Subversion Repositories eFlore/Applications.cel


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// ATTENTION ! Classe compatible uniquement avec nouveau format de bdd du cel //

* PHP Version 5
* Retourne un RDF des images pour eflore
* @category  PHP
* @package   jrest
* @author    david <>
* @copyright 2010 Tela-Botanica
* @license Licence CECILL
* @version   SVN: <svn_id>
* @link      /doc/jrest/
class ImageRDF extends Cel {

         * Recherche des images associee au numero nomenclatural
         * @param numeric $uid [0] : numero nomenclatural obligatoire , $uid[1] (optionnel) : taille image : S , M,  L (default)
        function getElement($uid){

                // TODO : recherche taxon ?
                // Taille 
                if (isset($uid[1])) {
                        $taille = $uid[1]; // S , M ou L
                else {
                        $taille = 'L';
        // Recherche de toutes les observations transmises du taxon pour lesquelles une photo est associee.        
        $requete_obs_publiques_images_taxon = 'SELECT * FROM cel_obs, cel_obs_images, cel_images '.
                        ' WHERE cel_obs.nom_sel_nn = '.Cel::db()->proteger($uid[0]).
                        ' AND cel_obs_images.id_observation = cel_obs.id_observation '.
                                ' AND cel_obs.transmission =  1 '.
                                ' AND cel_images.id_image = cel_obs_images.id_image';

        $resultat_requete_obs_images_taxon = Cel::db()->requeter($requete_obs_publiques_images_taxon);
        $picture_path = $this->config['cel']['url_images'];           
                // Formatage du xml
                $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'."\n";
                $xml .= '<rdf:RDF'."\n";
                $xml .= '       xmlns:rdf=""'."\n";
                $xml .= '       xmlns:dc=""'."\n";
                $xml .= '       xmlns:dcterms="">'."\n";
                $images_obs_taxon = array();
                if (is_array($resultat_requete_obs_images_taxon)) {
                        $images_obs_taxon = $resultat_requete_obs_images_taxon;

        foreach ($images_obs_taxon as $picture) {
                // Calcul du chemin sur le serveur en fonction de l'identifiant (id)            
                $id = $picture['id_image'];
                        $id = sprintf('%09s', $id) ;
            $id = wordwrap($id, 3 , '_', true) ;

            $id_fichier = $id.".jpg" ;

            $niveauDossier = explode("_", $id) ;

            $dossierNiveau1 = $niveauDossier[0] ;
            $dossierNiveau2 = $niveauDossier[1] ;

            $picture_path_with_level = $picture_path.'/'.$dossierNiveau1.'/'.$dossierNiveau2 ;
                // TODO: mettre nom prénom dans créateur ? ou mail ?
                        $xml .= '       <rdf:Description about="'.$picture_path_with_level.'/'.$taille.'/'.$id.'_'.$taille.'.jpg'.'"'."\n";
                        $xml .= '               dc:identifier="'.''.$picture['id_image'].'"'."\n";
                        $xml .= '               dc:title="'.$picture['nom_sel'].'"'."\n";
                        $xml .= '               dc:description="'.$picture['nom_sel']." - [fichier_origine:".$picture['nom_original'].'][image_identifiant:'.$picture['id_image'].']';
                        $xml .= '[image_ordre:'.$picture['ordre'].']';
                        $xml .= '[observation_identifiant:'.$picture['id_observation'].']';
                        $xml .= '[observation_ordre:'.$picture['ordre'].']'.'"'."\n";
                        $xml .= '               dc:creator="'.$picture['courriel_utilisateur'].'"'."\n";
                        $xml .= '               dc:publisher="CEL"'."\n";
                        $xml .= '               dcterms:spatial="'.utf8_decode($picture['zone_geo'])." (".$picture['ce_zone_geo'].")".'"'."\n";
                if ($picture['date_observation'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
                                $yearMonthDay = explode('-',$picture['date_observation']);
                                $year = $yearMonthDay[0];
                                if (count($yearMonthDay) > 1) {
                                        $month = $yearMonthDay[1];
                                if (count($yearMonthDay) > 2) {
                                        $day = $yearMonthDay[2];
                    list($day) = explode(' ',$day);
                                $created = $day.'/'.$month.'/'.$year;
                                $xml .= '               dcterms:created="'.$created.'"'."\n";
                        $xml .= '               dcterms:licence="CC BY-SA"/>'."\n";
                $xml .= '</rdf:RDF>'."\n";
                // Envoi du xml au navigateur
                header("Content-Type: text/xml");
                echo utf8_encode(str_replace(' & ', ' &#38; ', $xml));          


        function envoyerRequete($url) {
                $contenu = false;
                $contexte = stream_context_create(array(
                                'http' => array(
                        'method' => 'GET',
                            'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n")));
                $flux = @fopen($url, 'r', false, $contexte);
                $contenu = json_decode(stream_get_contents($flux));
                return $contenu;
