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Ignore whitespace Rev 242 → Rev 241

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0,0 → 1,363
var map = null;
var tableau_marqueurs = new Array();
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
var infos_observations = new Array();
var type_espece = '0';
var espece = '0';
var evenement = '0';
var annee = '0';
var mois = '1';
var departement = '0';
function getUrlBaseJrest() {
url_page_courante = document.URL;
if(url_page_courante.indexOf('http://www.') != -1) {
return urlBaseJrest;
} else {
return urlBaseJrest.replace('http://www.','http://');
function traiterParametresUrl() {
var vars = [], hash;
var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&');
for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++)
hash = hashes[i].split('=');
vars[hash[0]] = hash[1];
if(vars['type_espece'] != null) {
type_espece = vars['type_espece'];
if(vars['espece'] != null) {
if(type_espece != '0') {
espece = vars['espece'];
if(vars['evenement'] != null) {
if(espece != 0) {
evenement = vars['evenement'];
if(vars['annee'] != null) {
annee = vars['annee'];
} else {
date = new Date()
annee = date.getFullYear();
if(vars['mois'] != null) {
mois = vars['mois'];
} else {
date = new Date()
mois = date.getMonth() + 1;
if(vars['departement'] != null) {
departement = vars['departement'];
if(vars['cacher_criteres'] != null && vars['cacher_criteres'] == '1') {
function obtenirCodeWidget() {
var UrlBase = window.location;
UrlBase += '?';
if(type_espece != '0') UrlBase += "type_espece="+type_espece;
if(espece != '0') UrlBase += "&espece="+espece;
if(evenement != '0') UrlBase += "&evenement="+evenement;
if(annee != '0') UrlBase += "&annee="+annee;
if(mois != '0') UrlBase += "&mois="+mois;
UrlBase += "&cacher_criteres=1";
code_widget = '<iframe src="'+UrlBase+'" width="375px" height="470px"><p>Votre navigateur ne supporte pas les iframes.</p></iframe>'
return code_widget;
$('#lien_cette_recherche').ready(function() {
$('#lien_cette_recherche').click(function() {
return false;
$(document).ready(function() {
Fonctions concernant les gestion des filtres sur la carte
function initialiserSliderDates() {
dates = new Array("jan","fev","mar","avr","mai","jun","jui","aou","sep","oct","nov","dec");
min: 1,
max: 13,
value: mois
taille_criteres = Math.round($("#slider_date").width()/(dates.length));
valeurs_slider = '<table id="table_dates"><tbody><tr>';
for (i in dates) {
valeurs_slider += '<td class="conteneur_date">'+dates[i]+'</td>';
valeurs_slider += '</tr></tbody></table>';
$("conteneur_date").css(".conteneur_date{ width:"+taille_criteres+"px;}");
$("#slider_date").bind("slide", function(event, ui) {
mois = $("#slider_date").slider("value");
return true;
$(window).bind("resize", resizeWindow);
function resizeWindow( e ) {
taille_criteres = Math.round($("#slider_date").width()/(dates.length));
$("#css_slider").html(".conteneur_date{ width:"+taille_criteres+"px;}");
function initialiserListeTypesEspeces() {
$('#selecteur_liste_types_especes').change(function() {
type_espece = $('select#selecteur_liste_types_especes option:selected').val();
function modifierTableauEspeces() {
id_type_espece = $('select#selecteur_liste_types_especes option:selected').val();
$elements_liste = tableau_especes[id_type_espece];
chaine_elements_liste = '';
chaine_elements_liste = '<option value="0" class="espece_type_0" selected="selected"> toutes les esp&egrave;ces </option>';
for(i in $elements_liste) {
chaine_elements_liste += '<option value='+i+'>'+$elements_liste[i]+'</option>';
function initialiserListeEspeces() {
$('#selecteur_especes').change(function() {
espece = $('select#selecteur_especes option:selected').val();
function modifierTableauEvenements() {
id_espece = $('select#selecteur_especes option:selected').val();
$elements_liste = tableau_evenements_especes[id_espece];
$elements_liste = $elements_liste.split(',');
chaine_elements_liste = '';
chaine_elements_liste = '<option value="0" class="espece_type_0" selected="selected"> tous les ev&egrave;nements </option>';
for(i in $elements_liste) {
chaine_elements_liste += '<option value='+$elements_liste[i]+'>'+tableau_evenements[$elements_liste[i]]+'</option>';
function initialiserListeEvenements() {
$('#selecteur_evenements').change(function() {
evenement = $('select#selecteur_evenements option:selected').val();
function initialiserListeAnnees() {
$('#selecteur_liste_annees').change(function() {
annee = $('select#selecteur_liste_annees option:selected').val();
$('#slider_date').ready(function() {
Fonctions concernant la carte permettant de pointer d'afficher l'emplacement des observation
function initialiserCarte() {
if($('#map_canvas').length == 0) {
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(47.0504, 2.2347);
var myOptions = {
zoom: 5,
center: latlng,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"),
marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: latlng,
function obtenirObservations() {
requete = '?annee='+annee+'&mois='+mois;
if(type_espece != '0' && espece == '0') {
requete += '&type_espece='+type_espece;
if(espece != '0') {
requete += '&espece='+espece;
if(evenement != '0') {
requete += '&evenement='+evenement;
if(departement != '0') {
requete += '&departement='+departement;
$.get(getUrlBaseJrest()+'OdsExport/ExportObservationJson/'+requete, function(data) {
infos_observations = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
if(tableau_marqueurs.length > 0) {
for(i in infos_observations) {
creerEtAjouterMarqueur(i, infos_observations[i]);
function creerEtAjouterMarqueur(id_marqueur, infos_obs) {
latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(infos_obs['latitude'],infos_obs['longitude']);
tableau_marqueurs[id_marqueur] = new google.maps.Marker({
position: latlng,
google.maps.event.addListener(tableau_marqueurs[id_marqueur], 'click', function() {
contenu_fenetre = formaterContenuFenetre(infos_obs.obs);
infowindow.content = contenu_fenetre;,this);
function viderMarqueurs() {
for(i in tableau_marqueurs) {
tableau_marqueurs = new Array();
function obtenirMarqueurPourStade(stade) {
iconeStade = '../images/marqueur_'+stade+'.png';
return iconeStade;
function formaterContenuFenetre(infos_obs) {
contenu_fenetre = '';
for(i in infos_obs) {
nom_stade ='';
if(infos_obs[i].code_bbch != '') {
nom_stade = ' stade '+infos_obs[i].code_bbch;
contenu_fenetre += '<div class="fenetre_infos">';
contenu_fenetre += '<div class="nom_sci">'+infos_obs[i].nom_scientifique+'</div>';
contenu_fenetre += '<div class="nom_sci">'+infos_obs[i].evenenement+nom_stade+'</div>';
contenu_fenetre += '<div class="date_obs"> Observ&eacute; le : '+infos_obs[i].date+' </div>';
contenu_fenetre += '</div><br />';
return contenu_fenetre;
$('#map_canvas').ready(function() {
New file
0,0 → 1,228
* @name MapIconMaker
* @version 1.1
* @author Pamela Fox
* @copyright (c) 2008 Pamela Fox
* @fileoverview This gives you static functions for creating dynamically
* sized and colored marker icons using the Charts API marker output.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @name MarkerIconOptions
* @class This class represents optional arguments to {@link createMarkerIcon},
* {@link createFlatIcon}, or {@link createLabeledMarkerIcon}. Each of the
* functions use a subset of these arguments. See the function descriptions
* for the list of supported options.
* @property {Number} [width=32] Specifies, in pixels, the width of the icon.
* The width may include some blank space on the side, depending on the
* height of the icon, as the icon will scale its shape proportionately.
* @property {Number} [height=32] Specifies, in pixels, the height of the icon.
* @property {String} [primaryColor="#ff0000"] Specifies, as a hexadecimal
* string, the color used for the majority of the icon body.
* @property {String} [cornerColor="#ffffff"] Specifies, as a hexadecimal
* string, the color used for the top corner of the icon. If you'd like the
* icon to have a consistent color, make the this the same as the
* {@link primaryColor}.
* @property {String} [strokeColor="#000000"] Specifies, as a hexadecimal
* string, the color used for the outside line (stroke) of the icon.
* @property {String} [shadowColor="#000000"] Specifies, as a hexadecimal
* string, the color used for the shadow of the icon.
* @property {String} [label=""] Specifies a character or string to display
* inside the body of the icon. Generally, one or two characters looks best.
* @property {String} [labelColor="#000000"] Specifies, as a hexadecimal
* string, the color used for the label text.
* @property {Number} [labelSize=0] Specifies, in pixels, the size of the label
* text. If set to 0, the text auto-sizes to fit the icon body.
* @property {String} [shape="circle"] Specifies shape of the icon. Current
* options are "circle" for a circle or "roundrect" for a rounded rectangle.
* @property {Boolean} [addStar = false] Specifies whether to add a star to the
* edge of the icon.
* @property {String} [starPrimaryColor="#FFFF00"] Specifies, as a hexadecimal
* string, the color used for the star body.
* @property {String} [starStrokeColor="#0000FF"] Specifies, as a hexadecimal
* string, the color used for the outside line (stroke) of the star.
* This namespace contains functions that you can use to easily create
* dynamically sized, colored, and labeled icons.
* @namespace
var MapIconMaker = {};
* Creates an icon based on the specified options in the
* {@link MarkerIconOptions} argument.
* Supported options are: width, height, primaryColor,
* strokeColor, and cornerColor.
* @param {MarkerIconOptions} [opts]
* @return {GIcon}
MapIconMaker.createMarkerIcon = function (opts) {
var width = opts.width || 32;
var height = opts.height || 32;
var primaryColor = opts.primaryColor || "#ff0000";
var strokeColor = opts.strokeColor || "#000000";
var cornerColor = opts.cornerColor || "#ffffff";
var baseUrl = "";
var iconUrl = baseUrl + "&chs=" + width + "x" + height +
"&chco=" + cornerColor.replace("#", "") + "," +
primaryColor.replace("#", "") + "," +
strokeColor.replace("#", "") + "&ext=.png";
var icon = new GIcon(G_DEFAULT_ICON);
icon.image = iconUrl;
icon.iconSize = new GSize(width, height);
icon.shadowSize = new GSize(Math.floor(width * 1.6), height);
icon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(width / 2, height);
icon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(width / 2, Math.floor(height / 12));
icon.printImage = iconUrl + "&chof=gif";
icon.mozPrintImage = iconUrl + "&chf=bg,s,ECECD8" + "&chof=gif";
iconUrl = baseUrl + "&chs=" + width + "x" + height +
"&chco=" + cornerColor.replace("#", "") + "," +
primaryColor.replace("#", "") + "," +
strokeColor.replace("#", "");
icon.transparent = iconUrl + "&chf=a,s,ffffff11&ext=.png";
icon.imageMap = [
width / 2, height,
(7 / 16) * width, (5 / 8) * height,
(5 / 16) * width, (7 / 16) * height,
(7 / 32) * width, (5 / 16) * height,
(5 / 16) * width, (1 / 8) * height,
(1 / 2) * width, 0,
(11 / 16) * width, (1 / 8) * height,
(25 / 32) * width, (5 / 16) * height,
(11 / 16) * width, (7 / 16) * height,
(9 / 16) * width, (5 / 8) * height
for (var i = 0; i < icon.imageMap.length; i++) {
icon.imageMap[i] = parseInt(icon.imageMap[i]);
return icon;
* Creates a flat icon based on the specified options in the
* {@link MarkerIconOptions} argument.
* Supported options are: width, height, primaryColor,
* shadowColor, label, labelColor, labelSize, and shape..
* @param {MarkerIconOptions} [opts]
* @return {GIcon}
MapIconMaker.createFlatIcon = function (opts) {
var width = opts.width || 32;
var height = opts.height || 32;
var primaryColor = opts.primaryColor || "#ff0000";
var shadowColor = opts.shadowColor || "#000000";
var label = MapIconMaker.escapeUserText_(opts.label) || "";
var labelColor = opts.labelColor || "#000000";
var labelSize = opts.labelSize || 0;
var shape = opts.shape || "circle";
var shapeCode = (shape === "circle") ? "it" : "itr";
var baseUrl = "" + shapeCode;
var iconUrl = baseUrl + "&chs=" + width + "x" + height +
"&chco=" + primaryColor.replace("#", "") + "," +
shadowColor.replace("#", "") + "ff,ffffff01" +
"&chl=" + label + "&chx=" + labelColor.replace("#", "") +
"," + labelSize;
var icon = new GIcon(G_DEFAULT_ICON);
icon.image = iconUrl + "&chf=bg,s,00000000" + "&ext=.png";
icon.iconSize = new GSize(width, height);
icon.shadowSize = new GSize(0, 0);
icon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(width / 2, height / 2);
icon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(width / 2, height / 2);
icon.printImage = iconUrl + "&chof=gif";
icon.mozPrintImage = iconUrl + "&chf=bg,s,ECECD8" + "&chof=gif";
icon.transparent = iconUrl + "&chf=a,s,ffffff01&ext=.png";
icon.imageMap = [];
if (shapeCode === "itr") {
icon.imageMap = [0, 0, width, 0, width, height, 0, height];
} else {
var polyNumSides = 8;
var polySideLength = 360 / polyNumSides;
var polyRadius = Math.min(width, height) / 2;
for (var a = 0; a < (polyNumSides + 1); a++) {
var aRad = polySideLength * a * (Math.PI / 180);
var pixelX = polyRadius + polyRadius * Math.cos(aRad);
var pixelY = polyRadius + polyRadius * Math.sin(aRad);
icon.imageMap.push(parseInt(pixelX), parseInt(pixelY));
return icon;
* Creates a labeled marker icon based on the specified options in the
* {@link MarkerIconOptions} argument.
* Supported options are: primaryColor, strokeColor,
* starPrimaryColor, starStrokeColor, label, labelColor, and addStar.
* @param {MarkerIconOptions} [opts]
* @return {GIcon}
MapIconMaker.createLabeledMarkerIcon = function (opts) {
var primaryColor = opts.primaryColor || "#DA7187";
var strokeColor = opts.strokeColor || "#000000";
var starPrimaryColor = opts.starPrimaryColor || "#FFFF00";
var starStrokeColor = opts.starStrokeColor || "#0000FF";
var label = MapIconMaker.escapeUserText_(opts.label) || "";
var labelColor = opts.labelColor || "#000000";
var addStar = opts.addStar || false;
var pinProgram = (addStar) ? "pin_star" : "pin";
var baseUrl = "";
var iconUrl = baseUrl + pinProgram + "'i\\" + "'[" + label +
"'-2'f\\" + "hv'a\\]" + "h\\]o\\" +
primaryColor.replace("#", "") + "'fC\\" +
labelColor.replace("#", "") + "'tC\\" +
strokeColor.replace("#", "") + "'eC\\";
if (addStar) {
iconUrl += starPrimaryColor.replace("#", "") + "'1C\\" +
starStrokeColor.replace("#", "") + "'0C\\";
iconUrl += "Lauto'f\\";
var icon = new GIcon(G_DEFAULT_ICON);
icon.image = iconUrl + "&ext=.png";
icon.iconSize = (addStar) ? new GSize(23, 39) : new GSize(21, 34);
return icon;
* Utility function for doing special chart API escaping first,
* and then typical URL escaping. Must be applied to user-supplied text.
* @private
MapIconMaker.escapeUserText_ = function (text) {
if (text === undefined) {
return null;
text = text.replace(/@/, "@@");
text = text.replace(/\\/, "@\\");
text = text.replace(/'/, "@'");
text = text.replace(/\[/, "@[");
text = text.replace(/\]/, "@]");
return encodeURIComponent(text);