Subversion Repositories eFlore/Applications.cel


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// In : utf8
// Out : iso8859

// Formatage pdf d'un releve (a revoir)

/** Constante stockant l'URL de la page d'accueil de Photoflora.*/
define('EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA', '');
/** Constante stockant l'URL de la page de Photoflora affichant toutes les images d'un taxon*/
/** Constante stockant l'URL du dossier de photoflora contenant les images miniatures.*/
/** Constante stockant l'URL du dossier de photoflora contenant les images normale.*/
/** Constante stockant l'expression r.cup.rant l'abr.viation du photographe et le nom du fichier.*/
define('EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA_REGEXP', '/\/photos\/([^\/]+)\/max\/(.+)$/');
/** Constante stockant l'URL du service XML de Photoflora.*/
define('EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA_SERVICE', EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA.'ef_photoflora.php?nt=%s');

Class InventoryPDF extends DBAccessor  {

        var $config;
        var $extendPDFProductor;
        function InventoryPDF($config) {

                // Pas d'heritage multiple en php :(
                $this->extendPDFProductor = new PDFProductor();

        function getElement($uid){
                   // Controle detournement utilisateur 

                        // uid[0] : utilisateur obligatoire
                        // uid[1] : si absent : valeur 'all' (commune)
                        // uid[2] : si absent : valeur 'all' (date)
                        // uid[3] : si absent : valeur 'all' (recherche libre)
                        // uid[4] : si absent : valeur 'all' (station)
                        if (!isset($uid[1]) || $uid[1]=="" || $uid[1]=="all" ) {
                        else {
                                $query_location=" AND location='".$DB->escapeSimple($uid[1])."' ";
                        if (!isset($uid[2]) || $uid[2]=="" || $uid[2]=="all") {
                        else {
                                $query_date=" AND date_observation='".$DB->escapeSimple($uid[2])."' ";
                        if (!isset($uid[3]) || $uid[3]=="" || $uid[3]=="all") {
                        else {
                                $query_libre=" AND (nom_sel like '%".$DB->escapeSimple($uid[3])."%' OR nom_ret like '%".$DB->escapeSimple($uid[3])."%' OR station like '%".$DB->escapeSimple($uid[3])."%' OR commentaire like '%".$DB->escapeSimple($uid[3])."%') ";

                        if (!isset($uid[4]) || $uid[4]=="" || $uid[4]=="all") {
                        else {
                                $query_station=" AND station='".$DB->escapeSimple($uid[4])."' ";

                        $query="SELECT identifiant, ordre, nom_sel, num_nom_sel, nom_ret, num_nom_ret, num_taxon, famille, location, date_observation," .
                           " station, commentaire, transmission  FROM cel_inventory WHERE identifiant='".$DB->escapeSimple($uid[0])."' " .
                                " ORDER BY ordre ";
            $res =& $DB->query($query);
                        if (DB::isError($res)) {
                        // Set up the pdf object.
                        $pdf = &File_PDF::factory(array('orientation' => 'P', 'format' => 'A4'));
                        // DesActivate compression.
                        $pdf->setMargins(0, 0);
                        // Enable automatic page breaks.
                        // Start the document.
                        // Start a page.
                        $pdf->setFont('Times', '' , 12);
                    $tempfn = tempnam("","");
                         while ($row =& $res->fetchrow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
                                // Denullifiage   
                                foreach($row as $k=>$v) {
                                        if (($v=="null") || ($v=="000null")) {
                                        else {
                                if ($row['date_observation']!="0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
                        list($year,$month,$day)= split ('-',$row['date_observation']);
                    list($day)= split (' ',$day);
                        else {
                $text= $row['nom_sel']." ".$row['num_nom_sel']." ".$row['nom_ret']." ".$row['num_nom_ret']." ".$row['num_taxon']." ".
                $row['famille']." ".$row['location']." ".$row['id_location']." ".$row['date_observation']." ".$row['station'];
                                $pdf->write(10, $text."\n");
                                $projet_photo = 'photoflora';
                                $tab_retour[$projet_photo]=chercherIllustrationsServiceXml(sprintf(EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA_SERVICE, $row['num_taxon']));
                        $url_miniature =''; 
                                foreach ($tab_retour[$projet_photo] as $cle => $illustration) {
                                        if (preg_match(EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA_REGEXP, $illustration['about'], $match)) {
                                        $abreviation = $match[1];
                                        $fichier = $match[2];
                                $url_miniature = sprintf(EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA_IMG_MIN, $abreviation, $fichier);;
                                        // Priorite aux images en png
                                                if (strstr($fichier, '.png')) {

                                if ($url_miniature!='') {                               
                            $temp = fopen($tempfn, "w");
                        // Print the generated file.
                echo $pdf->output("Rapport");



function chercherIllustrationsServiceXml($url)
                return  analyserFichierRdf($url);
function analyserFichierRdf($chemin)
                $aso_info = array();
                $dom = new DOMDocument();
                $dom->validateOnParse = true;
                if (preg_match('/^http:\/\//', $chemin)) {
                } else {
                $tab_infos = array();
                foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagNameNS('', 'Description') as $rdf_description) {
                        $aso_info['about'] = $rdf_description->getAttribute('about');
                        $aso_info['dc:identifier'] = $rdf_description->getAttribute('identifier');
                        $aso_info['dc:title'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('title'));
                        $aso_info['dc:creator'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('creator'));
                        $aso_info['dc:contributor'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('contributor'));
                        $aso_info['dc:publisher'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('publisher'));
                        $aso_info['dc:type'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('type'));
                        $aso_info['dc:format'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('format'));
                        if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) {
                        if (preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/', $rdf_description->getAttribute('created'))) {
                                $aso_info['dcterms:created'] = date('j-m-Y � H:i:s', strtotime($rdf_description->getAttribute('created')));                           
                        } else {
                                $aso_info['dcterms:created'] = $rdf_description->getAttribute('created');
                        $aso_info['dcterms:dateSubmitted'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('dateSubmitted'));
                        $aso_info['dcterms:spatial'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('spatial'));
                        $aso_info['dcterms:licence'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('licence'));
                        $tab_infos[$rdf_description->getAttribute('identifier')] = $aso_info; 
                //echo '<pre>'.$chemin.print_r($tab_infos, true).'</pre>';
                return $tab_infos;

/* +--Fin du code ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* $Log$
* Revision 1.2  2008-01-30 08:57:28  ddelon
* fin mise en place mygwt
* Revision 1.1  2007-06-06 13:31:16  ddelon
* v0.09
* Revision 1.4  2007-05-22 12:54:09  ddelon
* Securisation acces utilisateur
