Line 188... |
Line 188... |
188 |
"inconnue" : "Unknown",
188 |
"inconnue" : "Unknown",
Line 189... |
Line 189... |
189 |
189 |
190 |
"erreur-nb-obs-étiquettes" : "The labels cannot be generated for more than 300 observations at a time",
190 |
"erreur-nb-obs-étiquettes" : "The labels cannot be generated for more than 300 observations at a time",
191 |
"question-supprimer-lien-image-obs" : "Delete link between image {0} and observation {1}",
191 |
"question-supprimer-lien-image-obs" : "Delete link between image {0} and observation {1}",
- |
192 |
"question-supprimer-observation" : "Are you sure you want to delete the selected observations",
192 |
"question-supprimer-observation" : "Are you sure you want to delete the selected observations",
193 |
"question-supprimer-observations-sel" : "Are you sure you want to delete the selected observations",
193 |
"supprimer-selectionnees" : "Delete the selected observations",
194 |
"supprimer-selectionnees" : "Delete the selected observations",
194 |
"aucune-observation-selectionnee" : "No observation selected",
195 |
"aucune-observation-selectionnee" : "No observation selected",
195 |
"rendre-publiques" : "make public",
196 |
"rendre-publiques" : "make public",
196 |
"rendre-publiques-selectionnees" : "Make the selected observations public",
197 |
"rendre-publiques-selectionnees" : "Make the selected observations public",
197 |
"rendre-privees" : "make private",
198 |
"rendre-privees" : "make private",
198 |
"rendre-privees-selectionnes" : "Make the selected observations private",
199 |
"rendre-privees-selectionnes" : "Make the selected observations private",
199 |
"question-rendre-publique-privee-observations-sel" : "Are you sure you want to {0} the selected observations",
200 |
"question-rendre-publique-privee-observations-sel" : "Are you sure you want to {0} the selected observations",
200 |
"question-publication-observations-identifie" : "You need to be logged in to make your observations public, would you like to log in now ? (all your observations will be kept)",
201 |
"question-publication-observations-identifie" : "You need to be logged in to make your observations public, would you like to log in now ? (all your observations will be kept)",
Line 201... |
Line 202... |
201 |
"question-suppression-liaison-obs-mot-cle" : "Are you sure you want to delete the link between the observation and the keyword",
202 |
"question-suppression-liaison-obs-mot-cle" : "Are you sure you want to delete the link between the observation and the keyword",
202 |
203 |
203 |
"explications-panneau-carto" : "Specify the location of your observation then click OK. Coordinates are given in decimal degrees, counted positively towards the North for latitude, and towards the East for longitude",
204 |
"explication-panneau-carto" : "Specify the location of your observation then click OK. Coordinates are given in decimal degrees, counted positively towards the North for latitude, and towards the East for longitude",
204 |
"recherche-coordonnees-localite" : "Searching for coordinates and location, please wait",
205 |
"recherche-coordonnees-localite" : "Searching for coordinates and location, please wait",
205 |
"deplacez-marqueur-pour-localiser" : "Move this marker to locate your observation (location and coordinates)",
206 |
"deplacez-marqueur-pour-localiser" : "Move this marker to locate your observation (location and coordinates)",
206 |
"aucune-information" : "No information for this name",
207 |
"aucune-information" : "No information for this name",
Line 273... |
Line 274... |
273 |
"indication-champ-etendu-existe-deja" : "The extended field {0} already exists in the form",
274 |
"indication-champ-etendu-existe-deja" : "The extended field {0} already exists in the form",
274 |
"indication-bouton-creer-obs" : "Submit a new observation with the input values",
275 |
"indication-bouton-creer-obs" : "Submit a new observation with the input values",
275 |
"indication-bouton-modifier-obs" : "Update selected observations",
276 |
"indication-bouton-modifier-obs" : "Update selected observations",
276 |
"indication-bouton-reinitialiser-obs" : "Empty form",
277 |
"indication-bouton-reinitialiser-obs" : "Empty form",
277 |
"indication-bouton-supprimer-obs" : "Delete selected observations",
278 |
"indication-bouton-supprimer-obs" : "Delete selected observations",
278 |
"erreur-localisation" : "localization error"
279 |
"erreur-localisation" : "localization error",
- |
280 |
"localiser-zone" : "Locate the area",
- |
281 |
"aide-lien-localiser" : "With a map, get the coordinates (latitude/longitude) of your observation, You can enter a name as 'locality (french department)' or 'locality (country)' "+
- |
282 |
"with a two-figures french departement number or a two-letters country code(iso 3166 1 format)",
- |
283 |
"indication-formulaire-lat-lon" : "Lat / Lon are latitudes / longitudes, using decimal degrees",
- |
284 |
"saisie-lat-lon" : "Lat/Lon input",
- |
285 |
"indication-formulaire-localiser" : "Click to get the coordinates of your observation through the map",
- |
286 |
"localiser-la-carte" : "Locate on the map",
- |
287 |
"indication-format-date" : "Observation date jj/mm/aaaa format",
- |
288 |
"indication-localite-vide-invalide" : "Please enter a locality followed by a french department number or a two-letter country code \n 'locality (department)' or 'locality (country)'",
- |
289 |
"indication-date-invalide" : "Invalid date format : date must be formatted as jj/mm/aaaa",
- |
290 |
"date-invalide" : "Invalid date",
- |
291 |
"question-modifier-observation" : "Are you sure you want to update the selected observation",
- |
292 |
"question-modifier-champs-observation" : "Do you want to update the following fields : {0} for the selected observations",
- |
293 |
"indication-aucun-champ-modifie" : "No field modified"
279 |
294 |
280 |
295 |