Subversion Repositories eFlore/Applications.moissonnage

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 18 → Rev 19

New file
0,0 → 1,74
class Maille {
private $latitudeSud;
private $longitudeOuest;
private $latitudeNord;
private $longitudeEst;
private $points;
private $nombrePoints = NULL;
private $indexLatitude;
private $indexLongitude;
public function __construct($sud, $ouest, $nord, $est, $indexLat, $indexLng) {
$this->latitudeSud = $sud;
$this->longitudeOuest = $ouest;
$this->latitudeNord = $nord;
$this->longitudeEst = $est;
$this->indexLatitude = $indexLat;
$this->indexLongitude = $indexLng;
$this->points = array();
public function ajouterPoint($point) {
$this->points[] = $point;
public function getLatitudeNord() {
return $this->latitudeNord;
public function getLongitudeOuest() {
return $this->longitudeOuest;
public function getLatitudeSud() {
return $this->latitudeSud;
public function getLongitudeEst() {
return $this->longitudeEst;
public function getIndexLatitude() {
return $this->indexLatitude;
public function getIndexLongitude() {
return $this->indexLongitude;
public function getNombrePoints() {
if (!is_null($this->nombrePoints))
return $this->nombrePoints;
return count($this->points);
public function setNombrePoints($nombrePoints) {
$this->nombrePoints = $nombrePoints;
public function getPoint($index = 0) {
return (!isset($this->points[$index])) ? NULL : $this->points[$index];
public function totalNonNul() {
return !is_null($this->nombrePoints);
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0,0 → 1,139
define("RANG_FAMILLE", 180);
class Referentiel {
private $nomComplet;
private $nomCourt;
private $taxon = null;
private $bdd = null;
public function __construct($nomReferentiel) {
$this->nomComplet = $nomReferentiel;
$this->nomCourt = current(explode('_', $nomReferentiel));
public function getReferentiel() {
return $this->nomComplet;
public function getTaxon() {
return $this->taxon;
public function setTaxon($taxon) {
$this->taxon = $taxon;
public function recupererTaxon($numTaxon) {
if (is_null($numTaxon) || $numTaxon == 0) {
return null;
$methodeChamps = 'nomsChamps' . ucfirst($this->nomCourt);
// requete SQL a executer
$requete = "SELECT {$nn} AS nn, {$nt} AS nt, {$ns} AS nom, rang FROM {$this->nomComplet}"
. " WHERE {$nt}={$numTaxon} AND num_nom={$nn} ORDER BY rang, If(num_nom={$nn},0,1) LIMIT 0,1";
$taxon = $this->getBdd()->recuperer($requete);
return ($taxon == false ? null : $taxon);
public function recupererSousTaxons($listeNn = null) {
if ($this->taxon['rang'] < RANG_FAMILLE) {
// recherche de sous taxons seulement si le rang du taxon precedemment recupere
// est du niveau de la famille ou inferieur (genre, espece)
return array();
$methodeChamps = 'nomsChamps' . ucfirst($this->nomCourt);
if (is_null($listeNn)) {
$listeNn = $this->taxon['nn'];
$requete = "SELECT {$nn} AS nn, {$nt} As nt, {$ns} AS nom FROM {$this->nomComplet} WHERE"
. " num_tax_sup IN ({$listeNn}) AND num_nom={$nn}";
$sousTaxons = $this->getBdd()->recupererTous($requete);
$listeComplete = array();
$nouvelleListeNn = '';
foreach ($sousTaxons as $sousTaxon) {
$listeComplete[] = $sousTaxon;
$nouvelleListeNn .= (strlen($nouvelleListeNn) == 0 ? '' : ',') . $sousTaxon['nn'];
// recherche de sous taxons au niveau inferieur (parcours recursif de la methode)
if (count($listeComplete) > 0) {
$listeComplete = array_merge($listeComplete, $this->recupererSousTaxons($nouvelleListeNn));
return $listeComplete;
private function getBdd() {
if (is_null($this->bdd)) {
$this->bdd = new Bdd();
$this->bdd->requeter("USE tb_eflore");
return $this->bdd;
private function nomsChampsBdtfx() {
return array('nn' => 'num_nom_retenu', 'nt' => 'num_taxonomique', 'ns' => 'nom_sci');
private function nomsChampsBdtxa() {
return array('nn' => 'num_nom_retenu', 'nt' => 'num_tax', 'ns' => 'nom_sci');
public static function listeReferentielsDisponibles() {
$tableau = array();
$tableauPartiel = explode(',', Config::get('referentielsDispo'));
$tableauPartiel = array_map('trim', $tableauPartiel);
foreach ($tableauPartiel as $champ) {
if (strpos($champ, '=') === false) {
$tableau[] = $champ;
} else {
list($cle, $val) = explode('=', $champ);
$clePropre = trim($cle);
$valeurPropre = trim($val);
$tableau[$clePropre] = $valeurPropre;
return $tableau;
/*$nombreCriteres = 0;
foreach ($masques as $masque => $valeur) {
if ($masque == 'masque.nt') {
$requete .= ($nombreCriteres == 0 ? '' : " AND ") . "";
$nombreCriteres ++;
} elseif ($masque == 'masque.nn') {
$requete .= ($nombreCriteres == 0 ? '' : " AND ") . "num_nom = (SELECT num_nom_retenu"
. " FROM {$this->nomComplet} WHERE num_nom={$valeur})";
$nombreCriteres ++;
} elseif ($masque == 'masque.ns') {
$requete .= ($nombreCriteres == 0 ? '' : " AND ") . "({$ns} LIKE '{$valeur}%'"
. " OR num_nom=(SELECT {$nn} FROM {$this->nomComplet} WHERE {$ns} LIKE '{$valeur}%'"
. " ORDER BY rang LIMIT 0, 1))";
$nombreCriteres ++;
$requete .= " ";*/
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0,0 → 1,227
class Maillage {
* @var array les coordonnees des limites de l'espace de recherche
private $bbox;
* @var int le niveau actuel de zoom sur la carte (cote navigateur client)
private $zoom;
* @var array le tableau indiquant la coordonnee de debut de maille sur la longitude
private $indexLongitude;
* @var array le tableau indiquant la coordonnee de debut de maille sur la latitude
private $indexLatitude;
* @var array le tableau a deux dimensions recouvrant l'espace de la bbox de mailles
private $mailles;
public function __construct($bbox, $zoom) {
$this->bbox = $bbox;
$this->zoom = $zoom;
$this->indexLongitude = array();
$this->indexLatitude = array();
$this->mailles = array();
public function __destruct() {
while (count($this->indexLatitude) > 0) {
while (count($this->indexLongitude) > 0) {
while (count($this->mailles) > 0) {
public function genererMaillesVides() {
foreach ($this->indexLatitude as $indexLat => $intervalleLat) {
$ligne = array();
foreach ($this->indexLongitude as $indexLng => $intervalleLng) {
$ligne[] = new Maille($intervalleLat[0], $intervalleLng[0], $intervalleLat[1],
$intervalleLng[1], $indexLat, $indexLng);
$this->mailles[] = $ligne;
private function getIndexDansBbox() {
// recuperer toutes les mailles qui couvrent l'espace a requeter
$bdd = new Bdd();
$requete = "SELECT axe, position, debut, fin FROM mailles_index WHERE zoom=" . $this->zoom
. " AND ((axe='lat' AND fin >= " . $this->bbox['sud'] . " AND debut <= "
. $this->bbox['nord']. ")";
if ($this->bbox['ouest'] > $this->bbox['est']) {
$requete .= " OR (axe='lng' AND NOT(debut >= " . $this->bbox['ouest'] . " AND fin <= "
. $this->bbox['est'] . ")))";
} else {
$requete .= " OR (axe='lng' AND fin >= " . $this->bbox['ouest'] . " AND debut <= "
. $this->bbox['est'] . "))";
$requete .= " ORDER BY axe, position";
$bdd->requeter("USE tb_eflore");
$indexMailles = $bdd->recupererTous($requete);
foreach ($indexMailles as $index) {
if ($index['axe'] == 'lng') {
$this->indexLongitude[$index['position']] = array($index['debut'], $index['fin']);
} else {
$this->indexLatitude[$index['position']] = array($index['debut'], $index['fin']);
public function ajouterPoints($points) {
foreach ($points as $index =>$point) {
if (!isset($point['type_site']) || $point['type_site'] == 'STATION') {
$longitude = $point['longitude'];
$latitude = $point['latitude'];
} else {
$longitude = $point['lng_commune'];
$latitude = $point['lat_commune'];
// recherche de l'index de la maille dans lequel placer le point
$indexLat = 0;
$indexLng = 0;
while ($indexLat < count($this->indexLatitude) - 1
&& $this->mailles[$indexLat][0]->getLatitudeNord() < $latitude) {
while ($indexLng < count($this->indexLongitude) - 1
&& $this->mailles[$indexLat][$indexLng]->getLongitudeEst() < $longitude) {
// ajout du point dans la maille correspondante
public function resumePourReponseAJAX() {
$mailles_resume = array();
foreach ($this->mailles as $ligne) {
foreach ($ligne as $maille) {
$nombrePoints = $maille->getNombrePoints();
if ($nombrePoints == 0)
$mailles_resume[] = array(
'zoom' => $this->zoom,
'sud' => $maille->getLatitudeSud(),
'ouest' => $maille->getLongitudeOuest(),
'nord' => $maille->getLatitudeNord(),
'est' => $maille->getLongitudeEst(),
'points' => $nombrePoints,
'type_site' => 'MAILLE'
if (count($mailles_resume) == 0 || count($mailles_resume[0]) == 0)
return array();
return $mailles_resume;
public function resumePourInsertionBdd() {
$mailles_resume = array();
foreach ($this->mailles as $ligne) {
foreach ($ligne as $maille) {
if ($maille->getNombrePoints() > 0) {
$mailles_resume[] = array(
'zoom' => $this->zoom,
'sud' => $maille->getLatitudeSud(),
'ouest' => $maille->getLongitudeOuest(),
'nord' => $maille->getLatitudeNord(),
'est' => $maille->getLongitudeEst(),
'indexLat' => $maille->getIndexLatitude(),
'indexLng' => $maille->getIndexLongitude(),
'points' => $maille->getNombrePoints()
if (count($mailles_resume[0]) == 0)
return array();
return $mailles_resume;
public function zoomer() {
$this->zoom += 1;
// redecoupage des mailles en 4 (fonction quadtree)
public function redecouperMailles() {
$bdd = new Bdd();
while (count($this->indexLatitude) > 0) {
while (count($this->indexLongitude) > 0) {
$mailles = $this->resumePourInsertionBdd();
while (count($this->mailles) > 0) {
foreach ($mailles as $maille) {
$indexLat = 2 * $maille['indexLat'];
$indexLng = 2 * $maille['indexLng'];
// rechercher les nouvelles coordonnees des mailles au niveau de zoom inferieur
$requete = "SELECT axe,position,debut,fin FROM mailles_index WHERE zoom=". $this->zoom ." AND ((axe='lat'"
. " AND (position={$indexLat} OR position=" . ($indexLat+1) . ")) OR (axe='lng' AND"
. " (position={$indexLng} OR position=" . ($indexLng+1) . "))) ORDER BY If(axe='lat',0,1)";
$resultats = $bdd->recupererTous($requete);
$this->indexLatitude[$indexLat] = array($resultats[0]['debut'], $resultats[0]['fin']);
$this->indexLatitude[$indexLat+1] = array($resultats[1]['debut'], $resultats[1]['fin']);
$this->indexLongitude[$indexLng] = array($resultats[2]['debut'], $resultats[2]['fin']);
$this->indexLongitude[$indexLng+1] = array($resultats[3]['debut'], $resultats[3]['fin']);
// creer et ajouter les nouvelles mailles a partir des nouveaux index
foreach ($this->indexLatitude as $indexLat => $intervalleLat) {
$ligne = array();
foreach ($this->indexLongitude as $indexLng => $intervalleLng) {
$ligne[] = new Maille($intervalleLat[0], $intervalleLng[0], $intervalleLat[1],
$intervalleLng[1], $indexLat, $indexLng);
$this->mailles[] = $ligne;
public function getNombreMailles() {
return count($this->mailles);
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class FormateurJson {
public function __construct() {}
public function formaterStations($stations) {
$objetJSON = new StdClass();
$objetJSON->type = "FeatureCollection";
$objetJSON->features = array();
if (count($stations) == 0) {
return $objetJSON;
foreach ($stations as $station) {
$stationJSON = NULL;
// construction d'un objet feature adapte a la structure des donnees spatiales
if (isset($station['sud'])) {
$stationJSON = $this->formaterMaille($station);
} else {
$stationJSON = $this->formaterPoint($station);
if (!is_null($stationJSON)) {
$objetJSON->features[] = $stationJSON;
return $objetJSON;
private function formaterPoint($station) {
$json = new StdClass();
$json->type = "Feature";
$json->geometry = new StdClass();
$json->properties = new StdClass();
$json->geometry->type = "Point";
if (is_null($station['latitude']) || is_null($station['longitude'])) {
$json->properties->typeSite = 'COMMUNE';
$json->geometry->coordinates = array($station['lat_commune'], $station['lng_commune']);
} else {
$json->properties->typeSite = 'STATION';
$json->geometry->coordinates = array($station['latitude'], $station['longitude']);
$nom = $json->properties->typeSite == 'COMMUNE' ? $station['nom_commune'] : $station['station'];
$nomDefaut = 'station sans nom';
if ($json->properties->typeSite == 'COMMUNE') {
$ce = substr($station['ce_zone_geo'],-5);
$codeDept = ((int)substr($ce, 0, 2) > 95 ? substr($ce, 0, 3) : substr($ce, 0, 2));
$nom = $station['zone_geo'] . " ($codeDept)";
} else {
if (strlen(trim($station['zone_geo']))==0) {
$nom = $nomDefaut;
} else {
$nom = $station['zone_geo'];
if (strlen(trim($station['ce_zone_geo']))!=0) {
$ce = substr($station['ce_zone_geo'],-5);
$nom .= ' ('.((int)substr($ce,0,2)>95 ? substr($ce,0,3) : substr($ce,0,2)).')';
$json->properties->nom = $nom;
return $json;
private function formaterMaille($maille) {
if ($maille['points'] == 0) {
return null;
$json = new StdClass();
$json->type = "Feature";
$json->geometry = new StdClass();
$json->geometry->type = "Polygon";
$json->geometry->coordinates = array(
array(floatval($maille['sud']), floatval($maille['ouest'])),
array(floatval($maille['sud']), floatval($maille['est'])),
array(floatval($maille['nord']), floatval($maille['est'])),
array(floatval($maille['nord']), floatval($maille['ouest'])),
array(floatval($maille['sud']), floatval($maille['ouest']))
$json->properties = new StdClass();
$json->properties->typeSite = $maille['type_site'];
$json->properties->nombrePoints = $maille['points'];
return $json;
public function formaterObservations($observations, $nomSite) {
$objetJSON = new StdClass();
$objetJSON->site = $nomSite;
$objetJSON->total = count($observations);
$objetJSON->observations = array();
foreach ($observations as $observation) {
$observationJson = new stdClass();
foreach ($observation as $colonne => $valeur) {
$observationJson->$colonne = $valeur;
$objetJSON->observations[] = $observationJson;
return $objetJSON;