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// //
// Copyright (C) 2006 Phorum Development Team //
// //
// //
// This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of either the current Phorum License (viewable at //
// or the Phorum License that was distributed with this file //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the Phorum License //
// along with this program. //
// This script can initially be called in multiple ways to indicate what
// type of posting mode will be used. The parameters are:
// 1) The forum id.
// 2) The mode to use. Possibilities are:
// - post Post a new message (default if no mode is issued)
// - edit User edit of an already posted message
// - moderation Moderator edit of an already posted message
// - reply Reply to a message
// - quote Reply to a message, with quoting of the original message
// 3) If edit, moderation or reply is used: the message id.
// Examples:
// http://yoursite/phorum/posting.php?10,quote,15
// http://yoursite/phorum/posting.php?10,edit,20
// http://yoursite/phorum/posting.php?10,post
// This script can also be included in another page (for putting the editor
// screen inline in a page), by setting up the $PHORUM["postingargs"] before
// including:
// $PHORUM["postingargs"]["as_include"] any true value, to flag included state
// $PHORUM["postingargs"][0] the forum id
// $PHORUM["postingargs"][1] the mode to use (post,reply,quote,edit,moderation)
// $PHORUM["postingargs"][2] the message id to work with (omit for "post")
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Basic setup and checks
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if (! defined('phorum_page')) {
define('phorum_page', 'post');
// Check if the Phorum is in read-only mode.
if(isset($PHORUM["status"]) && $PHORUM["status"]=="read-only"){
$PHORUM["DATA"]["MESSAGE"] = $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["ReadOnlyMessage"];
// Only show header and footer when not included in another page.
if (phorum_page == "post") {
include phorum_get_template("header");
include phorum_get_template("message");
if (phorum_page == "post") {
include phorum_get_template("footer");
// No forum id was set. Take the user back to the index.
$dest_url = phorum_get_url(PHORUM_INDEX_URL);
// Somehow we got to a folder in posting.php. Take the
// user back to the folder.
$dest_url = phorum_get_url(PHORUM_INDEX_URL, $PHORUM["forum_id"]);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Definitions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A list of valid posting modes.
$valid_modes = array(
"post", // Post a new message
"reply", // Post a reply to a message
"quote", // Post a reply with quoting of the message replied to
"edit", // Edit a message
"moderation", // Edit a message in moderator modus
// Configuration that we use for fields that we use in the editor form.
// Format for the array elements:
// [0] The type of field (string, integer, boolean, array).
// [1] Whether the value must be included as a hidden form field
// if the field is read-write flagged. So this is used for
// identifying values which are always implemented as a
// hidden form fields.
// [2] Whether the field is read-only or not. Within the editing process,
// this parameter can be changed to make the field writable.
// (for example if a moderator is editing a message).
// [3] A default value to initialize the form field with.
$PHORUM["post_fields"] = array(
"message_id" => array("integer", true, true, 0),
"user_id" => array("integer", true, true, 0),
"datestamp" => array("string", true, true, ''),
"status" => array("integer", false, true, 0),
"author" => array("string", false, true, ''),
"email" => array("string", false, true, ''),
"subject" => array("string", false, false, ''),
"body" => array("string", false, false, ''),
"forum_id" => array("integer", true, true, $PHORUM["forum_id"]),
"thread" => array("integer", true, true, 0),
"parent_id" => array("integer", true, true, 0),
"allow_reply" => array("boolean", false, true, 1),
"special" => array("string", false, true, ''),
"email_notify" => array("boolean", false, false, 0),
"show_signature" => array("boolean", false, false, 0),
"attachments" => array("array", true, true, array()),
"meta" => array("array", true, true, array()),
"thread_count" => array("integer", true, true, 0),
"mode" => array("string", true, true, ''),
// Indices for referencing the fields in $post_fields.
define("pf_TYPE", 0);
define("pf_HIDDEN", 1);
define("pf_READONLY", 2);
define("pf_INIT", 3);
// Definitions for a clear $apply_readonly parameter in
// the function phorum_posting_merge_db2form().
define("ALLFIELDS", false);
define("READONLYFIELDS", true);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gather information about the editor state and start processing
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Is this an initial request?
$initial = ! isset($_POST["message_id"]);
// Is finish, cancel of preview clicked?
$finish = (! $initial && isset($_POST["finish"]));
$cancel = (! $initial && isset($_POST["cancel"]));
$preview = (! $initial && isset($_POST["preview"]));
// Do we already have postingargs or do we use the global args?
if (! isset($PHORUM["postingargs"])) {
$PHORUM["postingargs"] = $PHORUM["args"];
// Find out what editing mode we're running in.
if ($initial) {
$mode = isset($PHORUM["postingargs"][1]) ? $PHORUM["postingargs"][1] : "post";
// Quote may also be passed as a phorum parameter (quote=1).
if ($mode == "reply" && isset($PHORUM["postingargs"]["quote"]) && $PHORUM["postingargs"]["quote"]) {
$mode = "quote";
} else {
if (! isset($_POST["mode"])) {
die("Missing parameter \"mode\" in request");
$mode = $_POST["mode"];
if (! in_array($mode, $valid_modes)) {
die("Illegal mode issued: $mode");
// Find out if we are attaching or detaching something.
// For detaching $do_detach will be set to the attachment's file_id.
$do_detach = false;
$do_attach = false;
foreach ($_POST as $var => $val) {
if (substr($var, 0, 7) == "detach:") {
$do_detach = substr($var, 7);
} elseif ($var == "attach") {
$do_attach = true;
// In case users click on post or preview, without uploading
// their attachment first, we fake an upload action.
if (count($_FILES)) {
list($name, $data) = each($_FILES);
if ($data["size"]) $do_attach = true;
// Set all our URL's
$PHORUM["DATA"]["URL"]["ACTION"] = phorum_get_url(PHORUM_POSTING_URL);
// Keep track of errors.
$error_flag = false;
$PHORUM["DATA"]["MESSAGE"] = null;
$PHORUM["DATA"]["ERROR"] = null;
// Do things that are specific for first time or followup requests.
if ($initial) {
} else {
// Store the posting mode in the form parameters, so we can remember
// the mode throughout the editing cycle (for example to be able to
// create page titles which match the editing mode).
$PHORUM["DATA"]["MODE"] = $mode;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Permission and ability handling
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Make a descision on what posting mode we're really handling, based on
// the data that we have. The posting modes "reply" and "quote" will
// both be called "reply" from here. Modes "edit" and "moderation" will
// be called "edit" from here. The exact editor behaviour for editing is
// based on the user's permissions, not on posting mode.
$mode = "post";
if ($message["message_id"]) {
$mode = "edit";
} elseif ($message["parent_id"]) {
$mode = "reply";
// Do ban list checks. Only check the bans on entering and
// on finishing up. No checking is needed on intermediate requests.
if (! $error_flag && ($initial || $finish || $preview)) {
// Determine the abilities that the current user has.
if (! $error_flag)
// Is the forum running in a moderated state?
$PHORUM["moderation"] == PHORUM_MODERATE_ON &&
// Does the user have administrator permissions?
$PHORUM["DATA"]["ADMINISTRATOR"] = $PHORUM["user"]["admin"];
// Does the user have moderator permissions?
// Ability: Do we allow attachments?
$PHORUM["DATA"]["ATTACHMENTS"] = $PHORUM["max_attachments"] > 0 && phorum_user_access_allowed(PHORUM_USER_ALLOW_ATTACH);
(isset($PHORUM['allow_email_notify']) && !empty($PHORUM['allow_email_notify']))? 1 : 0;
// What special options can this user set for a message?
"sticky" => false, // Sticky flag for message sorting
"announcement" => false, // Announcement flag for message sorting
"allow_reply" => false, // Wheter replies are allowed in the thread
// For moderators and administrators.
if (($PHORUM["DATA"]["MODERATOR"] || $PHORUM["DATA"]["ADMINISTRATOR"]) && $message["parent_id"] == 0) {
$PHORUM["DATA"]["OPTION_ALLOWED"]["sticky"] = true;
$PHORUM["DATA"]["OPTION_ALLOWED"]["allow_reply"] = true;
// For administrators only.
$PHORUM["DATA"]["OPTION_ALLOWED"]["announcement"] = true;
if (! $error_flag)
// A hook to allow modules to change the abilities from above.
// Show special sort options in the editor? These only are
// honoured for the thread starter messages, so we check the
// parent_id for that.
$message["parent_id"] == 0 &&
($PHORUM["DATA"]["OPTION_ALLOWED"]["announcement"] ||
// Show special sort options or allow_reply in the editor?
// Set extra writeable fields, based on the user's abilities.
// Keep it as a hidden field.
$PHORUM["post_fields"]["attachments"][pf_READONLY] = false;
if (! $message["user_id"]) {
$PHORUM["post_fields"]["author"][pf_READONLY] = false;
$PHORUM["post_fields"]["email"][pf_READONLY] = false;
$PHORUM["post_fields"]["special"][pf_READONLY] = false;
if (isset($PHORUM["DATA"]["OPTION_ALLOWED"]["allow_reply"]) && $PHORUM["DATA"]["OPTION_ALLOWED"]["allow_reply"]) {
$PHORUM["post_fields"]["allow_reply"][pf_READONLY] = false;
// Check permissions and apply read-only data.
// Only do this on entering and on finishing up.
// No checking is needed on intermediate requests.
if (! $error_flag && ($initial || $finish)) {
// Do permission checks for attachment management.
if (! $error_flag && ($do_attach || $do_detach)) {
$error_flag = true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Perform actions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Only check the integrity of the data on finishing up. During the
// editing process, the user may produce garbage as much as he likes.
if (! $error_flag && $finish) {
// Handle cancel request.
if (! $error_flag && $cancel) {
// Count the number and total size of active attachments
// that we currently have.
$attach_count = 0;
$attach_totalsize = 0;
foreach ($message["attachments"] as $attachment) {
if ($attachment["keep"]) {
$attach_count ++;
$attach_totalsize += $attachment["size"];
// Attachment management. This will update the
// $attach_count and $attach_totalsize variables.
if (! $error_flag && ($do_attach || $do_detach)) {
// Handle finishing actions.
if (! $error_flag && $finish)
// Posting mode
if ($mode == "post" || $mode == "reply") {
// Editing mode.
elseif ($mode == "edit") {
// A little safety net.
else {
die("Internal error: finish action for \"$mode\" not available");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Display the page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Make up the text which must be used on the posting form's submit button.
$button_txtid = $mode == "edit" ? "SaveChanges" : "Post";
$message["submitbutton_text"] = $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"][$button_txtid];
// Attachment config
$php_limit = ini_get('upload_max_filesize')*1024;
$max_packetsize = phorum_db_maxpacketsize();
if ($max_packetsize == NULL) {
$db_limit = $php_limit;
} else {
$db_limit = $max_packetsize/1024*.6;
if($PHORUM["max_attachment_size"]==0) $PHORUM["max_attachment_size"]=$php_limit;
$PHORUM["max_attachment_size"] = min($PHORUM["max_attachment_size"], $php_limit, $db_limit);
if ($PHORUM["max_totalattachment_size"]) {
if ($PHORUM["max_totalattachment_size"] < $PHORUM["max_attachment_size"]) {
$PHORUM["max_attachment_size"] = $PHORUM["max_totalattachment_size"];
// Data for attachment explanation.
if ($PHORUM["allow_attachment_types"]) {
$PHORUM["DATA"]["ATTACH_FILE_TYPES"] = str_replace(";", ", ", $PHORUM["allow_attachment_types"]);
$PHORUM["DATA"]["EXPLAIN_ATTACH_FILE_TYPES"] = str_replace("%types%", $PHORUM["DATA"]["ATTACH_FILE_TYPES"], $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["AttachFileTypes"]);
if ($PHORUM["max_attachment_size"]) {
$PHORUM["DATA"]["ATTACH_FILE_SIZE"] = $PHORUM["max_attachment_size"];
$PHORUM["DATA"]["ATTACH_FORMATTED_FILE_SIZE"] = phorum_filesize($PHORUM["max_attachment_size"] * 1024);
if ($PHORUM["max_totalattachment_size"] && $PHORUM["max_attachments"]>1) {
$PHORUM["DATA"]["ATTACH_TOTALFILE_SIZE"] = $PHORUM["max_totalattachment_size"];
$PHORUM["DATA"]["ATTACH_FORMATTED_TOTALFILE_SIZE"] = phorum_filesize($PHORUM["max_totalattachment_size"] * 1024);
if ($PHORUM["max_attachments"] && $PHORUM["max_attachments"]>1) {
$PHORUM["DATA"]["ATTACH_REMAINING_ATTACHMENTS"] = $PHORUM["max_attachments"] - $attach_count;
// A flag for the template building to be able to see if the
// attachment storage space is full.
$attach_count >= $PHORUM["max_attachments"] ||
($PHORUM["max_totalattachment_size"] &&
$attach_totalsize >= $PHORUM["max_totalattachment_size"]*1024);
// Let the templates know if we're running as an include.
isset($PHORUM["postingargs"]["as_include"]) && $PHORUM["postingargs"]["as_include"];
// Process data for previewing.
if ($preview) {
// Always put the current mode in the message, so hook
// writers can use this for identifying what we're doing.
$message["mode"] = $mode;
// Create hidden form field code. Fields which are read-only are
// all added as a hidden form fields in the form. Also the fields
// for which the pf_HIDDEN flag is set will be added to the
// hidden fields.
$hidden = "";
foreach ($PHORUM["post_fields"] as $var => $spec)
if ($var == "mode") {
$val = $mode;
} elseif ($spec[pf_TYPE] == "array") {
$val = htmlspecialchars(serialize($message[$var]));
} else {
$val = htmlentities($message[$var], ENT_COMPAT, $PHORUM["DATA"]["CHARSET"]);
if ($spec[pf_READONLY] || $spec[pf_HIDDEN]) {
$hidden .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $var . '" ' .
'value="' . $val . "\" />\n";
$PHORUM["DATA"]["POST_VARS"] .= $hidden;
// Process data for XSS prevention.
foreach ($message as $var => $val)
// The meta information should not be used in templates, because
// nothing is escaped here. But we might want to use the data in
// mods which are run after this code. We continue here, so the
// data won't be stripped from the message data later on.
if ($var == "meta") continue;
if ($var == "attachments") {
if (is_array($val)) {
foreach ($val as $nr => $data)
// Do not show attachments which are not kept.
if (! $data["keep"]) {
$message[$var][$nr]["name"] = htmlspecialchars($data["name"]);
$message[$var][$nr]["size"] = phorum_filesize(round($data["size"]));
} else {
if (is_scalar($val)) {
$message[$var] = htmlspecialchars($val);
} else {
// Not used in the template, unless proven otherwise.
$message[$var] = '[removed from template data]';
// A cancel button is not needed if the editor is included in a page.
// This can also be used by the before_editor hook to disable the
// cancel button in all pages.
$PHORUM["DATA"]["SHOW_CANCEL_BUTTON"] = (isset($PHORUM["postingargs"]["as_include"]) ? false : true);
// A hook to give modules a last chance to update the message data.
$message = phorum_hook("before_editor", $message);
// Make the message data available to the template engine.
$PHORUM["DATA"]["POST"] = $message;
// Set the field to focus.
$focus = "phorum_subject";
if (!empty($message["subject"])) $focus = "phorum_textarea";
$PHORUM["DATA"]["FOCUS_TO_ID"] = $focus;
// Load page header.
if (! isset($PHORUM["postingargs"]["as_include"])) {
include phorum_get_template("header");
// Load page content.
if (isset($PHORUM["DATA"]["MESSAGE"])) {
include phorum_get_template("message");
} else {
include phorum_get_template("posting");
// Load page footer.
if (! isset($PHORUM["postingargs"]["as_include"])) {
include phorum_get_template("footer");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Merge data from a database message record into the form fields
// that we use. If $apply_readonly is set to a true value, then
// only the fields which are flagged as read-only will be copied.
function phorum_posting_merge_db2form($form, $db, $apply_readonly = false)
// If we have a user linked to the current message, then get the
// user data from the database, if it has to be applied as
// read-only data.
if ($PHORUM["post_fields"]["email"][pf_READONLY] || $PHORUM["post_fields"]["author"][pf_READONLY]) {
if ($db["user_id"]) {
$user_info = phorum_user_get($db["user_id"], false);
$user_info["author"] = $user_info["username"];
foreach ($PHORUM["post_fields"] as $key => $info)
// Skip writeable fields if we only have to apply read-only ones.
if ($apply_readonly && ! $info[pf_READONLY]) continue;
switch ($key) {
case "show_signature": {
$form[$key] = !empty($db["meta"]["show_signature"]);
case "allow_reply": {
$form[$key] = ! $db["closed"];
case "email_notify": {
$form[$key] = phorum_db_get_if_subscribed(
$db["forum_id"], $db["thread"], $db["user_id"]);
case "forum_id": {
$form["forum_id"] = $db["forum_id"] ? $db["forum_id"] : $PHORUM["forum_id"];
case "attachments": {
$form[$key] = array();
if (isset($db["meta"]["attachments"])) {
foreach ($db["meta"]["attachments"] as $data) {
$data["keep"] = true;
$data["linked"] = true;
$form["attachments"][] = $data;
case "author":
case "email": {
if ($db["user_id"]) {
$form[$key] = $user_info[$key];
} else {
$form[$key] = $db[$key];
case "special": {
if ($db["sort"] == PHORUM_SORT_ANNOUNCEMENT) {
$form["special"] = "announcement";
} elseif ($db["sort"] == PHORUM_SORT_STICKY) {
$form["special"] = "sticky";
} else {
$form["special"] = "";
case "mode": {
$form[$key] = $db[$key];
return $form;