Subversion Repositories eFlore/Applications.cel


Rev 2081 | Rev 2393 | Go to most recent revision | Blame | Compare with Previous | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed

/** Add css rules here for your application. */
body,td,a,div,.p {
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div,td {
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a:link,.w,.w a:link {
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a:visited {
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a:active {
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miniature_galerie {
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.picto_haut_gauche {
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.picto_haut_droite {
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.x-temp-modif {
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.avertissement {
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#liensExt {
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#liensExt a {
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#lienAide {
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#panneau_etat_connexion,#panneau_admin {
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#x-up-bandeau div div {
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.x-image-gen div div {
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.x-image-info-rep div div {
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.x-selec-crea {
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.x-selec-liaison {
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.x-selec-consult {
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.x-view-notation-bar {
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.x-view-zoom-button-p {
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.x-view-zoom-button-s {
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.img-note img {
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.thumb-wrap span {
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#listeImageGrid {
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td.centered-list {
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.warning_upload {
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        color: #ff0033;
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.nom_retenu {
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.x-form-creation {
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.x-form-modification {
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.fenmotcles .x-window-body {
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.nuagetag {
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.nuagetag li {
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.motcletaille1 {
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.motcletaille2 {
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.motcletaille3 {
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.motcletaille4 {
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.motcletaille5 {
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.motcletaille6 {
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.motcletaille7 {
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.motcletaille8 {
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.motcletaille9 {
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        color: #0000FF;

.motcletaille10 {
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.saisie_invalide_invisible {
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.saisie_invalide {
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        font-size: 12px;
        color: #FF0000;
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#lien_carto {
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#lien_coord {
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.lien_actif {
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        cursor: pointer;
        color: #0033CC;
        text-decoration: underline;

.lien_decale {
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.conteneur_selection_commune {
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#lien_selection_commune {
        color: #0033CC;
        text-decoration: underline;
        padding-left: 100px;

.lien_sel {
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.x-tree-node-icon-kw {
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        width: 16px;

.x-tree-node a span.x-tree-node-text-norm {

.x-tree-node a span.x-tree-node-text-kw {
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.x-dd-drop-unlink .x-dd-drop-icon {
        background-image: url("delier.png");

#infos_taxon {
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.texte_info_taxon {
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        font-size: 1.1em;
        font-style: italic;

.info_image {
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.accepter_licence {
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        height: 70px;
        margin-left: 20px;
        visibility: visible;

#loading {
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        margin-left: -332px; /* moitiƩ de la largeur de l'image */

#loading img {
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.indicateur_filtres {
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.affichage_filtre {
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.affichage_filtre input[type="button"] {
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        font: 11px tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;

.liste_mots_cles {
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        margin-left: 20px;
        list-style-type: square;

.champ-separation {
        padding-top: 10px;      

.lienAfficherChampsEtendus, .lienAjouterChampEtendu {
        color: #0000CC;
    cursor: pointer;
    padding-left: 105px;
    text-align: left;
    text-decoration: underline;

.lienAfficherChampsEtendus {
        padding-bottom: 10px;

.lienAjouterChampEtendu {

    padding-bottom: 2px;

.aideCreerChampEtendu {
    color: #666666;
    font-size: 0.85em;
    padding-bottom: 4px;
    text-align: justify;
    width: 360px;

.popup_champ_etendu {
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        z-index: 3000;

.popup_connexion {
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