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* FCKeditor - The text editor for internet
* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
* Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License:
* For further information visit:
* "Support Open Source software. What about a donation today?"
* File Name: fckcommands.js
* Define all commands available in the editor.
* File Authors:
* Frederico Caldeira Knabben (
var FCKCommands = FCK.Commands = new Object() ;
FCKCommands.LoadedCommands = new Object() ;
FCKCommands.RegisterCommand = function( commandName, command )
this.LoadedCommands[ commandName ] = command ;
FCKCommands.GetCommand = function( commandName )
var oCommand = FCKCommands.LoadedCommands[ commandName ] ;
if ( oCommand )
return oCommand ;
switch ( commandName )
case 'DocProps' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'DocProps' , FCKLang.DocProps , 'dialog/fck_docprops.html' , 400, 390, FCKCommands.GetFullPageState ) ; break ;
case 'Templates' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'Templates' , FCKLang.DlgTemplatesTitle , 'dialog/fck_template.html' , 380, 450 ) ; break ;
case 'Link' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'Link' , FCKLang.DlgLnkWindowTitle , 'dialog/fck_link.html' , 400, 330, FCK.GetNamedCommandState, 'CreateLink' ) ; break ;
case 'Unlink' : oCommand = new FCKUnlinkCommand() ; break ;
case 'Anchor' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'Anchor' , FCKLang.DlgAnchorTitle , 'dialog/fck_anchor.html' , 370, 170 ) ; break ;
case 'BulletedList' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'BulletedList', FCKLang.BulletedListProp , 'dialog/fck_listprop.html' , 370, 170 ) ; break ;
case 'NumberedList' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'NumberedList', FCKLang.NumberedListProp , 'dialog/fck_listprop.html' , 370, 170 ) ; break ;
case 'About' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'About' , FCKLang.About , 'dialog/fck_about.html' , 400, 330 ) ; break ;
case 'Find' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'Find' , FCKLang.DlgFindTitle , 'dialog/fck_find.html' , 340, 170 ) ; break ;
case 'Replace' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'Replace' , FCKLang.DlgReplaceTitle , 'dialog/fck_replace.html' , 340, 200 ) ; break ;
case 'Image' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'Image' , FCKLang.DlgImgTitle , 'dialog/fck_image.html' , 450, 400 ) ; break ;
case 'Flash' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'Flash' , FCKLang.DlgFlashTitle , 'dialog/fck_flash.html' , 450, 400 ) ; break ;
case 'SpecialChar' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'SpecialChar', FCKLang.DlgSpecialCharTitle , 'dialog/fck_specialchar.html' , 400, 320 ) ; break ;
case 'Smiley' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'Smiley' , FCKLang.DlgSmileyTitle , 'dialog/fck_smiley.html' , FCKConfig.SmileyWindowWidth, FCKConfig.SmileyWindowHeight ) ; break ;
case 'Table' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'Table' , FCKLang.DlgTableTitle , 'dialog/fck_table.html' , 450, 250 ) ; break ;
case 'TableProp' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'Table' , FCKLang.DlgTableTitle , 'dialog/fck_table.html?Parent', 400, 250 ) ; break ;
case 'TableCellProp': oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'TableCell' , FCKLang.DlgCellTitle , 'dialog/fck_tablecell.html' , 550, 250 ) ; break ;
case 'UniversalKey' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'UniversalKey', FCKLang.UniversalKeyboard , 'dialog/fck_universalkey.html', 415, 300 ) ; break ;
case 'Style' : oCommand = new FCKStyleCommand() ; break ;
case 'FontName' : oCommand = new FCKFontNameCommand() ; break ;
case 'FontSize' : oCommand = new FCKFontSizeCommand() ; break ;
case 'FontFormat' : oCommand = new FCKFormatBlockCommand() ; break ;
case 'Source' : oCommand = new FCKSourceCommand() ; break ;
case 'Preview' : oCommand = new FCKPreviewCommand() ; break ;
case 'Save' : oCommand = new FCKSaveCommand() ; break ;
case 'NewPage' : oCommand = new FCKNewPageCommand() ; break ;
case 'PageBreak' : oCommand = new FCKPageBreakCommand() ; break ;
case 'TextColor' : oCommand = new FCKTextColorCommand('ForeColor') ; break ;
case 'BGColor' : oCommand = new FCKTextColorCommand('BackColor') ; break ;
case 'PasteText' : oCommand = new FCKPastePlainTextCommand() ; break ;
case 'PasteWord' : oCommand = new FCKPasteWordCommand() ; break ;
case 'TableInsertRow' : oCommand = new FCKTableCommand('TableInsertRow') ; break ;
case 'TableDeleteRows' : oCommand = new FCKTableCommand('TableDeleteRows') ; break ;
case 'TableInsertColumn' : oCommand = new FCKTableCommand('TableInsertColumn') ; break ;
case 'TableDeleteColumns' : oCommand = new FCKTableCommand('TableDeleteColumns') ; break ;
case 'TableInsertCell' : oCommand = new FCKTableCommand('TableInsertCell') ; break ;
case 'TableDeleteCells' : oCommand = new FCKTableCommand('TableDeleteCells') ; break ;
case 'TableMergeCells' : oCommand = new FCKTableCommand('TableMergeCells') ; break ;
case 'TableSplitCell' : oCommand = new FCKTableCommand('TableSplitCell') ; break ;
case 'TableDelete' : oCommand = new FCKTableCommand('TableDelete') ; break ;
case 'Form' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'Form' , FCKLang.Form , 'dialog/fck_form.html' , 380, 230 ) ; break ;
case 'Checkbox' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'Checkbox' , FCKLang.Checkbox , 'dialog/fck_checkbox.html' , 380, 230 ) ; break ;
case 'Radio' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'Radio' , FCKLang.RadioButton , 'dialog/fck_radiobutton.html' , 380, 230 ) ; break ;
case 'TextField' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'TextField' , FCKLang.TextField , 'dialog/fck_textfield.html' , 380, 230 ) ; break ;
case 'Textarea' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'Textarea' , FCKLang.Textarea , 'dialog/fck_textarea.html' , 380, 230 ) ; break ;
case 'HiddenField' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'HiddenField', FCKLang.HiddenField , 'dialog/fck_hiddenfield.html' , 380, 230 ) ; break ;
case 'Button' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'Button' , FCKLang.Button , 'dialog/fck_button.html' , 380, 230 ) ; break ;
case 'Select' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'Select' , FCKLang.SelectionField, 'dialog/fck_select.html' , 400, 380 ) ; break ;
case 'ImageButton' : oCommand = new FCKDialogCommand( 'ImageButton', FCKLang.ImageButton , 'dialog/fck_image.html?ImageButton', 450, 400 ) ; break ;
case 'SpellCheck' : oCommand = new FCKSpellCheckCommand() ; break ;
case 'FitWindow' : oCommand = new FCKFitWindow() ; break ;
case 'Undo' : oCommand = new FCKUndoCommand() ; break ;
case 'Redo' : oCommand = new FCKRedoCommand() ; break ;
// Generic Undefined command (usually used when a command is under development).
case 'Undefined' : oCommand = new FCKUndefinedCommand() ; break ;
// By default we assume that it is a named command.
if ( FCKRegexLib.NamedCommands.test( commandName ) )
oCommand = new FCKNamedCommand( commandName ) ;
alert( FCKLang.UnknownCommand.replace( /%1/g, commandName ) ) ;
return null ;
FCKCommands.LoadedCommands[ commandName ] = oCommand ;
return oCommand ;
// Gets the state of the "Document Properties" button. It must be enabled only
// when "Full Page" editing is available.
FCKCommands.GetFullPageState = function()