Subversion Repositories eFlore/Applications.cel


Rev 2647 | Show entire file | Ignore whitespace | Details | Blame | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed

Rev 2647 Rev 2649
Line 320... Line 320...
		"abondance-PC" : "PC : uncommon",
		"abondance-PC" : "PC : uncommon",
		"abondance-AC" : "AC : pretty common",
		"abondance-AC" : "AC : pretty common",
		"abondance-C" : "C : common",
		"abondance-C" : "C : common",
		"abondance-CC" : "CC : very common",
		"abondance-CC" : "CC : very common",
Line 324... Line 324...
		"licence" : "The \"carnet en ligne\" (CEL) is a service proposed by Tela Botanica to help you keep a trace of your field observations so that they are not prisoner of your \"small spiral notebook\" anymore... Inserting data is quick, secure and accurate and the CEL allows you to easily archive and sort them. If you publish them, which we strongly encourage you to do, but without any obligation, they will become visible on the species repartition maps, on Tela Botanica's website. You will also be able to share your best plant photos with other members of the network, and export your CEL observations to an Excel file to perform some statistical analysis on it or transfer them to other botanists and other softwares.<br>"
		"licence" : "The \"online notebook\" (CEL) is a service offered by Tela Botanica in order to help you keep track of your field observations so that they no longer remain a prisoner of your \"little spiral notebook\" ... data entry is fast, safe and accurate and the CEL allows you to archive and sort them easily. If you publish them, we urge you to do, but it’s not compulsory, they will be visible on species distribution maps of Tela Botanica’s website. Similarly, you can share your best pictures of plants with other members of the network. You can also export your comments entered in the CEL in an Excel table to handle statistically, transfer them to other botanists or other software.<br />"
			+"<br />"
		+"To do so, you have to accept the following conditions :<br>"
			+"For that, you must accept the following conditions :<br />"
			+"<br />"
		+"1. <b>Being a member of the Tela Botanica network</b> : this membership is free and you will find all the explanations you need at <a href=\"\"></a> (french)<br>"
		+" "
			+"1. <b>Being registered in Tela Botanica’s network</b> : this registration is free and you will find all explanations at : <a href=\"\"></a><br />"
			+"<br />"
		+"2. <b>By publishing you observations on Tela Botanica's website you accept to give :</b><br>"
			+"2. <b>By publishing your observations on Tela Botanica’s website you agree to assign</b> :<br />"
		+"- <u>the right of internal usage to Tela Botanica</u>, non-exclusive, not limited in time, and for free, on the whole published data, notably the right to hold them, duplicate them, archive them, agregate them with data coming from other sources, and perfor all kind of computation allowing to extract information on a general level, such as statistical analysis for exemple.<br>"
			+"- <u>an internal right of use by Tela Botanica</u>, non-exclusive, unlimited in time and free of charge, on all published data, notably the right to hold, duplicate, archive, aggregate with data from other sources and perform any type of calculation to extract general information, such as statistics, for example. <br />"
		+"- <u>the right to Tela Botanica to redistribute them for free</u>, with no limit in time, on the condition that the author's name and the observation name are quoted, as well as Tela Botanica's name. However, in the case where a publication would include more than 100 different authors, only \"Tela Botanica network\" would be mentioned.<br>"
			+"- <u>The right to Tela Botanica to disseminate data freely and free of charge</u>, with no time limit, provided that the name of the author of the observation and the name of Tela Botanica are cited. However, in the event that a publication would include more than 100 different authors, only the term \"Tela Botanica network\" will be mentioned<br />"
			+"<br />"
		+"3. <b>Vous pouvez à tout moment retirer de la publication les données que vous désirez</b>. Dans ce cas les clauses de l'article précédent ne s'appliqueront plus aux données ainsi retirées de la publication, sans toute fois pouvoir revenir sur les droits cédés antérieurement lors de leur publication initiale dans le cas ou ces données ait déjà été utilisées par des tiers. <br>"
		+" "
			+"3. <b>You may withdraw the published data you want at any time</b>. In this case the provisions of the previous Article no longer apply to data and removed from the publication, without any time to return to the previously assigned rights upon initial publication in cases where the data has already been used by third parties.<br />"
		+"4. <b>En publiant vos photos</b> sur le site de TB lors de la publication de vos observations, vous acceptez de les mettre à disposition de la communauté sous une licence <a href=\"\">Creative Commons</a>. Cette mise à disposition sous licence Creative Commons n'est applicable que pour le format réduit de vos clichés présenté sur le site Tela Botanica. Elle ne s'applique pas aux clichés dans leur format original en haute définition dont vous gardez la propriété exclusive.<br>"
			+"<br />"
		+"Selon cette licence <a href=\"\">Creative Commons</a> toute personne sera libre de reproduire, modifier, distribuer et communiquer les photos au public selon les conditions suivantes :<br>"
			+"4. <b>By publishing your photos on TB’s website</b>, you agree to make them available to the community under a license <a href = \"\"> Creative Commons </a>. This provision is applicable only to the reduced size of your images presented on the Tela Botanica’s website. It does not apply to images in their original format in high definition that you keep the property. Under this license <a href=\"\"> Creative Commons </a> any person shall be free to reproduce, modify, distribute and transmit the picture to the public under the following conditions :<br />"
		+"- citer le nom de l'auteur original de l'oeuvre ainsi que celui de Tela Botanica qui l'édite,<br>"
			+"- mention the name of the original author of the work and that of Tela Botanica who edits,<br />"
		+"- s'il y a modification, transformation ou adaptation des oeuvres, vous cédez le droit de distribuer la création qui en résulte que sous un contrat identique à celui-ci,<br>"
		+" "
			+"- if there is change, transformation, or adaptation works, you must give the right to distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one,<br />"
		+"- à chaque réutilisation ou distribution, doit apparaître clairement les conditions contractuelles de mise à disposition de cette création,<br>"
			+"- at any reuse or distribution, contractual terms of provision of this creation must be clear mentioned,<br />"
		+"- chacune de ces conditions peut être levée s'il y a autorisation du titulaire des droits.<br>"
			 +"- each of these conditions can be waived with the permission of the copyright holder.<br />"
			 +"<br />"
		+"5. <b>En publiant vos données (photos et/ou observations) sur le site de Tela Botanica</b> vous acceptez que les membres du réseau puissent vous contacter via votre adresse électronique pour discuter avec vous de la pertinence de votre détermination, de son lieu d'observation ou de l'intitulé de vos clichés.<br>"
			 +"<br />"
			+"5. <b>By publishing your data (photos and / or observations) on Tela Botanica’s website</b> you agree that network members can contact you via your email address to discuss with you the relevance of your determination, his place of observation or the title of your photos.<br />"
		+"6. <b>Affichage de votre identité et de votre adresse électronique</b>. L'affichage de votre identité pourra apparaître selon les noms et prénoms que vous aurez renseigné lors de votre inscription au réseau Tela Botanica. Seule la partie précédent le signe @ de votre adresse électronique sera affichée afin d'éviter son utilisation par des tiers. Les messages qui vous parviendront seront envoyés par Tela Botanica via un dispositif garantissant le non piratage de votre adresse.<br>"
			+"<br />"
			+"Posting your identity will appear as the full name you have filled in during registration at Tela Botanica’s network. Only the last part of the @ sign in your email address will be displayed to prevent its use by third parties. The messages which arrive will be send by Tela Botanica via a device ensuring non hacking your address.<br />"