim for this element to keep selects and other windowed objects from
showing through. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The new shim element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-down"></a>
<b>down</b>(&nbsp;<code>String selector</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnDom</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects a single *direct* child based on the passed CSS selector (the selector should not contain an id).</div>
<div class="long">
Selects a single *direct* child based on the passed CSS selector (the selector should not contain an id). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The CSS selector</div></li><li><code>returnDom</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return the DOM node instead of Ext.Element (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement/Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The child Ext.Element (or DOM node if returnDom = true)</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-enableDisplayMode"></a>
<b>enableDisplayMode</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String display</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience method for setVisibilityMode(Element.DISPLAY)</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience method for setVisibilityMode(Element.DISPLAY) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>display</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) What to set display to when visible</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-findParent"></a>
<b>findParent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String selector</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number/Mixed maxDepth</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnEl</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Looks at this node and then at parent nodes for a match of the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:fi...</div>
<div class="long">
Looks at this node and then at parent nodes for a match of the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The simple selector to test</div></li><li><code>maxDepth</code> : Number/Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The max depth to
search as a number or element (defaults to 10 || document.body)</div></li><li><code>returnEl</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return a Ext.Element object instead of DOM node</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The matching DOM node (or null if no match was found)</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-findParentNode"></a>
<b>findParentNode</b>(&nbsp;<code>String selector</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number/Mixed maxDepth</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnEl</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Looks at parent nodes for a match of the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child)</div>
<div class="long">
Looks at parent nodes for a match of the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The simple selector to test</div></li><li><code>maxDepth</code> : Number/Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The max depth to
search as a number or element (defaults to 10 || document.body)</div></li><li><code>returnEl</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return a Ext.Element object instead of DOM node</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The matching DOM node (or null if no match was found)</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-first"></a>
<b>first</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String selector</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnDom</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element/HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the first child, skipping text nodes</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the first child, skipping text nodes <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Find the next sibling that matches the passed simple selector</div></li><li><code>returnDom</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return a raw dom node instead of an Ext.Element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element/HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The first child or null</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tries to focus the element. Any exceptions are caught and ignored.</div>
<div class="long">
Tries to focus the element. Any exceptions are caught and ignored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getAlignToXY"></a>
<b>getAlignToXY</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed element</code>, <code>String position</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array offsets</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the x,y coordinates to align this element with another element. See alignTo for more info on the
supported posit...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the x,y coordinates to align this element with another element. See <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">alignTo</a> for more info on the
supported position values. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>element</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to align to.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The position to align to.</div></li><li><code>offsets</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Offset the positioning by [x, y]</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">[x, y]</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getAnchorXY"></a>
<b>getAnchorXY</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String anchor</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object size</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the x,y coordinates specified by the anchor position on the element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the x,y coordinates specified by the anchor position on the element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>anchor</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The specified anchor position (defaults to "c"). See <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">alignTo</a>
for details on supported anchor positions.</div></li><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to get the local (element top/left-relative) anchor position instead
of page coordinates</div></li><li><code>size</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing the size to use for calculating anchor position
{width: (target width), height: (target height)} (defaults to the element's current size)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">[x, y] An array containing the element's x and y coordinates</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getAttributeNS"></a>
<b>getAttributeNS</b>(&nbsp;<code>String namespace</code>, <code>String name</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the value of a namespaced attribute from the element's underlying DOM node.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the value of a namespaced attribute from the element's underlying DOM node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>namespace</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The namespace in which to look for the attribute</div></li><li><code>name</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The attribute name</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The attribute value</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getBorderWidth"></a>
<b>getBorderWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>String side</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the width of the border(s) for the specified side(s)</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the width of the border(s) for the specified side(s) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>side</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">Can be t, l, r, b or any combination of those to add multiple values. For example,
passing lr would get the border (l)eft width + the border (r)ight width.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The width of the sides passed added together</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getBottom"></a>
<b>getBottom</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean local</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the bottom Y coordinate of the element (element Y position + element height)</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the bottom Y coordinate of the element (element Y position + element height) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to get the local css position instead of page coordinate</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean contentBox</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Return a box {x, y, width, height} that can be used to set another elements
size/location to match this element.</div>
<div class="long">
Return a box {x, y, width, height} that can be used to set another elements
size/location to match this element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>contentBox</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true a box for the content of the element is returned.</div></li><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page x/y.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getCenterXY"></a>
<b>getCenterXY</b>() : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Calculates the x, y to center this element on the screen</div>
<div class="long">
Calculates the x, y to center this element on the screen <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The x, y values [x, y]</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getColor"></a>
<b>getColor</b>(&nbsp;<code>String attr</code>, <code>String defaultValue</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String prefix</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Return the CSS color for the specified CSS attribute. rgb, 3 digit (like #fff) and valid values
are convert to standa...</div>
<div class="long">
Return the CSS color for the specified CSS attribute. rgb, 3 digit (like #fff) and valid values
are convert to standard 6 digit hex color. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>attr</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The css attribute</div></li><li><code>defaultValue</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The default value to use when a valid color isn't found</div></li><li><code>prefix</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) defaults to #. Use an empty string when working with
color anims.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getComputedHeight"></a>
<b>getComputedHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns either the offsetHeight or the height of this element based on CSS height adjusted by padding or borders
<div class="long">
Returns either the offsetHeight or the height of this element based on CSS height adjusted by padding or borders
when needed to simulate offsetHeight when offsets aren't available. This may not work on display:none elements
if a height has not been set using CSS. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getComputedWidth"></a>
<b>getComputedWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns either the offsetWidth or the width of this element based on CSS width adjusted by padding or borders
when ne...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns either the offsetWidth or the width of this element based on CSS width adjusted by padding or borders
when needed to simulate offsetWidth when offsets aren't available. This may not work on display:none elements
if a width has not been set using CSS. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getFrameWidth"></a>
<b>getFrameWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>String sides</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the sum width of the padding and borders for the passed "sides". See getBorderWidth()
for more informati...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the sum width of the padding and borders for the passed "sides". See getBorderWidth()
for more information about the sides. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>sides</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getHeight"></a>
<b>getHeight</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean contentHeight</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the offset height of the element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the offset height of the element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>contentHeight</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to get the height minus borders and padding</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The element's height</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getLeft"></a>
<b>getLeft</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean local</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the left X coordinate</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the left X coordinate <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to get the local css position instead of page coordinate</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getMargins"></a>
<b>getMargins</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String sides</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object/Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns an object with properties top, left, right and bottom representing the margins of this element unless sides i...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns an object with properties top, left, right and bottom representing the margins of this element unless sides is passed,
then it returns the calculated width of the sides (see getPadding) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>sides</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Any combination of l, r, t, b to get the sum of those sides</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getOffsetsTo"></a>
<b>getOffsetsTo</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed element</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the offsets of this element from the passed element. Both element must be part of the DOM tree and not have d...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the offsets of this element from the passed element. Both element must be part of the DOM tree and not have display:none to have page coordinates. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>element</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to get the offsets from.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY page offsets (e.g. [100, -200])</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getPadding"></a>
<b>getPadding</b>(&nbsp;<code>String side</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the width of the padding(s) for the specified side(s)</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the width of the padding(s) for the specified side(s) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>side</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">Can be t, l, r, b or any combination of those to add multiple values. For example,
passing lr would get the padding (l)eft + the padding (r)ight.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The padding of the sides passed added together</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getPositioning"></a>
<b>getPositioning</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets an object with all CSS positioning properties. Useful along with setPostioning to get
snapshot before performing...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets an object with all CSS positioning properties. Useful along with setPostioning to get
snapshot before performing an update and then restoring the element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getRegion"></a>
<b>getRegion</b>() : Region <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the region of the given element.
The element must be part of the DOM tree to have a region (display:none or e...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the region of the given element.
The element must be part of the DOM tree to have a region (display:none or elements not appended return false). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Region</code><div class="sub-desc">A Ext.lib.Region containing "top, left, bottom, right" member data.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getRight"></a>
<b>getRight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean local</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the right X coordinate of the element (element X position + element width)</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the right X coordinate of the element (element X position + element width) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to get the local css position instead of page coordinate</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getScroll"></a>
<b>getScroll</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the current scroll position of the element.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the current scroll position of the element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the scroll position in the format {left: (scrollLeft), top: (scrollTop)}</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean contentSize</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the size of the element.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the size of the element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>contentSize</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to get the width/size minus borders and padding</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getStyle"></a>
<b>getStyle</b>(&nbsp;<code>String property</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Normalizes currentStyle and computedStyle.</div>
<div class="long">
Normalizes currentStyle and computedStyle. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>property</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The style property whose value is returned.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The current value of the style property for this element.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getStyles"></a>
<b>getStyles</b>(&nbsp;<code>String style1</code>, <code>String style2</code>, <code>String etc.</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns an object with properties matching the styles requested.
For example, el.getStyles('color', 'font-size', 'wid...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns an object with properties matching the styles requested.
For example, el.getStyles('color', 'font-size', 'width') might return
{'color': '#FFFFFF', 'font-size': '13px', 'width': '100px'}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>style1</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A style name</div></li><li><code>style2</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A style name</div></li><li><code>etc.</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The style object</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getTop"></a>
<b>getTop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean local</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the top Y coordinate</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the top Y coordinate <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to get the local css position instead of page coordinate</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getUpdater"></a>
<b>getUpdater</b>() : Ext.Updater <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets this element's Updater</div>
<div class="long">
Gets this element's Updater <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Updater</code><div class="sub-desc">The Updater</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getValue"></a>
<b>getValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean asNumber</code>&nbsp;) : String/Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the value of the "value" attribute</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the value of the "value" attribute <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>asNumber</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">true to parse the value as a number</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getViewSize"></a>
<b>getViewSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width and height of the viewport.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width and height of the viewport. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the viewport's size {width: (viewport width), height: (viewport height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getWidth"></a>
<b>getWidth</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean contentWidth</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the offset width of the element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the offset width of the element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>contentWidth</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to get the width minus borders and padding</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The element's width</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getX"></a>
<b>getX</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current X position of the element based on page coordinates. Element must be part of the DOM tree to have p...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current X position of the element based on page coordinates. Element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The X position of the element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getXY"></a>
<b>getXY</b>() : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current position of the element based on page coordinates. Element must be part of the DOM tree to have pag...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current position of the element based on page coordinates. Element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-getY"></a>
<b>getY</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current Y position of the element based on page coordinates. Element must be part of the DOM tree to have p...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current Y position of the element based on page coordinates. Element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The Y position of the element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-hasClass"></a>
<b>hasClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String className</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks if the specified CSS class exists on this element's DOM node.</div>
<div class="long">
Checks if the specified CSS class exists on this element's DOM node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>className</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the class exists, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this element - Uses display mode to determine whether to use "display" or "visibility". See <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="setVisible" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setVisible">setVisible</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this element - Uses display mode to determine whether to use "display" or "visibility". See <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="setVisible" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setVisible">setVisible</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-hover"></a>
<b>hover</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function overFn</code>, <code>Function outFn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets up event handlers to call the passed functions when the mouse is over this element. Automatically
filters child ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets up event handlers to call the passed functions when the mouse is over this element. Automatically
filters child element mouse events. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overFn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>outFn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-initDD"></a>
<b>initDD</b>(&nbsp;<code>String group</code>, <code>Object config</code>, <code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.dd.DD <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initializes a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html">Ext.dd.DD</a> drag drop object for this element.</div>
<div class="long">
Initializes a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html">Ext.dd.DD</a> drag drop object for this element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>group</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The group the DD object is member of</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The DD config object</div></li><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing methods to override/implement on the DD object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.dd.DD</code><div class="sub-desc">The DD object</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-initDDProxy"></a>
<b>initDDProxy</b>(&nbsp;<code>String group</code>, <code>Object config</code>, <code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.dd.DDProxy <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initializes a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDProxy" href="output/Ext.dd.DDProxy.html">Ext.dd.DDProxy</a> object for this element.</div>
<div class="long">
Initializes a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDProxy" href="output/Ext.dd.DDProxy.html">Ext.dd.DDProxy</a> object for this element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>group</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The group the DDProxy object is member of</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The DDProxy config object</div></li><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing methods to override/implement on the DDProxy object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.dd.DDProxy</code><div class="sub-desc">The DDProxy object</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-initDDTarget"></a>
<b>initDDTarget</b>(&nbsp;<code>String group</code>, <code>Object config</code>, <code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.dd.DDTarget <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initializes a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DDTarget.html">Ext.dd.DDTarget</a> object for this element.</div>
<div class="long">
Initializes a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DDTarget.html">Ext.dd.DDTarget</a> object for this element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>group</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The group the DDTarget object is member of</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The DDTarget config object</div></li><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing methods to override/implement on the DDTarget object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.dd.DDTarget</code><div class="sub-desc">The DDTarget object</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-insertAfter"></a>
<b>insertAfter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts this element after the passed element in the DOM</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts this element after the passed element in the DOM <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to insert after</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-insertBefore"></a>
<b>insertBefore</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts this element before the passed element in the DOM</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts this element before the passed element in the DOM <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element before which this element will be inserted</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-insertFirst"></a>
<b>insertFirst</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed/Object el</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts (or creates) an element (or DomHelper config) as the first child of this element</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts (or creates) an element (or DomHelper config) as the first child of this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed/Object<div class="sub-desc">The id or element to insert or a DomHelper config to create and insert</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The new child</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-insertHtml"></a>
<b>insertHtml</b>(&nbsp;<code>String where</code>, <code>String html</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnEl</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts an html fragment into this element</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts an html fragment into this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>where</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">Where to insert the html in relation to this element - beforeBegin, afterBegin, beforeEnd, afterEnd.</div></li><li><code>html</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The HTML fragment</div></li><li><code>returnEl</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return an Ext.Element (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement/Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The inserted node (or nearest related if more than 1 inserted)</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-insertSibling"></a>
<b>insertSibling</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed/Object/Array el</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String where</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnDom</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts (or creates) the passed element (or DomHelper config) as a sibling of this element</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts (or creates) the passed element (or DomHelper config) as a sibling of this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed/Object/Array<div class="sub-desc">The id, element to insert or a DomHelper config to create and insert *or* an array of any of those.</div></li><li><code>where</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) 'before' or 'after' defaults to before</div></li><li><code>returnDom</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return the raw DOM element instead of Ext.Element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">the inserted Element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-is"></a>
<b>is</b>(&nbsp;<code>String selector</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this element matches the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child)</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this element matches the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The simple selector to test</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if this element matches the selector, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-isBorderBox"></a>
<b>isBorderBox</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests various css rules/browsers to determine if this element uses a border box</div>
<div class="long">
Tests various css rules/browsers to determine if this element uses a border box <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-isDisplayed"></a>
<b>isDisplayed</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if display is not "none"</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if display is not "none" <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-isMasked"></a>
<b>isMasked</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this element is masked</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this element is masked <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-isScrollable"></a>
<b>isScrollable</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this element is scrollable.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this element is scrollable. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean deep</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks whether the element is currently visible using both visibility and display properties.</div>
<div class="long">
Checks whether the element is currently visible using both visibility and display properties. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>deep</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to walk the dom and see if parent elements are hidden (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the element is currently visible, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-last"></a>
<b>last</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String selector</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnDom</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element/HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the last child, skipping text nodes</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the last child, skipping text nodes <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Find the previous sibling that matches the passed simple selector</div></li><li><code>returnDom</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return a raw dom node instead of an Ext.Element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element/HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The last child or null</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-load"></a>
<b>load</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Function url</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Object params</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function callback</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean discardUrl</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Direct access to the Updater <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" ext:member="update" href="output/Ext.Updater.html#update">Ext.Updater.update</a> method (takes the same parameters).</div>
<div class="long">
Direct access to the Updater <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" ext:member="update" href="output/Ext.Updater.html#update">Ext.Updater.update</a> method (takes the same parameters). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>url</code> : String/Function<div class="sub-desc">The url for this request or a function to call to get the url</div></li><li><code>params</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The parameters to pass as either a url encoded string "param1=1&amp;param2=2" or an object {param1: 1, param2: 2}</div></li><li><code>callback</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Callback when transaction is complete - called with signature (oElement, bSuccess)</div></li><li><code>discardUrl</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) By default when you execute an update the defaultUrl is changed to the last used url. If true, it will not store the url.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-mask"></a>
<b>mask</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String msg</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String msgCls</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Puts a mask over this element to disable user interaction. Requires core.css.
This method can only be applied to elem...</div>
<div class="long">
Puts a mask over this element to disable user interaction. Requires core.css.
This method can only be applied to elements which accept child nodes. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) A message to display in the mask</div></li><li><code>msgCls</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) A css class to apply to the msg element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The mask element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-move"></a>
<b>move</b>(&nbsp;<code>String direction</code>, <code>Number distance</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Move this element relative to its current position.</div>
<div class="long">
Move this element relative to its current position. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>direction</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">Possible values are: "l","left" - "r","right" - "t","top","up" - "b","bottom","down".</div></li><li><code>distance</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">How far to move the element in pixels</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-moveTo"></a>
<b>moveTo</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the position of the element in page coordinates, regardless of how the element is positioned.
The element must b...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the position of the element in page coordinates, regardless of how the element is positioned.
The element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">X value for new position (coordinates are page-based)</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">Y value for new position (coordinates are page-based)</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for the default animation, or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-next"></a>
<b>next</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String selector</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnDom</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element/HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the next sibling, skipping text nodes</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the next sibling, skipping text nodes <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Find the next sibling that matches the passed simple selector</div></li><li><code>returnDom</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return a raw dom node instead of an Ext.Element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element/HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The next sibling or null</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler (shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.Element.html#addListener">addListener</a>).</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler (shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.Element.html#addListener">addListener</a>). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to handle</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler function the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this element) of the handler function</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing standard <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.Element.html#addListener">addListener</a> options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-parent"></a>
<b>parent</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String selector</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnDom</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element/HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the parent node for this element, optionally chaining up trying to match a selector</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the parent node for this element, optionally chaining up trying to match a selector <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Find a parent node that matches the passed simple selector</div></li><li><code>returnDom</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return a raw dom node instead of an Ext.Element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element/HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The parent node or null</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-position"></a>
<b>position</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String pos</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number zIndex</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number x</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number y</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initializes positioning on this element. If a desired position is not passed, it will make the
the element positioned...</div>
<div class="long">
Initializes positioning on this element. If a desired position is not passed, it will make the
the element positioned relative IF it is not already positioned. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>pos</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Positioning to use "relative", "absolute" or "fixed"</div></li><li><code>zIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The zIndex to apply</div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Set the page X position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Set the page Y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-prev"></a>
<b>prev</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String selector</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnDom</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element/HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the previous sibling, skipping text nodes</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the previous sibling, skipping text nodes <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Find the previous sibling that matches the passed simple selector</div></li><li><code>returnDom</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return a raw dom node instead of an Ext.Element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element/HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The previous sibling or null</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-query"></a>
<b>query</b>(&nbsp;<code>String selector</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects child nodes based on the passed CSS selector (the selector should not contain an id).</div>
<div class="long">
Selects child nodes based on the passed CSS selector (the selector should not contain an id). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The CSS selector</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">An array of the matched nodes</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-radioClass"></a>
<b>radioClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Array className</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds one or more CSS classes to this element and removes the same class(es) from all siblings.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds one or more CSS classes to this element and removes the same class(es) from all siblings. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>className</code> : String/Array<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class to add, or an array of classes</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-relayEvent"></a>
<b>relayEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create an event handler on this element such that when the event fires and is handled by this element,
it will be rel...</div>
<div class="long">
Create an event handler on this element such that when the event fires and is handled by this element,
it will be relayed to another object (i.e., fired again as if it originated from that object instead). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to relay</div></li><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Any object that extends <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Ext.util.Observable</a> that will provide the context
for firing the relayed event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes this element from the DOM and deletes it from the cache</div>
<div class="long">
Removes this element from the DOM and deletes it from the cache <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-removeAllListeners"></a>
<b>removeAllListeners</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all previous added listeners from this element</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all previous added listeners from this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Array className</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes one or more CSS classes from the element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes one or more CSS classes from the element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>className</code> : String/Array<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class to remove, or an array of classes</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function fn</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes an event handler from this element. The shorthand version un is equivalent. Example:
<div class="long">
Removes an event handler from this element. The shorthand version <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="un" href="output/Ext.Element.html#un">un</a> is equivalent. Example:
<pre><code>el.removeListener(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.handlerFn);
<i>// or</i>
el.un(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.handlerFn);</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the type of event to remove</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">the method the event invokes</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-repaint"></a>
<b>repaint</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Forces the browser to repaint this element</div>
<div class="long">
Forces the browser to repaint this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-replace"></a>
<b>replace</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Replaces the passed element with this element</div>
<div class="long">
Replaces the passed element with this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to replace</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-replaceClass"></a>
<b>replaceClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String oldClassName</code>, <code>String newClassName</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Replaces a CSS class on the element with another. If the old name does not exist, the new name will simply be added.</div>
<div class="long">
Replaces a CSS class on the element with another. If the old name does not exist, the new name will simply be added. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>oldClassName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class to replace</div></li><li><code>newClassName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The replacement CSS class</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-replaceWith"></a>
<b>replaceWith</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed/Object el</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Replaces this element with the passed element</div>
<div class="long">
Replaces this element with the passed element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new element or a DomHelper config of an element to create</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-scroll"></a>
<b>scroll</b>(&nbsp;<code>String direction</code>, <code>Number distance</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Scrolls this element the specified direction. Does bounds checking to make sure the scroll is
within this element's s...</div>
<div class="long">
Scrolls this element the specified direction. Does bounds checking to make sure the scroll is
within this element's scrollable range. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>direction</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">Possible values are: "l","left" - "r","right" - "t","top","up" - "b","bottom","down".</div></li><li><code>distance</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">How far to scroll the element in pixels</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">Returns true if a scroll was triggered or false if the element was scrolled as far as it could go.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-scrollIntoView"></a>
<b>scrollIntoView</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean hscroll</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Scrolls this element into view within the passed container.</div>
<div class="long">
Scrolls this element into view within the passed container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The container element to scroll (defaults to document.body)</div></li><li><code>hscroll</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to disable horizontal scroll (defaults to true)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-scrollTo"></a>
<b>scrollTo</b>(&nbsp;<code>String side</code>, <code>Number value</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Scrolls this element the specified scroll point. It does NOT do bounds checking so if you scroll to a weird value it ...</div>
<div class="long">
Scrolls this element the specified scroll point. It does NOT do bounds checking so if you scroll to a weird value it will try to do it. For auto bounds checking, use scroll(). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>side</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">Either "left" for scrollLeft values or "top" for scrollTop values.</div></li><li><code>value</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new scroll value</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-select"></a>
<b>select</b>(&nbsp;<code>String selector</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean unique</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : CompositeElement/CompositeElementLite <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a <a ext:cls="Ext.CompositeElement" href="output/Ext.CompositeElement.html">Ext.CompositeElement</a> for child nodes based on the passed CSS selector (the selector should not contain an id).</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a <a ext:cls="Ext.CompositeElement" href="output/Ext.CompositeElement.html">Ext.CompositeElement</a> for child nodes based on the passed CSS selector (the selector should not contain an id). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The CSS selector</div></li><li><code>unique</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to create a unique Ext.Element for each child (defaults to false, which creates a single shared flyweight object)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>CompositeElement/CompositeElementLite</code><div class="sub-desc">The composite element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-set"></a>
<b>set</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object o</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean useSet</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the passed attributes as attributes of this element (a style attribute can be a string, object or function)</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the passed attributes as attributes of this element (a style attribute can be a string, object or function) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the attributes</div></li><li><code>useSet</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) false to override the default setAttribute to use expandos.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-setBottom"></a>
<b>setBottom</b>(&nbsp;<code>String bottom</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the element's CSS bottom style.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the element's CSS bottom style. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>bottom</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The bottom CSS property value</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-setBounds"></a>
<b>setBounds</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>, <code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the element's position and size in one shot. If animation is true then width, height, x and y will be animated c...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the element's position and size in one shot. If animation is true then width, height, x and y will be animated concurrently. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">X value for new position (coordinates are page-based)</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">Y value for new position (coordinates are page-based)</div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-setBox"></a>
<b>setBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean adjust</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the element's box. Use getBox() on another element to get a box obj. If animate is true then width, height, x an...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the element's box. Use getBox() on another element to get a box obj. If animate is true then width, height, x and y will be animated concurrently. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The box to fill {x, y, width, height}</div></li><li><code>adjust</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Whether to adjust for box-model issues automatically</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-setDisplayed"></a>
<b>setDisplayed</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the CSS display property. Uses originalDisplay if the specified value is a boolean true.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the CSS display property. Uses originalDisplay if the specified value is a boolean true. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">Boolean value to display the element using its default display, or a string to set the display directly.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Set the height of the element</div>
<div class="long">
Set the height of the element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-setLeft"></a>
<b>setLeft</b>(&nbsp;<code>String left</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the element's left position directly using CSS style (instead of <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="setX" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setX">setX</a>).</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the element's left position directly using CSS style (instead of <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="setX" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setX">setX</a>). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The left CSS property value</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-setLeftTop"></a>
<b>setLeftTop</b>(&nbsp;<code>String left</code>, <code>String top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Quick set left and top adding default units</div>
<div class="long">
Quick set left and top adding default units <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The left CSS property value</div></li><li><code>top</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The top CSS property value</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-setLocation"></a>
<b>setLocation</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the position of the element in page coordinates, regardless of how the element is positioned.
The element must b...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the position of the element in page coordinates, regardless of how the element is positioned.
The element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">X value for new position (coordinates are page-based)</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">Y value for new position (coordinates are page-based)</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for the default animation, or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-setOpacity"></a>
<b>setOpacity</b>(&nbsp;<code>Float opacity</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Set the opacity of the element</div>
<div class="long">
Set the opacity of the element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>opacity</code> : Float<div class="sub-desc">The new opacity. 0 = transparent, .5 = 50% visibile, 1 = fully visible, etc</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-setPositioning"></a>
<b>setPositioning</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object posCfg</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Set positioning with an object returned by getPositioning().</div>
<div class="long">
Set positioning with an object returned by getPositioning(). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>posCfg</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-setRegion"></a>
<b>setRegion</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.lib.Region region</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the element's position and size the the specified region. If animation is true then width, height, x and y will ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the element's position and size the the specified region. If animation is true then width, height, x and y will be animated concurrently. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>region</code> : Ext.lib.Region<div class="sub-desc">The region to fill</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-setRight"></a>
<b>setRight</b>(&nbsp;<code>String right</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the element's CSS right style.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the element's CSS right style. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>right</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The right CSS property value</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Set the size of the element. If animation is true, both width an height will be animated concurrently.</div>
<div class="long">
Set the size of the element. If animation is true, both width an height will be animated concurrently. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-setStyle"></a>
<b>setStyle</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object property</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String value</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Wrapper for setting style properties, also takes single object parameter of multiple styles.</div>
<div class="long">
Wrapper for setting style properties, also takes single object parameter of multiple styles. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>property</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">The style property to be set, or an object of multiple styles.</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The value to apply to the given property, or null if an object was passed.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-setTop"></a>
<b>setTop</b>(&nbsp;<code>String top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the element's top position directly using CSS style (instead of <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="setY" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setY">setY</a>).</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the element's top position directly using CSS style (instead of <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="setY" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setY">setY</a>). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>top</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The top CSS property value</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-setVisibilityMode"></a>
<b>setVisibilityMode</b>(&nbsp;<code>visMode Element.VISIBILITY</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the element's visibility mode. When setVisible() is called it
will use this to determine whether to set the visi...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the element's visibility mode. When setVisible() is called it
will use this to determine whether to set the visibility or the display property. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>Element.VISIBILITY</code> : visMode<div class="sub-desc">or Element.DISPLAY</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the visibility of the element (see details). If the visibilityMode is set to Element.DISPLAY, it will use
the di...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the visibility of the element (see details). If the visibilityMode is set to Element.DISPLAY, it will use
the display property to hide the element, otherwise it uses visibility. The default is to hide and show using the visibility property. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">Whether the element is visible</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for the default animation, or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Set the width of the element</div>
<div class="long">
Set the width of the element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-setX"></a>
<b>setX</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number The</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the X position of the element based on page coordinates. Element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coor...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the X position of the element based on page coordinates. Element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>The</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">X position of the element</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for the default animation, or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-setXY"></a>
<b>setXY</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array pos</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the position of the element in page coordinates, regardless of how the element is positioned.
The element must b...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the position of the element in page coordinates, regardless of how the element is positioned.
The element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>pos</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">Contains X & Y [x, y] values for new position (coordinates are page-based)</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for the default animation, or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-setY"></a>
<b>setY</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number The</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the Y position of the element based on page coordinates. Element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coor...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the Y position of the element based on page coordinates. Element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>The</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">Y position of the element</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for the default animation, or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-show"></a>
<b>show</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this element - Uses display mode to determine whether to use "display" or "visibility". See <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="setVisible" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setVisible">setVisible</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this element - Uses display mode to determine whether to use "display" or "visibility". See <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="setVisible" href="output/Ext.Element.html#setVisible">setVisible</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-swallowEvent"></a>
<b>swallowEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean preventDefault</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Stops the specified event from bubbling and optionally prevents the default action</div>
<div class="long">
Stops the specified event from bubbling and optionally prevents the default action <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>preventDefault</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to prevent the default action too</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-toggle"></a>
<b>toggle</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Object animate</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Toggles the element's visibility or display, depending on visibility mode.</div>
<div class="long">
Toggles the element's visibility or display, depending on visibility mode. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for the default animation, or a standard Element animation config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-toggleClass"></a>
<b>toggleClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String className</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Toggles the specified CSS class on this element (removes it if it already exists, otherwise adds it).</div>
<div class="long">
Toggles the specified CSS class on this element (removes it if it already exists, otherwise adds it). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>className</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class to toggle</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-translatePoints"></a>
<b>translatePoints</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Array x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Translates the passed page coordinates into left/top css values for this element</div>
<div class="long">
Translates the passed page coordinates into left/top css values for this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number/Array<div class="sub-desc">The page x or an array containing [x, y]</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The page y</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object with left and top properties. e.g. {left: (value), top: (value)}</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function fn</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes an event handler from this element (shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="removeListener" href="output/Ext.Element.html#removeListener">removeListener</a>).</div>
<div class="long">
Removes an event handler from this element (shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="removeListener" href="output/Ext.Element.html#removeListener">removeListener</a>). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the type of event to remove</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">the method the event invokes</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-unclip"></a>
<b>unclip</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Return clipping (overflow) to original clipping before clip() was called</div>
<div class="long">
Return clipping (overflow) to original clipping before clip() was called <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-unmask"></a>
<b>unmask</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a previously applied mask.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a previously applied mask. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-unselectable"></a>
<b>unselectable</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disables text selection for this element (normalized across browsers)</div>
<div class="long">
Disables text selection for this element (normalized across browsers) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-up"></a>
<b>up</b>(&nbsp;<code>String selector</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number/Mixed maxDepth</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Walks up the dom looking for a parent node that matches the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first...</div>
<div class="long">
Walks up the dom looking for a parent node that matches the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child).
This is a shortcut for findParentNode() that always returns an Ext.Element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The simple selector to test</div></li><li><code>maxDepth</code> : Number/Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The max depth to
search as a number or element (defaults to 10 || document.body)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The matching DOM node (or null if no match was found)</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-update"></a>
<b>update</b>(&nbsp;<code>String html</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean loadScripts</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function callback</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Update the innerHTML of this element, optionally searching for and processing scripts</div>
<div class="long">
Update the innerHTML of this element, optionally searching for and processing scripts <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>html</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new HTML</div></li><li><code>loadScripts</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to look for and process scripts (defaults to false)</div></li><li><code>callback</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) For async script loading you can be notified when the update completes</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Element-wrap"></a>
<b>wrap</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object config</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnDom</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement/Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates and wraps this element with another element</div>
<div class="long">
Creates and wraps this element with another element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) DomHelper element config object for the wrapper element or null for an empty div</div></li><li><code>returnDom</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to return the raw DOM element instead of Ext.Element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement/Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The newly created wrapper element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Element</td>
<a id="Ext.Element-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.state.Manager-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.state.Manager-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.state.Manager-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.state.Manager"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.state.Manager</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.state</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/state/StateManager.js" target="_blank">StateManager.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Manager</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
This is the global state manager. By default all components that are "state aware" check this class
for state information if you don't pass them a custom state provider. In order for this class
to be useful, it must be initialized with a provider when your application initializes.
<pre><code><i>// <b>in</b> your initialization <b>function</b></i>
init : <b>function</b>(){
Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());
<i>// supposed you have a <a ext:cls=<em>"Ext.BorderLayout"</em> href=<em>"output/Ext.BorderLayout.html"</em>>Ext.BorderLayout</a></i>
<b>var</b> layout = <b>new</b> Ext.BorderLayout(...);
<i>// or a {Ext.BasicDialog}</i>
<b>var</b> dialog = <b>new</b> Ext.BasicDialog(...);
dialog.restoreState();</code></pre><br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.state.Manager-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.state.Manager-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.state.Manager-clear"></a>
<b>clear</b>(&nbsp;<code>String name</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears a value from the state</div>
<div class="long">
Clears a value from the state <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>name</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key name</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Manager</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.state.Manager-get"></a>
<b>get</b>(&nbsp;<code>String name</code>, <code>Mixed defaultValue</code>&nbsp;) : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the current value for a key</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the current value for a key <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>name</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key name</div></li><li><code>defaultValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The default value to return if the key lookup does not match</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">The state data</div></li>
<td class="msource">Manager</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.state.Manager-getProvider"></a>
<b>getProvider</b>() : Provider <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the currently configured state provider</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the currently configured state provider <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Provider</code><div class="sub-desc">The state provider</div></li>
<td class="msource">Manager</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.state.Manager-set"></a>
<b>set</b>(&nbsp;<code>String name</code>, <code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the value for a key</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the value for a key <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>name</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key name</div></li><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The state data</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Manager</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.state.Manager-setProvider"></a>
<b>setProvider</b>(&nbsp;<code>Provider stateProvider</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Configures the default state provider for your application</div>
<div class="long">
Configures the default state provider for your application <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>stateProvider</code> : Provider<div class="sub-desc">The state provider to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Manager</td>
<a id="Ext.state.Manager-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.GridPanel-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.GridPanel-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.GridPanel-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.GridPanel-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.grid.GridPanel"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Container</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Panel</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>GridPanel</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.grid.GridPanel</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.grid</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/grid/GridPanel.js" target="_blank">GridPanel.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">GridPanel</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel" href="output/Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel.html">EditorGridPanel</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Panel</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
This class represents the primary interface of a component based grid control.
<pre><code>var grid = <b>new</b> Ext.grid.GridPanel({
store: <b>new</b>{
reader: reader,
data: xg.dummyData
columns: [
{id:<em>'company'</em>, header: <em>"Company"</em>, width: 200, sortable: true, dataIndex: <em>'company'</em>},
{header: <em>"Price"</em>, width: 120, sortable: true, renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney, dataIndex: <em>'price'</em>},
{header: <em>"Change"</em>, width: 120, sortable: true, dataIndex: <em>'change'</em>},
{header: <em>"% Change"</em>, width: 120, sortable: true, dataIndex: <em>'pctChange'</em>},
{header: <em>"Last Updated"</em>, width: 135, sortable: true, renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer(<em>'m/d/Y'</em>), dataIndex: <em>'lastChange'</em>}
viewConfig: {
forceFit: true
sm: <b>new</b> Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect:true}),
title:<em>'Framed <b>with</b> Checkbox Selection and Horizontal Scrolling'</em>,
<b>Notes:</b> <br/>
- Although this class inherits many configuration options from base classes, some of them
(such as autoScroll, layout, items, etc) won't function as they do with the base Panel class.<br>
- A grid <b>requires</b> a width of some kind in order to calculate columns. That width can either be a normal width
set via the width: X config option or a width automatically set by using the grid in an Ext Layout.<br>
- To access the data in a Grid, it is necessary to use the data model encapsulated
by the <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="store" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#store">Store</a>. See the <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="cellclick" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#cellclick">cellclick</a> event. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-animCollapse"></a>
<b>animCollapse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the Ext....</div>
<div class="long">
True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the <a ext:cls="Ext.Fx" href="output/Ext.Fx.html">Ext.Fx</a> class is available, otherwise false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-autoExpandColumn"></a>
<b>autoExpandColumn</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The id of a column in this grid that should expand to fill unused space. This id can not be 0. </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-autoExpandMax"></a>
<b>autoExpandMax</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The maximum width the autoExpandColumn can have (if enabled). Defaults to 1000. </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-autoExpandMin"></a>
<b>autoExpandMin</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width the autoExpandColumn can have (if enabled). defaults to 50. </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-autoHeight"></a>
<b>autoHeight</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a height of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-baseCls"></a>
<b>baseCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The base CSS class to apply to this panel's element (defaults to 'x-panel'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#baseCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#baseCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-bbar"></a>
<b>bbar</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The bottom toolbar of the panel. This can be a Ext.Toolbar object, a toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button co...</div>
<div class="long">
The bottom toolbar of the panel. This can be a <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Ext.Toolbar</a> object, a toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render. To access the bottom toolbar after render, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getBottomToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getBottomToolbar">getBottomToolbar</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-border"></a>
<b>border</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). By default, the borde...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). By default, the border is a 2px wide inset border, but this can be further altered by setting <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="bodyBorder" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyBorder">bodyBorder</a> to false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#border" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#border">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-buttonAlign"></a>
<b>buttonAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The alignment of any buttons added to this panel. Valid values are 'right,' 'left' and 'center' (defaults to 'right'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttonAlign" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttonAlign">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-buttons"></a>
<b>buttons</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
An array of <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> <b>configs</b> used to add buttons to the footer of this panel. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-cm"></a>
<b>cm</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="colModel" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#colModel">colModel</a>. </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-colModel"></a>
<b>colModel</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html">Ext.grid.ColumnModel</a> to use when rendering the grid (required). </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-collapseFirst"></a>
<b>collapseFirst</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the pane...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the panel's title bar, false to render it last (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapseFirst" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapseFirst">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-collapsed"></a>
<b>collapsed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render the panel collapsed, false to render it expanded (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsed" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsed">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-collapsedCls"></a>
<b>collapsedCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class to add to the panel's element after it has been collapsed (defaults to 'x-panel-collapsed'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsedCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsedCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-collapsible"></a>
<b>collapsible</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header tool button area, false to keep the panel statically sized with no button (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-columns"></a>
<b>columns</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
An array of columns to auto create a ColumnModel </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-disableSelection"></a>
<b>disableSelection</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable selections in the grid (defaults to false). - ignored a SelectionModel is specified </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-draggable"></a>
<b>draggable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false). For custom drag/drop implementations, an Ext.Panel.DD conf...</div>
<div class="long">
True to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false). For custom drag/drop implementations, an Ext.Panel.DD config could also be passed in this config instead of true, although Ext.Panel.DD is an internal, undocumented class. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#draggable" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#draggable">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-enableColumnHide"></a>
<b>enableColumnHide</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to enable hiding of columns with the header context menu. </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-enableColumnMove"></a>
<b>enableColumnMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to enable drag and drop reorder of columns. </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-enableColumnResize"></a>
<b>enableColumnResize</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to turn off column resizing for the whole grid (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-enableDragDrop"></a>
<b>enableDragDrop</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to enable drag and drop of rows. </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-enableHdMenu"></a>
<b>enableHdMenu</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to enable the drop down button for menu in the headers. </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-floating"></a>
<b>floating</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to float the panel (absolute position it with automatic shimming and shadow), false to display it inline where i...</div>
<div class="long">
True to float the panel (absolute position it with automatic shimming and shadow), false to display it inline where it is rendered (defaults to false). Note that by default, setting floating to true will cause the panel to display at negative offsets so that it is hidden -- because the panel is absolute positioned, the position must be set explicitly after render (e.g., myPanel.setPosition(100,100);). Also, when floating a panel you should always assign a fixed width, otherwise it will be auto width and will expand to fill to the right edge of the viewport. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#floating" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#floating">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-footer"></a>
<b>footer</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to create the footer element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when footer is not specified, if...</div>
<div class="long">
True to create the footer element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when footer is not specified, if one or more buttons have been added to the panel the footer will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#footer" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#footer">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-frame"></a>
<b>frame</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render the panel with custom rounded borders, false to render with plain 1px square borders (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#frame" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#frame">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to create the header element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when header is not specified, if...</div>
<div class="long">
True to create the header element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when header is not specified, if a <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">title</a> is set the header will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. If a title is set but header is explicitly set to false, the header will not be rendered. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-headerAsText"></a>
<b>headerAsText</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to display the panel title in the header, false to hide it (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#headerAsText" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#headerAsText">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-hideCollapseTool"></a>
<b>hideCollapseTool</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the expand/collapse toggle button when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> = true, false to display it (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#hideCollapseTool" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#hideCollapseTool">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-hideHeaders"></a>
<b>hideHeaders</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the grid's header (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-iconCls"></a>
<b>iconCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class that will provide a background image to be used as the panel header icon (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#iconCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#iconCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-keys"></a>
<b>keys</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by Ext.KeyMap.addBinding used to assign custom key handling to this pa...</div>
<div class="long">
A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by <a ext:cls="Ext.KeyMap" ext:member="addBinding" href="output/Ext.KeyMap.html#addBinding">Ext.KeyMap.addBinding</a> used to assign custom key handling to this panel (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#keys" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#keys">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-loadMask"></a>
<b>loadMask</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
An <a ext:cls="Ext.LoadMask" href="output/Ext.LoadMask.html">Ext.LoadMask</a> config or true to mask the grid while loading (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-maskDisabled"></a>
<b>maskDisabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will alway...</div>
<div class="long">
True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will always tell its contained elements to disable themselves when it is disabled, but masking the panel can provide an additional visual cue that the panel is disabled. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#maskDisabled" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#maskDisabled">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-maxHeight"></a>
<b>maxHeight</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Sets the maximum height of the grid - ignored if autoHeight is not on. </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-minButtonWidth"></a>
<b>minButtonWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Minimum width in pixels of all buttons in this panel (defaults to 75) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#minButtonWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#minButtonWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-minColumnWidth"></a>
<b>minColumnWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width a column can be resized to. Defaults to 25. </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-selModel"></a>
<b>selModel</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Any subclass of AbstractSelectionModel that will provide the selection model for the grid (defaults to Ext.grid.RowSe...</div>
<div class="long">
Any subclass of AbstractSelectionModel that will provide the selection model for the grid (defaults to <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html">Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel</a> if not specified). </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-shadow"></a>
<b>shadow</b> : Boolean/String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True (or a valid Ext.Shadow Ext.Shadow.mode value) to display a shadow behind the panel, false to display no shadow (...</div>
<div class="long">
True (or a valid Ext.Shadow <a ext:cls="Ext.Shadow" ext:member="mode" href="output/Ext.Shadow.html#mode">Ext.Shadow.mode</a> value) to display a shadow behind the panel, false to display no shadow (defaults to 'sides'). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shadow" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shadow">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-shadowOffset"></a>
<b>shadowOffset</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). Note that this option only applies when float...</div>
<div class="long">
The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shadowOffset" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shadowOffset">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-shim"></a>
<b>shim</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true). Note that this option only applies wh...</div>
<div class="long">
False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shim" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shim">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-sm"></a>
<b>sm</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="selModel" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#selModel">selModel</a>. </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-store"></a>
<b>store</b> : <div class="mdesc">
The <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> the grid should use as its data source (required). </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-stripeRows"></a>
<b>stripeRows</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to stripe the rows. Default is false. </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-tabTip"></a>
<b>tabTip</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must be called in order for the tips to render. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tabTip" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tabTip">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-tbar"></a>
<b>tbar</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The top toolbar of the panel. This can be either an Ext.Toolbar object or an array of buttons/button configs to be ad...</div>
<div class="long">
The top toolbar of the panel. This can be either an <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Ext.Toolbar</a> object or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render. To access the top toolbar after render, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getTopToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getTopToolbar">getTopToolbar</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-title"></a>
<b>title</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will aut...</div>
<div class="long">
The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will automatically be created and displayed unless <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">header</a> is explicitly set to false. If you don't want to specify a title at config time, but you may want one later, you must either specify a non-empty title (a blank space ' ' will do) or header:true so that the container element will get created. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-titleCollapse"></a>
<b>titleCollapse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when collapsible = true) by clicking anywhere in the header bar, fa...</div>
<div class="long">
True to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> = true) by clicking anywhere in the header bar, false to allow it only by clicking to tool button (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#titleCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#titleCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-tools"></a>
<b>tools</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of tool button configs to be added to the header tool area. Each tool config may contain the following prope...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of tool button configs to be added to the header tool area. Each tool config may contain the following properties: <div class="mdetail-params"><ul> <li><b>id</b> : String<p class="sub-desc"><b>Required.</b> The type of tool to create. Values may be<ul> <li><tt>toggle</tt> (Created by default when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> is <tt>true</tt>)</li> <li><tt>close</tt></li> <li><tt>minimize</tt></li> <li><tt>maximize</tt></li> <li><tt>restore</tt></li> <li><tt>gear</tt></li> <li><tt>pin</tt></li> <li><tt>unpin</tt></li> <li><tt>right</tt></li> <li><tt>left</tt></li> <li><tt>up</tt></li> <li><tt>down</tt></li> <li><tt>refresh</tt></li> <li><tt>minus</tt></li> <li><tt>plus</tt></li> <li><tt>help</tt></li> <li><tt>search</tt></li> <li><tt>save</tt></li> <li><tt>print</tt></li> </ul></div></p></li> <li><b>handler</b> : Function<p class="sub-desc"><b>Required.</b> The function to call when clicked. Arguments passed are:<ul> <li><b>event</b> : Ext.EventObject<p class="sub-desc">The click event.</p></li> <li><b>toolEl</b> : Ext.Element<p class="sub-desc">The tool Element.</p></li> <li><b>Panel</b> : Ext.Panel<p class="sub-desc">The host Panel</p></li> </ul></p></li> <li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to call the handler.</p></li> <li><b>qtip</b> : String/Object<p class="sub-desc">A tip string, or a config argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.QuickTip" ext:member="register" href="output/Ext.QuickTip.html#register">Ext.QuickTip.register</a></p></li> <li><b>hidden</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to initially render hidden.</p></li> <li><b>on</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">A listener config object specifiying event listeners in the format of an argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#addListener">addListener</a></p></li> </ul> Example usage: <pre><code>tools:[{
<i>// hidden:true,</i>
handler: <b>function</b>(event, toolEl, panel){
<i>// refresh logic</i>
}]</code></pre> Note that apart from the toggle tool which is provided when a panel is collapsible, these tools only provide the visual button. Any required functionality must be provided by adding handlers that implement the necessary behavior. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tools" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tools">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-trackMouseOver"></a>
<b>trackMouseOver</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to highlight rows when the mouse is over. Default is true. </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-view"></a>
<b>view</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html">Ext.grid.GridView</a> used by the grid. This can be set before a call to render(). </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-viewConfig"></a>
<b>viewConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object that will be applied to the grid's UI view. Any of the config options available for Ext.grid.GridView...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object that will be applied to the grid's UI view. Any of the config options available for <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html">Ext.grid.GridView</a> can be specified here. </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-body"></a>
<b>body</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
The Panel's body Element which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the html config,...</div>
<div class="long">
The Panel's body <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a> which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="html" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#html">html</a> config, or it may be loaded using the
<a ext:cls="autoLoad" href="output/autoLoad.html">autoLoad</a> config, or through the Panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getUpdater" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getUpdater">Updater</a>. Read-only.
<p>If this is used to load visible HTML elements in either way, then
the Panel may not be used as a Layout for hosting nested Panels.</p>
<p>If this Panel is intended to be used as the host of a Layout (See <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#layout">layout</a>
then the body Element must not be loaded or changed - it is under the control
of the Panel's Layout. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#body" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#body">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-buttons"></a>
<b>buttons</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
This Panel's Array of buttons as created from the <tt>buttons</tt>
config property. Read only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-ddText"></a>
<b>ddText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
Configures the text in the drag proxy (defaults to "{0} selected row(s)").
{0} is replaced with the number of select...</div>
<div class="long">
Configures the text in the drag proxy (defaults to "{0} selected row(s)").
{0} is replaced with the number of selected rows. </div>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-footer"></a>
<b>footer</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
The Panel's footer <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a>. Read-only.
<p>This Element is used to house the Panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">buttons</a>.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#footer" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#footer">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
The Panel's header <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a>. Read-only.
<p>This Element is used to house the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">title</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="tools" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tools">tools</a></p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-GridPanel"></a>
<b>GridPanel</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-addButton"></a>
<b>addButton</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object config</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Button <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to ...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to add buttons via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">buttons</a> config. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">A valid <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> config. A string will become the text for a default
button config, an object will be treated as a button config object.</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called on button <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="click" href="output/Ext.Button.html#click"></a></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope to use for the button handler function</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Button</code><div class="sub-desc">The button that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#addButton" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#addButton">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-bubble"></a>
<b>bubble</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (this) of...</div>
<div class="long">
Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the bubble is stopped. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#bubble" href="output/Ext.Container.html#bubble">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the beforecollapse event which will
cancel the collapse ac...</div>
<div class="long">
Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforecollapse">beforecollapse</a> event which will
cancel the collapse action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the beforeexpand event which will
cancel the expand action ...</div>
<div class="long">
Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforeexpand">beforeexpand</a> event which will
cancel the expand action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-getBottomToolbar"></a>
<b>getBottomToolbar</b>() : Ext.Toolbar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar</code><div class="sub-desc">The toolbar</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getBottomToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getBottomToolbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-getColumnModel"></a>
<b>getColumnModel</b>() : ColumnModel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the grid's ColumnModel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the grid's ColumnModel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>ColumnModel</code><div class="sub-desc">The column model</div></li>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-getDragDropText"></a>
<b>getDragDropText</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called to get grid's drag proxy text, by default returns this.ddText.</div>
<div class="long">
Called to get grid's drag proxy text, by default returns this.ddText. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The text</div></li>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-getFrameHeight"></a>
<b>getFrameHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and ...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and footer elements, but not including the body height). To retrieve the body height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerHeight">getInnerHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getFrameHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameHeight">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-getFrameWidth"></a>
<b>getFrameWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the bo...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the body width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerWidth">getInnerWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-getGridEl"></a>
<b>getGridEl</b>() : Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the grid's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the grid's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-getInnerHeight"></a>
<b>getInnerHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame he...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameHeight">getFrameHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getInnerHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerHeight">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-getInnerWidth"></a>
<b>getInnerWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame widt...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameWidth">getFrameWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getInnerWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-getSelectionModel"></a>
<b>getSelectionModel</b>() : SelectionModel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the grid's SelectionModel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the grid's SelectionModel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>SelectionModel</code><div class="sub-desc">The selection model</div></li>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-getStore"></a>
<b>getStore</b>() : DataSource <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the grid's data store.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the grid's data store. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>DataSource</code><div class="sub-desc">The store</div></li>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-getTopToolbar"></a>
<b>getTopToolbar</b>() : Ext.Toolbar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar</code><div class="sub-desc">The toolbar</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getTopToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getTopToolbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-getView"></a>
<b>getView</b>() : GridView <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the grid's GridView object.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the grid's GridView object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>GridView</code><div class="sub-desc">The grid view</div></li>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-reconfigure"></a>
<b>reconfigure</b>(&nbsp;<code> store</code>, <code>Ext.grid.ColumnModel colModel</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Reconfigures the grid to use a different Store and Column Model.
The View will be bound to the new objects and refres...</div>
<div class="long">
Reconfigures the grid to use a different Store and Column Model.
The View will be bound to the new objects and refreshed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>store</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The new <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> object</div></li><li><code>colModel</code> : Ext.grid.ColumnModel<div class="sub-desc">The new <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html">Ext.grid.ColumnModel</a> object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-setIconClass"></a>
<b>setIconClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. This method will replace any existing
icon class if ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. This method will replace any existing
icon class if one has already been set. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new CSS class name</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#setIconClass" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#setIconClass">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-setTitle"></a>
<b>setTitle</b>(&nbsp;<code>String title</code>, <code>String (optional)</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>title</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The title text to set</div></li><li><code>(optional)</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">iconCls A custon, user-defined CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#setTitle" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#setTitle">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-toggleCollapse"></a>
<b>toggleCollapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#toggleCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#toggleCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-activate"></a>
<b>activate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been visually activated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being activated, but some...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been visually activated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being activated, but some Panel subclasses
do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel fire the
activate and deactivate events under the control of the TabPanel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been activated.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-activate" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-activate">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-add"></a>
<b>add</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component was added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-add">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-afterlayout"></a>
<b>afterlayout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>ContainerLayout layout</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>layout</code> : ContainerLayout<div class="sub-desc">The ContainerLayout implementation for this container</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-afterlayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-afterlayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-beforeadd"></a>
<b>beforeadd</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component will be added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeadd" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeadd">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-beforeclose"></a>
<b>beforeclose</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses d...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). This event only applies to such subclasses.
A handler can return false to cancel the close. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel being closed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforeclose" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforeclose">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-beforecollapse"></a>
<b>beforecollapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel being collapsed.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the collapse is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforecollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-beforeexpand"></a>
<b>beforeexpand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel being expanded.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the expand is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforeexpand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-beforeremove"></a>
<b>beforeremove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeremove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeremove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-bodyresize"></a>
<b>bodyresize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel which has been resized.</div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The Panel's new width.</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The Panel's new height.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-bodyresize" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-bodyresize">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-bodyscroll"></a>
<b>bodyscroll</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Number scrollLeft</code>, <code>Number scrollTop</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the body element is scrolled</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the body element is scrolled <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>scrollLeft</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scrollTop</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-cellclick"></a>
<b>cellclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a cell is clicked.
The data for the cell is drawn from the Record
for this row. To access the data in the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a cell is clicked.
The data for the cell is drawn from the <a ext:cls="" href="output/">Record</a>
for this row. To access the data in the listener function use the
following technique:
<pre><code>function(grid, rowIndex, columnIndex, e) {
<b>var</b> record = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex); <i>// Get the Record</i>
<b>var</b> fieldName = grid.getColumnModel().getDataIndex(columnIndex); <i>// Get field name</i>
<b>var</b> data = record.get(fieldName);
}</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-cellcontextmenu"></a>
<b>cellcontextmenu</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Number cellIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a cell is right clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a cell is right clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>cellIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-celldblclick"></a>
<b>celldblclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a cell is double clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a cell is double clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-cellmousedown"></a>
<b>cellmousedown</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a cell is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a cell is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-click"></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw click event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw click event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-close"></a>
<b>close</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been closed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-close" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-close">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been collapsed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been collapsed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel that has been collapsed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-collapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-columnmove"></a>
<b>columnmove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Number oldIndex</code>, <code>Number newIndex</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the user moves a column</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the user moves a column <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>oldIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>newIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-columnresize"></a>
<b>columnresize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Number newSize</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the user resizes a column</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the user resizes a column <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>newSize</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-contextmenu"></a>
<b>contextmenu</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw contextmenu event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw contextmenu event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-dblclick"></a>
<b>dblclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw dblclick event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw dblclick event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-deactivate"></a>
<b>deactivate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been visually deactivated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being deactivated, but ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been visually deactivated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being deactivated, but some Panel subclasses
do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel fire the
activate and deactivate events under the control of the TabPanel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been deactivated.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-deactivate" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-deactivate">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been expanded.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been expanded. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been expanded.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-expand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-headerclick"></a>
<b>headerclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a header is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a header is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-headercontextmenu"></a>
<b>headercontextmenu</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a header is right clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a header is right clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-headerdblclick"></a>
<b>headerdblclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a header cell is double clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a header cell is double clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-headermousedown"></a>
<b>headermousedown</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a header is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a header is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-keydown"></a>
<b>keydown</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw keydown event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw keydown event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-keypress"></a>
<b>keypress</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw keypress event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw keypress event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-mousedown"></a>
<b>mousedown</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw mousedown event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw mousedown event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-mouseout"></a>
<b>mouseout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw mouseout event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw mouseout event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-mouseover"></a>
<b>mouseover</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw mouseover event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw mouseover event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-mouseup"></a>
<b>mouseup</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw mouseup event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw mouseup event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-remove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-remove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-rowclick"></a>
<b>rowclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a row is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a row is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-rowcontextmenu"></a>
<b>rowcontextmenu</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a row is right clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a row is right clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-rowdblclick"></a>
<b>rowdblclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a row is double clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a row is double clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-rowmousedown"></a>
<b>rowmousedown</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a row is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a row is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-sortchange"></a>
<b>sortchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Object sortInfo</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the grid's store sort changes</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the grid's store sort changes <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>sortInfo</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object with the keys field and direction</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridPanel-titlechange"></a>
<b>titlechange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>String The</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel which has had its title changed.</div></li><li><code>The</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">new title.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-titlechange" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-titlechange">Panel</a></td>
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.CycleButton-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.CycleButton-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.CycleButton-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.CycleButton-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.CycleButton"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Button</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.SplitButton" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.SplitButton.html">SplitButton</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>CycleButton</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.CycleButton</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/CycleButton.js" target="_blank">CycleButton.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">CycleButton</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.SplitButton" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.SplitButton.html">SplitButton</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A specialized SplitButton that contains a menu of <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> elements. The button automatically
cycles through each menu item on click, raising the button's <a ext:cls="Ext.CycleButton" ext:member="change" href="output/Ext.CycleButton.html#change">change</a> event (or calling the button's
<a ext:cls="Ext.CycleButton" ext:member="changeHandler" href="output/Ext.CycleButton.html#changeHandler">changeHandler</a> function, if supplied) for the active menu item. Clicking on the arrow section of the
button displays the dropdown menu just like a normal SplitButton. Example usage:
<pre><code>var btn = <b>new</b> Ext.CycleButton({
showText: true,
prependText: <em>'View as '</em>,
items: [{
text:<em>'text only'</em>,
changeHandler:<b>function</b>(btn, item){
Ext.Msg.alert(<em>'Change View'</em>, item.text);
});</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-arrowHandler"></a>
<b>arrowHandler</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
A function called when the arrow button is clicked (can be used instead of click event) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.SplitButton" ext:member="#arrowHandler" href="output/Ext.SplitButton.html#arrowHandler">SplitButton</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-arrowTooltip"></a>
<b>arrowTooltip</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The title attribute of the arrow </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.SplitButton" ext:member="#arrowTooltip" href="output/Ext.SplitButton.html#arrowTooltip">SplitButton</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-changeHandler"></a>
<b>changeHandler</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A callback function that will be invoked each time the active menu item in the button's menu has changed. If this cal...</div>
<div class="long">
A callback function that will be invoked each time the active menu item in the button's menu has changed. If this callback is not supplied, the SplitButton will instead fire the <a ext:cls="Ext.CycleButton" ext:member="change" href="output/Ext.CycleButton.html#change">change</a> event on active item change. The changeHandler function will be called with the following argument list: (SplitButton this, item) </div>
<td class="msource">CycleButton</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-clickEvent"></a>
<b>clickEvent</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type of event to map to the button's event handler (defaults to 'click') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#clickEvent" href="output/Ext.Button.html#clickEvent">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to start disabled (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Button.html#disabled">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-enableToggle"></a>
<b>enableToggle</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to enable pressed/not pressed toggling (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#enableToggle" href="output/Ext.Button.html#enableToggle">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-forceIcon"></a>
<b>forceIcon</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A css class which sets an image to be used as the static icon for this button. This icon will always be displayed reg...</div>
<div class="long">
A css class which sets an image to be used as the static icon for this button. This icon will always be displayed regardless of which item is selected in the dropdown list. This overrides the default behavior of changing the button's icon to match the selected item's icon on change. </div>
<td class="msource">CycleButton</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-handleMouseEvents"></a>
<b>handleMouseEvents</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to disable visual cues on mouseover, mouseout and mousedown (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#handleMouseEvents" href="output/Ext.Button.html#handleMouseEvents">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-handler"></a>
<b>handler</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
A function called when the button is clicked (can be used instead of click event) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#handler" href="output/Ext.Button.html#handler">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to start hidden (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Button.html#hidden">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-icon"></a>
<b>icon</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The path to an image to display in the button (the image will be set as the background-image CSS property of the butt...</div>
<div class="long">
The path to an image to display in the button (the image will be set as the background-image CSS property of the button by default, so if you want a mixed icon/text button, set cls:"x-btn-text-icon") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#icon" href="output/Ext.Button.html#icon">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-iconCls"></a>
<b>iconCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A css class which sets a background image to be used as the icon for this button </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#iconCls" href="output/Ext.Button.html#iconCls">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-items"></a>
<b>items</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of config objects to be used when creating the button's menu items (e.g., {text:'Foo', ic...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> <b>config</b> objects to be used when creating the button's menu items (e.g., {text:'Foo', iconCls:'foo-icon'}) </div>
<td class="msource">CycleButton</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-menu"></a>
<b>menu</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Standard menu attribute consisting of a reference to a menu object, a menu id or a menu config blob (defaults to unde...</div>
<div class="long">
Standard menu attribute consisting of a reference to a menu object, a menu id or a menu config blob (defaults to undefined). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#menu" href="output/Ext.Button.html#menu">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-menuAlign"></a>
<b>menuAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The position to align the menu to (see <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a> for more details, defaults to 'tl-bl?'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#menuAlign" href="output/Ext.Button.html#menuAlign">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-minWidth"></a>
<b>minWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width for this button (used to give a set of buttons a common width) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#minWidth" href="output/Ext.Button.html#minWidth">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-prependText"></a>
<b>prependText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A static string to prepend before the active item's text when displayed as the button's text (only applies when showT...</div>
<div class="long">
A static string to prepend before the active item's text when displayed as the button's text (only applies when showText = true, defaults to '') </div>
<td class="msource">CycleButton</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-pressed"></a>
<b>pressed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to start pressed (only if enableToggle = true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#pressed" href="output/Ext.Button.html#pressed">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-repeat"></a>
<b>repeat</b> : Boolean/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to repeat fire the click event while the mouse is down. This can also be an Ext.util.ClickRepeater config object...</div>
<div class="long">
True to repeat fire the click event while the mouse is down. This can also be an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.ClickRepeater" href="output/Ext.util.ClickRepeater.html">Ext.util.ClickRepeater</a> config object (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#repeat" href="output/Ext.Button.html#repeat">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-scope"></a>
<b>scope</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The scope of the handler </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#scope" href="output/Ext.Button.html#scope">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-showText"></a>
<b>showText</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to display the active item's text as the button text (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">CycleButton</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-tabIndex"></a>
<b>tabIndex</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Set a DOM tabIndex for this button (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#tabIndex" href="output/Ext.Button.html#tabIndex">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-text"></a>
<b>text</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The button text </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#text" href="output/Ext.Button.html#text">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-toggleGroup"></a>
<b>toggleGroup</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The group this toggle button is a member of (only 1 per group can be pressed, only applies if enableToggle = true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#toggleGroup" href="output/Ext.Button.html#toggleGroup">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-tooltip"></a>
<b>tooltip</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
The tooltip for the button - can be a string or QuickTips config object </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#tooltip" href="output/Ext.Button.html#tooltip">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-tooltipType"></a>
<b>tooltipType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type of tooltip to use. Either "qtip" (default) for QuickTips or "title" for title attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#tooltipType" href="output/Ext.Button.html#tooltipType">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-type"></a>
<b>type</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
submit, reset or button - defaults to 'button' </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#type" href="output/Ext.Button.html#type">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-pressed"></a>
<b>pressed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Read-only. True if this button is pressed (only if enableToggle = true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#pressed" href="output/Ext.Button.html#pressed">Button</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-CycleButton"></a>
<b>CycleButton</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new split button</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new split button <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CycleButton</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-getActiveItem"></a>
<b>getActiveItem</b>() : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the currently active menu item.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the currently active menu item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The active item</div></li>
<td class="msource">CycleButton</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-getText"></a>
<b>getText</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the text for this button</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the text for this button <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The button text</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#getText" href="output/Ext.Button.html#getText">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-hasVisibleMenu"></a>
<b>hasVisibleMenu</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the button has a menu and it is visible</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the button has a menu and it is visible <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#hasVisibleMenu" href="output/Ext.Button.html#hasVisibleMenu">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-hideMenu"></a>
<b>hideMenu</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this button's menu (if it has one)</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this button's menu (if it has one) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#hideMenu" href="output/Ext.Button.html#hideMenu">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.Button.html#initComponent">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-setActiveItem"></a>
<b>setActiveItem</b>(&nbsp;<code> item</code>, <code>Boolean suppressEvent</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the button's active menu item.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the button's active menu item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>item</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The item to activate</div></li><li><code>suppressEvent</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to prevent the button's change event from firing (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CycleButton</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-setArrowHandler"></a>
<b>setArrowHandler</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets this button's arrow click handler.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets this button's arrow click handler. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call when the arrow is clicked</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Scope for the function passed above</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.SplitButton" ext:member="#setArrowHandler" href="output/Ext.SplitButton.html#setArrowHandler">SplitButton</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-setHandler"></a>
<b>setHandler</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Assigns this button's click handler</div>
<div class="long">
Assigns this button's click handler <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call when the button is clicked</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Scope for the function passed in</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#setHandler" href="output/Ext.Button.html#setHandler">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-setIconClass"></a>
<b>setIconClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the CSS class that provides a background image to use as the button's icon. This method also changes
the value ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the CSS class that provides a background image to use as the button's icon. This method also changes
the value of the <a ext:cls="iconCls" href="output/iconCls.html">iconCls</a> config internally. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class providing the icon image</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#setIconClass" href="output/Ext.Button.html#setIconClass">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-setText"></a>
<b>setText</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets this button's text</div>
<div class="long">
Sets this button's text <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The button text</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#setText" href="output/Ext.Button.html#setText">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-showMenu"></a>
<b>showMenu</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this button's menu (if it has one)</div>
<div class="long">
Show this button's menu (if it has one) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#showMenu" href="output/Ext.Button.html#showMenu">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-toggle"></a>
<b>toggle</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean state</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If a state it passed, it becomes the pressed state otherwise the current state is toggled.</div>
<div class="long">
If a state it passed, it becomes the pressed state otherwise the current state is toggled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>state</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Force a particular state</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#toggle" href="output/Ext.Button.html#toggle">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-toggleSelected"></a>
<b>toggleSelected</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">This is normally called internally on button click, but can be called externally to advance the button's
active item ...</div>
<div class="long">
This is normally called internally on button click, but can be called externally to advance the button's
active item programmatically to the next one in the menu. If the current item is the last one in the menu
the active item will be set to the first item in the menu. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CycleButton</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-arrowclick"></a>
<b>arrowclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>MenuButton this</code>, <code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this button's arrow is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this button's arrow is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : MenuButton<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The click event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.SplitButton" ext:member="#event-arrowclick" href="output/Ext.SplitButton.html#event-arrowclick">SplitButton</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-change"></a>
<b>change</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.CycleButton this</code>, <code> item</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the button's active menu item has changed. Note that if a changeHandler function
is set on this CycleBut...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the button's active menu item has changed. Note that if a <a ext:cls="Ext.CycleButton" ext:member="changeHandler" href="output/Ext.CycleButton.html#changeHandler">changeHandler</a> function
is set on this CycleButton, it will be called instead on active item change and this change event will
not be fired. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.CycleButton<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>item</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was selected</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CycleButton</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-click"></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this button is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this button is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The click event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-click" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-click">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-menuhide"></a>
<b>menuhide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Menu menu</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this button has a menu, this event fires when it is hidden</div>
<div class="long">
If this button has a menu, this event fires when it is hidden <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menu</code> : Menu<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-menuhide" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-menuhide">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-menushow"></a>
<b>menushow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Menu menu</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this button has a menu, this event fires when it is shown</div>
<div class="long">
If this button has a menu, this event fires when it is shown <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menu</code> : Menu<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-menushow" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-menushow">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-menutriggerout"></a>
<b>menutriggerout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Menu menu</code>, <code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this button has a menu, this event fires when the mouse leaves the menu triggering element</div>
<div class="long">
If this button has a menu, this event fires when the mouse leaves the menu triggering element <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menu</code> : Menu<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-menutriggerout" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-menutriggerout">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-menutriggerover"></a>
<b>menutriggerover</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Menu menu</code>, <code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this button has a menu, this event fires when the mouse enters the menu triggering element</div>
<div class="long">
If this button has a menu, this event fires when the mouse enters the menu triggering element <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menu</code> : Menu<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-menutriggerover" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-menutriggerover">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-mouseout"></a>
<b>mouseout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the mouse exits the button</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the mouse exits the button <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-mouseout" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-mouseout">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-mouseover"></a>
<b>mouseover</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the mouse hovers over the button</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the mouse hovers over the button <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-mouseover" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-mouseover">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CycleButton-toggle"></a>
<b>toggle</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Boolean pressed</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the "pressed" state of this button changes (only if enableToggle = true)</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the "pressed" state of this button changes (only if enableToggle = true) <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>pressed</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-toggle" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-toggle">Button</a></td>
New file
0,0 → 1,97
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.RowNumberer-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.RowNumberer-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.RowNumberer-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.RowNumberer-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.grid.RowNumberer"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.grid.RowNumberer</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.grid</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/grid/RowNumberer.js" target="_blank">RowNumberer.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">RowNumberer</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
This is a utility class that can be passed into a <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html">Ext.grid.ColumnModel</a> as a column config that provides
an automatic row numbering column.
<pre><code><i>// This is a typical column config <b>with</b> the first column providing row numbers</i>
<b>var</b> colModel = <b>new</b> Ext.grid.ColumnModel([
<b>new</b> Ext.grid.RowNumberer(),
{header: <em>"Name"</em>, width: 80, sortable: true},
{header: <em>"Code"</em>, width: 50, sortable: true},
{header: <em>"Description"</em>, width: 200, sortable: true}
]);</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.grid.RowNumberer-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowNumberer-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Any valid text or HTML fragment to display in the header cell for the row number column (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource">RowNumberer</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowNumberer-sortable"></a>
<b>sortable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if the row number column is sortable (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">RowNumberer</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowNumberer-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The default width in pixels of the row number column (defaults to 23). </div>
<td class="msource">RowNumberer</td>
<a id="Ext.grid.RowNumberer-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.grid.RowNumberer-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.RowNumberer-RowNumberer"></a>
<b>RowNumberer</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">RowNumberer</td>
<a id="Ext.grid.RowNumberer-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>BaseItem</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/menu/BaseItem.js" target="_blank">BaseItem.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">BaseItem</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" href="output/">Adapter</a>, <a ext:cls="" href="output/">Item</a>, <a ext:cls="" href="output/">Separator</a>, <a ext:cls="" href="output/">TextItem</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
The base class for all items that render into menus. BaseItem provides default rendering, activated state
management and base configuration options shared by all menu components. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>activeClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when the item becomes activated (defaults to "x-menu-item-active") </div>
<td class="msource">BaseItem</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>autoEl</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inlin...</div>
<div class="long">
A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inline via JSON. It should not be used for higher level components which already create their own elements. Example usage: <pre><code>{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: <em>'div'</em>, cls:<em>'my-class'</em>}
{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: {tag:<em>'blockquote'</em>, html:<em>'autoEl is cool!'</em>}} // <b>with</b> DomHelper</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>canActivate</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this item can be visually activated (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">BaseItem</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>handler</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
A function that will handle the click event of this menu item (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource">BaseItem</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Length of time in milliseconds to wait before hiding after a click (defaults to 100) </div>
<td class="msource">BaseItem</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideOnClick</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the containing menu after this item is clicked (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">BaseItem</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>scope</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The scope in which the handler function will be called. </div>
<td class="msource">BaseItem</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>BaseItem</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new BaseItem</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new BaseItem <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">BaseItem</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setHandler</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function handler</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the function that will handle click events for this item (equivalent to passing in the handler
config property)....</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the function that will handle click events for this item (equivalent to passing in the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="handler" href="output/">handler</a>
config property). If an existing handler is already registered, it will be unregistered for you. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function that should be called on click</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope that should be passed to the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">BaseItem</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>activate</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is activated</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is activated <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">BaseItem</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">BaseItem</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>deactivate</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is deactivated</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is deactivated <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">BaseItem</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.dd.DragDropMgr"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.dd.DragDropMgr</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.dd</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/dd/DDCore.js" target="_blank">DDCore.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">DragDropMgr</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
DragDropMgr is a singleton that tracks the element interaction for
all DragDrop items in the window. Generally, you will not call
this class directly, but it does have helper methods that could
be useful in your DragDrop implementations.<br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-INTERSECT"></a>
<b>INTERSECT</b> : int <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; In intersect mode, drag and drop interaction is defined by the
overlap of two or more drag and drop ob...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; In intersect mode, drag and drop interaction is defined by the
overlap of two or more drag and drop objects. </div>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-POINT"></a>
<b>POINT</b> : int <div class="mdesc">
&lt;static&gt; In point mode, drag and drop interaction is defined by the
location of the cursor during the drag/drop </div>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-clickPixelThresh"></a>
<b>clickPixelThresh</b> : int <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; The number of pixels that the mouse needs to move after the
mousedown before the drag is initiated. D...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; The number of pixels that the mouse needs to move after the
mousedown before the drag is initiated. Default=3; </div>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-clickTimeThresh"></a>
<b>clickTimeThresh</b> : int <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; The number of milliseconds after the mousedown event to initiate the
drag if we don't get a mouseup ev...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; The number of milliseconds after the mousedown event to initiate the
drag if we don't get a mouseup event. Default=1000 </div>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-css"></a>
<b>css</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
A reference to the style property </div>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-el"></a>
<b>el</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The element </div>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The element id </div>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-mode"></a>
<b>mode</b> : int <div class="mdesc">
&lt;static&gt; The current drag and drop mode. Default: POINT </div>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-preventDefault"></a>
<b>preventDefault</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Flag to determine if we should prevent the default behavior of the
events we define. By default this i...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Flag to determine if we should prevent the default behavior of the
events we define. By default this is true, but this can be set to
false if you need the default behavior (not recommended) </div>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-stopPropagation"></a>
<b>stopPropagation</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Flag to determine if we should stop the propagation of the events
we generate. This is true by default...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Flag to determine if we should stop the propagation of the events
we generate. This is true by default but you may want to set it to
false if the html element contains other features that require the
mouse click. </div>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-useCache"></a>
<b>useCache</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Set useCache to false if you want to force object the lookup of each
drag and drop linked element cons...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Set useCache to false if you want to force object the lookup of each
drag and drop linked element constantly during a drag. </div>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-getBestMatch"></a>
<b>getBestMatch</b>(&nbsp;<code>DragDrop[] dds</code>&nbsp;) : DragDrop <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Helper function for getting the best match from the list of drag
and drop objects returned by the drag...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Helper function for getting the best match from the list of drag
and drop objects returned by the drag and drop events when we are
in INTERSECT mode. It returns either the first object that the
cursor is over, or the object that has the greatest overlap with
the dragged element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>dds</code> : DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">The array of drag and drop objects
targeted</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>DragDrop</code><div class="sub-desc">The best single match</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-getCss"></a>
<b>getCss</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"><b>Deprecated.</b> &lt;static&gt; Returns the style property for the DOM element (i.e.,
<div class="long">
<b>Deprecated.</b> &lt;static&gt; Returns the style property for the DOM element (i.e.,
document.getElById(id).style) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the id of the elment to get</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The style property of the element</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-getDDById"></a>
<b>getDDById</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : DragDrop <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Returns the DragDrop instance for a given id</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Returns the DragDrop instance for a given id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the id of the DragDrop object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>DragDrop</code><div class="sub-desc">the drag drop object, null if it is not found</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-getElement"></a>
<b>getElement</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"><b>Deprecated.</b> &lt;static&gt; Returns the actual DOM element</div>
<div class="long">
<b>Deprecated.</b> &lt;static&gt; Returns the actual DOM element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the id of the elment to get</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-getLocation"></a>
<b>getLocation</b>(&nbsp;<code>DragDrop oDD</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.lib.Region <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Returns a Region object containing the drag and drop element's position
and size, including the paddin...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Returns a Region object containing the drag and drop element's position
and size, including the padding configured for it <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>oDD</code> : DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">the drag and drop object to get the
location for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.lib.Region</code><div class="sub-desc">a Region object representing the total area the element occupies, including any padding the instance is configured for.</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-getPosX"></a>
<b>getPosX</b>(&nbsp;<code>el the</code>&nbsp;) : int <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"><b>Deprecated.</b> &lt;static&gt; Returns the X position of an html element</div>
<div class="long">
<b>Deprecated.</b> &lt;static&gt; Returns the X position of an html element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : el<div class="sub-desc">element for which to get the position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>int</code><div class="sub-desc">the X coordinate @for DragDropMgr</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-getPosY"></a>
<b>getPosY</b>(&nbsp;<code>el the</code>&nbsp;) : int <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"><b>Deprecated.</b> &lt;static&gt; Returns the Y position of an html element</div>
<div class="long">
<b>Deprecated.</b> &lt;static&gt; Returns the Y position of an html element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : el<div class="sub-desc">element for which to get the position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>int</code><div class="sub-desc">the Y coordinate</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-getRelated"></a>
<b>getRelated</b>(&nbsp;<code>DragDrop p_oDD</code>, <code>boolean bTargetsOnly</code>&nbsp;) : DragDrop[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Returns the drag and drop instances that are in all groups the
passed in instance belongs to.</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Returns the drag and drop instances that are in all groups the
passed in instance belongs to. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>p_oDD</code> : DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">the obj to get related data for</div></li><li><code>bTargetsOnly</code> : boolean<div class="sub-desc">if true, only return targetable objs</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>DragDrop[]</code><div class="sub-desc">the related instances</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-getScrollLeft"></a>
<b>getScrollLeft</b>() : int <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Gets the scrollLeft</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Gets the scrollLeft <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>int</code><div class="sub-desc">the document's scrollTop</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-getScrollTop"></a>
<b>getScrollTop</b>() : int <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Gets the scrollTop</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Gets the scrollTop <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>int</code><div class="sub-desc">the document's scrollTop</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-getStyle"></a>
<b>getStyle</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement el</code>, <code>string styleProp</code>&nbsp;) : string <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"><b>Deprecated.</b> &lt;static&gt; Returns the specified element style property</div>
<div class="long">
<b>Deprecated.</b> &lt;static&gt; Returns the specified element style property <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">the element</div></li><li><code>styleProp</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the style property</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>string</code><div class="sub-desc">The value of the style property</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-handleWasClicked"></a>
<b>handleWasClicked</b>(&nbsp;<code>node the</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Recursively searches the immediate parent and all child nodes for
the handle element in order to deter...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Recursively searches the immediate parent and all child nodes for
the handle element in order to determine wheter or not it was
clicked. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : node<div class="sub-desc">html element to inspect</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-isDragDrop"></a>
<b>isDragDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Utility function to determine if a given element has been
registered as a drag drop item.</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Utility function to determine if a given element has been
registered as a drag drop item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the element id to check</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if this element is a DragDrop item, false otherwise</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-isHandle"></a>
<b>isHandle</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Utility function to determine if a given element has been
registered as a drag drop handle for the giv...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Utility function to determine if a given element has been
registered as a drag drop handle for the given Drag Drop object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the element id to check</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if this element is a DragDrop handle, false otherwise</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-isLegalTarget"></a>
<b>isLegalTarget</b>(&nbsp;<code>DragDrop the</code>, <code>DragDrop the</code>&nbsp;) : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Returns true if the specified dd target is a legal target for
the specifice drag obj</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Returns true if the specified dd target is a legal target for
the specifice drag obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">drag obj</div></li><li><code>the</code> : DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">target</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if the target is a legal target for the dd obj</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-isLocked"></a>
<b>isLocked</b>() : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Is drag and drop locked?</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Is drag and drop locked? <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if drag and drop is locked, false otherwise.</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-isTypeOfDD"></a>
<b>isTypeOfDD</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object the</code>&nbsp;) : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; My goal is to be able to transparently determine if an object is
typeof DragDrop, and the exact subcla...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; My goal is to be able to transparently determine if an object is
typeof DragDrop, and the exact subclass of DragDrop. typeof
returns "object", oDD.constructor.toString() always returns
"DragDrop" and not the name of the subclass. So for now it just
evaluates a well-known variable in DragDrop. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">object to evaluate</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if typeof oDD = DragDrop</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-lock"></a>
<b>lock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Lock all drag and drop functionality</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Lock all drag and drop functionality <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-moveToEl"></a>
<b>moveToEl</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement moveEl</code>, <code>HTMLElement targetEl</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Sets the x/y position of an element to the location of the
target element.</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Sets the x/y position of an element to the location of the
target element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>moveEl</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The element to move</div></li><li><code>targetEl</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The position reference element</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-numericSort"></a>
<b>numericSort</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Numeric array sort function</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Numeric array sort function <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-refreshCache"></a>
<b>refreshCache</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object groups</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Refreshes the cache of the top-left and bottom-right points of the
drag and drop objects in the specif...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Refreshes the cache of the top-left and bottom-right points of the
drag and drop objects in the specified group(s). This is in the
format that is stored in the drag and drop instance, so typical
usage is:
Ext.dd.DragDropMgr.refreshCache({group1:true, group2:true});
@TODO this really should be an indexed array. Alternatively this
method could accept both. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>groups</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">an associative array of groups to refresh</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-regDragDrop"></a>
<b>regDragDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>DragDrop oDD</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Each DragDrop instance must be registered with the DragDropMgr.
This is executed in DragDrop.init()</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Each DragDrop instance must be registered with the DragDropMgr.
This is executed in DragDrop.init() <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>oDD</code> : DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">the DragDrop object to register</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the name of the group this element belongs to</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-regHandle"></a>
<b>regHandle</b>(&nbsp;<code>String sDDId</code>, <code>String sHandleId</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Each DragDrop handle element must be registered. This is done
automatically when executing DragDrop.s...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Each DragDrop handle element must be registered. This is done
automatically when executing DragDrop.setHandleElId() <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>sDDId</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the DragDrop id this element is a handle for</div></li><li><code>sHandleId</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element that is the drag
handle</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-startDrag"></a>
<b>startDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>x {int}</code>, <code>y {int}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Fired when either the drag pixel threshol or the mousedown hold
time threshold has been met.</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Fired when either the drag pixel threshol or the mousedown hold
time threshold has been met. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{int}</code> : x<div class="sub-desc">the X position of the original mousedown</div></li><li><code>{int}</code> : y<div class="sub-desc">the Y position of the original mousedown</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-stopEvent"></a>
<b>stopEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Utility to stop event propagation and event default, if these
features are turned on.</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Utility to stop event propagation and event default, if these
features are turned on. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the event as returned by this.getEvent()</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-swapNode"></a>
<b>swapNode</b>(&nbsp;<code>n1 the</code>, <code>n2 the</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Swap two nodes. In IE, we use the native method, for others we
emulate the IE behavior</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Swap two nodes. In IE, we use the native method, for others we
emulate the IE behavior <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : n1<div class="sub-desc">first node to swap</div></li><li><code>the</code> : n2<div class="sub-desc">other node to swap</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-unlock"></a>
<b>unlock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Unlock all drag and drop functionality</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Unlock all drag and drop functionality <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-verifyEl"></a>
<b>verifyEl</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; This checks to make sure an element exists and is in the DOM. The
main purpose is to handle cases whe...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; This checks to make sure an element exists and is in the DOM. The
main purpose is to handle cases where innerHTML is used to remove
drag and drop objects from the DOM. IE provides an 'unspecified
error' when trying to access the offsetParent of such an element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">the element to check</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if the element looks usable</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragDropMgr</td>
<a id="Ext.dd.DragDropMgr-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Panel-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Panel-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Panel-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Panel-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
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<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Container</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Panel</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.Panel</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/Panel.js" target="_blank">Panel.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Panel</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.TabPanel" href="output/Ext.TabPanel.html">TabPanel</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.Tip" href="output/Ext.Tip.html">Tip</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Window</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.form.FieldSet" href="output/Ext.form.FieldSet.html">FieldSet</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.form.FormPanel" href="output/Ext.form.FormPanel.html">FormPanel</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html">GridPanel</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreePanel" href="output/Ext.tree.TreePanel.html">TreePanel</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Container</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Panel is a container that has specific functionality and structural components that make it the perfect building
block for application-oriented user interfaces. The Panel contains bottom and top toolbars, along with separate
header, footer and body sections. It also provides built-in expandable and collapsible behavior, along with a
variety of prebuilt tool buttons that can be wired up to provide other customized behavior. Panels can be easily
dropped into any Container or layout, and the layout and rendering pipeline is completely managed by the framework. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Panel-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-activeItem"></a>
<b>activeItem</b> : String/Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be initially activated within the container's...</div>
<div class="long">
A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be initially activated within the container's layout on render. For example, activeItem: 'item-1' or activeItem: 0 (index 0 = the first item in the container's collection). activeItem only applies to layout styles that can display items one at a time (like <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Ext.layout.Accordion</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">Ext.layout.FitLayout</a>). Related to <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="activeItem" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#activeItem">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.activeItem</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#activeItem" href="output/Ext.Container.html#activeItem">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-animCollapse"></a>
<b>animCollapse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the Ext....</div>
<div class="long">
True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the <a ext:cls="Ext.Fx" href="output/Ext.Fx.html">Ext.Fx</a> class is available, otherwise false). </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some panel-specific structural markup. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the panel can be specified by CSS class name within the main element, and the panel will automatically create those components from that markup. Any required components not specified in the markup will be autogenerated if necessary. The following class names are supported (baseCls will be replaced by <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="baseCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#baseCls">baseCls</a>): <ul><li>baseCls + '-header'</li> <li>baseCls + '-header-text'</li> <li>baseCls + '-bwrap'</li> <li>baseCls + '-tbar'</li> <li>baseCls + '-body'</li> <li>baseCls + '-bbar'</li> <li>baseCls + '-footer'</li></ul> Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the panel's container. </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-autoDestroy"></a>
<b>autoDestroy</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else destruction mu...</div>
<div class="long">
If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else destruction must be handled manually (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#autoDestroy" href="output/Ext.Container.html#autoDestroy">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-autoHeight"></a>
<b>autoHeight</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a height of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-autoLoad"></a>
<b>autoLoad</b> : Object/String/Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A valid url spec according to the Updater Ext.Updater.update method. If autoLoad is not null, the panel will attempt ...</div>
<div class="long">
A valid url spec according to the Updater <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" ext:member="update" href="output/Ext.Updater.html#update">Ext.Updater.update</a> method. If autoLoad is not null, the panel will attempt to load its contents immediately upon render.<p> The URL will become the default URL for this panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="body" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#body">body</a> element, so it may be <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="refresh" href="output/Ext.Element.html#refresh">refresh</a>ed at any time.</p> </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-autoScroll"></a>
<b>autoScroll</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use overflow:'auto' on the panel's body element and show scroll bars automatically when necessary, false to c...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use overflow:'auto' on the panel's body element and show scroll bars automatically when necessary, false to clip any overflowing content (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-autoWidth"></a>
<b>autoWidth</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not al...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a width of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-baseCls"></a>
<b>baseCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The base CSS class to apply to this panel's element (defaults to 'x-panel'). </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-bbar"></a>
<b>bbar</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The bottom toolbar of the panel. This can be a Ext.Toolbar object, a toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button co...</div>
<div class="long">
The bottom toolbar of the panel. This can be a <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Ext.Toolbar</a> object, a toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render. To access the bottom toolbar after render, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getBottomToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getBottomToolbar">getBottomToolbar</a>. </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-bodyBorder"></a>
<b>bodyBorder</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display an interior border on the body element of the panel, false to hide it (defaults to true). This only a...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display an interior border on the body element of the panel, false to hide it (defaults to true). This only applies when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="border" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#border">border</a> == true. If border == true and bodyBorder == false, the border will display as a 1px wide inset border, giving the entire body element an inset appearance. </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-bodyStyle"></a>
<b>bodyStyle</b> : String/Object/Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Custom CSS styles to be applied to the body element in the format expected by Ext.Element.applyStyles (defaults to nu...</div>
<div class="long">
Custom CSS styles to be applied to the body element in the format expected by <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a> (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-border"></a>
<b>border</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). By default, the borde...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). By default, the border is a 2px wide inset border, but this can be further altered by setting <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="bodyBorder" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyBorder">bodyBorder</a> to false. </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-bufferResize"></a>
<b>bufferResize</b> : Boolean/Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">When set to true (100 milliseconds) or a number of milliseconds, the layout assigned for this container will buffer t...</div>
<div class="long">
When set to true (100 milliseconds) or a number of milliseconds, the layout assigned for this container will buffer the frequency it calculates and does a re-layout of components. This is useful for heavy containers or containers with a large amount of sub components that frequent calls to layout are expensive. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#bufferResize" href="output/Ext.Container.html#bufferResize">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-buttonAlign"></a>
<b>buttonAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The alignment of any buttons added to this panel. Valid values are 'right,' 'left' and 'center' (defaults to 'right'). </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-buttons"></a>
<b>buttons</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
An array of <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> <b>configs</b> used to add buttons to the footer of this panel. </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-collapseFirst"></a>
<b>collapseFirst</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the pane...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the panel's title bar, false to render it last (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-collapsed"></a>
<b>collapsed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render the panel collapsed, false to render it expanded (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-collapsedCls"></a>
<b>collapsedCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class to add to the panel's element after it has been collapsed (defaults to 'x-panel-collapsed'). </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-collapsible"></a>
<b>collapsible</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header tool button area, false to keep the panel statically sized with no button (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-contentEl"></a>
<b>contentEl</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The id of an existing HTML node to use as the panel's body content (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-defaultType"></a>
<b>defaultType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default type of container represented by this object as registered in <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a> (defaults to 'panel'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#defaultType" href="output/Ext.Container.html#defaultType">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-defaults"></a>
<b>defaults</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object that will be applied to all components added to this container either via the items config or via the...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object that will be applied to all components added to this container either via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">items</a> config or via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#add">add</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="insert" href="output/Ext.Container.html#insert">insert</a> methods. The defaults config can contain any number of name/value property pairs to be added to each item, and should be valid for the types of items being added to the container. For example, to automatically apply padding to the body of each of a set of contained <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Ext.Panel</a> items, you could pass: defaults: {bodyStyle:'padding:15px'}. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#defaults" href="output/Ext.Container.html#defaults">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-draggable"></a>
<b>draggable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false). For custom drag/drop implementations, an Ext.Panel.DD conf...</div>
<div class="long">
True to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false). For custom drag/drop implementations, an Ext.Panel.DD config could also be passed in this config instead of true, although Ext.Panel.DD is an internal, undocumented class. </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-elements"></a>
<b>elements</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A comma-delimited list of panel elements to initialize when the panel is rendered. Normally, this list will be genera...</div>
<div class="long">
A comma-delimited list of panel elements to initialize when the panel is rendered. Normally, this list will be generated automatically based on the items added to the panel at config time, but sometimes it might be useful to make sure a structural element is rendered even if not specified at config time (for example, you may want to add a button or toolbar dynamically after the panel has been rendered). Adding those elements to this list will allocate the required placeholders in the panel when it is rendered. Valid values are<ul> <li><b>header</b></li> <li><b>tbar</b> (top bar)</li> <li><b>body</b></li> <li><b>bbar</b> (bottom bar)</li> <li><b>footer</b><li> </ul> Defaults to 'body'. </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-floating"></a>
<b>floating</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to float the panel (absolute position it with automatic shimming and shadow), false to display it inline where i...</div>
<div class="long">
True to float the panel (absolute position it with automatic shimming and shadow), false to display it inline where it is rendered (defaults to false). Note that by default, setting floating to true will cause the panel to display at negative offsets so that it is hidden -- because the panel is absolute positioned, the position must be set explicitly after render (e.g., myPanel.setPosition(100,100);). Also, when floating a panel you should always assign a fixed width, otherwise it will be auto width and will expand to fill to the right edge of the viewport. </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-footer"></a>
<b>footer</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to create the footer element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when footer is not specified, if...</div>
<div class="long">
True to create the footer element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when footer is not specified, if one or more buttons have been added to the panel the footer will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-frame"></a>
<b>frame</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render the panel with custom rounded borders, false to render with plain 1px square borders (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to create the header element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when header is not specified, if...</div>
<div class="long">
True to create the header element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when header is not specified, if a <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">title</a> is set the header will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. If a title is set but header is explicitly set to false, the header will not be rendered. </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-headerAsText"></a>
<b>headerAsText</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to display the panel title in the header, false to hide it (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-hideBorders"></a>
<b>hideBorders</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide the borders of each contained component, false to defer to the component's existing border settings (def...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide the borders of each contained component, false to defer to the component's existing border settings (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#hideBorders" href="output/Ext.Container.html#hideBorders">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-hideCollapseTool"></a>
<b>hideCollapseTool</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the expand/collapse toggle button when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> = true, false to display it (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-html"></a>
<b>html</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
An HTML fragment, or a <a ext:cls="Ext.DomHelper" href="output/Ext.DomHelper.html">DomHelper</a> specification to use as the panel's body content (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-iconCls"></a>
<b>iconCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class that will provide a background image to be used as the panel header icon (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-items"></a>
<b>items</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container. Each item can be any type of object bas...</div>
<div class="long">
A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container. Each item can be any type of object based on <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.<br><br> Component config objects may also be specified in order to avoid the overhead of constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the added Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of this "lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config property to the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br> For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>. If a single item is being passed, it should be passed directly as an object reference (e.g., items: {...}). Multiple items should be passed as an array of objects (e.g., items: [{...}, {...}]). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-keys"></a>
<b>keys</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by Ext.KeyMap.addBinding used to assign custom key handling to this pa...</div>
<div class="long">
A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by <a ext:cls="Ext.KeyMap" ext:member="addBinding" href="output/Ext.KeyMap.html#addBinding">Ext.KeyMap.addBinding</a> used to assign custom key handling to this panel (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-layout"></a>
<b>layout</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The layout type to be used in this container. If not specified, a default Ext.layout.ContainerLayout will be created ...</div>
<div class="long">
The layout type to be used in this container. If not specified, a default <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout</a> will be created and used. Valid values are: accordion, anchor, border, card, column, fit, form and table. Specific config values for the chosen layout type can be specified using <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layoutConfig" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layoutConfig">layoutConfig</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-layoutConfig"></a>
<b>layoutConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen layout (to be used in conjunction with the layou...</div>
<div class="long">
This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen layout (to be used in conjunction with the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">layout</a> config value). For complete details regarding the valid config options for each layout type, see the layout class corresponding to the type specified:<ul class="mdetail-params"> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Ext.layout.Accordion</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.AnchorLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.AnchorLayout.html">Ext.layout.AnchorLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.html">Ext.layout.BorderLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ColumnLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ColumnLayout.html">Ext.layout.ColumnLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">Ext.layout.FitLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html">Ext.layout.FormLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.TableLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.TableLayout.html">Ext.layout.TableLayout</a></li></ul> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#layoutConfig" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layoutConfig">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-maskDisabled"></a>
<b>maskDisabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will alway...</div>
<div class="long">
True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will always tell its contained elements to disable themselves when it is disabled, but masking the panel can provide an additional visual cue that the panel is disabled. </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-minButtonWidth"></a>
<b>minButtonWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Minimum width in pixels of all buttons in this panel (defaults to 75) </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-monitorResize"></a>
<b>monitorResize</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to automatically monitor window resize events to handle anything that is sensitive to the current size of the vi...</div>
<div class="long">
True to automatically monitor window resize events to handle anything that is sensitive to the current size of the viewport. This value is typically managed by the chosen <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">layout</a> and should not need to be set manually. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#monitorResize" href="output/Ext.Container.html#monitorResize">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-shadow"></a>
<b>shadow</b> : Boolean/String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True (or a valid Ext.Shadow Ext.Shadow.mode value) to display a shadow behind the panel, false to display no shadow (...</div>
<div class="long">
True (or a valid Ext.Shadow <a ext:cls="Ext.Shadow" ext:member="mode" href="output/Ext.Shadow.html#mode">Ext.Shadow.mode</a> value) to display a shadow behind the panel, false to display no shadow (defaults to 'sides'). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-shadowOffset"></a>
<b>shadowOffset</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). Note that this option only applies when float...</div>
<div class="long">
The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-shim"></a>
<b>shim</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true). Note that this option only applies wh...</div>
<div class="long">
False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-tabTip"></a>
<b>tabTip</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must be called in order for the tips to render. </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-tbar"></a>
<b>tbar</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The top toolbar of the panel. This can be either an Ext.Toolbar object or an array of buttons/button configs to be ad...</div>
<div class="long">
The top toolbar of the panel. This can be either an <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Ext.Toolbar</a> object or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render. To access the top toolbar after render, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getTopToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getTopToolbar">getTopToolbar</a>. </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-title"></a>
<b>title</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will aut...</div>
<div class="long">
The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will automatically be created and displayed unless <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">header</a> is explicitly set to false. If you don't want to specify a title at config time, but you may want one later, you must either specify a non-empty title (a blank space ' ' will do) or header:true so that the container element will get created. </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-titleCollapse"></a>
<b>titleCollapse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when collapsible = true) by clicking anywhere in the header bar, fa...</div>
<div class="long">
True to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> = true) by clicking anywhere in the header bar, false to allow it only by clicking to tool button (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-tools"></a>
<b>tools</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of tool button configs to be added to the header tool area. Each tool config may contain the following prope...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of tool button configs to be added to the header tool area. Each tool config may contain the following properties: <div class="mdetail-params"><ul> <li><b>id</b> : String<p class="sub-desc"><b>Required.</b> The type of tool to create. Values may be<ul> <li><tt>toggle</tt> (Created by default when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> is <tt>true</tt>)</li> <li><tt>close</tt></li> <li><tt>minimize</tt></li> <li><tt>maximize</tt></li> <li><tt>restore</tt></li> <li><tt>gear</tt></li> <li><tt>pin</tt></li> <li><tt>unpin</tt></li> <li><tt>right</tt></li> <li><tt>left</tt></li> <li><tt>up</tt></li> <li><tt>down</tt></li> <li><tt>refresh</tt></li> <li><tt>minus</tt></li> <li><tt>plus</tt></li> <li><tt>help</tt></li> <li><tt>search</tt></li> <li><tt>save</tt></li> <li><tt>print</tt></li> </ul></div></p></li> <li><b>handler</b> : Function<p class="sub-desc"><b>Required.</b> The function to call when clicked. Arguments passed are:<ul> <li><b>event</b> : Ext.EventObject<p class="sub-desc">The click event.</p></li> <li><b>toolEl</b> : Ext.Element<p class="sub-desc">The tool Element.</p></li> <li><b>Panel</b> : Ext.Panel<p class="sub-desc">The host Panel</p></li> </ul></p></li> <li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to call the handler.</p></li> <li><b>qtip</b> : String/Object<p class="sub-desc">A tip string, or a config argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.QuickTip" ext:member="register" href="output/Ext.QuickTip.html#register">Ext.QuickTip.register</a></p></li> <li><b>hidden</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to initially render hidden.</p></li> <li><b>on</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">A listener config object specifiying event listeners in the format of an argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#addListener">addListener</a></p></li> </ul> Example usage: <pre><code>tools:[{
<i>// hidden:true,</i>
handler: <b>function</b>(event, toolEl, panel){
<i>// refresh logic</i>
}]</code></pre> Note that apart from the toggle tool which is provided when a panel is collapsible, these tools only provide the visual button. Any required functionality must be provided by adding handlers that implement the necessary behavior. </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Panel-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-body"></a>
<b>body</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
The Panel's body Element which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the html config,...</div>
<div class="long">
The Panel's body <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a> which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="html" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#html">html</a> config, or it may be loaded using the
<a ext:cls="autoLoad" href="output/autoLoad.html">autoLoad</a> config, or through the Panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getUpdater" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getUpdater">Updater</a>. Read-only.
<p>If this is used to load visible HTML elements in either way, then
the Panel may not be used as a Layout for hosting nested Panels.</p>
<p>If this Panel is intended to be used as the host of a Layout (See <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#layout">layout</a>
then the body Element must not be loaded or changed - it is under the control
of the Panel's Layout. </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-buttons"></a>
<b>buttons</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
This Panel's Array of buttons as created from the <tt>buttons</tt>
config property. Read only. </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-footer"></a>
<b>footer</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
The Panel's footer <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a>. Read-only.
<p>This Element is used to house the Panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">buttons</a>.</p> </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
The Panel's header <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a>. Read-only.
<p>This Element is used to house the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">title</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="tools" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tools">tools</a></p> </div>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-items"></a>
<b>items</b> : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
The collection of components in this container as a <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html">Ext.util.MixedCollection</a> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">Container</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Panel-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-Panel"></a>
<b>Panel</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-add"></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component/Object component</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a component to this container. Fires the beforeadd event before adding,
then fires the add event after the compo...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a component to this container. Fires the beforeadd event before adding,
then fires the add event after the component has been added. If the container is
already rendered when add is called, you may need to call <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="doLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#doLayout">doLayout</a> to refresh
the view. This is required so that you can add multiple child components if needed
while only refreshing the layout once. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component/Object<div class="sub-desc">The component to add.<br><br>
Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the added Component should
it become necessary.<br><br>
A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of
constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
added Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of this
"lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config property to
the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br>
For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">component The Component (or config object) that was added with the Container's default config values applied.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#add">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-addButton"></a>
<b>addButton</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object config</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Button <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to ...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to add buttons via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">buttons</a> config. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">A valid <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> config. A string will become the text for a default
button config, an object will be treated as a button config object.</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called on button <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="click" href="output/Ext.Button.html#click"></a></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope to use for the button handler function</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Button</code><div class="sub-desc">The button that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-bubble"></a>
<b>bubble</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (this) of...</div>
<div class="long">
Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the bubble is stopped. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#bubble" href="output/Ext.Container.html#bubble">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-cascade"></a>
<b>cascade</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function wi...</div>
<div class="long">
Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function with
each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the cascade is stopped on that branch. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current component)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (defaults to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#cascade" href="output/Ext.Container.html#cascade">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the beforecollapse event which will
cancel the collapse ac...</div>
<div class="long">
Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforecollapse">beforecollapse</a> event which will
cancel the collapse action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-doLayout"></a>
<b>doLayout</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force this container's layout to be recalculated. A call to this function is required after adding a new component
<div class="long">
Force this container's layout to be recalculated. A call to this function is required after adding a new component
to an already rendered container, or possibly after changing sizing/position properties of child components. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to only calc the layout of this component, and let child components auto
calc layouts as required (defaults to false, which calls doLayout recursively for each subcontainer)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#doLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#doLayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the beforeexpand event which will
cancel the expand action ...</div>
<div class="long">
Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforeexpand">beforeexpand</a> event which will
cancel the expand action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-find"></a>
<b>find</b>(&nbsp;<code>String prop</code>, <code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by property</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by property <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>prop</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#find" href="output/Ext.Container.html#find">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-findBy"></a>
<b>findBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the com...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the component will be included in the results. The passed function is called with the arguments (component, this container). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findBy" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findBy">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-findById"></a>
<b>findById</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by id</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findById" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findById">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-findByType"></a>
<b>findByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findByType" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findByType">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-getBottomToolbar"></a>
<b>getBottomToolbar</b>() : Ext.Toolbar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar</code><div class="sub-desc">The toolbar</div></li>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-getComponent"></a>
<b>getComponent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Number id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets a direct child Component by id, or by index.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets a direct child Component by id, or by index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">or index of child Component to return.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#getComponent" href="output/Ext.Container.html#getComponent">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-getFrameHeight"></a>
<b>getFrameHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and ...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and footer elements, but not including the body height). To retrieve the body height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerHeight">getInnerHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame height</div></li>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-getFrameWidth"></a>
<b>getFrameWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the bo...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the body width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerWidth">getInnerWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame width</div></li>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-getInnerHeight"></a>
<b>getInnerHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame he...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameHeight">getFrameHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body height</div></li>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-getInnerWidth"></a>
<b>getInnerWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame widt...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameWidth">getFrameWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body width</div></li>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-getLayout"></a>
<b>getLayout</b>() : ContainerLayout <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the layout currently in use by the container. If the container does not currently have a layout
set, a defau...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the layout currently in use by the container. If the container does not currently have a layout
set, a default <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout</a> will be created and set as the container's layout. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>ContainerLayout</code><div class="sub-desc">layout The container's layout</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#getLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#getLayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-getTopToolbar"></a>
<b>getTopToolbar</b>() : Ext.Toolbar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar</code><div class="sub-desc">The toolbar</div></li>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-getUpdater"></a>
<b>getUpdater</b>() : Ext.Updater <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" href="output/Ext.Updater.html">Ext.Updater</a> for this panel. Enables you to perform Ajax updates of this panel's body.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" href="output/Ext.Updater.html">Ext.Updater</a> for this panel. Enables you to perform Ajax updates of this panel's body. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Updater</code><div class="sub-desc">The Updater</div></li>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-insert"></a>
<b>insert</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the
beforeadd event before inserting, then fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the
beforeadd event before inserting, then fires the add event after the
Component has been inserted. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the Component will be inserted
into the Container's items collection</div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The child Component to insert.<br><br>
Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the inserted Component should
it become necessary.<br><br>
A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of
constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
inserted Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of
this "lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config
property to the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br>
For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">component The Component (or config object) that was inserted with the Container's default config values applied.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#insert" href="output/Ext.Container.html#insert">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-load"></a>
<b>load</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object/String/Function config</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Loads this content panel immediately with content returned from an XHR call.</div>
<div class="long">
Loads this content panel immediately with content returned from an XHR call. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object/String/Function<div class="sub-desc">A config object containing any of the following options:
url: <em>"your-url.php"</em>,
params: {param1: <em>"foo"</em>, param2: <em>"bar"</em>}, <i>// or a URL encoded string</i>
callback: yourFunction,
scope: yourObject, <i>// optional scope <b>for</b> the callback</i>
discardUrl: false,
nocache: false,
text: <em>"Loading..."</em>,
timeout: 30,
scripts: false
The only required property is url. The optional properties nocache, text and scripts
are shorthand for disableCaching, indicatorText and loadScripts and are used to set their
associated property on this panel Updater instance.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b>(&nbsp;<code>Component/String component</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean autoDestroy</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a component from this container. Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires
the remove event a...</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a component from this container. Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires
the remove event after the component has been removed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>component</code> : Component/String<div class="sub-desc">The component reference or id to remove</div></li><li><code>autoDestroy</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to automatically invoke the component's <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Ext.Component.destroy</a> function</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#remove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#remove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-setIconClass"></a>
<b>setIconClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. This method will replace any existing
icon class if ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. This method will replace any existing
icon class if one has already been set. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new CSS class name</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-setTitle"></a>
<b>setTitle</b>(&nbsp;<code>String title</code>, <code>String (optional)</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>title</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The title text to set</div></li><li><code>(optional)</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">iconCls A custon, user-defined CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-toggleCollapse"></a>
<b>toggleCollapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Panel-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-activate"></a>
<b>activate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been visually activated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being activated, but some...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been visually activated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being activated, but some Panel subclasses
do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel fire the
activate and deactivate events under the control of the TabPanel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been activated.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-add"></a>
<b>add</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component was added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-add">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-afterlayout"></a>
<b>afterlayout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>ContainerLayout layout</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>layout</code> : ContainerLayout<div class="sub-desc">The ContainerLayout implementation for this container</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-afterlayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-afterlayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-beforeadd"></a>
<b>beforeadd</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component will be added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeadd" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeadd">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-beforeclose"></a>
<b>beforeclose</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses d...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). This event only applies to such subclasses.
A handler can return false to cancel the close. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel being closed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-beforecollapse"></a>
<b>beforecollapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel being collapsed.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the collapse is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-beforeexpand"></a>
<b>beforeexpand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel being expanded.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the expand is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-beforeremove"></a>
<b>beforeremove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeremove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeremove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-bodyresize"></a>
<b>bodyresize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel which has been resized.</div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The Panel's new width.</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The Panel's new height.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-close"></a>
<b>close</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been closed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been collapsed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been collapsed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel that has been collapsed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-deactivate"></a>
<b>deactivate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been visually deactivated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being deactivated, but ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been visually deactivated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being deactivated, but some Panel subclasses
do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel fire the
activate and deactivate events under the control of the TabPanel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been deactivated.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been expanded.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been expanded. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been expanded.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-remove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-remove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Panel-titlechange"></a>
<b>titlechange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>String The</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel which has had its title changed.</div></li><li><code>The</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">new title.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Panel</td>
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Toolbar"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Toolbar</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.Toolbar</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/Toolbar.js" target="_blank">Toolbar.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Toolbar</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.PagingToolbar" href="output/Ext.PagingToolbar.html">PagingToolbar</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Basic Toolbar class. Toolbar elements can be created explicitly via their constructors, or implicitly
via their xtypes. Some items also have shortcut strings for creation. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-autoHeight"></a>
<b>autoHeight</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a height of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-autoWidth"></a>
<b>autoWidth</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not al...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a width of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-items"></a>
<b>items</b> : Ext.util.MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
A MixedCollection of this Toolbar's items </div>
<td class="msource">Toolbar</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-Toolbar"></a>
<b>Toolbar</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object/Array config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new Toolbar</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new Toolbar <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object/Array<div class="sub-desc">A config object or an array of buttons to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Toolbar</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-add"></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed arg1</code>, <code>Mixed arg2</code>, <code>Mixed etc.</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds element(s) to the toolbar -- this function takes a variable number of
arguments of mixed type and adds them to t...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds element(s) to the toolbar -- this function takes a variable number of
arguments of mixed type and adds them to the toolbar. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>arg1</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The following types of arguments are all valid:<br />
<li><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Button" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Button.html">Ext.Toolbar.Button</a> config: A valid button config object (equivalent to <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="addButton" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addButton">addButton</a>)</li>
<li>HtmlElement: Any standard HTML element (equivalent to <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="addElement" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addElement">addElement</a>)</li>
<li>Field: Any form field (equivalent to <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="addField" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addField">addField</a>)</li>
<li>Item: Any subclass of <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html">Ext.Toolbar.Item</a> (equivalent to <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="addItem" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addItem">addItem</a>)</li>
<li>String: Any generic string (gets wrapped in a <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.TextItem" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.TextItem.html">Ext.Toolbar.TextItem</a>, equivalent to <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="addText" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addText">addText</a>).
Note that there are a few special strings that are treated differently as explained next.</li>
<li>'separator' or '-': Creates a separator element (equivalent to <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="addSeparator" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addSeparator">addSeparator</a>)</li>
<li>' ': Creates a spacer element (equivalent to <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="addSpacer" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addSpacer">addSpacer</a>)</li>
<li>'->': Creates a fill element (equivalent to <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="addFill" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addFill">addFill</a>)</li>
</ul></div></li><li><code>arg2</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>etc.</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Toolbar</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-addButton"></a>
<b>addButton</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object/Array config</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Toolbar.Button/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a button (or buttons). See <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Button" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Button.html">Ext.Toolbar.Button</a> for more info on the config.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a button (or buttons). See <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Button" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Button.html">Ext.Toolbar.Button</a> for more info on the config. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object/Array<div class="sub-desc">A button config or array of configs</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Toolbar</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-addDom"></a>
<b>addDom</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Toolbar.Item <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a new element to the toolbar from the passed <a ext:cls="Ext.DomHelper" href="output/Ext.DomHelper.html">Ext.DomHelper</a> config</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a new element to the toolbar from the passed <a ext:cls="Ext.DomHelper" href="output/Ext.DomHelper.html">Ext.DomHelper</a> config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar.Item</code><div class="sub-desc">The element's item</div></li>
<td class="msource">Toolbar</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-addElement"></a>
<b>addElement</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Toolbar.Item <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds any standard HTML element to the toolbar</div>
<div class="long">
Adds any standard HTML element to the toolbar <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element or id of the element to add</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar.Item</code><div class="sub-desc">The element's item</div></li>
<td class="msource">Toolbar</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-addField"></a>
<b>addField</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field field</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.ToolbarItem <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a dynamically rendered Ext.form field (TextField, ComboBox, etc). Note: the field should not have
been rendered ...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a dynamically rendered Ext.form field (TextField, ComboBox, etc). Note: the field should not have
been rendered yet. For a field that has already been rendered, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" ext:member="addElement" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html#addElement">addElement</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>field</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Toolbar</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-addFill"></a>
<b>addFill</b>() : Ext.Toolbar.Fill <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a fill element that forces subsequent additions to the right side of the toolbar</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a fill element that forces subsequent additions to the right side of the toolbar <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar.Fill</code><div class="sub-desc">The fill item</div></li>
<td class="msource">Toolbar</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-addItem"></a>
<b>addItem</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.Toolbar.Item item</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Toolbar.Item <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds any Toolbar.Item or subclass</div>
<div class="long">
Adds any Toolbar.Item or subclass <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>item</code> : Ext.Toolbar.Item<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar.Item</code><div class="sub-desc">The item</div></li>
<td class="msource">Toolbar</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-addSeparator"></a>
<b>addSeparator</b>() : Ext.Toolbar.Item <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a separator</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a separator <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar.Item</code><div class="sub-desc">The separator item</div></li>
<td class="msource">Toolbar</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-addSpacer"></a>
<b>addSpacer</b>() : Ext.Toolbar.Spacer <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a spacer element</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a spacer element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar.Spacer</code><div class="sub-desc">The spacer item</div></li>
<td class="msource">Toolbar</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-addText"></a>
<b>addText</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Toolbar.Item <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds text to the toolbar</div>
<div class="long">
Adds text to the toolbar <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The text to add</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar.Item</code><div class="sub-desc">The element's item</div></li>
<td class="msource">Toolbar</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-insertButton"></a>
<b>insertButton</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code>Object/Ext.Toolbar.Item/Ext.Toolbar.Button/Array item</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Toolbar.Button/Item <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts any <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html">Ext.Toolbar.Item</a>/<a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Button" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Button.html">Ext.Toolbar.Button</a> at the specified index.</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts any <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html">Ext.Toolbar.Item</a>/<a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Button" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Button.html">Ext.Toolbar.Button</a> at the specified index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index where the item is to be inserted</div></li><li><code>item</code> : Object/Ext.Toolbar.Item/Ext.Toolbar.Button/Array<div class="sub-desc">The button, or button config object to be
inserted, or an array of buttons/configs.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Toolbar</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.ColumnModel-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.ColumnModel-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.ColumnModel-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.ColumnModel-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.grid.ColumnModel"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>ColumnModel</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.grid.ColumnModel</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.grid</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/grid/ColumnModel.js" target="_blank">ColumnModel.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">ColumnModel</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel" href="output/Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel.html">PropertyColumnModel</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
This is the default implementation of a ColumnModel used by the Grid. This class is initialized
with an Array of column config objects.
An individual column's config object defines the header string, the <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a>
field the column draws its data from, an otional rendering function to provide customized
data formatting, and the ability to apply a CSS class to all cells in a column through its
<a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="id" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#id">id</a> config option.<br>
<pre><code>var colModel = <b>new</b> Ext.grid.ColumnModel([
{header: <em>"Ticker"</em>, width: 60, sortable: true},
{header: <em>"Company Name"</em>, width: 150, sortable: true},
{header: <em>"Market Cap."</em>, width: 100, sortable: true},
{header: <em>"$ Sales"</em>, width: 100, sortable: true, renderer: money},
{header: <em>"Employees"</em>, width: 100, sortable: true, resizable: false}
The config options listed for this class are options which may appear in each
individual column definition. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-align"></a>
<b>align</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
(optional) Set the CSS text-align property of the column. Defaults to undefined. </div>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-css"></a>
<b>css</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
(optional) Set custom CSS for all table cells in the column (excluding headers). Defaults to undefined. </div>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-dataIndex"></a>
<b>dataIndex</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">(optional) The name of the field in the grid's's definition from which to draw the col...</div>
<div class="long">
(optional) The name of the field in the grid's <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a>'s <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> definition from which to draw the column's value. If not specified, the column's index is used as an index into the Record's data Array. </div>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-editor"></a>
<b>editor</b> : Ext.form.Field <div class="mdesc">
(optional) The <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html">Ext.form.Field</a> to use when editing values in this column if editing is supported by the grid. </div>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-fixed"></a>
<b>fixed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
(optional) True if the column width cannot be changed. Defaults to false. </div>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The header text to display in the Grid view. </div>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
(optional) True to hide the column. Defaults to false. </div>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-hideable"></a>
<b>hideable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
(optional) Specify as <tt>false</tt> to prevent the user from hiding this column. Defaults to true. </div>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">(optional) Defaults to the column's initial ordinal position. A name which identifies this column. The id is used to ...</div>
<div class="long">
(optional) Defaults to the column's initial ordinal position. A name which identifies this column. The id is used to create a CSS class name which is applied to all table cells (including headers) in that column. The class name takes the form of <pre>x-grid3-td-<b>id</b></pre> <br><br> Header cells will also recieve this class name, but will also have the class <pr>x-grid3-hd</pre>, so to target header cells, use CSS selectors such as:<pre>.x-grid3-hd.x-grid3-td-<b>id</b></pre> The <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.Grid" ext:member="autoExpandColumn" href="output/Ext.grid.Grid.html#autoExpandColumn">Ext.grid.Grid.autoExpandColumn</a> grid config option references the column via this identifier. </div>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-menuDisabled"></a>
<b>menuDisabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
(optional) True to disable the column menu. Defaults to false. </div>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-renderer"></a>
<b>renderer</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">(optional) A function used to generate HTML markup for a cell given the cell's data value. See setRenderer. If not sp...</div>
<div class="long">
(optional) A function used to generate HTML markup for a cell given the cell's data value. See <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="setRenderer" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#setRenderer">setRenderer</a>. If not specified, the default renderer uses the raw data value. </div>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-resizable"></a>
<b>resizable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
(optional) False to disable column resizing. Defaults to true. </div>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-sortable"></a>
<b>sortable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">(optional) True if sorting is to be allowed on this column. Defaults to the value of the defaultSortable property. Wh...</div>
<div class="long">
(optional) True if sorting is to be allowed on this column. Defaults to the value of the <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="defaultSortable" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#defaultSortable">defaultSortable</a> property. Whether local/remote sorting is used is specified in <a ext:cls="" ext:member="remoteSort" href="output/"></a>. </div>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-tooltip"></a>
<b>tooltip</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">(optional) A text string to use as the column header's tooltip. If Quicktips are enabled, this value will be used as ...</div>
<div class="long">
(optional) A text string to use as the column header's tooltip. If Quicktips are enabled, this value will be used as the text of the quick tip, otherwise it will be set as the header's HTML title attribute. Defaults to ''. </div>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">(optional) The initial width in pixels of the column. Using this instead of Ext.grid.Grid.autoSizeColumns is more eff...</div>
<div class="long">
(optional) The initial width in pixels of the column. Using this instead of <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.Grid" ext:member="autoSizeColumns" href="output/Ext.grid.Grid.html#autoSizeColumns">Ext.grid.Grid.autoSizeColumns</a> is more efficient. </div>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-defaultSortable"></a>
<b>defaultSortable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Default sortable of columns which have no sortable specified (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-defaultWidth"></a>
<b>defaultWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of columns which have no width specified (defaults to 100) </div>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-ColumnModel"></a>
<b>ColumnModel</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An Array of column config objects. See this class's
config objects for details.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-getCellEditor"></a>
<b>getCellEditor</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number colIndex</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the editor defined for the cell/column.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the editor defined for the cell/column. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>colIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The row index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-getColumnById"></a>
<b>getColumnById</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the column for a specified id.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the column for a specified id. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The column id</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">the column</div></li>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-getColumnCount"></a>
<b>getColumnCount</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the number of columns.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the number of columns. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-getColumnHeader"></a>
<b>getColumnHeader</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the header for the specified column.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the header for the specified column. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-getColumnId"></a>
<b>getColumnId</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
Returns the id of the column at the specified index.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of the column at the specified index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">the id</div></li>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-getColumnTooltip"></a>
<b>getColumnTooltip</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the tooltip for the specified column.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the tooltip for the specified column. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-getColumnWidth"></a>
<b>getColumnWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width for the specified column.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width for the specified column. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-getColumnsBy"></a>
<b>getColumnsBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the column configs that return true by the passed function that is called with (columnConfig, index)</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the column configs that return true by the passed function that is called with (columnConfig, index) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">result</div></li>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-getDataIndex"></a>
<b>getDataIndex</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the dataIndex for the specified column.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the dataIndex for the specified column. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-getIndexById"></a>
<b>getIndexById</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the index for a specified column id.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the index for a specified column id. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The column id</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">the index, or -1 if not found</div></li>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-getRenderer"></a>
<b>getRenderer</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>&nbsp;) : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the rendering (formatting) function defined for the column.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the rendering (formatting) function defined for the column. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Function</code><div class="sub-desc">The function used to render the cell. See {@link #setRenderer}.</div></li>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-getTotalWidth"></a>
<b>getTotalWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean includeHidden</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the total width of all columns.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the total width of all columns. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>includeHidden</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to include hidden column widths</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-isCellEditable"></a>
<b>isCellEditable</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number colIndex</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the cell is editable.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the cell is editable. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>colIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The row index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-isFixed"></a>
<b>isFixed</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the column width cannot be changed</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the column width cannot be changed <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-isHidden"></a>
<b>isHidden</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number colIndex</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the column is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the column is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>colIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-isMenuDisabled"></a>
<b>isMenuDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the specified column menu is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the specified column menu is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-isResizable"></a>
<b>isResizable</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the column can be resized</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the column can be resized <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-isSortable"></a>
<b>isSortable</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the specified column is sortable.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the specified column is sortable. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-setColumnHeader"></a>
<b>setColumnHeader</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>, <code>String header</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the header for a column.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the header for a column. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>header</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new header</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-setColumnTooltip"></a>
<b>setColumnTooltip</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>, <code>String tooltip</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the tooltip for a column.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the tooltip for a column. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>tooltip</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new tooltip</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-setColumnWidth"></a>
<b>setColumnWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>, <code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width for a column.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width for a column. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-setConfig"></a>
<b>setConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Reconfigures this column model</div>
<div class="long">
Reconfigures this column model <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">Array of Column configs</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-setDataIndex"></a>
<b>setDataIndex</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>, <code>Number dataIndex</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the dataIndex for a column.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the dataIndex for a column. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>dataIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new dataIndex</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-setEditable"></a>
<b>setEditable</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>, <code>Boolean editable</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets if a column is editable.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets if a column is editable. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>editable</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the column is editable</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-setEditor"></a>
<b>setEditor</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>, <code>Object editor</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the editor for a column.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the editor for a column. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>editor</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The editor object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-setHidden"></a>
<b>setHidden</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number colIndex</code>, <code>Boolean hidden</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets if a column is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets if a column is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>colIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>hidden</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the column is hidden</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-setRenderer"></a>
<b>setRenderer</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>, <code>Function fn</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the rendering (formatting) function for a column. See <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Format" href="output/Ext.util.Format.html">Ext.util.Format</a> for some
default formatting functions.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the rendering (formatting) function for a column. See <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Format" href="output/Ext.util.Format.html">Ext.util.Format</a> for some
default formatting functions. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to use to process the cell's raw data
to return HTML markup for the grid view. The render function is called with
the following parameters:<ul>
<li><b>value</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The data value for the cell.</p></li>
<li><b>metadata</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">An object in which you may set the following attributes:<ul>
<li><b>css</b> : String<p class="sub-desc">A CSS class name to add to the cell's TD element.</p></li>
<li><b>attr</b> : String<p class="sub-desc">An HTML attribute definition string to apply to the data container element <i>within</i> the table cell
(e.g. 'style="color:red;"').</p></li></ul></p></li>
<li><b>record</b> :<p class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> from which the data was extracted.</p></li>
<li><b>rowIndex</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Row index</p></li>
<li><b>colIndex</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Column index</p></li>
<li><b>store</b> :<p class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> object from which the Record was extracted.</p></li></ul></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-columnmoved"></a>
<b>columnmoved</b> : (&nbsp;<code>ColumnModel this</code>, <code>Number oldIndex</code>, <code>Number newIndex</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a column is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a column is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : ColumnModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>oldIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>newIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-configchanged"></a>
<b>configchanged</b> : (&nbsp;<code>ColumnModel this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the configuration is changed</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the configuration is changed <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : ColumnModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-headerchange"></a>
<b>headerchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>ColumnModel this</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>String newText</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the text of a header changes.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the text of a header changes. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : ColumnModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>newText</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new header text</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-hiddenchange"></a>
<b>hiddenchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>ColumnModel this</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Boolean hidden</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a column is hidden or "unhidden".</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a column is hidden or "unhidden". <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : ColumnModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>hidden</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">true if hidden, false otherwise</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.ColumnModel-widthchange"></a>
<b>widthchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>ColumnModel this</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Number newWidth</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the width of a column changes.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the width of a column changes. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : ColumnModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>newWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColumnModel</td>
New file
0,0 → 1,232
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.state.CookieProvider-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.state.CookieProvider-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.state.CookieProvider-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.state.CookieProvider-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.state.CookieProvider"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Provider</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>CookieProvider</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.state.CookieProvider</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.state</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/state/CookieProvider.js" target="_blank">CookieProvider.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">CookieProvider</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Provider</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
The default Provider implementation which saves state via cookies.
<br />Usage:
<pre><code>var cp = <b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider({
path: <em>"/cgi-bin/"</em>,
expires: <b>new</b> Date(<b>new</b> Date().getTime()+(1000*60*60*24*30)), <i>//30 days</i>
domain: <em>""</em>
Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(cp);</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.state.CookieProvider-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.state.CookieProvider-domain"></a>
<b>domain</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The domain to save the cookie for. Note that you cannot specify a different domain than your page is on, but you can ...</div>
<div class="long">
The domain to save the cookie for. Note that you cannot specify a different domain than your page is on, but you can specify a sub-domain, or simply the domain itself like '' to include all sub-domains if you need to access cookies across different sub-domains (defaults to null which uses the same domain the page is running on including the 'www' like '') </div>
<td class="msource">CookieProvider</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.state.CookieProvider-expires"></a>
<b>expires</b> : Date <div class="mdesc">
The cookie expiration date (defaults to 7 days from now) </div>
<td class="msource">CookieProvider</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.state.CookieProvider-path"></a>
<b>path</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The path for which the cookie is active (defaults to root '/' which makes it active for all pages in the site) </div>
<td class="msource">CookieProvider</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.state.CookieProvider-secure"></a>
<b>secure</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if the site is using SSL (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">CookieProvider</td>
<a id="Ext.state.CookieProvider-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.state.CookieProvider-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.state.CookieProvider-CookieProvider"></a>
<b>CookieProvider</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new CookieProvider</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new CookieProvider <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The configuration object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CookieProvider</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.state.CookieProvider-clear"></a>
<b>clear</b>(&nbsp;<code>String name</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears a value from the state</div>
<div class="long">
Clears a value from the state <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>name</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key name</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="#clear" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#clear">Provider</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.state.CookieProvider-decodeValue"></a>
<b>decodeValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Decodes a string previously encoded with <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="encodeValue" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#encodeValue">encodeValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Decodes a string previously encoded with <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="encodeValue" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#encodeValue">encodeValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The value to decode</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">The decoded value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="#decodeValue" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#decodeValue">Provider</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.state.CookieProvider-encodeValue"></a>
<b>encodeValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Encodes a value including type information. Decode with <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="decodeValue" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#decodeValue">decodeValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Encodes a value including type information. Decode with <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="decodeValue" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#decodeValue">decodeValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to encode</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The encoded value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="#encodeValue" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#encodeValue">Provider</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.state.CookieProvider-get"></a>
<b>get</b>(&nbsp;<code>String name</code>, <code>Mixed defaultValue</code>&nbsp;) : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the current value for a key</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the current value for a key <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>name</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key name</div></li><li><code>defaultValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">A default value to return if the key's value is not found</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">The state data</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="#get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">Provider</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.state.CookieProvider-set"></a>
<b>set</b>(&nbsp;<code>String name</code>, <code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the value for a key</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the value for a key <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>name</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key name</div></li><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="#set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">Provider</a></td>
<a id="Ext.state.CookieProvider-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.state.CookieProvider-statechange"></a>
<b>statechange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Provider this</code>, <code>String key</code>, <code>String value</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a state change occurs.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a state change occurs. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Provider<div class="sub-desc">This state provider</div></li><li><code>key</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The state key which was changed</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The encoded value for the state</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="#event-statechange" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#event-statechange">Provider</a></td>
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Updater-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Updater-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Updater-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Updater-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Updater"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Updater</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.Updater</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/core/UpdateManager.js" target="_blank">UpdateManager.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Updater</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Provides AJAX-style update for Element object.<br><br>
<pre><code><i>// Get it from a Ext.Element object</i>
<b>var</b> el = Ext.get(<em>"foo"</em>);
<b>var</b> mgr = el.getUpdater();
url: <em>"http:<i>//"</em>, </i>
params: {
param1: <em>"foo"</em>,
param2: <em>"bar"</em>
mgr.formUpdate(<em>"myFormId"</em>, <em>"http:<i>//"</em>);</i>
<i>// or directly (returns the same Updater instance)</i>
<b>var</b> mgr = <b>new</b> Ext.Updater(<em>"myElementId"</em>);
mgr.startAutoRefresh(60, <em>"http:<i>//"</em>);</i>
mgr.on(<em>"update"</em>, myFcnNeedsToKnow);
<i>// short handed call directly from the element object</i>
url: <em>"bar.php"</em>,
scripts: true,
params: <em>"param1=foo&amp;param2=bar"</em>,
text: <em>"Loading Foo..."</em>
});</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Updater-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Updater-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-defaultUrl"></a>
<b>defaultUrl</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Cached url to use for refreshes. Overwritten every time update() is called unless "discardUrl" param is set to true. </div>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-disableCaching"></a>
<b>disableCaching</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Whether to append unique parameter on get request to disable caching (Defaults to Ext.Updater.defaults.disableCaching...</div>
<div class="long">
Whether to append unique parameter on get request to disable caching (Defaults to Ext.Updater.defaults.disableCaching or false). </div>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-el"></a>
<b>el</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
The Element object </div>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-formUpdateDelegate"></a>
<b>formUpdateDelegate</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Delegate for formUpdate() prebound to "this", use myUpdater.formUpdateDelegate.createCallback(arg1, arg2) to bind arg...</div>
<div class="long">
Delegate for formUpdate() prebound to "this", use myUpdater.formUpdateDelegate.createCallback(arg1, arg2) to bind arguments </div>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-indicatorText"></a>
<b>indicatorText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Text for loading indicator (Defaults to Ext.Updater.defaults.indicatorText or '&lt;div class="loading-indicator"&gt;L...</div>
<div class="long">
Text for loading indicator (Defaults to Ext.Updater.defaults.indicatorText or '&lt;div class="loading-indicator"&gt;Loading...&lt;/div&gt;'). </div>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-loadScripts"></a>
<b>loadScripts</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to process scripts in the output (Defaults to Ext.Updater.defaults.loadScripts (false)). </div>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-refreshDelegate"></a>
<b>refreshDelegate</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
Delegate for refresh() prebound to "this", use myUpdater.refreshDelegate.createCallback(arg1, arg2) to bind arguments </div>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-renderer"></a>
<b>renderer</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The renderer for this Updater. Defaults to <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer" href="output/Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer.html">Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer</a>. </div>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-showLoadIndicator"></a>
<b>showLoadIndicator</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Whether to show indicatorText when loading (Defaults to Ext.Updater.defaults.showLoadIndicator or true). </div>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-sslBlankUrl"></a>
<b>sslBlankUrl</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Blank page URL to use with SSL file uploads (Defaults to Ext.Updater.defaults.sslBlankUrl or "about:blank"). </div>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-timeout"></a>
<b>timeout</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Timeout for requests or form posts in seconds (Defaults to Ext.Updater.defaults.timeout or 30 seconds). </div>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-transaction"></a>
<b>transaction</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Transaction object of current executing transaction </div>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-updateDelegate"></a>
<b>updateDelegate</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
Delegate for update() prebound to "this", use myUpdater.updateDelegate.createCallback(arg1, arg2) to bind arguments </div>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<a id="Ext.Updater-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-Updater"></a>
<b>Updater</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean forceNew</code>]</span>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create new Updater directly.</div>
<div class="long">
Create new Updater directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to update</div></li><li><code>forceNew</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) By default the constructor checks to see if the passed element already has an Updater and if it does it returns the same instance. This will skip that check (useful for extending this class).</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-Updater.updateElement"></a>
<b>Updater.updateElement</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>String url</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Object params</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Deprecated. &lt;static&gt; Static convenience method. This method is deprecated in favor of el.load({url:'foo.php', ....</div>
<div class="long">
<b>Deprecated.</b> &lt;static&gt; Static convenience method. This method is deprecated in favor of el.load({url:'foo.php', ...}).
<pre><code>Ext.Updater.updateElement(<em>"my-div"</em>, <em>"stuff.php"</em>);</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to update</div></li><li><code>url</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The url</div></li><li><code>params</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Url encoded param string or an object of name/value pairs</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) A config object with any of the Updater properties you want to set - for example: {disableCaching:true, indicatorText: "Loading data..."}</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-abort"></a>
<b>abort</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Aborts the executing transaction</div>
<div class="long">
Aborts the executing transaction <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-formUpdate"></a>
<b>formUpdate</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement form</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String url</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean reset</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function callback</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Performs an async form post, updating this element with the response. If the form has the attribute enctype="multipar...</div>
<div class="long">
Performs an async form post, updating this element with the response. If the form has the attribute enctype="multipart/form-data", it assumes it's a file upload.
Uses this.sslBlankUrl for SSL file uploads to prevent IE security warning. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>form</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The form Id or form element</div></li><li><code>url</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The url to pass the form to. If omitted the action attribute on the form will be used.</div></li><li><code>reset</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Whether to try to reset the form after the update</div></li><li><code>callback</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Callback when transaction is complete. The following
parameters are passed:<ul>
<li><b>el</b> : Ext.Element<p class="sub-desc">The Element being updated.</p></li>
<li><b>success</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True for success, false for failure.</p></li>
<li><b>response</b> : XMLHttpRequest<p class="sub-desc">The XMLHttpRequest which processed the update.</p></li></ul></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the Element this Updater is bound to</div>
<div class="long">
Get the Element this Updater is bound to <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-isUpdating"></a>
<b>isUpdating</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if an update is in progress</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if an update is in progress <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-refresh"></a>
<b>refresh</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function callback</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Refresh the element with the last used url or defaultUrl. If there is no url, it returns immediately</div>
<div class="long">
Refresh the element with the last used url or defaultUrl. If there is no url, it returns immediately <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>callback</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Callback when transaction is complete - called with signature (oElement, bSuccess)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-setDefaultUrl"></a>
<b>setDefaultUrl</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Function defaultUrl</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Set the defaultUrl used for updates</div>
<div class="long">
Set the defaultUrl used for updates <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>defaultUrl</code> : String/Function<div class="sub-desc">The url or a function to call to get the url</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-setRenderer"></a>
<b>setRenderer</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object renderer</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Set the content renderer for this Updater. See <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer" ext:member="render" href="output/Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer.html#render">Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer.render</a> for more details.</div>
<div class="long">
Set the content renderer for this Updater. See <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer" ext:member="render" href="output/Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer.html#render">Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer.render</a> for more details. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>renderer</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object implementing the render() method</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-showLoading"></a>
<b>showLoading</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called to update the element to "Loading" state. Override to perform custom action.</div>
<div class="long">
Called to update the element to "Loading" state. Override to perform custom action. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-startAutoRefresh"></a>
<b>startAutoRefresh</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number interval</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Function url</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Object params</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function callback</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean refreshNow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Set this element to auto refresh.</div>
<div class="long">
Set this element to auto refresh. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>interval</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">How often to update (in seconds).</div></li><li><code>url</code> : String/Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The url for this request or a function to call to get the url (Defaults to the last used url)</div></li><li><code>params</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The parameters to pass as either a url encoded string "&param1=1&param2=2" or as an object {param1: 1, param2: 2}</div></li><li><code>callback</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Callback when transaction is complete - called with signature (oElement, bSuccess)</div></li><li><code>refreshNow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Whether to execute the refresh now, or wait the interval</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-stopAutoRefresh"></a>
<b>stopAutoRefresh</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Stop auto refresh on this element.</div>
<div class="long">
Stop auto refresh on this element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-update"></a>
<b>update</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object options</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Performs an asynchronous request, updating this element with the response.
If params are specified it uses POST, othe...</div>
<div class="long">
Performs an <b>asynchronous</b> request, updating this element with the response.
If params are specified it uses POST, otherwise it uses GET.<br><br>
<b>NB:</b> Due to the asynchronous nature of remote server requests, the Element
will not have been fully updated when the function returns. To postprocess the returned
data, use the callback option, or an <b><tt>update</tt></b> event handler. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A config object containing any of the following options:<ul>
<li>url : <b>String/Function</b><p class="sub-desc">The URL to
request or a function which <i>returns</i> the URL.</p></li>
<li>method : <b>String</b><p class="sub-desc">The HTTP method to
use. Defaults to POST if params are present, or GET if not.</p></li>
<li>params : <b>String/Object/Function</b><p class="sub-desc">The
parameters to pass to the server. These may be specified as a urlencoded
string, or as an object containing properties which represent parameters,
or as a function, which returns an object.</p></li>
<li>scripts : <b>Boolean</b><p class="sub-desc">If <tt>true</tt>
any &lt;script&gt; tags embedded in the response text will be extracted
and executed. If this option is specified, the callback will be
called <i>after</i> the execution of the scripts.</p></li>
<li>callback : <b>Function</b><p class="sub-desc">A function to
be called when the response from the server arrives. The following
parameters are passed:<ul>
<li><b>el</b> : Ext.Element<p class="sub-desc">The Element being updated.</p></li>
<li><b>success</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True for success, false for failure.</p></li>
<li><b>response</b> : XMLHttpRequest<p class="sub-desc">The XMLHttpRequest which processed the update.</p></li>
<li><b>options</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The config object passed to the update call.</p></li></ul>
<li>scope : <b>Object</b><p class="sub-desc">The scope in which
to execute the callback (The callback's <tt>this</tt> reference.) If the
<tt>params</tt> option is a function, this scope is used for that function also.</p></li>
<li>discardUrl : <b>Boolean</b><p class="sub-desc">If not passed
as <tt>false</tt> the URL of this request becomes the default URL for
this Updater object, and will be subsequently used in <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" ext:member="refresh" href="output/Ext.Updater.html#refresh">refresh</a>
<li>timeout : <b>Number</b><p class="sub-desc">The timeout to use
when waiting for a response.</p></li>
<li>nocache : <b>Boolean</b><p class="sub-desc">Only needed for GET
requests, this option causes an extra, generated parameter to be passed
to defeat caching.</p></li></ul>
For example:
url: <em>"your-url.php"</em>,
params: {param1: <em>"foo"</em>, param2: <em>"bar"</em>}, <i>// or a URL encoded string</i>
callback: yourFunction,
scope: yourObject, <i>//(optional scope) </i>
discardUrl: false,
nocache: false,
text: <em>"Loading..."</em>,
timeout: 30,
scripts: false <i>// Save time by avoiding RegExp execution.</i>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<a id="Ext.Updater-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-beforeupdate"></a>
<b>beforeupdate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Element el</code>, <code>String/Object/Function url</code>, <code>String/Object params</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fired before an update is made, return false from your handler and the update is cancelled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fired before an update is made, return false from your handler and the update is cancelled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Ext.Element<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>url</code> : String/Object/Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>params</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-failure"></a>
<b>failure</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Element el</code>, <code>Object oResponseObject</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fired on update failure.</div>
<div class="long">
Fired on update failure. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Ext.Element<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>oResponseObject</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The response Object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Updater-update"></a>
<b>update</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Element el</code>, <code>Object oResponseObject</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fired after successful update is made.</div>
<div class="long">
Fired after successful update is made. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Ext.Element<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>oResponseObject</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The response Object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Updater</td>
New file
0,0 → 1,74
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/data/DataReader.js" target="_blank">DataReader.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">DataReader</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" href="output/">JsonReader</a>, <a ext:cls="" href="output/">XmlReader</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Abstract base class for reading structured data from a data source and converting
it into an object containing <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> objects and metadata for use
by an <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a>. This class is intended to be extended and should not
be created directly. For existing implementations, see <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a>,
<a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> and <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a>. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>meta</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
This DataReader's configured metadata as passed to the constructor. </div>
<td class="msource">DataReader</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>DataReader</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object meta</code>, <code>Object recordType</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new DataReader</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new DataReader <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>meta</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Metadata configuration options (implementation-specific)</div></li><li><code>recordType</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Either an Array of field definition objects as specified
in <a ext:cls="" ext:member="create" href="output/"></a>, or an <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> object created
using <a ext:cls="" ext:member="create" href="output/"></a>.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DataReader</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,710
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.GridView-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.GridView-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.GridView-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.GridView-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.grid.GridView"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>GridView</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.grid.GridView</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.grid</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/grid/GridView.js" target="_blank">GridView.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">GridView</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GroupingView" href="output/Ext.grid.GroupingView.html">GroupingView</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
<p>This class encapsulates the user interface of an <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html">Ext.grid.GridPanel</a>.
Methods of this class may be used to access user interface elements to enable
special display effects. Do not change the DOM structure of the user interface.</p>
<p>This class does not provide ways to manipulate the underlying data. The data
model of a Grid is held in an <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a>.</p> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-autoFill"></a>
<b>autoFill</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to auto expand the columns to fit the grid <b>when the grid is created</b>. </div>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-emptyText"></a>
<b>emptyText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Default text to display in the grid body when no rows are available (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-enableRowBody"></a>
<b>enableRowBody</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to add a second TR element per row that can be used to provide a row body that spans beneath the data row. Use t...</div>
<div class="long">
True to add a second TR element per row that can be used to provide a row body that spans beneath the data row. Use the <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="getRowClass" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#getRowClass">getRowClass</a> method's rowParams config to customize the row body. </div>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-forceFit"></a>
<b>forceFit</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to auto expand/contract the size of the columns to fit the grid width and prevent horizontal scrolling. </div>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-columnsText"></a>
<b>columnsText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The text displayed in the "Columns" menu item </div>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-scrollOffset"></a>
<b>scrollOffset</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The amount of space to reserve for the scrollbar (defaults to 19 pixels) </div>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-sortAscText"></a>
<b>sortAscText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The text displayed in the "Sort Ascending" menu item </div>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-sortClasses"></a>
<b>sortClasses</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
The CSS classes applied to a header when it is sorted. (defaults to ["sort-asc", "sort-desc"]) </div>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-sortDescText"></a>
<b>sortDescText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The text displayed in the "Sort Descending" menu item </div>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-GridView"></a>
<b>GridView</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-focusCell"></a>
<b>focusCell</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number row</code>, <code>Number col</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Focuses the specified cell.</div>
<div class="long">
Focuses the specified cell. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>row</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The row index</div></li><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-focusRow"></a>
<b>focusRow</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number row</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Focuses the specified row.</div>
<div class="long">
Focuses the specified row. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>row</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The row index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-getCell"></a>
<b>getCell</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number row</code>, <code>Number col</code>&nbsp;) : HtmlElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the grid's &lt;TD> HtmlElement at the specified coordinates.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the grid's &lt;TD> HtmlElement at the specified coordinates. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>row</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The row index in which to find the cell.</div></li><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index of the cell.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HtmlElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The &lt;TD> at the specified coordinates.</div></li>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-getHeaderCell"></a>
<b>getHeaderCell</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) : HtmlElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Return the &lt;TD> HtmlElement which represents the Grid's header cell for the specified column index.</div>
<div class="long">
Return the &lt;TD> HtmlElement which represents the Grid's header cell for the specified column index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HtmlElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The &lt;TD> element.</div></li>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-getRow"></a>
<b>getRow</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) : HtmlElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Return the &lt;TR> HtmlElement which represents a Grid row for the specified index.</div>
<div class="long">
Return the &lt;TR> HtmlElement which represents a Grid row for the specified index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The row index</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HtmlElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The &lt;TR> element.</div></li>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-getRowClass"></a>
<b>getRowClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>Record record</code>, <code>Number index</code>, <code>Object rowParams</code>, <code>Store store</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Override this function to apply custom CSS classes to rows during rendering. You can also supply custom
parameters t...</div>
<div class="long">
Override this function to apply custom CSS classes to rows during rendering. You can also supply custom
parameters to the row template for the current row to customize how it is rendered using the <b>rowParams</b>
parameter. This function should return the CSS class name (or empty string '' for none) that will be added
to the row's wrapping div. To apply multiple class names, simply return them space-delimited within the string
(e.g., 'my-class another-class'). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>record</code> : Record<div class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> corresponding to the current row</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The row index</div></li><li><code>rowParams</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A config object that is passed to the row template during rendering that allows
customization of various aspects of a body row, if applicable. Note that this object will only be applied if
<a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="enableRowBody" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#enableRowBody">enableRowBody</a> = true, otherwise it will be ignored. The object may contain any of these properties:<ul>
<li><code>body</code> : String <div class="sub-desc">An HTML fragment to be rendered as the cell's body content (defaults to '').</div></li>
<li><code>bodyStyle</code> : String <div class="sub-desc">A CSS style string that will be applied to the row's TR style attribute (defaults to '').</div></li>
<li><code>cols</code> : Number <div class="sub-desc">The column count to apply to the body row's TD colspan attribute (defaults to the current
column count of the grid).</div></li>
</ul></div></li><li><code>store</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> this grid is bound to</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">a CSS class name to add to the row.</div></li>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-refresh"></a>
<b>refresh</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean headersToo</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Refreshs the grid UI</div>
<div class="long">
Refreshs the grid UI <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>headersToo</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to also refresh the headers</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-scrollToTop"></a>
<b>scrollToTop</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Scrolls the grid to the top</div>
<div class="long">
Scrolls the grid to the top <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-beforerefresh"></a>
<b>beforerefresh</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.grid.GridView view</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Internal UI Event. Fired before the view is refreshed.</div>
<div class="long">
Internal UI Event. Fired before the view is refreshed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>view</code> : Ext.grid.GridView<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-beforerowremoved"></a>
<b>beforerowremoved</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.grid.GridView view</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code> record</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Internal UI Event. Fired before a row is removed.</div>
<div class="long">
Internal UI Event. Fired before a row is removed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>view</code> : Ext.grid.GridView<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the row to be removed.</div></li><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The Record to be removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-beforerowsinserted"></a>
<b>beforerowsinserted</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.grid.GridView view</code>, <code>Number firstRow</code>, <code>Number lastRow</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Internal UI Event. Fired before rows are inserted.</div>
<div class="long">
Internal UI Event. Fired before rows are inserted. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>view</code> : Ext.grid.GridView<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>firstRow</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the first row to be inserted.</div></li><li><code>lastRow</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the last row to be inserted.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-refresh"></a>
<b>refresh</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.grid.GridView view</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Internal UI Event. Fired after the GridView's body has been refreshed.</div>
<div class="long">
Internal UI Event. Fired after the GridView's body has been refreshed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>view</code> : Ext.grid.GridView<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-rowremoved"></a>
<b>rowremoved</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.grid.GridView view</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code> record</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Internal UI Event. Fired after a row is removed.</div>
<div class="long">
Internal UI Event. Fired after a row is removed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>view</code> : Ext.grid.GridView<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the row that was removed.</div></li><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The Record that was removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-rowsinserted"></a>
<b>rowsinserted</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.grid.GridView view</code>, <code>Number firstRow</code>, <code>Number lastRow</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Internal UI Event. Fired after rows are inserted.</div>
<div class="long">
Internal UI Event. Fired after rows are inserted. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>view</code> : Ext.grid.GridView<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>firstRow</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the first inserted.</div></li><li><code>lastRow</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the last row inserted.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GridView-rowupdated"></a>
<b>rowupdated</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.grid.GridView view</code>, <code>Number firstRow</code>, <code> record</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Internal UI Event. Fired after a row has been updated.</div>
<div class="long">
Internal UI Event. Fired after a row has been updated. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>view</code> : Ext.grid.GridView<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>firstRow</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the row updated.</div></li><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The Record backing the row updated.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GridView</td>
New file
0,0 → 1,110
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.ColumnLayout-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.ColumnLayout-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.ColumnLayout-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.ColumnLayout-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.layout.ColumnLayout"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">ContainerLayout</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>ColumnLayout</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.layout.ColumnLayout</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.layout</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/layout/ColumnLayout.js" target="_blank">ColumnLayout.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">ColumnLayout</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">ContainerLayout</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
<p>This is the layout style of choice for creating structural layouts in a multi-column format where the width of
each column can be specified as a percentage or fixed width, but the height is allowed to vary based on the content.
This class is intended to be extended or created via the layout:'column' <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">Ext.Container.layout</a> config,
and should generally not need to be created directly via the new keyword.</p>
<p>ColumnLayout does not have any direct config options (other than inherited ones), but it does support a
specific config property of <b>columnWidth</b> that can be included in the config of any panel added to it. The
layout will use the width (if pixels) or columnWidth (if percent) of each panel during layout to determine how to size each panel.
If width or columnWidth is not specified for a given panel, its width will default to the panel's width (or auto).</p>
<p>The width property is always evaluated as pixels, and must be a number greater than or equal to 1.
The columnWidth property is always evaluated as a percentage, and must be a decimal value greater than 0 and
less than 1 (e.g., .25).</p>
<p>The basic rules for specifying column widths are pretty simple. The logic makes two passes through the
set of contained panels. During the first layout pass, all panels that either have a fixed width or none
specified (auto) are skipped, but their widths are subtracted from the overall container width. During the second
pass, all panels with columnWidths are assigned pixel widths in proportion to their percentages based on
the total <b>remaining</b> container width. In other words, percentage width panels are designed to fill the space
left over by all the fixed-width or auto-width panels. Because of this, while you can specify any number of columns
with different percentages, the columnWidths must always add up to 1 (or 100%) when added together, otherwise your
layout may not render as expected. Example usage:</p>
<pre><code><i>// All columns are percentages -- they must add up to 1</i>
<b>var</b> p = <b>new</b> Ext.Panel({
title: <em>'Column Layout - Percentage Only'</em>,
items: [{
title: <em>'Column 1'</em>,
columnWidth: .25
title: <em>'Column 2'</em>,
columnWidth: .6
title: <em>'Column 3'</em>,
columnWidth: .15
<i>// Mix of width and columnWidth -- all columnWidth values values must add</i>
<i>// up to 1. The first column will take up exactly 120px, and the last two</i>
<i>// columns will fill the remaining container width.</i>
<b>var</b> p = <b>new</b> Ext.Panel({
title: <em>'Column Layout - Mixed'</em>,
items: [{
title: <em>'Column 1'</em>,
width: 120
title: <em>'Column 2'</em>,
columnWidth: .8
title: <em>'Column 3'</em>,
columnWidth: .2
});</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.layout.ColumnLayout-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.ColumnLayout-extraCls"></a>
<b>extraCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to the container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding custo...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to the container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="#extraCls" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#extraCls">ContainerLayout</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.ColumnLayout-renderHidden"></a>
<b>renderHidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide each contained item on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="#renderHidden" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#renderHidden">ContainerLayout</a></td>
<a id="Ext.layout.ColumnLayout-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.layout.ColumnLayout-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public methods.</div> <a id="Ext.layout.ColumnLayout-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,587
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Connection</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/data/Connection.js" target="_blank">Connection.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Connection</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Ajax" href="output/Ext.Ajax.html">Ajax</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
The class encapsulates a connection to the page's originating domain, allowing requests to be made
either to a configured URL, or to a URL specified at request time.<br><br>
Requests made by this class are asynchronous, and will return immediately. No data from
the server will be available to the statement immediately following the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="request" href="output/">request</a> call.
To process returned data, use a callback in the request options object, or an event listener.</p><br>
Note: If you are doing a file upload, you will not get a normal response object sent back to
your callback or event handler. Since the upload is handled via in IFRAME, there is no XMLHttpRequest.
The response object is created using the innerHTML of the IFRAME's document as the responseText
property and, if present, the IFRAME's XML document as the responseXML property.</p><br>
This means that a valid XML or HTML document must be returned. If JSON data is required, it is suggested
that it be placed either inside a &lt;textarea> in an HTML document and retrieved from the responseText
using a regex, or inside a CDATA section in an XML document and retrieved from the responseXML using
standard DOM methods. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>autoAbort</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
(Optional) Whether this request should abort any pending requests. (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Connection</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>defaultHeaders</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">(Optional) An object containing request headers which are added to each request made by this object. (defaults to und...</div>
<div class="long">
(Optional) An object containing request headers which are added to each request made by this object. (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource">Connection</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disableCaching</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
(Optional) True to add a unique cache-buster param to GET requests. (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">Connection</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>extraParams</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">(Optional) An object containing properties which are used as extra parameters to each request made by this object. (d...</div>
<div class="long">
(Optional) An object containing properties which are used as extra parameters to each request made by this object. (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource">Connection</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>method</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">(Optional) The default HTTP method to be used for requests. (defaults to undefined; if not set but parms are present ...</div>
<div class="long">
(Optional) The default HTTP method to be used for requests. (defaults to undefined; if not set but parms are present will use POST, otherwise GET) </div>
<td class="msource">Connection</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>timeout</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
(Optional) The timeout in milliseconds to be used for requests. (defaults to 30000) </div>
<td class="msource">Connection</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>url</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
(Optional) The default URL to be used for requests to the server. (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource">Connection</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>Connection</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">a configuration object.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Connection</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>abort</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number transactionId</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Aborts any outstanding request.</div>
<div class="long">
Aborts any outstanding request. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>transactionId</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(Optional) defaults to the last transaction</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Connection</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isLoading</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number transactionId</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Determine whether this object has a request outstanding.</div>
<div class="long">
Determine whether this object has a request outstanding. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>transactionId</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(Optional) defaults to the last transaction</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if there is an outstanding request.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Connection</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>request</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sends an HTTP request to a remote server.
Important: Ajax server requests are asynchronous, and this call will
<div class="long">
<p>Sends an HTTP request to a remote server.</p>
<p><b>Important:</b> Ajax server requests are asynchronous, and this call will
return before the response has been recieved. Process any returned data
in a callback function. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object which may contain the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>url</b> : String (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">The URL to
which to send the request. Defaults to configured URL</p></li>
<li><b>params</b> : Object/String/Function (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">
An object containing properties which are used as parameters to the
request, a url encoded string or a function to call to get either.</p></li>
<li><b>method</b> : String (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">The HTTP method to use
for the request. Defaults to the configured method, or if no method was configured,
"GET" if no parameters are being sent, and "POST" if parameters are being sent. Note that
the method name is case-sensitive and should be all caps.</p></li>
<li><b>callback</b> : Function (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">The
function to be called upon receipt of the HTTP response. The callback is
called regardless of success or failure and is passed the following
<li><b>options</b> : Object<p style="margin-left:1em">The parameter to the request call.</p></li>
<li><b>success</b> : Boolean<p style="margin-left:1em">True if the request succeeded.</p></li>
<li><b>response</b> : Object<p style="margin-left:1em">The XMLHttpRequest object containing the response data. See for details about accessing elements of the response.</p></li>
<li><b>success</b> : Function (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">The function
to be called upon success of the request. The callback is passed the following
<li><b>response</b> : Object<p style="margin-left:1em">The XMLHttpRequest object containing the response data.</p></li>
<li><b>options</b> : Object<p style="margin-left:1em">The parameter to the request call.</p></li>
<li><b>failure</b> : Function (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">The function
to be called upon failure of the request. The callback is passed the
following parameters:<ul>
<li><b>response</b> : Object<p style="margin-left:1em">The XMLHttpRequest object containing the response data.</p></li>
<li><b>options</b> : Object<p style="margin-left:1em">The parameter to the request call.</p></li>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">The scope in
which to execute the callbacks: The "this" object for the callback function.
Defaults to the browser window.</p></li>
<li><b>form</b> : Object/String (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">A form
object or id to pull parameters from.</p></li>
<li><b>isUpload</b> : Boolean (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">True if
the form object is a file upload (will usually be automatically detected).</p></li>
<li><b>headers</b> : Object (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">Request
headers to set for the request.</p></li>
<li><b>xmlData</b> : Object (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">XML document
to use for the post. Note: This will be used instead of params for the post
data. Any params will be appended to the URL.</p></li>
<li><b>jsonData</b> : Object/String (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">JSON
data to use as the post. Note: This will be used instead of params for the post
data. Any params will be appended to the URL.</p></li>
<li><b>disableCaching</b> : Boolean (Optional)<p style="margin-left:1em">True
to add a unique cache-buster param to GET requests.</p></li>
<p>The options object may also contain any other property which might be needed to perform
postprocessing in a callback because it is passed to callback functions.</p></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">transactionId The id of the server transaction. This may be used to cancel the request.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Connection</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforerequest</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Connection conn</code>, <code>Object options</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a network request is made to retrieve a data object.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a network request is made to retrieve a data object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>conn</code> : Connection<div class="sub-desc">This Connection object.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The options config object passed to the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="request" href="output/">request</a> method.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Connection</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>requestcomplete</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Connection conn</code>, <code>Object response</code>, <code>Object options</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires if the request was successfully completed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires if the request was successfully completed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>conn</code> : Connection<div class="sub-desc">This Connection object.</div></li><li><code>response</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The XHR object containing the response data.
See <a href="">The XMLHttpRequest Object</a>
for details.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The options config object passed to the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="request" href="output/">request</a> method.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Connection</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>requestexception</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Connection conn</code>, <code>Object response</code>, <code>Object options</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires if an error HTTP status was returned from the server.
See HTTP Status Code Definitions
for details of HTTP stat...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires if an error HTTP status was returned from the server.
See <a href="">HTTP Status Code Definitions</a>
for details of HTTP status codes. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>conn</code> : Connection<div class="sub-desc">This Connection object.</div></li><li><code>response</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The XHR object containing the response data.
See <a href="">The XMLHttpRequest Object</a>
for details.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The options config object passed to the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="request" href="output/">request</a> method.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Connection</td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.TaskMgr-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.TaskMgr-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.TaskMgr-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.TaskMgr"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.TaskMgr</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/util/TaskMgr.js" target="_blank">TaskMgr.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">TaskMgr</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
A static <a ext:cls="Ext.util.TaskRunner" href="output/Ext.util.TaskRunner.html">Ext.util.TaskRunner</a> instance that can be used to start and stop arbitrary tasks. See
<a ext:cls="Ext.util.TaskRunner" href="output/Ext.util.TaskRunner.html">Ext.util.TaskRunner</a> for supported methods and task config properties.
<pre><code><i>// Start a simple clock task that updates a div once per second</i>
<b>var</b> task = {
run: <b>function</b>(){<em>'clock'</em>).update(<b>new</b> Date().format(<em>'g:i:s A'</em>));
interval: 1000 <i>//1 second</i>
Ext.TaskMgr.start(task);</code></pre><br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.TaskMgr-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.TaskMgr-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public methods.</div> <a id="Ext.TaskMgr-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.ComponentMgr-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.ComponentMgr-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.ComponentMgr-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.ComponentMgr"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.ComponentMgr</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/ComponentMgr.js" target="_blank">ComponentMgr.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">ComponentMgr</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
<p>Provides a registry of all Components (specifically subclasses of
<a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>) on a page so that they can be easily accessed by
component id (see <a ext:cls="Ext.getCmp" href="output/Ext.getCmp.html">Ext.getCmp</a>).</p>
<p>This object also provides a registry of available Component <i>classes</i>
indexed by a mnemonic code known as the Component's <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a>.
The <tt>xtype</tt> provides a way to avoid instantiating child Components
when creating a full, nested config object for a complete Ext page.</p>
A child Component may be specified simply as a <i>config object</i>
as long as the correct xtype is specified so that if and when the Component
needs rendering, the correct type can be looked up for lazy instantiation.</p>
<p>For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.</p><br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.ComponentMgr-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ComponentMgr-all"></a>
<b>all</b> : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The MixedCollection used internally for the component cache. An example usage may be subscribing to
events on the Mix...</div>
<div class="long">
The MixedCollection used internally for the component cache. An example usage may be subscribing to
events on the MixedCollection to monitor addition or removal. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource">ComponentMgr</td>
<a id="Ext.ComponentMgr-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ComponentMgr-get"></a>
<b>get</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a component by id</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a component by id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The component id</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ComponentMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ComponentMgr-onAvailable"></a>
<b>onAvailable</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>, <code>Function fn</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Registers a function that will be called when a specified component is added to ComponentMgr</div>
<div class="long">
Registers a function that will be called when a specified component is added to ComponentMgr <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The component id</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The callback function</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope of the callback</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ComponentMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ComponentMgr-register"></a>
<b>register</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component c</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Registers a component.</div>
<div class="long">
Registers a component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>c</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ComponentMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ComponentMgr-registerType"></a>
<b>registerType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <code>Constructor cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Registers a new Component constructor, keyed by a new
Use this method to register new subclasses...</div>
<div class="long">
Registers a new Component constructor, keyed by a new
<a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a>.<br><br>
Use this method to register new subclasses of <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> so
that lazy instantiation may be used when specifying child Components.
see <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">Ext.Container.items</a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The mnemonic string by which the Component class
may be looked up.</div></li><li><code>cls</code> : Constructor<div class="sub-desc">The new Component class.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ComponentMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ComponentMgr-unregister"></a>
<b>unregister</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component c</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unregisters a component.</div>
<div class="long">
Unregisters a component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>c</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ComponentMgr</td>
<a id="Ext.ComponentMgr-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.TriggerField-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.TriggerField-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.TriggerField-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.TriggerField-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.form.TriggerField"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html">Field</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html">TextField</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>TriggerField</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.form.TriggerField</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.form</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/form/TriggerField.js" target="_blank">TriggerField.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">TriggerField</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html">ComboBox</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.form.DateField" href="output/Ext.form.DateField.html">DateField</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html">TextField</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Provides a convenient wrapper for TextFields that adds a clickable trigger button (looks like a combobox by default).
The trigger has no default action, so you must assign a function to implement the trigger click handler by
overriding <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TriggerField" ext:member="onTriggerClick" href="output/Ext.form.TriggerField.html#onTriggerClick">onTriggerClick</a>. You can create a TriggerField directly, as it renders exactly like a combobox
for which you can provide a custom implementation. For example:
<pre><code>var trigger = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TriggerField();
trigger.onTriggerClick = myTriggerFn;
However, in general you will most likely want to use TriggerField as the base class for a reusable component.
<a ext:cls="Ext.form.DateField" href="output/Ext.form.DateField.html">Ext.form.DateField</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html">Ext.form.ComboBox</a> are perfect examples of this. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-allowBlank"></a>
<b>allowBlank</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to validate that the value length > 0 (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#allowBlank" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#allowBlank">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-autoCreate"></a>
<b>autoCreate</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "16", au...</div>
<div class="long">
A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "16", autocomplete: "off"}) </div>
<td class="msource">TriggerField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-blankText"></a>
<b>blankText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Error text to display if the allow blank validation fails (defaults to "This field is required") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#blankText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#blankText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-clearCls"></a>
<b>clearCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class used to provide field clearing (defaults to 'x-form-clear-left') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#clearCls" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#clearCls">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-disableKeyFilter"></a>
<b>disableKeyFilter</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable input keystroke filtering (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#disableKeyFilter" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#disableKeyFilter">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable the field (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#disabled">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-emptyClass"></a>
<b>emptyClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The CSS class to apply to an empty field to style the emptyText (defaults to 'x-form-empty-field'). This class is aut...</div>
<div class="long">
The CSS class to apply to an empty field to style the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="emptyText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#emptyText">emptyText</a> (defaults to 'x-form-empty-field'). This class is automatically added and removed as needed depending on the current field value. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#emptyClass" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#emptyClass">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-emptyText"></a>
<b>emptyText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default text to display in an empty field (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#emptyText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#emptyText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-fieldClass"></a>
<b>fieldClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default CSS class for the field (defaults to "x-form-field") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#fieldClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#fieldClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-fieldLabel"></a>
<b>fieldLabel</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The label text to display next to this field (defaults to '') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#fieldLabel" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#fieldLabel">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-focusClass"></a>
<b>focusClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when the field receives focus (defaults to "x-form-focus") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#focusClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#focusClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-hideLabel"></a>
<b>hideLabel</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to completely hide the label element (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#hideLabel" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#hideLabel">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-hideTrigger"></a>
<b>hideTrigger</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the trigger element and display only the base text field (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">TriggerField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-inputType"></a>
<b>inputType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type attribute for input fields -- e.g. radio, text, password (defaults to "text"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#inputType" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#inputType">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-invalidClass"></a>
<b>invalidClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when marking a field invalid (defaults to "x-form-invalid") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#invalidClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#invalidClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-invalidText"></a>
<b>invalidText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided (defaults to "The value in this field i...</div>
<div class="long">
The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided (defaults to "The value in this field is invalid") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#invalidText" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#invalidText">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-itemCls"></a>
<b>itemCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if s...</div>
<div class="long">
An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if set, or ''). Since it is applied to the wrapper, it allows you to write standard CSS rules that can apply to the field, the label (if specified) or any other element within the markup for the field. Example use: <pre><code><i>// Apply a style to the field's label:</i>
.required .x-form-item-label {font-weight:bold;color:red;}
<b>new</b> Ext.FormPanel({
height: 100,
renderTo: document.body,
items: [{
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Name'</em>,
itemCls: <em>'required'</em> <i>//<b>this</b> label will be styled</i>
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Favorite Color'</em>
});</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#itemCls" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#itemCls">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-labelSeparator"></a>
<b>labelSeparator</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of Ext.layout.FormLayout.l...</div>
<div class="long">
The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" ext:member="labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html#labelSeparator">Ext.layout.FormLayout.labelSeparator</a>, which is a colon ':' by default). To display no separator for this field's label specify empty string ''. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#labelSeparator">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-labelStyle"></a>
<b>labelStyle</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if se...</div>
<div class="long">
A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if set, or ''). For example, <code>labelStyle: 'font-weight:bold;'</code>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#labelStyle" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#labelStyle">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-maskRe"></a>
<b>maskRe</b> : RegExp <div class="mdesc">
An input mask regular expression that will be used to filter keystrokes that don't match (defaults to null) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#maskRe" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#maskRe">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-maxLength"></a>
<b>maxLength</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Maximum input field length allowed (defaults to Number.MAX_VALUE) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#maxLength" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#maxLength">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-maxLengthText"></a>
<b>maxLengthText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Error text to display if the maximum length validation fails (defaults to "The maximum length for this field is {maxL...</div>
<div class="long">
Error text to display if the maximum length validation fails (defaults to "The maximum length for this field is {maxLength}") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#maxLengthText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#maxLengthText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-minLength"></a>
<b>minLength</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Minimum input field length required (defaults to 0) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#minLength" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#minLength">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-minLengthText"></a>
<b>minLengthText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Error text to display if the minimum length validation fails (defaults to "The minimum length for this field is {minL...</div>
<div class="long">
Error text to display if the minimum length validation fails (defaults to "The minimum length for this field is {minLength}") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#minLengthText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#minLengthText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-msgFx"></a>
<b>msgFx</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<b>Experimental</b> The effect used when displaying a validation message under the field (defaults to 'normal'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#msgFx" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#msgFx">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-msgTarget"></a>
<b>msgTarget</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): Value ...</div>
<div class="long">
The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): <pre>Value Description
----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
qtip Display a quick tip when the user hovers over the field
title Display a default browser title attribute popup
under Add a block div beneath the field containing the error text
side Add an error icon to the right of the field with a popup on hover
[element id] Add the error text directly to the innerHTML of the specified element</pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#msgTarget" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#msgTarget">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-name"></a>
<b>name</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The field's HTML name attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#name" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#name">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-readOnly"></a>
<b>readOnly</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM att...</div>
<div class="long">
True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#readOnly" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#readOnly">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-regex"></a>
<b>regex</b> : RegExp <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A JavaScript RegExp object to be tested against the field value during validation (defaults to null). If available, t...</div>
<div class="long">
A JavaScript RegExp object to be tested against the field value during validation (defaults to null). If available, this regex will be evaluated only after the basic validators all return true, and will be passed the current field value. If the test fails, the field will be marked invalid using <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="regexText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regexText">regexText</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#regex" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regex">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-regexText"></a>
<b>regexText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The error text to display if <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="regex" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regex">regex</a> is used and the test fails during validation (defaults to "") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#regexText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regexText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-selectOnFocus"></a>
<b>selectOnFocus</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to automatically select any existing field text when the field receives input focus (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#selectOnFocus" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#selectOnFocus">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-tabIndex"></a>
<b>tabIndex</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyT...</div>
<div class="long">
The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyTo (defaults to undefined). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#tabIndex" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#tabIndex">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-triggerClass"></a>
<b>triggerClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class to apply to the trigger </div>
<td class="msource">TriggerField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-validateOnBlur"></a>
<b>validateOnBlur</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the field should validate when it loses focus (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validateOnBlur" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validateOnBlur">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-validationDelay"></a>
<b>validationDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The length of time in milliseconds after user input begins until validation is initiated (defaults to 250) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validationDelay" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validationDelay">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-validationEvent"></a>
<b>validationEvent</b> : String/Boolean <div class="mdesc">
The event that should initiate field validation. Set to false to disable automatic validation (defaults to "keyup"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validationEvent" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validationEvent">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-validator"></a>
<b>validator</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom validation function to be called during field validation (defaults to null). If available, this function wil...</div>
<div class="long">
A custom validation function to be called during field validation (defaults to null). If available, this function will be called only after the basic validators all return true, and will be passed the current field value and expected to return boolean true if the value is valid or a string error message if invalid. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#validator" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#validator">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-value"></a>
<b>value</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
A value to initialize this field with. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#value" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#value">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-vtype"></a>
<b>vtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A validation type name as defined in <a ext:cls="Ext.form.VTypes" href="output/Ext.form.VTypes.html">Ext.form.VTypes</a> (defaults to null) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#vtype" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#vtype">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-vtypeText"></a>
<b>vtypeText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom error message to display in place of the default message provided for the vtype currently set for this field...</div>
<div class="long">
A custom error message to display in place of the default message provided for the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="vtype" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#vtype">vtype</a> currently set for this field (defaults to ''). Only applies if vtype is set, else ignored. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#vtypeText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#vtypeText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-TriggerField"></a>
<b>TriggerField</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new TriggerField.</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new TriggerField. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options (valid {@Ext.form.TextField} config options will also be applied
to the base TextField)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TriggerField</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-clearInvalid"></a>
<b>clearInvalid</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field</div>
<div class="long">
Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#clearInvalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#clearInvalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-getName"></a>
<b>getName</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the name attribute of the field if available</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the name attribute of the field if available <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">name The field name</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getName" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getName">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-getRawValue"></a>
<b>getRawValue</b>() : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getRawValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-getValue"></a>
<b>getValue</b>() : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the normalized data value (undefined or emptyText will be returned as ''). To return the raw value see getRa...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the normalized data value (undefined or emptyText will be returned as ''). To return the raw value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getRawValue">getRawValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-isDirty"></a>
<b>isDirty</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isDirty" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isDirty">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-isValid"></a>
<b>isValid</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean preventMark</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid</div>
<div class="long">
Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>preventMark</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to disable marking the field invalid</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isValid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isValid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-markInvalid"></a>
<b>markInvalid</b>(&nbsp;<code>String msg</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Mark this field as invalid</div>
<div class="long">
Mark this field as invalid <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The validation message</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#markInvalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#markInvalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-onTriggerClick"></a>
<b>onTriggerClick</b>(&nbsp;<code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function that should handle the trigger's click event. This method does nothing by default until overridden
by a...</div>
<div class="long">
The function that should handle the trigger's click event. This method does nothing by default until overridden
by an implementing function. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TriggerField</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-reset"></a>
<b>reset</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages</div>
<div class="long">
Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#reset" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#reset">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-selectText"></a>
<b>selectText</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number start</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number end</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects text in this field</div>
<div class="long">
Selects text in this field <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>start</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index where the selection should start (defaults to 0)</div></li><li><code>end</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index where the selection should end (defaults to the text length)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#selectText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#selectText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-setRawValue"></a>
<b>setRawValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-setValue"></a>
<b>setValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets a data value into the field and validates it. To set the value directly without validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">setRawValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets a data value into the field and validates it. To set the value directly without validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">setRawValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-validate"></a>
<b>validate</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Validates the field value</div>
<div class="long">
Validates the field value <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validate" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validate">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-validateValue"></a>
<b>validateValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Validates a value according to the field's validation rules and marks the field as invalid
if the validation fails</div>
<div class="long">
Validates a value according to the field's validation rules and marks the field as invalid
if the validation fails <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to validate</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#validateValue" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#validateValue">TextField</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-autosize"></a>
<b>autosize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the autosize function is triggered. The field may or may not have actually changed size
according to the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the autosize function is triggered. The field may or may not have actually changed size
according to the default logic, but this event provides a hook for the developer to apply additional
logic at runtime to resize the field if needed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc">This text field</div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new field width</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#event-autosize" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#event-autosize">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-blur"></a>
<b>blur</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this field loses input focus.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this field loses input focus. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-blur" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-blur">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-change"></a>
<b>change</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Mixed newValue</code>, <code>Mixed oldValue</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>newValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The new value</div></li><li><code>oldValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The original value</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-change" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-change">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this field receives input focus.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this field receives input focus. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-focus" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-focus">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-invalid"></a>
<b>invalid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>String msg</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the field has been marked as invalid.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the field has been marked as invalid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The validation message</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-invalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-invalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-specialkey"></a>
<b>specialkey</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<div class="long">
Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<a ext:cls="Ext.EventObject" ext:member="getKey" href="output/Ext.EventObject.html#getKey">Ext.EventObject.getKey</a> to determine which key was pressed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-specialkey" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-specialkey">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TriggerField-valid"></a>
<b>valid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the field has been validated with no errors.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the field has been validated with no errors. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-valid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-valid">Field</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.state.Provider-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.state.Provider-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.state.Provider-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.state.Provider"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.state.Provider</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.state</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/state/Provider.js" target="_blank">Provider.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Provider</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.air.FileProvider" href="output/Ext.air.FileProvider.html">FileProvider</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">CookieProvider</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Abstract base class for state provider implementations. This class provides methods
for encoding and decoding <b>typed</b> variables including dates and defines the
Provider interface. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.state.Provider-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.state.Provider-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.state.Provider-clear"></a>
<b>clear</b>(&nbsp;<code>String name</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears a value from the state</div>
<div class="long">
Clears a value from the state <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>name</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key name</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Provider</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.state.Provider-decodeValue"></a>
<b>decodeValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Decodes a string previously encoded with <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="encodeValue" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#encodeValue">encodeValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Decodes a string previously encoded with <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="encodeValue" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#encodeValue">encodeValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The value to decode</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">The decoded value</div></li>
<td class="msource">Provider</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.state.Provider-encodeValue"></a>
<b>encodeValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Encodes a value including type information. Decode with <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="decodeValue" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#decodeValue">decodeValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Encodes a value including type information. Decode with <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="decodeValue" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#decodeValue">decodeValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to encode</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The encoded value</div></li>
<td class="msource">Provider</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.state.Provider-get"></a>
<b>get</b>(&nbsp;<code>String name</code>, <code>Mixed defaultValue</code>&nbsp;) : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the current value for a key</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the current value for a key <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>name</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key name</div></li><li><code>defaultValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">A default value to return if the key's value is not found</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">The state data</div></li>
<td class="msource">Provider</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.state.Provider-set"></a>
<b>set</b>(&nbsp;<code>String name</code>, <code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the value for a key</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the value for a key <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>name</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key name</div></li><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Provider</td>
<a id="Ext.state.Provider-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.state.Provider-statechange"></a>
<b>statechange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Provider this</code>, <code>String key</code>, <code>String value</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a state change occurs.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a state change occurs. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Provider<div class="sub-desc">This state provider</div></li><li><code>key</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The state key which was changed</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The encoded value for the state</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Provider</td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.DatePicker-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.DatePicker-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.DatePicker-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.DatePicker-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.DatePicker"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>DatePicker</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.DatePicker</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/DatePicker.js" target="_blank">DatePicker.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">DatePicker</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Simple date picker class. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-cancelText"></a>
<b>cancelText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The text to display on the cancel button </div>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-constrainToViewport"></a>
<b>constrainToViewport</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to constrain the date picker to the viewport (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-dayNames"></a>
<b>dayNames</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
An array of textual day names which can be overriden for localization support (defaults to Date.dayNames) </div>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-disabledDatesRE"></a>
<b>disabledDatesRE</b> : RegExp <div class="mdesc">
JavaScript regular expression used to disable a pattern of dates (defaults to null) </div>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-disabledDatesText"></a>
<b>disabledDatesText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The tooltip text to display when the date falls on a disabled date (defaults to "") </div>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-disabledDays"></a>
<b>disabledDays</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
An array of days to disable, 0-based. For example, [0, 6] disables Sunday and Saturday (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-disabledDaysText"></a>
<b>disabledDaysText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The tooltip to display when the date falls on a disabled day (defaults to "") </div>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-format"></a>
<b>format</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The default date format string which can be overriden for localization support. The format must be valid according to...</div>
<div class="long">
The default date format string which can be overriden for localization support. The format must be valid according to <a ext:cls="Date" ext:member="parseDate" href="output/Date.html#parseDate">Date.parseDate</a> (defaults to 'm/d/y'). </div>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-maxDate"></a>
<b>maxDate</b> : Date <div class="mdesc">
Maximum allowable date (JavaScript date object, defaults to null) </div>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-maxText"></a>
<b>maxText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The error text to display if the maxDate validation fails (defaults to "This date is after the maximum date") </div>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-minDate"></a>
<b>minDate</b> : Date <div class="mdesc">
Minimum allowable date (JavaScript date object, defaults to null) </div>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-minText"></a>
<b>minText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The error text to display if the minDate validation fails (defaults to "This date is before the minimum date") </div>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-monthNames"></a>
<b>monthNames</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
An array of textual month names which can be overriden for localization support (defaults to Date.monthNames) </div>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-monthYearText"></a>
<b>monthYearText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The header month selector tooltip (defaults to 'Choose a month (Control+Up/Down to move years)') </div>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-nextText"></a>
<b>nextText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The next month navigation button tooltip (defaults to 'Next Month (Control+Right)') </div>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-okText"></a>
<b>okText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The text to display on the ok button </div>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-prevText"></a>
<b>prevText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The previous month navigation button tooltip (defaults to 'Previous Month (Control+Left)') </div>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-startDay"></a>
<b>startDay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Day index at which the week should begin, 0-based (defaults to 0, which is Sunday) </div>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-todayText"></a>
<b>todayText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The text to display on the button that selects the current date (defaults to "Today") </div>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-todayTip"></a>
<b>todayTip</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The tooltip to display for the button that selects the current date (defaults to "{current date} (Spacebar)") </div>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-DatePicker"></a>
<b>DatePicker</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new DatePicker</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new DatePicker <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-getValue"></a>
<b>getValue</b>() : Date <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current selected value of the date field</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current selected value of the date field <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Date</code><div class="sub-desc">The selected date</div></li>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-setValue"></a>
<b>setValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Date value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the value of the date field</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the value of the date field <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Date<div class="sub-desc">The date to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-select"></a>
<b>select</b> : (&nbsp;<code>DatePicker this</code>, <code>Date date</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a date is selected</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a date is selected <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : DatePicker<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>date</code> : Date<div class="sub-desc">The selected date</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DatePicker</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DatePicker-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
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<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.QuickTips-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.QuickTips-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.QuickTips-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
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<h1>Class Ext.QuickTips</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/tips/QuickTips.js" target="_blank">QuickTips.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">QuickTips</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
<p>Provides attractive and customizable tooltips for any element. The QuickTips
singleton is used to configure and manage tooltips globally for multiple elements
in a generic manner. To create individual tooltips with maximum customizability,
you should consider either <a ext:cls="Ext.Tip" href="output/Ext.Tip.html">Ext.Tip</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.ToolTip" href="output/Ext.ToolTip.html">Ext.ToolTip</a>.</p>
<p>Quicktips can be configured via tag attributes directly in markup, or by
registering quick tips programmatically via the <a ext:cls="Ext.QuickTips" ext:member="register" href="output/Ext.QuickTips.html#register">register</a> method.</p>
<p>The singleton's instance of <a ext:cls="Ext.QuickTip" href="output/Ext.QuickTip.html">Ext.QuickTip</a> is available via
<a ext:cls="Ext.QuickTips" ext:member="getQuickTip" href="output/Ext.QuickTips.html#getQuickTip">getQuickTip</a>, and supports all the methods, and all the all the
configuration properties of Ext.QuickTip. These settings will apply to all
tooltips shown by the singleton.</p>
<p>Below is the summary of the configuration properties which can be used.
For detailed descriptions see <a ext:cls="Ext.QuickTips" ext:member="getQuickTip" href="output/Ext.QuickTips.html#getQuickTip">getQuickTip</a></p>
<p><b>QuickTips singleton configs (all are optional)</b></p>
<div class="mdetail-params"><ul><li>dismissDelay</li>
<p><b>Target element configs (optional unless otherwise noted)</b></p>
<div class="mdetail-params"><ul><li>autoHide</li>
<li>dismissDelay (overrides singleton value)</li>
<li>target (required)</li>
<li>text (required)</li>
<p>Here is an example showing how some of these config options could be used:</p>
<pre><code><i>// Init the singleton. Any tag-based quick tips will start working.</i>
<i>// Apply a set of config properties to the singleton</i>
Ext.apply(Ext.QuickTips.getQuickTip(), {
maxWidth: 200,
minWidth: 100,
showDelay: 50,
trackMouse: true
<i>// Manually register a quick tip <b>for</b> a specific element</i>
target: <em>'my-div'</em>,
title: <em>'My Tooltip'</em>,
text: <em>'This tooltip was added <b>in</b> code'</em>,
width: 100,
dismissDelay: 20
<p>To register a quick tip in markup, you simply add one or more of the valid QuickTip attributes prefixed with
the <b>ext:</b> namespace. The HTML element itself is automatically set as the quick tip target. Here is the summary
of supported attributes (optional unless otherwise noted):</p>
<ul><li><b>hide</b>: Specifying "user" is equivalent to setting autoHide = false. Any other value will be the
same as autoHide = true.</li>
<li><b>qclass</b>: A CSS class to be applied to the quick tip (equivalent to the 'cls' target element config).</li>
<li><b>qtip (required)</b>: The quick tip text (equivalent to the 'text' target element config).</li>
<li><b>qtitle</b>: The quick tip title (equivalent to the 'title' target element config).</li>
<li><b>qwidth</b>: The quick tip width (equivalent to the 'width' target element config).</li></ul>
<p>Here is an example of configuring an HTML element to display a tooltip from markup:</p>
<pre><code><i>// Add a quick tip to an HTML button</i>
&lt;input type=<em>"button"</em> value=<em>"OK"</em> ext:qtitle=<em>"OK Button"</em> ext:qwidth=<em>"100"</em>
ext:qtip=<em>"This is a quick tip from markup!"</em>>&lt;/input></code></pre><br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.QuickTips-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.QuickTips-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTips-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable quick tips globally.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable quick tips globally. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">QuickTips</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTips-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable quick tips globally.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable quick tips globally. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">QuickTips</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTips-getQuickTip"></a>
<b>getQuickTip</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the global QuickTips instance.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the global QuickTips instance. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">QuickTips</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTips-init"></a>
<b>init</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initialize the global QuickTips instance and prepare any quick tips.</div>
<div class="long">
Initialize the global QuickTips instance and prepare any quick tips. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">QuickTips</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTips-isEnabled"></a>
<b>isEnabled</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if quick tips are enabled, else false.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if quick tips are enabled, else false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">QuickTips</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTips-register"></a>
<b>register</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Configures a new quick tip instance and assigns it to a target element. See
<a ext:cls="Ext.QuickTip" ext:member="register" href="output/Ext.QuickTip.html#register">Ext.QuickTip.register</a> for details.</div>
<div class="long">
Configures a new quick tip instance and assigns it to a target element. See
<a ext:cls="Ext.QuickTip" ext:member="register" href="output/Ext.QuickTip.html#register">Ext.QuickTip.register</a> for details. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">QuickTips</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTips-tips"></a>
<b>tips</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Alias of <a ext:cls="Ext.QuickTips" ext:member="register" href="output/Ext.QuickTips.html#register">register</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Alias of <a ext:cls="Ext.QuickTips" ext:member="register" href="output/Ext.QuickTips.html#register">register</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">QuickTips</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTips-unregister"></a>
<b>unregister</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement/Element el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes any registered quick tip from the target element and destroys it.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes any registered quick tip from the target element and destroys it. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement/Element<div class="sub-desc">The element from which the quick tip is to be removed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">QuickTips</td>
<a id="Ext.QuickTips-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/menu/MenuMgr.js" target="_blank">MenuMgr.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">MenuMgr</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Provides a common registry of all menu items on a page so that they can be easily accessed by id.<br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>get</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object menu</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> object</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>menu</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">The string menu id, an existing menu object reference, or a Menu config that will
be used to generate and return a new Menu instance.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The specified menu, or null if none are found</div></li>
<td class="msource">MenuMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideAll</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides all menus that are currently visible</div>
<div class="long">
Hides all menus that are currently visible <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">MenuMgr</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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0,0 → 1,3315
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreePanel-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreePanel-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreePanel-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreePanel-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.tree.TreePanel"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Container</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Panel</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>TreePanel</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.tree.TreePanel</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.tree</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/tree/TreePanel.js" target="_blank">TreePanel.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">TreePanel</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Panel</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
<p>The TreePanel provides tree-structured UI representation of tree-structured data.</p>
<p><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html">TreeNode</a>s added to the TreePanel may each contain metadata
used by your application in their <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="attributes" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#attributes">attributes</a> property.</p>
<p><b>A TreePanel must have a <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreePanel" ext:member="root" href="output/Ext.tree.TreePanel.html#root">root</a> node before it is rendered.</b> This may either be
specified using the <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreePanel" ext:member="root" href="output/Ext.tree.TreePanel.html#root">root</a> config option, or using the <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreePanel" ext:member="setRootNode" href="output/Ext.tree.TreePanel.html#setRootNode">setRootNode</a> method. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-animCollapse"></a>
<b>animCollapse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the Ext....</div>
<div class="long">
True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the <a ext:cls="Ext.Fx" href="output/Ext.Fx.html">Ext.Fx</a> class is available, otherwise false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-animate"></a>
<b>animate</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
true to enable animated expand/collapse (defaults to the value of Ext.enableFx) </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-autoHeight"></a>
<b>autoHeight</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a height of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-autoScroll"></a>
<b>autoScroll</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use overflow:'auto' on the panel's body element and show scroll bars automatically when necessary, false to c...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use overflow:'auto' on the panel's body element and show scroll bars automatically when necessary, false to clip any overflowing content (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#autoScroll" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#autoScroll">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-baseCls"></a>
<b>baseCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The base CSS class to apply to this panel's element (defaults to 'x-panel'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#baseCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#baseCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-bbar"></a>
<b>bbar</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The bottom toolbar of the panel. This can be a Ext.Toolbar object, a toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button co...</div>
<div class="long">
The bottom toolbar of the panel. This can be a <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Ext.Toolbar</a> object, a toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render. To access the bottom toolbar after render, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getBottomToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getBottomToolbar">getBottomToolbar</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-bodyBorder"></a>
<b>bodyBorder</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display an interior border on the body element of the panel, false to hide it (defaults to true). This only a...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display an interior border on the body element of the panel, false to hide it (defaults to true). This only applies when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="border" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#border">border</a> == true. If border == true and bodyBorder == false, the border will display as a 1px wide inset border, giving the entire body element an inset appearance. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bodyBorder" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyBorder">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-bodyStyle"></a>
<b>bodyStyle</b> : String/Object/Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Custom CSS styles to be applied to the body element in the format expected by Ext.Element.applyStyles (defaults to nu...</div>
<div class="long">
Custom CSS styles to be applied to the body element in the format expected by <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a> (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bodyStyle" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyStyle">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-border"></a>
<b>border</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). By default, the borde...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). By default, the border is a 2px wide inset border, but this can be further altered by setting <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="bodyBorder" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyBorder">bodyBorder</a> to false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#border" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#border">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-buttonAlign"></a>
<b>buttonAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The alignment of any buttons added to this panel. Valid values are 'right,' 'left' and 'center' (defaults to 'right'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttonAlign" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttonAlign">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-buttons"></a>
<b>buttons</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
An array of <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> <b>configs</b> used to add buttons to the footer of this panel. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-collapseFirst"></a>
<b>collapseFirst</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the pane...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the panel's title bar, false to render it last (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapseFirst" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapseFirst">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-collapsed"></a>
<b>collapsed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render the panel collapsed, false to render it expanded (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsed" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsed">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-collapsedCls"></a>
<b>collapsedCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class to add to the panel's element after it has been collapsed (defaults to 'x-panel-collapsed'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsedCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsedCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-collapsible"></a>
<b>collapsible</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header tool button area, false to keep the panel statically sized with no button (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-containerScroll"></a>
<b>containerScroll</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
true to register this container with ScrollManager </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-ddAppendOnly"></a>
<b>ddAppendOnly</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
True if the tree should only allow append drops (use for trees which are sorted) </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-ddGroup"></a>
<b>ddGroup</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The DD group this TreePanel belongs to </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-ddScroll"></a>
<b>ddScroll</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
true to enable body scrolling </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-dragConfig"></a>
<b>dragConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Custom config to pass to the <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeDragZone.html">Ext.tree.TreeDragZone</a> instance </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-draggable"></a>
<b>draggable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false). For custom drag/drop implementations, an Ext.Panel.DD conf...</div>
<div class="long">
True to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false). For custom drag/drop implementations, an Ext.Panel.DD config could also be passed in this config instead of true, although Ext.Panel.DD is an internal, undocumented class. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#draggable" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#draggable">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-dropConfig"></a>
<b>dropConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Custom config to pass to the <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeDropZone.html">Ext.tree.TreeDropZone</a> instance </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-enableDD"></a>
<b>enableDD</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
true to enable drag and drop </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-enableDrag"></a>
<b>enableDrag</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
true to enable just drag </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-enableDrop"></a>
<b>enableDrop</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
true to enable just drop </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-floating"></a>
<b>floating</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to float the panel (absolute position it with automatic shimming and shadow), false to display it inline where i...</div>
<div class="long">
True to float the panel (absolute position it with automatic shimming and shadow), false to display it inline where it is rendered (defaults to false). Note that by default, setting floating to true will cause the panel to display at negative offsets so that it is hidden -- because the panel is absolute positioned, the position must be set explicitly after render (e.g., myPanel.setPosition(100,100);). Also, when floating a panel you should always assign a fixed width, otherwise it will be auto width and will expand to fill to the right edge of the viewport. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#floating" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#floating">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-footer"></a>
<b>footer</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to create the footer element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when footer is not specified, if...</div>
<div class="long">
True to create the footer element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when footer is not specified, if one or more buttons have been added to the panel the footer will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#footer" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#footer">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-frame"></a>
<b>frame</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render the panel with custom rounded borders, false to render with plain 1px square borders (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#frame" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#frame">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to create the header element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when header is not specified, if...</div>
<div class="long">
True to create the header element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when header is not specified, if a <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">title</a> is set the header will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. If a title is set but header is explicitly set to false, the header will not be rendered. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-headerAsText"></a>
<b>headerAsText</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to display the panel title in the header, false to hide it (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#headerAsText" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#headerAsText">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-hideCollapseTool"></a>
<b>hideCollapseTool</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the expand/collapse toggle button when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> = true, false to display it (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#hideCollapseTool" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#hideCollapseTool">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-hlColor"></a>
<b>hlColor</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The color of the node highlight (defaults to C3DAF9) </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-hlDrop"></a>
<b>hlDrop</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
false to disable node highlight on drop (defaults to the value of Ext.enableFx) </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-iconCls"></a>
<b>iconCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class that will provide a background image to be used as the panel header icon (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#iconCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#iconCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-keys"></a>
<b>keys</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by Ext.KeyMap.addBinding used to assign custom key handling to this pa...</div>
<div class="long">
A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by <a ext:cls="Ext.KeyMap" ext:member="addBinding" href="output/Ext.KeyMap.html#addBinding">Ext.KeyMap.addBinding</a> used to assign custom key handling to this panel (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#keys" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#keys">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-lines"></a>
<b>lines</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
false to disable tree lines (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-loader"></a>
<b>loader</b> : Ext.tree.TreeLoader <div class="mdesc">
A <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeLoader" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeLoader.html">Ext.tree.TreeLoader</a> for use with this TreePanel </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-maskDisabled"></a>
<b>maskDisabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will alway...</div>
<div class="long">
True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will always tell its contained elements to disable themselves when it is disabled, but masking the panel can provide an additional visual cue that the panel is disabled. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#maskDisabled" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#maskDisabled">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-minButtonWidth"></a>
<b>minButtonWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Minimum width in pixels of all buttons in this panel (defaults to 75) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#minButtonWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#minButtonWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-pathSeparator"></a>
<b>pathSeparator</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The token used to separate sub-paths in path strings (defaults to '/') </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-root"></a>
<b>root</b> : Ext.tree.TreeNode <div class="mdesc">
The root node for the tree. </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-rootVisible"></a>
<b>rootVisible</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
false to hide the root node (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-selModel"></a>
<b>selModel</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
A tree selection model to use with this TreePanel (defaults to a <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel" href="output/Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel.html">Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel</a>) </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-shadow"></a>
<b>shadow</b> : Boolean/String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True (or a valid Ext.Shadow Ext.Shadow.mode value) to display a shadow behind the panel, false to display no shadow (...</div>
<div class="long">
True (or a valid Ext.Shadow <a ext:cls="Ext.Shadow" ext:member="mode" href="output/Ext.Shadow.html#mode">Ext.Shadow.mode</a> value) to display a shadow behind the panel, false to display no shadow (defaults to 'sides'). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shadow" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shadow">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-shadowOffset"></a>
<b>shadowOffset</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). Note that this option only applies when float...</div>
<div class="long">
The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shadowOffset" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shadowOffset">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-shim"></a>
<b>shim</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true). Note that this option only applies wh...</div>
<div class="long">
False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shim" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shim">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-singleExpand"></a>
<b>singleExpand</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
true if only 1 node per branch may be expanded </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-tabTip"></a>
<b>tabTip</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must be called in order for the tips to render. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tabTip" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tabTip">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-tbar"></a>
<b>tbar</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The top toolbar of the panel. This can be either an Ext.Toolbar object or an array of buttons/button configs to be ad...</div>
<div class="long">
The top toolbar of the panel. This can be either an <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Ext.Toolbar</a> object or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render. To access the top toolbar after render, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getTopToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getTopToolbar">getTopToolbar</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-title"></a>
<b>title</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will aut...</div>
<div class="long">
The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will automatically be created and displayed unless <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">header</a> is explicitly set to false. If you don't want to specify a title at config time, but you may want one later, you must either specify a non-empty title (a blank space ' ' will do) or header:true so that the container element will get created. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-titleCollapse"></a>
<b>titleCollapse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when collapsible = true) by clicking anywhere in the header bar, fa...</div>
<div class="long">
True to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> = true) by clicking anywhere in the header bar, false to allow it only by clicking to tool button (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#titleCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#titleCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-tools"></a>
<b>tools</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of tool button configs to be added to the header tool area. Each tool config may contain the following prope...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of tool button configs to be added to the header tool area. Each tool config may contain the following properties: <div class="mdetail-params"><ul> <li><b>id</b> : String<p class="sub-desc"><b>Required.</b> The type of tool to create. Values may be<ul> <li><tt>toggle</tt> (Created by default when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> is <tt>true</tt>)</li> <li><tt>close</tt></li> <li><tt>minimize</tt></li> <li><tt>maximize</tt></li> <li><tt>restore</tt></li> <li><tt>gear</tt></li> <li><tt>pin</tt></li> <li><tt>unpin</tt></li> <li><tt>right</tt></li> <li><tt>left</tt></li> <li><tt>up</tt></li> <li><tt>down</tt></li> <li><tt>refresh</tt></li> <li><tt>minus</tt></li> <li><tt>plus</tt></li> <li><tt>help</tt></li> <li><tt>search</tt></li> <li><tt>save</tt></li> <li><tt>print</tt></li> </ul></div></p></li> <li><b>handler</b> : Function<p class="sub-desc"><b>Required.</b> The function to call when clicked. Arguments passed are:<ul> <li><b>event</b> : Ext.EventObject<p class="sub-desc">The click event.</p></li> <li><b>toolEl</b> : Ext.Element<p class="sub-desc">The tool Element.</p></li> <li><b>Panel</b> : Ext.Panel<p class="sub-desc">The host Panel</p></li> </ul></p></li> <li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to call the handler.</p></li> <li><b>qtip</b> : String/Object<p class="sub-desc">A tip string, or a config argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.QuickTip" ext:member="register" href="output/Ext.QuickTip.html#register">Ext.QuickTip.register</a></p></li> <li><b>hidden</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to initially render hidden.</p></li> <li><b>on</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">A listener config object specifiying event listeners in the format of an argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#addListener">addListener</a></p></li> </ul> Example usage: <pre><code>tools:[{
<i>// hidden:true,</i>
handler: <b>function</b>(event, toolEl, panel){
<i>// refresh logic</i>
}]</code></pre> Note that apart from the toggle tool which is provided when a panel is collapsible, these tools only provide the visual button. Any required functionality must be provided by adding handlers that implement the necessary behavior. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tools" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tools">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-trackMouseOver"></a>
<b>trackMouseOver</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to disable mouse over highlighting </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-useArrows"></a>
<b>useArrows</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to use Vista-style arrows in the tree (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-body"></a>
<b>body</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
The Panel's body Element which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the html config,...</div>
<div class="long">
The Panel's body <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a> which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="html" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#html">html</a> config, or it may be loaded using the
<a ext:cls="autoLoad" href="output/autoLoad.html">autoLoad</a> config, or through the Panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getUpdater" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getUpdater">Updater</a>. Read-only.
<p>If this is used to load visible HTML elements in either way, then
the Panel may not be used as a Layout for hosting nested Panels.</p>
<p>If this Panel is intended to be used as the host of a Layout (See <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#layout">layout</a>
then the body Element must not be loaded or changed - it is under the control
of the Panel's Layout. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#body" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#body">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-buttons"></a>
<b>buttons</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
This Panel's Array of buttons as created from the <tt>buttons</tt>
config property. Read only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-dragZone"></a>
<b>dragZone</b> : Ext.tree.TreeDragZone <div class="mdesc">
The dragZone used by this tree if drag is enabled </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-dropZone"></a>
<b>dropZone</b> : Ext.tree.TreeDropZone <div class="mdesc">
The dropZone used by this tree if drop is enabled </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-footer"></a>
<b>footer</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
The Panel's footer <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a>. Read-only.
<p>This Element is used to house the Panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">buttons</a>.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#footer" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#footer">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
The Panel's header <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a>. Read-only.
<p>This Element is used to house the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">title</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="tools" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tools">tools</a></p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-root"></a>
<b>root</b> : Ext.tree.TreeNode <div class="mdesc">
The root node of this tree. </div>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-TreePanel"></a>
<b>TreePanel</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-addButton"></a>
<b>addButton</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object config</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Button <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to ...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to add buttons via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">buttons</a> config. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">A valid <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> config. A string will become the text for a default
button config, an object will be treated as a button config object.</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called on button <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="click" href="output/Ext.Button.html#click"></a></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope to use for the button handler function</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Button</code><div class="sub-desc">The button that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#addButton" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#addButton">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-bubble"></a>
<b>bubble</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (this) of...</div>
<div class="long">
Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the bubble is stopped. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#bubble" href="output/Ext.Container.html#bubble">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the beforecollapse event which will
cancel the collapse ac...</div>
<div class="long">
Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforecollapse">beforecollapse</a> event which will
cancel the collapse action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-collapseAll"></a>
<b>collapseAll</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collapse all nodes</div>
<div class="long">
Collapse all nodes <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the beforeexpand event which will
cancel the expand action ...</div>
<div class="long">
Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforeexpand">beforeexpand</a> event which will
cancel the expand action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-expandAll"></a>
<b>expandAll</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Expand all nodes</div>
<div class="long">
Expand all nodes <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-expandPath"></a>
<b>expandPath</b>(&nbsp;<code>String path</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String attr</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function callback</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Expands a specified path in this TreePanel. A path can be retrieved from a node with <a ext:cls="" ext:member="getPath" href="output/"></a></div>
<div class="long">
Expands a specified path in this TreePanel. A path can be retrieved from a node with <a ext:cls="" ext:member="getPath" href="output/"></a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>path</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>attr</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The attribute used in the path (see <a ext:cls="" ext:member="getPath" href="output/"></a> for more info)</div></li><li><code>callback</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The callback to call when the expand is complete. The callback will be called with
(bSuccess, oLastNode) where bSuccess is if the expand was successful and oLastNode is the last node that was expanded.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-getBottomToolbar"></a>
<b>getBottomToolbar</b>() : Ext.Toolbar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar</code><div class="sub-desc">The toolbar</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getBottomToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getBottomToolbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-getChecked"></a>
<b>getChecked</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String attribute</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>TreeNode startNode</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Retrieve an array of checked nodes, or an array of a specific attribute of checked nodes (e.g. "id")</div>
<div class="long">
Retrieve an array of checked nodes, or an array of a specific attribute of checked nodes (e.g. "id") <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>attribute</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Defaults to null (return the actual nodes)</div></li><li><code>startNode</code> : TreeNode<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The node to start from, defaults to the root</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the container element for this TreePanel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the container element for this TreePanel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The container element for this TreePanel.</div></li>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-getFrameHeight"></a>
<b>getFrameHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and ...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and footer elements, but not including the body height). To retrieve the body height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerHeight">getInnerHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getFrameHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameHeight">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-getFrameWidth"></a>
<b>getFrameWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the bo...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the body width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerWidth">getInnerWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-getInnerHeight"></a>
<b>getInnerHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame he...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameHeight">getFrameHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getInnerHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerHeight">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-getInnerWidth"></a>
<b>getInnerWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame widt...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameWidth">getFrameWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getInnerWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-getLoader"></a>
<b>getLoader</b>() : Ext.tree.TreeLoader <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the default <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeLoader" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeLoader.html">Ext.tree.TreeLoader</a> for this TreePanel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the default <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeLoader" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeLoader.html">Ext.tree.TreeLoader</a> for this TreePanel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.tree.TreeLoader</code><div class="sub-desc">The TreeLoader for this TreePanel.</div></li>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-getNodeById"></a>
<b>getNodeById</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets a node in this tree by its id</div>
<div class="long">
Gets a node in this tree by its id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-getRootNode"></a>
<b>getRootNode</b>() : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this root node for this tree</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this root node for this tree <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-getSelectionModel"></a>
<b>getSelectionModel</b>() : TreeSelectionModel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the selection model used by this TreePanel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the selection model used by this TreePanel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>TreeSelectionModel</code><div class="sub-desc">The selection model used by this TreePanel</div></li>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-getTopToolbar"></a>
<b>getTopToolbar</b>() : Ext.Toolbar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar</code><div class="sub-desc">The toolbar</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getTopToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getTopToolbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-getTreeEl"></a>
<b>getTreeEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying Element for this tree</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying Element for this tree <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The Element</div></li>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-selectPath"></a>
<b>selectPath</b>(&nbsp;<code>String path</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String attr</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function callback</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects the node in this tree at the specified path. A path can be retrieved from a node with <a ext:cls="" ext:member="getPath" href="output/"></a></div>
<div class="long">
Selects the node in this tree at the specified path. A path can be retrieved from a node with <a ext:cls="" ext:member="getPath" href="output/"></a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>path</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>attr</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The attribute used in the path (see <a ext:cls="" ext:member="getPath" href="output/"></a> for more info)</div></li><li><code>callback</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The callback to call when the selection is complete. The callback will be called with
(bSuccess, oSelNode) where bSuccess is if the selection was successful and oSelNode is the selected node.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-setIconClass"></a>
<b>setIconClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. This method will replace any existing
icon class if ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. This method will replace any existing
icon class if one has already been set. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new CSS class name</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#setIconClass" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#setIconClass">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-setRootNode"></a>
<b>setRootNode</b>(&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the root node for this tree during initialization.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the root node for this tree during initialization. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-setTitle"></a>
<b>setTitle</b>(&nbsp;<code>String title</code>, <code>String (optional)</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>title</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The title text to set</div></li><li><code>(optional)</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">iconCls A custon, user-defined CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#setTitle" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#setTitle">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-toggleCollapse"></a>
<b>toggleCollapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#toggleCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#toggleCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-activate"></a>
<b>activate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been visually activated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being activated, but some...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been visually activated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being activated, but some Panel subclasses
do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel fire the
activate and deactivate events under the control of the TabPanel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been activated.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-activate" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-activate">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-add"></a>
<b>add</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component was added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-add">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-afterlayout"></a>
<b>afterlayout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>ContainerLayout layout</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>layout</code> : ContainerLayout<div class="sub-desc">The ContainerLayout implementation for this container</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-afterlayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-afterlayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-append"></a>
<b>append</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node parent</code>, <code>Node node</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a new child node is appended to a node in this tree.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a new child node is appended to a node in this tree. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>parent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The parent node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The newly appended node</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the newly appended node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-beforeadd"></a>
<b>beforeadd</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component will be added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeadd" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeadd">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-beforeappend"></a>
<b>beforeappend</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node parent</code>, <code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a new child is appended to a node in this tree, return false to cancel the append.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a new child is appended to a node in this tree, return false to cancel the append. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>parent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The parent node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node to be appended</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-beforechildrenrendered"></a>
<b>beforechildrenrendered</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires right before the child nodes for a node are rendered</div>
<div class="long">
Fires right before the child nodes for a node are rendered <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-beforeclick"></a>
<b>beforeclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before click processing on a node. Return false to cancel the default action.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before click processing on a node. Return false to cancel the default action. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-beforeclose"></a>
<b>beforeclose</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses d...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). This event only applies to such subclasses.
A handler can return false to cancel the close. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel being closed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforeclose" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforeclose">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-beforecollapse"></a>
<b>beforecollapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel being collapsed.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the collapse is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforecollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-beforecollapsenode"></a>
<b>beforecollapsenode</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>, <code>Boolean deep</code>, <code>Boolean anim</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a node is collapsed, return false to cancel.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a node is collapsed, return false to cancel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node</div></li><li><code>deep</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>anim</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-beforeexpand"></a>
<b>beforeexpand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel being expanded.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the expand is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforeexpand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-beforeexpandnode"></a>
<b>beforeexpandnode</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>, <code>Boolean deep</code>, <code>Boolean anim</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a node is expanded, return false to cancel.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a node is expanded, return false to cancel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node</div></li><li><code>deep</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>anim</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-beforeinsert"></a>
<b>beforeinsert</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node parent</code>, <code>Node node</code>, <code>Node refNode</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a new child is inserted in a node in this tree, return false to cancel the insert.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a new child is inserted in a node in this tree, return false to cancel the insert. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>parent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The parent node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node to be inserted</div></li><li><code>refNode</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node the node is being inserted before</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-beforeload"></a>
<b>beforeload</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a node is loaded, return false to cancel</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a node is loaded, return false to cancel <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node being loaded</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-beforemovenode"></a>
<b>beforemovenode</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node node</code>, <code>Node oldParent</code>, <code>Node newParent</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a node is moved to a new location in the tree. Return false to cancel the move.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a node is moved to a new location in the tree. Return false to cancel the move. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node being moved</div></li><li><code>oldParent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The parent of the node</div></li><li><code>newParent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The new parent the node is moving to</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index it is being moved to</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-beforenodedrop"></a>
<b>beforenodedrop</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object dropEvent</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a DD object is dropped on a node in this tree for preprocessing. Return false to cancel the drop. The drop...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a DD object is dropped on a node in this tree for preprocessing. Return false to cancel the drop. The dropEvent
passed to handlers has the following properties:<br />
<ul style="padding:5px;padding-left:16px;">
<li>tree - The TreePanel</li>
<li>target - The node being targeted for the drop</li>
<li>data - The drag data from the drag source</li>
<li>point - The point of the drop - append, above or below</li>
<li>source - The drag source</li>
<li>rawEvent - Raw mouse event</li>
<li>dropNode - Drop node(s) provided by the source <b>OR</b> you can supply node(s)
to be inserted by setting them on this object.</li>
<li>cancel - Set this to true to cancel the drop.</li>
<li>dropStatus - If the default drop action is cancelled but the drop is valid, setting this to true
will prevent the animated "repair" from appearing.</li>
</ul> <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>dropEvent</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-beforeremove"></a>
<b>beforeremove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node parent</code>, <code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a child is removed from a node in this tree, return false to cancel the remove.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a child is removed from a node in this tree, return false to cancel the remove. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>parent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The parent node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node to be removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-bodyresize"></a>
<b>bodyresize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel which has been resized.</div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The Panel's new width.</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The Panel's new height.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-bodyresize" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-bodyresize">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-checkchange"></a>
<b>checkchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>, <code>Boolean checked</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a node with a checkbox's checked property changes</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a node with a checkbox's checked property changes <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>checked</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-click"></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a node is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a node is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-close"></a>
<b>close</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been closed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-close" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-close">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been collapsed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been collapsed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel that has been collapsed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-collapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-collapsenode"></a>
<b>collapsenode</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a node is collapsed</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a node is collapsed <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-contextmenu"></a>
<b>contextmenu</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a node is right clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a node is right clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-dblclick"></a>
<b>dblclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a node is double clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a node is double clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-deactivate"></a>
<b>deactivate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been visually deactivated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being deactivated, but ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been visually deactivated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being deactivated, but some Panel subclasses
do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel fire the
activate and deactivate events under the control of the TabPanel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been deactivated.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-deactivate" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-deactivate">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-disabledchange"></a>
<b>disabledchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>, <code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the disabled status of a node changes</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the disabled status of a node changes <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node</div></li><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-dragdrop"></a>
<b>dragdrop</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.tree.TreePanel this</code>, <code>Ext.tree.TreeNode node</code>, <code>DD dd</code>, <code>event e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a dragged node is dropped on a valid DD target</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a dragged node is dropped on a valid DD target <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.tree.TreePanel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>node</code> : Ext.tree.TreeNode<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>dd</code> : DD<div class="sub-desc">The dd it was dropped on</div></li><li><code>e</code> : event<div class="sub-desc">The raw browser event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-enddrag"></a>
<b>enddrag</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.tree.TreePanel this</code>, <code>Ext.tree.TreeNode node</code>, <code>event e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a drag operation is complete</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a drag operation is complete <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.tree.TreePanel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>node</code> : Ext.tree.TreeNode<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : event<div class="sub-desc">The raw browser event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been expanded.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been expanded. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been expanded.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-expand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-expandnode"></a>
<b>expandnode</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a node is expanded</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a node is expanded <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-insert"></a>
<b>insert</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node parent</code>, <code>Node node</code>, <code>Node refNode</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a new child node is inserted in a node in this tree.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a new child node is inserted in a node in this tree. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>parent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The parent node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node inserted</div></li><li><code>refNode</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node the node was inserted before</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-load"></a>
<b>load</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a node is loaded</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a node is loaded <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node that was loaded</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-movenode"></a>
<b>movenode</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node node</code>, <code>Node oldParent</code>, <code>Node newParent</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a node is moved to a new location in the tree</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a node is moved to a new location in the tree <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node moved</div></li><li><code>oldParent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The old parent of this node</div></li><li><code>newParent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The new parent of this node</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index it was moved to</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-nodedragover"></a>
<b>nodedragover</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object dragOverEvent</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a tree node is being targeted for a drag drop, return false to signal drop not allowed. The dragOverEvent
<div class="long">
Fires when a tree node is being targeted for a drag drop, return false to signal drop not allowed. The dragOverEvent
passed to handlers has the following properties:<br />
<ul style="padding:5px;padding-left:16px;">
<li>tree - The TreePanel</li>
<li>target - The node being targeted for the drop</li>
<li>data - The drag data from the drag source</li>
<li>point - The point of the drop - append, above or below</li>
<li>source - The drag source</li>
<li>rawEvent - Raw mouse event</li>
<li>dropNode - Drop node(s) provided by the source.</li>
<li>cancel - Set this to true to signal drop not allowed.</li>
</ul> <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>dragOverEvent</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-nodedrop"></a>
<b>nodedrop</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object dropEvent</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after a DD object is dropped on a node in this tree. The dropEvent
passed to handlers has the following propert...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after a DD object is dropped on a node in this tree. The dropEvent
passed to handlers has the following properties:<br />
<ul style="padding:5px;padding-left:16px;">
<li>tree - The TreePanel</li>
<li>target - The node being targeted for the drop</li>
<li>data - The drag data from the drag source</li>
<li>point - The point of the drop - append, above or below</li>
<li>source - The drag source</li>
<li>rawEvent - Raw mouse event</li>
<li>dropNode - Dropped node(s).</li>
</ul> <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>dropEvent</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node parent</code>, <code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a child node is removed from a node in this tree.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a child node is removed from a node in this tree. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>parent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The parent node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-startdrag"></a>
<b>startdrag</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.tree.TreePanel this</code>, <code>Ext.tree.TreeNode node</code>, <code>event e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a node starts being dragged</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a node starts being dragged <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.tree.TreePanel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>node</code> : Ext.tree.TreeNode<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : event<div class="sub-desc">The raw browser event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-textchange"></a>
<b>textchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>, <code>String text</code>, <code>String oldText</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the text for a node is changed</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the text for a node is changed <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node</div></li><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new text</div></li><li><code>oldText</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The old text</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreePanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreePanel-titlechange"></a>
<b>titlechange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>String The</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel which has had its title changed.</div></li><li><code>The</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">new title.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-titlechange" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-titlechange">Panel</a></td>
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Action-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Action-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Action-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Action-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.form.Action"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.form.Action</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.form</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/form/Action.js" target="_blank">Action.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Action</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action.Load" href="output/Ext.form.Action.Load.html">Action.Load</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action.Submit" href="output/Ext.form.Action.Submit.html">Action.Submit</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
The subclasses of this class provide actions to perform upon <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html">Form</a>s.
Instances of this class are only created by a <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html">Form</a> when
the Form needs to perform an action such as submit or load. The Configuration options
listed for this class are set through the Form's action methods: <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" ext:member="submit" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html#submit">submit</a>,
<a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" ext:member="load" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html#load">load</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" ext:member="doAction" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html#doAction">doAction</a>.
The instance of Action which performed the action is passed to the success
and failure callbacks of the Form's action methods (<a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" ext:member="submit" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html#submit">submit</a>,
<a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" ext:member="load" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html#load">load</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" ext:member="doAction" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html#doAction">doAction</a>),
and to the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" ext:member="actioncomplete" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html#actioncomplete">actioncomplete</a> and
<a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" ext:member="actionfailed" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html#actionfailed">actionfailed</a> event handlers. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.form.Action-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action-failure"></a>
<b>failure</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function to call when a failure packet was recieved, or when an error ocurred in the Ajax communication. The func...</div>
<div class="long">
The function to call when a failure packet was recieved, or when an error ocurred in the Ajax communication. The function is passed the following parameters:<ul class="mdetail-params"> <li><b>form</b> : Ext.form.BasicForm<div class="sub-desc">The form that requested the action</div></li> <li><b>action</b> : Ext.form.Action<div class="sub-desc">The Action class. If an Ajax error ocurred, the failure type will be in <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="failureType" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#failureType">failureType</a>. The <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="result" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#result">result</a> property of this object may be examined to perform custom postprocessing.</div></li> </ul> </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action-method"></a>
<b>method</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The HTTP method to use to access the requested URL. Defaults to the Ext.form.BasicForm's method, or if that is not sp...</div>
<div class="long">
The HTTP method to use to access the requested URL. Defaults to the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html">Ext.form.BasicForm</a>'s method, or if that is not specified, the underlying DOM form's method. </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action-params"></a>
<b>params</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Extra parameter values to pass. These are added to the Form's Ext.form.BasicForm.baseParams and passed to the specifi...</div>
<div class="long">
Extra parameter values to pass. These are added to the Form's <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" ext:member="baseParams" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html#baseParams">Ext.form.BasicForm.baseParams</a> and passed to the specified URL along with the Form's input fields. </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action-scope"></a>
<b>scope</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The scope in which to call the callback functions (The <tt>this</tt> reference for the callback functions). </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action-success"></a>
<b>success</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function to call when a valid success return packet is recieved. The function is passed the following parameters:...</div>
<div class="long">
The function to call when a valid success return packet is recieved. The function is passed the following parameters:<ul class="mdetail-params"> <li><b>form</b> : Ext.form.BasicForm<div class="sub-desc">The form that requested the action</div></li> <li><b>action</b> : Ext.form.Action<div class="sub-desc">The Action class. The <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="result" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#result">result</a> property of this object may be examined to perform custom postprocessing.</div></li> </ul> </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action-url"></a>
<b>url</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The URL that the Action is to invoke. </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action-waitMsg"></a>
<b>waitMsg</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The message to be displayed by a call to <a ext:cls="Ext.MessageBox" ext:member="wait" href="output/Ext.MessageBox.html#wait">Ext.MessageBox.wait</a> during the time the action is being processed. </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action-waitTitle"></a>
<b>waitTitle</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The title to be displayed by a call to <a ext:cls="Ext.MessageBox" ext:member="wait" href="output/Ext.MessageBox.html#wait">Ext.MessageBox.wait</a> during the time the action is being processed. </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<a id="Ext.form.Action-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action-Action.CLIENT_INVALID"></a>
<b>Action.CLIENT_INVALID</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
&lt;static&gt; Failure type returned when client side validation of the Form fails
thus aborting a submit action. </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action-Action.CONNECT_FAILURE"></a>
<b>Action.CONNECT_FAILURE</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Failure type returned when a communication error happens when attempting
to send a request to the remo...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Failure type returned when a communication error happens when attempting
to send a request to the remote server. </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action-Action.LOAD_FAILURE"></a>
<b>Action.LOAD_FAILURE</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
&lt;static&gt; Failure type returned when no field values are returned in the response's
<tt style="font-weight:bold">data</tt> property. </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action-Action.SERVER_INVALID"></a>
<b>Action.SERVER_INVALID</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Failure type returned when server side validation of the Form fails
indicating that field-specific err...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Failure type returned when server side validation of the Form fails
indicating that field-specific error messages have been returned in the
response's <tt style="font-weight:bold">errors</tt> property. </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action-failureType"></a>
<b>failureType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type of failure detected. See <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="Ext.form.Action.CLIENT_INVALID" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#Ext.form.Action.CLIENT_INVALID">CLIENT_INVALID</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="Ext.form.Action.SERVER_INVALID" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#Ext.form.Action.SERVER_INVALID">SERVER_INVALID</a>,
<a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="Ext.form.Action.CONNECT_FAILURE" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#Ext.form.Action.CONNECT_FAILURE">CONNECT_FAILURE</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="Ext.form.Action.LOAD_FAILURE" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#Ext.form.Action.LOAD_FAILURE">LOAD_FAILURE</a> </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action-response"></a>
<b>response</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The XMLHttpRequest object used to perform the action. </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action-result"></a>
<b>result</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The decoded response object containing a boolean <tt style="font-weight:bold">success</tt> property and
other, action-specific properties. </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action-type"></a>
<b>type</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type of action this Action instance performs.
Currently only "submit" and "load" are supported. </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<a id="Ext.form.Action-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public methods.</div> <a id="Ext.form.Action-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.DomHelper-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.DomHelper-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.DomHelper-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.DomHelper"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.DomHelper</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/core/DomHelper.js" target="_blank">DomHelper.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">DomHelper</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Utility class for working with DOM and/or Templates. It transparently supports using HTML fragments or DOM.<br>
This is an example, where an unordered list with 5 children items is appended to an existing element with id 'my-div':<br>
<pre><code>var list = dh.append(<em>'my-div'</em>, {
id: <em>'my-ul'</em>, tag: <em>'ul'</em>, cls: <em>'my-list'</em>, children: [
{tag: <em>'li'</em>, id: <em>'item0'</em>, html: <em>'List Item 0'</em>},
{tag: <em>'li'</em>, id: <em>'item1'</em>, html: <em>'List Item 1'</em>},
{tag: <em>'li'</em>, id: <em>'item2'</em>, html: <em>'List Item 2'</em>},
{tag: <em>'li'</em>, id: <em>'item3'</em>, html: <em>'List Item 3'</em>},
{tag: <em>'li'</em>, id: <em>'item4'</em>, html: <em>'List Item 4'</em>}
<p>Element creation specification parameters in this class may also be passed as an Array of
specification objects. This can be used to insert multiple sibling nodes into an existing
container very efficiently. For example, to add more list items to the example above:<pre><code>dh.append(<em>'my-ul'</em>, [
{tag: <em>'li'</em>, id: <em>'item5'</em>, html: <em>'List Item 5'</em>},
{tag: <em>'li'</em>, id: <em>'item6'</em>, html: <em>'List Item 6'</em>} ]);</code></pre></p>
<p>Element creation specification parameters may also be strings. If <a ext:cls="useDom" href="output/useDom.html">useDom</a> is false, then the string is used
as innerHTML. If <a ext:cls="useDom" href="output/useDom.html">useDom</a> is true, a string specification results in the creation of a text node.</p>
For more information and examples, see <a href="">the original blog post</a>.<br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.DomHelper-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DomHelper-useDom"></a>
<b>useDom</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to force the use of DOM instead of html fragments </div>
<td class="msource">DomHelper</td>
<a id="Ext.DomHelper-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DomHelper-append"></a>
<b>append</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object/String o</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnElement</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates new DOM element(s) and appends them to el.</div>
<div class="long">
Creates new DOM element(s) and appends them to el. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The context element</div></li><li><code>o</code> : Object/String<div class="sub-desc">The DOM object spec (and children) or raw HTML blob</div></li><li><code>returnElement</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to return a Ext.Element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement/Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The new node</div></li>
<td class="msource">DomHelper</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DomHelper-applyStyles"></a>
<b>applyStyles</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>, <code>String/Object/Function styles</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Applies a style specification to an element.</div>
<div class="long">
Applies a style specification to an element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The element to apply styles to</div></li><li><code>styles</code> : String/Object/Function<div class="sub-desc">A style specification string eg "width:100px", or object in the form {width:"100px"}, or
a function which returns such a specification.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DomHelper</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DomHelper-createTemplate"></a>
<b>createTemplate</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object o</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Template <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new Ext.Template from the DOM object spec.</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new Ext.Template from the DOM object spec. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The DOM object spec (and children)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Template</code><div class="sub-desc">The new template</div></li>
<td class="msource">DomHelper</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DomHelper-insertAfter"></a>
<b>insertAfter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object o</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnElement</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates new DOM element(s) and inserts them after el.</div>
<div class="long">
Creates new DOM element(s) and inserts them after el. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The context element</div></li><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The DOM object spec (and children)</div></li><li><code>returnElement</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to return a Ext.Element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement/Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The new node</div></li>
<td class="msource">DomHelper</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DomHelper-insertBefore"></a>
<b>insertBefore</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object/String o</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnElement</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates new DOM element(s) and inserts them before el.</div>
<div class="long">
Creates new DOM element(s) and inserts them before el. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The context element</div></li><li><code>o</code> : Object/String<div class="sub-desc">The DOM object spec (and children) or raw HTML blob</div></li><li><code>returnElement</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to return a Ext.Element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement/Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The new node</div></li>
<td class="msource">DomHelper</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DomHelper-insertFirst"></a>
<b>insertFirst</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object/String o</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnElement</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates new DOM element(s) and inserts them as the first child of el.</div>
<div class="long">
Creates new DOM element(s) and inserts them as the first child of el. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The context element</div></li><li><code>o</code> : Object/String<div class="sub-desc">The DOM object spec (and children) or raw HTML blob</div></li><li><code>returnElement</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to return a Ext.Element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement/Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The new node</div></li>
<td class="msource">DomHelper</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DomHelper-insertHtml"></a>
<b>insertHtml</b>(&nbsp;<code>String where</code>, <code>HTMLElement el</code>, <code>String html</code>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts an HTML fragment into the DOM.</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts an HTML fragment into the DOM. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>where</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">Where to insert the html in relation to el - beforeBegin, afterBegin, beforeEnd, afterEnd.</div></li><li><code>el</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The context element</div></li><li><code>html</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The HTML fragmenet</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The new node</div></li>
<td class="msource">DomHelper</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DomHelper-markup"></a>
<b>markup</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object o</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the markup for the passed Element(s) config.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the markup for the passed Element(s) config. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The DOM object spec (and children)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DomHelper</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.DomHelper-overwrite"></a>
<b>overwrite</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object/String o</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnElement</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates new DOM element(s) and overwrites the contents of el with them.</div>
<div class="long">
Creates new DOM element(s) and overwrites the contents of el with them. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The context element</div></li><li><code>o</code> : Object/String<div class="sub-desc">The DOM object spec (and children) or raw HTML blob</div></li><li><code>returnElement</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to return a Ext.Element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement/Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The new node</div></li>
<td class="msource">DomHelper</td>
<a id="Ext.DomHelper-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.TextArea-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.TextArea-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.TextArea-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.TextArea-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.form.TextArea"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html">Field</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html">TextField</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>TextArea</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.form.TextArea</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.form</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/form/TextArea.js" target="_blank">TextArea.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">TextArea</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html">TextField</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Multiline text field. Can be used as a direct replacement for traditional textarea fields, plus adds
support for auto-sizing. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-allowBlank"></a>
<b>allowBlank</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to validate that the value length > 0 (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#allowBlank" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#allowBlank">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-autoCreate"></a>
<b>autoCreate</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "textarea", style: "width:100px;heigh...</div>
<div class="long">
A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "textarea", style: "width:100px;height:60px;", autocomplete: "off"}) </div>
<td class="msource">TextArea</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-blankText"></a>
<b>blankText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Error text to display if the allow blank validation fails (defaults to "This field is required") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#blankText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#blankText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-clearCls"></a>
<b>clearCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class used to provide field clearing (defaults to 'x-form-clear-left') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#clearCls" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#clearCls">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-disableKeyFilter"></a>
<b>disableKeyFilter</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable input keystroke filtering (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#disableKeyFilter" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#disableKeyFilter">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable the field (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#disabled">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-emptyClass"></a>
<b>emptyClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The CSS class to apply to an empty field to style the emptyText (defaults to 'x-form-empty-field'). This class is aut...</div>
<div class="long">
The CSS class to apply to an empty field to style the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="emptyText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#emptyText">emptyText</a> (defaults to 'x-form-empty-field'). This class is automatically added and removed as needed depending on the current field value. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#emptyClass" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#emptyClass">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-emptyText"></a>
<b>emptyText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default text to display in an empty field (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#emptyText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#emptyText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-fieldClass"></a>
<b>fieldClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default CSS class for the field (defaults to "x-form-field") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#fieldClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#fieldClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-fieldLabel"></a>
<b>fieldLabel</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The label text to display next to this field (defaults to '') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#fieldLabel" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#fieldLabel">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-focusClass"></a>
<b>focusClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when the field receives focus (defaults to "x-form-focus") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#focusClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#focusClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-grow"></a>
<b>grow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this field should automatically grow and shrink to its content </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#grow" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#grow">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-growMax"></a>
<b>growMax</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The maximum height to allow when grow = true (defaults to 1000) </div>
<td class="msource">TextArea</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-growMin"></a>
<b>growMin</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum height to allow when grow = true (defaults to 60) </div>
<td class="msource">TextArea</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-hideLabel"></a>
<b>hideLabel</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to completely hide the label element (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#hideLabel" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#hideLabel">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-inputType"></a>
<b>inputType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type attribute for input fields -- e.g. radio, text, password (defaults to "text"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#inputType" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#inputType">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-invalidClass"></a>
<b>invalidClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when marking a field invalid (defaults to "x-form-invalid") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#invalidClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#invalidClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-invalidText"></a>
<b>invalidText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided (defaults to "The value in this field i...</div>
<div class="long">
The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided (defaults to "The value in this field is invalid") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#invalidText" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#invalidText">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-itemCls"></a>
<b>itemCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if s...</div>
<div class="long">
An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if set, or ''). Since it is applied to the wrapper, it allows you to write standard CSS rules that can apply to the field, the label (if specified) or any other element within the markup for the field. Example use: <pre><code><i>// Apply a style to the field's label:</i>
.required .x-form-item-label {font-weight:bold;color:red;}
<b>new</b> Ext.FormPanel({
height: 100,
renderTo: document.body,
items: [{
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Name'</em>,
itemCls: <em>'required'</em> <i>//<b>this</b> label will be styled</i>
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Favorite Color'</em>
});</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#itemCls" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#itemCls">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-labelSeparator"></a>
<b>labelSeparator</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of Ext.layout.FormLayout.l...</div>
<div class="long">
The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" ext:member="labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html#labelSeparator">Ext.layout.FormLayout.labelSeparator</a>, which is a colon ':' by default). To display no separator for this field's label specify empty string ''. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#labelSeparator">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-labelStyle"></a>
<b>labelStyle</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if se...</div>
<div class="long">
A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if set, or ''). For example, <code>labelStyle: 'font-weight:bold;'</code>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#labelStyle" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#labelStyle">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-maskRe"></a>
<b>maskRe</b> : RegExp <div class="mdesc">
An input mask regular expression that will be used to filter keystrokes that don't match (defaults to null) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#maskRe" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#maskRe">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-maxLength"></a>
<b>maxLength</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Maximum input field length allowed (defaults to Number.MAX_VALUE) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#maxLength" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#maxLength">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-maxLengthText"></a>
<b>maxLengthText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Error text to display if the maximum length validation fails (defaults to "The maximum length for this field is {maxL...</div>
<div class="long">
Error text to display if the maximum length validation fails (defaults to "The maximum length for this field is {maxLength}") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#maxLengthText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#maxLengthText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-minLength"></a>
<b>minLength</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Minimum input field length required (defaults to 0) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#minLength" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#minLength">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-minLengthText"></a>
<b>minLengthText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Error text to display if the minimum length validation fails (defaults to "The minimum length for this field is {minL...</div>
<div class="long">
Error text to display if the minimum length validation fails (defaults to "The minimum length for this field is {minLength}") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#minLengthText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#minLengthText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-msgFx"></a>
<b>msgFx</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<b>Experimental</b> The effect used when displaying a validation message under the field (defaults to 'normal'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#msgFx" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#msgFx">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-msgTarget"></a>
<b>msgTarget</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): Value ...</div>
<div class="long">
The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): <pre>Value Description
----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
qtip Display a quick tip when the user hovers over the field
title Display a default browser title attribute popup
under Add a block div beneath the field containing the error text
side Add an error icon to the right of the field with a popup on hover
[element id] Add the error text directly to the innerHTML of the specified element</pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#msgTarget" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#msgTarget">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-name"></a>
<b>name</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The field's HTML name attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#name" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#name">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-preventScrollbars"></a>
<b>preventScrollbars</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to prevent scrollbars from appearing regardless of how much text is in the field (equivalent to setting overflow...</div>
<div class="long">
True to prevent scrollbars from appearing regardless of how much text is in the field (equivalent to setting overflow: hidden, defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">TextArea</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-readOnly"></a>
<b>readOnly</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM att...</div>
<div class="long">
True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#readOnly" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#readOnly">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-regex"></a>
<b>regex</b> : RegExp <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A JavaScript RegExp object to be tested against the field value during validation (defaults to null). If available, t...</div>
<div class="long">
A JavaScript RegExp object to be tested against the field value during validation (defaults to null). If available, this regex will be evaluated only after the basic validators all return true, and will be passed the current field value. If the test fails, the field will be marked invalid using <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="regexText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regexText">regexText</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#regex" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regex">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-regexText"></a>
<b>regexText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The error text to display if <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="regex" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regex">regex</a> is used and the test fails during validation (defaults to "") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#regexText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regexText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-selectOnFocus"></a>
<b>selectOnFocus</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to automatically select any existing field text when the field receives input focus (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#selectOnFocus" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#selectOnFocus">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-tabIndex"></a>
<b>tabIndex</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyT...</div>
<div class="long">
The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyTo (defaults to undefined). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#tabIndex" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#tabIndex">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-validateOnBlur"></a>
<b>validateOnBlur</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the field should validate when it loses focus (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validateOnBlur" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validateOnBlur">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-validationDelay"></a>
<b>validationDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The length of time in milliseconds after user input begins until validation is initiated (defaults to 250) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validationDelay" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validationDelay">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-validationEvent"></a>
<b>validationEvent</b> : String/Boolean <div class="mdesc">
The event that should initiate field validation. Set to false to disable automatic validation (defaults to "keyup"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validationEvent" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validationEvent">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-validator"></a>
<b>validator</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom validation function to be called during field validation (defaults to null). If available, this function wil...</div>
<div class="long">
A custom validation function to be called during field validation (defaults to null). If available, this function will be called only after the basic validators all return true, and will be passed the current field value and expected to return boolean true if the value is valid or a string error message if invalid. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#validator" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#validator">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-value"></a>
<b>value</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
A value to initialize this field with. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#value" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#value">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-vtype"></a>
<b>vtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A validation type name as defined in <a ext:cls="Ext.form.VTypes" href="output/Ext.form.VTypes.html">Ext.form.VTypes</a> (defaults to null) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#vtype" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#vtype">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-vtypeText"></a>
<b>vtypeText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom error message to display in place of the default message provided for the vtype currently set for this field...</div>
<div class="long">
A custom error message to display in place of the default message provided for the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="vtype" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#vtype">vtype</a> currently set for this field (defaults to ''). Only applies if vtype is set, else ignored. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#vtypeText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#vtypeText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-TextArea"></a>
<b>TextArea</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new TextArea</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new TextArea <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TextArea</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-autoSize"></a>
<b>autoSize</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Automatically grows the field to accomodate the height of the text up to the maximum field height allowed.
This only ...</div>
<div class="long">
Automatically grows the field to accomodate the height of the text up to the maximum field height allowed.
This only takes effect if grow = true, and fires the autosize event if the height changes. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TextArea</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-clearInvalid"></a>
<b>clearInvalid</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field</div>
<div class="long">
Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#clearInvalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#clearInvalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-getName"></a>
<b>getName</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the name attribute of the field if available</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the name attribute of the field if available <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">name The field name</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getName" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getName">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-getRawValue"></a>
<b>getRawValue</b>() : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getRawValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-getValue"></a>
<b>getValue</b>() : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the normalized data value (undefined or emptyText will be returned as ''). To return the raw value see getRa...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the normalized data value (undefined or emptyText will be returned as ''). To return the raw value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getRawValue">getRawValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-isDirty"></a>
<b>isDirty</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isDirty" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isDirty">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-isValid"></a>
<b>isValid</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean preventMark</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid</div>
<div class="long">
Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>preventMark</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to disable marking the field invalid</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isValid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isValid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-markInvalid"></a>
<b>markInvalid</b>(&nbsp;<code>String msg</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Mark this field as invalid</div>
<div class="long">
Mark this field as invalid <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The validation message</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#markInvalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#markInvalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-reset"></a>
<b>reset</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages</div>
<div class="long">
Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#reset" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#reset">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-selectText"></a>
<b>selectText</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number start</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number end</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects text in this field</div>
<div class="long">
Selects text in this field <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>start</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index where the selection should start (defaults to 0)</div></li><li><code>end</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index where the selection should end (defaults to the text length)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#selectText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#selectText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-setRawValue"></a>
<b>setRawValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-setValue"></a>
<b>setValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets a data value into the field and validates it. To set the value directly without validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">setRawValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets a data value into the field and validates it. To set the value directly without validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">setRawValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-validate"></a>
<b>validate</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Validates the field value</div>
<div class="long">
Validates the field value <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validate" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validate">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-validateValue"></a>
<b>validateValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Validates a value according to the field's validation rules and marks the field as invalid
if the validation fails</div>
<div class="long">
Validates a value according to the field's validation rules and marks the field as invalid
if the validation fails <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to validate</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#validateValue" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#validateValue">TextField</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-autosize"></a>
<b>autosize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the autosize function is triggered. The field may or may not have actually changed size
according to the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the autosize function is triggered. The field may or may not have actually changed size
according to the default logic, but this event provides a hook for the developer to apply additional
logic at runtime to resize the field if needed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc">This text field</div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new field width</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#event-autosize" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#event-autosize">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-blur"></a>
<b>blur</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this field loses input focus.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this field loses input focus. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-blur" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-blur">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-change"></a>
<b>change</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Mixed newValue</code>, <code>Mixed oldValue</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>newValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The new value</div></li><li><code>oldValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The original value</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-change" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-change">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this field receives input focus.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this field receives input focus. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-focus" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-focus">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-invalid"></a>
<b>invalid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>String msg</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the field has been marked as invalid.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the field has been marked as invalid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The validation message</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-invalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-invalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-specialkey"></a>
<b>specialkey</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<div class="long">
Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<a ext:cls="Ext.EventObject" ext:member="getKey" href="output/Ext.EventObject.html#getKey">Ext.EventObject.getKey</a> to determine which key was pressed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-specialkey" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-specialkey">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.TextArea-valid"></a>
<b>valid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the field has been validated with no errors.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the field has been validated with no errors. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-valid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-valid">Field</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Action.Submit-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Action.Submit-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Action.Submit-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Action.Submit-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.form.Action.Submit"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html">Action</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Action.Submit</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.form.Action.Submit</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.form</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/form/Action.js" target="_blank">Action.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Action.Submit</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html">Action</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A class which handles submission of data from <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html">Form</a>s
and processes the returned response.
Instances of this class are only created by a <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html">Form</a> when
A response packet must contain a boolean <tt style="font-weight:bold">success</tt> property, and, optionally
an <tt style="font-weight:bold">errors</tt> property. The <tt style="font-weight:bold">errors</tt> property contains error
messages for invalid fields.
By default, response packets are assumed to be JSON, so a typical response
packet may look like this:
success: false,
errors: {
clientCode: <em>"Client not found"</em>,
portOfLoading: <em>"This field must not be null"</em>
Other data may be placed into the response for processing the the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html">Ext.form.BasicForm</a>'s callback
or event handler methods. The object decoded from this JSON is available in the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action.Submit" ext:member="result" href="output/Ext.form.Action.Submit.html#result">result</a> property. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Submit-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Submit-clientValidation"></a>
<b>clientValidation</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Determines whether a Form's fields are validated in a final call to isValid prior to submission. Pass false in the Fo...</div>
<div class="long">
Determines whether a Form's fields are validated in a final call to <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" ext:member="isValid" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html#isValid">isValid</a> prior to submission. Pass <tt>false</tt> in the Form's submit options to prevent this. If not defined, pre-submission field validation is performed. </div>
<td class="msource">Action.Submit</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Submit-failure"></a>
<b>failure</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function to call when a failure packet was recieved, or when an error ocurred in the Ajax communication. The func...</div>
<div class="long">
The function to call when a failure packet was recieved, or when an error ocurred in the Ajax communication. The function is passed the following parameters:<ul class="mdetail-params"> <li><b>form</b> : Ext.form.BasicForm<div class="sub-desc">The form that requested the action</div></li> <li><b>action</b> : Ext.form.Action<div class="sub-desc">The Action class. If an Ajax error ocurred, the failure type will be in <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="failureType" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#failureType">failureType</a>. The <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="result" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#result">result</a> property of this object may be examined to perform custom postprocessing.</div></li> </ul> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#failure" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#failure">Action</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Submit-method"></a>
<b>method</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The HTTP method to use to access the requested URL. Defaults to the Ext.form.BasicForm's method, or if that is not sp...</div>
<div class="long">
The HTTP method to use to access the requested URL. Defaults to the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html">Ext.form.BasicForm</a>'s method, or if that is not specified, the underlying DOM form's method. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#method" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#method">Action</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Submit-params"></a>
<b>params</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Extra parameter values to pass. These are added to the Form's Ext.form.BasicForm.baseParams and passed to the specifi...</div>
<div class="long">
Extra parameter values to pass. These are added to the Form's <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" ext:member="baseParams" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html#baseParams">Ext.form.BasicForm.baseParams</a> and passed to the specified URL along with the Form's input fields. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#params" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#params">Action</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Submit-scope"></a>
<b>scope</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The scope in which to call the callback functions (The <tt>this</tt> reference for the callback functions). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#scope" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#scope">Action</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Submit-success"></a>
<b>success</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function to call when a valid success return packet is recieved. The function is passed the following parameters:...</div>
<div class="long">
The function to call when a valid success return packet is recieved. The function is passed the following parameters:<ul class="mdetail-params"> <li><b>form</b> : Ext.form.BasicForm<div class="sub-desc">The form that requested the action</div></li> <li><b>action</b> : Ext.form.Action<div class="sub-desc">The Action class. The <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="result" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#result">result</a> property of this object may be examined to perform custom postprocessing.</div></li> </ul> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#success" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#success">Action</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Submit-url"></a>
<b>url</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The URL that the Action is to invoke. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#url" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#url">Action</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Submit-waitMsg"></a>
<b>waitMsg</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The message to be displayed by a call to <a ext:cls="Ext.MessageBox" ext:member="wait" href="output/Ext.MessageBox.html#wait">Ext.MessageBox.wait</a> during the time the action is being processed. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#waitMsg" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#waitMsg">Action</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Submit-waitTitle"></a>
<b>waitTitle</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The title to be displayed by a call to <a ext:cls="Ext.MessageBox" ext:member="wait" href="output/Ext.MessageBox.html#wait">Ext.MessageBox.wait</a> during the time the action is being processed. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#waitTitle" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#waitTitle">Action</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Submit-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Submit-failureType"></a>
<b>failureType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type of failure detected. See <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="Ext.form.Action.CLIENT_INVALID" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#Ext.form.Action.CLIENT_INVALID">CLIENT_INVALID</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="Ext.form.Action.SERVER_INVALID" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#Ext.form.Action.SERVER_INVALID">SERVER_INVALID</a>,
<a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="Ext.form.Action.CONNECT_FAILURE" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#Ext.form.Action.CONNECT_FAILURE">CONNECT_FAILURE</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="Ext.form.Action.LOAD_FAILURE" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#Ext.form.Action.LOAD_FAILURE">LOAD_FAILURE</a> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#failureType" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#failureType">Action</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Submit-response"></a>
<b>response</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The XMLHttpRequest object used to perform the action. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#response" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#response">Action</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Submit-result"></a>
<b>result</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The decoded response object containing a boolean <tt style="font-weight:bold">success</tt> property and
other, action-specific properties. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#result" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#result">Action</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Submit-type"></a>
<b>type</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type of action this Action instance performs.
Currently only "submit" and "load" are supported. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#type" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#type">Action</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Submit-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public methods.</div> <a id="Ext.form.Action.Submit-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.WindowGroup-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.WindowGroup-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.WindowGroup-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.WindowGroup"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.WindowGroup</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/WindowManager.js" target="_blank">WindowManager.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">WindowGroup</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.WindowMgr" href="output/Ext.WindowMgr.html">WindowMgr</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
An object that represents a group of <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a> instances and provides z-order management
and window activation behavior. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.WindowGroup-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.WindowGroup-zseed"></a>
<b>zseed</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The starting z-index for windows (defaults to 9000) </div>
<td class="msource">WindowGroup</td>
<a id="Ext.WindowGroup-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.WindowGroup-WindowGroup"></a>
<b>WindowGroup</b>() <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">WindowGroup</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.WindowGroup-bringToFront"></a>
<b>bringToFront</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object win</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Brings the specified window to the front of any other active windows.</div>
<div class="long">
Brings the specified window to the front of any other active windows. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>win</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">The id of the window or a <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a> instance</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the dialog was brought to the front, else false if it was already in front</div></li>
<td class="msource">WindowGroup</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.WindowGroup-each"></a>
<b>each</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Executes the specified function once for every window in the group, passing each
window as the only parameter. Return...</div>
<div class="long">
Executes the specified function once for every window in the group, passing each
window as the only parameter. Returning false from the function will stop the iteration. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to execute for each item</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the function</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">WindowGroup</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.WindowGroup-get"></a>
<b>get</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Window <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets a registered window by id.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets a registered window by id. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">The id of the window or a <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a> instance</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">WindowGroup</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.WindowGroup-getActive"></a>
<b>getActive</b>() : Ext.Window <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the currently-active window in the group.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the currently-active window in the group. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Window</code><div class="sub-desc">The active window</div></li>
<td class="msource">WindowGroup</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.WindowGroup-getBy"></a>
<b>getBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns zero or more windows in the group using the custom search function passed to this method.
The function should...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns zero or more windows in the group using the custom search function passed to this method.
The function should accept a single <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a> reference as its only argument and should
return true if the window matches the search criteria, otherwise it should return false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The search function</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the function (defaults to the window
that gets passed to the function if not specified)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">An array of zero or more matching windows</div></li>
<td class="msource">WindowGroup</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.WindowGroup-hideAll"></a>
<b>hideAll</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides all windows in the group.</div>
<div class="long">
Hides all windows in the group. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">WindowGroup</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.WindowGroup-sendToBack"></a>
<b>sendToBack</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object win</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Window <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sends the specified window to the back of other active windows.</div>
<div class="long">
Sends the specified window to the back of other active windows. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>win</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">The id of the window or a <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a> instance</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Window</code><div class="sub-desc">The window</div></li>
<td class="msource">WindowGroup</td>
<a id="Ext.WindowGroup-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.JSON-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.JSON-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.JSON-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.util.JSON"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.util.JSON</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.util</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/util/JSON.js" target="_blank">JSON.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">JSON</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Modified version of Douglas Crockford"s json.js that doesn"t
mess with the Object prototype<br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.util.JSON-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.util.JSON-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.JSON-decode"></a>
<b>decode</b>(&nbsp;<code>String json</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Decodes (parses) a JSON string to an object. If the JSON is invalid, this function throws a SyntaxError.</div>
<div class="long">
Decodes (parses) a JSON string to an object. If the JSON is invalid, this function throws a SyntaxError. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>json</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The JSON string</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The resulting object</div></li>
<td class="msource">JSON</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.JSON-encode"></a>
<b>encode</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed o</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Encodes an Object, Array or other value</div>
<div class="long">
Encodes an Object, Array or other value <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>o</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The variable to encode</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The JSON string</div></li>
<td class="msource">JSON</td>
<a id="Ext.util.JSON-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.SplitButton-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.SplitButton-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.SplitButton-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.SplitButton-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.SplitButton"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Button</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>SplitButton</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.SplitButton</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/SplitButton.js" target="_blank">SplitButton.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">SplitButton</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.CycleButton" href="output/Ext.CycleButton.html">CycleButton</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton.html">Toolbar.SplitButton</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Button</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A split button that provides a built-in dropdown arrow that can fire an event separately from the default
click event of the button. Typically this would be used to display a dropdown menu that provides additional
options to the primary button action, but any custom handler can provide the arrowclick implementation. Example usage:
<pre><code><i>// display a dropdown menu:</i>
<b>new</b> Ext.SplitButton({
renderTo: <em>'button-ct'</em>, <i>// the container id</i>
text: <em>'Options'</em>,
handler: optionsHandler, <i>// handle a click on the button itself</i>
menu: <b>new</b>{
items: [
<i>// these items will render as dropdown menu items when the arrow is clicked:</i>
{text: <em>'Item 1'</em>, handler: item1Handler},
{text: <em>'Item 2'</em>, handler: item2Handler},
<i>// Instead of showing a menu, you provide any type of custom</i>
<i>// functionality you want when the dropdown arrow is clicked:</i>
<b>new</b> Ext.SplitButton({
renderTo: <em>'button-ct'</em>,
text: <em>'Options'</em>,
handler: optionsHandler,
arrowHandler: myCustomHandler
});</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-arrowHandler"></a>
<b>arrowHandler</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
A function called when the arrow button is clicked (can be used instead of click event) </div>
<td class="msource">SplitButton</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-arrowTooltip"></a>
<b>arrowTooltip</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The title attribute of the arrow </div>
<td class="msource">SplitButton</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-clickEvent"></a>
<b>clickEvent</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type of event to map to the button's event handler (defaults to 'click') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#clickEvent" href="output/Ext.Button.html#clickEvent">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to start disabled (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Button.html#disabled">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-enableToggle"></a>
<b>enableToggle</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to enable pressed/not pressed toggling (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#enableToggle" href="output/Ext.Button.html#enableToggle">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-handleMouseEvents"></a>
<b>handleMouseEvents</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to disable visual cues on mouseover, mouseout and mousedown (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#handleMouseEvents" href="output/Ext.Button.html#handleMouseEvents">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-handler"></a>
<b>handler</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
A function called when the button is clicked (can be used instead of click event) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#handler" href="output/Ext.Button.html#handler">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to start hidden (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Button.html#hidden">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-icon"></a>
<b>icon</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The path to an image to display in the button (the image will be set as the background-image CSS property of the butt...</div>
<div class="long">
The path to an image to display in the button (the image will be set as the background-image CSS property of the button by default, so if you want a mixed icon/text button, set cls:"x-btn-text-icon") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#icon" href="output/Ext.Button.html#icon">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-iconCls"></a>
<b>iconCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A css class which sets a background image to be used as the icon for this button </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#iconCls" href="output/Ext.Button.html#iconCls">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-menu"></a>
<b>menu</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Standard menu attribute consisting of a reference to a menu object, a menu id or a menu config blob (defaults to unde...</div>
<div class="long">
Standard menu attribute consisting of a reference to a menu object, a menu id or a menu config blob (defaults to undefined). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#menu" href="output/Ext.Button.html#menu">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-menuAlign"></a>
<b>menuAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The position to align the menu to (see <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a> for more details, defaults to 'tl-bl?'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#menuAlign" href="output/Ext.Button.html#menuAlign">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-minWidth"></a>
<b>minWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width for this button (used to give a set of buttons a common width) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#minWidth" href="output/Ext.Button.html#minWidth">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-pressed"></a>
<b>pressed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to start pressed (only if enableToggle = true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#pressed" href="output/Ext.Button.html#pressed">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-repeat"></a>
<b>repeat</b> : Boolean/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to repeat fire the click event while the mouse is down. This can also be an Ext.util.ClickRepeater config object...</div>
<div class="long">
True to repeat fire the click event while the mouse is down. This can also be an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.ClickRepeater" href="output/Ext.util.ClickRepeater.html">Ext.util.ClickRepeater</a> config object (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#repeat" href="output/Ext.Button.html#repeat">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-scope"></a>
<b>scope</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The scope of the handler </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#scope" href="output/Ext.Button.html#scope">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-tabIndex"></a>
<b>tabIndex</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Set a DOM tabIndex for this button (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#tabIndex" href="output/Ext.Button.html#tabIndex">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-text"></a>
<b>text</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The button text </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#text" href="output/Ext.Button.html#text">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-toggleGroup"></a>
<b>toggleGroup</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The group this toggle button is a member of (only 1 per group can be pressed, only applies if enableToggle = true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#toggleGroup" href="output/Ext.Button.html#toggleGroup">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-tooltip"></a>
<b>tooltip</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
The tooltip for the button - can be a string or QuickTips config object </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#tooltip" href="output/Ext.Button.html#tooltip">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-tooltipType"></a>
<b>tooltipType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type of tooltip to use. Either "qtip" (default) for QuickTips or "title" for title attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#tooltipType" href="output/Ext.Button.html#tooltipType">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-type"></a>
<b>type</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
submit, reset or button - defaults to 'button' </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#type" href="output/Ext.Button.html#type">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-pressed"></a>
<b>pressed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Read-only. True if this button is pressed (only if enableToggle = true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#pressed" href="output/Ext.Button.html#pressed">Button</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-SplitButton"></a>
<b>SplitButton</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new menu button</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new menu button <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">SplitButton</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-getText"></a>
<b>getText</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the text for this button</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the text for this button <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The button text</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#getText" href="output/Ext.Button.html#getText">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-hasVisibleMenu"></a>
<b>hasVisibleMenu</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the button has a menu and it is visible</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the button has a menu and it is visible <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#hasVisibleMenu" href="output/Ext.Button.html#hasVisibleMenu">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-hideMenu"></a>
<b>hideMenu</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this button's menu (if it has one)</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this button's menu (if it has one) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#hideMenu" href="output/Ext.Button.html#hideMenu">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.Button.html#initComponent">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-setArrowHandler"></a>
<b>setArrowHandler</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets this button's arrow click handler.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets this button's arrow click handler. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call when the arrow is clicked</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Scope for the function passed above</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">SplitButton</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-setHandler"></a>
<b>setHandler</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Assigns this button's click handler</div>
<div class="long">
Assigns this button's click handler <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call when the button is clicked</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Scope for the function passed in</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#setHandler" href="output/Ext.Button.html#setHandler">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-setIconClass"></a>
<b>setIconClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the CSS class that provides a background image to use as the button's icon. This method also changes
the value ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the CSS class that provides a background image to use as the button's icon. This method also changes
the value of the <a ext:cls="iconCls" href="output/iconCls.html">iconCls</a> config internally. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class providing the icon image</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#setIconClass" href="output/Ext.Button.html#setIconClass">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-setText"></a>
<b>setText</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets this button's text</div>
<div class="long">
Sets this button's text <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The button text</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#setText" href="output/Ext.Button.html#setText">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-showMenu"></a>
<b>showMenu</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this button's menu (if it has one)</div>
<div class="long">
Show this button's menu (if it has one) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#showMenu" href="output/Ext.Button.html#showMenu">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-toggle"></a>
<b>toggle</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean state</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If a state it passed, it becomes the pressed state otherwise the current state is toggled.</div>
<div class="long">
If a state it passed, it becomes the pressed state otherwise the current state is toggled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>state</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Force a particular state</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#toggle" href="output/Ext.Button.html#toggle">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-arrowclick"></a>
<b>arrowclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>MenuButton this</code>, <code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this button's arrow is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this button's arrow is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : MenuButton<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The click event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">SplitButton</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-click"></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this button is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this button is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The click event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-click" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-click">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-menuhide"></a>
<b>menuhide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Menu menu</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this button has a menu, this event fires when it is hidden</div>
<div class="long">
If this button has a menu, this event fires when it is hidden <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menu</code> : Menu<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-menuhide" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-menuhide">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-menushow"></a>
<b>menushow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Menu menu</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this button has a menu, this event fires when it is shown</div>
<div class="long">
If this button has a menu, this event fires when it is shown <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menu</code> : Menu<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-menushow" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-menushow">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-menutriggerout"></a>
<b>menutriggerout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Menu menu</code>, <code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this button has a menu, this event fires when the mouse leaves the menu triggering element</div>
<div class="long">
If this button has a menu, this event fires when the mouse leaves the menu triggering element <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menu</code> : Menu<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-menutriggerout" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-menutriggerout">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-menutriggerover"></a>
<b>menutriggerover</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Menu menu</code>, <code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this button has a menu, this event fires when the mouse enters the menu triggering element</div>
<div class="long">
If this button has a menu, this event fires when the mouse enters the menu triggering element <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menu</code> : Menu<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-menutriggerover" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-menutriggerover">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-mouseout"></a>
<b>mouseout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the mouse exits the button</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the mouse exits the button <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-mouseout" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-mouseout">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-mouseover"></a>
<b>mouseover</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the mouse hovers over the button</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the mouse hovers over the button <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-mouseover" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-mouseover">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitButton-toggle"></a>
<b>toggle</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Boolean pressed</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the "pressed" state of this button changes (only if enableToggle = true)</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the "pressed" state of this button changes (only if enableToggle = true) <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>pressed</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-toggle" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-toggle">Button</a></td>
New file
0,0 → 1,223
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar.Fill-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar.Fill-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar.Fill-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Toolbar.Fill"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html">Toolbar.Item</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Spacer" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Spacer.html">Toolbar.Spacer</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Toolbar.Fill</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.Toolbar.Fill</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/Toolbar.js" target="_blank">Toolbar.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Toolbar.Fill</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Spacer" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Spacer.html">Toolbar.Spacer</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A simple element that adds a greedy (100% width) horizontal space between items in a toolbar.
<pre><code>new Ext.Panel({
tbar : [
<em>'Item 1'</em>,
{xtype: <em>'tbfill'</em>}, <i>// or <em>'->'</em></i>
<em>'Item 2'</em>
});</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Fill-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.Toolbar.Fill-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Fill-Toolbar.Fill"></a>
<b>Toolbar.Fill</b>() <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new Spacer</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new Spacer <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Toolbar.Fill</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Fill-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes and destroys this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes and destroys this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#destroy">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Fill-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disables this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Disables this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#disable">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Fill-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enables this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Enables this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#enable">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Fill-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this item</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this item <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#focus">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Fill-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get this item's HTML Element</div>
<div class="long">
Get this item's HTML Element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#getEl">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Fill-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Hides this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#hide">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Fill-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for boolean show/hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for boolean show/hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">true to show/false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#setVisible">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Fill-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shows this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Shows this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#show">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Fill-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,445
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.ClickRepeater-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.ClickRepeater-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.ClickRepeater-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.ClickRepeater-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.util.ClickRepeater"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>ClickRepeater</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.util.ClickRepeater</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.util</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/util/ClickRepeater.js" target="_blank">ClickRepeater.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">ClickRepeater</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A wrapper class which can be applied to any element. Fires a "click" event while the
mouse is pressed. The interval between firings may be specified in the config but
defaults to 20 milliseconds.
Optionally, a CSS class may be applied to the element during the time it is pressed. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-accelerate"></a>
<b>accelerate</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if autorepeating should start slowly and accelerate. "interval" and "delay" are ignored. </div>
<td class="msource">ClickRepeater</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-delay"></a>
<b>delay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The initial delay before the repeating event begins firing. Similar to an autorepeat key delay. </div>
<td class="msource">ClickRepeater</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-el"></a>
<b>el</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
The element to act as a button. </div>
<td class="msource">ClickRepeater</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-interval"></a>
<b>interval</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The interval between firings of the "click" event. Default 20 ms. </div>
<td class="msource">ClickRepeater</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-pressClass"></a>
<b>pressClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class name to be applied to the element while pressed. </div>
<td class="msource">ClickRepeater</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-preventDefault"></a>
<b>preventDefault</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to prevent the default click event </div>
<td class="msource">ClickRepeater</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-stopDefault"></a>
<b>stopDefault</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to stop the default click event </div>
<td class="msource">ClickRepeater</td>
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-ClickRepeater"></a>
<b>ClickRepeater</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to listen on</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ClickRepeater</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-click"></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.util.ClickRepeater this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires on a specified interval during the time the element is pressed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires on a specified interval during the time the element is pressed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.util.ClickRepeater<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ClickRepeater</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-mousedown"></a>
<b>mousedown</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.util.ClickRepeater this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the mouse button is depressed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the mouse button is depressed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.util.ClickRepeater<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ClickRepeater</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.ClickRepeater-mouseup"></a>
<b>mouseup</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.util.ClickRepeater this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the mouse key is released.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the mouse key is released. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.util.ClickRepeater<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ClickRepeater</td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel.html">AbstractSelectionModel</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>CellSelectionModel</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.grid</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/grid/CellSelectionModel.js" target="_blank">CellSelectionModel.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">CellSelectionModel</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel.html">AbstractSelectionModel</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
This class provides the basic implementation for single cell selection in a grid. The object stored
as the selection and returned by <a ext:cls="getSelectedCell" href="output/getSelectedCell.html">getSelectedCell</a> contains the following properties:
<div class="mdetail-params"><ul>
<li><b>record</b> :<p class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="" href="output/">Record</a>
which provides the data for the row containing the selection</p></li>
<li><b>cell</b> :<p class="sub-desc">An object containing the
following properties:
<div class="mdetail-params"><ul>
<li><b>rowIndex</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The index of the selected row</p></li>
<li><b>cellIndex</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The index of the selected cell<br>
<b>Note that due to possible column reordering, the cellIndex should not be used as an index into
the Record's data. Instead, the <i>name</i> of the selected field should be determined
in order to retrieve the data value from the record by name:</b><pre><code>var fieldName = grid.getColumnModel().getDataIndex(cellIndex);
<b>var</b> data = record.get(fieldName);</code></pre></p></li>
</ul></div> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-CellSelectionModel"></a>
<b>CellSelectionModel</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object containing the configuration of this model.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CellSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-clearSelections"></a>
<b>clearSelections</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean true</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears all selections.</div>
<div class="long">
Clears all selections. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>true</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">to prevent the gridview from being notified about the change.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CellSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-getSelectedCell"></a>
<b>getSelectedCell</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the currently selected cell,.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the currently selected cell,. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The selected cell or null if none selected.</div></li>
<td class="msource">CellSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-hasSelection"></a>
<b>hasSelection</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if there is a selection.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if there is a selection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CellSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-isLocked"></a>
<b>isLocked</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the selections are locked.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the selections are locked. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel" ext:member="#isLocked" href="output/Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel.html#isLocked">AbstractSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-lock"></a>
<b>lock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Locks the selections.</div>
<div class="long">
Locks the selections. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel" ext:member="#lock" href="output/Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel.html#lock">AbstractSelectionModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-select"></a>
<b>select</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Number collIndex</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects a cell.</div>
<div class="long">
Selects a cell. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>collIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CellSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-unlock"></a>
<b>unlock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unlocks the selections.</div>
<div class="long">
Unlocks the selections. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel" ext:member="#unlock" href="output/Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel.html#unlock">AbstractSelectionModel</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-beforecellselect"></a>
<b>beforecellselect</b> : (&nbsp;<code>SelectionModel this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Number colIndex</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a cell is selected.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a cell is selected. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : SelectionModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The selected row index</div></li><li><code>colIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The selected cell index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CellSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-cellselect"></a>
<b>cellselect</b> : (&nbsp;<code>SelectionModel this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Number colIndex</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a cell is selected.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a cell is selected. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : SelectionModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The selected row index</div></li><li><code>colIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The selected cell index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CellSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel-selectionchange"></a>
<b>selectionchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>SelectionModel this</code>, <code>Object selection</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the active selection changes.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the active selection changes. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : SelectionModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>selection</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">null for no selection or an object (o) with two properties
<li>o.record: the record object for the row the selection is in</li>
<li>o.cell: An array of [rowIndex, columnIndex]</li>
</ul></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CellSelectionModel</td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Node</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/data/Tree.js" target="_blank">Tree.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Node</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html">TreeNode</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The id for this node. If one is not specified, one is generated. </div>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>leaf</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
true if this node is a leaf and does not have children </div>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>attributes</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The attributes supplied for the node. You can use this property to access any custom attributes you supplied. </div>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>childNodes</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
All child nodes of this node. </div>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>firstChild</b> : Node <div class="mdesc">
The first direct child node of this node, or null if this node has no child nodes. </div>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The node id. </div>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>lastChild</b> : Node <div class="mdesc">
The last direct child node of this node, or null if this node has no child nodes. </div>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>nextSibling</b> : Node <div class="mdesc">
The node immediately following this node in the tree, or null if there is no sibling node. </div>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>parentNode</b> : Node <div class="mdesc">
The parent node for this node. </div>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>previousSibling</b> : Node <div class="mdesc">
The node immediately preceding this node in the tree, or null if there is no sibling node. </div>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>Node</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object attributes</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>attributes</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The attributes/config for the node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>appendChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>Node/Array node</code>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Insert node(s) as the last child node of this node.</div>
<div class="long">
Insert node(s) as the last child node of this node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node/Array<div class="sub-desc">The node or Array of nodes to append</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Node</code><div class="sub-desc">The appended node if single append, or null if an array was passed</div></li>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>bubble</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Bubbles up the tree from this node, calling the specified function with each node. The scope (this) of
function call ...</div>
<div class="long">
Bubbles up the tree from this node, calling the specified function with each node. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current node. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current node. If the function returns false at any point,
the bubble is stopped. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current node)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>cascade</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Cascades down the tree from this node, calling the specified function with each node. The scope (this) of
function ca...</div>
<div class="long">
Cascades down the tree from this node, calling the specified function with each node. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current node. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current node. If the function returns false at any point,
the cascade is stopped on that branch. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current node)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>contains</b>(&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this node is an ancestor (at any point) of the passed node.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this node is an ancestor (at any point) of the passed node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>eachChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Interates the child nodes of this node, calling the specified function with each node. The scope (this) of
function c...</div>
<div class="long">
Interates the child nodes of this node, calling the specified function with each node. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current node. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current node. If the function returns false at any point,
the iteration stops. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current node)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>findChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>String attribute</code>, <code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Finds the first child that has the attribute with the specified value.</div>
<div class="long">
Finds the first child that has the attribute with the specified value. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>attribute</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The attribute name</div></li><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to search for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Node</code><div class="sub-desc">The found child or null if none was found</div></li>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>findChildBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Finds the first child by a custom function. The child matches if the function passed
returns true.</div>
<div class="long">
Finds the first child by a custom function. The child matches if the function passed
returns true. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Node</code><div class="sub-desc">The found child or null if none was found</div></li>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getDepth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns depth of this node (the root node has a depth of 0)</div>
<div class="long">
Returns depth of this node (the root node has a depth of 0) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getOwnerTree</b>() : Tree <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the tree this node is in.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the tree this node is in. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getPath</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String attr</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the path for this node. The path can be used to expand or select this node programmatically.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the path for this node. The path can be used to expand or select this node programmatically. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>attr</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The attr to use for the path (defaults to the node's id)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The path</div></li>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>indexOf</b>(&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the index of a child node</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the index of a child node <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The index of the node or -1 if it was not found</div></li>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>insertBefore</b>(&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>, <code>Node refNode</code>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts the first node before the second node in this nodes childNodes collection.</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts the first node before the second node in this nodes childNodes collection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node to insert</div></li><li><code>refNode</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node to insert before (if null the node is appended)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Node</code><div class="sub-desc">The inserted node</div></li>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isAncestor</b>(&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the passed node is an ancestor (at any point) of this node.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the passed node is an ancestor (at any point) of this node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isFirst</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this node is the first child of its parent</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this node is the first child of its parent <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isLast</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this node is the last child of its parent</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this node is the last child of its parent <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isLeaf</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this node is a leaf</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this node is a leaf <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>item</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the child node at the specified index.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the child node at the specified index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>remove</b>() : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes this node from it's parent</div>
<div class="long">
Removes this node from it's parent <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Node</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a child node from this node.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a child node from this node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node to remove</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Node</code><div class="sub-desc">The removed node</div></li>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>replaceChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>Node newChild</code>, <code>Node oldChild</code>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Replaces one child node in this node with another.</div>
<div class="long">
Replaces one child node in this node with another. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>newChild</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The replacement node</div></li><li><code>oldChild</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node to replace</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Node</code><div class="sub-desc">The replaced node</div></li>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>sort</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sorts this nodes children using the supplied sort function</div>
<div class="long">
Sorts this nodes children using the supplied sort function <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>append</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node node</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a new child node is appended</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a new child node is appended <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The newly appended node</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the newly appended node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeappend</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a new child is appended, return false to cancel the append.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a new child is appended, return false to cancel the append. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node to be appended</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeinsert</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node node</code>, <code>Node refNode</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a new child is inserted, return false to cancel the insert.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a new child is inserted, return false to cancel the insert. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node to be inserted</div></li><li><code>refNode</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node the node is being inserted before</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforemove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node oldParent</code>, <code>Node newParent</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before this node is moved to a new location in the tree. Return false to cancel the move.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before this node is moved to a new location in the tree. Return false to cancel the move. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>oldParent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The parent of this node</div></li><li><code>newParent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The new parent this node is moving to</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index it is being moved to</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeremove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a child is removed, return false to cancel the remove.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a child is removed, return false to cancel the remove. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node to be removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>insert</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node node</code>, <code>Node refNode</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a new child node is inserted.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a new child node is inserted. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node inserted</div></li><li><code>refNode</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node the node was inserted before</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node oldParent</code>, <code>Node newParent</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this node is moved to a new location in the tree</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this node is moved to a new location in the tree <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>oldParent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The old parent of this node</div></li><li><code>newParent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The new parent of this node</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index it was moved to</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a child node is removed</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a child node is removed <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The removed node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Node</td>
New file
0,0 → 1,213
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar.Item-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar.Item-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar.Item-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Toolbar.Item"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.Toolbar.Item</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/Toolbar.js" target="_blank">Toolbar.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Toolbar.Item</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Separator" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Separator.html">Toolbar.Separator</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Spacer" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Spacer.html">Toolbar.Spacer</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.TextItem" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.TextItem.html">Toolbar.TextItem</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
The base class that other classes should extend in order to get some basic common toolbar item functionality. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Item-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.Toolbar.Item-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Item-Toolbar.Item"></a>
<b>Toolbar.Item</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new Item</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new Item <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Toolbar.Item</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Item-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes and destroys this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes and destroys this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Toolbar.Item</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Item-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disables this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Disables this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Toolbar.Item</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Item-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enables this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Enables this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Toolbar.Item</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Item-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this item</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this item <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Toolbar.Item</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Item-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get this item's HTML Element</div>
<div class="long">
Get this item's HTML Element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Toolbar.Item</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Item-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Hides this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Toolbar.Item</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Item-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for boolean show/hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for boolean show/hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">true to show/false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Toolbar.Item</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Item-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shows this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Shows this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Toolbar.Item</td>
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Item-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Global</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/core/Ext.js" target="_blank">Ext.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Ext core utilities and functions.<br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-BLANK_IMAGE_URL"></a>
<b>BLANK_IMAGE_URL</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">URL to a 1x1 transparent gif image used by Ext to create inline icons with CSS background images. (Defaults to
<div class="long">
URL to a 1x1 transparent gif image used by Ext to create inline icons with CSS background images. (Defaults to
"" and you should change this to a URL on your server). </div>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-SSL_SECURE_URL"></a>
<b>SSL_SECURE_URL</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">URL to a blank file used by Ext when in secure mode for iframe src and onReady src to prevent
the IE insecure content...</div>
<div class="long">
URL to a blank file used by Ext when in secure mode for iframe src and onReady src to prevent
the IE insecure content warning (defaults to javascript:false). </div>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-emptyFn"></a>
<b>emptyFn</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
A reusable empty function </div>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-enableGarbageCollector"></a>
<b>enableGarbageCollector</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to automatically uncache orphaned Ext.Elements periodically (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-enableListenerCollection"></a>
<b>enableListenerCollection</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to automatically purge event listeners after uncaching an element (defaults to false).
Note: this only happens i...</div>
<div class="long">
True to automatically purge event listeners after uncaching an element (defaults to false).
Note: this only happens if enableGarbageCollector is true. </div>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-isAir"></a>
<b>isAir</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-isBorderBox"></a>
<b>isBorderBox</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-isGecko"></a>
<b>isGecko</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-isIE"></a>
<b>isIE</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-isIE6"></a>
<b>isIE6</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-isIE7"></a>
<b>isIE7</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-isLinux"></a>
<b>isLinux</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-isMac"></a>
<b>isMac</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-isOpera"></a>
<b>isOpera</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-isReady"></a>
<b>isReady</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True when the document is fully initialized and ready for action </div>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-isSafari"></a>
<b>isSafari</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-isSafari2"></a>
<b>isSafari2</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-isSafari3"></a>
<b>isSafari3</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-isSecure"></a>
<b>isSecure</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if the page is running over SSL </div>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-isStrict"></a>
<b>isStrict</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if the browser is in strict mode </div>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-isWindows"></a>
<b>isWindows</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-useShims"></a>
<b>useShims</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, Ext intelligently decides whether floating elements should be shimmed. If you are using flash,
you ...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, Ext intelligently decides whether floating elements should be shimmed. If you are using flash,
you may want to set this to true. </div>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<a id="Ext-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-addBehaviors"></a>
<b>addBehaviors</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object obj</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Applies event listeners to elements by selectors when the document is ready.
The event name is specified with an @ su...</div>
<div class="long">
Applies event listeners to elements by selectors when the document is ready.
The event name is specified with an @ suffix.
<i>// add a listener <b>for</b> click on all anchors <b>in</b> element <b>with</b> id foo</i>
<em>'#foo a@click'</em> : <b>function</b>(e, t){
<i>// <b>do</b> something</i>
<i>// add the same listener to multiple selectors (separated by comma BEFORE the @)</i>
<em>'#foo a, #bar span.some-class@mouseover'</em> : <b>function</b>(){
<i>// <b>do</b> something</i>
});</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>obj</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The list of behaviors to apply</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-apply"></a>
<b>apply</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object obj</code>, <code>Object config</code>, <code>Object defaults</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
Copies all the properties of config to obj.</div>
<div class="long">
Copies all the properties of config to obj. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>obj</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The receiver of the properties</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The source of the properties</div></li><li><code>defaults</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A different object that will also be applied for default values</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">returns obj</div></li>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-applyIf"></a>
<b>applyIf</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object obj</code>, <code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Copies all the properties of config to obj if they don't already exist.</div>
<div class="long">
Copies all the properties of config to obj if they don't already exist. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>obj</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The receiver of the properties</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The source of the properties</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">returns obj</div></li>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-decode"></a>
<b>decode</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.util.JSON" ext:member="decode" href="output/Ext.util.JSON.html#decode">Ext.util.JSON.decode</a></div>
<div class="long">
Shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.util.JSON" ext:member="decode" href="output/Ext.util.JSON.html#decode">Ext.util.JSON.decode</a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed arg1</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed arg2</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed etc...</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Attempts to destroy any objects passed to it by removing all event listeners, removing them from the
DOM (if applicab...</div>
<div class="long">
Attempts to destroy any objects passed to it by removing all event listeners, removing them from the
DOM (if applicable) and calling their destroy functions (if available). This method is primarily
intended for arguments of type <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>, but any subclass of
<a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Ext.util.Observable</a> can be passed in. Any number of elements and/or components can be
passed into this function in a single call as separate arguments. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>arg1</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">An <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> to destroy</div></li><li><code>arg2</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li><li><code>etc...</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-each"></a>
<b>each</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array/NodeList/Mixed array</code>, <code>Function fn</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Iterates an array calling the passed function with each item, stopping if your function returns false. If the
passed ...</div>
<div class="long">
Iterates an array calling the passed function with each item, stopping if your function returns false. If the
passed array is not really an array, your function is called once with it.
The supplied function is called with (Object item, Number index, Array allItems). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>array</code> : Array/NodeList/Mixed<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-encode"></a>
<b>encode</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.util.JSON" ext:member="encode" href="output/Ext.util.JSON.html#encode">Ext.util.JSON.encode</a></div>
<div class="long">
Shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.util.JSON" ext:member="encode" href="output/Ext.util.JSON.html#encode">Ext.util.JSON.encode</a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-escapeRe"></a>
<b>escapeRe</b>(&nbsp;<code>String str</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Escapes the passed string for use in a regular expression</div>
<div class="long">
Escapes the passed string for use in a regular expression <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>str</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-extend"></a>
<b>extend</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function subclass</code>, <code>Function superclass</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object overrides</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Extends one class with another class and optionally overrides members with the passed literal. This class
also adds t...</div>
<div class="long">
Extends one class with another class and optionally overrides members with the passed literal. This class
also adds the function "override()" to the class that can be used to override
members on an instance. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>subclass</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The class inheriting the functionality</div></li><li><code>superclass</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The class being extended</div></li><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) A literal with members which are copied into the subclass's
prototype, and are therefore shared between all instances of the new class.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Function</code><div class="sub-desc">The subclass constructor. <p> This function also supports a 2 argument call in which the subclass's constructor is not passed as an argument. In this form, the parameters as as follows:</p><p> <div class="mdetail-params"><ul> <li><code>superclass</code> <div class="sub-desc">The class being extended</div></li> <li><code>overrides</code> <div class="sub-desc">A literal with members which are copied into the subclass's prototype, and are therefore shared between all instance of the new class.<p> This may contain a special member named <tt><b>constructor</b></tt>. This is used to define the constructor of the new class, and is returned. If this property is <i>not</i> specified, a constructor is generated and returned which just calls the superclass's constructor passing on its parameters.</p></div></li> </ul></div></p><p> For example, to create a subclass of the Ext GridPanel: <pre><code> MyGridPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridPanel, { constructor: function(config) { // Your preprocessing here MyGridPanel.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); // Your postprocessing here }, yourMethod: function() { // etc. } }); </code></pre> </p></div></li>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-fly"></a>
<b>fly</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String named</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Gets the globally shared flyweight Element, with the passed node as the active element. Do not store a...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Gets the globally shared flyweight Element, with the passed node as the active element. Do not store a reference to this element -
the dom node can be overwritten by other code.
Shorthand of <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="fly" href="output/Ext.Element.html#fly"></a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The dom node or id</div></li><li><code>named</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Allows for creation of named reusable flyweights to
prevent conflicts (e.g. internally Ext uses "_internal")</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The shared Element object</div></li>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-get"></a>
<b>get</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>&nbsp;) : Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Static method to retrieve Element objects. Uses simple caching to consistently return the same object.
Automatically ...</div>
<div class="long">
Static method to retrieve Element objects. Uses simple caching to consistently return the same object.
Automatically fixes if an object was recreated with the same id via AJAX or DOM.
Shorthand of <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.Element.html#get">Ext.Element.get</a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The id of the node, a DOM Node or an existing Element.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The Element object</div></li>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-getBody"></a>
<b>getBody</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the current document body as an <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the current document body as an <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The document body</div></li>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-getCmp"></a>
<b>getCmp</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#get">Ext.ComponentMgr.get</a></div>
<div class="long">
Shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#get">Ext.ComponentMgr.get</a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-getDoc"></a>
<b>getDoc</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the current HTML document object as an <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the current HTML document object as an <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The document</div></li>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-getDom"></a>
<b>getDom</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Return the dom node for the passed string (id), dom node, or Ext.Element</div>
<div class="long">
Return the dom node for the passed string (id), dom node, or Ext.Element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-id"></a>
<b>id</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed el</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String prefix</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Generates unique ids. If the element already has an id, it is unchanged</div>
<div class="long">
Generates unique ids. If the element already has an id, it is unchanged <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element to generate an id for</div></li><li><code>prefix</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Id prefix (defaults "ext-gen")</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The generated Id.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-isEmpty"></a>
<b>isEmpty</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean allowBlank</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the passed value is null, undefined or an empty string (optional).</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the passed value is null, undefined or an empty string (optional). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to test</div></li><li><code>allowBlank</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Pass true if an empty string is not considered empty</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-namespace"></a>
<b>namespace</b>(&nbsp;<code>String namespace1</code>, <code>String namespace2</code>, <code>String etc</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates namespaces to be used for scoping variables and classes so that they are not global. Usage:
<div class="long">
Creates namespaces to be used for scoping variables and classes so that they are not global. Usage:
<pre><code>Ext.namespace(<em>'Company'</em>, <em>''</em>);
Company.Widget = <b>function</b>() { ... } = <b>function</b>(config) { ... }</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>namespace1</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>namespace2</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>etc</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-num"></a>
<b>num</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>, <code>Number defaultValue</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Utility method for validating that a value is numeric, returning the specified default value if it is not.</div>
<div class="long">
Utility method for validating that a value is numeric, returning the specified default value if it is not. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">Should be a number, but any type will be handled appropriately</div></li><li><code>defaultValue</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The value to return if the original value is non-numeric</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">Value, if numeric, else defaultValue</div></li>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-onReady"></a>
<b>onReady</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <code>Object scope</code>, <code>boolean override</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the document is ready (before onload and before images are loaded). Shorthand of Ext.EventManager.onDocum...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the document is ready (before onload and before images are loaded). Shorthand of <a ext:cls="Ext.EventManager" ext:member="onDocumentReady" href="output/Ext.EventManager.html#onDocumentReady">Ext.EventManager.onDocumentReady</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object that becomes the scope of the handler</div></li><li><code>override</code> : boolean<div class="sub-desc">If true, the obj passed in becomes
the execution scope of the listener</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-override"></a>
<b>override</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object origclass</code>, <code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a list of functions to the prototype of an existing class, overwriting any existing methods with the same name.
<div class="long">
Adds a list of functions to the prototype of an existing class, overwriting any existing methods with the same name.
Usage:<pre><code>Ext.override(MyClass, {
newMethod1: <b>function</b>(){
<i>// etc.</i>
newMethod2: <b>function</b>(foo){
<i>// etc.</i>
});</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>origclass</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The class to override</div></li><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The list of functions to add to origClass. This should be specified as an object literal
containing one or more methods.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-query"></a>
<b>query</b>(&nbsp;<code>String path</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Node root</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects an array of DOM nodes by CSS/XPath selector. Shorthand of <a ext:cls="Ext.DomQuery" ext:member="select" href="output/Ext.DomQuery.html#select"></a></div>
<div class="long">
Selects an array of DOM nodes by CSS/XPath selector. Shorthand of <a ext:cls="Ext.DomQuery" ext:member="select" href="output/Ext.DomQuery.html#select"></a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>path</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The selector/xpath query</div></li><li><code>root</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The start of the query (defaults to document).</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-select"></a>
<b>select</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Array selector</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean unique</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>HTMLElement/String root</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : CompositeElementLite/CompositeElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects elements based on the passed CSS selector to enable working on them as 1.</div>
<div class="long">
Selects elements based on the passed CSS selector to enable working on them as 1. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String/Array<div class="sub-desc">The CSS selector or an array of elements</div></li><li><code>unique</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to create a unique Ext.Element for each element (defaults to a shared flyweight object)</div></li><li><code>root</code> : HTMLElement/String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The root element of the query or id of the root</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-type"></a>
<b>type</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed object</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the type of object that is passed in. If the object passed in is null or undefined it
return false otherwise ...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the type of object that is passed in. If the object passed in is null or undefined it
return false otherwise it returns one of the following values:<ul>
<li><b>string</b>: If the object passed is a string</li>
<li><b>number</b>: If the object passed is a number</li>
<li><b>boolean</b>: If the object passed is a boolean value</li>
<li><b>function</b>: If the object passed is a function reference</li>
<li><b>object</b>: If the object passed is an object</li>
<li><b>array</b>: If the object passed is an array</li>
<li><b>regexp</b>: If the object passed is a regular expression</li>
<li><b>element</b>: If the object passed is a DOM Element</li>
<li><b>nodelist</b>: If the object passed is a DOM NodeList</li>
<li><b>textnode</b>: If the object passed is a DOM text node and contains something other than whitespace</li>
<li><b>whitespace</b>: If the object passed is a DOM text node and contains only whitespace</li> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-urlDecode"></a>
<b>urlDecode</b>(&nbsp;<code>String string</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean overwrite</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Takes an encoded URL and and converts it to an object. e.g. Ext.urlDecode("foo=1&bar=2"); would return {foo: 1, bar: ...</div>
<div class="long">
Takes an encoded URL and and converts it to an object. e.g. Ext.urlDecode("foo=1&bar=2"); would return {foo: 1, bar: 2} or Ext.urlDecode("foo=1&bar=2&bar=3&bar=4", true); would return {foo: 1, bar: [2, 3, 4]}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>string</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>overwrite</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Items of the same name will overwrite previous values instead of creating an an array (Defaults to false).</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">A literal with members</div></li>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext-urlEncode"></a>
<b>urlEncode</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object o</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Takes an object and converts it to an encoded URL. e.g. Ext.urlEncode({foo: 1, bar: 2}); would return "foo=1&bar=2". ...</div>
<div class="long">
Takes an object and converts it to an encoded URL. e.g. Ext.urlEncode({foo: 1, bar: 2}); would return "foo=1&bar=2". Optionally, property values can be arrays, instead of keys and the resulting string that's returned will contain a name/value pair for each array value. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Ext</td>
<a id="Ext-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar.TextItem-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar.TextItem-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar.TextItem-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Toolbar.TextItem"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html">Toolbar.Item</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Toolbar.TextItem</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.Toolbar.TextItem</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/Toolbar.js" target="_blank">Toolbar.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Toolbar.TextItem</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html">Toolbar.Item</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A simple class that renders text directly into a toolbar.
<pre><code>new Ext.Panel({
tbar : [
{xtype: <em>'tbtext'</em>, text: <em>'Item 1'</em>} <i>// or simply <em>'Item 1'</em></i>
});</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.TextItem-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.Toolbar.TextItem-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.TextItem-Toolbar.TextItem"></a>
<b>Toolbar.TextItem</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object text</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new TextItem</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new TextItem <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">A text string, or a config object containing a <tt>text</tt> property</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Toolbar.TextItem</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.TextItem-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes and destroys this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes and destroys this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#destroy">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.TextItem-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disables this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Disables this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#disable">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.TextItem-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enables this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Enables this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#enable">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.TextItem-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this item</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this item <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#focus">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.TextItem-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get this item's HTML Element</div>
<div class="long">
Get this item's HTML Element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#getEl">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.TextItem-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Hides this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#hide">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.TextItem-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for boolean show/hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for boolean show/hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">true to show/false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#setVisible">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.TextItem-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shows this item.</div>
<div class="long">
Shows this item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Item" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Item.html#show">Toolbar.Item</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.TextItem-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html">ColumnModel</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>PropertyColumnModel</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.grid</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/grid/PropertyGrid.js" target="_blank">PropertyGrid.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">PropertyColumnModel</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html">ColumnModel</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A custom column model for the <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid" href="output/Ext.grid.PropertyGrid.html">Ext.grid.PropertyGrid</a>. Generally it should not need to be used directly. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-align"></a>
<b>align</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
(optional) Set the CSS text-align property of the column. Defaults to undefined. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#align" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#align">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-css"></a>
<b>css</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
(optional) Set custom CSS for all table cells in the column (excluding headers). Defaults to undefined. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#css" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#css">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-dataIndex"></a>
<b>dataIndex</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">(optional) The name of the field in the grid's's definition from which to draw the col...</div>
<div class="long">
(optional) The name of the field in the grid's <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a>'s <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> definition from which to draw the column's value. If not specified, the column's index is used as an index into the Record's data Array. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#dataIndex" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#dataIndex">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-editor"></a>
<b>editor</b> : Ext.form.Field <div class="mdesc">
(optional) The <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html">Ext.form.Field</a> to use when editing values in this column if editing is supported by the grid. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#editor" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#editor">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-fixed"></a>
<b>fixed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
(optional) True if the column width cannot be changed. Defaults to false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#fixed" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#fixed">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The header text to display in the Grid view. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#header" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#header">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
(optional) True to hide the column. Defaults to false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#hidden">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-hideable"></a>
<b>hideable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
(optional) Specify as <tt>false</tt> to prevent the user from hiding this column. Defaults to true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#hideable" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#hideable">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">(optional) Defaults to the column's initial ordinal position. A name which identifies this column. The id is used to ...</div>
<div class="long">
(optional) Defaults to the column's initial ordinal position. A name which identifies this column. The id is used to create a CSS class name which is applied to all table cells (including headers) in that column. The class name takes the form of <pre>x-grid3-td-<b>id</b></pre> <br><br> Header cells will also recieve this class name, but will also have the class <pr>x-grid3-hd</pre>, so to target header cells, use CSS selectors such as:<pre>.x-grid3-hd.x-grid3-td-<b>id</b></pre> The <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.Grid" ext:member="autoExpandColumn" href="output/Ext.grid.Grid.html#autoExpandColumn">Ext.grid.Grid.autoExpandColumn</a> grid config option references the column via this identifier. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#id">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-menuDisabled"></a>
<b>menuDisabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
(optional) True to disable the column menu. Defaults to false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#menuDisabled" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#menuDisabled">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-renderer"></a>
<b>renderer</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">(optional) A function used to generate HTML markup for a cell given the cell's data value. See setRenderer. If not sp...</div>
<div class="long">
(optional) A function used to generate HTML markup for a cell given the cell's data value. See <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="setRenderer" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#setRenderer">setRenderer</a>. If not specified, the default renderer uses the raw data value. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#renderer" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#renderer">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-resizable"></a>
<b>resizable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
(optional) False to disable column resizing. Defaults to true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#resizable" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#resizable">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-sortable"></a>
<b>sortable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">(optional) True if sorting is to be allowed on this column. Defaults to the value of the defaultSortable property. Wh...</div>
<div class="long">
(optional) True if sorting is to be allowed on this column. Defaults to the value of the <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="defaultSortable" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#defaultSortable">defaultSortable</a> property. Whether local/remote sorting is used is specified in <a ext:cls="" ext:member="remoteSort" href="output/"></a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#sortable" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#sortable">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-tooltip"></a>
<b>tooltip</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">(optional) A text string to use as the column header's tooltip. If Quicktips are enabled, this value will be used as ...</div>
<div class="long">
(optional) A text string to use as the column header's tooltip. If Quicktips are enabled, this value will be used as the text of the quick tip, otherwise it will be set as the header's HTML title attribute. Defaults to ''. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#tooltip" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#tooltip">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">(optional) The initial width in pixels of the column. Using this instead of Ext.grid.Grid.autoSizeColumns is more eff...</div>
<div class="long">
(optional) The initial width in pixels of the column. Using this instead of <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.Grid" ext:member="autoSizeColumns" href="output/Ext.grid.Grid.html#autoSizeColumns">Ext.grid.Grid.autoSizeColumns</a> is more efficient. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#width">ColumnModel</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-defaultSortable"></a>
<b>defaultSortable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Default sortable of columns which have no sortable specified (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#defaultSortable" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#defaultSortable">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-defaultWidth"></a>
<b>defaultWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of columns which have no width specified (defaults to 100) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#defaultWidth" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#defaultWidth">ColumnModel</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-PropertyColumnModel"></a>
<b>PropertyColumnModel</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.grid.Grid grid</code>, <code>Object source</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>grid</code> : Ext.grid.Grid<div class="sub-desc">The grid this store will be bound to</div></li><li><code>source</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The source data config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">PropertyColumnModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-getCellEditor"></a>
<b>getCellEditor</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number colIndex</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the editor defined for the cell/column.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the editor defined for the cell/column. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>colIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The row index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#getCellEditor" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#getCellEditor">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-getColumnById"></a>
<b>getColumnById</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the column for a specified id.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the column for a specified id. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The column id</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">the column</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#getColumnById" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#getColumnById">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-getColumnCount"></a>
<b>getColumnCount</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the number of columns.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the number of columns. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#getColumnCount" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#getColumnCount">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-getColumnHeader"></a>
<b>getColumnHeader</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the header for the specified column.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the header for the specified column. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#getColumnHeader" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#getColumnHeader">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-getColumnId"></a>
<b>getColumnId</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
Returns the id of the column at the specified index.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of the column at the specified index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">the id</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#getColumnId" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#getColumnId">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-getColumnTooltip"></a>
<b>getColumnTooltip</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the tooltip for the specified column.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the tooltip for the specified column. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#getColumnTooltip" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#getColumnTooltip">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-getColumnWidth"></a>
<b>getColumnWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width for the specified column.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width for the specified column. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#getColumnWidth" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#getColumnWidth">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-getColumnsBy"></a>
<b>getColumnsBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the column configs that return true by the passed function that is called with (columnConfig, index)</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the column configs that return true by the passed function that is called with (columnConfig, index) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">result</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#getColumnsBy" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#getColumnsBy">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-getDataIndex"></a>
<b>getDataIndex</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the dataIndex for the specified column.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the dataIndex for the specified column. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#getDataIndex" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#getDataIndex">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-getIndexById"></a>
<b>getIndexById</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the index for a specified column id.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the index for a specified column id. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The column id</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">the index, or -1 if not found</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#getIndexById" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#getIndexById">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-getRenderer"></a>
<b>getRenderer</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>&nbsp;) : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the rendering (formatting) function defined for the column.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the rendering (formatting) function defined for the column. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Function</code><div class="sub-desc">The function used to render the cell. See {@link #setRenderer}.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#getRenderer" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#getRenderer">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-getTotalWidth"></a>
<b>getTotalWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean includeHidden</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the total width of all columns.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the total width of all columns. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>includeHidden</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to include hidden column widths</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#getTotalWidth" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#getTotalWidth">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-isCellEditable"></a>
<b>isCellEditable</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number colIndex</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the cell is editable.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the cell is editable. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>colIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The row index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#isCellEditable" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#isCellEditable">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-isFixed"></a>
<b>isFixed</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the column width cannot be changed</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the column width cannot be changed <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#isFixed" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#isFixed">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-isHidden"></a>
<b>isHidden</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number colIndex</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the column is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the column is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>colIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#isHidden" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#isHidden">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-isMenuDisabled"></a>
<b>isMenuDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the specified column menu is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the specified column menu is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#isMenuDisabled" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#isMenuDisabled">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-isResizable"></a>
<b>isResizable</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the column can be resized</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the column can be resized <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#isResizable" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#isResizable">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-isSortable"></a>
<b>isSortable</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the specified column is sortable.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the specified column is sortable. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#isSortable" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#isSortable">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-setColumnHeader"></a>
<b>setColumnHeader</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>, <code>String header</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the header for a column.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the header for a column. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>header</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new header</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#setColumnHeader" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#setColumnHeader">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-setColumnTooltip"></a>
<b>setColumnTooltip</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>, <code>String tooltip</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the tooltip for a column.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the tooltip for a column. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>tooltip</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new tooltip</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#setColumnTooltip" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#setColumnTooltip">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-setColumnWidth"></a>
<b>setColumnWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>, <code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width for a column.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width for a column. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#setColumnWidth" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#setColumnWidth">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-setConfig"></a>
<b>setConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Reconfigures this column model</div>
<div class="long">
Reconfigures this column model <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">Array of Column configs</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#setConfig" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#setConfig">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-setDataIndex"></a>
<b>setDataIndex</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>, <code>Number dataIndex</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the dataIndex for a column.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the dataIndex for a column. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>dataIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new dataIndex</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#setDataIndex" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#setDataIndex">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-setEditable"></a>
<b>setEditable</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>, <code>Boolean editable</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets if a column is editable.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets if a column is editable. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>editable</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the column is editable</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#setEditable" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#setEditable">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-setEditor"></a>
<b>setEditor</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>, <code>Object editor</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the editor for a column.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the editor for a column. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>editor</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The editor object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#setEditor" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#setEditor">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-setHidden"></a>
<b>setHidden</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number colIndex</code>, <code>Boolean hidden</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets if a column is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets if a column is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>colIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>hidden</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the column is hidden</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#setHidden" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#setHidden">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-setRenderer"></a>
<b>setRenderer</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number col</code>, <code>Function fn</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the rendering (formatting) function for a column. See <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Format" href="output/Ext.util.Format.html">Ext.util.Format</a> for some
default formatting functions.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the rendering (formatting) function for a column. See <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Format" href="output/Ext.util.Format.html">Ext.util.Format</a> for some
default formatting functions. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to use to process the cell's raw data
to return HTML markup for the grid view. The render function is called with
the following parameters:<ul>
<li><b>value</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The data value for the cell.</p></li>
<li><b>metadata</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">An object in which you may set the following attributes:<ul>
<li><b>css</b> : String<p class="sub-desc">A CSS class name to add to the cell's TD element.</p></li>
<li><b>attr</b> : String<p class="sub-desc">An HTML attribute definition string to apply to the data container element <i>within</i> the table cell
(e.g. 'style="color:red;"').</p></li></ul></p></li>
<li><b>record</b> :<p class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> from which the data was extracted.</p></li>
<li><b>rowIndex</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Row index</p></li>
<li><b>colIndex</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Column index</p></li>
<li><b>store</b> :<p class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> object from which the Record was extracted.</p></li></ul></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#setRenderer" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#setRenderer">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-columnmoved"></a>
<b>columnmoved</b> : (&nbsp;<code>ColumnModel this</code>, <code>Number oldIndex</code>, <code>Number newIndex</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a column is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a column is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : ColumnModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>oldIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>newIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#event-columnmoved" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#event-columnmoved">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-configchanged"></a>
<b>configchanged</b> : (&nbsp;<code>ColumnModel this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the configuration is changed</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the configuration is changed <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : ColumnModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#event-configchanged" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#event-configchanged">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-headerchange"></a>
<b>headerchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>ColumnModel this</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>String newText</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the text of a header changes.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the text of a header changes. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : ColumnModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>newText</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new header text</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#event-headerchange" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#event-headerchange">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-hiddenchange"></a>
<b>hiddenchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>ColumnModel this</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Boolean hidden</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a column is hidden or "unhidden".</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a column is hidden or "unhidden". <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : ColumnModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>hidden</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">true if hidden, false otherwise</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#event-hiddenchange" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#event-hiddenchange">ColumnModel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel-widthchange"></a>
<b>widthchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>ColumnModel this</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Number newWidth</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the width of a column changes.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the width of a column changes. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : ColumnModel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li><li><code>newWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" ext:member="#event-widthchange" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html#event-widthchange">ColumnModel</a></td>
New file
0,0 → 1,138
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.TaskRunner-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.TaskRunner-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.TaskRunner-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.util.TaskRunner"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.util.TaskRunner</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.util</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/util/TaskMgr.js" target="_blank">TaskMgr.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">TaskRunner</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Provides the ability to execute one or more arbitrary tasks in a multithreaded manner. Generally, you can use
the singleton <a ext:cls="Ext.TaskMgr" href="output/Ext.TaskMgr.html">Ext.TaskMgr</a> instead, but if needed, you can create separate instances of TaskRunner. Any
number of separate tasks can be started at any time and will run independently of each other. Example usage:
<pre><code><i>// Start a simple clock task that updates a div once per second</i>
<b>var</b> task = {
run: <b>function</b>(){<em>'clock'</em>).update(<b>new</b> Date().format(<em>'g:i:s A'</em>));
interval: 1000 <i>//1 second</i>
<b>var</b> runner = <b>new</b> Ext.util.TaskRunner();
runner.start(task);</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.util.TaskRunner-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.util.TaskRunner-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.TaskRunner-TaskRunner"></a>
<b>TaskRunner</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number interval</code>]</span>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>interval</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The minimum precision in milliseconds supported by this TaskRunner instance
(defaults to 10)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TaskRunner</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.TaskRunner-start"></a>
<b>start</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object task</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Starts a new task.</div>
<div class="long">
Starts a new task. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>task</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A config object that supports the following properties:<ul>
<li><code>run</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to execute each time the task is run. The
function will be called at each interval and passed the <code>args</code> argument if specified. If a
particular scope is required, be sure to specify it using the <code>scope</scope> argument.</div></li>
<li><code>interval</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The frequency in milliseconds with which the task
should be executed.</div></li>
<li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An array of arguments to be passed to the function
specified by <code>run</code>.</div></li>
<li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the
<code>run</code> function.</div></li>
<li><code>duration</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The length of time in milliseconds to execute
the task before stopping automatically (defaults to indefinite).</div></li>
<li><code>repeat</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The number of times to execute the task before
stopping automatically (defaults to indefinite).</div></li>
</ul></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The task</div></li>
<td class="msource">TaskRunner</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.TaskRunner-stop"></a>
<b>stop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object task</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Stops an existing running task.</div>
<div class="long">
Stops an existing running task. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>task</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The task to stop</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The task</div></li>
<td class="msource">TaskRunner</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.TaskRunner-stopAll"></a>
<b>stopAll</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Stops all tasks that are currently running.</div>
<div class="long">
Stops all tasks that are currently running. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TaskRunner</td>
<a id="Ext.util.TaskRunner-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,961
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.GroupingView-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.GroupingView-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.GroupingView-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.GroupingView-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.grid.GroupingView"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html">GridView</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>GroupingView</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.grid.GroupingView</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.grid</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/grid/GroupingView.js" target="_blank">GroupingView.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">GroupingView</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html">GridView</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Adds the ability for single level grouping to the grid.
<pre><code>var grid = <b>new</b> Ext.grid.GridPanel({
<i>// A groupingStore is required <b>for</b> a GroupingView</i>
store: <b>new</b>{
reader: reader,
data: xg.dummyData,
sortInfo:{field: <em>'company'</em>, direction: <em>"ASC"</em>},
columns: [
{id:<em>'company'</em>,header: <em>"Company"</em>, width: 60, sortable: true, dataIndex: <em>'company'</em>},
{header: <em>"Price"</em>, width: 20, sortable: true, renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney, dataIndex: <em>'price'</em>},
{header: <em>"Change"</em>, width: 20, sortable: true, dataIndex: <em>'change'</em>, renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney},
{header: <em>"Industry"</em>, width: 20, sortable: true, dataIndex: <em>'industry'</em>},
{header: <em>"Last Updated"</em>, width: 20, sortable: true, renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer(<em>'m/d/Y'</em>), dataIndex: <em>'lastChange'</em>}
view: <b>new</b> Ext.grid.GroupingView({
<i>// custom grouping text template to display the number of items per group</i>
groupTextTpl: <em>'{text} ({[]} {[ > 1 ? "Items" : "Item"]})'</em>
width: 700,
height: 450,
collapsible: true,
animCollapse: false,
title: <em>'Grouping Example'</em>,
iconCls: <em>'icon-grid'</em>,
renderTo: document.body
});</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-autoFill"></a>
<b>autoFill</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to auto expand the columns to fit the grid <b>when the grid is created</b>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#autoFill" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#autoFill">GridView</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-emptyGroupText"></a>
<b>emptyGroupText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The text to display when there is an empty group value </div>
<td class="msource">GroupingView</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-emptyText"></a>
<b>emptyText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Default text to display in the grid body when no rows are available (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#emptyText" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#emptyText">GridView</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-enableGrouping"></a>
<b>enableGrouping</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to disable grouping functionality (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">GroupingView</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-enableGroupingMenu"></a>
<b>enableGroupingMenu</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to enable the grouping control in the column menu </div>
<td class="msource">GroupingView</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-enableNoGroups"></a>
<b>enableNoGroups</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to allow the user to turn off grouping </div>
<td class="msource">GroupingView</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-enableRowBody"></a>
<b>enableRowBody</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to add a second TR element per row that can be used to provide a row body that spans beneath the data row. Use t...</div>
<div class="long">
True to add a second TR element per row that can be used to provide a row body that spans beneath the data row. Use the <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="getRowClass" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#getRowClass">getRowClass</a> method's rowParams config to customize the row body. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#enableRowBody" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#enableRowBody">GridView</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-forceFit"></a>
<b>forceFit</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to auto expand/contract the size of the columns to fit the grid width and prevent horizontal scrolling. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#forceFit" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#forceFit">GridView</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-groupByText"></a>
<b>groupByText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Text displayed in the grid header menu for grouping by a column (defaults to 'Group By This Field'). </div>
<td class="msource">GroupingView</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-groupRenderer"></a>
<b>groupRenderer</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function used to format the grouping field value for display in the group header. Should return a string value. T...</div>
<div class="long">
The function used to format the grouping field value for display in the group header. Should return a string value. This takes the following parameters: <div class="mdetail-params"><ul> <li><b>v</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The new value of the group field.</p></li> <li><b>unused</b> : undefined<p class="sub-desc">Unused parameter.</p></li> <li><b>r</b> :<p class="sub-desc">The Record providing the data for the row which caused group change.</p></li> <li><b>rowIndex</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The row index of the Record which caused group change.</p></li> <li><b>colIndex</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The column index of the group field.</p></li> <li><b>ds</b> :<p class="sub-desc">The Store which is providing the data Model.</p></li> </ul></div></p> </div>
<td class="msource">GroupingView</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-groupTextTpl"></a>
<b>groupTextTpl</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The template used to render the group header. This is used to format an object which contains the following propertie...</div>
<div class="long">
The template used to render the group header. This is used to format an object which contains the following properties: <div class="mdetail-params"><ul> <li><b>group</b> : String<p class="sub-desc">The <i>rendered</i> value of the group field. By default this is the unchanged value of the group field. If a <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GroupingView" ext:member="groupRenderer" href="output/Ext.grid.GroupingView.html#groupRenderer">groupRenderer</a> is specified, it is the result of a call to that.</p></li> <li><b>gvalue</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The <i>raw</i> value of the group field.</p></li> <li><b>text</b> : String<p class="sub-desc">The configured <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GroupingView" ext:member="header" href="output/Ext.grid.GroupingView.html#header">header</a> (If <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GroupingView" ext:member="showGroupName" href="output/Ext.grid.GroupingView.html#showGroupName">showGroupName</a> is true) plus the <i>rendered</i>group field value.</p></li> <li><b>groupId</b> : String<p class="sub-desc">A unique, generated ID which is applied to the View Element which contains the group.</p></li> <li><b>startRow</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The row index of the Record which caused group change.</p></li> <li><b>rs</b> : Array<p class="sub-desc">.Contains a single element: The Record providing the data for the row which caused group change.</p></li> <li><b>cls</b> : String<p class="sub-desc">The generated class name string to apply to the group header Element.</p></li> <li><b>style</b> : String<p class="sub-desc">The inline style rules to apply to the group header Element.</p></li> </ul></div></p> See <a ext:cls="Ext.XTemplate" href="output/Ext.XTemplate.html">Ext.XTemplate</a> for information on how to format data using a template. </div>
<td class="msource">GroupingView</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The text with which to prefix the group field value in the group header line. </div>
<td class="msource">GroupingView</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-hideGroupedColumn"></a>
<b>hideGroupedColumn</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the column that is currently grouped </div>
<td class="msource">GroupingView</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-ignoreAdd"></a>
<b>ignoreAdd</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to skip refreshing the view when new rows are added (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">GroupingView</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-showGroupName"></a>
<b>showGroupName</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to display the name for each set of grouped rows (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">GroupingView</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-showGroupsText"></a>
<b>showGroupsText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Text displayed in the grid header for enabling/disabling grouping (defaults to 'Show in Groups'). </div>
<td class="msource">GroupingView</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-startCollapsed"></a>
<b>startCollapsed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to start all groups collapsed </div>
<td class="msource">GroupingView</td>
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-columnsText"></a>
<b>columnsText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The text displayed in the "Columns" menu item </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#columnsText" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#columnsText">GridView</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-scrollOffset"></a>
<b>scrollOffset</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The amount of space to reserve for the scrollbar (defaults to 19 pixels) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#scrollOffset" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#scrollOffset">GridView</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-sortAscText"></a>
<b>sortAscText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The text displayed in the "Sort Ascending" menu item </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#sortAscText" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#sortAscText">GridView</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-sortClasses"></a>
<b>sortClasses</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
The CSS classes applied to a header when it is sorted. (defaults to ["sort-asc", "sort-desc"]) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#sortClasses" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#sortClasses">GridView</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-sortDescText"></a>
<b>sortDescText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The text displayed in the "Sort Descending" menu item </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#sortDescText" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#sortDescText">GridView</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-GroupingView"></a>
<b>GroupingView</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GroupingView</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-collapseAllGroups"></a>
<b>collapseAllGroups</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collapses all grouped rows.</div>
<div class="long">
Collapses all grouped rows. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GroupingView</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-expandAllGroups"></a>
<b>expandAllGroups</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Expands all grouped rows.</div>
<div class="long">
Expands all grouped rows. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GroupingView</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-focusCell"></a>
<b>focusCell</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number row</code>, <code>Number col</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Focuses the specified cell.</div>
<div class="long">
Focuses the specified cell. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>row</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The row index</div></li><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#focusCell" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#focusCell">GridView</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-focusRow"></a>
<b>focusRow</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number row</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Focuses the specified row.</div>
<div class="long">
Focuses the specified row. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>row</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The row index</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#focusRow" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#focusRow">GridView</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-getCell"></a>
<b>getCell</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number row</code>, <code>Number col</code>&nbsp;) : HtmlElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the grid's &lt;TD> HtmlElement at the specified coordinates.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the grid's &lt;TD> HtmlElement at the specified coordinates. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>row</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The row index in which to find the cell.</div></li><li><code>col</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index of the cell.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HtmlElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The &lt;TD> at the specified coordinates.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#getCell" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#getCell">GridView</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-getGroupId"></a>
<b>getGroupId</b>(&nbsp;<code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Dynamically tries to determine the groupId of a specific value</div>
<div class="long">
Dynamically tries to determine the groupId of a specific value <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The group id</div></li>
<td class="msource">GroupingView</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-getHeaderCell"></a>
<b>getHeaderCell</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) : HtmlElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Return the &lt;TD> HtmlElement which represents the Grid's header cell for the specified column index.</div>
<div class="long">
Return the &lt;TD> HtmlElement which represents the Grid's header cell for the specified column index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The column index</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HtmlElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The &lt;TD> element.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#getHeaderCell" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#getHeaderCell">GridView</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-getRow"></a>
<b>getRow</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) : HtmlElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Return the &lt;TR> HtmlElement which represents a Grid row for the specified index.</div>
<div class="long">
Return the &lt;TR> HtmlElement which represents a Grid row for the specified index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The row index</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HtmlElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The &lt;TR> element.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#getRow" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#getRow">GridView</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-getRowClass"></a>
<b>getRowClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>Record record</code>, <code>Number index</code>, <code>Object rowParams</code>, <code>Store store</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Override this function to apply custom CSS classes to rows during rendering. You can also supply custom
parameters t...</div>
<div class="long">
Override this function to apply custom CSS classes to rows during rendering. You can also supply custom
parameters to the row template for the current row to customize how it is rendered using the <b>rowParams</b>
parameter. This function should return the CSS class name (or empty string '' for none) that will be added
to the row's wrapping div. To apply multiple class names, simply return them space-delimited within the string
(e.g., 'my-class another-class'). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>record</code> : Record<div class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> corresponding to the current row</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The row index</div></li><li><code>rowParams</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A config object that is passed to the row template during rendering that allows
customization of various aspects of a body row, if applicable. Note that this object will only be applied if
<a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="enableRowBody" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#enableRowBody">enableRowBody</a> = true, otherwise it will be ignored. The object may contain any of these properties:<ul>
<li><code>body</code> : String <div class="sub-desc">An HTML fragment to be rendered as the cell's body content (defaults to '').</div></li>
<li><code>bodyStyle</code> : String <div class="sub-desc">A CSS style string that will be applied to the row's TR style attribute (defaults to '').</div></li>
<li><code>cols</code> : Number <div class="sub-desc">The column count to apply to the body row's TD colspan attribute (defaults to the current
column count of the grid).</div></li>
</ul></div></li><li><code>store</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> this grid is bound to</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">a CSS class name to add to the row.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#getRowClass" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#getRowClass">GridView</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-refresh"></a>
<b>refresh</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean headersToo</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Refreshs the grid UI</div>
<div class="long">
Refreshs the grid UI <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>headersToo</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to also refresh the headers</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#refresh" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#refresh">GridView</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-scrollToTop"></a>
<b>scrollToTop</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Scrolls the grid to the top</div>
<div class="long">
Scrolls the grid to the top <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#scrollToTop" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#scrollToTop">GridView</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-toggleAllGroups"></a>
<b>toggleAllGroups</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean expanded</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Toggles all groups if no value is passed, otherwise sets the expanded state of all groups to the value passed.</div>
<div class="long">
Toggles all groups if no value is passed, otherwise sets the expanded state of all groups to the value passed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>expanded</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GroupingView</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-toggleGroup"></a>
<b>toggleGroup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String groupId</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean expanded</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Toggles the specified group if no value is passed, otherwise sets the expanded state of the group to the value passed.</div>
<div class="long">
Toggles the specified group if no value is passed, otherwise sets the expanded state of the group to the value passed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>groupId</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The groupId assigned to the group (see getGroupId)</div></li><li><code>expanded</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">GroupingView</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-beforerefresh"></a>
<b>beforerefresh</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.grid.GridView view</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Internal UI Event. Fired before the view is refreshed.</div>
<div class="long">
Internal UI Event. Fired before the view is refreshed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>view</code> : Ext.grid.GridView<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#event-beforerefresh" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#event-beforerefresh">GridView</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-beforerowremoved"></a>
<b>beforerowremoved</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.grid.GridView view</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code> record</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Internal UI Event. Fired before a row is removed.</div>
<div class="long">
Internal UI Event. Fired before a row is removed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>view</code> : Ext.grid.GridView<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the row to be removed.</div></li><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The Record to be removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#event-beforerowremoved" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#event-beforerowremoved">GridView</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-beforerowsinserted"></a>
<b>beforerowsinserted</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.grid.GridView view</code>, <code>Number firstRow</code>, <code>Number lastRow</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Internal UI Event. Fired before rows are inserted.</div>
<div class="long">
Internal UI Event. Fired before rows are inserted. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>view</code> : Ext.grid.GridView<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>firstRow</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the first row to be inserted.</div></li><li><code>lastRow</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the last row to be inserted.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#event-beforerowsinserted" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#event-beforerowsinserted">GridView</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-refresh"></a>
<b>refresh</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.grid.GridView view</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Internal UI Event. Fired after the GridView's body has been refreshed.</div>
<div class="long">
Internal UI Event. Fired after the GridView's body has been refreshed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>view</code> : Ext.grid.GridView<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#event-refresh" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#event-refresh">GridView</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-rowremoved"></a>
<b>rowremoved</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.grid.GridView view</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code> record</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Internal UI Event. Fired after a row is removed.</div>
<div class="long">
Internal UI Event. Fired after a row is removed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>view</code> : Ext.grid.GridView<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the row that was removed.</div></li><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The Record that was removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#event-rowremoved" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#event-rowremoved">GridView</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-rowsinserted"></a>
<b>rowsinserted</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.grid.GridView view</code>, <code>Number firstRow</code>, <code>Number lastRow</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Internal UI Event. Fired after rows are inserted.</div>
<div class="long">
Internal UI Event. Fired after rows are inserted. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>view</code> : Ext.grid.GridView<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>firstRow</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the first inserted.</div></li><li><code>lastRow</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the last row inserted.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#event-rowsinserted" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#event-rowsinserted">GridView</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.GroupingView-rowupdated"></a>
<b>rowupdated</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.grid.GridView view</code>, <code>Number firstRow</code>, <code> record</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Internal UI Event. Fired after a row has been updated.</div>
<div class="long">
Internal UI Event. Fired after a row has been updated. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>view</code> : Ext.grid.GridView<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>firstRow</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the row updated.</div></li><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The Record backing the row updated.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" ext:member="#event-rowupdated" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html#event-rowupdated">GridView</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.ComboBox-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.ComboBox-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.ComboBox-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.ComboBox-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.form.ComboBox"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html">Field</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html">TextField</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TriggerField" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.TriggerField.html">TriggerField</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>ComboBox</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.form.ComboBox</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.form</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/form/Combo.js" target="_blank">Combo.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">ComboBox</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TimeField" href="output/Ext.form.TimeField.html">TimeField</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TriggerField" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.TriggerField.html">TriggerField</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A combobox control with support for autocomplete, remote-loading, paging and many other features. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-allQuery"></a>
<b>allQuery</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The text query to send to the server to return all records for the list with no filtering (defaults to '') </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-allowBlank"></a>
<b>allowBlank</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to validate that the value length > 0 (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#allowBlank" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#allowBlank">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-autoCreate"></a>
<b>autoCreate</b> : Boolean/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to: {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "24", a...</div>
<div class="long">
A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to: {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "24", autocomplete: "off"}) </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-blankText"></a>
<b>blankText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Error text to display if the allow blank validation fails (defaults to "This field is required") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#blankText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#blankText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-clearCls"></a>
<b>clearCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class used to provide field clearing (defaults to 'x-form-clear-left') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#clearCls" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#clearCls">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-disableKeyFilter"></a>
<b>disableKeyFilter</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable input keystroke filtering (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#disableKeyFilter" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#disableKeyFilter">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable the field (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#disabled">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-displayField"></a>
<b>displayField</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The underlying data field name to bind to this ComboBox (defaults to undefined if mode = 'remote' or 'text' if transf...</div>
<div class="long">
The underlying data field name to bind to this ComboBox (defaults to undefined if mode = 'remote' or 'text' if transforming a select) </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-editable"></a>
<b>editable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to prevent the user from typing text directly into the field, just like a traditional select (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-emptyClass"></a>
<b>emptyClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The CSS class to apply to an empty field to style the emptyText (defaults to 'x-form-empty-field'). This class is aut...</div>
<div class="long">
The CSS class to apply to an empty field to style the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="emptyText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#emptyText">emptyText</a> (defaults to 'x-form-empty-field'). This class is automatically added and removed as needed depending on the current field value. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#emptyClass" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#emptyClass">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-emptyText"></a>
<b>emptyText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default text to display in an empty field (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#emptyText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#emptyText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-fieldClass"></a>
<b>fieldClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default CSS class for the field (defaults to "x-form-field") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#fieldClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#fieldClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-fieldLabel"></a>
<b>fieldLabel</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The label text to display next to this field (defaults to '') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#fieldLabel" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#fieldLabel">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-focusClass"></a>
<b>focusClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when the field receives focus (defaults to "x-form-focus") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#focusClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#focusClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-forceSelection"></a>
<b>forceSelection</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to restrict the selected value to one of the values in the list, false to allow the user to set arbitrary text i...</div>
<div class="long">
True to restrict the selected value to one of the values in the list, false to allow the user to set arbitrary text into the field (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-handleHeight"></a>
<b>handleHeight</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height in pixels of the dropdown list resize handle if resizable = true (defaults to 8) </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-hiddenId"></a>
<b>hiddenId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If hiddenName is specified, hiddenId can also be provided to give the hidden field a unique id (defaults to the hidde...</div>
<div class="long">
If <a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="hiddenName" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#hiddenName">hiddenName</a> is specified, hiddenId can also be provided to give the hidden field a unique id (defaults to the hiddenName). The hiddenId and combo <a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="id" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#id">id</a> should be different, since no two DOM nodes should share the same id. </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-hiddenName"></a>
<b>hiddenName</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If specified, a hidden form field with this name is dynamically generated to store the field's data value (defaults t...</div>
<div class="long">
If specified, a hidden form field with this name is dynamically generated to store the field's data value (defaults to the underlying DOM element's name). Required for the combo's value to automatically post during a form submission. </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-hideLabel"></a>
<b>hideLabel</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to completely hide the label element (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#hideLabel" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#hideLabel">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-hideTrigger"></a>
<b>hideTrigger</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the trigger element and display only the base text field (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TriggerField" ext:member="#hideTrigger" href="output/Ext.form.TriggerField.html#hideTrigger">TriggerField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-inputType"></a>
<b>inputType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type attribute for input fields -- e.g. radio, text, password (defaults to "text"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#inputType" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#inputType">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-invalidClass"></a>
<b>invalidClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when marking a field invalid (defaults to "x-form-invalid") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#invalidClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#invalidClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-invalidText"></a>
<b>invalidText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided (defaults to "The value in this field i...</div>
<div class="long">
The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided (defaults to "The value in this field is invalid") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#invalidText" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#invalidText">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-itemCls"></a>
<b>itemCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if s...</div>
<div class="long">
An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if set, or ''). Since it is applied to the wrapper, it allows you to write standard CSS rules that can apply to the field, the label (if specified) or any other element within the markup for the field. Example use: <pre><code><i>// Apply a style to the field's label:</i>
.required .x-form-item-label {font-weight:bold;color:red;}
<b>new</b> Ext.FormPanel({
height: 100,
renderTo: document.body,
items: [{
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Name'</em>,
itemCls: <em>'required'</em> <i>//<b>this</b> label will be styled</i>
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Favorite Color'</em>
});</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#itemCls" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#itemCls">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-labelSeparator"></a>
<b>labelSeparator</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of Ext.layout.FormLayout.l...</div>
<div class="long">
The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" ext:member="labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html#labelSeparator">Ext.layout.FormLayout.labelSeparator</a>, which is a colon ':' by default). To display no separator for this field's label specify empty string ''. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#labelSeparator">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-labelStyle"></a>
<b>labelStyle</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if se...</div>
<div class="long">
A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if set, or ''). For example, <code>labelStyle: 'font-weight:bold;'</code>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#labelStyle" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#labelStyle">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-lazyInit"></a>
<b>lazyInit</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to not initialize the list for this combo until the field is focused. (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-lazyRender"></a>
<b>lazyRender</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to prevent the ComboBox from rendering until requested (should always be used when rendering into an Ext.Editor,...</div>
<div class="long">
True to prevent the ComboBox from rendering until requested (should always be used when rendering into an Ext.Editor, defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-listAlign"></a>
<b>listAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A valid anchor position value. See <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a> for details on supported anchor positions (defaults to 'tl-bl') </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-listClass"></a>
<b>listClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class to apply to the dropdown list element (defaults to '') </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-listWidth"></a>
<b>listWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width in pixels of the dropdown list (defaults to the width of the ComboBox field) </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-loadingText"></a>
<b>loadingText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The text to display in the dropdown list while data is loading. Only applies when mode = 'remote' (defaults to 'Loadi...</div>
<div class="long">
The text to display in the dropdown list while data is loading. Only applies when mode = 'remote' (defaults to 'Loading...') </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-maskRe"></a>
<b>maskRe</b> : RegExp <div class="mdesc">
An input mask regular expression that will be used to filter keystrokes that don't match (defaults to null) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#maskRe" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#maskRe">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-maxHeight"></a>
<b>maxHeight</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The maximum height in pixels of the dropdown list before scrollbars are shown (defaults to 300) </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-maxLength"></a>
<b>maxLength</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Maximum input field length allowed (defaults to Number.MAX_VALUE) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#maxLength" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#maxLength">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-maxLengthText"></a>
<b>maxLengthText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Error text to display if the maximum length validation fails (defaults to "The maximum length for this field is {maxL...</div>
<div class="long">
Error text to display if the maximum length validation fails (defaults to "The maximum length for this field is {maxLength}") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#maxLengthText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#maxLengthText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-minChars"></a>
<b>minChars</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The minimum number of characters the user must type before autocomplete and typeahead activate (defaults to 4 if remo...</div>
<div class="long">
The minimum number of characters the user must type before autocomplete and typeahead activate (defaults to 4 if remote or 0 if local, does not apply if editable = false) </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-minHeight"></a>
<b>minHeight</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The minimum height in pixels of the dropdown list when the list is constrained by its distance to the viewport edges ...</div>
<div class="long">
The minimum height in pixels of the dropdown list when the list is constrained by its distance to the viewport edges (defaults to 90) </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-minLength"></a>
<b>minLength</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Minimum input field length required (defaults to 0) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#minLength" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#minLength">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-minLengthText"></a>
<b>minLengthText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Error text to display if the minimum length validation fails (defaults to "The minimum length for this field is {minL...</div>
<div class="long">
Error text to display if the minimum length validation fails (defaults to "The minimum length for this field is {minLength}") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#minLengthText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#minLengthText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-minListWidth"></a>
<b>minListWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width of the dropdown list in pixels (defaults to 70, will be ignored if listWidth has a higher value) </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-mode"></a>
<b>mode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Set to 'local' if the ComboBox loads local data (defaults to 'remote' which loads from the server) </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-msgFx"></a>
<b>msgFx</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<b>Experimental</b> The effect used when displaying a validation message under the field (defaults to 'normal'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#msgFx" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#msgFx">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-msgTarget"></a>
<b>msgTarget</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): Value ...</div>
<div class="long">
The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): <pre>Value Description
----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
qtip Display a quick tip when the user hovers over the field
title Display a default browser title attribute popup
under Add a block div beneath the field containing the error text
side Add an error icon to the right of the field with a popup on hover
[element id] Add the error text directly to the innerHTML of the specified element</pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#msgTarget" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#msgTarget">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-name"></a>
<b>name</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The field's HTML name attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#name" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#name">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-pageSize"></a>
<b>pageSize</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If greater than 0, a paging toolbar is displayed in the footer of the dropdown list and the filter queries will execu...</div>
<div class="long">
If greater than 0, a paging toolbar is displayed in the footer of the dropdown list and the filter queries will execute with page start and limit parameters. Only applies when mode = 'remote' (defaults to 0) </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-queryDelay"></a>
<b>queryDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The length of time in milliseconds to delay between the start of typing and sending the query to filter the dropdown ...</div>
<div class="long">
The length of time in milliseconds to delay between the start of typing and sending the query to filter the dropdown list (defaults to 500 if mode = 'remote' or 10 if mode = 'local') </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-queryParam"></a>
<b>queryParam</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Name of the query as it will be passed on the querystring (defaults to 'query') </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-readOnly"></a>
<b>readOnly</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM att...</div>
<div class="long">
True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#readOnly" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#readOnly">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-regex"></a>
<b>regex</b> : RegExp <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A JavaScript RegExp object to be tested against the field value during validation (defaults to null). If available, t...</div>
<div class="long">
A JavaScript RegExp object to be tested against the field value during validation (defaults to null). If available, this regex will be evaluated only after the basic validators all return true, and will be passed the current field value. If the test fails, the field will be marked invalid using <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="regexText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regexText">regexText</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#regex" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regex">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-regexText"></a>
<b>regexText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The error text to display if <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="regex" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regex">regex</a> is used and the test fails during validation (defaults to "") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#regexText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regexText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-resizable"></a>
<b>resizable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to add a resize handle to the bottom of the dropdown list (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-selectOnFocus"></a>
<b>selectOnFocus</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to select any existing text in the field immediately on focus. Only applies when editable = true (defaults to fa...</div>
<div class="long">
True to select any existing text in the field immediately on focus. Only applies when editable = true (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-selectedClass"></a>
<b>selectedClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class to apply to the selected item in the dropdown list (defaults to 'x-combo-selected') </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-shadow"></a>
<b>shadow</b> : Boolean/String <div class="mdesc">
True or "sides" for the default effect, "frame" for 4-way shadow, and "drop" for bottom-right </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-store"></a>
<b>store</b> : <div class="mdesc">
The data store to which this combo is bound (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-tabIndex"></a>
<b>tabIndex</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyT...</div>
<div class="long">
The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyTo (defaults to undefined). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#tabIndex" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#tabIndex">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-title"></a>
<b>title</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If supplied, a header element is created containing this text and added into the top of the dropdown list (defaults t...</div>
<div class="long">
If supplied, a header element is created containing this text and added into the top of the dropdown list (defaults to undefined, with no header element) </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-tpl"></a>
<b>tpl</b> : String/Ext.XTemplate <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The template string, or Ext.XTemplate instance to use to display each item in the dropdown list. Use this to create c...</div>
<div class="long">
The template string, or <a ext:cls="Ext.XTemplate" href="output/Ext.XTemplate.html">Ext.XTemplate</a> instance to use to display each item in the dropdown list. Use this to create custom UI layouts for items in the list. <p> If you wish to preserve the default visual look of list items, add the CSS class name <pre>x-combo-list-item</pre> to the template's container element. <p> <b>The template must contain one or more substitution parameters using field names from the Combo's</b> <a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="store" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#store">Store</a>. An example of a custom template would be adding an <pre>ext:qtip</pre> attribute which might display other fields from the Store. <p> The dropdown list is displayed in a DataView. See <a ext:cls="Ext.DataView" href="output/Ext.DataView.html">Ext.DataView</a> for details. </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-transform"></a>
<b>transform</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id, DOM node or element of an existing HTML SELECT to convert to a ComboBox. Note that if you specify this and th...</div>
<div class="long">
The id, DOM node or element of an existing HTML SELECT to convert to a ComboBox. Note that if you specify this and the combo is going to be in a <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html">Ext.form.BasicForm</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.form.FormPanel" href="output/Ext.form.FormPanel.html">Ext.form.FormPanel</a>, you must also set <a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" ext:member="lazyRender" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html#lazyRender">lazyRender</a> = true. </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-triggerAction"></a>
<b>triggerAction</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The action to execute when the trigger field is activated. Use 'all' to run the query specified by the allQuery confi...</div>
<div class="long">
The action to execute when the trigger field is activated. Use 'all' to run the query specified by the allQuery config option (defaults to 'query') </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-triggerClass"></a>
<b>triggerClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An additional CSS class used to style the trigger button. The trigger will always get the class 'x-form-trigger' and ...</div>
<div class="long">
An additional CSS class used to style the trigger button. The trigger will always get the class 'x-form-trigger' and triggerClass will be <b>appended</b> if specified (defaults to 'x-form-arrow-trigger' which displays a downward arrow icon). </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-typeAhead"></a>
<b>typeAhead</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to populate and autoselect the remainder of the text being typed after a configurable delay (typeAheadDelay) if ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to populate and autoselect the remainder of the text being typed after a configurable delay (typeAheadDelay) if it matches a known value (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-typeAheadDelay"></a>
<b>typeAheadDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The length of time in milliseconds to wait until the typeahead text is displayed if typeAhead = true (defaults to 250) </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-validateOnBlur"></a>
<b>validateOnBlur</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the field should validate when it loses focus (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validateOnBlur" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validateOnBlur">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-validationDelay"></a>
<b>validationDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The length of time in milliseconds after user input begins until validation is initiated (defaults to 250) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validationDelay" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validationDelay">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-validationEvent"></a>
<b>validationEvent</b> : String/Boolean <div class="mdesc">
The event that should initiate field validation. Set to false to disable automatic validation (defaults to "keyup"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validationEvent" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validationEvent">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-validator"></a>
<b>validator</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom validation function to be called during field validation (defaults to null). If available, this function wil...</div>
<div class="long">
A custom validation function to be called during field validation (defaults to null). If available, this function will be called only after the basic validators all return true, and will be passed the current field value and expected to return boolean true if the value is valid or a string error message if invalid. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#validator" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#validator">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-value"></a>
<b>value</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
A value to initialize this field with. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#value" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#value">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-valueField"></a>
<b>valueField</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The underlying data value name to bind to this ComboBox (defaults to undefined if mode = 'remote' or 'value' if trans...</div>
<div class="long">
The underlying data value name to bind to this ComboBox (defaults to undefined if mode = 'remote' or 'value' if transforming a select) Note: use of a valueField requires the user to make a selection in order for a value to be mapped. </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-valueNotFoundText"></a>
<b>valueNotFoundText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">When using a name/value combo, if the value passed to setValue is not found in the store, valueNotFoundText will be d...</div>
<div class="long">
When using a name/value combo, if the value passed to setValue is not found in the store, valueNotFoundText will be displayed as the field text if defined (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-vtype"></a>
<b>vtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A validation type name as defined in <a ext:cls="Ext.form.VTypes" href="output/Ext.form.VTypes.html">Ext.form.VTypes</a> (defaults to null) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#vtype" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#vtype">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-vtypeText"></a>
<b>vtypeText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom error message to display in place of the default message provided for the vtype currently set for this field...</div>
<div class="long">
A custom error message to display in place of the default message provided for the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="vtype" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#vtype">vtype</a> currently set for this field (defaults to ''). Only applies if vtype is set, else ignored. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#vtypeText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#vtypeText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-view"></a>
<b>view</b> : Ext.DataView <div class="mdesc">
The <a ext:cls="Ext.DataView" href="output/Ext.DataView.html">DataView</a> used to display the ComboBox's options. </div>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-ComboBox"></a>
<b>ComboBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new ComboBox.</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new ComboBox. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-clearInvalid"></a>
<b>clearInvalid</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field</div>
<div class="long">
Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#clearInvalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#clearInvalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-clearValue"></a>
<b>clearValue</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any text/value currently set in the field</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any text/value currently set in the field <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides the dropdown list if it is currently expanded. Fires the 'collapse' event on completion.</div>
<div class="long">
Hides the dropdown list if it is currently expanded. Fires the 'collapse' event on completion. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-doQuery"></a>
<b>doQuery</b>(&nbsp;<code>String query</code>, <code>Boolean forceAll</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Execute a query to filter the dropdown list. Fires the beforequery event prior to performing the
query allowing the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Execute a query to filter the dropdown list. Fires the beforequery event prior to performing the
query allowing the query action to be canceled if needed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>query</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The SQL query to execute</div></li><li><code>forceAll</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to force the query to execute even if there are currently fewer characters
in the field than the minimum specified by the minChars config option. It also clears any filter previously
saved in the current store (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Expands the dropdown list if it is currently hidden. Fires the 'expand' event on completion.</div>
<div class="long">
Expands the dropdown list if it is currently hidden. Fires the 'expand' event on completion. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-getName"></a>
<b>getName</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the name attribute of the field if available</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the name attribute of the field if available <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">name The field name</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getName" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getName">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-getRawValue"></a>
<b>getRawValue</b>() : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getRawValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-getValue"></a>
<b>getValue</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the currently selected field value or empty string if no value is set.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the currently selected field value or empty string if no value is set. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">value The selected value</div></li>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-isDirty"></a>
<b>isDirty</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isDirty" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isDirty">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-isExpanded"></a>
<b>isExpanded</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the dropdown list is expanded, else false.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the dropdown list is expanded, else false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-isValid"></a>
<b>isValid</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean preventMark</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid</div>
<div class="long">
Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>preventMark</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to disable marking the field invalid</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isValid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isValid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-markInvalid"></a>
<b>markInvalid</b>(&nbsp;<code>String msg</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Mark this field as invalid</div>
<div class="long">
Mark this field as invalid <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The validation message</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#markInvalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#markInvalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-onTriggerClick"></a>
<b>onTriggerClick</b>(&nbsp;<code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function that should handle the trigger's click event. This method does nothing by default until overridden
by a...</div>
<div class="long">
The function that should handle the trigger's click event. This method does nothing by default until overridden
by an implementing function. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TriggerField" ext:member="#onTriggerClick" href="output/Ext.form.TriggerField.html#onTriggerClick">TriggerField</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-reset"></a>
<b>reset</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages</div>
<div class="long">
Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#reset" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#reset">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-select"></a>
<b>select</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code>Boolean scrollIntoView</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Select an item in the dropdown list by its numeric index in the list. This function does NOT cause the select event t...</div>
<div class="long">
Select an item in the dropdown list by its numeric index in the list. This function does NOT cause the select event to fire.
The store must be loaded and the list expanded for this function to work, otherwise use setValue. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The zero-based index of the list item to select</div></li><li><code>scrollIntoView</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">False to prevent the dropdown list from autoscrolling to display the
selected item if it is not currently in view (defaults to true)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-selectByValue"></a>
<b>selectByValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>String value</code>, <code>Boolean scrollIntoView</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Select an item in the dropdown list by its data value. This function does NOT cause the select event to fire.
The sto...</div>
<div class="long">
Select an item in the dropdown list by its data value. This function does NOT cause the select event to fire.
The store must be loaded and the list expanded for this function to work, otherwise use setValue. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The data value of the item to select</div></li><li><code>scrollIntoView</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">False to prevent the dropdown list from autoscrolling to display the
selected item if it is not currently in view (defaults to true)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value matched an item in the list, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-selectText"></a>
<b>selectText</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number start</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number end</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects text in this field</div>
<div class="long">
Selects text in this field <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>start</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index where the selection should start (defaults to 0)</div></li><li><code>end</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index where the selection should end (defaults to the text length)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#selectText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#selectText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-setEditable"></a>
<b>setEditable</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allow or prevent the user from directly editing the field text. If false is passed,
the user will only be able to se...</div>
<div class="long">
Allow or prevent the user from directly editing the field text. If false is passed,
the user will only be able to select from the items defined in the dropdown list. This method
is the runtime equivalent of setting the 'editable' config option at config time. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to allow the user to directly edit the field text</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-setRawValue"></a>
<b>setRawValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-setValue"></a>
<b>setValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the specified value into the field. If the value finds a match, the corresponding record text
will be displayed...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the specified value into the field. If the value finds a match, the corresponding record text
will be displayed in the field. If the value does not match the data value of an existing item,
and the valueNotFoundText config option is defined, it will be displayed as the default field text.
Otherwise the field will be blank (although the value will still be set). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The value to match</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-validate"></a>
<b>validate</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Validates the field value</div>
<div class="long">
Validates the field value <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validate" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validate">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-validateValue"></a>
<b>validateValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Validates a value according to the field's validation rules and marks the field as invalid
if the validation fails</div>
<div class="long">
Validates a value according to the field's validation rules and marks the field as invalid
if the validation fails <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to validate</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#validateValue" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#validateValue">TextField</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-autosize"></a>
<b>autosize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the autosize function is triggered. The field may or may not have actually changed size
according to the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the autosize function is triggered. The field may or may not have actually changed size
according to the default logic, but this event provides a hook for the developer to apply additional
logic at runtime to resize the field if needed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc">This text field</div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new field width</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#event-autosize" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#event-autosize">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-beforequery"></a>
<b>beforequery</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object queryEvent</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before all queries are processed. Return false to cancel the query or set the queryEvent's
cancel property to t...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before all queries are processed. Return false to cancel the query or set the queryEvent's
cancel property to true. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>queryEvent</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object that has these properties:<ul>
<li><code>combo</code> : Ext.form.ComboBox <div class="sub-desc">This combo box</div></li>
<li><code>query</code> : String <div class="sub-desc">The query</div></li>
<li><code>forceAll</code> : Boolean <div class="sub-desc">True to force "all" query</div></li>
<li><code>cancel</code> : Boolean <div class="sub-desc">Set to true to cancel the query</div></li>
</ul></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-beforeselect"></a>
<b>beforeselect</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.ComboBox combo</code>, <code> record</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a list item is selected. Return false to cancel the selection.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a list item is selected. Return false to cancel the selection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>combo</code> : Ext.form.ComboBox<div class="sub-desc">This combo box</div></li><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The data record returned from the underlying store</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the selected item in the dropdown list</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-blur"></a>
<b>blur</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this field loses input focus.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this field loses input focus. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-blur" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-blur">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-change"></a>
<b>change</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Mixed newValue</code>, <code>Mixed oldValue</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>newValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The new value</div></li><li><code>oldValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The original value</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-change" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-change">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.ComboBox combo</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the dropdown list is collapsed</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the dropdown list is collapsed <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>combo</code> : Ext.form.ComboBox<div class="sub-desc">This combo box</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.ComboBox combo</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the dropdown list is expanded</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the dropdown list is expanded <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>combo</code> : Ext.form.ComboBox<div class="sub-desc">This combo box</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this field receives input focus.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this field receives input focus. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-focus" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-focus">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-invalid"></a>
<b>invalid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>String msg</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the field has been marked as invalid.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the field has been marked as invalid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The validation message</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-invalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-invalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-select"></a>
<b>select</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.ComboBox combo</code>, <code> record</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a list item is selected</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a list item is selected <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>combo</code> : Ext.form.ComboBox<div class="sub-desc">This combo box</div></li><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The data record returned from the underlying store</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the selected item in the dropdown list</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ComboBox</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-specialkey"></a>
<b>specialkey</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<div class="long">
Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<a ext:cls="Ext.EventObject" ext:member="getKey" href="output/Ext.EventObject.html#getKey">Ext.EventObject.getKey</a> to determine which key was pressed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-specialkey" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-specialkey">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.ComboBox-valid"></a>
<b>valid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the field has been validated with no errors.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the field has been validated with no errors. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-valid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-valid">Field</a></td>
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">DataProxy</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>ScriptTagProxy</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/data/ScriptTagProxy.js" target="_blank">ScriptTagProxy.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">ScriptTagProxy</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">DataProxy</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
An implementation of that reads a data object from a URL which may be in a domain
other than the originating domain of the running page.<br>
<b>Note that if you are retrieving data from a page that is in a domain that is NOT the same as the originating domain
of the running page, you must use this class, rather than HttpProxy.</b><br>
The content passed back from a server resource requested by a ScriptTagProxy is executable JavaScript
source code that is used as the source inside a &lt;script> tag.<br>
In order for the browser to process the returned data, the server must wrap the data object
with a call to a callback function, the name of which is passed as a parameter by the ScriptTagProxy.
Below is a Java example for a servlet which returns data for either a ScriptTagProxy, or an HttpProxy
depending on whether the callback name was passed:
<pre><code>boolean scriptTag = false;
String cb = request.getParameter(<em>"callback"</em>);
<b>if</b> (cb != null) {
scriptTag = true;
} <b>else</b> {
Writer out = response.getWriter();
<b>if</b> (scriptTag) {
out.write(cb + <em>"("</em>);
<b>if</b> (scriptTag) {
}</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>callbackParam</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">(Optional) The name of the parameter to pass to the server which tells the server the name of the callback function s...</div>
<div class="long">
(Optional) The name of the parameter to pass to the server which tells the server the name of the callback function set up by the load call to process the returned data object. Defaults to "callback".<p>The server-side processing must read this parameter value, and generate javascript output which calls this named function passing the data object as its only parameter. </div>
<td class="msource">ScriptTagProxy</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>nocache</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
(Optional) Defaults to true. Disable cacheing by adding a unique parameter name to the request. </div>
<td class="msource">ScriptTagProxy</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>timeout</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
(Optional) The number of milliseconds to wait for a response. Defaults to 30 seconds. </div>
<td class="msource">ScriptTagProxy</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>url</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The URL from which to request the data object. </div>
<td class="msource">ScriptTagProxy</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>ScriptTagProxy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A configuration object.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ScriptTagProxy</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>abort</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abort the current server request.</div>
<div class="long">
Abort the current server request. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ScriptTagProxy</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>load</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object params</code>, <code> reader</code>, <code>Function callback</code>, <code>Object scope</code>, <code>Object arg</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Load data from the configured URL, read the data object into
a block of using the passed</div>
<div class="long">
Load data from the configured URL, read the data object into
a block of using the passed implementation, and
process that block using the passed callback. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>params</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing properties which are to be used as HTTP parameters
for the request to the remote server.</div></li><li><code>reader</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The Reader object which converts the data
object into a block of</div></li><li><code>callback</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function into which to pass the block of
The function must be passed <ul>
<li>The Record block object</li>
<li>The "arg" argument from the load function</li>
<li>A boolean success indicator</li>
</ul></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope in which to call the callback</div></li><li><code>arg</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An optional argument which is passed to the callback as its second parameter.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ScriptTagProxy</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeload</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object This</code>, <code>Object params</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a network request is made to retrieve a data object.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a network request is made to retrieve a data object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>This</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">DataProxy object.</div></li><li><code>params</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The params parameter to the load function.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-beforeload" href="output/">DataProxy</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>load</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object This</code>, <code>Object o</code>, <code>Object arg</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the load method's callback is called.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the load method's callback is called. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>This</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">DataProxy object.</div></li><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The data object.</div></li><li><code>arg</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The callback argument object passed to the load function.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-load" href="output/">DataProxy</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>loadexception</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object This</code>, <code>Object o</code>, <code>Object arg</code>, <code>Object e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires if an Exception occurs during data retrieval.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires if an Exception occurs during data retrieval. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>This</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">DataProxy object.</div></li><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The data object.</div></li><li><code>arg</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The callback argument object passed to the load function.</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The Exception.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-loadexception" href="output/">DataProxy</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.BoxComponent-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.BoxComponent-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.BoxComponent-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.BoxComponent-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.BoxComponent"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>BoxComponent</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.BoxComponent</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/BoxComponent.js" target="_blank">BoxComponent.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">BoxComponent</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Container</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.DataView" href="output/Ext.DataView.html">DataView</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.ProgressBar" href="output/Ext.ProgressBar.html">ProgressBar</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Toolbar</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html">Field</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Base class for any visual <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> that uses a box container. BoxComponent provides automatic box
model adjustments for sizing and positioning and will work correctly withnin the Component rendering model. All
container classes should subclass BoxComponent so that they will work consistently when nested within other Ext
layout containers. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-autoEl"></a>
<b>autoEl</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inlin...</div>
<div class="long">
A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inline via JSON. It should not be used for higher level components which already create their own elements. Example usage: <pre><code>{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: <em>'div'</em>, cls:<em>'my-class'</em>}
{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: {tag:<em>'blockquote'</em>, html:<em>'autoEl is cool!'</em>}} // <b>with</b> DomHelper</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-autoHeight"></a>
<b>autoHeight</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a height of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">BoxComponent</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-autoWidth"></a>
<b>autoWidth</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not al...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a width of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">BoxComponent</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource">BoxComponent</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource">BoxComponent</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource">BoxComponent</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource">BoxComponent</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource">BoxComponent</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource">BoxComponent</td>
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-BoxComponent"></a>
<b>BoxComponent</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.Element/String/Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Ext.Element/String/Object<div class="sub-desc">The configuration options.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">BoxComponent</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource">BoxComponent</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource">BoxComponent</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource">BoxComponent</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">BoxComponent</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">BoxComponent</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">BoxComponent</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">BoxComponent</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">BoxComponent</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">BoxComponent</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">BoxComponent</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">BoxComponent</td>
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">BoxComponent</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">BoxComponent</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.BoxComponent-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
New file
0,0 → 1,284
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.StatusProxy-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.StatusProxy-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.StatusProxy-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.StatusProxy-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.dd.StatusProxy"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.dd.StatusProxy</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.dd</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/dd/StatusProxy.js" target="_blank">StatusProxy.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">StatusProxy</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
A specialized drag proxy that supports a drop status icon, <a ext:cls="Ext.Layer" href="output/Ext.Layer.html">Ext.Layer</a> styles and auto-repair. This is the
default drag proxy used by all Ext.dd components. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.dd.StatusProxy-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.StatusProxy-dropAllowed"></a>
<b>dropAllowed</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to apply to the status element when drop is allowed (defaults to "x-dd-drop-ok"). </div>
<td class="msource">StatusProxy</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.StatusProxy-dropNotAllowed"></a>
<b>dropNotAllowed</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to apply to the status element when drop is not allowed (defaults to "x-dd-drop-nodrop"). </div>
<td class="msource">StatusProxy</td>
<a id="Ext.dd.StatusProxy-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.dd.StatusProxy-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.StatusProxy-StatusProxy"></a>
<b>StatusProxy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">StatusProxy</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.StatusProxy-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Layer <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying proxy <a ext:cls="Ext.Layer" href="output/Ext.Layer.html">Ext.Layer</a></div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying proxy <a ext:cls="Ext.Layer" href="output/Ext.Layer.html">Ext.Layer</a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Layer</code><div class="sub-desc">el</div></li>
<td class="msource">StatusProxy</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.StatusProxy-getGhost"></a>
<b>getGhost</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the ghost element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the ghost element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">el</div></li>
<td class="msource">StatusProxy</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.StatusProxy-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean clear</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides the proxy</div>
<div class="long">
Hides the proxy <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>clear</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to reset the status and clear the ghost contents, false to preserve them</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">StatusProxy</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.StatusProxy-repair"></a>
<b>repair</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array xy</code>, <code>Function callback</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Causes the proxy to return to its position of origin via an animation. Should be called after an
invalid drop operat...</div>
<div class="long">
Causes the proxy to return to its position of origin via an animation. Should be called after an
invalid drop operation by the item being dragged. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xy</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element ([x, y])</div></li><li><code>callback</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call after the repair is complete</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the callback</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">StatusProxy</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.StatusProxy-reset"></a>
<b>reset</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean clearGhost</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resets the status indicator to the default dropNotAllowed value</div>
<div class="long">
Resets the status indicator to the default dropNotAllowed value <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>clearGhost</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to also remove all content from the ghost, false to preserve it</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">StatusProxy</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.StatusProxy-setStatus"></a>
<b>setStatus</b>(&nbsp;<code>String cssClass</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Updates the proxy's visual element to indicate the status of whether or not drop is allowed
over the current target e...</div>
<div class="long">
Updates the proxy's visual element to indicate the status of whether or not drop is allowed
over the current target element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cssClass</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The css class for the new drop status indicator image</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">StatusProxy</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.StatusProxy-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Displays this proxy</div>
<div class="long">
Displays this proxy <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">StatusProxy</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.StatusProxy-stop"></a>
<b>stop</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Stops the repair animation if it's currently running</div>
<div class="long">
Stops the repair animation if it's currently running <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">StatusProxy</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.StatusProxy-sync"></a>
<b>sync</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the Layer to sync its shadow and shim positions to the element</div>
<div class="long">
Force the Layer to sync its shadow and shim positions to the element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">StatusProxy</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.StatusProxy-update"></a>
<b>update</b>(&nbsp;<code>String html</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Updates the contents of the ghost element</div>
<div class="long">
Updates the contents of the ghost element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>html</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The html that will replace the current innerHTML of the ghost element</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">StatusProxy</td>
<a id="Ext.dd.StatusProxy-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.EventManager-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.EventManager-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.EventManager-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.EventManager"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.EventManager</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/core/EventManager.js" target="_blank">EventManager.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">EventManager</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Registers event handlers that want to receive a normalized EventObject instead of the standard browser event and provides
several useful events directly.
See <a ext:cls="Ext.EventObject" href="output/Ext.EventObject.html">Ext.EventObject</a> for more details on normalized event objects.<br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.EventManager-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventManager-ieDeferSrc"></a>
<b>ieDeferSrc</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Url used for onDocumentReady with using SSL (defaults to Ext.SSL_SECURE_URL) </div>
<td class="msource">EventManager</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventManager-textResizeInterval"></a>
<b>textResizeInterval</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The frequency, in milliseconds, to check for text resize events (defaults to 50) </div>
<td class="msource">EventManager</td>
<a id="Ext.EventManager-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventManager-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>, <code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to an element. The shorthand version on is equivalent. Typically you will
use Ext.Element....</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to an element. The shorthand version <a ext:cls="Ext.EventManager" ext:member="on" href="output/Ext.EventManager.html#on">on</a> is equivalent. Typically you will
use <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.Element.html#addListener">Ext.Element.addListener</a> directly on an Element in favor of calling this version. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The html element or id to assign the event handler to</div></li><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler function the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function (the handler function's "this" context)</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration properties.
This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li>scope {Object} : The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</li>
<li>delegate {String} : A simple selector to filter the target or look for a descendant of the target</li>
<li>stopEvent {Boolean} : True to stop the event. That is stop propagation, and prevent the default action.</li>
<li>preventDefault {Boolean} : True to prevent the default action</li>
<li>stopPropagation {Boolean} : True to prevent event propagation</li>
<li>normalized {Boolean} : False to pass a browser event to the handler function instead of an Ext.EventObject</li>
<li>delay {Number} : The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after te event fires.</li>
<li>single {Boolean} : True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</li>
<li>buffer {Number} : Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</li>
<p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.Element.html#addListener">Ext.Element.addListener</a> for examples of how to use these options.</p></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">EventManager</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventManager-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>, <code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to an element. Shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.EventManager" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.EventManager.html#addListener">addListener</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to an element. Shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.EventManager" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.EventManager.html#addListener">addListener</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The html element or id to assign the event handler to</div></li><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler function the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function (the handler function's "this" context)</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing standard <a ext:cls="Ext.EventManager" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.EventManager.html#addListener">addListener</a> options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">EventManager</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventManager-onDocumentReady"></a>
<b>onDocumentReady</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>boolean options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the document is ready (before onload and before images are loaded). Can be
accessed shorthanded as Ext.onR...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the document is ready (before onload and before images are loaded). Can be
accessed shorthanded as Ext.onReady(). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object that becomes the scope of the handler</div></li><li><code>options</code> : boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing standard <a ext:cls="Ext.EventManager" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.EventManager.html#addListener">addListener</a> options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">EventManager</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventManager-onTextResize"></a>
<b>onTextResize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <code>Object scope</code>, <code>boolean options</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the user changes the active text size. Handler gets called with 2 params, the old size and the new size.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the user changes the active text size. Handler gets called with 2 params, the old size and the new size. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object that becomes the scope of the handler</div></li><li><code>options</code> : boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">EventManager</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventManager-onWindowResize"></a>
<b>onWindowResize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <code>Object scope</code>, <code>boolean options</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the window is resized and provides resize event buffering (50 milliseconds), passes new viewport width and...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the window is resized and provides resize event buffering (50 milliseconds), passes new viewport width and height to handlers. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object that becomes the scope of the handler</div></li><li><code>options</code> : boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">EventManager</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventManager-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>, <code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function fn</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes an event handler from an element. The shorthand version un is equivalent. Typically
you will use Ext.Elemen...</div>
<div class="long">
Removes an event handler from an element. The shorthand version <a ext:cls="Ext.EventManager" ext:member="un" href="output/Ext.EventManager.html#un">un</a> is equivalent. Typically
you will use <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="removeListener" href="output/Ext.Element.html#removeListener">Ext.Element.removeListener</a> directly on an Element in favor of calling this version. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The id or html element from which to remove the event</div></li><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler function to remove</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if a listener was actually removed, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">EventManager</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventManager-removeResizeListener"></a>
<b>removeResizeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes the passed window resize listener.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes the passed window resize listener. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope of handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">EventManager</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.EventManager-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>, <code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function fn</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes an event handler from an element. Shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.EventManager" ext:member="removeListener" href="output/Ext.EventManager.html#removeListener">removeListener</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes an event handler from an element. Shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.EventManager" ext:member="removeListener" href="output/Ext.EventManager.html#removeListener">removeListener</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The id or html element from which to remove the event</div></li><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler function to remove</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if a listener was actually removed, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">EventManager</td>
<a id="Ext.EventManager-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,204
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.Accordion-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.Accordion-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.Accordion-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.Accordion-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.layout.Accordion"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">ContainerLayout</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">FitLayout</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Accordion</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.layout.Accordion</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.layout</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/layout/AccordionLayout.js" target="_blank">AccordionLayout.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Accordion</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">FitLayout</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
<p>This is a layout that contains multiple panels in an expandable accordion style such that only one
panel can be open at any given time. Each panel has built-in support for expanding and collapsing.
This class is intended to be extended or created via the layout:'accordion' <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">Ext.Container.layout</a>
config, and should generally not need to be created directly via the new keyword.</p>
<p>Note that when creating a layout via config, the layout-specific config properties must be passed in via
the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layoutConfig" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layoutConfig">Ext.Container.layoutConfig</a> object which will then be applied internally to the layout.
Example usage:</p>
<pre><code>var accordion = <b>new</b> Ext.Panel({
title: <em>'Accordion Layout'</em>,
defaults: {
<i>// applied to each contained panel</i>
bodyStyle: <em>'padding:15px'</em>
layoutConfig: {
<i>// layout-specific configs go here</i>
titleCollapse: false,
animate: true,
activeOnTop: true
items: [{
title: <em>'Panel 1'</em>,
html: <em>'&lt;p&gt;Panel content!&lt;/p&gt;'</em>
title: <em>'Panel 2'</em>,
html: <em>'&lt;p&gt;Panel content!&lt;/p&gt;'</em>
title: <em>'Panel 3'</em>,
html: <em>'&lt;p&gt;Panel content!&lt;/p&gt;'</em>
});</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.layout.Accordion-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.Accordion-activeOnTop"></a>
<b>activeOnTop</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to swap the position of each panel as it is expanded so that it becomes the first item in the container, false t...</div>
<div class="long">
True to swap the position of each panel as it is expanded so that it becomes the first item in the container, false to keep the panels in the rendered order. <b>This is NOT compatible with "animate:true"</b> (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">Accordion</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.Accordion-animate"></a>
<b>animate</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to slide the contained panels open and closed during expand/collapse using animation, false to open and close di...</div>
<div class="long">
True to slide the contained panels open and closed during expand/collapse using animation, false to open and close directly with no animation (defaults to false). Note: to defer to the specific config setting of each contained panel for this property, set this to undefined at the layout level. </div>
<td class="msource">Accordion</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.Accordion-autoWidth"></a>
<b>autoWidth</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to set each contained item's width to 'auto', false to use the item's current width (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource">Accordion</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.Accordion-collapseFirst"></a>
<b>collapseFirst</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the cont...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the contained panels' title bars, false to render it last (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">Accordion</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.Accordion-extraCls"></a>
<b>extraCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to the container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding custo...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to the container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="#extraCls" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#extraCls">ContainerLayout</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.Accordion-fill"></a>
<b>fill</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to adjust the active item's height to fill the available space in the container, false to use the item's current...</div>
<div class="long">
True to adjust the active item's height to fill the available space in the container, false to use the item's current height, or auto height if not explicitly set (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource">Accordion</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.Accordion-hideCollapseTool"></a>
<b>hideCollapseTool</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide the contained panels' collapse/expand toggle buttons, false to display them (defaults to false). When se...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide the contained panels' collapse/expand toggle buttons, false to display them (defaults to false). When set to true, <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" ext:member="titleCollapse" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html#titleCollapse">titleCollapse</a> should be true also. </div>
<td class="msource">Accordion</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.Accordion-renderHidden"></a>
<b>renderHidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide each contained item on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="#renderHidden" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#renderHidden">ContainerLayout</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.Accordion-sequence"></a>
<b>sequence</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<b>Experimental</b>. If animate is set to true, this will result in each animation running in sequence. </div>
<td class="msource">Accordion</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.Accordion-titleCollapse"></a>
<b>titleCollapse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to allow expand/collapse of each contained panel by clicking anywhere on the title bar, false to allow expand/co...</div>
<div class="long">
True to allow expand/collapse of each contained panel by clicking anywhere on the title bar, false to allow expand/collapse only when the toggle tool button is clicked (defaults to true). When set to false, <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" ext:member="hideCollapseTool" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html#hideCollapseTool">hideCollapseTool</a> should be false also. </div>
<td class="msource">Accordion</td>
<a id="Ext.layout.Accordion-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.Accordion-activeItem"></a>
<b>activeItem</b> : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
A reference to the Ext.Component that is active. For example,
if( == 'item-1') { ... }....</div>
<div class="long">
A reference to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> that is active. For example,
if( == 'item-1') { ... }. activeItem only applies to layout styles that can
display items one at a time (like <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Ext.layout.Accordion</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a>
and <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">Ext.layout.FitLayout</a>). Read-only. Related to <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="activeItem" href="output/Ext.Container.html#activeItem">Ext.Container.activeItem</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="#activeItem" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#activeItem">ContainerLayout</a></td>
<a id="Ext.layout.Accordion-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public methods.</div> <a id="Ext.layout.Accordion-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,167
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.FormLayout-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.FormLayout-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.FormLayout-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.FormLayout-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.layout.FormLayout"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">ContainerLayout</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.AnchorLayout" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.AnchorLayout.html">AnchorLayout</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>FormLayout</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.layout.FormLayout</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.layout</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/layout/FormLayout.js" target="_blank">FormLayout.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">FormLayout</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.AnchorLayout" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.AnchorLayout.html">AnchorLayout</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
<p>This is a layout specifically designed for creating forms.
This class can be extended or created via the layout:'form' <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">Ext.Container.layout</a> config,
and should generally not need to be created directly via the new keyword. However, when used in an application,
it will usually be preferrable to use a <a ext:cls="Ext.form.FormPanel" href="output/Ext.form.FormPanel.html">Ext.form.FormPanel</a> (which automatically uses FormLayout as its layout
class) since it also provides built-in functionality for loading, validating and submitting the form.</p>
<p>Note that when creating a layout via config, the layout-specific config properties must be passed in via
the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layoutConfig" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layoutConfig">Ext.Container.layoutConfig</a> object which will then be applied internally to the layout. The container
using the FormLayout can also supply the following form-specific config properties which will be applied by the layout:
<li><b>hideLabels</b>: (Boolean) True to hide field labels by default (defaults to false)</li>
<li><b>itemCls</b>: (String) A CSS class to add to the div wrapper that contains each field label
and field element (the default class is 'x-form-item' and itemCls will be added to that)</li>
<li><b>labelAlign</b>: (String) The default label alignment. The default value is empty string ''
for left alignment, but specifying 'top' will align the labels above the fields.</li>
<li><b>labelPad</b>: (Number) The default padding in pixels for field labels (defaults to 5). labelPad only
applies if labelWidth is also specified, otherwise it will be ignored.</li>
<li><b>labelWidth</b>: (Number) The default width in pixels of field labels (defaults to 100)</li>
<p>Any type of components can be added to a FormLayout, but items that inherit from <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html">Ext.form.Field</a>
can also supply the following field-specific config properties:
<li><b>clearCls</b>: (String) The CSS class to apply to the special clearing div rendered directly after each
form field wrapper (defaults to 'x-form-clear-left')</li>
<li><b>fieldLabel</b>: (String) The text to display as the label for this field (defaults to '')</li>
<li><b>hideLabel</b>: (Boolean) True to hide the label and separator for this field (defaults to false).</li>
<li><b>itemCls</b>: (String) A CSS class to add to the div wrapper that contains this field label
and field element (the default class is 'x-form-item' and itemCls will be added to that). If supplied,
itemCls at the field level will override the default itemCls supplied at the container level.</li>
<li><b>labelSeparator</b>: (String) The separator to display after the text of the label for this field
(defaults to a colon ':' or the layout's value for <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" ext:member="labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html#labelSeparator">labelSeparator</a>). To hide the separator use empty string ''.</li>
<li><b>labelStyle</b>: (String) A CSS style specification string to add to the field label for this field
(defaults to '' or the layout's value for <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" ext:member="labelStyle" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html#labelStyle">labelStyle</a>).</li>
Example usage:</p>
<pre><code><i>// Required <b>if</b> showing validation messages</i>
<i>// While you can create a basic Panel <b>with</b> layout:<em>'form'</em>, practically</i>
<i>// you should usually use a FormPanel to also get its form functionality</i>
<i>// since it already creates a FormLayout internally.</i>
<b>var</b> form = <b>new</b> Ext.form.FormPanel({
labelWidth: 75,
title: <em>'Form Layout'</em>,
width: 350,
labelPad: 10,
defaultType: <em>'textfield'</em>,
defaults: {
<i>// applied to each contained item</i>
width: 230,
msgTarget: <em>'side'</em>
layoutConfig: {
<i>// layout-specific configs go here</i>
labelSeparator: <em>''</em>
items: [{
fieldLabel: <em>'First Name'</em>,
name: <em>'first'</em>,
allowBlank: false
fieldLabel: <em>'Last Name'</em>,
name: <em>'last'</em>
fieldLabel: <em>'Company'</em>,
name: <em>'company'</em>
fieldLabel: <em>'Email'</em>,
name: <em>'email'</em>,
buttons: [{
text: <em>'Save'</em>
text: <em>'Cancel'</em>
});</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.layout.FormLayout-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.FormLayout-elementStyle"></a>
<b>elementStyle</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS style specification string to add to each field element in this layout (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource">FormLayout</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.FormLayout-extraCls"></a>
<b>extraCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to the container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding custo...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to the container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="#extraCls" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#extraCls">ContainerLayout</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.FormLayout-labelSeparator"></a>
<b>labelSeparator</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to a colon ':'). To turn off separators...</div>
<div class="long">
The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to a colon ':'). To turn off separators for all fields in this layout by default specify empty string '' (if the labelSeparator value is explicitly set at the field level, those will still be displayed). </div>
<td class="msource">FormLayout</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.FormLayout-labelStyle"></a>
<b>labelStyle</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS style specification string to add to each field label in this layout (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource">FormLayout</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.FormLayout-renderHidden"></a>
<b>renderHidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide each contained item on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="#renderHidden" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#renderHidden">ContainerLayout</a></td>
<a id="Ext.layout.FormLayout-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.layout.FormLayout-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public methods.</div> <a id="Ext.layout.FormLayout-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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0,0 → 1,706
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Fx-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Fx-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Fx-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Fx-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Fx"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.Fx</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/core/Fx.js" target="_blank">Fx.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Fx</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
<p>A class to provide basic animation and visual effects support. <b>Note:</b> This class is automatically applied
to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a> interface when included, so all effects calls should be performed via Element.
Conversely, since the effects are not actually defined in Element, Ext.Fx <b>must</b> be included in order for the
Element effects to work.</p><br/>
<p>It is important to note that although the Fx methods and many non-Fx Element methods support "method chaining" in that
they return the Element object itself as the method return value, it is not always possible to mix the two in a single
method chain. The Fx methods use an internal effects queue so that each effect can be properly timed and sequenced.
Non-Fx methods, on the other hand, have no such internal queueing and will always execute immediately. For this reason,
while it may be possible to mix certain Fx and non-Fx method calls in a single chain, it may not always provide the
expected results and should be done with care.</p><br/>
<p>Motion effects support 8-way anchoring, meaning that you can choose one of 8 different anchor points on the Element
that will serve as either the start or end point of the animation. Following are all of the supported anchor positions:</p>
<pre>Value Description
----- -----------------------------
tl The top left corner
t The center of the top edge
tr The top right corner
l The center of the left edge
r The center of the right edge
bl The bottom left corner
b The center of the bottom edge
br The bottom right corner</pre>
<b>Although some Fx methods accept specific custom config parameters, the ones shown in the Config Options section
below are common options that can be passed to any Fx method.</b> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Fx-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-afterCls"></a>
<b>afterCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A css class to apply after the effect </div>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-afterStyle"></a>
<b>afterStyle</b> : String/Object/Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A style specification string, e.g. "width:100px", or an object in the form {width:"100px"}, or a function which retur...</div>
<div class="long">
A style specification string, e.g. "width:100px", or an object in the form {width:"100px"}, or a function which returns such a specification that will be applied to the Element after the effect finishes </div>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-block"></a>
<b>block</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the effect should block other effects from queueing while it runs </div>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-callback"></a>
<b>callback</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A function called when the effect is finished. Note that effects are queued internally by the Fx class, so do not nee...</div>
<div class="long">
A function called when the effect is finished. Note that effects are queued internally by the Fx class, so do not need to use the callback parameter to specify another effect -- effects can simply be chained together and called in sequence (e.g., el.slideIn().highlight();). The callback is intended for any additional code that should run once a particular effect has completed. </div>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-concurrent"></a>
<b>concurrent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Whether to allow subsequently-queued effects to run at the same time as the current effect, or to ensure that they ru...</div>
<div class="long">
Whether to allow subsequently-queued effects to run at the same time as the current effect, or to ensure that they run in sequence </div>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-duration"></a>
<b>duration</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The length of time (in seconds) that the effect should last </div>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-easing"></a>
<b>easing</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A valid Easing value for the effect </div>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the Element should be removed from the DOM and destroyed after the effect finishes </div>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-scope"></a>
<b>scope</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The scope of the effect function </div>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-stopFx"></a>
<b>stopFx</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether subsequent effects should be stopped and removed after the current effect finishes </div>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-useDisplay"></a>
<b>useDisplay</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Whether to use the display CSS property instead of visibility when hiding Elements (only applies to effects that end ...</div>
<div class="long">
Whether to use the <i>display</i> CSS property instead of <i>visibility</i> when hiding Elements (only applies to effects that end with the element being visually hidden, ignored otherwise) </div>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<a id="Ext.Fx-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.Fx-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-fadeIn"></a>
<b>fadeIn</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fade an element in (from transparent to opaque). The ending opacity can be specified
using the "endOpacity" config o...</div>
<div class="long">
Fade an element in (from transparent to opaque). The ending opacity can be specified
using the "endOpacity" config option.
<pre><code><i>// <b>default</b>: fade <b>in</b> from opacity 0 to 100%</i>
<i>// custom: fade <b>in</b> from opacity 0 to 75% over 2 seconds</i>
el.fadeIn({ endOpacity: .75, duration: 2});
<i>// common config options shown <b>with</b> default values</i>
endOpacity: 1, <i>//can be any value between 0 and 1 (e.g. .5)</i>
easing: <em>'easeOut'</em>,
duration: .5
});</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Object literal with any of the Fx config options</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The Element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-fadeOut"></a>
<b>fadeOut</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fade an element out (from opaque to transparent). The ending opacity can be specified
using the "endOpacity" config ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fade an element out (from opaque to transparent). The ending opacity can be specified
using the "endOpacity" config option. Note that IE may require useDisplay:true in order
to redisplay correctly.
<pre><code><i>// <b>default</b>: fade out from the element's current opacity to 0</i>
<i>// custom: fade out from the element's current opacity to 25% over 2 seconds</i>
el.fadeOut({ endOpacity: .25, duration: 2});
<i>// common config options shown <b>with</b> default values</i>
endOpacity: 0, <i>//can be any value between 0 and 1 (e.g. .5)</i>
easing: <em>'easeOut'</em>,
duration: .5,
remove: false,
useDisplay: false
});</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Object literal with any of the Fx config options</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The Element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-frame"></a>
<b>frame</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String color</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number count</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shows a ripple of exploding, attenuating borders to draw attention to an Element.
// default: a single light b...</div>
<div class="long">
Shows a ripple of exploding, attenuating borders to draw attention to an Element.
<pre><code><i>// <b>default</b>: a single light blue ripple</i>
<i>// custom: 3 red ripples lasting 3 seconds total</i>
el.frame(<em>"ff0000"</em>, 3, { duration: 3 });
<i>// common config options shown <b>with</b> default values</i>
el.frame(<em>"C3DAF9"</em>, 1, {
duration: 1 <i>//duration of entire animation (not each individual ripple)</i>
<i>// Note: Easing is not configurable and will be ignored <b>if</b> included</i>
});</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>color</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The color of the border. Should be a 6 char hex color without the leading # (defaults to light blue: 'C3DAF9').</div></li><li><code>count</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The number of ripples to display (defaults to 1)</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Object literal with any of the Fx config options</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The Element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-ghost"></a>
<b>ghost</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String anchor</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Slides the element while fading it out of view. An anchor point can be optionally passed to set the
ending point of...</div>
<div class="long">
Slides the element while fading it out of view. An anchor point can be optionally passed to set the
ending point of the effect.
<pre><code><i>// <b>default</b>: slide the element downward <b>while</b> fading out</i>
<i>// custom: slide the element out to the right <b>with</b> a 2-second duration</i>
el.ghost(<em>'r'</em>, { duration: 2 });
<i>// common config options shown <b>with</b> default values</i>
el.ghost(<em>'b'</em>, {
easing: <em>'easeOut'</em>,
duration: .5
remove: false,
useDisplay: false
});</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>anchor</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) One of the valid Fx anchor positions (defaults to bottom: 'b')</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Object literal with any of the Fx config options</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The Element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-hasActiveFx"></a>
<b>hasActiveFx</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the element has any effects actively running or queued, else returns false.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the element has any effects actively running or queued, else returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if element has active effects, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-hasFxBlock"></a>
<b>hasFxBlock</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the element is currently blocking so that no other effect can be queued
until this effect is finished...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the element is currently blocking so that no other effect can be queued
until this effect is finished, else returns false if blocking is not set. This is commonly
used to ensure that an effect initiated by a user action runs to completion prior to the
same effect being restarted (e.g., firing only one effect even if the user clicks several times). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if blocking, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-highlight"></a>
<b>highlight</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String color</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Highlights the Element by setting a color (applies to the background-color by default, but can be
changed using the "...</div>
<div class="long">
Highlights the Element by setting a color (applies to the background-color by default, but can be
changed using the "attr" config option) and then fading back to the original color. If no original
color is available, you should provide the "endColor" config option which will be cleared after the animation.
<pre><code><i>// <b>default</b>: highlight background to yellow</i>
<i>// custom: highlight foreground text to blue <b>for</b> 2 seconds</i>
el.highlight(<em>"0000ff"</em>, { attr: <em>'color'</em>, duration: 2 });
<i>// common config options shown <b>with</b> default values</i>
el.highlight(<em>"ffff9c"</em>, {
attr: <em>"background-color"</em>, <i>//can be any valid CSS property (attribute) that supports a color value</i>
endColor: (current color) or <em>"ffffff"</em>,
easing: <em>'easeIn'</em>,
duration: 1
});</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>color</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The highlight color. Should be a 6 char hex color without the leading # (defaults to yellow: 'ffff9c')</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Object literal with any of the Fx config options</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The Element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-pause"></a>
<b>pause</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number seconds</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a pause before any subsequent queued effects begin. If there are
no effects queued after the pause it will h...</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a pause before any subsequent queued effects begin. If there are
no effects queued after the pause it will have no effect.
<pre><code>el.pause(1);</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>seconds</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The length of time to pause (in seconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The Element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-puff"></a>
<b>puff</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fades the element out while slowly expanding it in all directions. When the effect is completed, the
element will b...</div>
<div class="long">
Fades the element out while slowly expanding it in all directions. When the effect is completed, the
element will be hidden (visibility = 'hidden') but block elements will still take up space in the document.
The element must be removed from the DOM using the 'remove' config option if desired.
<pre><code><i>// <b>default</b></i>
<i>// common config options shown <b>with</b> default values</i>
easing: <em>'easeOut'</em>,
duration: .5,
remove: false,
useDisplay: false
});</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Object literal with any of the Fx config options</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The Element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-scale"></a>
<b>scale</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Animates the transition of an element's dimensions from a starting height/width
to an ending height/width.
// ...</div>
<div class="long">
Animates the transition of an element's dimensions from a starting height/width
to an ending height/width.
<pre><code><i>// change height and width to 100x100 pixels</i>
el.scale(100, 100);
<i>// common config options shown <b>with</b> default values. The height and width will <b>default</b> to</i>
<i>// the element's existing values <b>if</b> passed as null.</i>
[element's width],
[element's height], {
easing: <em>'easeOut'</em>,
duration: .35
);</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width (pass undefined to keep the original width)</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height (pass undefined to keep the original height)</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Object literal with any of the Fx config options</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The Element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-sequenceFx"></a>
<b>sequenceFx</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Ensures that all effects queued after sequenceFx is called on the element are
run in sequence. This is the opposite ...</div>
<div class="long">
Ensures that all effects queued after sequenceFx is called on the element are
run in sequence. This is the opposite of <a ext:cls="Ext.Fx" ext:member="syncFx" href="output/Ext.Fx.html#syncFx">syncFx</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The Element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-shift"></a>
<b>shift</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object options</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Animates the transition of any combination of an element's dimensions, xy position and/or opacity.
Any of these prope...</div>
<div class="long">
Animates the transition of any combination of an element's dimensions, xy position and/or opacity.
Any of these properties not specified in the config object will not be changed. This effect
requires that at least one new dimension, position or opacity setting must be passed in on
the config object in order for the function to have any effect.
<pre><code><i>// slide the element horizontally to x position 200 <b>while</b> changing the height and opacity</i>
el.shift({ x: 200, height: 50, opacity: .8 });
<i>// common config options shown <b>with</b> default values.</i>
width: [element's width],
height: [element's height],
x: [element's x position],
y: [element's y position],
opacity: [element's opacity],
easing: <em>'easeOut'</em>,
duration: .35
});</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Object literal with any of the Fx config options</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The Element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-slideIn"></a>
<b>slideIn</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String anchor</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Slides the element into view. An anchor point can be optionally passed to set the point of
origin for the slide effe...</div>
<div class="long">
Slides the element into view. An anchor point can be optionally passed to set the point of
origin for the slide effect. This function automatically handles wrapping the element with
a fixed-size container if needed. See the Fx class overview for valid anchor point options.
<pre><code><i>// <b>default</b>: slide the element <b>in</b> from the top</i>
<i>// custom: slide the element <b>in</b> from the right <b>with</b> a 2-second duration</i>
el.slideIn(<em>'r'</em>, { duration: 2 });
<i>// common config options shown <b>with</b> default values</i>
el.slideIn(<em>'t'</em>, {
easing: <em>'easeOut'</em>,
duration: .5
});</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>anchor</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) One of the valid Fx anchor positions (defaults to top: 't')</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Object literal with any of the Fx config options</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The Element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-slideOut"></a>
<b>slideOut</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String anchor</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Slides the element out of view. An anchor point can be optionally passed to set the end point
for the slide effect. ...</div>
<div class="long">
Slides the element out of view. An anchor point can be optionally passed to set the end point
for the slide effect. When the effect is completed, the element will be hidden (visibility =
'hidden') but block elements will still take up space in the document. The element must be removed
from the DOM using the 'remove' config option if desired. This function automatically handles
wrapping the element with a fixed-size container if needed. See the Fx class overview for valid anchor point options.
<pre><code><i>// <b>default</b>: slide the element out to the top</i>
<i>// custom: slide the element out to the right <b>with</b> a 2-second duration</i>
el.slideOut(<em>'r'</em>, { duration: 2 });
<i>// common config options shown <b>with</b> default values</i>
el.slideOut(<em>'t'</em>, {
easing: <em>'easeOut'</em>,
duration: .5,
remove: false,
useDisplay: false
});</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>anchor</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) One of the valid Fx anchor positions (defaults to top: 't')</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Object literal with any of the Fx config options</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The Element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-stopFx"></a>
<b>stopFx</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Stops any running effects and clears the element's internal effects queue if it contains
any additional effects that ...</div>
<div class="long">
Stops any running effects and clears the element's internal effects queue if it contains
any additional effects that haven't started yet. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The Element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-switchOff"></a>
<b>switchOff</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Blinks the element as if it was clicked and then collapses on its center (similar to switching off a television).
<div class="long">
Blinks the element as if it was clicked and then collapses on its center (similar to switching off a television).
When the effect is completed, the element will be hidden (visibility = 'hidden') but block elements will still
take up space in the document. The element must be removed from the DOM using the 'remove' config option if desired.
<pre><code><i>// <b>default</b></i>
<i>// all config options shown <b>with</b> default values</i>
easing: <em>'easeIn'</em>,
duration: .3,
remove: false,
useDisplay: false
});</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Object literal with any of the Fx config options</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The Element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Fx-syncFx"></a>
<b>syncFx</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Ensures that all effects queued after syncFx is called on the element are
run concurrently. This is the opposite of ...</div>
<div class="long">
Ensures that all effects queued after syncFx is called on the element are
run concurrently. This is the opposite of <a ext:cls="Ext.Fx" ext:member="sequenceFx" href="output/Ext.Fx.html#sequenceFx">sequenceFx</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The Element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Fx</td>
<a id="Ext.Fx-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Container</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Viewport</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.Viewport</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/Viewport.js" target="_blank">Viewport.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Viewport</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Container</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A specialized container representing the viewable application area (the browser viewport).
<p> The Viewport renders itself to the document body, and automatically sizes itself to the size of
the browser viewport and manages window resizing. There may only be one Viewport created
in a page. Inner layouts are available by virtue of the fact that all <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Panel</a>s
added to the Viewport, either through its <a ext:cls="Ext.Viewport" ext:member="items" href="output/Ext.Viewport.html#items">items</a>, or through the items, or the <a ext:cls="Ext.Viewport" ext:member="add" href="output/Ext.Viewport.html#add">add</a>
method of any of its child Panels may themselves have a layout.</p>
<p>The Viewport does not provide scrolling, so child Panels within the Viewport should provide
for scrolling if needed using the <a ext:cls="Ext.Viewport" ext:member="autoScroll" href="output/Ext.Viewport.html#autoScroll">autoScroll</a> config.</p>
Example showing a classic application border layout :<pre><code>new Ext.Viewport({
layout: <em>'border'</em>,
defaults: {
activeItem: 0
items: [{
region: <em>'north'</em>,
html: <em>'&lt;h1 class="x-panel-header">Page Title&lt;/h1>'</em>,
autoHeight: true,
border: false,
margins: <em>'0 0 5 0'</em>
}, {
region: <em>'west'</em>,
collapsible: true,
title: <em>'Navigation'</em>,
xtype: <em>'treepanel'</em>,
width: 200,
autoScroll: true,
split: true,
loader: <b>new</b> Ext.tree.TreeLoader(),
root: <b>new</b> Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({
expanded: true,
children: [{
text: <em>'Menu Option 1'</em>,
leaf: true
}, {
text: <em>'Menu Option 2'</em>,
leaf: true
}, {
text: <em>'Menu Option 3'</em>,
leaf: true
rootVisible: false,
listeners: {
click: <b>function</b>(n) {
Ext.Msg.alert(<em>'Navigation Tree Click'</em>, <em>'You clicked: "'</em> + n.attributes.text + <em>'"'</em>);
}, {
region: <em>'center'</em>,
xtype: <em>'tabpanel'</em>,
items: {
title: <em>'Default Tab'</em>,
html: <em>'The first tab\'</em>s content. Others may be added dynamically'
}, {
region: <em>'south'</em>,
title: <em>'Information'</em>,
collapsible: true,
html: <em>'Information goes here'</em>,
split: true,
height: 100,
minHeight: 100
});</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Viewport-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-activeItem"></a>
<b>activeItem</b> : String/Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be initially activated within the container's...</div>
<div class="long">
A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be initially activated within the container's layout on render. For example, activeItem: 'item-1' or activeItem: 0 (index 0 = the first item in the container's collection). activeItem only applies to layout styles that can display items one at a time (like <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Ext.layout.Accordion</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">Ext.layout.FitLayout</a>). Related to <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="activeItem" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#activeItem">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.activeItem</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#activeItem" href="output/Ext.Container.html#activeItem">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-autoDestroy"></a>
<b>autoDestroy</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else destruction mu...</div>
<div class="long">
If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else destruction must be handled manually (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#autoDestroy" href="output/Ext.Container.html#autoDestroy">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-autoEl"></a>
<b>autoEl</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inlin...</div>
<div class="long">
A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inline via JSON. It should not be used for higher level components which already create their own elements. Example usage: <pre><code>{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: <em>'div'</em>, cls:<em>'my-class'</em>}
{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: {tag:<em>'blockquote'</em>, html:<em>'autoEl is cool!'</em>}} // <b>with</b> DomHelper</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-bufferResize"></a>
<b>bufferResize</b> : Boolean/Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">When set to true (100 milliseconds) or a number of milliseconds, the layout assigned for this container will buffer t...</div>
<div class="long">
When set to true (100 milliseconds) or a number of milliseconds, the layout assigned for this container will buffer the frequency it calculates and does a re-layout of components. This is useful for heavy containers or containers with a large amount of sub components that frequent calls to layout are expensive. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#bufferResize" href="output/Ext.Container.html#bufferResize">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-defaultType"></a>
<b>defaultType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default type of container represented by this object as registered in <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a> (defaults to 'panel'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#defaultType" href="output/Ext.Container.html#defaultType">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-defaults"></a>
<b>defaults</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object that will be applied to all components added to this container either via the items config or via the...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object that will be applied to all components added to this container either via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">items</a> config or via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#add">add</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="insert" href="output/Ext.Container.html#insert">insert</a> methods. The defaults config can contain any number of name/value property pairs to be added to each item, and should be valid for the types of items being added to the container. For example, to automatically apply padding to the body of each of a set of contained <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Ext.Panel</a> items, you could pass: defaults: {bodyStyle:'padding:15px'}. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#defaults" href="output/Ext.Container.html#defaults">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-hideBorders"></a>
<b>hideBorders</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide the borders of each contained component, false to defer to the component's existing border settings (def...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide the borders of each contained component, false to defer to the component's existing border settings (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#hideBorders" href="output/Ext.Container.html#hideBorders">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-items"></a>
<b>items</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container. Each item can be any type of object bas...</div>
<div class="long">
A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container. Each item can be any type of object based on <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.<br><br> Component config objects may also be specified in order to avoid the overhead of constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the added Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of this "lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config property to the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br> For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>. If a single item is being passed, it should be passed directly as an object reference (e.g., items: {...}). Multiple items should be passed as an array of objects (e.g., items: [{...}, {...}]). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-layout"></a>
<b>layout</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The layout type to be used in this container. If not specified, a default Ext.layout.ContainerLayout will be created ...</div>
<div class="long">
The layout type to be used in this container. If not specified, a default <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout</a> will be created and used. Valid values are: accordion, anchor, border, card, column, fit, form and table. Specific config values for the chosen layout type can be specified using <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layoutConfig" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layoutConfig">layoutConfig</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-layoutConfig"></a>
<b>layoutConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen layout (to be used in conjunction with the layou...</div>
<div class="long">
This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen layout (to be used in conjunction with the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">layout</a> config value). For complete details regarding the valid config options for each layout type, see the layout class corresponding to the type specified:<ul class="mdetail-params"> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Ext.layout.Accordion</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.AnchorLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.AnchorLayout.html">Ext.layout.AnchorLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.html">Ext.layout.BorderLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ColumnLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ColumnLayout.html">Ext.layout.ColumnLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">Ext.layout.FitLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html">Ext.layout.FormLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.TableLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.TableLayout.html">Ext.layout.TableLayout</a></li></ul> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#layoutConfig" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layoutConfig">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-monitorResize"></a>
<b>monitorResize</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to automatically monitor window resize events to handle anything that is sensitive to the current size of the vi...</div>
<div class="long">
True to automatically monitor window resize events to handle anything that is sensitive to the current size of the viewport. This value is typically managed by the chosen <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">layout</a> and should not need to be set manually. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#monitorResize" href="output/Ext.Container.html#monitorResize">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Viewport-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-items"></a>
<b>items</b> : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
The collection of components in this container as a <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html">Ext.util.MixedCollection</a> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">Container</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Viewport-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-Viewport"></a>
<b>Viewport</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new Viewport</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new Viewport <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Viewport</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-add"></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component/Object component</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a component to this container. Fires the beforeadd event before adding,
then fires the add event after the compo...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a component to this container. Fires the beforeadd event before adding,
then fires the add event after the component has been added. If the container is
already rendered when add is called, you may need to call <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="doLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#doLayout">doLayout</a> to refresh
the view. This is required so that you can add multiple child components if needed
while only refreshing the layout once. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component/Object<div class="sub-desc">The component to add.<br><br>
Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the added Component should
it become necessary.<br><br>
A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of
constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
added Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of this
"lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config property to
the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br>
For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">component The Component (or config object) that was added with the Container's default config values applied.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#add">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-bubble"></a>
<b>bubble</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (this) of...</div>
<div class="long">
Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the bubble is stopped. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#bubble" href="output/Ext.Container.html#bubble">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-cascade"></a>
<b>cascade</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function wi...</div>
<div class="long">
Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function with
each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the cascade is stopped on that branch. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current component)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (defaults to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#cascade" href="output/Ext.Container.html#cascade">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-doLayout"></a>
<b>doLayout</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force this container's layout to be recalculated. A call to this function is required after adding a new component
<div class="long">
Force this container's layout to be recalculated. A call to this function is required after adding a new component
to an already rendered container, or possibly after changing sizing/position properties of child components. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to only calc the layout of this component, and let child components auto
calc layouts as required (defaults to false, which calls doLayout recursively for each subcontainer)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#doLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#doLayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-find"></a>
<b>find</b>(&nbsp;<code>String prop</code>, <code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by property</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by property <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>prop</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#find" href="output/Ext.Container.html#find">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-findBy"></a>
<b>findBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the com...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the component will be included in the results. The passed function is called with the arguments (component, this container). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findBy" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findBy">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-findById"></a>
<b>findById</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by id</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findById" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findById">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-findByType"></a>
<b>findByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findByType" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findByType">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-getComponent"></a>
<b>getComponent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Number id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets a direct child Component by id, or by index.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets a direct child Component by id, or by index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">or index of child Component to return.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#getComponent" href="output/Ext.Container.html#getComponent">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-getLayout"></a>
<b>getLayout</b>() : ContainerLayout <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the layout currently in use by the container. If the container does not currently have a layout
set, a defau...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the layout currently in use by the container. If the container does not currently have a layout
set, a default <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout</a> will be created and set as the container's layout. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>ContainerLayout</code><div class="sub-desc">layout The container's layout</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#getLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#getLayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Viewport</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-insert"></a>
<b>insert</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the
beforeadd event before inserting, then fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the
beforeadd event before inserting, then fires the add event after the
Component has been inserted. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the Component will be inserted
into the Container's items collection</div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The child Component to insert.<br><br>
Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the inserted Component should
it become necessary.<br><br>
A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of
constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
inserted Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of
this "lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config
property to the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br>
For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">component The Component (or config object) that was inserted with the Container's default config values applied.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#insert" href="output/Ext.Container.html#insert">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b>(&nbsp;<code>Component/String component</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean autoDestroy</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a component from this container. Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires
the remove event a...</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a component from this container. Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires
the remove event after the component has been removed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>component</code> : Component/String<div class="sub-desc">The component reference or id to remove</div></li><li><code>autoDestroy</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to automatically invoke the component's <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Ext.Component.destroy</a> function</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#remove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#remove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Viewport-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-add"></a>
<b>add</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component was added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-add">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-afterlayout"></a>
<b>afterlayout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>ContainerLayout layout</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>layout</code> : ContainerLayout<div class="sub-desc">The ContainerLayout implementation for this container</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-afterlayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-afterlayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-beforeadd"></a>
<b>beforeadd</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component will be added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeadd" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeadd">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-beforeremove"></a>
<b>beforeremove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeremove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeremove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-remove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-remove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Viewport-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
New file
0,0 → 1,164
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.ScrollManager-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.ScrollManager-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.ScrollManager-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.dd.ScrollManager"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.dd.ScrollManager</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.dd</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/dd/ScrollManager.js" target="_blank">ScrollManager.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">ScrollManager</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Provides automatic scrolling of overflow regions in the page during drag operations.<br><br>
<b>Note: This class uses "Point Mode" and is untested in "Intersect Mode".</b><br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.dd.ScrollManager-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.ScrollManager-animDuration"></a>
<b>animDuration</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The animation duration in seconds -
MUST BE less than Ext.dd.ScrollManager.frequency! (defaults to .4) </div>
<td class="msource">ScrollManager</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.ScrollManager-animate"></a>
<b>animate</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to animate the scroll (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">ScrollManager</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.ScrollManager-frequency"></a>
<b>frequency</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The frequency of scrolls in milliseconds (defaults to 500) </div>
<td class="msource">ScrollManager</td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.ScrollManager-hthresh"></a>
<b>hthresh</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The number of pixels from the right or left edge of a container the pointer needs to be to
trigger scrolling (default...</div>
<div class="long">
The number of pixels from the right or left edge of a container the pointer needs to be to
trigger scrolling (defaults to 25) </div>
<td class="msource">ScrollManager</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.ScrollManager-increment"></a>
<b>increment</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The number of pixels to scroll in each scroll increment (defaults to 50) </div>
<td class="msource">ScrollManager</td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.ScrollManager-vthresh"></a>
<b>vthresh</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The number of pixels from the top or bottom edge of a container the pointer needs to be to
trigger scrolling (default...</div>
<div class="long">
The number of pixels from the top or bottom edge of a container the pointer needs to be to
trigger scrolling (defaults to 25) </div>
<td class="msource">ScrollManager</td>
<a id="Ext.dd.ScrollManager-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.ScrollManager-refreshCache"></a>
<b>refreshCache</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Manually trigger a cache refresh.</div>
<div class="long">
Manually trigger a cache refresh. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ScrollManager</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.ScrollManager-register"></a>
<b>register</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed/Array el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Registers new overflow element(s) to auto scroll</div>
<div class="long">
Registers new overflow element(s) to auto scroll <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed/Array<div class="sub-desc">The id of or the element to be scrolled or an array of either</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ScrollManager</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.ScrollManager-unregister"></a>
<b>unregister</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed/Array el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unregisters overflow element(s) so they are no longer scrolled</div>
<div class="long">
Unregisters overflow element(s) so they are no longer scrolled <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed/Array<div class="sub-desc">The id of or the element to be removed or an array of either</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ScrollManager</td>
<a id="Ext.dd.ScrollManager-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,235
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.KeyMap-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.KeyMap-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.KeyMap-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.KeyMap"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.KeyMap</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/util/KeyMap.js" target="_blank">KeyMap.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">KeyMap</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Handles mapping keys to actions for an element. One key map can be used for multiple actions.
The constructor accepts the same config object as defined by <a ext:cls="Ext.KeyMap" ext:member="addBinding" href="output/Ext.KeyMap.html#addBinding">addBinding</a>.
If you bind a callback function to a KeyMap, anytime the KeyMap handles an expected key
combination it will call the function with this signature (if the match is a multi-key
combination the callback will still be called only once): (String key, Ext.EventObject e)
A KeyMap can also handle a string representation of keys.<br />
<pre><code><i>// map one key by key code</i>
<b>var</b> map = <b>new</b> Ext.KeyMap(<em>"my-element"</em>, {
key: 13, <i>// or Ext.EventObject.ENTER</i>
fn: myHandler,
scope: myObject
<i>// map multiple keys to one action by string</i>
<b>var</b> map = <b>new</b> Ext.KeyMap(<em>"my-element"</em>, {
key: <em>"a\r\n\t"</em>,
fn: myHandler,
scope: myObject
<i>// map multiple keys to multiple actions by strings and array of codes</i>
<b>var</b> map = <b>new</b> Ext.KeyMap(<em>"my-element"</em>, [
key: [10,13],
fn: <b>function</b>(){ alert(<em>"Return was pressed"</em>); }
}, {
key: <em>"abc"</em>,
fn: <b>function</b>(){ alert(<em>'a, b or c was pressed'</em>); }
}, {
key: <em>"\t"</em>,
fn: <b>function</b>(){ alert(<em>'Control + shift + tab was pressed.'</em>); }
<b>Note: A KeyMap starts enabled</b> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.KeyMap-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.KeyMap-stopEvent"></a>
<b>stopEvent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to stop the event from bubbling and prevent the default browser action if the
key was handled by the KeyMap (def...</div>
<div class="long">
True to stop the event from bubbling and prevent the default browser action if the
key was handled by the KeyMap (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">KeyMap</td>
<a id="Ext.KeyMap-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.KeyMap-KeyMap"></a>
<b>KeyMap</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object config</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String eventName</code>]</span>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to bind to</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The config (see <a ext:cls="Ext.KeyMap" ext:member="addBinding" href="output/Ext.KeyMap.html#addBinding">addBinding</a>)</div></li><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The event to bind to (defaults to "keydown")</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">KeyMap</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.KeyMap-addBinding"></a>
<b>addBinding</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object/Array config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Add a new binding to this KeyMap. The following config object properties are supported:
Property Type ...</div>
<div class="long">
Add a new binding to this KeyMap. The following config object properties are supported:
<pre>Property Type Description
---------- --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
key String/Array A single keycode or an array of keycodes to handle
shift Boolean True to handle key only when shift is pressed (defaults to false)
ctrl Boolean True to handle key only when ctrl is pressed (defaults to false)
alt Boolean True to handle key only when alt is pressed (defaults to false)
handler Function The function to call when KeyMap finds the expected key combination
fn Function Alias of handler (for backwards-compatibility)
scope Object The scope of the callback function</pre>
<pre><code><i>// Create a KeyMap</i>
<b>var</b> map = <b>new</b> Ext.KeyMap(document, {
key: Ext.EventObject.ENTER,
fn: handleKey,
scope: <b>this</b>
<i>//Add a <b>new</b> binding to the existing KeyMap later</i>
key: <em>'abc'</em>,
shift: true,
fn: handleKey,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object/Array<div class="sub-desc">A single KeyMap config or an array of configs</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">KeyMap</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.KeyMap-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this KeyMap</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this KeyMap <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">KeyMap</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.KeyMap-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enables this KeyMap</div>
<div class="long">
Enables this KeyMap <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">KeyMap</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.KeyMap-isEnabled"></a>
<b>isEnabled</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this KeyMap is enabled</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this KeyMap is enabled <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">KeyMap</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.KeyMap-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Array/Object key</code>, <code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shorthand for adding a single key listener</div>
<div class="long">
Shorthand for adding a single key listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>key</code> : Number/Array/Object<div class="sub-desc">Either the numeric key code, array of key codes or an object with the
following options:
{key: (number or array), shift: (true/false), ctrl: (true/false), alt: (true/false)}</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">KeyMap</td>
<a id="Ext.KeyMap-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,184
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.TextMetrics-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.TextMetrics-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.TextMetrics-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.util.TextMetrics"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.util.TextMetrics</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.util</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/util/TextMetrics.js" target="_blank">TextMetrics.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">TextMetrics</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Provides precise pixel measurements for blocks of text so that you can determine exactly how high and
wide, in pixels, a given block of text will be.<br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.util.TextMetrics-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.util.TextMetrics-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.TextMetrics-bind"></a>
<b>bind</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Binds this TextMetrics instance to an element from which to copy existing CSS styles
that can affect the size of the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Binds this TextMetrics instance to an element from which to copy existing CSS styles
that can affect the size of the rendered text <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The element, dom node or id</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TextMetrics</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.TextMetrics-createInstance"></a>
<b>createInstance</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number fixedWidth</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.util.TextMetrics.Instance <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Return a unique TextMetrics instance that can be bound directly to an element and reused. This reduces
the overhead ...</div>
<div class="long">
Return a unique TextMetrics instance that can be bound directly to an element and reused. This reduces
the overhead of multiple calls to initialize the style properties on each measurement. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The element, dom node or id that the instance will be bound to</div></li><li><code>fixedWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If the text will be multiline, you have to set a fixed width
in order to accurately measure the text height</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.util.TextMetrics.Instance</code><div class="sub-desc">instance The new instance</div></li>
<td class="msource">TextMetrics</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.TextMetrics-getHeight"></a>
<b>getHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the measured height of the specified text. For multiline text, be sure to call
<a ext:cls="Ext.util.TextMetrics" ext:member="setFixedWidth" href="output/Ext.util.TextMetrics.html#setFixedWidth">setFixedWidth</a> if necessary.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the measured height of the specified text. For multiline text, be sure to call
<a ext:cls="Ext.util.TextMetrics" ext:member="setFixedWidth" href="output/Ext.util.TextMetrics.html#setFixedWidth">setFixedWidth</a> if necessary. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The text to measure</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">height The height in pixels</div></li>
<td class="msource">TextMetrics</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.TextMetrics-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the size of the specified text based on the internal element's style and width properties</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the size of the specified text based on the internal element's style and width properties <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The text to measure</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the text's size {width: (width), height: (height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource">TextMetrics</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.TextMetrics-getWidth"></a>
<b>getWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the measured width of the specified text</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the measured width of the specified text <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The text to measure</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">width The width in pixels</div></li>
<td class="msource">TextMetrics</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.TextMetrics-measure"></a>
<b>measure</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>, <code>String text</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number fixedWidth</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Measures the size of the specified text</div>
<div class="long">
Measures the size of the specified text <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The element, dom node or id from which to copy existing CSS styles
that can affect the size of the rendered text</div></li><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The text to measure</div></li><li><code>fixedWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If the text will be multiline, you have to set a fixed width
in order to accurately measure the text height</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the text's size {width: (width), height: (height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource">TextMetrics</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.TextMetrics-setFixedWidth"></a>
<b>setFixedWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets a fixed width on the internal measurement element. If the text will be multiline, you have
to set a fixed width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets a fixed width on the internal measurement element. If the text will be multiline, you have
to set a fixed width in order to accurately measure the text height. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width to set on the element</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TextMetrics</td>
<a id="Ext.util.TextMetrics-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.tree.TreeDragZone"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html">DragDrop</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html">DD</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDProxy" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DDProxy.html">DDProxy</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">DragSource</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragZone" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DragZone.html">DragZone</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>TreeDragZone</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.tree.TreeDragZone</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.tree</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/tree/TreeDragZone.js" target="_blank">TreeDragZone.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">TreeDragZone</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragZone" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DragZone.html">DragZone</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-containerScroll"></a>
<b>containerScroll</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to register this container with the Scrollmanager for auto scrolling during drag operations. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragZone" ext:member="#containerScroll" href="output/Ext.dd.DragZone.html#containerScroll">DragZone</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-ddGroup"></a>
<b>ddGroup</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A named drag drop group to which this object belongs. If a group is specified, then this object will only interact wi...</div>
<div class="long">
A named drag drop group to which this object belongs. If a group is specified, then this object will only interact with other drag drop objects in the same group (defaults to 'TreeDD'). </div>
<td class="msource">TreeDragZone</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-dropAllowed"></a>
<b>dropAllowed</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class returned to the drag source when drop is allowed (defaults to "x-dd-drop-ok"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#dropAllowed" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#dropAllowed">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-dropNotAllowed"></a>
<b>dropNotAllowed</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class returned to the drag source when drop is not allowed (defaults to "x-dd-drop-nodrop"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#dropNotAllowed" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#dropNotAllowed">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-hlColor"></a>
<b>hlColor</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The color to use when visually highlighting the drag source in the afterRepair method after a failed drop (defaults t...</div>
<div class="long">
The color to use when visually highlighting the drag source in the afterRepair method after a failed drop (defaults to "c3daf9" - light blue) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragZone" ext:member="#hlColor" href="output/Ext.dd.DragZone.html#hlColor">DragZone</a></td>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-available"></a>
<b>available</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
The availabe property is false until the linked dom element is accessible. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#available" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#available">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-centerFrame"></a>
<b>centerFrame</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default the frame is positioned exactly where the drag element is, so
we use the cursor offset provided by Ext.dd....</div>
<div class="long">
By default the frame is positioned exactly where the drag element is, so
we use the cursor offset provided by Ext.dd.DD. Another option that works only if
you do not have constraints on the obj is to have the drag frame centered
around the cursor. Set centerFrame to true for this effect. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDProxy" ext:member="#centerFrame" href="output/Ext.dd.DDProxy.html#centerFrame">DDProxy</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-config"></a>
<b>config</b> : object <div class="mdesc">
Configuration attributes passed into the constructor </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#config" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#config">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-groups"></a>
<b>groups</b> : object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The group defines a logical collection of DragDrop objects that are
related. Instances only get events when interact...</div>
<div class="long">
The group defines a logical collection of DragDrop objects that are
related. Instances only get events when interacting with other
DragDrop object in the same group. This lets us define multiple
groups using a single DragDrop subclass if we want. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#groups" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#groups">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-hasOuterHandles"></a>
<b>hasOuterHandles</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, drags can only be initiated if the mousedown occurs in the
region the linked element is. This is done in...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, drags can only be initiated if the mousedown occurs in the
region the linked element is. This is done in part to work around a
bug in some browsers that mis-report the mousedown if the previous
mouseup happened outside of the window. This property is set to true
if outer handles are defined. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#hasOuterHandles" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#hasOuterHandles">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the element associated with this object. This is what we
refer to as the "linked element" because the size...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the element associated with this object. This is what we
refer to as the "linked element" because the size and position of
this element is used to determine when the drag and drop objects have
interacted. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#id">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-invalidHandleClasses"></a>
<b>invalidHandleClasses</b> : string[] <div class="mdesc">
An indexted array of css class names for elements that will be ignored
if clicked. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleClasses" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleClasses">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-invalidHandleIds"></a>
<b>invalidHandleIds</b> : string: <div class="mdesc">
An associative array of ids for elements that will be ignored if clicked </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleIds" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleIds">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-invalidHandleTypes"></a>
<b>invalidHandleTypes</b> : string: <div class="mdesc">
An associative array of HTML tags that will be ignored if clicked. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleTypes" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleTypes">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-isTarget"></a>
<b>isTarget</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
By default, all insances can be a drop target. This can be disabled by
setting isTarget to false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isTarget">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-maintainOffset"></a>
<b>maintainOffset</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Maintain offsets when we resetconstraints. Set to true when you want
the position of the element relative to its par...</div>
<div class="long">
Maintain offsets when we resetconstraints. Set to true when you want
the position of the element relative to its parent to stay the same
when the page changes </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#maintainOffset" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#maintainOffset">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-onStartDrag"></a>
<b>onStartDrag</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action once the initial
drag event has be...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action once the initial
drag event has begun. The drag cannot be canceled from this function. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#onStartDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#onStartDrag">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-padding"></a>
<b>padding</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
The padding configured for this drag and drop object for calculating
the drop zone intersection with this object. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#padding" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#padding">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-primaryButtonOnly"></a>
<b>primaryButtonOnly</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default the drag and drop instance will only respond to the primary
button click (left button for a right-handed m...</div>
<div class="long">
By default the drag and drop instance will only respond to the primary
button click (left button for a right-handed mouse). Set to true to
allow drag and drop to start with any mouse click that is propogated
by the browser </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#primaryButtonOnly" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#primaryButtonOnly">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-resizeFrame"></a>
<b>resizeFrame</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default we resize the drag frame to be the same size as the element
we want to drag (this is to get the frame effe...</div>
<div class="long">
By default we resize the drag frame to be the same size as the element
we want to drag (this is to get the frame effect). We can turn it off
if we want a different behavior. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDProxy" ext:member="#resizeFrame" href="output/Ext.dd.DDProxy.html#resizeFrame">DDProxy</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-scroll"></a>
<b>scroll</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">When set to true, the utility automatically tries to scroll the browser
window wehn a drag and drop element is dragge...</div>
<div class="long">
When set to true, the utility automatically tries to scroll the browser
window wehn a drag and drop element is dragged near the viewport boundary.
Defaults to true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#scroll" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#scroll">DD</a></td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-tree"></a>
<b>tree</b> : Ext.tree.TreePanel <div class="mdesc">
The TreePanel for this drag zone </div>
<td class="msource">TreeDragZone</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-xTicks"></a>
<b>xTicks</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
horizontal graduation/interval. This array is ge...</div>
<div class="long">
Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
horizontal graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically
when you define a tick interval. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#xTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#xTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-yTicks"></a>
<b>yTicks</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
vertical graduation/interval. This array is gene...</div>
<div class="long">
Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
vertical graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically
when you define a tick interval. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#yTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#yTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-TreeDragZone"></a>
<b>TreeDragZone</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement/Element tree</code>, <code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : String/HTMLElement/Element<div class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreePanel" href="output/Ext.tree.TreePanel.html">Ext.tree.TreePanel</a> for which to enable dragging</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeDragZone</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-addInvalidHandleClass"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cssClass</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lets you specify a css class of elements that will not initiate a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Lets you specify a css class of elements that will not initiate a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cssClass</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the class of the elements you wish to ignore</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleClass" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleClass">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-addInvalidHandleId"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleId</b>(&nbsp;<code>string id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lets you to specify an element id for a child of a drag handle
that should not initiate a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Lets you to specify an element id for a child of a drag handle
that should not initiate a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the element id of the element you wish to ignore</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-addInvalidHandleType"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleType</b>(&nbsp;<code>string tagName</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify a tag name that should not start a drag operation
when clicked. This is designed to facilitate...</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify a tag name that should not start a drag operation
when clicked. This is designed to facilitate embedding links within a
drag handle that do something other than start the drag. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tagName</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the type of element to exclude</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleType" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleType">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-addToGroup"></a>
<b>addToGroup</b>(&nbsp;<code>sGroup {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Add this instance to a group of related drag/drop objects. All
instances belong to at least one group, and can belon...</div>
<div class="long">
Add this instance to a group of related drag/drop objects. All
instances belong to at least one group, and can belong to as many
groups as needed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : sGroup<div class="sub-desc">the name of the group</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addToGroup" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addToGroup">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-afterDragDrop"></a>
<b>afterDragDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
after a valid drag drop has occurr...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
after a valid drag drop has occurred by providing an implementation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dropped element</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#afterDragDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#afterDragDrop">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-afterDragEnter"></a>
<b>afterDragEnter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
when the dragged item enters the d...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
when the dragged item enters the drop target by providing an implementation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#afterDragEnter" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#afterDragEnter">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-afterDragOut"></a>
<b>afterDragOut</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
after the dragged item is dragged ...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
after the dragged item is dragged out of the target without dropping. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#afterDragOut" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#afterDragOut">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-afterDragOver"></a>
<b>afterDragOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
while the dragged item is over the...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
while the dragged item is over the drop target by providing an implementation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#afterDragOver" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#afterDragOver">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-afterInvalidDrop"></a>
<b>afterInvalidDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
after an invalid drop has occurred...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
after an invalid drop has occurred by providing an implementation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dropped element</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#afterInvalidDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#afterInvalidDrop">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-afterRepair"></a>
<b>afterRepair</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called after a repair of an invalid drop. By default, highlights this.dragData.ddel</div>
<div class="long">
Called after a repair of an invalid drop. By default, highlights this.dragData.ddel <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragZone" ext:member="#afterRepair" href="output/Ext.dd.DragZone.html#afterRepair">DragZone</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-alignElWithMouse"></a>
<b>alignElWithMouse</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement el</code>, <code>int iPageX</code>, <code>int iPageY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the element to the location of the mousedown or click event,
maintaining the cursor location relative to the loc...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the element to the location of the mousedown or click event,
maintaining the cursor location relative to the location on the element
that was clicked. Override this if you want to place the element in a
location other than where the cursor is. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">the element to move</div></li><li><code>iPageX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X coordinate of the mousedown or drag event</div></li><li><code>iPageY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y coordinate of the mousedown or drag event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#alignElWithMouse" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#alignElWithMouse">DD</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-applyConfig"></a>
<b>applyConfig</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Applies the configuration parameters that were passed into the constructor.
This is supposed to happen at each level ...</div>
<div class="long">
Applies the configuration parameters that were passed into the constructor.
This is supposed to happen at each level through the inheritance chain. So
a DDProxy implentation will execute apply config on DDProxy, DD, and
DragDrop in order to get all of the parameters that are available in
each object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#applyConfig" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#applyConfig">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-autoOffset"></a>
<b>autoOffset</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iPageX</code>, <code>int iPageY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the pointer offset to the distance between the linked element's top
left corner and the location the element was...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the pointer offset to the distance between the linked element's top
left corner and the location the element was clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iPageX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X coordinate of the click</div></li><li><code>iPageY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y coordinate of the click</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#autoOffset" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#autoOffset">DD</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-beforeDragDrop"></a>
<b>beforeDragDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action before the dragged
item is dropped...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action before the dragged
item is dropped onto the target and optionally cancel the onDragDrop. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">isValid True if the drag drop event is valid, else false to cancel</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#beforeDragDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#beforeDragDrop">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-beforeDragEnter"></a>
<b>beforeDragEnter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
before the dragged item enters the...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
before the dragged item enters the drop target and optionally cancel the onDragEnter. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">isValid True if the drag event is valid, else false to cancel</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#beforeDragEnter" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#beforeDragEnter">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-beforeDragOut"></a>
<b>beforeDragOut</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action before the dragged
item is dragged...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action before the dragged
item is dragged out of the target without dropping, and optionally cancel the onDragOut. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">isValid True if the drag event is valid, else false to cancel</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#beforeDragOut" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#beforeDragOut">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-beforeDragOver"></a>
<b>beforeDragOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
while the dragged item is over the...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
while the dragged item is over the drop target and optionally cancel the onDragOver. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">isValid True if the drag event is valid, else false to cancel</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#beforeDragOver" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#beforeDragOver">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-beforeInvalidDrop"></a>
<b>beforeInvalidDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action after an invalid
drop has occurred.</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action after an invalid
drop has occurred. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">isValid True if the invalid drop should proceed, else false to cancel</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#beforeInvalidDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#beforeInvalidDrop">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-cachePosition"></a>
<b>cachePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>iPageX the</code>, <code>iPageY the</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Saves the most recent position so that we can reset the constraints and
tick marks on-demand. We need to know this s...</div>
<div class="long">
Saves the most recent position so that we can reset the constraints and
tick marks on-demand. We need to know this so that we can calculate the
number of pixels the element is offset from its original position. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : iPageX<div class="sub-desc">current x position (optional, this just makes it so we
don't have to look it up again)</div></li><li><code>the</code> : iPageY<div class="sub-desc">current y position (optional, this just makes it so we
don't have to look it up again)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#cachePosition" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#cachePosition">DD</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-clearConstraints"></a>
<b>clearConstraints</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any constraints applied to this instance. Also clears ticks
since they can't exist independent of a constrain...</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any constraints applied to this instance. Also clears ticks
since they can't exist independent of a constraint at this time. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#clearConstraints" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#clearConstraints">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-clearTicks"></a>
<b>clearTicks</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any tick interval defined for this instance</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any tick interval defined for this instance <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#clearTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#clearTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-createFrame"></a>
<b>createFrame</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates the proxy element if it does not yet exist</div>
<div class="long">
Creates the proxy element if it does not yet exist <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDProxy" ext:member="#createFrame" href="output/Ext.dd.DDProxy.html#createFrame">DDProxy</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-endDrag"></a>
<b>endDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fired when we are done dragging the object</div>
<div class="long">
Fired when we are done dragging the object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#endDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#endDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-getDragData"></a>
<b>getDragData</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the data object associated with this drag source</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the data object associated with this drag source <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">data An object containing arbitrary data</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#getDragData" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#getDragData">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-getDragEl"></a>
<b>getDragEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a reference to the actual element to drag. By default this is
the same as the html element, but it can be as...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a reference to the actual element to drag. By default this is
the same as the html element, but it can be assigned to another
element. An example of this can be found in Ext.dd.DDProxy <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">the html element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#getDragEl" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#getDragEl">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a reference to the linked element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a reference to the linked element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">the html element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#getEl">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-getProxy"></a>
<b>getProxy</b>() : Ext.dd.StatusProxy <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the drag source's underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.StatusProxy" href="output/Ext.dd.StatusProxy.html">Ext.dd.StatusProxy</a></div>
<div class="long">
Returns the drag source's underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.StatusProxy" href="output/Ext.dd.StatusProxy.html">Ext.dd.StatusProxy</a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.dd.StatusProxy</code><div class="sub-desc">proxy The StatusProxy</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#getProxy" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#getProxy">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-getRepairXY"></a>
<b>getRepairXY</b>(&nbsp;<code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called before a repair of an invalid drop to get the XY to animate to. By default returns
the XY of this.dragData.ddel</div>
<div class="long">
Called before a repair of an invalid drop to get the XY to animate to. By default returns
the XY of this.dragData.ddel <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The mouse up event</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The xy location (e.g. [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragZone" ext:member="#getRepairXY" href="output/Ext.dd.DragZone.html#getRepairXY">DragZone</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-hideProxy"></a>
<b>hideProxy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides the drag source's <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.StatusProxy" href="output/Ext.dd.StatusProxy.html">Ext.dd.StatusProxy</a></div>
<div class="long">
Hides the drag source's <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.StatusProxy" href="output/Ext.dd.StatusProxy.html">Ext.dd.StatusProxy</a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#hideProxy" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#hideProxy">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-init"></a>
<b>init</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets up the DragDrop object. Must be called in the constructor of any
Ext.dd.DragDrop subclass</div>
<div class="long">
Sets up the DragDrop object. Must be called in the constructor of any
Ext.dd.DragDrop subclass <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the linked element</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related items</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">configuration attributes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#init" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#init">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-initFrame"></a>
<b>initFrame</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initialization for the drag frame element. Must be called in the
constructor of all subclasses</div>
<div class="long">
Initialization for the drag frame element. Must be called in the
constructor of all subclasses <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDProxy" ext:member="#initFrame" href="output/Ext.dd.DDProxy.html#initFrame">DDProxy</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-initTarget"></a>
<b>initTarget</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initializes Targeting functionality only... the object does not
get a mousedown handler.</div>
<div class="long">
Initializes Targeting functionality only... the object does not
get a mousedown handler. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the linked element</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related items</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">configuration attributes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#initTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#initTarget">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-isLocked"></a>
<b>isLocked</b>() : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this instance is locked, or the drag drop mgr is locked
(meaning that all drag/drop is disabled on th...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this instance is locked, or the drag drop mgr is locked
(meaning that all drag/drop is disabled on the page.) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if this obj or all drag/drop is locked, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isLocked" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isLocked">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-isValidHandleChild"></a>
<b>isValidHandleChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement node</code>&nbsp;) : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks the tag exclusion list to see if this click should be ignored</div>
<div class="long">
Checks the tag exclusion list to see if this click should be ignored <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">the HTMLElement to evaluate</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if this is a valid tag type, false if not</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isValidHandleChild" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isValidHandleChild">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-lock"></a>
<b>lock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lock this instance</div>
<div class="long">
Lock this instance <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#lock" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#lock">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-onAvailable"></a>
<b>onAvailable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Override the onAvailable method to do what is needed after the initial
position was determined.</div>
<div class="long">
Override the onAvailable method to do what is needed after the initial
position was determined. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onAvailable" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onAvailable">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-onBeforeDrag"></a>
<b>onBeforeDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object data</code>, <code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action before the initial
drag event begi...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action before the initial
drag event begins and optionally cancel it. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data to be shared with drop targets</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">isValid True if the drag event is valid, else false to cancel</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" ext:member="#onBeforeDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html#onBeforeDrag">DragSource</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-onDrag"></a>
<b>onDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called during the onMouseMove event while dragging an
<div class="long">
Abstract method called during the onMouseMove event while dragging an
object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-onDragDrop"></a>
<b>onDragDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this item is dropped on another DragDrop
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this item is dropped on another DragDrop
obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this was dropped on. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items this
was dropped on.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragDrop">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-onDragEnter"></a>
<b>onDragEnter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this element fist begins hovering over
another DragDrop obj</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this element fist begins hovering over
another DragDrop obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this is hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of one or more
dragdrop items being hovered over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragEnter" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragEnter">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-onDragOut"></a>
<b>onDragOut</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when we are no longer hovering over an element</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when we are no longer hovering over an element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this was hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items
that the mouse is no longer over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragOut" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragOut">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-onDragOver"></a>
<b>onDragOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this element is hovering over another
DragDrop obj</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this element is hovering over another
DragDrop obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this is hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items
being hovered over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragOver" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragOver">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-onInitDrag"></a>
<b>onInitDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called once drag threshold has been reached to initialize the proxy element. By default, it clones the
<div class="long">
Called once drag threshold has been reached to initialize the proxy element. By default, it clones the
this.dragData.ddel <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The x position of the click on the dragged object</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The y position of the click on the dragged object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true to continue the drag, false to cancel</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragZone" ext:member="#onInitDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragZone.html#onInitDrag">DragZone</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-onInvalidDrop"></a>
<b>onInvalidDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this item is dropped on an area with no
drop target</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this item is dropped on an area with no
drop target <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onInvalidDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onInvalidDrop">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-onMouseDown"></a>
<b>onMouseDown</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mousedown</div>
<div class="long">
Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mousedown <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousedown event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onMouseDown" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onMouseDown">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-onMouseUp"></a>
<b>onMouseUp</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mouseup</div>
<div class="long">
Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mouseup <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onMouseUp" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onMouseUp">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-removeFromGroup"></a>
<b>removeFromGroup</b>(&nbsp;<code>string sGroup</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove's this instance from the supplied interaction group</div>
<div class="long">
Remove's this instance from the supplied interaction group <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>sGroup</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The group to drop</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeFromGroup" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeFromGroup">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-removeInvalidHandleClass"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cssClass</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an invalid css class</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an invalid css class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cssClass</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the class of the element(s) you wish to
re-enable</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleClass" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleClass">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-removeInvalidHandleId"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleId</b>(&nbsp;<code>string id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an invalid handle id</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an invalid handle id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element to re-enable</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-removeInvalidHandleType"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleType</b>(&nbsp;<code>string tagName</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an excluded tag name set by addInvalidHandleType</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an excluded tag name set by addInvalidHandleType <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tagName</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the type of element to unexclude</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleType" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleType">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-resetConstraints"></a>
<b>resetConstraints</b>(&nbsp;<code>boolean maintainOffset</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">resetConstraints must be called if you manually reposition a dd element.</div>
<div class="long">
resetConstraints must be called if you manually reposition a dd element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>maintainOffset</code> : boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#resetConstraints" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#resetConstraints">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-setDelta"></a>
<b>setDelta</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iDeltaX</code>, <code>int iDeltaY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the pointer offset. You can call this directly to force the
offset to be in a particular location (e.g., pass i...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the pointer offset. You can call this directly to force the
offset to be in a particular location (e.g., pass in 0,0 to set it
to the center of the object) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iDeltaX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the distance from the left</div></li><li><code>iDeltaY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the distance from the top</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#setDelta" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#setDelta">DD</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-setDragElId"></a>
<b>setDragElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify that an element other than the linked element
will be moved with the cursor during a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify that an element other than the linked element
will be moved with the cursor during a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element that will be used to initiate the drag</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setDragElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setDragElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-setDragElPos"></a>
<b>setDragElPos</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iPageX</code>, <code>int iPageY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the drag element to the location of the mousedown or click event,
maintaining the cursor location relative to th...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the drag element to the location of the mousedown or click event,
maintaining the cursor location relative to the location on the element
that was clicked. Override this if you want to place the element in a
location other than where the cursor is. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iPageX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X coordinate of the mousedown or drag event</div></li><li><code>iPageY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y coordinate of the mousedown or drag event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#setDragElPos" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#setDragElPos">DD</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-setHandleElId"></a>
<b>setHandleElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify a child of the linked element that should be
used to initiate the drag operation. An example o...</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify a child of the linked element that should be
used to initiate the drag operation. An example of this would be if
you have a content div with text and links. Clicking anywhere in the
content area would normally start the drag operation. Use this method
to specify that an element inside of the content div is the element
that starts the drag operation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element that will be used to
initiate the drag.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setHandleElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setHandleElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-setInitialPosition"></a>
<b>setInitialPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>int diffX</code>, <code>int diffY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Stores the initial placement of the linked element.</div>
<div class="long">
Stores the initial placement of the linked element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>diffX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X offset, default 0</div></li><li><code>diffY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y offset, default 0</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setInitialPosition" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setInitialPosition">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-setOuterHandleElId"></a>
<b>setOuterHandleElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to set an element outside of the linked element as a drag
<div class="long">
Allows you to set an element outside of the linked element as a drag
handle <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the element that will be used to initiate the drag</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setOuterHandleElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setOuterHandleElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-setPadding"></a>
<b>setPadding</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iTop</code>, <code>int iRight</code>, <code>int iBot</code>, <code>int iLeft</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Configures the padding for the target zone in px. Effectively expands
(or reduces) the virtual object size for targe...</div>
<div class="long">
Configures the padding for the target zone in px. Effectively expands
(or reduces) the virtual object size for targeting calculations.
Supports css-style shorthand; if only one parameter is passed, all sides
will have that padding, and if only two are passed, the top and bottom
will have the first param, the left and right the second. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iTop</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Top pad</div></li><li><code>iRight</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Right pad</div></li><li><code>iBot</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Bot pad</div></li><li><code>iLeft</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Left pad</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setPadding" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setPadding">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-setXConstraint"></a>
<b>setXConstraint</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iLeft</code>, <code>int iRight</code>, <code>int iTickSize</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Use
this method to limit the horizontal travel of th...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Use
this method to limit the horizontal travel of the element. Pass in
0,0 for the parameters if you want to lock the drag to the y axis. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iLeft</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move to the left</div></li><li><code>iRight</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move to the
right</div></li><li><code>iTickSize</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">optional parameter for specifying that the
should move iTickSize pixels at a time.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setXConstraint" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setXConstraint">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-setYConstraint"></a>
<b>setYConstraint</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iUp</code>, <code>int iDown</code>, <code>int iTickSize</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Set
this to limit the vertical travel of the element...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Set
this to limit the vertical travel of the element. Pass in 0,0 for the
parameters if you want to lock the drag to the x axis. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iUp</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move up</div></li><li><code>iDown</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move down</div></li><li><code>iTickSize</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">optional parameter for specifying that the
element should move iTickSize pixels at a time.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setYConstraint" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setYConstraint">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-startDrag"></a>
<b>startDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>int X</code>, <code>int Y</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called after a drag/drop object is clicked
and the drag or mousedown time thresholds have beeen met.</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called after a drag/drop object is clicked
and the drag or mousedown time thresholds have beeen met. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>X</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">click location</div></li><li><code>Y</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">click location</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#startDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#startDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-toString"></a>
<b>toString</b>() : string <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">toString method</div>
<div class="long">
toString method <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>string</code><div class="sub-desc">string representation of the dd obj</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#toString" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#toString">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-unlock"></a>
<b>unlock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unlock this instace</div>
<div class="long">
Unlock this instace <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#unlock" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#unlock">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-unreg"></a>
<b>unreg</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove all drag and drop hooks for this element</div>
<div class="long">
Remove all drag and drop hooks for this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#unreg" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#unreg">DragDrop</a></td>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeDragZone-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,61
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.AbsoluteLayout-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.AbsoluteLayout-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.AbsoluteLayout-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.AbsoluteLayout-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.layout.AbsoluteLayout"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">ContainerLayout</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.AnchorLayout" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.AnchorLayout.html">AnchorLayout</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>AbsoluteLayout</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.layout.AbsoluteLayout</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.layout</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/layout/AbsoluteLayout.js" target="_blank">AbsoluteLayout.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">AbsoluteLayout</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.AnchorLayout" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.AnchorLayout.html">AnchorLayout</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
<p>Inherits the anchoring of <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.AnchorLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.AnchorLayout.html">Ext.layout.AnchorLayout</a> and adds the ability for x/y positioning using the
standard x and y component config options.</p> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.layout.AbsoluteLayout-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.AbsoluteLayout-extraCls"></a>
<b>extraCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to the container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding custo...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to the container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="#extraCls" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#extraCls">ContainerLayout</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.AbsoluteLayout-renderHidden"></a>
<b>renderHidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide each contained item on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="#renderHidden" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#renderHidden">ContainerLayout</a></td>
<a id="Ext.layout.AbsoluteLayout-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.layout.AbsoluteLayout-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public methods.</div> <a id="Ext.layout.AbsoluteLayout-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,77
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.DragType-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.DragType-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.DragType-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.air.DragType"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.air.DragType</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.air</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/NativeDD.js" target="_blank">NativeDD.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">DragType</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Drag drop type constants<br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.air.DragType-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.DragType-BITMAP"></a>
<b>BITMAP</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Constant for bitmap data </div>
<td class="msource">DragType</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.DragType-FILES"></a>
<b>FILES</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Constant for file list data </div>
<td class="msource">DragType</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.DragType-HTML"></a>
<b>HTML</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Constant for html data </div>
<td class="msource">DragType</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.DragType-TEXT"></a>
<b>TEXT</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Constant for text data </div>
<td class="msource">DragType</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.DragType-URL"></a>
<b>URL</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Constant for url data </div>
<td class="msource">DragType</td>
<a id="Ext.air.DragType-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public methods.</div> <a id="Ext.air.DragType-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,181
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.VTypes-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.VTypes-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.VTypes-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.form.VTypes"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.form.VTypes</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.form</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/form/VTypes.js" target="_blank">VTypes.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">VTypes</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Overridable validation definitions. The validations provided are basic and intended to be easily customizable and extended.<br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.form.VTypes-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.VTypes-alphaMask"></a>
<b>alphaMask</b> : RegExp <div class="mdesc">
The keystroke filter mask to be applied on alpha input </div>
<td class="msource">VTypes</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.VTypes-alphaText"></a>
<b>alphaText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The error text to display when the alpha validation function returns false </div>
<td class="msource">VTypes</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.VTypes-alphanumMask"></a>
<b>alphanumMask</b> : RegExp <div class="mdesc">
The keystroke filter mask to be applied on alphanumeric input </div>
<td class="msource">VTypes</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.VTypes-alphanumText"></a>
<b>alphanumText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The error text to display when the alphanumeric validation function returns false </div>
<td class="msource">VTypes</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.VTypes-emailMask"></a>
<b>emailMask</b> : RegExp <div class="mdesc">
The keystroke filter mask to be applied on email input </div>
<td class="msource">VTypes</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.VTypes-emailText"></a>
<b>emailText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The error text to display when the email validation function returns false </div>
<td class="msource">VTypes</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.VTypes-urlText"></a>
<b>urlText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The error text to display when the url validation function returns false </div>
<td class="msource">VTypes</td>
<a id="Ext.form.VTypes-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.VTypes-alpha"></a>
<b>alpha</b>(&nbsp;<code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function used to validate alpha values</div>
<div class="long">
The function used to validate alpha values <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The value</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">VTypes</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.VTypes-alphanum"></a>
<b>alphanum</b>(&nbsp;<code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function used to validate alphanumeric values</div>
<div class="long">
The function used to validate alphanumeric values <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The value</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">VTypes</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.VTypes-email"></a>
<b>email</b>(&nbsp;<code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function used to validate email addresses</div>
<div class="long">
The function used to validate email addresses <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The email address</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">VTypes</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.VTypes-url"></a>
<b>url</b>(&nbsp;<code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function used to validate URLs</div>
<div class="long">
The function used to validate URLs <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The URL</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">VTypes</td>
<a id="Ext.form.VTypes-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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0,0 → 1,3130
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Tip-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Tip-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Tip-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Tip-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Tip"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Container</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Panel</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Tip</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.Tip</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/tips/Tip.js" target="_blank">Tip.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Tip</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.ToolTip" href="output/Ext.ToolTip.html">ToolTip</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Panel</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
This is the base class for <a ext:cls="Ext.QuickTip" href="output/Ext.QuickTip.html">Ext.QuickTip</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.Tooltip" href="output/Ext.Tooltip.html">Ext.Tooltip</a> that provides the basic layout and
positioning that all tip-based classes require. This class can be used directly for simple, statically-positioned
tips that are displayed programmatically, or it can be extended to provide custom tip implementations. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Tip-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-activeItem"></a>
<b>activeItem</b> : String/Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be initially activated within the container's...</div>
<div class="long">
A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be initially activated within the container's layout on render. For example, activeItem: 'item-1' or activeItem: 0 (index 0 = the first item in the container's collection). activeItem only applies to layout styles that can display items one at a time (like <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Ext.layout.Accordion</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">Ext.layout.FitLayout</a>). Related to <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="activeItem" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#activeItem">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.activeItem</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#activeItem" href="output/Ext.Container.html#activeItem">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-animCollapse"></a>
<b>animCollapse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the Ext....</div>
<div class="long">
True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the <a ext:cls="Ext.Fx" href="output/Ext.Fx.html">Ext.Fx</a> class is available, otherwise false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-autoDestroy"></a>
<b>autoDestroy</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else destruction mu...</div>
<div class="long">
If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else destruction must be handled manually (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#autoDestroy" href="output/Ext.Container.html#autoDestroy">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-autoHeight"></a>
<b>autoHeight</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a height of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-autoLoad"></a>
<b>autoLoad</b> : Object/String/Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A valid url spec according to the Updater Ext.Updater.update method. If autoLoad is not null, the panel will attempt ...</div>
<div class="long">
A valid url spec according to the Updater <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" ext:member="update" href="output/Ext.Updater.html#update">Ext.Updater.update</a> method. If autoLoad is not null, the panel will attempt to load its contents immediately upon render.<p> The URL will become the default URL for this panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="body" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#body">body</a> element, so it may be <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="refresh" href="output/Ext.Element.html#refresh">refresh</a>ed at any time.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#autoLoad" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#autoLoad">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-autoScroll"></a>
<b>autoScroll</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use overflow:'auto' on the panel's body element and show scroll bars automatically when necessary, false to c...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use overflow:'auto' on the panel's body element and show scroll bars automatically when necessary, false to clip any overflowing content (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#autoScroll" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#autoScroll">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-autoWidth"></a>
<b>autoWidth</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not al...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a width of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-baseCls"></a>
<b>baseCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The base CSS class to apply to this panel's element (defaults to 'x-panel'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#baseCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#baseCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-bbar"></a>
<b>bbar</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The bottom toolbar of the panel. This can be a Ext.Toolbar object, a toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button co...</div>
<div class="long">
The bottom toolbar of the panel. This can be a <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Ext.Toolbar</a> object, a toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render. To access the bottom toolbar after render, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getBottomToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getBottomToolbar">getBottomToolbar</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-bodyBorder"></a>
<b>bodyBorder</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display an interior border on the body element of the panel, false to hide it (defaults to true). This only a...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display an interior border on the body element of the panel, false to hide it (defaults to true). This only applies when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="border" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#border">border</a> == true. If border == true and bodyBorder == false, the border will display as a 1px wide inset border, giving the entire body element an inset appearance. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bodyBorder" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyBorder">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-bodyStyle"></a>
<b>bodyStyle</b> : String/Object/Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Custom CSS styles to be applied to the body element in the format expected by Ext.Element.applyStyles (defaults to nu...</div>
<div class="long">
Custom CSS styles to be applied to the body element in the format expected by <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a> (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bodyStyle" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyStyle">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-border"></a>
<b>border</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). By default, the borde...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). By default, the border is a 2px wide inset border, but this can be further altered by setting <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="bodyBorder" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyBorder">bodyBorder</a> to false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#border" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#border">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-bufferResize"></a>
<b>bufferResize</b> : Boolean/Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">When set to true (100 milliseconds) or a number of milliseconds, the layout assigned for this container will buffer t...</div>
<div class="long">
When set to true (100 milliseconds) or a number of milliseconds, the layout assigned for this container will buffer the frequency it calculates and does a re-layout of components. This is useful for heavy containers or containers with a large amount of sub components that frequent calls to layout are expensive. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#bufferResize" href="output/Ext.Container.html#bufferResize">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-buttonAlign"></a>
<b>buttonAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The alignment of any buttons added to this panel. Valid values are 'right,' 'left' and 'center' (defaults to 'right'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttonAlign" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttonAlign">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-buttons"></a>
<b>buttons</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
An array of <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> <b>configs</b> used to add buttons to the footer of this panel. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-closable"></a>
<b>closable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render a close tool button into the tooltip header (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">Tip</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-collapseFirst"></a>
<b>collapseFirst</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the pane...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the panel's title bar, false to render it last (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapseFirst" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapseFirst">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-collapsed"></a>
<b>collapsed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render the panel collapsed, false to render it expanded (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsed" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsed">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-collapsedCls"></a>
<b>collapsedCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class to add to the panel's element after it has been collapsed (defaults to 'x-panel-collapsed'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsedCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsedCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-collapsible"></a>
<b>collapsible</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header tool button area, false to keep the panel statically sized with no button (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-contentEl"></a>
<b>contentEl</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The id of an existing HTML node to use as the panel's body content (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#contentEl" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#contentEl">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-defaultAlign"></a>
<b>defaultAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Experimental. The default Ext.Element.alignTo anchor position value for this tip relative to its element of origin (d...</div>
<div class="long">
<b>Experimental</b>. The default <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a> anchor position value for this tip relative to its element of origin (defaults to "tl-bl?"). </div>
<td class="msource">Tip</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-defaultType"></a>
<b>defaultType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default type of container represented by this object as registered in <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a> (defaults to 'panel'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#defaultType" href="output/Ext.Container.html#defaultType">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-defaults"></a>
<b>defaults</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object that will be applied to all components added to this container either via the items config or via the...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object that will be applied to all components added to this container either via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">items</a> config or via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#add">add</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="insert" href="output/Ext.Container.html#insert">insert</a> methods. The defaults config can contain any number of name/value property pairs to be added to each item, and should be valid for the types of items being added to the container. For example, to automatically apply padding to the body of each of a set of contained <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Ext.Panel</a> items, you could pass: defaults: {bodyStyle:'padding:15px'}. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#defaults" href="output/Ext.Container.html#defaults">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-draggable"></a>
<b>draggable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false). For custom drag/drop implementations, an Ext.Panel.DD conf...</div>
<div class="long">
True to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false). For custom drag/drop implementations, an Ext.Panel.DD config could also be passed in this config instead of true, although Ext.Panel.DD is an internal, undocumented class. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#draggable" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#draggable">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-elements"></a>
<b>elements</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A comma-delimited list of panel elements to initialize when the panel is rendered. Normally, this list will be genera...</div>
<div class="long">
A comma-delimited list of panel elements to initialize when the panel is rendered. Normally, this list will be generated automatically based on the items added to the panel at config time, but sometimes it might be useful to make sure a structural element is rendered even if not specified at config time (for example, you may want to add a button or toolbar dynamically after the panel has been rendered). Adding those elements to this list will allocate the required placeholders in the panel when it is rendered. Valid values are<ul> <li><b>header</b></li> <li><b>tbar</b> (top bar)</li> <li><b>body</b></li> <li><b>bbar</b> (bottom bar)</li> <li><b>footer</b><li> </ul> Defaults to 'body'. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#elements" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#elements">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-floating"></a>
<b>floating</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to float the panel (absolute position it with automatic shimming and shadow), false to display it inline where i...</div>
<div class="long">
True to float the panel (absolute position it with automatic shimming and shadow), false to display it inline where it is rendered (defaults to false). Note that by default, setting floating to true will cause the panel to display at negative offsets so that it is hidden -- because the panel is absolute positioned, the position must be set explicitly after render (e.g., myPanel.setPosition(100,100);). Also, when floating a panel you should always assign a fixed width, otherwise it will be auto width and will expand to fill to the right edge of the viewport. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#floating" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#floating">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-footer"></a>
<b>footer</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to create the footer element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when footer is not specified, if...</div>
<div class="long">
True to create the footer element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when footer is not specified, if one or more buttons have been added to the panel the footer will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#footer" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#footer">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-frame"></a>
<b>frame</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render the panel with custom rounded borders, false to render with plain 1px square borders (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#frame" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#frame">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to create the header element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when header is not specified, if...</div>
<div class="long">
True to create the header element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when header is not specified, if a <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">title</a> is set the header will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. If a title is set but header is explicitly set to false, the header will not be rendered. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-headerAsText"></a>
<b>headerAsText</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to display the panel title in the header, false to hide it (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#headerAsText" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#headerAsText">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-hideBorders"></a>
<b>hideBorders</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide the borders of each contained component, false to defer to the component's existing border settings (def...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide the borders of each contained component, false to defer to the component's existing border settings (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#hideBorders" href="output/Ext.Container.html#hideBorders">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-hideCollapseTool"></a>
<b>hideCollapseTool</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the expand/collapse toggle button when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> = true, false to display it (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#hideCollapseTool" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#hideCollapseTool">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-html"></a>
<b>html</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
An HTML fragment, or a <a ext:cls="Ext.DomHelper" href="output/Ext.DomHelper.html">DomHelper</a> specification to use as the panel's body content (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#html" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#html">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-iconCls"></a>
<b>iconCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class that will provide a background image to be used as the panel header icon (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#iconCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#iconCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-items"></a>
<b>items</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container. Each item can be any type of object bas...</div>
<div class="long">
A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container. Each item can be any type of object based on <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.<br><br> Component config objects may also be specified in order to avoid the overhead of constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the added Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of this "lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config property to the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br> For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>. If a single item is being passed, it should be passed directly as an object reference (e.g., items: {...}). Multiple items should be passed as an array of objects (e.g., items: [{...}, {...}]). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-keys"></a>
<b>keys</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by Ext.KeyMap.addBinding used to assign custom key handling to this pa...</div>
<div class="long">
A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by <a ext:cls="Ext.KeyMap" ext:member="addBinding" href="output/Ext.KeyMap.html#addBinding">Ext.KeyMap.addBinding</a> used to assign custom key handling to this panel (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#keys" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#keys">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-layout"></a>
<b>layout</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The layout type to be used in this container. If not specified, a default Ext.layout.ContainerLayout will be created ...</div>
<div class="long">
The layout type to be used in this container. If not specified, a default <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout</a> will be created and used. Valid values are: accordion, anchor, border, card, column, fit, form and table. Specific config values for the chosen layout type can be specified using <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layoutConfig" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layoutConfig">layoutConfig</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-layoutConfig"></a>
<b>layoutConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen layout (to be used in conjunction with the layou...</div>
<div class="long">
This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen layout (to be used in conjunction with the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">layout</a> config value). For complete details regarding the valid config options for each layout type, see the layout class corresponding to the type specified:<ul class="mdetail-params"> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Ext.layout.Accordion</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.AnchorLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.AnchorLayout.html">Ext.layout.AnchorLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.html">Ext.layout.BorderLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ColumnLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ColumnLayout.html">Ext.layout.ColumnLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">Ext.layout.FitLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html">Ext.layout.FormLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.TableLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.TableLayout.html">Ext.layout.TableLayout</a></li></ul> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#layoutConfig" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layoutConfig">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-maskDisabled"></a>
<b>maskDisabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will alway...</div>
<div class="long">
True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will always tell its contained elements to disable themselves when it is disabled, but masking the panel can provide an additional visual cue that the panel is disabled. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#maskDisabled" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#maskDisabled">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-maxWidth"></a>
<b>maxWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The maximum width of the tip in pixels (defaults to 300). The maximum supported value is 500. </div>
<td class="msource">Tip</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-minButtonWidth"></a>
<b>minButtonWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Minimum width in pixels of all buttons in this panel (defaults to 75) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#minButtonWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#minButtonWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-minWidth"></a>
<b>minWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width of the tip in pixels (defaults to 40). </div>
<td class="msource">Tip</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-monitorResize"></a>
<b>monitorResize</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to automatically monitor window resize events to handle anything that is sensitive to the current size of the vi...</div>
<div class="long">
True to automatically monitor window resize events to handle anything that is sensitive to the current size of the viewport. This value is typically managed by the chosen <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">layout</a> and should not need to be set manually. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#monitorResize" href="output/Ext.Container.html#monitorResize">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-shadow"></a>
<b>shadow</b> : Boolean/String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True or "sides" for the default effect, "frame" for 4-way shadow, and "drop" for bottom-right shadow (defaults to "si...</div>
<div class="long">
True or "sides" for the default effect, "frame" for 4-way shadow, and "drop" for bottom-right shadow (defaults to "sides"). </div>
<td class="msource">Tip</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-shadowOffset"></a>
<b>shadowOffset</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). Note that this option only applies when float...</div>
<div class="long">
The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shadowOffset" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shadowOffset">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-shim"></a>
<b>shim</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true). Note that this option only applies wh...</div>
<div class="long">
False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shim" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shim">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-tabTip"></a>
<b>tabTip</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must be called in order for the tips to render. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tabTip" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tabTip">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-tbar"></a>
<b>tbar</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The top toolbar of the panel. This can be either an Ext.Toolbar object or an array of buttons/button configs to be ad...</div>
<div class="long">
The top toolbar of the panel. This can be either an <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Ext.Toolbar</a> object or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render. To access the top toolbar after render, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getTopToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getTopToolbar">getTopToolbar</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-title"></a>
<b>title</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will aut...</div>
<div class="long">
The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will automatically be created and displayed unless <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">header</a> is explicitly set to false. If you don't want to specify a title at config time, but you may want one later, you must either specify a non-empty title (a blank space ' ' will do) or header:true so that the container element will get created. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-titleCollapse"></a>
<b>titleCollapse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when collapsible = true) by clicking anywhere in the header bar, fa...</div>
<div class="long">
True to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> = true) by clicking anywhere in the header bar, false to allow it only by clicking to tool button (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#titleCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#titleCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-tools"></a>
<b>tools</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of tool button configs to be added to the header tool area. Each tool config may contain the following prope...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of tool button configs to be added to the header tool area. Each tool config may contain the following properties: <div class="mdetail-params"><ul> <li><b>id</b> : String<p class="sub-desc"><b>Required.</b> The type of tool to create. Values may be<ul> <li><tt>toggle</tt> (Created by default when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> is <tt>true</tt>)</li> <li><tt>close</tt></li> <li><tt>minimize</tt></li> <li><tt>maximize</tt></li> <li><tt>restore</tt></li> <li><tt>gear</tt></li> <li><tt>pin</tt></li> <li><tt>unpin</tt></li> <li><tt>right</tt></li> <li><tt>left</tt></li> <li><tt>up</tt></li> <li><tt>down</tt></li> <li><tt>refresh</tt></li> <li><tt>minus</tt></li> <li><tt>plus</tt></li> <li><tt>help</tt></li> <li><tt>search</tt></li> <li><tt>save</tt></li> <li><tt>print</tt></li> </ul></div></p></li> <li><b>handler</b> : Function<p class="sub-desc"><b>Required.</b> The function to call when clicked. Arguments passed are:<ul> <li><b>event</b> : Ext.EventObject<p class="sub-desc">The click event.</p></li> <li><b>toolEl</b> : Ext.Element<p class="sub-desc">The tool Element.</p></li> <li><b>Panel</b> : Ext.Panel<p class="sub-desc">The host Panel</p></li> </ul></p></li> <li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to call the handler.</p></li> <li><b>qtip</b> : String/Object<p class="sub-desc">A tip string, or a config argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.QuickTip" ext:member="register" href="output/Ext.QuickTip.html#register">Ext.QuickTip.register</a></p></li> <li><b>hidden</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to initially render hidden.</p></li> <li><b>on</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">A listener config object specifiying event listeners in the format of an argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#addListener">addListener</a></p></li> </ul> Example usage: <pre><code>tools:[{
<i>// hidden:true,</i>
handler: <b>function</b>(event, toolEl, panel){
<i>// refresh logic</i>
}]</code></pre> Note that apart from the toggle tool which is provided when a panel is collapsible, these tools only provide the visual button. Any required functionality must be provided by adding handlers that implement the necessary behavior. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tools" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tools">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Width in pixels of the tip (defaults to auto). Width will be ignored if it exceeds the bounds of minWidth or maxWidth...</div>
<div class="long">
Width in pixels of the tip (defaults to auto). Width will be ignored if it exceeds the bounds of <a ext:cls="Ext.Tip" ext:member="minWidth" href="output/Ext.Tip.html#minWidth">minWidth</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Tip" ext:member="maxWidth" href="output/Ext.Tip.html#maxWidth">maxWidth</a>. The maximum supported value is 500. </div>
<td class="msource">Tip</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Tip-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-body"></a>
<b>body</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
The Panel's body Element which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the html config,...</div>
<div class="long">
The Panel's body <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a> which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="html" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#html">html</a> config, or it may be loaded using the
<a ext:cls="autoLoad" href="output/autoLoad.html">autoLoad</a> config, or through the Panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getUpdater" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getUpdater">Updater</a>. Read-only.
<p>If this is used to load visible HTML elements in either way, then
the Panel may not be used as a Layout for hosting nested Panels.</p>
<p>If this Panel is intended to be used as the host of a Layout (See <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#layout">layout</a>
then the body Element must not be loaded or changed - it is under the control
of the Panel's Layout. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#body" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#body">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-buttons"></a>
<b>buttons</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
This Panel's Array of buttons as created from the <tt>buttons</tt>
config property. Read only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-footer"></a>
<b>footer</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
The Panel's footer <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a>. Read-only.
<p>This Element is used to house the Panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">buttons</a>.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#footer" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#footer">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
The Panel's header <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a>. Read-only.
<p>This Element is used to house the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">title</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="tools" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tools">tools</a></p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-items"></a>
<b>items</b> : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
The collection of components in this container as a <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html">Ext.util.MixedCollection</a> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">Container</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Tip-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-Tip"></a>
<b>Tip</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new Tip</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new Tip <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Tip</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-add"></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component/Object component</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a component to this container. Fires the beforeadd event before adding,
then fires the add event after the compo...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a component to this container. Fires the beforeadd event before adding,
then fires the add event after the component has been added. If the container is
already rendered when add is called, you may need to call <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="doLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#doLayout">doLayout</a> to refresh
the view. This is required so that you can add multiple child components if needed
while only refreshing the layout once. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component/Object<div class="sub-desc">The component to add.<br><br>
Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the added Component should
it become necessary.<br><br>
A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of
constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
added Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of this
"lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config property to
the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br>
For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">component The Component (or config object) that was added with the Container's default config values applied.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#add">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-addButton"></a>
<b>addButton</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object config</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Button <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to ...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to add buttons via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">buttons</a> config. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">A valid <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> config. A string will become the text for a default
button config, an object will be treated as a button config object.</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called on button <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="click" href="output/Ext.Button.html#click"></a></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope to use for the button handler function</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Button</code><div class="sub-desc">The button that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#addButton" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#addButton">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-bubble"></a>
<b>bubble</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (this) of...</div>
<div class="long">
Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the bubble is stopped. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#bubble" href="output/Ext.Container.html#bubble">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-cascade"></a>
<b>cascade</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function wi...</div>
<div class="long">
Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function with
each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the cascade is stopped on that branch. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current component)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (defaults to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#cascade" href="output/Ext.Container.html#cascade">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the beforecollapse event which will
cancel the collapse ac...</div>
<div class="long">
Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforecollapse">beforecollapse</a> event which will
cancel the collapse action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-doLayout"></a>
<b>doLayout</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force this container's layout to be recalculated. A call to this function is required after adding a new component
<div class="long">
Force this container's layout to be recalculated. A call to this function is required after adding a new component
to an already rendered container, or possibly after changing sizing/position properties of child components. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to only calc the layout of this component, and let child components auto
calc layouts as required (defaults to false, which calls doLayout recursively for each subcontainer)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#doLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#doLayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the beforeexpand event which will
cancel the expand action ...</div>
<div class="long">
Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforeexpand">beforeexpand</a> event which will
cancel the expand action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-find"></a>
<b>find</b>(&nbsp;<code>String prop</code>, <code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by property</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by property <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>prop</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#find" href="output/Ext.Container.html#find">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-findBy"></a>
<b>findBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the com...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the component will be included in the results. The passed function is called with the arguments (component, this container). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findBy" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findBy">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-findById"></a>
<b>findById</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by id</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findById" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findById">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-findByType"></a>
<b>findByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findByType" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findByType">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-getBottomToolbar"></a>
<b>getBottomToolbar</b>() : Ext.Toolbar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar</code><div class="sub-desc">The toolbar</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getBottomToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getBottomToolbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-getComponent"></a>
<b>getComponent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Number id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets a direct child Component by id, or by index.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets a direct child Component by id, or by index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">or index of child Component to return.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#getComponent" href="output/Ext.Container.html#getComponent">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-getFrameHeight"></a>
<b>getFrameHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and ...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and footer elements, but not including the body height). To retrieve the body height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerHeight">getInnerHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getFrameHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameHeight">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-getFrameWidth"></a>
<b>getFrameWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the bo...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the body width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerWidth">getInnerWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-getInnerHeight"></a>
<b>getInnerHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame he...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameHeight">getFrameHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getInnerHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerHeight">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-getInnerWidth"></a>
<b>getInnerWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame widt...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameWidth">getFrameWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getInnerWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-getLayout"></a>
<b>getLayout</b>() : ContainerLayout <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the layout currently in use by the container. If the container does not currently have a layout
set, a defau...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the layout currently in use by the container. If the container does not currently have a layout
set, a default <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout</a> will be created and set as the container's layout. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>ContainerLayout</code><div class="sub-desc">layout The container's layout</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#getLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#getLayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-getTopToolbar"></a>
<b>getTopToolbar</b>() : Ext.Toolbar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar</code><div class="sub-desc">The toolbar</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getTopToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getTopToolbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-getUpdater"></a>
<b>getUpdater</b>() : Ext.Updater <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" href="output/Ext.Updater.html">Ext.Updater</a> for this panel. Enables you to perform Ajax updates of this panel's body.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" href="output/Ext.Updater.html">Ext.Updater</a> for this panel. Enables you to perform Ajax updates of this panel's body. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Updater</code><div class="sub-desc">The Updater</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getUpdater" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getUpdater">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-insert"></a>
<b>insert</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the
beforeadd event before inserting, then fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the
beforeadd event before inserting, then fires the add event after the
Component has been inserted. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the Component will be inserted
into the Container's items collection</div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The child Component to insert.<br><br>
Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the inserted Component should
it become necessary.<br><br>
A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of
constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
inserted Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of
this "lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config
property to the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br>
For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">component The Component (or config object) that was inserted with the Container's default config values applied.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#insert" href="output/Ext.Container.html#insert">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-load"></a>
<b>load</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object/String/Function config</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Loads this content panel immediately with content returned from an XHR call.</div>
<div class="long">
Loads this content panel immediately with content returned from an XHR call. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object/String/Function<div class="sub-desc">A config object containing any of the following options:
url: <em>"your-url.php"</em>,
params: {param1: <em>"foo"</em>, param2: <em>"bar"</em>}, <i>// or a URL encoded string</i>
callback: yourFunction,
scope: yourObject, <i>// optional scope <b>for</b> the callback</i>
discardUrl: false,
nocache: false,
text: <em>"Loading..."</em>,
timeout: 30,
scripts: false
The only required property is url. The optional properties nocache, text and scripts
are shorthand for disableCaching, indicatorText and loadScripts and are used to set their
associated property on this panel Updater instance.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#load" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#load">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b>(&nbsp;<code>Component/String component</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean autoDestroy</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a component from this container. Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires
the remove event a...</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a component from this container. Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires
the remove event after the component has been removed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>component</code> : Component/String<div class="sub-desc">The component reference or id to remove</div></li><li><code>autoDestroy</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to automatically invoke the component's <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Ext.Component.destroy</a> function</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#remove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#remove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-setIconClass"></a>
<b>setIconClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. This method will replace any existing
icon class if ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. This method will replace any existing
icon class if one has already been set. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new CSS class name</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#setIconClass" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#setIconClass">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-setTitle"></a>
<b>setTitle</b>(&nbsp;<code>String title</code>, <code>String (optional)</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>title</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The title text to set</div></li><li><code>(optional)</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">iconCls A custon, user-defined CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#setTitle" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#setTitle">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-showAt"></a>
<b>showAt</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array xy</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shows this tip at the specified XY position. Example usage:
<pre><code><i>// Show the tip at x:50 and y:100</i>
<div class="long">
Shows this tip at the specified XY position. Example usage:
<pre><code><i>// Show the tip at x:50 and y:100</i>
tip.showAt([50,100]);</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xy</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">An array containing the x and y coordinates</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Tip</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-showBy"></a>
<b>showBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Experimental. Shows this tip at a position relative to another element using a standard Ext.Element.alignTo
anchor po...</div>
<div class="long">
<b>Experimental</b>. Shows this tip at a position relative to another element using a standard <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a>
anchor position value. Example usage:
<pre><code><i>// Show the tip at the <b>default</b> position (<em>'tl-br?'</em>)</i>
<i>// Show the tip<em>'s top-left corner anchored to the element'</em>s top-right corner</i>
tip.showBy(<em>'my-el'</em>, <em>'tl-tr'</em>);</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">An HTMLElement, Ext.Element or string id of the target element to align to</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) A valid <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a> anchor position (defaults to 'tl-br?' or
<a ext:cls="Ext.Tip" ext:member="defaultAlign" href="output/Ext.Tip.html#defaultAlign">defaultAlign</a> if specified).</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Tip</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-toggleCollapse"></a>
<b>toggleCollapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#toggleCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#toggleCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Tip-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-activate"></a>
<b>activate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been visually activated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being activated, but some...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been visually activated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being activated, but some Panel subclasses
do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel fire the
activate and deactivate events under the control of the TabPanel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been activated.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-activate" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-activate">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-add"></a>
<b>add</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component was added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-add">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-afterlayout"></a>
<b>afterlayout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>ContainerLayout layout</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>layout</code> : ContainerLayout<div class="sub-desc">The ContainerLayout implementation for this container</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-afterlayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-afterlayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-beforeadd"></a>
<b>beforeadd</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component will be added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeadd" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeadd">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-beforeclose"></a>
<b>beforeclose</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses d...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). This event only applies to such subclasses.
A handler can return false to cancel the close. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel being closed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforeclose" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforeclose">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-beforecollapse"></a>
<b>beforecollapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel being collapsed.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the collapse is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforecollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-beforeexpand"></a>
<b>beforeexpand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel being expanded.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the expand is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforeexpand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-beforeremove"></a>
<b>beforeremove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeremove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeremove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-bodyresize"></a>
<b>bodyresize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel which has been resized.</div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The Panel's new width.</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The Panel's new height.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-bodyresize" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-bodyresize">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-close"></a>
<b>close</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been closed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-close" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-close">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been collapsed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been collapsed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel that has been collapsed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-collapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-deactivate"></a>
<b>deactivate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been visually deactivated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being deactivated, but ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been visually deactivated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being deactivated, but some Panel subclasses
do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel fire the
activate and deactivate events under the control of the TabPanel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been deactivated.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-deactivate" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-deactivate">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been expanded.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been expanded. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been expanded.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-expand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-remove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-remove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Tip-titlechange"></a>
<b>titlechange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>String The</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel which has had its title changed.</div></li><li><code>The</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">new title.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-titlechange" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-titlechange">Panel</a></td>
New file
0,0 → 1,193
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Action.Load-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Action.Load-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Action.Load-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Action.Load-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.form.Action.Load"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html">Action</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Action.Load</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.form.Action.Load</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.form</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/form/Action.js" target="_blank">Action.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Action.Load</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html">Action</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A class which handles loading of data from a server into the Fields of
an <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html">Ext.form.BasicForm</a>.
Instances of this class are only created by a <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html">Form</a> when
A response packet <b>must</b> contain a boolean <tt style="font-weight:bold">success</tt> property, and
a <tt style="font-weight:bold">data</tt> property. The <tt style="font-weight:bold">data</tt> property contains the
values of Fields to load. The individual value object for each Field
is passed to the Field's <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a> method.
By default, response packets are assumed to be JSON, so a typical response
packet may look like this:
success: true,
data: {
clientName: <em>"Fred. Olsen Lines"</em>,
portOfLoading: <em>"FXT"</em>,
portOfDischarge: <em>"OSL"</em>
Other data may be placed into the response for processing the the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html">Form</a>'s callback
or event handler methods. The object decoded from this JSON is available in the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action.Load" ext:member="result" href="output/Ext.form.Action.Load.html#result">result</a> property. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Load-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Load-failure"></a>
<b>failure</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function to call when a failure packet was recieved, or when an error ocurred in the Ajax communication. The func...</div>
<div class="long">
The function to call when a failure packet was recieved, or when an error ocurred in the Ajax communication. The function is passed the following parameters:<ul class="mdetail-params"> <li><b>form</b> : Ext.form.BasicForm<div class="sub-desc">The form that requested the action</div></li> <li><b>action</b> : Ext.form.Action<div class="sub-desc">The Action class. If an Ajax error ocurred, the failure type will be in <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="failureType" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#failureType">failureType</a>. The <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="result" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#result">result</a> property of this object may be examined to perform custom postprocessing.</div></li> </ul> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#failure" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#failure">Action</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Load-method"></a>
<b>method</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The HTTP method to use to access the requested URL. Defaults to the Ext.form.BasicForm's method, or if that is not sp...</div>
<div class="long">
The HTTP method to use to access the requested URL. Defaults to the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html">Ext.form.BasicForm</a>'s method, or if that is not specified, the underlying DOM form's method. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#method" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#method">Action</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Load-params"></a>
<b>params</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Extra parameter values to pass. These are added to the Form's Ext.form.BasicForm.baseParams and passed to the specifi...</div>
<div class="long">
Extra parameter values to pass. These are added to the Form's <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" ext:member="baseParams" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html#baseParams">Ext.form.BasicForm.baseParams</a> and passed to the specified URL along with the Form's input fields. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#params" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#params">Action</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Load-scope"></a>
<b>scope</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The scope in which to call the callback functions (The <tt>this</tt> reference for the callback functions). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#scope" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#scope">Action</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Load-success"></a>
<b>success</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function to call when a valid success return packet is recieved. The function is passed the following parameters:...</div>
<div class="long">
The function to call when a valid success return packet is recieved. The function is passed the following parameters:<ul class="mdetail-params"> <li><b>form</b> : Ext.form.BasicForm<div class="sub-desc">The form that requested the action</div></li> <li><b>action</b> : Ext.form.Action<div class="sub-desc">The Action class. The <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="result" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#result">result</a> property of this object may be examined to perform custom postprocessing.</div></li> </ul> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#success" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#success">Action</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Load-url"></a>
<b>url</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The URL that the Action is to invoke. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#url" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#url">Action</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Load-waitMsg"></a>
<b>waitMsg</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The message to be displayed by a call to <a ext:cls="Ext.MessageBox" ext:member="wait" href="output/Ext.MessageBox.html#wait">Ext.MessageBox.wait</a> during the time the action is being processed. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#waitMsg" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#waitMsg">Action</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Load-waitTitle"></a>
<b>waitTitle</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The title to be displayed by a call to <a ext:cls="Ext.MessageBox" ext:member="wait" href="output/Ext.MessageBox.html#wait">Ext.MessageBox.wait</a> during the time the action is being processed. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#waitTitle" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#waitTitle">Action</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Load-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Load-failureType"></a>
<b>failureType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type of failure detected. See <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="Ext.form.Action.CLIENT_INVALID" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#Ext.form.Action.CLIENT_INVALID">CLIENT_INVALID</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="Ext.form.Action.SERVER_INVALID" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#Ext.form.Action.SERVER_INVALID">SERVER_INVALID</a>,
<a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="Ext.form.Action.CONNECT_FAILURE" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#Ext.form.Action.CONNECT_FAILURE">CONNECT_FAILURE</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="Ext.form.Action.LOAD_FAILURE" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#Ext.form.Action.LOAD_FAILURE">LOAD_FAILURE</a> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#failureType" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#failureType">Action</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Load-response"></a>
<b>response</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The XMLHttpRequest object used to perform the action. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#response" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#response">Action</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Load-result"></a>
<b>result</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The decoded response object containing a boolean <tt style="font-weight:bold">success</tt> property and
other, action-specific properties. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#result" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#result">Action</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Load-type"></a>
<b>type</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type of action this Action instance performs.
Currently only "submit" and "load" are supported. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="#type" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#type">Action</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.Action.Load-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public methods.</div> <a id="Ext.form.Action.Load-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.NumberField-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.NumberField-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.NumberField-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.NumberField-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.form.NumberField"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html">Field</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html">TextField</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>NumberField</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.form.NumberField</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.form</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/form/NumberField.js" target="_blank">NumberField.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">NumberField</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html">TextField</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Numeric text field that provides automatic keystroke filtering and numeric validation. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-allowBlank"></a>
<b>allowBlank</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to validate that the value length > 0 (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#allowBlank" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#allowBlank">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-allowDecimals"></a>
<b>allowDecimals</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to disallow decimal values (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">NumberField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-allowNegative"></a>
<b>allowNegative</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to prevent entering a negative sign (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">NumberField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-autoCreate"></a>
<b>autoCreate</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "20", au...</div>
<div class="long">
A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "20", autocomplete: "off"}) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#autoCreate" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#autoCreate">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-baseChars"></a>
<b>baseChars</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The base set of characters to evaluate as valid numbers (defaults to '0123456789'). </div>
<td class="msource">NumberField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-blankText"></a>
<b>blankText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Error text to display if the allow blank validation fails (defaults to "This field is required") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#blankText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#blankText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-clearCls"></a>
<b>clearCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class used to provide field clearing (defaults to 'x-form-clear-left') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#clearCls" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#clearCls">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-decimalPrecision"></a>
<b>decimalPrecision</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The maximum precision to display after the decimal separator (defaults to 2) </div>
<td class="msource">NumberField</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-decimalSeparator"></a>
<b>decimalSeparator</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Character(s) to allow as the decimal separator (defaults to '.') </div>
<td class="msource">NumberField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-disableKeyFilter"></a>
<b>disableKeyFilter</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable input keystroke filtering (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#disableKeyFilter" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#disableKeyFilter">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable the field (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#disabled">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-emptyClass"></a>
<b>emptyClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The CSS class to apply to an empty field to style the emptyText (defaults to 'x-form-empty-field'). This class is aut...</div>
<div class="long">
The CSS class to apply to an empty field to style the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="emptyText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#emptyText">emptyText</a> (defaults to 'x-form-empty-field'). This class is automatically added and removed as needed depending on the current field value. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#emptyClass" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#emptyClass">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-emptyText"></a>
<b>emptyText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default text to display in an empty field (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#emptyText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#emptyText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-fieldClass"></a>
<b>fieldClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default CSS class for the field (defaults to "x-form-field x-form-num-field") </div>
<td class="msource">NumberField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-fieldLabel"></a>
<b>fieldLabel</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The label text to display next to this field (defaults to '') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#fieldLabel" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#fieldLabel">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-focusClass"></a>
<b>focusClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when the field receives focus (defaults to "x-form-focus") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#focusClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#focusClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-grow"></a>
<b>grow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this field should automatically grow and shrink to its content </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#grow" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#grow">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-growMax"></a>
<b>growMax</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The maximum width to allow when grow = true (defaults to 800) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#growMax" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#growMax">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-growMin"></a>
<b>growMin</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width to allow when grow = true (defaults to 30) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#growMin" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#growMin">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-hideLabel"></a>
<b>hideLabel</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to completely hide the label element (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#hideLabel" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#hideLabel">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-inputType"></a>
<b>inputType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type attribute for input fields -- e.g. radio, text, password (defaults to "text"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#inputType" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#inputType">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-invalidClass"></a>
<b>invalidClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when marking a field invalid (defaults to "x-form-invalid") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#invalidClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#invalidClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-invalidText"></a>
<b>invalidText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided (defaults to "The value in this field i...</div>
<div class="long">
The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided (defaults to "The value in this field is invalid") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#invalidText" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#invalidText">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-itemCls"></a>
<b>itemCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if s...</div>
<div class="long">
An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if set, or ''). Since it is applied to the wrapper, it allows you to write standard CSS rules that can apply to the field, the label (if specified) or any other element within the markup for the field. Example use: <pre><code><i>// Apply a style to the field's label:</i>
.required .x-form-item-label {font-weight:bold;color:red;}
<b>new</b> Ext.FormPanel({
height: 100,
renderTo: document.body,
items: [{
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Name'</em>,
itemCls: <em>'required'</em> <i>//<b>this</b> label will be styled</i>
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Favorite Color'</em>
});</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#itemCls" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#itemCls">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-labelSeparator"></a>
<b>labelSeparator</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of Ext.layout.FormLayout.l...</div>
<div class="long">
The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" ext:member="labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html#labelSeparator">Ext.layout.FormLayout.labelSeparator</a>, which is a colon ':' by default). To display no separator for this field's label specify empty string ''. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#labelSeparator">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-labelStyle"></a>
<b>labelStyle</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if se...</div>
<div class="long">
A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if set, or ''). For example, <code>labelStyle: 'font-weight:bold;'</code>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#labelStyle" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#labelStyle">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-maskRe"></a>
<b>maskRe</b> : RegExp <div class="mdesc">
An input mask regular expression that will be used to filter keystrokes that don't match (defaults to null) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#maskRe" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#maskRe">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-maxLength"></a>
<b>maxLength</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Maximum input field length allowed (defaults to Number.MAX_VALUE) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#maxLength" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#maxLength">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-maxLengthText"></a>
<b>maxLengthText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Error text to display if the maximum length validation fails (defaults to "The maximum length for this field is {maxL...</div>
<div class="long">
Error text to display if the maximum length validation fails (defaults to "The maximum length for this field is {maxLength}") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#maxLengthText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#maxLengthText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-maxText"></a>
<b>maxText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Error text to display if the maximum value validation fails (defaults to "The maximum value for this field is {maxVal...</div>
<div class="long">
Error text to display if the maximum value validation fails (defaults to "The maximum value for this field is {maxValue}") </div>
<td class="msource">NumberField</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-maxValue"></a>
<b>maxValue</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The maximum allowed value (defaults to Number.MAX_VALUE) </div>
<td class="msource">NumberField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-minLength"></a>
<b>minLength</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Minimum input field length required (defaults to 0) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#minLength" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#minLength">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-minLengthText"></a>
<b>minLengthText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Error text to display if the minimum length validation fails (defaults to "The minimum length for this field is {minL...</div>
<div class="long">
Error text to display if the minimum length validation fails (defaults to "The minimum length for this field is {minLength}") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#minLengthText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#minLengthText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-minText"></a>
<b>minText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Error text to display if the minimum value validation fails (defaults to "The minimum value for this field is {minVal...</div>
<div class="long">
Error text to display if the minimum value validation fails (defaults to "The minimum value for this field is {minValue}") </div>
<td class="msource">NumberField</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-minValue"></a>
<b>minValue</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum allowed value (defaults to Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) </div>
<td class="msource">NumberField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-msgFx"></a>
<b>msgFx</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<b>Experimental</b> The effect used when displaying a validation message under the field (defaults to 'normal'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#msgFx" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#msgFx">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-msgTarget"></a>
<b>msgTarget</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): Value ...</div>
<div class="long">
The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): <pre>Value Description
----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
qtip Display a quick tip when the user hovers over the field
title Display a default browser title attribute popup
under Add a block div beneath the field containing the error text
side Add an error icon to the right of the field with a popup on hover
[element id] Add the error text directly to the innerHTML of the specified element</pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#msgTarget" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#msgTarget">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-name"></a>
<b>name</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The field's HTML name attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#name" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#name">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-nanText"></a>
<b>nanText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Error text to display if the value is not a valid number. For example, this can happen if a valid character like '.' ...</div>
<div class="long">
Error text to display if the value is not a valid number. For example, this can happen if a valid character like '.' or '-' is left in the field with no number (defaults to "{value} is not a valid number") </div>
<td class="msource">NumberField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-readOnly"></a>
<b>readOnly</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM att...</div>
<div class="long">
True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#readOnly" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#readOnly">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-regex"></a>
<b>regex</b> : RegExp <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A JavaScript RegExp object to be tested against the field value during validation (defaults to null). If available, t...</div>
<div class="long">
A JavaScript RegExp object to be tested against the field value during validation (defaults to null). If available, this regex will be evaluated only after the basic validators all return true, and will be passed the current field value. If the test fails, the field will be marked invalid using <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="regexText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regexText">regexText</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#regex" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regex">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-regexText"></a>
<b>regexText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The error text to display if <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="regex" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regex">regex</a> is used and the test fails during validation (defaults to "") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#regexText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regexText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-selectOnFocus"></a>
<b>selectOnFocus</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to automatically select any existing field text when the field receives input focus (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#selectOnFocus" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#selectOnFocus">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-tabIndex"></a>
<b>tabIndex</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyT...</div>
<div class="long">
The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyTo (defaults to undefined). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#tabIndex" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#tabIndex">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-validateOnBlur"></a>
<b>validateOnBlur</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the field should validate when it loses focus (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validateOnBlur" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validateOnBlur">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-validationDelay"></a>
<b>validationDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The length of time in milliseconds after user input begins until validation is initiated (defaults to 250) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validationDelay" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validationDelay">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-validationEvent"></a>
<b>validationEvent</b> : String/Boolean <div class="mdesc">
The event that should initiate field validation. Set to false to disable automatic validation (defaults to "keyup"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validationEvent" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validationEvent">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-validator"></a>
<b>validator</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom validation function to be called during field validation (defaults to null). If available, this function wil...</div>
<div class="long">
A custom validation function to be called during field validation (defaults to null). If available, this function will be called only after the basic validators all return true, and will be passed the current field value and expected to return boolean true if the value is valid or a string error message if invalid. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#validator" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#validator">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-value"></a>
<b>value</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
A value to initialize this field with. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#value" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#value">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-vtype"></a>
<b>vtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A validation type name as defined in <a ext:cls="Ext.form.VTypes" href="output/Ext.form.VTypes.html">Ext.form.VTypes</a> (defaults to null) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#vtype" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#vtype">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-vtypeText"></a>
<b>vtypeText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom error message to display in place of the default message provided for the vtype currently set for this field...</div>
<div class="long">
A custom error message to display in place of the default message provided for the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="vtype" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#vtype">vtype</a> currently set for this field (defaults to ''). Only applies if vtype is set, else ignored. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#vtypeText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#vtypeText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-NumberField"></a>
<b>NumberField</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new NumberField</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new NumberField <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NumberField</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-autoSize"></a>
<b>autoSize</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Automatically grows the field to accomodate the width of the text up to the maximum field width allowed.
This only ta...</div>
<div class="long">
Automatically grows the field to accomodate the width of the text up to the maximum field width allowed.
This only takes effect if grow = true, and fires the autosize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#autoSize" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#autoSize">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-clearInvalid"></a>
<b>clearInvalid</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field</div>
<div class="long">
Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#clearInvalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#clearInvalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-getName"></a>
<b>getName</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the name attribute of the field if available</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the name attribute of the field if available <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">name The field name</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getName" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getName">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-getRawValue"></a>
<b>getRawValue</b>() : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getRawValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-getValue"></a>
<b>getValue</b>() : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the normalized data value (undefined or emptyText will be returned as ''). To return the raw value see getRa...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the normalized data value (undefined or emptyText will be returned as ''). To return the raw value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getRawValue">getRawValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-isDirty"></a>
<b>isDirty</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isDirty" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isDirty">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-isValid"></a>
<b>isValid</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean preventMark</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid</div>
<div class="long">
Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>preventMark</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to disable marking the field invalid</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isValid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isValid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-markInvalid"></a>
<b>markInvalid</b>(&nbsp;<code>String msg</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Mark this field as invalid</div>
<div class="long">
Mark this field as invalid <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The validation message</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#markInvalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#markInvalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-reset"></a>
<b>reset</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages</div>
<div class="long">
Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#reset" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#reset">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-selectText"></a>
<b>selectText</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number start</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number end</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects text in this field</div>
<div class="long">
Selects text in this field <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>start</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index where the selection should start (defaults to 0)</div></li><li><code>end</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index where the selection should end (defaults to the text length)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#selectText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#selectText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-setRawValue"></a>
<b>setRawValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-setValue"></a>
<b>setValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets a data value into the field and validates it. To set the value directly without validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">setRawValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets a data value into the field and validates it. To set the value directly without validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">setRawValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-validate"></a>
<b>validate</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Validates the field value</div>
<div class="long">
Validates the field value <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validate" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validate">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-validateValue"></a>
<b>validateValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Validates a value according to the field's validation rules and marks the field as invalid
if the validation fails</div>
<div class="long">
Validates a value according to the field's validation rules and marks the field as invalid
if the validation fails <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to validate</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#validateValue" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#validateValue">TextField</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-autosize"></a>
<b>autosize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the autosize function is triggered. The field may or may not have actually changed size
according to the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the autosize function is triggered. The field may or may not have actually changed size
according to the default logic, but this event provides a hook for the developer to apply additional
logic at runtime to resize the field if needed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc">This text field</div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new field width</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#event-autosize" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#event-autosize">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-blur"></a>
<b>blur</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this field loses input focus.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this field loses input focus. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-blur" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-blur">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-change"></a>
<b>change</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Mixed newValue</code>, <code>Mixed oldValue</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>newValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The new value</div></li><li><code>oldValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The original value</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-change" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-change">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this field receives input focus.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this field receives input focus. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-focus" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-focus">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-invalid"></a>
<b>invalid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>String msg</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the field has been marked as invalid.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the field has been marked as invalid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The validation message</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-invalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-invalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-specialkey"></a>
<b>specialkey</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<div class="long">
Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<a ext:cls="Ext.EventObject" ext:member="getKey" href="output/Ext.EventObject.html#getKey">Ext.EventObject.getKey</a> to determine which key was pressed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-specialkey" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-specialkey">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.NumberField-valid"></a>
<b>valid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the field has been validated with no errors.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the field has been validated with no errors. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-valid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-valid">Field</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">BaseItem</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">Adapter</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>DateItem</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/menu/DateItem.js" target="_blank">DateItem.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">DateItem</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">Adapter</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A menu item that wraps the <a ext:cls="Ext.DatePicker" href="output/Ext.DatePicker.html">Ext.DatePicker</a> component. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>activeClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when the item becomes activated (defaults to "x-menu-item-active") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#activeClass" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>autoEl</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inlin...</div>
<div class="long">
A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inline via JSON. It should not be used for higher level components which already create their own elements. Example usage: <pre><code>{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: <em>'div'</em>, cls:<em>'my-class'</em>}
{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: {tag:<em>'blockquote'</em>, html:<em>'autoEl is cool!'</em>}} // <b>with</b> DomHelper</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>canActivate</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this item can be visually activated (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#canActivate" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>handler</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
A function that will handle the click event of this menu item (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#handler" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Length of time in milliseconds to wait before hiding after a click (defaults to 100) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#hideDelay" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideOnClick</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the containing menu after this item is clicked (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#hideOnClick" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>scope</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The scope in which the handler function will be called. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#scope" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>picker</b> : Ext.DatePicker <div class="mdesc">
The Ext.DatePicker object </div>
<td class="msource">DateItem</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>DateItem</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new DateItem</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new DateItem <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DateItem</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setHandler</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function handler</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the function that will handle click events for this item (equivalent to passing in the handler
config property)....</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the function that will handle click events for this item (equivalent to passing in the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="handler" href="output/">handler</a>
config property). If an existing handler is already registered, it will be unregistered for you. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function that should be called on click</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope that should be passed to the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#setHandler" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>activate</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is activated</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is activated <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-activate" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-click" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>deactivate</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is deactivated</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is deactivated <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-deactivate" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Container</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Panel</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html">GridPanel</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>EditorGridPanel</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.grid</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/grid/EditorGrid.js" target="_blank">EditorGrid.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">EditorGridPanel</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid" href="output/Ext.grid.PropertyGrid.html">PropertyGrid</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html">GridPanel</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Class for creating and editable grid. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-animCollapse"></a>
<b>animCollapse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the Ext....</div>
<div class="long">
True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the <a ext:cls="Ext.Fx" href="output/Ext.Fx.html">Ext.Fx</a> class is available, otherwise false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-autoEncode"></a>
<b>autoEncode</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to automatically HTML encode and decode values pre and post edit (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">EditorGridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-autoExpandColumn"></a>
<b>autoExpandColumn</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The id of a column in this grid that should expand to fill unused space. This id can not be 0. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#autoExpandColumn" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#autoExpandColumn">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-autoExpandMax"></a>
<b>autoExpandMax</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The maximum width the autoExpandColumn can have (if enabled). Defaults to 1000. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#autoExpandMax" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#autoExpandMax">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-autoExpandMin"></a>
<b>autoExpandMin</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width the autoExpandColumn can have (if enabled). defaults to 50. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#autoExpandMin" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#autoExpandMin">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-autoHeight"></a>
<b>autoHeight</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a height of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-baseCls"></a>
<b>baseCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The base CSS class to apply to this panel's element (defaults to 'x-panel'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#baseCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#baseCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-bbar"></a>
<b>bbar</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The bottom toolbar of the panel. This can be a Ext.Toolbar object, a toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button co...</div>
<div class="long">
The bottom toolbar of the panel. This can be a <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Ext.Toolbar</a> object, a toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render. To access the bottom toolbar after render, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getBottomToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getBottomToolbar">getBottomToolbar</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-border"></a>
<b>border</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). By default, the borde...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). By default, the border is a 2px wide inset border, but this can be further altered by setting <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="bodyBorder" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyBorder">bodyBorder</a> to false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#border" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#border">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-buttonAlign"></a>
<b>buttonAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The alignment of any buttons added to this panel. Valid values are 'right,' 'left' and 'center' (defaults to 'right'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttonAlign" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttonAlign">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-buttons"></a>
<b>buttons</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
An array of <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> <b>configs</b> used to add buttons to the footer of this panel. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-clicksToEdit"></a>
<b>clicksToEdit</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The number of clicks on a cell required to display the cell's editor (defaults to 2) </div>
<td class="msource">EditorGridPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-cm"></a>
<b>cm</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="colModel" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#colModel">colModel</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#cm" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#cm">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-colModel"></a>
<b>colModel</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html">Ext.grid.ColumnModel</a> to use when rendering the grid (required). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#colModel" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#colModel">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-collapseFirst"></a>
<b>collapseFirst</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the pane...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the panel's title bar, false to render it last (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapseFirst" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapseFirst">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-collapsed"></a>
<b>collapsed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render the panel collapsed, false to render it expanded (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsed" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsed">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-collapsedCls"></a>
<b>collapsedCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class to add to the panel's element after it has been collapsed (defaults to 'x-panel-collapsed'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsedCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsedCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-collapsible"></a>
<b>collapsible</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header tool button area, false to keep the panel statically sized with no button (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-columns"></a>
<b>columns</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
An array of columns to auto create a ColumnModel </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#columns" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#columns">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-disableSelection"></a>
<b>disableSelection</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable selections in the grid (defaults to false). - ignored a SelectionModel is specified </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#disableSelection" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#disableSelection">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-draggable"></a>
<b>draggable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false). For custom drag/drop implementations, an Ext.Panel.DD conf...</div>
<div class="long">
True to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false). For custom drag/drop implementations, an Ext.Panel.DD config could also be passed in this config instead of true, although Ext.Panel.DD is an internal, undocumented class. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#draggable" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#draggable">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-enableColumnHide"></a>
<b>enableColumnHide</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to enable hiding of columns with the header context menu. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#enableColumnHide" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#enableColumnHide">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-enableColumnMove"></a>
<b>enableColumnMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to enable drag and drop reorder of columns. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#enableColumnMove" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#enableColumnMove">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-enableColumnResize"></a>
<b>enableColumnResize</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to turn off column resizing for the whole grid (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#enableColumnResize" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#enableColumnResize">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-enableDragDrop"></a>
<b>enableDragDrop</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to enable drag and drop of rows. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#enableDragDrop" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#enableDragDrop">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-enableHdMenu"></a>
<b>enableHdMenu</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to enable the drop down button for menu in the headers. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#enableHdMenu" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#enableHdMenu">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-floating"></a>
<b>floating</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to float the panel (absolute position it with automatic shimming and shadow), false to display it inline where i...</div>
<div class="long">
True to float the panel (absolute position it with automatic shimming and shadow), false to display it inline where it is rendered (defaults to false). Note that by default, setting floating to true will cause the panel to display at negative offsets so that it is hidden -- because the panel is absolute positioned, the position must be set explicitly after render (e.g., myPanel.setPosition(100,100);). Also, when floating a panel you should always assign a fixed width, otherwise it will be auto width and will expand to fill to the right edge of the viewport. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#floating" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#floating">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-footer"></a>
<b>footer</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to create the footer element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when footer is not specified, if...</div>
<div class="long">
True to create the footer element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when footer is not specified, if one or more buttons have been added to the panel the footer will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#footer" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#footer">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-frame"></a>
<b>frame</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render the panel with custom rounded borders, false to render with plain 1px square borders (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#frame" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#frame">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to create the header element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when header is not specified, if...</div>
<div class="long">
True to create the header element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when header is not specified, if a <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">title</a> is set the header will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. If a title is set but header is explicitly set to false, the header will not be rendered. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-headerAsText"></a>
<b>headerAsText</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to display the panel title in the header, false to hide it (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#headerAsText" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#headerAsText">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-hideCollapseTool"></a>
<b>hideCollapseTool</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the expand/collapse toggle button when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> = true, false to display it (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#hideCollapseTool" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#hideCollapseTool">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-hideHeaders"></a>
<b>hideHeaders</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the grid's header (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#hideHeaders" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#hideHeaders">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-iconCls"></a>
<b>iconCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class that will provide a background image to be used as the panel header icon (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#iconCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#iconCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-keys"></a>
<b>keys</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by Ext.KeyMap.addBinding used to assign custom key handling to this pa...</div>
<div class="long">
A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by <a ext:cls="Ext.KeyMap" ext:member="addBinding" href="output/Ext.KeyMap.html#addBinding">Ext.KeyMap.addBinding</a> used to assign custom key handling to this panel (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#keys" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#keys">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-loadMask"></a>
<b>loadMask</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
An <a ext:cls="Ext.LoadMask" href="output/Ext.LoadMask.html">Ext.LoadMask</a> config or true to mask the grid while loading (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#loadMask" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#loadMask">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-maskDisabled"></a>
<b>maskDisabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will alway...</div>
<div class="long">
True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will always tell its contained elements to disable themselves when it is disabled, but masking the panel can provide an additional visual cue that the panel is disabled. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#maskDisabled" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#maskDisabled">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-maxHeight"></a>
<b>maxHeight</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Sets the maximum height of the grid - ignored if autoHeight is not on. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#maxHeight" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#maxHeight">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-minButtonWidth"></a>
<b>minButtonWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Minimum width in pixels of all buttons in this panel (defaults to 75) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#minButtonWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#minButtonWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-minColumnWidth"></a>
<b>minColumnWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width a column can be resized to. Defaults to 25. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#minColumnWidth" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#minColumnWidth">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-selModel"></a>
<b>selModel</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Any subclass of AbstractSelectionModel that will provide the selection model for the grid (defaults to Ext.grid.RowSe...</div>
<div class="long">
Any subclass of AbstractSelectionModel that will provide the selection model for the grid (defaults to <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html">Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel</a> if not specified). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#selModel" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#selModel">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-shadow"></a>
<b>shadow</b> : Boolean/String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True (or a valid Ext.Shadow Ext.Shadow.mode value) to display a shadow behind the panel, false to display no shadow (...</div>
<div class="long">
True (or a valid Ext.Shadow <a ext:cls="Ext.Shadow" ext:member="mode" href="output/Ext.Shadow.html#mode">Ext.Shadow.mode</a> value) to display a shadow behind the panel, false to display no shadow (defaults to 'sides'). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shadow" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shadow">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-shadowOffset"></a>
<b>shadowOffset</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). Note that this option only applies when float...</div>
<div class="long">
The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shadowOffset" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shadowOffset">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-shim"></a>
<b>shim</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true). Note that this option only applies wh...</div>
<div class="long">
False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shim" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shim">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-sm"></a>
<b>sm</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Shorthand for <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="selModel" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#selModel">selModel</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#sm" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#sm">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-store"></a>
<b>store</b> : <div class="mdesc">
The <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> the grid should use as its data source (required). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#store" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#store">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-stripeRows"></a>
<b>stripeRows</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to stripe the rows. Default is false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#stripeRows" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#stripeRows">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-tabTip"></a>
<b>tabTip</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must be called in order for the tips to render. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tabTip" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tabTip">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-tbar"></a>
<b>tbar</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The top toolbar of the panel. This can be either an Ext.Toolbar object or an array of buttons/button configs to be ad...</div>
<div class="long">
The top toolbar of the panel. This can be either an <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Ext.Toolbar</a> object or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render. To access the top toolbar after render, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getTopToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getTopToolbar">getTopToolbar</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-title"></a>
<b>title</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will aut...</div>
<div class="long">
The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will automatically be created and displayed unless <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">header</a> is explicitly set to false. If you don't want to specify a title at config time, but you may want one later, you must either specify a non-empty title (a blank space ' ' will do) or header:true so that the container element will get created. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-titleCollapse"></a>
<b>titleCollapse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when collapsible = true) by clicking anywhere in the header bar, fa...</div>
<div class="long">
True to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> = true) by clicking anywhere in the header bar, false to allow it only by clicking to tool button (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#titleCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#titleCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-tools"></a>
<b>tools</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of tool button configs to be added to the header tool area. Each tool config may contain the following prope...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of tool button configs to be added to the header tool area. Each tool config may contain the following properties: <div class="mdetail-params"><ul> <li><b>id</b> : String<p class="sub-desc"><b>Required.</b> The type of tool to create. Values may be<ul> <li><tt>toggle</tt> (Created by default when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> is <tt>true</tt>)</li> <li><tt>close</tt></li> <li><tt>minimize</tt></li> <li><tt>maximize</tt></li> <li><tt>restore</tt></li> <li><tt>gear</tt></li> <li><tt>pin</tt></li> <li><tt>unpin</tt></li> <li><tt>right</tt></li> <li><tt>left</tt></li> <li><tt>up</tt></li> <li><tt>down</tt></li> <li><tt>refresh</tt></li> <li><tt>minus</tt></li> <li><tt>plus</tt></li> <li><tt>help</tt></li> <li><tt>search</tt></li> <li><tt>save</tt></li> <li><tt>print</tt></li> </ul></div></p></li> <li><b>handler</b> : Function<p class="sub-desc"><b>Required.</b> The function to call when clicked. Arguments passed are:<ul> <li><b>event</b> : Ext.EventObject<p class="sub-desc">The click event.</p></li> <li><b>toolEl</b> : Ext.Element<p class="sub-desc">The tool Element.</p></li> <li><b>Panel</b> : Ext.Panel<p class="sub-desc">The host Panel</p></li> </ul></p></li> <li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to call the handler.</p></li> <li><b>qtip</b> : String/Object<p class="sub-desc">A tip string, or a config argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.QuickTip" ext:member="register" href="output/Ext.QuickTip.html#register">Ext.QuickTip.register</a></p></li> <li><b>hidden</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to initially render hidden.</p></li> <li><b>on</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">A listener config object specifiying event listeners in the format of an argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#addListener">addListener</a></p></li> </ul> Example usage: <pre><code>tools:[{
<i>// hidden:true,</i>
handler: <b>function</b>(event, toolEl, panel){
<i>// refresh logic</i>
}]</code></pre> Note that apart from the toggle tool which is provided when a panel is collapsible, these tools only provide the visual button. Any required functionality must be provided by adding handlers that implement the necessary behavior. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tools" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tools">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-view"></a>
<b>view</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html">Ext.grid.GridView</a> used by the grid. This can be set before a call to render(). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#view" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#view">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-viewConfig"></a>
<b>viewConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object that will be applied to the grid's UI view. Any of the config options available for Ext.grid.GridView...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object that will be applied to the grid's UI view. Any of the config options available for <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html">Ext.grid.GridView</a> can be specified here. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#viewConfig" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#viewConfig">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-body"></a>
<b>body</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
The Panel's body Element which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the html config,...</div>
<div class="long">
The Panel's body <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a> which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="html" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#html">html</a> config, or it may be loaded using the
<a ext:cls="autoLoad" href="output/autoLoad.html">autoLoad</a> config, or through the Panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getUpdater" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getUpdater">Updater</a>. Read-only.
<p>If this is used to load visible HTML elements in either way, then
the Panel may not be used as a Layout for hosting nested Panels.</p>
<p>If this Panel is intended to be used as the host of a Layout (See <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#layout">layout</a>
then the body Element must not be loaded or changed - it is under the control
of the Panel's Layout. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#body" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#body">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-buttons"></a>
<b>buttons</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
This Panel's Array of buttons as created from the <tt>buttons</tt>
config property. Read only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-ddText"></a>
<b>ddText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
Configures the text in the drag proxy (defaults to "{0} selected row(s)").
{0} is replaced with the number of select...</div>
<div class="long">
Configures the text in the drag proxy (defaults to "{0} selected row(s)").
{0} is replaced with the number of selected rows. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#ddText" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#ddText">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-footer"></a>
<b>footer</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
The Panel's footer <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a>. Read-only.
<p>This Element is used to house the Panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">buttons</a>.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#footer" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#footer">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
The Panel's header <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a>. Read-only.
<p>This Element is used to house the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">title</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="tools" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tools">tools</a></p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-EditorGridPanel"></a>
<b>EditorGridPanel</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">EditorGridPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-addButton"></a>
<b>addButton</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object config</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Button <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to ...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to add buttons via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">buttons</a> config. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">A valid <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> config. A string will become the text for a default
button config, an object will be treated as a button config object.</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called on button <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="click" href="output/Ext.Button.html#click"></a></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope to use for the button handler function</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Button</code><div class="sub-desc">The button that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#addButton" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#addButton">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-bubble"></a>
<b>bubble</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (this) of...</div>
<div class="long">
Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the bubble is stopped. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#bubble" href="output/Ext.Container.html#bubble">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the beforecollapse event which will
cancel the collapse ac...</div>
<div class="long">
Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforecollapse">beforecollapse</a> event which will
cancel the collapse action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the beforeexpand event which will
cancel the expand action ...</div>
<div class="long">
Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforeexpand">beforeexpand</a> event which will
cancel the expand action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-getBottomToolbar"></a>
<b>getBottomToolbar</b>() : Ext.Toolbar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar</code><div class="sub-desc">The toolbar</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getBottomToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getBottomToolbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-getColumnModel"></a>
<b>getColumnModel</b>() : ColumnModel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the grid's ColumnModel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the grid's ColumnModel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>ColumnModel</code><div class="sub-desc">The column model</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#getColumnModel" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#getColumnModel">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-getDragDropText"></a>
<b>getDragDropText</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called to get grid's drag proxy text, by default returns this.ddText.</div>
<div class="long">
Called to get grid's drag proxy text, by default returns this.ddText. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The text</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#getDragDropText" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#getDragDropText">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-getFrameHeight"></a>
<b>getFrameHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and ...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and footer elements, but not including the body height). To retrieve the body height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerHeight">getInnerHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getFrameHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameHeight">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-getFrameWidth"></a>
<b>getFrameWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the bo...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the body width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerWidth">getInnerWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-getGridEl"></a>
<b>getGridEl</b>() : Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the grid's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the grid's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#getGridEl" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#getGridEl">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-getInnerHeight"></a>
<b>getInnerHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame he...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameHeight">getFrameHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getInnerHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerHeight">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-getInnerWidth"></a>
<b>getInnerWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame widt...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameWidth">getFrameWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getInnerWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-getSelectionModel"></a>
<b>getSelectionModel</b>() : SelectionModel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the grid's SelectionModel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the grid's SelectionModel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>SelectionModel</code><div class="sub-desc">The selection model</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#getSelectionModel" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#getSelectionModel">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-getStore"></a>
<b>getStore</b>() : DataSource <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the grid's data store.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the grid's data store. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>DataSource</code><div class="sub-desc">The store</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#getStore" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#getStore">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-getTopToolbar"></a>
<b>getTopToolbar</b>() : Ext.Toolbar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar</code><div class="sub-desc">The toolbar</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getTopToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getTopToolbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-getView"></a>
<b>getView</b>() : GridView <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the grid's GridView object.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the grid's GridView object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>GridView</code><div class="sub-desc">The grid view</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#getView" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#getView">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-reconfigure"></a>
<b>reconfigure</b>(&nbsp;<code> store</code>, <code>Ext.grid.ColumnModel colModel</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Reconfigures the grid to use a different Store and Column Model.
The View will be bound to the new objects and refres...</div>
<div class="long">
Reconfigures the grid to use a different Store and Column Model.
The View will be bound to the new objects and refreshed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>store</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The new <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> object</div></li><li><code>colModel</code> : Ext.grid.ColumnModel<div class="sub-desc">The new <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html">Ext.grid.ColumnModel</a> object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#reconfigure" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#reconfigure">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-setIconClass"></a>
<b>setIconClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. This method will replace any existing
icon class if ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. This method will replace any existing
icon class if one has already been set. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new CSS class name</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#setIconClass" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#setIconClass">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-setTitle"></a>
<b>setTitle</b>(&nbsp;<code>String title</code>, <code>String (optional)</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>title</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The title text to set</div></li><li><code>(optional)</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">iconCls A custon, user-defined CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#setTitle" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#setTitle">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-startEditing"></a>
<b>startEditing</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Number colIndex</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Starts editing the specified for the specified row/column</div>
<div class="long">
Starts editing the specified for the specified row/column <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>colIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">EditorGridPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-stopEditing"></a>
<b>stopEditing</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean cancel</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Stops any active editing</div>
<div class="long">
Stops any active editing <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cancel</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to cancel any changes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">EditorGridPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-toggleCollapse"></a>
<b>toggleCollapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#toggleCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#toggleCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-activate"></a>
<b>activate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been visually activated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being activated, but some...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been visually activated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being activated, but some Panel subclasses
do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel fire the
activate and deactivate events under the control of the TabPanel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been activated.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-activate" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-activate">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-add"></a>
<b>add</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component was added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-add">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-afteredit"></a>
<b>afteredit</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after a cell is edited.
grid - This grid
record - The record being edited
field - The field name being edited...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after a cell is edited. <br />
<ul style="padding:5px;padding-left:16px;">
<li>grid - This grid</li>
<li>record - The record being edited</li>
<li>field - The field name being edited</li>
<li>value - The value being set</li>
<li>originalValue - The original value for the field, before the edit.</li>
<li>row - The grid row index</li>
<li>column - The grid column index</li>
</ul> <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An edit event (see above for description)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">EditorGridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-afterlayout"></a>
<b>afterlayout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>ContainerLayout layout</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>layout</code> : ContainerLayout<div class="sub-desc">The ContainerLayout implementation for this container</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-afterlayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-afterlayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-beforeadd"></a>
<b>beforeadd</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component will be added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeadd" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeadd">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-beforeclose"></a>
<b>beforeclose</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses d...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). This event only applies to such subclasses.
A handler can return false to cancel the close. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel being closed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforeclose" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforeclose">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-beforecollapse"></a>
<b>beforecollapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel being collapsed.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the collapse is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforecollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-beforeedit"></a>
<b>beforeedit</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before cell editing is triggered. The edit event object has the following properties
grid - This grid
record ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before cell editing is triggered. The edit event object has the following properties <br />
<ul style="padding:5px;padding-left:16px;">
<li>grid - This grid</li>
<li>record - The record being edited</li>
<li>field - The field name being edited</li>
<li>value - The value for the field being edited.</li>
<li>row - The grid row index</li>
<li>column - The grid column index</li>
<li>cancel - Set this to true to cancel the edit or return false from your handler.</li>
</ul> <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An edit event (see above for description)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">EditorGridPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-beforeexpand"></a>
<b>beforeexpand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel being expanded.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the expand is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforeexpand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-beforeremove"></a>
<b>beforeremove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeremove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeremove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-bodyresize"></a>
<b>bodyresize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel which has been resized.</div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The Panel's new width.</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The Panel's new height.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-bodyresize" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-bodyresize">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-bodyscroll"></a>
<b>bodyscroll</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Number scrollLeft</code>, <code>Number scrollTop</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the body element is scrolled</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the body element is scrolled <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>scrollLeft</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scrollTop</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-bodyscroll" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-bodyscroll">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-cellclick"></a>
<b>cellclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a cell is clicked.
The data for the cell is drawn from the Record
for this row. To access the data in the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a cell is clicked.
The data for the cell is drawn from the <a ext:cls="" href="output/">Record</a>
for this row. To access the data in the listener function use the
following technique:
<pre><code>function(grid, rowIndex, columnIndex, e) {
<b>var</b> record = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex); <i>// Get the Record</i>
<b>var</b> fieldName = grid.getColumnModel().getDataIndex(columnIndex); <i>// Get field name</i>
<b>var</b> data = record.get(fieldName);
}</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-cellclick" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-cellclick">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-cellcontextmenu"></a>
<b>cellcontextmenu</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Number cellIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a cell is right clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a cell is right clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>cellIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-cellcontextmenu" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-cellcontextmenu">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-celldblclick"></a>
<b>celldblclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a cell is double clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a cell is double clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-celldblclick" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-celldblclick">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-cellmousedown"></a>
<b>cellmousedown</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a cell is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a cell is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-cellmousedown" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-cellmousedown">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-click"></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw click event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw click event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-click" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-click">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-close"></a>
<b>close</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been closed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-close" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-close">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been collapsed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been collapsed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel that has been collapsed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-collapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-columnmove"></a>
<b>columnmove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Number oldIndex</code>, <code>Number newIndex</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the user moves a column</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the user moves a column <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>oldIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>newIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-columnmove" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-columnmove">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-columnresize"></a>
<b>columnresize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Number newSize</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the user resizes a column</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the user resizes a column <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>newSize</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-columnresize" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-columnresize">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-contextmenu"></a>
<b>contextmenu</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw contextmenu event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw contextmenu event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-contextmenu" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-contextmenu">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-dblclick"></a>
<b>dblclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw dblclick event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw dblclick event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-dblclick" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-dblclick">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-deactivate"></a>
<b>deactivate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been visually deactivated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being deactivated, but ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been visually deactivated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being deactivated, but some Panel subclasses
do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel fire the
activate and deactivate events under the control of the TabPanel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been deactivated.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-deactivate" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-deactivate">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been expanded.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been expanded. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been expanded.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-expand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-headerclick"></a>
<b>headerclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a header is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a header is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-headerclick" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-headerclick">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-headercontextmenu"></a>
<b>headercontextmenu</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a header is right clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a header is right clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-headercontextmenu" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-headercontextmenu">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-headerdblclick"></a>
<b>headerdblclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a header cell is double clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a header cell is double clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-headerdblclick" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-headerdblclick">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-headermousedown"></a>
<b>headermousedown</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number columnIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a header is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a header is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>columnIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-headermousedown" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-headermousedown">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-keydown"></a>
<b>keydown</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw keydown event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw keydown event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-keydown" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-keydown">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-keypress"></a>
<b>keypress</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw keypress event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw keypress event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-keypress" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-keypress">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-mousedown"></a>
<b>mousedown</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw mousedown event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw mousedown event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-mousedown" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-mousedown">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-mouseout"></a>
<b>mouseout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw mouseout event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw mouseout event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-mouseout" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-mouseout">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-mouseover"></a>
<b>mouseover</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw mouseover event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw mouseover event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-mouseover" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-mouseover">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-mouseup"></a>
<b>mouseup</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The raw mouseup event for the entire grid.</div>
<div class="long">
The raw mouseup event for the entire grid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-mouseup" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-mouseup">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-remove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-remove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-rowclick"></a>
<b>rowclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a row is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a row is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-rowclick" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-rowclick">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-rowcontextmenu"></a>
<b>rowcontextmenu</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a row is right clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a row is right clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-rowcontextmenu" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-rowcontextmenu">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-rowdblclick"></a>
<b>rowdblclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a row is double clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a row is double clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-rowdblclick" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-rowdblclick">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-rowmousedown"></a>
<b>rowmousedown</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Number rowIndex</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a row is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a row is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>rowIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-rowmousedown" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-rowmousedown">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-sortchange"></a>
<b>sortchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Grid this</code>, <code>Object sortInfo</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the grid's store sort changes</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the grid's store sort changes <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Grid<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>sortInfo</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object with the keys field and direction</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" ext:member="#event-sortchange" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html#event-sortchange">GridPanel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-titlechange"></a>
<b>titlechange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>String The</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel which has had its title changed.</div></li><li><code>The</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">new title.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-titlechange" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-titlechange">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-validateedit"></a>
<b>validateedit</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after a cell is edited, but before the value is set in the record. Return false
to cancel the change. The edit ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after a cell is edited, but before the value is set in the record. Return false
to cancel the change. The edit event object has the following properties <br />
<ul style="padding:5px;padding-left:16px;">
<li>grid - This grid</li>
<li>record - The record being edited</li>
<li>field - The field name being edited</li>
<li>value - The value being set</li>
<li>originalValue - The original value for the field, before the edit.</li>
<li>row - The grid row index</li>
<li>column - The grid column index</li>
<li>cancel - Set this to true to cancel the edit or return false from your handler.</li>
</ul> <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An edit event (see above for description)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">EditorGridPanel</td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">Node</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html">TreeNode</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>AsyncTreeNode</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.tree</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/tree/AsyncTreeNode.js" target="_blank">AsyncTreeNode.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">AsyncTreeNode</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html">TreeNode</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-allowChildren"></a>
<b>allowChildren</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to not allow this node to have child nodes (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#allowChildren" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#allowChildren">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-allowDrag"></a>
<b>allowDrag</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to make this node undraggable if <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="draggable" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#draggable">draggable</a> = true (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#allowDrag" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#allowDrag">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-allowDrop"></a>
<b>allowDrop</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False if this node cannot have child nodes dropped on it (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#allowDrop" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#allowDrop">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-checked"></a>
<b>checked</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to render a checked checkbox for this node, false to render an unchecked checkbox (defaults to undefined with no...</div>
<div class="long">
True to render a checked checkbox for this node, false to render an unchecked checkbox (defaults to undefined with no checkbox rendered) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#checked" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#checked">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A css class to be added to the node </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#cls">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
true to start the node disabled </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#disabled">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-draggable"></a>
<b>draggable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to make this node draggable (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#draggable" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#draggable">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-expandable"></a>
<b>expandable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
If set to true, the node will always show a plus/minus icon, even when empty </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#expandable" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#expandable">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-expanded"></a>
<b>expanded</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
true to start the node expanded </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#expanded" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#expanded">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-href"></a>
<b>href</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
URL of the link used for the node (defaults to #) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#href" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#href">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-hrefTarget"></a>
<b>hrefTarget</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
target frame for the link </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#hrefTarget" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#hrefTarget">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-icon"></a>
<b>icon</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The path to an icon for the node. The preferred way to do this is to use the cls or iconCls attributes and add the ic...</div>
<div class="long">
The path to an icon for the node. The preferred way to do this is to use the cls or iconCls attributes and add the icon via a CSS background image. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#icon" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#icon">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-iconCls"></a>
<b>iconCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A css class to be added to the nodes icon element for applying css background images </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#iconCls" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#iconCls">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The id for this node. If one is not specified, one is generated. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#id" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-isTarget"></a>
<b>isTarget</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to not allow this node to act as a drop target (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#isTarget" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#isTarget">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-leaf"></a>
<b>leaf</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
true if this node is a leaf and does not have children </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#leaf" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-loader"></a>
<b>loader</b> : TreeLoader <div class="mdesc">
A TreeLoader to be used by this node (defaults to the loader defined on the tree) </div>
<td class="msource">AsyncTreeNode</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-qtip"></a>
<b>qtip</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
An Ext QuickTip for the node </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#qtip" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#qtip">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-qtipCfg"></a>
<b>qtipCfg</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
An Ext QuickTip config for the node (used instead of qtip) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#qtipCfg" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#qtipCfg">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-singleClickExpand"></a>
<b>singleClickExpand</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True for single click expand on this node </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#singleClickExpand" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#singleClickExpand">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-text"></a>
<b>text</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The text for this node </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#text" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#text">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-uiProvider"></a>
<b>uiProvider</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
A UI <b>class</b> to use for this node (defaults to Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#uiProvider" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#uiProvider">TreeNode</a></td>
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-attributes"></a>
<b>attributes</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The attributes supplied for the node. You can use this property to access any custom attributes you supplied. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#attributes" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-childNodes"></a>
<b>childNodes</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
All child nodes of this node. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#childNodes" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this node is disabled. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#disabled">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-firstChild"></a>
<b>firstChild</b> : Node <div class="mdesc">
The first direct child node of this node, or null if this node has no child nodes. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#firstChild" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The node id. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#id" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-lastChild"></a>
<b>lastChild</b> : Node <div class="mdesc">
The last direct child node of this node, or null if this node has no child nodes. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#lastChild" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-loader"></a>
<b>loader</b> : TreeLoader <div class="mdesc">
The loader used by this node (defaults to using the tree's defined loader) </div>
<td class="msource">AsyncTreeNode</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-nextSibling"></a>
<b>nextSibling</b> : Node <div class="mdesc">
The node immediately following this node in the tree, or null if there is no sibling node. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#nextSibling" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-parentNode"></a>
<b>parentNode</b> : Node <div class="mdesc">
The parent node for this node. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#parentNode" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-previousSibling"></a>
<b>previousSibling</b> : Node <div class="mdesc">
The node immediately preceding this node in the tree, or null if there is no sibling node. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#previousSibling" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-text"></a>
<b>text</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Read-only. The text for this node. To change it use setText(). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#text" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#text">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-ui"></a>
<b>ui</b> : TreeNodeUI <div class="mdesc">
Read-only. The UI for this node </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#ui" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#ui">TreeNode</a></td>
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-AsyncTreeNode"></a>
<b>AsyncTreeNode</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object/String attributes</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>attributes</code> : Object/String<div class="sub-desc">The attributes/config for the node or just a string with the text for the node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">AsyncTreeNode</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-appendChild"></a>
<b>appendChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>Node/Array node</code>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Insert node(s) as the last child node of this node.</div>
<div class="long">
Insert node(s) as the last child node of this node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node/Array<div class="sub-desc">The node or Array of nodes to append</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Node</code><div class="sub-desc">The appended node if single append, or null if an array was passed</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#appendChild" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-bubble"></a>
<b>bubble</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Bubbles up the tree from this node, calling the specified function with each node. The scope (this) of
function call ...</div>
<div class="long">
Bubbles up the tree from this node, calling the specified function with each node. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current node. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current node. If the function returns false at any point,
the bubble is stopped. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current node)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#bubble" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-cascade"></a>
<b>cascade</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Cascades down the tree from this node, calling the specified function with each node. The scope (this) of
function ca...</div>
<div class="long">
Cascades down the tree from this node, calling the specified function with each node. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current node. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current node. If the function returns false at any point,
the cascade is stopped on that branch. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current node)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#cascade" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean deep</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean anim</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collapse this node.</div>
<div class="long">
Collapse this node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>deep</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to collapse all children as well</div></li><li><code>anim</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) false to cancel the default animation</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#collapse" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#collapse">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-collapseChildNodes"></a>
<b>collapseChildNodes</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean deep</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collapse all child nodes</div>
<div class="long">
Collapse all child nodes <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>deep</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true if the child nodes should also collapse their child nodes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#collapseChildNodes" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#collapseChildNodes">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-contains"></a>
<b>contains</b>(&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this node is an ancestor (at any point) of the passed node.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this node is an ancestor (at any point) of the passed node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#contains" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disables this node</div>
<div class="long">
Disables this node <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#disable">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-eachChild"></a>
<b>eachChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Interates the child nodes of this node, calling the specified function with each node. The scope (this) of
function c...</div>
<div class="long">
Interates the child nodes of this node, calling the specified function with each node. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current node. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current node. If the function returns false at any point,
the iteration stops. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current node)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#eachChild" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enables this node</div>
<div class="long">
Enables this node <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#enable">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-ensureVisible"></a>
<b>ensureVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Ensures all parent nodes are expanded, and if necessary, scrolls
the node into view.</div>
<div class="long">
Ensures all parent nodes are expanded, and if necessary, scrolls
the node into view. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#ensureVisible" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#ensureVisible">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean deep</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean anim</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function callback</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Expand this node.</div>
<div class="long">
Expand this node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>deep</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to expand all children as well</div></li><li><code>anim</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) false to cancel the default animation</div></li><li><code>callback</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) A callback to be called when
expanding this node completes (does not wait for deep expand to complete).
Called with 1 parameter, this node.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#expand" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#expand">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-expandChildNodes"></a>
<b>expandChildNodes</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean deep</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Expand all child nodes</div>
<div class="long">
Expand all child nodes <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>deep</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true if the child nodes should also expand their child nodes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#expandChildNodes" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#expandChildNodes">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-findChild"></a>
<b>findChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>String attribute</code>, <code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Finds the first child that has the attribute with the specified value.</div>
<div class="long">
Finds the first child that has the attribute with the specified value. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>attribute</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The attribute name</div></li><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to search for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Node</code><div class="sub-desc">The found child or null if none was found</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#findChild" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-findChildBy"></a>
<b>findChildBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Finds the first child by a custom function. The child matches if the function passed
returns true.</div>
<div class="long">
Finds the first child by a custom function. The child matches if the function passed
returns true. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Node</code><div class="sub-desc">The found child or null if none was found</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#findChildBy" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-getDepth"></a>
<b>getDepth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns depth of this node (the root node has a depth of 0)</div>
<div class="long">
Returns depth of this node (the root node has a depth of 0) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getDepth" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-getOwnerTree"></a>
<b>getOwnerTree</b>() : Tree <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the tree this node is in.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the tree this node is in. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getOwnerTree" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-getPath"></a>
<b>getPath</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String attr</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the path for this node. The path can be used to expand or select this node programmatically.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the path for this node. The path can be used to expand or select this node programmatically. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>attr</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The attr to use for the path (defaults to the node's id)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The path</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getPath" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-getUI"></a>
<b>getUI</b>() : TreeNodeUI <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the UI object for this node.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the UI object for this node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>TreeNodeUI</code><div class="sub-desc">The object which is providing the user interface for this tree node. Unless otherwise specified in the {@link #uiProvider}, this will be an instance of {@link Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#getUI" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#getUI">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-indexOf"></a>
<b>indexOf</b>(&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the index of a child node</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the index of a child node <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The index of the node or -1 if it was not found</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#indexOf" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-insertBefore"></a>
<b>insertBefore</b>(&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>, <code>Node refNode</code>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts the first node before the second node in this nodes childNodes collection.</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts the first node before the second node in this nodes childNodes collection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node to insert</div></li><li><code>refNode</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node to insert before (if null the node is appended)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Node</code><div class="sub-desc">The inserted node</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#insertBefore" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-isAncestor"></a>
<b>isAncestor</b>(&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the passed node is an ancestor (at any point) of this node.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the passed node is an ancestor (at any point) of this node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#isAncestor" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-isExpanded"></a>
<b>isExpanded</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this node is expanded</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this node is expanded <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#isExpanded" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#isExpanded">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-isFirst"></a>
<b>isFirst</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this node is the first child of its parent</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this node is the first child of its parent <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#isFirst" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-isLast"></a>
<b>isLast</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this node is the last child of its parent</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this node is the last child of its parent <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#isLast" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-isLeaf"></a>
<b>isLeaf</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this node is a leaf</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this node is a leaf <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#isLeaf" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-isLoaded"></a>
<b>isLoaded</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this node has been loaded</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this node has been loaded <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">AsyncTreeNode</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-isLoading"></a>
<b>isLoading</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this node is currently loading</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this node is currently loading <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">AsyncTreeNode</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-isSelected"></a>
<b>isSelected</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this node is selected</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this node is selected <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#isSelected" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#isSelected">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-item"></a>
<b>item</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the child node at the specified index.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the child node at the specified index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#item" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-reload"></a>
<b>reload</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function callback</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Trigger a reload for this node</div>
<div class="long">
Trigger a reload for this node <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>callback</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">AsyncTreeNode</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b>() : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes this node from it's parent</div>
<div class="long">
Removes this node from it's parent <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Node</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#remove" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-removeChild"></a>
<b>removeChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a child node from this node.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a child node from this node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node to remove</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Node</code><div class="sub-desc">The removed node</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#removeChild" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-replaceChild"></a>
<b>replaceChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>Node newChild</code>, <code>Node oldChild</code>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Replaces one child node in this node with another.</div>
<div class="long">
Replaces one child node in this node with another. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>newChild</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The replacement node</div></li><li><code>oldChild</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node to replace</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Node</code><div class="sub-desc">The replaced node</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#replaceChild" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-select"></a>
<b>select</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Triggers selection of this node</div>
<div class="long">
Triggers selection of this node <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#select" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#select">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-setText"></a>
<b>setText</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the text for this node</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the text for this node <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#setText" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#setText">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-sort"></a>
<b>sort</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sorts this nodes children using the supplied sort function</div>
<div class="long">
Sorts this nodes children using the supplied sort function <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#sort" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-toggle"></a>
<b>toggle</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Toggles expanded/collapsed state of the node</div>
<div class="long">
Toggles expanded/collapsed state of the node <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#toggle" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#toggle">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-unselect"></a>
<b>unselect</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Triggers deselection of this node</div>
<div class="long">
Triggers deselection of this node <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#unselect" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#unselect">TreeNode</a></td>
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-append"></a>
<b>append</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node node</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a new child node is appended</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a new child node is appended <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The newly appended node</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the newly appended node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-append" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-beforeappend"></a>
<b>beforeappend</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a new child is appended, return false to cancel the append.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a new child is appended, return false to cancel the append. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node to be appended</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-beforeappend" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-beforechildrenrendered"></a>
<b>beforechildrenrendered</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires right before the child nodes for this node are rendered</div>
<div class="long">
Fires right before the child nodes for this node are rendered <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#event-beforechildrenrendered" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#event-beforechildrenrendered">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-beforeclick"></a>
<b>beforeclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before click processing. Return false to cancel the default action.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before click processing. Return false to cancel the default action. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#event-beforeclick" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#event-beforeclick">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-beforecollapse"></a>
<b>beforecollapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>, <code>Boolean deep</code>, <code>Boolean anim</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before this node is collapsed, return false to cancel.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before this node is collapsed, return false to cancel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>deep</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>anim</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#event-beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#event-beforecollapse">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-beforeexpand"></a>
<b>beforeexpand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>, <code>Boolean deep</code>, <code>Boolean anim</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before this node is expanded, return false to cancel.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before this node is expanded, return false to cancel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>deep</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>anim</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#event-beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#event-beforeexpand">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-beforeinsert"></a>
<b>beforeinsert</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node node</code>, <code>Node refNode</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a new child is inserted, return false to cancel the insert.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a new child is inserted, return false to cancel the insert. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node to be inserted</div></li><li><code>refNode</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node the node is being inserted before</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-beforeinsert" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-beforeload"></a>
<b>beforeload</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before this node is loaded, return false to cancel</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before this node is loaded, return false to cancel <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">AsyncTreeNode</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-beforemove"></a>
<b>beforemove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node oldParent</code>, <code>Node newParent</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before this node is moved to a new location in the tree. Return false to cancel the move.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before this node is moved to a new location in the tree. Return false to cancel the move. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>oldParent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The parent of this node</div></li><li><code>newParent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The new parent this node is moving to</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index it is being moved to</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-beforemove" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-beforeremove"></a>
<b>beforeremove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a child is removed, return false to cancel the remove.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a child is removed, return false to cancel the remove. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node to be removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-beforeremove" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-checkchange"></a>
<b>checkchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>, <code>Boolean checked</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a node with a checkbox's checked property changes</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a node with a checkbox's checked property changes <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>checked</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#event-checkchange" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#event-checkchange">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-click"></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this node is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this node is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#event-click" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#event-click">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this node is collapsed</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this node is collapsed <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#event-collapse" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#event-collapse">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-contextmenu"></a>
<b>contextmenu</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this node is right clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this node is right clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#event-contextmenu" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#event-contextmenu">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-dblclick"></a>
<b>dblclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this node is double clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this node is double clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#event-dblclick" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#event-dblclick">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-disabledchange"></a>
<b>disabledchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>, <code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the disabled status of this node changes</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the disabled status of this node changes <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#event-disabledchange" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#event-disabledchange">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this node is expanded</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this node is expanded <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#event-expand" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#event-expand">TreeNode</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-insert"></a>
<b>insert</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node node</code>, <code>Node refNode</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a new child node is inserted.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a new child node is inserted. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node inserted</div></li><li><code>refNode</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node the node was inserted before</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-insert" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-load"></a>
<b>load</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this node is loaded</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this node is loaded <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">AsyncTreeNode</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node oldParent</code>, <code>Node newParent</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this node is moved to a new location in the tree</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this node is moved to a new location in the tree <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>oldParent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The old parent of this node</div></li><li><code>newParent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The new parent of this node</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index it was moved to</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node this</code>, <code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a child node is removed</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a child node is removed <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The removed node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-remove" href="output/">Node</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode-textchange"></a>
<b>textchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Node this</code>, <code>String text</code>, <code>String oldText</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the text for this node is changed</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the text for this node is changed <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">This node</div></li><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new text</div></li><li><code>oldText</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The old text</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="#event-textchange" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#event-textchange">TreeNode</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.StoreMgr-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.StoreMgr-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.StoreMgr-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.StoreMgr-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.StoreMgr"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html">MixedCollection</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>StoreMgr</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.StoreMgr</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/data/StoreMgr.js" target="_blank">StoreMgr.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">StoreMgr</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html">MixedCollection</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
The default global group of stores.<br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.StoreMgr-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-add"></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>String key</code>, <code>Object o</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds an item to the collection. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="add" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#add">add</a> event when complete.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds an item to the collection. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="add" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#add">add</a> event when complete. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>key</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key to associate with the item</div></li><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The item to add.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The item added.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#add" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#add">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-addAll"></a>
<b>addAll</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object/Array objs</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds all elements of an Array or an Object to the collection.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds all elements of an Array or an Object to the collection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>objs</code> : Object/Array<div class="sub-desc">An Object containing properties which will be added to the collection, or
an Array of values, each of which are added to the collection.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#addAll" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#addAll">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-clear"></a>
<b>clear</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all items from the collection. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="clear" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#clear">clear</a> event when complete.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all items from the collection. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="clear" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#clear">clear</a> event when complete. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#clear" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#clear">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-clone"></a>
<b>clone</b>() : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a duplicate of this collection</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a duplicate of this collection <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#clone" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#clone">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-contains"></a>
<b>contains</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object o</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the collection contains the passed Object as an item.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the collection contains the passed Object as an item. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The Object to look for in the collection.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the collection contains the Object as an item.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#contains" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#contains">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-containsKey"></a>
<b>containsKey</b>(&nbsp;<code>String key</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the collection contains the passed Object as a key.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the collection contains the passed Object as a key. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>key</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key to look for in the collection.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the collection contains the Object as a key.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#containsKey" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#containsKey">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-each"></a>
<b>each</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Executes the specified function once for every item in the collection, passing the following arguments:
item : Mixed...</div>
<div class="long">
Executes the specified function once for every item in the collection, passing the following arguments:
<div class="mdetail-params"><ul>
<li><b>item</b> : Mixed<p class="sub-desc">The collection item</p></li>
<li><b>index</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The item's index</p></li>
<li><b>length</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The total number of items in the collection</p></li>
The function should return a boolean value. Returning false from the function will stop the iteration. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to execute for each item.</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the function.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#each" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#each">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-eachKey"></a>
<b>eachKey</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Executes the specified function once for every key in the collection, passing each
key, and its associated item as th...</div>
<div class="long">
Executes the specified function once for every key in the collection, passing each
key, and its associated item as the first two parameters. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to execute for each item.</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the function.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#eachKey" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#eachKey">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-filter"></a>
<b>filter</b>(&nbsp;<code>String property</code>, <code>String/RegExp value</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean anyMatch</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean caseSensitive</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Filter the <i>objects</i> in this collection by a specific property.
Returns a new collection that has been filtered.</div>
<div class="long">
Filter the <i>objects</i> in this collection by a specific property.
Returns a new collection that has been filtered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>property</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A property on your objects</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String/RegExp<div class="sub-desc">Either string that the property values
should start with or a RegExp to test against the property</div></li><li><code>anyMatch</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to match any part of the string, not just the beginning</div></li><li><code>caseSensitive</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for case sensitive comparison (defaults to False).</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>MixedCollection</code><div class="sub-desc">The new filtered collection</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#filter" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#filter">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-filterBy"></a>
<b>filterBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Filter by a function. Returns a new collection that has been filtered.
The passed function will be called with each o...</div>
<div class="long">
Filter by a function. Returns a <i>new</i> collection that has been filtered.
The passed function will be called with each object in the collection.
If the function returns true, the value is included otherwise it is filtered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called, it will receive the args o (the object), k (the key)</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to this)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>MixedCollection</code><div class="sub-desc">The new filtered collection</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#filterBy" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#filterBy">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-find"></a>
<b>find</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the first item in the collection which elicits a true return value from the
passed selection function.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the first item in the collection which elicits a true return value from the
passed selection function. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The selection function to execute for each item.</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the function.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The first item in the collection which returned true from the selection function.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#find" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#find">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-findIndex"></a>
<b>findIndex</b>(&nbsp;<code>String property</code>, <code>String/RegExp value</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number start</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean anyMatch</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean caseSensitive</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Finds the index of the first matching object in this collection by a specific property/value.</div>
<div class="long">
Finds the index of the first matching object in this collection by a specific property/value. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>property</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of a property on your objects.</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String/RegExp<div class="sub-desc">A string that the property values
should start with or a RegExp to test against the property.</div></li><li><code>start</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index to start searching at (defaults to 0).</div></li><li><code>anyMatch</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to match any part of the string, not just the beginning.</div></li><li><code>caseSensitive</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for case sensitive comparison.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The matched index or -1</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#findIndex" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#findIndex">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-findIndexBy"></a>
<b>findIndexBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number start</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find the index of the first matching object in this collection by a function.
If the function returns true it is cons...</div>
<div class="long">
Find the index of the first matching object in this collection by a function.
If the function returns <i>true</i> it is considered a match. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called, it will receive the args o (the object), k (the key).</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to this).</div></li><li><code>start</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index to start searching at (defaults to 0).</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The matched index or -1</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#findIndexBy" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#findIndexBy">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-first"></a>
<b>first</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the first item in the collection.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the first item in the collection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">the first item in the collection..</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#first" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#first">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-get"></a>
<b>get</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Number key</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item associated with the passed key or index.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item associated with the passed key or index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>key</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">The key or index of the item.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The item associated with the passed key.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#get" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#get">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-getCount"></a>
<b>getCount</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the number of items in the collection.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the number of items in the collection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">the number of items in the collection.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#getCount" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#getCount">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-getKey"></a>
<b>getKey</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object item</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">MixedCollection has a generic way to fetch keys if you implement getKey. The default implementation
simply returns i...</div>
<div class="long">
MixedCollection has a generic way to fetch keys if you implement getKey. The default implementation
simply returns <tt style="font-weight:bold;"></tt> but you can provide your own implementation
to return a different value as in the following examples:
<pre><code><i>// normal way</i>
<b>var</b> mc = <b>new</b> Ext.util.MixedCollection();
mc.add(, someEl);
mc.add(, otherEl);
<i>//and so on</i>
<i>// using getKey</i>
<b>var</b> mc = <b>new</b> Ext.util.MixedCollection();
mc.getKey = <b>function</b>(el){
<i>// or via the constructor</i>
<b>var</b> mc = <b>new</b> Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, <b>function</b>(el){
mc.add(otherEl);</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>item</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The item for which to find the key.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The key for the passed item.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#getKey" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#getKey">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-getRange"></a>
<b>getRange</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number startIndex</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number endIndex</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a range of items in this collection</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a range of items in this collection <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>startIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) defaults to 0</div></li><li><code>endIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) default to the last item</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">An array of items</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#getRange" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#getRange">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-indexOf"></a>
<b>indexOf</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object o</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns index within the collection of the passed Object.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns index within the collection of the passed Object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The item to find the index of.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">index of the item.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#indexOf" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#indexOf">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-indexOfKey"></a>
<b>indexOfKey</b>(&nbsp;<code>String key</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns index within the collection of the passed key.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns index within the collection of the passed key. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>key</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key to find the index of.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">index of the key.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#indexOfKey" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#indexOfKey">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-insert"></a>
<b>insert</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code>String key</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object o</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts an item at the specified index in the collection. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="add" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#add">add</a> event when complete.</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts an item at the specified index in the collection. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="add" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#add">add</a> event when complete. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index to insert the item at.</div></li><li><code>key</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key to associate with the new item, or the item itself.</div></li><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If the second parameter was a key, the new item.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The item inserted.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#insert" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#insert">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-item"></a>
<b>item</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Number key</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item associated with the passed key OR index. Key has priority over index. This is the equivalent
of cal...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item associated with the passed key OR index. Key has priority over index. This is the equivalent
of calling <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="key" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#key">key</a> first, then if nothing matched calling <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="itemAt" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#itemAt">itemAt</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>key</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">The key or index of the item.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The item associated with the passed key.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#item" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#item">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-itemAt"></a>
<b>itemAt</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item at the specified index.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item at the specified index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the item.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The item at the specified index.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#itemAt" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#itemAt">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-key"></a>
<b>key</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Number key</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item associated with the passed key.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item associated with the passed key. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>key</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">The key of the item.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The item associated with the passed key.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#key" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#key">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-keySort"></a>
<b>keySort</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String direction</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function fn</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sorts this collection by keys</div>
<div class="long">
Sorts this collection by keys <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>direction</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) "ASC" or "DESC"</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) a comparison function (defaults to case insensitive string)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#keySort" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#keySort">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-last"></a>
<b>last</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the last item in the collection.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the last item in the collection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">the last item in the collection..</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#last" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#last">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-lookup"></a>
<b>lookup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object id</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets a registered Store by id</div>
<div class="long">
Gets a registered Store by id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">The id of the Store or a Store</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">StoreMgr</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object o</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removed an item from the collection.</div>
<div class="long">
Removed an item from the collection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The item to remove.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The item removed or false if no item was removed.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#remove" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#remove">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-removeAt"></a>
<b>removeAt</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove an item from a specified index in the collection. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="remove" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#remove">remove</a> event when complete.</div>
<div class="long">
Remove an item from a specified index in the collection. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="remove" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#remove">remove</a> event when complete. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index within the collection of the item to remove.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The item removed or false if no item was removed.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#removeAt" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#removeAt">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-removeKey"></a>
<b>removeKey</b>(&nbsp;<code>String key</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removed an item associated with the passed key fom the collection.</div>
<div class="long">
Removed an item associated with the passed key fom the collection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>key</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key of the item to remove.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The item removed or false if no item was removed.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#removeKey" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#removeKey">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-replace"></a>
<b>replace</b>(&nbsp;<code>String key</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>o {Object}</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Replaces an item in the collection. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="replace" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#replace">replace</a> event when complete.</div>
<div class="long">
Replaces an item in the collection. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="replace" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#replace">replace</a> event when complete. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>key</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key associated with the item to replace, or the item to replace.</div></li><li><code>{Object}</code> : o<div class="sub-desc">o (optional) If the first parameter passed was a key, the item to associate with that key.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The new item.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#replace" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#replace">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-sort"></a>
<b>sort</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String direction</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function fn</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sorts this collection with the passed comparison function</div>
<div class="long">
Sorts this collection with the passed comparison function <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>direction</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) "ASC" or "DESC"</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) comparison function</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#sort" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#sort">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-add"></a>
<b>add</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code>Object o</code>, <code>String key</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when an item is added to the collection.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when an item is added to the collection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the item was added.</div></li><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The item added.</div></li><li><code>key</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key associated with the added item.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#event-add" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#event-add">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-clear"></a>
<b>clear</b> : () <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the collection is cleared.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the collection is cleared. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#event-clear" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#event-clear">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object o</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String key</code>]</span>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when an item is removed from the collection.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when an item is removed from the collection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The item being removed.</div></li><li><code>key</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The key associated with the removed item.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#event-remove" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#event-remove">MixedCollection</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.StoreMgr-replace"></a>
<b>replace</b> : (&nbsp;<code>String key</code>, <code>Object old</code>, <code>Object new</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when an item is replaced in the collection.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when an item is replaced in the collection. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>key</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">he key associated with the new added.</div></li><li><code>old</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The item being replaced.</div></li><li><code>new</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The new item.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" ext:member="#event-replace" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html#event-replace">MixedCollection</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Component-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Component-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Component-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Component-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Component"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Component</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.Component</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/Component.js" target="_blank">Component.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Component</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Button</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.ColorPalette" href="output/Ext.ColorPalette.html">ColorPalette</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.DatePicker" href="output/Ext.DatePicker.html">DatePicker</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" href="output/Ext.Editor.html">Editor</a>, <a ext:cls="" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
<p>Base class for all Ext components. All subclasses of Component can automatically participate in the standard
Ext component lifecycle of creation, rendering and destruction. They also have automatic support for basic hide/show
and enable/disable behavior. Component allows any subclass to be lazy-rendered into any <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> and
to be automatically registered with the <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a> so that it can be referenced at any time via
<a ext:cls="Ext" ext:member="getCmp" href="output/Ext.html#getCmp">Ext.getCmp</a>. All visual widgets that require rendering into a layout should subclass Component (or
<a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">Ext.BoxComponent</a> if managed box model handling is required).</p>
<p>Every component has a specific xtype, which is its Ext-specific type name, along with methods for checking the
xtype like <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">getXType</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">isXType</a>. This is the list of all valid xtypes:</p>
<pre>xtype Class
------------- ------------------
box Ext.BoxComponent
button Ext.Button
colorpalette Ext.ColorPalette
component Ext.Component
container Ext.Container
cycle Ext.CycleButton
dataview Ext.DataView
datepicker Ext.DatePicker
editor Ext.Editor
editorgrid Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel
grid Ext.grid.GridPanel
paging Ext.PagingToolbar
panel Ext.Panel
progress Ext.ProgressBar
splitbutton Ext.SplitButton
tabpanel Ext.TabPanel
treepanel Ext.tree.TreePanel
viewport Ext.ViewPort
window Ext.Window
Toolbar components
toolbar Ext.Toolbar
tbbutton Ext.Toolbar.Button
tbfill Ext.Toolbar.Fill
tbitem Ext.Toolbar.Item
tbseparator Ext.Toolbar.Separator
tbspacer Ext.Toolbar.Spacer
tbsplit Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton
tbtext Ext.Toolbar.TextItem
Form components
form Ext.FormPanel
checkbox Ext.form.Checkbox
combo Ext.form.ComboBox
datefield Ext.form.DateField
field Ext.form.Field
fieldset Ext.form.FieldSet
hidden Ext.form.Hidden
htmleditor Ext.form.HtmlEditor
numberfield Ext.form.NumberField
radio Ext.form.Radio
textarea Ext.form.TextArea
textfield Ext.form.TextField
timefield Ext.form.TimeField
trigger Ext.form.TriggerField</pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Component-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-autoEl"></a>
<b>autoEl</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inlin...</div>
<div class="long">
A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inline via JSON. It should not be used for higher level components which already create their own elements. Example usage: <pre><code>{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: <em>'div'</em>, cls:<em>'my-class'</em>}
{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: {tag:<em>'blockquote'</em>, html:<em>'autoEl is cool!'</em>}} // <b>with</b> DomHelper</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<a id="Ext.Component-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<a id="Ext.Component-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-Component"></a>
<b>Component</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.Element/String/Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Ext.Element/String/Object<div class="sub-desc">The configuration options. If an element is passed, it is set as the internal
element and its id used as the component id. If a string is passed, it is assumed to be the id of an existing element
and is used as the component id. Otherwise, it is assumed to be a standard config object and is applied to the component.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Component-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Component-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Component</td>
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.FileProvider-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.FileProvider-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.FileProvider-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.FileProvider-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.air.FileProvider"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Provider</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>FileProvider</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.air.FileProvider</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.air</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/FileProvider.js" target="_blank">FileProvider.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">FileProvider</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Provider</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
An Ext state provider implementation for Adobe AIR that stores state in the application
storage directory. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.air.FileProvider-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.FileProvider-defaultState"></a>
<b>defaultState</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The default state if no state file can be found </div>
<td class="msource">FileProvider</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.FileProvider-file"></a>
<b>file</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The file name to use for the state file in the application storage directory </div>
<td class="msource">FileProvider</td>
<a id="Ext.air.FileProvider-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.air.FileProvider-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.FileProvider-FileProvider"></a>
<b>FileProvider</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">FileProvider</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.FileProvider-clear"></a>
<b>clear</b>(&nbsp;<code>String name</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears a value from the state</div>
<div class="long">
Clears a value from the state <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>name</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key name</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="#clear" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#clear">Provider</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.FileProvider-decodeValue"></a>
<b>decodeValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Decodes a string previously encoded with <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="encodeValue" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#encodeValue">encodeValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Decodes a string previously encoded with <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="encodeValue" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#encodeValue">encodeValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The value to decode</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">The decoded value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="#decodeValue" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#decodeValue">Provider</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.FileProvider-encodeValue"></a>
<b>encodeValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Encodes a value including type information. Decode with <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="decodeValue" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#decodeValue">decodeValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Encodes a value including type information. Decode with <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="decodeValue" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#decodeValue">decodeValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to encode</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The encoded value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="#encodeValue" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#encodeValue">Provider</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.FileProvider-get"></a>
<b>get</b>(&nbsp;<code>String name</code>, <code>Mixed defaultValue</code>&nbsp;) : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the current value for a key</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the current value for a key <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>name</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key name</div></li><li><code>defaultValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">A default value to return if the key's value is not found</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">The state data</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="#get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">Provider</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.FileProvider-set"></a>
<b>set</b>(&nbsp;<code>String name</code>, <code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the value for a key</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the value for a key <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>name</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The key name</div></li><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="#set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">Provider</a></td>
<a id="Ext.air.FileProvider-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.FileProvider-statechange"></a>
<b>statechange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Provider this</code>, <code>String key</code>, <code>String value</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a state change occurs.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a state change occurs. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Provider<div class="sub-desc">This state provider</div></li><li><code>key</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The state key which was changed</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The encoded value for the state</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="#event-statechange" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#event-statechange">Provider</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">DataReader</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>JsonReader</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/data/JsonReader.js" target="_blank">JsonReader.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">JsonReader</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" href="output/">ArrayReader</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">DataReader</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Data reader class to create an Array of objects from a JSON response
based on mappings in a provided constructor.<br>
Example code:
<pre><code>var Employee =[
{name: <em>'name'</em>, mapping: <em>'name'</em>}, <i>// <em>"mapping"</em> property not needed <b>if</b> it's the same as <em>"name"</em></i>
{name: <em>'occupation'</em>} <i>// This field will use <em>"occupation"</em> as the mapping.</i>
<b>var</b> myReader = <b>new</b>{
totalProperty: <em>"results"</em>, <i>// The property which contains the total dataset size (optional)</i>
root: <em>"rows"</em>, <i>// The property which contains an Array of row objects</i>
id: <em>"id"</em> <i>// The property within each row object that provides an ID <b>for</b> the record (optional)</i>
}, Employee);</code></pre>
This would consume a JSON file like this:
<pre><code>{ <em>'results'</em>: 2, <em>'rows'</em>: [
{ <em>'id'</em>: 1, <em>'name'</em>: <em>'Bill'</em>, occupation: <em>'Gardener'</em> },
{ <em>'id'</em>: 2, <em>'name'</em>: <em>'Ben'</em>, occupation: <em>'Horticulturalist'</em> } ]
<p>It is possible to change a JsonReader's metadata at any time by including a
<b><tt>MetaData</tt></b> property in the data object. If this is detected in the
object, a <a ext:cls="" href="output/">Store</a> object using this Reader will fire its
<a ext:cls="" ext:member="metachange" href="output/">metachange</a> event.</p>
<p>The <b><tt>MetaData</tt></b> property may contain any of the configuration
options for this class. Additionally, it may contain a <b><tt>fields</tt></b>
property which the JsonReader will use that as an argument to <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a>
to configure the layout of the Records which it will produce.<p>
Using the <b><tt>MetaData</tt></b> property, and the Store's <a ext:cls="" ext:member="metachange" href="output/">metachange</a> event,
it is possible to have a Store-driven control initialize itself. The metachange
event handler may interrogate the <b><tt>MetaData</tt></b> property (which
may contain any user-defined properties needed) and the <b><tt>MetaData.fields</tt></b>
property to perform any configuration required.</p>
<p>To use this facility to send the same data as the above example without
having to code the creation of the Record constructor, you would create the
JsonReader like this:</p><pre><code>var myReader = <b>new</b>;</code></pre>
<p>The first data packet from the server would configure the reader by
containing a metaData property as well as the data:</p><pre><code>{
<em>'metaData'</em>: {
totalProperty: <em>'results'</em>,
root: <em>'rows'</em>,
id: <em>'id'</em>,
fields: [
{name: <em>'name'</em>},
{name: <em>'occupation'</em>} ]
<em>'results'</em>: 2, <em>'rows'</em>: [
{ <em>'id'</em>: 1, <em>'name'</em>: <em>'Bill'</em>, occupation: <em>'Gardener'</em> },
{ <em>'id'</em>: 2, <em>'name'</em>: <em>'Ben'</em>, occupation: <em>'Horticulturalist'</em> } ]
}</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Name of the property within a row object that contains a record identifier value. </div>
<td class="msource">JsonReader</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>root</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
name of the property which contains the Array of row objects. </div>
<td class="msource">JsonReader</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>successProperty</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Name of the property from which to retrieve the success attribute used by forms. </div>
<td class="msource">JsonReader</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>totalProperty</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Name of the property from which to retrieve the total number of records in the dataset. This is only needed if the wh...</div>
<div class="long">
Name of the property from which to retrieve the total number of records in the dataset. This is only needed if the whole dataset is not passed in one go, but is being paged from the remote server. </div>
<td class="msource">JsonReader</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>jsonData</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">After any data loads, the raw JSON data is available for further custom processing. If no data is
loaded or there is...</div>
<div class="long">
After any data loads, the raw JSON data is available for further custom processing. If no data is
loaded or there is a load exception this property will be undefined. </div>
<td class="msource">JsonReader</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>meta</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
This JsonReader's metadata as passed to the constructor, or as passed in
the last data packet's <b><tt>MetaData</tt></b> property. </div>
<td class="msource">JsonReader</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>JsonReader</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object meta</code>, <code>Object recordType</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new JsonReader</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new JsonReader <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>meta</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Metadata configuration options.</div></li><li><code>recordType</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Either an Array of field definition objects as passed to
<a ext:cls="" ext:member="create" href="output/"></a>, or a <a ext:cls="" href="output/">Record</a> constructor created using <a ext:cls="" ext:member="create" href="output/"></a>.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">JsonReader</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>read</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object response</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
This method is only used by a DataProxy which has retrieved data from a remote server.</div>
<div class="long">
This method is only used by a DataProxy which has retrieved data from a remote server. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>response</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The XHR object which contains the JSON data in its responseText.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">data A data block which is used by an object as a cache of</div></li>
<td class="msource">JsonReader</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>readRecords</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object o</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a data block containing from a JSON object.</div>
<div class="long">
Create a data block containing from a JSON object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object which contains an Array of row objects in the property specified
in the config as 'root, and optionally a property, specified in the config as 'totalProperty'
which contains the total size of the dataset.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">data A data block which is used by an object as a cache of</div></li>
<td class="msource">JsonReader</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.BasicForm-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.BasicForm-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.BasicForm-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.BasicForm-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.form.BasicForm"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>BasicForm</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.form.BasicForm</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.form</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/form/BasicForm.js" target="_blank">BasicForm.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">BasicForm</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Supplies the functionality to do "actions" on forms and initialize Ext.form.Field types on existing markup.
By default, Ext Forms are submitted through Ajax, using <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html">Ext.form.Action</a>.
To enable normal browser submission of an Ext Form, use the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" ext:member="standardSubmit" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html#standardSubmit">standardSubmit</a> config option. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-baseParams"></a>
<b>baseParams</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Parameters to pass with all requests. e.g. baseParams: {id: '123', foo: 'bar'}. </div>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-errorReader"></a>
<b>errorReader</b> : DataReader <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An (e.g. to be used to read data when reading validation errors on "submit" a...</div>
<div class="long">
An (e.g. <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a>) to be used to read data when reading validation errors on "submit" actions. This is completely optional as there is built-in support for processing JSON. </div>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-fileUpload"></a>
<b>fileUpload</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Set to true if this form is a file upload. </div>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-method"></a>
<b>method</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The request method to use (GET or POST) for form actions if one isn't supplied in the action options. </div>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-reader"></a>
<b>reader</b> : DataReader <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An (e.g. to be used to read data when executing "load" actions. This is optio...</div>
<div class="long">
An (e.g. <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a>) to be used to read data when executing "load" actions. This is optional as there is built-in support for processing JSON. </div>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-standardSubmit"></a>
<b>standardSubmit</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
If set to true, standard HTML form submits are used instead of XHR (Ajax) style form submissions. (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-timeout"></a>
<b>timeout</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Timeout for form actions in seconds (default is 30 seconds). </div>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-trackResetOnLoad"></a>
<b>trackResetOnLoad</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
If set to true, form.reset() resets to the last loaded or setValues() data instead of when the form was first created. </div>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-url"></a>
<b>url</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The URL to use for form actions if one isn't supplied in the action options. </div>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-waitMsgTarget"></a>
<b>waitMsgTarget</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
By default wait messages are displayed with Ext.MessageBox.wait. You can target a specific
element by passing it or ...</div>
<div class="long">
By default wait messages are displayed with Ext.MessageBox.wait. You can target a specific
element by passing it or its id or mask the form itself by passing in true. </div>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-BasicForm"></a>
<b>BasicForm</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The form element or its id</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-add"></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>Field field1</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Field field2</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Field etc</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : BasicForm <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Add Ext.form components to this form.</div>
<div class="long">
Add Ext.form components to this form. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>field1</code> : Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>field2</code> : Field<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li><li><code>etc</code> : Field<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>BasicForm</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-applyIfToFields"></a>
<b>applyIfToFields</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object values</code>&nbsp;) : BasicForm <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Calls <a ext:cls="Ext" ext:member="applyIf" href="output/Ext.html#applyIf">Ext.applyIf</a> for all field in this form with the passed object.</div>
<div class="long">
Calls <a ext:cls="Ext" ext:member="applyIf" href="output/Ext.html#applyIf">Ext.applyIf</a> for all field in this form with the passed object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>values</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>BasicForm</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-applyToFields"></a>
<b>applyToFields</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object values</code>&nbsp;) : BasicForm <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Calls <a ext:cls="Ext" ext:member="apply" href="output/Ext.html#apply">Ext.apply</a> for all fields in this form with the passed object.</div>
<div class="long">
Calls <a ext:cls="Ext" ext:member="apply" href="output/Ext.html#apply">Ext.apply</a> for all fields in this form with the passed object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>values</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>BasicForm</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-clearInvalid"></a>
<b>clearInvalid</b>() : BasicForm <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears all invalid messages in this form.</div>
<div class="long">
Clears all invalid messages in this form. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>BasicForm</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-doAction"></a>
<b>doAction</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object actionName</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : BasicForm <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Performs a predefined action (Ext.form.Action.Submit or
Ext.form.Action.Load) or a custom extension of Ext.form.Actio...</div>
<div class="long">
Performs a predefined action (<a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action.Submit" href="output/Ext.form.Action.Submit.html">Ext.form.Action.Submit</a> or
<a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action.Load" href="output/Ext.form.Action.Load.html">Ext.form.Action.Load</a>) or a custom extension of <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html">Ext.form.Action</a>
to perform application-specific processing. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>actionName</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">The name of the predefined action type,
or instance of <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html">Ext.form.Action</a> to perform.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The options to pass to the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html">Ext.form.Action</a>.
All of the config options listed below are supported by both the submit
and load actions unless otherwise noted (custom actions could also accept
other config options):<ul>
<li><b>url</b> : String<p style="margin-left:1em">The url for the action (defaults
to the form's url.)</p></li>
<li><b>method</b> : String<p style="margin-left:1em">The form method to use (defaults
to the form's method, or POST if not defined)</p></li>
<li><b>params</b> : String/Object<p style="margin-left:1em">The params to pass
(defaults to the form's baseParams, or none if not defined)</p></li>
<li><b>success</b> : Function<p style="margin-left:1em">The callback that will
be invoked after a successful response. Note that this is HTTP success
(the transaction was sent and received correctly), but the resulting response data
can still contain data errors. The function is passed the following parameters:<ul>
<li><code>form</code> : Ext.form.BasicForm<div class="sub-desc">The form that requested the action</div></li>
<li><code>action</code> : Ext.form.Action<div class="sub-desc">The Action class. The <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="result" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#result">result</a>
property of this object may be examined to perform custom postprocessing.</div></li>
<li><b>failure</b> : Function<p style="margin-left:1em">The callback that will
be invoked after a failed transaction attempt. Note that this is HTTP failure,
which means a non-successful HTTP code was returned from the server. The function
is passed the following parameters:<ul>
<li><code>form</code> : Ext.form.BasicForm<div class="sub-desc">The form that requested the action</div></li>
<li><code>action</code> : Ext.form.Action<div class="sub-desc">The Action class. If an Ajax
error ocurred, the failure type will be in <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="failureType" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#failureType">failureType</a>. The <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" ext:member="result" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html#result">result</a>
property of this object may be examined to perform custom postprocessing.</div></li>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p style="margin-left:1em">The scope in which to call the
callback functions (The <tt>this</tt> reference for the callback functions).</p></li>
<li><b>clientValidation</b> : Boolean<p style="margin-left:1em">Submit Action only.
Determines whether a Form's fields are validated in a final call to
<a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" ext:member="isValid" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html#isValid">isValid</a> prior to submission. Set to <tt>false</tt>
to prevent this. If undefined, pre-submission field validation is performed.</p></li></ul></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>BasicForm</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-findField"></a>
<b>findField</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Field <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a Ext.form.Field in this form by id, dataIndex, name or hiddenName.</div>
<div class="long">
Find a Ext.form.Field in this form by id, dataIndex, name or hiddenName. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The value to search for</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the HTML form Element</div>
<div class="long">
Get the HTML form Element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-getValues"></a>
<b>getValues</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean asString</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the fields in this form as an object with key/value pairs as they would be submitted using a standard form su...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the fields in this form as an object with key/value pairs as they would be submitted using a standard form submit.
If multiple fields exist with the same name they are returned as an array. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>asString</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) false to return the the values as an object (defaults to returning as a string)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-isDirty"></a>
<b>isDirty</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if any fields in this form have changed since their original load.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if any fields in this form have changed since their original load. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-isValid"></a>
<b>isValid</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if client-side validation on the form is successful.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if client-side validation on the form is successful. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-load"></a>
<b>load</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object options</code>&nbsp;) : BasicForm <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shortcut to do a load action.</div>
<div class="long">
Shortcut to do a load action. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The options to pass to the action (see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" ext:member="doAction" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html#doAction">doAction</a> for details)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>BasicForm</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-loadRecord"></a>
<b>loadRecord</b>(&nbsp;<code>Record record</code>&nbsp;) : BasicForm <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Loads an into this form.</div>
<div class="long">
Loads an into this form. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>record</code> : Record<div class="sub-desc">The record to load</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>BasicForm</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-markInvalid"></a>
<b>markInvalid</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array/Object errors</code>&nbsp;) : BasicForm <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Mark fields in this form invalid in bulk.</div>
<div class="long">
Mark fields in this form invalid in bulk. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>errors</code> : Array/Object<div class="sub-desc">Either an array in the form [{id:'fieldId', msg:'The message'},...] or an object hash of {id: msg, id2: msg2}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>BasicForm</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b>(&nbsp;<code>Field field</code>&nbsp;) : BasicForm <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a field from the items collection (does NOT remove its markup).</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a field from the items collection (does NOT remove its markup). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>field</code> : Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>BasicForm</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-render"></a>
<b>render</b>() : BasicForm <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Looks at the fields in this form, checks them for an id attribute,
and calls applyTo on the existing dom element with...</div>
<div class="long">
Looks at the fields in this form, checks them for an id attribute,
and calls applyTo on the existing dom element with that id. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>BasicForm</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-reset"></a>
<b>reset</b>() : BasicForm <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resets this form.</div>
<div class="long">
Resets this form. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>BasicForm</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-setValues"></a>
<b>setValues</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array/Object values</code>&nbsp;) : BasicForm <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Set values for fields in this form in bulk.</div>
<div class="long">
Set values for fields in this form in bulk. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>values</code> : Array/Object<div class="sub-desc">Either an array in the form:<br><br><code><pre>[{id:'clientName', value:'Fred. Olsen Lines'},
{id:'portOfLoading', value:'FXT'},
{id:'portOfDischarge', value:'OSL'} ]</pre></code><br><br>
or an object hash of the form:<br><br><code><pre>{
clientName: 'Fred. Olsen Lines',
portOfLoading: 'FXT',
portOfDischarge: 'OSL'
}</pre></code><br></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>BasicForm</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-submit"></a>
<b>submit</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object options</code>&nbsp;) : BasicForm <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shortcut to do a submit action.</div>
<div class="long">
Shortcut to do a submit action. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The options to pass to the action (see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" ext:member="doAction" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html#doAction">doAction</a> for details)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>BasicForm</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-updateRecord"></a>
<b>updateRecord</b>(&nbsp;<code>Record record</code>&nbsp;) : BasicForm <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Persists the values in this form into the passed object in a beginEdit/endEdit block.</div>
<div class="long">
Persists the values in this form into the passed object in a beginEdit/endEdit block. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>record</code> : Record<div class="sub-desc">The record to edit</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>BasicForm</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-actioncomplete"></a>
<b>actioncomplete</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Form this</code>, <code>Action action</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when an action is completed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when an action is completed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Form<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>action</code> : Action<div class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html">Ext.form.Action</a> that completed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-actionfailed"></a>
<b>actionfailed</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Form this</code>, <code>Action action</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when an action fails.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when an action fails. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Form<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>action</code> : Action<div class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html">Ext.form.Action</a> that failed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.BasicForm-beforeaction"></a>
<b>beforeaction</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Form this</code>, <code>Action action</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any action is performed. Return false to cancel the action.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any action is performed. Return false to cancel the action. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Form<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>action</code> : Action<div class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Action" href="output/Ext.form.Action.html">Ext.form.Action</a> to be performed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">BasicForm</td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.layout</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/layout/BorderLayout.js" target="_blank">BorderLayout.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">BorderLayout.Region</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion.html">BorderLayout.SplitRegion</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
This is a region of a BorderLayout that acts as a subcontainer within the layout. Each region has its own
layout that is independent of other regions and the containing BorderLayout, and can be any of the valid
Ext layout types. Region size is managed automatically and cannot be changed by the user -- for resizable
regions, see <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion.html">Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion</a>. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-animFloat"></a>
<b>animFloat</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">When a collapsed region's bar is clicked, the region's panel will be displayed as a floated panel that will close aga...</div>
<div class="long">
When a collapsed region's bar is clicked, the region's panel will be displayed as a floated panel that will close again once the user mouses out of that panel (or clicks out if autoHide = false). Setting animFloat to false will prevent the open and close of these floated panels from being animated (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.Region</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-autoHide"></a>
<b>autoHide</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">When a collapsed region's bar is clicked, the region's panel will be displayed as a floated panel. If autoHide is tru...</div>
<div class="long">
When a collapsed region's bar is clicked, the region's panel will be displayed as a floated panel. If autoHide is true, the panel will automatically hide after the user mouses out of the panel. If autoHide is false, the panel will continue to display until the user clicks outside of the panel (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.Region</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-cmargins"></a>
<b>cmargins</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object containing margins to apply to the region's collapsed element in the format {left: (left margin), top: (top...</div>
<div class="long">
An object containing margins to apply to the region's collapsed element in the format {left: (left margin), top: (top margin), right: (right margin), bottom: (bottom margin)} </div>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.Region</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-collapseMode"></a>
<b>collapseMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, collapsible regions are collapsed by clicking the expand/collapse tool button that renders into the regio...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, collapsible regions are collapsed by clicking the expand/collapse tool button that renders into the region's title bar. Optionally, when collapseMode is set to 'mini' the region's split bar will also display a small collapse button in the center of the bar. In 'mini' mode the region will collapse to a thinner bar than in normal mode. By default collapseMode is undefined, and the only two supported values are undefined and 'mini'. Note that if a collapsible region does not have a title bar, then collapseMode must be set to 'mini' in order for the region to be collapsible by the user as the tool button will not be rendered. </div>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.Region</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-collapsible"></a>
<b>collapsible</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to allow the user to collapse this region (defaults to false). If true, an expand/collapse tool button will auto...</div>
<div class="long">
True to allow the user to collapse this region (defaults to false). If true, an expand/collapse tool button will automatically be rendered into the title bar of the region, otherwise the button will not be shown. Note that a title bar is required to display the toggle button -- if no region title is specified, the region will only be collapsible if <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="collapseMode" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#collapseMode">collapseMode</a> is set to 'mini'. </div>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.Region</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-floatable"></a>
<b>floatable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to allow clicking a collapsed region's bar to display the region's panel floated above the layout, false to forc...</div>
<div class="long">
True to allow clicking a collapsed region's bar to display the region's panel floated above the layout, false to force the user to fully expand a collapsed region by clicking the expand button to see it again (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.Region</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-margins"></a>
<b>margins</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object containing margins to apply to the region in the format {left: (left margin), top: (top margin), right: (ri...</div>
<div class="long">
An object containing margins to apply to the region in the format {left: (left margin), top: (top margin), right: (right margin), bottom: (bottom margin)} </div>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.Region</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-minHeight"></a>
<b>minHeight</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum allowable height in pixels for this region (defaults to 50) </div>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.Region</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-minWidth"></a>
<b>minWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum allowable width in pixels for this region (defaults to 50) </div>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.Region</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-split"></a>
<b>split</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display a Ext.SplitBar between this region and its neighbor, allowing the user to resize the regions dynamica...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display a <a ext:cls="Ext.SplitBar" href="output/Ext.SplitBar.html">Ext.SplitBar</a> between this region and its neighbor, allowing the user to resize the regions dynamically (defaults to false). When split = true, it is common to specify a <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="minSize" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#minSize">minSize</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="maxSize" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#maxSize">maxSize</a> for the region. </div>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.Region</td>
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-isCollapsed"></a>
<b>isCollapsed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this region is collapsed. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.Region</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-position"></a>
<b>position</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
This region's layout position (north, south, east, west or center). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.Region</td>
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-BorderLayout.Region"></a>
<b>BorderLayout.Region</b>(&nbsp;<code>Layout layout</code>, <code>Object config</code>, <code>String position</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new Region.</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new Region. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>layout</code> : Layout<div class="sub-desc">Any valid Ext layout class</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The configuration options</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The region position. Valid values are: north, south, east, west and center. Every
BorderLayout must have a center region for the primary content -- all other regions are optional.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.Region</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-getMargins"></a>
<b>getMargins</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the current margins for this region. If the region is collapsed, the cmargins (collapsed
margins) value will...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the current margins for this region. If the region is collapsed, the cmargins (collapsed
margins) value will be returned, otherwise the margins value will be returned. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's margins: {left: (left margin), top: (top margin), right: (right margin), bottom: (bottom margin)}</div></li>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.Region</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-getMinHeight"></a>
<b>getMinHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the minimum allowable height for this region.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the minimum allowable height for this region. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The minimum height</div></li>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.Region</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-getMinWidth"></a>
<b>getMinWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the minimum allowable width for this region.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the minimum allowable width for this region. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The minimum width</div></li>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.Region</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the current size of this region. If the region is collapsed, the size of the collapsedEl will
be returned, o...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the current size of this region. If the region is collapsed, the size of the collapsedEl will
be returned, otherwise the size of the region's panel will be returned. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size: {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.Region</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if this region is currently visible, else false.</div>
<div class="long">
True if this region is currently visible, else false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.Region</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-setPanel"></a>
<b>setPanel</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel panel</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the specified panel as the container element for this region.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the specified panel as the container element for this region. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>panel</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The new panel</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.Region</td>
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.CompositeElement-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.CompositeElement-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.CompositeElement-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.CompositeElement"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.CompositeElement</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/core/CompositeElement.js" target="_blank">CompositeElement.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">CompositeElement</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.CompositeElementLite" href="output/Ext.CompositeElementLite.html">CompositeElementLite</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Standard composite class. Creates a Ext.Element for every element in the collection.
<b>NOTE: Although they are not listed, this class supports all of the set/update methods of Ext.Element. All Ext.Element
actions will be performed on all the elements in this collection.</b>
All methods return <i>this</i> and can be chained.
<pre><code>var els =<em>"#some-el div.some-class"</em>, true);
<i>// or select directly from an existing element</i>
<b>var</b> el = Ext.get(<em>'some-el'</em>);<em>'div.some-class'</em>, true);
els.setWidth(100); <i>// all elements become 100 width</i>
els.hide(true); <i>// all elements fade out and hide</i>
<i>// or</i>
els.setWidth(100).hide(true);</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.CompositeElement-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.CompositeElement-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElement-add"></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Array els</code>&nbsp;) : CompositeElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds elements to this composite.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds elements to this composite. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>els</code> : String/Array<div class="sub-desc">A string CSS selector, an array of elements or an element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>CompositeElement</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">CompositeElement</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElement-clear"></a>
<b>clear</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all elements.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all elements. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CompositeElement</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElement-contains"></a>
<b>contains</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this composite contains the passed element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this composite contains the passed element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CompositeElement</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElement-each"></a>
<b>each</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : CompositeElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Calls the passed function passing (el, this, index) for each element in this composite.</div>
<div class="long">
Calls the passed function passing (el, this, index) for each element in this composite. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The <i>this</i> object (defaults to the element)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>CompositeElement</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">CompositeElement</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElement-fill"></a>
<b>fill</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Array els</code>&nbsp;) : CompositeElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears this composite and adds the elements returned by the passed selector.</div>
<div class="long">
Clears this composite and adds the elements returned by the passed selector. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>els</code> : String/Array<div class="sub-desc">A string CSS selector, an array of elements or an element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>CompositeElement</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">CompositeElement</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElement-filter"></a>
<b>filter</b>(&nbsp;<code>String selector</code>&nbsp;) : CompositeElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Filters this composite to only elements that match the passed selector.</div>
<div class="long">
Filters this composite to only elements that match the passed selector. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A string CSS selector</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>CompositeElement</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">CompositeElement</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElement-first"></a>
<b>first</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the first Element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the first Element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CompositeElement</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElement-getCount"></a>
<b>getCount</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the number of elements in this composite</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the number of elements in this composite <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CompositeElement</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElement-indexOf"></a>
<b>indexOf</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this composite contains the passed element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this composite contains the passed element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CompositeElement</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElement-item"></a>
<b>item</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the Element object at the specified index</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the Element object at the specified index <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CompositeElement</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElement-last"></a>
<b>last</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the last Element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the last Element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CompositeElement</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElement-removeElement"></a>
<b>removeElement</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean removeDom</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : CompositeElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes the specified element(s).</div>
<div class="long">
Removes the specified element(s). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The id of an element, the Element itself, the index of the element in this composite
or an array of any of those.</div></li><li><code>removeDom</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to also remove the element from the document</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>CompositeElement</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">CompositeElement</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.CompositeElement-replaceElement"></a>
<b>replaceElement</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Mixed replacement</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean domReplace</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : CompositeElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Replaces the specified element with the passed element.</div>
<div class="long">
Replaces the specified element with the passed element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The id of an element, the Element itself, the index of the element in this composite
to replace.</div></li><li><code>replacement</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The id of an element or the Element itself.</div></li><li><code>domReplace</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(Optional) True to remove and replace the element in the document too.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>CompositeElement</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">CompositeElement</td>
<a id="Ext.CompositeElement-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar.Button-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar.Button-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar.Button-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar.Button-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Toolbar.Button"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Button</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Toolbar.Button</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.Toolbar.Button</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/Toolbar.js" target="_blank">Toolbar.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Toolbar.Button</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Button</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A button that renders into a toolbar. Use the <tt>handler</tt> config to specify a callback function
to handle the button's click event.
<pre><code>new Ext.Panel({
tbar : [
{text: <em>'OK'</em>, handler: okHandler} <i>// tbbutton is the <b>default</b> xtype <b>if</b> not specified</i>
});</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-clickEvent"></a>
<b>clickEvent</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type of event to map to the button's event handler (defaults to 'click') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#clickEvent" href="output/Ext.Button.html#clickEvent">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to start disabled (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Button.html#disabled">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-enableToggle"></a>
<b>enableToggle</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to enable pressed/not pressed toggling (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#enableToggle" href="output/Ext.Button.html#enableToggle">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-handleMouseEvents"></a>
<b>handleMouseEvents</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to disable visual cues on mouseover, mouseout and mousedown (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#handleMouseEvents" href="output/Ext.Button.html#handleMouseEvents">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-handler"></a>
<b>handler</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
A function called when the button is clicked (can be used instead of click event) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#handler" href="output/Ext.Button.html#handler">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to start hidden (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Button.html#hidden">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-icon"></a>
<b>icon</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The path to an image to display in the button (the image will be set as the background-image CSS property of the butt...</div>
<div class="long">
The path to an image to display in the button (the image will be set as the background-image CSS property of the button by default, so if you want a mixed icon/text button, set cls:"x-btn-text-icon") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#icon" href="output/Ext.Button.html#icon">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-iconCls"></a>
<b>iconCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A css class which sets a background image to be used as the icon for this button </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#iconCls" href="output/Ext.Button.html#iconCls">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-menu"></a>
<b>menu</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Standard menu attribute consisting of a reference to a menu object, a menu id or a menu config blob (defaults to unde...</div>
<div class="long">
Standard menu attribute consisting of a reference to a menu object, a menu id or a menu config blob (defaults to undefined). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#menu" href="output/Ext.Button.html#menu">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-menuAlign"></a>
<b>menuAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The position to align the menu to (see <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a> for more details, defaults to 'tl-bl?'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#menuAlign" href="output/Ext.Button.html#menuAlign">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-minWidth"></a>
<b>minWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width for this button (used to give a set of buttons a common width) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#minWidth" href="output/Ext.Button.html#minWidth">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-pressed"></a>
<b>pressed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to start pressed (only if enableToggle = true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#pressed" href="output/Ext.Button.html#pressed">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-repeat"></a>
<b>repeat</b> : Boolean/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to repeat fire the click event while the mouse is down. This can also be an Ext.util.ClickRepeater config object...</div>
<div class="long">
True to repeat fire the click event while the mouse is down. This can also be an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.ClickRepeater" href="output/Ext.util.ClickRepeater.html">Ext.util.ClickRepeater</a> config object (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#repeat" href="output/Ext.Button.html#repeat">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-scope"></a>
<b>scope</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The scope of the handler </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#scope" href="output/Ext.Button.html#scope">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-tabIndex"></a>
<b>tabIndex</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Set a DOM tabIndex for this button (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#tabIndex" href="output/Ext.Button.html#tabIndex">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-text"></a>
<b>text</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The button text </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#text" href="output/Ext.Button.html#text">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-toggleGroup"></a>
<b>toggleGroup</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The group this toggle button is a member of (only 1 per group can be pressed, only applies if enableToggle = true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#toggleGroup" href="output/Ext.Button.html#toggleGroup">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-tooltip"></a>
<b>tooltip</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
The tooltip for the button - can be a string or QuickTips config object </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#tooltip" href="output/Ext.Button.html#tooltip">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-tooltipType"></a>
<b>tooltipType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type of tooltip to use. Either "qtip" (default) for QuickTips or "title" for title attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#tooltipType" href="output/Ext.Button.html#tooltipType">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-type"></a>
<b>type</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
submit, reset or button - defaults to 'button' </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#type" href="output/Ext.Button.html#type">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-pressed"></a>
<b>pressed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Read-only. True if this button is pressed (only if enableToggle = true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#pressed" href="output/Ext.Button.html#pressed">Button</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-Toolbar.Button"></a>
<b>Toolbar.Button</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new Button</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new Button <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A standard <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Toolbar.Button</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-getText"></a>
<b>getText</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the text for this button</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the text for this button <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The button text</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#getText" href="output/Ext.Button.html#getText">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-hasVisibleMenu"></a>
<b>hasVisibleMenu</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the button has a menu and it is visible</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the button has a menu and it is visible <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#hasVisibleMenu" href="output/Ext.Button.html#hasVisibleMenu">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-hideMenu"></a>
<b>hideMenu</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this button's menu (if it has one)</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this button's menu (if it has one) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#hideMenu" href="output/Ext.Button.html#hideMenu">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.Button.html#initComponent">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-setHandler"></a>
<b>setHandler</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Assigns this button's click handler</div>
<div class="long">
Assigns this button's click handler <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call when the button is clicked</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Scope for the function passed in</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#setHandler" href="output/Ext.Button.html#setHandler">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-setIconClass"></a>
<b>setIconClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the CSS class that provides a background image to use as the button's icon. This method also changes
the value ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the CSS class that provides a background image to use as the button's icon. This method also changes
the value of the <a ext:cls="iconCls" href="output/iconCls.html">iconCls</a> config internally. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class providing the icon image</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#setIconClass" href="output/Ext.Button.html#setIconClass">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-setText"></a>
<b>setText</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets this button's text</div>
<div class="long">
Sets this button's text <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The button text</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#setText" href="output/Ext.Button.html#setText">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-showMenu"></a>
<b>showMenu</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this button's menu (if it has one)</div>
<div class="long">
Show this button's menu (if it has one) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#showMenu" href="output/Ext.Button.html#showMenu">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-toggle"></a>
<b>toggle</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean state</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If a state it passed, it becomes the pressed state otherwise the current state is toggled.</div>
<div class="long">
If a state it passed, it becomes the pressed state otherwise the current state is toggled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>state</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Force a particular state</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#toggle" href="output/Ext.Button.html#toggle">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-click"></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this button is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this button is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The click event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-click" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-click">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-menuhide"></a>
<b>menuhide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Menu menu</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this button has a menu, this event fires when it is hidden</div>
<div class="long">
If this button has a menu, this event fires when it is hidden <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menu</code> : Menu<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-menuhide" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-menuhide">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-menushow"></a>
<b>menushow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Menu menu</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this button has a menu, this event fires when it is shown</div>
<div class="long">
If this button has a menu, this event fires when it is shown <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menu</code> : Menu<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-menushow" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-menushow">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-menutriggerout"></a>
<b>menutriggerout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Menu menu</code>, <code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this button has a menu, this event fires when the mouse leaves the menu triggering element</div>
<div class="long">
If this button has a menu, this event fires when the mouse leaves the menu triggering element <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menu</code> : Menu<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-menutriggerout" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-menutriggerout">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-menutriggerover"></a>
<b>menutriggerover</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Menu menu</code>, <code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this button has a menu, this event fires when the mouse enters the menu triggering element</div>
<div class="long">
If this button has a menu, this event fires when the mouse enters the menu triggering element <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menu</code> : Menu<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-menutriggerover" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-menutriggerover">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-mouseout"></a>
<b>mouseout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the mouse exits the button</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the mouse exits the button <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-mouseout" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-mouseout">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-mouseover"></a>
<b>mouseover</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the mouse hovers over the button</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the mouse hovers over the button <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-mouseover" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-mouseover">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.Button-toggle"></a>
<b>toggle</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Boolean pressed</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the "pressed" state of this button changes (only if enableToggle = true)</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the "pressed" state of this button changes (only if enableToggle = true) <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>pressed</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-toggle" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-toggle">Button</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DD-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DD-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DD-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.dd.DD"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html">DragDrop</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>DD</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.dd.DD</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.dd</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/dd/DDCore.js" target="_blank">DDCore.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">DD</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDProxy" href="output/Ext.dd.DDProxy.html">DDProxy</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html">DragDrop</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A DragDrop implementation where the linked element follows the
mouse cursor during a drag. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-available"></a>
<b>available</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
The availabe property is false until the linked dom element is accessible. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#available" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#available">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-config"></a>
<b>config</b> : object <div class="mdesc">
Configuration attributes passed into the constructor </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#config" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#config">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-groups"></a>
<b>groups</b> : object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The group defines a logical collection of DragDrop objects that are
related. Instances only get events when interact...</div>
<div class="long">
The group defines a logical collection of DragDrop objects that are
related. Instances only get events when interacting with other
DragDrop object in the same group. This lets us define multiple
groups using a single DragDrop subclass if we want. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#groups" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#groups">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-hasOuterHandles"></a>
<b>hasOuterHandles</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, drags can only be initiated if the mousedown occurs in the
region the linked element is. This is done in...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, drags can only be initiated if the mousedown occurs in the
region the linked element is. This is done in part to work around a
bug in some browsers that mis-report the mousedown if the previous
mouseup happened outside of the window. This property is set to true
if outer handles are defined. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#hasOuterHandles" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#hasOuterHandles">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the element associated with this object. This is what we
refer to as the "linked element" because the size...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the element associated with this object. This is what we
refer to as the "linked element" because the size and position of
this element is used to determine when the drag and drop objects have
interacted. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#id">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-invalidHandleClasses"></a>
<b>invalidHandleClasses</b> : string[] <div class="mdesc">
An indexted array of css class names for elements that will be ignored
if clicked. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleClasses" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleClasses">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-invalidHandleIds"></a>
<b>invalidHandleIds</b> : string: <div class="mdesc">
An associative array of ids for elements that will be ignored if clicked </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleIds" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleIds">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-invalidHandleTypes"></a>
<b>invalidHandleTypes</b> : string: <div class="mdesc">
An associative array of HTML tags that will be ignored if clicked. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleTypes" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleTypes">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-isTarget"></a>
<b>isTarget</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
By default, all insances can be a drop target. This can be disabled by
setting isTarget to false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isTarget">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-maintainOffset"></a>
<b>maintainOffset</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Maintain offsets when we resetconstraints. Set to true when you want
the position of the element relative to its par...</div>
<div class="long">
Maintain offsets when we resetconstraints. Set to true when you want
the position of the element relative to its parent to stay the same
when the page changes </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#maintainOffset" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#maintainOffset">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-padding"></a>
<b>padding</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
The padding configured for this drag and drop object for calculating
the drop zone intersection with this object. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#padding" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#padding">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-primaryButtonOnly"></a>
<b>primaryButtonOnly</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default the drag and drop instance will only respond to the primary
button click (left button for a right-handed m...</div>
<div class="long">
By default the drag and drop instance will only respond to the primary
button click (left button for a right-handed mouse). Set to true to
allow drag and drop to start with any mouse click that is propogated
by the browser </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#primaryButtonOnly" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#primaryButtonOnly">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-scroll"></a>
<b>scroll</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">When set to true, the utility automatically tries to scroll the browser
window wehn a drag and drop element is dragge...</div>
<div class="long">
When set to true, the utility automatically tries to scroll the browser
window wehn a drag and drop element is dragged near the viewport boundary.
Defaults to true. </div>
<td class="msource">DD</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-xTicks"></a>
<b>xTicks</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
horizontal graduation/interval. This array is ge...</div>
<div class="long">
Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
horizontal graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically
when you define a tick interval. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#xTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#xTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-yTicks"></a>
<b>yTicks</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
vertical graduation/interval. This array is gene...</div>
<div class="long">
Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
vertical graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically
when you define a tick interval. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#yTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#yTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-DD"></a>
<b>DD</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the id of the linked element</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related DragDrop items</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">an object containing configurable attributes
Valid properties for DD:
scroll</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DD</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-addInvalidHandleClass"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cssClass</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lets you specify a css class of elements that will not initiate a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Lets you specify a css class of elements that will not initiate a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cssClass</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the class of the elements you wish to ignore</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleClass" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleClass">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-addInvalidHandleId"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleId</b>(&nbsp;<code>string id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lets you to specify an element id for a child of a drag handle
that should not initiate a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Lets you to specify an element id for a child of a drag handle
that should not initiate a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the element id of the element you wish to ignore</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-addInvalidHandleType"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleType</b>(&nbsp;<code>string tagName</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify a tag name that should not start a drag operation
when clicked. This is designed to facilitate...</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify a tag name that should not start a drag operation
when clicked. This is designed to facilitate embedding links within a
drag handle that do something other than start the drag. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tagName</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the type of element to exclude</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleType" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleType">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-addToGroup"></a>
<b>addToGroup</b>(&nbsp;<code>sGroup {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Add this instance to a group of related drag/drop objects. All
instances belong to at least one group, and can belon...</div>
<div class="long">
Add this instance to a group of related drag/drop objects. All
instances belong to at least one group, and can belong to as many
groups as needed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : sGroup<div class="sub-desc">the name of the group</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addToGroup" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addToGroup">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-alignElWithMouse"></a>
<b>alignElWithMouse</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement el</code>, <code>int iPageX</code>, <code>int iPageY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the element to the location of the mousedown or click event,
maintaining the cursor location relative to the loc...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the element to the location of the mousedown or click event,
maintaining the cursor location relative to the location on the element
that was clicked. Override this if you want to place the element in a
location other than where the cursor is. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">the element to move</div></li><li><code>iPageX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X coordinate of the mousedown or drag event</div></li><li><code>iPageY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y coordinate of the mousedown or drag event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DD</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-applyConfig"></a>
<b>applyConfig</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Applies the configuration parameters that were passed into the constructor.
This is supposed to happen at each level ...</div>
<div class="long">
Applies the configuration parameters that were passed into the constructor.
This is supposed to happen at each level through the inheritance chain. So
a DDProxy implentation will execute apply config on DDProxy, DD, and
DragDrop in order to get all of the parameters that are available in
each object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#applyConfig" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#applyConfig">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-autoOffset"></a>
<b>autoOffset</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iPageX</code>, <code>int iPageY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the pointer offset to the distance between the linked element's top
left corner and the location the element was...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the pointer offset to the distance between the linked element's top
left corner and the location the element was clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iPageX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X coordinate of the click</div></li><li><code>iPageY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y coordinate of the click</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DD</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-cachePosition"></a>
<b>cachePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>iPageX the</code>, <code>iPageY the</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Saves the most recent position so that we can reset the constraints and
tick marks on-demand. We need to know this s...</div>
<div class="long">
Saves the most recent position so that we can reset the constraints and
tick marks on-demand. We need to know this so that we can calculate the
number of pixels the element is offset from its original position. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : iPageX<div class="sub-desc">current x position (optional, this just makes it so we
don't have to look it up again)</div></li><li><code>the</code> : iPageY<div class="sub-desc">current y position (optional, this just makes it so we
don't have to look it up again)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DD</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-clearConstraints"></a>
<b>clearConstraints</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any constraints applied to this instance. Also clears ticks
since they can't exist independent of a constrain...</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any constraints applied to this instance. Also clears ticks
since they can't exist independent of a constraint at this time. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#clearConstraints" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#clearConstraints">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-clearTicks"></a>
<b>clearTicks</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any tick interval defined for this instance</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any tick interval defined for this instance <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#clearTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#clearTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-endDrag"></a>
<b>endDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fired when we are done dragging the object</div>
<div class="long">
Fired when we are done dragging the object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#endDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#endDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-getDragEl"></a>
<b>getDragEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a reference to the actual element to drag. By default this is
the same as the html element, but it can be as...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a reference to the actual element to drag. By default this is
the same as the html element, but it can be assigned to another
element. An example of this can be found in Ext.dd.DDProxy <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">the html element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#getDragEl" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#getDragEl">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a reference to the linked element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a reference to the linked element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">the html element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#getEl">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-init"></a>
<b>init</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets up the DragDrop object. Must be called in the constructor of any
Ext.dd.DragDrop subclass</div>
<div class="long">
Sets up the DragDrop object. Must be called in the constructor of any
Ext.dd.DragDrop subclass <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the linked element</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related items</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">configuration attributes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#init" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#init">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-initTarget"></a>
<b>initTarget</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initializes Targeting functionality only... the object does not
get a mousedown handler.</div>
<div class="long">
Initializes Targeting functionality only... the object does not
get a mousedown handler. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the linked element</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related items</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">configuration attributes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#initTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#initTarget">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-isLocked"></a>
<b>isLocked</b>() : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this instance is locked, or the drag drop mgr is locked
(meaning that all drag/drop is disabled on th...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this instance is locked, or the drag drop mgr is locked
(meaning that all drag/drop is disabled on the page.) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if this obj or all drag/drop is locked, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isLocked" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isLocked">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-isValidHandleChild"></a>
<b>isValidHandleChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement node</code>&nbsp;) : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks the tag exclusion list to see if this click should be ignored</div>
<div class="long">
Checks the tag exclusion list to see if this click should be ignored <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">the HTMLElement to evaluate</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if this is a valid tag type, false if not</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isValidHandleChild" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isValidHandleChild">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-lock"></a>
<b>lock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lock this instance</div>
<div class="long">
Lock this instance <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#lock" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#lock">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-onAvailable"></a>
<b>onAvailable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Override the onAvailable method to do what is needed after the initial
position was determined.</div>
<div class="long">
Override the onAvailable method to do what is needed after the initial
position was determined. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onAvailable" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onAvailable">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-onDrag"></a>
<b>onDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called during the onMouseMove event while dragging an
<div class="long">
Abstract method called during the onMouseMove event while dragging an
object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-onDragDrop"></a>
<b>onDragDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this item is dropped on another DragDrop
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this item is dropped on another DragDrop
obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this was dropped on. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items this
was dropped on.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragDrop">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-onDragEnter"></a>
<b>onDragEnter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this element fist begins hovering over
another DragDrop obj</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this element fist begins hovering over
another DragDrop obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this is hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of one or more
dragdrop items being hovered over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragEnter" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragEnter">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-onDragOut"></a>
<b>onDragOut</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when we are no longer hovering over an element</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when we are no longer hovering over an element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this was hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items
that the mouse is no longer over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragOut" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragOut">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-onDragOver"></a>
<b>onDragOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this element is hovering over another
DragDrop obj</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this element is hovering over another
DragDrop obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this is hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items
being hovered over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragOver" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragOver">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-onInvalidDrop"></a>
<b>onInvalidDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this item is dropped on an area with no
drop target</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this item is dropped on an area with no
drop target <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onInvalidDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onInvalidDrop">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-onMouseDown"></a>
<b>onMouseDown</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mousedown</div>
<div class="long">
Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mousedown <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousedown event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onMouseDown" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onMouseDown">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-onMouseUp"></a>
<b>onMouseUp</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mouseup</div>
<div class="long">
Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mouseup <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onMouseUp" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onMouseUp">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-removeFromGroup"></a>
<b>removeFromGroup</b>(&nbsp;<code>string sGroup</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove's this instance from the supplied interaction group</div>
<div class="long">
Remove's this instance from the supplied interaction group <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>sGroup</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The group to drop</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeFromGroup" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeFromGroup">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-removeInvalidHandleClass"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cssClass</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an invalid css class</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an invalid css class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cssClass</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the class of the element(s) you wish to
re-enable</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleClass" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleClass">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-removeInvalidHandleId"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleId</b>(&nbsp;<code>string id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an invalid handle id</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an invalid handle id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element to re-enable</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-removeInvalidHandleType"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleType</b>(&nbsp;<code>string tagName</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an excluded tag name set by addInvalidHandleType</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an excluded tag name set by addInvalidHandleType <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tagName</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the type of element to unexclude</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleType" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleType">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-resetConstraints"></a>
<b>resetConstraints</b>(&nbsp;<code>boolean maintainOffset</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">resetConstraints must be called if you manually reposition a dd element.</div>
<div class="long">
resetConstraints must be called if you manually reposition a dd element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>maintainOffset</code> : boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#resetConstraints" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#resetConstraints">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-setDelta"></a>
<b>setDelta</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iDeltaX</code>, <code>int iDeltaY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the pointer offset. You can call this directly to force the
offset to be in a particular location (e.g., pass i...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the pointer offset. You can call this directly to force the
offset to be in a particular location (e.g., pass in 0,0 to set it
to the center of the object) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iDeltaX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the distance from the left</div></li><li><code>iDeltaY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the distance from the top</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DD</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-setDragElId"></a>
<b>setDragElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify that an element other than the linked element
will be moved with the cursor during a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify that an element other than the linked element
will be moved with the cursor during a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element that will be used to initiate the drag</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setDragElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setDragElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-setDragElPos"></a>
<b>setDragElPos</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iPageX</code>, <code>int iPageY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the drag element to the location of the mousedown or click event,
maintaining the cursor location relative to th...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the drag element to the location of the mousedown or click event,
maintaining the cursor location relative to the location on the element
that was clicked. Override this if you want to place the element in a
location other than where the cursor is. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iPageX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X coordinate of the mousedown or drag event</div></li><li><code>iPageY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y coordinate of the mousedown or drag event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DD</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-setHandleElId"></a>
<b>setHandleElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify a child of the linked element that should be
used to initiate the drag operation. An example o...</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify a child of the linked element that should be
used to initiate the drag operation. An example of this would be if
you have a content div with text and links. Clicking anywhere in the
content area would normally start the drag operation. Use this method
to specify that an element inside of the content div is the element
that starts the drag operation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element that will be used to
initiate the drag.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setHandleElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setHandleElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-setInitialPosition"></a>
<b>setInitialPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>int diffX</code>, <code>int diffY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Stores the initial placement of the linked element.</div>
<div class="long">
Stores the initial placement of the linked element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>diffX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X offset, default 0</div></li><li><code>diffY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y offset, default 0</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setInitialPosition" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setInitialPosition">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-setOuterHandleElId"></a>
<b>setOuterHandleElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to set an element outside of the linked element as a drag
<div class="long">
Allows you to set an element outside of the linked element as a drag
handle <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the element that will be used to initiate the drag</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setOuterHandleElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setOuterHandleElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-setPadding"></a>
<b>setPadding</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iTop</code>, <code>int iRight</code>, <code>int iBot</code>, <code>int iLeft</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Configures the padding for the target zone in px. Effectively expands
(or reduces) the virtual object size for targe...</div>
<div class="long">
Configures the padding for the target zone in px. Effectively expands
(or reduces) the virtual object size for targeting calculations.
Supports css-style shorthand; if only one parameter is passed, all sides
will have that padding, and if only two are passed, the top and bottom
will have the first param, the left and right the second. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iTop</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Top pad</div></li><li><code>iRight</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Right pad</div></li><li><code>iBot</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Bot pad</div></li><li><code>iLeft</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Left pad</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setPadding" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setPadding">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-setXConstraint"></a>
<b>setXConstraint</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iLeft</code>, <code>int iRight</code>, <code>int iTickSize</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Use
this method to limit the horizontal travel of th...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Use
this method to limit the horizontal travel of the element. Pass in
0,0 for the parameters if you want to lock the drag to the y axis. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iLeft</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move to the left</div></li><li><code>iRight</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move to the
right</div></li><li><code>iTickSize</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">optional parameter for specifying that the
should move iTickSize pixels at a time.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setXConstraint" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setXConstraint">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-setYConstraint"></a>
<b>setYConstraint</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iUp</code>, <code>int iDown</code>, <code>int iTickSize</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Set
this to limit the vertical travel of the element...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Set
this to limit the vertical travel of the element. Pass in 0,0 for the
parameters if you want to lock the drag to the x axis. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iUp</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move up</div></li><li><code>iDown</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move down</div></li><li><code>iTickSize</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">optional parameter for specifying that the
element should move iTickSize pixels at a time.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setYConstraint" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setYConstraint">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-startDrag"></a>
<b>startDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>int X</code>, <code>int Y</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called after a drag/drop object is clicked
and the drag or mousedown time thresholds have beeen met.</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called after a drag/drop object is clicked
and the drag or mousedown time thresholds have beeen met. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>X</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">click location</div></li><li><code>Y</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">click location</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#startDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#startDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-toString"></a>
<b>toString</b>() : string <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">toString method</div>
<div class="long">
toString method <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>string</code><div class="sub-desc">string representation of the dd obj</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#toString" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#toString">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-unlock"></a>
<b>unlock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unlock this instace</div>
<div class="long">
Unlock this instace <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#unlock" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#unlock">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-unreg"></a>
<b>unreg</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove all drag and drop hooks for this element</div>
<div class="long">
Remove all drag and drop hooks for this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#unreg" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#unreg">DragDrop</a></td>
<a id="Ext.dd.DD-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Action-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Action-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Action-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Action-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Action"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.Action</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/Action.js" target="_blank">Action.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Action</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
<p>An Action is a piece of reusable functionality that can be abstracted out of any particular component so that it
can be usefully shared among multiple components. Actions let you share handlers, configuration options and UI
updates across any components that support the Action interface (primarily <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Ext.Toolbar</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a>
and <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> components).</p>
<p>Aside from supporting the config object interface, any component that needs to use Actions must also support
the following method list, as these will be called as needed by the Action class: setText(string), setIconCls(string),
setDisabled(boolean), setVisible(boolean) and setHandler(function).</p>
Example usage:<br>
<pre><code><i>// Define the shared action. Each component below will have the same</i>
<i>// display text and icon, and will display the same message on click.</i>
<b>var</b> action = <b>new</b> Ext.Action({
text: <em>'Do something'</em>,
handler: <b>function</b>(){
Ext.Msg.alert(<em>'Click'</em>, <em>'You did something.'</em>);
iconCls: <em>'<b>do</b>-something'</em>
<b>var</b> panel = <b>new</b> Ext.Panel({
title: <em>'Actions'</em>,
tbar: [
<i>// Add the action directly to a toolbar as a menu button</i>
action, {
text: <em>'Action Menu'</em>,
<i>// Add the action to a menu as a text item</i>
menu: [action]
items: [
<i>// Add the action to the panel body as a standard button</i>
<b>new</b> Ext.Button(action)
renderTo: Ext.getBody()
<i>// Change the text <b>for</b> all components using the action</i>
action.setText(<em>'Something <b>else</b>'</em>);</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Action-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Action-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable all components using this action, false to enable them (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Action-handler"></a>
<b>handler</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function that will be invoked by each component tied to this action when the component's primary event is trigger...</div>
<div class="long">
The function that will be invoked by each component tied to this action when the component's primary event is triggered (defaults to undefined). </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Action-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide all components using this action, false to show them (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Action-iconCls"></a>
<b>iconCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The icon CSS class for all components using this action (defaults to ''). The class should supply a background image ...</div>
<div class="long">
The icon CSS class for all components using this action (defaults to ''). The class should supply a background image that will be used as the icon image. </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Action-scope"></a>
<b>scope</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The scope in which the <a ext:cls="Ext.Action" ext:member="handler" href="output/Ext.Action.html#handler">handler</a> function will execute. </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Action-text"></a>
<b>text</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The text to set for all components using this action (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<a id="Ext.Action-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Action-isDisabled"></a>
<b>isDisabled</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Returns true if the components using this action are currently disabled, else returns false. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Action-isHidden"></a>
<b>isHidden</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Returns true if the components using this action are currently hidden, else returns false. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<a id="Ext.Action-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Action-Action"></a>
<b>Action</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Action-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disables all components using this action.</div>
<div class="long">
Disables all components using this action. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Action-each"></a>
<b>each</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Executes the specified function once for each component currently tied to this action. The function passed
in should...</div>
<div class="long">
Executes the specified function once for each component currently tied to this action. The function passed
in should accept a single argument that will be an object that supports the basic Action config/method interface. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to execute for each component</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope in which the function will execute</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Action-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enables all components using this action.</div>
<div class="long">
Enables all components using this action. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Action-execute"></a>
<b>execute</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed arg1</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed arg2</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed etc...</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Executes this action manually using the default handler specified in the original config object. Any arguments
<div class="long">
Executes this action manually using the default handler specified in the original config object. Any arguments
passed to this function will be passed on to the handler function. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>arg1</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Variable number of arguments passed to the handler function</div></li><li><code>arg2</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li><li><code>etc...</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Action-getIconClass"></a>
<b>getIconClass</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the icon CSS class currently used by all components using this action.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the icon CSS class currently used by all components using this action. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Action-getText"></a>
<b>getText</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the text currently displayed by all components using this action.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the text currently displayed by all components using this action. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Action-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides all components using this action.</div>
<div class="long">
Hides all components using this action. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Action-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the disabled state of all components using this action. Shortcut method
for <a ext:cls="Ext.Action" ext:member="enable" href="output/Ext.Action.html#enable">enable</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.Action" ext:member="disable" href="output/Ext.Action.html#disable">disable</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the disabled state of all components using this action. Shortcut method
for <a ext:cls="Ext.Action" ext:member="enable" href="output/Ext.Action.html#enable">enable</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.Action" ext:member="disable" href="output/Ext.Action.html#disable">disable</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to disable the component, false to enable it</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Action-setHandler"></a>
<b>setHandler</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the function that will be called by each component using this action when its primary event is triggered.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the function that will be called by each component using this action when its primary event is triggered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function that will be invoked by the action's components. The function
will be called with no arguments.</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope in which the function will execute</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Action-setHidden"></a>
<b>setHidden</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean hidden</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the hidden state of all components using this action. Shortcut method
for <a ext:cls="Ext.Action" ext:member="hide" href="output/Ext.Action.html#hide">hide</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.Action" ext:member="show" href="output/Ext.Action.html#show">show</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the hidden state of all components using this action. Shortcut method
for <a ext:cls="Ext.Action" ext:member="hide" href="output/Ext.Action.html#hide">hide</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.Action" ext:member="show" href="output/Ext.Action.html#show">show</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>hidden</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to hide the component, false to show it</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Action-setIconClass"></a>
<b>setIconClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the icon CSS class for all components using this action. The class should supply
a background image that will b...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the icon CSS class for all components using this action. The class should supply
a background image that will be used as the icon image. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class supplying the icon image</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Action-setText"></a>
<b>setText</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the text to be displayed by all components using this action.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the text to be displayed by all components using this action. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The text to display</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Action-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shows all components using this action.</div>
<div class="long">
Shows all components using this action. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Action</td>
<a id="Ext.Action-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">Store</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>SimpleStore</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/data/SimpleStore.js" target="_blank">SimpleStore.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">SimpleStore</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">Store</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Small helper class to make creating Stores from Array data easier. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>autoLoad</b> : Boolean/Object <div class="mdesc">
If passed, this store's load method is automatically called after creation with the autoLoad object </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#autoLoad" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>baseParams</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
An object containing properties which are to be sent as parameters on any HTTP request </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#baseParams" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>data</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
The multi-dimensional array of data </div>
<td class="msource">SimpleStore</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fields</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
An array of field definition objects, or field name strings. </div>
<td class="msource">SimpleStore</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>id</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The array index of the record id. Leave blank to auto generate ids. </div>
<td class="msource">SimpleStore</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>proxy</b> : <div class="mdesc">
The Proxy object which provides access to a data object. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#proxy" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>pruneModifiedRecords</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to clear all modified record information each time the store is loaded or when a record is removed. (defaults to...</div>
<div class="long">
True to clear all modified record information each time the store is loaded or when a record is removed. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#pruneModifiedRecords" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>reader</b> : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The DataReader object which processes the data object and returns an Array of objects which are cache...</div>
<div class="long">
The DataReader object which processes the data object and returns an Array of objects which are cached keyed by their <em>id</em> property. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#reader" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>remoteSort</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if sorting is to be handled by requesting the Proxy to provide a refreshed version of the data object in sorted ...</div>
<div class="long">
True if sorting is to be handled by requesting the Proxy to provide a refreshed version of the data object in sorted order, as opposed to sorting the Record cache in place (defaults to false). <p>If remote sorting is specified, then clicking on a column header causes the current page to be requested from the server with the addition of the following two parameters: <div class="mdetail-params"><ul> <li><b>sort</b> : String<p class="sub-desc">The name (as specified in the Record's Field definition) of the field to sort on.</p></li> <li><b>dir</b> : String<p class="sub-desc">The direction of the sort, "ASC" or "DESC" (case-sensitive).</p></li> </ul></div></p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#remoteSort" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>sortInfo</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
A config object in the format: {field: "fieldName", direction: "ASC|DESC"}. The direction property is case-sensitive. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#sortInfo" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>storeId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
If passed, the id to use to register with the StoreMgr </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#storeId" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>url</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
If passed, an HttpProxy is created for the passed URL </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#url" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>baseParams</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
An object containing properties which are used as parameters on any HTTP request. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#baseParams" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>lastOptions</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Contains the last options object used as the parameter to the load method. See load
for the details of what this may ...</div>
<div class="long">
Contains the last options object used as the parameter to the load method. See <a ext:cls="" ext:member="load" href="output/">load</a>
for the details of what this may contain. This may be useful for accessing any params which
were used to load the current Record cache. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#lastOptions" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>SimpleStore</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">SimpleStore</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>[] records</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Add Records to the Store and fires the add event.</div>
<div class="long">
Add Records to the Store and fires the add event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>records</code> :[]<div class="sub-desc">An Array of objects to add to the cache.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#add" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addSorted</b>(&nbsp;<code> record</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">(Local sort only) Inserts the passed the record in the Store at the index where it
should go based on the current sor...</div>
<div class="long">
(Local sort only) Inserts the passed the record in the Store at the index where it
should go based on the current sort information <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#addSorted" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>clearFilter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean suppressEvent</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Revert to a view of the Record cache with no filtering applied.</div>
<div class="long">
Revert to a view of the Record cache with no filtering applied. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>suppressEvent</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">If true the filter is cleared silently without notifying listeners</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#clearFilter" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>collect</b>(&nbsp;<code>String dataIndex</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean allowNull</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean bypassFilter</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collects unique values for a particular dataIndex from this store.</div>
<div class="long">
Collects unique values for a particular dataIndex from this store. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>dataIndex</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The property to collect</div></li><li><code>allowNull</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Pass true to allow null, undefined or empty string values</div></li><li><code>bypassFilter</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Pass true to collect from all records, even ones which are filtered</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">An array of the unique values</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#collect" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>commitChanges</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Commit all Records with outstanding changes. To handle updates for changes, subscribe to the
Store's "update" event, ...</div>
<div class="long">
Commit all Records with outstanding changes. To handle updates for changes, subscribe to the
Store's "update" event, and perform updating when the third parameter is <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#commitChanges" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>each</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Calls the specified function for each of the Records in the cache.</div>
<div class="long">
Calls the specified function for each of the Records in the cache. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call. The Record is passed as the first parameter.
Returning <tt>false</tt> aborts and exits the iteration.</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to call the function (defaults to the Record).</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#each" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>filter</b>(&nbsp;<code>String field</code>, <code>String/RegExp value</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean anyMatch</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean caseSensitive</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Filter the records by a specified property.</div>
<div class="long">
Filter the records by a specified property. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>field</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A field on your records</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String/RegExp<div class="sub-desc">Either a string that the field
should start with or a RegExp to test against the field</div></li><li><code>anyMatch</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to match any part not just the beginning</div></li><li><code>caseSensitive</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for case sensitive comparison</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#filter" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>filterBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Filter by a function. The specified function will be called for each
Record in this Store. If the function returns tr...</div>
<div class="long">
Filter by a function. The specified function will be called for each
Record in this Store. If the function returns <tt>true</tt> the Record is included,
otherwise it is filtered out. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called. It will be passed the following parameters:<ul>
<li><b>record</b> :<p class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="" href="output/">record</a>
to test for filtering. Access field values using <a ext:cls="" ext:member="get" href="output/"></a>.</p></li>
<li><b>id</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The ID of the Record passed.</p></li>
</ul></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to this)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#filterBy" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>find</b>(&nbsp;<code>String property</code>, <code>String/RegExp value</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number startIndex</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean anyMatch</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean caseSensitive</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Finds the index of the first matching record in this store by a specific property/value.</div>
<div class="long">
Finds the index of the first matching record in this store by a specific property/value. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>property</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A property on your objects</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String/RegExp<div class="sub-desc">Either string that the property values
should start with or a RegExp to test against the property.</div></li><li><code>startIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index to start searching at</div></li><li><code>anyMatch</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to match any part of the string, not just the beginning</div></li><li><code>caseSensitive</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for case sensitive comparison</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The matched index or -1</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#find" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>findBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number startIndex</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find the index of the first matching Record in this Store by a function.
If the function returns true it is considere...</div>
<div class="long">
Find the index of the first matching Record in this Store by a function.
If the function returns <tt>true</tt> it is considered a match. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called. It will be passed the following parameters:<ul>
<li><b>record</b> :<p class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="" href="output/">record</a>
to test for filtering. Access field values using <a ext:cls="" ext:member="get" href="output/"></a>.</p></li>
<li><b>id</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The ID of the Record passed.</p></li>
</ul></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to this)</div></li><li><code>startIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index to start searching at</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The matched index or -1</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#findBy" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getAt</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the Record at the specified index.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the Record at the specified index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the Record to find.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The Record at the passed index. Returns undefined if not found.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getAt" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getById</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the Record with the specified id.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the Record with the specified id. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the Record to find.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The Record with the passed id. Returns undefined if not found.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getById" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getCount</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the number of cached records.
If using paging, this may not be the total size of the dataset. If the data object...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the number of cached records.
<p>If using paging, this may not be the total size of the dataset. If the data object
used by the Reader contains the dataset size, then the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="getTotalCount" href="output/">getTotalCount</a> function returns
the dataset size.</p> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The number of Records in the Store's cache.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getCount" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getModifiedRecords</b>() :[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets all records modified since the last commit. Modified records are persisted across load operations
(e.g., during...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets all records modified since the last commit. Modified records are persisted across load operations
(e.g., during paging). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>[]</code><div class="sub-desc">An array of Records containing outstanding modifications.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getModifiedRecords" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getRange</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number startIndex</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number endIndex</code>]</span>&nbsp;) :[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a range of Records between specified indices.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a range of Records between specified indices. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>startIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The starting index (defaults to 0)</div></li><li><code>endIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The ending index (defaults to the last Record in the Store)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>[]</code><div class="sub-desc">An array of Records</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getRange" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getSortState</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns an object describing the current sort state of this Store.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns an object describing the current sort state of this Store. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The sort state of the Store. An object with two properties:<ul> <li><b>field : String<p class="sub-desc">The name of the field by which the Records are sorted.</p></li> <li><b>direction : String<p class="sub-desc">The sort order, "ASC" or "DESC" (case-sensitive).</p></li> </ul></div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getSortState" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getTotalCount</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the total number of records in the dataset as returned by the server.
If using paging, for this to be accurate, ...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the total number of records in the dataset as returned by the server.
<p>If using paging, for this to be accurate, the data object used by the Reader must contain
the dataset size. For remote data sources, this is provided by a query on the server.</p> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The number of Records as specified in the data object passed to the Reader by the Proxy <p><b>This value is not updated when changing the contents of the Store locally.</b></p></div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getTotalCount" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>indexOf</b>(&nbsp;<code> record</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the index within the cache of the passed Record.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the index within the cache of the passed Record. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The object to to find.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The index of the passed Record. Returns -1 if not found.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#indexOf" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>indexOfId</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the index within the cache of the Record with the passed id.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the index within the cache of the Record with the passed id. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the Record to find.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The index of the Record. Returns -1 if not found.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#indexOfId" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>insert</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code>[] records</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts Records to the Store at the given index and fires the add event.</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts Records to the Store at the given index and fires the add event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The start index at which to insert the passed Records.</div></li><li><code>records</code> :[]<div class="sub-desc">An Array of objects to add to the cache.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#insert" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isFiltered</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this store is currently filtered</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this store is currently filtered <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#isFiltered" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>load</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object options</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Loads the Record cache from the configured Proxy using the configured Reader.
If using remote paging, then the first ...</div>
<div class="long">
Loads the Record cache from the configured Proxy using the configured Reader.
<p>If using remote paging, then the first load call must specify the <tt>start</tt>
and <tt>limit</tt> properties in the options.params property to establish the initial
position within the dataset, and the number of Records to cache on each read from the Proxy.</p>
<p><b>It is important to note that for remote data sources, loading is asynchronous,
and this call will return before the new data has been loaded. Perform any post-processing
in a callback function, or in a "load" event handler.</b></p> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing properties which control loading options:<ul>
<li><b>params</b> :Object<p class="sub-desc">An object containing properties to pass as HTTP parameters to a remote data source.</p></li>
<li><b>callback</b> : Function<p class="sub-desc">A function to be called after the Records have been loaded. The callback is
passed the following arguments:<ul>
<li>r :[]</li>
<li>options: Options object from the load call</li>
<li>success: Boolean success indicator</li></ul></p></li>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">Scope with which to call the callback (defaults to the Store object)</p></li>
<li><b>add</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">Indicator to append loaded records rather than replace the current cache.</p></li>
</ul></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">Whether the load fired (if beforeload failed).</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#load" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>loadData</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object data</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean append</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Loads data from a passed data block. A Reader which understands the format of the data
must have been configured in t...</div>
<div class="long">
Loads data from a passed data block. A Reader which understands the format of the data
must have been configured in the constructor. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The data block from which to read the Records. The format of the data expected
is dependent on the type of Reader that is configured and should correspond to that Reader's readRecords parameter.</div></li><li><code>append</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(Optional) True to append the new Records rather than replace the existing cache.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#loadData" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>query</b>(&nbsp;<code>String field</code>, <code>String/RegExp value</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean anyMatch</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean caseSensitive</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Query the records by a specified property.</div>
<div class="long">
Query the records by a specified property. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>field</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A field on your records</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String/RegExp<div class="sub-desc">Either a string that the field
should start with or a RegExp to test against the field</div></li><li><code>anyMatch</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to match any part not just the beginning</div></li><li><code>caseSensitive</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for case sensitive comparison</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>MixedCollection</code><div class="sub-desc">Returns an Ext.util.MixedCollection of the matched records</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#query" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>queryBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Query the cached records in this Store using a filtering function. The specified function
will be called with each re...</div>
<div class="long">
Query the cached records in this Store using a filtering function. The specified function
will be called with each record in this Store. If the function returns <tt>true</tt> the record is
included in the results. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called. It will be passed the following parameters:<ul>
<li><b>record</b> :<p class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="" href="output/">record</a>
to test for filtering. Access field values using <a ext:cls="" ext:member="get" href="output/"></a>.</p></li>
<li><b>id</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The ID of the Record passed.</p></li>
</ul></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to this)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>MixedCollection</code><div class="sub-desc">Returns an Ext.util.MixedCollection of the matched records</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#queryBy" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>rejectChanges</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Cancel outstanding changes on all changed records.</div>
<div class="long">
Cancel outstanding changes on all changed records. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#rejectChanges" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>reload</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Reloads the Record cache from the configured Proxy using the configured Reader and
the options from the last load ope...</div>
<div class="long">
Reloads the Record cache from the configured Proxy using the configured Reader and
the options from the last load operation performed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing properties which may override the options
used in the last load operation. See <a ext:cls="" ext:member="load" href="output/">load</a> for details (defaults to null, in which case
the most recently used options are reused).</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#reload" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>remove</b>(&nbsp;<code> record</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove a Record from the Store and fires the remove event.</div>
<div class="long">
Remove a Record from the Store and fires the remove event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">Th object to remove from the cache.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#remove" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeAll</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove all Records from the Store and fires the clear event.</div>
<div class="long">
Remove all Records from the Store and fires the clear event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#removeAll" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setDefaultSort</b>(&nbsp;<code>String fieldName</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String dir</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the default sort column and order to be used by the next load operation.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the default sort column and order to be used by the next load operation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fieldName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the field to sort by.</div></li><li><code>dir</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The sort order, "ASC" or "DESC" (case-sensitive, defaults to "ASC")</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#setDefaultSort" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>sort</b>(&nbsp;<code>String fieldName</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String dir</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sort the Records.
If remote sorting is used, the sort is performed on the server, and the cache is
reloaded. If local...</div>
<div class="long">
Sort the Records.
If remote sorting is used, the sort is performed on the server, and the cache is
reloaded. If local sorting is used, the cache is sorted internally. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fieldName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the field to sort by.</div></li><li><code>dir</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The sort order, "ASC" or "DESC" (case-sensitive, defaults to "ASC")</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#sort" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>sum</b>(&nbsp;<code>String property</code>, <code>Number start</code>, <code>Number end</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sums the value of <i>property</i> for each record between start and end and returns the result.</div>
<div class="long">
Sums the value of <i>property</i> for each record between start and end and returns the result. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>property</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A field on your records</div></li><li><code>start</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The record index to start at (defaults to 0)</div></li><li><code>end</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The last record index to include (defaults to length - 1)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The sum</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#sum" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>add</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code>[] records</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when Records have been added to the Store</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when Records have been added to the Store <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>records</code> :[]<div class="sub-desc">The array of Records added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the record(s) were added</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-add" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeload</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code>Object options</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a request is made for a new data object. If the beforeload handler returns false
the load action will b...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a request is made for a new data object. If the beforeload handler returns false
the load action will be canceled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The loading options that were specified (see <a ext:cls="" ext:member="load" href="output/">load</a> for details)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-beforeload" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>clear</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the data cache has been cleared.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the data cache has been cleared. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-clear" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>datachanged</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the data cache has changed, and a widget which is using this Store
as a Record cache should refresh its view.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the data cache has changed, and a widget which is using this Store
as a Record cache should refresh its view. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-datachanged" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>load</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code>[] records</code>, <code>Object options</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after a new set of Records has been loaded.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after a new set of Records has been loaded. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>records</code> :[]<div class="sub-desc">The Records that were loaded</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The loading options that were specified (see <a ext:cls="" ext:member="load" href="output/">load</a> for details)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-load" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>loadexception</b> : () <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires if an exception occurs in the Proxy during loading.
Called with the signature of the Proxy's "loadexception" ev...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires if an exception occurs in the Proxy during loading.
Called with the signature of the Proxy's "loadexception" event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-loadexception" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>metachange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code>Object meta</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this store's reader provides new metadata (fields). This is currently only supported for JsonReaders.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this store's reader provides new metadata (fields). This is currently only supported for JsonReaders. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>meta</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The JSON metadata</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-metachange" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code> record</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a Record has been removed from the Store</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a Record has been removed from the Store <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The Record that was removed</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the record was removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-remove" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>update</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code> record</code>, <code>String operation</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a Record has been updated</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a Record has been updated <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The Record that was updated</div></li><li><code>operation</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The update operation being performed. Value may be one of:
<pre><code></code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-update" href="output/">Store</a></td>
New file
0,0 → 1,72
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Array-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Array-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Array-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Array"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Array</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Global</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/core/Ext.js" target="_blank">Ext.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Array</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Array-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Array-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Array-indexOf"></a>
<b>indexOf</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object o</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks whether or not the specified object exists in the array.</div>
<div class="long">
Checks whether or not the specified object exists in the array. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The index of o in the array (or -1 if it is not found)</div></li>
<td class="msource">Array</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Array-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object o</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes the specified object from the array. If the object is not found nothing happens.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes the specified object from the array. If the object is not found nothing happens. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object to remove</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">this array</div></li>
<td class="msource">Array</td>
<a id="Array-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DDProxy-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DDProxy-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DDProxy-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.dd.DDProxy"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html">DragDrop</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html">DD</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>DDProxy</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.dd.DDProxy</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.dd</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/dd/DDCore.js" target="_blank">DDCore.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">DDProxy</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">DragSource</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html">DD</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A DragDrop implementation that inserts an empty, bordered div into
the document that follows the cursor during drag operations. At the time of
the click, the frame div is resized to the dimensions of the linked html
element, and moved to the exact location of the linked element.
References to the "frame" element refer to the single proxy element that
was created to be dragged in place of all DDProxy elements on the
page. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-DDProxy.dragElId"></a>
<b>DDProxy.dragElId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
&lt;static&gt; The default drag frame div id </div>
<td class="msource">DDProxy</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-available"></a>
<b>available</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
The availabe property is false until the linked dom element is accessible. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#available" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#available">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-centerFrame"></a>
<b>centerFrame</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default the frame is positioned exactly where the drag element is, so
we use the cursor offset provided by Ext.dd....</div>
<div class="long">
By default the frame is positioned exactly where the drag element is, so
we use the cursor offset provided by Ext.dd.DD. Another option that works only if
you do not have constraints on the obj is to have the drag frame centered
around the cursor. Set centerFrame to true for this effect. </div>
<td class="msource">DDProxy</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-config"></a>
<b>config</b> : object <div class="mdesc">
Configuration attributes passed into the constructor </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#config" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#config">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-groups"></a>
<b>groups</b> : object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The group defines a logical collection of DragDrop objects that are
related. Instances only get events when interact...</div>
<div class="long">
The group defines a logical collection of DragDrop objects that are
related. Instances only get events when interacting with other
DragDrop object in the same group. This lets us define multiple
groups using a single DragDrop subclass if we want. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#groups" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#groups">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-hasOuterHandles"></a>
<b>hasOuterHandles</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, drags can only be initiated if the mousedown occurs in the
region the linked element is. This is done in...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, drags can only be initiated if the mousedown occurs in the
region the linked element is. This is done in part to work around a
bug in some browsers that mis-report the mousedown if the previous
mouseup happened outside of the window. This property is set to true
if outer handles are defined. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#hasOuterHandles" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#hasOuterHandles">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the element associated with this object. This is what we
refer to as the "linked element" because the size...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the element associated with this object. This is what we
refer to as the "linked element" because the size and position of
this element is used to determine when the drag and drop objects have
interacted. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#id">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-invalidHandleClasses"></a>
<b>invalidHandleClasses</b> : string[] <div class="mdesc">
An indexted array of css class names for elements that will be ignored
if clicked. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleClasses" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleClasses">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-invalidHandleIds"></a>
<b>invalidHandleIds</b> : string: <div class="mdesc">
An associative array of ids for elements that will be ignored if clicked </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleIds" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleIds">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-invalidHandleTypes"></a>
<b>invalidHandleTypes</b> : string: <div class="mdesc">
An associative array of HTML tags that will be ignored if clicked. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleTypes" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleTypes">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-isTarget"></a>
<b>isTarget</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
By default, all insances can be a drop target. This can be disabled by
setting isTarget to false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isTarget">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-maintainOffset"></a>
<b>maintainOffset</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Maintain offsets when we resetconstraints. Set to true when you want
the position of the element relative to its par...</div>
<div class="long">
Maintain offsets when we resetconstraints. Set to true when you want
the position of the element relative to its parent to stay the same
when the page changes </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#maintainOffset" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#maintainOffset">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-padding"></a>
<b>padding</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
The padding configured for this drag and drop object for calculating
the drop zone intersection with this object. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#padding" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#padding">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-primaryButtonOnly"></a>
<b>primaryButtonOnly</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default the drag and drop instance will only respond to the primary
button click (left button for a right-handed m...</div>
<div class="long">
By default the drag and drop instance will only respond to the primary
button click (left button for a right-handed mouse). Set to true to
allow drag and drop to start with any mouse click that is propogated
by the browser </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#primaryButtonOnly" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#primaryButtonOnly">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-resizeFrame"></a>
<b>resizeFrame</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default we resize the drag frame to be the same size as the element
we want to drag (this is to get the frame effe...</div>
<div class="long">
By default we resize the drag frame to be the same size as the element
we want to drag (this is to get the frame effect). We can turn it off
if we want a different behavior. </div>
<td class="msource">DDProxy</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-scroll"></a>
<b>scroll</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">When set to true, the utility automatically tries to scroll the browser
window wehn a drag and drop element is dragge...</div>
<div class="long">
When set to true, the utility automatically tries to scroll the browser
window wehn a drag and drop element is dragged near the viewport boundary.
Defaults to true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#scroll" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#scroll">DD</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-xTicks"></a>
<b>xTicks</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
horizontal graduation/interval. This array is ge...</div>
<div class="long">
Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
horizontal graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically
when you define a tick interval. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#xTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#xTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-yTicks"></a>
<b>yTicks</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
vertical graduation/interval. This array is gene...</div>
<div class="long">
Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
vertical graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically
when you define a tick interval. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#yTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#yTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-DDProxy"></a>
<b>DDProxy</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the id of the linked html element</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related DragDrop objects</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">an object containing configurable attributes
Valid properties for DDProxy in addition to those in DragDrop:
resizeFrame, centerFrame, dragElId</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DDProxy</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-addInvalidHandleClass"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cssClass</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lets you specify a css class of elements that will not initiate a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Lets you specify a css class of elements that will not initiate a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cssClass</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the class of the elements you wish to ignore</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleClass" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleClass">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-addInvalidHandleId"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleId</b>(&nbsp;<code>string id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lets you to specify an element id for a child of a drag handle
that should not initiate a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Lets you to specify an element id for a child of a drag handle
that should not initiate a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the element id of the element you wish to ignore</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-addInvalidHandleType"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleType</b>(&nbsp;<code>string tagName</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify a tag name that should not start a drag operation
when clicked. This is designed to facilitate...</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify a tag name that should not start a drag operation
when clicked. This is designed to facilitate embedding links within a
drag handle that do something other than start the drag. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tagName</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the type of element to exclude</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleType" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleType">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-addToGroup"></a>
<b>addToGroup</b>(&nbsp;<code>sGroup {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Add this instance to a group of related drag/drop objects. All
instances belong to at least one group, and can belon...</div>
<div class="long">
Add this instance to a group of related drag/drop objects. All
instances belong to at least one group, and can belong to as many
groups as needed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : sGroup<div class="sub-desc">the name of the group</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addToGroup" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addToGroup">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-alignElWithMouse"></a>
<b>alignElWithMouse</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement el</code>, <code>int iPageX</code>, <code>int iPageY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the element to the location of the mousedown or click event,
maintaining the cursor location relative to the loc...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the element to the location of the mousedown or click event,
maintaining the cursor location relative to the location on the element
that was clicked. Override this if you want to place the element in a
location other than where the cursor is. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">the element to move</div></li><li><code>iPageX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X coordinate of the mousedown or drag event</div></li><li><code>iPageY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y coordinate of the mousedown or drag event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#alignElWithMouse" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#alignElWithMouse">DD</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-applyConfig"></a>
<b>applyConfig</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Applies the configuration parameters that were passed into the constructor.
This is supposed to happen at each level ...</div>
<div class="long">
Applies the configuration parameters that were passed into the constructor.
This is supposed to happen at each level through the inheritance chain. So
a DDProxy implentation will execute apply config on DDProxy, DD, and
DragDrop in order to get all of the parameters that are available in
each object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#applyConfig" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#applyConfig">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-autoOffset"></a>
<b>autoOffset</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iPageX</code>, <code>int iPageY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the pointer offset to the distance between the linked element's top
left corner and the location the element was...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the pointer offset to the distance between the linked element's top
left corner and the location the element was clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iPageX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X coordinate of the click</div></li><li><code>iPageY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y coordinate of the click</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#autoOffset" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#autoOffset">DD</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-cachePosition"></a>
<b>cachePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>iPageX the</code>, <code>iPageY the</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Saves the most recent position so that we can reset the constraints and
tick marks on-demand. We need to know this s...</div>
<div class="long">
Saves the most recent position so that we can reset the constraints and
tick marks on-demand. We need to know this so that we can calculate the
number of pixels the element is offset from its original position. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : iPageX<div class="sub-desc">current x position (optional, this just makes it so we
don't have to look it up again)</div></li><li><code>the</code> : iPageY<div class="sub-desc">current y position (optional, this just makes it so we
don't have to look it up again)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#cachePosition" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#cachePosition">DD</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-clearConstraints"></a>
<b>clearConstraints</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any constraints applied to this instance. Also clears ticks
since they can't exist independent of a constrain...</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any constraints applied to this instance. Also clears ticks
since they can't exist independent of a constraint at this time. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#clearConstraints" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#clearConstraints">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-clearTicks"></a>
<b>clearTicks</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any tick interval defined for this instance</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any tick interval defined for this instance <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#clearTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#clearTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-createFrame"></a>
<b>createFrame</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates the proxy element if it does not yet exist</div>
<div class="long">
Creates the proxy element if it does not yet exist <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DDProxy</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-endDrag"></a>
<b>endDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fired when we are done dragging the object</div>
<div class="long">
Fired when we are done dragging the object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#endDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#endDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-getDragEl"></a>
<b>getDragEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a reference to the actual element to drag. By default this is
the same as the html element, but it can be as...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a reference to the actual element to drag. By default this is
the same as the html element, but it can be assigned to another
element. An example of this can be found in Ext.dd.DDProxy <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">the html element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#getDragEl" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#getDragEl">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a reference to the linked element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a reference to the linked element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">the html element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#getEl">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-init"></a>
<b>init</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets up the DragDrop object. Must be called in the constructor of any
Ext.dd.DragDrop subclass</div>
<div class="long">
Sets up the DragDrop object. Must be called in the constructor of any
Ext.dd.DragDrop subclass <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the linked element</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related items</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">configuration attributes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#init" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#init">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-initFrame"></a>
<b>initFrame</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initialization for the drag frame element. Must be called in the
constructor of all subclasses</div>
<div class="long">
Initialization for the drag frame element. Must be called in the
constructor of all subclasses <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DDProxy</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-initTarget"></a>
<b>initTarget</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initializes Targeting functionality only... the object does not
get a mousedown handler.</div>
<div class="long">
Initializes Targeting functionality only... the object does not
get a mousedown handler. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the linked element</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related items</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">configuration attributes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#initTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#initTarget">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-isLocked"></a>
<b>isLocked</b>() : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this instance is locked, or the drag drop mgr is locked
(meaning that all drag/drop is disabled on th...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this instance is locked, or the drag drop mgr is locked
(meaning that all drag/drop is disabled on the page.) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if this obj or all drag/drop is locked, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isLocked" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isLocked">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-isValidHandleChild"></a>
<b>isValidHandleChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement node</code>&nbsp;) : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks the tag exclusion list to see if this click should be ignored</div>
<div class="long">
Checks the tag exclusion list to see if this click should be ignored <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">the HTMLElement to evaluate</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if this is a valid tag type, false if not</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isValidHandleChild" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isValidHandleChild">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-lock"></a>
<b>lock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lock this instance</div>
<div class="long">
Lock this instance <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#lock" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#lock">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-onAvailable"></a>
<b>onAvailable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Override the onAvailable method to do what is needed after the initial
position was determined.</div>
<div class="long">
Override the onAvailable method to do what is needed after the initial
position was determined. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onAvailable" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onAvailable">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-onDrag"></a>
<b>onDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called during the onMouseMove event while dragging an
<div class="long">
Abstract method called during the onMouseMove event while dragging an
object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-onDragDrop"></a>
<b>onDragDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this item is dropped on another DragDrop
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this item is dropped on another DragDrop
obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this was dropped on. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items this
was dropped on.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragDrop">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-onDragEnter"></a>
<b>onDragEnter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this element fist begins hovering over
another DragDrop obj</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this element fist begins hovering over
another DragDrop obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this is hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of one or more
dragdrop items being hovered over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragEnter" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragEnter">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-onDragOut"></a>
<b>onDragOut</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when we are no longer hovering over an element</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when we are no longer hovering over an element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this was hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items
that the mouse is no longer over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragOut" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragOut">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-onDragOver"></a>
<b>onDragOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this element is hovering over another
DragDrop obj</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this element is hovering over another
DragDrop obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this is hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items
being hovered over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragOver" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragOver">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-onInvalidDrop"></a>
<b>onInvalidDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this item is dropped on an area with no
drop target</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this item is dropped on an area with no
drop target <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onInvalidDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onInvalidDrop">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-onMouseDown"></a>
<b>onMouseDown</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mousedown</div>
<div class="long">
Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mousedown <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousedown event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onMouseDown" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onMouseDown">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-onMouseUp"></a>
<b>onMouseUp</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mouseup</div>
<div class="long">
Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mouseup <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onMouseUp" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onMouseUp">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-removeFromGroup"></a>
<b>removeFromGroup</b>(&nbsp;<code>string sGroup</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove's this instance from the supplied interaction group</div>
<div class="long">
Remove's this instance from the supplied interaction group <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>sGroup</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The group to drop</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeFromGroup" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeFromGroup">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-removeInvalidHandleClass"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cssClass</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an invalid css class</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an invalid css class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cssClass</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the class of the element(s) you wish to
re-enable</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleClass" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleClass">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-removeInvalidHandleId"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleId</b>(&nbsp;<code>string id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an invalid handle id</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an invalid handle id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element to re-enable</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-removeInvalidHandleType"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleType</b>(&nbsp;<code>string tagName</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an excluded tag name set by addInvalidHandleType</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an excluded tag name set by addInvalidHandleType <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tagName</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the type of element to unexclude</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleType" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleType">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-resetConstraints"></a>
<b>resetConstraints</b>(&nbsp;<code>boolean maintainOffset</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">resetConstraints must be called if you manually reposition a dd element.</div>
<div class="long">
resetConstraints must be called if you manually reposition a dd element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>maintainOffset</code> : boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#resetConstraints" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#resetConstraints">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-setDelta"></a>
<b>setDelta</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iDeltaX</code>, <code>int iDeltaY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the pointer offset. You can call this directly to force the
offset to be in a particular location (e.g., pass i...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the pointer offset. You can call this directly to force the
offset to be in a particular location (e.g., pass in 0,0 to set it
to the center of the object) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iDeltaX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the distance from the left</div></li><li><code>iDeltaY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the distance from the top</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#setDelta" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#setDelta">DD</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-setDragElId"></a>
<b>setDragElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify that an element other than the linked element
will be moved with the cursor during a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify that an element other than the linked element
will be moved with the cursor during a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element that will be used to initiate the drag</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setDragElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setDragElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-setDragElPos"></a>
<b>setDragElPos</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iPageX</code>, <code>int iPageY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the drag element to the location of the mousedown or click event,
maintaining the cursor location relative to th...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the drag element to the location of the mousedown or click event,
maintaining the cursor location relative to the location on the element
that was clicked. Override this if you want to place the element in a
location other than where the cursor is. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iPageX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X coordinate of the mousedown or drag event</div></li><li><code>iPageY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y coordinate of the mousedown or drag event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#setDragElPos" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#setDragElPos">DD</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-setHandleElId"></a>
<b>setHandleElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify a child of the linked element that should be
used to initiate the drag operation. An example o...</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify a child of the linked element that should be
used to initiate the drag operation. An example of this would be if
you have a content div with text and links. Clicking anywhere in the
content area would normally start the drag operation. Use this method
to specify that an element inside of the content div is the element
that starts the drag operation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element that will be used to
initiate the drag.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setHandleElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setHandleElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-setInitialPosition"></a>
<b>setInitialPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>int diffX</code>, <code>int diffY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Stores the initial placement of the linked element.</div>
<div class="long">
Stores the initial placement of the linked element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>diffX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X offset, default 0</div></li><li><code>diffY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y offset, default 0</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setInitialPosition" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setInitialPosition">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-setOuterHandleElId"></a>
<b>setOuterHandleElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to set an element outside of the linked element as a drag
<div class="long">
Allows you to set an element outside of the linked element as a drag
handle <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the element that will be used to initiate the drag</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setOuterHandleElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setOuterHandleElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-setPadding"></a>
<b>setPadding</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iTop</code>, <code>int iRight</code>, <code>int iBot</code>, <code>int iLeft</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Configures the padding for the target zone in px. Effectively expands
(or reduces) the virtual object size for targe...</div>
<div class="long">
Configures the padding for the target zone in px. Effectively expands
(or reduces) the virtual object size for targeting calculations.
Supports css-style shorthand; if only one parameter is passed, all sides
will have that padding, and if only two are passed, the top and bottom
will have the first param, the left and right the second. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iTop</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Top pad</div></li><li><code>iRight</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Right pad</div></li><li><code>iBot</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Bot pad</div></li><li><code>iLeft</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Left pad</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setPadding" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setPadding">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-setXConstraint"></a>
<b>setXConstraint</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iLeft</code>, <code>int iRight</code>, <code>int iTickSize</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Use
this method to limit the horizontal travel of th...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Use
this method to limit the horizontal travel of the element. Pass in
0,0 for the parameters if you want to lock the drag to the y axis. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iLeft</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move to the left</div></li><li><code>iRight</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move to the
right</div></li><li><code>iTickSize</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">optional parameter for specifying that the
should move iTickSize pixels at a time.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setXConstraint" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setXConstraint">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-setYConstraint"></a>
<b>setYConstraint</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iUp</code>, <code>int iDown</code>, <code>int iTickSize</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Set
this to limit the vertical travel of the element...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Set
this to limit the vertical travel of the element. Pass in 0,0 for the
parameters if you want to lock the drag to the x axis. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iUp</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move up</div></li><li><code>iDown</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move down</div></li><li><code>iTickSize</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">optional parameter for specifying that the
element should move iTickSize pixels at a time.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setYConstraint" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setYConstraint">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-startDrag"></a>
<b>startDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>int X</code>, <code>int Y</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called after a drag/drop object is clicked
and the drag or mousedown time thresholds have beeen met.</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called after a drag/drop object is clicked
and the drag or mousedown time thresholds have beeen met. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>X</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">click location</div></li><li><code>Y</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">click location</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#startDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#startDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-toString"></a>
<b>toString</b>() : string <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">toString method</div>
<div class="long">
toString method <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>string</code><div class="sub-desc">string representation of the dd obj</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#toString" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#toString">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-unlock"></a>
<b>unlock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unlock this instace</div>
<div class="long">
Unlock this instace <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#unlock" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#unlock">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-unreg"></a>
<b>unreg</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove all drag and drop hooks for this element</div>
<div class="long">
Remove all drag and drop hooks for this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#unreg" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#unreg">DragDrop</a></td>
<a id="Ext.dd.DDProxy-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">BaseItem</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Adapter</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/menu/Adapter.js" target="_blank">Adapter.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Adapter</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" href="output/">ColorItem</a>, <a ext:cls="" href="output/">DateItem</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A base utility class that adapts a non-menu component so that it can be wrapped by a menu item and added to a menu.
It provides basic rendering, activation management and enable/disable logic required to work in menus. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>activeClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when the item becomes activated (defaults to "x-menu-item-active") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#activeClass" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>autoEl</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inlin...</div>
<div class="long">
A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inline via JSON. It should not be used for higher level components which already create their own elements. Example usage: <pre><code>{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: <em>'div'</em>, cls:<em>'my-class'</em>}
{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: {tag:<em>'blockquote'</em>, html:<em>'autoEl is cool!'</em>}} // <b>with</b> DomHelper</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>canActivate</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this item can be visually activated (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#canActivate" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>handler</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
A function that will handle the click event of this menu item (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#handler" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Length of time in milliseconds to wait before hiding after a click (defaults to 100) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#hideDelay" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideOnClick</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the containing menu after this item is clicked (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#hideOnClick" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>scope</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The scope in which the handler function will be called. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#scope" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>Adapter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new Adapter</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new Adapter <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being adapted to render into a menu</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Adapter</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setHandler</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function handler</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the function that will handle click events for this item (equivalent to passing in the handler
config property)....</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the function that will handle click events for this item (equivalent to passing in the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="handler" href="output/">handler</a>
config property). If an existing handler is already registered, it will be unregistered for you. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function that should be called on click</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope that should be passed to the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#setHandler" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>activate</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is activated</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is activated <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-activate" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-click" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>deactivate</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this item is deactivated</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this item is deactivated <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-deactivate" href="output/">BaseItem</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
New file
0,0 → 1,75
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.SystemMenu-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.SystemMenu-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.SystemMenu-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.air.SystemMenu"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.air.SystemMenu</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.air</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/SystemMenu.js" target="_blank">SystemMenu.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">SystemMenu</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Provides platform independent handling of adding item to the application menu, creating the menu or
items as needed. <br/><br/>
This class also provides the ability to bind standard Ext.Action instances with NativeMenuItems<br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.air.SystemMenu-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.air.SystemMenu-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.SystemMenu-add"></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>, <code>Array actions</code>, <code>Number mindex</code>&nbsp;) : air.NativeMenu <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Add items to one of the application menus</div>
<div class="long">
Add items to one of the application menus <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The application menu to add the actions to (e.g. 'File' or 'Edit').</div></li><li><code>actions</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">An array of Ext.Action objects or menu item configs</div></li><li><code>mindex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the character in "text" which should be used for
keyboard access</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>air.NativeMenu</code><div class="sub-desc">The raw submenu</div></li>
<td class="msource">SystemMenu</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.SystemMenu-get"></a>
<b>get</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the application menu</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the application menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">SystemMenu</td>
<a id="Ext.air.SystemMenu-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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0,0 → 1,2526
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.DateField-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.DateField-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.DateField-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.DateField-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.form.DateField"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html">Field</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html">TextField</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TriggerField" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.TriggerField.html">TriggerField</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>DateField</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.form.DateField</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.form</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/form/DateField.js" target="_blank">DateField.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">DateField</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TriggerField" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.TriggerField.html">TriggerField</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Provides a date input field with a <a ext:cls="Ext.DatePicker" href="output/Ext.DatePicker.html">Ext.DatePicker</a> dropdown and automatic date validation. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-allowBlank"></a>
<b>allowBlank</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to validate that the value length > 0 (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#allowBlank" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#allowBlank">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-altFormats"></a>
<b>altFormats</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Multiple date formats separated by "|" to try when parsing a user input value and it doesn't match the defined format...</div>
<div class="long">
Multiple date formats separated by "|" to try when parsing a user input value and it doesn't match the defined format (defaults to 'm/d/Y|m-d-y|m-d-Y|m/d|m-d|d'). </div>
<td class="msource">DateField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-autoCreate"></a>
<b>autoCreate</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "10", au...</div>
<div class="long">
A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "10", autocomplete: "off"}) </div>
<td class="msource">DateField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-blankText"></a>
<b>blankText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
Error text to display if the allow blank validation fails (defaults to "This field is required") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#blankText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#blankText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-clearCls"></a>
<b>clearCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class used to provide field clearing (defaults to 'x-form-clear-left') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#clearCls" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#clearCls">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-disableKeyFilter"></a>
<b>disableKeyFilter</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable input keystroke filtering (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#disableKeyFilter" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#disableKeyFilter">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable the field (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#disabled">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-disabledDates"></a>
<b>disabledDates</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of "dates" to disable, as strings. These strings will be used to build a dynamic regular expression so they ...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of "dates" to disable, as strings. These strings will be used to build a dynamic regular expression so they are very powerful. Some examples: <ul> <li>["03/08/2003", "09/16/2003"] would disable those exact dates</li> <li>["03/08", "09/16"] would disable those days for every year</li> <li>["^03/08"] would only match the beginning (useful if you are using short years)</li> <li>["03/../2006"] would disable every day in March 2006</li> <li>["^03"] would disable every day in every March</li> </ul> In order to support regular expressions, if you are using a date format that has "." in it, you will have to escape the dot when restricting dates. For example: ["03\\.08\\.03"]. </div>
<td class="msource">DateField</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-disabledDatesText"></a>
<b>disabledDatesText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The tooltip text to display when the date falls on a disabled date (defaults to 'Disabled') </div>
<td class="msource">DateField</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-disabledDays"></a>
<b>disabledDays</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
An array of days to disable, 0 based. For example, [0, 6] disables Sunday and Saturday (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource">DateField</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-disabledDaysText"></a>
<b>disabledDaysText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The tooltip to display when the date falls on a disabled day (defaults to 'Disabled') </div>
<td class="msource">DateField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-emptyClass"></a>
<b>emptyClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The CSS class to apply to an empty field to style the emptyText (defaults to 'x-form-empty-field'). This class is aut...</div>
<div class="long">
The CSS class to apply to an empty field to style the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="emptyText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#emptyText">emptyText</a> (defaults to 'x-form-empty-field'). This class is automatically added and removed as needed depending on the current field value. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#emptyClass" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#emptyClass">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-emptyText"></a>
<b>emptyText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default text to display in an empty field (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#emptyText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#emptyText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-fieldClass"></a>
<b>fieldClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default CSS class for the field (defaults to "x-form-field") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#fieldClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#fieldClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-fieldLabel"></a>
<b>fieldLabel</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The label text to display next to this field (defaults to '') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#fieldLabel" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#fieldLabel">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-focusClass"></a>
<b>focusClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when the field receives focus (defaults to "x-form-focus") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#focusClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#focusClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-format"></a>
<b>format</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The default date format string which can be overriden for localization support. The format must be valid according to...</div>
<div class="long">
The default date format string which can be overriden for localization support. The format must be valid according to <a ext:cls="Date" ext:member="parseDate" href="output/Date.html#parseDate">Date.parseDate</a> (defaults to 'm/d/y'). </div>
<td class="msource">DateField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-hideLabel"></a>
<b>hideLabel</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to completely hide the label element (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#hideLabel" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#hideLabel">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-hideTrigger"></a>
<b>hideTrigger</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the trigger element and display only the base text field (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TriggerField" ext:member="#hideTrigger" href="output/Ext.form.TriggerField.html#hideTrigger">TriggerField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-inputType"></a>
<b>inputType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type attribute for input fields -- e.g. radio, text, password (defaults to "text"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#inputType" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#inputType">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-invalidClass"></a>
<b>invalidClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when marking a field invalid (defaults to "x-form-invalid") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#invalidClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#invalidClass">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-invalidText"></a>
<b>invalidText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The error text to display when the date in the field is invalid (defaults to '{value} is not a valid date - it must b...</div>
<div class="long">
The error text to display when the date in the field is invalid (defaults to '{value} is not a valid date - it must be in the format {format}'). </div>
<td class="msource">DateField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-itemCls"></a>
<b>itemCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if s...</div>
<div class="long">
An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if set, or ''). Since it is applied to the wrapper, it allows you to write standard CSS rules that can apply to the field, the label (if specified) or any other element within the markup for the field. Example use: <pre><code><i>// Apply a style to the field's label:</i>
.required .x-form-item-label {font-weight:bold;color:red;}
<b>new</b> Ext.FormPanel({
height: 100,
renderTo: document.body,
items: [{
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Name'</em>,
itemCls: <em>'required'</em> <i>//<b>this</b> label will be styled</i>
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Favorite Color'</em>
});</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#itemCls" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#itemCls">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-labelSeparator"></a>
<b>labelSeparator</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of Ext.layout.FormLayout.l...</div>
<div class="long">
The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" ext:member="labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html#labelSeparator">Ext.layout.FormLayout.labelSeparator</a>, which is a colon ':' by default). To display no separator for this field's label specify empty string ''. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#labelSeparator">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-labelStyle"></a>
<b>labelStyle</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if se...</div>
<div class="long">
A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if set, or ''). For example, <code>labelStyle: 'font-weight:bold;'</code>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#labelStyle" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#labelStyle">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-maskRe"></a>
<b>maskRe</b> : RegExp <div class="mdesc">
An input mask regular expression that will be used to filter keystrokes that don't match (defaults to null) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#maskRe" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#maskRe">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-maxLength"></a>
<b>maxLength</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Maximum input field length allowed (defaults to Number.MAX_VALUE) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#maxLength" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#maxLength">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-maxLengthText"></a>
<b>maxLengthText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Error text to display if the maximum length validation fails (defaults to "The maximum length for this field is {maxL...</div>
<div class="long">
Error text to display if the maximum length validation fails (defaults to "The maximum length for this field is {maxLength}") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#maxLengthText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#maxLengthText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-maxText"></a>
<b>maxText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The error text to display when the date in the cell is after maxValue (defaults to 'The date in this field must be be...</div>
<div class="long">
The error text to display when the date in the cell is after maxValue (defaults to 'The date in this field must be before {maxValue}'). </div>
<td class="msource">DateField</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-maxValue"></a>
<b>maxValue</b> : Date/String <div class="mdesc">
The maximum allowed date. Can be either a Javascript date object or a string date in a valid format (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource">DateField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-minLength"></a>
<b>minLength</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Minimum input field length required (defaults to 0) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#minLength" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#minLength">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-minLengthText"></a>
<b>minLengthText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Error text to display if the minimum length validation fails (defaults to "The minimum length for this field is {minL...</div>
<div class="long">
Error text to display if the minimum length validation fails (defaults to "The minimum length for this field is {minLength}") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#minLengthText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#minLengthText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-minText"></a>
<b>minText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The error text to display when the date in the cell is before minValue (defaults to 'The date in this field must be a...</div>
<div class="long">
The error text to display when the date in the cell is before minValue (defaults to 'The date in this field must be after {minValue}'). </div>
<td class="msource">DateField</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-minValue"></a>
<b>minValue</b> : Date/String <div class="mdesc">
The minimum allowed date. Can be either a Javascript date object or a string date in a valid format (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource">DateField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-msgFx"></a>
<b>msgFx</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<b>Experimental</b> The effect used when displaying a validation message under the field (defaults to 'normal'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#msgFx" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#msgFx">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-msgTarget"></a>
<b>msgTarget</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): Value ...</div>
<div class="long">
The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): <pre>Value Description
----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
qtip Display a quick tip when the user hovers over the field
title Display a default browser title attribute popup
under Add a block div beneath the field containing the error text
side Add an error icon to the right of the field with a popup on hover
[element id] Add the error text directly to the innerHTML of the specified element</pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#msgTarget" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#msgTarget">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-name"></a>
<b>name</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The field's HTML name attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#name" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#name">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-readOnly"></a>
<b>readOnly</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM att...</div>
<div class="long">
True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#readOnly" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#readOnly">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-regex"></a>
<b>regex</b> : RegExp <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A JavaScript RegExp object to be tested against the field value during validation (defaults to null). If available, t...</div>
<div class="long">
A JavaScript RegExp object to be tested against the field value during validation (defaults to null). If available, this regex will be evaluated only after the basic validators all return true, and will be passed the current field value. If the test fails, the field will be marked invalid using <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="regexText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regexText">regexText</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#regex" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regex">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-regexText"></a>
<b>regexText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The error text to display if <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="regex" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regex">regex</a> is used and the test fails during validation (defaults to "") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#regexText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#regexText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-selectOnFocus"></a>
<b>selectOnFocus</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to automatically select any existing field text when the field receives input focus (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#selectOnFocus" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#selectOnFocus">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-tabIndex"></a>
<b>tabIndex</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyT...</div>
<div class="long">
The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyTo (defaults to undefined). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#tabIndex" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#tabIndex">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-triggerClass"></a>
<b>triggerClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An additional CSS class used to style the trigger button. The trigger will always get the class 'x-form-trigger' and ...</div>
<div class="long">
An additional CSS class used to style the trigger button. The trigger will always get the class 'x-form-trigger' and triggerClass will be <b>appended</b> if specified (defaults to 'x-form-date-trigger' which displays a calendar icon). </div>
<td class="msource">DateField</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-validateOnBlur"></a>
<b>validateOnBlur</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the field should validate when it loses focus (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validateOnBlur" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validateOnBlur">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-validationDelay"></a>
<b>validationDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The length of time in milliseconds after user input begins until validation is initiated (defaults to 250) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validationDelay" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validationDelay">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-validationEvent"></a>
<b>validationEvent</b> : String/Boolean <div class="mdesc">
The event that should initiate field validation. Set to false to disable automatic validation (defaults to "keyup"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validationEvent" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validationEvent">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-validator"></a>
<b>validator</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom validation function to be called during field validation (defaults to null). If available, this function wil...</div>
<div class="long">
A custom validation function to be called during field validation (defaults to null). If available, this function will be called only after the basic validators all return true, and will be passed the current field value and expected to return boolean true if the value is valid or a string error message if invalid. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#validator" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#validator">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-value"></a>
<b>value</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
A value to initialize this field with. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#value" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#value">Field</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-vtype"></a>
<b>vtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A validation type name as defined in <a ext:cls="Ext.form.VTypes" href="output/Ext.form.VTypes.html">Ext.form.VTypes</a> (defaults to null) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#vtype" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#vtype">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-vtypeText"></a>
<b>vtypeText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom error message to display in place of the default message provided for the vtype currently set for this field...</div>
<div class="long">
A custom error message to display in place of the default message provided for the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="vtype" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#vtype">vtype</a> currently set for this field (defaults to ''). Only applies if vtype is set, else ignored. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#vtypeText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#vtypeText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-DateField"></a>
<b>DateField</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new DateField</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new DateField <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DateField</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-clearInvalid"></a>
<b>clearInvalid</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field</div>
<div class="long">
Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#clearInvalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#clearInvalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-getName"></a>
<b>getName</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the name attribute of the field if available</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the name attribute of the field if available <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">name The field name</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getName" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getName">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-getRawValue"></a>
<b>getRawValue</b>() : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getRawValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-getValue"></a>
<b>getValue</b>() : Date <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the current date value of the date field.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the current date value of the date field. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Date</code><div class="sub-desc">The date value</div></li>
<td class="msource">DateField</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-isDirty"></a>
<b>isDirty</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isDirty" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isDirty">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-isValid"></a>
<b>isValid</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean preventMark</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid</div>
<div class="long">
Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>preventMark</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to disable marking the field invalid</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isValid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isValid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-markInvalid"></a>
<b>markInvalid</b>(&nbsp;<code>String msg</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Mark this field as invalid</div>
<div class="long">
Mark this field as invalid <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The validation message</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#markInvalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#markInvalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-onTriggerClick"></a>
<b>onTriggerClick</b>(&nbsp;<code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function that should handle the trigger's click event. This method does nothing by default until overridden
by a...</div>
<div class="long">
The function that should handle the trigger's click event. This method does nothing by default until overridden
by an implementing function. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TriggerField" ext:member="#onTriggerClick" href="output/Ext.form.TriggerField.html#onTriggerClick">TriggerField</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-reset"></a>
<b>reset</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages</div>
<div class="long">
Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#reset" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#reset">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-selectText"></a>
<b>selectText</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number start</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number end</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects text in this field</div>
<div class="long">
Selects text in this field <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>start</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index where the selection should start (defaults to 0)</div></li><li><code>end</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index where the selection should end (defaults to the text length)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#selectText" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#selectText">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-setRawValue"></a>
<b>setRawValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-setValue"></a>
<b>setValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Date date</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the value of the date field. You can pass a date object or any string that can be parsed into a valid
date, usi...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the value of the date field. You can pass a date object or any string that can be parsed into a valid
date, using DateField.format as the date format, according to the same rules as <a ext:cls="Date" ext:member="parseDate" href="output/Date.html#parseDate">Date.parseDate</a>
(the default format used is "m/d/y").
<br />Usage:
<pre><code><i>//All of these calls set the same date value (May 4, 2006)</i>
<i>//Pass a date object:</i>
<b>var</b> dt = <b>new</b> Date(<em>'5/4/06'</em>);
<i>//Pass a date string (<b>default</b> format):</i>
<i>//Pass a date string (custom format):</i>
dateField.format = <em>'Y-m-d'</em>;
dateField.setValue(<em>'2006-5-4'</em>);</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>date</code> : String/Date<div class="sub-desc">The date or valid date string</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DateField</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-validate"></a>
<b>validate</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Validates the field value</div>
<div class="long">
Validates the field value <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validate" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validate">Field</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-validateValue"></a>
<b>validateValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Validates a value according to the field's validation rules and marks the field as invalid
if the validation fails</div>
<div class="long">
Validates a value according to the field's validation rules and marks the field as invalid
if the validation fails <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to validate</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#validateValue" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#validateValue">TextField</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-autosize"></a>
<b>autosize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the autosize function is triggered. The field may or may not have actually changed size
according to the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the autosize function is triggered. The field may or may not have actually changed size
according to the default logic, but this event provides a hook for the developer to apply additional
logic at runtime to resize the field if needed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc">This text field</div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new field width</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" ext:member="#event-autosize" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html#event-autosize">TextField</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-blur"></a>
<b>blur</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this field loses input focus.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this field loses input focus. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-blur" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-blur">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-change"></a>
<b>change</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Mixed newValue</code>, <code>Mixed oldValue</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>newValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The new value</div></li><li><code>oldValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The original value</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-change" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-change">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this field receives input focus.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this field receives input focus. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-focus" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-focus">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-invalid"></a>
<b>invalid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>String msg</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the field has been marked as invalid.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the field has been marked as invalid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The validation message</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-invalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-invalid">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-specialkey"></a>
<b>specialkey</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<div class="long">
Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<a ext:cls="Ext.EventObject" ext:member="getKey" href="output/Ext.EventObject.html#getKey">Ext.EventObject.getKey</a> to determine which key was pressed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-specialkey" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-specialkey">Field</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.DateField-valid"></a>
<b>valid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the field has been validated with no errors.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the field has been validated with no errors. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-valid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-valid">Field</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DragSource-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DragSource-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DragSource-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DragSource-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.dd.DragSource"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html">DragDrop</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html">DD</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDProxy" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DDProxy.html">DDProxy</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>DragSource</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.dd.DragSource</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.dd</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/dd/DragSource.js" target="_blank">DragSource.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">DragSource</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragZone" href="output/Ext.dd.DragZone.html">DragZone</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDProxy" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DDProxy.html">DDProxy</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A simple class that provides the basic implementation needed to make any element draggable. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-ddGroup"></a>
<b>ddGroup</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A named drag drop group to which this object belongs. If a group is specified, then this object will only interact wi...</div>
<div class="long">
A named drag drop group to which this object belongs. If a group is specified, then this object will only interact with other drag drop objects in the same group (defaults to undefined). </div>
<td class="msource">DragSource</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-dropAllowed"></a>
<b>dropAllowed</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class returned to the drag source when drop is allowed (defaults to "x-dd-drop-ok"). </div>
<td class="msource">DragSource</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-dropNotAllowed"></a>
<b>dropNotAllowed</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class returned to the drag source when drop is not allowed (defaults to "x-dd-drop-nodrop"). </div>
<td class="msource">DragSource</td>
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-available"></a>
<b>available</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
The availabe property is false until the linked dom element is accessible. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#available" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#available">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-centerFrame"></a>
<b>centerFrame</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default the frame is positioned exactly where the drag element is, so
we use the cursor offset provided by Ext.dd....</div>
<div class="long">
By default the frame is positioned exactly where the drag element is, so
we use the cursor offset provided by Ext.dd.DD. Another option that works only if
you do not have constraints on the obj is to have the drag frame centered
around the cursor. Set centerFrame to true for this effect. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDProxy" ext:member="#centerFrame" href="output/Ext.dd.DDProxy.html#centerFrame">DDProxy</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-config"></a>
<b>config</b> : object <div class="mdesc">
Configuration attributes passed into the constructor </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#config" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#config">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-groups"></a>
<b>groups</b> : object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The group defines a logical collection of DragDrop objects that are
related. Instances only get events when interact...</div>
<div class="long">
The group defines a logical collection of DragDrop objects that are
related. Instances only get events when interacting with other
DragDrop object in the same group. This lets us define multiple
groups using a single DragDrop subclass if we want. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#groups" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#groups">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-hasOuterHandles"></a>
<b>hasOuterHandles</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, drags can only be initiated if the mousedown occurs in the
region the linked element is. This is done in...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, drags can only be initiated if the mousedown occurs in the
region the linked element is. This is done in part to work around a
bug in some browsers that mis-report the mousedown if the previous
mouseup happened outside of the window. This property is set to true
if outer handles are defined. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#hasOuterHandles" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#hasOuterHandles">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the element associated with this object. This is what we
refer to as the "linked element" because the size...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the element associated with this object. This is what we
refer to as the "linked element" because the size and position of
this element is used to determine when the drag and drop objects have
interacted. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#id">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-invalidHandleClasses"></a>
<b>invalidHandleClasses</b> : string[] <div class="mdesc">
An indexted array of css class names for elements that will be ignored
if clicked. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleClasses" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleClasses">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-invalidHandleIds"></a>
<b>invalidHandleIds</b> : string: <div class="mdesc">
An associative array of ids for elements that will be ignored if clicked </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleIds" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleIds">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-invalidHandleTypes"></a>
<b>invalidHandleTypes</b> : string: <div class="mdesc">
An associative array of HTML tags that will be ignored if clicked. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleTypes" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleTypes">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-isTarget"></a>
<b>isTarget</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
By default, all insances can be a drop target. This can be disabled by
setting isTarget to false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isTarget">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-maintainOffset"></a>
<b>maintainOffset</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Maintain offsets when we resetconstraints. Set to true when you want
the position of the element relative to its par...</div>
<div class="long">
Maintain offsets when we resetconstraints. Set to true when you want
the position of the element relative to its parent to stay the same
when the page changes </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#maintainOffset" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#maintainOffset">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-onStartDrag"></a>
<b>onStartDrag</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action once the initial
drag event has be...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action once the initial
drag event has begun. The drag cannot be canceled from this function. </div>
<td class="msource">DragSource</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-padding"></a>
<b>padding</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
The padding configured for this drag and drop object for calculating
the drop zone intersection with this object. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#padding" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#padding">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-primaryButtonOnly"></a>
<b>primaryButtonOnly</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default the drag and drop instance will only respond to the primary
button click (left button for a right-handed m...</div>
<div class="long">
By default the drag and drop instance will only respond to the primary
button click (left button for a right-handed mouse). Set to true to
allow drag and drop to start with any mouse click that is propogated
by the browser </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#primaryButtonOnly" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#primaryButtonOnly">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-resizeFrame"></a>
<b>resizeFrame</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default we resize the drag frame to be the same size as the element
we want to drag (this is to get the frame effe...</div>
<div class="long">
By default we resize the drag frame to be the same size as the element
we want to drag (this is to get the frame effect). We can turn it off
if we want a different behavior. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDProxy" ext:member="#resizeFrame" href="output/Ext.dd.DDProxy.html#resizeFrame">DDProxy</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-scroll"></a>
<b>scroll</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">When set to true, the utility automatically tries to scroll the browser
window wehn a drag and drop element is dragge...</div>
<div class="long">
When set to true, the utility automatically tries to scroll the browser
window wehn a drag and drop element is dragged near the viewport boundary.
Defaults to true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#scroll" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#scroll">DD</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-xTicks"></a>
<b>xTicks</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
horizontal graduation/interval. This array is ge...</div>
<div class="long">
Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
horizontal graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically
when you define a tick interval. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#xTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#xTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-yTicks"></a>
<b>yTicks</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
vertical graduation/interval. This array is gene...</div>
<div class="long">
Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
vertical graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically
when you define a tick interval. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#yTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#yTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-DragSource"></a>
<b>DragSource</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The container element</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragSource</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-addInvalidHandleClass"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cssClass</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lets you specify a css class of elements that will not initiate a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Lets you specify a css class of elements that will not initiate a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cssClass</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the class of the elements you wish to ignore</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleClass" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleClass">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-addInvalidHandleId"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleId</b>(&nbsp;<code>string id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lets you to specify an element id for a child of a drag handle
that should not initiate a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Lets you to specify an element id for a child of a drag handle
that should not initiate a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the element id of the element you wish to ignore</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-addInvalidHandleType"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleType</b>(&nbsp;<code>string tagName</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify a tag name that should not start a drag operation
when clicked. This is designed to facilitate...</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify a tag name that should not start a drag operation
when clicked. This is designed to facilitate embedding links within a
drag handle that do something other than start the drag. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tagName</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the type of element to exclude</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleType" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleType">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-addToGroup"></a>
<b>addToGroup</b>(&nbsp;<code>sGroup {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Add this instance to a group of related drag/drop objects. All
instances belong to at least one group, and can belon...</div>
<div class="long">
Add this instance to a group of related drag/drop objects. All
instances belong to at least one group, and can belong to as many
groups as needed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : sGroup<div class="sub-desc">the name of the group</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addToGroup" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addToGroup">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-afterDragDrop"></a>
<b>afterDragDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
after a valid drag drop has occurr...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
after a valid drag drop has occurred by providing an implementation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dropped element</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragSource</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-afterDragEnter"></a>
<b>afterDragEnter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
when the dragged item enters the d...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
when the dragged item enters the drop target by providing an implementation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragSource</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-afterDragOut"></a>
<b>afterDragOut</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
after the dragged item is dragged ...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
after the dragged item is dragged out of the target without dropping. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragSource</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-afterDragOver"></a>
<b>afterDragOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
while the dragged item is over the...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
while the dragged item is over the drop target by providing an implementation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragSource</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-afterInvalidDrop"></a>
<b>afterInvalidDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
after an invalid drop has occurred...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
after an invalid drop has occurred by providing an implementation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dropped element</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragSource</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-alignElWithMouse"></a>
<b>alignElWithMouse</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement el</code>, <code>int iPageX</code>, <code>int iPageY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the element to the location of the mousedown or click event,
maintaining the cursor location relative to the loc...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the element to the location of the mousedown or click event,
maintaining the cursor location relative to the location on the element
that was clicked. Override this if you want to place the element in a
location other than where the cursor is. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">the element to move</div></li><li><code>iPageX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X coordinate of the mousedown or drag event</div></li><li><code>iPageY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y coordinate of the mousedown or drag event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#alignElWithMouse" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#alignElWithMouse">DD</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-applyConfig"></a>
<b>applyConfig</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Applies the configuration parameters that were passed into the constructor.
This is supposed to happen at each level ...</div>
<div class="long">
Applies the configuration parameters that were passed into the constructor.
This is supposed to happen at each level through the inheritance chain. So
a DDProxy implentation will execute apply config on DDProxy, DD, and
DragDrop in order to get all of the parameters that are available in
each object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#applyConfig" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#applyConfig">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-autoOffset"></a>
<b>autoOffset</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iPageX</code>, <code>int iPageY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the pointer offset to the distance between the linked element's top
left corner and the location the element was...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the pointer offset to the distance between the linked element's top
left corner and the location the element was clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iPageX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X coordinate of the click</div></li><li><code>iPageY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y coordinate of the click</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#autoOffset" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#autoOffset">DD</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-beforeDragDrop"></a>
<b>beforeDragDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action before the dragged
item is dropped...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action before the dragged
item is dropped onto the target and optionally cancel the onDragDrop. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">isValid True if the drag drop event is valid, else false to cancel</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragSource</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-beforeDragEnter"></a>
<b>beforeDragEnter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
before the dragged item enters the...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
before the dragged item enters the drop target and optionally cancel the onDragEnter. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">isValid True if the drag event is valid, else false to cancel</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragSource</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-beforeDragOut"></a>
<b>beforeDragOut</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action before the dragged
item is dragged...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action before the dragged
item is dragged out of the target without dropping, and optionally cancel the onDragOut. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">isValid True if the drag event is valid, else false to cancel</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragSource</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-beforeDragOver"></a>
<b>beforeDragOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
while the dragged item is over the...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action
while the dragged item is over the drop target and optionally cancel the onDragOver. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">isValid True if the drag event is valid, else false to cancel</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragSource</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-beforeInvalidDrop"></a>
<b>beforeInvalidDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragDrop target</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action after an invalid
drop has occurred.</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action after an invalid
drop has occurred. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>target</code> : Ext.dd.DragDrop<div class="sub-desc">The drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the dragged element</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">isValid True if the invalid drop should proceed, else false to cancel</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragSource</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-cachePosition"></a>
<b>cachePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>iPageX the</code>, <code>iPageY the</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Saves the most recent position so that we can reset the constraints and
tick marks on-demand. We need to know this s...</div>
<div class="long">
Saves the most recent position so that we can reset the constraints and
tick marks on-demand. We need to know this so that we can calculate the
number of pixels the element is offset from its original position. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : iPageX<div class="sub-desc">current x position (optional, this just makes it so we
don't have to look it up again)</div></li><li><code>the</code> : iPageY<div class="sub-desc">current y position (optional, this just makes it so we
don't have to look it up again)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#cachePosition" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#cachePosition">DD</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-clearConstraints"></a>
<b>clearConstraints</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any constraints applied to this instance. Also clears ticks
since they can't exist independent of a constrain...</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any constraints applied to this instance. Also clears ticks
since they can't exist independent of a constraint at this time. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#clearConstraints" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#clearConstraints">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-clearTicks"></a>
<b>clearTicks</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any tick interval defined for this instance</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any tick interval defined for this instance <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#clearTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#clearTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-createFrame"></a>
<b>createFrame</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates the proxy element if it does not yet exist</div>
<div class="long">
Creates the proxy element if it does not yet exist <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDProxy" ext:member="#createFrame" href="output/Ext.dd.DDProxy.html#createFrame">DDProxy</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-endDrag"></a>
<b>endDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fired when we are done dragging the object</div>
<div class="long">
Fired when we are done dragging the object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#endDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#endDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-getDragData"></a>
<b>getDragData</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the data object associated with this drag source</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the data object associated with this drag source <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">data An object containing arbitrary data</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragSource</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-getDragEl"></a>
<b>getDragEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a reference to the actual element to drag. By default this is
the same as the html element, but it can be as...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a reference to the actual element to drag. By default this is
the same as the html element, but it can be assigned to another
element. An example of this can be found in Ext.dd.DDProxy <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">the html element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#getDragEl" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#getDragEl">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a reference to the linked element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a reference to the linked element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">the html element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#getEl">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-getProxy"></a>
<b>getProxy</b>() : Ext.dd.StatusProxy <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the drag source's underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.StatusProxy" href="output/Ext.dd.StatusProxy.html">Ext.dd.StatusProxy</a></div>
<div class="long">
Returns the drag source's underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.StatusProxy" href="output/Ext.dd.StatusProxy.html">Ext.dd.StatusProxy</a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.dd.StatusProxy</code><div class="sub-desc">proxy The StatusProxy</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragSource</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-hideProxy"></a>
<b>hideProxy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides the drag source's <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.StatusProxy" href="output/Ext.dd.StatusProxy.html">Ext.dd.StatusProxy</a></div>
<div class="long">
Hides the drag source's <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.StatusProxy" href="output/Ext.dd.StatusProxy.html">Ext.dd.StatusProxy</a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DragSource</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-init"></a>
<b>init</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets up the DragDrop object. Must be called in the constructor of any
Ext.dd.DragDrop subclass</div>
<div class="long">
Sets up the DragDrop object. Must be called in the constructor of any
Ext.dd.DragDrop subclass <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the linked element</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related items</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">configuration attributes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#init" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#init">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-initFrame"></a>
<b>initFrame</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initialization for the drag frame element. Must be called in the
constructor of all subclasses</div>
<div class="long">
Initialization for the drag frame element. Must be called in the
constructor of all subclasses <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDProxy" ext:member="#initFrame" href="output/Ext.dd.DDProxy.html#initFrame">DDProxy</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-initTarget"></a>
<b>initTarget</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initializes Targeting functionality only... the object does not
get a mousedown handler.</div>
<div class="long">
Initializes Targeting functionality only... the object does not
get a mousedown handler. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the linked element</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related items</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">configuration attributes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#initTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#initTarget">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-isLocked"></a>
<b>isLocked</b>() : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this instance is locked, or the drag drop mgr is locked
(meaning that all drag/drop is disabled on th...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this instance is locked, or the drag drop mgr is locked
(meaning that all drag/drop is disabled on the page.) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if this obj or all drag/drop is locked, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isLocked" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isLocked">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-isValidHandleChild"></a>
<b>isValidHandleChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement node</code>&nbsp;) : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks the tag exclusion list to see if this click should be ignored</div>
<div class="long">
Checks the tag exclusion list to see if this click should be ignored <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">the HTMLElement to evaluate</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if this is a valid tag type, false if not</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isValidHandleChild" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isValidHandleChild">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-lock"></a>
<b>lock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lock this instance</div>
<div class="long">
Lock this instance <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#lock" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#lock">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-onAvailable"></a>
<b>onAvailable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Override the onAvailable method to do what is needed after the initial
position was determined.</div>
<div class="long">
Override the onAvailable method to do what is needed after the initial
position was determined. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onAvailable" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onAvailable">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-onBeforeDrag"></a>
<b>onBeforeDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object data</code>, <code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action before the initial
drag event begi...</div>
<div class="long">
An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action before the initial
drag event begins and optionally cancel it. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data to be shared with drop targets</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">isValid True if the drag event is valid, else false to cancel</div></li>
<td class="msource">DragSource</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-onDrag"></a>
<b>onDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called during the onMouseMove event while dragging an
<div class="long">
Abstract method called during the onMouseMove event while dragging an
object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-onDragDrop"></a>
<b>onDragDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this item is dropped on another DragDrop
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this item is dropped on another DragDrop
obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this was dropped on. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items this
was dropped on.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragDrop">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-onDragEnter"></a>
<b>onDragEnter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this element fist begins hovering over
another DragDrop obj</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this element fist begins hovering over
another DragDrop obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this is hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of one or more
dragdrop items being hovered over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragEnter" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragEnter">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-onDragOut"></a>
<b>onDragOut</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when we are no longer hovering over an element</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when we are no longer hovering over an element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this was hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items
that the mouse is no longer over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragOut" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragOut">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-onDragOver"></a>
<b>onDragOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this element is hovering over another
DragDrop obj</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this element is hovering over another
DragDrop obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this is hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items
being hovered over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragOver" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragOver">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-onInvalidDrop"></a>
<b>onInvalidDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this item is dropped on an area with no
drop target</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this item is dropped on an area with no
drop target <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onInvalidDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onInvalidDrop">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-onMouseDown"></a>
<b>onMouseDown</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mousedown</div>
<div class="long">
Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mousedown <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousedown event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onMouseDown" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onMouseDown">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-onMouseUp"></a>
<b>onMouseUp</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mouseup</div>
<div class="long">
Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mouseup <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onMouseUp" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onMouseUp">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-removeFromGroup"></a>
<b>removeFromGroup</b>(&nbsp;<code>string sGroup</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove's this instance from the supplied interaction group</div>
<div class="long">
Remove's this instance from the supplied interaction group <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>sGroup</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The group to drop</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeFromGroup" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeFromGroup">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-removeInvalidHandleClass"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cssClass</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an invalid css class</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an invalid css class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cssClass</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the class of the element(s) you wish to
re-enable</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleClass" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleClass">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-removeInvalidHandleId"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleId</b>(&nbsp;<code>string id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an invalid handle id</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an invalid handle id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element to re-enable</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-removeInvalidHandleType"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleType</b>(&nbsp;<code>string tagName</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an excluded tag name set by addInvalidHandleType</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an excluded tag name set by addInvalidHandleType <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tagName</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the type of element to unexclude</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleType" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleType">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-resetConstraints"></a>
<b>resetConstraints</b>(&nbsp;<code>boolean maintainOffset</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">resetConstraints must be called if you manually reposition a dd element.</div>
<div class="long">
resetConstraints must be called if you manually reposition a dd element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>maintainOffset</code> : boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#resetConstraints" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#resetConstraints">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-setDelta"></a>
<b>setDelta</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iDeltaX</code>, <code>int iDeltaY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the pointer offset. You can call this directly to force the
offset to be in a particular location (e.g., pass i...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the pointer offset. You can call this directly to force the
offset to be in a particular location (e.g., pass in 0,0 to set it
to the center of the object) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iDeltaX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the distance from the left</div></li><li><code>iDeltaY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the distance from the top</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#setDelta" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#setDelta">DD</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-setDragElId"></a>
<b>setDragElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify that an element other than the linked element
will be moved with the cursor during a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify that an element other than the linked element
will be moved with the cursor during a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element that will be used to initiate the drag</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setDragElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setDragElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-setDragElPos"></a>
<b>setDragElPos</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iPageX</code>, <code>int iPageY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the drag element to the location of the mousedown or click event,
maintaining the cursor location relative to th...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the drag element to the location of the mousedown or click event,
maintaining the cursor location relative to the location on the element
that was clicked. Override this if you want to place the element in a
location other than where the cursor is. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iPageX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X coordinate of the mousedown or drag event</div></li><li><code>iPageY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y coordinate of the mousedown or drag event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DD" ext:member="#setDragElPos" href="output/Ext.dd.DD.html#setDragElPos">DD</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-setHandleElId"></a>
<b>setHandleElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify a child of the linked element that should be
used to initiate the drag operation. An example o...</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify a child of the linked element that should be
used to initiate the drag operation. An example of this would be if
you have a content div with text and links. Clicking anywhere in the
content area would normally start the drag operation. Use this method
to specify that an element inside of the content div is the element
that starts the drag operation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element that will be used to
initiate the drag.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setHandleElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setHandleElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-setInitialPosition"></a>
<b>setInitialPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>int diffX</code>, <code>int diffY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Stores the initial placement of the linked element.</div>
<div class="long">
Stores the initial placement of the linked element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>diffX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X offset, default 0</div></li><li><code>diffY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y offset, default 0</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setInitialPosition" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setInitialPosition">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-setOuterHandleElId"></a>
<b>setOuterHandleElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to set an element outside of the linked element as a drag
<div class="long">
Allows you to set an element outside of the linked element as a drag
handle <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the element that will be used to initiate the drag</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setOuterHandleElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setOuterHandleElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-setPadding"></a>
<b>setPadding</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iTop</code>, <code>int iRight</code>, <code>int iBot</code>, <code>int iLeft</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Configures the padding for the target zone in px. Effectively expands
(or reduces) the virtual object size for targe...</div>
<div class="long">
Configures the padding for the target zone in px. Effectively expands
(or reduces) the virtual object size for targeting calculations.
Supports css-style shorthand; if only one parameter is passed, all sides
will have that padding, and if only two are passed, the top and bottom
will have the first param, the left and right the second. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iTop</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Top pad</div></li><li><code>iRight</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Right pad</div></li><li><code>iBot</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Bot pad</div></li><li><code>iLeft</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Left pad</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setPadding" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setPadding">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-setXConstraint"></a>
<b>setXConstraint</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iLeft</code>, <code>int iRight</code>, <code>int iTickSize</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Use
this method to limit the horizontal travel of th...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Use
this method to limit the horizontal travel of the element. Pass in
0,0 for the parameters if you want to lock the drag to the y axis. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iLeft</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move to the left</div></li><li><code>iRight</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move to the
right</div></li><li><code>iTickSize</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">optional parameter for specifying that the
should move iTickSize pixels at a time.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setXConstraint" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setXConstraint">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-setYConstraint"></a>
<b>setYConstraint</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iUp</code>, <code>int iDown</code>, <code>int iTickSize</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Set
this to limit the vertical travel of the element...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Set
this to limit the vertical travel of the element. Pass in 0,0 for the
parameters if you want to lock the drag to the x axis. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iUp</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move up</div></li><li><code>iDown</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move down</div></li><li><code>iTickSize</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">optional parameter for specifying that the
element should move iTickSize pixels at a time.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setYConstraint" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setYConstraint">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-startDrag"></a>
<b>startDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>int X</code>, <code>int Y</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called after a drag/drop object is clicked
and the drag or mousedown time thresholds have beeen met.</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called after a drag/drop object is clicked
and the drag or mousedown time thresholds have beeen met. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>X</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">click location</div></li><li><code>Y</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">click location</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#startDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#startDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-toString"></a>
<b>toString</b>() : string <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">toString method</div>
<div class="long">
toString method <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>string</code><div class="sub-desc">string representation of the dd obj</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#toString" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#toString">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-unlock"></a>
<b>unlock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unlock this instace</div>
<div class="long">
Unlock this instace <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#unlock" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#unlock">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-unreg"></a>
<b>unreg</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove all drag and drop hooks for this element</div>
<div class="long">
Remove all drag and drop hooks for this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#unreg" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#unreg">DragDrop</a></td>
<a id="Ext.dd.DragSource-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,327
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.PropertyStore-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.PropertyStore-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.PropertyStore-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.PropertyStore-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.grid.PropertyStore"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>PropertyStore</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.grid.PropertyStore</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.grid</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/grid/PropertyGrid.js" target="_blank">PropertyGrid.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">PropertyStore</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A custom wrapper for the <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid" href="output/Ext.grid.PropertyGrid.html">Ext.grid.PropertyGrid</a>'s <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a>. This class handles the mapping
between the custom data source objects supported by the grid and the <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.PropertyRecord" href="output/Ext.grid.PropertyRecord.html">Ext.grid.PropertyRecord</a> format
required for compatibility with the underlying store. Generally this class should not need to be used directly --
the grid's data should be accessed from the underlying store via the <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.PropertyStore" ext:member="store" href="output/Ext.grid.PropertyStore.html#store">store</a> property. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-PropertyStore"></a>
<b>PropertyStore</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.grid.Grid grid</code>, <code>Object source</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>grid</code> : Ext.grid.Grid<div class="sub-desc">The grid this store will be bound to</div></li><li><code>source</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The source data config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">PropertyStore</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,89
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.BorderLayout-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.BorderLayout-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.BorderLayout-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.BorderLayout-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.layout.BorderLayout"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">ContainerLayout</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>BorderLayout</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.layout.BorderLayout</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.layout</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/layout/BorderLayout.js" target="_blank">BorderLayout.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">BorderLayout</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">ContainerLayout</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
<p>This is a multi-pane, application-oriented UI layout style that supports multiple nested panels, automatic
split bars between regions and built-in expanding and collapsing of regions.
This class is intended to be extended or created via the layout:'border' <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">Ext.Container.layout</a> config,
and should generally not need to be created directly via the new keyword.</p>
<p>BorderLayout does not have any direct config options (other than inherited ones). All configs available
for customizing the BorderLayout are at the <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html">Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region</a> and
<a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion.html">Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion</a> levels. Example usage:</p>
<pre><code>var border = <b>new</b> Ext.Panel({
title: <em>'Border Layout'</em>,
items: [{
title: <em>'South Panel'</em>,
region: <em>'south'</em>,
height: 100,
minSize: 75,
maxSize: 250,
margins: <em>'0 5 5 5'</em>
title: <em>'West Panel'</em>,
margins: <em>'5 0 0 5'</em>,
cmargins: <em>'5 5 0 5'</em>,
width: 200,
minSize: 100,
maxSize: 300
title: <em>'Main Content'</em>,
margins: <em>'5 5 0 0'</em>
});</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout-extraCls"></a>
<b>extraCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to the container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding custo...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to the container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="#extraCls" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#extraCls">ContainerLayout</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout-renderHidden"></a>
<b>renderHidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide each contained item on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="#renderHidden" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#renderHidden">ContainerLayout</a></td>
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public methods.</div> <a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,55
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Number-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Number-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Number-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Number"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Number</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Global</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/core/Ext.js" target="_blank">Ext.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Number</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Number-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Number-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Number-constrain"></a>
<b>constrain</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number min</code>, <code>Number max</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks whether or not the current number is within a desired range. If the number is already within the
range it is ...</div>
<div class="long">
Checks whether or not the current number is within a desired range. If the number is already within the
range it is returned, otherwise the min or max value is returned depending on which side of the range is
exceeded. Note that this method returns the constrained value but does not change the current number. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>min</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The minimum number in the range</div></li><li><code>max</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The maximum number in the range</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The constrained value if outside the range, otherwise the current value</div></li>
<td class="msource">Number</td>
<a id="Number-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,98
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.FitLayout-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.FitLayout-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.FitLayout-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.FitLayout-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.layout.FitLayout"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">ContainerLayout</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>FitLayout</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.layout.FitLayout</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.layout</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/layout/FitLayout.js" target="_blank">FitLayout.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">FitLayout</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Accordion</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">CardLayout</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">ContainerLayout</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
<p>This is a base class for layouts that contain a single item that automatically expands to fill the layout's
container. This class is intended to be extended or created via the layout:'fit' <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">Ext.Container.layout</a>
config, and should generally not need to be created directly via the new keyword.</p>
<p>FitLayout does not have any direct config options (other than inherited ones). To fit a panel to a container
using FitLayout, simply set layout:'fit' on the container and add a single panel to it. If the container has
multiple panels, only the first one will be displayed. Example usage:</p>
<pre><code>var p = <b>new</b> Ext.Panel({
title: <em>'Fit Layout'</em>,
items: {
title: <em>'Inner Panel'</em>,
html: <em>'&lt;p&gt;This is the inner panel content&lt;/p&gt;'</em>,
border: false
});</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.layout.FitLayout-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.FitLayout-extraCls"></a>
<b>extraCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to the container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding custo...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to the container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="#extraCls" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#extraCls">ContainerLayout</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.FitLayout-renderHidden"></a>
<b>renderHidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide each contained item on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="#renderHidden" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#renderHidden">ContainerLayout</a></td>
<a id="Ext.layout.FitLayout-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.FitLayout-activeItem"></a>
<b>activeItem</b> : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
A reference to the Ext.Component that is active. For example,
if( == 'item-1') { ... }....</div>
<div class="long">
A reference to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> that is active. For example,
if( == 'item-1') { ... }. activeItem only applies to layout styles that can
display items one at a time (like <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Ext.layout.Accordion</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a>
and <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">Ext.layout.FitLayout</a>). Read-only. Related to <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="activeItem" href="output/Ext.Container.html#activeItem">Ext.Container.activeItem</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="#activeItem" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#activeItem">ContainerLayout</a></td>
<a id="Ext.layout.FitLayout-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public methods.</div> <a id="Ext.layout.FitLayout-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,136
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter.html">SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/SplitBar.js" target="_blank">SplitBar.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter.html">SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Adapter that moves the splitter element to align with the resized sizing element.
Used with an absolute positioned SplitBar. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter-SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter.BOTTOM"></a>
<b>SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter.BOTTOM</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
&lt;static&gt; Placement constant - The resizing element is positioned under splitter element </div>
<td class="msource">SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter-SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter.HORIZONTAL"></a>
<b>SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter.HORIZONTAL</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
&lt;static&gt; Orientation constant - Create a horizontal SplitBar </div>
<td class="msource">SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter-SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter.LEFT"></a>
<b>SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter.LEFT</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
&lt;static&gt; Placement constant - The resizing element is to the left of the splitter element </div>
<td class="msource">SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter-SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter.RIGHT"></a>
<b>SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter.RIGHT</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
&lt;static&gt; Placement constant - The resizing element is to the right of the splitter element </div>
<td class="msource">SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter-SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter.TOP"></a>
<b>SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter.TOP</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
&lt;static&gt; Placement constant - The resizing element is positioned above the splitter element </div>
<td class="msource">SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter-SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter.VERTICAL"></a>
<b>SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter.VERTICAL</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
&lt;static&gt; Orientation constant - Create a vertical SplitBar </div>
<td class="msource">SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter</td>
<a id="Ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter-getElementSize"></a>
<b>getElementSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.SplitBar s</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called before drag operations to get the current size of the resizing element.</div>
<div class="long">
Called before drag operations to get the current size of the resizing element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>s</code> : Ext.SplitBar<div class="sub-desc">The SplitBar using this adapter</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter" ext:member="#getElementSize" href="output/Ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter.html#getElementSize">SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter-setElementSize"></a>
<b>setElementSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.SplitBar s</code>, <code>Number newSize</code>, <code>Function onComplete</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called after drag operations to set the size of the resizing element.</div>
<div class="long">
Called after drag operations to set the size of the resizing element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>s</code> : Ext.SplitBar<div class="sub-desc">The SplitBar using this adapter</div></li><li><code>newSize</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new size to set</div></li><li><code>onComplete</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">A function to be invoked when resizing is complete</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter" ext:member="#setElementSize" href="output/Ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter.html#setElementSize">SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter</a></td>
<a id="Ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,1366
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.ColorPalette-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.ColorPalette-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.ColorPalette-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.ColorPalette-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.ColorPalette"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>ColorPalette</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.ColorPalette</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/ColorPalette.js" target="_blank">ColorPalette.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">ColorPalette</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Simple color palette class for choosing colors. The palette can be rendered to any container.<br />
Here's an example of typical usage:
<pre><code>var cp = <b>new</b> Ext.ColorPalette({value:<em>'993300'</em>}); <i>// initial selected color</i>
cp.on(<em>'select'</em>, <b>function</b>(palette, selColor){
<i>// <b>do</b> something <b>with</b> selColor</i>
});</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-allowReselect"></a>
<b>allowReselect</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
If set to true then reselecting a color that is already selected fires the selection event </div>
<td class="msource">ColorPalette</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-itemCls"></a>
<b>itemCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to apply to the containing element (defaults to "x-color-palette") </div>
<td class="msource">ColorPalette</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-tpl"></a>
<b>tpl</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
An existing XTemplate instance to be used in place of the default template for rendering the component. </div>
<td class="msource">ColorPalette</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-value"></a>
<b>value</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The initial color to highlight (should be a valid 6-digit color hex code without the # symbol). Note that the hex cod...</div>
<div class="long">
The initial color to highlight (should be a valid 6-digit color hex code without the # symbol). Note that the hex codes are case-sensitive. </div>
<td class="msource">ColorPalette</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-colors"></a>
<b>colors</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of 6-digit color hex code strings (without the # symbol). This array can contain any number
of colors, and ...</div>
<div class="long">
<p>An array of 6-digit color hex code strings (without the # symbol). This array can contain any number
of colors, and each hex code should be unique. The width of the palette is controlled via CSS by adjusting
the width property of the 'x-color-palette' class (or assigning a custom class), so you can balance the number
of colors with the width setting until the box is symmetrical.</p>
<p>You can override individual colors if needed:</p>
<pre><code>var cp = <b>new</b> Ext.ColorPalette();
cp.colors[0] = <em>"FF0000"</em>; // change the first box to red</code></pre>
Or you can provide a custom array of your own for complete control:
<pre><code>var cp = <b>new</b> Ext.ColorPalette();
cp.colors = [<em>"000000"</em>, <em>"993300"</em>, <em>"333300"</em>];</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource">ColorPalette</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-ColorPalette"></a>
<b>ColorPalette</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new ColorPalette</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new ColorPalette <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColorPalette</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-select"></a>
<b>select</b>(&nbsp;<code>String color</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Selects the specified color in the palette (fires the select event)</div>
<div class="long">
Selects the specified color in the palette (fires the select event) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>color</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A valid 6-digit color hex code (# will be stripped if included)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColorPalette</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-select"></a>
<b>select</b> : (&nbsp;<code>ColorPalette this</code>, <code>String color</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a color is selected</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a color is selected <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : ColorPalette<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>color</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The 6-digit color hex code (without the # symbol)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColorPalette</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ColorPalette-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">Store</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>JsonStore</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/data/JsonStore.js" target="_blank">JsonStore.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">JsonStore</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">Store</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Small helper class to make creating Stores for JSON data easier. <br/>
<pre><code>var store = <b>new</b>{
url: <em>'get-images.php'</em>,
root: <em>'images'</em>,
fields: [<em>'name'</em>, <em>'url'</em>, {name:<em>'size'</em>, type: <em>'float'</em>}, {name:<em>'lastmod'</em>, type:<em>'date'</em>}]
This would consume a returned object of the form:
images: [
{name: <em>'Image one'</em>, url:<em>'/GetImage.php?id=1'</em>, size:46.5, lastmod: <b>new</b> Date(2007, 10, 29)},
{name: <em>'Image Two'</em>, url:<em>'/GetImage.php?id=2'</em>, size:43.2, lastmod: <b>new</b> Date(2007, 10, 30)}
An object literal of this form could also be used as the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="data" href="output/">data</a> config option.
<b>Note: Although they are not listed, this class inherits all of the config options of Store,
JsonReader.</b> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>autoLoad</b> : Boolean/Object <div class="mdesc">
If passed, this store's load method is automatically called after creation with the autoLoad object </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#autoLoad" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>baseParams</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
An object containing properties which are to be sent as parameters on any HTTP request </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#baseParams" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>data</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
A data object readable this object's JsonReader. Either this option, or the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="url" href="output/">url</a> option must be specified. </div>
<td class="msource">JsonStore</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fields</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Either an Array of field definition objects as passed to, or a Record constructor created usin...</div>
<div class="long">
Either an Array of field definition objects as passed to <a ext:cls="" ext:member="create" href="output/"></a>, or a <a ext:cls="" href="output/">Record</a> constructor created using <a ext:cls="" ext:member="create" href="output/"></a>. </div>
<td class="msource">JsonStore</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>proxy</b> : <div class="mdesc">
The Proxy object which provides access to a data object. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#proxy" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>pruneModifiedRecords</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to clear all modified record information each time the store is loaded or when a record is removed. (defaults to...</div>
<div class="long">
True to clear all modified record information each time the store is loaded or when a record is removed. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#pruneModifiedRecords" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>reader</b> : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The DataReader object which processes the data object and returns an Array of objects which are cache...</div>
<div class="long">
The DataReader object which processes the data object and returns an Array of objects which are cached keyed by their <em>id</em> property. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#reader" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>remoteSort</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if sorting is to be handled by requesting the Proxy to provide a refreshed version of the data object in sorted ...</div>
<div class="long">
True if sorting is to be handled by requesting the Proxy to provide a refreshed version of the data object in sorted order, as opposed to sorting the Record cache in place (defaults to false). <p>If remote sorting is specified, then clicking on a column header causes the current page to be requested from the server with the addition of the following two parameters: <div class="mdetail-params"><ul> <li><b>sort</b> : String<p class="sub-desc">The name (as specified in the Record's Field definition) of the field to sort on.</p></li> <li><b>dir</b> : String<p class="sub-desc">The direction of the sort, "ASC" or "DESC" (case-sensitive).</p></li> </ul></div></p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#remoteSort" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>sortInfo</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
A config object in the format: {field: "fieldName", direction: "ASC|DESC"}. The direction property is case-sensitive. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#sortInfo" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>storeId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
If passed, the id to use to register with the StoreMgr </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#storeId" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>url</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The URL from which to load data through an HttpProxy. Either this option, or the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="data" href="output/">data</a> option must be specified. </div>
<td class="msource">JsonStore</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>baseParams</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
An object containing properties which are used as parameters on any HTTP request. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#baseParams" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>lastOptions</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Contains the last options object used as the parameter to the load method. See load
for the details of what this may ...</div>
<div class="long">
Contains the last options object used as the parameter to the load method. See <a ext:cls="" ext:member="load" href="output/">load</a>
for the details of what this may contain. This may be useful for accessing any params which
were used to load the current Record cache. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#lastOptions" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>JsonStore</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">JsonStore</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>[] records</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Add Records to the Store and fires the add event.</div>
<div class="long">
Add Records to the Store and fires the add event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>records</code> :[]<div class="sub-desc">An Array of objects to add to the cache.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#add" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addSorted</b>(&nbsp;<code> record</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">(Local sort only) Inserts the passed the record in the Store at the index where it
should go based on the current sor...</div>
<div class="long">
(Local sort only) Inserts the passed the record in the Store at the index where it
should go based on the current sort information <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#addSorted" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>clearFilter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean suppressEvent</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Revert to a view of the Record cache with no filtering applied.</div>
<div class="long">
Revert to a view of the Record cache with no filtering applied. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>suppressEvent</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">If true the filter is cleared silently without notifying listeners</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#clearFilter" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>collect</b>(&nbsp;<code>String dataIndex</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean allowNull</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean bypassFilter</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collects unique values for a particular dataIndex from this store.</div>
<div class="long">
Collects unique values for a particular dataIndex from this store. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>dataIndex</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The property to collect</div></li><li><code>allowNull</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Pass true to allow null, undefined or empty string values</div></li><li><code>bypassFilter</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Pass true to collect from all records, even ones which are filtered</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">An array of the unique values</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#collect" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>commitChanges</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Commit all Records with outstanding changes. To handle updates for changes, subscribe to the
Store's "update" event, ...</div>
<div class="long">
Commit all Records with outstanding changes. To handle updates for changes, subscribe to the
Store's "update" event, and perform updating when the third parameter is <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#commitChanges" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>each</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Calls the specified function for each of the Records in the cache.</div>
<div class="long">
Calls the specified function for each of the Records in the cache. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call. The Record is passed as the first parameter.
Returning <tt>false</tt> aborts and exits the iteration.</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to call the function (defaults to the Record).</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#each" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>filter</b>(&nbsp;<code>String field</code>, <code>String/RegExp value</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean anyMatch</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean caseSensitive</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Filter the records by a specified property.</div>
<div class="long">
Filter the records by a specified property. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>field</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A field on your records</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String/RegExp<div class="sub-desc">Either a string that the field
should start with or a RegExp to test against the field</div></li><li><code>anyMatch</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to match any part not just the beginning</div></li><li><code>caseSensitive</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for case sensitive comparison</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#filter" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>filterBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Filter by a function. The specified function will be called for each
Record in this Store. If the function returns tr...</div>
<div class="long">
Filter by a function. The specified function will be called for each
Record in this Store. If the function returns <tt>true</tt> the Record is included,
otherwise it is filtered out. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called. It will be passed the following parameters:<ul>
<li><b>record</b> :<p class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="" href="output/">record</a>
to test for filtering. Access field values using <a ext:cls="" ext:member="get" href="output/"></a>.</p></li>
<li><b>id</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The ID of the Record passed.</p></li>
</ul></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to this)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#filterBy" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>find</b>(&nbsp;<code>String property</code>, <code>String/RegExp value</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number startIndex</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean anyMatch</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean caseSensitive</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Finds the index of the first matching record in this store by a specific property/value.</div>
<div class="long">
Finds the index of the first matching record in this store by a specific property/value. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>property</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A property on your objects</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String/RegExp<div class="sub-desc">Either string that the property values
should start with or a RegExp to test against the property.</div></li><li><code>startIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index to start searching at</div></li><li><code>anyMatch</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to match any part of the string, not just the beginning</div></li><li><code>caseSensitive</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for case sensitive comparison</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The matched index or -1</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#find" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>findBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number startIndex</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find the index of the first matching Record in this Store by a function.
If the function returns true it is considere...</div>
<div class="long">
Find the index of the first matching Record in this Store by a function.
If the function returns <tt>true</tt> it is considered a match. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called. It will be passed the following parameters:<ul>
<li><b>record</b> :<p class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="" href="output/">record</a>
to test for filtering. Access field values using <a ext:cls="" ext:member="get" href="output/"></a>.</p></li>
<li><b>id</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The ID of the Record passed.</p></li>
</ul></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to this)</div></li><li><code>startIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index to start searching at</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The matched index or -1</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#findBy" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getAt</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the Record at the specified index.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the Record at the specified index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the Record to find.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The Record at the passed index. Returns undefined if not found.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getAt" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getById</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the Record with the specified id.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the Record with the specified id. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the Record to find.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The Record with the passed id. Returns undefined if not found.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getById" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getCount</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the number of cached records.
If using paging, this may not be the total size of the dataset. If the data object...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the number of cached records.
<p>If using paging, this may not be the total size of the dataset. If the data object
used by the Reader contains the dataset size, then the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="getTotalCount" href="output/">getTotalCount</a> function returns
the dataset size.</p> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The number of Records in the Store's cache.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getCount" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getModifiedRecords</b>() :[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets all records modified since the last commit. Modified records are persisted across load operations
(e.g., during...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets all records modified since the last commit. Modified records are persisted across load operations
(e.g., during paging). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>[]</code><div class="sub-desc">An array of Records containing outstanding modifications.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getModifiedRecords" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getRange</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number startIndex</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number endIndex</code>]</span>&nbsp;) :[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a range of Records between specified indices.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a range of Records between specified indices. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>startIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The starting index (defaults to 0)</div></li><li><code>endIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The ending index (defaults to the last Record in the Store)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>[]</code><div class="sub-desc">An array of Records</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getRange" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getSortState</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns an object describing the current sort state of this Store.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns an object describing the current sort state of this Store. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The sort state of the Store. An object with two properties:<ul> <li><b>field : String<p class="sub-desc">The name of the field by which the Records are sorted.</p></li> <li><b>direction : String<p class="sub-desc">The sort order, "ASC" or "DESC" (case-sensitive).</p></li> </ul></div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getSortState" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getTotalCount</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the total number of records in the dataset as returned by the server.
If using paging, for this to be accurate, ...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the total number of records in the dataset as returned by the server.
<p>If using paging, for this to be accurate, the data object used by the Reader must contain
the dataset size. For remote data sources, this is provided by a query on the server.</p> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The number of Records as specified in the data object passed to the Reader by the Proxy <p><b>This value is not updated when changing the contents of the Store locally.</b></p></div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getTotalCount" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>indexOf</b>(&nbsp;<code> record</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the index within the cache of the passed Record.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the index within the cache of the passed Record. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The object to to find.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The index of the passed Record. Returns -1 if not found.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#indexOf" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>indexOfId</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the index within the cache of the Record with the passed id.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the index within the cache of the Record with the passed id. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the Record to find.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The index of the Record. Returns -1 if not found.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#indexOfId" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>insert</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code>[] records</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts Records to the Store at the given index and fires the add event.</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts Records to the Store at the given index and fires the add event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The start index at which to insert the passed Records.</div></li><li><code>records</code> :[]<div class="sub-desc">An Array of objects to add to the cache.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#insert" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isFiltered</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this store is currently filtered</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this store is currently filtered <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#isFiltered" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>load</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object options</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Loads the Record cache from the configured Proxy using the configured Reader.
If using remote paging, then the first ...</div>
<div class="long">
Loads the Record cache from the configured Proxy using the configured Reader.
<p>If using remote paging, then the first load call must specify the <tt>start</tt>
and <tt>limit</tt> properties in the options.params property to establish the initial
position within the dataset, and the number of Records to cache on each read from the Proxy.</p>
<p><b>It is important to note that for remote data sources, loading is asynchronous,
and this call will return before the new data has been loaded. Perform any post-processing
in a callback function, or in a "load" event handler.</b></p> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing properties which control loading options:<ul>
<li><b>params</b> :Object<p class="sub-desc">An object containing properties to pass as HTTP parameters to a remote data source.</p></li>
<li><b>callback</b> : Function<p class="sub-desc">A function to be called after the Records have been loaded. The callback is
passed the following arguments:<ul>
<li>r :[]</li>
<li>options: Options object from the load call</li>
<li>success: Boolean success indicator</li></ul></p></li>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">Scope with which to call the callback (defaults to the Store object)</p></li>
<li><b>add</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">Indicator to append loaded records rather than replace the current cache.</p></li>
</ul></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">Whether the load fired (if beforeload failed).</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#load" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>loadData</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object data</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean append</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Loads data from a passed data block. A Reader which understands the format of the data
must have been configured in t...</div>
<div class="long">
Loads data from a passed data block. A Reader which understands the format of the data
must have been configured in the constructor. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The data block from which to read the Records. The format of the data expected
is dependent on the type of Reader that is configured and should correspond to that Reader's readRecords parameter.</div></li><li><code>append</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(Optional) True to append the new Records rather than replace the existing cache.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#loadData" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>query</b>(&nbsp;<code>String field</code>, <code>String/RegExp value</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean anyMatch</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean caseSensitive</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Query the records by a specified property.</div>
<div class="long">
Query the records by a specified property. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>field</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A field on your records</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String/RegExp<div class="sub-desc">Either a string that the field
should start with or a RegExp to test against the field</div></li><li><code>anyMatch</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to match any part not just the beginning</div></li><li><code>caseSensitive</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for case sensitive comparison</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>MixedCollection</code><div class="sub-desc">Returns an Ext.util.MixedCollection of the matched records</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#query" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>queryBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Query the cached records in this Store using a filtering function. The specified function
will be called with each re...</div>
<div class="long">
Query the cached records in this Store using a filtering function. The specified function
will be called with each record in this Store. If the function returns <tt>true</tt> the record is
included in the results. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called. It will be passed the following parameters:<ul>
<li><b>record</b> :<p class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="" href="output/">record</a>
to test for filtering. Access field values using <a ext:cls="" ext:member="get" href="output/"></a>.</p></li>
<li><b>id</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The ID of the Record passed.</p></li>
</ul></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to this)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>MixedCollection</code><div class="sub-desc">Returns an Ext.util.MixedCollection of the matched records</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#queryBy" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>rejectChanges</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Cancel outstanding changes on all changed records.</div>
<div class="long">
Cancel outstanding changes on all changed records. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#rejectChanges" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>reload</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Reloads the Record cache from the configured Proxy using the configured Reader and
the options from the last load ope...</div>
<div class="long">
Reloads the Record cache from the configured Proxy using the configured Reader and
the options from the last load operation performed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing properties which may override the options
used in the last load operation. See <a ext:cls="" ext:member="load" href="output/">load</a> for details (defaults to null, in which case
the most recently used options are reused).</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#reload" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>remove</b>(&nbsp;<code> record</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove a Record from the Store and fires the remove event.</div>
<div class="long">
Remove a Record from the Store and fires the remove event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">Th object to remove from the cache.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#remove" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeAll</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove all Records from the Store and fires the clear event.</div>
<div class="long">
Remove all Records from the Store and fires the clear event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#removeAll" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setDefaultSort</b>(&nbsp;<code>String fieldName</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String dir</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the default sort column and order to be used by the next load operation.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the default sort column and order to be used by the next load operation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fieldName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the field to sort by.</div></li><li><code>dir</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The sort order, "ASC" or "DESC" (case-sensitive, defaults to "ASC")</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#setDefaultSort" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>sort</b>(&nbsp;<code>String fieldName</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String dir</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sort the Records.
If remote sorting is used, the sort is performed on the server, and the cache is
reloaded. If local...</div>
<div class="long">
Sort the Records.
If remote sorting is used, the sort is performed on the server, and the cache is
reloaded. If local sorting is used, the cache is sorted internally. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fieldName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the field to sort by.</div></li><li><code>dir</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The sort order, "ASC" or "DESC" (case-sensitive, defaults to "ASC")</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#sort" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>sum</b>(&nbsp;<code>String property</code>, <code>Number start</code>, <code>Number end</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sums the value of <i>property</i> for each record between start and end and returns the result.</div>
<div class="long">
Sums the value of <i>property</i> for each record between start and end and returns the result. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>property</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A field on your records</div></li><li><code>start</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The record index to start at (defaults to 0)</div></li><li><code>end</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The last record index to include (defaults to length - 1)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The sum</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#sum" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>add</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code>[] records</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when Records have been added to the Store</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when Records have been added to the Store <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>records</code> :[]<div class="sub-desc">The array of Records added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the record(s) were added</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-add" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeload</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code>Object options</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a request is made for a new data object. If the beforeload handler returns false
the load action will b...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a request is made for a new data object. If the beforeload handler returns false
the load action will be canceled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The loading options that were specified (see <a ext:cls="" ext:member="load" href="output/">load</a> for details)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-beforeload" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>clear</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the data cache has been cleared.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the data cache has been cleared. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-clear" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>datachanged</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the data cache has changed, and a widget which is using this Store
as a Record cache should refresh its view.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the data cache has changed, and a widget which is using this Store
as a Record cache should refresh its view. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-datachanged" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>load</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code>[] records</code>, <code>Object options</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after a new set of Records has been loaded.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after a new set of Records has been loaded. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>records</code> :[]<div class="sub-desc">The Records that were loaded</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The loading options that were specified (see <a ext:cls="" ext:member="load" href="output/">load</a> for details)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-load" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>loadexception</b> : () <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires if an exception occurs in the Proxy during loading.
Called with the signature of the Proxy's "loadexception" ev...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires if an exception occurs in the Proxy during loading.
Called with the signature of the Proxy's "loadexception" event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-loadexception" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>metachange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code>Object meta</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this store's reader provides new metadata (fields). This is currently only supported for JsonReaders.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this store's reader provides new metadata (fields). This is currently only supported for JsonReaders. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>meta</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The JSON metadata</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-metachange" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code> record</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a Record has been removed from the Store</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a Record has been removed from the Store <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The Record that was removed</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the record was removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-remove" href="output/">Store</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>update</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code> record</code>, <code>String operation</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a Record has been updated</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a Record has been updated <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The Record that was updated</div></li><li><code>operation</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The update operation being performed. Value may be one of:
<pre><code></code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-update" href="output/">Store</a></td>
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Store</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/data/Store.js" target="_blank">Store.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Store</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" href="output/">GroupingStore</a>, <a ext:cls="" href="output/">JsonStore</a>, <a ext:cls="" href="output/">SimpleStore</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
The Store class encapsulates a client side cache of <a ext:cls="" href="output/">Record</a>
objects which provide input data for Components such as the <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridPanel" href="output/Ext.grid.GridPanel.html">GridPanel</a>,
the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.ComboBox" href="output/Ext.form.ComboBox.html">ComboBox</a>, or the <a ext:cls="Ext.DataView" href="output/Ext.DataView.html">DataView</a></p>
<p>A Store object uses its <a ext:cls="" ext:member="proxy" href="output/">configured</a> implementation of <a ext:cls="" href="output/">DataProxy</a>
to access a data object unless you call <a ext:cls="" ext:member="loadData" href="output/">loadData</a> directly and pass in your data.</p>
<p>A Store object has no knowledge of the format of the data returned by the Proxy.</p>
<p>A Store object uses its <a ext:cls="" ext:member="reader" href="output/">configured</a> implementation of <a ext:cls="" href="output/">DataReader</a>
to create <a ext:cls="" href="output/">Record</a> instances from the data object. These Records
are cached and made available through accessor functions.</p> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>autoLoad</b> : Boolean/Object <div class="mdesc">
If passed, this store's load method is automatically called after creation with the autoLoad object </div>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>baseParams</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
An object containing properties which are to be sent as parameters on any HTTP request </div>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>data</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
Inline data to be loaded when the store is initialized. </div>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>proxy</b> : <div class="mdesc">
The Proxy object which provides access to a data object. </div>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>pruneModifiedRecords</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to clear all modified record information each time the store is loaded or when a record is removed. (defaults to...</div>
<div class="long">
True to clear all modified record information each time the store is loaded or when a record is removed. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>reader</b> : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The DataReader object which processes the data object and returns an Array of objects which are cache...</div>
<div class="long">
The DataReader object which processes the data object and returns an Array of objects which are cached keyed by their <em>id</em> property. </div>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>remoteSort</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if sorting is to be handled by requesting the Proxy to provide a refreshed version of the data object in sorted ...</div>
<div class="long">
True if sorting is to be handled by requesting the Proxy to provide a refreshed version of the data object in sorted order, as opposed to sorting the Record cache in place (defaults to false). <p>If remote sorting is specified, then clicking on a column header causes the current page to be requested from the server with the addition of the following two parameters: <div class="mdetail-params"><ul> <li><b>sort</b> : String<p class="sub-desc">The name (as specified in the Record's Field definition) of the field to sort on.</p></li> <li><b>dir</b> : String<p class="sub-desc">The direction of the sort, "ASC" or "DESC" (case-sensitive).</p></li> </ul></div></p> </div>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>sortInfo</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
A config object in the format: {field: "fieldName", direction: "ASC|DESC"}. The direction property is case-sensitive. </div>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>storeId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
If passed, the id to use to register with the StoreMgr </div>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>url</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
If passed, an HttpProxy is created for the passed URL </div>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>baseParams</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
An object containing properties which are used as parameters on any HTTP request. </div>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>lastOptions</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Contains the last options object used as the parameter to the load method. See load
for the details of what this may ...</div>
<div class="long">
Contains the last options object used as the parameter to the load method. See <a ext:cls="" ext:member="load" href="output/">load</a>
for the details of what this may contain. This may be useful for accessing any params which
were used to load the current Record cache. </div>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>Store</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new Store.</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new Store. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A config object containing the objects needed for the Store to access data,
and read the data into Records.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>[] records</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Add Records to the Store and fires the add event.</div>
<div class="long">
Add Records to the Store and fires the add event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>records</code> :[]<div class="sub-desc">An Array of objects to add to the cache.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addSorted</b>(&nbsp;<code> record</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">(Local sort only) Inserts the passed the record in the Store at the index where it
should go based on the current sor...</div>
<div class="long">
(Local sort only) Inserts the passed the record in the Store at the index where it
should go based on the current sort information <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>clearFilter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean suppressEvent</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Revert to a view of the Record cache with no filtering applied.</div>
<div class="long">
Revert to a view of the Record cache with no filtering applied. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>suppressEvent</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">If true the filter is cleared silently without notifying listeners</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>collect</b>(&nbsp;<code>String dataIndex</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean allowNull</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean bypassFilter</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collects unique values for a particular dataIndex from this store.</div>
<div class="long">
Collects unique values for a particular dataIndex from this store. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>dataIndex</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The property to collect</div></li><li><code>allowNull</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Pass true to allow null, undefined or empty string values</div></li><li><code>bypassFilter</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Pass true to collect from all records, even ones which are filtered</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">An array of the unique values</div></li>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>commitChanges</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Commit all Records with outstanding changes. To handle updates for changes, subscribe to the
Store's "update" event, ...</div>
<div class="long">
Commit all Records with outstanding changes. To handle updates for changes, subscribe to the
Store's "update" event, and perform updating when the third parameter is <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>each</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Calls the specified function for each of the Records in the cache.</div>
<div class="long">
Calls the specified function for each of the Records in the cache. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call. The Record is passed as the first parameter.
Returning <tt>false</tt> aborts and exits the iteration.</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to call the function (defaults to the Record).</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>filter</b>(&nbsp;<code>String field</code>, <code>String/RegExp value</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean anyMatch</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean caseSensitive</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Filter the records by a specified property.</div>
<div class="long">
Filter the records by a specified property. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>field</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A field on your records</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String/RegExp<div class="sub-desc">Either a string that the field
should start with or a RegExp to test against the field</div></li><li><code>anyMatch</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to match any part not just the beginning</div></li><li><code>caseSensitive</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for case sensitive comparison</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>filterBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Filter by a function. The specified function will be called for each
Record in this Store. If the function returns tr...</div>
<div class="long">
Filter by a function. The specified function will be called for each
Record in this Store. If the function returns <tt>true</tt> the Record is included,
otherwise it is filtered out. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called. It will be passed the following parameters:<ul>
<li><b>record</b> :<p class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="" href="output/">record</a>
to test for filtering. Access field values using <a ext:cls="" ext:member="get" href="output/"></a>.</p></li>
<li><b>id</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The ID of the Record passed.</p></li>
</ul></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to this)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>find</b>(&nbsp;<code>String property</code>, <code>String/RegExp value</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number startIndex</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean anyMatch</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean caseSensitive</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Finds the index of the first matching record in this store by a specific property/value.</div>
<div class="long">
Finds the index of the first matching record in this store by a specific property/value. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>property</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A property on your objects</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String/RegExp<div class="sub-desc">Either string that the property values
should start with or a RegExp to test against the property.</div></li><li><code>startIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index to start searching at</div></li><li><code>anyMatch</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to match any part of the string, not just the beginning</div></li><li><code>caseSensitive</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for case sensitive comparison</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The matched index or -1</div></li>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>findBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number startIndex</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find the index of the first matching Record in this Store by a function.
If the function returns true it is considere...</div>
<div class="long">
Find the index of the first matching Record in this Store by a function.
If the function returns <tt>true</tt> it is considered a match. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called. It will be passed the following parameters:<ul>
<li><b>record</b> :<p class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="" href="output/">record</a>
to test for filtering. Access field values using <a ext:cls="" ext:member="get" href="output/"></a>.</p></li>
<li><b>id</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The ID of the Record passed.</p></li>
</ul></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to this)</div></li><li><code>startIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The index to start searching at</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The matched index or -1</div></li>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getAt</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the Record at the specified index.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the Record at the specified index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the Record to find.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The Record at the passed index. Returns undefined if not found.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getById</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the Record with the specified id.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the Record with the specified id. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the Record to find.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The Record with the passed id. Returns undefined if not found.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getCount</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the number of cached records.
If using paging, this may not be the total size of the dataset. If the data object...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the number of cached records.
<p>If using paging, this may not be the total size of the dataset. If the data object
used by the Reader contains the dataset size, then the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="getTotalCount" href="output/">getTotalCount</a> function returns
the dataset size.</p> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The number of Records in the Store's cache.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getModifiedRecords</b>() :[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets all records modified since the last commit. Modified records are persisted across load operations
(e.g., during...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets all records modified since the last commit. Modified records are persisted across load operations
(e.g., during paging). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>[]</code><div class="sub-desc">An array of Records containing outstanding modifications.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getRange</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number startIndex</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number endIndex</code>]</span>&nbsp;) :[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a range of Records between specified indices.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a range of Records between specified indices. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>startIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The starting index (defaults to 0)</div></li><li><code>endIndex</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The ending index (defaults to the last Record in the Store)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>[]</code><div class="sub-desc">An array of Records</div></li>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getSortState</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns an object describing the current sort state of this Store.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns an object describing the current sort state of this Store. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">The sort state of the Store. An object with two properties:<ul> <li><b>field : String<p class="sub-desc">The name of the field by which the Records are sorted.</p></li> <li><b>direction : String<p class="sub-desc">The sort order, "ASC" or "DESC" (case-sensitive).</p></li> </ul></div></li>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getTotalCount</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the total number of records in the dataset as returned by the server.
If using paging, for this to be accurate, ...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the total number of records in the dataset as returned by the server.
<p>If using paging, for this to be accurate, the data object used by the Reader must contain
the dataset size. For remote data sources, this is provided by a query on the server.</p> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The number of Records as specified in the data object passed to the Reader by the Proxy <p><b>This value is not updated when changing the contents of the Store locally.</b></p></div></li>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>indexOf</b>(&nbsp;<code> record</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the index within the cache of the passed Record.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the index within the cache of the passed Record. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The object to to find.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The index of the passed Record. Returns -1 if not found.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>indexOfId</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the index within the cache of the Record with the passed id.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the index within the cache of the Record with the passed id. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the Record to find.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The index of the Record. Returns -1 if not found.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>insert</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code>[] records</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts Records to the Store at the given index and fires the add event.</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts Records to the Store at the given index and fires the add event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The start index at which to insert the passed Records.</div></li><li><code>records</code> :[]<div class="sub-desc">An Array of objects to add to the cache.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isFiltered</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this store is currently filtered</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this store is currently filtered <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>load</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object options</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Loads the Record cache from the configured Proxy using the configured Reader.
If using remote paging, then the first ...</div>
<div class="long">
Loads the Record cache from the configured Proxy using the configured Reader.
<p>If using remote paging, then the first load call must specify the <tt>start</tt>
and <tt>limit</tt> properties in the options.params property to establish the initial
position within the dataset, and the number of Records to cache on each read from the Proxy.</p>
<p><b>It is important to note that for remote data sources, loading is asynchronous,
and this call will return before the new data has been loaded. Perform any post-processing
in a callback function, or in a "load" event handler.</b></p> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing properties which control loading options:<ul>
<li><b>params</b> :Object<p class="sub-desc">An object containing properties to pass as HTTP parameters to a remote data source.</p></li>
<li><b>callback</b> : Function<p class="sub-desc">A function to be called after the Records have been loaded. The callback is
passed the following arguments:<ul>
<li>r :[]</li>
<li>options: Options object from the load call</li>
<li>success: Boolean success indicator</li></ul></p></li>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">Scope with which to call the callback (defaults to the Store object)</p></li>
<li><b>add</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">Indicator to append loaded records rather than replace the current cache.</p></li>
</ul></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">Whether the load fired (if beforeload failed).</div></li>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>loadData</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object data</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean append</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Loads data from a passed data block. A Reader which understands the format of the data
must have been configured in t...</div>
<div class="long">
Loads data from a passed data block. A Reader which understands the format of the data
must have been configured in the constructor. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The data block from which to read the Records. The format of the data expected
is dependent on the type of Reader that is configured and should correspond to that Reader's readRecords parameter.</div></li><li><code>append</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(Optional) True to append the new Records rather than replace the existing cache.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>query</b>(&nbsp;<code>String field</code>, <code>String/RegExp value</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean anyMatch</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean caseSensitive</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Query the records by a specified property.</div>
<div class="long">
Query the records by a specified property. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>field</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A field on your records</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String/RegExp<div class="sub-desc">Either a string that the field
should start with or a RegExp to test against the field</div></li><li><code>anyMatch</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to match any part not just the beginning</div></li><li><code>caseSensitive</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True for case sensitive comparison</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>MixedCollection</code><div class="sub-desc">Returns an Ext.util.MixedCollection of the matched records</div></li>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>queryBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Query the cached records in this Store using a filtering function. The specified function
will be called with each re...</div>
<div class="long">
Query the cached records in this Store using a filtering function. The specified function
will be called with each record in this Store. If the function returns <tt>true</tt> the record is
included in the results. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called. It will be passed the following parameters:<ul>
<li><b>record</b> :<p class="sub-desc">The <a ext:cls="" href="output/">record</a>
to test for filtering. Access field values using <a ext:cls="" ext:member="get" href="output/"></a>.</p></li>
<li><b>id</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The ID of the Record passed.</p></li>
</ul></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to this)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>MixedCollection</code><div class="sub-desc">Returns an Ext.util.MixedCollection of the matched records</div></li>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>rejectChanges</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Cancel outstanding changes on all changed records.</div>
<div class="long">
Cancel outstanding changes on all changed records. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>reload</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Reloads the Record cache from the configured Proxy using the configured Reader and
the options from the last load ope...</div>
<div class="long">
Reloads the Record cache from the configured Proxy using the configured Reader and
the options from the last load operation performed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing properties which may override the options
used in the last load operation. See <a ext:cls="" ext:member="load" href="output/">load</a> for details (defaults to null, in which case
the most recently used options are reused).</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>remove</b>(&nbsp;<code> record</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove a Record from the Store and fires the remove event.</div>
<div class="long">
Remove a Record from the Store and fires the remove event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">Th object to remove from the cache.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeAll</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove all Records from the Store and fires the clear event.</div>
<div class="long">
Remove all Records from the Store and fires the clear event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setDefaultSort</b>(&nbsp;<code>String fieldName</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String dir</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the default sort column and order to be used by the next load operation.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the default sort column and order to be used by the next load operation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fieldName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the field to sort by.</div></li><li><code>dir</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The sort order, "ASC" or "DESC" (case-sensitive, defaults to "ASC")</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>sort</b>(&nbsp;<code>String fieldName</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String dir</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sort the Records.
If remote sorting is used, the sort is performed on the server, and the cache is
reloaded. If local...</div>
<div class="long">
Sort the Records.
If remote sorting is used, the sort is performed on the server, and the cache is
reloaded. If local sorting is used, the cache is sorted internally. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fieldName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the field to sort by.</div></li><li><code>dir</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The sort order, "ASC" or "DESC" (case-sensitive, defaults to "ASC")</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>sum</b>(&nbsp;<code>String property</code>, <code>Number start</code>, <code>Number end</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sums the value of <i>property</i> for each record between start and end and returns the result.</div>
<div class="long">
Sums the value of <i>property</i> for each record between start and end and returns the result. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>property</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A field on your records</div></li><li><code>start</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The record index to start at (defaults to 0)</div></li><li><code>end</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The last record index to include (defaults to length - 1)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The sum</div></li>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>add</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code>[] records</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when Records have been added to the Store</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when Records have been added to the Store <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>records</code> :[]<div class="sub-desc">The array of Records added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the record(s) were added</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeload</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code>Object options</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a request is made for a new data object. If the beforeload handler returns false
the load action will b...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a request is made for a new data object. If the beforeload handler returns false
the load action will be canceled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The loading options that were specified (see <a ext:cls="" ext:member="load" href="output/">load</a> for details)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>clear</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the data cache has been cleared.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the data cache has been cleared. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>datachanged</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the data cache has changed, and a widget which is using this Store
as a Record cache should refresh its view.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the data cache has changed, and a widget which is using this Store
as a Record cache should refresh its view. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>load</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code>[] records</code>, <code>Object options</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after a new set of Records has been loaded.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after a new set of Records has been loaded. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>records</code> :[]<div class="sub-desc">The Records that were loaded</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The loading options that were specified (see <a ext:cls="" ext:member="load" href="output/">load</a> for details)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>loadexception</b> : () <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires if an exception occurs in the Proxy during loading.
Called with the signature of the Proxy's "loadexception" ev...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires if an exception occurs in the Proxy during loading.
Called with the signature of the Proxy's "loadexception" event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>metachange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code>Object meta</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this store's reader provides new metadata (fields). This is currently only supported for JsonReaders.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this store's reader provides new metadata (fields). This is currently only supported for JsonReaders. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>meta</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The JSON metadata</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code> record</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a Record has been removed from the Store</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a Record has been removed from the Store <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The Record that was removed</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the record was removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>update</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Store this</code>, <code> record</code>, <code>String operation</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a Record has been updated</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a Record has been updated <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Store<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>record</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The Record that was updated</div></li><li><code>operation</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The update operation being performed. Value may be one of:
<pre><code></code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Store</td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeEditor-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeEditor-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeEditor-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeEditor-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.tree.TreeEditor"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Editor.html">Editor</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>TreeEditor</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.tree.TreeEditor</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.tree</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/tree/TreeEditor.js" target="_blank">TreeEditor.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">TreeEditor</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Editor.html">Editor</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Provides editor functionality for inline tree node editing. Any valid <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html">Ext.form.Field</a> can be used
as the editor field. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-alignment"></a>
<b>alignment</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The position to align to (see <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a> for more details, defaults to "l-l"). </div>
<td class="msource">TreeEditor</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-autoEl"></a>
<b>autoEl</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inlin...</div>
<div class="long">
A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inline via JSON. It should not be used for higher level components which already create their own elements. Example usage: <pre><code>{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: <em>'div'</em>, cls:<em>'my-class'</em>}
{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: {tag:<em>'blockquote'</em>, html:<em>'autoEl is cool!'</em>}} // <b>with</b> DomHelper</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-autosize"></a>
<b>autosize</b> : Boolean/String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True for the editor to automatically adopt the size of the underlying field, "width" to adopt the width only, or "hei...</div>
<div class="long">
True for the editor to automatically adopt the size of the underlying field, "width" to adopt the width only, or "height" to adopt the height only (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="#autosize" href="output/Ext.Editor.html#autosize">Editor</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-cancelOnEsc"></a>
<b>cancelOnEsc</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to cancel the edit when the escape key is pressed (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="#cancelOnEsc" href="output/Ext.Editor.html#cancelOnEsc">Editor</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class to apply to the editor (defaults to "x-small-editor x-tree-editor") </div>
<td class="msource">TreeEditor</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-completeOnEnter"></a>
<b>completeOnEnter</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to complete the edit when the enter key is pressed (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="#completeOnEnter" href="output/Ext.Editor.html#completeOnEnter">Editor</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-constrain"></a>
<b>constrain</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to constrain the editor to the viewport </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="#constrain" href="output/Ext.Editor.html#constrain">Editor</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-editDelay"></a>
<b>editDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The number of milliseconds between clicks to register a double-click that will trigger editing on the current node (d...</div>
<div class="long">
The number of milliseconds between clicks to register a double-click that will trigger editing on the current node (defaults to 350). If two clicks occur on the same node within this time span, the editor for the node will display, otherwise it will be processed as a regular click. </div>
<td class="msource">TreeEditor</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-hideEl"></a>
<b>hideEl</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the bound element while the editor is displayed (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">TreeEditor</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-ignoreNoChange"></a>
<b>ignoreNoChange</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to skip the the edit completion process (no save, no events fired) if the user completes an edit and the value h...</div>
<div class="long">
True to skip the the edit completion process (no save, no events fired) if the user completes an edit and the value has not changed (defaults to false). Applies only to string values - edits for other data types will never be ignored. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="#ignoreNoChange" href="output/Ext.Editor.html#ignoreNoChange">Editor</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-maxWidth"></a>
<b>maxWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The maximum width in pixels of the editor field (defaults to 250). Note that if the maxWidth would exceed the contain...</div>
<div class="long">
The maximum width in pixels of the editor field (defaults to 250). Note that if the maxWidth would exceed the containing tree element's size, it will be automatically limited for you to the container width, taking scroll and client offsets into account prior to each edit. </div>
<td class="msource">TreeEditor</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-revertInvalid"></a>
<b>revertInvalid</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to automatically revert the field value and cancel the edit when the user completes an edit and the field valida...</div>
<div class="long">
True to automatically revert the field value and cancel the edit when the user completes an edit and the field validation fails (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="#revertInvalid" href="output/Ext.Editor.html#revertInvalid">Editor</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-shadow"></a>
<b>shadow</b> : Boolean/String <div class="mdesc">
"sides" for sides/bottom only, "frame" for 4-way shadow, and "drop" for bottom-right shadow (defaults to "frame") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="#shadow" href="output/Ext.Editor.html#shadow">Editor</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-shim"></a>
<b>shim</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to shim the editor if selects/iframes could be displayed beneath it (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">TreeEditor</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-swallowKeys"></a>
<b>swallowKeys</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Handle the keydown/keypress events so they don't propagate (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="#swallowKeys" href="output/Ext.Editor.html#swallowKeys">Editor</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-updateEl"></a>
<b>updateEl</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to update the innerHTML of the bound element when the update completes (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="#updateEl" href="output/Ext.Editor.html#updateEl">Editor</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-value"></a>
<b>value</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
The data value of the underlying field (defaults to "") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="#value" href="output/Ext.Editor.html#value">Editor</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-TreeEditor"></a>
<b>TreeEditor</b>(&nbsp;<code>TreePanel tree</code>, <code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : TreePanel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Either a prebuilt <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html">Ext.form.Field</a> instance or a Field config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeEditor</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-cancelEdit"></a>
<b>cancelEdit</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean remainVisible</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Cancels the editing process and hides the editor without persisting any changes. The field value will be
reverted to...</div>
<div class="long">
Cancels the editing process and hides the editor without persisting any changes. The field value will be
reverted to the original starting value. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>remainVisible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">Override the default behavior and keep the editor visible after
cancel (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="#cancelEdit" href="output/Ext.Editor.html#cancelEdit">Editor</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-completeEdit"></a>
<b>completeEdit</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean remainVisible</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Ends the editing process, persists the changed value to the underlying field, and hides the editor.</div>
<div class="long">
Ends the editing process, persists the changed value to the underlying field, and hides the editor. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>remainVisible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">Override the default behavior and keep the editor visible after edit (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="#completeEdit" href="output/Ext.Editor.html#completeEdit">Editor</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-getValue"></a>
<b>getValue</b>() : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the data value of the editor</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the data value of the editor <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">The data value</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="#getValue" href="output/Ext.Editor.html#getValue">Editor</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-realign"></a>
<b>realign</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Realigns the editor to the bound field based on the current alignment config value.</div>
<div class="long">
Realigns the editor to the bound field based on the current alignment config value. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="#realign" href="output/Ext.Editor.html#realign">Editor</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height and width of this editor.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height and width of this editor. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.Editor.html#setSize">Editor</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-setValue"></a>
<b>setValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the data value of the editor</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the data value of the editor <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">Any valid value supported by the underlying field</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="#setValue" href="output/Ext.Editor.html#setValue">Editor</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-startEdit"></a>
<b>startEdit</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String value</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Starts the editing process and shows the editor.</div>
<div class="long">
Starts the editing process and shows the editor. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to edit</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) A value to initialize the editor with. If a value is not provided, it defaults
to the innerHTML of el.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="#startEdit" href="output/Ext.Editor.html#startEdit">Editor</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-beforecomplete"></a>
<b>beforecomplete</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Editor this</code>, <code>Mixed value</code>, <code>Mixed startValue</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after a change has been made to the field, but before the change is reflected in the underlying
field. Saving ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after a change has been made to the field, but before the change is reflected in the underlying
field. Saving the change to the field can be canceled by returning false from the handler of this event.
Note that if the value has not changed and ignoreNoChange = true, the editing will still end but this
event will not fire since no edit actually occurred. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Editor<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The current field value</div></li><li><code>startValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The original field value</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="#event-beforecomplete" href="output/Ext.Editor.html#event-beforecomplete">Editor</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-beforestartedit"></a>
<b>beforestartedit</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Editor this</code>, <code>Ext.Element boundEl</code>, <code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when editing is initiated, but before the value changes. Editing can be canceled by returning
false from the h...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when editing is initiated, but before the value changes. Editing can be canceled by returning
false from the handler of this event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Editor<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>boundEl</code> : Ext.Element<div class="sub-desc">The underlying element bound to this editor</div></li><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The field value being set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="#event-beforestartedit" href="output/Ext.Editor.html#event-beforestartedit">Editor</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-complete"></a>
<b>complete</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Editor this</code>, <code>Mixed value</code>, <code>Mixed startValue</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after editing is complete and any changed value has been written to the underlying field.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after editing is complete and any changed value has been written to the underlying field. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Editor<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The current field value</div></li><li><code>startValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The original field value</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="#event-complete" href="output/Ext.Editor.html#event-complete">Editor</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-specialkey"></a>
<b>specialkey</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<div class="long">
Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<a ext:cls="Ext.EventObject" ext:member="getKey" href="output/Ext.EventObject.html#getKey">Ext.EventObject.getKey</a> to determine which key was pressed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="#event-specialkey" href="output/Ext.Editor.html#event-specialkey">Editor</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-startedit"></a>
<b>startedit</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Element boundEl</code>, <code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this editor is displayed</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this editor is displayed <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>boundEl</code> : Ext.Element<div class="sub-desc">The underlying element bound to this editor</div></li><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The starting field value</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Editor" ext:member="#event-startedit" href="output/Ext.Editor.html#event-startedit">Editor</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeEditor-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.Format-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.Format-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.Format-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.util.Format"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.util.Format</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.util</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/util/Format.js" target="_blank">Format.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Format</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Reusable data formatting functions<br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.util.Format-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.util.Format-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Format-capitalize"></a>
<b>capitalize</b>(&nbsp;<code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Converts the first character only of a string to upper case</div>
<div class="long">
Converts the first character only of a string to upper case <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The text to convert</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The converted text</div></li>
<td class="msource">Format</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Format-date"></a>
<b>date</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String format</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Parse a value into a formatted date using the specified format pattern.</div>
<div class="long">
Parse a value into a formatted date using the specified format pattern. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to format</div></li><li><code>format</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Any valid date format string (defaults to 'm/d/Y')</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The formatted date string</div></li>
<td class="msource">Format</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Format-dateRenderer"></a>
<b>dateRenderer</b>(&nbsp;<code>String format</code>&nbsp;) : Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a date rendering function that can be reused to apply a date format multiple times efficiently</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a date rendering function that can be reused to apply a date format multiple times efficiently <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>format</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">Any valid date format string</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Function</code><div class="sub-desc">The date formatting function</div></li>
<td class="msource">Format</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Format-defaultValue"></a>
<b>defaultValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>, <code>String defaultValue</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks a reference and converts it to the default value if it's empty</div>
<div class="long">
Checks a reference and converts it to the default value if it's empty <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">Reference to check</div></li><li><code>defaultValue</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The value to insert of it's undefined (defaults to "")</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Format</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Format-ellipsis"></a>
<b>ellipsis</b>(&nbsp;<code>String value</code>, <code>Number length</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Truncate a string and add an ellipsis ('...') to the end if it exceeds the specified length</div>
<div class="long">
Truncate a string and add an ellipsis ('...') to the end if it exceeds the specified length <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The string to truncate</div></li><li><code>length</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The maximum length to allow before truncating</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The converted text</div></li>
<td class="msource">Format</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Format-fileSize"></a>
<b>fileSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/String size</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Simple format for a file size (xxx bytes, xxx KB, xxx MB)</div>
<div class="long">
Simple format for a file size (xxx bytes, xxx KB, xxx MB) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>size</code> : Number/String<div class="sub-desc">The numeric value to format</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The formatted file size</div></li>
<td class="msource">Format</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Format-htmlDecode"></a>
<b>htmlDecode</b>(&nbsp;<code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convert certain characters (&, <, >, and ') from their HTML character equivalents.</div>
<div class="long">
Convert certain characters (&, <, >, and ') from their HTML character equivalents. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The string to decode</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The decoded text</div></li>
<td class="msource">Format</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Format-htmlEncode"></a>
<b>htmlEncode</b>(&nbsp;<code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convert certain characters (&, <, >, and ') to their HTML character equivalents for literal display in web pages.</div>
<div class="long">
Convert certain characters (&, <, >, and ') to their HTML character equivalents for literal display in web pages. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The string to encode</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The encoded text</div></li>
<td class="msource">Format</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Format-lowercase"></a>
<b>lowercase</b>(&nbsp;<code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Converts a string to all lower case letters</div>
<div class="long">
Converts a string to all lower case letters <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The text to convert</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The converted text</div></li>
<td class="msource">Format</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Format-stripScripts"></a>
<b>stripScripts</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Strips all script tags</div>
<div class="long">
Strips all script tags <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The text from which to strip script tags</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The stripped text</div></li>
<td class="msource">Format</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Format-stripTags"></a>
<b>stripTags</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Strips all HTML tags</div>
<div class="long">
Strips all HTML tags <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The text from which to strip tags</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The stripped text</div></li>
<td class="msource">Format</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Format-substr"></a>
<b>substr</b>(&nbsp;<code>String value</code>, <code>Number start</code>, <code>Number length</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a substring from within an original string</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a substring from within an original string <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The original text</div></li><li><code>start</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The start index of the substring</div></li><li><code>length</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The length of the substring</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The substring</div></li>
<td class="msource">Format</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Format-trim"></a>
<b>trim</b>(&nbsp;<code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Trims any whitespace from either side of a string</div>
<div class="long">
Trims any whitespace from either side of a string <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The text to trim</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The trimmed text</div></li>
<td class="msource">Format</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Format-undef"></a>
<b>undef</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks a reference and converts it to empty string if it is undefined</div>
<div class="long">
Checks a reference and converts it to empty string if it is undefined <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">Reference to check</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">Empty string if converted, otherwise the original value</div></li>
<td class="msource">Format</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Format-uppercase"></a>
<b>uppercase</b>(&nbsp;<code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Converts a string to all upper case letters</div>
<div class="long">
Converts a string to all upper case letters <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The text to convert</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The converted text</div></li>
<td class="msource">Format</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Format-usMoney"></a>
<b>usMoney</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/String value</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Format a number as US currency</div>
<div class="long">
Format a number as US currency <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Number/String<div class="sub-desc">The numeric value to format</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The formatted currency string</div></li>
<td class="msource">Format</td>
<a id="Ext.util.Format-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,874
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Menu</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/menu/Menu.js" target="_blank">Menu.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Menu</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" href="output/">ColorMenu</a>, <a ext:cls="" href="output/">DateMenu</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A menu object. This is the container to which you add all other menu items. Menu can also serve a as a base class
when you want a specialzed menu based off of another component (like <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> for example). </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>allowOtherMenus</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to allow multiple menus to be displayed at the same time (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>defaultAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The default {@link Ext.Element#alignTo) anchor position value for this menu relative to its element of origin (defaul...</div>
<div class="long">
The default {@link Ext.Element#alignTo) anchor position value for this menu relative to its element of origin (defaults to "tl-bl?") </div>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>defaults</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object that will be applied to all items added to this container either via the items config or via the add ...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object that will be applied to all items added to this container either via the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="items" href="output/">items</a> config or via the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="add" href="output/">add</a> method. The defaults config can contain any number of name/value property pairs to be added to each item, and should be valid for the types of items being added to the menu. </div>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>items</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
An array of items to be added to this menu. See <a ext:cls="" ext:member="add" href="output/">add</a> for a list of valid item types. </div>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>minWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width of the menu in pixels (defaults to 120) </div>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>shadow</b> : Boolean/String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True or "sides" for the default effect, "frame" for 4-way shadow, and "drop" for bottom-right shadow (defaults to "si...</div>
<div class="long">
True or "sides" for the default effect, "frame" for 4-way shadow, and "drop" for bottom-right shadow (defaults to "sides") </div>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>subMenuAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a> anchor position value to use for submenus of this menu (defaults to "tl-tr?") </div>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>items</b> : Ext.util.MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
A MixedCollection of this Menu's items </div>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>Menu</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new Menu</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new Menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed args</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Addds one or more items of any type supported by the Menu class, or that can be converted into menu items.
Any of the...</div>
<div class="long">
Addds one or more items of any type supported by the Menu class, or that can be converted into menu items.
Any of the following are valid:
<li>Any menu item object based on <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a></li>
<li>An HTMLElement object which will be converted to a menu item</li>
<li>A menu item config object that will be created as a new menu item</li>
<li>A string, which can either be '-' or 'separator' to add a menu separator, otherwise
it will be converted into a <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> and added</li>
<pre><code><i>// Create the menu</i>
<b>var</b> menu = <b>new</b>;
<i>// Create a menu item to add by reference</i>
<b>var</b> menuItem = <b>new</b>{ text: <em>'New Item!'</em> });
<i>// Add a bunch of items at once using different methods.</i>
<i>// Only the last item added will be returned.</i>
<b>var</b> item = menu.add(
menuItem, <i>// add existing item by ref</i>
<em>'Dynamic Item'</em>, <i>// <b>new</b> TextItem</i>
<em>'-'</em>, <i>// <b>new</b> separator</i>
{ text: <em>'Config Item'</em> } <i>// <b>new</b> item by config</i>
);</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>args</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">One or more menu items, menu item configs or other objects that can be converted to menu items</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was added, or the last one if multiple items were added</div></li>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addElement</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds an <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a> object to the menu</div>
<div class="long">
Adds an <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a> object to the menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element or DOM node to add, or its id</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addItem</b>(&nbsp;<code> item</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds an existing object based on <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> to the menu</div>
<div class="long">
Adds an existing object based on <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> to the menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>item</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The menu item to add</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addMenuItem</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> based an the supplied config object and adds it to the menu</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> based an the supplied config object and adds it to the menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A MenuItem config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addSeparator</b>() : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a separator bar to the menu</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a separator bar to the menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addText</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> with the supplied text and adds it to the menu</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> with the supplied text and adds it to the menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The text to display in the menu item</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys the menu by unregistering it from, purging event listeners,
removing all of the menus item...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys the menu by unregistering it from <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a>, purging event listeners,
removing all of the menus items, then destroying the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this menu's underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a> object</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this menu's underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a> object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hide</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean deep</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides this menu and optionally all parent menus</div>
<div class="long">
Hides this menu and optionally all parent menus <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>deep</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to hide all parent menus recursively, if any (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>insert</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code> item</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts an existing object based on <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> to the menu at a specified index</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts an existing object based on <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> to the menu at a specified index <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index in the menu's list of current items where the new item should be inserted</div></li><li><code>item</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The menu item to add</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Read-only. Returns true if the menu is currently displayed, else false.</div>
<div class="long">
Read-only. Returns true if the menu is currently displayed, else false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>remove</b>(&nbsp;<code> item</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes an <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> from the menu and destroys the object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes an <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> from the menu and destroys the object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>item</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The menu item to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeAll</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes and destroys all items in the menu</div>
<div class="long">
Removes and destroys all items in the menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>show</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed element</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String position</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code> parentMenu</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Displays this menu relative to another element</div>
<div class="long">
Displays this menu relative to another element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>element</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to align to</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a> anchor position to use in aligning to
the element (defaults to this.defaultAlign)</div></li><li><code>parentMenu</code> :<div class="sub-desc">(optional) This menu's parent menu, if applicable (defaults to undefined)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>showAt</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array xyPosition</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code> parentMenu</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Displays this menu at a specific xy position</div>
<div class="long">
Displays this menu at a specific xy position <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xyPosition</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">Contains X & Y [x, y] values for the position at which to show the menu (coordinates are page-based)</div></li><li><code>parentMenu</code> :<div class="sub-desc">(optional) This menu's parent menu, if applicable (defaults to undefined)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before this menu is hidden</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before this menu is hidden <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before this menu is displayed</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before this menu is displayed <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>, <code> menuItem</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this menu is clicked (or when the enter key is pressed while it is active)</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this menu is clicked (or when the enter key is pressed while it is active) <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menuItem</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was clicked</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after this menu is hidden</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after this menu is hidden <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>itemclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code> baseItem</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a menu item contained in this menu is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a menu item contained in this menu is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>baseItem</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The BaseItem that was clicked</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>mouseout</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>, <code> menuItem</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the mouse exits this menu</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the mouse exits this menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menuItem</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was clicked</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>mouseover</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>, <code> menuItem</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the mouse is hovering over this menu</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the mouse is hovering over this menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menuItem</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was clicked</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after this menu is displayed</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after this menu is displayed <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Menu</td>
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DropZone-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DropZone-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DropZone-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DropZone-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.dd.DropZone"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html">DragDrop</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDTarget" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DDTarget.html">DDTarget</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropTarget" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DropTarget.html">DropTarget</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>DropZone</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.dd.DropZone</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.dd</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/dd/DropZone.js" target="_blank">DropZone.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">DropZone</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeDropZone" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeDropZone.html">TreeDropZone</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropTarget" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DropTarget.html">DropTarget</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
This class provides a container DD instance that proxies for multiple child node targets.<br />
By default, this class requires that child nodes accepting drop are registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.Registry" href="output/Ext.dd.Registry.html">Ext.dd.Registry</a>. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-ddGroup"></a>
<b>ddGroup</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A named drag drop group to which this object belongs. If a group is specified, then this object will only interact wi...</div>
<div class="long">
A named drag drop group to which this object belongs. If a group is specified, then this object will only interact with other drag drop objects in the same group (defaults to undefined). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropTarget" ext:member="#ddGroup" href="output/Ext.dd.DropTarget.html#ddGroup">DropTarget</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-dropAllowed"></a>
<b>dropAllowed</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class returned to the drag source when drop is allowed (defaults to "x-dd-drop-ok"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropTarget" ext:member="#dropAllowed" href="output/Ext.dd.DropTarget.html#dropAllowed">DropTarget</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-dropNotAllowed"></a>
<b>dropNotAllowed</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class returned to the drag source when drop is not allowed (defaults to "x-dd-drop-nodrop"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropTarget" ext:member="#dropNotAllowed" href="output/Ext.dd.DropTarget.html#dropNotAllowed">DropTarget</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-overClass"></a>
<b>overClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class applied to the drop target element while the drag source is over it (defaults to ""). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropTarget" ext:member="#overClass" href="output/Ext.dd.DropTarget.html#overClass">DropTarget</a></td>
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-available"></a>
<b>available</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
The availabe property is false until the linked dom element is accessible. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#available" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#available">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-config"></a>
<b>config</b> : object <div class="mdesc">
Configuration attributes passed into the constructor </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#config" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#config">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-groups"></a>
<b>groups</b> : object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The group defines a logical collection of DragDrop objects that are
related. Instances only get events when interact...</div>
<div class="long">
The group defines a logical collection of DragDrop objects that are
related. Instances only get events when interacting with other
DragDrop object in the same group. This lets us define multiple
groups using a single DragDrop subclass if we want. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#groups" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#groups">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-hasOuterHandles"></a>
<b>hasOuterHandles</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, drags can only be initiated if the mousedown occurs in the
region the linked element is. This is done in...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, drags can only be initiated if the mousedown occurs in the
region the linked element is. This is done in part to work around a
bug in some browsers that mis-report the mousedown if the previous
mouseup happened outside of the window. This property is set to true
if outer handles are defined. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#hasOuterHandles" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#hasOuterHandles">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the element associated with this object. This is what we
refer to as the "linked element" because the size...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the element associated with this object. This is what we
refer to as the "linked element" because the size and position of
this element is used to determine when the drag and drop objects have
interacted. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#id">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-invalidHandleClasses"></a>
<b>invalidHandleClasses</b> : string[] <div class="mdesc">
An indexted array of css class names for elements that will be ignored
if clicked. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleClasses" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleClasses">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-invalidHandleIds"></a>
<b>invalidHandleIds</b> : string: <div class="mdesc">
An associative array of ids for elements that will be ignored if clicked </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleIds" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleIds">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-invalidHandleTypes"></a>
<b>invalidHandleTypes</b> : string: <div class="mdesc">
An associative array of HTML tags that will be ignored if clicked. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleTypes" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleTypes">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-isTarget"></a>
<b>isTarget</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
By default, all insances can be a drop target. This can be disabled by
setting isTarget to false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isTarget">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-maintainOffset"></a>
<b>maintainOffset</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Maintain offsets when we resetconstraints. Set to true when you want
the position of the element relative to its par...</div>
<div class="long">
Maintain offsets when we resetconstraints. Set to true when you want
the position of the element relative to its parent to stay the same
when the page changes </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#maintainOffset" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#maintainOffset">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-padding"></a>
<b>padding</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
The padding configured for this drag and drop object for calculating
the drop zone intersection with this object. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#padding" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#padding">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-primaryButtonOnly"></a>
<b>primaryButtonOnly</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default the drag and drop instance will only respond to the primary
button click (left button for a right-handed m...</div>
<div class="long">
By default the drag and drop instance will only respond to the primary
button click (left button for a right-handed mouse). Set to true to
allow drag and drop to start with any mouse click that is propogated
by the browser </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#primaryButtonOnly" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#primaryButtonOnly">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-xTicks"></a>
<b>xTicks</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
horizontal graduation/interval. This array is ge...</div>
<div class="long">
Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
horizontal graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically
when you define a tick interval. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#xTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#xTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-yTicks"></a>
<b>yTicks</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
vertical graduation/interval. This array is gene...</div>
<div class="long">
Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
vertical graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically
when you define a tick interval. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#yTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#yTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-DropZone"></a>
<b>DropZone</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The container element</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DropZone</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-addInvalidHandleClass"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cssClass</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lets you specify a css class of elements that will not initiate a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Lets you specify a css class of elements that will not initiate a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cssClass</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the class of the elements you wish to ignore</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleClass" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleClass">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-addInvalidHandleId"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleId</b>(&nbsp;<code>string id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lets you to specify an element id for a child of a drag handle
that should not initiate a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Lets you to specify an element id for a child of a drag handle
that should not initiate a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the element id of the element you wish to ignore</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-addInvalidHandleType"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleType</b>(&nbsp;<code>string tagName</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify a tag name that should not start a drag operation
when clicked. This is designed to facilitate...</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify a tag name that should not start a drag operation
when clicked. This is designed to facilitate embedding links within a
drag handle that do something other than start the drag. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tagName</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the type of element to exclude</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleType" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleType">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-addToGroup"></a>
<b>addToGroup</b>(&nbsp;<code>sGroup {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Add this instance to a group of related drag/drop objects. All
instances belong to at least one group, and can belon...</div>
<div class="long">
Add this instance to a group of related drag/drop objects. All
instances belong to at least one group, and can belong to as many
groups as needed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : sGroup<div class="sub-desc">the name of the group</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addToGroup" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addToGroup">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-applyConfig"></a>
<b>applyConfig</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Applies the configuration parameters that were passed into the constructor.
This is supposed to happen at each level ...</div>
<div class="long">
Applies the configuration parameters that were passed into the constructor.
This is supposed to happen at each level through the inheritance chain. So
a DDProxy implentation will execute apply config on DDProxy, DD, and
DragDrop in order to get all of the parameters that are available in
each object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#applyConfig" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#applyConfig">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-clearConstraints"></a>
<b>clearConstraints</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any constraints applied to this instance. Also clears ticks
since they can't exist independent of a constrain...</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any constraints applied to this instance. Also clears ticks
since they can't exist independent of a constraint at this time. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#clearConstraints" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#clearConstraints">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-clearTicks"></a>
<b>clearTicks</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any tick interval defined for this instance</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any tick interval defined for this instance <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#clearTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#clearTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-endDrag"></a>
<b>endDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fired when we are done dragging the object</div>
<div class="long">
Fired when we are done dragging the object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#endDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#endDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-getDragEl"></a>
<b>getDragEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a reference to the actual element to drag. By default this is
the same as the html element, but it can be as...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a reference to the actual element to drag. By default this is
the same as the html element, but it can be assigned to another
element. An example of this can be found in Ext.dd.DDProxy <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">the html element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#getDragEl" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#getDragEl">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a reference to the linked element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a reference to the linked element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">the html element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#getEl">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-getTargetFromEvent"></a>
<b>getTargetFromEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a custom data object associated with the DOM node that is the target of the event. By default
this looks up ...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a custom data object associated with the DOM node that is the target of the event. By default
this looks up the event target in the <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.Registry" href="output/Ext.dd.Registry.html">Ext.dd.Registry</a>, although you can override this method to
provide your own custom lookup. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">data The custom data</div></li>
<td class="msource">DropZone</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-init"></a>
<b>init</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets up the DragDrop object. Must be called in the constructor of any
Ext.dd.DragDrop subclass</div>
<div class="long">
Sets up the DragDrop object. Must be called in the constructor of any
Ext.dd.DragDrop subclass <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the linked element</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related items</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">configuration attributes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#init" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#init">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-initTarget"></a>
<b>initTarget</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initializes Targeting functionality only... the object does not
get a mousedown handler.</div>
<div class="long">
Initializes Targeting functionality only... the object does not
get a mousedown handler. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the linked element</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related items</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">configuration attributes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#initTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#initTarget">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-isLocked"></a>
<b>isLocked</b>() : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this instance is locked, or the drag drop mgr is locked
(meaning that all drag/drop is disabled on th...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this instance is locked, or the drag drop mgr is locked
(meaning that all drag/drop is disabled on the page.) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if this obj or all drag/drop is locked, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isLocked" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isLocked">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-isValidHandleChild"></a>
<b>isValidHandleChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement node</code>&nbsp;) : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks the tag exclusion list to see if this click should be ignored</div>
<div class="long">
Checks the tag exclusion list to see if this click should be ignored <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">the HTMLElement to evaluate</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if this is a valid tag type, false if not</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isValidHandleChild" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isValidHandleChild">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-lock"></a>
<b>lock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lock this instance</div>
<div class="long">
Lock this instance <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#lock" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#lock">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-notifyDrop"></a>
<b>notifyDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function a Ext.dd.DragSource calls once to notify this drop zone that the dragged item has
been dropped on it. T...</div>
<div class="long">
The function a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> calls once to notify this drop zone that the dragged item has
been dropped on it. The drag zone will look up the target node based on the event passed in, and if there
is a node registered for that event, it will delegate to <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="onNodeDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html#onNodeDrop">onNodeDrop</a> for node-specific handling,
otherwise it will call <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="onContainerDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html#onContainerDrop">onContainerDrop</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the drop was valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">DropZone</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-notifyEnter"></a>
<b>notifyEnter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function a Ext.dd.DragSource calls once to notify this drop zone that the source is now over
the zone. The defau...</div>
<div class="long">
The function a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> calls once to notify this drop zone that the source is now over
the zone. The default implementation returns this.dropNotAllowed and expects that only registered drop
nodes can process drag drop operations, so if you need the drop zone itself to be able to process drops
you should override this method and provide a custom implementation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">status The CSS class that communicates the drop status back to the source so that the underlying {@link Ext.dd.StatusProxy} can be updated</div></li>
<td class="msource">DropZone</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-notifyOut"></a>
<b>notifyOut</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function a Ext.dd.DragSource calls once to notify this drop zone that the source has been dragged
out of the zone...</div>
<div class="long">
The function a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> calls once to notify this drop zone that the source has been dragged
out of the zone without dropping. If the drag source is currently over a registered node, the notification
will be delegated to <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="onNodeOut" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html#onNodeOut">onNodeOut</a> for node-specific handling, otherwise it will be ignored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag zone</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DropZone</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-notifyOver"></a>
<b>notifyOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function a Ext.dd.DragSource calls continuously while it is being dragged over the drop zone.
This method will be...</div>
<div class="long">
The function a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> calls continuously while it is being dragged over the drop zone.
This method will be called on every mouse movement while the drag source is over the drop zone.
It will call <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="onNodeOver" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html#onNodeOver">onNodeOver</a> while the drag source is over a registered node, and will also automatically
delegate to the appropriate node-specific methods as necessary when the drag source enters and exits
registered nodes (<a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="onNodeEnter" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html#onNodeEnter">onNodeEnter</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="onNodeOut" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html#onNodeOut">onNodeOut</a>). If the drag source is not currently over a
registered node, it will call <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="onContainerOver" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html#onContainerOver">onContainerOver</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">status The CSS class that communicates the drop status back to the source so that the underlying {@link Ext.dd.StatusProxy} can be updated</div></li>
<td class="msource">DropZone</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-onAvailable"></a>
<b>onAvailable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Override the onAvailable method to do what is needed after the initial
position was determined.</div>
<div class="long">
Override the onAvailable method to do what is needed after the initial
position was determined. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onAvailable" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onAvailable">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-onContainerDrop"></a>
<b>onContainerDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called internally when the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource has been dropped on it,
but not on any of its...</div>
<div class="long">
Called internally when the DropZone determines that a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> has been dropped on it,
but not on any of its registered drop nodes. The default implementation returns false, so it should be
overridden to provide the appropriate processing of the drop event if you need the drop zone itself to
be able to accept drops. It should return true when valid so that the drag source's repair action does not run. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the drop was valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">DropZone</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-onContainerOver"></a>
<b>onContainerOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called internally while the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource is being dragged over it,
but not over any o...</div>
<div class="long">
Called internally while the DropZone determines that a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> is being dragged over it,
but not over any of its registered drop nodes. The default implementation returns this.dropNotAllowed, so
it should be overridden to provide the proper feedback if necessary. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">status The CSS class that communicates the drop status back to the source so that the underlying {@link Ext.dd.StatusProxy} can be updated</div></li>
<td class="msource">DropZone</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-onDrag"></a>
<b>onDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called during the onMouseMove event while dragging an
<div class="long">
Abstract method called during the onMouseMove event while dragging an
object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-onDragDrop"></a>
<b>onDragDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this item is dropped on another DragDrop
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this item is dropped on another DragDrop
obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this was dropped on. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items this
was dropped on.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragDrop">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-onDragEnter"></a>
<b>onDragEnter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this element fist begins hovering over
another DragDrop obj</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this element fist begins hovering over
another DragDrop obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this is hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of one or more
dragdrop items being hovered over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragEnter" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragEnter">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-onDragOut"></a>
<b>onDragOut</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when we are no longer hovering over an element</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when we are no longer hovering over an element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this was hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items
that the mouse is no longer over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragOut" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragOut">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-onDragOver"></a>
<b>onDragOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this element is hovering over another
DragDrop obj</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this element is hovering over another
DragDrop obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this is hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items
being hovered over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragOver" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragOver">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-onInvalidDrop"></a>
<b>onInvalidDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this item is dropped on an area with no
drop target</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this item is dropped on an area with no
drop target <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onInvalidDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onInvalidDrop">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-onMouseDown"></a>
<b>onMouseDown</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mousedown</div>
<div class="long">
Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mousedown <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousedown event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onMouseDown" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onMouseDown">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-onMouseUp"></a>
<b>onMouseUp</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mouseup</div>
<div class="long">
Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mouseup <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onMouseUp" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onMouseUp">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-onNodeDrop"></a>
<b>onNodeDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object nodeData</code>, <code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called internally when the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource has been dropped onto
the drop node. The def...</div>
<div class="long">
Called internally when the DropZone determines that a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> has been dropped onto
the drop node. The default implementation returns false, so it should be overridden to provide the
appropriate processing of the drop event and return true so that the drag source's repair action does not run. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>nodeData</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The custom data associated with the drop node (this is the same value returned from
<a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="getTargetFromEvent" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html#getTargetFromEvent">getTargetFromEvent</a> for this node)</div></li><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the drop was valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">DropZone</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-onNodeEnter"></a>
<b>onNodeEnter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object nodeData</code>, <code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called internally when the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource has entered a drop node
that it has registere...</div>
<div class="long">
Called internally when the DropZone determines that a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> has entered a drop node
that it has registered. This method has no default implementation and should be overridden to provide
node-specific processing if necessary. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>nodeData</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The custom data associated with the drop node (this is the same value returned from
<a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="getTargetFromEvent" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html#getTargetFromEvent">getTargetFromEvent</a> for this node)</div></li><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DropZone</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-onNodeOut"></a>
<b>onNodeOut</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object nodeData</code>, <code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called internally when the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource has been dragged out of
the drop node without...</div>
<div class="long">
Called internally when the DropZone determines that a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> has been dragged out of
the drop node without dropping. This method has no default implementation and should be overridden to provide
node-specific processing if necessary. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>nodeData</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The custom data associated with the drop node (this is the same value returned from
<a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="getTargetFromEvent" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html#getTargetFromEvent">getTargetFromEvent</a> for this node)</div></li><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DropZone</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-onNodeOver"></a>
<b>onNodeOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object nodeData</code>, <code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Called internally while the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource is over a drop node
that it has registered. ...</div>
<div class="long">
Called internally while the DropZone determines that a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> is over a drop node
that it has registered. The default implementation returns this.dropNotAllowed, so it should be
overridden to provide the proper feedback. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>nodeData</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The custom data associated with the drop node (this is the same value returned from
<a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" ext:member="getTargetFromEvent" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html#getTargetFromEvent">getTargetFromEvent</a> for this node)</div></li><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">status The CSS class that communicates the drop status back to the source so that the underlying {@link Ext.dd.StatusProxy} can be updated</div></li>
<td class="msource">DropZone</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-removeFromGroup"></a>
<b>removeFromGroup</b>(&nbsp;<code>string sGroup</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove's this instance from the supplied interaction group</div>
<div class="long">
Remove's this instance from the supplied interaction group <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>sGroup</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The group to drop</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeFromGroup" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeFromGroup">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-removeInvalidHandleClass"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cssClass</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an invalid css class</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an invalid css class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cssClass</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the class of the element(s) you wish to
re-enable</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleClass" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleClass">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-removeInvalidHandleId"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleId</b>(&nbsp;<code>string id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an invalid handle id</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an invalid handle id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element to re-enable</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-removeInvalidHandleType"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleType</b>(&nbsp;<code>string tagName</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an excluded tag name set by addInvalidHandleType</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an excluded tag name set by addInvalidHandleType <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tagName</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the type of element to unexclude</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleType" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleType">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-resetConstraints"></a>
<b>resetConstraints</b>(&nbsp;<code>boolean maintainOffset</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">resetConstraints must be called if you manually reposition a dd element.</div>
<div class="long">
resetConstraints must be called if you manually reposition a dd element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>maintainOffset</code> : boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#resetConstraints" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#resetConstraints">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-setDragElId"></a>
<b>setDragElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify that an element other than the linked element
will be moved with the cursor during a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify that an element other than the linked element
will be moved with the cursor during a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element that will be used to initiate the drag</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setDragElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setDragElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-setHandleElId"></a>
<b>setHandleElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify a child of the linked element that should be
used to initiate the drag operation. An example o...</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify a child of the linked element that should be
used to initiate the drag operation. An example of this would be if
you have a content div with text and links. Clicking anywhere in the
content area would normally start the drag operation. Use this method
to specify that an element inside of the content div is the element
that starts the drag operation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element that will be used to
initiate the drag.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setHandleElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setHandleElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-setInitialPosition"></a>
<b>setInitialPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>int diffX</code>, <code>int diffY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Stores the initial placement of the linked element.</div>
<div class="long">
Stores the initial placement of the linked element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>diffX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X offset, default 0</div></li><li><code>diffY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y offset, default 0</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setInitialPosition" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setInitialPosition">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-setOuterHandleElId"></a>
<b>setOuterHandleElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to set an element outside of the linked element as a drag
<div class="long">
Allows you to set an element outside of the linked element as a drag
handle <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the element that will be used to initiate the drag</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setOuterHandleElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setOuterHandleElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-setPadding"></a>
<b>setPadding</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iTop</code>, <code>int iRight</code>, <code>int iBot</code>, <code>int iLeft</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Configures the padding for the target zone in px. Effectively expands
(or reduces) the virtual object size for targe...</div>
<div class="long">
Configures the padding for the target zone in px. Effectively expands
(or reduces) the virtual object size for targeting calculations.
Supports css-style shorthand; if only one parameter is passed, all sides
will have that padding, and if only two are passed, the top and bottom
will have the first param, the left and right the second. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iTop</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Top pad</div></li><li><code>iRight</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Right pad</div></li><li><code>iBot</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Bot pad</div></li><li><code>iLeft</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Left pad</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setPadding" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setPadding">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-setXConstraint"></a>
<b>setXConstraint</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iLeft</code>, <code>int iRight</code>, <code>int iTickSize</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Use
this method to limit the horizontal travel of th...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Use
this method to limit the horizontal travel of the element. Pass in
0,0 for the parameters if you want to lock the drag to the y axis. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iLeft</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move to the left</div></li><li><code>iRight</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move to the
right</div></li><li><code>iTickSize</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">optional parameter for specifying that the
should move iTickSize pixels at a time.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setXConstraint" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setXConstraint">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-setYConstraint"></a>
<b>setYConstraint</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iUp</code>, <code>int iDown</code>, <code>int iTickSize</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Set
this to limit the vertical travel of the element...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Set
this to limit the vertical travel of the element. Pass in 0,0 for the
parameters if you want to lock the drag to the x axis. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iUp</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move up</div></li><li><code>iDown</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move down</div></li><li><code>iTickSize</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">optional parameter for specifying that the
element should move iTickSize pixels at a time.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setYConstraint" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setYConstraint">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-startDrag"></a>
<b>startDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>int X</code>, <code>int Y</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called after a drag/drop object is clicked
and the drag or mousedown time thresholds have beeen met.</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called after a drag/drop object is clicked
and the drag or mousedown time thresholds have beeen met. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>X</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">click location</div></li><li><code>Y</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">click location</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#startDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#startDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-toString"></a>
<b>toString</b>() : string <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">toString method</div>
<div class="long">
toString method <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>string</code><div class="sub-desc">string representation of the dd obj</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#toString" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#toString">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-unlock"></a>
<b>unlock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unlock this instace</div>
<div class="long">
Unlock this instace <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#unlock" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#unlock">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-unreg"></a>
<b>unreg</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove all drag and drop hooks for this element</div>
<div class="long">
Remove all drag and drop hooks for this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#unreg" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#unreg">DragDrop</a></td>
<a id="Ext.dd.DropZone-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Button</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.SplitButton" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.SplitButton.html">SplitButton</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Toolbar.SplitButton</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/Toolbar.js" target="_blank">Toolbar.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Toolbar.SplitButton</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.SplitButton" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.SplitButton.html">SplitButton</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A split button that renders into a toolbar.
<pre><code>new Ext.Panel({
tbar : [
xtype: <em>'tbsplit'</em>,
text: <em>'Options'</em>,
handler: optionsHandler, <i>// handle a click on the button itself</i>
menu: <b>new</b>{
items: [
<i>// These items will display <b>in</b> a dropdown menu when the split arrow is clicked</i>
{text: <em>'Item 1'</em>, handler: item1Handler},
{text: <em>'Item 2'</em>, handler: item2Handler},
});</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-arrowHandler"></a>
<b>arrowHandler</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
A function called when the arrow button is clicked (can be used instead of click event) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.SplitButton" ext:member="#arrowHandler" href="output/Ext.SplitButton.html#arrowHandler">SplitButton</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-arrowTooltip"></a>
<b>arrowTooltip</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The title attribute of the arrow </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.SplitButton" ext:member="#arrowTooltip" href="output/Ext.SplitButton.html#arrowTooltip">SplitButton</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-clickEvent"></a>
<b>clickEvent</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type of event to map to the button's event handler (defaults to 'click') </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#clickEvent" href="output/Ext.Button.html#clickEvent">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to start disabled (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Button.html#disabled">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-enableToggle"></a>
<b>enableToggle</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to enable pressed/not pressed toggling (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#enableToggle" href="output/Ext.Button.html#enableToggle">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-handleMouseEvents"></a>
<b>handleMouseEvents</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to disable visual cues on mouseover, mouseout and mousedown (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#handleMouseEvents" href="output/Ext.Button.html#handleMouseEvents">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-handler"></a>
<b>handler</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
A function called when the button is clicked (can be used instead of click event) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#handler" href="output/Ext.Button.html#handler">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to start hidden (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Button.html#hidden">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-icon"></a>
<b>icon</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The path to an image to display in the button (the image will be set as the background-image CSS property of the butt...</div>
<div class="long">
The path to an image to display in the button (the image will be set as the background-image CSS property of the button by default, so if you want a mixed icon/text button, set cls:"x-btn-text-icon") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#icon" href="output/Ext.Button.html#icon">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-iconCls"></a>
<b>iconCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A css class which sets a background image to be used as the icon for this button </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#iconCls" href="output/Ext.Button.html#iconCls">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-menu"></a>
<b>menu</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Standard menu attribute consisting of a reference to a menu object, a menu id or a menu config blob (defaults to unde...</div>
<div class="long">
Standard menu attribute consisting of a reference to a menu object, a menu id or a menu config blob (defaults to undefined). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#menu" href="output/Ext.Button.html#menu">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-menuAlign"></a>
<b>menuAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The position to align the menu to (see <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a> for more details, defaults to 'tl-bl?'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#menuAlign" href="output/Ext.Button.html#menuAlign">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-minWidth"></a>
<b>minWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width for this button (used to give a set of buttons a common width) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#minWidth" href="output/Ext.Button.html#minWidth">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-pressed"></a>
<b>pressed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to start pressed (only if enableToggle = true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#pressed" href="output/Ext.Button.html#pressed">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-repeat"></a>
<b>repeat</b> : Boolean/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to repeat fire the click event while the mouse is down. This can also be an Ext.util.ClickRepeater config object...</div>
<div class="long">
True to repeat fire the click event while the mouse is down. This can also be an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.ClickRepeater" href="output/Ext.util.ClickRepeater.html">Ext.util.ClickRepeater</a> config object (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#repeat" href="output/Ext.Button.html#repeat">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-scope"></a>
<b>scope</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The scope of the handler </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#scope" href="output/Ext.Button.html#scope">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-tabIndex"></a>
<b>tabIndex</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Set a DOM tabIndex for this button (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#tabIndex" href="output/Ext.Button.html#tabIndex">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-text"></a>
<b>text</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The button text </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#text" href="output/Ext.Button.html#text">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-toggleGroup"></a>
<b>toggleGroup</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The group this toggle button is a member of (only 1 per group can be pressed, only applies if enableToggle = true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#toggleGroup" href="output/Ext.Button.html#toggleGroup">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-tooltip"></a>
<b>tooltip</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
The tooltip for the button - can be a string or QuickTips config object </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#tooltip" href="output/Ext.Button.html#tooltip">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-tooltipType"></a>
<b>tooltipType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type of tooltip to use. Either "qtip" (default) for QuickTips or "title" for title attribute. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#tooltipType" href="output/Ext.Button.html#tooltipType">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-type"></a>
<b>type</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
submit, reset or button - defaults to 'button' </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#type" href="output/Ext.Button.html#type">Button</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-pressed"></a>
<b>pressed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Read-only. True if this button is pressed (only if enableToggle = true) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#pressed" href="output/Ext.Button.html#pressed">Button</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-Toolbar.SplitButton"></a>
<b>Toolbar.SplitButton</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new SplitButton</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new SplitButton <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A standard <a ext:cls="Ext.SplitButton" href="output/Ext.SplitButton.html">Ext.SplitButton</a> config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Toolbar.SplitButton</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-getText"></a>
<b>getText</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the text for this button</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the text for this button <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The button text</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#getText" href="output/Ext.Button.html#getText">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-hasVisibleMenu"></a>
<b>hasVisibleMenu</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the button has a menu and it is visible</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the button has a menu and it is visible <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#hasVisibleMenu" href="output/Ext.Button.html#hasVisibleMenu">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-hideMenu"></a>
<b>hideMenu</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this button's menu (if it has one)</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this button's menu (if it has one) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#hideMenu" href="output/Ext.Button.html#hideMenu">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.Button.html#initComponent">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-setArrowHandler"></a>
<b>setArrowHandler</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets this button's arrow click handler.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets this button's arrow click handler. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call when the arrow is clicked</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Scope for the function passed above</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.SplitButton" ext:member="#setArrowHandler" href="output/Ext.SplitButton.html#setArrowHandler">SplitButton</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-setHandler"></a>
<b>setHandler</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Assigns this button's click handler</div>
<div class="long">
Assigns this button's click handler <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call when the button is clicked</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Scope for the function passed in</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#setHandler" href="output/Ext.Button.html#setHandler">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-setIconClass"></a>
<b>setIconClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the CSS class that provides a background image to use as the button's icon. This method also changes
the value ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the CSS class that provides a background image to use as the button's icon. This method also changes
the value of the <a ext:cls="iconCls" href="output/iconCls.html">iconCls</a> config internally. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class providing the icon image</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#setIconClass" href="output/Ext.Button.html#setIconClass">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-setText"></a>
<b>setText</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets this button's text</div>
<div class="long">
Sets this button's text <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The button text</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#setText" href="output/Ext.Button.html#setText">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-showMenu"></a>
<b>showMenu</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this button's menu (if it has one)</div>
<div class="long">
Show this button's menu (if it has one) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#showMenu" href="output/Ext.Button.html#showMenu">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-toggle"></a>
<b>toggle</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean state</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If a state it passed, it becomes the pressed state otherwise the current state is toggled.</div>
<div class="long">
If a state it passed, it becomes the pressed state otherwise the current state is toggled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>state</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Force a particular state</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#toggle" href="output/Ext.Button.html#toggle">Button</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-arrowclick"></a>
<b>arrowclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code>MenuButton this</code>, <code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this button's arrow is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this button's arrow is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : MenuButton<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The click event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.SplitButton" ext:member="#event-arrowclick" href="output/Ext.SplitButton.html#event-arrowclick">SplitButton</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-click"></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this button is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this button is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The click event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-click" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-click">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-menuhide"></a>
<b>menuhide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Menu menu</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this button has a menu, this event fires when it is hidden</div>
<div class="long">
If this button has a menu, this event fires when it is hidden <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menu</code> : Menu<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-menuhide" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-menuhide">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-menushow"></a>
<b>menushow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Menu menu</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this button has a menu, this event fires when it is shown</div>
<div class="long">
If this button has a menu, this event fires when it is shown <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menu</code> : Menu<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-menushow" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-menushow">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-menutriggerout"></a>
<b>menutriggerout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Menu menu</code>, <code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this button has a menu, this event fires when the mouse leaves the menu triggering element</div>
<div class="long">
If this button has a menu, this event fires when the mouse leaves the menu triggering element <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menu</code> : Menu<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-menutriggerout" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-menutriggerout">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-menutriggerover"></a>
<b>menutriggerover</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Menu menu</code>, <code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this button has a menu, this event fires when the mouse enters the menu triggering element</div>
<div class="long">
If this button has a menu, this event fires when the mouse enters the menu triggering element <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menu</code> : Menu<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-menutriggerover" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-menutriggerover">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-mouseout"></a>
<b>mouseout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the mouse exits the button</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the mouse exits the button <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-mouseout" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-mouseout">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-mouseover"></a>
<b>mouseover</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the mouse hovers over the button</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the mouse hovers over the button <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-mouseover" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-mouseover">Button</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton-toggle"></a>
<b>toggle</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Boolean pressed</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the "pressed" state of this button changes (only if enableToggle = true)</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the "pressed" state of this button changes (only if enableToggle = true) <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>pressed</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="#event-toggle" href="output/Ext.Button.html#event-toggle">Button</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.ToolTip-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.ToolTip-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.ToolTip-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.ToolTip-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.ToolTip"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Container</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Panel</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Tip" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Tip.html">Tip</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>ToolTip</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.ToolTip</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/tips/ToolTip.js" target="_blank">ToolTip.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">ToolTip</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.QuickTip" href="output/Ext.QuickTip.html">QuickTip</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Tip" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Tip.html">Tip</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A standard tooltip implementation for providing additional information when hovering over a target element. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-activeItem"></a>
<b>activeItem</b> : String/Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be initially activated within the container's...</div>
<div class="long">
A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be initially activated within the container's layout on render. For example, activeItem: 'item-1' or activeItem: 0 (index 0 = the first item in the container's collection). activeItem only applies to layout styles that can display items one at a time (like <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Ext.layout.Accordion</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">Ext.layout.FitLayout</a>). Related to <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="activeItem" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#activeItem">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.activeItem</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#activeItem" href="output/Ext.Container.html#activeItem">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-animCollapse"></a>
<b>animCollapse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the Ext....</div>
<div class="long">
True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the <a ext:cls="Ext.Fx" href="output/Ext.Fx.html">Ext.Fx</a> class is available, otherwise false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-autoDestroy"></a>
<b>autoDestroy</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else destruction mu...</div>
<div class="long">
If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else destruction must be handled manually (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#autoDestroy" href="output/Ext.Container.html#autoDestroy">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-autoHeight"></a>
<b>autoHeight</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a height of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-autoHide"></a>
<b>autoHide</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to automatically hide the tooltip after the mouse exits the target element or after the dismissDelay has expired...</div>
<div class="long">
True to automatically hide the tooltip after the mouse exits the target element or after the <a ext:cls="Ext.ToolTip" ext:member="dismissDelay" href="output/Ext.ToolTip.html#dismissDelay">dismissDelay</a> has expired if set (defaults to true). If <a ext:cls="closable" href="output/closable.html">closable</a> = true a close tool button will be rendered into the tooltip header. </div>
<td class="msource">ToolTip</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-autoLoad"></a>
<b>autoLoad</b> : Object/String/Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A valid url spec according to the Updater Ext.Updater.update method. If autoLoad is not null, the panel will attempt ...</div>
<div class="long">
A valid url spec according to the Updater <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" ext:member="update" href="output/Ext.Updater.html#update">Ext.Updater.update</a> method. If autoLoad is not null, the panel will attempt to load its contents immediately upon render.<p> The URL will become the default URL for this panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="body" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#body">body</a> element, so it may be <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="refresh" href="output/Ext.Element.html#refresh">refresh</a>ed at any time.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#autoLoad" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#autoLoad">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-autoScroll"></a>
<b>autoScroll</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use overflow:'auto' on the panel's body element and show scroll bars automatically when necessary, false to c...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use overflow:'auto' on the panel's body element and show scroll bars automatically when necessary, false to clip any overflowing content (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#autoScroll" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#autoScroll">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-autoWidth"></a>
<b>autoWidth</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not al...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a width of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-baseCls"></a>
<b>baseCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The base CSS class to apply to this panel's element (defaults to 'x-panel'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#baseCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#baseCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-bbar"></a>
<b>bbar</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The bottom toolbar of the panel. This can be a Ext.Toolbar object, a toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button co...</div>
<div class="long">
The bottom toolbar of the panel. This can be a <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Ext.Toolbar</a> object, a toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render. To access the bottom toolbar after render, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getBottomToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getBottomToolbar">getBottomToolbar</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-bodyBorder"></a>
<b>bodyBorder</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display an interior border on the body element of the panel, false to hide it (defaults to true). This only a...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display an interior border on the body element of the panel, false to hide it (defaults to true). This only applies when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="border" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#border">border</a> == true. If border == true and bodyBorder == false, the border will display as a 1px wide inset border, giving the entire body element an inset appearance. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bodyBorder" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyBorder">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-bodyStyle"></a>
<b>bodyStyle</b> : String/Object/Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Custom CSS styles to be applied to the body element in the format expected by Ext.Element.applyStyles (defaults to nu...</div>
<div class="long">
Custom CSS styles to be applied to the body element in the format expected by <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a> (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bodyStyle" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyStyle">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-border"></a>
<b>border</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). By default, the borde...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). By default, the border is a 2px wide inset border, but this can be further altered by setting <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="bodyBorder" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyBorder">bodyBorder</a> to false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#border" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#border">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-bufferResize"></a>
<b>bufferResize</b> : Boolean/Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">When set to true (100 milliseconds) or a number of milliseconds, the layout assigned for this container will buffer t...</div>
<div class="long">
When set to true (100 milliseconds) or a number of milliseconds, the layout assigned for this container will buffer the frequency it calculates and does a re-layout of components. This is useful for heavy containers or containers with a large amount of sub components that frequent calls to layout are expensive. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#bufferResize" href="output/Ext.Container.html#bufferResize">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-buttonAlign"></a>
<b>buttonAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The alignment of any buttons added to this panel. Valid values are 'right,' 'left' and 'center' (defaults to 'right'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttonAlign" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttonAlign">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-buttons"></a>
<b>buttons</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
An array of <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> <b>configs</b> used to add buttons to the footer of this panel. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-closable"></a>
<b>closable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render a close tool button into the tooltip header (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Tip" ext:member="#closable" href="output/Ext.Tip.html#closable">Tip</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-collapseFirst"></a>
<b>collapseFirst</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the pane...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the panel's title bar, false to render it last (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapseFirst" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapseFirst">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-collapsed"></a>
<b>collapsed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render the panel collapsed, false to render it expanded (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsed" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsed">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-collapsedCls"></a>
<b>collapsedCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class to add to the panel's element after it has been collapsed (defaults to 'x-panel-collapsed'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsedCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsedCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-collapsible"></a>
<b>collapsible</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header tool button area, false to keep the panel statically sized with no button (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-contentEl"></a>
<b>contentEl</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The id of an existing HTML node to use as the panel's body content (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#contentEl" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#contentEl">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-defaultAlign"></a>
<b>defaultAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Experimental. The default Ext.Element.alignTo anchor position value for this tip relative to its element of origin (d...</div>
<div class="long">
<b>Experimental</b>. The default <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a> anchor position value for this tip relative to its element of origin (defaults to "tl-bl?"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Tip" ext:member="#defaultAlign" href="output/Ext.Tip.html#defaultAlign">Tip</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-defaultType"></a>
<b>defaultType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default type of container represented by this object as registered in <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a> (defaults to 'panel'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#defaultType" href="output/Ext.Container.html#defaultType">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-defaults"></a>
<b>defaults</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object that will be applied to all components added to this container either via the items config or via the...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object that will be applied to all components added to this container either via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">items</a> config or via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#add">add</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="insert" href="output/Ext.Container.html#insert">insert</a> methods. The defaults config can contain any number of name/value property pairs to be added to each item, and should be valid for the types of items being added to the container. For example, to automatically apply padding to the body of each of a set of contained <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Ext.Panel</a> items, you could pass: defaults: {bodyStyle:'padding:15px'}. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#defaults" href="output/Ext.Container.html#defaults">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-dismissDelay"></a>
<b>dismissDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Delay in milliseconds before the tooltip automatically hides (defaults to 5000). To disable automatic hiding, set dis...</div>
<div class="long">
Delay in milliseconds before the tooltip automatically hides (defaults to 5000). To disable automatic hiding, set dismissDelay = 0. </div>
<td class="msource">ToolTip</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-draggable"></a>
<b>draggable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false). For custom drag/drop implementations, an Ext.Panel.DD conf...</div>
<div class="long">
True to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false). For custom drag/drop implementations, an Ext.Panel.DD config could also be passed in this config instead of true, although Ext.Panel.DD is an internal, undocumented class. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#draggable" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#draggable">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-elements"></a>
<b>elements</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A comma-delimited list of panel elements to initialize when the panel is rendered. Normally, this list will be genera...</div>
<div class="long">
A comma-delimited list of panel elements to initialize when the panel is rendered. Normally, this list will be generated automatically based on the items added to the panel at config time, but sometimes it might be useful to make sure a structural element is rendered even if not specified at config time (for example, you may want to add a button or toolbar dynamically after the panel has been rendered). Adding those elements to this list will allocate the required placeholders in the panel when it is rendered. Valid values are<ul> <li><b>header</b></li> <li><b>tbar</b> (top bar)</li> <li><b>body</b></li> <li><b>bbar</b> (bottom bar)</li> <li><b>footer</b><li> </ul> Defaults to 'body'. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#elements" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#elements">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-floating"></a>
<b>floating</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to float the panel (absolute position it with automatic shimming and shadow), false to display it inline where i...</div>
<div class="long">
True to float the panel (absolute position it with automatic shimming and shadow), false to display it inline where it is rendered (defaults to false). Note that by default, setting floating to true will cause the panel to display at negative offsets so that it is hidden -- because the panel is absolute positioned, the position must be set explicitly after render (e.g., myPanel.setPosition(100,100);). Also, when floating a panel you should always assign a fixed width, otherwise it will be auto width and will expand to fill to the right edge of the viewport. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#floating" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#floating">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-footer"></a>
<b>footer</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to create the footer element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when footer is not specified, if...</div>
<div class="long">
True to create the footer element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when footer is not specified, if one or more buttons have been added to the panel the footer will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#footer" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#footer">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-frame"></a>
<b>frame</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render the panel with custom rounded borders, false to render with plain 1px square borders (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#frame" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#frame">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to create the header element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when header is not specified, if...</div>
<div class="long">
True to create the header element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when header is not specified, if a <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">title</a> is set the header will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. If a title is set but header is explicitly set to false, the header will not be rendered. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-headerAsText"></a>
<b>headerAsText</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to display the panel title in the header, false to hide it (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#headerAsText" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#headerAsText">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-hideBorders"></a>
<b>hideBorders</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide the borders of each contained component, false to defer to the component's existing border settings (def...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide the borders of each contained component, false to defer to the component's existing border settings (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#hideBorders" href="output/Ext.Container.html#hideBorders">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-hideCollapseTool"></a>
<b>hideCollapseTool</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the expand/collapse toggle button when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> = true, false to display it (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#hideCollapseTool" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#hideCollapseTool">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-hideDelay"></a>
<b>hideDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Delay in milliseconds after the mouse exits the target element but before the tooltip actually hides (defaults to 200...</div>
<div class="long">
Delay in milliseconds after the mouse exits the target element but before the tooltip actually hides (defaults to 200). Set to 0 for the tooltip to hide immediately. </div>
<td class="msource">ToolTip</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-html"></a>
<b>html</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
An HTML fragment, or a <a ext:cls="Ext.DomHelper" href="output/Ext.DomHelper.html">DomHelper</a> specification to use as the panel's body content (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#html" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#html">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-iconCls"></a>
<b>iconCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class that will provide a background image to be used as the panel header icon (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#iconCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#iconCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-items"></a>
<b>items</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container. Each item can be any type of object bas...</div>
<div class="long">
A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container. Each item can be any type of object based on <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.<br><br> Component config objects may also be specified in order to avoid the overhead of constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the added Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of this "lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config property to the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br> For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>. If a single item is being passed, it should be passed directly as an object reference (e.g., items: {...}). Multiple items should be passed as an array of objects (e.g., items: [{...}, {...}]). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-keys"></a>
<b>keys</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by Ext.KeyMap.addBinding used to assign custom key handling to this pa...</div>
<div class="long">
A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by <a ext:cls="Ext.KeyMap" ext:member="addBinding" href="output/Ext.KeyMap.html#addBinding">Ext.KeyMap.addBinding</a> used to assign custom key handling to this panel (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#keys" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#keys">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-layout"></a>
<b>layout</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The layout type to be used in this container. If not specified, a default Ext.layout.ContainerLayout will be created ...</div>
<div class="long">
The layout type to be used in this container. If not specified, a default <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout</a> will be created and used. Valid values are: accordion, anchor, border, card, column, fit, form and table. Specific config values for the chosen layout type can be specified using <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layoutConfig" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layoutConfig">layoutConfig</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-layoutConfig"></a>
<b>layoutConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen layout (to be used in conjunction with the layou...</div>
<div class="long">
This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen layout (to be used in conjunction with the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">layout</a> config value). For complete details regarding the valid config options for each layout type, see the layout class corresponding to the type specified:<ul class="mdetail-params"> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Ext.layout.Accordion</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.AnchorLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.AnchorLayout.html">Ext.layout.AnchorLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.html">Ext.layout.BorderLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ColumnLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ColumnLayout.html">Ext.layout.ColumnLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">Ext.layout.FitLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html">Ext.layout.FormLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.TableLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.TableLayout.html">Ext.layout.TableLayout</a></li></ul> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#layoutConfig" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layoutConfig">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-maskDisabled"></a>
<b>maskDisabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will alway...</div>
<div class="long">
True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will always tell its contained elements to disable themselves when it is disabled, but masking the panel can provide an additional visual cue that the panel is disabled. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#maskDisabled" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#maskDisabled">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-maxWidth"></a>
<b>maxWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The maximum width of the tip in pixels (defaults to 300). The maximum supported value is 500. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Tip" ext:member="#maxWidth" href="output/Ext.Tip.html#maxWidth">Tip</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-minButtonWidth"></a>
<b>minButtonWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Minimum width in pixels of all buttons in this panel (defaults to 75) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#minButtonWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#minButtonWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-minWidth"></a>
<b>minWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width of the tip in pixels (defaults to 40). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Tip" ext:member="#minWidth" href="output/Ext.Tip.html#minWidth">Tip</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-monitorResize"></a>
<b>monitorResize</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to automatically monitor window resize events to handle anything that is sensitive to the current size of the vi...</div>
<div class="long">
True to automatically monitor window resize events to handle anything that is sensitive to the current size of the viewport. This value is typically managed by the chosen <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">layout</a> and should not need to be set manually. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#monitorResize" href="output/Ext.Container.html#monitorResize">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-mouseOffset"></a>
<b>mouseOffset</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
An XY offset from the mouse position where the tooltip should be shown (defaults to [15,18]). </div>
<td class="msource">ToolTip</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-shadow"></a>
<b>shadow</b> : Boolean/String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True (or a valid Ext.Shadow Ext.Shadow.mode value) to display a shadow behind the panel, false to display no shadow (...</div>
<div class="long">
True (or a valid Ext.Shadow <a ext:cls="Ext.Shadow" ext:member="mode" href="output/Ext.Shadow.html#mode">Ext.Shadow.mode</a> value) to display a shadow behind the panel, false to display no shadow (defaults to 'sides'). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shadow" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shadow">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-shadowOffset"></a>
<b>shadowOffset</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). Note that this option only applies when float...</div>
<div class="long">
The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shadowOffset" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shadowOffset">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-shim"></a>
<b>shim</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true). Note that this option only applies wh...</div>
<div class="long">
False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shim" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shim">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-showDelay"></a>
<b>showDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Delay in milliseconds before the tooltip displays after the mouse enters the target element (defaults to 500) </div>
<td class="msource">ToolTip</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-tabTip"></a>
<b>tabTip</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must be called in order for the tips to render. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tabTip" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tabTip">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-target"></a>
<b>target</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
The target HTMLElement, Ext.Element or id to associate with this tooltip. </div>
<td class="msource">ToolTip</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-tbar"></a>
<b>tbar</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The top toolbar of the panel. This can be either an Ext.Toolbar object or an array of buttons/button configs to be ad...</div>
<div class="long">
The top toolbar of the panel. This can be either an <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Ext.Toolbar</a> object or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render. To access the top toolbar after render, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getTopToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getTopToolbar">getTopToolbar</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-title"></a>
<b>title</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will aut...</div>
<div class="long">
The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will automatically be created and displayed unless <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">header</a> is explicitly set to false. If you don't want to specify a title at config time, but you may want one later, you must either specify a non-empty title (a blank space ' ' will do) or header:true so that the container element will get created. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-titleCollapse"></a>
<b>titleCollapse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when collapsible = true) by clicking anywhere in the header bar, fa...</div>
<div class="long">
True to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> = true) by clicking anywhere in the header bar, false to allow it only by clicking to tool button (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#titleCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#titleCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-tools"></a>
<b>tools</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of tool button configs to be added to the header tool area. Each tool config may contain the following prope...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of tool button configs to be added to the header tool area. Each tool config may contain the following properties: <div class="mdetail-params"><ul> <li><b>id</b> : String<p class="sub-desc"><b>Required.</b> The type of tool to create. Values may be<ul> <li><tt>toggle</tt> (Created by default when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> is <tt>true</tt>)</li> <li><tt>close</tt></li> <li><tt>minimize</tt></li> <li><tt>maximize</tt></li> <li><tt>restore</tt></li> <li><tt>gear</tt></li> <li><tt>pin</tt></li> <li><tt>unpin</tt></li> <li><tt>right</tt></li> <li><tt>left</tt></li> <li><tt>up</tt></li> <li><tt>down</tt></li> <li><tt>refresh</tt></li> <li><tt>minus</tt></li> <li><tt>plus</tt></li> <li><tt>help</tt></li> <li><tt>search</tt></li> <li><tt>save</tt></li> <li><tt>print</tt></li> </ul></div></p></li> <li><b>handler</b> : Function<p class="sub-desc"><b>Required.</b> The function to call when clicked. Arguments passed are:<ul> <li><b>event</b> : Ext.EventObject<p class="sub-desc">The click event.</p></li> <li><b>toolEl</b> : Ext.Element<p class="sub-desc">The tool Element.</p></li> <li><b>Panel</b> : Ext.Panel<p class="sub-desc">The host Panel</p></li> </ul></p></li> <li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to call the handler.</p></li> <li><b>qtip</b> : String/Object<p class="sub-desc">A tip string, or a config argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.QuickTip" ext:member="register" href="output/Ext.QuickTip.html#register">Ext.QuickTip.register</a></p></li> <li><b>hidden</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to initially render hidden.</p></li> <li><b>on</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">A listener config object specifiying event listeners in the format of an argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#addListener">addListener</a></p></li> </ul> Example usage: <pre><code>tools:[{
<i>// hidden:true,</i>
handler: <b>function</b>(event, toolEl, panel){
<i>// refresh logic</i>
}]</code></pre> Note that apart from the toggle tool which is provided when a panel is collapsible, these tools only provide the visual button. Any required functionality must be provided by adding handlers that implement the necessary behavior. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tools" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tools">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-trackMouse"></a>
<b>trackMouse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to have the tooltip follow the mouse as it moves over the target element (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">ToolTip</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-body"></a>
<b>body</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
The Panel's body Element which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the html config,...</div>
<div class="long">
The Panel's body <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a> which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="html" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#html">html</a> config, or it may be loaded using the
<a ext:cls="autoLoad" href="output/autoLoad.html">autoLoad</a> config, or through the Panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getUpdater" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getUpdater">Updater</a>. Read-only.
<p>If this is used to load visible HTML elements in either way, then
the Panel may not be used as a Layout for hosting nested Panels.</p>
<p>If this Panel is intended to be used as the host of a Layout (See <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#layout">layout</a>
then the body Element must not be loaded or changed - it is under the control
of the Panel's Layout. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#body" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#body">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-buttons"></a>
<b>buttons</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
This Panel's Array of buttons as created from the <tt>buttons</tt>
config property. Read only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-footer"></a>
<b>footer</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
The Panel's footer <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a>. Read-only.
<p>This Element is used to house the Panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">buttons</a>.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#footer" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#footer">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
The Panel's header <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a>. Read-only.
<p>This Element is used to house the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">title</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="tools" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tools">tools</a></p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-items"></a>
<b>items</b> : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
The collection of components in this container as a <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html">Ext.util.MixedCollection</a> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">Container</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-ToolTip"></a>
<b>ToolTip</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new Tooltip</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new Tooltip <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ToolTip</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-add"></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component/Object component</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a component to this container. Fires the beforeadd event before adding,
then fires the add event after the compo...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a component to this container. Fires the beforeadd event before adding,
then fires the add event after the component has been added. If the container is
already rendered when add is called, you may need to call <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="doLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#doLayout">doLayout</a> to refresh
the view. This is required so that you can add multiple child components if needed
while only refreshing the layout once. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component/Object<div class="sub-desc">The component to add.<br><br>
Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the added Component should
it become necessary.<br><br>
A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of
constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
added Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of this
"lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config property to
the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br>
For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">component The Component (or config object) that was added with the Container's default config values applied.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#add">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-addButton"></a>
<b>addButton</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object config</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Button <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to ...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to add buttons via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">buttons</a> config. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">A valid <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> config. A string will become the text for a default
button config, an object will be treated as a button config object.</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called on button <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="click" href="output/Ext.Button.html#click"></a></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope to use for the button handler function</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Button</code><div class="sub-desc">The button that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#addButton" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#addButton">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-bubble"></a>
<b>bubble</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (this) of...</div>
<div class="long">
Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the bubble is stopped. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#bubble" href="output/Ext.Container.html#bubble">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-cascade"></a>
<b>cascade</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function wi...</div>
<div class="long">
Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function with
each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the cascade is stopped on that branch. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current component)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (defaults to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#cascade" href="output/Ext.Container.html#cascade">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the beforecollapse event which will
cancel the collapse ac...</div>
<div class="long">
Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforecollapse">beforecollapse</a> event which will
cancel the collapse action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-doLayout"></a>
<b>doLayout</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force this container's layout to be recalculated. A call to this function is required after adding a new component
<div class="long">
Force this container's layout to be recalculated. A call to this function is required after adding a new component
to an already rendered container, or possibly after changing sizing/position properties of child components. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to only calc the layout of this component, and let child components auto
calc layouts as required (defaults to false, which calls doLayout recursively for each subcontainer)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#doLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#doLayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the beforeexpand event which will
cancel the expand action ...</div>
<div class="long">
Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforeexpand">beforeexpand</a> event which will
cancel the expand action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-find"></a>
<b>find</b>(&nbsp;<code>String prop</code>, <code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by property</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by property <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>prop</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#find" href="output/Ext.Container.html#find">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-findBy"></a>
<b>findBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the com...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the component will be included in the results. The passed function is called with the arguments (component, this container). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findBy" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findBy">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-findById"></a>
<b>findById</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by id</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findById" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findById">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-findByType"></a>
<b>findByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findByType" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findByType">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-getBottomToolbar"></a>
<b>getBottomToolbar</b>() : Ext.Toolbar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar</code><div class="sub-desc">The toolbar</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getBottomToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getBottomToolbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-getComponent"></a>
<b>getComponent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Number id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets a direct child Component by id, or by index.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets a direct child Component by id, or by index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">or index of child Component to return.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#getComponent" href="output/Ext.Container.html#getComponent">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-getFrameHeight"></a>
<b>getFrameHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and ...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and footer elements, but not including the body height). To retrieve the body height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerHeight">getInnerHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getFrameHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameHeight">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-getFrameWidth"></a>
<b>getFrameWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the bo...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the body width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerWidth">getInnerWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-getInnerHeight"></a>
<b>getInnerHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame he...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameHeight">getFrameHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getInnerHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerHeight">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-getInnerWidth"></a>
<b>getInnerWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame widt...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameWidth">getFrameWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getInnerWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-getLayout"></a>
<b>getLayout</b>() : ContainerLayout <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the layout currently in use by the container. If the container does not currently have a layout
set, a defau...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the layout currently in use by the container. If the container does not currently have a layout
set, a default <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout</a> will be created and set as the container's layout. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>ContainerLayout</code><div class="sub-desc">layout The container's layout</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#getLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#getLayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-getTopToolbar"></a>
<b>getTopToolbar</b>() : Ext.Toolbar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar</code><div class="sub-desc">The toolbar</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getTopToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getTopToolbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-getUpdater"></a>
<b>getUpdater</b>() : Ext.Updater <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" href="output/Ext.Updater.html">Ext.Updater</a> for this panel. Enables you to perform Ajax updates of this panel's body.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" href="output/Ext.Updater.html">Ext.Updater</a> for this panel. Enables you to perform Ajax updates of this panel's body. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Updater</code><div class="sub-desc">The Updater</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getUpdater" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getUpdater">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides this tooltip if visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Hides this tooltip if visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ToolTip</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-insert"></a>
<b>insert</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the
beforeadd event before inserting, then fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the
beforeadd event before inserting, then fires the add event after the
Component has been inserted. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the Component will be inserted
into the Container's items collection</div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The child Component to insert.<br><br>
Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the inserted Component should
it become necessary.<br><br>
A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of
constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
inserted Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of
this "lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config
property to the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br>
For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">component The Component (or config object) that was inserted with the Container's default config values applied.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#insert" href="output/Ext.Container.html#insert">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-load"></a>
<b>load</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object/String/Function config</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Loads this content panel immediately with content returned from an XHR call.</div>
<div class="long">
Loads this content panel immediately with content returned from an XHR call. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object/String/Function<div class="sub-desc">A config object containing any of the following options:
url: <em>"your-url.php"</em>,
params: {param1: <em>"foo"</em>, param2: <em>"bar"</em>}, <i>// or a URL encoded string</i>
callback: yourFunction,
scope: yourObject, <i>// optional scope <b>for</b> the callback</i>
discardUrl: false,
nocache: false,
text: <em>"Loading..."</em>,
timeout: 30,
scripts: false
The only required property is url. The optional properties nocache, text and scripts
are shorthand for disableCaching, indicatorText and loadScripts and are used to set their
associated property on this panel Updater instance.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#load" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#load">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b>(&nbsp;<code>Component/String component</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean autoDestroy</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a component from this container. Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires
the remove event a...</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a component from this container. Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires
the remove event after the component has been removed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>component</code> : Component/String<div class="sub-desc">The component reference or id to remove</div></li><li><code>autoDestroy</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to automatically invoke the component's <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Ext.Component.destroy</a> function</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#remove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#remove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-setIconClass"></a>
<b>setIconClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. This method will replace any existing
icon class if ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. This method will replace any existing
icon class if one has already been set. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new CSS class name</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#setIconClass" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#setIconClass">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-setTitle"></a>
<b>setTitle</b>(&nbsp;<code>String title</code>, <code>String (optional)</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>title</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The title text to set</div></li><li><code>(optional)</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">iconCls A custon, user-defined CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#setTitle" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#setTitle">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shows this tooltip at the current event target XY position.</div>
<div class="long">
Shows this tooltip at the current event target XY position. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ToolTip</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-showAt"></a>
<b>showAt</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array xy</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shows this tip at the specified XY position. Example usage:
<pre><code><i>// Show the tip at x:50 and y:100</i>
<div class="long">
Shows this tip at the specified XY position. Example usage:
<pre><code><i>// Show the tip at x:50 and y:100</i>
tip.showAt([50,100]);</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xy</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">An array containing the x and y coordinates</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Tip" ext:member="#showAt" href="output/Ext.Tip.html#showAt">Tip</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-showBy"></a>
<b>showBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Experimental. Shows this tip at a position relative to another element using a standard Ext.Element.alignTo
anchor po...</div>
<div class="long">
<b>Experimental</b>. Shows this tip at a position relative to another element using a standard <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a>
anchor position value. Example usage:
<pre><code><i>// Show the tip at the <b>default</b> position (<em>'tl-br?'</em>)</i>
<i>// Show the tip<em>'s top-left corner anchored to the element'</em>s top-right corner</i>
tip.showBy(<em>'my-el'</em>, <em>'tl-tr'</em>);</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">An HTMLElement, Ext.Element or string id of the target element to align to</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) A valid <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a> anchor position (defaults to 'tl-br?' or
<a ext:cls="Ext.Tip" ext:member="defaultAlign" href="output/Ext.Tip.html#defaultAlign">defaultAlign</a> if specified).</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Tip" ext:member="#showBy" href="output/Ext.Tip.html#showBy">Tip</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-toggleCollapse"></a>
<b>toggleCollapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#toggleCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#toggleCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-activate"></a>
<b>activate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been visually activated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being activated, but some...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been visually activated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being activated, but some Panel subclasses
do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel fire the
activate and deactivate events under the control of the TabPanel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been activated.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-activate" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-activate">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-add"></a>
<b>add</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component was added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-add">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-afterlayout"></a>
<b>afterlayout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>ContainerLayout layout</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>layout</code> : ContainerLayout<div class="sub-desc">The ContainerLayout implementation for this container</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-afterlayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-afterlayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-beforeadd"></a>
<b>beforeadd</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component will be added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeadd" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeadd">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-beforeclose"></a>
<b>beforeclose</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses d...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). This event only applies to such subclasses.
A handler can return false to cancel the close. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel being closed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforeclose" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforeclose">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-beforecollapse"></a>
<b>beforecollapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel being collapsed.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the collapse is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforecollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-beforeexpand"></a>
<b>beforeexpand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel being expanded.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the expand is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforeexpand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-beforeremove"></a>
<b>beforeremove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeremove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeremove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-bodyresize"></a>
<b>bodyresize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel which has been resized.</div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The Panel's new width.</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The Panel's new height.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-bodyresize" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-bodyresize">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-close"></a>
<b>close</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been closed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-close" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-close">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been collapsed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been collapsed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel that has been collapsed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-collapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-deactivate"></a>
<b>deactivate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been visually deactivated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being deactivated, but ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been visually deactivated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being deactivated, but some Panel subclasses
do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel fire the
activate and deactivate events under the control of the TabPanel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been deactivated.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-deactivate" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-deactivate">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been expanded.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been expanded. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been expanded.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-expand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-remove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-remove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.ToolTip-titlechange"></a>
<b>titlechange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>String The</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel which has had its title changed.</div></li><li><code>The</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">new title.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-titlechange" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-titlechange">Panel</a></td>
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<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.MessageBox-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.MessageBox-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.MessageBox-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.MessageBox"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.MessageBox</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/MessageBox.js" target="_blank">MessageBox.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">MessageBox</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
<p>Utility class for generating different styles of message boxes. The alias Ext.Msg can also be used.<p/>
<p>Note that the MessageBox is asynchronous. Unlike a regular JavaScript <code>alert</code> (which will halt
browser execution), showing a MessageBox will not cause the code to stop. For this reason, if you have code
that should only run <em>after</em> some user feedback from the MessageBox, you must use a callback function
(see the <code>function</code> parameter for <a ext:cls="Ext.MessageBox" ext:member="show" href="output/Ext.MessageBox.html#show">show</a> for more details).</p>
<p>Example usage:</p>
<pre><code><i>// Basic alert:</i>
Ext.Msg.alert(<em>'Status'</em>, <em>'Changes saved successfully.'</em>);
<i>// Prompt <b>for</b> user data and process the result using a callback:</i>
Ext.Msg.prompt(<em>'Name'</em>, <em>'Please enter your name:'</em>, <b>function</b>(btn, text){
<b>if</b> (btn == <em>'ok'</em>){
<i>// process text value and close...</i>
<i>// Show a dialog using config options:</i>{
title:<em>'Save Changes?'</em>,
msg: <em>'You are closing a tab that has unsaved changes. Would you like to save your changes?'</em>,
buttons: Ext.Msg.YESNOCANCEL,
fn: processResult,
animEl: <em>'elId'</em>,
icon: Ext.MessageBox.QUESTION
});</code></pre><br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-CANCEL"></a>
<b>CANCEL</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Button config that displays a single Cancel button </div>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-ERROR"></a>
<b>ERROR</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class that provides the ERROR icon image </div>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-INFO"></a>
<b>INFO</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class that provides the INFO icon image </div>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-OK"></a>
<b>OK</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Button config that displays a single OK button </div>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-OKCANCEL"></a>
<b>OKCANCEL</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Button config that displays OK and Cancel buttons </div>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-QUESTION"></a>
<b>QUESTION</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class that provides the QUESTION icon image </div>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-WARNING"></a>
<b>WARNING</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class that provides the WARNING icon image </div>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-YESNO"></a>
<b>YESNO</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Button config that displays Yes and No buttons </div>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-YESNOCANCEL"></a>
<b>YESNOCANCEL</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
Button config that displays Yes, No and Cancel buttons </div>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-buttonText"></a>
<b>buttonText</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object containing the default button text strings that can be overriden for localized language support.
Supported ...</div>
<div class="long">
An object containing the default button text strings that can be overriden for localized language support.
Supported properties are: ok, cancel, yes and no. Generally you should include a locale-specific
resource file for handling language support across the framework.
Customize the default text like so: Ext.MessageBox.buttonText.yes = "oui"; //french </div>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-defaultTextHeight"></a>
<b>defaultTextHeight</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The default height in pixels of the message box's multiline textarea if displayed (defaults to 75) </div>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-maxWidth"></a>
<b>maxWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The maximum width in pixels of the message box (defaults to 600) </div>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-minProgressWidth"></a>
<b>minProgressWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The minimum width in pixels of the message box if it is a progress-style dialog. This is useful
for setting a differ...</div>
<div class="long">
The minimum width in pixels of the message box if it is a progress-style dialog. This is useful
for setting a different minimum width than text-only dialogs may need (defaults to 250) </div>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-minWidth"></a>
<b>minWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width in pixels of the message box (defaults to 100) </div>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-alert"></a>
<b>alert</b>(&nbsp;<code>String title</code>, <code>String msg</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function fn</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.MessageBox <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Displays a standard read-only message box with an OK button (comparable to the basic JavaScript alert prompt).
If a c...</div>
<div class="long">
Displays a standard read-only message box with an OK button (comparable to the basic JavaScript alert prompt).
If a callback function is passed it will be called after the user clicks the button, and the
id of the button that was clicked will be passed as the only parameter to the callback
(could also be the top-right close button). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>title</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The title bar text</div></li><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The message box body text</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The callback function invoked after the message box is closed</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the callback function</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.MessageBox</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-confirm"></a>
<b>confirm</b>(&nbsp;<code>String title</code>, <code>String msg</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function fn</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.MessageBox <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Displays a confirmation message box with Yes and No buttons (comparable to JavaScript's confirm).
If a callback funct...</div>
<div class="long">
Displays a confirmation message box with Yes and No buttons (comparable to JavaScript's confirm).
If a callback function is passed it will be called after the user clicks either button,
and the id of the button that was clicked will be passed as the only parameter to the callback
(could also be the top-right close button). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>title</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The title bar text</div></li><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The message box body text</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The callback function invoked after the message box is closed</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the callback function</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.MessageBox</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-getDialog"></a>
<b>getDialog</b>() : Ext.Window <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a reference to the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a> element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a reference to the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a> element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Window</code><div class="sub-desc">The window</div></li>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.MessageBox <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides the message box if it is displayed</div>
<div class="long">
Hides the message box if it is displayed <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.MessageBox</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the message box is currently displayed</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the message box is currently displayed <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the message box is visible, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-progress"></a>
<b>progress</b>(&nbsp;<code>String title</code>, <code>String msg</code>, <code>String progressText</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.MessageBox <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Displays a message box with a progress bar. This message box has no buttons and is not closeable by
the user. You a...</div>
<div class="long">
Displays a message box with a progress bar. This message box has no buttons and is not closeable by
the user. You are responsible for updating the progress bar as needed via <a ext:cls="Ext.MessageBox" ext:member="updateProgress" href="output/Ext.MessageBox.html#updateProgress">Ext.MessageBox.updateProgress</a>
and closing the message box when the process is complete. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>title</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The title bar text</div></li><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The message box body text</div></li><li><code>progressText</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The text to display inside the progress bar (defaults to '')</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.MessageBox</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-prompt"></a>
<b>prompt</b>(&nbsp;<code>String title</code>, <code>String msg</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function fn</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number multiline</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.MessageBox <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Displays a message box with OK and Cancel buttons prompting the user to enter some text (comparable to JavaScript's p...</div>
<div class="long">
Displays a message box with OK and Cancel buttons prompting the user to enter some text (comparable to JavaScript's prompt).
The prompt can be a single-line or multi-line textbox. If a callback function is passed it will be called after the user
clicks either button, and the id of the button that was clicked (could also be the top-right
close button) and the text that was entered will be passed as the two parameters to the callback. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>title</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The title bar text</div></li><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The message box body text</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The callback function invoked after the message box is closed</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the callback function</div></li><li><code>multiline</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to create a multiline textbox using the defaultTextHeight
property, or the height in pixels to create the textbox (defaults to false / single-line)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.MessageBox</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-setIcon"></a>
<b>setIcon</b>(&nbsp;<code>String icon</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.MessageBox <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds the specified icon to the dialog. By default, the class 'ext-mb-icon' is applied for default
styling, and the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds the specified icon to the dialog. By default, the class 'ext-mb-icon' is applied for default
styling, and the class passed in is expected to supply the background image url. Pass in empty string ('')
to clear any existing icon. The following built-in icon classes are supported, but you can also pass
in a custom class name:
Ext.MessageBox.ERROR</pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>icon</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A CSS classname specifying the icon's background image url, or empty string to clear the icon</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.MessageBox</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-show"></a>
<b>show</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.MessageBox <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Displays a new message box, or reinitializes an existing message box, based on the config options
passed in. All disp...</div>
<div class="long">
Displays a new message box, or reinitializes an existing message box, based on the config options
passed in. All display functions (e.g. prompt, alert, etc.) on MessageBox call this function internally,
although those calls are basic shortcuts and do not support all of the config options allowed here.
The following config object properties are supported:
<pre>Property Type Description
---------------- --------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
animEl String/Element An id or Element from which the message box should animate as it opens and
closes (defaults to undefined)
buttons Object/Boolean A button config object (e.g., Ext.MessageBox.OKCANCEL or {ok:'Foo',
cancel:'Bar'}), or false to not show any buttons (defaults to false)
closable Boolean False to hide the top-right close button (defaults to true). Note that
progress and wait dialogs will ignore this property and always hide the
close button as they can only be closed programmatically.
cls String A custom CSS class to apply to the message box element
defaultTextHeight Number The default height in pixels of the message box's multiline textarea if
displayed (defaults to 75)
fn Function A callback function to execute after closing the dialog. The arguments to the
function will be btn (the name of the button that was clicked, if applicable,
e.g. "ok"), and text (the value of the active text field, if applicable).
Progress and wait dialogs will ignore this option since they do not respond to
user actions and can only be closed programmatically, so any required function
should be called by the same code after it closes the dialog.
icon String A CSS class that provides a background image to be used as an icon for
the dialog (e.g., Ext.MessageBox.WARNING or 'custom-class', defaults to '')
maxWidth Number The maximum width in pixels of the message box (defaults to 600)
minWidth Number The minimum width in pixels of the message box (defaults to 100)
modal Boolean False to allow user interaction with the page while the message box is
displayed (defaults to true)
msg String A string that will replace the existing message box body text (defaults
to the XHTML-compliant non-breaking space character '&#160;')
multiline Boolean True to prompt the user to enter multi-line text (defaults to false)
progress Boolean True to display a progress bar (defaults to false)
progressText String The text to display inside the progress bar if progress = true (defaults to '')
prompt Boolean True to prompt the user to enter single-line text (defaults to false)
proxyDrag Boolean True to display a lightweight proxy while dragging (defaults to false)
title String The title text
value String The string value to set into the active textbox element if displayed
wait Boolean True to display a progress bar (defaults to false)
waitConfig Object A <a ext:cls="Ext.ProgressBar" ext:member="waitConfig" href="output/Ext.ProgressBar.html#waitConfig">Ext.ProgressBar.waitConfig</a> object (applies only if wait = true)
width Number The width of the dialog in pixels</pre>
Example usage:
title: <em>'Address'</em>,
msg: <em>'Please enter your address:'</em>,
width: 300,
buttons: Ext.MessageBox.OKCANCEL,
multiline: true,
fn: saveAddress,
animEl: <em>'addAddressBtn'</em>,
icon: Ext.MessagBox.INFO
});</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.MessageBox</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-updateProgress"></a>
<b>updateProgress</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number value</code>, <code>String progressText</code>, <code>String msg</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.MessageBox <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Updates a progress-style message box's text and progress bar. Only relevant on message boxes
initiated via Ext.Messa...</div>
<div class="long">
Updates a progress-style message box's text and progress bar. Only relevant on message boxes
initiated via <a ext:cls="Ext.MessageBox" ext:member="progress" href="output/Ext.MessageBox.html#progress">Ext.MessageBox.progress</a> or by calling <a ext:cls="Ext.MessageBox" ext:member="show" href="output/Ext.MessageBox.html#show"></a> with progress: true. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">Any number between 0 and 1 (e.g., .5, defaults to 0)</div></li><li><code>progressText</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The progress text to display inside the progress bar (defaults to '')</div></li><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The message box's body text is replaced with the specified string (defaults to undefined
so that any existing body text will not get overwritten by default unless a new value is passed in)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.MessageBox</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-updateText"></a>
<b>updateText</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String text</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.MessageBox <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Updates the message box body text</div>
<div class="long">
Updates the message box body text <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Replaces the message box element's innerHTML with the specified string (defaults to
the XHTML-compliant non-breaking space character '&amp;#160;')</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.MessageBox</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-wait"></a>
<b>wait</b>(&nbsp;<code>String msg</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String title</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object config</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.MessageBox <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Displays a message box with an infinitely auto-updating progress bar. This can be used to block user
interaction whi...</div>
<div class="long">
Displays a message box with an infinitely auto-updating progress bar. This can be used to block user
interaction while waiting for a long-running process to complete that does not have defined intervals.
You are responsible for closing the message box when the process is complete. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The message box body text</div></li><li><code>title</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The title bar text</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) A <a ext:cls="Ext.ProgressBar" ext:member="waitConfig" href="output/Ext.ProgressBar.html#waitConfig">Ext.ProgressBar.waitConfig</a> object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.MessageBox</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">MessageBox</td>
<a id="Ext.MessageBox-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.Observable-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.Observable-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.Observable-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.Observable-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.util.Observable"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.util.Observable</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.util</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/util/Observable.js" target="_blank">Observable.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Observable</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.Resizable" href="output/Ext.Resizable.html">Resizable</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.SplitBar" href="output/Ext.SplitBar.html">SplitBar</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" href="output/Ext.Updater.html">Updater</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.air.NativeObservable" href="output/Ext.air.NativeObservable.html">NativeObservable</a>, <a ext:cls="" href="output/">Connection</a>, <a ext:cls="" href="output/">DataProxy</a>, <a ext:cls="" href="output/">Node</a>, <a ext:cls="" href="output/">Store</a>, <a ext:cls="" href="output/">Tree</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.form.BasicForm" href="output/Ext.form.BasicForm.html">BasicForm</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel" href="output/Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel.html">AbstractSelectionModel</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.ColumnModel" href="output/Ext.grid.ColumnModel.html">ColumnModel</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.GridView" href="output/Ext.grid.GridView.html">GridView</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.PropertyStore" href="output/Ext.grid.PropertyStore.html">PropertyStore</a>, <a ext:cls="" href="output/">Menu</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel" href="output/Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel.html">DefaultSelectionModel</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel" href="output/Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel.html">MultiSelectionModel</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeLoader" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeLoader.html">TreeLoader</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.util.ClickRepeater" href="output/Ext.util.ClickRepeater.html">ClickRepeater</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html">MixedCollection</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Abstract base class that provides a common interface for publishing events. Subclasses are expected to
to have a property "events" with all the events defined.<br>
For example:
<pre><code>Employee = <b>function</b>(name){
<b>this</b>.name = name;
<em>"fired"</em> : true,
<em>"quit"</em> : true
Ext.extend(Employee, Ext.util.Observable);</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.util.Observable-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Observable-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource">Observable</td>
<a id="Ext.util.Observable-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.util.Observable-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Observable-Observable.capture"></a>
<b>Observable.capture</b>(&nbsp;<code>Observable o</code>, <code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Starts capture on the specified Observable. All events will be passed
to the supplied function with th...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Starts capture on the specified Observable. All events will be passed
to the supplied function with the event name + standard signature of the event
<b>before</b> the event is fired. If the supplied function returns false,
the event will not fire. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>o</code> : Observable<div class="sub-desc">The Observable to capture</div></li><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the fn</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Observable</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Observable-Observable.releaseCapture"></a>
<b>Observable.releaseCapture</b>(&nbsp;<code>Observable o</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Removes <b>all</b> added captures from the Observable.</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Removes <b>all</b> added captures from the Observable. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>o</code> : Observable<div class="sub-desc">The Observable to release</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Observable</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Observable-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Observable</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Observable-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Observable</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Observable-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource">Observable</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Observable-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">Observable</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Observable-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Observable</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Observable-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Observable</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Observable-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Observable</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Observable-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Observable</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Observable-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Observable</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.Observable-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Observable</td>
<a id="Ext.util.Observable-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DropTarget-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DropTarget-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DropTarget-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.dd.DropTarget-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.dd.DropTarget"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html">DragDrop</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDTarget" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DDTarget.html">DDTarget</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>DropTarget</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.dd.DropTarget</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.dd</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/dd/DropTarget.js" target="_blank">DropTarget.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">DropTarget</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DropZone" href="output/Ext.dd.DropZone.html">DropZone</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DDTarget" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.dd.DDTarget.html">DDTarget</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A simple class that provides the basic implementation needed to make any element a drop target that can have
draggable items dropped onto it. The drop has no effect until an implementation of notifyDrop is provided. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-ddGroup"></a>
<b>ddGroup</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A named drag drop group to which this object belongs. If a group is specified, then this object will only interact wi...</div>
<div class="long">
A named drag drop group to which this object belongs. If a group is specified, then this object will only interact with other drag drop objects in the same group (defaults to undefined). </div>
<td class="msource">DropTarget</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-dropAllowed"></a>
<b>dropAllowed</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class returned to the drag source when drop is allowed (defaults to "x-dd-drop-ok"). </div>
<td class="msource">DropTarget</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-dropNotAllowed"></a>
<b>dropNotAllowed</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class returned to the drag source when drop is not allowed (defaults to "x-dd-drop-nodrop"). </div>
<td class="msource">DropTarget</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-overClass"></a>
<b>overClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class applied to the drop target element while the drag source is over it (defaults to ""). </div>
<td class="msource">DropTarget</td>
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-available"></a>
<b>available</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
The availabe property is false until the linked dom element is accessible. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#available" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#available">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-config"></a>
<b>config</b> : object <div class="mdesc">
Configuration attributes passed into the constructor </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#config" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#config">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-groups"></a>
<b>groups</b> : object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The group defines a logical collection of DragDrop objects that are
related. Instances only get events when interact...</div>
<div class="long">
The group defines a logical collection of DragDrop objects that are
related. Instances only get events when interacting with other
DragDrop object in the same group. This lets us define multiple
groups using a single DragDrop subclass if we want. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#groups" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#groups">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-hasOuterHandles"></a>
<b>hasOuterHandles</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, drags can only be initiated if the mousedown occurs in the
region the linked element is. This is done in...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, drags can only be initiated if the mousedown occurs in the
region the linked element is. This is done in part to work around a
bug in some browsers that mis-report the mousedown if the previous
mouseup happened outside of the window. This property is set to true
if outer handles are defined. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#hasOuterHandles" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#hasOuterHandles">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the element associated with this object. This is what we
refer to as the "linked element" because the size...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the element associated with this object. This is what we
refer to as the "linked element" because the size and position of
this element is used to determine when the drag and drop objects have
interacted. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#id">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-invalidHandleClasses"></a>
<b>invalidHandleClasses</b> : string[] <div class="mdesc">
An indexted array of css class names for elements that will be ignored
if clicked. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleClasses" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleClasses">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-invalidHandleIds"></a>
<b>invalidHandleIds</b> : string: <div class="mdesc">
An associative array of ids for elements that will be ignored if clicked </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleIds" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleIds">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-invalidHandleTypes"></a>
<b>invalidHandleTypes</b> : string: <div class="mdesc">
An associative array of HTML tags that will be ignored if clicked. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#invalidHandleTypes" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#invalidHandleTypes">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-isTarget"></a>
<b>isTarget</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
By default, all insances can be a drop target. This can be disabled by
setting isTarget to false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isTarget">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-maintainOffset"></a>
<b>maintainOffset</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Maintain offsets when we resetconstraints. Set to true when you want
the position of the element relative to its par...</div>
<div class="long">
Maintain offsets when we resetconstraints. Set to true when you want
the position of the element relative to its parent to stay the same
when the page changes </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#maintainOffset" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#maintainOffset">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-padding"></a>
<b>padding</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
The padding configured for this drag and drop object for calculating
the drop zone intersection with this object. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#padding" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#padding">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-primaryButtonOnly"></a>
<b>primaryButtonOnly</b> : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default the drag and drop instance will only respond to the primary
button click (left button for a right-handed m...</div>
<div class="long">
By default the drag and drop instance will only respond to the primary
button click (left button for a right-handed mouse). Set to true to
allow drag and drop to start with any mouse click that is propogated
by the browser </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#primaryButtonOnly" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#primaryButtonOnly">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-xTicks"></a>
<b>xTicks</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
horizontal graduation/interval. This array is ge...</div>
<div class="long">
Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
horizontal graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically
when you define a tick interval. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#xTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#xTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-yTicks"></a>
<b>yTicks</b> : int[] <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
vertical graduation/interval. This array is gene...</div>
<div class="long">
Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a
vertical graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically
when you define a tick interval. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#yTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#yTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-DropTarget"></a>
<b>DropTarget</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The container element</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DropTarget</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-addInvalidHandleClass"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cssClass</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lets you specify a css class of elements that will not initiate a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Lets you specify a css class of elements that will not initiate a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cssClass</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the class of the elements you wish to ignore</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleClass" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleClass">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-addInvalidHandleId"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleId</b>(&nbsp;<code>string id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lets you to specify an element id for a child of a drag handle
that should not initiate a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Lets you to specify an element id for a child of a drag handle
that should not initiate a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the element id of the element you wish to ignore</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-addInvalidHandleType"></a>
<b>addInvalidHandleType</b>(&nbsp;<code>string tagName</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify a tag name that should not start a drag operation
when clicked. This is designed to facilitate...</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify a tag name that should not start a drag operation
when clicked. This is designed to facilitate embedding links within a
drag handle that do something other than start the drag. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tagName</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the type of element to exclude</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addInvalidHandleType" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addInvalidHandleType">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-addToGroup"></a>
<b>addToGroup</b>(&nbsp;<code>sGroup {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Add this instance to a group of related drag/drop objects. All
instances belong to at least one group, and can belon...</div>
<div class="long">
Add this instance to a group of related drag/drop objects. All
instances belong to at least one group, and can belong to as many
groups as needed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : sGroup<div class="sub-desc">the name of the group</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#addToGroup" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#addToGroup">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-applyConfig"></a>
<b>applyConfig</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Applies the configuration parameters that were passed into the constructor.
This is supposed to happen at each level ...</div>
<div class="long">
Applies the configuration parameters that were passed into the constructor.
This is supposed to happen at each level through the inheritance chain. So
a DDProxy implentation will execute apply config on DDProxy, DD, and
DragDrop in order to get all of the parameters that are available in
each object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#applyConfig" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#applyConfig">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-clearConstraints"></a>
<b>clearConstraints</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any constraints applied to this instance. Also clears ticks
since they can't exist independent of a constrain...</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any constraints applied to this instance. Also clears ticks
since they can't exist independent of a constraint at this time. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#clearConstraints" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#clearConstraints">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-clearTicks"></a>
<b>clearTicks</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any tick interval defined for this instance</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any tick interval defined for this instance <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#clearTicks" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#clearTicks">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-endDrag"></a>
<b>endDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fired when we are done dragging the object</div>
<div class="long">
Fired when we are done dragging the object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#endDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#endDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-getDragEl"></a>
<b>getDragEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a reference to the actual element to drag. By default this is
the same as the html element, but it can be as...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a reference to the actual element to drag. By default this is
the same as the html element, but it can be assigned to another
element. An example of this can be found in Ext.dd.DDProxy <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">the html element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#getDragEl" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#getDragEl">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a reference to the linked element</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a reference to the linked element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">the html element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#getEl">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-init"></a>
<b>init</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets up the DragDrop object. Must be called in the constructor of any
Ext.dd.DragDrop subclass</div>
<div class="long">
Sets up the DragDrop object. Must be called in the constructor of any
Ext.dd.DragDrop subclass <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the linked element</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related items</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">configuration attributes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#init" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#init">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-initTarget"></a>
<b>initTarget</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>, <code>String sGroup</code>, <code>object config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Initializes Targeting functionality only... the object does not
get a mousedown handler.</div>
<div class="long">
Initializes Targeting functionality only... the object does not
get a mousedown handler. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the linked element</div></li><li><code>sGroup</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">the group of related items</div></li><li><code>config</code> : object<div class="sub-desc">configuration attributes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#initTarget" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#initTarget">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-isLocked"></a>
<b>isLocked</b>() : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this instance is locked, or the drag drop mgr is locked
(meaning that all drag/drop is disabled on th...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this instance is locked, or the drag drop mgr is locked
(meaning that all drag/drop is disabled on the page.) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if this obj or all drag/drop is locked, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isLocked" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isLocked">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-isValidHandleChild"></a>
<b>isValidHandleChild</b>(&nbsp;<code>HTMLElement node</code>&nbsp;) : boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks the tag exclusion list to see if this click should be ignored</div>
<div class="long">
Checks the tag exclusion list to see if this click should be ignored <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">the HTMLElement to evaluate</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if this is a valid tag type, false if not</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#isValidHandleChild" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#isValidHandleChild">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-lock"></a>
<b>lock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Lock this instance</div>
<div class="long">
Lock this instance <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#lock" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#lock">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-notifyDrop"></a>
<b>notifyDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function a Ext.dd.DragSource calls once to notify this drop target that the dragged item has
been dropped on it. ...</div>
<div class="long">
The function a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> calls once to notify this drop target that the dragged item has
been dropped on it. This method has no default implementation and returns false, so you must provide an
implementation that does something to process the drop event and returns true so that the drag source's
repair action does not run. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the drop was valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">DropTarget</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-notifyEnter"></a>
<b>notifyEnter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function a Ext.dd.DragSource calls once to notify this drop target that the source is now over the
target. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The function a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> calls once to notify this drop target that the source is now over the
target. This default implementation adds the CSS class specified by overClass (if any) to the drop element
and returns the dropAllowed config value. This method should be overridden if drop validation is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">status The CSS class that communicates the drop status back to the source so that the underlying {@link Ext.dd.StatusProxy} can be updated</div></li>
<td class="msource">DropTarget</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-notifyOut"></a>
<b>notifyOut</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function a Ext.dd.DragSource calls once to notify this drop target that the source has been dragged
out of the ta...</div>
<div class="long">
The function a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> calls once to notify this drop target that the source has been dragged
out of the target without dropping. This default implementation simply removes the CSS class specified by
overClass (if any) from the drop element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DropTarget</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-notifyOver"></a>
<b>notifyOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.dd.DragSource source</code>, <code>Event e</code>, <code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The function a Ext.dd.DragSource calls continuously while it is being dragged over the target.
This method will be ca...</div>
<div class="long">
The function a <a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragSource" href="output/Ext.dd.DragSource.html">Ext.dd.DragSource</a> calls continuously while it is being dragged over the target.
This method will be called on every mouse movement while the drag source is over the drop target.
This default implementation simply returns the dropAllowed config value. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>source</code> : Ext.dd.DragSource<div class="sub-desc">The drag source that was dragged over this drop target</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event</div></li><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">status The CSS class that communicates the drop status back to the source so that the underlying {@link Ext.dd.StatusProxy} can be updated</div></li>
<td class="msource">DropTarget</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-onAvailable"></a>
<b>onAvailable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Override the onAvailable method to do what is needed after the initial
position was determined.</div>
<div class="long">
Override the onAvailable method to do what is needed after the initial
position was determined. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onAvailable" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onAvailable">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-onDrag"></a>
<b>onDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called during the onMouseMove event while dragging an
<div class="long">
Abstract method called during the onMouseMove event while dragging an
object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-onDragDrop"></a>
<b>onDragDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this item is dropped on another DragDrop
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this item is dropped on another DragDrop
obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this was dropped on. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items this
was dropped on.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragDrop">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-onDragEnter"></a>
<b>onDragEnter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this element fist begins hovering over
another DragDrop obj</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this element fist begins hovering over
another DragDrop obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this is hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of one or more
dragdrop items being hovered over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragEnter" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragEnter">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-onDragOut"></a>
<b>onDragOut</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when we are no longer hovering over an element</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when we are no longer hovering over an element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this was hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items
that the mouse is no longer over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragOut" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragOut">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-onDragOver"></a>
<b>onDragOver</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>, <code>String|DragDrop[] id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this element is hovering over another
DragDrop obj</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this element is hovering over another
DragDrop obj <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousemove event</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String|DragDrop[]<div class="sub-desc">In POINT mode, the element
id this is hovering over. In INTERSECT mode, an array of dd items
being hovered over.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onDragOver" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onDragOver">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-onInvalidDrop"></a>
<b>onInvalidDrop</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called when this item is dropped on an area with no
drop target</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called when this item is dropped on an area with no
drop target <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onInvalidDrop" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onInvalidDrop">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-onMouseDown"></a>
<b>onMouseDown</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mousedown</div>
<div class="long">
Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mousedown <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mousedown event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onMouseDown" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onMouseDown">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-onMouseUp"></a>
<b>onMouseUp</b>(&nbsp;<code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mouseup</div>
<div class="long">
Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mouseup <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">the mouseup event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#onMouseUp" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#onMouseUp">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-removeFromGroup"></a>
<b>removeFromGroup</b>(&nbsp;<code>string sGroup</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove's this instance from the supplied interaction group</div>
<div class="long">
Remove's this instance from the supplied interaction group <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>sGroup</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The group to drop</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeFromGroup" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeFromGroup">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-removeInvalidHandleClass"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cssClass</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an invalid css class</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an invalid css class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cssClass</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the class of the element(s) you wish to
re-enable</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleClass" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleClass">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-removeInvalidHandleId"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleId</b>(&nbsp;<code>string id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an invalid handle id</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an invalid handle id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element to re-enable</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-removeInvalidHandleType"></a>
<b>removeInvalidHandleType</b>(&nbsp;<code>string tagName</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unsets an excluded tag name set by addInvalidHandleType</div>
<div class="long">
Unsets an excluded tag name set by addInvalidHandleType <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tagName</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">the type of element to unexclude</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#removeInvalidHandleType" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#removeInvalidHandleType">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-resetConstraints"></a>
<b>resetConstraints</b>(&nbsp;<code>boolean maintainOffset</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">resetConstraints must be called if you manually reposition a dd element.</div>
<div class="long">
resetConstraints must be called if you manually reposition a dd element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>maintainOffset</code> : boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#resetConstraints" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#resetConstraints">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-setDragElId"></a>
<b>setDragElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify that an element other than the linked element
will be moved with the cursor during a drag</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify that an element other than the linked element
will be moved with the cursor during a drag <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element that will be used to initiate the drag</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setDragElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setDragElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-setHandleElId"></a>
<b>setHandleElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id {string}</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to specify a child of the linked element that should be
used to initiate the drag operation. An example o...</div>
<div class="long">
Allows you to specify a child of the linked element that should be
used to initiate the drag operation. An example of this would be if
you have a content div with text and links. Clicking anywhere in the
content area would normally start the drag operation. Use this method
to specify that an element inside of the content div is the element
that starts the drag operation. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>{string}</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">the id of the element that will be used to
initiate the drag.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setHandleElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setHandleElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-setInitialPosition"></a>
<b>setInitialPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>int diffX</code>, <code>int diffY</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Stores the initial placement of the linked element.</div>
<div class="long">
Stores the initial placement of the linked element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>diffX</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the X offset, default 0</div></li><li><code>diffY</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the Y offset, default 0</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setInitialPosition" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setInitialPosition">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-setOuterHandleElId"></a>
<b>setOuterHandleElId</b>(&nbsp;<code>id the</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Allows you to set an element outside of the linked element as a drag
<div class="long">
Allows you to set an element outside of the linked element as a drag
handle <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>the</code> : id<div class="sub-desc">id of the element that will be used to initiate the drag</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setOuterHandleElId" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setOuterHandleElId">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-setPadding"></a>
<b>setPadding</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iTop</code>, <code>int iRight</code>, <code>int iBot</code>, <code>int iLeft</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Configures the padding for the target zone in px. Effectively expands
(or reduces) the virtual object size for targe...</div>
<div class="long">
Configures the padding for the target zone in px. Effectively expands
(or reduces) the virtual object size for targeting calculations.
Supports css-style shorthand; if only one parameter is passed, all sides
will have that padding, and if only two are passed, the top and bottom
will have the first param, the left and right the second. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iTop</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Top pad</div></li><li><code>iRight</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Right pad</div></li><li><code>iBot</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Bot pad</div></li><li><code>iLeft</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">Left pad</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setPadding" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setPadding">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-setXConstraint"></a>
<b>setXConstraint</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iLeft</code>, <code>int iRight</code>, <code>int iTickSize</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Use
this method to limit the horizontal travel of th...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Use
this method to limit the horizontal travel of the element. Pass in
0,0 for the parameters if you want to lock the drag to the y axis. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iLeft</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move to the left</div></li><li><code>iRight</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move to the
right</div></li><li><code>iTickSize</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">optional parameter for specifying that the
should move iTickSize pixels at a time.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setXConstraint" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setXConstraint">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-setYConstraint"></a>
<b>setYConstraint</b>(&nbsp;<code>int iUp</code>, <code>int iDown</code>, <code>int iTickSize</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Set
this to limit the vertical travel of the element...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Set
this to limit the vertical travel of the element. Pass in 0,0 for the
parameters if you want to lock the drag to the x axis. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>iUp</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move up</div></li><li><code>iDown</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">the number of pixels the element can move down</div></li><li><code>iTickSize</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">optional parameter for specifying that the
element should move iTickSize pixels at a time.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#setYConstraint" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#setYConstraint">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-startDrag"></a>
<b>startDrag</b>(&nbsp;<code>int X</code>, <code>int Y</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Abstract method called after a drag/drop object is clicked
and the drag or mousedown time thresholds have beeen met.</div>
<div class="long">
Abstract method called after a drag/drop object is clicked
and the drag or mousedown time thresholds have beeen met. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>X</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">click location</div></li><li><code>Y</code> : int<div class="sub-desc">click location</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#startDrag" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#startDrag">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-toString"></a>
<b>toString</b>() : string <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">toString method</div>
<div class="long">
toString method <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>string</code><div class="sub-desc">string representation of the dd obj</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#toString" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#toString">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-unlock"></a>
<b>unlock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unlock this instace</div>
<div class="long">
Unlock this instace <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#unlock" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#unlock">DragDrop</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-unreg"></a>
<b>unreg</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Remove all drag and drop hooks for this element</div>
<div class="long">
Remove all drag and drop hooks for this element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.dd.DragDrop" ext:member="#unreg" href="output/Ext.dd.DragDrop.html#unreg">DragDrop</a></td>
<a id="Ext.dd.DropTarget-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.FieldSet-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.FieldSet-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.FieldSet-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.FieldSet-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.form.FieldSet"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Container</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Panel</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>FieldSet</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.form.FieldSet</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.form</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/form/FieldSet.js" target="_blank">FieldSet.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">FieldSet</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Panel</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Standard container used for grouping form fields. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-animCollapse"></a>
<b>animCollapse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the Ext....</div>
<div class="long">
True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the <a ext:cls="Ext.Fx" href="output/Ext.Fx.html">Ext.Fx</a> class is available, otherwise false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-autoDestroy"></a>
<b>autoDestroy</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else destruction mu...</div>
<div class="long">
If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else destruction must be handled manually (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#autoDestroy" href="output/Ext.Container.html#autoDestroy">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-autoHeight"></a>
<b>autoHeight</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a height of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-autoLoad"></a>
<b>autoLoad</b> : Object/String/Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A valid url spec according to the Updater Ext.Updater.update method. If autoLoad is not null, the panel will attempt ...</div>
<div class="long">
A valid url spec according to the Updater <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" ext:member="update" href="output/Ext.Updater.html#update">Ext.Updater.update</a> method. If autoLoad is not null, the panel will attempt to load its contents immediately upon render.<p> The URL will become the default URL for this panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="body" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#body">body</a> element, so it may be <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="refresh" href="output/Ext.Element.html#refresh">refresh</a>ed at any time.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#autoLoad" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#autoLoad">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-autoScroll"></a>
<b>autoScroll</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use overflow:'auto' on the panel's body element and show scroll bars automatically when necessary, false to c...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use overflow:'auto' on the panel's body element and show scroll bars automatically when necessary, false to clip any overflowing content (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#autoScroll" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#autoScroll">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-autoWidth"></a>
<b>autoWidth</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not al...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a width of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-baseCls"></a>
<b>baseCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The base CSS class applied to the fieldset (defaults to 'x-fieldset'). </div>
<td class="msource">FieldSet</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-bodyStyle"></a>
<b>bodyStyle</b> : String/Object/Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Custom CSS styles to be applied to the body element in the format expected by Ext.Element.applyStyles (defaults to nu...</div>
<div class="long">
Custom CSS styles to be applied to the body element in the format expected by <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a> (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bodyStyle" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyStyle">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-checkboxName"></a>
<b>checkboxName</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The name to assign to the fieldset's checkbox if <a ext:cls="Ext.form.FieldSet" ext:member="checkboxToggle" href="output/Ext.form.FieldSet.html#checkboxToggle">checkboxToggle</a> = true (defaults to '[checkbox id]-checkbox'). </div>
<td class="msource">FieldSet</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-checkboxToggle"></a>
<b>checkboxToggle</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to render a checkbox into the fieldset frame just in front of the legend, or a DomHelper config object to create...</div>
<div class="long">
True to render a checkbox into the fieldset frame just in front of the legend, or a DomHelper config object to create the checkbox. (defaults to false). The fieldset will be expanded or collapsed when the checkbox is toggled. </div>
<td class="msource">FieldSet</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-collapsed"></a>
<b>collapsed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render the panel collapsed, false to render it expanded (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsed" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsed">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-collapsedCls"></a>
<b>collapsedCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class to add to the panel's element after it has been collapsed (defaults to 'x-panel-collapsed'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsedCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsedCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-collapsible"></a>
<b>collapsible</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header tool button area, false to keep the panel statically sized with no button (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-contentEl"></a>
<b>contentEl</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The id of an existing HTML node to use as the panel's body content (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#contentEl" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#contentEl">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-defaults"></a>
<b>defaults</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object that will be applied to all components added to this container either via the items config or via the...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object that will be applied to all components added to this container either via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">items</a> config or via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#add">add</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="insert" href="output/Ext.Container.html#insert">insert</a> methods. The defaults config can contain any number of name/value property pairs to be added to each item, and should be valid for the types of items being added to the container. For example, to automatically apply padding to the body of each of a set of contained <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Ext.Panel</a> items, you could pass: defaults: {bodyStyle:'padding:15px'}. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#defaults" href="output/Ext.Container.html#defaults">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-draggable"></a>
<b>draggable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false). For custom drag/drop implementations, an Ext.Panel.DD conf...</div>
<div class="long">
True to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false). For custom drag/drop implementations, an Ext.Panel.DD config could also be passed in this config instead of true, although Ext.Panel.DD is an internal, undocumented class. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#draggable" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#draggable">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-hideBorders"></a>
<b>hideBorders</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide the borders of each contained component, false to defer to the component's existing border settings (def...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide the borders of each contained component, false to defer to the component's existing border settings (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#hideBorders" href="output/Ext.Container.html#hideBorders">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-html"></a>
<b>html</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
An HTML fragment, or a <a ext:cls="Ext.DomHelper" href="output/Ext.DomHelper.html">DomHelper</a> specification to use as the panel's body content (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#html" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#html">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-itemCls"></a>
<b>itemCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A css class to apply to the x-form-item of fields. This property cascades to child containers. </div>
<td class="msource">FieldSet</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-items"></a>
<b>items</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container. Each item can be any type of object bas...</div>
<div class="long">
A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container. Each item can be any type of object based on <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.<br><br> Component config objects may also be specified in order to avoid the overhead of constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the added Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of this "lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config property to the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br> For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>. If a single item is being passed, it should be passed directly as an object reference (e.g., items: {...}). Multiple items should be passed as an array of objects (e.g., items: [{...}, {...}]). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-keys"></a>
<b>keys</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by Ext.KeyMap.addBinding used to assign custom key handling to this pa...</div>
<div class="long">
A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by <a ext:cls="Ext.KeyMap" ext:member="addBinding" href="output/Ext.KeyMap.html#addBinding">Ext.KeyMap.addBinding</a> used to assign custom key handling to this panel (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#keys" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#keys">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-labelWidth"></a>
<b>labelWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of labels. This property cascades to child containers. </div>
<td class="msource">FieldSet</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-layout"></a>
<b>layout</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">Ext.Container.layout</a> to use inside the fieldset (defaults to 'form'). </div>
<td class="msource">FieldSet</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-layoutConfig"></a>
<b>layoutConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen layout (to be used in conjunction with the layou...</div>
<div class="long">
This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen layout (to be used in conjunction with the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">layout</a> config value). For complete details regarding the valid config options for each layout type, see the layout class corresponding to the type specified:<ul class="mdetail-params"> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Ext.layout.Accordion</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.AnchorLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.AnchorLayout.html">Ext.layout.AnchorLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.html">Ext.layout.BorderLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ColumnLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ColumnLayout.html">Ext.layout.ColumnLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">Ext.layout.FitLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html">Ext.layout.FormLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.TableLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.TableLayout.html">Ext.layout.TableLayout</a></li></ul> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#layoutConfig" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layoutConfig">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-maskDisabled"></a>
<b>maskDisabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will alway...</div>
<div class="long">
True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will always tell its contained elements to disable themselves when it is disabled, but masking the panel can provide an additional visual cue that the panel is disabled. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#maskDisabled" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#maskDisabled">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-minButtonWidth"></a>
<b>minButtonWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Minimum width in pixels of all buttons in this panel (defaults to 75) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#minButtonWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#minButtonWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-monitorResize"></a>
<b>monitorResize</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to automatically monitor window resize events to handle anything that is sensitive to the current size of the vi...</div>
<div class="long">
True to automatically monitor window resize events to handle anything that is sensitive to the current size of the viewport. This value is typically managed by the chosen <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">layout</a> and should not need to be set manually. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#monitorResize" href="output/Ext.Container.html#monitorResize">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-tabTip"></a>
<b>tabTip</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must be called in order for the tips to render. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tabTip" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tabTip">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-title"></a>
<b>title</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will aut...</div>
<div class="long">
The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will automatically be created and displayed unless <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">header</a> is explicitly set to false. If you don't want to specify a title at config time, but you may want one later, you must either specify a non-empty title (a blank space ' ' will do) or header:true so that the container element will get created. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-body"></a>
<b>body</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
The Panel's body Element which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the html config,...</div>
<div class="long">
The Panel's body <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a> which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="html" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#html">html</a> config, or it may be loaded using the
<a ext:cls="autoLoad" href="output/autoLoad.html">autoLoad</a> config, or through the Panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getUpdater" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getUpdater">Updater</a>. Read-only.
<p>If this is used to load visible HTML elements in either way, then
the Panel may not be used as a Layout for hosting nested Panels.</p>
<p>If this Panel is intended to be used as the host of a Layout (See <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#layout">layout</a>
then the body Element must not be loaded or changed - it is under the control
of the Panel's Layout. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#body" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#body">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-buttons"></a>
<b>buttons</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
This Panel's Array of buttons as created from the <tt>buttons</tt>
config property. Read only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-items"></a>
<b>items</b> : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
The collection of components in this container as a <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html">Ext.util.MixedCollection</a> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">Container</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-FieldSet"></a>
<b>FieldSet</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">FieldSet</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-add"></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component/Object component</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a component to this container. Fires the beforeadd event before adding,
then fires the add event after the compo...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a component to this container. Fires the beforeadd event before adding,
then fires the add event after the component has been added. If the container is
already rendered when add is called, you may need to call <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="doLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#doLayout">doLayout</a> to refresh
the view. This is required so that you can add multiple child components if needed
while only refreshing the layout once. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component/Object<div class="sub-desc">The component to add.<br><br>
Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the added Component should
it become necessary.<br><br>
A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of
constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
added Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of this
"lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config property to
the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br>
For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">component The Component (or config object) that was added with the Container's default config values applied.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#add">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-addButton"></a>
<b>addButton</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object config</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Button <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to ...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to add buttons via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">buttons</a> config. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">A valid <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> config. A string will become the text for a default
button config, an object will be treated as a button config object.</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called on button <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="click" href="output/Ext.Button.html#click"></a></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope to use for the button handler function</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Button</code><div class="sub-desc">The button that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#addButton" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#addButton">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-bubble"></a>
<b>bubble</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (this) of...</div>
<div class="long">
Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the bubble is stopped. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#bubble" href="output/Ext.Container.html#bubble">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-cascade"></a>
<b>cascade</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function wi...</div>
<div class="long">
Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function with
each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the cascade is stopped on that branch. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current component)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (defaults to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#cascade" href="output/Ext.Container.html#cascade">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the beforecollapse event which will
cancel the collapse ac...</div>
<div class="long">
Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforecollapse">beforecollapse</a> event which will
cancel the collapse action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-doLayout"></a>
<b>doLayout</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force this container's layout to be recalculated. A call to this function is required after adding a new component
<div class="long">
Force this container's layout to be recalculated. A call to this function is required after adding a new component
to an already rendered container, or possibly after changing sizing/position properties of child components. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to only calc the layout of this component, and let child components auto
calc layouts as required (defaults to false, which calls doLayout recursively for each subcontainer)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#doLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#doLayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the beforeexpand event which will
cancel the expand action ...</div>
<div class="long">
Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforeexpand">beforeexpand</a> event which will
cancel the expand action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-find"></a>
<b>find</b>(&nbsp;<code>String prop</code>, <code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by property</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by property <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>prop</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#find" href="output/Ext.Container.html#find">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-findBy"></a>
<b>findBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the com...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the component will be included in the results. The passed function is called with the arguments (component, this container). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findBy" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findBy">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-findById"></a>
<b>findById</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by id</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findById" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findById">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-findByType"></a>
<b>findByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findByType" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findByType">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-getComponent"></a>
<b>getComponent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Number id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets a direct child Component by id, or by index.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets a direct child Component by id, or by index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">or index of child Component to return.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#getComponent" href="output/Ext.Container.html#getComponent">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-getFrameHeight"></a>
<b>getFrameHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and ...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and footer elements, but not including the body height). To retrieve the body height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerHeight">getInnerHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getFrameHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameHeight">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-getFrameWidth"></a>
<b>getFrameWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the bo...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the body width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerWidth">getInnerWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-getInnerHeight"></a>
<b>getInnerHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame he...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameHeight">getFrameHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getInnerHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerHeight">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-getInnerWidth"></a>
<b>getInnerWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame widt...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameWidth">getFrameWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getInnerWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-getLayout"></a>
<b>getLayout</b>() : ContainerLayout <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the layout currently in use by the container. If the container does not currently have a layout
set, a defau...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the layout currently in use by the container. If the container does not currently have a layout
set, a default <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout</a> will be created and set as the container's layout. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>ContainerLayout</code><div class="sub-desc">layout The container's layout</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#getLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#getLayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-getUpdater"></a>
<b>getUpdater</b>() : Ext.Updater <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" href="output/Ext.Updater.html">Ext.Updater</a> for this panel. Enables you to perform Ajax updates of this panel's body.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" href="output/Ext.Updater.html">Ext.Updater</a> for this panel. Enables you to perform Ajax updates of this panel's body. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Updater</code><div class="sub-desc">The Updater</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getUpdater" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getUpdater">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-insert"></a>
<b>insert</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the
beforeadd event before inserting, then fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the
beforeadd event before inserting, then fires the add event after the
Component has been inserted. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the Component will be inserted
into the Container's items collection</div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The child Component to insert.<br><br>
Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the inserted Component should
it become necessary.<br><br>
A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of
constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
inserted Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of
this "lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config
property to the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br>
For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">component The Component (or config object) that was inserted with the Container's default config values applied.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#insert" href="output/Ext.Container.html#insert">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-load"></a>
<b>load</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object/String/Function config</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Loads this content panel immediately with content returned from an XHR call.</div>
<div class="long">
Loads this content panel immediately with content returned from an XHR call. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object/String/Function<div class="sub-desc">A config object containing any of the following options:
url: <em>"your-url.php"</em>,
params: {param1: <em>"foo"</em>, param2: <em>"bar"</em>}, <i>// or a URL encoded string</i>
callback: yourFunction,
scope: yourObject, <i>// optional scope <b>for</b> the callback</i>
discardUrl: false,
nocache: false,
text: <em>"Loading..."</em>,
timeout: 30,
scripts: false
The only required property is url. The optional properties nocache, text and scripts
are shorthand for disableCaching, indicatorText and loadScripts and are used to set their
associated property on this panel Updater instance.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#load" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#load">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b>(&nbsp;<code>Component/String component</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean autoDestroy</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a component from this container. Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires
the remove event a...</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a component from this container. Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires
the remove event after the component has been removed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>component</code> : Component/String<div class="sub-desc">The component reference or id to remove</div></li><li><code>autoDestroy</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to automatically invoke the component's <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Ext.Component.destroy</a> function</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#remove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#remove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-setTitle"></a>
<b>setTitle</b>(&nbsp;<code>String title</code>, <code>String (optional)</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>title</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The title text to set</div></li><li><code>(optional)</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">iconCls A custon, user-defined CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#setTitle" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#setTitle">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-toggleCollapse"></a>
<b>toggleCollapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#toggleCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#toggleCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-add"></a>
<b>add</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component was added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-add">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-afterlayout"></a>
<b>afterlayout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>ContainerLayout layout</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>layout</code> : ContainerLayout<div class="sub-desc">The ContainerLayout implementation for this container</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-afterlayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-afterlayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-beforeadd"></a>
<b>beforeadd</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component will be added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeadd" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeadd">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-beforecollapse"></a>
<b>beforecollapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel being collapsed.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the collapse is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforecollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-beforeexpand"></a>
<b>beforeexpand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel being expanded.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the expand is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforeexpand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-beforeremove"></a>
<b>beforeremove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeremove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeremove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been collapsed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been collapsed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel that has been collapsed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-collapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been expanded.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been expanded. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been expanded.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-expand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-remove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-remove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.FieldSet-titlechange"></a>
<b>titlechange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>String The</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel which has had its title changed.</div></li><li><code>The</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">new title.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-titlechange" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-titlechange">Panel</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.tree</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/tree/TreeNodeUI.js" target="_blank">TreeNodeUI.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">TreeNodeUI</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
This class provides the default UI implementation for Ext TreeNodes.
The TreeNode UI implementation is separate from the
tree implementation, and allows customizing of the appearance of
tree nodes.<br>
If you are customizing the Tree's user interface, you
may need to extend this class, but you should never need to instantiate this class.<br>
This class provides access to the user interface components of an Ext TreeNode, through
<a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeNode" ext:member="getUI" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeNode.html#getUI">Ext.tree.TreeNode.getUI</a> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Array className</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds one or more CSS classes to the node's UI element.
Duplicate classes are automatically filtered out.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds one or more CSS classes to the node's UI element.
Duplicate classes are automatically filtered out. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>className</code> : String/Array<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class to add, or an array of classes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNodeUI</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI-getAnchor"></a>
<b>getAnchor</b>() : HtmlElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the &lt;a> element that provides focus for the node's UI.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the &lt;a> element that provides focus for the node's UI. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>HtmlElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The DOM anchor element.</div></li>
<td class="msource">TreeNodeUI</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI-getIconEl"></a>
<b>getIconEl</b>() : HtmlElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the icon &lt;img> element.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the icon &lt;img> element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>HtmlElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The DOM image element.</div></li>
<td class="msource">TreeNodeUI</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI-getTextEl"></a>
<b>getTextEl</b>() : HtmlNode <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the text node.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the text node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>HtmlNode</code><div class="sub-desc">The DOM text node.</div></li>
<td class="msource">TreeNodeUI</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides this node.</div>
<div class="long">
Hides this node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNodeUI</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI-isChecked"></a>
<b>isChecked</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the checked status of the node. If the node was rendered with no
checkbox, it returns false.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the checked status of the node. If the node was rendered with no
checkbox, it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">The checked flag.</div></li>
<td class="msource">TreeNodeUI</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Array className</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes one or more CSS classes from the node's UI element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes one or more CSS classes from the node's UI element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>className</code> : String/Array<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class to remove, or an array of classes</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNodeUI</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shows this node.</div>
<div class="long">
Shows this node. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNodeUI</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI-toggleCheck"></a>
<b>toggleCheck</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean (optional)</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the checked status of the tree node to the passed value, or, if no value was passed,
toggles the checked status....</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the checked status of the tree node to the passed value, or, if no value was passed,
toggles the checked status. If the node was rendered with no checkbox, this has no effect. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>(optional)</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">The new checked status.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TreeNodeUI</td>
<a id="Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,116
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.TableLayout-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.TableLayout-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.TableLayout-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.TableLayout-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.layout.TableLayout"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">ContainerLayout</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>TableLayout</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.layout.TableLayout</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.layout</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/layout/TableLayout.js" target="_blank">TableLayout.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">TableLayout</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">ContainerLayout</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
<p>This layout allows you to easily render content into an HTML table. The total number of columns can be
specified, and rowspan and colspan can be used to create complex layouts within the table.
This class is intended to be extended or created via the layout:'table' <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">Ext.Container.layout</a> config,
and should generally not need to be created directly via the new keyword.</p>
<p>Note that when creating a layout via config, the layout-specific config properties must be passed in via
the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layoutConfig" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layoutConfig">Ext.Container.layoutConfig</a> object which will then be applied internally to the layout. In the
case of TableLayout, the only valid layout config property is <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.TableLayout" ext:member="columns" href="output/Ext.layout.TableLayout.html#columns">columns</a>. However, the items added to a
TableLayout can supply table-specific config properties of <b>rowspan</b> and <b>colspan</b>, as explained below.</p>
<p>The basic concept of building up a TableLayout is conceptually very similar to building up a standard
HTML table. You simply add each panel (or "cell") that you want to include along with any span attributes
specified as the special config properties of rowspan and colspan which work exactly like their HTML counterparts.
Rather than explicitly creating and nesting rows and columns as you would in HTML, you simply specify the
total column count in the layoutConfig and start adding panels in their natural order from left to right,
top to bottom. The layout will automatically figure out, based on the column count, rowspans and colspans,
how to position each panel within the table. Just like with HTML tables, your rowspans and colspans must add
up correctly in your overall layout or you'll end up with missing and/or extra cells! Example usage:</p>
<pre><code><i>// This code will generate a layout table that is 3 columns by 2 rows</i>
<i>// <b>with</b> some spanning included. The basic layout will be:</i>
<i>// +--------+-----------------+</i>
<i>// | A | B |</i>
<i>// | |--------+--------|</i>
<i>// | | C | D |</i>
<i>// +--------+--------+--------+</i>
<b>var</b> table = <b>new</b> Ext.Panel({
title: <em>'Table Layout'</em>,
defaults: {
<i>// applied to each contained panel</i>
layoutConfig: {
<i>// The total column count must be specified here</i>
columns: 3
items: [{
html: <em>'&lt;p&gt;Cell A content&lt;/p&gt;'</em>,
rowspan: 2
html: <em>'&lt;p&gt;Cell B content&lt;/p&gt;'</em>,
colspan: 2
html: <em>'&lt;p&gt;Cell C content&lt;/p&gt;'</em>
html: <em>'&lt;p&gt;Cell D content&lt;/p&gt;'</em>
});</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.layout.TableLayout-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.TableLayout-columns"></a>
<b>columns</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The total number of columns to create in the table for this layout. If not specified, all panels added to this layout...</div>
<div class="long">
The total number of columns to create in the table for this layout. If not specified, all panels added to this layout will be rendered into a single row using a column per panel. </div>
<td class="msource">TableLayout</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.TableLayout-extraCls"></a>
<b>extraCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to the container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding custo...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to the container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="#extraCls" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#extraCls">ContainerLayout</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.TableLayout-renderHidden"></a>
<b>renderHidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide each contained item on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="#renderHidden" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#renderHidden">ContainerLayout</a></td>
<a id="Ext.layout.TableLayout-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.layout.TableLayout-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public methods.</div> <a id="Ext.layout.TableLayout-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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0,0 → 1,174
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.CSS-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.CSS-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.CSS-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.util.CSS"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.util.CSS</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.util</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/util/CSS.js" target="_blank">CSS.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">CSS</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Utility class for manipulating CSS rules<br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.util.CSS-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.util.CSS-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.CSS-createStyleSheet"></a>
<b>createStyleSheet</b>(&nbsp;<code>String cssText</code>, <code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : StyleSheet <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a stylesheet from a text blob of rules.
These rules will be wrapped in a STYLE tag and appended to the HEAD o...</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a stylesheet from a text blob of rules.
These rules will be wrapped in a STYLE tag and appended to the HEAD of the document. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cssText</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The text containing the css rules</div></li><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">An id to add to the stylesheet for later removal</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CSS</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.CSS-getRule"></a>
<b>getRule</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Array selector</code>, <code>Boolean refreshCache</code>&nbsp;) : CSSRule <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets an an individual CSS rule by selector(s)</div>
<div class="long">
Gets an an individual CSS rule by selector(s) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String/Array<div class="sub-desc">The CSS selector or an array of selectors to try. The first selector that is found is returned.</div></li><li><code>refreshCache</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">true to refresh the internal cache if you have recently updated any rules or added styles dynamically</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>CSSRule</code><div class="sub-desc">The CSS rule or null if one is not found</div></li>
<td class="msource">CSS</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.CSS-getRules"></a>
<b>getRules</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean refreshCache</code>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets all css rules for the document</div>
<div class="long">
Gets all css rules for the document <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>refreshCache</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">true to refresh the internal cache</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object (hash) of rules indexed by selector</div></li>
<td class="msource">CSS</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.CSS-refreshCache"></a>
<b>refreshCache</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Refresh the rule cache if you have dynamically added stylesheets</div>
<div class="long">
Refresh the rule cache if you have dynamically added stylesheets <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object (hash) of rules indexed by selector</div></li>
<td class="msource">CSS</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.CSS-removeStyleSheet"></a>
<b>removeStyleSheet</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a style or link tag by id</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a style or link tag by id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of the tag</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CSS</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.CSS-swapStyleSheet"></a>
<b>swapStyleSheet</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>, <code>String url</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Dynamically swaps an existing stylesheet reference for a new one</div>
<div class="long">
Dynamically swaps an existing stylesheet reference for a new one <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The id of an existing link tag to remove</div></li><li><code>url</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The href of the new stylesheet to include</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">CSS</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.CSS-updateRule"></a>
<b>updateRule</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Array selector</code>, <code>String property</code>, <code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Updates a rule property</div>
<div class="long">
Updates a rule property <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selector</code> : String/Array<div class="sub-desc">If it's an array it tries each selector until it finds one. Stops immediately once one is found.</div></li><li><code>property</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The css property</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new value for the property</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true If a rule was found and updated</div></li>
<td class="msource">CSS</td>
<a id="Ext.util.CSS-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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0,0 → 1,30
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.RootTreeNodeUI-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.RootTreeNodeUI-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.tree.RootTreeNodeUI-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.tree.RootTreeNodeUI"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.tree.RootTreeNodeUI</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.tree</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/tree/TreeNodeUI.js" target="_blank">TreeNodeUI.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">RootTreeNodeUI</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
This class provides the default UI implementation for <b>root</b> Ext TreeNodes.
The RootTreeNode UI implementation allows customizing the appearance of the root tree node.<br>
If you are customizing the Tree's user interface, you
may need to extend this class, but you should never need to instantiate this class.<br> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.tree.RootTreeNodeUI-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.tree.RootTreeNodeUI-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public methods.</div> <a id="Ext.tree.RootTreeNodeUI-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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0,0 → 1,325
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.NativeObservable-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.NativeObservable-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.NativeObservable-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.NativeObservable-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.air.NativeObservable"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>NativeObservable</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.air.NativeObservable</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.air</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/NativeObservable.js" target="_blank">NativeObservable.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">NativeObservable</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.air.NativeWindow" href="output/Ext.air.NativeWindow.html">NativeWindow</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Adds ability for Ext Observable functionality to proxy events for native (AIR) object wrappers </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.air.NativeObservable-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeObservable-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.air.NativeObservable-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.air.NativeObservable-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeObservable-NativeObservable"></a>
<b>NativeObservable</b>() <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">NativeObservable</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeObservable-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeObservable-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeObservable-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeObservable-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeObservable-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeObservable-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeObservable-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeObservable-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeObservable-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.air.NativeObservable-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.air.NativeObservable-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">Menu</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>ColorMenu</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/menu/ColorMenu.js" target="_blank">ColorMenu.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">ColorMenu</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">Menu</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A menu containing a <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> component (which provides a basic color picker). </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>allowOtherMenus</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to allow multiple menus to be displayed at the same time (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#allowOtherMenus" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>defaultAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The default {@link Ext.Element#alignTo) anchor position value for this menu relative to its element of origin (defaul...</div>
<div class="long">
The default {@link Ext.Element#alignTo) anchor position value for this menu relative to its element of origin (defaults to "tl-bl?") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#defaultAlign" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>defaults</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object that will be applied to all items added to this container either via the items config or via the add ...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object that will be applied to all items added to this container either via the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="items" href="output/">items</a> config or via the <a ext:cls="" ext:member="add" href="output/">add</a> method. The defaults config can contain any number of name/value property pairs to be added to each item, and should be valid for the types of items being added to the menu. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#defaults" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>items</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
An array of items to be added to this menu. See <a ext:cls="" ext:member="add" href="output/">add</a> for a list of valid item types. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#items" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>minWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width of the menu in pixels (defaults to 120) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#minWidth" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>shadow</b> : Boolean/String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True or "sides" for the default effect, "frame" for 4-way shadow, and "drop" for bottom-right shadow (defaults to "si...</div>
<div class="long">
True or "sides" for the default effect, "frame" for 4-way shadow, and "drop" for bottom-right shadow (defaults to "sides") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#shadow" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>subMenuAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a> anchor position value to use for submenus of this menu (defaults to "tl-tr?") </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#subMenuAlign" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>items</b> : Ext.util.MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
A MixedCollection of this Menu's items </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#items" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>palette</b> : ColorPalette <div class="mdesc">
The <a ext:cls="Ext.ColorPalette" href="output/Ext.ColorPalette.html">Ext.ColorPalette</a> instance for this ColorMenu </div>
<td class="msource">ColorMenu</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>ColorMenu</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new ColorMenu</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new ColorMenu <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColorMenu</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed args</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Addds one or more items of any type supported by the Menu class, or that can be converted into menu items.
Any of the...</div>
<div class="long">
Addds one or more items of any type supported by the Menu class, or that can be converted into menu items.
Any of the following are valid:
<li>Any menu item object based on <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a></li>
<li>An HTMLElement object which will be converted to a menu item</li>
<li>A menu item config object that will be created as a new menu item</li>
<li>A string, which can either be '-' or 'separator' to add a menu separator, otherwise
it will be converted into a <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> and added</li>
<pre><code><i>// Create the menu</i>
<b>var</b> menu = <b>new</b>;
<i>// Create a menu item to add by reference</i>
<b>var</b> menuItem = <b>new</b>{ text: <em>'New Item!'</em> });
<i>// Add a bunch of items at once using different methods.</i>
<i>// Only the last item added will be returned.</i>
<b>var</b> item = menu.add(
menuItem, <i>// add existing item by ref</i>
<em>'Dynamic Item'</em>, <i>// <b>new</b> TextItem</i>
<em>'-'</em>, <i>// <b>new</b> separator</i>
{ text: <em>'Config Item'</em> } <i>// <b>new</b> item by config</i>
);</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>args</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">One or more menu items, menu item configs or other objects that can be converted to menu items</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was added, or the last one if multiple items were added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#add" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addElement</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds an <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a> object to the menu</div>
<div class="long">
Adds an <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a> object to the menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element or DOM node to add, or its id</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#addElement" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addItem</b>(&nbsp;<code> item</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds an existing object based on <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> to the menu</div>
<div class="long">
Adds an existing object based on <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> to the menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>item</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The menu item to add</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#addItem" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addMenuItem</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> based an the supplied config object and adds it to the menu</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> based an the supplied config object and adds it to the menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A MenuItem config object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#addMenuItem" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addSeparator</b>() : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a separator bar to the menu</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a separator bar to the menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#addSeparator" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addText</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> with the supplied text and adds it to the menu</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> with the supplied text and adds it to the menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The text to display in the menu item</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#addText" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys the menu by unregistering it from, purging event listeners,
removing all of the menus item...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys the menu by unregistering it from <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a>, purging event listeners,
removing all of the menus items, then destroying the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this menu's underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a> object</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this menu's underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a> object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hide</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean deep</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides this menu and optionally all parent menus</div>
<div class="long">
Hides this menu and optionally all parent menus <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>deep</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to hide all parent menus recursively, if any (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#hide" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>insert</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code> item</code>&nbsp;) : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts an existing object based on <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> to the menu at a specified index</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts an existing object based on <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> to the menu at a specified index <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index in the menu's list of current items where the new item should be inserted</div></li><li><code>item</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The menu item to add</div></li> </ul>
<li><code></code><div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#insert" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Read-only. Returns true if the menu is currently displayed, else false.</div>
<div class="long">
Read-only. Returns true if the menu is currently displayed, else false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>remove</b>(&nbsp;<code> item</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes an <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> from the menu and destroys the object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes an <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a> from the menu and destroys the object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>item</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The menu item to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#remove" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeAll</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes and destroys all items in the menu</div>
<div class="long">
Removes and destroys all items in the menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#removeAll" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>show</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed element</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String position</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code> parentMenu</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Displays this menu relative to another element</div>
<div class="long">
Displays this menu relative to another element <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>element</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to align to</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a> anchor position to use in aligning to
the element (defaults to this.defaultAlign)</div></li><li><code>parentMenu</code> :<div class="sub-desc">(optional) This menu's parent menu, if applicable (defaults to undefined)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#show" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>showAt</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array xyPosition</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code> parentMenu</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Displays this menu at a specific xy position</div>
<div class="long">
Displays this menu at a specific xy position <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xyPosition</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">Contains X & Y [x, y] values for the position at which to show the menu (coordinates are page-based)</div></li><li><code>parentMenu</code> :<div class="sub-desc">(optional) This menu's parent menu, if applicable (defaults to undefined)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#showAt" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before this menu is hidden</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before this menu is hidden <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before this menu is displayed</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before this menu is displayed <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>, <code> menuItem</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this menu is clicked (or when the enter key is pressed while it is active)</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this menu is clicked (or when the enter key is pressed while it is active) <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menuItem</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was clicked</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-click" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after this menu is hidden</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after this menu is hidden <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>itemclick</b> : (&nbsp;<code> baseItem</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a menu item contained in this menu is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a menu item contained in this menu is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>baseItem</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The BaseItem that was clicked</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-itemclick" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>mouseout</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>, <code> menuItem</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the mouse exits this menu</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the mouse exits this menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menuItem</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was clicked</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-mouseout" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>mouseover</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>, <code> menuItem</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the mouse is hovering over this menu</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the mouse is hovering over this menu <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menuItem</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The menu item that was clicked</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-mouseover" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>select</b> : (&nbsp;<code>ColorPalette palette</code>, <code>String color</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>palette</code> : ColorPalette<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>color</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">ColorMenu</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code> this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after this menu is displayed</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after this menu is displayed <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> :<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/">Menu</a></td>
New file
0,0 → 1,96
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.DelayedTask-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.DelayedTask-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.DelayedTask-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.util.DelayedTask"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.util.DelayedTask</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.util</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/util/DelayedTask.js" target="_blank">DelayedTask.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">DelayedTask</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Provides a convenient method of performing setTimeout where a new
timeout cancels the old timeout. An example would be performing validation on a keypress.
You can use this class to buffer
the keypress events for a certain number of milliseconds, and perform only if they stop
for that amount of time. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.util.DelayedTask-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.util.DelayedTask-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.DelayedTask-DelayedTask"></a>
<b>DelayedTask</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function fn</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The parameters to this constructor serve as defaults and are not required.</div>
<div class="long">
The parameters to this constructor serve as defaults and are not required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The default function to timeout</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The default scope of that timeout</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The default Array of arguments</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DelayedTask</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.DelayedTask-cancel"></a>
<b>cancel</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Cancel the last queued timeout</div>
<div class="long">
Cancel the last queued timeout <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DelayedTask</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.util.DelayedTask-delay"></a>
<b>delay</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number delay</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Function newFn</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object newScope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array newArgs</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Cancels any pending timeout and queues a new one</div>
<div class="long">
Cancels any pending timeout and queues a new one <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>delay</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The milliseconds to delay</div></li><li><code>newFn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Overrides function passed to constructor</div></li><li><code>newScope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Overrides scope passed to constructor</div></li><li><code>newArgs</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Overrides args passed to constructor</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">DelayedTask</td>
<a id="Ext.util.DelayedTask-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Tree</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/data/Tree.js" target="_blank">Tree.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Tree</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Represents a tree data structure and bubbles all the events for its nodes. The nodes
in the tree have most standard DOM functionality. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>pathSeparator</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The token used to separate paths in node ids (defaults to '/'). </div>
<td class="msource">Tree</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>root</b> : Node <div class="mdesc">
The root node for this tree </div>
<td class="msource">Tree</td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>Tree</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Node root</code>]</span>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>root</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The root node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Tree</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getNodeById</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets a node in this tree by its id.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets a node in this tree by its id. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Tree</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>getRootNode</b>() : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the root node for this tree.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the root node for this tree. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Tree</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>setRootNode</b>(&nbsp;<code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) : Node <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the root node for this tree.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the root node for this tree. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Tree</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>append</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node parent</code>, <code>Node node</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a new child node is appended to a node in this tree.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a new child node is appended to a node in this tree. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>parent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The parent node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The newly appended node</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index of the newly appended node</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Tree</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeappend</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node parent</code>, <code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a new child is appended to a node in this tree, return false to cancel the append.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a new child is appended to a node in this tree, return false to cancel the append. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>parent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The parent node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node to be appended</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Tree</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeinsert</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node parent</code>, <code>Node node</code>, <code>Node refNode</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a new child is inserted in a node in this tree, return false to cancel the insert.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a new child is inserted in a node in this tree, return false to cancel the insert. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>parent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The parent node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node to be inserted</div></li><li><code>refNode</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node the node is being inserted before</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Tree</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforemove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node node</code>, <code>Node oldParent</code>, <code>Node newParent</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a node is moved to a new location in the tree. Return false to cancel the move.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a node is moved to a new location in the tree. Return false to cancel the move. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node being moved</div></li><li><code>oldParent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The parent of the node</div></li><li><code>newParent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The new parent the node is moving to</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index it is being moved to</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Tree</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeremove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node parent</code>, <code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a child is removed from a node in this tree, return false to cancel the remove.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a child is removed from a node in this tree, return false to cancel the remove. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>parent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The parent node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node to be removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Tree</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>insert</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node parent</code>, <code>Node node</code>, <code>Node refNode</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a new child node is inserted in a node in this tree.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a new child node is inserted in a node in this tree. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>parent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The parent node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node inserted</div></li><li><code>refNode</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node the node was inserted before</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Tree</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node node</code>, <code>Node oldParent</code>, <code>Node newParent</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a node is moved to a new location in the tree</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a node is moved to a new location in the tree <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The node moved</div></li><li><code>oldParent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The old parent of this node</div></li><li><code>newParent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The new parent of this node</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index it was moved to</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Tree</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Tree tree</code>, <code>Node parent</code>, <code>Node node</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when a child node is removed from a node in this tree.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when a child node is removed from a node in this tree. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tree</code> : Tree<div class="sub-desc">The owner tree</div></li><li><code>parent</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The parent node</div></li><li><code>node</code> : Node<div class="sub-desc">The child node removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Tree</td>
New file
0,0 → 1,153
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#String-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#String-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#String-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=String"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class String</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Global</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/core/Ext.js" target="_blank">Ext.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">String</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
These functions are available as static methods on the JavaScript String object. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="String-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="String-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="String-escape"></a>
<b>escape</b>(&nbsp;<code>String string</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Escapes the passed string for ' and \</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Escapes the passed string for ' and \ <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>string</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The string to escape</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The escaped string</div></li>
<td class="msource">String</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="String-format"></a>
<b>format</b>(&nbsp;<code>String string</code>, <code>String value1</code>, <code>String value2</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Allows you to define a tokenized string and pass an arbitrary number of arguments to replace the token...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Allows you to define a tokenized string and pass an arbitrary number of arguments to replace the tokens. Each
token must be unique, and must increment in the format {0}, {1}, etc. Example usage:
<pre><code>var cls = <em>'my-class'</em>, text = <em>'Some text'</em>;
<b>var</b> s = String.format(<em>'<div class="{0}">{1}</div>'</em>, cls, text);
// s now contains the string: <em>'<div class="my-class">Some text</div>'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>string</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The tokenized string to be formatted</div></li><li><code>value1</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The value to replace token {0}</div></li><li><code>value2</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">Etc...</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The formatted string</div></li>
<td class="msource">String</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="String-leftPad"></a>
<b>leftPad</b>(&nbsp;<code>String string</code>, <code>Number size</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String char</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Pads the left side of a string with a specified character. This is especially useful
for normalizing ...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Pads the left side of a string with a specified character. This is especially useful
for normalizing number and date strings. Example usage:
<pre><code>var s = String.leftPad(<em>'123'</em>, 5, <em>'0'</em>);
// s now contains the string: <em>'00123'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>string</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The original string</div></li><li><code>size</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The total length of the output string</div></li><li><code>char</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The character with which to pad the original string (defaults to empty string " ")</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The padded string</div></li>
<td class="msource">String</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="String-toggle"></a>
<b>toggle</b>(&nbsp;<code>String value</code>, <code>String other</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Utility function that allows you to easily switch a string between two alternating values. The passed value
is compa...</div>
<div class="long">
Utility function that allows you to easily switch a string between two alternating values. The passed value
is compared to the current string, and if they are equal, the other value that was passed in is returned. If
they are already different, the first value passed in is returned. Note that this method returns the new value
but does not change the current string.
<pre><code><i>// alternate sort directions</i>
sort = sort.toggle(<em>'ASC'</em>, <em>'DESC'</em>);
<i>// instead of conditional logic:</i>
sort = (sort == <em>'ASC'</em> ? <em>'DESC'</em> : <em>'ASC'</em>);</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The value to compare to the current string</div></li><li><code>other</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new value to use if the string already equals the first value passed in</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The new value</div></li>
<td class="msource">String</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="String-trim"></a>
<b>trim</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Trims whitespace from either end of a string, leaving spaces within the string intact. Example:
var s = ' foo bar ...</div>
<div class="long">
Trims whitespace from either end of a string, leaving spaces within the string intact. Example:
<pre><code>var s = <em>' foo bar '</em>;
alert(<em>'-'</em> + s + <em>'-'</em>); <i>//alerts <em>"- foo bar -"</em></i>
alert(<em>'-'</em> + s.trim() + <em>'-'</em>); //alerts <em>"-foo bar-"</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The trimmed string</div></li>
<td class="msource">String</td>
<a id="String-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Button-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Button-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Button-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Button-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Button"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Button</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.Button</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/Button.js" target="_blank">Button.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Button</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.SplitButton" href="output/Ext.SplitButton.html">SplitButton</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar.Button" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.Button.html">Toolbar.Button</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Simple Button class </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Button-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-clickEvent"></a>
<b>clickEvent</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type of event to map to the button's event handler (defaults to 'click') </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class string to apply to the button's main element. </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to start disabled (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-enableToggle"></a>
<b>enableToggle</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to enable pressed/not pressed toggling (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-handleMouseEvents"></a>
<b>handleMouseEvents</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to disable visual cues on mouseover, mouseout and mousedown (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-handler"></a>
<b>handler</b> : Function <div class="mdesc">
A function called when the button is clicked (can be used instead of click event) </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to start hidden (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-icon"></a>
<b>icon</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The path to an image to display in the button (the image will be set as the background-image CSS property of the butt...</div>
<div class="long">
The path to an image to display in the button (the image will be set as the background-image CSS property of the button by default, so if you want a mixed icon/text button, set cls:"x-btn-text-icon") </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-iconCls"></a>
<b>iconCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A css class which sets a background image to be used as the icon for this button </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-menu"></a>
<b>menu</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Standard menu attribute consisting of a reference to a menu object, a menu id or a menu config blob (defaults to unde...</div>
<div class="long">
Standard menu attribute consisting of a reference to a menu object, a menu id or a menu config blob (defaults to undefined). </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-menuAlign"></a>
<b>menuAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The position to align the menu to (see <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a> for more details, defaults to 'tl-bl?'). </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-minWidth"></a>
<b>minWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width for this button (used to give a set of buttons a common width) </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-pressed"></a>
<b>pressed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to start pressed (only if enableToggle = true) </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-repeat"></a>
<b>repeat</b> : Boolean/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to repeat fire the click event while the mouse is down. This can also be an Ext.util.ClickRepeater config object...</div>
<div class="long">
True to repeat fire the click event while the mouse is down. This can also be an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.ClickRepeater" href="output/Ext.util.ClickRepeater.html">Ext.util.ClickRepeater</a> config object (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-scope"></a>
<b>scope</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
The scope of the handler </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-tabIndex"></a>
<b>tabIndex</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Set a DOM tabIndex for this button (defaults to undefined) </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-text"></a>
<b>text</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The button text </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-toggleGroup"></a>
<b>toggleGroup</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The group this toggle button is a member of (only 1 per group can be pressed, only applies if enableToggle = true) </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-tooltip"></a>
<b>tooltip</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
The tooltip for the button - can be a string or QuickTips config object </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-tooltipType"></a>
<b>tooltipType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type of tooltip to use. Either "qtip" (default) for QuickTips or "title" for title attribute. </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-type"></a>
<b>type</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
submit, reset or button - defaults to 'button' </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Button-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Read-only. True if this button is disabled </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Read-only. True if this button is hidden </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The Button's owner Ext.Panel (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the Button is added to a container...</div>
<div class="long">
The Button's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Ext.Panel</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the Button is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-pressed"></a>
<b>pressed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Read-only. True if this button is pressed (only if enableToggle = true) </div>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Button-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-Button"></a>
<b>Button</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new button</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new button <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Focus the button</div>
<div class="long">
Focus the button <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-getText"></a>
<b>getText</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the text for this button</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the text for this button <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The button text</div></li>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-hasVisibleMenu"></a>
<b>hasVisibleMenu</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the button has a menu and it is visible</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the button has a menu and it is visible <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-hideMenu"></a>
<b>hideMenu</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this button's menu (if it has one)</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this button's menu (if it has one) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-setHandler"></a>
<b>setHandler</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Assigns this button's click handler</div>
<div class="long">
Assigns this button's click handler <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call when the button is clicked</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Scope for the function passed in</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-setIconClass"></a>
<b>setIconClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the CSS class that provides a background image to use as the button's icon. This method also changes
the value ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the CSS class that provides a background image to use as the button's icon. This method also changes
the value of the <a ext:cls="iconCls" href="output/iconCls.html">iconCls</a> config internally. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class providing the icon image</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-setText"></a>
<b>setText</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets this button's text</div>
<div class="long">
Sets this button's text <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The button text</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-showMenu"></a>
<b>showMenu</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this button's menu (if it has one)</div>
<div class="long">
Show this button's menu (if it has one) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-toggle"></a>
<b>toggle</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean state</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If a state it passed, it becomes the pressed state otherwise the current state is toggled.</div>
<div class="long">
If a state it passed, it becomes the pressed state otherwise the current state is toggled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>state</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Force a particular state</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Button-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-click"></a>
<b>click</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this button is clicked</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this button is clicked <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The click event</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-menuhide"></a>
<b>menuhide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Menu menu</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this button has a menu, this event fires when it is hidden</div>
<div class="long">
If this button has a menu, this event fires when it is hidden <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menu</code> : Menu<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-menushow"></a>
<b>menushow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Menu menu</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this button has a menu, this event fires when it is shown</div>
<div class="long">
If this button has a menu, this event fires when it is shown <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menu</code> : Menu<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-menutriggerout"></a>
<b>menutriggerout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Menu menu</code>, <code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this button has a menu, this event fires when the mouse leaves the menu triggering element</div>
<div class="long">
If this button has a menu, this event fires when the mouse leaves the menu triggering element <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menu</code> : Menu<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-menutriggerover"></a>
<b>menutriggerover</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Menu menu</code>, <code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this button has a menu, this event fires when the mouse enters the menu triggering element</div>
<div class="long">
If this button has a menu, this event fires when the mouse enters the menu triggering element <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>menu</code> : Menu<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-mouseout"></a>
<b>mouseout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the mouse exits the button</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the mouse exits the button <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-mouseover"></a>
<b>mouseover</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Event e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the mouse hovers over the button</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the mouse hovers over the button <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Event<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Button-toggle"></a>
<b>toggle</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Button this</code>, <code>Boolean pressed</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the "pressed" state of this button changes (only if enableToggle = true)</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the "pressed" state of this button changes (only if enableToggle = true) <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Button<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>pressed</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Button</td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Template-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Template-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Template-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Template"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.Template</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/core/Template.js" target="_blank">Template.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Template</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.XTemplate" href="output/Ext.XTemplate.html">XTemplate</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Represents an HTML fragment template. Templates can be precompiled for greater performance.
For a list of available format functions, see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Format" href="output/Ext.util.Format.html">Ext.util.Format</a>.<br />
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.Template(
<em>'&lt;div name="{id}"&gt;'</em>,
<em>'&lt;span class="{cls}"&gt;{name:trim} {value:ellipsis(10)}&lt;/span&gt;'</em>,
t.append(<em>'some-element'</em>, {id: <em>'myid'</em>, cls: <em>'myclass'</em>, name: <em>'foo'</em>, value: <em>'bar'</em>});</code></pre>
For more information see this blog post with examples: <a href="">DomHelper - Create Elements using DOM, HTML fragments and Templates</a>. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Template-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Template-disableFormats"></a>
<b>disableFormats</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable format functions (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Template</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Template-re"></a>
<b>re</b> : RegExp <div class="mdesc">
The regular expression used to match template variables </div>
<td class="msource">Template</td>
<a id="Ext.Template-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Template-Template"></a>
<b>Template</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Array html</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>html</code> : String/Array<div class="sub-desc">The HTML fragment or an array of fragments to join("") or multiple arguments to join("")</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Template</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Template-Template.from"></a>
<b>Template.from</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>, <code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Template <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Creates a template from the passed element's value (<i>display:none</i> textarea, preferred) or innerHTML.</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Creates a template from the passed element's value (<i>display:none</i> textarea, preferred) or innerHTML. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">A DOM element or its id</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A configuration object</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Template</code><div class="sub-desc">The created template</div></li>
<td class="msource">Template</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Template-append"></a>
<b>append</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object/Array values</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnElement</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Applies the supplied values to the template and appends the new node(s) to el.</div>
<div class="long">
Applies the supplied values to the template and appends the new node(s) to el. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The context element</div></li><li><code>values</code> : Object/Array<div class="sub-desc">The template values. Can be an array if your params are numeric (i.e. {0}) or an object (i.e. {foo: 'bar'})</div></li><li><code>returnElement</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to return a Ext.Element (defaults to undefined)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement/Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The new node or Element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Template</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Template-apply"></a>
<b>apply</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Alias for <a ext:cls="Ext.Template" ext:member="applyTemplate" href="output/Ext.Template.html#applyTemplate">applyTemplate</a></div>
<div class="long">
Alias for <a ext:cls="Ext.Template" ext:member="applyTemplate" href="output/Ext.Template.html#applyTemplate">applyTemplate</a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Template</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Template-applyTemplate"></a>
<b>applyTemplate</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object/Array values</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns an HTML fragment of this template with the specified values applied.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns an HTML fragment of this template with the specified values applied. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>values</code> : Object/Array<div class="sub-desc">The template values. Can be an array if your params are numeric (i.e. {0}) or an object (i.e. {foo: 'bar'})</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The HTML fragment</div></li>
<td class="msource">Template</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Template-compile"></a>
<b>compile</b>() : Ext.Template <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Compiles the template into an internal function, eliminating the RegEx overhead.</div>
<div class="long">
Compiles the template into an internal function, eliminating the RegEx overhead. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Template</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Template</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Template-insertAfter"></a>
<b>insertAfter</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object/Array values</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnElement</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Applies the supplied values to the template and inserts the new node(s) after el.</div>
<div class="long">
Applies the supplied values to the template and inserts the new node(s) after el. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The context element</div></li><li><code>values</code> : Object/Array<div class="sub-desc">The template values. Can be an array if your params are numeric (i.e. {0}) or an object (i.e. {foo: 'bar'})</div></li><li><code>returnElement</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to return a Ext.Element (defaults to undefined)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement/Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The new node or Element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Template</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Template-insertBefore"></a>
<b>insertBefore</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object/Array values</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnElement</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Applies the supplied values to the template and inserts the new node(s) before el.</div>
<div class="long">
Applies the supplied values to the template and inserts the new node(s) before el. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The context element</div></li><li><code>values</code> : Object/Array<div class="sub-desc">The template values. Can be an array if your params are numeric (i.e. {0}) or an object (i.e. {foo: 'bar'})</div></li><li><code>returnElement</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to return a Ext.Element (defaults to undefined)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement/Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The new node or Element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Template</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Template-insertFirst"></a>
<b>insertFirst</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object/Array values</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnElement</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Applies the supplied values to the template and inserts the new node(s) as the first child of el.</div>
<div class="long">
Applies the supplied values to the template and inserts the new node(s) as the first child of el. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The context element</div></li><li><code>values</code> : Object/Array<div class="sub-desc">The template values. Can be an array if your params are numeric (i.e. {0}) or an object (i.e. {foo: 'bar'})</div></li><li><code>returnElement</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to return a Ext.Element (defaults to undefined)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement/Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The new node or Element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Template</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Template-overwrite"></a>
<b>overwrite</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object/Array values</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean returnElement</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Applies the supplied values to the template and overwrites the content of el with the new node(s).</div>
<div class="long">
Applies the supplied values to the template and overwrites the content of el with the new node(s). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The context element</div></li><li><code>values</code> : Object/Array<div class="sub-desc">The template values. Can be an array if your params are numeric (i.e. {0}) or an object (i.e. {foo: 'bar'})</div></li><li><code>returnElement</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) true to return a Ext.Element (defaults to undefined)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement/Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The new node or Element</div></li>
<td class="msource">Template</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Template-set"></a>
<b>set</b>(&nbsp;<code>String html</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean compile</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Template <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the HTML used as the template and optionally compiles it.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the HTML used as the template and optionally compiles it. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>html</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>compile</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to compile the template (defaults to undefined)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Template</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource">Template</td>
<a id="Ext.Template-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,197
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.WindowMgr-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.WindowMgr-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.WindowMgr-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.WindowMgr"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.WindowGroup" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.WindowGroup.html">WindowGroup</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>WindowMgr</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.WindowMgr</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/WindowManager.js" target="_blank">WindowManager.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">WindowMgr</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.WindowGroup" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.WindowGroup.html">WindowGroup</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
The default global window group that is available automatically. To have more than one group of windows
with separate z-order stacks, create additional instances of <a ext:cls="Ext.WindowGroup" href="output/Ext.WindowGroup.html">Ext.WindowGroup</a> as needed.<br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.WindowMgr-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.WindowMgr-zseed"></a>
<b>zseed</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The starting z-index for windows (defaults to 9000) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.WindowGroup" ext:member="#zseed" href="output/Ext.WindowGroup.html#zseed">WindowGroup</a></td>
<a id="Ext.WindowMgr-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.WindowMgr-bringToFront"></a>
<b>bringToFront</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object win</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Brings the specified window to the front of any other active windows.</div>
<div class="long">
Brings the specified window to the front of any other active windows. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>win</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">The id of the window or a <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a> instance</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the dialog was brought to the front, else false if it was already in front</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.WindowGroup" ext:member="#bringToFront" href="output/Ext.WindowGroup.html#bringToFront">WindowGroup</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.WindowMgr-each"></a>
<b>each</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Executes the specified function once for every window in the group, passing each
window as the only parameter. Return...</div>
<div class="long">
Executes the specified function once for every window in the group, passing each
window as the only parameter. Returning false from the function will stop the iteration. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to execute for each item</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the function</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.WindowGroup" ext:member="#each" href="output/Ext.WindowGroup.html#each">WindowGroup</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.WindowMgr-get"></a>
<b>get</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Window <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets a registered window by id.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets a registered window by id. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">The id of the window or a <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a> instance</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.WindowGroup" ext:member="#get" href="output/Ext.WindowGroup.html#get">WindowGroup</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.WindowMgr-getActive"></a>
<b>getActive</b>() : Ext.Window <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the currently-active window in the group.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the currently-active window in the group. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Window</code><div class="sub-desc">The active window</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.WindowGroup" ext:member="#getActive" href="output/Ext.WindowGroup.html#getActive">WindowGroup</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.WindowMgr-getBy"></a>
<b>getBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns zero or more windows in the group using the custom search function passed to this method.
The function should...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns zero or more windows in the group using the custom search function passed to this method.
The function should accept a single <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a> reference as its only argument and should
return true if the window matches the search criteria, otherwise it should return false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The search function</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the function (defaults to the window
that gets passed to the function if not specified)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">An array of zero or more matching windows</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.WindowGroup" ext:member="#getBy" href="output/Ext.WindowGroup.html#getBy">WindowGroup</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.WindowMgr-hideAll"></a>
<b>hideAll</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides all windows in the group.</div>
<div class="long">
Hides all windows in the group. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.WindowGroup" ext:member="#hideAll" href="output/Ext.WindowGroup.html#hideAll">WindowGroup</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.WindowMgr-sendToBack"></a>
<b>sendToBack</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object win</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Window <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sends the specified window to the back of other active windows.</div>
<div class="long">
Sends the specified window to the back of other active windows. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>win</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">The id of the window or a <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a> instance</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Window</code><div class="sub-desc">The window</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.WindowGroup" ext:member="#sendToBack" href="output/Ext.WindowGroup.html#sendToBack">WindowGroup</a></td>
<a id="Ext.WindowMgr-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,386
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>AbstractSelectionModel</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.grid</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/grid/AbstractSelectionModel.js" target="_blank">AbstractSelectionModel.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">AbstractSelectionModel</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel" href="output/Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel.html">CellSelectionModel</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel" href="output/Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.html">RowSelectionModel</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Abstract base class for grid SelectionModels. It provides the interface that should be
implemented by descendant classes. This class should not be directly instantiated. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel-AbstractSelectionModel"></a>
<b>AbstractSelectionModel</b>() <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">AbstractSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel-isLocked"></a>
<b>isLocked</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if the selections are locked.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if the selections are locked. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">AbstractSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel-lock"></a>
<b>lock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Locks the selections.</div>
<div class="long">
Locks the selections. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">AbstractSelectionModel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel-unlock"></a>
<b>unlock</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unlocks the selections.</div>
<div class="long">
Unlocks the selections. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">AbstractSelectionModel</td>
<a id="Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Date-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Date-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Date-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Date"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Date</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Global</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/util/Date.js" target="_blank">Date.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Date</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
The date parsing and format syntax is a subset of
<a href="">PHP's date() function</a>, and the formats that are
supported will provide results equivalent to their PHP versions.
The following is a list of all currently supported formats:
<pre>Format Description Example returned values
------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
d Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros 01 to 31
D A short textual representation of the day of the week Mon to Sun
j Day of the month without leading zeros 1 to 31
l A full textual representation of the day of the week Sunday to Saturday
N ISO-8601 numeric representation of the day of the week 1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday)
S English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters st, nd, rd or th. Works well with j
w Numeric representation of the day of the week 0 (for Sunday) to 6 (for Saturday)
z The day of the year (starting from 0) 0 to 364 (365 in leap years)
W ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday 01 to 53
F A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March January to December
m Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros 01 to 12
M A short textual representation of a month Jan to Dec
n Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros 1 to 12
t Number of days in the given month 28 to 31
L Whether it's a leap year 1 if it is a leap year, 0 otherwise.
o ISO-8601 year number (identical to (Y), but if the ISO week number (W) Examples: 1998 or 2004
belongs to the previous or next year, that year is used instead)
Y A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits Examples: 1999 or 2003
y A two digit representation of a year Examples: 99 or 03
a Lowercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem am or pm
A Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem AM or PM
g 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros 1 to 12
G 24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros 0 to 23
h 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros 01 to 12
H 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros 00 to 23
i Minutes, with leading zeros 00 to 59
s Seconds, with leading zeros 00 to 59
u Milliseconds, with leading zeros 001 to 999
O Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) in hours and minutes Example: +1030
P Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) with colon between hours and minutes Example: -08:00
T Timezone abbreviation of the machine running the code Examples: EST, MDT, PDT ...
Z Timezone offset in seconds (negative if west of UTC, positive if east) -43200 to 50400
c ISO 8601 date 2007-04-17T15:19:21+08:00
U Seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT) 1193432466 or -2138434463</pre>
Example usage (note that you must escape format specifiers with '\\' to render them as character literals):
<pre><code><i>// Sample date:</i>
<i>// <em>'Wed Jan 10 2007 15:05:01 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)'</em></i>
<b>var</b> dt = <b>new</b> Date(<em>'1/10/2007 03:05:01 PM GMT-0600'</em>);
document.write(dt.format(<em>'Y-m-d'</em>)); <i>// 2007-01-10</i>
document.write(dt.format(<em>'F j, Y, g:i a'</em>)); <i>// January 10, 2007, 3:05 pm</i>
document.write(dt.format(<em>'l, \\t\\he jS of F Y h:i:s A'</em>)); // Wednesday, the 10th of January 2007 03:05:01 PM</code></pre>
Here are some standard date/time patterns that you might find helpful. They
are not part of the source of Date.js, but to use them you can simply copy this
block of code into any script that is included after Date.js and they will also become
globally available on the Date object. Feel free to add or remove patterns as needed in your code.
<pre><code>Date.patterns = {
ISO8601Long:<em>"Y-m-d H:i:s"</em>,
ShortDate: <em>"n/j/Y"</em>,
LongDate: <em>"l, F d, Y"</em>,
FullDateTime: <em>"l, F d, Y g:i:s A"</em>,
MonthDay: <em>"F d"</em>,
ShortTime: <em>"g:i A"</em>,
LongTime: <em>"g:i:s A"</em>,
SortableDateTime: <em>"Y-m-d\\TH:i:s"</em>,
UniversalSortableDateTime: <em>"Y-m-d H:i:sO"</em>,
YearMonth: <em>"F, Y"</em>
Example usage:
<pre><code>var dt = <b>new</b> Date();
document.write(dt.format(Date.patterns.ShortDate));</code></pre> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Date-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-Date.DAY"></a>
<b>Date.DAY</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
&lt;static&gt; Date interval constant </div>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-Date.HOUR"></a>
<b>Date.HOUR</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
&lt;static&gt; Date interval constant </div>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-Date.MILLI"></a>
<b>Date.MILLI</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
&lt;static&gt; Date interval constant </div>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-Date.MINUTE"></a>
<b>Date.MINUTE</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
&lt;static&gt; Date interval constant </div>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-Date.MONTH"></a>
<b>Date.MONTH</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
&lt;static&gt; Date interval constant </div>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="property-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-Date.SECOND"></a>
<b>Date.SECOND</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
&lt;static&gt; Date interval constant </div>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-Date.YEAR"></a>
<b>Date.YEAR</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
&lt;static&gt; Date interval constant </div>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-Date.dayNames"></a>
<b>Date.dayNames</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; An array of textual day names.
Override these values for international dates, for example...
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; An array of textual day names.
Override these values for international dates, for example...
Date.dayNames = ['SundayInYourLang', 'MondayInYourLang', ...]; </div>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-Date.monthNames"></a>
<b>Date.monthNames</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; An array of textual month names.
Override these values for international dates, for example...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; An array of textual month names.
Override these values for international dates, for example...
Date.monthNames = ['JanInYourLang', 'FebInYourLang', ...]; </div>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="property-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-Date.monthNumbers"></a>
<b>Date.monthNumbers</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; An object hash of zero-based javascript month numbers (with short month names as keys. note: keys are ...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; An object hash of zero-based javascript month numbers (with short month names as keys. note: keys are case-sensitive).
Override these values for international dates, for example...
Date.monthNumbers = {'ShortJanNameInYourLang':0, 'ShortFebNameInYourLang':1, ...}; </div>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<a id="Date-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-Date.getMonthNumber"></a>
<b>Date.getMonthNumber</b>(&nbsp;<code>String name</code>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Get the zero-based javascript month number for the given short/full month name.
Override this function...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Get the zero-based javascript month number for the given short/full month name.
Override this function for international dates. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>name</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The short/full month name.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The zero-based javascript month number.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-Date.getShortDayName"></a>
<b>Date.getShortDayName</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number day</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Get the short day name for the given day number.
Override this function for international dates.</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Get the short day name for the given day number.
Override this function for international dates. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>day</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">A zero-based javascript day number.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The short day name.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-Date.getShortMonthName"></a>
<b>Date.getShortMonthName</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number month</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Get the short month name for the given month number.
Override this function for international dates.</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Get the short month name for the given month number.
Override this function for international dates. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>month</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">A zero-based javascript month number.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The short month name.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-Date.parseDate"></a>
<b>Date.parseDate</b>(&nbsp;<code>String input</code>, <code>String format</code>&nbsp;) : Date <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">&lt;static&gt; Parses the passed string using the specified format. Note that this function expects dates in normal c...</div>
<div class="long">
&lt;static&gt; Parses the passed string using the specified format. Note that this function expects dates in normal calendar
format, meaning that months are 1-based (1 = January) and not zero-based like in JavaScript dates. Any part of
the date format that is not specified will default to the current date value for that part. Time parts can also
be specified, but default to 0. Keep in mind that the input date string must precisely match the specified format
string or the parse operation will fail.
Example Usage:
<pre><code><i>//dt = Fri May 25 2007 (current date)</i>
<b>var</b> dt = <b>new</b> Date();
<i>//dt = Thu May 25 2006 (today's month/day <b>in</b> 2006)</i>
dt = Date.parseDate(<em>"2006"</em>, <em>"Y"</em>);
<i>//dt = Sun Jan 15 2006 (all date parts specified)</i>
dt = Date.parseDate(<em>"2006-01-15"</em>, <em>"Y-m-d"</em>);
<i>//dt = Sun Jan 15 2006 15:20:01 GMT-0600 (CST)</i>
dt = Date.parseDate(<em>"2006-01-15 3:20:01 PM"</em>, <em>"Y-m-d h:i:s A"</em> );</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>input</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The unparsed date as a string.</div></li><li><code>format</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The format the date is in.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Date</code><div class="sub-desc">The parsed date.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-add"></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>String interval</code>, <code>Number value</code>&nbsp;) : Date <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Provides a convenient method of performing basic date arithmetic. This method
does not modify the Date instance bein...</div>
<div class="long">
Provides a convenient method of performing basic date arithmetic. This method
does not modify the Date instance being called - it creates and returns
a new Date instance containing the resulting date value.
<pre><code><i>//Basic usage:</i>
<b>var</b> dt = <b>new</b> Date(<em>'10/29/2006'</em>).add(Date.DAY, 5);
document.write(dt); <i>//returns <em>'Fri Oct 06 2006 00:00:00'</em></i>
<i>//Negative values will subtract correctly:</i>
<b>var</b> dt2 = <b>new</b> Date(<em>'10/1/2006'</em>).add(Date.DAY, -5);
document.write(dt2); <i>//returns <em>'Tue Sep 26 2006 00:00:00'</em></i>
<i>//You can even chain several calls together <b>in</b> one line!</i>
<b>var</b> dt3 = <b>new</b> Date(<em>'10/1/2006'</em>).add(Date.DAY, 5).add(Date.HOUR, 8).add(Date.MINUTE, -30);
document.write(dt3); //returns <em>'Fri Oct 06 2006 07:30:00'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>interval</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">A valid date interval enum value.</div></li><li><code>value</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The amount to add to the current date.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Date</code><div class="sub-desc">The new Date instance.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-between"></a>
<b>between</b>(&nbsp;<code>Date start</code>, <code>Date end</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks if this date falls on or between the given start and end dates.</div>
<div class="long">
Checks if this date falls on or between the given start and end dates. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>start</code> : Date<div class="sub-desc">Start date</div></li><li><code>end</code> : Date<div class="sub-desc">End date</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">true if this date falls on or between the given start and end dates.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-clearTime"></a>
<b>clearTime</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean clone</code>&nbsp;) : Date <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clears any time information from this date.</div>
<div class="long">
Clears any time information from this date. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>clone</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">true to create a clone of this date, clear the time and return it (defaults to false).</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Date</code><div class="sub-desc">this or the clone.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-clone"></a>
<b>clone</b>() : Date <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates and returns a new Date instance with the exact same date value as the called instance.
Dates are copied and p...</div>
<div class="long">
Creates and returns a new Date instance with the exact same date value as the called instance.
Dates are copied and passed by reference, so if a copied date variable is modified later, the original
variable will also be changed. When the intention is to create a new variable that will not
modify the original instance, you should create a clone.
Example of correctly cloning a date:
<pre><code><i>//wrong way:</i>
<b>var</b> orig = <b>new</b> Date(<em>'10/1/2006'</em>);
<b>var</b> copy = orig;
document.write(orig); <i>//returns <em>'Thu Oct 05 2006'</em>!</i>
<i>//correct way:</i>
<b>var</b> orig = <b>new</b> Date(<em>'10/1/2006'</em>);
<b>var</b> copy = orig.clone();
document.write(orig); //returns <em>'Thu Oct 01 2006'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Date</code><div class="sub-desc">The new Date instance.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-format"></a>
<b>format</b>(&nbsp;<code>String format</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Formats a date given the supplied format string.</div>
<div class="long">
Formats a date given the supplied format string. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>format</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The format string.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The formatted date.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-getDayOfYear"></a>
<b>getDayOfYear</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the numeric day number of the year, adjusted for leap year.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the numeric day number of the year, adjusted for leap year. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">0 to 364 (365 in leap years).</div></li>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-getDaysInMonth"></a>
<b>getDaysInMonth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the number of days in the current month, adjusted for leap year.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the number of days in the current month, adjusted for leap year. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The number of days in the month.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-getElapsed"></a>
<b>getElapsed</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Date date</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the number of milliseconds between this date and date</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the number of milliseconds between this date and date <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>date</code> : Date<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Defaults to now</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The diff in milliseconds</div></li>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-getFirstDateOfMonth"></a>
<b>getFirstDateOfMonth</b>() : Date <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the date of the first day of the month in which this date resides.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the date of the first day of the month in which this date resides. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-getFirstDayOfMonth"></a>
<b>getFirstDayOfMonth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the first day of the current month, adjusted for leap year. The returned value
is the numeric day index within t...</div>
<div class="long">
Get the first day of the current month, adjusted for leap year. The returned value
is the numeric day index within the week (0-6) which can be used in conjunction with
the <a ext:cls="Date" ext:member="monthNames" href="output/Date.html#monthNames">monthNames</a> array to retrieve the textual day name.
<pre><code>var dt = <b>new</b> Date(<em>'1/10/2007'</em>);
document.write(Date.dayNames[dt.getFirstDayOfMonth()]); //output: <em>'Monday'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The day number (0-6).</div></li>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-getGMTOffset"></a>
<b>getGMTOffset</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean colon</code>&nbsp;) : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the offset from GMT of the current date (equivalent to the format specifier 'O').</div>
<div class="long">
Get the offset from GMT of the current date (equivalent to the format specifier 'O'). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>colon</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">true to separate the hours and minutes with a colon (defaults to false).</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The 4-character offset string prefixed with + or - (e.g. '-0600').</div></li>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-getLastDateOfMonth"></a>
<b>getLastDateOfMonth</b>() : Date <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the date of the last day of the month in which this date resides.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the date of the last day of the month in which this date resides. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-getLastDayOfMonth"></a>
<b>getLastDayOfMonth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the last day of the current month, adjusted for leap year. The returned value
is the numeric day index within th...</div>
<div class="long">
Get the last day of the current month, adjusted for leap year. The returned value
is the numeric day index within the week (0-6) which can be used in conjunction with
the <a ext:cls="Date" ext:member="monthNames" href="output/Date.html#monthNames">monthNames</a> array to retrieve the textual day name.
<pre><code>var dt = <b>new</b> Date(<em>'1/10/2007'</em>);
document.write(Date.dayNames[dt.getLastDayOfMonth()]); //output: <em>'Wednesday'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The day number (0-6).</div></li>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-getSuffix"></a>
<b>getSuffix</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the English ordinal suffix of the current day (equivalent to the format specifier 'S').</div>
<div class="long">
Get the English ordinal suffix of the current day (equivalent to the format specifier 'S'). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">'st, 'nd', 'rd' or 'th'.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-getTimezone"></a>
<b>getTimezone</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the timezone abbreviation of the current date (equivalent to the format specifier 'T').
Note: The date string ret...</div>
<div class="long">
Get the timezone abbreviation of the current date (equivalent to the format specifier 'T').
Note: The date string returned by the javascript Date object's toString() method varies
between browsers (e.g. FF vs IE) and system region settings (e.g. IE in Asia vs IE in America).
For a given date string e.g. "Thu Oct 25 2007 22:55:35 GMT+0800 (Malay Peninsula Standard Time)",
getTimezone() first tries to get the timezone abbreviation from between a pair of parentheses
(which may or may not be present), failing which it proceeds to get the timezone abbreviation
from the GMT offset portion of the date string. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The abbreviated timezone name (e.g. 'CST', 'PDT', 'EDT', 'MPST' ...).</div></li>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-getWeekOfYear"></a>
<b>getWeekOfYear</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the numeric ISO-8601 week number of the year.
(equivalent to the format specifier 'W', but without a leading zero).</div>
<div class="long">
Get the numeric ISO-8601 week number of the year.
(equivalent to the format specifier 'W', but without a leading zero). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">1 to 53</div></li>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Date-isLeapYear"></a>
<b>isLeapYear</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Whether or not the current date is in a leap year.</div>
<div class="long">
Whether or not the current date is in a leap year. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the current date is in a leap year, else false.</div></li>
<td class="msource">Date</td>
<a id="Date-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href=""><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">DataProxy</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>MemoryProxy</pre></div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/data/MemoryProxy.js" target="_blank">MemoryProxy.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">MemoryProxy</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="" href="output/">DataProxy</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
An implementation of that simply passes the data specified in its constructor
to the Reader when its load method is called. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div> <a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>MemoryProxy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object data</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>data</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The data object which the Reader uses to construct a block of</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">MemoryProxy</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>load</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object params</code>, <code> reader</code>, <code>Function callback</code>, <code>Object scope</code>, <code>Object arg</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Load data from the requested source (in this case an in-memory
data object passed to the constructor), read the data ...</div>
<div class="long">
Load data from the requested source (in this case an in-memory
data object passed to the constructor), read the data object into
a block of using the passed implementation, and
process that block using the passed callback. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>params</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">This parameter is not used by the MemoryProxy class.</div></li><li><code>reader</code> :<div class="sub-desc">The Reader object which converts the data
object into a block of</div></li><li><code>callback</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function into which to pass the block of
The function must be passed <ul>
<li>The Record block object</li>
<li>The "arg" argument from the load function</li>
<li>A boolean success indicator</li>
</ul></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope in which to call the callback</div></li><li><code>arg</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An optional argument which is passed to the callback as its second parameter.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">MemoryProxy</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id=""></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>beforeload</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object This</code>, <code>Object params</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before a network request is made to retrieve a data object.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before a network request is made to retrieve a data object. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>This</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">DataProxy object.</div></li><li><code>params</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The params parameter to the load function.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-beforeload" href="output/">DataProxy</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>load</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object This</code>, <code>Object o</code>, <code>Object arg</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the load method's callback is called.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the load method's callback is called. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>This</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">DataProxy object.</div></li><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The data object.</div></li><li><code>arg</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The callback argument object passed to the load function.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-load" href="output/">DataProxy</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id=""></a>
<b>loadexception</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Object This</code>, <code>Object o</code>, <code>Object arg</code>, <code>Object e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires if an Exception occurs during data retrieval.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires if an Exception occurs during data retrieval. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>This</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">DataProxy object.</div></li><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The data object.</div></li><li><code>arg</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The callback argument object passed to the load function.</div></li><li><code>e</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The Exception.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="" ext:member="#event-loadexception" href="output/">DataProxy</a></td>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Field-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Field-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Field-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.Field-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.form.Field"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Field</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.form.Field</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.form</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/form/Field.js" target="_blank">Field.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Field</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Checkbox" href="output/Ext.form.Checkbox.html">Checkbox</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Hidden" href="output/Ext.form.Hidden.html">Hidden</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.form.HtmlEditor" href="output/Ext.form.HtmlEditor.html">HtmlEditor</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.form.TextField" href="output/Ext.form.TextField.html">TextField</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
Base class for form fields that provides default event handling, sizing, value handling and other functionality. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.form.Field-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-autoCreate"></a>
<b>autoCreate</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "20", au...</div>
<div class="long">
A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "20", autocomplete: "off"}) </div>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-clearCls"></a>
<b>clearCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class used to provide field clearing (defaults to 'x-form-clear-left') </div>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class to apply to the field's underlying element. </div>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to disable the field (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-fieldClass"></a>
<b>fieldClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default CSS class for the field (defaults to "x-form-field") </div>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-fieldLabel"></a>
<b>fieldLabel</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The label text to display next to this field (defaults to '') </div>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-focusClass"></a>
<b>focusClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when the field receives focus (defaults to "x-form-focus") </div>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-hideLabel"></a>
<b>hideLabel</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to completely hide the label element (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-inputType"></a>
<b>inputType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The type attribute for input fields -- e.g. radio, text, password (defaults to "text"). </div>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-invalidClass"></a>
<b>invalidClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to use when marking a field invalid (defaults to "x-form-invalid") </div>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-invalidText"></a>
<b>invalidText</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided (defaults to "The value in this field i...</div>
<div class="long">
The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided (defaults to "The value in this field is invalid") </div>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-itemCls"></a>
<b>itemCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if s...</div>
<div class="long">
An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if set, or ''). Since it is applied to the wrapper, it allows you to write standard CSS rules that can apply to the field, the label (if specified) or any other element within the markup for the field. Example use: <pre><code><i>// Apply a style to the field's label:</i>
.required .x-form-item-label {font-weight:bold;color:red;}
<b>new</b> Ext.FormPanel({
height: 100,
renderTo: document.body,
items: [{
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Name'</em>,
itemCls: <em>'required'</em> <i>//<b>this</b> label will be styled</i>
xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
fieldLabel: <em>'Favorite Color'</em>
});</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-labelSeparator"></a>
<b>labelSeparator</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of Ext.layout.FormLayout.l...</div>
<div class="long">
The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" ext:member="labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html#labelSeparator">Ext.layout.FormLayout.labelSeparator</a>, which is a colon ':' by default). To display no separator for this field's label specify empty string ''. </div>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-labelStyle"></a>
<b>labelStyle</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if se...</div>
<div class="long">
A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if set, or ''). For example, <code>labelStyle: 'font-weight:bold;'</code>. </div>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-msgFx"></a>
<b>msgFx</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<b>Experimental</b> The effect used when displaying a validation message under the field (defaults to 'normal'). </div>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-msgTarget"></a>
<b>msgTarget</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): Value ...</div>
<div class="long">
The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): <pre>Value Description
----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
qtip Display a quick tip when the user hovers over the field
title Display a default browser title attribute popup
under Add a block div beneath the field containing the error text
side Add an error icon to the right of the field with a popup on hover
[element id] Add the error text directly to the innerHTML of the specified element</pre> </div>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-name"></a>
<b>name</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The field's HTML name attribute. </div>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-readOnly"></a>
<b>readOnly</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM att...</div>
<div class="long">
True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM attribute. </div>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-tabIndex"></a>
<b>tabIndex</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyT...</div>
<div class="long">
The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyTo (defaults to undefined). </div>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-validateOnBlur"></a>
<b>validateOnBlur</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the field should validate when it loses focus (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-validationDelay"></a>
<b>validationDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The length of time in milliseconds after user input begins until validation is initiated (defaults to 250) </div>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-validationEvent"></a>
<b>validationEvent</b> : String/Boolean <div class="mdesc">
The event that should initiate field validation. Set to false to disable automatic validation (defaults to "keyup"). </div>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-value"></a>
<b>value</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
A value to initialize this field with. </div>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.Field-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.form.Field-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-Field"></a>
<b>Field</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Creates a new Field</div>
<div class="long">
Creates a new Field <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-clearInvalid"></a>
<b>clearInvalid</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field</div>
<div class="long">
Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-getName"></a>
<b>getName</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the name attribute of the field if available</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the name attribute of the field if available <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">name The field name</div></li>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-getRawValue"></a>
<b>getRawValue</b>() : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value</div></li>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-getValue"></a>
<b>getValue</b>() : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the normalized data value (undefined or emptyText will be returned as ''). To return the raw value see getRa...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the normalized data value (undefined or emptyText will be returned as ''). To return the raw value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getRawValue">getRawValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value</div></li>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-isDirty"></a>
<b>isDirty</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-isValid"></a>
<b>isValid</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean preventMark</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid</div>
<div class="long">
Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>preventMark</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to disable marking the field invalid</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-markInvalid"></a>
<b>markInvalid</b>(&nbsp;<code>String msg</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Mark this field as invalid</div>
<div class="long">
Mark this field as invalid <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The validation message</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-reset"></a>
<b>reset</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages</div>
<div class="long">
Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-setRawValue"></a>
<b>setRawValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-setValue"></a>
<b>setValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets a data value into the field and validates it. To set the value directly without validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">setRawValue</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets a data value into the field and validates it. To set the value directly without validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">setRawValue</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-validate"></a>
<b>validate</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Validates the field value</div>
<div class="long">
Validates the field value <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<a id="Ext.form.Field-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-blur"></a>
<b>blur</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this field loses input focus.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this field loses input focus. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-change"></a>
<b>change</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Mixed newValue</code>, <code>Mixed oldValue</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>newValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The new value</div></li><li><code>oldValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The original value</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this field receives input focus.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this field receives input focus. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-invalid"></a>
<b>invalid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>String msg</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the field has been marked as invalid.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the field has been marked as invalid. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The validation message</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-specialkey"></a>
<b>specialkey</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<div class="long">
Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<a ext:cls="Ext.EventObject" ext:member="getKey" href="output/Ext.EventObject.html#getKey">Ext.EventObject.getKey</a> to determine which key was pressed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.form.Field-valid"></a>
<b>valid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the field has been validated with no errors.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the field has been validated with no errors. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Field</td>
New file
0,0 → 1,384
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html">BorderLayout.Region</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>BorderLayout.SplitRegion</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.layout</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/layout/BorderLayout.js" target="_blank">BorderLayout.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">BorderLayout.SplitRegion</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html">BorderLayout.Region</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
This is a specialized type of BorderLayout region that has a built-in <a ext:cls="Ext.SplitBar" href="output/Ext.SplitBar.html">Ext.SplitBar</a> for user resizing of regions. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-animFloat"></a>
<b>animFloat</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">When a collapsed region's bar is clicked, the region's panel will be displayed as a floated panel that will close aga...</div>
<div class="long">
When a collapsed region's bar is clicked, the region's panel will be displayed as a floated panel that will close again once the user mouses out of that panel (or clicks out if autoHide = false). Setting animFloat to false will prevent the open and close of these floated panels from being animated (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="#animFloat" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#animFloat">BorderLayout.Region</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-autoHide"></a>
<b>autoHide</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">When a collapsed region's bar is clicked, the region's panel will be displayed as a floated panel. If autoHide is tru...</div>
<div class="long">
When a collapsed region's bar is clicked, the region's panel will be displayed as a floated panel. If autoHide is true, the panel will automatically hide after the user mouses out of the panel. If autoHide is false, the panel will continue to display until the user clicks outside of the panel (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="#autoHide" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#autoHide">BorderLayout.Region</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-cmargins"></a>
<b>cmargins</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object containing margins to apply to the region's collapsed element in the format {left: (left margin), top: (top...</div>
<div class="long">
An object containing margins to apply to the region's collapsed element in the format {left: (left margin), top: (top margin), right: (right margin), bottom: (bottom margin)} </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="#cmargins" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#cmargins">BorderLayout.Region</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-collapseMode"></a>
<b>collapseMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">By default, collapsible regions are collapsed by clicking the expand/collapse tool button that renders into the regio...</div>
<div class="long">
By default, collapsible regions are collapsed by clicking the expand/collapse tool button that renders into the region's title bar. Optionally, when collapseMode is set to 'mini' the region's split bar will also display a small collapse button in the center of the bar. In 'mini' mode the region will collapse to a thinner bar than in normal mode. By default collapseMode is undefined, and the only two supported values are undefined and 'mini'. Note that if a collapsible region does not have a title bar, then collapseMode must be set to 'mini' in order for the region to be collapsible by the user as the tool button will not be rendered. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="#collapseMode" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#collapseMode">BorderLayout.Region</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-collapsible"></a>
<b>collapsible</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to allow the user to collapse this region (defaults to false). If true, an expand/collapse tool button will auto...</div>
<div class="long">
True to allow the user to collapse this region (defaults to false). If true, an expand/collapse tool button will automatically be rendered into the title bar of the region, otherwise the button will not be shown. Note that a title bar is required to display the toggle button -- if no region title is specified, the region will only be collapsible if <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="collapseMode" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#collapseMode">collapseMode</a> is set to 'mini'. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="#collapsible" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#collapsible">BorderLayout.Region</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-collapsibleSplitTip"></a>
<b>collapsibleSplitTip</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The tooltip to display when the user hovers over a collapsible region's split bar (defaults to "Drag to resize. Doubl...</div>
<div class="long">
The tooltip to display when the user hovers over a collapsible region's split bar (defaults to "Drag to resize. Double click to hide."). Only applies if <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion" ext:member="useSplitTips" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion.html#useSplitTips">useSplitTips</a> = true. </div>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.SplitRegion</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-floatable"></a>
<b>floatable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to allow clicking a collapsed region's bar to display the region's panel floated above the layout, false to forc...</div>
<div class="long">
True to allow clicking a collapsed region's bar to display the region's panel floated above the layout, false to force the user to fully expand a collapsed region by clicking the expand button to see it again (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="#floatable" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#floatable">BorderLayout.Region</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-margins"></a>
<b>margins</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object containing margins to apply to the region in the format {left: (left margin), top: (top margin), right: (ri...</div>
<div class="long">
An object containing margins to apply to the region in the format {left: (left margin), top: (top margin), right: (right margin), bottom: (bottom margin)} </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="#margins" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#margins">BorderLayout.Region</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-minHeight"></a>
<b>minHeight</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum allowable height in pixels for this region (defaults to 50) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="#minHeight" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#minHeight">BorderLayout.Region</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-minWidth"></a>
<b>minWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum allowable width in pixels for this region (defaults to 50) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="#minWidth" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#minWidth">BorderLayout.Region</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-split"></a>
<b>split</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display a Ext.SplitBar between this region and its neighbor, allowing the user to resize the regions dynamica...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display a <a ext:cls="Ext.SplitBar" href="output/Ext.SplitBar.html">Ext.SplitBar</a> between this region and its neighbor, allowing the user to resize the regions dynamically (defaults to false). When split = true, it is common to specify a <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="minSize" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#minSize">minSize</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="maxSize" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#maxSize">maxSize</a> for the region. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="#split" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#split">BorderLayout.Region</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-splitTip"></a>
<b>splitTip</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The tooltip to display when the user hovers over a non-collapsible region's split bar (defaults to "Drag to resize.")...</div>
<div class="long">
The tooltip to display when the user hovers over a non-collapsible region's split bar (defaults to "Drag to resize."). Only applies if <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion" ext:member="useSplitTips" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion.html#useSplitTips">useSplitTips</a> = true. </div>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.SplitRegion</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-useSplitTips"></a>
<b>useSplitTips</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display a tooltip when the user hovers over a region's split bar (defaults to false). The tooltip text will b...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display a tooltip when the user hovers over a region's split bar (defaults to false). The tooltip text will be the value of either <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion" ext:member="splitTip" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion.html#splitTip">splitTip</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion" ext:member="collapsibleSplitTip" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion.html#collapsibleSplitTip">collapsibleSplitTip</a> as appropriate. </div>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.SplitRegion</td>
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-isCollapsed"></a>
<b>isCollapsed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this region is collapsed. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="#isCollapsed" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#isCollapsed">BorderLayout.Region</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-position"></a>
<b>position</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
This region's layout position (north, south, east, west or center). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="#position" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#position">BorderLayout.Region</a></td>
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-BorderLayout.SplitRegion"></a>
<b>BorderLayout.SplitRegion</b>(&nbsp;<code>Layout layout</code>, <code>Object config</code>, <code>String position</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new SplitRegion.</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new SplitRegion. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>layout</code> : Layout<div class="sub-desc">Any valid Ext layout class</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The configuration options</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The region position. Valid values are: north, south, east, west and center. Every
BorderLayout must have a center region for the primary content -- all other regions are optional.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.SplitRegion</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-getMargins"></a>
<b>getMargins</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the current margins for this region. If the region is collapsed, the cmargins (collapsed
margins) value will...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the current margins for this region. If the region is collapsed, the cmargins (collapsed
margins) value will be returned, otherwise the margins value will be returned. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's margins: {left: (left margin), top: (top margin), right: (right margin), bottom: (bottom margin)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="#getMargins" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#getMargins">BorderLayout.Region</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-getMinHeight"></a>
<b>getMinHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the minimum allowable height for this region.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the minimum allowable height for this region. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The minimum height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="#getMinHeight" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#getMinHeight">BorderLayout.Region</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-getMinWidth"></a>
<b>getMinWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the minimum allowable width for this region.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the minimum allowable width for this region. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The minimum width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="#getMinWidth" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#getMinWidth">BorderLayout.Region</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the current size of this region. If the region is collapsed, the size of the collapsedEl will
be returned, o...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the current size of this region. If the region is collapsed, the size of the collapsedEl will
be returned, otherwise the size of the region's panel will be returned. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size: {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#getSize">BorderLayout.Region</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-getSplitBar"></a>
<b>getSplitBar</b>() : Ext.SplitBar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns a reference to the split bar in use by this region.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns a reference to the split bar in use by this region. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.SplitBar</code><div class="sub-desc">The split bar</div></li>
<td class="msource">BorderLayout.SplitRegion</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if this region is currently visible, else false.</div>
<div class="long">
True if this region is currently visible, else false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#isVisible">BorderLayout.Region</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-setPanel"></a>
<b>setPanel</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel panel</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the specified panel as the container element for this region.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the specified panel as the container element for this region. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>panel</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The new panel</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region" ext:member="#setPanel" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.html#setPanel">BorderLayout.Region</a></td>
<a id="Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Editor-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Editor-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Editor-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.Editor-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.Editor"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>Editor</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.Editor</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/Editor.js" target="_blank">Editor.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">Editor</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.tree.TreeEditor" href="output/Ext.tree.TreeEditor.html">TreeEditor</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A base editor field that handles displaying/hiding on demand and has some built-in sizing and event handling logic. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.Editor-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-alignment"></a>
<b>alignment</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The position to align to (see <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a> for more details, defaults to "c-c?"). </div>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-autoEl"></a>
<b>autoEl</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inlin...</div>
<div class="long">
A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inline via JSON. It should not be used for higher level components which already create their own elements. Example usage: <pre><code>{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: <em>'div'</em>, cls:<em>'my-class'</em>}
{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: {tag:<em>'blockquote'</em>, html:<em>'autoEl is cool!'</em>}} // <b>with</b> DomHelper</code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-autosize"></a>
<b>autosize</b> : Boolean/String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True for the editor to automatically adopt the size of the underlying field, "width" to adopt the width only, or "hei...</div>
<div class="long">
True for the editor to automatically adopt the size of the underlying field, "width" to adopt the width only, or "height" to adopt the height only (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-cancelOnEsc"></a>
<b>cancelOnEsc</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to cancel the edit when the escape key is pressed (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-completeOnEnter"></a>
<b>completeOnEnter</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to complete the edit when the enter key is pressed (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-constrain"></a>
<b>constrain</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to constrain the editor to the viewport </div>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-hideEl"></a>
<b>hideEl</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
False to keep the bound element visible while the editor is displayed (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-ignoreNoChange"></a>
<b>ignoreNoChange</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to skip the the edit completion process (no save, no events fired) if the user completes an edit and the value h...</div>
<div class="long">
True to skip the the edit completion process (no save, no events fired) if the user completes an edit and the value has not changed (defaults to false). Applies only to string values - edits for other data types will never be ignored. </div>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-revertInvalid"></a>
<b>revertInvalid</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to automatically revert the field value and cancel the edit when the user completes an edit and the field valida...</div>
<div class="long">
True to automatically revert the field value and cancel the edit when the user completes an edit and the field validation fails (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-shadow"></a>
<b>shadow</b> : Boolean/String <div class="mdesc">
"sides" for sides/bottom only, "frame" for 4-way shadow, and "drop" for bottom-right shadow (defaults to "frame") </div>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-swallowKeys"></a>
<b>swallowKeys</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Handle the keydown/keypress events so they don't propagate (defaults to true) </div>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-updateEl"></a>
<b>updateEl</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to update the innerHTML of the bound element when the update completes (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-value"></a>
<b>value</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
The data value of the underlying field (defaults to "") </div>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Editor-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Editor-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-Editor"></a>
<b>Editor</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field field</code>, <code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new Editor</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new Editor <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>field</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc">The Field object (or descendant)</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-cancelEdit"></a>
<b>cancelEdit</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean remainVisible</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Cancels the editing process and hides the editor without persisting any changes. The field value will be
reverted to...</div>
<div class="long">
Cancels the editing process and hides the editor without persisting any changes. The field value will be
reverted to the original starting value. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>remainVisible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">Override the default behavior and keep the editor visible after
cancel (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-completeEdit"></a>
<b>completeEdit</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean remainVisible</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Ends the editing process, persists the changed value to the underlying field, and hides the editor.</div>
<div class="long">
Ends the editing process, persists the changed value to the underlying field, and hides the editor. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>remainVisible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">Override the default behavior and keep the editor visible after edit (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-getValue"></a>
<b>getValue</b>() : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the data value of the editor</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the data value of the editor <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">The data value</div></li>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-realign"></a>
<b>realign</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Realigns the editor to the bound field based on the current alignment config value.</div>
<div class="long">
Realigns the editor to the bound field based on the current alignment config value. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height and width of this editor.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height and width of this editor. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-setValue"></a>
<b>setValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the data value of the editor</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the data value of the editor <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">Any valid value supported by the underlying field</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-startEdit"></a>
<b>startEdit</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String value</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Starts the editing process and shows the editor.</div>
<div class="long">
Starts the editing process and shows the editor. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element to edit</div></li><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) A value to initialize the editor with. If a value is not provided, it defaults
to the innerHTML of el.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<a id="Ext.Editor-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-beforecomplete"></a>
<b>beforecomplete</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Editor this</code>, <code>Mixed value</code>, <code>Mixed startValue</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after a change has been made to the field, but before the change is reflected in the underlying
field. Saving ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after a change has been made to the field, but before the change is reflected in the underlying
field. Saving the change to the field can be canceled by returning false from the handler of this event.
Note that if the value has not changed and ignoreNoChange = true, the editing will still end but this
event will not fire since no edit actually occurred. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Editor<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The current field value</div></li><li><code>startValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The original field value</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-beforestartedit"></a>
<b>beforestartedit</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Editor this</code>, <code>Ext.Element boundEl</code>, <code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when editing is initiated, but before the value changes. Editing can be canceled by returning
false from the h...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when editing is initiated, but before the value changes. Editing can be canceled by returning
false from the handler of this event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Editor<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>boundEl</code> : Ext.Element<div class="sub-desc">The underlying element bound to this editor</div></li><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The field value being set</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-complete"></a>
<b>complete</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Editor this</code>, <code>Mixed value</code>, <code>Mixed startValue</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after editing is complete and any changed value has been written to the underlying field.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after editing is complete and any changed value has been written to the underlying field. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Editor<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The current field value</div></li><li><code>startValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The original field value</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-specialkey"></a>
<b>specialkey</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<div class="long">
Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
<a ext:cls="Ext.EventObject" ext:member="getKey" href="output/Ext.EventObject.html#getKey">Ext.EventObject.getKey</a> to determine which key was pressed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-startedit"></a>
<b>startedit</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Element boundEl</code>, <code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when this editor is displayed</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when this editor is displayed <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>boundEl</code> : Ext.Element<div class="sub-desc">The underlying element bound to this editor</div></li><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The starting field value</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">Editor</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.Editor-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
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<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Container</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Panel</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>TabPanel</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.TabPanel</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/TabPanel.js" target="_blank">TabPanel.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">TabPanel</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Panel</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
<p>A basic tab container. Tab panels can be used exactly like a standard <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Ext.Panel</a> for layout
purposes, but also have special support for containing child Panels that get automatically converted into tabs.</p>
<p>There is no actual tab class &mdash; each tab is simply an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Ext.Panel</a>. However, when rendered in a
TabPanel, each child Panel can fire additional events that only exist for tabs and are not available to other
Panels. These are:</p>
<li><b>activate</b>: Fires when this Panel becomes the active tab.
<div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight: normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tab</code> : Panel<div class="sub-desc">The tab that was activated</div></li></ul>
<li><b>deactivate</b>: Fires when this Panel that was the active tab becomes deactivated.
<div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight: normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>tab</code> : Panel<div class="sub-desc">The tab that was deactivated</div></li></ul>
<p>There are several methods available for creating TabPanels. The output of the following examples should be
exactly the same. The tabs can be created and rendered completely in code, as in this example:</p>
var tabs = new Ext.TabPanel({
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
activeTab: 0,
items: [{
title: 'Tab 1',
html: 'A simple tab'
title: 'Tab 2',
html: 'Another one'
<p>TabPanels can also be rendered from markup in a couple of ways. See the <a ext:cls="Ext.TabPanel" ext:member="autoTabs" href="output/Ext.TabPanel.html#autoTabs">autoTabs</a> example for
rendering entirely from markup that is already structured correctly as a TabPanel (a container div with
one or more nested tab divs with class 'x-tab'). You can also render from markup that is not strictly
structured by simply specifying by id which elements should be the container and the tabs. Using this method,
tab content can be pulled from different elements within the page by id regardless of page structure. Note
that the tab divs in this example contain the class 'x-hide-display' so that they can be rendered deferred
without displaying outside the tabs. You could alternately set <a ext:cls="Ext.TabPanel" ext:member="deferredRender" href="output/Ext.TabPanel.html#deferredRender">deferredRender</a> to false to render all
content tabs on page load. For example:
var tabs = new Ext.TabPanel({
renderTo: 'my-tabs',
activeTab: 0,
{contentEl:'tab1', title:'Tab 1'},
{contentEl:'tab2', title:'Tab 2'}
// Note that the tabs do not have to be nested within the container (although they can be)
&lt;div id="my-tabs">&lt;/div>
&lt;div id="tab1" class="x-hide-display">A simple tab&lt;/div>
&lt;div id="tab2" class="x-hide-display">Another one&lt;/div></pre></code> </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-activeItem"></a>
<b>activeItem</b> : String/Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be initially activated within the container's...</div>
<div class="long">
A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be initially activated within the container's layout on render. For example, activeItem: 'item-1' or activeItem: 0 (index 0 = the first item in the container's collection). activeItem only applies to layout styles that can display items one at a time (like <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Ext.layout.Accordion</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">Ext.layout.FitLayout</a>). Related to <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="activeItem" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#activeItem">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.activeItem</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#activeItem" href="output/Ext.Container.html#activeItem">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-activeTab"></a>
<b>activeTab</b> : String/Number <div class="mdesc">
A string id or the numeric index of the tab that should be initially activated on render (defaults to none). </div>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-animCollapse"></a>
<b>animCollapse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the Ext....</div>
<div class="long">
True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the <a ext:cls="Ext.Fx" href="output/Ext.Fx.html">Ext.Fx</a> class is available, otherwise false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-animScroll"></a>
<b>animScroll</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to animate tab scrolling so that hidden tabs slide smoothly into view (defaults to true). Only applies when enab...</div>
<div class="long">
True to animate tab scrolling so that hidden tabs slide smoothly into view (defaults to true). Only applies when <a ext:cls="Ext.TabPanel" ext:member="enableTabScroll" href="output/Ext.TabPanel.html#enableTabScroll">enableTabScroll</a> = true. </div>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-autoDestroy"></a>
<b>autoDestroy</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else destruction mu...</div>
<div class="long">
If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else destruction must be handled manually (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#autoDestroy" href="output/Ext.Container.html#autoDestroy">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-autoHeight"></a>
<b>autoHeight</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a height of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-autoLoad"></a>
<b>autoLoad</b> : Object/String/Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A valid url spec according to the Updater Ext.Updater.update method. If autoLoad is not null, the panel will attempt ...</div>
<div class="long">
A valid url spec according to the Updater <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" ext:member="update" href="output/Ext.Updater.html#update">Ext.Updater.update</a> method. If autoLoad is not null, the panel will attempt to load its contents immediately upon render.<p> The URL will become the default URL for this panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="body" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#body">body</a> element, so it may be <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="refresh" href="output/Ext.Element.html#refresh">refresh</a>ed at any time.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#autoLoad" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#autoLoad">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-autoScroll"></a>
<b>autoScroll</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use overflow:'auto' on the panel's body element and show scroll bars automatically when necessary, false to c...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use overflow:'auto' on the panel's body element and show scroll bars automatically when necessary, false to clip any overflowing content (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#autoScroll" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#autoScroll">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-autoTabSelector"></a>
<b>autoTabSelector</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The CSS selector used to search for tabs in existing markup when autoTabs = true (defaults to 'div.x-tab'). This can ...</div>
<div class="long">
The CSS selector used to search for tabs in existing markup when <a ext:cls="Ext.TabPanel" ext:member="autoTabs" href="output/Ext.TabPanel.html#autoTabs">autoTabs</a> = true (defaults to 'div.x-tab'). This can be any valid selector supported by <a ext:cls="Ext.DomQuery" ext:member="select" href="output/Ext.DomQuery.html#select"></a>. Note that the query will be executed within the scope of this tab panel only (so that multiple tab panels from markup can be supported on a page). </div>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-autoTabs"></a>
<b>autoTabs</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to query the DOM for any divs with a class of 'x-tab' to be automatically converted to tabs and added to this pa...</div>
<div class="long">
<p>True to query the DOM for any divs with a class of 'x-tab' to be automatically converted to tabs and added to this panel (defaults to false). Note that the query will be executed within the scope of the container element only (so that multiple tab panels from markup can be supported via this method).</p> <p>This method is only possible when the markup is structured correctly as a container with nested divs containing the class 'x-tab'. To create TabPanels without these limitations, or to pull tab content from other elements on the page, see the example at the top of the class for generating tabs from markup.</p> <p>There are a couple of things to note when using this method:<ul> <li>When using the autoTabs config (as opposed to passing individual tab configs in the TabPanel's <a ext:cls="Ext.TabPanel" ext:member="items" href="output/Ext.TabPanel.html#items">items</a> collection), you must use <a ext:cls="Ext.TabPanel" ext:member="applyTo" href="output/Ext.TabPanel.html#applyTo">applyTo</a> to correctly use the specified id as the tab container. The autoTabs method <em>replaces</em> existing content with the TabPanel components.</li> <li>Make sure that you set <a ext:cls="Ext.TabPanel" ext:member="deferredRender" href="output/Ext.TabPanel.html#deferredRender">deferredRender</a> to false so that the content elements for each tab will be rendered into the TabPanel immediately upon page load, otherwise they will not be transformed until each tab is activated and will be visible outside the TabPanel.</li> </ul>Example usage:</p> <pre><code>var tabs = <b>new</b> Ext.TabPanel({
applyTo: <em>'my-tabs'</em>,
activeTab: 0,
deferredRender: false,
autoTabs: true
<i>// This markup will be converted to a TabPanel from the code above</i>
&lt;div id=<em>"my-tabs"</em>>
&lt;div class=<em>"x-tab"</em> title=<em>"Tab 1"</em>>A simple tab&lt;/div>
&lt;div class=<em>"x-tab"</em> title=<em>"Tab 2"</em>>Another one&lt;/div>
&lt;/div></code></pre> </div>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-autoWidth"></a>
<b>autoWidth</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not al...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a width of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-baseCls"></a>
<b>baseCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The base CSS class applied to the panel (defaults to 'x-tab-panel'). </div>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-bbar"></a>
<b>bbar</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The bottom toolbar of the panel. This can be a Ext.Toolbar object, a toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button co...</div>
<div class="long">
The bottom toolbar of the panel. This can be a <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Ext.Toolbar</a> object, a toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render. To access the bottom toolbar after render, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getBottomToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getBottomToolbar">getBottomToolbar</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-bodyBorder"></a>
<b>bodyBorder</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display an interior border on the body element of the panel, false to hide it (defaults to true). This only a...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display an interior border on the body element of the panel, false to hide it (defaults to true). This only applies when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="border" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#border">border</a> == true. If border == true and bodyBorder == false, the border will display as a 1px wide inset border, giving the entire body element an inset appearance. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bodyBorder" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyBorder">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-bodyStyle"></a>
<b>bodyStyle</b> : String/Object/Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Custom CSS styles to be applied to the body element in the format expected by Ext.Element.applyStyles (defaults to nu...</div>
<div class="long">
Custom CSS styles to be applied to the body element in the format expected by <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a> (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bodyStyle" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyStyle">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-border"></a>
<b>border</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). By default, the borde...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). By default, the border is a 2px wide inset border, but this can be further altered by setting <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="bodyBorder" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyBorder">bodyBorder</a> to false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#border" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#border">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-bufferResize"></a>
<b>bufferResize</b> : Boolean/Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">When set to true (100 milliseconds) or a number of milliseconds, the layout assigned for this container will buffer t...</div>
<div class="long">
When set to true (100 milliseconds) or a number of milliseconds, the layout assigned for this container will buffer the frequency it calculates and does a re-layout of components. This is useful for heavy containers or containers with a large amount of sub components that frequent calls to layout are expensive. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#bufferResize" href="output/Ext.Container.html#bufferResize">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-buttonAlign"></a>
<b>buttonAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The alignment of any buttons added to this panel. Valid values are 'right,' 'left' and 'center' (defaults to 'right'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttonAlign" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttonAlign">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-buttons"></a>
<b>buttons</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
An array of <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> <b>configs</b> used to add buttons to the footer of this panel. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-collapseFirst"></a>
<b>collapseFirst</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the pane...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the panel's title bar, false to render it last (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapseFirst" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapseFirst">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-collapsedCls"></a>
<b>collapsedCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class to add to the panel's element after it has been collapsed (defaults to 'x-panel-collapsed'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsedCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsedCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-contentEl"></a>
<b>contentEl</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The id of an existing HTML node to use as the panel's body content (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#contentEl" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#contentEl">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-defaultType"></a>
<b>defaultType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default type of container represented by this object as registered in <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a> (defaults to 'panel'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#defaultType" href="output/Ext.Container.html#defaultType">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-defaults"></a>
<b>defaults</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object that will be applied to all components added to this container either via the items config or via the...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object that will be applied to all components added to this container either via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">items</a> config or via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#add">add</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="insert" href="output/Ext.Container.html#insert">insert</a> methods. The defaults config can contain any number of name/value property pairs to be added to each item, and should be valid for the types of items being added to the container. For example, to automatically apply padding to the body of each of a set of contained <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Ext.Panel</a> items, you could pass: defaults: {bodyStyle:'padding:15px'}. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#defaults" href="output/Ext.Container.html#defaults">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-deferredRender"></a>
<b>deferredRender</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Internally, the TabPanel uses a Ext.layout.CardLayout to manage its tabs. This property will be passed on to the layo...</div>
<div class="long">
Internally, the TabPanel uses a <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a> to manage its tabs. This property will be passed on to the layout as its <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" ext:member="deferredRender" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html#deferredRender">Ext.layout.CardLayout.deferredRender</a> config value, determining whether or not each tab is rendered only when first accessed (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-draggable"></a>
<b>draggable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false). For custom drag/drop implementations, an Ext.Panel.DD conf...</div>
<div class="long">
True to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false). For custom drag/drop implementations, an Ext.Panel.DD config could also be passed in this config instead of true, although Ext.Panel.DD is an internal, undocumented class. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#draggable" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#draggable">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-elements"></a>
<b>elements</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A comma-delimited list of panel elements to initialize when the panel is rendered. Normally, this list will be genera...</div>
<div class="long">
A comma-delimited list of panel elements to initialize when the panel is rendered. Normally, this list will be generated automatically based on the items added to the panel at config time, but sometimes it might be useful to make sure a structural element is rendered even if not specified at config time (for example, you may want to add a button or toolbar dynamically after the panel has been rendered). Adding those elements to this list will allocate the required placeholders in the panel when it is rendered. Valid values are<ul> <li><b>header</b></li> <li><b>tbar</b> (top bar)</li> <li><b>body</b></li> <li><b>bbar</b> (bottom bar)</li> <li><b>footer</b><li> </ul> Defaults to 'body'. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#elements" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#elements">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-enableTabScroll"></a>
<b>enableTabScroll</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to enable scrolling to tabs that may be invisible due to overflowing the overall TabPanel width. Only available ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to enable scrolling to tabs that may be invisible due to overflowing the overall TabPanel width. Only available with tabs on top. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-floating"></a>
<b>floating</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to float the panel (absolute position it with automatic shimming and shadow), false to display it inline where i...</div>
<div class="long">
True to float the panel (absolute position it with automatic shimming and shadow), false to display it inline where it is rendered (defaults to false). Note that by default, setting floating to true will cause the panel to display at negative offsets so that it is hidden -- because the panel is absolute positioned, the position must be set explicitly after render (e.g., myPanel.setPosition(100,100);). Also, when floating a panel you should always assign a fixed width, otherwise it will be auto width and will expand to fill to the right edge of the viewport. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#floating" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#floating">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-footer"></a>
<b>footer</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to create the footer element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when footer is not specified, if...</div>
<div class="long">
True to create the footer element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when footer is not specified, if one or more buttons have been added to the panel the footer will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#footer" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#footer">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-frame"></a>
<b>frame</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render the panel with custom rounded borders, false to render with plain 1px square borders (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#frame" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#frame">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-hideBorders"></a>
<b>hideBorders</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide the borders of each contained component, false to defer to the component's existing border settings (def...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide the borders of each contained component, false to defer to the component's existing border settings (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#hideBorders" href="output/Ext.Container.html#hideBorders">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-html"></a>
<b>html</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
An HTML fragment, or a <a ext:cls="Ext.DomHelper" href="output/Ext.DomHelper.html">DomHelper</a> specification to use as the panel's body content (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#html" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#html">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-iconCls"></a>
<b>iconCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class that will provide a background image to be used as the panel header icon (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#iconCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#iconCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-items"></a>
<b>items</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container. Each item can be any type of object bas...</div>
<div class="long">
A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container. Each item can be any type of object based on <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.<br><br> Component config objects may also be specified in order to avoid the overhead of constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the added Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of this "lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config property to the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br> For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>. If a single item is being passed, it should be passed directly as an object reference (e.g., items: {...}). Multiple items should be passed as an array of objects (e.g., items: [{...}, {...}]). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-keys"></a>
<b>keys</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by Ext.KeyMap.addBinding used to assign custom key handling to this pa...</div>
<div class="long">
A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by <a ext:cls="Ext.KeyMap" ext:member="addBinding" href="output/Ext.KeyMap.html#addBinding">Ext.KeyMap.addBinding</a> used to assign custom key handling to this panel (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#keys" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#keys">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-layout"></a>
<b>layout</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The layout type to be used in this container. If not specified, a default Ext.layout.ContainerLayout will be created ...</div>
<div class="long">
The layout type to be used in this container. If not specified, a default <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout</a> will be created and used. Valid values are: accordion, anchor, border, card, column, fit, form and table. Specific config values for the chosen layout type can be specified using <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layoutConfig" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layoutConfig">layoutConfig</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-layoutConfig"></a>
<b>layoutConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen layout (to be used in conjunction with the layou...</div>
<div class="long">
This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen layout (to be used in conjunction with the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">layout</a> config value). For complete details regarding the valid config options for each layout type, see the layout class corresponding to the type specified:<ul class="mdetail-params"> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Ext.layout.Accordion</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.AnchorLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.AnchorLayout.html">Ext.layout.AnchorLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.html">Ext.layout.BorderLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ColumnLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ColumnLayout.html">Ext.layout.ColumnLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">Ext.layout.FitLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html">Ext.layout.FormLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.TableLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.TableLayout.html">Ext.layout.TableLayout</a></li></ul> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#layoutConfig" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layoutConfig">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-layoutOnTabChange"></a>
<b>layoutOnTabChange</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Set to true to do a layout of tab items as tabs are changed. </div>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-maskDisabled"></a>
<b>maskDisabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will alway...</div>
<div class="long">
True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will always tell its contained elements to disable themselves when it is disabled, but masking the panel can provide an additional visual cue that the panel is disabled. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#maskDisabled" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#maskDisabled">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-minButtonWidth"></a>
<b>minButtonWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Minimum width in pixels of all buttons in this panel (defaults to 75) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#minButtonWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#minButtonWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-minTabWidth"></a>
<b>minTabWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width in pixels for each tab when <a ext:cls="Ext.TabPanel" ext:member="resizeTabs" href="output/Ext.TabPanel.html#resizeTabs">resizeTabs</a> = true (defaults to 30). </div>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-monitorResize"></a>
<b>monitorResize</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to automatically monitor window resize events and rerender the layout on browser resize (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-plain"></a>
<b>plain</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render the tab strip without a background container image (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-resizeTabs"></a>
<b>resizeTabs</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to automatically resize each tab so that the tabs will completely fill the tab strip (defaults to false). Settin...</div>
<div class="long">
True to automatically resize each tab so that the tabs will completely fill the tab strip (defaults to false). Setting this to true may cause specific widths that might be set per tab to be overridden in order to fit them all into view (although <a ext:cls="Ext.TabPanel" ext:member="minTabWidth" href="output/Ext.TabPanel.html#minTabWidth">minTabWidth</a> will always be honored). </div>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-scrollDuration"></a>
<b>scrollDuration</b> : Float <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The number of milliseconds that each scroll animation should last (defaults to .35). Only applies when animScroll = t...</div>
<div class="long">
The number of milliseconds that each scroll animation should last (defaults to .35). Only applies when <a ext:cls="Ext.TabPanel" ext:member="animScroll" href="output/Ext.TabPanel.html#animScroll">animScroll</a> = true. </div>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-scrollIncrement"></a>
<b>scrollIncrement</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The number of pixels to scroll each time a tab scroll button is pressed (defaults to 100, or if resizeTabs = true, th...</div>
<div class="long">
The number of pixels to scroll each time a tab scroll button is pressed (defaults to 100, or if <a ext:cls="Ext.TabPanel" ext:member="resizeTabs" href="output/Ext.TabPanel.html#resizeTabs">resizeTabs</a> = true, the calculated tab width). Only applies when <a ext:cls="Ext.TabPanel" ext:member="enableTabScroll" href="output/Ext.TabPanel.html#enableTabScroll">enableTabScroll</a> = true. </div>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-scrollRepeatInterval"></a>
<b>scrollRepeatInterval</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Number of milliseconds between each scroll while a tab scroll button is continuously pressed (defaults to 400). </div>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-shadow"></a>
<b>shadow</b> : Boolean/String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True (or a valid Ext.Shadow Ext.Shadow.mode value) to display a shadow behind the panel, false to display no shadow (...</div>
<div class="long">
True (or a valid Ext.Shadow <a ext:cls="Ext.Shadow" ext:member="mode" href="output/Ext.Shadow.html#mode">Ext.Shadow.mode</a> value) to display a shadow behind the panel, false to display no shadow (defaults to 'sides'). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shadow" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shadow">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-shadowOffset"></a>
<b>shadowOffset</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). Note that this option only applies when float...</div>
<div class="long">
The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shadowOffset" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shadowOffset">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-shim"></a>
<b>shim</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true). Note that this option only applies wh...</div>
<div class="long">
False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shim" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shim">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-tabMargin"></a>
<b>tabMargin</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The number of pixels of space to calculate into the sizing and scrolling of tabs. If you change the margin in CSS, yo...</div>
<div class="long">
The number of pixels of space to calculate into the sizing and scrolling of tabs. If you change the margin in CSS, you will need to update this value so calculations are correct with either resizeTabs or scrolling tabs. (defaults to 2) </div>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-tabPosition"></a>
<b>tabPosition</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The position where the tab strip should be rendered (defaults to 'top'). The only other supported value is 'bottom'. ...</div>
<div class="long">
The position where the tab strip should be rendered (defaults to 'top'). The only other supported value is 'bottom'. Note that tab scrolling is only supported for position 'top'. </div>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-tabTip"></a>
<b>tabTip</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must be called in order for the tips to render. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tabTip" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tabTip">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-tabWidth"></a>
<b>tabWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The initial width in pixels of each new tab (defaults to 120). </div>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-tbar"></a>
<b>tbar</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The top toolbar of the panel. This can be either an Ext.Toolbar object or an array of buttons/button configs to be ad...</div>
<div class="long">
The top toolbar of the panel. This can be either an <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Ext.Toolbar</a> object or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render. To access the top toolbar after render, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getTopToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getTopToolbar">getTopToolbar</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-title"></a>
<b>title</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will aut...</div>
<div class="long">
The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will automatically be created and displayed unless <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">header</a> is explicitly set to false. If you don't want to specify a title at config time, but you may want one later, you must either specify a non-empty title (a blank space ' ' will do) or header:true so that the container element will get created. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-wheelIncrement"></a>
<b>wheelIncrement</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
For scrolling tabs, the number of pixels to increment on mouse wheel scrolling (defaults to 20). </div>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-body"></a>
<b>body</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
The Panel's body Element which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the html config,...</div>
<div class="long">
The Panel's body <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a> which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="html" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#html">html</a> config, or it may be loaded using the
<a ext:cls="autoLoad" href="output/autoLoad.html">autoLoad</a> config, or through the Panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getUpdater" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getUpdater">Updater</a>. Read-only.
<p>If this is used to load visible HTML elements in either way, then
the Panel may not be used as a Layout for hosting nested Panels.</p>
<p>If this Panel is intended to be used as the host of a Layout (See <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#layout">layout</a>
then the body Element must not be loaded or changed - it is under the control
of the Panel's Layout. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#body" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#body">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-buttons"></a>
<b>buttons</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
This Panel's Array of buttons as created from the <tt>buttons</tt>
config property. Read only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-footer"></a>
<b>footer</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
The Panel's footer <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a>. Read-only.
<p>This Element is used to house the Panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">buttons</a>.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#footer" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#footer">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-items"></a>
<b>items</b> : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
The collection of components in this container as a <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html">Ext.util.MixedCollection</a> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">Container</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-TabPanel"></a>
<b>TabPanel</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short"></div>
<div class="long">
<div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-activate"></a>
<b>activate</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Panel tab</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the specified tab as the active tab. This method fires the beforetabchange event which
can return false to cance...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the specified tab as the active tab. This method fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.TabPanel" ext:member="beforetabchange" href="output/Ext.TabPanel.html#beforetabchange">beforetabchange</a> event which
can return false to cancel the tab change. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tab</code> : String/Panel<div class="sub-desc">The id or tab Panel to activate</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-add"></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component/Object component</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a component to this container. Fires the beforeadd event before adding,
then fires the add event after the compo...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a component to this container. Fires the beforeadd event before adding,
then fires the add event after the component has been added. If the container is
already rendered when add is called, you may need to call <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="doLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#doLayout">doLayout</a> to refresh
the view. This is required so that you can add multiple child components if needed
while only refreshing the layout once. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component/Object<div class="sub-desc">The component to add.<br><br>
Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the added Component should
it become necessary.<br><br>
A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of
constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
added Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of this
"lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config property to
the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br>
For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">component The Component (or config object) that was added with the Container's default config values applied.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#add">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-addButton"></a>
<b>addButton</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object config</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Button <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to ...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to add buttons via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">buttons</a> config. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">A valid <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> config. A string will become the text for a default
button config, an object will be treated as a button config object.</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called on button <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="click" href="output/Ext.Button.html#click"></a></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope to use for the button handler function</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Button</code><div class="sub-desc">The button that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#addButton" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#addButton">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-beginUpdate"></a>
<b>beginUpdate</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspends any internal calculations or scrolling while doing a bulk operation. See <a ext:cls="Ext.TabPanel" ext:member="endUpdate" href="output/Ext.TabPanel.html#endUpdate">endUpdate</a></div>
<div class="long">
Suspends any internal calculations or scrolling while doing a bulk operation. See <a ext:cls="Ext.TabPanel" ext:member="endUpdate" href="output/Ext.TabPanel.html#endUpdate">endUpdate</a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-bubble"></a>
<b>bubble</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (this) of...</div>
<div class="long">
Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the bubble is stopped. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#bubble" href="output/Ext.Container.html#bubble">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-cascade"></a>
<b>cascade</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function wi...</div>
<div class="long">
Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function with
each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the cascade is stopped on that branch. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current component)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (defaults to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#cascade" href="output/Ext.Container.html#cascade">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the beforecollapse event which will
cancel the collapse ac...</div>
<div class="long">
Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforecollapse">beforecollapse</a> event which will
cancel the collapse action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-doLayout"></a>
<b>doLayout</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force this container's layout to be recalculated. A call to this function is required after adding a new component
<div class="long">
Force this container's layout to be recalculated. A call to this function is required after adding a new component
to an already rendered container, or possibly after changing sizing/position properties of child components. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to only calc the layout of this component, and let child components auto
calc layouts as required (defaults to false, which calls doLayout recursively for each subcontainer)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#doLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#doLayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-endUpdate"></a>
<b>endUpdate</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resumes calculations and scrolling at the end of a bulk operation. See <a ext:cls="Ext.TabPanel" ext:member="beginUpdate" href="output/Ext.TabPanel.html#beginUpdate">beginUpdate</a></div>
<div class="long">
Resumes calculations and scrolling at the end of a bulk operation. See <a ext:cls="Ext.TabPanel" ext:member="beginUpdate" href="output/Ext.TabPanel.html#beginUpdate">beginUpdate</a> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the beforeexpand event which will
cancel the expand action ...</div>
<div class="long">
Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforeexpand">beforeexpand</a> event which will
cancel the expand action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-find"></a>
<b>find</b>(&nbsp;<code>String prop</code>, <code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by property</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by property <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>prop</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#find" href="output/Ext.Container.html#find">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-findBy"></a>
<b>findBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the com...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the component will be included in the results. The passed function is called with the arguments (component, this container). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findBy" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findBy">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-findById"></a>
<b>findById</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by id</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findById" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findById">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-findByType"></a>
<b>findByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findByType" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findByType">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-getActiveTab"></a>
<b>getActiveTab</b>() : Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the currently active tab.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the currently active tab. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">The active tab</div></li>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-getBottomToolbar"></a>
<b>getBottomToolbar</b>() : Ext.Toolbar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar</code><div class="sub-desc">The toolbar</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getBottomToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getBottomToolbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-getComponent"></a>
<b>getComponent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Number id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets a direct child Component by id, or by index.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets a direct child Component by id, or by index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">or index of child Component to return.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#getComponent" href="output/Ext.Container.html#getComponent">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-getFrameHeight"></a>
<b>getFrameHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and ...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and footer elements, but not including the body height). To retrieve the body height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerHeight">getInnerHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getFrameHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameHeight">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-getFrameWidth"></a>
<b>getFrameWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the bo...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the body width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerWidth">getInnerWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-getInnerHeight"></a>
<b>getInnerHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame he...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameHeight">getFrameHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getInnerHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerHeight">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-getInnerWidth"></a>
<b>getInnerWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame widt...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameWidth">getFrameWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getInnerWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-getItem"></a>
<b>getItem</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the specified tab by id.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the specified tab by id. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The tab id</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">The tab</div></li>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-getLayout"></a>
<b>getLayout</b>() : ContainerLayout <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the layout currently in use by the container. If the container does not currently have a layout
set, a defau...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the layout currently in use by the container. If the container does not currently have a layout
set, a default <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout</a> will be created and set as the container's layout. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>ContainerLayout</code><div class="sub-desc">layout The container's layout</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#getLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#getLayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-getTabEl"></a>
<b>getTabEl</b>(&nbsp;<code>Panel tab</code>&nbsp;) : HTMLElement <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the DOM element for tab strip item which activates the
child panel with the specified ID. Access this to change ...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the DOM element for tab strip item which activates the
child panel with the specified ID. Access this to change the visual treatment of the
item, for example by changing the CSS class name. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tab</code> : Panel<div class="sub-desc">The tab</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>HTMLElement</code><div class="sub-desc">The DOM node</div></li>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-getTopToolbar"></a>
<b>getTopToolbar</b>() : Ext.Toolbar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar</code><div class="sub-desc">The toolbar</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getTopToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getTopToolbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-getUpdater"></a>
<b>getUpdater</b>() : Ext.Updater <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" href="output/Ext.Updater.html">Ext.Updater</a> for this panel. Enables you to perform Ajax updates of this panel's body.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" href="output/Ext.Updater.html">Ext.Updater</a> for this panel. Enables you to perform Ajax updates of this panel's body. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Updater</code><div class="sub-desc">The Updater</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getUpdater" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getUpdater">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-hideTabStripItem"></a>
<b>hideTabStripItem</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/String/Panel item</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hides the tab strip item for the passed tab</div>
<div class="long">
Hides the tab strip item for the passed tab <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>item</code> : Number/String/Panel<div class="sub-desc">The tab index, id or item</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-insert"></a>
<b>insert</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the
beforeadd event before inserting, then fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the
beforeadd event before inserting, then fires the add event after the
Component has been inserted. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the Component will be inserted
into the Container's items collection</div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The child Component to insert.<br><br>
Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the inserted Component should
it become necessary.<br><br>
A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of
constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
inserted Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of
this "lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config
property to the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br>
For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">component The Component (or config object) that was inserted with the Container's default config values applied.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#insert" href="output/Ext.Container.html#insert">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-load"></a>
<b>load</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object/String/Function config</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Loads this content panel immediately with content returned from an XHR call.</div>
<div class="long">
Loads this content panel immediately with content returned from an XHR call. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object/String/Function<div class="sub-desc">A config object containing any of the following options:
url: <em>"your-url.php"</em>,
params: {param1: <em>"foo"</em>, param2: <em>"bar"</em>}, <i>// or a URL encoded string</i>
callback: yourFunction,
scope: yourObject, <i>// optional scope <b>for</b> the callback</i>
discardUrl: false,
nocache: false,
text: <em>"Loading..."</em>,
timeout: 30,
scripts: false
The only required property is url. The optional properties nocache, text and scripts
are shorthand for disableCaching, indicatorText and loadScripts and are used to set their
associated property on this panel Updater instance.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#load" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#load">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-readTabs"></a>
<b>readTabs</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean removeExisting</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to scan the markup in this tab panel for autoTabs using the autoTabSelector</div>
<div class="long">
True to scan the markup in this tab panel for autoTabs using the autoTabSelector <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>removeExisting</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to remove existing tabs</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b>(&nbsp;<code>Component/String component</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean autoDestroy</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a component from this container. Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires
the remove event a...</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a component from this container. Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires
the remove event after the component has been removed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>component</code> : Component/String<div class="sub-desc">The component reference or id to remove</div></li><li><code>autoDestroy</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to automatically invoke the component's <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Ext.Component.destroy</a> function</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#remove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#remove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-scrollToTab"></a>
<b>scrollToTab</b>(&nbsp;<code>Panel item</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Scrolls to a particular tab if tab scrolling is enabled</div>
<div class="long">
Scrolls to a particular tab if tab scrolling is enabled <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>item</code> : Panel<div class="sub-desc">The item to scroll to</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to enable animations</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-setActiveTab"></a>
<b>setActiveTab</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Panel tab</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the specified tab as the active tab. This method fires the beforetabchange event which
can return false to cance...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the specified tab as the active tab. This method fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.TabPanel" ext:member="beforetabchange" href="output/Ext.TabPanel.html#beforetabchange">beforetabchange</a> event which
can return false to cancel the tab change. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>tab</code> : String/Panel<div class="sub-desc">The id or tab Panel to activate</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-setIconClass"></a>
<b>setIconClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. This method will replace any existing
icon class if ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. This method will replace any existing
icon class if one has already been set. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new CSS class name</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#setIconClass" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#setIconClass">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-setTitle"></a>
<b>setTitle</b>(&nbsp;<code>String title</code>, <code>String (optional)</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>title</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The title text to set</div></li><li><code>(optional)</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">iconCls A custon, user-defined CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#setTitle" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#setTitle">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-toggleCollapse"></a>
<b>toggleCollapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#toggleCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#toggleCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-unhideTabStripItem"></a>
<b>unhideTabStripItem</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/String/Panel item</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Unhides the tab strip item for the passed tab</div>
<div class="long">
Unhides the tab strip item for the passed tab <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>item</code> : Number/String/Panel<div class="sub-desc">The tab index, id or item</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-activate"></a>
<b>activate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been visually activated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being activated, but some...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been visually activated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being activated, but some Panel subclasses
do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel fire the
activate and deactivate events under the control of the TabPanel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been activated.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-activate" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-activate">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-add"></a>
<b>add</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component was added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-add">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-afterlayout"></a>
<b>afterlayout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>ContainerLayout layout</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>layout</code> : ContainerLayout<div class="sub-desc">The ContainerLayout implementation for this container</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-afterlayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-afterlayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-beforeadd"></a>
<b>beforeadd</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component will be added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeadd" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeadd">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-beforeclose"></a>
<b>beforeclose</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses d...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). This event only applies to such subclasses.
A handler can return false to cancel the close. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel being closed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforeclose" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforeclose">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-beforecollapse"></a>
<b>beforecollapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel being collapsed.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the collapse is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforecollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-beforeexpand"></a>
<b>beforeexpand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel being expanded.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the expand is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforeexpand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-beforeremove"></a>
<b>beforeremove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeremove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeremove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-beforetabchange"></a>
<b>beforetabchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>TabPanel this</code>, <code>Panel newTab</code>, <code>Panel currentTab</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the active tab changes. Handlers can return false to cancel the tab change.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the active tab changes. Handlers can return false to cancel the tab change. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : TabPanel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>newTab</code> : Panel<div class="sub-desc">The tab being activated</div></li><li><code>currentTab</code> : Panel<div class="sub-desc">The current active tab</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-bodyresize"></a>
<b>bodyresize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel which has been resized.</div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The Panel's new width.</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The Panel's new height.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-bodyresize" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-bodyresize">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-close"></a>
<b>close</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been closed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-close" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-close">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been collapsed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been collapsed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel that has been collapsed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-collapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-contextmenu"></a>
<b>contextmenu</b> : (&nbsp;<code>TabPanel this</code>, <code>Panel tab</code>, <code>EventObject e</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the original browser contextmenu event originated from a tab element.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the original browser contextmenu event originated from a tab element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : TabPanel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>tab</code> : Panel<div class="sub-desc">The target tab</div></li><li><code>e</code> : EventObject<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-deactivate"></a>
<b>deactivate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been visually deactivated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being deactivated, but ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been visually deactivated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being deactivated, but some Panel subclasses
do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel fire the
activate and deactivate events under the control of the TabPanel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been deactivated.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-deactivate" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-deactivate">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been expanded.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been expanded. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been expanded.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-expand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-remove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-remove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-tabchange"></a>
<b>tabchange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>TabPanel this</code>, <code>Panel tab</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the active tab has changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the active tab has changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : TabPanel<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>tab</code> : Panel<div class="sub-desc">The new active tab</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">TabPanel</td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.TabPanel-titlechange"></a>
<b>titlechange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>String The</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel which has had its title changed.</div></li><li><code>The</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">new title.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-titlechange" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-titlechange">Panel</a></td>
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<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.QuickTip-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.QuickTip-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.QuickTip-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.QuickTip-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.QuickTip"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<div class="inheritance res-block">
<pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Container</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Panel</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Tip" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Tip.html">Tip</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.ToolTip" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.ToolTip.html">ToolTip</a>
<img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>QuickTip</pre></div>
<h1>Class Ext.QuickTip</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/tips/QuickTip.js" target="_blank">QuickTip.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">QuickTip</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.ToolTip" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.ToolTip.html">ToolTip</a></td></tr>
<div class="description">
A specialized tooltip class for tooltips that can be specified in markup and automatically managed by the global
<a ext:cls="Ext.QuickTips" href="output/Ext.QuickTips.html">Ext.QuickTips</a> instance. See the QuickTips class header for additional usage details and examples. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-activeItem"></a>
<b>activeItem</b> : String/Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be initially activated within the container's...</div>
<div class="long">
A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be initially activated within the container's layout on render. For example, activeItem: 'item-1' or activeItem: 0 (index 0 = the first item in the container's collection). activeItem only applies to layout styles that can display items one at a time (like <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Ext.layout.Accordion</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">Ext.layout.FitLayout</a>). Related to <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" ext:member="activeItem" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html#activeItem">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.activeItem</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#activeItem" href="output/Ext.Container.html#activeItem">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-allowDomMove"></a>
<b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-animCollapse"></a>
<b>animCollapse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the Ext....</div>
<div class="long">
True to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the <a ext:cls="Ext.Fx" href="output/Ext.Fx.html">Ext.Fx</a> class is available, otherwise false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-applyTo"></a>
<b>applyTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-autoDestroy"></a>
<b>autoDestroy</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else destruction mu...</div>
<div class="long">
If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else destruction must be handled manually (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#autoDestroy" href="output/Ext.Container.html#autoDestroy">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-autoHeight"></a>
<b>autoHeight</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a height of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-autoHide"></a>
<b>autoHide</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to automatically hide the tooltip after the mouse exits the target element or after the dismissDelay has expired...</div>
<div class="long">
True to automatically hide the tooltip after the mouse exits the target element or after the <a ext:cls="Ext.ToolTip" ext:member="dismissDelay" href="output/Ext.ToolTip.html#dismissDelay">dismissDelay</a> has expired if set (defaults to true). If <a ext:cls="closable" href="output/closable.html">closable</a> = true a close tool button will be rendered into the tooltip header. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.ToolTip" ext:member="#autoHide" href="output/Ext.ToolTip.html#autoHide">ToolTip</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-autoLoad"></a>
<b>autoLoad</b> : Object/String/Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A valid url spec according to the Updater Ext.Updater.update method. If autoLoad is not null, the panel will attempt ...</div>
<div class="long">
A valid url spec according to the Updater <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" ext:member="update" href="output/Ext.Updater.html#update">Ext.Updater.update</a> method. If autoLoad is not null, the panel will attempt to load its contents immediately upon render.<p> The URL will become the default URL for this panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="body" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#body">body</a> element, so it may be <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="refresh" href="output/Ext.Element.html#refresh">refresh</a>ed at any time.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#autoLoad" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#autoLoad">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-autoScroll"></a>
<b>autoScroll</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use overflow:'auto' on the panel's body element and show scroll bars automatically when necessary, false to c...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use overflow:'auto' on the panel's body element and show scroll bars automatically when necessary, false to clip any overflowing content (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#autoScroll" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#autoScroll">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-autoShow"></a>
<b>autoShow</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>
<div class="long">
True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-autoWidth"></a>
<b>autoWidth</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not al...</div>
<div class="long">
True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width. Note: although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a width of 'auto'. (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-baseCls"></a>
<b>baseCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The base CSS class to apply to this panel's element (defaults to 'x-panel'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#baseCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#baseCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-bbar"></a>
<b>bbar</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The bottom toolbar of the panel. This can be a Ext.Toolbar object, a toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button co...</div>
<div class="long">
The bottom toolbar of the panel. This can be a <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Ext.Toolbar</a> object, a toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render. To access the bottom toolbar after render, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getBottomToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getBottomToolbar">getBottomToolbar</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-bodyBorder"></a>
<b>bodyBorder</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display an interior border on the body element of the panel, false to hide it (defaults to true). This only a...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display an interior border on the body element of the panel, false to hide it (defaults to true). This only applies when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="border" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#border">border</a> == true. If border == true and bodyBorder == false, the border will display as a 1px wide inset border, giving the entire body element an inset appearance. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bodyBorder" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyBorder">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-bodyStyle"></a>
<b>bodyStyle</b> : String/Object/Function <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Custom CSS styles to be applied to the body element in the format expected by Ext.Element.applyStyles (defaults to nu...</div>
<div class="long">
Custom CSS styles to be applied to the body element in the format expected by <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a> (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#bodyStyle" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyStyle">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-border"></a>
<b>border</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). By default, the borde...</div>
<div class="long">
True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). By default, the border is a 2px wide inset border, but this can be further altered by setting <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="bodyBorder" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#bodyBorder">bodyBorder</a> to false. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#border" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#border">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-bufferResize"></a>
<b>bufferResize</b> : Boolean/Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">When set to true (100 milliseconds) or a number of milliseconds, the layout assigned for this container will buffer t...</div>
<div class="long">
When set to true (100 milliseconds) or a number of milliseconds, the layout assigned for this container will buffer the frequency it calculates and does a re-layout of components. This is useful for heavy containers or containers with a large amount of sub components that frequent calls to layout are expensive. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#bufferResize" href="output/Ext.Container.html#bufferResize">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-buttonAlign"></a>
<b>buttonAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The alignment of any buttons added to this panel. Valid values are 'right,' 'left' and 'center' (defaults to 'right'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttonAlign" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttonAlign">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-buttons"></a>
<b>buttons</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
An array of <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> <b>configs</b> used to add buttons to the footer of this panel. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-closable"></a>
<b>closable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render a close tool button into the tooltip header (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Tip" ext:member="#closable" href="output/Ext.Tip.html#closable">Tip</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-cls"></a>
<b>cls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-collapseFirst"></a>
<b>collapseFirst</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the pane...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the panel's title bar, false to render it last (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapseFirst" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapseFirst">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-collapsed"></a>
<b>collapsed</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render the panel collapsed, false to render it expanded (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsed" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsed">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-collapsedCls"></a>
<b>collapsedCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class to add to the panel's element after it has been collapsed (defaults to 'x-panel-collapsed'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsedCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsedCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-collapsible"></a>
<b>collapsible</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header ...</div>
<div class="long">
True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header tool button area, false to keep the panel statically sized with no button (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-contentEl"></a>
<b>contentEl</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The id of an existing HTML node to use as the panel's body content (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#contentEl" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#contentEl">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-ctCls"></a>
<b>ctCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-defaultAlign"></a>
<b>defaultAlign</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Experimental. The default Ext.Element.alignTo anchor position value for this tip relative to its element of origin (d...</div>
<div class="long">
<b>Experimental</b>. The default <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a> anchor position value for this tip relative to its element of origin (defaults to "tl-bl?"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Tip" ext:member="#defaultAlign" href="output/Ext.Tip.html#defaultAlign">Tip</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-defaultType"></a>
<b>defaultType</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The default type of container represented by this object as registered in <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a> (defaults to 'panel'). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#defaultType" href="output/Ext.Container.html#defaultType">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-defaults"></a>
<b>defaults</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object that will be applied to all components added to this container either via the items config or via the...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object that will be applied to all components added to this container either via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">items</a> config or via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#add">add</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="insert" href="output/Ext.Container.html#insert">insert</a> methods. The defaults config can contain any number of name/value property pairs to be added to each item, and should be valid for the types of items being added to the container. For example, to automatically apply padding to the body of each of a set of contained <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" href="output/Ext.Panel.html">Ext.Panel</a> items, you could pass: defaults: {bodyStyle:'padding:15px'}. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#defaults" href="output/Ext.Container.html#defaults">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-disabledClass"></a>
<b>disabledClass</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled"). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-dismissDelay"></a>
<b>dismissDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Delay in milliseconds before the tooltip automatically hides (defaults to 5000). To disable automatic hiding, set dis...</div>
<div class="long">
Delay in milliseconds before the tooltip automatically hides (defaults to 5000). To disable automatic hiding, set dismissDelay = 0. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.ToolTip" ext:member="#dismissDelay" href="output/Ext.ToolTip.html#dismissDelay">ToolTip</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-draggable"></a>
<b>draggable</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false). For custom drag/drop implementations, an Ext.Panel.DD conf...</div>
<div class="long">
True to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false). For custom drag/drop implementations, an Ext.Panel.DD config could also be passed in this config instead of true, although Ext.Panel.DD is an internal, undocumented class. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#draggable" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#draggable">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-elements"></a>
<b>elements</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A comma-delimited list of panel elements to initialize when the panel is rendered. Normally, this list will be genera...</div>
<div class="long">
A comma-delimited list of panel elements to initialize when the panel is rendered. Normally, this list will be generated automatically based on the items added to the panel at config time, but sometimes it might be useful to make sure a structural element is rendered even if not specified at config time (for example, you may want to add a button or toolbar dynamically after the panel has been rendered). Adding those elements to this list will allocate the required placeholders in the panel when it is rendered. Valid values are<ul> <li><b>header</b></li> <li><b>tbar</b> (top bar)</li> <li><b>body</b></li> <li><b>bbar</b> (bottom bar)</li> <li><b>footer</b><li> </ul> Defaults to 'body'. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#elements" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#elements">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-floating"></a>
<b>floating</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to float the panel (absolute position it with automatic shimming and shadow), false to display it inline where i...</div>
<div class="long">
True to float the panel (absolute position it with automatic shimming and shadow), false to display it inline where it is rendered (defaults to false). Note that by default, setting floating to true will cause the panel to display at negative offsets so that it is hidden -- because the panel is absolute positioned, the position must be set explicitly after render (e.g., myPanel.setPosition(100,100);). Also, when floating a panel you should always assign a fixed width, otherwise it will be auto width and will expand to fill to the right edge of the viewport. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#floating" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#floating">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-footer"></a>
<b>footer</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to create the footer element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when footer is not specified, if...</div>
<div class="long">
True to create the footer element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when footer is not specified, if one or more buttons have been added to the panel the footer will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#footer" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#footer">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-frame"></a>
<b>frame</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to render the panel with custom rounded borders, false to render with plain 1px square borders (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#frame" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#frame">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to create the header element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when header is not specified, if...</div>
<div class="long">
True to create the header element explicitly, false to skip creating it. By default, when header is not specified, if a <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">title</a> is set the header will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. If a title is set but header is explicitly set to false, the header will not be rendered. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-headerAsText"></a>
<b>headerAsText</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to display the panel title in the header, false to hide it (defaults to true). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#headerAsText" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#headerAsText">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-height"></a>
<b>height</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-hideBorders"></a>
<b>hideBorders</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide the borders of each contained component, false to defer to the component's existing border settings (def...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide the borders of each contained component, false to defer to the component's existing border settings (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#hideBorders" href="output/Ext.Container.html#hideBorders">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-hideCollapseTool"></a>
<b>hideCollapseTool</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide the expand/collapse toggle button when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> = true, false to display it (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#hideCollapseTool" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#hideCollapseTool">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-hideDelay"></a>
<b>hideDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Delay in milliseconds after the mouse exits the target element but before the tooltip actually hides (defaults to 200...</div>
<div class="long">
Delay in milliseconds after the mouse exits the target element but before the tooltip actually hides (defaults to 200). Set to 0 for the tooltip to hide immediately. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.ToolTip" ext:member="#hideDelay" href="output/Ext.ToolTip.html#hideDelay">ToolTip</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-hideMode"></a>
<b>hideMode</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset posi...</div>
<div class="long">
How this component should hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display". </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-hideParent"></a>
<b>hideParent</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>
<div class="long">
True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-html"></a>
<b>html</b> : String/Object <div class="mdesc">
An HTML fragment, or a <a ext:cls="Ext.DomHelper" href="output/Ext.DomHelper.html">DomHelper</a> specification to use as the panel's body content (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#html" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#html">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-iconCls"></a>
<b>iconCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
A CSS class that will provide a background image to be used as the panel header icon (defaults to ''). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#iconCls" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#iconCls">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-id"></a>
<b>id</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-interceptTitles"></a>
<b>interceptTitles</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to automatically use the element's DOM title value if available (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">QuickTip</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-items"></a>
<b>items</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container. Each item can be any type of object bas...</div>
<div class="long">
A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container. Each item can be any type of object based on <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.<br><br> Component config objects may also be specified in order to avoid the overhead of constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the added Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of this "lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config property to the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br> For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>. If a single item is being passed, it should be passed directly as an object reference (e.g., items: {...}). Multiple items should be passed as an array of objects (e.g., items: [{...}, {...}]). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-keys"></a>
<b>keys</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by Ext.KeyMap.addBinding used to assign custom key handling to this pa...</div>
<div class="long">
A KeyMap config object (in the format expected by <a ext:cls="Ext.KeyMap" ext:member="addBinding" href="output/Ext.KeyMap.html#addBinding">Ext.KeyMap.addBinding</a> used to assign custom key handling to this panel (defaults to null). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#keys" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#keys">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-layout"></a>
<b>layout</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The layout type to be used in this container. If not specified, a default Ext.layout.ContainerLayout will be created ...</div>
<div class="long">
The layout type to be used in this container. If not specified, a default <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout</a> will be created and used. Valid values are: accordion, anchor, border, card, column, fit, form and table. Specific config values for the chosen layout type can be specified using <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layoutConfig" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layoutConfig">layoutConfig</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-layoutConfig"></a>
<b>layoutConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen layout (to be used in conjunction with the layou...</div>
<div class="long">
This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen layout (to be used in conjunction with the <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">layout</a> config value). For complete details regarding the valid config options for each layout type, see the layout class corresponding to the type specified:<ul class="mdetail-params"> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Ext.layout.Accordion</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.AnchorLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.AnchorLayout.html">Ext.layout.AnchorLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.html">Ext.layout.BorderLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ColumnLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ColumnLayout.html">Ext.layout.ColumnLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">Ext.layout.FitLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html">Ext.layout.FormLayout</a></li> <li><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.TableLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.TableLayout.html">Ext.layout.TableLayout</a></li></ul> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#layoutConfig" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layoutConfig">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-listeners"></a>
<b>listeners</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should b...</div>
<div class="long">
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-maskDisabled"></a>
<b>maskDisabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will alway...</div>
<div class="long">
True to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults to true). Either way, the panel will always tell its contained elements to disable themselves when it is disabled, but masking the panel can provide an additional visual cue that the panel is disabled. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#maskDisabled" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#maskDisabled">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-maxWidth"></a>
<b>maxWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The maximum width of the tip in pixels (defaults to 300). The maximum supported value is 500. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Tip" ext:member="#maxWidth" href="output/Ext.Tip.html#maxWidth">Tip</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-minButtonWidth"></a>
<b>minButtonWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Minimum width in pixels of all buttons in this panel (defaults to 75) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#minButtonWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#minButtonWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-minWidth"></a>
<b>minWidth</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The minimum width of the tip in pixels (defaults to 40). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Tip" ext:member="#minWidth" href="output/Ext.Tip.html#minWidth">Tip</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-monitorResize"></a>
<b>monitorResize</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to automatically monitor window resize events to handle anything that is sensitive to the current size of the vi...</div>
<div class="long">
True to automatically monitor window resize events to handle anything that is sensitive to the current size of the viewport. This value is typically managed by the chosen <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">layout</a> and should not need to be set manually. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#monitorResize" href="output/Ext.Container.html#monitorResize">Container</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-mouseOffset"></a>
<b>mouseOffset</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
An XY offset from the mouse position where the tooltip should be shown (defaults to [15,18]). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.ToolTip" ext:member="#mouseOffset" href="output/Ext.ToolTip.html#mouseOffset">ToolTip</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-pageX"></a>
<b>pageX</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-pageY"></a>
<b>pageY</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-plugins"></a>
<b>plugins</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>
<div class="long">
An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-renderTo"></a>
<b>renderTo</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>
<div class="long">
The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-shadow"></a>
<b>shadow</b> : Boolean/String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True (or a valid Ext.Shadow Ext.Shadow.mode value) to display a shadow behind the panel, false to display no shadow (...</div>
<div class="long">
True (or a valid Ext.Shadow <a ext:cls="Ext.Shadow" ext:member="mode" href="output/Ext.Shadow.html#mode">Ext.Shadow.mode</a> value) to display a shadow behind the panel, false to display no shadow (defaults to 'sides'). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shadow" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shadow">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-shadowOffset"></a>
<b>shadowOffset</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). Note that this option only applies when float...</div>
<div class="long">
The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shadowOffset" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shadowOffset">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-shim"></a>
<b>shim</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true). Note that this option only applies wh...</div>
<div class="long">
False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true). Note that this option only applies when floating = true. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#shim" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#shim">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-showDelay"></a>
<b>showDelay</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
Delay in milliseconds before the tooltip displays after the mouse enters the target element (defaults to 500) </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.ToolTip" ext:member="#showDelay" href="output/Ext.ToolTip.html#showDelay">ToolTip</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-stateEvents"></a>
<b>stateEvents</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-stateId"></a>
<b>stateId</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). See stateful fo...</div>
<div class="long">
The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-stateful"></a>
<b>stateful</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>
<div class="long">
A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="staterestore" href="output/staterestore.html">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="beforestatesave" href="output/beforestatesave.html">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="statesave" href="output/statesave.html">statesave</a> events</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-style"></a>
<b>style</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>
<div class="long">
A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-tabTip"></a>
<b>tabTip</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a tooltip when mousing over the tab of a Ext.Panel which is an item of a Ext.TabPanel. Ext.QuickTips.init() must be called in order for the tips to render. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tabTip" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tabTip">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-target"></a>
<b>target</b> : Mixed <div class="mdesc">
The target HTMLElement, Ext.Element or id to associate with this quicktip (defaults to the document). </div>
<td class="msource">QuickTip</td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-tbar"></a>
<b>tbar</b> : Object/Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The top toolbar of the panel. This can be either an Ext.Toolbar object or an array of buttons/button configs to be ad...</div>
<div class="long">
The top toolbar of the panel. This can be either an <a ext:cls="Ext.Toolbar" href="output/Ext.Toolbar.html">Ext.Toolbar</a> object or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render. To access the top toolbar after render, use <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getTopToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getTopToolbar">getTopToolbar</a>. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-title"></a>
<b>title</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will aut...</div>
<div class="long">
The title text to display in the panel header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the header element will automatically be created and displayed unless <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">header</a> is explicitly set to false. If you don't want to specify a title at config time, but you may want one later, you must either specify a non-empty title (a blank space ' ' will do) or header:true so that the container element will get created. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-titleCollapse"></a>
<b>titleCollapse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when collapsible = true) by clicking anywhere in the header bar, fa...</div>
<div class="long">
True to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> = true) by clicking anywhere in the header bar, false to allow it only by clicking to tool button (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#titleCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#titleCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-tools"></a>
<b>tools</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An array of tool button configs to be added to the header tool area. Each tool config may contain the following prope...</div>
<div class="long">
An array of tool button configs to be added to the header tool area. Each tool config may contain the following properties: <div class="mdetail-params"><ul> <li><b>id</b> : String<p class="sub-desc"><b>Required.</b> The type of tool to create. Values may be<ul> <li><tt>toggle</tt> (Created by default when <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapsible" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapsible">collapsible</a> is <tt>true</tt>)</li> <li><tt>close</tt></li> <li><tt>minimize</tt></li> <li><tt>maximize</tt></li> <li><tt>restore</tt></li> <li><tt>gear</tt></li> <li><tt>pin</tt></li> <li><tt>unpin</tt></li> <li><tt>right</tt></li> <li><tt>left</tt></li> <li><tt>up</tt></li> <li><tt>down</tt></li> <li><tt>refresh</tt></li> <li><tt>minus</tt></li> <li><tt>plus</tt></li> <li><tt>help</tt></li> <li><tt>search</tt></li> <li><tt>save</tt></li> <li><tt>print</tt></li> </ul></div></p></li> <li><b>handler</b> : Function<p class="sub-desc"><b>Required.</b> The function to call when clicked. Arguments passed are:<ul> <li><b>event</b> : Ext.EventObject<p class="sub-desc">The click event.</p></li> <li><b>toolEl</b> : Ext.Element<p class="sub-desc">The tool Element.</p></li> <li><b>Panel</b> : Ext.Panel<p class="sub-desc">The host Panel</p></li> </ul></p></li> <li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to call the handler.</p></li> <li><b>qtip</b> : String/Object<p class="sub-desc">A tip string, or a config argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.QuickTip" ext:member="register" href="output/Ext.QuickTip.html#register">Ext.QuickTip.register</a></p></li> <li><b>hidden</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to initially render hidden.</p></li> <li><b>on</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">A listener config object specifiying event listeners in the format of an argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#addListener">addListener</a></p></li> </ul> Example usage: <pre><code>tools:[{
<i>// hidden:true,</i>
handler: <b>function</b>(event, toolEl, panel){
<i>// refresh logic</i>
}]</code></pre> Note that apart from the toggle tool which is provided when a panel is collapsible, these tools only provide the visual button. Any required functionality must be provided by adding handlers that implement the necessary behavior. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#tools" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tools">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-trackMouse"></a>
<b>trackMouse</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to have the tooltip follow the mouse as it moves over the target element (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.ToolTip" ext:member="#trackMouse" href="output/Ext.ToolTip.html#trackMouse">ToolTip</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-width"></a>
<b>width</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-x"></a>
<b>x</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-xtype"></a>
<b>xtype</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>
<div class="long">
The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>
<tr class="config-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-y"></a>
<b>y</b> : Number <div class="mdesc">
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-body"></a>
<b>body</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
The Panel's body Element which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the html config,...</div>
<div class="long">
The Panel's body <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a> which may be used to contain HTML content.
The content may be specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="html" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#html">html</a> config, or it may be loaded using the
<a ext:cls="autoLoad" href="output/autoLoad.html">autoLoad</a> config, or through the Panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getUpdater" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getUpdater">Updater</a>. Read-only.
<p>If this is used to load visible HTML elements in either way, then
the Panel may not be used as a Layout for hosting nested Panels.</p>
<p>If this Panel is intended to be used as the host of a Layout (See <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#layout">layout</a>
then the body Element must not be loaded or changed - it is under the control
of the Panel's Layout. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#body" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#body">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-buttons"></a>
<b>buttons</b> : Array <div class="mdesc">
This Panel's Array of buttons as created from the <tt>buttons</tt>
config property. Read only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is disabled. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-footer"></a>
<b>footer</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
The Panel's footer <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a>. Read-only.
<p>This Element is used to house the Panel's <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">buttons</a>.</p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#footer" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#footer">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-header"></a>
<b>header</b> : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
The Panel's header <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Element</a>. Read-only.
<p>This Element is used to house the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="title" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#title">title</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="tools" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#tools">tools</a></p> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#header" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#header">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-hidden"></a>
<b>hidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component is hidden. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-initialConfig"></a>
<b>initialConfig</b> : Object <div class="mdesc">
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-items"></a>
<b>items</b> : MixedCollection <div class="mdesc">
The collection of components in this container as a <a ext:cls="Ext.util.MixedCollection" href="output/Ext.util.MixedCollection.html">Ext.util.MixedCollection</a> </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#items" href="output/Ext.Container.html#items">Container</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-ownerCt"></a>
<b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a...</div>
<div class="long">
The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
the component is added to a container). Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>
<tr class="property-row inherited alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-rendered"></a>
<b>rendered</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only. </div>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-QuickTip"></a>
<b>QuickTip</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new Tip</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new Tip <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The configuration options</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">QuickTip</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-add"></a>
<b>add</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component/Object component</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a component to this container. Fires the beforeadd event before adding,
then fires the add event after the compo...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a component to this container. Fires the beforeadd event before adding,
then fires the add event after the component has been added. If the container is
already rendered when add is called, you may need to call <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="doLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#doLayout">doLayout</a> to refresh
the view. This is required so that you can add multiple child components if needed
while only refreshing the layout once. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component/Object<div class="sub-desc">The component to add.<br><br>
Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the added Component should
it become necessary.<br><br>
A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of
constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
added Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of this
"lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config property to
the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br>
For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">component The Component (or config object) that was added with the Container's default config values applied.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#add">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-addButton"></a>
<b>addButton</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Object config</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <code>Object scope</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Button <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to ...</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred
approach is to add buttons via the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="buttons" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#buttons">buttons</a> config. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : String/Object<div class="sub-desc">A valid <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" href="output/Ext.Button.html">Ext.Button</a> config. A string will become the text for a default
button config, an object will be treated as a button config object.</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to be called on button <a ext:cls="Ext.Button" ext:member="click" href="output/Ext.Button.html#click"></a></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope to use for the button handler function</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Button</code><div class="sub-desc">The button that was added</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#addButton" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#addButton">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-addClass"></a>
<b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-addEvents"></a>
<b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>
<div class="long">
Used to define events on this Observable <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-addListener"></a>
<b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this component <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
<li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
<li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
<li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
<li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
<b>Combining Options</b><br>
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
<pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
single: true,
delay: 100,
forumId: 4
<b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple handlers.
<em>'click'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
scope: <b>this</b>,
delay: 100
<em>'mouseover'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
scope: <b>this</b>
<em>'mouseout'</em> : {
fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
<em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
<em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
<em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
scope: <b>this</b>
});</code></pre></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-applyToMarkup"></a>
<b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>
<div class="long">
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-bubble"></a>
<b>bubble</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (this) of...</div>
<div class="long">
Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the bubble is stopped. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#bubble" href="output/Ext.Container.html#bubble">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-cascade"></a>
<b>cascade</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Array args</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function wi...</div>
<div class="long">
Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function with
each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
the cascade is stopped on that branch. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The function to call</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current component)</div></li><li><code>args</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The args to call the function with (defaults to passing the current component)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#cascade" href="output/Ext.Container.html#cascade">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-cloneConfig"></a>
<b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>
<div class="long">
Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the beforecollapse event which will
cancel the collapse ac...</div>
<div class="long">
Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforecollapse">beforecollapse</a> event which will
cancel the collapse action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the c...</div>
<div class="long">
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
<a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
should usually not need to be called directly. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Disable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-doLayout"></a>
<b>doLayout</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force this container's layout to be recalculated. A call to this function is required after adding a new component
<div class="long">
Force this container's layout to be recalculated. A call to this function is required after adding a new component
to an already rendered container, or possibly after changing sizing/position properties of child components. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to only calc the layout of this component, and let child components auto
calc layouts as required (defaults to false, which calls doLayout recursively for each subcontainer)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#doLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#doLayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enable this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Enable this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the beforeexpand event which will
cancel the expand action ...</div>
<div class="long">
Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#beforeexpand">beforeexpand</a> event which will
cancel the expand action if it returns false. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-find"></a>
<b>find</b>(&nbsp;<code>String prop</code>, <code>String value</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by property</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by property <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>prop</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>value</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#find" href="output/Ext.Container.html#find">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-findBy"></a>
<b>findBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the com...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the component will be included in the results. The passed function is called with the arguments (component, this container). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findBy" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findBy">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-findById"></a>
<b>findById</b>(&nbsp;<code>String id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by id</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by id <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findById" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findById">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-findByType"></a>
<b>findByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a component under this container at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a component under this container at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#findByType" href="output/Ext.Container.html#findByType">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-findParentBy"></a>
<b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the con...</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">Array of Ext.Components</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-findParentByType"></a>
<b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Container <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>
<div class="long">
Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The found container</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-fireEvent"></a>
<b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>
<div class="long">
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-focus"></a>
<b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Try to focus this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-getBottomToolbar"></a>
<b>getBottomToolbar</b>() : Ext.Toolbar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar</code><div class="sub-desc">The toolbar</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getBottomToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getBottomToolbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-getBox"></a>
<b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-getComponent"></a>
<b>getComponent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Number id</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets a direct child Component by id, or by index.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets a direct child Component by id, or by index. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>id</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">or index of child Component to return.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#getComponent" href="output/Ext.Container.html#getComponent">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-getEl"></a>
<b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-getFrameHeight"></a>
<b>getFrameHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and ...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and
header and footer elements, but not including the body height). To retrieve the body height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerHeight">getInnerHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getFrameHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameHeight">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-getFrameWidth"></a>
<b>getFrameWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the bo...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To
retrieve the body width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getInnerWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerWidth">getInnerWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The frame width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-getId"></a>
<b>getId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-getInnerHeight"></a>
<b>getInnerHeight</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame he...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).
For the frame height see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameHeight">getFrameHeight</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body height</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getInnerHeight" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerHeight">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-getInnerWidth"></a>
<b>getInnerWidth</b>() : Number <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame widt...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).
For the frame width see <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="getFrameWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getFrameWidth">getFrameWidth</a>. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">The body width</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getInnerWidth" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getInnerWidth">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-getItemId"></a>
<b>getItemId</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the item id of this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-getLayout"></a>
<b>getLayout</b>() : ContainerLayout <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the layout currently in use by the container. If the container does not currently have a layout
set, a defau...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the layout currently in use by the container. If the container does not currently have a layout
set, a default <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.html">Ext.layout.ContainerLayout</a> will be created and set as the container's layout. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>ContainerLayout</code><div class="sub-desc">layout The container's layout</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#getLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#getLayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-getPosition"></a>
<b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-getSize"></a>
<b>getSize</b>() : Object <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-getTopToolbar"></a>
<b>getTopToolbar</b>() : Ext.Toolbar <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Toolbar</code><div class="sub-desc">The toolbar</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getTopToolbar" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getTopToolbar">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-getUpdater"></a>
<b>getUpdater</b>() : Ext.Updater <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Get the <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" href="output/Ext.Updater.html">Ext.Updater</a> for this panel. Enables you to perform Ajax updates of this panel's body.</div>
<div class="long">
Get the <a ext:cls="Ext.Updater" href="output/Ext.Updater.html">Ext.Updater</a> for this panel. Enables you to perform Ajax updates of this panel's body. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Updater</code><div class="sub-desc">The Updater</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#getUpdater" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#getUpdater">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-getXType"></a>
<b>getXType</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>
<div class="long">
Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXType()); // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-getXTypes"></a>
<b>getXTypes</b>() : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>
<div class="long">
Returns this component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
var t = new Ext.form.TextField();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-hasListener"></a>
<b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>
<div class="long">
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-initComponent"></a>
<b>initComponent</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">// private internal config</div>
<div class="long">
// private internal config <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#initComponent" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#initComponent">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-insert"></a>
<b>insert</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number index</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the
beforeadd event before inserting, then fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the
beforeadd event before inserting, then fires the add event after the
Component has been inserted. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the Component will be inserted
into the Container's items collection</div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The child Component to insert.<br><br>
Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the inserted Component should
it become necessary.<br><br>
A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of
constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
inserted Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of
this "lazy instantiation", set the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Ext.Component.xtype</a> config
property to the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br>
For a list of all available xtypes, see <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a>.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">component The Component (or config object) that was inserted with the Container's default config values applied.</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#insert" href="output/Ext.Container.html#insert">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-isVisible"></a>
<b>isVisible</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>
<div class="long">
Returns true if this component is visible. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-isXType"></a>
<b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from th...</div>
<div class="long">
Tests whether or not this component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this component is descended
from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true). For a list of all
available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
<pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
<b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>); <i>// true</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>); <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
<b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this component is descended from the xtype (this is
the default), or true to check whether this component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-load"></a>
<b>load</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object/String/Function config</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Loads this content panel immediately with content returned from an XHR call.</div>
<div class="long">
Loads this content panel immediately with content returned from an XHR call. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object/String/Function<div class="sub-desc">A config object containing any of the following options:
url: <em>"your-url.php"</em>,
params: {param1: <em>"foo"</em>, param2: <em>"bar"</em>}, <i>// or a URL encoded string</i>
callback: yourFunction,
scope: yourObject, <i>// optional scope <b>for</b> the callback</i>
discardUrl: false,
nocache: false,
text: <em>"Loading..."</em>,
timeout: 30,
scripts: false
The only required property is url. The optional properties nocache, text and scripts
are shorthand for disableCaching, indicatorText and loadScripts and are used to set their
associated property on this panel Updater instance.</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#load" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#load">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-on"></a>
<b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-purgeListeners"></a>
<b>purgeListeners</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>
<div class="long">
Removes all listeners for this object <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-register"></a>
<b>register</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Configures a new quick tip instance and assigns it to a target element. The following config values are
supported (f...</div>
<div class="long">
Configures a new quick tip instance and assigns it to a target element. The following config values are
supported (for example usage, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.QuickTips" href="output/Ext.QuickTips.html">Ext.QuickTips</a> class header):
<div class="mdetail-params"><ul>
<li>dismissDelay (overrides the singleton value)</li>
<li>target (required)</li>
<li>text (required)</li>
<li>width</li></ul></div> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">QuickTip</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b>(&nbsp;<code>Component/String component</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean autoDestroy</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a component from this container. Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires
the remove event a...</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a component from this container. Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires
the remove event after the component has been removed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>component</code> : Component/String<div class="sub-desc">The component reference or id to remove</div></li><li><code>autoDestroy</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) True to automatically invoke the component's <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Ext.Component.destroy</a> function</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#remove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#remove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-removeClass"></a>
<b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-removeListener"></a>
<b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-render"></a>
<b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Mixed container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element.</div>
<div class="long">
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to its container element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>container</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this component should be rendered into. If it is being
applied to existing markup, this should be left off.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-resumeEvents"></a>
<b>resumeEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-setDisabled"></a>
<b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-setHeight"></a>
<b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-setIconClass"></a>
<b>setIconClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>String cls</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. This method will replace any existing
icon class if ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. This method will replace any existing
icon class if one has already been set. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>cls</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The new CSS class name</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#setIconClass" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#setIconClass">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-setPagePosition"></a>
<b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
This method fires the ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-setPosition"></a>
<b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
This method fires ...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
This method fires the move event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-setSize"></a>
<b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width...</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width and height of the component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept
either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-setTitle"></a>
<b>setTitle</b>(&nbsp;<code>String title</code>, <code>String (optional)</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>title</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The title text to set</div></li><li><code>(optional)</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">iconCls A custon, user-defined CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#setTitle" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#setTitle">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-setVisible"></a>
<b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>
<div class="long">
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-setWidth"></a>
<b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this component.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this component. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-showAt"></a>
<b>showAt</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array xy</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shows this tip at the specified XY position. Example usage:
<pre><code><i>// Show the tip at x:50 and y:100</i>
<div class="long">
Shows this tip at the specified XY position. Example usage:
<pre><code><i>// Show the tip at x:50 and y:100</i>
tip.showAt([50,100]);</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>xy</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">An array containing the x and y coordinates</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Tip" ext:member="#showAt" href="output/Ext.Tip.html#showAt">Tip</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-showBy"></a>
<b>showBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Experimental. Shows this tip at a position relative to another element using a standard Ext.Element.alignTo
anchor po...</div>
<div class="long">
<b>Experimental</b>. Shows this tip at a position relative to another element using a standard <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a>
anchor position value. Example usage:
<pre><code><i>// Show the tip at the <b>default</b> position (<em>'tl-br?'</em>)</i>
<i>// Show the tip<em>'s top-left corner anchored to the element'</em>s top-right corner</i>
tip.showBy(<em>'my-el'</em>, <em>'tl-tr'</em>);</code></pre> <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">An HTMLElement, Ext.Element or string id of the target element to align to</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) A valid <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="alignTo" href="output/Ext.Element.html#alignTo">Ext.Element.alignTo</a> anchor position (defaults to 'tl-br?' or
<a ext:cls="Ext.Tip" ext:member="defaultAlign" href="output/Ext.Tip.html#defaultAlign">defaultAlign</a> if specified).</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Tip" ext:member="#showBy" href="output/Ext.Tip.html#showBy">Tip</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-suspendEvents"></a>
<b>suspendEvents</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>
<div class="long">
Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-syncSize"></a>
<b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>
<div class="long">
Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-toggleCollapse"></a>
<b>toggleCollapse</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Panel <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel.</div>
<div class="long">
Shortcut for performing an <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#expand">expand</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#collapse">collapse</a> based on the current state of the panel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the
<a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="animCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#animCollapse">animCollapse</a> panel config)</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.Panel</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#toggleCollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#toggleCollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-un"></a>
<b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>
<div class="long">
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-unregister"></a>
<b>unregister</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement/Element el</code>&nbsp;) : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Removes this quick tip from its element and destroys it.</div>
<div class="long">
Removes this quick tip from its element and destroys it. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement/Element<div class="sub-desc">The element from which the quick tip is to be removed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">QuickTip</td>
<tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-updateBox"></a>
<b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>
<div class="long">
Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li> </ul>
<li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-activate"></a>
<b>activate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been visually activated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being activated, but some...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been visually activated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being activated, but some Panel subclasses
do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel fire the
activate and deactivate events under the control of the TabPanel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been activated.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-activate" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-activate">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-add"></a>
<b>add</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component was added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-add" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-add">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-afterlayout"></a>
<b>afterlayout</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>ContainerLayout layout</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>layout</code> : ContainerLayout<div class="sub-desc">The ContainerLayout implementation for this container</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-afterlayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-afterlayout">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-beforeadd"></a>
<b>beforeadd</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>, <code>Number index</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is added or inserted into the container.
A handler can return false to cancel the add. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being added</div></li><li><code>index</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The index at which the component will be added to the container's items collection</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeadd" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeadd">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-beforeclose"></a>
<b>beforeclose</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses d...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). This event only applies to such subclasses.
A handler can return false to cancel the close. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel being closed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforeclose" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforeclose">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-beforecollapse"></a>
<b>beforecollapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel being collapsed.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the collapse is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforecollapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforecollapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-beforedestroy"></a>
<b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-beforeexpand"></a>
<b>beforeexpand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Boolean animate</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel being expanded.</div></li><li><code>animate</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True if the expand is animated, else false.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-beforeexpand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-beforeexpand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-beforehide"></a>
<b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-beforeremove"></a>
<b>beforeremove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. A handler can return
false to cancel the remove. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component being removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-beforeremove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-beforeremove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-beforerender"></a>
<b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-beforeshow"></a>
<b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-beforestaterestore"></a>
<b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-beforestatesave"></a>
<b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-bodyresize"></a>
<b>bodyresize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>Number width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel which has been resized.</div></li><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The Panel's new width.</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The Panel's new height.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-bodyresize" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-bodyresize">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-close"></a>
<b>close</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some
Panel subclasses do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been closed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-close" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-close">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-collapse"></a>
<b>collapse</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been collapsed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been collapsed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel that has been collapsed.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-collapse" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-collapse">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-deactivate"></a>
<b>deactivate</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been visually deactivated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being deactivated, but ...</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been visually deactivated.
Note that Panels do not directly support being deactivated, but some Panel subclasses
do (like <a ext:cls="Ext.Window" href="output/Ext.Window.html">Ext.Window</a>). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel fire the
activate and deactivate events under the control of the TabPanel. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been deactivated.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-deactivate" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-deactivate">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-destroy"></a>
<b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is destroyed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is disabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is enabled. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-expand"></a>
<b>expand</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel has been expanded.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel has been expanded. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">The Panel that has been expanded.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-expand" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-expand">Panel</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is hidden. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-move"></a>
<b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is moved. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-remove"></a>
<b>remove</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Container this</code>, <code>Ext.Component component</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after any <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> is removed from the container. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Container<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>component</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc">The component that was removed</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="#event-remove" href="output/Ext.Container.html#event-remove">Container</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-render"></a>
<b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is rendered. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-resize"></a>
<b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is resized. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-show"></a>
<b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the component is shown. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-staterestore"></a>
<b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is restored. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-statesave"></a>
<b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>
<tr class="event-row inherited expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.QuickTip-titlechange"></a>
<b>titlechange</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Panel p</code>, <code>String The</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed.</div>
<div class="long">
Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed. <div class="mdetail-params">
<strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>
<ul><li><code>p</code> : Ext.Panel<div class="sub-desc">the Panel which has had its title changed.</div></li><li><code>The</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">new title.</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Panel" ext:member="#event-titlechange" href="output/Ext.Panel.html#event-titlechange">Panel</a></td>
New file
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<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.LoadMask-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.LoadMask-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.LoadMask-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.LoadMask-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.LoadMask"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.LoadMask</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/LoadMask.js" target="_blank">LoadMask.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">LoadMask</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
A simple utility class for generically masking elements while loading data. If the <a ext:cls="Ext.LoadMask" ext:member="store" href="output/Ext.LoadMask.html#store">store</a>
config option is specified, the masking will be automatically synchronized with the store's loading
process and the mask element will be cached for reuse. For all other elements, this mask will replace the
element's Updater load indicator and will be destroyed after the initial load. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.LoadMask-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.LoadMask-msg"></a>
<b>msg</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The text to display in a centered loading message box (defaults to 'Loading...') </div>
<td class="msource">LoadMask</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.LoadMask-msgCls"></a>
<b>msgCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
The CSS class to apply to the loading message element (defaults to "x-mask-loading") </div>
<td class="msource">LoadMask</td>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.LoadMask-removeMask"></a>
<b>removeMask</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">True to create a single-use mask that is automatically destroyed after loading (useful for page loads), False to pers...</div>
<div class="long">
True to create a single-use mask that is automatically destroyed after loading (useful for page loads), False to persist the mask element reference for multiple uses (e.g., for paged data widgets). Defaults to false. </div>
<td class="msource">LoadMask</td>
<tr class="config-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.LoadMask-store"></a>
<b>store</b> : <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Optional Store to which the mask is bound. The mask is displayed when a load request is issued, and hidden on either ...</div>
<div class="long">
Optional Store to which the mask is bound. The mask is displayed when a load request is issued, and hidden on either load sucess, or load fail. </div>
<td class="msource">LoadMask</td>
<a id="Ext.LoadMask-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.LoadMask-disabled"></a>
<b>disabled</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
Read-only. True if the mask is currently disabled so that it will not be displayed (defaults to false) </div>
<td class="msource">LoadMask</td>
<a id="Ext.LoadMask-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.LoadMask-LoadMask"></a>
<b>LoadMask</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed el</code>, <code>Object config</code>&nbsp;) <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Create a new LoadMask</div>
<div class="long">
Create a new LoadMask <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li><code>el</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The element or DOM node, or its id</div></li><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The config object</div></li> </ul>
<td class="msource">LoadMask</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.LoadMask-disable"></a>
<b>disable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Disables the mask to prevent it from being displayed</div>
<div class="long">
Disables the mask to prevent it from being displayed <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">LoadMask</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.LoadMask-enable"></a>
<b>enable</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Enables the mask so that it can be displayed</div>
<div class="long">
Enables the mask so that it can be displayed <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">LoadMask</td>
<tr class="method-row alt expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.LoadMask-hide"></a>
<b>hide</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Hide this LoadMask.</div>
<div class="long">
Hide this LoadMask. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">LoadMask</td>
<tr class="method-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.LoadMask-show"></a>
<b>show</b>() : void <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">Show this LoadMask over the configured Element.</div>
<div class="long">
Show this LoadMask over the configured Element. <div class="mdetail-params">
<ul><li>None.</li> </ul>
<td class="msource">LoadMask</td>
<a id="Ext.LoadMask-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
New file
0,0 → 1,84
<div class="body-wrap">
<div class="top-tools">
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.ContainerLayout-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.ContainerLayout-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.ContainerLayout-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
<a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.layout.ContainerLayout-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
<a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.layout.ContainerLayout"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
<h1>Class Ext.layout.ContainerLayout</h1>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.layout</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/widgets/layout/ContainerLayout.js" target="_blank">ContainerLayout.js</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">ContainerLayout</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Subclasses:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.layout.AnchorLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.AnchorLayout.html">AnchorLayout</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.BorderLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.BorderLayout.html">BorderLayout</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.ColumnLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.ColumnLayout.html">ColumnLayout</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">FitLayout</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.TableLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.TableLayout.html">TableLayout</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
<div class="description">
Every layout is composed of one or more <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> elements internally, and ContainerLayout provides
the basic foundation for all other layout classes in Ext. It is a non-visual class that simply provides the
base logic required for a Container to function as a layout. This class is intended to be extended and should
generally not need to be created directly via the new keyword. </div>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a id="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout-configs"></a>
<h2>Config Options</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="config-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout-extraCls"></a>
<b>extraCls</b> : String <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to the container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding custo...</div>
<div class="long">
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to the container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. </div>
<td class="msource">ContainerLayout</td>
<tr class="config-row alt">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout-renderHidden"></a>
<b>renderHidden</b> : Boolean <div class="mdesc">
True to hide each contained item on render (defaults to false). </div>
<td class="msource">ContainerLayout</td>
<a id="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout-props"></a>
<h2>Public Properties</h2>
<table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
<th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
<th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
<tr class="property-row expandable">
<td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
<td class="sig">
<a id="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout-activeItem"></a>
<b>activeItem</b> : Ext.Component <div class="mdesc">
<div class="short">
A reference to the Ext.Component that is active. For example,
if( == 'item-1') { ... }....</div>
<div class="long">
A reference to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> that is active. For example,
if( == 'item-1') { ... }. activeItem only applies to layout styles that can
display items one at a time (like <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.Accordion" href="output/Ext.layout.Accordion.html">Ext.layout.Accordion</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a>
and <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FitLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FitLayout.html">Ext.layout.FitLayout</a>). Read-only. Related to <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="activeItem" href="output/Ext.Container.html#activeItem">Ext.Container.activeItem</a>. </div>
<td class="msource">ContainerLayout</td>
<a id="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout-methods"></a>
<h2>Public Methods</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public methods.</div> <a id="Ext.layout.ContainerLayout-events"></a>
<h2>Public Events</h2>
<div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,3
2006-11-21 jvs:
ext-all.css contains all of the other css files combined and stripped of comments (except themes).
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,50
Ext JS - JavaScript Library
Copyright (c) 2006-2008, Ext JS, LLC
All rights reserved.
License of CSS and Graphics ("Assets")
The Assets distributed with Ext are licensed for use ONLY
with their associated Ext JavaScript component ("Component"). Use of the Assets in
any way that does not also include the Component is prohibited without explicit
permission from Ext JS, LLC. Deriving images and CSS from the Assets in an effort
to bypass this license is also prohibited.
Open Source License
Ext is also licensed under the terms of the Open Source LGPL 3.0 license. You may use
our open source license if you:
* Want to use Ext in an open source project that precludes using non-open source software
* Plan to use Ext in a personal, educational or non-profit manner
* Are using Ext in a commercial application that is not a software development library
or toolkit, you will meet LGPL requirements and you do not wish to support the project
Commercial License
If you are using this library for commercial purposes, we encourage you to purchase
a commercial license. Please visit for more details.
OEM / Reseller License
If you plan to distribute Ext in a product that will be packaged or sold as a software
development library, toolkit or plug-in-based framework ("LIBRARY"), we require that you
work with us to establish a specific license that is appropriate. Use of the open source
license in a LIBRARY is not permitted without explicit permission from Ext JS, LLC.
For more details, please visit:
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,8
The ext-air.js file should be included AFTER ext-all.js.
The resources/ext-air.css file should be included AFTER ext-all.css.
XTemplates must be loaded inline while the js file loads (not in an onready block) when used in the application sandbox. Take a look at samples/tasks/js/Templates.js for an example.
For additional date formats other than the ones defined in src/ext-air-adapter.js, you will need to specify them inline similar to XTemplates using Date.precompileFormats(). For multiple formats, separate them with the | character.
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,50
Ext JS - JavaScript Library
Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Ext JS, LLC
All rights reserved.
License of CSS and Graphics ("Assets")
The Assets distributed with Ext are licensed for use ONLY
with their associated Ext JavaScript component ("Component"). Use of the Assets in
any way that does not also include the Component is prohibited without explicit
permission from Ext JS, LLC. Deriving images and CSS from the Assets in an effort
to bypass this license is also prohibited.
Open Source License
Ext is also licensed under the terms of the Open Source LGPL 3.0 license. You may use
our open source license if you:
* Want to use Ext in an open source project that precludes using non-open source software
* Plan to use Ext in a personal, educational or non-profit manner
* Are using Ext in a commercial application that is not a software development library
or toolkit, you will meet LGPL requirements and you do not wish to support the project
Commercial License
If you are using this library for commercial purposes, we encourage you to purchase
a commercial license. Please visit for more details.
OEM / Reseller License
If you plan to distribute Ext in a product that will be packaged or sold as a software
development library, toolkit or plug-in-based framework ("LIBRARY"), we require that you
work with us to establish a specific license that is appropriate. Use of the open source
license in a LIBRARY is not permitted without explicit permission from Ext JS, LLC.
For more details, please visit:
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,6
Simple Tasks v2
Copyright 2008 - Ext JS, LLC
Distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v3.
New file
0,0 → 1,25
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<application xmlns="">
<name>Simple Tasks</name>
<filename>Simple Tasks</filename>
<description>Simple Tasks sample application by Ext JS</description>
<copyright>(c) 2008 - Ext JS, LLC</copyright>
<title>Simple Tasks</title>
<installFolder>Ext JS/Simple Tasks</installFolder>
<programMenuFolder>Ext JS/Simple Tasks</programMenuFolder>
New file
0,0 → 1,133
<title>Set Reminder Time</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ext-2.0/resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ext-air/ext-air.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="preferences.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="adobe/AIRAliases.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ext-2.0/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ext-2.0/ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ext-air/ext-air.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/ext-config.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="preferences.js"></script>
<div style="padding:10px;">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td>When setting quick reminders, default the time to:</td>
<td id="time-ct">
<select id="time">
<option value="12:00 AM">12:00 AM</option>
<option value="12:15 AM">12:15 AM</option>
<option value="12:30 AM">12:30 AM</option>
<option value="12:45 AM">12:45 AM</option>
<option value="1:00 AM">1:00 AM</option>
<option value="1:15 AM">1:15 AM</option>
<option value="1:30 AM">1:30 AM</option>
<option value="1:45 AM">1:45 AM</option>
<option value="2:00 AM">2:00 AM</option>
<option value="2:15 AM">2:15 AM</option>
<option value="2:30 AM">2:30 AM</option>
<option value="2:45 AM">2:45 AM</option>
<option value="3:00 AM">3:00 AM</option>
<option value="3:15 AM">3:15 AM</option>
<option value="3:30 AM">3:30 AM</option>
<option value="3:45 AM">3:45 AM</option>
<option value="4:00 AM">4:00 AM</option>
<option value="4:15 AM">4:15 AM</option>
<option value="4:30 AM">4:30 AM</option>
<option value="4:45 AM">4:45 AM</option>
<option value="5:00 AM">5:00 AM</option>
<option value="5:15 AM">5:15 AM</option>
<option value="5:30 AM">5:30 AM</option>
<option value="5:45 AM">5:45 AM</option>
<option value="6:00 AM">6:00 AM</option>
<option value="6:15 AM">6:15 AM</option>
<option value="6:30 AM">6:30 AM</option>
<option value="6:45 AM">6:45 AM</option>
<option value="7:00 AM">7:00 AM</option>
<option value="7:15 AM">7:15 AM</option>
<option value="7:30 AM">7:30 AM</option>
<option value="7:45 AM">7:45 AM</option>
<option value="8:00 AM">8:00 AM</option>
<option value="8:15 AM">8:15 AM</option>
<option value="8:30 AM">8:30 AM</option>
<option value="8:45 AM">8:45 AM</option>
<option value="9:00 AM">9:00 AM</option>
<option value="9:15 AM">9:15 AM</option>
<option value="9:30 AM">9:30 AM</option>
<option value="9:45 AM">9:45 AM</option>
<option value="10:00 AM">10:00 AM</option>
<option value="10:15 AM">10:15 AM</option>
<option value="10:30 AM">10:30 AM</option>
<option value="10:45 AM">10:45 AM</option>
<option value="11:00 AM">11:00 AM</option>
<option value="11:15 AM">11:15 AM</option>
<option value="11:30 AM">11:30 AM</option>
<option value="11:45 AM">11:45 AM</option>
<option value="12:00 PM">12:00 PM</option>
<option value="12:15 PM">12:15 PM</option>
<option value="12:30 PM">12:30 PM</option>
<option value="12:45 PM">12:45 PM</option>
<option value="1:00 PM">1:00 PM</option>
<option value="1:15 PM">1:15 PM</option>
<option value="1:30 PM">1:30 PM</option>
<option value="1:45 PM">1:45 PM</option>
<option value="2:00 PM">2:00 PM</option>
<option value="2:15 PM">2:15 PM</option>
<option value="2:30 PM">2:30 PM</option>
<option value="2:45 PM">2:45 PM</option>
<option value="3:00 PM">3:00 PM</option>
<option value="3:15 PM">3:15 PM</option>
<option value="3:30 PM">3:30 PM</option>
<option value="3:45 PM">3:45 PM</option>
<option value="4:00 PM">4:00 PM</option>
<option value="4:15 PM">4:15 PM</option>
<option value="4:30 PM">4:30 PM</option>
<option value="4:45 PM">4:45 PM</option>
<option value="5:00 PM">5:00 PM</option>
<option value="5:15 PM">5:15 PM</option>
<option value="5:30 PM">5:30 PM</option>
<option value="5:45 PM">5:45 PM</option>
<option value="6:00 PM">6:00 PM</option>
<option value="6:15 PM">6:15 PM</option>
<option value="6:30 PM">6:30 PM</option>
<option value="6:45 PM">6:45 PM</option>
<option value="7:00 PM">7:00 PM</option>
<option value="7:15 PM">7:15 PM</option>
<option value="7:30 PM">7:30 PM</option>
<option value="7:45 PM">7:45 PM</option>
<option value="8:00 PM">8:00 PM</option>
<option value="8:15 PM">8:15 PM</option>
<option value="8:30 PM">8:30 PM</option>
<option value="8:45 PM">8:45 PM</option>
<option value="9:00 PM">9:00 PM</option>
<option value="9:15 PM">9:15 PM</option>
<option value="9:30 PM">9:30 PM</option>
<option value="9:45 PM">9:45 PM</option>
<option value="10:00 PM">10:00 PM</option>
<option value="10:15 PM">10:15 PM</option>
<option value="10:30 PM">10:30 PM</option>
<option value="10:45 PM">10:45 PM</option>
<option value="11:00 PM">11:00 PM</option>
<option value="11:15 PM">11:15 PM</option>
<option value="11:30 PM">11:30 PM</option>
<option value="11:45 PM">11:45 PM</option>
<td id="btns"></td>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,27
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ext-2.0/resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ext-air/ext-air.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="task.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="adobe/AIRAliases.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ext-2.0/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ext-2.0/ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ext-air/ext-air.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/ext-config.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/SelectBox.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/DateTimeField.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/ListLoader.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/TreeSelector.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/ListSelector.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="task.js"></script>
<body style="background-color:#DFE8F6;">
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,58
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ext-2.0/resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ext-air/ext-air.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="reminder.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="adobe/AIRAliases.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ext-2.0/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ext-2.0/ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ext-air/ext-air.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/ext-config.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/SelectBox.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="reminder.js"></script>
<body style="background-color:#DFE8F6;">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="width:100%;">
<td rowspan="3" id="icon-col"><img src="images/icon-active.gif" style="width:16px;height:16px;"></td>
<td><div id="task-title"></div></td>
<td id="due-ct"><div>Due: <span id="task-due"></span></div></td>
<td id="snooze-ct">
Remind me again in <select id="snooze-time">
<option value="5">5 minutes</option>
<option value="10">10 minutes</option>
<option value="15">15 minutes</option>
<option value="30">30 minutes</option>
<option value="60">1 hour</option>
<option value="120">2 hours</option>
<option value="240">4 hours</option>
<option value="480">8 hours</option>
<option value="720">12 hours</option>
<option value="1440">1 day</option>
<option value="2880">2 days</option>
<option value="4320">3 days</option>
<option value="5760">4 days</option>
<option value="10080">1 week</option>
<option value="20160">2 weeks</option>
<option value="30240">3 weeks</option>
<option value="40320">4 weeks</option>
<td colspan="2" id="btns"></td>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,21
<title>About Simple Tasks</title>
<body style="background-color:#DFE8F6;font-size:11px;font-family:helvetica,arial,tahoma,sans-serif;">
<div style="float:left;width:128px;padding:20px;">
<img src="ext-air/resources/icons/extlogo128.png"/>
<div style="float:left;width:150px;padding-top:40px;">
<span style="font-size:16px;">Simple Tasks v2</span><br/><br/>
Copyright &copy; 2008 - Ext JS, LLC<br/>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br/><br/>
<div style="clear:left;padding:0 20px 20px;">
Simple Tasks and associated source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL v3).<br/>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<button onclick="window.nativeWindow.close();" style="font-weight:normal;width:70px;float:right;margin-right:15px;">OK</button>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,12
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Simple Tasks v2</name>
New file
0,0 → 1,41
<title>Simple Tasks</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ext-2.0/resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ext-air/resources/ext-air.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="adobe/AIRAliases.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="adobe/AIRIntrospector.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ext-2.0/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ext-2.0/ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ext-air/ext-air.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/ext-config.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/Templates.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/TaskStore.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/ListStore.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/data.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/columns.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/TaskGrid.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/SelectBox.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/ListLoader.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/ListTree.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/TreeSelector.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/ListSelector.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/TaskWindow.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/Reminder.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/TextDate.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/SwitchButton.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/Importer.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/Exporter.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,35
All adapter related files below are located in
/adapters/<lib name>/ of this zip file.
Your include order should be:
Ext Stand-alone
ext-all.js (or your choice of files)
Yahoo! UI (.12+)
ext-all.js (or your choice of files)
jQuery (1.1+)
ext-all.js (or your choice of files)
Prototype (1.5+) / Scriptaculous (1.7+)
scriptaculous.js?load=effects (or whatever you want to load)
ext-all.js (or your choice of files)
See the examples folders for more examples.
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,66
<title>Simple Tasks</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="db/ext-db.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="gears.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="db/ext-gears-db.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="classes.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="tasks.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tasks.css" />
<ul id="task-views" class="x-hidden">
<img src="images/s.gif" class="icon-show-all"/>
<a id="view-all" href="#">All tasks</a>
<img src="images/s.gif" class="icon-show-active"/>
<a id="view-active" href="#">Active tasks</a>
<img src="images/s.gif" class="icon-show-complete"/>
<a id="view-complete" href="#">Completed tasks</a>
<ul id="task-actions" class="x-hidden">
<li id="new-task">
<img src="images/s.gif" class="icon-edit"/>
<a id="action-new" href="#">Add a new task</a>
<li style="display:none;">
<img src="images/s.gif" class="icon-complete"/>
<a id="action-complete" href="#">Mark selected task<span class="s">s</span> completed</a>
<li style="display:none;">
<img src="images/s.gif" class="icon-active"/>
<a id="action-active" href="#">Mark selected task<span class="s">s</span> active</a>
<li style="display:none;">
<img src="images/s.gif" class="icon-delete"/>
<a id="action-delete" href="#">Delete selected task<span class="s">s</span></a>
<ul id="task-grouping" class="x-hidden">
<img src="images/s.gif" class="icon-by-date"/>
<a id="group-date" href="#">By Date</a>
<img src="images/s.gif" class="icon-by-category"/>
<a id="group-cat" href="#">By Category</a>
<img src="images/s.gif" class="icon-no-group"/>
<a id="no-group" href="#">No Grouping</a>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,22
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title> Forums</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="forum.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="forum.css" />
<div id="header"><div style="float:right;margin:5px;" class="x-small-editor"><input type="text" id="search" /></div></div>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,36
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Templates Example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="templates.js"></script>
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<style type="text/css">
.x-panel {
.x-panel-body p {
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,3
<b>Ajax Tooltip</b><br />
The ToolTip class extends from the core Ext.Panel class
which exposes extra configuration options such as <i>autoLoad</i>.
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,51
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Tips Example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="qtips.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="qtips.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
.tip-target {
width: 100px;
padding: 5px 0;
border:1px dotted #99bbe8;
color: #15428b;
font:bold 11px tahoma,arial,sans-serif;
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Tips examples</h1>
<p>Note that the js and css is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="qtips.js">qtips.js</a> for the tip creation code
and <a href="qtips.css">qtips.css</a> for the css.</p>
<h3>Easiest Tip</h3>
<div id="tip1" class="tip-target">Basic ToolTip</div>
<div id="tip2" class="tip-target">autoHide disabled</div>
<div id="ajax-tip" class="tip-target">Ajax ToolTip</div>
<div id="track-tip" class="tip-target">Mouse Track</div>
<div id="tip4" class="tip-target" ext:qtip="My QuickTip">QuickTip</div>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,57
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="progress-bar.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="progress-bar.css" />
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Progress Bar</h1>
<p>The example shows how to use the ProgressBar class. The js is not minified so it is readable.
See <a href="progress-bar.js">progress-bar.js</a>.</p>
<b>Basic Progress Bar</b><br />
Deferred rendering, dynamic show/hide and built-in progress text:
<button id="btn1">Show</button><br />
<div class="status" id="p1text">Nothing to see here.</div>
<div id="p1" style="width:300px;"></div>
<b>Additional Options</b><br />
Rendered on page load, left-aligned text and % width:
<button id="btn2">Show</button><br />
<div id="p2" style="width:50%;"></div>
<b>Waiting Bar</b><br />
Wait for a long operation to complete (example will stop after 5 secs):
<button id="btn3">Show</button><br />
<div id="p3"></div>
<span class="status" id="p3text">Ready</span>
<b>Custom Styles</b><br />
Rendered like Windows XP with custom progress text element:
<button id="btn4">Show</button><br />
<div id="p4" style="width:300px;"></div>
<div class="status"><b>Status:</b> <span id="p4text"></span></div>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,35
<!--<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">-->
<html lang="nl">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Dutch Form</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<!-- include the locale file -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../source/locale/ext-lang-nl.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="dutch-provinces.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="dutch-form.js"></script>
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Localization with Ext</h1>
This demonstrates a dutch location of Ext using the form component. It includes the localization
file "ext-lang-nl.js" from the source/locale folder of the Ext download.
<p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="dutch-form.js">dutch-form.js</a>.</p>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,55
<!--<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">-->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf8">
<title>Multiple Languages</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/xtheme-gray.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/yui/yui-utilities.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/yui/ext-yui-adapter.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="languages.js"></script>
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<body class="x-gray">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var params = Ext.urlDecode(;
if (params.lang) {
var s = document.createElement("script");
s.type = 'text/javascript';
s.src = "../../source/locale/ext-lang-"+params.lang+".js";
s.charset = params.charset;
<script type="text/javascript" src="PagingMemoryProxy.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="multi-lang.js"></script>
<h1>Localization with Extjs</h1>
This demonstrates multiple language with some of the Ext components.<br/>
Select a language from the combobox below (default is english) and try out the components in different languages.
<p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="multi-lang.js">multi-lang.js</a>.</p>
<span style="float: left;">Language selector:&nbsp;</span>
<div id="languages"></div>
<h2>Email Field</h2>
<div id="emailfield"></div>
<div id="datefield"></div>
<div id="grid"></div>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,46
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Drag and Drop between 2 TreePanels</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="two-trees.js"></script>
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<style type="text/css">
#tree, #tree2 {
border:1px solid #c3daf9;
.folder .x-tree-node-icon{
background:transparent url(../../resources/images/default/tree/folder.gif);
.x-tree-node-expanded .x-tree-node-icon{
background:transparent url(../../resources/images/default/tree/folder-open.gif);
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Drag and Drop betweens two TreePanels</h1>
<p>The TreePanels have a TreeSorter applied in "folderSort" mode.</p>
<p>Both TreePanels are in "appendOnly" drop mode since they are sorted.</p>
<p>Drag along the edge of the tree to trigger auto scrolling while performing a drag and drop.</p>
<p>The data for this tree is asynchronously loaded with a JSON TreeLoader.</p>
<p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="two-trees.js">two-trees.js</a>.</p>
<div id="tree"></div>
<div id="tree2"></div>
New file
0,0 → 1,33
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Customizing TreePanel</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ColumnNodeUI.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="column-tree.js"></script>
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="column-tree.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Customizing TreePanel</h1>
<p>This example shows demonstrates how you can customize a TreePanel to display basic columns.</p>
<div id="tree-ct">
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,31
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Reorder TreePanel</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="reorder.js"></script>
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Drag and Drop ordering in a TreePanel</h1>
<p>This example shows basic drag and drop node moving in a tree. In this implementation there are no restrictions and
anything can be dropped anywhere except appending to nodes marked "leaf" (the files).</p>
<p>Drag along the edge of the tree to trigger auto scrolling while performing a drag and drop.</p>
<p>In order to demonstrate drag and drop insertion points, sorting was <b>not</b> enabled.</p>
<p>The data for this tree is asynchronously loaded with a JSON TreeLoader.</p>
<p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="reorder.js">reorder.js</a>.</p>
<div id="tree-div" style="overflow:auto; height:300px;width:250px;border:1px solid #c3daf9;"></div>
New file
0,0 → 1,36
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Organizing Images into Albums</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../view/data-view-plugins.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="organizer.js"></script>
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="organizer.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Organizing Images into Albums</h1>
<p>This example shows demonstrates how you can drop anything into the tree.</p>
<p>This example also shows how a customized DragZone can be
applied to a JsonView to get automatic lightweight drag and drop of asynchronously loaded data.</p>
<p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="organizer.js">organizer.js</a>. The multi image drag drop added a little complexity to the code, but hopefully it is still easy to follow.
<p>For simplicity, there is no validation on the names you enter in the tree node editor and you can drag the same picture
into an album as many times as you want.</p>
<p>Hold shift/control to select multiple images in the main images view. You can drag those images into the tree.</b>
<div id="layout"></div>
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,37
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Feed Viewer 3</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="../state/save-state.php"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="../state/get-state.php"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="../state/SessionProvider.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../tabs/TabCloseMenu.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="FeedViewer.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="FeedWindow.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="FeedGrid.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="MainPanel.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="FeedPanel.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="feed-viewer.css" />
<div id="header"><div style="float:right;margin:5px;" class="x-small-editor"></div></div>
<!-- Template used for Feed Items -->
<textarea id="preview-tpl" style="display:none;">
<div class="post-data">
<span class="post-date">{pubDate:date("M j, Y, g:i a")}</span>
<h3 class="post-title">{title}</h3>
<h4 class="post-author">by {author:defaultValue("Unknown")}</h4>
<div class="post-body">{content:this.getBody}</div>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,27
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="actions.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="menus.css" />
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Using Ext.Action</h1>
<p>Actions let you share handlers, configuration and updates across Toolbar, Button and Menu components.</p>
<p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="actions.js">actions.js</a>.</p>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,33
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Toolbar with Menus</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../form/states.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="menus.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="menus.css" />
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Toolbar with Menus</h1>
<p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="menus.js">menus.js</a>.</p>
<div id="container">
<div id="toolbar"></div>
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,3
The icons in this folder are direct gif conversions of the fam fam fam silk icons.
Please see for more details.
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,38
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Window Layouts Example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css"/>
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="../state/save-state.php"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="../state/get-state.php"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="../state/SessionProvider.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="layout.js"></script>
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css"/>
<style type="text/css">
.x-panel-body p {
margin: 10px;
font-size: 12px;
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script>
<!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Windows with Layouts</h1>
<p>This example shows how Ext containers can be nested in windows to create advanced layouts.</p>
<input type="button" id="show-btn" value="Show Window"/><br/><br/>
<p>Note that the js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="layout.js">layout.js</a> for the full source code.</p>
New file
0,0 → 1,49
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Hello World Window Example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="hello.js"></script>
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<style type="text/css">
.x-panel-body p {
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Hello World Window</h1>
<p>This example shows how to create a very simple modal Window with "autoTabs" from existing markup.</p>
<input type="button" id="show-btn" value="Hello World" /><br /><br />
<p>Note that the js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="hello.js">hellos.js</a> for the full source code.</p>
<div id="hello-win" class="x-hidden">
<div class="x-window-header">Hello Dialog</div>
<div id="hello-tabs">
<!-- Auto create tab 1 -->
<div class="x-tab" title="Hello World 1">
<!-- Auto create tab 2 -->
<div class="x-tab" title="Hello World 2">
<p>... World!</p>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,27
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>DataView Example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="data-view-plugins.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="data-view.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="data-view.css" />
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>DataView Example</h1>
<p>This example shows how to use an Ext.DataView.</p>
New file
0,0 → 1,30
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Advanced DataView Example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="chooser.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="chooser.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="chooser-example.js"></script>
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<body class="xtheme-gray">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Advanced DataView Example</h1>
<p>This example shows loading a DataView in a Window. Each item has a linked details view, and the DataView
supports custom sorting and filtering.</p>
<div id="buttons" style="margin:20px;"></div>
<div id="images" style="margin:20px;width:600px;"></div>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,85
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="msg-box.js"></script>
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<style type="text/css">
.x-window-dlg .ext-mb-download {
background:transparent url(images/download.gif) no-repeat top left;
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>MessageBox Dialogs</h1>
<p>The example shows how to use the MessageBox class. Some of the buttons have animations, some are normal.</p>
<p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="msg-box.js">msg-box.js</a>.</p>
<b>Confirm</b><br />
Standard Yes/No dialog.
<button id="mb1">Show</button>
<b>Prompt</b><br />
Standard prompt dialog.
<button id="mb2">Show</button>
<b>Multi-line Prompt</b><br />
A multi-line prompt dialog.
<button id="mb3">Show</button>
<b>Yes/No/Cancel</b><br />
Standard Yes/No/Cancel dialog.
<button id="mb4">Show</button>
<b>Progress Dialog</b><br />
Dialog with measured progress bar.
<button id="mb6">Show</button>
<b>Wait Dialog</b><br />
Dialog with indefinite progress bar and custom icon (will close after 8 sec).
<button id="mb7">Show</button>
<b>Alert</b><br />
Standard alert message dialog.
<button id="mb8">Show</button>
<b>Icons</b><br />
Standard alert with optional icon.
<select id="icons">
<option id="error" selected="selected">Error</option>
<option id="info">Informational</option>
<option id="question">Question</option>
<option id="warning">Warning</option>
<button id="mb9">Show</button>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,80
<title>Accordion Layout</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css"/>
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
html, body {
font: normal 12px verdana;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: 0 none;
overflow: hidden;
height: 100%;
.empty .x-panel-body {
color: gray;
<script type="text/javascript">
Ext.onReady(function() {
var item1 = new Ext.Panel({
title: 'Accordion Item 1'
var item2 = new Ext.Panel({
title: 'Accordion Item 2'
var item3 = new Ext.Panel({
title: 'Accordion Item 3'
var item4 = new Ext.Panel({
title: 'Accordion Item 4'
var item5 = new Ext.Panel({
title: 'Accordion Item 5'
var accordion = new Ext.Panel({
margins:'5 0 5 5',
width: 210,
defaults: {html: '&lt;empty panel&gt;', cls:'empty'},
items: [item1, item2, item3, item4, item5]
var viewport = new Ext.Viewport({
accordion, {
margins:'5 5 5 0',
html:'<br/><br/>&lt;empty center panel&gt;'
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,177
<title>Complex Layout</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<!--<script language="javascript" src="../grid/PropsGrid.js"></script>-->
<style type="text/css">
html, body {
font:normal 12px verdana;
border:0 none;
p {
.settings {
.nav {
<script type="text/javascript">
Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.state.CookieProvider());
var viewport = new Ext.Viewport({
new Ext.BoxComponent({ // raw
el: 'north',
contentEl: 'south',
height: 100,
minSize: 100,
maxSize: 200,
collapsible: true,
margins:'0 0 0 0'
}, {
title: 'East Side',
collapsible: true,
width: 225,
minSize: 175,
maxSize: 400,
margins:'0 5 0 0',
new Ext.TabPanel({
html:'<p>A TabPanel component can be a region.</p>',
title: 'A Tab',
new Ext.grid.PropertyGrid({
title: 'Property Grid',
closable: true,
source: {
"(name)": "Properties Grid",
"grouping": false,
"autoFitColumns": true,
"productionQuality": false,
"created": new Date(Date.parse('10/15/2006')),
"tested": false,
"version": .01,
"borderWidth": 1
width: 200,
minSize: 175,
maxSize: 400,
collapsible: true,
margins:'0 0 0 5',
items: [{
contentEl: 'west',
html:'<p>Some settings in here.</p>',
new Ext.TabPanel({
title: 'Close Me',
title: 'Center Panel',
Ext.get("hideit").on('click', function() {
var w = Ext.getCmp('west-panel');
w.collapsed ? w.expand() : w.collapse();
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<div id="west">
<p>Hi. I'm the west panel.</p>
<div id="north">
<p>north - generally for menus, toolbars and/or advertisements</p>
<div id="center2">
<a id="hideit" href="#">Toggle the west region</a>
My closable attribute is set to false so you can't close me. The other center panels can be closed.</p>
<p>The center panel automatically grows to fit the remaining space in the container that isn't taken up by the border regions.</p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed metus nibh, sodales a, porta at, vulputate eget, dui. Pellentesque ut nisl. Maecenas tortor turpis, interdum non, sodales non, iaculis ac, lacus. Vestibulum auctor, tortor quis iaculis malesuada, libero lectus bibendum purus, sit amet tincidunt quam turpis vel lacus. In pellentesque nisl non sem. Suspendisse nunc sem, pretium eget, cursus a, fringilla vel, urna. Aliquam commodo ullamcorper erat. Nullam vel justo in neque porttitor laoreet. Aenean lacus dui, consequat eu, adipiscing eget, nonummy non, nisi. Morbi nunc est, dignissim non, ornare sed, luctus eu, massa. Vivamus eget quam. Vivamus tincidunt diam nec urna. Curabitur velit. Quisque dolor magna, ornare sed, elementum porta, luctus in, leo.</p>
<p>Donec quis dui. Sed imperdiet. Nunc consequat, est eu sollicitudin gravida, mauris ligula lacinia mauris, eu porta dui nisl in velit. Nam congue, odio id auctor nonummy, augue lectus euismod nunc, in tristique turpis dolor sed urna. Donec sit amet quam eget diam fermentum pharetra. Integer tincidunt arcu ut purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla blandit malesuada odio. Nam augue. Aenean molestie sapien in mi. Suspendisse tincidunt. Pellentesque tempus dui vitae sapien. Donec aliquam ipsum sit amet pede. Sed scelerisque mi a erat. Curabitur rutrum ullamcorper risus. Maecenas et lorem ut felis dictum viverra. Fusce sem. Donec pharetra nibh sit amet sapien.</p>
<p>Aenean ut orci sed ligula consectetuer pretium. Aliquam odio. Nam pellentesque enim. Nam tincidunt condimentum nisi. Maecenas convallis luctus ligula. Donec accumsan ornare risus. Vestibulum id magna a nunc posuere laoreet. Integer iaculis leo vitae nibh. Nam vulputate, mauris vitae luctus pharetra, pede neque bibendum tellus, facilisis commodo diam nisi eget lacus. Duis consectetuer pulvinar nisi. Cras interdum ultricies sem. Nullam tristique. Suspendisse elementum purus eu nisl. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus ultricies ullamcorper lorem. Sed euismod ante vitae lacus. Nam nunc leo, congue vehicula, luctus ac, tempus non, ante. Morbi suscipit purus a nulla. Sed eu diam.</p>
<p>Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras imperdiet felis id velit. Ut non quam at sem dictum ullamcorper. Vestibulum pharetra purus sed pede. Aliquam ultrices, nunc in varius mattis, felis justo pretium magna, eget laoreet justo eros id eros. Aliquam elementum diam fringilla nulla. Praesent laoreet sapien vel metus. Cras tempus, sapien condimentum dictum dapibus, lorem augue fringilla orci, ut tincidunt eros nisi eget turpis. Nullam nunc nunc, eleifend et, dictum et, pharetra a, neque. Ut feugiat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec pretium odio nec felis. Phasellus sagittis lacus eget sapien. Donec est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;</p>
<p>Vestibulum semper. Nullam non odio. Aliquam quam. Mauris eu lectus non nunc auctor ullamcorper. Sed tincidunt molestie enim. Phasellus lobortis justo sit amet quam. Duis nulla erat, varius a, cursus in, tempor sollicitudin, mauris. Aliquam mi velit, consectetuer mattis, consequat tristique, pulvinar ac, nisl. Aliquam mattis vehicula elit. Proin quis leo sed tellus scelerisque molestie. Quisque luctus. Integer mattis. Donec id augue sed leo aliquam egestas. Quisque in sem. Donec dictum enim in dolor. Praesent non erat. Nulla ultrices vestibulum quam.</p>
<p>Duis hendrerit, est vel lobortis sagittis, tortor erat scelerisque tortor, sed pellentesque sem enim id metus. Maecenas at pede. Nulla velit libero, dictum at, mattis quis, sagittis vel, ante. Phasellus faucibus rutrum dui. Cras mauris elit, bibendum at, feugiat non, porta id, neque. Nulla et felis nec odio mollis vehicula. Donec elementum tincidunt mauris. Duis vel dui. Fusce iaculis enim ac nulla. In risus.</p>
<p>Donec gravida. Donec et enim. Morbi sollicitudin, lacus a facilisis pulvinar, odio turpis dapibus elit, in tincidunt turpis felis nec libero. Nam vestibulum tempus ipsum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla facilisi. Donec semper ligula. Donec commodo tortor in quam. Etiam massa. Ut tempus ligula eget tellus. Curabitur id velit ut velit varius commodo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla facilisi. Fusce ornare pellentesque libero. Nunc rhoncus. Suspendisse potenti. Ut consequat, leo eu accumsan vehicula, justo sem lobortis elit, ac sollicitudin ipsum neque nec ante.</p>
<p>Aliquam elementum mauris id sem. Vivamus varius, est ut nonummy consectetuer, nulla quam bibendum velit, ac gravida nisi felis sit amet urna. Aliquam nec risus. Maecenas lacinia purus ut velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse sit amet dui vitae lacus fermentum sodales. Donec varius dapibus nisl. Praesent at velit id risus convallis bibendum. Aliquam felis nibh, rutrum nec, blandit non, mattis sit amet, magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam varius dignissim nibh. Quisque id orci ac ante hendrerit molestie. Aliquam malesuada enim non neque.</p>
<div id="center1">
<p><b>Done reading me? Close me by clicking the X in the top right corner.</b></p>
<p>Vestibulum semper. Nullam non odio. Aliquam quam. Mauris eu lectus non nunc auctor ullamcorper. Sed tincidunt molestie enim. Phasellus lobortis justo sit amet quam. Duis nulla erat, varius a, cursus in, tempor sollicitudin, mauris. Aliquam mi velit, consectetuer mattis, consequat tristique, pulvinar ac, nisl. Aliquam mattis vehicula elit. Proin quis leo sed tellus scelerisque molestie. Quisque luctus. Integer mattis. Donec id augue sed leo aliquam egestas. Quisque in sem. Donec dictum enim in dolor. Praesent non erat. Nulla ultrices vestibulum quam.</p>
<p>Duis hendrerit, est vel lobortis sagittis, tortor erat scelerisque tortor, sed pellentesque sem enim id metus. Maecenas at pede. Nulla velit libero, dictum at, mattis quis, sagittis vel, ante. Phasellus faucibus rutrum dui. Cras mauris elit, bibendum at, feugiat non, porta id, neque. Nulla et felis nec odio mollis vehicula. Donec elementum tincidunt mauris. Duis vel dui. Fusce iaculis enim ac nulla. In risus.</p>
<p>Donec gravida. Donec et enim. Morbi sollicitudin, lacus a facilisis pulvinar, odio turpis dapibus elit, in tincidunt turpis felis nec libero. Nam vestibulum tempus ipsum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla facilisi. Donec semper ligula. Donec commodo tortor in quam. Etiam massa. Ut tempus ligula eget tellus. Curabitur id velit ut velit varius commodo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla facilisi. Fusce ornare pellentesque libero. Nunc rhoncus. Suspendisse potenti. Ut consequat, leo eu accumsan vehicula, justo sem lobortis elit, ac sollicitudin ipsum neque nec ante.</p>
<p>Aliquam elementum mauris id sem. Vivamus varius, est ut nonummy consectetuer, nulla quam bibendum velit, ac gravida nisi felis sit amet urna. Aliquam nec risus. Maecenas lacinia purus ut velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse sit amet dui vitae lacus fermentum sodales. Donec varius dapibus nisl. Praesent at velit id risus convallis bibendum. Aliquam felis nibh, rutrum nec, blandit non, mattis sit amet, magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam varius dignissim nibh. Quisque id orci ac ante hendrerit molestie. Aliquam malesuada enim non neque.</p>
<div id="props-panel" style="width:200px;height:200px;overflow:hidden;">
<div id="south">
<p>south - generally for informational stuff, also could be for status bar</p>
New file
0,0 → 1,59
<title>Table Layout</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css"/>
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
html, body {
font: normal 11px verdana;
#main-panel td {
<script type="text/javascript">
Ext.onReady(function() {
var panel = new Ext.Panel({
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
layoutConfig: {columns:3},
// applied to child components
defaults: {frame:true, width:200, height: 200},
title:'Item 1'
title:'Item 2'
title:'Item 3'
title:'Item 4',
title:'Item 5'
title:'Item 6'
title:'Item 7',
title:'Item 8'
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
New file
0,0 → 1,51
<title>Anchor Layout</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css"/>
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
html, body {
font: normal 12px verdana;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: 0 none;
overflow: hidden;
height: 100%;
<script type="text/javascript">
Ext.onReady(function() {
var viewport = new Ext.Viewport({
anchorSize: {width:800, height:600},
title:'Item 1',
anchor:'right 20%'
title:'Item 2',
anchor:'50% 30%'
title:'Item 3',
anchor:'-100 50%'
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
New file
0,0 → 1,116
<title>Column Layout</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<!--<script language="javascript" src="../grid/PropsGrid.js"></script>-->
<style type="text/css">
html, body {
font:normal 12px verdana;
border:0 none;
.x-panel-body p {
.x-column-layout-ct .x-panel {
.x-column-layout-ct .x-panel-dd-spacer {
.settings {
background-image:url(../shared/icons/fam/folder_wrench.png) !important;
.nav {
background-image:url(../shared/icons/fam/folder_go.png) !important;
<script type="text/javascript">
Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.state.CookieProvider());
var viewport = new Ext.Viewport({
width: 200,
minSize: 175,
maxSize: 400,
collapsible: true,
margins:'35 0 5 5',
cmargins:'35 5 5 5',
items: [{
html: Ext.example.shortBogusMarkup,
html: Ext.example.shortBogusMarkup,
margins:'35 5 5 0',
bodyStyle:'padding:5px 0 5px 5px',
title: 'A Panel',
html: Ext.example.shortBogusMarkup
bodyStyle:'padding:5px 0 5px 5px',
title: 'A Panel',
html: Ext.example.shortBogusMarkup
title: 'A Panel',
html: Ext.example.shortBogusMarkup
title: 'Another Panel',
html: Ext.example.shortBogusMarkup
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Ext Dependency Builder</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="dependency.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="dependency.js"></script>
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Ext Dependency Builder</h1>
<p>This is a piece of the application we use to build the Ext dependency tree.<br />
Key features it demonstrates:<br/>
* Restrictive drag and drop of nodes from tree to tree<br/>
* Restrictive reordering of nodes<br/>
* Loading and saving to/from different structures<br/>
* Dynamic tree context menu<br/>
* Inline editing of tree nodes<br/>
* Custom tree styles with CSS
<p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="dependency.js">dependency.js</a>.</p>
<div id="main-ct" style="width:700px;height:500px;"></div>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,35
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Ext Slider Field Example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css">
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all-debug.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="SliderField.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="slider.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../form/forms.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="SliderField.css">
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script>
<!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Ext Slider Field Example</h1>
The Ext 2.0 SliderField is under development and it is not guaranteed nor even expectable that it works.
<p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="slider.js">slider.js</a>.</p>
New file
0,0 → 1,35
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Ext Slider Field Example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css">
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all-debug.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="SliderField.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="slider2.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../form/forms.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="SliderField.css">
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script>
<!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Ext Slider Field Example</h1>
The Ext 2.0 SliderField is under development and it is not guaranteed nor even expectable that it works.
<p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="slider2.js">slider2.js</a>.</p>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,32
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Paging Grid Example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="paging.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="grid-examples.css" />
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Paging Grid Example</h1>
<p>This example shows how to create a grid with paging. This grid uses a ScriptTagProxy to fetch cross-domain
remote data (from the Ext forums).</p>
<p>Note that the jsis not minified so it is readable. See <a href="paging.js">paging.js</a>.</p>
<div id="topic-grid"></div>
New file
0,0 → 1,43
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Editor Grid Example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="GroupingView.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="edit-grid.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="grid-examples.css" />
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Editor Grid Example</h1>
<p>This example shows how to create a grid with inline editing.</p>
<p>Note that the js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="edit-grid.js">edit-grid.js</a>.</p>
<p>The data in the grid is loaded from <a href="plants.xml">plants.xml</a>.</p>
<!-- you must define the select box here, as the custom editor for the 'Light' column will require it -->
<select name="light" id="light" style="display: none;">
<option value="Shade">Shade</option>
<option value="Mostly Shady">Mostly Shady</option>
<option value="Sun or Shade">Sun or Shade</option>
<option value="Mostly Sunny">Mostly Sunny</option>
<option value="Sunny">Sunny</option>
<div id="editor-grid"></div>
New file
0,0 → 1,30
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Data Binding Example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all-debug.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="binding.js"></script>
body {
padding: 15px;
.x-panel-mc {
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 18px;
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<h1>Data Binding Example</h1>
<p>This example expands upon the <a href="xml-grid.html">XML Grid example</a> and shows how to implement data binding for a master-detail view.</p>
<p>Note that the js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="binding.js">binding.js</a>.</p>
<p>You can find a more advanced example of the same code which abstracts each piece of this simple application into multiple classes in <a href="binding-with-classes.html">Data Binding Example - Implemented with classes</a>.</p>
<div id="binding-example"></div>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,35
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>XML Grid Example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="xml-grid.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="grid-examples.css" />
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>XML Grid Example</h1>
<p>This example shows how to load a grid with XML data.</p>
<p>This grid also uses autoHeight and autoWidth to dynamically size to fit it's data and columns.</p>
<p>Note that the js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="xml-grid.js">xml-grid.js</a>.</p>
<p>The data in the grid is loaded from <a href="sheldon.xml">sheldon.xml</a>, which is directly from an search.</p>
<!-- a place holder for the grid. requires the unique id to be passed in the javascript function, and width and height ! -->
<div id="example-grid"></div>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,151
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ItemSearchResponse xmlns="">
<Header Name="UserAgent"
Value="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Avant Browser; Avant Browser; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Media Center PC 4.0; InfoPath.2)"></Header>
<Argument Name="Service" Value="AWSECommerceService"></Argument>
<Argument Name="AssociateTag" Value="ws"></Argument>
<Argument Name="SearchIndex" Value="Books"></Argument>
<Argument Name="Author" Value="Sidney Sheldon"></Argument>
<Argument Name="SubscriptionId" Value="1A7XKHR5BYD0WPJVQEG2"></Argument>
<Argument Name="Version" Value="2006-06-28"></Argument>
<Argument Name="Operation" Value="ItemSearch"></Argument>
<Author>Sidney Sheldon</Author>
<Author>Sidney Sheldon</Author>
<Manufacturer>Warner Books</Manufacturer>
<Title>Master of the Game</Title>
<Author>Sidney Sheldon</Author>
<Manufacturer>Warner Books</Manufacturer>
<Title>Are You Afraid of the Dark?</Title>
<Author>Sidney Sheldon</Author>
<Manufacturer>Warner Books</Manufacturer>
<Title>If Tomorrow Comes</Title>
<Author>Sidney Sheldon</Author>
<Manufacturer>Warner Vision</Manufacturer>
<Title>Tell Me Your Dreams</Title>
<Author>Sidney Sheldon</Author>
<Manufacturer>Warner Books</Manufacturer>
<Author>Sidney Sheldon</Author>
<Manufacturer>Warner Books</Manufacturer>
<Title>The Other Side of Me</Title>
<Author>Sidney Sheldon</Author>
<Manufacturer>Warner Books</Manufacturer>
<Title>A Stranger in the Mirror</Title>
<Author>Sidney Sheldon</Author>
<Manufacturer>William Morrow &amp; Company</Manufacturer>
<Title>The Sky Is Falling</Title>
<Author>Sidney Sheldon</Author>
<Manufacturer>Warner Books</Manufacturer>
<Title>Nothing Lasts Forever</Title>
<Author>Sidney Sheldon</Author>
<Manufacturer>Warner Books</Manufacturer>
<Title>The Naked Face</Title>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,28
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Customizing the Grid</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="custom-grid.js"></script>
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Property Grid</h1>
<div id="props-grid"></div>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,68
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>From Markup Grid Example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="from-markup.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="grid-examples.css" />
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<style type="text/css">
#the-table { border:1px solid #bbb;border-collapse:collapse; }
#the-table td,#the-table th { border:1px solid #ccc;border-collapse:collapse;padding:5px; }
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>From Markup Grid Example</h1>
<p>This example shows how to create a grid with from an existing, unformatted HTML table.</p>
<p>Note that the js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="from-markup.js">from-markup.js</a>.</p>
<button id="create-grid" type="button">Create grid</button>
<br />
<br />
<table cellspacing="0" id="the-table">
<tr style="background:#eeeeee;">
<td>Barney Rubble</td>
<td>Fred Flintstone</td>
<td>Betty Rubble</td>
<td>Bamm Bamm</td>
New file
0,0 → 1,29
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Array Grid Example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="array-grid.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="grid-examples.css" />
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Array Grid Example</h1>
<p>This example shows how to create a grid from Array data.</p>
<p>Note that the js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="array-grid.js">array-grid.js</a>.</p>
<div id="grid-example"></div>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,62
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Grid3 Group Summary Plugin</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="GroupSummary.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="totals.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="summary.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="grid-examples.css" />
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<style type="text/css">
.negative {
color: #dd0000;
.positive {
color: green;
.x-grid3-cell-inner {
font-family:"segoe ui",tahoma, arial, sans-serif;
.x-grid-group-hd div {
font-family:"segoe ui",tahoma, arial, sans-serif;
.x-grid3-hd-inner {
font-family:"segoe ui",tahoma, arial, sans-serif;
.x-grid3-body .x-grid3-td-cost {
.x-grid3-summary-row .x-grid3-td-cost {
.icon-grid {
background-image:url(../shared/icons/fam/grid.png) !important;
.x-grid3-dirty-cell {
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Group Summary Plugin</h1>
<p>Note that the js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="totals.js">totals.js</a>.</p>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,54
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Grid3 Example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="RowExpander.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="grid3.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="grid-examples.css" />
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<style type="text/css">
body .x-panel {
.icon-grid {
background-image:url(../shared/icons/fam/grid.png) !important;
#button-grid .x-panel-body {
border:1px solid #99bbe8;
border-top:0 none;
.add {
background-image:url(../shared/icons/fam/add.gif) !important;
.option {
background-image:url(../shared/icons/fam/plugin.gif) !important;
.remove {
background-image:url(../shared/icons/fam/delete.gif) !important;
.save {
background-image:url(../shared/icons/save.gif) !important;
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>GridView3 Example</h1>
<p>Note that the js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="grid3.js">grid3.js</a>.</p>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,25
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Data Binding Example - Implemented with classes</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all-debug.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="binding-with-classes.js"></script>
.x-panel-mc {
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 18px;
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<h1>Data Binding Example - Implemented with classes</h1>
<p>This example expands upon the <a href="binding.html">Binding example</a>. It shows how to implement the same functionality but in a more organized and object-oriented fashion</p>
<p>Note that the js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="binding-with-classes.js">binding-with-classes.js</a>.</p>
<div id="binding-example"></div>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,53
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Grid3 Grouping Example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="grouping.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="grid-examples.css" />
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<style type="text/css">
body .x-panel {
.icon-grid {
background-image:url(../shared/icons/fam/grid.png) !important;
#button-grid .x-panel-body {
border:1px solid #99bbe8;
border-top:0 none;
.add {
background-image:url(../shared/icons/fam/add.gif) !important;
.option {
background-image:url(../shared/icons/fam/plugin.gif) !important;
.remove {
background-image:url(../shared/icons/fam/delete.gif) !important;
.save {
background-image:url(../shared/icons/save.gif) !important;
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>GridView3 Grouping</h1>
<p>Note that the js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="grouping.js">grouping.js</a>.</p>
New file
0,0 → 1,327
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<botanical>Sanguinaria canadensis</botanical>
<light>Mostly Shady</light>
<botanical>Aquilegia canadensis</botanical>
<light>Mostly Shady</light>
<common>Marsh Marigold</common>
<botanical>Caltha palustris</botanical>
<light>Mostly Sunny</light>
<botanical>Caltha palustris</botanical>
<light>Mostly Shady</light>
<botanical>Dicentra cucullaria</botanical>
<light>Mostly Shady</light>
<common>Ginger, Wild</common>
<botanical>Asarum canadense</botanical>
<light>Mostly Shady</light>
<botanical>Hepatica americana</botanical>
<light>Mostly Shady</light>
<botanical>Hepatica americana</botanical>
<light>Mostly Shady</light>
<botanical>Arisaema triphyllum</botanical>
<light>Mostly Shady</light>
<botanical>Podophyllum peltatum</botanical>
<light>Mostly Shady</light>
<common>Phlox, Woodland</common>
<botanical>Phlox divaricata</botanical>
<light>Sun or Shade</light>
<common>Phlox, Blue</common>
<botanical>Phlox divaricata</botanical>
<light>Sun or Shade</light>
<botanical>Claytonia Virginica</botanical>
<light>Mostly Shady</light>
<botanical>Trillium grandiflorum</botanical>
<light>Sun or Shade</light>
<common>Wake Robin</common>
<botanical>Trillium grandiflorum</botanical>
<light>Sun or Shade</light>
<common>Violet, Dog-Tooth</common>
<botanical>Erythronium americanum</botanical>
<common>Trout Lily</common>
<botanical>Erythronium americanum</botanical>
<botanical>Erythronium americanum</botanical>
<botanical>Anemone blanda</botanical>
<light>Mostly Shady</light>
<common>Grecian Windflower</common>
<botanical>Anemone blanda</botanical>
<light>Mostly Shady</light>
<common>Bee Balm</common>
<botanical>Monarda didyma</botanical>
<botanical>Monarda didyma</botanical>
<common>Black-Eyed Susan</common>
<botanical>Rudbeckia hirta</botanical>
<common>Butterfly Weed</common>
<botanical>Asclepias tuberosa</botanical>
<zone>3 - 5</zone>
<light>Sun or Shade</light>
<common>Blue Gentian</common>
<light>Sun or Shade</light>
<common>Jacob's Ladder</common>
<botanical>Polemonium caeruleum</botanical>
<common>Greek Valerian</common>
<botanical>Polemonium caeruleum</botanical>
<common>California Poppy</common>
<botanical>Eschscholzia californica</botanical>
<common>Shooting Star</common>
<light>Mostly Shady</light>
<common>Cardinal Flower</common>
<botanical>Lobelia cardinalis</botanical>
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Ext Debug Console</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all-debug.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Ext Debug Console</h1>
<div style="width:700px">
<p>Included in ext-all-debug.js is the Ext Debug Console. It offers a limited amount of <a href="">FireBug</a>
functionality cross browser. The most important feature is the "DOM Inspector" and CSS and DOM attribute editing. In any browser where "console"
is not already defined, the Ext console will handle console.log(), time() and other calls.
<b>Try It</b><br/>
This page includes ext-all-debug.js and some test markup so you can try it out. Hit <b>control+shift+home</b> to bring up the console or click on the image below.
<a href="#" onclick="Ext.log('Hello from the Ext console.');return false;"><img src="inspector.gif" width="600" height="337" style="margin:15px;"/></a>
The full source is available in the "source" directory of the Ext download.
<hr />
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed metus nibh, sodales a, porta at, vulputate eget, dui. Pellentesque ut nisl. Maecenas tortor turpis, interdum non, sodales non, iaculis ac, lacus. Vestibulum auctor, tortor quis iaculis malesuada, libero lectus bibendum purus, sit amet tincidunt quam turpis vel lacus. In pellentesque nisl non sem. Suspendisse nunc sem, pretium eget, cursus a, fringilla vel, urna. Aliquam commodo ullamcorper erat. Nullam vel justo in neque porttitor laoreet. Aenean lacus dui, consequat eu, adipiscing eget, nonummy non, nisi. Morbi nunc est, dignissim non, ornare sed, luctus eu, massa. Vivamus eget quam. Vivamus tincidunt diam nec urna. Curabitur velit. Quisque dolor magna, ornare sed, elementum porta, luctus in, leo.</p>
<p>Donec quis dui. Sed imperdiet. Nunc consequat, est eu sollicitudin gravida, mauris ligula lacinia mauris, eu porta dui nisl in velit. Nam congue, odio id auctor nonummy, augue lectus euismod nunc, in tristique turpis dolor sed urna. Donec sit amet quam eget diam fermentum pharetra. Integer tincidunt arcu ut purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla blandit malesuada odio. Nam augue. Aenean molestie sapien in mi. Suspendisse tincidunt. Pellentesque tempus dui vitae sapien. Donec aliquam ipsum sit amet pede. Sed scelerisque mi a erat. Curabitur rutrum ullamcorper risus. Maecenas et lorem ut felis dictum viverra. Fusce sem. Donec pharetra nibh sit amet sapien.</p>
<p>Aenean ut orci sed ligula consectetuer pretium. Aliquam odio. Nam pellentesque enim. Nam tincidunt condimentum nisi. Maecenas convallis luctus ligula. Donec accumsan ornare risus. Vestibulum id magna a nunc posuere laoreet. Integer iaculis leo vitae nibh. Nam vulputate, mauris vitae luctus pharetra, pede neque bibendum tellus, facilisis commodo diam nisi eget lacus. Duis consectetuer pulvinar nisi. Cras interdum ultricies sem. Nullam tristique. Suspendisse elementum purus eu nisl. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus ultricies ullamcorper lorem. Sed euismod ante vitae lacus. Nam nunc leo, congue vehicula, luctus ac, tempus non, ante. Morbi suscipit purus a nulla. Sed eu diam.</p>
<p>Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras imperdiet felis id velit. Ut non quam at sem dictum ullamcorper. Vestibulum pharetra purus sed pede. Aliquam ultrices, nunc in varius mattis, felis justo pretium magna, eget laoreet justo eros id eros. Aliquam elementum diam fringilla nulla. Praesent laoreet sapien vel metus. Cras tempus, sapien condimentum dictum dapibus, lorem augue fringilla orci, ut tincidunt eros nisi eget turpis. Nullam nunc nunc, eleifend et, dictum et, pharetra a, neque. Ut feugiat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec pretium odio nec felis. Phasellus sagittis lacus eget sapien. Donec est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;</p>
<p>Vestibulum semper. Nullam non odio. Aliquam quam. Mauris eu lectus non nunc auctor ullamcorper. Sed tincidunt molestie enim. Phasellus lobortis justo sit amet quam. Duis nulla erat, varius a, cursus in, tempor sollicitudin, mauris. Aliquam mi velit, consectetuer mattis, consequat tristique, pulvinar ac, nisl. Aliquam mattis vehicula elit. Proin quis leo sed tellus scelerisque molestie. Quisque luctus. Integer mattis. Donec id augue sed leo aliquam egestas. Quisque in sem. Donec dictum enim in dolor. Praesent non erat. Nulla ultrices vestibulum quam.</p>
<p>Duis hendrerit, est vel lobortis sagittis, tortor erat scelerisque tortor, sed pellentesque sem enim id metus. Maecenas at pede. Nulla velit libero, dictum at, mattis quis, sagittis vel, ante. Phasellus faucibus rutrum dui. Cras mauris elit, bibendum at, feugiat non, porta id, neque. Nulla et felis nec odio mollis vehicula. Donec elementum tincidunt mauris. Duis vel dui. Fusce iaculis enim ac nulla. In risus.</p>
<p>Donec gravida. Donec et enim. Morbi sollicitudin, lacus a facilisis pulvinar, odio turpis dapibus elit, in tincidunt turpis felis nec libero. Nam vestibulum tempus ipsum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla facilisi. Donec semper ligula. Donec commodo tortor in quam. Etiam massa. Ut tempus ligula eget tellus. Curabitur id velit ut velit varius commodo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla facilisi. Fusce ornare pellentesque libero. Nunc rhoncus. Suspendisse potenti. Ut consequat, leo eu accumsan vehicula, justo sem lobortis elit, ac sollicitudin ipsum neque nec ante.</p>
<p>Aliquam elementum mauris id sem. Vivamus varius, est ut nonummy consectetuer, nulla quam bibendum velit, ac gravida nisi felis sit amet urna. Aliquam nec risus. Maecenas lacinia purus ut velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse sit amet dui vitae lacus fermentum sodales. Donec varius dapibus nisl. Praesent at velit id risus convallis bibendum. Aliquam felis nibh, rutrum nec, blandit non, mattis sit amet, magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam varius dignissim nibh. Quisque id orci ac ante hendrerit molestie. Aliquam malesuada enim non neque.</p>
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Advanced Tabs</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tabs-example.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="TabCloseMenu.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="tabs-adv.js"></script>
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Advanced Tabs</h1>
<p>Note that the js and css is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="tabs-adv.js">tabs-adv.js</a> for the tab creation code.</p>
<p>This TabPanel is built entirely with javascript and demonstrates:</p>
<ul class="list">
<li>Auto tab resizing</li>
<li>Tab scrolling</li>
<li>Tabs with icons</li>
<li>Tab plugins (context menu)</li>
<li>Adding tabs with JS</li>
<div id="tabs" style="margin:15px 0;"></div>
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<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p><p>Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure.</p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p><p>Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure.</p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p><p>Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure.</p>
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I'm am content loaded via AJAX. I was set up using the setUrl() method on my Ext.TabPanelItem object:
<div style="padding:10px;background:#f1f1f1;"><pre><code>var tab3 = jtabs.addTab('jtabs-3', "Ajax Tab 2");
tab3.setUrl('ajax2.htm', null, true);
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure.
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Tabs Example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<!-- Tabs Example Files -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tabs-example.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="tabs-example.js"></script>
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Tab Panel Examples</h1>
<p>Note that the js and css is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="tabs-example.js">tabs-example.js</a> for the tab creation code
and <a href="tabs-example.css">tabs-example.css</a> for the css.</p>
<h3>Tabs with auto height that resize to the content. Built from existing markup.</h3><br>
<!-- container for the existing markup tabs -->
<div id="tabs1">
<div id="script" class="x-hide-display">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed metus nibh, sodales a, porta at, vulputate eget, dui. Pellentesque ut nisl. Maecenas tortor turpis, interdum non, sodales non, iaculis ac, lacus.<br/><br/> Vestibulum auctor, tortor quis iaculis malesuada, libero lectus bibendum purus, sit amet tincidunt quam turpis vel lacus. In pellentesque nisl non sem. Suspendisse nunc sem, pretium eget, cursus a, fringilla vel, urna.</p>
<div id="markup" class="x-hide-display">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed metus nibh, sodales a, porta at, vulputate eget, dui. Pellentesque ut nisl. Maecenas tortor turpis, interdum non, sodales non, iaculis ac, lacus. Vestibulum auctor, tortor quis iaculis malesuada, libero lectus bibendum purus, sit amet tincidunt quam turpis vel lacus. In pellentesque nisl non sem. Suspendisse nunc sem, pretium eget, cursus a, fringilla vel, urna.<br/><br/>Aliquam commodo ullamcorper erat. Nullam vel justo in neque porttitor laoreet. Aenean lacus dui, consequat eu, adipiscing eget, nonummy non, nisi. Morbi nunc est, dignissim non, ornare sed, luctus eu, massa. Vivamus eget quam. Vivamus tincidunt diam nec urna. Curabitur velit.</p>
<h3>Tabs with no tab strip and a fixed height that scroll the content. Built entirely with javascript.</h3>
<ul class="list">
<li>Tab 1 is a normal tab with content passed when adding it.</li>
<li>Tab 2 is loaded via Ajax.</li>
<li>Tab 3 is loaded via Ajax too. It was set up to pass parameters when loaded.</li>
<li>Tab 4 has an event listener attached.</li>
<li>Tab 5 is disabled.</li>
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="panels.js"></script>
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<style type="text/css">
.x-panel-body p {
#container {
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="panels.js">panels.js</a>.</p>
<div id="container">
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New file
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Added: svn:mime-type
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
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New file
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<title>Custom Layouts and Containers - Portal Sample</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
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<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="Portal.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="PortalColumn.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="Portlet.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="portal.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="sample.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="sample.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="sample-grid.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
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New file
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
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Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
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New file
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<title>Absolute Forms</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css"/>
<!-- GC -->
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<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="absform.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="forms.css"/>
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script>
<!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Absolute Layout with Forms</h1>
<p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="absform.js">absform.js</a>.</p>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
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Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>ComboBox - Live Search</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="forum-search.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="combos.css" />
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<style type="text/css">
p { width:650px; }
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<b>Combo with Templates and Ajax</b><br />
This is a more advanced example that shows how you can combine paging, Ext.Template and a remote data store
to create a "live search" feature.
<p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="forum-search.js">forum-search.js</a>.</p>
<!-- The box wrap markup embedded instead of using Element.boxWrap() -->
<div style="width:600px;">
<div class="x-box-tl"><div class="x-box-tr"><div class="x-box-tc"></div></div></div>
<div class="x-box-ml"><div class="x-box-mr"><div class="x-box-mc">
<h3 style="margin-bottom:5px;">Search the Ext Forums</h3>
<input type="text" size="40" name="search" id="search" />
<div style="padding-top:4px;">
Live search requires a minimum of 4 characters.
<div class="x-box-bl"><div class="x-box-br"><div class="x-box-bc"></div></div></div>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,13
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response success="true">
<company>Ext JS</company>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>XML Form</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="states.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="xml-form.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="forms.css" />
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Loading/Saving a Dynamic Form using XML</h1>
This is a very simple example of using XML for load and submit of data with an Ext dynamic form.
Click "Load" to load the <a href="xml-form.xml">dummy XML data</a> from the server using an XmlReader.
After loading the form, you will be able to hit submit. The submit action will make a post to the server,
and the <a href="xml-errors.xml">dummy XML file</a> on the server with test server-side validation failure messages will be sent back.
Those messages will be applied to the appropriate fields in the form.
Note: The built-in JSON support does not require any special readers for mapping. However, If you don't like the Form's built-in JSON format, you could also use a JsonReader for reading data into a form.
<p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="xml-form.js">xml-form.js</a>.</p>
<div id="form-ct"></div>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,30
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Advanced VType Examples</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all-debug.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="adv-vtypes.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="states.js"></script>
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../examples/examples.css" />
<h1>Advanced Validation Examples Using VTypes</h1>
<div id="dr"><p>The first example shows two date fields acting as a date range. Selecting an initial date
sets the minimum value for the end field. Selecting an ending date sets a maximum value for the
start field.</p></div>
<div id="pw" style="padding-top:20px"><p>This second example shows a password verification,
the second value must be equivalent to the first to validate.</p></div><br/>
<p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="adv-vtypes.js">adv-vtypes.js</a>.</p>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,17
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response success="false">
Invalid name. <br /><i>This is a test validation message from the server </i>
Invalid Date of Birth. <br /><i>This is a test validation message from the server </i>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,27
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css"/>
<!-- GC -->
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<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="anchoring.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="forms.css"/>
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script>
<!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Anchor Layout with Forms</h1>
<p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="anchoring.js">anchoring.js</a>.</p>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,61
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Custom Fields</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="SearchField.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="custom.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="combos.css" />
<style type="text/css">
#search-results a {
color: #385F95;
font:bold 11px tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
#search-results a:hover {
#search-results .search-item {
#search-results p {
margin:3px !important;
#search-results {
border-bottom:1px solid #ddd;
margin: 0 1px;
#search-results .x-toolbar {
border:0 none;
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<b>Custom Form Fields</b><br />
Ext provides many types of form fields to build interactive and rich forms. However, it also
provides a complete framework for building new types of fields quickly. The search field below
is an example.
<p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="custom.js">custom.js</a>.</p>
<div style="width:600px;" id="search-panel">
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,218
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Combo Boxes</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/xtheme-gray.css" />
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="states.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="combos.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="combos.css" />
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<style type="text/css">
p { width:650px; }
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Combo Boxes</h1>
<p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="combos.js">combos.js</a>.</p>
<b>Data Sources</b><br />
The combo box can use any type of as it's data source.
This means your data can be XML, JSON, arrays or any other supported format. It can be loaded using Ajax, script tags or be local.
This combo uses local data from a JS array:<p>
<input type="text" id="local-states" size="20"/>
<div id="state-combo-code-panel" style="margin-top:10px">
<pre id="state-combo-code" class="code"><code>// simple array store
var store = new{
fields: ['abbr', 'state'],
data : exampleData
var combo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
store: store,
typeAhead: true,
mode: 'local',
triggerAction: 'all',
emptyText:'Select a state...',
applyTo: 'local-states'
<br />
The combo below uses the same data, but also illustrates how to use an optional
custom template to create custom UI renditions for list items. In this case,
each item has a popup QuickTip which displays the state's nickname when hovered over.
<input type="text" id="local-states-with-qtip" size="20"/>
<div id="state-combo-qtip-code-panel" style="margin-top:10px">
<pre id="state-combo-qtip-code" class="code"><code>// simple array store
var store = new{
fields: ['abbr', 'state', 'nick'],
data : exampleData
var comboWithTooltip = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
tpl: '&lt;tpl for=".">&lt;div ext:qtip="{state}. {nick}" class="x-combo-list-item">{state}&lt;/div>&lt;/tpl>',
store: store,
typeAhead: true,
mode: 'local',
triggerAction: 'all',
emptyText:'Select a state...',
applyTo: 'local-states-with-qtip'
<br />
<b>Unobtrusive</b><br />
The combo box can very easily be used to convert existing select elements into auto-completing, filtering combos.
Transformed select:<br/> <select name="state" id="state">
<option value="AL">Alabama</option>
<option value="AK">Alaska</option>
<option value="AZ">Arizona</option>
<option value="AR">Arkansas</option>
<option value="CA">California</option>
<option value="CO">Colorado</option>
<option value="CT">Connecticut</option>
<option value="DE">Delaware</option>
<option value="FL">Florida</option>
<option value="GA">Georgia</option>
<option value="HI">Hawaii</option>
<option value="ID">Idaho</option>
<option value="IL">Illinois</option>
<option value="IN">Indiana</option>
<option value="IA">Iowa</option>
<option value="KS">Kansas</option>
<option value="KY">Kentucky</option>
<option value="LA">Louisiana</option>
<option value="ME">Maine</option>
<option value="MD">Maryland</option>
<option value="MA">Massachusetts</option>
<option value="MI">Michigan</option>
<option value="MN">Minnesota</option>
<option value="MS">Mississippi</option>
<option value="MO">Missouri</option>
<option value="MT">Montana</option>
<option value="NE">Nebraska</option>
<option value="NV">Nevada</option>
<option value="NH">New Hampshire</option>
<option value="NJ">New Jersey</option>
<option value="NM">New Mexico</option>
<option value="NY">New York</option>
<option value="NC">North Carolina</option>
<option value="ND">North Dakota</option>
<option value="OH" selected>Ohio</option>
<option value="OK">Oklahoma</option>
<option value="OR">Oregon</option>
<option value="PA">Pennsylvania</option>
<option value="RI">Rhode Island</option>
<option value="SC">South Carolina</option>
<option value="SD">South Dakota</option>
<option value="TN">Tennessee</option>
<option value="TX">Texas</option>
<option value="UT">Utah</option>
<option value="VT">Vermont</option>
<option value="VA">Virginia</option>
<option value="WA">Washington</option>
<option value="WV">West Virginia</option>
<option value="WI">Wisconsin</option>
<option value="WY">Wyoming</option>
</div><br />
Originally looked like:<br/> <select name="state-orig">
<option value="AL">Alabama</option>
<option value="AK">Alaska</option>
<option value="AZ">Arizona</option>
<option value="AR">Arkansas</option>
<option value="CA">California</option>
<option value="CO">Colorado</option>
<option value="CT">Connecticut</option>
<option value="DE">Delaware</option>
<option value="FL">Florida</option>
<option value="GA">Georgia</option>
<option value="HI">Hawaii</option>
<option value="ID">Idaho</option>
<option value="IL">Illinois</option>
<option value="IN">Indiana</option>
<option value="IA">Iowa</option>
<option value="KS">Kansas</option>
<option value="KY">Kentucky</option>
<option value="LA">Louisiana</option>
<option value="ME">Maine</option>
<option value="MD">Maryland</option>
<option value="MA">Massachusetts</option>
<option value="MI">Michigan</option>
<option value="MN">Minnesota</option>
<option value="MS">Mississippi</option>
<option value="MO">Missouri</option>
<option value="MT">Montana</option>
<option value="NE">Nebraska</option>
<option value="NV">Nevada</option>
<option value="NH">New Hampshire</option>
<option value="NJ">New Jersey</option>
<option value="NM">New Mexico</option>
<option value="NY">New York</option>
<option value="NC">North Carolina</option>
<option value="ND">North Dakota</option>
<option value="OH" selected>Ohio</option>
<option value="OK">Oklahoma</option>
<option value="OR">Oregon</option>
<option value="PA">Pennsylvania</option>
<option value="RI">Rhode Island</option>
<option value="SC">South Carolina</option>
<option value="SD">South Dakota</option>
<option value="TN">Tennessee</option>
<option value="TX">Texas</option>
<option value="UT">Utah</option>
<option value="VT">Vermont</option>
<option value="VA">Virginia</option>
<option value="WA">Washington</option>
<option value="WV">West Virginia</option>
<option value="WI">Wisconsin</option>
<option value="WY">Wyoming</option>
<div id="transformed-combo-code-panel" style="margin-top:10px">
<pre id="transformed-combo-code" class="code"><code>var converted = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
typeAhead: true,
triggerAction: 'all',
<br />
<b>Grid Editor</b><br />
<a href="../grid/edit-grid.html">Click here</a> to see the combo as a grid editor.
<br />
<b>Templates and Ajax</b><br />
<a href="forum-search.html">Click here</a> for a more advanced example.
<br /><br /><br /><br />
New file
0,0 → 1,35
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css"/>
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="states.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="dynamic.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="forms.css"/>
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script>
<!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Dynamic Forms built with JavaScript</h1>
These forms do not do anything and have very little validation. They solely demonstrate
how you can use Ext Forms to build and layout forms on the fly.
<p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="dynamic.js">dynamic.js</a>.</p>
New file
0,0 → 1,36
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Form with embedded Grid</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css"/>
<!-- GC -->
<!-- LIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<!-- ENDLIBS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all-debug.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../code-display.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="form-grid.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="forms.css"/>
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css"/>
<style type="text/css">
p { width:650px; }
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script>
<!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Dynamic Form interacting with an embedded Grid</h1>
This Form demonstrates the fact that by virtue of inheriting from the Ext <b><tt>Container</tt></b>
class, an Ext.form.FormPanel can contain any Ext <b><tt>Component</tt></b>. This includes all the
subclasses of Ext.Panel, including the GridPanel.
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
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\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,7
This desktop example is a work in progress.
Several great contributions were made by Todd Murdock (mxracer), including the
TaskBar and StartMenu UX components. More information can be found in
this thread on the ext js forums:
New file
0,0 → 1,48
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<a href="#"><img src="images/s.gif" />
<div>Grid Window</div></a>
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Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
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<title>Ext 2.0 Samples</title>
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New file
0,0 → 1,3
The examples can be browsed by opening index.html in the docs folder.
Some examples use XHR. Those examples will need to be on a webserver to run since XHR can't access the local file system.
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,184
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Resizable Examples</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
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<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
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<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="basic.js"></script>
<!-- Common Styles for the examples -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" />
<style type="text/css">
#basic, #animated {
border:1px solid #c3daf9;
font:bold 14px tahoma,verdana,helvetica;
#snap {
border:1px solid #c3daf9;
#custom {
z-index: 100;
#custom-rzwrap .x-resizable-handle{
background:transparent url(../../resources/images/default/sizer/square.gif) no-repeat;
#custom-rzwrap .x-resizable-handle-east, #custom-rzwrap .x-resizable-handle-west{
#custom-rzwrap .x-resizable-handle-north, #custom-rzwrap .x-resizable-handle-south{
<script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES -->
<h1>Resizable Examples</h1>
<p>These examples show how to apply a floating (default) and pinned Resizable component to a standard element.</p>
<p>Note that the js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="basic.js">basic.js</a> for the full source code.</p>
<b>Basic Example</b><br />
This is a basic as you get. To resize the box, position your mouse anywhere near the bottom,
right or border right edge of the box. This example uses the default "floating" handles.
<div id="basic">Resize Me!</div>
<pre class="code"><code>var basic = new Ext.Resizable('basic', {
width: 200,
height: 100,
<b>Wrapped Elements</b><br />
Some elements such as images and textareas don't allow child elements. In the past, you had
to wrap these elements and set up a Resizable with resize child. Resizable will
wrap the element, calculate adjustments for borders/padding and offset the handles for you. All you have to
do is set "wrap:true". The manual way of specifying a "resizeChild" is still supported as well.
<b>Pinned Handles</b><br />
Notice this example has the resize handles "pinned". This is done by setting "pinned:true".
<b>Dynamic Sizing</b><br />
If you don't like the proxy resizing, you can also turn on dynamic sizing. Just set "dynamic:true".
Here's a textarea that is wrapped, has pinned handles and has dynamic sizing turned on.
<textarea id="dwrapped">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed metus nibh, sodales a, porta at, vulputate eget, dui. Pellentesque ut nisl. Maecenas tortor turpis, interdum non, sodales non, iaculis ac, lacus. Vestibulum auctor, tortor quis iaculis malesuada, libero lectus bibendum purus, sit amet tincidunt quam turpis vel lacus. In pellentesque nisl non sem. Suspendisse nunc sem, pretium eget, cursus a, fringilla vel, urna. Aliquam commodo ullamcorper erat. Nullam vel justo in neque porttitor laoreet. Aenean lacus dui, consequat eu, adipiscing eget, nonummy non, nisi. Morbi nunc est, dignissim non, ornare sed, luctus eu, massa.
Vivamus eget quam. Vivamus tincidunt diam nec urna. Curabitur velit. Quisque dolor magna, ornare sed, elementum porta, luctus in, leo.
</textarea><br /><br />
And look how simple the code is, even my grandma could write it.
<pre class="code"><code>var dwrapped = new Ext.Resizable('dwrapped', {
minHeight: 50,
dynamic: true
<b>Preserve Ratio</b><br />
For some things like images, you will probably want to preserve the ratio of width to height. Just set preserveRatio:true.
<img id="wrapped" src="sara.jpg" width="200" height="250"/>
<pre class="code"><code>var wrapped = new Ext.Resizable('wrapped', {
minHeight: 50,
preserveRatio: true
<b>Transparent Handles</b><br />
If you just want the element to be resizable without any fancy handles, set transparent to true.
<img id="transparent" src="zack.jpg" width="100" height="176"/>
<pre class="code"><code>var transparent = new Ext.Resizable('transparent', {
minHeight: 50,
preserveRatio: true,
<b>Customizable Handles</b><br />
Resizable elements are resizable 8 ways. 8 way resizing for a static positioned element will cause the element to be positioned relative and taken out of the document flow. For resizing which adjusts the
x and y of the element, the element should be positioned absolute. You can also control which handles are displayed by setting the "handles" attribute.
The handles are styled using CSS so they can be customized to look however you would like them to.
This image has 8 way resizing, custom handles, is draggable and 8 way preserved ratio (that wasn't easy!).<br />
<b>Double click anywhere on the image to hide it when you are done.</b>
<img id="custom" src="sara_and_zack.jpg" width="200" height="152" style="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;"/>
<div style="padding:8px;border:1px solid #c3daf9;background:#d9e8fb;width:150px;text-align:center;"><button id="showMe">Show Me</button></div>
<pre class="code"><code>var custom = new Ext.Resizable('custom', {
minHeight: 50,
preserveRatio: true,
handles: 'all', // shorthand for 'n s e w ne nw se sw'
<b>Snapping</b><br />
Resizable also supports basic snapping in increments.
<div id="snap"></div>
<pre class="code"><code>var snap = new Ext.Resizable('snap', {
handles: 'e',
minWidth: 50,
dynamic: true
Warning: Snapping and preserveRatio conflict and can not be used together.
<b>Animated Transitions</b><br />
Resize operations can also be animated. Animations support configurable easing and duration.
Here's a very basic clone of the first element, but with animation turned on. I used a "backIn"
easing and made it a little slower than default.
<div id="animated">Animate Me!</div>
<pre class="code"><code>var animated = new Ext.Resizable('animated', {
width: 200,
height: 100,
easing: 'backIn',
Warning: for obvious reasons animate and dynamic resizing can not be used together.
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,16
This session scope state provider is in use in window/layout.html.
get-state.php is included as JS file in the header of any page that needs state information. For a single
page application, that would be the main page of the application. It is NOT loaded via XHR/Ajax.
save-state.php is included in every page of the application, including pages loaded via ajax.
Inilialization of the SessionProvider looks like:
Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.state.SessionProvider({state: Ext.appState}));
The way the session provider works is when a state change occurs, a cookie is set on the client
with the new state data. The next time any page is requested on the server, save-state.php
will see that cookie, save it in the application state and CLEAR THE COOKIE. This way your application
doesn't have cookies creating unneccessary network latency.
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,50
Ext JS - JavaScript Library
Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Ext JS, LLC
All rights reserved.
License of CSS and Graphics ("Assets")
The Assets distributed with Ext are licensed for use ONLY
with their associated Ext JavaScript component ("Component"). Use of the Assets in
any way that does not also include the Component is prohibited without explicit
permission from Ext JS, LLC. Deriving images and CSS from the Assets in an effort
to bypass this license is also prohibited.
Open Source License
Ext is also licensed under the terms of the Open Source LGPL 3.0 license. You may use
our open source license if you:
* Want to use Ext in an open source project that precludes using non-open source software
* Plan to use Ext in a personal, educational or non-profit manner
* Are using Ext in a commercial application that is not a software development library
or toolkit, you will meet LGPL requirements and you do not wish to support the project
Commercial License
If you are using this library for commercial purposes, we encourage you to purchase
a commercial license. Please visit for more details.
OEM / Reseller License
If you plan to distribute Ext in a product that will be packaged or sold as a software
development library, toolkit or plug-in-based framework ("LIBRARY"), we require that you
work with us to establish a specific license that is appropriate. Use of the open source
license in a LIBRARY is not permitted without explicit permission from Ext JS, LLC.
For more details, please visit:
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,50
Ext JS - JavaScript Library
Copyright (c) 2006-2008, Ext JS, LLC
All rights reserved.
License of CSS and Graphics ("Assets")
The Assets distributed with Ext are licensed for use ONLY
with their associated Ext JavaScript component ("Component"). Use of the Assets in
any way that does not also include the Component is prohibited without explicit
permission from Ext JS, LLC. Deriving images and CSS from the Assets in an effort
to bypass this license is also prohibited.
Open Source License
Ext is also licensed under the terms of the Open Source LGPL 3.0 license. You may use
our open source license if you:
* Want to use Ext in an open source project that precludes using non-open source software
* Plan to use Ext in a personal, educational or non-profit manner
* Are using Ext in a commercial application that is not a software development library
or toolkit, you will meet LGPL requirements and you do not wish to support the project
Commercial License
If you are using this library for commercial purposes, we encourage you to purchase
a commercial license. Please visit for more details.
OEM / Reseller License
If you plan to distribute Ext in a product that will be packaged or sold as a software
development library, toolkit or plug-in-based framework ("LIBRARY"), we require that you
work with us to establish a specific license that is appropriate. Use of the open source
license in a LIBRARY is not permitted without explicit permission from Ext JS, LLC.
For more details, please visit:
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,4
Extension Page :
Author : Maxim Bazhenov (aka MaximGB)
v 2.0 (15.02.2008)
License : respectoware
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,4
Extension Page :
Author : Thorsten Suckow-Homberg <>
License : LGPL
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,4
Extension Page :
Author : Ing. Jozef Sakalos
v 1.1
License : LGPL 3.0
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,4
Extension Page :
Author : Doug Hendricks
v 1.03
License : LGPL 3.0+
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,4
Extension Page :
Author : Figtree Systems, Valcom Inc.
v 3.0
License : Same as Ext License
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,4
Extension Page :
Author : Aung Win Myat
v 1.1
License : LGPL
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,16
Extension Page :
Author : Michael Giddens
v 0.4 (March 6th 2008)
License : MIT
There were some changes to the original code.
The original files are renamed .org so that a comparison can be made.
Here is the list of changes:
1. Event handlers were mixed up. I've replied to the forum on this but don't
know when the author will fix. I've added the fixes in the code.
2. Added a "Note" column so to display errors when upload fails. This follows
the UploadDialog so that the same server code can be used.
3. Return value "success" was not analyzed by the code from the return data
from the server. Success=false will set the status to Error.
4. Fixed delete key to delete entries. Also, restricting it to just the
Delete key and not all the other keys.
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,42
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<!-- The HTML 4.01 Transitional DOCTYPE declaration-->
<!-- above set at the top of the file will set -->
<!-- the browser's rendering engine into -->
<!-- "Standards Mode", which gives better cross -->
<!-- browser compatibility to the application. -->
<!-- Omitting this line leaves most browsers in -->
<!-- "Quirks mode", emulating the bugs in older -->
<!-- browser versions. -->
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<!-- -->
<!-- Any title is fine -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- This script loads your compiled module. -->
<!-- If you add any GWT meta tags, they must -->
<!-- be added before this line. -->
<!-- -->
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="config.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="org.tela_botanica.cel2.nocache.js"></script>
<!-- -->
<!-- The body can have arbitrary html, or -->
<!-- you can leave the body empty if you want -->
<!-- to create a completely dynamic UI. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- OPTIONAL: include this if you want history support -->
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Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property