Line 255... |
Line 255... |
255 |
"valeurs-multiples" : "Multiple values",
255 |
"valeurs-multiples" : "Multiple values",
Line 256... |
Line 256... |
256 |
256 |
257 |
"localite" : "Locality",
257 |
"localite" : "Locality",
258 |
"station" : "Station",
258 |
"station" : "Station",
- |
259 |
"lat" : "Lat",
259 |
"lat" : "Lat",
260 |
"latitude" : "Latitude",
- |
261 |
"lon" : "Lon",
260 |
"lon" : "Lon",
262 |
"longitude" : "Longitude",
- |
263 |
"alt" : "Alt. (meters)",
261 |
"alt" : "Alt. (meters)",
264 |
"altitude" : "Altitude",
262 |
"coordonnees" : "Coordinates",
265 |
"coordonnees" : "Coordinates",
263 |
"referentiel" : "Referential",
266 |
"referentiel" : "Referential",
264 |
"espece" : "Species",
267 |
"espece" : "Species",
265 |
"abondance" : "Abundancy",
268 |
"abondance" : "Abundancy",
Line 289... |
Line 292... |
289 |
"indication-date-invalide" : "Invalid date format : date must be formatted as jj/mm/aaaa",
292 |
"indication-date-invalide" : "Invalid date format : date must be formatted as jj/mm/aaaa",
290 |
"date-invalide" : "Invalid date",
293 |
"date-invalide" : "Invalid date",
291 |
"question-modifier-observation" : "Are you sure you want to update the selected observation",
294 |
"question-modifier-observation" : "Are you sure you want to update the selected observation",
292 |
"question-modifier-champs-observation" : "Do you want to update the following fields : {0} for the selected observations",
295 |
"question-modifier-champs-observation" : "Do you want to update the following fields : {0} for the selected observations",
293 |
"indication-aucun-champ-modifie" : "No field modified",
296 |
"indication-aucun-champ-modifie" : "No field modified",
- |
297 |
- |
298 |
"certain" : "Certain",
- |
299 |
"douteux" : "Dubious",
- |
300 |
"a-determiner" : "To be identified",
- |
301 |
- |
302 |
"abondance-5" : "5 : covering C > 75%",
- |
303 |
"abondance-4" : "4 : 50% < C < 75%",
- |
304 |
"abondance-3" : "3 : 25% < C < 50%",
- |
305 |
"abondance-2" : "2 : 5% < C < 25%",
- |
306 |
"abondance-1" : "1 : 1% < C < 5%",
- |
307 |
"abondance-+" : "+ : covering C < 1%",
- |
308 |
"abondance-r" : "r : rare (a few plants)",
- |
309 |
"abondance-i" : "i : a single individual",
- |
310 |
"abondance-1-5" : "1-5 individuals",
- |
311 |
"abondance-5-10" : "5-10 individuals",
- |
312 |
"abondance-10-50" : "10-50 individuals",
- |
313 |
"abondance-50-100" : "50-100 individuals",
- |
314 |
"abondance-100-500" : "100-500 individuals",
- |
315 |
"abondance->500" : ">500 individuals",
- |
316 |
"abondance-E" : "E : exceptionnal",
- |
317 |
"abondance-RR" : "RR : very rare",
- |
318 |
"abondance-R" : "R : rare",
- |
319 |
"abondance-AR" : "AR : pretty rare",
- |
320 |
"abondance-PC" : "PC : uncommon",
- |
321 |
"abondance-AC" : "AC : pretty common",
- |
322 |
"abondance-C" : "C : common",
- |
323 |
"abondance-CC" : "CC : very common",
Line 294... |
Line 324... |
294 |
324 |
295 |
"licence" : "The \"carnet en ligne\" (CEL) is a service proposed by Tela Botanica to help you keep a trace of your field observations so that they are not prisoner of your \"small spiral notebook\" anymore... Inserting data is quick, secure and accurate and the CEL allows you to easily archive and sort them. If you publish them, which we strongly encourage you to do, but without any obligation, they will become visible on the species repartition maps, on Tela Botanica's website. You will also be able to share your best plant photos with other members of the network, and export your CEL observations to an Excel file to perform some statistical analysis on it or transfer them to other botanists and other softwares.<br>"
325 |
"licence" : "The \"carnet en ligne\" (CEL) is a service proposed by Tela Botanica to help you keep a trace of your field observations so that they are not prisoner of your \"small spiral notebook\" anymore... Inserting data is quick, secure and accurate and the CEL allows you to easily archive and sort them. If you publish them, which we strongly encourage you to do, but without any obligation, they will become visible on the species repartition maps, on Tela Botanica's website. You will also be able to share your best plant photos with other members of the network, and export your CEL observations to an Excel file to perform some statistical analysis on it or transfer them to other botanists and other softwares.<br>"
296 |
326 |
297 |
+"To do so, you have to accept the following conditions :<br>"
327 |
+"To do so, you have to accept the following conditions :<br>"