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 * Generation tools for DB_DataObject
 * PHP versions 4 and 5
 * LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
 * that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
 *  If you did not receive a copy of
 * the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
 * send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
 * @category   Database
 * @package    DB_DataObject
 * @author     Alan Knowles <>
 * @copyright  1997-2005 The PHP Group
 * @license  PHP License 3.0
 * @version    CVS: $Id: Generator.php,v 1.96 2005/06/16 02:03:45 alan_k Exp $
 * @link
 * Config _$ptions
 * [DB_DataObject_Generator]
 * ; optional default = DB/DataObject.php
 * extends_location =
 * ; optional default = DB_DataObject
 * extends =
 * ; alter the extends field when updating a class (defaults to only replacing DB_DataObject)
 * generator_class_rewrite = ANY|specific_name   // default is DB_DataObject

 * Needed classes
require_once 'DB/DataObject.php';

 * Generator class
 * @package DB_DataObject
class DB_DataObject_Generator extends DB_DataObject
    /* =========================================================== */
    /*  Utility functions - for building db config files           */
    /* =========================================================== */

     * Array of table names
     * @var array
     * @access private
    var $tables;

     * associative array table -> array of table row objects
     * @var array
     * @access private
    var $_definitions;

     * active table being output
     * @var string
     * @access private
    var $table; // active tablename

     * The 'starter' = call this to start the process
     * @access  public
     * @return  none
    function start()
        $options = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('DB_DataObject','options');
        $databases = array();
        foreach($options as $k=>$v) {
            if (substr($k,0,9) == 'database_') {
                $databases[substr($k,9)] = $v;

        if (@$options['database']) {
            require_once 'DB.php';
            $dsn = DB::parseDSN($options['database']);
            if (!isset($database[$dsn['database']])) {
                $databases[$dsn['database']] = $options['database'];

        foreach($databases as $databasename => $database) {
            if (!$database) {
            $this->debug("CREATING FOR $databasename\n");
            $class = get_class($this);
            $t = new $class;
            $t->_database_dsn = $database;
            $t->_database = $databasename;
            $dsn = DB::parseDSN($database);
            if (($dsn['phptype'] == 'sqlite') && is_file($databasename)) {
                $t->_database = basename($t->_database);

            foreach(get_class_methods($class) as $method) {
                if (substr($method,0,8 ) != 'generate') {
                $this->debug("calling $method");

     * Output File was config object, now just string
     * Used to generate the Tables
     * @var    string outputbuffer for table definitions
     * @access private
    var $_newConfig;

     * Build a list of tables;
     * Currently this is very Mysql Specific - ideas for more generic stiff welcome
     * @access  private
     * @return  none
    function _createTableList()
        $options = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('DB_DataObject','options');

        $__DB= &$GLOBALS['_DB_DATAOBJECT']['CONNECTIONS'][$this->_database_dsn_md5];
        // try getting a list of schema tables first. (postgres)
        $this->tables = $__DB->getListOf('schema.tables');
        if (empty($this->tables) || is_a($this->tables , 'PEAR_Error')) {
            //if that fails fall back to clasic tables list.
            $this->tables = $__DB->getListOf('tables');
        if (is_a($this->tables , 'PEAR_Error')) {
            return PEAR::raiseError($this->tables->toString(), null, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
        // build views as well if asked to.
        if (!empty($options['build_views'])) {
            $views = $__DB->getListOf('views');
            if (is_a($views,'PEAR_Error')) {
                return PEAR::raiseError(
                    'Error getting Views (check the PEAR bug database for the fix to DB), ' .
            $this->tables = array_merge ($this->tables, $views);
        // declare a temporary table to be filled with matching tables names
        $tmp_table = array();

        foreach($this->tables as $table) {
            if (isset($options['generator_include_regex']) &&
                !preg_match($options['generator_include_regex'],$table)) {
            } else if (isset($options['generator_exclude_regex']) &&
                preg_match($options['generator_exclude_regex'],$table)) {
                // postgres strip the schema bit from the 
            if (!empty($options['generator_strip_schema'])) {    
                $bits = explode('.', $table,2);
                $table = $bits[0];
                if (count($bits) > 1) {
                    $table = $bits[1];
            $defs =  $__DB->tableInfo($table);
            if (is_a($defs,'PEAR_Error')) {
                echo $defs->toString();
            // cast all definitions to objects - as we deal with that better.
            foreach($defs as $def) {
                if (!is_array($def)) {
                $this->_definitions[$table][] = (object) $def;
            // we find a matching table, just  store it into a temporary array
            $tmp_table[] = $table;            
        // the temporary table array is now the right one (tables names matching 
        // with regex expressions have been removed)
        $this->tables = $tmp_table;

     * Auto generation of table data.
     * it will output to db_oo_{database} the table definitions
     * @access  private
     * @return  none
    function generateDefinitions()
        $this->debug("Generating Definitions file:        ");
        if (!$this->tables) {
            $this->debug("-- NO TABLES -- \n");

        $options = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('DB_DataObject','options');

        //$this->_newConfig = new Config('IniFile');
        $this->_newConfig = '';
        foreach($this->tables as $this->table) {
        // dont generate a schema if location is not set
        // it's created on the fly!
        if (!@$options['schema_location'] && @!$options["ini_{$this->_database}"] ) {
        $base =  @$options['schema_location'];
        if (isset($options["ini_{$this->_database}"])) {
            $file = $options["ini_{$this->_database}"];
        } else {
            $file = "{$base}/{$this->_database}.ini";
        if (!file_exists(dirname($file))) {
            require_once 'System.php';
        $this->debug("Writing ini as {$file}\n");
        $fh = fopen($file,'w');
        //$ret = $this->_newConfig->writeInput($file,false);

        //if (PEAR::isError($ret) ) {
        //    return PEAR::raiseError($ret->message,null,PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
        // }

     * The table geneation part
     * @access  private
     * @return  tabledef and keys array.
    function _generateDefinitionsTable()
        global $_DB_DATAOBJECT;
        $defs = $this->_definitions[$this->table];
        $this->_newConfig .= "\n[{$this->table}]\n";
        $keys_out =  "\n[{$this->table}__keys]\n";
        $keys_out_primary = '';
        $keys_out_secondary = '';
        if (@$_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONFIG']['debug'] > 2) {
            echo "TABLE STRUCTURE FOR {$this->table}\n";
        $DB = $this->getDatabaseConnection();
        $dbtype = $DB->phptype;
        $ret = array(
                'table' => array(),
                'keys' => array(),
        $ret_keys_primary = array();
        $ret_keys_secondary = array();
        foreach($defs as $t) {

            switch (strtoupper($t->type)) {

                case 'INT':
                case 'INT2':    // postgres
                case 'INT4':    // postgres
                case 'INT8':    // postgres
                case 'SERIAL4': // postgres
                case 'SERIAL8': // postgres
                case 'INTEGER':
                case 'TINYINT':
                case 'SMALLINT':
                case 'MEDIUMINT':
                case 'BIGINT':
                    $type = DB_DATAOBJECT_INT;
                    if ($t->len == 1) {
                        $type +=  DB_DATAOBJECT_BOOL;
                case 'REAL':
                case 'DOUBLE':
                case 'FLOAT':
                case 'FLOAT8': // double precision (postgres)
                case 'DECIMAL':
                case 'NUMERIC':
                case 'NUMBER': // oci8 
                    $type = DB_DATAOBJECT_INT; // should really by FLOAT!!! / MONEY...
                case 'YEAR':
                    $type = DB_DATAOBJECT_INT; 
                case 'BIT':
                case 'BOOL':   
                case 'BOOLEAN':   
                    $type = DB_DATAOBJECT_BOOL;
                    // postgres needs to quote '0'
                    if ($dbtype == 'pgsql') {
                        $type +=  DB_DATAOBJECT_STR;
                case 'STRING':
                case 'CHAR':
                case 'VARCHAR':
                case 'VARCHAR2':
                case 'TINYTEXT':
                case 'ENUM':
                case 'SET':         // not really but oh well
                case 'TIMESTAMPTZ': // postgres
                case 'BPCHAR':      // postgres
                case 'INTERVAL':    // postgres (eg. '12 days')
                case 'CIDR':        // postgres IP net spec
                case 'INET':        // postgres IP
                case 'MACADDR':     // postgress network Mac address.
                    $type = DB_DATAOBJECT_STR;
                case 'TEXT':
                case 'MEDIUMTEXT':
                case 'LONGTEXT':
                    $type = DB_DATAOBJECT_STR + DB_DATAOBJECT_TXT;
                case 'DATE':    
                    $type = DB_DATAOBJECT_STR + DB_DATAOBJECT_DATE;
                case 'TIME':    
                    $type = DB_DATAOBJECT_STR + DB_DATAOBJECT_TIME;
                case 'DATETIME': 
                case 'TIMESTAMP': // do other databases use this???
                    $type = ($dbtype == 'mysql') ?
                        DB_DATAOBJECT_MYSQLTIMESTAMP : 
                case 'TINYBLOB':
                case 'BLOB':       /// these should really be ignored!!!???
                case 'MEDIUMBLOB':
                case 'LONGBLOB':
                case 'BYTEA':   // postgres blob support..
                    $type = DB_DATAOBJECT_STR + DB_DATAOBJECT_BLOB;
            if (!strlen(trim($t->name))) {
            if (preg_match('/not_null/i',$t->flags)) {
                $type += DB_DATAOBJECT_NOTNULL;
            $write_ini = true;
            if (in_array($t->name,array('null','yes','no','true','false'))) {
                echo "*****************************************************************\n".
                     "**                             WARNING                         **\n".
                     "** Found column '{$t->name}', which is invalid in an .ini file **\n".
                     "** This line will not be writen to the file - you will have    **\n".
                     "** define the keys()/method manually.                          **\n".
                $write_ini = false;
            } else {
                $this->_newConfig .= "{$t->name} = $type\n";
            $ret['table'][$t->name] = $type;
            // i've no idea if this will work well on other databases?
            // only use primary key or nextval(), cause the setFrom blocks you setting all key items...
            // if no keys exist fall back to using unique
            //echo "\n{$t->name} => {$t->flags}\n";
            if (preg_match("/(auto_increment|nextval\()/i",rawurldecode($t->flags))) {
                // native sequences = 2
                if ($write_ini) {
                    $keys_out_primary .= "{$t->name} = N\n";
                $ret_keys_primary[$t->name] = 'N';
            } else if (preg_match("/(primary|unique)/i",$t->flags)) {
                // keys.. = 1
                if ($write_ini) {
                    $keys_out_secondary .= "{$t->name} = K\n";
                $ret_keys_secondary[$t->name] = 'K';
        $this->_newConfig .= $keys_out . (empty($keys_out_primary) ? $keys_out_secondary : $keys_out_primary);
        $ret['keys'] = empty($keys_out_primary) ? $ret_keys_secondary : $ret_keys_primary;
        if (@$_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONFIG']['debug'] > 2) {
            print_r(array("dump for {$this->table}", $ret));
        return $ret;

     * building the class files
     * for each of the tables output a file!
    function generateClasses()
        //echo "Generating Class files:        \n";
        $options = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('DB_DataObject','options');
        $base = $options['class_location'];
        if (strpos($base,'%s') !== false) {
            $base = dirname($base);
        if (!file_exists($base)) {
            require_once 'System.php';
        $class_prefix  = $options['class_prefix'];
        if ($extends = @$options['extends']) {
            $this->_extends = $extends;
            $this->_extendsFile = $options['extends_location'];

        foreach($this->tables as $this->table) {
            $this->table = trim($this->table);
            $this->classname = $class_prefix.preg_replace('/[^A-Z0-9]/i','_',ucfirst($this->table));
            $i = '';
            if (strpos($options['class_location'],'%s') !== false) {
                $outfilename   = sprintf($options['class_location'], preg_replace('/[^A-Z0-9]/i','_',ucfirst($this->table)));
            } else { 
                $outfilename = "{$base}/".preg_replace('/[^A-Z0-9]/i','_',ucfirst($this->table)).".php";
            $oldcontents = '';
            if (file_exists($outfilename)) {
                // file_get_contents???
                $oldcontents = implode('',file($outfilename));
            $out = $this->_generateClassTable($oldcontents);
            $this->debug( "writing $this->classname\n");
            $fh = fopen($outfilename, "w");
        //echo $out;

     * class being extended (can be overridden by [DB_DataObject_Generator] extends=xxxx
     * @var    string
     * @access private
    var $_extends = 'DB_DataObject';

     * line to use for require('DB/DataObject.php');
     * @var    string
     * @access private
    var $_extendsFile = "DB/DataObject.php";

     * class being generated
     * @var    string
     * @access private
    var $_className;

     * The table class geneation part - single file.
     * @access  private
     * @return  none
    function _generateClassTable($input = '')
        // title = expand me!
        $foot = "";
        $head = "<?php\n/**\n * Table Definition for {$this->table}\n */\n";
        // requires
        $head .= "require_once '{$this->_extendsFile}';\n\n";
        // add dummy class header in...
        // class
        $head .= "class {$this->classname} extends {$this->_extends} \n{";

        $body =  "\n    ###START_AUTOCODE\n";
        $body .= "    /* the code below is auto generated do not remove the above tag */\n\n";
        // table
        $padding = (30 - strlen($this->table));
        if ($padding < 2) $padding =2;
        $p =  str_repeat(' ',$padding) ;
        $options = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('DB_DataObject','options');
        $var = (substr(phpversion(),0,1) > 4) ? 'public' : 'var';
        $body .= "    {$var} \$__table = '{$this->table}';  {$p}// table name\n";
        // if we are using the option database_{databasename} = dsn
        // then we should add var $_database = here
        // as database names may not always match.. 
        if (isset($options["database_{$this->_database}"])) {
            $body .= "    {$var} \$_database = '{$this->_database}';  {$p}// database name (used with database_{*} config)\n";
        $var = (substr(phpversion(),0,1) > 4) ? 'public' : 'var';
        if (!empty($options['generator_novars'])) {
            $var = '//'.$var;
        $defs = $this->_definitions[$this->table];

        // show nice information!
        $connections = array();
        $sets = array();
        foreach($defs as $t) {
            if (!strlen(trim($t->name))) {
            $padding = (30 - strlen($t->name));
            if ($padding < 2) $padding =2;
            $p =  str_repeat(' ',$padding) ;
            $body .="    {$var} \${$t->name};  {$p}// {$t->type}({$t->len})  {$t->flags}\n";
            // can not do set as PEAR::DB table info doesnt support it.
            //if (substr($t->Type,0,3) == "set")
            //    $sets[$t->Field] = "array".substr($t->Type,3);
            $body .= $this->derivedHookVar($t,$padding);

        // THIS IS TOTALLY BORKED old FC creation
        // IT WILL BE REMOVED!!!!! in DataObjects 1.6
        // grep -r __clone * to find all it's uses
        // and replace them with $x = clone($y);
        // due to the change in the PHP5 clone design.
        if ( substr(phpversion(),0,1) < 5) {
            $body .= "\n";
            $body .= "    /* ZE2 compatibility trick*/\n";
            $body .= "    function __clone() { return \$this;}\n";

        // simple creation tools ! (static stuff!)
        $body .= "\n";
        $body .= "    /* Static get */\n";
        $body .= "    function staticGet(\$k,\$v=NULL) { return DB_DataObject::staticGet('{$this->classname}',\$k,\$v); }\n";
        // generate getter and setter methods
        $body .= $this->_generateGetters($input);
        $body .= $this->_generateSetters($input);
        theoretically there is scope here to introduce 'list' methods
        based up 'xxxx_up' column!!! for heiracitcal trees..

        // set methods
        //foreach ($sets as $k=>$v) {
        //    $kk = strtoupper($k);
        //    $body .="    function getSets{$k}() { return {$v}; }\n";
        $body .= $this->derivedHookFunctions();

        $body .= "\n    /* the code above is auto generated do not remove the tag below */";
        $body .= "\n    ###END_AUTOCODE\n";

        // stubs..
        if (!empty($options['generator_add_validate_stubs'])) {
            foreach($defs as $t) {
                if (!strlen(trim($t->name))) {
                $validate_fname = 'validate' . ucfirst(strtolower($t->name));
                // dont re-add it..
                if (preg_match('/\s+function\s+' . $validate_fname . '\s*\(/i', $input)) {
                $body .= "\n    function {$validate_fname}()\n    {\n        return false;\n    }\n";

        $foot .= "}\n";
        $full = $head . $body . $foot;

        if (!$input) {
            return $full;
        if (!preg_match('/(\n|\r\n)\s*###START_AUTOCODE(\n|\r\n)/s',$input))  {
            return $full;
        if (!preg_match('/(\n|\r\n)\s*###END_AUTOCODE(\n|\r\n)/s',$input)) {
            return $full;

        /* this will only replace extends DB_DataObject by default,
            unless use set generator_class_rewrite to ANY or a name*/

        $class_rewrite = 'DB_DataObject';
        $options = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('DB_DataObject','options');
        if (!($class_rewrite = @$options['generator_class_rewrite'])) {
            $class_rewrite = 'DB_DataObject';
        if ($class_rewrite == 'ANY') {
            $class_rewrite = '[a-z_]+';

        $input = preg_replace(
            '/(\n|\r\n)class\s*[a-z0-9_]+\s*extends\s*' .$class_rewrite . '\s*\{(\n|\r\n)/si',
            "\nclass {$this->classname} extends {$this->_extends} \n{\n",

        return preg_replace(

     * hook to add extra methods to all classes
     * called once for each class, use with $this->table and
     * $this->_definitions[$this->table], to get data out of the current table,
     * use it to add extra methods to the default classes.
     * @access   public
     * @return  string added to class eg. functions.
    function derivedHookFunctions()
        // This is so derived generator classes can generate functions
        // It MUST NOT be changed here!!!
        return "";

     * hook for var lines
     * called each time a var line is generated, override to add extra var
     * lines
     * @param object t containing type,len,flags etc. from tableInfo call
     * @param int padding number of spaces
     * @access   public
     * @return  string added to class eg. functions.
    function derivedHookVar(&$t,$padding)
        // This is so derived generator classes can generate variabels
        // It MUST NOT be changed here!!!
        return "";

    * getProxyFull - create a class definition on the fly and instantate it..
    * similar to generated files - but also evals the class definitoin code.
    * @param   string database name
    * @param   string  table   name of table to create proxy for.
    * @return   object    Instance of class. or PEAR Error
    * @access   public
    function getProxyFull($database,$table) {
        if ($err = $this->fillTableSchema($database,$table)) {
            return $err;
        $options = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('DB_DataObject','options');
        $class_prefix  = $options['class_prefix'];
        if ($extends = @$options['extends']) {
            $this->_extends = $extends;
            $this->_extendsFile = $options['extends_location'];

        $classname = $this->classname = $class_prefix.preg_replace('/[^A-Z0-9]/i','_',ucfirst(trim($this->table)));

        $out = $this->_generateClassTable();
        //echo $out;
        return new $classname;
    * fillTableSchema - set the database schema on the fly
    * @param   string database name
    * @param   string  table   name of table to create schema info for
    * @return   none | PEAR::error()
    * @access   public
    function fillTableSchema($database,$table) {
        global $_DB_DATAOBJECT;
        $this->_database  = $database; 
        $table = trim($table);
        $__DB= &$GLOBALS['_DB_DATAOBJECT']['CONNECTIONS'][$this->_database_dsn_md5];
        $defs =  $__DB->tableInfo($table);
        if (PEAR::isError($defs)) {
            return $defs;
        if (@$_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONFIG']['debug'] > 2) {
            $this->debug("getting def for $database/$table",'fillTable');
        // cast all definitions to objects - as we deal with that better.
        foreach($defs as $def) {
            if (is_array($def)) {
                $this->_definitions[$table][] = (object) $def;

        $this->table = trim($table);
        $ret = $this->_generateDefinitionsTable();
        $_DB_DATAOBJECT['INI'][$database][$table] = $ret['table'];
        $_DB_DATAOBJECT['INI'][$database][$table.'__keys'] = $ret['keys'];
        return false;
    * Generate getter methods for class definition
    * @param    string  $input  Existing class contents
    * @return   string
    * @access   public
    function _generateGetters($input) {

        $options = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('DB_DataObject','options');
        $getters = '';

        // only generate if option is set to true
        if  (empty($options['generate_getters'])) {
            return '';

        // remove auto-generated code from input to be able to check if the method exists outside of the auto-code
        $input = preg_replace('/(\n|\r\n)\s*###START_AUTOCODE(\n|\r\n).*(\n|\r\n)\s*###END_AUTOCODE(\n|\r\n)/s', '', $input);

        $getters .= "\n\n";
        $defs     = $this->_definitions[$this->table];

        // loop through properties and create getter methods
        foreach ($defs = $defs as $t) {

            // build mehtod name
            $methodName = 'get' . ucfirst($t->name);

            if (!strlen(trim($t->name)) || preg_match("/function[\s]+[&]?$methodName\(/i", $input)) {

            $getters .= "   /**\n";
            $getters .= "    * Getter for \${$t->name}\n";
            $getters .= "    *\n";
            $getters .= (stristr($t->flags, 'multiple_key')) ? "    * @return   object\n"
                                                             : "    * @return   {$t->type}\n";
            $getters .= "    * @access   public\n";
            $getters .= "    */\n";
            $getters .= (substr(phpversion(),0,1) > 4) ? '    public '
                                                       : '    ';
            $getters .= "function $methodName() {\n";
            $getters .= "        return \$this->{$t->name};\n";
            $getters .= "    }\n\n";

        return $getters;

    * Generate setter methods for class definition
    * @param    string  Existing class contents
    * @return   string
    * @access   public
    function _generateSetters($input) {

        $options = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('DB_DataObject','options');
        $setters = '';

        // only generate if option is set to true
        if  (empty($options['generate_setters'])) {
            return '';

        // remove auto-generated code from input to be able to check if the method exists outside of the auto-code
        $input = preg_replace('/(\n|\r\n)\s*###START_AUTOCODE(\n|\r\n).*(\n|\r\n)\s*###END_AUTOCODE(\n|\r\n)/s', '', $input);

        $setters .= "\n";
        $defs     = $this->_definitions[$this->table];

        // loop through properties and create setter methods
        foreach ($defs = $defs as $t) {

            // build mehtod name
            $methodName = 'set' . ucfirst($t->name);

            if (!strlen(trim($t->name)) || preg_match("/function[\s]+[&]?$methodName\(/i", $input)) {

            $setters .= "   /**\n";
            $setters .= "    * Setter for \${$t->name}\n";
            $setters .= "    *\n";
            $setters .= "    * @param    mixed   input value\n";
            $setters .= "    * @access   public\n";
            $setters .= "    */\n";
            $setters .= (substr(phpversion(),0,1) > 4) ? '    public '
                                                       : '    ';
            $setters .= "function $methodName(\$value) {\n";
            $setters .= "        \$this->{$t->name} = \$value;\n";
            $setters .= "    }\n\n";

        return $setters;
