Subversion Repositories Applications.papyrus


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        Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
        All Rights Reserved.

        Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
        modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:


dojo.widget.defineWidget("dojo.widget.TreeRpcControllerV3", dojo.widget.TreeLoadingControllerV3, {extraRpcOnEdit:false, doMove:function (child, newParent, index, sync) {
        var params = {child:this.getInfo(child), childTree:this.getInfo(child.tree), oldParent:this.getInfo(child.parent), oldParentTree:this.getInfo(child.parent.tree), newParent:this.getInfo(newParent), newParentTree:this.getInfo(newParent.tree), newIndex:index};
        var deferred = this.runRpc({url:this.getRpcUrl("move"), sync:sync, params:params});
        var _this = this;
        var args = arguments;
        deferred.addCallback(function () {
                dojo.widget.TreeBasicControllerV3.prototype.doMove.apply(_this, args);
        return deferred;
}, prepareDetach:function (node, sync) {
        var deferred = this.startProcessing(node);
        return deferred;
}, finalizeDetach:function (node) {
}, doDetach:function (node, sync) {
        var params = {node:this.getInfo(node), tree:this.getInfo(node.tree)};
        var deferred = this.runRpc({url:this.getRpcUrl("detach"), sync:sync, params:params});
        var _this = this;
        var args = arguments;
        deferred.addCallback(function () {
                dojo.widget.TreeBasicControllerV3.prototype.doDetach.apply(_this, args);
        return deferred;
}, requestEditConfirmation:function (node, action, sync) {
        if (!this.extraRpcOnEdit) {
                return dojo.Deferred.prototype.makeCalled();
        var _this = this;
        var deferred = this.startProcessing(node);
        var params = {node:this.getInfo(node), tree:this.getInfo(node.tree)};
        deferred.addCallback(function () {
                return _this.runRpc({url:_this.getRpcUrl(action), sync:sync, params:params});
        deferred.addBoth(function (r) {
                return r;
        return deferred;
}, editLabelSave:function (node, newContent, sync) {
        var deferred = this.startProcessing(node);
        var _this = this;
        var params = {node:this.getInfo(node), tree:this.getInfo(node.tree), newContent:newContent};
        deferred.addCallback(function () {
                return _this.runRpc({url:_this.getRpcUrl("editLabelSave"), sync:sync, params:params});
        deferred.addBoth(function (r) {
                return r;
        return deferred;
}, editLabelStart:function (node, sync) {
        if (!this.canEditLabel(node)) {
                return false;
        var _this = this;
        if (!this.editor.isClosed()) {
                var deferred = this.editLabelFinish(this.editor.saveOnBlur, sync);
                deferred.addCallback(function () {
                        return _this.editLabelStart(node, sync);
                return deferred;
        var deferred = this.requestEditConfirmation(node, "editLabelStart", sync);
        deferred.addCallback(function () {
        return deferred;
}, editLabelFinish:function (save, sync) {
        var _this = this;
        var node = this.editor.node;
        var deferred = dojo.Deferred.prototype.makeCalled();
        if (!save && !node.isPhantom) {
                deferred = this.requestEditConfirmation(this.editor.node, "editLabelFinishCancel", sync);
        if (save) {
                if (node.isPhantom) {
                        deferred = this.sendCreateChildRequest(node.parent, node.getParentIndex(), {title:this.editor.getContents()}, sync);
                } else {
                        deferred = this.editLabelSave(node, this.editor.getContents(), sync);
        deferred.addCallback(function (server_data) {
                _this.doEditLabelFinish(save, server_data);
        deferred.addErrback(function (r) {
                return false;
        return deferred;
}, createAndEdit:function (parent, index, sync) {
        var data = {title:parent.tree.defaultChildTitle};
        if (!this.canCreateChild(parent, index, data)) {
                return false;
        if (!this.editor.isClosed()) {
                var deferred = this.editLabelFinish(this.editor.saveOnBlur, sync);
                deferred.addCallback(function () {
                        return _this.createAndEdit(parent, index, sync);
                return deferred;
        var _this = this;
        var deferred = this.prepareCreateChild(parent, index, data, sync);
        deferred.addCallback(function () {
                var child = _this.makeDefaultNode(parent, index);
                child.isPhantom = true;
                return child;
        deferred.addBoth(function (r) {
                _this.finalizeCreateChild(parent, index, data, sync);
                return r;
        deferred.addCallback(function (child) {
                var d = _this.exposeCreateChild(parent, index, data, sync);
                d.addCallback(function () {
                        return child;
                return d;
        deferred.addCallback(function (child) {
                return child;
        return deferred;
}, prepareDestroyChild:function (node, sync) {
        var deferred = this.startProcessing(node);
        return deferred;
}, finalizeDestroyChild:function (node) {
}, doDestroyChild:function (node, sync) {
        var params = {node:this.getInfo(node), tree:this.getInfo(node.tree)};
        var deferred = this.runRpc({url:this.getRpcUrl("destroyChild"), sync:sync, params:params});
        var _this = this;
        var args = arguments;
        deferred.addCallback(function () {
                dojo.widget.TreeBasicControllerV3.prototype.doDestroyChild.apply(_this, args);
        return deferred;
}, sendCreateChildRequest:function (parent, index, data, sync) {
        var params = {tree:this.getInfo(parent.tree), parent:this.getInfo(parent), index:index, data:data};
        var deferred = this.runRpc({url:this.getRpcUrl("createChild"), sync:sync, params:params});
        return deferred;
}, doCreateChild:function (parent, index, data, sync) {
        if (dojo.lang.isUndefined(data.title)) {
                data.title = parent.tree.defaultChildTitle;
        var deferred = this.sendCreateChildRequest(parent, index, data, sync);
        var _this = this;
        var args = arguments;
        deferred.addCallback(function (server_data) {
                dojo.lang.mixin(data, server_data);
                return, parent, index, data);
        return deferred;
}, doClone:function (child, newParent, index, deep, sync) {
        var params = {child:this.getInfo(child), oldParent:this.getInfo(child.parent), oldParentTree:this.getInfo(child.parent.tree), newParent:this.getInfo(newParent), newParentTree:this.getInfo(newParent.tree), index:index, deep:deep ? true : false, tree:this.getInfo(child.tree)};
        var deferred = this.runRpc({url:this.getRpcUrl("clone"), sync:sync, params:params});
        var _this = this;
        var args = arguments;
        deferred.addCallback(function () {
                dojo.widget.TreeBasicControllerV3.prototype.doClone.apply(_this, args);
        return deferred;