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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 foldmethod=marker: */
* Auth Controller
* PHP versions 4 and 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category Authentication
* @package Auth
* @author Yavor Shahpasov <>
* @author Adam Ashley <>
* @copyright 2001-2006 The PHP Group
* @license PHP License 3.01
* @version CVS: $Id: Controller.php,v 1.1 2006-12-14 15:04:28 jp_milcent Exp $
* @link
* @since File available since Release 1.3.0
* Controlls access to a group of php access
* and redirects to a predefined login page as
* needed
* In all pages
* <code>
* include_once('Auth.php');
* include_once('Auth/Controller.php');
* $_auth = new Auth('File', 'passwd');
* $authController = new Auth_Controller($_auth, 'login.php', 'index.php');
* $authController->start();
* </code>
* In login.php
* <code>
* include_once('Auth.php');
* include_once('Auth/Controller.php');
* $_auth = new Auth('File', 'passwd');
* $authController = new Auth_Controller($_auth, 'login.php', 'index.php');
* $authController->start();
* if( $authController->isAuthorised() ){
* $authController->redirectBack();
* }
* </code>
* @category Authentication
* @author Yavor Shahpasov <>
* @author Adam Ashley <>
* @copyright 2001-2006 The PHP Group
* @license PHP License 3.01
* @version Release: 1.4.3 File: $Revision: 1.1 $
* @link
* @since Class available since Release 1.3.0
class Auth_Controller
// {{{ properties
* The Auth instance this controller is managing
* @var object Auth
var $auth = null;
* The login URL
* @var string
* */
var $login = null;
* The default index page to use when the caller page is not set
* @var string
var $default = null;
* If this is set to true after a succesfull login the
* Auth_Controller::redirectBack() is invoked automatically
* @var boolean
var $autoRedirectBack = false;
// }}}
// {{{ Auth_Controller() [constructor]
* Constructor
* @param Auth An auth instance
* @param string The login page
* @param string The default page to go to if return page is not set
* @param array Some rules about which urls need to be sent to the login page
* @return void
* @todo Add a list of urls which need redirection
function Auth_Controller(&$auth_obj, $login='login.php', $default='index.php', $accessList=array())
$this->auth =& $auth_obj;
$this->_loginPage = $login;
$this->_defaultPage = $default;
if (!empty($_GET['return']) && $_GET['return'] && !strstr($_GET['return'], $this->_loginPage)) {
$this->auth->setAuthData('returnUrl', $_GET['return']);
if(!empty($_GET['authstatus']) && $this->auth->status == '') {
$this->auth->status = $_GET['authstatus'];
// }}}
// {{{ setAutoRedirectBack()
* Enables auto redirection when login is done
* @param bool Sets the autoRedirectBack flag to this
* @see Auth_Controller::autoRedirectBack
* @return void
function setAutoRedirectBack($flag = true)
$this->autoRedirectBack = $flag;
// }}}
// {{{ redirectBack()
* Redirects Back to the calling page
* @return void
function redirectBack()
// If redirectback go there
// else go to the default page
$returnUrl = $this->auth->getAuthData('returnUrl');
if(!$returnUrl) {
$returnUrl = $this->_defaultPage;
// Add some entropy to the return to make it unique
// avoind problems with cached pages and proxies
if(strpos($returnUrl, '?') === false) {
$returnUrl .= '?';
$returnUrl .= uniqid('');
// Track the auth status
if($this->auth->status != '') {
$url .= '&authstatus='.$this->auth->status;
print("You could not be redirected to <a href=\"$returnUrl\">$returnUrl</a>");
// }}}
// {{{ redirectLogin()
* Redirects to the login Page if not authorised
* put return page on the query or in auth
* @return void
function redirectLogin()
// Go to the login Page
// For Auth, put some check to avoid infinite redirects, this should at least exclude
// the login page
$url = $this->_loginPage;
if(strpos($url, '?') === false) {
$url .= '?';
if(!strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $this->_loginPage)) {
$url .= 'return='.urlencode($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
// Track the auth status
if($this->auth->status != '') {
$url .= '&authstatus='.$this->auth->status;
print("You could not be redirected to <a href=\"$url\">$url</a>");
// }}}
// {{{ start()
* Starts the Auth Procedure
* If the page requires login the user is redirected to the login page
* otherwise the Auth::start is called to initialize Auth
* @return void
* @todo Implement an access list which specifies which urls/pages need login and which do not
function start()
// Check the accessList here
// ACL should be a list of urls with allow/deny
// If allow set allowLogin to false
// Some wild card matching should be implemented ?,*
if(!strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $this->_loginPage) && !$this->auth->checkAuth()) {
} else {
// Logged on and on login page
if(strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $this->_loginPage) && $this->auth->checkAuth()){
$this->autoRedirectBack ?
$this->redirectBack() :
null ;
// }}}
// {{{ isAuthorised()
* Checks is the user is logged on
* @see Auth::checkAuth()
function isAuthorised()
// }}}
// {{{ checkAuth()
* Proxy call to auth
* @see Auth::checkAuth()
function checkAuth()
// }}}
// {{{ logout()
* Proxy call to auth
* @see Auth::logout()
function logout()
// }}}
// {{{ getUsername()
* Proxy call to auth
* @see Auth::getUsername()
function getUsername()
// }}}
// {{{ getStatus()
* Proxy call to auth
* @see Auth::getStatus()
function getStatus()
// }}}