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// Description: GD Instance of Image class
// Created: 2006-05-06
// Ver: $Id: 1008 2008-06-13 23:20:44Z ljp $
// Copyright (c) Aditus Consulting. All rights reserved.
// Description: Color definitions as RGB triples
class RGB {
var $rgb_table;
var $img;
function RGB(&$aImg) {
$this->img = &$aImg;
// Conversion array between color names and RGB
$this->rgb_table = array(
"aqua"=> array(0,255,255),
"lime"=> array(0,255,0),
"teal"=> array(0,128,128),
"silver"=>array(192, 192, 192),
// Colors can be specified as either
// 1. #xxxxxx HTML style
// 2. "colorname" as a named color
// 3. array(r,g,b) RGB triple
// This function translates this to a native RGB format and returns an
// RGB triple.
function Color($aColor) {
if (is_string($aColor)) {
// Strip of any alpha factor
$pos = strpos($aColor,'@');
if( $pos === false ) {
$alpha = 0;
else {
$pos2 = strpos($aColor,':');
if( $pos2===false )
$pos2 = $pos-1; // Sentinel
if( $pos > $pos2 ) {
$alpha = str_replace(',','.',substr($aColor,$pos+1));
$aColor = substr($aColor,0,$pos);
else {
$alpha = substr($aColor,$pos+1,$pos2-$pos-1);
$aColor = substr($aColor,0,$pos).substr($aColor,$pos2);
// Extract potential adjustment figure at end of color
// specification
$pos = strpos($aColor,":");
if( $pos === false ) {
$adj = 1.0;
else {
$adj = 0.0 + str_replace(',','.',substr($aColor,$pos+1));
$aColor = substr($aColor,0,$pos);
if( $adj < 0 )
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25077);//('Adjustment factor for color must be > 0');
if (substr($aColor, 0, 1) == "#") {
$r = hexdec(substr($aColor, 1, 2));
$g = hexdec(substr($aColor, 3, 2));
$b = hexdec(substr($aColor, 5, 2));
} else {
if(!isset($this->rgb_table[$aColor]) )
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25078,$aColor);//(" Unknown color: $aColor");
$r = $tmp[0];
$g = $tmp[1];
$b = $tmp[2];
// Scale adj so that an adj=2 always
// makes the color 100% white (i.e. 255,255,255.
// and adj=1 neutral and adj=0 black.
if( $adj > 1 ) {
$m = ($adj-1.0)*(255-min(255,min($r,min($g,$b))));
return array(min(255,$r+$m), min(255,$g+$m), min(255,$b+$m),$alpha);
elseif( $adj < 1 ) {
$m = ($adj-1.0)*max(255,max($r,max($g,$b)));
return array(max(0,$r+$m), max(0,$g+$m), max(0,$b+$m),$alpha);
else {
return array($r,$g,$b,$alpha);
} elseif( is_array($aColor) ) {
if( count($aColor)==3 ) {
return $aColor;
return $aColor;
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25079,$aColor,count($aColor));//(" Unknown color specification: $aColor , size=".count($aColor));
// Compare two colors
// return true if equal
function Equal($aCol1,$aCol2) {
$c1 = $this->Color($aCol1);
$c2 = $this->Color($aCol2);
if( $c1[0]==$c2[0] && $c1[1]==$c2[1] && $c1[2]==$c2[2] )
return true;
return false;
// Allocate a new color in the current image
// Return new color index, -1 if no more colors could be allocated
function Allocate($aColor,$aAlpha=0.0) {
list ($r, $g, $b, $a) = $this->color($aColor);
// If alpha is specified in the color string then this
// takes precedence over the second argument
if( $a > 0 )
$aAlpha = $a;
if( $aAlpha < 0 || $aAlpha > 1 ) {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25080);//('Alpha parameter for color must be between 0.0 and 1.0');
return imagecolorresolvealpha($this->img, $r, $g, $b, round($aAlpha * 127));
} // Class
// CLASS Image
// Description: Wrapper class with some goodies to form the
// Interface to low level image drawing routines.
class Image {
var $img_format;
var $expired=true;
var $img=null;
var $left_margin=30,$right_margin=20,$top_margin=20,$bottom_margin=30;
var $plotwidth=0,$plotheight=0;
var $rgb=null;
var $current_color,$current_color_name;
var $lastx=0, $lasty=0;
var $width=0, $height=0;
var $line_weight=1;
var $line_style=1; // Default line style is solid
var $obs_list=array();
var $font_size=12,$font_family=FF_FONT1, $font_style=FS_NORMAL;
var $font_file='';
var $text_halign="left",$text_valign="bottom";
var $ttf=null;
var $use_anti_aliasing=false;
var $quality=null;
var $colorstack=array(),$colorstackidx=0;
var $canvascolor = 'white' ;
var $langconv = null ;
function Image($aWidth,$aHeight,$aFormat=DEFAULT_GFORMAT,$aSetAutoMargin=true) {
if( $aSetAutoMargin )
if( !$this->SetImgFormat($aFormat) ) {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25081,$aFormat);//("JpGraph: Selected graphic format is either not supported or unknown [$aFormat]");
$this->ttf = new TTF();
$this->langconv = new LanguageConv();
// Should we use anti-aliasing. Note: This really slows down graphics!
function SetAntiAliasing() {
function CreateRawCanvas($aWidth=0,$aHeight=0) {
if( $aWidth <= 1 || $aHeight <= 1 ) {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25082,$aWidth,$aHeight);//("Illegal sizes specified for width or height when creating an image, (width=$aWidth, height=$aHeight)");
$this->img = @imagecreatetruecolor($aWidth, $aHeight);
if( $this->img < 1 ) {
//die("Can't create truecolor image. Check that you really have GD2 library installed.");
if( $this->rgb != null )
$this->rgb->img = $this->img ;
$this->rgb = new RGB($this->img);
function CloneCanvasH() {
$oldimage = $this->img;
return $oldimage;
function CreateImgCanvas($aWidth=0,$aHeight=0) {
$old = array($this->img,$this->width,$this->height);
$aWidth = round($aWidth);
$aHeight = round($aHeight);
if( $aWidth==0 || $aHeight==0 ) {
// We will set the final size later.
// Note: The size must be specified before any other
// img routines that stroke anything are called.
$this->img = null;
$this->rgb = null;
return $old;
// Set canvas color (will also be the background color for a
// a pallett image
return $old ;
function CopyCanvasH($aToHdl,$aFromHdl,$aToX,$aToY,$aFromX,$aFromY,$aWidth,$aHeight,$aw=-1,$ah=-1) {
if( $aw === -1 ) {
$aw = $aWidth;
$ah = $aHeight;
$f = 'imagecopyresized';
else {
$f = 'imagecopyresampled' ;
$aToX,$aToY,$aFromX,$aFromY, $aWidth,$aHeight,$aw,$ah);
function Copy($fromImg,$toX,$toY,$fromX,$fromY,$toWidth,$toHeight,$fromWidth=-1,$fromHeight=-1) {
function CopyMerge($fromImg,$toX,$toY,$fromX,$fromY,$toWidth,$toHeight,$fromWidth=-1,$fromHeight=-1,$aMix=100) {
if( $aMix == 100 ) {
else {
if( ($fromWidth != -1 && ($fromWidth != $toWidth)) ||
($fromHeight != -1 && ($fromHeight != $fromHeight)) ) {
// Create a new canvas that will hold the re-scaled original from image
if( $toWidth <= 1 || $toHeight <= 1 ) {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25083);//('Illegal image size when copying image. Size for copied to image is 1 pixel or less.');
$tmpimg = @imagecreatetruecolor($toWidth, $toHeight);
if( $tmpimg < 1 ) {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25084);//('Failed to create temporary GD canvas. Out of memory ?');
$fromImg = $tmpimg;
function GetWidth($aImg=null) {
if( $aImg === null )
$aImg = $this->img;
return imagesx($aImg);
function GetHeight($aImg=null) {
if( $aImg === null )
$aImg = $this->img;
return imagesy($aImg);
function CreateFromString($aStr) {
$img = @imagecreatefromstring($aStr);
if( $img === false ) {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25085);//('An image can not be created from the supplied string. It is either in a format not supported or the string is representing an corrupt image.');
return $img;
function SetCanvasH($aHdl) {
$this->img = $aHdl;
$this->rgb->img = $aHdl;
function SetCanvasColor($aColor) {
$this->canvascolor = $aColor ;
function SetAlphaBlending($aFlg=true) {
function SetAutoMargin() {
GLOBAL $gJpgBrandTiming;
if( $gJpgBrandTiming )
$lm = min(40,$this->width/7);
$rm = min(20,$this->width/10);
$tm = max(5,$this->height/7);
$bm = max($min_bm,$this->height/7);
function SetFont($family,$style=FS_NORMAL,$size=10) {
if( ($this->font_family==FF_FONT1 || $this->font_family==FF_FONT2) && $this->font_style==FS_BOLD ){
if( $this->font_family > FF_FONT2+1 ) { // A TTF font so get the font file
// Check that this PHP has support for TTF fonts
if( !function_exists('imagettfbbox') ) {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25087);//('This PHP build has not been configured with TTF support. You need to recompile your PHP installation with FreeType support.');
$this->font_file = $this->ttf->File($this->font_family,$this->font_style);
// Get the specific height for a text string
function GetTextHeight($txt="",$angle=0) {
$tmp = split("\n",$txt);
$n = count($tmp);
for($i=0; $i< $n; ++$i)
$m = max($m,strlen($tmp[$i]));
if( $this->font_family <= FF_FONT2+1 ) {
if( $angle==0 ) {
$h = imagefontheight($this->font_family);
if( $h === false ) {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25088);//('You have a misconfigured GD font support. The call to imagefontwidth() fails.');
return $n*$h;
else {
$w = @imagefontwidth($this->font_family);
if( $w === false ) {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25088);//('You have a misconfigured GD font support. The call to imagefontwidth() fails.');
return $m*$w;
else {
$bbox = $this->GetTTFBBox($txt,$angle);
return $bbox[1]-$bbox[5];
// Estimate font height
function GetFontHeight($angle=0) {
$txt = "XOMg";
return $this->GetTextHeight($txt,$angle);
// Approximate font width with width of letter "O"
function GetFontWidth($angle=0) {
$txt = 'O';
return $this->GetTextWidth($txt,$angle);
// Get actual width of text in absolute pixels
function GetTextWidth($txt,$angle=0) {
$tmp = split("\n",$txt);
$n = count($tmp);
if( $this->font_family <= FF_FONT2+1 ) {
for($i=0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
if( $l > $m ) {
$m = $l;
if( $angle==0 ) {
$w = @imagefontwidth($this->font_family);
if( $w === false ) {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25088);//('You have a misconfigured GD font support. The call to imagefontwidth() fails.');
return $m*$w;
else {
// 90 degrees internal so height becomes width
$h = @imagefontheight($this->font_family);
if( $h === false ) {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25089);//('You have a misconfigured GD font support. The call to imagefontheight() fails.');
return $n*$h;
else {
// For TTF fonts we must walk through a lines and find the
// widest one which we use as the width of the multi-line
// paragraph
for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) {
$bbox = $this->GetTTFBBox($tmp[$i],$angle);
$mm = $bbox[2] - $bbox[0];
if( $mm > $m )
$m = $mm;
return $m;
// Draw text with a box around it
function StrokeBoxedText($x,$y,$txt,$dir=0,$fcolor="white",$bcolor="black",
$xmarg=6,$ymarg=4,$cornerradius=0,$dropwidth=3) {
if( !is_numeric($dir) ) {
if( $dir=="h" ) $dir=0;
elseif( $dir=="v" ) $dir=90;
else JpGraphError::RaiseL(25090,$dir);//(" Unknown direction specified in call to StrokeBoxedText() [$dir]");
if( $this->font_family >= FF_FONT0 && $this->font_family <= FF_FONT2+1) {
$width=$this->GetTextWidth($txt,$dir) ;
$height=$this->GetTextHeight($txt,$dir) ;
else {
$width=$this->GetBBoxWidth($txt,$dir) ;
$height=$this->GetBBoxHeight($txt,$dir) ;
$height += 2*$ymarg;
$width += 2*$xmarg;
if( $this->text_halign=="right" ) $x -= $width;
elseif( $this->text_halign=="center" ) $x -= $width/2;
if( $this->text_valign=="bottom" ) $y -= $height;
elseif( $this->text_valign=="center" ) $y -= $height/2;
$olda = $this->SetAngle(0);
if( $shadowcolor ) {
else {
if( $fcolor ) {
if( $bcolor ) {
$this->StrokeText($x, $y, $txt, $dir, $paragraph_align);
$bb = array($x-$xmarg,$y+$height-$ymarg,$x+$width,$y+$height-$ymarg,
return $bb;
// Set text alignment
function SetTextAlign($halign,$valign="bottom") {
function _StrokeBuiltinFont($x,$y,$txt,$dir=0,$paragraph_align="left",&$aBoundingBox,$aDebug=false) {
if( is_numeric($dir) && $dir!=90 && $dir!=0)
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25091);//(" Internal font does not support drawing text at arbitrary angle. Use TTF fonts instead.");
if( $this->text_halign=="right")
$x -= $dir==0 ? $w : $h;
elseif( $this->text_halign=="center" ) {
// For center we subtract 1 pixel since this makes the middle
// be prefectly in the middle
$x -= $dir==0 ? $w/2-1 : $h/2;
if( $this->text_valign=="top" )
$y += $dir==0 ? $h : $w;
elseif( $this->text_valign=="center" )
$y += $dir==0 ? $h/2 : $w/2;
if( $dir==90 ) {
$aBoundingBox = array(round($x),round($y),round($x),round($y-$w),round($x+$h),round($y-$w),round($x+$h),round($y));
if( $aDebug ) {
// Draw bounding box
else {
if( ereg("\n",$txt) ) {
$tmp = split("\n",$txt);
for($i=0; $i < count($tmp); ++$i) {
$w1 = $this->GetTextWidth($tmp[$i]);
if( $paragraph_align=="left" ) {
elseif( $paragraph_align=="right" ) {
else {
else {
//Put the text
if( $aDebug ) {
// Draw the bounding rectangle and the bounding box
$p1 = array(round($x),round($y),round($x),round($y-$h),round($x+$w),round($y-$h),round($x+$w),round($y));
// Draw bounding box
function AddTxtCR($aTxt) {
// If the user has just specified a '\n'
// instead of '\n\t' we have to add '\r' since
// the width will be too muchy otherwise since when
// we print we stroke the individually lines by hand.
$e = explode("\n",$aTxt);
$n = count($e);
for($i=0; $i<$n; ++$i) {
return implode("\n\r",$e);
function GetTTFBBox($aTxt,$aAngle=0) {
$bbox = @ImageTTFBBox($this->font_size,$aAngle,$this->font_file,$aTxt);
if( $bbox === false ) {
//("There is either a configuration problem with TrueType or a problem reading font file (".$this->font_file."). Make sure file exists and is in a readable place for the HTTP process. (If 'basedir' restriction is enabled in PHP then the font file must be located in the document root.). It might also be a wrongly installed FreeType library. Try uppgrading to at least FreeType 2.1.13 and recompile GD with the correct setup so it can find the new FT library.");
return $bbox;
function GetBBoxTTF($aTxt,$aAngle=0) {
// Normalize the bounding box to become a minimum
// enscribing rectangle
$aTxt = $this->AddTxtCR($aTxt);
if( !is_readable($this->font_file) ) {
//('Can not read font file ('.$this->font_file.') in call to Image::GetBBoxTTF. Please make sure that you have set a font before calling this method and that the font is installed in the TTF directory.');
$bbox = $this->GetTTFBBox($aTxt,$aAngle);
if( $aAngle==0 )
return $bbox;
if( $aAngle >= 0 ) {
if( $aAngle <= 90 ) { //<=0
$bbox = array($bbox[6],$bbox[1],$bbox[2],$bbox[1],
elseif( $aAngle <= 180 ) { //<= 2
$bbox = array($bbox[4],$bbox[7],$bbox[0],$bbox[7],
elseif( $aAngle <= 270 ) { //<= 3
$bbox = array($bbox[2],$bbox[5],$bbox[6],$bbox[5],
else {
$bbox = array($bbox[0],$bbox[3],$bbox[4],$bbox[3],
elseif( $aAngle < 0 ) {
if( $aAngle <= -270 ) { // <= -3
$bbox = array($bbox[6],$bbox[1],$bbox[2],$bbox[1],
elseif( $aAngle <= -180 ) { // <= -2
$bbox = array($bbox[0],$bbox[3],$bbox[4],$bbox[3],
elseif( $aAngle <= -90 ) { // <= -1
$bbox = array($bbox[2],$bbox[5],$bbox[6],$bbox[5],
else {
$bbox = array($bbox[0],$bbox[3],$bbox[4],$bbox[3],
return $bbox;
function GetBBoxHeight($aTxt,$aAngle=0) {
$box = $this->GetBBoxTTF($aTxt,$aAngle);
return $box[1]-$box[7]+1;
function GetBBoxWidth($aTxt,$aAngle=0) {
$box = $this->GetBBoxTTF($aTxt,$aAngle);
return $box[2]-$box[0]+1;
function _StrokeTTF($x,$y,$txt,$dir=0,$paragraph_align="left",&$aBoundingBox,$debug=false) {
// Setupo default inter line margin for paragraphs to
// 25% of the font height.
$ConstLineSpacing = 0.25 ;
// Remember the anchor point before adjustment
if( $debug ) {
if( !ereg("\n",$txt) || ($dir>0 && ereg("\n",$txt)) ) {
// Format a single line
$txt = $this->AddTxtCR($txt);
// Align x,y ot lower left corner of bbox
$x -= $bbox[0];
$y -= $bbox[1];
// Note to self: "topanchor" is deprecated after we changed the
// bopunding box stuff.
if( $this->text_halign=="right" || $this->text_halign=="topanchor" )
$x -= $bbox[2]-$bbox[0];
elseif( $this->text_halign=="center" ) $x -= ($bbox[2]-$bbox[0])/2;
if( $this->text_valign=="top" ) $y += abs($bbox[5])+$bbox[1];
elseif( $this->text_valign=="center" ) $y -= ($bbox[5]-$bbox[1])/2;
ImageTTFText ($this->img, $this->font_size, $dir, $x, $y,
// Calculate and return the co-ordinates for the bounding box
$p1 = array();
for($i=0; $i < 4; ++$i) {
$p1[] = round($box[$i*2]+$x);
$p1[] = round($box[$i*2+1]+$y);
$aBoundingBox = $p1;
// Debugging code to highlight the bonding box and bounding rectangle
// For text at 0 degrees the bounding box and bounding rectangle are the
// same
if( $debug ) {
// Draw the bounding rectangle and the bounding box
$p = array();
$p1 = array();
for($i=0; $i < 4; ++$i) {
$p[] = $bbox[$i*2]+$x;
$p[] = $bbox[$i*2+1]+$y;
$p1[] = $box[$i*2]+$x;
$p1[] = $box[$i*2+1]+$y;
// Draw bounding box
// Draw bounding rectangle
// Draw a cross at the anchor point
else {
// Format a text paragraph
// Line margin is 25% of font height
$fh += $linemargin;
$y -= $linemargin/2;
$tmp = split("\n",$txt);
$nl = count($tmp);
$h = $nl * $fh;
if( $this->text_halign=="right")
$x -= $dir==0 ? $w : $h;
elseif( $this->text_halign=="center" ) {
$x -= $dir==0 ? $w/2 : $h/2;
if( $this->text_valign=="top" )
$y += $dir==0 ? $h : $w;
elseif( $this->text_valign=="center" )
$y += $dir==0 ? $h/2 : $w/2;
// Here comes a tricky bit.
// Since we have to give the position for the string at the
// baseline this means thaht text will move slightly up
// and down depending on any of it's character descend below
// the baseline, for example a 'g'. To adjust the Y-position
// we therefore adjust the text with the baseline Y-offset
// as used for the current font and size. This will keep the
// baseline at a fixed positoned disregarding the actual
// characters in the string.
$standardbox = $this->GetTTFBBox('Gg',$dir);
$yadj = $standardbox[1];
$xadj = $standardbox[0];
$aBoundingBox = array();
for($i=0; $i < $nl; ++$i) {
$wl = $this->GetTextWidth($tmp[$i]);
$bbox = $this->GetTTFBBox($tmp[$i],$dir);
if( $paragraph_align=="left" ) {
$xl = $x;
elseif( $paragraph_align=="right" ) {
$xl = $x + ($w-$wl);
else {
// Center
$xl = $x + $w/2 - $wl/2 ;
$xl -= $bbox[0];
$yl = $y - $yadj;
$xl = $xl - $xadj;
ImageTTFText ($this->img, $this->font_size, $dir,
$xl, $yl-($h-$fh)+$fh*$i,
if( $debug ) {
// Draw the bounding rectangle around each line
$p = array();
for($j=0; $j < 4; ++$j) {
$p[] = $bbox[$j*2]+$xl;
$p[] = $bbox[$j*2+1]+$yl-($h-$fh)+$fh*$i;
// Draw bounding rectangle
// Get the bounding box
$bbox = $this->GetBBoxTTF($txt,$dir);
for($j=0; $j < 4; ++$j) {
$bbox[$j*2]+= round($x);
$bbox[$j*2+1]+= round($y - ($h-$fh) - $yadj);
$aBoundingBox = $bbox;
if( $debug ) {
// Draw a cross at the anchor point
function StrokeText($x,$y,$txt,$dir=0,$paragraph_align="left",$debug=false) {
$x = round($x);
$y = round($y);
// Do special language encoding
$txt = $this->langconv->Convert($txt,$this->font_family);
if( !is_numeric($dir) )
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25094);//(" Direction for text most be given as an angle between 0 and 90.");
if( $this->font_family >= FF_FONT0 && $this->font_family <= FF_FONT2+1) {
elseif($this->font_family >= _FF_FIRST && $this->font_family <= _FF_LAST) {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25095);//(" Unknown font font family specification. ");
return $boundingbox;
function SetMargin($lm,$rm,$tm,$bm) {
$this->plotwidth=$this->width - $this->left_margin-$this->right_margin ;
$this->plotheight=$this->height - $this->top_margin-$this->bottom_margin ;
if( $this->width > 0 && $this->height > 0 ) {
if( $this->plotwidth < 0 || $this->plotheight < 0 )
JpGraphError::raise("Too small plot area. ($lm,$rm,$tm,$bm : $this->plotwidth x $this->plotheight). With the given image size and margins there is to little space left for the plot. Increase the plot size or reduce the margins.");
function SetTransparent($color) {
imagecolortransparent ($this->img,$this->rgb->allocate($color));
function SetColor($color,$aAlpha=0) {
$this->current_color_name = $color;
if( $this->current_color == -1 ) {
//("Can't allocate any more colors.");
return $this->current_color;
function PushColor($color) {
if( $color != "" ) {
else {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25097);//("Color specified as empty string in PushColor().");
function PopColor() {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25098);//(" Negative Color stack index. Unmatched call to PopColor()");
function SetLineWeight($weight) {
$this->line_weight = $weight;
function SetStartPoint($x,$y) {
function Arc($cx,$cy,$w,$h,$s,$e) {
// GD Arc doesn't like negative angles
while( $s < 0) $s += 360;
while( $e < 0) $e += 360;
function FilledArc($xc,$yc,$w,$h,$s,$e,$style="") {
while( $s < 0 ) $s += 360;
while( $e < 0 ) $e += 360;
if( $style=="" )
// Workaround for bug in 4.4.7 which will not draw a correct 360
// degree slice with any other angles than 0,360
if( 360-abs($s-$e) < 0.01 ) {
$s = 0;
$e = 360;
if( abs($s-$e) > 0.001 ) {
function FilledCakeSlice($cx,$cy,$w,$h,$s,$e) {
function CakeSlice($xc,$yc,$w,$h,$s,$e,$fillcolor="",$arccolor="") {
$s = round($s); $e = round($e);
$w = round($w); $h = round($h);
$xc = round($xc); $yc = round($yc);
if( $s==$e ) {
// A full circle. We draw this a plain circle
else {
if( $arccolor != "" ) {
// We add 2 pixels to make the Arc() better aligned with the filled arc.
imagefilledarc($this->img,$xc,$yc,2*$w,2*$h,$s,$e,$this->current_color,IMG_ARC_NOFILL | IMG_ARC_EDGED ) ;
// Workaround for bug in 4.4.7 which will not draw a correct 360
// degree slice with any other angles than 0,360. Unfortunately we cannot just
// adjust the angles since the interior ar edge is drawn correct but not the surrounding
// circle. This workaround can only be used with perfect circle shaped arcs
if( PHP_VERSION==='4.4.7' && (360-abs($s-$e) < 0.01 && $w==$h) ) {
function Ellipse($xc,$yc,$w,$h) {
// Breseham circle gives visually better result then using GD
// built in arc(). It takes some more time but gives better
// accuracy.
function BresenhamCircle($xc,$yc,$r) {
$d = 3-2*$r;
$x = 0;
$y = $r;
while($x<=$y) {
if( $d<0 ) $d += 4*$x+6;
else {
$d += 4*($x-$y)+10;
function Circle($xc,$yc,$r) {
else {
// Some experimental code snippet to see if we can get a decent
// result doing a trig-circle
// Create an approximated circle with 0.05 rad resolution
$end = 2*M_PI;
$l = $r/10;
if( $l < 3 ) $l=3;
$step_size = 2*M_PI/(2*$r*M_PI/$l);
$pts = array();
$pts[] = $r + $xc;
$pts[] = $yc;
for( $a=$step_size; $a <= $end; $a += $step_size ) {
$pts[] = round($xc + $r*cos($a));
$pts[] = round($yc - $r*sin($a));
// For some reason imageellipse() isn't in GD 2.0.1, PHP 4.1.1
function FilledCircle($xc,$yc,$r) {
// Linear Color InterPolation
function lip($f,$t,$p) {
$p = round($p,1);
$r = $f[0] + ($t[0]-$f[0])*$p;
$g = $f[1] + ($t[1]-$f[1])*$p;
$b = $f[2] + ($t[2]-$f[2])*$p;
return array($r,$g,$b);
// Anti-aliased line.
// Note that this is roughly 8 times slower then a normal line!
function WuLine($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) {
// Get foreground line color
$lc = imagecolorsforindex($this->img,$this->current_color);
$lc = array($lc["red"],$lc["green"],$lc["blue"]);
$dx = $x2-$x1;
$dy = $y2-$y1;
if( abs($dx) > abs($dy) ) {
if( $dx<0 ) {
$dx = -$dx;$dy = -$dy;
$x=$x1<<16; $y=$y1<<16;
$yinc = ($dy*65535)/$dx;
while( ($x >> 16) < $x2 ) {
$bc = @imagecolorsforindex($this->img,imagecolorat($this->img,$x>>16,$y>>16));
if( $bc <= 0 ) {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25100);//('Problem with color palette and your GD setup. Please disable anti-aliasing or use GD2 with true-color. If you have GD2 library installed please make sure that you have set the USE_GD2 constant to true and that truecolor is enabled.');
$this->SetColor($this->lip($lc,$bc,($y & 0xFFFF)/65535));
$this->SetColor($this->lip($lc,$bc,(~$y & 0xFFFF)/65535));
if( !$first )
$x += 65536; $y += $yinc;
else {
if( $dy<0 ) {
$dx = -$dx;$dy = -$dy;
$x=$x1<<16; $y=$y1<<16;
$xinc = ($dx*65535)/$dy;
$first = true;
while( ($y >> 16) < $y2 ) {
$bc = @imagecolorsforindex($this->img,imagecolorat($this->img,$x>>16,$y>>16));
if( $bc <= 0 ) {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25100);//('Problem with color palette and your GD setup. Please disable anti-aliasing or use GD2 with true-color. If you have GD2 library installed please make sure that you have set the USE_GD2 constant to true and truecolor is enabled.');
$this->SetColor($this->lip($lc,$bc,($x & 0xFFFF)/65535));
$this->SetColor($this->lip($lc,$bc,(~$x & 0xFFFF)/65535));
if( !$first )
$y += 65536; $x += $xinc;
$first = false;
// Set line style dashed, dotted etc
function SetLineStyle($s) {
if( is_numeric($s) ) {
if( $s<1 || $s>4 )
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25101,$s);//(" Illegal numeric argument to SetLineStyle(): ($s)");
elseif( is_string($s) ) {
if( $s == "solid" ) $s=1;
elseif( $s == "dotted" ) $s=2;
elseif( $s == "dashed" ) $s=3;
elseif( $s == "longdashed" ) $s=4;
else JpGraphError::RaiseL(25102,$s);//(" Illegal string argument to SetLineStyle(): $s");
else {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25103,$s);//(" Illegal argument to SetLineStyle $s");
$old = $this->line_style;
return $old;
// Same as Line but take the line_style into account
function StyleLine($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) {
switch( $this->line_style ) {
case 1:// Solid
case 2: // Dotted
case 3: // Dashed
case 4: // Longdashes
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25104,$this->line_style);//(" Unknown line style: $this->line_style ");
function Line($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) {
$x1 = round($x1);
$x2 = round($x2);
$y1 = round($y1);
$y2 = round($y2);
if( $this->line_weight==0 ) return;
if( $this->use_anti_aliasing ) {
$dx = $x2-$x1;
$dy = $y2-$y1;
// Vertical, Horizontal or 45 lines don't need anti-aliasing
if( $dx!=0 && $dy!=0 && $dx!=$dy ) {
if( $this->line_weight==1 ) {
elseif( $x1==$x2 ) { // Special case for vertical lines
for($i=1; $i<=$w1; ++$i)
for($i=1; $i<=$w2; ++$i)
elseif( $y1==$y2 ) { // Special case for horizontal lines
for($i=1; $i<=$w1; ++$i)
for($i=1; $i<=$w2; ++$i)
else { // General case with a line at an angle
$a = atan2($y1-$y2,$x2-$x1);
// Now establish some offsets from the center. This gets a little
// bit involved since we are dealing with integer functions and we
// want the apperance to be as smooth as possible and never be thicker
// then the specified width.
// We do the trig stuff to make sure that the endpoints of the line
// are perpendicular to the line itself.
$pnts = array(round($x2+$dx),round($y2+$dy),round($x2-$dx),round($y2-$dy),
$this->lastx=$x2; $this->lasty=$y2;
function Polygon($p,$closed=FALSE,$fast=FALSE) {
if( $this->line_weight==0 ) return;
$oldx = $p[0];
$oldy = $p[1];
if( $fast ) {
for( $i=2; $i < $n; $i+=2 ) {
$oldx = $p[$i];
$oldy = $p[$i+1];
if( $closed ) {
else {
for( $i=2; $i < $n; $i+=2 ) {
$oldx = $p[$i];
$oldy = $p[$i+1];
if( $closed )
function FilledPolygon($pts) {
if( $n == 0 ) {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25105);//('NULL data specified for a filled polygon. Check that your data is not NULL.');
for($i=0; $i < $n; ++$i)
$pts[$i] = round($pts[$i]);
function Rectangle($xl,$yu,$xr,$yl) {
function FilledRectangle($xl,$yu,$xr,$yl) {
function FilledRectangle2($xl,$yu,$xr,$yl,$color1,$color2,$style=1) {
// Fill a rectangle with lines of two colors
if( $style===1 ) {
// Horizontal stripe
if( $yl < $yu ) {
$t = $yl; $yl=$yu; $yu=$t;
for( $y=$yu; $y <= $yl; ++$y) {
else {
if( $xl < $xl ) {
$t = $xl; $xl=$xr; $xr=$t;
for( $x=$xl; $x <= $xr; ++$x) {
function ShadowRectangle($xl,$yu,$xr,$yl,$fcolor=false,$shadow_width=3,$shadow_color=array(102,102,102)) {
// This is complicated by the fact that we must also handle the case where
// the reactangle has no fill color
if( $fcolor==false )
else {
function FilledRoundedRectangle($xt,$yt,$xr,$yl,$r=5) {
if( $r==0 ) {
// To avoid overlapping fillings (which will look strange
// when alphablending is enabled) we have no choice but
// to fill the five distinct areas one by one.
// Center square
// Top band
// Bottom band
// Left band
// Right band
// Topleft & Topright arc
// Bottomleft & Bottom right arc
function RoundedRectangle($xt,$yt,$xr,$yl,$r=5) {
if( $r==0 ) {
// Top & Bottom line
// Left & Right line
// Topleft & Topright arc
// Bottomleft & Bottomright arc
function FilledBevel($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$depth=2,$color1='white@0.4',$color2='darkgray@0.4') {
function Bevel($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$depth=2,$color1='white@0.4',$color2='black@0.5') {
for( $i=0; $i < $depth; ++$i ) {
for( $i=0; $i < $depth; ++$i ) {
function StyleLineTo($x,$y) {
function LineTo($x,$y) {
function Point($x,$y) {
function Fill($x,$y) {
function FillToBorder($x,$y,$aBordColor) {
$bc = $this->rgb->allocate($aBordColor);
if( $bc == -1 ) {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25106);//('Image::FillToBorder : Can not allocate more colors');
function DashedLine($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$dash_length=1,$dash_space=4) {
$x1 = round($x1);
$x2 = round($x2);
$y1 = round($y1);
$y2 = round($y2);
// Code based on, but not identical to, work by Ariel Garza and James Pine
$line_length = ceil (sqrt(pow(($x2 - $x1),2) + pow(($y2 - $y1),2)) );
$dx = ($line_length) ? ($x2 - $x1) / $line_length : 0;
$dy = ($line_length) ? ($y2 - $y1) / $line_length : 0;
$lastx = $x1; $lasty = $y1;
$xmax = max($x1,$x2);
$xmin = min($x1,$x2);
$ymax = max($y1,$y2);
$ymin = min($y1,$y2);
for ($i = 0; $i < $line_length; $i += ($dash_length + $dash_space)) {
$x = ($dash_length * $dx) + $lastx;
$y = ($dash_length * $dy) + $lasty;
// The last section might overshoot so we must take a computational hit
// and check this.
if( $x>$xmax ) $x=$xmax;
if( $y>$ymax ) $y=$ymax;
if( $x<$xmin ) $x=$xmin;
if( $y<$ymin ) $y=$ymin;
$lastx = $x + ($dash_space * $dx);
$lasty = $y + ($dash_space * $dy);
function SetExpired($aFlg=true) {
$this->expired = $aFlg;
// Generate image header
function Headers() {
// In case we are running from the command line with the client version of
// PHP we can't send any headers.
$sapi = php_sapi_name();
if( $sapi == 'cli' )
// These parameters are set by headers_sent() but they might cause
// an undefined variable error unless they are initilized
if( headers_sent($file,$lineno) ) {
$t = new ErrMsgText();
$msg = $t->Get(10,$file,$lineno);
if ($this->expired) {
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . "GMT");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Content-type: image/$this->img_format");
// Adjust image quality for formats that allow this
function SetQuality($q) {
$this->quality = $q;
// Stream image to browser or to file
function Stream($aFile="") {
if( $this->img_format=="jpeg" && $this->quality != null ) {
$res = @$func($this->img,$aFile,$this->quality);
else {
if( $aFile != "" ) {
$res = @$func($this->img,$aFile);
if( !$res )
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25107,$aFile);//("Can't write to file '$aFile'. Check that the process running PHP has enough permission.");
else {
$res = @$func($this->img);
if( !$res )
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25108);//("Can't stream image. This is most likely due to a faulty PHP/GD setup. Try to recompile PHP and use the built-in GD library that comes with PHP.");
// Clear resource tide up by image
function Destroy() {
// Specify image format. Note depending on your installation
// of PHP not all formats may be supported.
function SetImgFormat($aFormat,$aQuality=75) {
$this->quality = $aQuality;
$aFormat = strtolower($aFormat);
$tst = true;
$supported = imagetypes();
if( $aFormat=="auto" ) {
if( $supported & IMG_PNG )
elseif( $supported & IMG_JPG )
elseif( $supported & IMG_GIF )
elseif( $supported & IMG_WBMP )
elseif( $supported & IMG_XPM )
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25109);//("Your PHP (and GD-lib) installation does not appear to support any known graphic formats. You need to first make sure GD is compiled as a module to PHP. If you also want to use JPEG images you must get the JPEG library. Please see the PHP docs for details.");
return true;
else {
if( $aFormat=="jpeg" || $aFormat=="png" || $aFormat=="gif" || $aFormat=="wbmp" || $aFormat=="xpm") {
if( $aFormat=="jpeg" && !($supported & IMG_JPG) )
elseif( $aFormat=="png" && !($supported & IMG_PNG) )
elseif( $aFormat=="gif" && !($supported & IMG_GIF) )
elseif( $aFormat=="wbmp" && !($supported & IMG_WBMP) )
elseif( $aFormat=="xpm" && !($supported & IMG_XPM) )
else {
return true;
if( !$tst )
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25110,$aFormat);//(" Your PHP installation does not support the chosen graphic format: $aFormat");
} // CLASS
// CLASS RotImage
// Description: Exactly as Image but draws the image at
// a specified angle around a specified rotation point.
class RotImage extends Image {
var $m=array();
var $a=0;
var $dx=0,$dy=0,$transx=0,$transy=0;
function RotImage($aWidth,$aHeight,$a=0,$aFormat=DEFAULT_GFORMAT,$aSetAutoMargin=true) {
function SetCenter($dx,$dy) {
$old_dx = $this->dx;
$old_dy = $this->dy;
return array($old_dx,$old_dy);
function SetTranslation($dx,$dy) {
$old = array($this->transx,$this->transy);
$this->transx = $dx;
$this->transy = $dy;
return $old;
function UpdateRotMatrice() {
$a = $this->a;
$a *= M_PI/180;
$sa=sin($a); $ca=cos($a);
// Create the rotation matrix
$this->m[0][0] = $ca;
$this->m[0][1] = -$sa;
$this->m[0][2] = $this->dx*(1-$ca) + $sa*$this->dy ;
$this->m[1][0] = $sa;
$this->m[1][1] = $ca;
$this->m[1][2] = $this->dy*(1-$ca) - $sa*$this->dx ;
function SetAngle($a) {
$tmp = $this->a;
$this->a = $a;
return $tmp;
function Circle($xc,$yc,$r) {
// Circle get's rotated through the Arc() call
// made in the parent class
function FilledCircle($xc,$yc,$r) {
list($xc,$yc) = $this->Rotate($xc,$yc);
function Arc($xc,$yc,$w,$h,$s,$e) {
list($xc,$yc) = $this->Rotate($xc,$yc);
$s += $this->a;
$e += $this->a;
function FilledArc($xc,$yc,$w,$h,$s,$e) {
list($xc,$yc) = $this->Rotate($xc,$yc);
$s += $this->a;
$e += $this->a;
function SetMargin($lm,$rm,$tm,$bm) {
function Rotate($x,$y) {
// Optimization. Ignore rotation if Angle==0 || ANgle==360
if( $this->a == 0 || $this->a == 360 ) {
return array($x + $this->transx, $y + $this->transy );
else {
$x1=round($this->m[0][0]*$x + $this->m[0][1]*$y,1) + $this->m[0][2] + $this->transx;
$y1=round($this->m[1][0]*$x + $this->m[1][1]*$y,1) + $this->m[1][2] + $this->transy;
return array($x1,$y1);
function CopyMerge($fromImg,$toX,$toY,$fromX,$fromY,$toWidth,$toHeight,$fromWidth=-1,$fromHeight=-1,$aMix=100) {
list($toX,$toY) = $this->Rotate($toX,$toY);
function ArrRotate($pnts) {
$n = count($pnts)-1;
for($i=0; $i < $n; $i+=2) {
list ($x,$y) = $this->Rotate($pnts[$i],$pnts[$i+1]);
$pnts[$i] = $x; $pnts[$i+1] = $y;
return $pnts;
function Line($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) {
list($x1,$y1) = $this->Rotate($x1,$y1);
list($x2,$y2) = $this->Rotate($x2,$y2);
function Rectangle($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) {
// Rectangle uses Line() so it will be rotated through that call
function FilledRectangle($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) {
if( $y1==$y2 || $x1==$x2 )
function Polygon($pnts,$closed=FALSE,$fast=false) {
// Polygon uses Line() so it will be rotated through that call unless
// fast drawing routines are used in which case a rotate is needed
if( $fast ) {
function FilledPolygon($pnts) {
function Point($x,$y) {
list($xp,$yp) = $this->Rotate($x,$y);
function StrokeText($x,$y,$txt,$dir=0,$paragraph_align="left",$debug=false) {
list($xp,$yp) = $this->Rotate($x,$y);
return parent::StrokeText($xp,$yp,$txt,$dir,$paragraph_align,$debug);