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Rev 1372 | Go to most recent revision | Blame | Compare with Previous | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed

 * FCKeditor - The text editor for internet
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License:
 * For further information visit:
 * "Support Open Source software. What about a donation today?"
 * File Name: fckplugin.js
 *      Plugin to insert "Placeholders" in the editor.
 * File Authors:
 *              Frederico Caldeira Knabben (

// Register the related command.
FCKCommands.RegisterCommand( 'Placeholder', new FCKDialogCommand( 'Placeholder', FCKLang.PlaceholderDlgTitle, FCKPlugins.Items['placeholder'].Path + 'fck_placeholder.html', 340, 170 ) ) ;

// Create the "Plaholder" toolbar button.
var oPlaceholderItem = new FCKToolbarButton( 'Placeholder', FCKLang.PlaceholderBtn ) ;
oPlaceholderItem.IconPath = FCKPlugins.Items['placeholder'].Path + 'placeholder.gif' ;

FCKToolbarItems.RegisterItem( 'Placeholder', oPlaceholderItem ) ;

// The object used for all Placeholder operations.
var FCKPlaceholders = new Object() ;

// Add a new placeholder at the actual selection.
FCKPlaceholders.Add = function( name )
        var oSpan = FCK.CreateElement( 'SPAN' ) ;
        this.SetupSpan( oSpan, name ) ;

FCKPlaceholders.SetupSpan = function( span, name )
        span.innerHTML = '[[ ' + name + ' ]]' ; = '#ffff00' ; = '#000000' ;

        if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko )
       = 'default' ;

        span._fckplaceholder = name ;
        span.contentEditable = false ;

        // To avoid it to be resized.
        span.onresizestart = function()
                FCK.EditorWindow.event.returnValue = false ;
                return false ;

// On Gecko we must do this trick so the user select all the SPAN when clicking on it.
FCKPlaceholders._SetupClickListener = function()
        FCKPlaceholders._ClickListener = function( e )
                if ( == 'SPAN' && )
                        FCKSelection.SelectNode( ) ;

        FCK.EditorDocument.addEventListener( 'click', FCKPlaceholders._ClickListener, true ) ;

// Open the Placeholder dialog on double click.
FCKPlaceholders.OnDoubleClick = function( span )
        if ( span.tagName == 'SPAN' && span._fckplaceholder )
                FCKCommands.GetCommand( 'Placeholder' ).Execute() ;

FCK.RegisterDoubleClickHandler( FCKPlaceholders.OnDoubleClick, 'SPAN' ) ;

// Check if a Placholder name is already in use.
FCKPlaceholders.Exist = function( name )
        var aSpans = FCK.EditorDocument.getElementsByTagName( 'SPAN' )

        for ( var i = 0 ; i < aSpans.length ; i++ )
                if ( aSpans[i]._fckplaceholder == name )
                        return true ;

if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
        FCKPlaceholders.Redraw = function()
                var aPlaholders = FCK.EditorDocument.body.innerText.match( /\[\[[^\[\]]+\]\]/g ) ;
                if ( !aPlaholders )
                        return ;

                var oRange = FCK.EditorDocument.body.createTextRange() ;

                for ( var i = 0 ; i < aPlaholders.length ; i++ )
                        if ( oRange.findText( aPlaholders[i] ) )
                                var sName = aPlaholders[i].match( /\[\[\s*([^\]]*?)\s*\]\]/ )[1] ;
                                oRange.pasteHTML( '<span style="color: #000000; background-color: #ffff00" contenteditable="false" _fckplaceholder="' + sName + '">' + aPlaholders[i] + '</span>' ) ;
        FCKPlaceholders.Redraw = function()
                var oInteractor = FCK.EditorDocument.createTreeWalker( FCK.EditorDocument.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, FCKPlaceholders._AcceptNode, true ) ;

                var     aNodes = new Array() ;

                while ( oNode = oInteractor.nextNode() )
                        aNodes[ aNodes.length ] = oNode ;

                for ( var n = 0 ; n < aNodes.length ; n++ )
                        var aPieces = aNodes[n].nodeValue.split( /(\[\[[^\[\]]+\]\])/g ) ;

                        for ( var i = 0 ; i < aPieces.length ; i++ )
                                if ( aPieces[i].length > 0 )
                                        if ( aPieces[i].indexOf( '[[' ) == 0 )
                                                var sName = aPieces[i].match( /\[\[\s*([^\]]*?)\s*\]\]/ )[1] ;

                                                var oSpan = FCK.EditorDocument.createElement( 'span' ) ;
                                                FCKPlaceholders.SetupSpan( oSpan, sName ) ;

                                                aNodes[n].parentNode.insertBefore( oSpan, aNodes[n] ) ;
                                                aNodes[n].parentNode.insertBefore( FCK.EditorDocument.createTextNode( aPieces[i] ) , aNodes[n] ) ;

                        aNodes[n].parentNode.removeChild( aNodes[n] ) ;
                FCKPlaceholders._SetupClickListener() ;

        FCKPlaceholders._AcceptNode = function( node )
                if ( /\[\[[^\[\]]+\]\]/.test( node.nodeValue ) )
                        return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT ;
                        return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP ;

FCK.Events.AttachEvent( 'OnAfterSetHTML', FCKPlaceholders.Redraw ) ;

// We must process the SPAN tags to replace then with the real resulting value of the placeholder.
FCKXHtml.TagProcessors['span'] = function( node, htmlNode )
        if ( htmlNode._fckplaceholder )
                node = FCKXHtml.XML.createTextNode( '[[' + htmlNode._fckplaceholder + ']]' ) ;
                FCKXHtml._AppendChildNodes( node, htmlNode, false ) ;

        return node ;