Subversion Repositories


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 *  SPIP, Systeme de publication pour l'internet                           *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Copyright (c) 2001-2005                                                *
 *  Arnaud Martin, Antoine Pitrou, Philippe Riviere, Emmanuel Saint-James  *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Ce programme est un logiciel libre distribue sous licence GNU/GPL.     *
 *  Pour plus de details voir le fichier COPYING.txt ou l'aide en ligne.   *

include ("inc.php3");

function forum_parent($id_forum) {
SELECT * FROM spip_forum WHERE id_forum=$id_forum AND statut != 'redac'
        if (!$row) return '';

        if ($forum_id_article > 0) {
SELECT id_article, titre, statut FROM spip_articles WHERE id_article='$forum_id_article'"));
          $id_article = $row['id_article'];
          $titre = $row['titre'];
          $statut = $row['statut'];
          if ($forum_stat == "prive" OR $forum_stat == "privoff") {
            return array('pref' => _T('item_reponse_article'),
                         'url' => "articles.php3?id_article=$id_article",
                         'type' => 'id_article',
                         'valeur' => $id_article,
                         'titre' => $titre);
          } else {
            return array('pref' =>  _T('lien_reponse_article'),
                         'url' => generer_url_article($id_article),
                         'type' => 'id_article',
                         'valeur' => $id_article,
                         'titre' => $titre,
                         'avant' => "<a href='articles_forum.php3?id_article=$id_article'><font color='red'>"._T('lien_forum_public'). "</font></a><br>");
        else if ($forum_id_rubrique > 0) {
          $row = spip_fetch_array(spip_query("
SELECT * FROM spip_rubriques WHERE id_rubrique=\"$forum_id_rubrique\""));
          $id_rubrique = $row['id_rubrique'];
          $titre = $row['titre'];
          return array('pref' => _T('lien_reponse_rubrique'),
                       'url' => generer_url_rubrique($id_rubrique),
                       'type' => 'id_rubrique',
                       'valeur' => $id_rubrique,
                       'titre' => $titre);
        else if ($forum_id_syndic > 0) {
          $row = spip_fetch_array(spip_query("
SELECT * FROM spip_syndic WHERE id_syndic=\"$forum_id_syndic\""));
          $id_syndic = $row['id_syndic'];
          $titre = $row['nom_site'];
          $statut = $row['statut'];
          return array('pref' => _T('lien_reponse_site_reference'),
                       'url' => "sites.php3?id_syndic=$id_syndic",
                       'type' => 'id_syndic',
                       'valeur' => $id_syndic,
                       'titre' => $titre);
        else if ($forum_id_breve > 0) {
          $row = spip_fetch_array(spip_query("
SELECT * FROM spip_breves WHERE id_breve=\"$forum_id_breve\""));
          $id_breve = $row['id_breve'];
          $date_heure = $row['date_heure'];
          $titre = $row['titre'];
          if ($forum_stat == "prive") {
            return array('pref' => _T('lien_reponse_breve'),
                         'url' => "breves_voir.php3?id_breve=$id_breve",
                         'type' => 'id_breve',
                         'valeur' => $id_breve,
                         'titre' => $titre);
          } else {
            return array('pref' => _T('lien_reponse_breve_2'),
                         'url' => generer_url_breve($id_breve),
                         'type' => 'id_breve',
                         'valeur' => $id_breve,
                         'titre' => $titre);
        else if ($forum_stat == "privadm") {
          $retour = forum_parent($forum_id_parent);
          if ($retour) return $retour;
          else return array('pref' => _T('info_message'),
                            'url' => 'forum_admin.php3',
                            'titre' => _T('info_forum_administrateur'));
        else {
          $retour = forum_parent($forum_id_parent);
          if ($retour) return $retour;
          else return array('pref' => _T('info_message'),
                            'url' => 'forum.php3',
                            'titre' => _T('info_forum_interne'));

function controle_forum($row, $rappel) {
        global $couleur_foncee;
        global $mots_cles_forums;

        $id_forum = $row['id_forum'];
        $forum_id_parent = $row['id_parent'];
        $forum_id_rubrique = $row['id_rubrique'];
        $forum_id_article = $row['id_article'];
        $forum_id_breve = $row['id_breve'];
        $forum_date_heure = $row['date_heure'];
        $forum_titre = echapper_tags($row['titre']);
        $forum_texte = echapper_tags($row['texte']);
        $forum_auteur = echapper_tags($row['auteur']);
        $forum_email_auteur = echapper_tags($row['email_auteur']);
        $forum_nom_site = echapper_tags($row['nom_site']);
        $forum_url_site = echapper_tags($row['url_site']);
        $forum_stat = $row['statut'];
        $forum_ip = $row['ip'];
        $forum_id_auteur = $row["id_auteur"];

        $r = forum_parent($id_forum);
        $avant = $r['avant'];
        $url = $r['url'];
        $titre = $r['titre'];
        $type = $r['type'];
        $valeur = $r['valeur'];
        $pref = $r['pref'];
        $cadre = "";
        $controle = "\n<br /><br /><a id='id$id_forum'></a>";
        $controle .= debut_cadre_thread_forum("", true, "", typo($forum_titre));

        if ($forum_stat=="off" OR $forum_stat == "privoff") {
                $controle .= "<div style='border: 2px #ff0000 dashed;'>";
        else if ($forum_stat=="prop") {
                $controle .= "<div style='border: 2px yellow solid; background-color: white;'>";
        else {
                $controle .= "<div>";
        $controle .= "<table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>\n<tr><td width='100%' valign='top'><table width='100%' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0'>\n<tr><td class='serif'><span class='arial2'>" .
          date_relative($forum_date_heure) .
        if ($forum_auteur) {
                if ($forum_email_auteur)
                        $forum_auteur="<a href=\"mailto:$forum_email_auteur?SUBJECT=".rawurlencode($forum_titre)."\">$forum_auteur</A>";
                $controle .= "<span class='arial2'> / <B>$forum_auteur</B></span>";

        $controle .= boutons_controle_forum($id_forum, $forum_stat, $forum_id_auteur, "$type=$valeur", $forum_ip);

        $controle .= "\n<br />$avant<B>$pref <A HREF='$url'>$titre</A></B>" .
          "<P align='justify'>".propre($forum_texte);

        if (strlen($forum_url_site) > 10 AND strlen($forum_nom_site) > 3)
                $controle .= "\n<div align='left' class='serif'><B><A HREF='$forum_url_site'>$forum_nom_site</A></B></div>";

        if ($mots_cles_forums == "oui") {
                $query_mots = "SELECT * FROM spip_mots AS mots, spip_mots_forum AS lien WHERE lien.id_forum = '$id_forum' AND lien.id_mot = mots.id_mot";
                $result_mots = spip_query($query_mots);

                while ($row_mots = spip_fetch_array($result_mots)) {
                        $titre_mot = propre($row_mots['titre']);
                        $type_mot = propre($row_mots['type']);
                        $controle .= "\n<li> <b>$type_mot :</b> $titre_mot";

        $controle .= "</TD></TR></TABLE>";
        $controle .= "</TD></TR></TABLE>\n";

        $controle .= "</div>".fin_cadre_thread_forum(true);
        return $controle;

debut_page(_T('titre_page_forum_suivi'), "redacteurs", "forum-controle");

if (!$page) $page = "public";

echo "<br><br><br>";
barre_onglets("suivi_forum", $page);

if ($connect_statut != "0minirezo" OR !$connect_toutes_rubriques) {
        echo "<B>"._T('avis_non_acces_page')."</B>";

echo "<FONT FACE='Verdana,Arial,Sans,sans-serif' SIZE=2>";
echo _T('info_gauche_suivi_forum_2');
echo aide("suiviforum");
echo "</FONT>";

// Afficher le lien RSS
$op = 'forums';
$args = array(
        'page' => $page
echo "<div style='text-align: "
        . $GLOBALS['spip_lang_right']
        . ";'>"
        . bouton_spip_rss($op, $args)


// Debut de la page de controle

// recuperer le critere SQL qui selectionne nos forums
$query_forum = critere_statut_controle_forum($page);

// Si un id_controle_forum est demande, on adapte le debut
if ($debut_id_forum = intval($debut_id_forum)
AND $d = spip_fetch_array(spip_query("SELECT date_heure FROM spip_forum
WHERE id_forum=$debut_id_forum"))) {
        $result_forum = spip_query("SELECT id_forum FROM spip_forum
                WHERE " . $query_forum . "
                AND date_heure > '".$d['date_heure']."'");
        $debut = spip_num_rows($result_forum);
if (!$debut=intval($debut)) $debut = 0;

$pack = 20;     // nb de forums affiches par page
$enplus = 200;  // intervalle affiche autour du debut
$limitdeb = ($debut > $enplus) ? $debut-$enplus : 0;
$limitnb = $debut + $enplus - $limitdeb;
$rappel = "page=$page";
$mots_cles_forums = lire_meta("mots_cles_forums");
$controle = '';

echo "<div class='serif2'>";
$i = $limitdeb;
if ($i>0) echo "<a href='controle_forum.php3?$rappel'>0</a> ... | ";

$result_forum = spip_query("
FROM    spip_forum
WHERE " . $query_forum . "
ORDER BY date_heure DESC LIMIT $limitdeb, $limitnb"

while ($row = spip_fetch_array($result_forum)) {

        // barre de navigation
        if ($i == $pack*floor($i/$pack)) {
                if ($i == $debut)
                        echo "<FONT SIZE=3><B>$i</B></FONT>";
                        echo "<a href='controle_forum.php3?$rappel&debut=$i'>$i</a>";
                echo " | ";
        // est-ce que ce message doit s'afficher dans la liste ?
        if (($i>=$debut) AND ($i<($debut + $pack)))
          $controle .= controle_forum($row, "$rappel&debut=$debut");
        $i ++;

echo "<a href='controle_forum.php3?$rappel&debut=$i'>...</a>$controle</div>";