18,6 → 18,10 |
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software |
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA |
*/ |
if (!defined("WIKINI_VERSION")) |
{ |
die ("accès direct interdit"); |
} |
if ($this->GetMethod() != 'xml') { |
echo 'Pour obtenir le fil RSS des derniers changements, utilisez l\'adresse suivante: '; |
25,6 → 29,69 |
return; |
} |
if (!function_exists("rssdiff")) { |
function rssdiff($tag,$idfirst,$idlast) { |
require_once 'includes/diff/side.class.php'; |
require_once 'includes/diff/diff.class.php'; |
require_once 'includes/diff/diffformatter.class.php'; |
$output=''; |
global $wiki; |
// TODO : cache ? |
if ($idfirst==$idlast) { |
$previousdiff=$wiki->LoadSingle("select id from ".$wiki->config["table_prefix"]."pages where tag = '".mysql_escape_string($tag)."' and id < $idfirst order by time desc limit 1"); |
if ($previousdiff) { |
$idlast=$previousdiff['id']; |
} |
else { |
return; |
} |
} |
$pageA = $wiki->LoadPageById($idfirst); |
$pageB = $wiki->LoadPageById($idlast); |
$bodyA = explode("\n", $pageA["body"]); |
$bodyB = explode("\n", $pageB["body"]); |
$added = array_diff($bodyA, $bodyB); |
$deleted = array_diff($bodyB, $bodyA); |
if (!isset($output)) $output = ''; |
$output .= "<br />\n"; |
$output .= "<br />\n"; |
$output .= "<b>Comparaison de <a href=\"".$wiki->href("", "", "time=".urlencode($pageA["time"]))."\">".$pageA["time"]."</a> à <a href=\"".$wiki->href("", "", "time=".urlencode($pageB["time"]))."\">".$pageB["time"]."</a></b><br />\n"; |
$wiki->RegisterInclusion($tag); |
if ($added) |
{ |
// remove blank lines |
$output .= "<br />\n<b>Ajouts:</b><br />\n"; |
$output .= "<div class=\"additions\">".(implode("\n", $added))."</div>"; |
} |
if ($deleted) |
{ |
$output .= "<br />\n<b>Suppressions:</b><br />\n"; |
$output .= "<div class=\"deletions\">".(implode("\n", $deleted))."</div>"; |
} |
$wiki->UnregisterLastInclusion(); |
if (!$added && !$deleted) |
{ |
$output .= "<br />\nPas de différences."; |
} |
return $output; |
} |
} |
if (isset($_GET['max']) && is_numeric($_GET['max'])) { |
$max = ($_GET['max'] < 1000) ? $_GET['max'] : 1000; |
} else if ($user = $this->GetUser()) { |
32,67 → 99,66 |
} else { |
$max = 50; |
} |
$pages = $this->LoadRecentlyChanged($max); |
$pages = $this->LoadAll("SELECT id, tag, time, user, owner FROM ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages WHERE comment_on = '' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $max"); |
$last_users = $this->LoadAll('SELECT name, signuptime, motto FROM '.$this->GetConfigValue('table_prefix').'users ORDER BY signuptime DESC LIMIT '.$max); |
if ($pages || $last_users) |
{ |
if ($pages || $last_users) { |
if (!($link = $this->GetParameter("link"))) $link=$this->GetConfigValue("root_page"); |
$output = '<rss version="2.0" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">' . "\n"; |
$output = '<rss version="2.0" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">' . "\n"; |
$output .= "<channel>\n"; |
$output .= "<title> Derniers changements sur ". $this->GetConfigValue("wakka_name") . "</title>\n"; |
$output .= "<atom:link href=\"".$this->Href("xml")."\" rel=\"self\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" />\n"; |
$output .= "<title> ". htmlspecialchars($this->GetConfigValue("wakka_name"), ENT_COMPAT, TEMPLATES_DEFAULT_CHARSET) . "</title>\n"; |
$output .= "<link>" . $this->Href(false, $link) . "</link>\n"; |
$output .= "<description> $max derniers changements sur " . htmlspecialchars($this->GetConfigValue("wakka_name")) . " </description>\n"; |
$output .= "<description>$max derniers changements sur " . htmlspecialchars($this->GetConfigValue("wakka_name"), ENT_COMPAT, TEMPLATES_DEFAULT_CHARSET) . "</description>\n"; |
$output .= "<language>fr</language>\n"; |
$output .= '<generator>WikiNi ' . WIKINI_VERSION . "</generator>\n"; |
$items = array(); |
if ($pages) |
{ |
foreach ($pages as $page) |
{ |
if ($pages) { |
foreach ($pages as $page) { |
$page['diff'] = rssdiff($page["tag"], $page["id"], $page["id"]); |
$items[strtotime($page['time'])] = array('type' => 'page', 'content' => $page); |
} |
} |
if ($last_users) |
{ |
if ($last_users) { |
foreach ($last_users as $user) { |
$items[strtotime($user['signuptime'])] = array('type' => 'user', 'content' => $user); |
} |
} |
krsort($items); |
foreach ($items as $item) { |
$type = $item['type']; |
if ($type == 'page') |
{ |
if ($type == 'page') { |
$page = $item['content']; |
$output .= "<item>\n"; |
$output .= "<title>" . htmlspecialchars($page["tag"]) . "</title>\n"; |
$output .= '<dc:creator>' . htmlspecialchars($page["user"]) . "</dc:creator>\n"; |
$output .= "<title>" . htmlspecialchars($page["tag"], ENT_COMPAT, TEMPLATES_DEFAULT_CHARSET) . "</title>\n"; |
$output .= '<dc:creator>' . htmlspecialchars($page["user"], ENT_COMPAT, TEMPLATES_DEFAULT_CHARSET) . "</dc:creator>\n"; |
$output .= '<pubDate>' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', strtotime($page['time'])) . "</pubDate>\n"; |
$output .= "<description>" . htmlspecialchars( |
'Modification de ' . $this->ComposeLinkToPage($page["tag"]) |
. ' (' . $this->ComposeLinkToPage($page["tag"], 'revisions', 'historique') . ')' |
. " --- par " .$page["user"]) |
. "</description>\n"; |
$itemurl = $this->href(false, $page["tag"], "time=" . htmlspecialchars(rawurlencode($page["time"]))); |
'Modification de ' . $this->ComposeLinkToPage($page["tag"]). |
' (' . $this->ComposeLinkToPage($page["tag"], 'revisions', 'historique') . ')'. |
' --- par ' . $page["user"]. |
$page['diff']). |
"</description>\n"; |
$output .= "<dc:format>text/html</dc:format>"; |
$itemurl = $this->href(false, $page["tag"], "time=" . htmlspecialchars(rawurlencode($page["time"]), ENT_COMPAT, TEMPLATES_DEFAULT_CHARSET)); |
$output .= '<guid>' . $itemurl . "</guid>\n"; |
$output .= "</item>\n"; |
} |
else if ($type == 'user') |
{ |
} else if ($type == 'user') { |
$user = $item['content']; |
$itemurl = $this->Href('', $user['name']); |
$output .= '<item>'."\n"; |
$output .= '<title>'.'Utilisateur '.htmlspecialchars($user['name']).' - inscription le '.$user['signuptime'].'</title>'."\n"; |
$output .= '<link>'.$itemurl.'</link>'."\n"; |
$output .= '<pubDate>' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', strtotime($user['signuptime'])) . "</pubDate>\n"; |
$output .= '<description>'.'L\'utilisateur '.htmlspecialchars($user['name']).' s\'est inscrit le '.$user['signuptime']; |
if (!empty($user['motto'])) |
{ |
if (!empty($user['motto'])) { |
$output .= ' avec pour devise "'.htmlspecialchars($user['motto']).'"'; |
} |
$output .= '</description>'."\n"; |
102,6 → 168,6 |
} |
$output .= "</channel>\n"; |
$output .= "</rss>\n"; |
echo $output ; |
echo $output; |
} |
?> |
?> |