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2 |
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3 |
3 |
4 |
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6 |
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6 |
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7 |
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7 |
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8 |
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8 |
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9 |
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9 |
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263 |
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264 |
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264 |
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265 |
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265 |
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266 |
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266 |
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267 |
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267 |
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268 |
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268 |
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269 |
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269 |
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270 |
270 |
271 |
271 |
272 |
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272 |
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273 |
273 |
274 |
<COLUMN ID="1449" ColName="cc_id_collection" PrevColName="" Pos="0" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="1" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant de la collection.">
274 |
<COLUMN ID="1449" ColName="cc_id_collection" PrevColName="" Pos="0" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="1" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant de la collection.">
Line 472... |
Line 472... |
472 |
<COLUMN ID="21322" ColName="cc_truk_digital_format" PrevColName="" Pos="28" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Pour les collections digitales, listes des types MIME.">
472 |
<COLUMN ID="21322" ColName="cc_truk_digital_format" PrevColName="" Pos="28" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Pour les collections digitales, listes des types MIME.">
473 |
473 |
474 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
474 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
475 |
475 |
476 |
476 |
- |
477 |
<COLUMN ID="27933" ColName="cc_mark_public" PrevColName="" Pos="41" idDatatype="22" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="0" Comments="Indique si oui (=1) ou non (=0) les donn\195\169es de cette collection sont publiques.">
- |
478 |
- |
479 |
- |
480 |
477 |
<COLUMN ID="20839" ColName="cc_ce_meta" PrevColName="cc_date_derniere_modif" Pos="4" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant des m\195\169tadonn\195\169es de cet enregistrement.">
481 |
<COLUMN ID="20839" ColName="cc_ce_meta" PrevColName="cc_date_derniere_modif" Pos="4" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant des m\195\169tadonn\195\169es de cet enregistrement.">
478 |
482 |
479 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
483 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
480 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
484 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
481 |
485 |
Line 596... |
Line 600... |
596 |
<COLUMN ID="20783" ColName="cs_region" PrevColName="" Pos="12" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Nom de la r\195\169gion (\195\169tat, province) o\195\185 est situ\195\169 la structure. Utiliser les noms du standard ISO-3166-2.">
600 |
<COLUMN ID="20783" ColName="cs_region" PrevColName="" Pos="12" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Nom de la r\195\169gion (\195\169tat, province) o\195\185 est situ\195\169 la structure. Utiliser les noms du standard ISO-3166-2.">
597 |
601 |
598 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
602 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
599 |
603 |
600 |
604 |
601 |
<COLUMN ID="20784" ColName="cs_pays" PrevColName="" Pos="13" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Pays de la structure. Utiliser les noms du standard ISO-3166-1.">
605 |
<COLUMN ID="20784" ColName="cs_pays" PrevColName="" Pos="13" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Pays de la structure. Utiliser les codes sur deux lettres si le nom est dans le standard ISO-3166-1 sinon mettre le nom du pays.">
602 |
606 |
603 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
607 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
604 |
608 |
605 |
609 |
606 |
<COLUMN ID="27881" ColName="cs_latitude" PrevColName="" Pos="27" idDatatype="7" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Latitude du local de la structure.">
610 |
<COLUMN ID="27881" ColName="cs_latitude" PrevColName="" Pos="27" idDatatype="7" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Latitude du local de la structure.">
Line 645... |
Line 649... |
645 |
649 |
646 |
<COLUMN ID="21311" ColName="cs_condition_usage" PrevColName="" Pos="27" idDatatype="28" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Conditions d\ausage g\195\169n\195\169rales des collections de la structure.">
650 |
<COLUMN ID="21311" ColName="cs_condition_usage" PrevColName="" Pos="27" idDatatype="28" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Conditions d\ausage g\195\169n\195\169rales des collections de la structure.">
647 |
651 |
648 |
652 |
649 |
653 |
- |
654 |
<COLUMN ID="27935" ColName="cs_mark_public" PrevColName="" Pos="28" idDatatype="22" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="0" Comments="Indique si oui (=1) ou non (=0) les donn\195\169es de cette structure sont publiques.">
- |
655 |
- |
656 |
- |
657 |
650 |
<COLUMN ID="20825" ColName="cs_ce_meta" PrevColName="cs_date_derniere_modif" Pos="21" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant des m\195\169tadonn\195\169es de cet enregistrement.">
658 |
<COLUMN ID="20825" ColName="cs_ce_meta" PrevColName="cs_date_derniere_modif" Pos="21" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant des m\195\169tadonn\195\169es de cet enregistrement.">
651 |
659 |
652 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
660 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
653 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
661 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
654 |
662 |
Line 867... |
Line 875... |
867 |
875 |
868 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
876 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
869 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
877 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
870 |
878 |
871 |
879 |
- |
880 |
<COLUMN ID="27938" ColName="cp_mark_public" PrevColName="" Pos="39" idDatatype="22" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="0" Comments="Indique si oui (=1) ou non (=0) les donn\195\169es de cette personne sont publiques.">
- |
881 |
- |
882 |
- |
883 |
872 |
<COLUMN ID="18405" ColName="cp_ce_meta" PrevColName="cco_" Pos="26" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant des m\195\169tadonn\195\169es de cet enregistrement.">
884 |
<COLUMN ID="18405" ColName="cp_ce_meta" PrevColName="cco_" Pos="26" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant des m\195\169tadonn\195\169es de cet enregistrement.">
873 |
885 |
874 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
886 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
875 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
887 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
876 |
888 |
Line 1990... |
Line 2002... |
1990 |
<COLUMN ID="21529" ColName="cpr_url" PrevColName="EPR_LIEN_WEB" Pos="7" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="0" Prec="0" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="URL principal o\195\185 trouver des compl\195\169ments d\ainformation sur le projet.">
2002 |
<COLUMN ID="21529" ColName="cpr_url" PrevColName="EPR_LIEN_WEB" Pos="7" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="0" Prec="0" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="URL principal o\195\185 trouver des compl\195\169ments d\ainformation sur le projet.">
1991 |
2003 |
1992 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2004 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1993 |
2005 |
1994 |
2006 |
1995 |
<COLUMN ID="26513" ColName="cpr_mark_autorisation" PrevColName="cpr_autorisation" Pos="7" idDatatype="22" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="0" Comments="Indique si oui (=1) ou non (=0) ce projet est autoriser a \195\170tre publi\195\169 dans eFlore.">
- |
1996 |
- |
1997 |
- |
1998 |
- |
1999 |
<COLUMN ID="27885" ColName="cpr_mot_cles" PrevColName="" Pos="9" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Mots cl\195\169s correspondant au projet.">
2007 |
<COLUMN ID="27885" ColName="cpr_mot_cles" PrevColName="" Pos="9" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Mots cl\195\169s correspondant au projet.">
2000 |
2008 |
2001 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2009 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2002 |
2010 |
2003 |
2011 |
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2031 |
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2032 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
2040 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
2033 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2041 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2034 |
2042 |
2035 |
2043 |
- |
2044 |
<COLUMN ID="26513" ColName="cpr_mark_public" PrevColName="cpr_autorisation" Pos="7" idDatatype="22" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="0" Comments="Indique si oui (=1) ou non (=0) ce projet est public. Si oui, il peut \195\170tre publi\195\169 dans eFlore.">
- |
2045 |
- |
2046 |
- |
2047 |
2036 |
<COLUMN ID="21539" ColName="cpr_ce_meta" PrevColName="cpr_date_derniere_modif" Pos="7" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant des m\195\169tadonn\195\169es de cet enregistrement.">
2048 |
<COLUMN ID="21539" ColName="cpr_ce_meta" PrevColName="cpr_date_derniere_modif" Pos="7" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant des m\195\169tadonn\195\169es de cet enregistrement.">
2037 |
2049 |
2038 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
2050 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
2039 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2051 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2040 |
2052 |
Line 2215... |
Line 2227... |
2215 |
<COLUMN ID="21770" ColName="cmhl_ip" PrevColName="cmhl_ip_mac" Pos="7" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(50)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Adresse IP (et MAC \195\169ventuellement) depuis laquelle la modification a eu lieu.">
2227 |
<COLUMN ID="21770" ColName="cmhl_ip" PrevColName="cmhl_ip_mac" Pos="7" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(50)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Adresse IP (et MAC \195\169ventuellement) depuis laquelle la modification a eu lieu.">
2216 |
2228 |
2217 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2229 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2218 |
2230 |
2219 |
2231 |
- |
2232 |
<COLUMN ID="27929" ColName="cmhl_session_id" PrevColName="" Pos="9" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(40)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant de session del \autilisateur.">
- |
2233 |
- |
2234 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
- |
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- |
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2241 |
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2310 |
2294 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
2311 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
2295 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2312 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2296 |
2313 |
2297 |
2314 |
- |
2315 |
<COLUMN ID="27940" ColName="ccm_mark_public" PrevColName="" Pos="7" idDatatype="22" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="0" Comments="Indique si oui (=1) ou non (=0) ce commentaire est public .">
- |
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- |
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- |
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