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* FCKeditor - The text editor for internet
* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
* Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License:
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* File Name: fcktablehandler.js
* Manage table operations.
* File Authors:
* Frederico Caldeira Knabben (
var FCKTableHandler = new Object() ;
FCKTableHandler.InsertRow = function()
// Get the row where the selection is placed in.
var oRow = FCKSelection.MoveToAncestorNode("TR") ;
if ( !oRow ) return ;
// Create a clone of the row.
var oNewRow = oRow.cloneNode( true ) ;
// Insert the new row (copy) before of it.
oRow.parentNode.insertBefore( oNewRow, oRow ) ;
// Clean the row (it seems that the new row has been added after it).
FCKTableHandler.ClearRow( oRow ) ;
FCKTableHandler.DeleteRows = function( row )
// If no row has been passed as a parameer,
// then get the row where the selection is placed in.
if ( !row )
row = FCKSelection.MoveToAncestorNode("TR") ;
if ( !row ) return ;
// Get the row's table.
var oTable = FCKTools.GetElementAscensor( row, 'TABLE' ) ;
// If just one row is available then delete the entire table.
if ( oTable.rows.length == 1 )
FCKTableHandler.DeleteTable( oTable ) ;
return ;
// Delete the row.
row.parentNode.removeChild( row ) ;
FCKTableHandler.DeleteTable = function( table )
// If no table has been passed as a parameer,
// then get the table where the selection is placed in.
if ( !table )
var table = FCKSelection.GetSelectedElement() ;
if ( !table || table.tagName != 'TABLE' )
table = FCKSelection.MoveToAncestorNode("TABLE") ;
if ( !table ) return ;
// Delete the table.
FCKSelection.SelectNode( table ) ;
table.parentNode.removeChild( table ) ;
FCKTableHandler.InsertColumn = function()
// Get the cell where the selection is placed in.
var oCell = FCKSelection.MoveToAncestorNode("TD") ;
if ( !oCell )
oCell = FCKSelection.MoveToAncestorNode("TH") ;
if ( !oCell ) return ;
// Get the cell's table.
var oTable = FCKTools.GetElementAscensor( oCell, 'TABLE' ) ;
// Get the index of the column to be created (based on the cell).
var iIndex = oCell.cellIndex + 1 ;
// Loop throw all rows available in the table.
for ( var i = 0 ; i < oTable.rows.length ; i++ )
// Get the row.
var oRow = oTable.rows[i] ;
// If the row doens't have enought cells, ignore it.
if ( oRow.cells.length < iIndex )
continue ;
oCell = oRow.cells[iIndex-1].cloneNode(false) ;
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko )
oCell.innerHTML = GECKO_BOGUS ;
// Get the cell that is placed in the new cell place.
var oBaseCell = oRow.cells[iIndex] ;
// If the cell is available (we are not in the last cell of the row).
if ( oBaseCell )
oRow.insertBefore( oCell, oBaseCell ) ; // Insert the new cell just before of it.
oRow.appendChild( oCell ) ; // Append the cell at the end of the row.
FCKTableHandler.DeleteColumns = function()
// Get the cell where the selection is placed in.
var oCell = FCKSelection.MoveToAncestorNode('TD') || FCKSelection.MoveToAncestorNode('TH') ;
if ( !oCell ) return ;
// Get the cell's table.
var oTable = FCKTools.GetElementAscensor( oCell, 'TABLE' ) ;
// Get the cell index.
var iIndex = oCell.cellIndex ;
// Loop throw all rows (from down to up, because it's possible that some
// rows will be deleted).
for ( var i = oTable.rows.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
// Get the row.
var oRow = oTable.rows[i] ;
// If the cell to be removed is the first one and the row has just one cell.
if ( iIndex == 0 && oRow.cells.length == 1 )
// Remove the entire row.
FCKTableHandler.DeleteRows( oRow ) ;
continue ;
// If the cell to be removed exists the delete it.
if ( oRow.cells[iIndex] )
oRow.removeChild( oRow.cells[iIndex] ) ;
FCKTableHandler.InsertCell = function( cell )
// Get the cell where the selection is placed in.
var oCell = cell ? cell : FCKSelection.MoveToAncestorNode("TD") ;
if ( !oCell ) return ;
// Create the new cell element to be added.
var oNewCell = FCK.EditorDocument.createElement("TD");
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko )
oNewCell.innerHTML = GECKO_BOGUS ;
// oNewCell.innerHTML = " " ;
// If it is the last cell in the row.
if ( oCell.cellIndex == oCell.parentNode.cells.length - 1 )
// Add the new cell at the end of the row.
oCell.parentNode.appendChild( oNewCell ) ;
// Add the new cell before the next cell (after the active one).
oCell.parentNode.insertBefore( oNewCell, oCell.nextSibling ) ;
return oNewCell ;
FCKTableHandler.DeleteCell = function( cell )
// If this is the last cell in the row.
if ( cell.parentNode.cells.length == 1 )
// Delete the entire row.
FCKTableHandler.DeleteRows( FCKTools.GetElementAscensor( cell, 'TR' ) ) ;
return ;
// Delete the cell from the row.
cell.parentNode.removeChild( cell ) ;
FCKTableHandler.DeleteCells = function()
var aCells = FCKTableHandler.GetSelectedCells() ;
for ( var i = aCells.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
FCKTableHandler.DeleteCell( aCells[i] ) ;
FCKTableHandler.MergeCells = function()
// Get all selected cells.
var aCells = FCKTableHandler.GetSelectedCells() ;
// At least 2 cells must be selected.
if ( aCells.length < 2 )
return ;
// The merge can occour only if the selected cells are from the same row.
if ( aCells[0].parentNode != aCells[aCells.length-1].parentNode )
return ;
// Calculate the new colSpan for the first cell.
var iColSpan = isNaN( aCells[0].colSpan ) ? 1 : aCells[0].colSpan ;
var sHtml = '' ;
var oCellsContents = FCK.EditorDocument.createDocumentFragment() ;
for ( var i = aCells.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
var eCell = aCells[i] ;
// Move its contents to the document fragment.
for ( var c = eCell.childNodes.length - 1 ; c >= 0 ; c-- )
var eChild = eCell.removeChild( eCell.childNodes[c] ) ;
if ( ( eChild.hasAttribute && eChild.hasAttribute('_moz_editor_bogus_node') ) || ( eChild.getAttribute && eChild.getAttribute( 'type', 2 ) == '_moz' ) )
continue ;
oCellsContents.insertBefore( eChild, oCellsContents.firstChild ) ;
if ( i > 0 )
// Accumulate the colspan of the cell.
iColSpan += isNaN( eCell.colSpan ) ? 1 : eCell.colSpan ;
// Delete the cell.
FCKTableHandler.DeleteCell( eCell ) ;
// Set the innerHTML of the remaining cell (the first one).
aCells[0].colSpan = iColSpan ;
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko && oCellsContents.childNodes.length == 0 )
aCells[0].innerHTML = GECKO_BOGUS ;
aCells[0].appendChild( oCellsContents ) ;
FCKTableHandler.SplitCell = function()
// Check that just one cell is selected, otherwise return.
var aCells = FCKTableHandler.GetSelectedCells() ;
if ( aCells.length != 1 )
return ;
var aMap = this._CreateTableMap( aCells[0].parentNode.parentNode ) ;
var iCellIndex = FCKTableHandler._GetCellIndexSpan( aMap, aCells[0].parentNode.rowIndex , aCells[0] ) ;
var aCollCells = this._GetCollumnCells( aMap, iCellIndex ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < aCollCells.length ; i++ )
if ( aCollCells[i] == aCells[0] )
var oNewCell = this.InsertCell( aCells[0] ) ;
if ( !isNaN( aCells[0].rowSpan ) && aCells[0].rowSpan > 1 )
oNewCell.rowSpan = aCells[0].rowSpan ;
if ( isNaN( aCollCells[i].colSpan ) )
aCollCells[i].colSpan = 2 ;
aCollCells[i].colSpan += 1 ;
// Get the cell index from a TableMap.
FCKTableHandler._GetCellIndexSpan = function( tableMap, rowIndex, cell )
if ( tableMap.length < rowIndex + 1 )
return null ;
var oRow = tableMap[ rowIndex ] ;
for ( var c = 0 ; c < oRow.length ; c++ )
if ( oRow[c] == cell )
return c ;
return null ;
// Get the cells available in a collumn of a TableMap.
FCKTableHandler._GetCollumnCells = function( tableMap, collumnIndex )
var aCollCells = new Array() ;
for ( var r = 0 ; r < tableMap.length ; r++ )
var oCell = tableMap[r][collumnIndex] ;
if ( oCell && ( aCollCells.length == 0 || aCollCells[ aCollCells.length - 1 ] != oCell ) )
aCollCells[ aCollCells.length ] = oCell ;
return aCollCells ;
// This function is quite hard to explain. It creates a matrix representing all cells in a table.
// The difference here is that the "spanned" cells (colSpan and rowSpan) are duplicated on the matrix
// cells that are "spanned". For example, a row with 3 cells where the second cell has colSpan=2 and rowSpan=3
// will produce a bi-dimensional matrix with the following values (representing the cells):
// Cell1, Cell2, Cell2, Cell 3
// Cell4, Cell2, Cell2, Cell 5
FCKTableHandler._CreateTableMap = function( table )
var aRows = table.rows ;
// Row and Collumn counters.
var r = -1 ;
var aMap = new Array() ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < aRows.length ; i++ )
r++ ;
if ( !aMap[r] )
aMap[r] = new Array() ;
var c = -1 ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < aRows[i].cells.length ; j++ )
var oCell = aRows[i].cells[j] ;
c++ ;
while ( aMap[r][c] )
c++ ;
var iColSpan = isNaN( oCell.colSpan ) ? 1 : oCell.colSpan ;
var iRowSpan = isNaN( oCell.rowSpan ) ? 1 : oCell.rowSpan ;
for ( var rs = 0 ; rs < iRowSpan ; rs++ )
if ( !aMap[r + rs] )
aMap[r + rs] = new Array() ;
for ( var cs = 0 ; cs < iColSpan ; cs++ )
aMap[r + rs][c + cs] = aRows[i].cells[j] ;
c += iColSpan - 1 ;
return aMap ;
FCKTableHandler.ClearRow = function( tr )
// Get the array of row's cells.
var aCells = tr.cells ;
// Replace the contents of each cell with "nothing".
for ( var i = 0 ; i < aCells.length ; i++ )
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko )
aCells[i].innerHTML = GECKO_BOGUS ;
aCells[i].innerHTML = '' ;