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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PEAR :: DB_NestedSet_TigraMenu |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 1997-2003 The PHP Group |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This source file is subject to version 2.0 of the PHP license, |
// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Authors: Daniel Khan <dk@webcluster.at> |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id: TigraMenu.php,v 1.8 2003/10/07 00:11:27 datenpunk Exp $
// {{{ DB_NestedSet_TigraMenu:: class
* This class can be used to generate the data to build javascript popup menu
* from a DB_NestedSet node array.
* The Javascript part is done using the free available TigraMenu
* available at http://www.softcomplex.com/products/tigra_menu/.
* Currently version 1.0 is supported.
* Parts of this class where taken ftom the TreemMenu driver by Jason Rust
* @author Daniel Khan <dk@webcluster.at>
* @package DB_NestedSet
* @version $Revision: 1.8 $
* @access public
// }}}
class DB_NestedSet_TigraMenu extends DB_NestedSet_Output {
// {{{{ properties
* @var integer The depth of the current menu.
* @access private
var $_levels = 1;
* @var integer The level we started at
* @access private
var $_levelOffset = false;
* @var array The current menu structure
* @access private
var $_structTigraMenu = false;
* @var array The longest text for each level
* @access private
var $_strlenByLevel = array();
// }}}
// {{{ DB_NestedSet_TigraMenu
* Constructor
* @param array $params A hash with parameters needed by the class
* @see _createFromStructure()
* @return bool
function &DB_NestedSet_TigraMenu($params) {
$this->_menu_id = $params['menu_id'];
$this->_structTigraMenu = $this->_createFromStructure($params);
return true;
// }}}
// {{{ _createFromStructure()
* Creates the JavaScript array for TigraMenu
* Initially this method was introduced for the TreeMenu driver by Jason Rust
* o 'structure' => the result from $nestedSet->getAllNodes(true)
* o 'textField' => the field in the table that has the text for node
* o 'linkField' => the field in the table that has the link for the node
* @access private
* @return string The TigraMenu JavaScript array
function &_createFromStructure($params)
// Basically we go through the array of nodes checking to see
// if each node has children and if so recursing. The reason this
// works is because the data from getAllNodes() is ordered by level
// so a root node will always be first, and sub children will always
// be after them.
static $rootlevel;
// always start at level 1
if (!isset($params['currentLevel'])) {
$params['currentLevel'] = 1;
if (!isset($rootlevel)) {
$rootlevel = $params['currentLevel'];
if (isset($params['tigraMenu'])) {
$tigraMenu = $tigraMenu.$params['tigraMenu'];
if(!$this->_levelOffset) {
$this->_levelOffset = $params['currentLevel'];
if($this->_levels < ($params['currentLevel']- $this->_levelOffset)) {
$this->_levels = $params['currentLevel'] - $this->_levelOffset;
// have to use a while loop here because foreach works on a copy of the array and
// the child nodes are passed by reference during the recursion so that the parent
// will know when they have been hit.
while(list($key, $node) = each($params['structure'])) {
// see if we've already been here before
if (isset($node['hit']) || $node['level'] < $params['currentLevel']) {
// mark that we've hit this node
$params['structure'][$key]['hit'] = $node['hit'] = true;
$tag = array(
isset($node[$params['textField']]) ? "'".$node[$params['textField']]."'" : 'null',
isset($node[$params['linkField']]) ? "'".$node[$params['linkField']]."'" : 'null'
if (!$this->_strlenByLevel[$params['currentLevel'] - $this->_levelOffset] ||
strlen($node[$params['textField']]) > $this->_strlenByLevel[$params['currentLevel'] - $this->_levelOffset]) {
$this->_strlenByLevel[$params['currentLevel'] - $this->_levelOffset] = strlen($node[$params['textField']]);
$tigraMenu = $tigraMenu.$this->_openSubMenu($tag);
// see if it has children
if (($node['r'] - 1) != $node['l']) {
$children = array();
// harvest all the children
$tempStructure = $params['structure'];
foreach ($tempStructure as $childKey => $childNode) {
if (!isset($childNode['hit']) &&
$node['rootid'] == $childNode['rootid'] &&
$node['l'] < $childNode['l'] &&
$node['r'] > $childNode['r'] &&
$childNode['level'] > $params['currentLevel']) {
// important that we assign it by reference here, so that when the child
// marks itself 'hit' the parent loops will know
$children[] =& $params['structure'][$childKey];
$recurseParams = $params;
$recurseParams['structure'] = $children;
$tigraMenu = $tigraMenu.$this->_createFromStructure($recurseParams);
$tigraMenu = $tigraMenu.$this->_closeSubMenu();
return $tigraMenu;
// }}}
// {{{ _openMenu()
* Returns the string which opens the JavaScript menu
* @access private
* @param int $menu_id ID of the menu needed to use more than one menu on a page
* @return string The JavaScript piece
function _openMenu($menu_id=1)
$str = false;
$str = $str."var MENU_ITEMS".$menu_id." = new Array();\n";
$str = $str."MENU_ITEMS".$menu_id." = [\n";
return $str;
// }}}
// {{{ _openSubMenu()
* Returns the string which opens a submenu within the JavaScript menu
* @access private
* @param array $tag Contains the content of the current item (name, link)
* @return string The JavaScript piece
function _openSubMenu($tag)
$rtag = implode(', ', $tag);
return "\n[".$rtag.',';
// }}}
// {{{ _closeMenu()
* Closes the JavaScript array
* @access private
* @return string The JavaScript piece
function _closeMenu()
return '];';
// }}}
// {{{ _closeSubMenu()
* Closes the JavaScript array of a submenu
* @access private
* @return string The JavaScript piece
function _closeSubMenu()
return "\n],";
// }}}
// {{{ _addStyles()
* Creates the JavaScript code which sets the styles for each level
* @access private
* @param int $menu_id ID of the menu needed to use more than one menu on a page
* @param array $rootStyles Array of style attributes for the top items
* @param array $childStyles Array of style attributes for the sub items
* @return string The JavaScript piece
function _addStyles($menu_id, $rootStyles, $childStyles = false)
if (!$childStyles) {
$childStyles = $rootStyles;
$styles = array();
foreach ($rootStyles as $key => $val) {
foreach ($val as $skey => $sval) {
$styles["'$key'"][$skey][] = "'$sval'";
foreach ($childStyles as $key => $val) {
foreach ($val as $skey => $sval) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->_levels; $i++) {
$styles["'$key'"][$skey][] = "'$sval'";
$menustyles = false;
$menustyles = $menustyles . 'var MENU_STYLES'.$menu_id." = new Array();\n";
foreach ($styles as $key => $val) {
$menustyles = $menustyles.'MENU_STYLES'.$menu_id."[$key] = [\n";
foreach ($val as $skey => $sval) {
$menustyles = $menustyles . "'$skey', [".implode(', ', $sval)."],\n";
$menustyles = $menustyles."];\n";
return $menustyles;
// }}}
// {{{ _addGeometry()
* Creates the JavaScript code which sets the position and geometry of the menu
* @access private
* @param int $menu_id ID of the menu needed to use more than one menu on a page
* @param array $rootGeometry Array of geometry attributes for the top items
* @param array $childGeometry Array of geometry attributes for the sub items
* @return string The JavaScript piece
function _addGeometry($menu_id, $rootGeometry, $childGeometry = false)
if (!$childGeometry) {
$childGeometry = $rootGeometry;
$params = array();
$geometry = array();
foreach ($rootGeometry as $key => $val) {
$geometry["'$key'"][] = $val;
$incr = false;
if (strpos($val, ',') !== false) {
list($start, $interval) = explode(',',$val);
$incr = true;
$ratio = false;
if ($key == 'width' && strpos($val, '*') !== false) {
$ratio = trim(str_replace('*','', $val));
if ($incr) {
$val = trim($interval);
if ($key == 'left' && preg_match('/[+-]/', $interval)) {
$val = $params[0]['width'] + trim($val);
} elseif ($incr) {
$val = trim($start);
} elseif ($ratio) {
$val = $ratio * $this->_strlenByLevel[0];
$geometry["'$key'"][0] = $val;
$params[0][$key] = $val;
foreach($childGeometry as $key => $val) {
$incr = false;
if (strpos($val, ',') !== false) {
list($start, $interval) = explode(',', $val);
$incr = true;
$ratio = false;
if ($key == 'width' && strpos($val, '*') !== false) {
$ratio = trim(str_replace('*', '', $val));
for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->_levels; $i++) {
if ($incr && isset($lastval[$key])) {
$val = trim($interval);
if($key == 'block_left' && preg_match('/[+-]/', $interval)) {
$val = $params[$i - 1]['width'] + trim($val);
} elseif($incr) {
$val = trim($start);
} elseif ($ratio) {
$val = $ratio * $this->_strlenByLevel[$i];
if($val < $params[0]['width']) {
$val = $params[0]['width'];
$lastval[$key] = $val;
$geometry["'$key'"][] = $val;
$params[$i][$key] = $val;
$pos = false;
$pos = $pos . 'var MENU_POS'.$menu_id." = new Array();\n";
foreach ($geometry as $key => $val) {
$pos = $pos . 'MENU_POS' . $menu_id . "[$key] = [" . implode(', ', $val) . "];\n";
return $pos;
// }}}
// {{{ printTree()
* Print's the current tree using the output driver
* @access public
function printTree()
if (!$options = $this->_getOptions('printTree')) {
return PEAR::raiseError("TigraMenu::printTree() needs options. See TigraMenu::setOptions()", NESEO_ERROR_NO_OPTIONS, PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER, E_USER_ERROR);
echo $this->_openMenu($options['menu_id']) . $this->_structTigraMenu .$this->_closeMenu();
echo "\n\n";
echo $this->_addStyles($options['menu_id'], $options['rootStyles'], $options['childStyles']);
echo "\n\n";
echo $this->_addGeometry($options['menu_id'], $options['rootGeometry'], $options['childGeometry']);
// }}}