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dojo.charting.RenderPlotSeries = {Singly:"single", Grouped:"grouped"};
dojo.charting.Plot = function (xaxis, yaxis, series) {
var id = "dojo-charting-plot-" + dojo.charting.Plot.count++;
this.getId = function () {
return id;
this.setId = function (key) {
id = key;
this.axisX = null;
this.axisY = null;
this.series = [];
this.dataNode = null;
this.renderType = dojo.charting.RenderPlotSeries.Singly;
if (xaxis) {
this.setAxis(xaxis, "x");
if (yaxis) {
this.setAxis(yaxis, "y");
if (series) {
for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
dojo.charting.Plot.count = 0;
dojo.extend(dojo.charting.Plot, {addSeries:function (series, plotter) {
if (series.plotter) {
} else {
this.series.push({data:series, plotter:plotter || dojo.charting.Plotters["Default"]});
}, setAxis:function (axis, which) {
if (which.toLowerCase() == "x") {
this.axisX = axis;
} else {
if (which.toLowerCase() == "y") {
this.axisY = axis;
}, getRanges:function () {
var xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
xmin = ymin = Number.MAX_VALUE;
xmax = ymax = Number.MIN_VALUE;
for (var i = 0; i < this.series.length; i++) {
var values = this.series[i].data.evaluate();
for (var j = 0; j < values.length; j++) {
var comp = values[j];
xmin = Math.min(comp.x, xmin);
ymin = Math.min(comp.y, ymin);
xmax = Math.max(comp.x, xmax);
ymax = Math.max(comp.y, ymax);
return {x:{upper:xmax, lower:xmin}, y:{upper:ymax, lower:ymin}, toString:function () {
return "[ x:" + xmax + " - " + xmin + ", y:" + ymax + " - " + ymin + "]";
}, destroy:function () {
var node = this.dataNode;
while (node && node.childNodes && node.childNodes.length > 0) {
this.dataNode = null;