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<h1>Class CacheSqlite</h1>
<div class="info">
<b>Located at</b> <a href="source-class-CacheSqlite.html#2-616" title="Go to source code">CacheSqlite.php</a><br>
<table class="summary" id="methods">
<caption>Methods summary</caption>
<tr data-order="__construct" id="___construct">
<td class="attributes"><code>
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#___construct">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-CacheSqlite.html#41-57" title="Go to source code">__construct</a>( <span>array <var>$options</var> = <span class="php-keyword1">array</span>()</span>, <span><code><a href="class-Cache.html">Cache</a></code> <var>$cache</var></span> )</code>
<div class="description short">
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<div class="list"><dl>
<dd><code>array</code><br>$options Associative array of options</dd>
<div class="list">
<tr data-order="__destruct" id="___destruct">
<td class="attributes"><code>
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#___destruct">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-CacheSqlite.html#67-74" title="Go to source code">__destruct</a>( )</code>
<div class="description short">
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<tr data-order="setEmplacement" id="_setEmplacement">
<td class="attributes"><code>
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#_setEmplacement">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-CacheSqlite.html#88-95" title="Go to source code">setEmplacement</a>( <span>mixed <var>$emplacement</var></span> )</code>
<div class="description short">
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<tr data-order="charger" id="_charger">
<td class="attributes"><code>
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#_charger">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-CacheSqlite.html#97-111" title="Go to source code">charger</a>( <span>string <var>$id</var></span>, <span>boolean <var>$ne_pas_tester_validiter_du_cache</var> = <span class="php-keyword1">false</span></span> )</code>
<div class="description short">
<p>Test if a cache is available for the given id and (if yes) return it (false
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Test if a cache is available for the given id and (if yes) return it (false
<div class="list"><dl>
<dd><code>string</code><br>$id Cache id</dd>
<dd><code>boolean</code><br>$doNotTestCacheValidity If set to true, the cache validity won't be tested</dd>
<div class="list">
<code>string|false</code><br>Cached datas<br>
<tr data-order="tester" id="_tester">
<td class="attributes"><code>
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#_tester">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-CacheSqlite.html#113-125" title="Go to source code">tester</a>( <span>string <var>$id</var></span> )</code>
<div class="description short">
<p>Test if a cache is available or not (for the given id)</p>
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Test if a cache is available or not (for the given id)</p>
<div class="list"><dl>
<dd><code>string</code><br>$id Cache id</dd>
<div class="list">
<code>mixed|false</code><br>(a cache is not available) or "last modified" timestamp (int) of the available
cache record<br>
<tr data-order="sauver" id="_sauver">
<td class="attributes"><code>
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#_sauver">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-CacheSqlite.html#127-162" title="Go to source code">sauver</a>( <span>string <var>$donnees</var></span>, <span>string <var>$id</var></span>, <span>array <var>$tags</var> = <span class="php-keyword1">array</span>()</span>, <span>integer <var>$duree_vie_specifique</var> = <span class="php-keyword1">false</span></span> )</code>
<div class="description short">
<p>Save some string datas into a cache record</p>
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Save some string datas into a cache record</p>
<p>Note : $data is always "string" (serialization is done by the core not by the
<div class="list"><dl>
<dd><code>string</code><br>$data Datas to cache</dd>
<dd><code>string</code><br>$id Cache id</dd>
<dd><code>array</code><br>$tags Array of strings, the cache record will be tagged by each string entry</dd>
<dd><code>integer</code><br>$specificLifetime If != false, set a specific lifetime for this cache record
(null => infinite lifetime)</dd>
<div class="list">
<code>boolean</code><br>True if no problem<br>
<div class="list">
<tr data-order="supprimer" id="_supprimer">
<td class="attributes"><code>
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#_supprimer">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-CacheSqlite.html#164-178" title="Go to source code">supprimer</a>( <span>string <var>$id</var></span> )</code>
<div class="description short">
<p>Remove a cache record</p>
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Remove a cache record</p>
<div class="list"><dl>
<dd><code>string</code><br>$id Cache id</dd>
<div class="list">
<code>boolean</code><br>True if no problem<br>
<tr data-order="nettoyer" id="_nettoyer">
<td class="attributes"><code>
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#_nettoyer">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-CacheSqlite.html#180-202" title="Go to source code">nettoyer</a>( <span>string <var>$mode</var> = <code><a href="class-Cache.html#NETTOYAGE_MODE_TOUS">Cache::<b>NETTOYAGE_MODE_TOUS</b></a></code></span>, <span>array <var>$tags</var> = <span class="php-keyword1">array</span>()</span> )</code>
<div class="description short">
<p>Clean some cache records</p>
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Clean some cache records</p>
<p>Available modes are : Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_ALL (default) => remove
all cache entries ($tags is not used) Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_OLD => remove
too old cache entries ($tags is not used) Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_MATCHING_TAG
=> remove cache entries matching all given tags ($tags can be an array of
strings or a single string) Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_NOT_MATCHING_TAG =>
remove cache entries not {matching one of the given tags} ($tags can be an array
of strings or a single string) Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_MATCHING_ANY_TAG =>
remove cache entries matching any given tags ($tags can be an array of strings
or a single string)</p>
<div class="list"><dl>
<dd><code>string</code><br>$mode Clean mode</dd>
<dd><code>array</code><br>$tags Array of tags</dd>
<div class="list">
<code>boolean</code><br>True if no problem<br>
<tr data-order="getIds" id="_getIds">
<td class="attributes"><code>
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#_getIds">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-CacheSqlite.html#204-217" title="Go to source code">getIds</a>( )</code>
<div class="description short">
<p>Return an array of stored cache ids</p>
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Return an array of stored cache ids</p>
<div class="list">
<code>array</code><br>array of stored cache ids (string)<br>
<tr data-order="getTags" id="_getTags">
<td class="attributes"><code>
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#_getTags">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-CacheSqlite.html#219-232" title="Go to source code">getTags</a>( )</code>
<div class="description short">
<p>Return an array of stored tags</p>
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Return an array of stored tags</p>
<div class="list">
<code>array</code><br>array of stored tags (string)<br>
<tr data-order="getIdsAvecLesTags" id="_getIdsAvecLesTags">
<td class="attributes"><code>
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#_getIdsAvecLesTags">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-CacheSqlite.html#234-270" title="Go to source code">getIdsAvecLesTags</a>( <span>array <var>$tags</var> = <span class="php-keyword1">array</span>()</span> )</code>
<div class="description short">
<p>Return an array of stored cache ids which match given tags</p>
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Return an array of stored cache ids which match given tags</p>
<p>In case of multiple tags, a logical AND is made between tags</p>
<div class="list"><dl>
<dd><code>array</code><br>$tags array of tags</dd>
<div class="list">
<code>array</code><br>array of matching cache ids (string)<br>
<tr data-order="getIdsSansLesTags" id="_getIdsSansLesTags">
<td class="attributes"><code>
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#_getIdsSansLesTags">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-CacheSqlite.html#272-302" title="Go to source code">getIdsSansLesTags</a>( <span>array <var>$tags</var> = <span class="php-keyword1">array</span>()</span> )</code>
<div class="description short">
<p>Return an array of stored cache ids which don't match given tags</p>
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Return an array of stored cache ids which don't match given tags</p>
<p>In case of multiple tags, a logical OR is made between tags</p>
<div class="list"><dl>
<dd><code>array</code><br>$tags array of tags</dd>
<div class="list">
<code>array</code><br>array of not matching cache ids (string)<br>
<tr data-order="getIdsAvecUnTag" id="_getIdsAvecUnTag">
<td class="attributes"><code>
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#_getIdsAvecUnTag">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-CacheSqlite.html#304-340" title="Go to source code">getIdsAvecUnTag</a>( <span>array <var>$tags</var> = <span class="php-keyword1">array</span>()</span> )</code>
<div class="description short">
<p>Return an array of stored cache ids which match any given tags</p>
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Return an array of stored cache ids which match any given tags</p>
<p>In case of multiple tags, a logical AND is made between tags</p>
<div class="list"><dl>
<dd><code>array</code><br>$tags array of tags</dd>
<div class="list">
<code>array</code><br>array of any matching cache ids (string)<br>
<tr data-order="getPourcentageRemplissage" id="_getPourcentageRemplissage">
<td class="attributes"><code>
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#_getPourcentageRemplissage">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-CacheSqlite.html#342-360" title="Go to source code">getPourcentageRemplissage</a>( )</code>
<div class="description short">
<p>Return the filling percentage of the backend storage</p>
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Return the filling percentage of the backend storage</p>
<div class="list">
<code>integer</code><br>integer between 0 and 100<br>
<div class="list">
<tr data-order="getMetadonnees" id="_getMetadonnees">
<td class="attributes"><code>
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#_getMetadonnees">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-CacheSqlite.html#362-394" title="Go to source code">getMetadonnees</a>( <span>string <var>$id</var></span> )</code>
<div class="description short">
<p>Return an array of metadatas for the given cache id</p>
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Return an array of metadatas for the given cache id</p>
<p>The array must include these keys :</p>
<li>expire : the expire timestamp</li>
<li>tags : a string array of tags</li>
<li>mtime : timestamp of last modification time</li>
<div class="list"><dl>
<dd><code>string</code><br>$id cache id</dd>
<div class="list">
<code>array</code><br>array of metadatas (false if the cache id is not found)<br>
<tr data-order="ajouterSupplementDureeDeVie" id="_ajouterSupplementDureeDeVie">
<td class="attributes"><code>
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#_ajouterSupplementDureeDeVie">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-CacheSqlite.html#396-415" title="Go to source code">ajouterSupplementDureeDeVie</a>( <span>string <var>$id</var></span>, <span>integer <var>$supplement_duree_de_vie</var></span> )</code>
<div class="description short">
<p>Give (if possible) an extra lifetime to the given cache id</p>
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Give (if possible) an extra lifetime to the given cache id</p>
<div class="list"><dl>
<dd><code>string</code><br>$id cache id</dd>
<div class="list">
<code>boolean</code><br>true if ok<br>
<table class="summary" id="properties">
<caption>Properties summary</caption>
<tr data-order="options" id="$options">
<td class="attributes"><code>
<td class="name">
<a href="source-class-CacheSqlite.html#3-23" title="Go to source code"><var>$options</var></a>
<td class="value"><code><span class="php-keyword1">array</span>(
<span class="php-quote">'stockage_chemin'</span> => <span class="php-keyword1">null</span>,
<span class="php-quote">'defragmentation_auto'</span> => <span class="php-num">10</span>
<td class="description"><div>
<a href="#$options" class="anchor">#</a>
<div class="description short">
<p>Options disponibles :</p>
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Options disponibles :</p>
<h1>> (string) stockage_chemin :</h1>
<p>Chemin vers le fichier contenant la base SQLite.</p>
<h1>> (int) defragmentation_auto :</h1>
<li>Désactive / Régler le processus de défragmentation automatique</li>
<li>Le processus de défragmentation automatiques réduit la taille du fichier
contenant la base de données quand un ajout ou une suppression de cache est
réalisée : 0 => pas de défragmentation automatique 1 =>
défragmentation automatique systématique x (integer) > 1 =>
défragmentation automatique toutes les 1 fois (au hasard) sur x ajout ou
suppression de cache</li>
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