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// declare(encoding='UTF-8');
* Web service de consultation d'un page wiki
* @category php 5.2
* @package wapi
* @author Aurélien Peronnet <>
* @author Jean-Pascal Milcent <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2011, Tela Botanica (
* @license Licence CECILL
* @license Licence GNU-GPL
* @version $Id$
class Pages extends Service {
private $wiki = null;
private $pageNom = null;
private $section = null;
private $retour = 'txt';
private $formats_retour = array('text/plain','text/html');
private $format_texte;
const MIME_JSON = 'application/json';
const MIME_HTML = 'text/html';
const MIME_TEXT = 'text/plain';
public function consulter($ressources, $parametres) {
try {
$this->analyserParametres($ressources, $parametres);
$page = $this->consulterPage($this->pageNom, $this->section);
if ($page == null) {
$message = 'La page demandée n\'existe pas';
throw new Exception($message, $code);
$retour = $this->formaterRetour($page);
} catch (Exception $e) {
private function definirValeurParDefautDesParametres() {
if (isset($this->parametres['txt_format']) == false) {
$this->parametres['txt_format'] = 'text/plain';
private function verifierParametres($parametres) {
$erreurs = array();
if (isset($parametres['txt_format'])) {
if(!in_array($parametres['txt_format'], $this->formats_retour)) {
$message = "La valeur du paramètre 'txt.format' peut seulement prendre les valeurs : text/plain et text/html.";
$erreurs[] = $message;
if (isset($parametres['txt_section_position']) && !is_numeric($parametres['txt_section_position'])) {
$message = "La valeur du paramètre 'txt.section.position' peut seulement prendre des valeurs numeriques";
$erreurs[] = $message;
if (isset($parametres['txt_section_titre']) && trim($parametres['txt_section_titre']) == '') {
$message = "La valeur du paramètre 'txt.section.titre' ne peut pas être vide si celui-ci est présent";
$erreurs[] = $message;
if (count($erreurs) > 0) {
$message = implode('<br />', $erreurs);
throw new Exception($message, $code);
private function analyserParametres($ressources, $parametres) {
$this->pageNom = $ressources[0];
if (isset($parametres['txt_section_titre'])) {
$this->section = $parametres['txt_section_titre'];
if (isset($parametres['txt_section_position'])) {
$this->section = $parametres['txt_section_position'];
if (isset($parametres['txt_format'])) {
$this->retour = $parametres['txt_format'];
private function consulterPage($page, $section = null) {
$this->wiki = Registre::get('wikiApi');
$page = $this->wiki->LoadPage($page);
if ($page != null) {
// attention les wikis sont souvent en ISO !
$page["body"] = $this->convertirTexteWikiVersEncodageAppli($page['body']);
if($section != null) {
$page["body"] = $this->decouperPageSection($page["body"], $section);
return $page;
private function decouperPageSection($contenu_page, $section) {
$section_retour = '';
if (is_numeric($section)) {
$section_retour = $this->getSectionParNumero($contenu_page, $section);
} else {
$section_retour = $this->getSectionParTitre($contenu_page, $section);
return $section_retour;
public function getSectionParNumero($page, $num) {
preg_match_all('/(=[=]+[ ]*)(.[.^=]*)+[ ]*=[=]+[.]*/i', $page, $sections, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
$sectionTxt = '';
$debut_section = 0;
$lg_page = strlen($page);
$fin_section = $lg_page;
if ($num <= count($sections[1]) && $num > 0) {
$debut_section = $sections[1][$num - 1][1];
$separateur = trim($sections[1][$num - 1][0]);
$separateur_trouve = false;
for ($i = $num; $i < count($sections[1]); $i++) {
$fin_section = $sections[1][$i][1];
if($separateur == trim($sections[1][$i][0])) {
$separateur_trouve = true;
$fin_section = $separateur_trouve ? $fin_section : $lg_page;
$sectionTxt = substr($page, $debut_section, $fin_section - $debut_section);
} else {
$sectionTxt = '';
return $sectionTxt;
public function getSectionParTitre($page, $titre) {
$section = '';
$reg_exp = '/((=[=]+)[ ]*'.preg_quote(trim($titre), '/').'[ ]*=[=]+)[.]*/i';
$match = preg_split($reg_exp, $page, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if (count($match) > 3) {
$section = explode(trim($match[2]), $match[3], 2);
$section = $match[1].$section[0];
} elseif (count($match) == 3) {
$section = explode(trim($match[1]), $match[2], 2);
$section = $match[0].$section[0];
} else {
$section = "";
return $section;
private function formaterRetour($page) {
$mime = null;
$texte = '';
switch ($this->retour) {
case self::MIME_HTML:
$texte = $this->wiki->Format($page["body"], "wakka");
$mime = self::MIME_HTML;
$texte = $page["body"];
$mime = self::MIME_TEXT;
$url = $this->wiki->Href("", $this->pageNom);
$retour = array('id' => $this->pageNom,
'titre' => $this->pageNom,
'mime' => $mime,
'texte' => $texte,
'href' => $url);
return $retour;
public function ajouter($ressources, $requeteDonnees) {
return $this->modifier($ressources, $requeteDonnees);
public function modifier($ressources, $requeteDonnees) {
$requeteDonnees['pageTag'] = $ressources[0];
$this->wiki = Registre::get('wikiApi');
$texte = $requeteDonnees['pageContenu'];
$page = $this->consulterPage($this->pageNom);
if ($page != null) {
$corps = ($this->section != null) ? $this->remplacerSection($this->section, $texte, $page['body']) : $texte;
} else {
$corps = $texte;
$ecriture = $this->ecrirePage($this->pageNom, $corps);
if ($ecriture) {
} else {
$message = 'Impossible de créer ou modifier la page';
$code = RestServeur::HTTP_CODE_ERREUR;
throw new Exception($message, $code);
return $ecriture;
private function remplacerSection($titre_ou_numero_section, $section_remplacement, $corps) {
$section_page_originale = $this->decouperPageSection($corps, $titre_ou_numero_section);
$contenu = str_replace($section_page_originale, $section_remplacement, $corps);
return $contenu;
private function ecrirePage($nom_page, $contenu) {
$texte_encode = $this->convertirTexteAppliVersEncodageWiki($contenu);
$ecriture = $this->wiki->SavePage($nom_page, $texte_encode, "", true);
return $ecriture;
private function analyserParametresEcriture($parametres) {
$this->pageNom = $parametres['pageTag'];
$this->section = isset($parametres['pageSection']) ? $parametres['pageSection'] : null;
private function verifierParametresEcriture($parametres) {
$erreurs = array();
if(!isset($parametres['pageContenu'])) {
$message = "Le paramètre pageContenu est obligatoire";
$erreurs[] = $message;
if(!isset($parametres['pageTag']) || trim($parametres['pageTag']) == '') {
$message = "Le paramètre pageTag est obligatoire";
$erreurs[] = $message;
if (count($erreurs) > 0) {
$message = implode('<br />', $erreurs);
throw new Exception($message, $code);
private function convertirTexteWikiVersEncodageAppli($texte) {
if(Config::get('encodage_appli') != Config::get('encodage_wiki')) {
$texte = mb_convert_encoding($texte,Config::get('encodage_appli'),Config::get('encodage_wiki'));
return $texte;
private function convertirTexteAppliVersEncodageWiki($texte) {
if(Config::get('encodage_appli') != Config::get('encodage_wiki')) {
$texte = mb_convert_encoding($texte,Config::get('encodage_wiki'),Config::get('encodage_appli'));
return $texte;