Subversion Repositories Applications.papyrus


Rev 1688 | Go to most recent revision | Blame | Compare with Previous | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed

$requete = 'select * from annuaire where a_est_structure=1';
$resultat = $GLOBALS['ins_db']->query ($requete);

if (DB::isError ($resultat)) {
        echo $resultat->getMessage().'<br />'.$resultat->getDebugInfo();

$donnees = array();
$script_marker = '';
if ($resultat->numRows() != 0) {
        $script_marker = '';
        while ($ligne = $resultat->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
                if ($ligne['a_latitude'] == 0 && $ligne['a_longitude'] == 0) continue;
                $cle = $ligne['a_latitude'].'-'.$ligne['a_longitude'];
                $donnees[$cle][] = $ligne; 
        foreach ($donnees as $valeur) {
                // cas un : une seule entree pour le point de coordonnees
                $script_icon = 'var icon = new GIcon();
                                        icon.image = "'.INS_CHEMIN_APPLI.'presentation/marker.png";
                                        icon.shadow = "";
                                        icon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 34);
                                        icon.shadowSize = new GSize(37, 34);
                                        icon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(6, 34);
                                        icon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(5, 1);';
                if (count ($valeur) == 1) {
                        $chaine = $valeur[0];
                        $script_marker .= $script_icon;
                        $script_marker .= "\t".'point = new GLatLng('.$chaine['a_latitude'].','.$chaine['a_longitude'].');'."\n"
                                ."\t".'map.addOverlay(createMarker(point, \''.
                                preg_replace ('/\n/', '', str_replace ("\r\n", '', 
                                        str_replace ("'", "\'", info($chaine['a_id'], 'info')))).'\', icon));'."\n";
                } else { // Cas 2 plusieurs entrees
                        $tableau_id = array();
                        $script_marker .= "\t".'point = new GLatLng('.$val['a_latitude'].','.$val['a_longitude'].');'."\n"
                                ."\t".'map.addOverlay(createMarker(point, \'';
                        foreach ($valeur as $val) {
                                $script_marker .= preg_replace ('/\n/', '', str_replace ("\r\n", '', 
                                        str_replace ("'", "\'", info($val['a_id'], 'info'))));
                        $script_marker .= '\', icon));'."\n";
} else {
        $script_marker = '';
