Subversion Repositories Applications.papyrus


Rev 1422 | Blame | Compare with Previous | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed

        Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
        All Rights Reserved.

        Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
        modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:


dojo.lang.mixin(dojo.gfx, {defaultPath:{type:"path", path:""}, defaultPolyline:{type:"polyline", points:[]}, defaultRect:{type:"rect", x:0, y:0, width:100, height:100, r:0}, defaultEllipse:{type:"ellipse", cx:0, cy:0, rx:200, ry:100}, defaultCircle:{type:"circle", cx:0, cy:0, r:100}, defaultLine:{type:"line", x1:0, y1:0, x2:100, y2:100}, defaultImage:{type:"image", width:0, height:0, src:""}, defaultStroke:{color:"black", width:1, cap:"butt", join:4}, defaultLinearGradient:{type:"linear", x1:0, y1:0, x2:100, y2:100, colors:[{offset:0, color:"black"}, {offset:1, color:"white"}]}, defaultRadialGradient:{type:"radial", cx:0, cy:0, r:100, colors:[{offset:0, color:"black"}, {offset:1, color:"white"}]}, defaultPattern:{type:"pattern", x:0, y:0, width:0, height:0, src:""}, normalizeColor:function (color) {
        return (color instanceof dojo.gfx.color.Color) ? color : new dojo.gfx.color.Color(color);
}, normalizeParameters:function (existed, update) {
        if (update) {
                var empty = {};
                for (var x in existed) {
                        if (x in update && !(x in empty)) {
                                existed[x] = update[x];
        return existed;
}, makeParameters:function (defaults, update) {
        if (!update) {
                return dojo.lang.shallowCopy(defaults, true);
        var result = {};
        for (var i in defaults) {
                if (!(i in result)) {
                        result[i] = dojo.lang.shallowCopy((i in update) ? update[i] : defaults[i], true);
        return result;
}, formatNumber:function (x, addSpace) {
        var val = x.toString();
        if (val.indexOf("e") >= 0) {
                val = x.toFixed(4);
        } else {
                var point = val.indexOf(".");
                if (point >= 0 && val.length - point > 5) {
                        val = x.toFixed(4);
        if (x < 0) {
                return val;
        return addSpace ? " " + val : val;
}, pathRegExp:/([A-Za-z]+)|(\d+(\.\d+)?)|(\.\d+)|(-\d+(\.\d+)?)|(-\.\d+)/g});
dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.Surface", null, {initializer:function () {
        this.rawNode = null;
}, getEventSource:function () {
        return this.rawNode;
dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.Point", null, {});
dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.Rectangle", null, {});