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<project name="coel" xmlns:artifact="urn:maven-artifact-ant" basedir=".">
<property file=""/>
<property name="gxtdestdir" value="src/org/tela_botanica/public"/>
<property name="confparams" value=""/>
<path id="gwt">
<!-- todo: utiliser le mode de configuration des chemins du build.xml du CEL -->
<fileset includes="*.jar" dir="${user.home}/src/gwt/gwt/build/lib"/>
<fileset includes="*.jar" dir="${user.home}/src/gwt/gwt-google-apis/maps/build/lib"/>
<fileset includes="gxt-2.3.0-gwt22.jar" dir="${user.home}/src/gwt/gxt"/>
<pathelement location="src" />
<!-- todo: must be inside coel*.gwt.xml in some way -->
<target name="link-resources">
<mkdir dir="${gxtdestdir}"/>
<!-- doit lier "resources" dans upstream à src/org/.../public/gxt -->
<symlink overwrite="true" link="${gxtdestdir}/gxt" resource="${gxtresdir}"/>
<target name="test"><echoproperties/></target> <!-- sometimes useful -->
<target name="compile" depends="link-resources">
<!-- <java classname="" fork="true"> -->
<java classname="" fork="true">
<arg line="-localWorkers 2 -style DETAILED ${projectName}"/>
<!-- <arg line="-out build/gwtOutput"/> -->
<classpath refid="gwt"/>
<exec resolveexecutable="true" executable="Coel-config" />
<target name="quick" depends="link-resources">
<java classname="" fork="true">
<arg line="-style DETAILED -draftCompile ${projectTestName}" />
<classpath refid="gwt"/>
<!-- génération d'un fichier pour test:
cp war/config/apropos{.test,}.js
ant -Dapropos=war/config/apropos.test.js -Dconfigparams="Version de test" config -->
<target name="config">
<echo message="mise à jour de ${apropos}"/>
<exec resolveexecutable="true" executable="Coel-config">
<arg line="${apropos} ${confparams}"/>
<echo message="please do # rsync -avuin --no-o --no-g --exclude=WEB-INF --exclude=config war/ ${desthost}:${destdir}/"/>
<echo message="scp -p ${apropos} ${desthost}:${destdir}/config/apropos.js"/>
<target name="debug" depends="link-resources">
<java classname="" fork="true">
<arg line="-style DETAILED -logLevel DEBUG"/> <!-- TRACE -->
<arg value="${projectName}" />
<classpath refid="gwt"/>
<target name="testlive">
<java classname="" spawn="true" fork="true">
<arg line="-startupUrl http://${celhost}/war/Coel.html -whitelist -noserver -codeServerPort auto ${projectTestName}" />
<classpath refid="gwt"/>
<target name="live">
<java classname="" spawn="true" fork="true">
<arg line="-startupUrl http://${celhost}/war/Coel.html -whitelist -noserver -codeServerPort auto ${projectName}" />
<classpath refid="gwt"/>