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// //
// Copyright (C) 2006 Phorum Development Team //
// //
// //
// This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of either the current Phorum License (viewable at //
// or the Phorum License that was distributed with this file //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the Phorum License //
// along with this program. //
if ( !defined( "PHORUM" ) ) return;
* These functions are Phorum's interface to the user data. If you want
* to use your own user data, just replace these functions.
* The functions do use Phorum's database layer. Of course, it is not
* required.
// if you write your own user layer, set this to false
define( "PHORUM_ORIGINAL_USER_CODE", true );
define( "PHORUM_SESSION_LONG_TERM" , "phorum_session_v5" );
define( "PHORUM_SESSION_SHORT_TERM", "phorum_session_st" );
define( "PHORUM_SESSION_ADMIN", "phorum_admin_session" );
function phorum_user_check_session( $cookie = PHORUM_SESSION_LONG_TERM )
// If we do URI based authentication, we will only look at the
// PHORUM_SESSION_LONG_TERM session (which is the session key that is
// stored in the URI). Here we rewrite requests for
// PHORUM_SESSION_SHORT_TERM so we will handle tighter security correctly.
if ( isset($PHORUM["use_cookies"]) && ! $PHORUM["use_cookies"] &&
if ( ( $cookie != PHORUM_SESSION_LONG_TERM || ( isset( $PHORUM["use_cookies"] ) && $PHORUM["use_cookies"] ) ) && isset( $_COOKIE[$cookie] ) ) { // REAL cookies ;)
$sessid = $_COOKIE[$cookie];
} elseif ( isset( $PHORUM["args"][$cookie] ) ) { // in the p5-urls
$sessid = $PHORUM["args"][$cookie];
} elseif ( isset( $_POST[$cookie] ) ) { // from post-forms
$sessid = $_POST[$cookie];
} elseif ( isset( $_GET[$cookie] ) ) { // should rarely happen but helps in some cases
$sessid = $_GET[$cookie];
$success = false;
if ( !empty( $sessid ) && $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["use_cookies"]) {
// this part is for cookie-authentication where we have username and password
list( $userid, $md5session ) = explode( ":", $sessid, 2 );
if(!is_numeric($userid)) {
phorum_user_clear_session( $cookie );
return false;
$user=phorum_user_get($userid, true, true);
if (empty($user)) {
phorum_user_clear_session( $cookie );
return false;
if ( ($cookie==PHORUM_SESSION_LONG_TERM && !empty($user['cookie_sessid_lt']) && $user['cookie_sessid_lt'] == $md5session) ||
($cookie==PHORUM_SESSION_SHORT_TERM && !empty($user['sessid_st']) && $user['sessid_st'] == $md5session) ||
($cookie==PHORUM_SESSION_ADMIN && !empty($user['cookie_sessid_lt']) && md5($user['cookie_sessid_lt'].$PHORUM["admin_session_salt"]) == $md5session) ) {
if ( $user["active"] ) {
// write access is false by default, need to check the st-cookie too
$GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["user"] = $user;
$success = true;
phorum_user_create_session( $cookie );
} else {
phorum_user_clear_session( $cookie );
} elseif( !empty( $sessid ) && !$GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["use_cookies"]) {
// this part is for uri-authentication where we only have a session-id
$uri_session_id = urldecode( $sessid );
if ( $user_id = phorum_db_user_check_field('sessid_st',$uri_session_id,'=')) {
$user = phorum_user_get( $user_id, true, true );
if ( $user["active"] ) {
// write access is enabled for uri-authentication as thats requiring login at every visit
$GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["user"] = $user;
$success = true;
phorum_user_create_session( $cookie, false, $user['sessid_st'] );
} else {
phorum_user_clear_session( $cookie );
// track user activity
if($success && $PHORUM["track_user_activity"] && $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["user"]["date_last_active"] < time() - $PHORUM["track_user_activity"] ) {
$tmp_user["user_id"] = $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["user"]["user_id"];
$tmp_user["date_last_active"] = time();
if(isset($PHORUM['forum_id'])) {
$tmp_user["last_active_forum"]= $PHORUM['forum_id'];
} else {
$tmp_user["last_active_forum"]= 0;
phorum_user_save_simple( $tmp_user);
return $success;
function phorum_user_create_session( $cookie = PHORUM_SESSION_LONG_TERM, $refresh = false, $uri_session_id = '' )
// require that the global user exists
if ( !empty( $PHORUM["user"] ) ) {
$user = $PHORUM["user"];
if ( (isset( $PHORUM["use_cookies"] ) && $PHORUM["use_cookies"]) || $cookie == PHORUM_SESSION_ADMIN ) {
// creating a new shortterm-session-id if none exists yet or it has timed out
if($refresh || empty($user['sessid_st']) || $user["sessid_st_timeout"]<time()) {
$timeout = time() + $PHORUM["short_session_timeout"]*60;
// if the cookie is half expired, reset it.
} elseif(time() - $user["sessid_st_timeout"] < $PHORUM["short_session_timeout"]*60/2){
$timeout = time() + $PHORUM["short_session_timeout"]*60;
// if a timeout was set, we need to set a new cookie
setcookie( $cookie, $user['user_id'].':'.$sessid, $timeout, $PHORUM["session_path"], $PHORUM["session_domain"] );
// creating a new longterm-session-id if none exists yet
if($refresh || empty($user['cookie_sessid_lt'])) {
} else {
$timeout = 0;
} else {
$timeout = time() + 86400 * $PHORUM["session_timeout"];
setcookie( $cookie, $user['user_id'].':'.$sessid, $timeout, $PHORUM["session_path"], $PHORUM["session_domain"] );
// creating a new longterm-session-id if none exists yet
if(empty($user['cookie_sessid_lt'])) {
} else {
setcookie( $cookie, $user['user_id'].':'.md5($sessid.$PHORUM["admin_session_salt"]), 0, $PHORUM["session_path"], $PHORUM["session_domain"] );
} else {
$sessid = $uri_session_id;
$GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["DATA"]["GET_VARS"][$cookie] = "$cookie=" . urlencode( $sessid );
$GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["DATA"]["POST_VARS"] .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$cookie\" value=\"$sessid\" />";
function phorum_user_clear_session( $cookie = PHORUM_SESSION_LONG_TERM )
setcookie( $cookie, "", time()-86400, $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["session_path"], $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["session_domain"] );
* This function retrieves a user from the database, given the user id.
* If $user_id is an array of user ids, it will retrieve all of the users
* in the array. If $detailed is set to true, the function gets the users
* full information. Setting this to false omits permission data, pm counts,
* and group membership. $detailed is true by default and may be omitted.
* @param user_id - can be a single user id, or an array of user ids.
* @param detailed - get detailed user information (defaults to true).
* @param checknewpm - check for new private messages for the user (defaults to false).
* @return array - either an array representing a single user's information,
* or an array of users
function phorum_user_get( $user_id, $detailed = true, $checkpm = false )
if ( !is_array( $user_id ) ) {
$user_ids = array( $user_id );
} else {
$user_ids = $user_id;
if ( count( $user_ids ) ) {
// get users from cache if enabled
if(isset($PHORUM['cache_users']) && $PHORUM['cache_users']) {
foreach($user_ids as $id => $cur_user_id) {
if($data != null) { // null if no key found
// we need to get the dynamic data too!
// only selecting date_last_active, forum_last_active,
// posts ... any more?
if($cachecnt > 0) {
foreach($dynamic_data as $d_uid => $d_data) {
if(count($user_ids)) {
$tmp_users = phorum_db_user_get( $user_ids, $detailed );
foreach( $tmp_users as $uid => $user ) {
if ( !$user["admin"] ) {
if ( isset( $user["group_permissions"] ) ) {
foreach( $user["group_permissions"] as $forum_id => $perm ) {
$user["permissions"][$forum_id] = $user["permissions"][$forum_id] | $perm;
if ( isset( $user["forum_permissions"] ) ) {
foreach( $user["forum_permissions"] as $forum_id => $perm ) {
$user["permissions"][$forum_id] = $perm;
// check if the user has new private messages
if ( ($checkpm || (isset($PHORUM['cache_users']) && $PHORUM['cache_users'])) && $PHORUM["enable_pm"] && $PHORUM["enable_new_pm_count"] ) {
$user["new_private_messages"] = phorum_db_pm_checknew( $uid );
// store users in cache if enabled
if( $detailed && isset($PHORUM['cache_users']) && $PHORUM['cache_users']) {
$tmp_users[$uid] = $user;
// merging cached and retrieved users
$ret = $tmp_users + $cache_users;
if ( !is_array( $user_id ) ) {
if (isset($ret[$user_id]))
$ret = $ret[$user_id];
$ret = NULL;
return $ret;
* This function gets a list of all the active users.
* @return array of users (same format as phorum_user_get)
function phorum_user_get_list()
return phorum_hook("user_list", phorum_db_user_get_list());
function phorum_user_save( $user )
if ( empty( $user["user_id"] ) ) return false;
$old_user = phorum_user_get( $user['user_id'] );
$db_user = phorum_user_prepare_data( $user, $old_user );
$ret = phorum_db_user_save( $db_user );
// remove that user from the cache
if(isset($GLOBALS["PHORUM"]['cache_users']) && $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]['cache_users']) {
// Is this the currently logged in user?
// If so, re-get his stuff from the system.
if ( isset($GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["user"]) && $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["user"]["user_id"] == $user["user_id"] ) {
$GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["user"] = phorum_user_get( $user["user_id"] );
return $ret;
* This function quickly updates real columns without any further checks
* it just stores the data as fast as possible
function phorum_user_save_simple($user)
if ( empty( $user["user_id"] ) ) return false;
// clear the cache only if we are not just updating the activity
if(isset($GLOBALS['PHORUM']['cache_users']) && $GLOBALS['PHORUM']['cache_users']) {
if(!(count($user) == 3 && isset($user['date_last_active'])))
$ret = phorum_db_user_save( $user );
return $ret;
function phorum_user_check_login( $username, $password )
$ret = false;
$temp_check = false;
$user_id = phorum_db_user_check_pass( $username, md5( $password ) );
// regular password failed, try the temp password
if ( $user_id == 0 ) {
$user_id = phorum_db_user_check_pass( $username, md5( $password ), true );
$temp_check = true;
if ( $user_id > 0 ) {
// if this was a temp password, set the normal pass to the temp password
// do this before we get the user so the data is up to date.
// leave the temp password alone as setting to empty is bad.
if ( $temp_check ) {
$tmp_user["user_id"] = $user_id;
$tmp_user["password"] = $password;
phorum_user_save( $tmp_user );
$ret = phorum_user_set_current_user( $user_id );
return $ret;
function phorum_user_verify( $user_id, $tmp_pass )
$user_id = phorum_db_user_check_field( array( "user_id", "password_temp" ), array( $user_id, md5( $tmp_pass ) ), array( "=", "=" ) );
return $user_id;
function phorum_user_set_current_user( $user_id )
$ret = false;
$user = phorum_user_get( $user_id );
if ( $user["active"] == PHORUM_USER_ACTIVE ) {
$GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["user"] = $user;
$ret = true;
return $ret;
function phorum_user_check_username( $username )
return phorum_db_user_check_field( "username", $username );
function phorum_user_check_email( $email )
return phorum_db_user_check_field( "email", $email );
* (generic) function for checking a user-field in the database
function phorum_user_check_field( $field_name, $field_value)
return phorum_db_user_check_field( $field_name , $field_value );
* function for adding a user to the database (using the db-layer)
function phorum_user_add( $user, $pwd_unchanged = false )
if ( empty( $user["password_temp"] ) ) $user["password_temp"] = $user["password"];
$db_user = phorum_user_prepare_data( $user, array(), $pwd_unchanged );
if(empty($db_user["date_added"])) $db_user["date_added"]=time();
if(empty($db_user["date_last_active"])) $db_user["date_last_active"]=time();
return phorum_db_user_add( $db_user );
function phorum_user_prepare_data( $new_user, $old_user, $pwd_unchanged = false )
// how the user appears to the app and how it is stored in the db are different.
// This function prepares the data for storage in the database.
// While this may seem like a crossing of database vs. front end, it is better that
// this is here as it is not directly related to database interaction.
// we need to preserve some data, therefore we use the old user
unset( $old_user['password'] );
unset( $old_user['password_temp'] );
if ( is_array( $old_user ) ) {
$user = $old_user;
} else {
$user = array();
foreach( $new_user as $key => $val ) {
$user[$key] = $val;
foreach( $user as $key => $val ) {
switch ( $key ) {
// these are all the actual fields in the user
// table. We don't need to do anything to them.
case "user_id":
case "username":
case "email":
case "email_temp":
case "hide_email":
case "active":
case "user_data":
case "signature":
case "threaded_list":
case "posts":
case "admin":
case "threaded_read":
case "hide_activity":
case "permissions":
case "forum_permissions":
case "date_added":
case "date_last_active":
case "group_permissions":
case "groups":
case "show_signature":
case "email_notify":
case "pm_email_notify":
case "tz_offset":
case "is_dst":
case "user_language":
case "user_template":
case "moderation_email":
// the phorum built in user module stores md5 passwords.
case "password":
case "password_temp":
if ( !$pwd_unchanged ) {
$user[$key] = md5( $val );
} elseif ( $pwd_unchanged == -1 ) {
$user[$key] = $val;
// everything that is not one of the above fields is stored in a
// serialized text field for dynamic profile variables.
// If the field is not in the PROFILE_FIELDS array, we don't add it.
// find out which ID that custom-field has
foreach($PHORUM['PROFILE_FIELDS'] as $ctype => $cdata) {
if($cdata['name'] == $key) {
if($type != -1) { // store it only if we found it
if( $val!=="") {
if(!is_array($val)) {
$user_data[$type] = substr($val,0,$PHORUM['PROFILE_FIELDS'][$type]['length']);
} else {
$user_data[$type] = $val;
} elseif(!isset($user_data)){
unset( $user[$key] );
// create the serialized var
if ( isset( $user_data ) ) {
$user["user_data"] = $user_data;
return $user;
function phorum_user_subscribe( $user_id, $forum_id, $thread, $type )
$list=phorum_user_access_list( PHORUM_USER_ALLOW_READ );
if(!in_array($forum_id, $list)) return;
return phorum_db_user_subscribe( $user_id, $forum_id, $thread, $type );
function phorum_user_unsubscribe( $user_id, $thread, $forum_id=0 )
return phorum_db_user_unsubscribe( $user_id, $thread, $forum_id );
} else {
return phorum_db_user_unsubscribe( $user_id, $thread );
* This function returns true if the current user is allowed to moderate $forum_id or the user given through user_data
function phorum_user_moderate_allowed( $forum_id = 0, $user_data = 0 )
if ( $user_data == 0 ) {
$user_data = $PHORUM["user"];
// if this is an admin, stop now
if ( $user_data["admin"] ) return true;
// they have no special permissions, return
return false;
// this sets up a check for moderation at any level
$perms = $user_data["permissions"];
} else {
// else we check only one forum
// if no forum_id passed, check current forum
if ( $forum_id==0 ){
$forum_id = $PHORUM["forum_id"];
$perms[$forum_id] = $user_data["permissions"][$forum_id];
} else {
return false;
// check the users permission array
foreach($perms as $forum_id => $perm) {
return true;
return false;
* calls the db-function for listing all the moderators for a forum
* This returns an array of moderators, key as their userid, value as their email address.
function phorum_user_get_moderators( $forum_id , $ignore_user_perms = false, $for_email = false)
if(isset($GLOBALS["PHORUM"]['cache_users']) && $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]['cache_users']) {
if($mods != null) {
if(!$gotmods) {
$mods=phorum_db_user_get_moderators( $forum_id , $ignore_user_perms, $for_email);
return $mods;
* phorum_user_access_allowed()
* @param $permission Use the PHORUM_ALLOW_* constants
* @return bool
function phorum_user_access_allowed( $permission, $forum_id = 0 )
if ( empty( $forum_id ) ) $forum_id = $PHORUM["forum_id"];
$ret = false;
// user is an admin, he gets it all
if ( !empty( $PHORUM["user"]["admin"] ) ) {
$ret = true;
} else {
// user is logged in.
if ( $PHORUM["user"]["user_id"] > 0 ) {
// if the user has perms for this forum, use them.
if ( isset( $PHORUM["user"]["permissions"][$forum_id] ) ) {
$perms = $PHORUM["user"]["permissions"][$forum_id];
// else we use the forum's default perms
// for registered users
} elseif ( $forum_id ) {
if ( $forum_id != $PHORUM["forum_id"] ) {
$forums = phorum_db_get_forums( $forum_id );
$forum = array_shift( $forums );
} else {
$forum = $PHORUM;
$perms = $forum["reg_perms"];
// user is not logged in
// use the forum default perms for public users
} elseif ( $forum_id ) {
if ( $forum_id != $PHORUM["forum_id"] ) {
$forums = phorum_db_get_forums( $forum_id );
$forum = array_shift( $forums );
} else {
$forum = $PHORUM;
$perms = $forum["pub_perms"];
if ( !empty( $perms ) && ( $ret || ( $perms &$permission ) ) ) {
$ret = true;
} else {
$ret = false;
return $ret;
* phorum_user_access_list()
* This function will return a list of forum ids in which
* the current user has $permission
* @param $permission Use the PHORUM_ALLOW_* constants
* @return bool
function phorum_user_access_list( $permission )
$forums = phorum_db_get_forums(0,-1,$PHORUM['vroot']);
$forum_list = array();
$field = ( $PHORUM["user"]["user_id"] > 0 ) ? "reg_perms" : "pub_perms";
foreach( $forums as $forum_id => $forum ) {
if ( $PHORUM["user"]["admin"] || $forum[$field] &$permission ) {
$forum_list[$forum_id] = $forum_id;
// if its a folder, they have read but nothing else
elseif ($forum["folder_flag"] && $permission == PHORUM_USER_ALLOW_READ){
$forum_list[$forum_id] = $forum_id;
if ( !$PHORUM["user"]["admin"] && !empty( $PHORUM["user"]["permissions"] ) ) {
foreach( $PHORUM["user"]["permissions"] as $forum_id => $perms ) {
if ( isset( $forum_list[$forum_id] ) ) unset( $forum_list[$forum_id] );
if ( $perms & $permission ) {
$forum_list[$forum_id] = $forum_id;
// Admins also have rights for forum_id 0 (announcements)
if ($PHORUM["user"]["admin"]) {
$forum_list[0] = 0;
return $forum_list;
* phorum_user_allow_moderate_group()
* Return true if the current user is allowed to moderate
* a given group, or any group if no group is given.
* @param int - a group id to check (default, all)
* @return bool
function phorum_user_allow_moderate_group($group_id = 0)
$groups = phorum_user_get_moderator_groups();
if ($group_id == 0 && count($groups) > 0){
return true;
elseif (isset($groups[$group_id])){
return true;
return false;
* phorum_user_get_moderator_groups()
* This function will return a list of the groups the current user
* is allowed to moderate. For admins, this will return all the groups.
* The array is of the form array[group_id] = groupname.
* @return array
function phorum_user_get_moderator_groups()
$groups = array();
$fullgrouplist = phorum_db_get_groups();
// if its an admin, return all groups as a moderator
if ($PHORUM["user"]["admin"]){
// the permission here is for a forum, we don't care about that
foreach ($fullgrouplist as $groupid => $groupperm){
$groups[$groupid] = $fullgrouplist[$groupid]["name"];
else {
$grouplist = phorum_user_get_groups($PHORUM["user"]["user_id"]);
foreach ($grouplist as $groupid => $perm){
$groups[$groupid] = $fullgrouplist[$groupid]["name"];
return $groups;
* phorum_user_get_groups()
* This function will return a list of groups the user
* is a member of, as well as the users permissions.
* The returned list has the group id as the key, and
* the permission as the value. Permissions are the
* PHORUM_USER_GROUP constants.
* @param int - the users user_id
* @return array
function phorum_user_get_groups($user_id)
return phorum_db_user_get_groups($user_id);
* phorum_user_save_groups()
* This function saves a users group permissions. The data
* to save should be an array of the form array[group_id] = permission
* @param int - the users user_id
* @param array - group permissions to save
* @return bool - true if successful
function phorum_user_save_groups($user_id, $groups)
if(isset($GLOBALS["PHORUM"]['cache_users']) && $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]['cache_users']) {
return phorum_db_user_save_groups($user_id, $groups);
function phorum_user_addpost()
return phorum_db_user_addpost();
function phorum_user_delete($user_id)
if(isset($GLOBALS["PHORUM"]['cache_users']) && $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]['cache_users']) {
return phorum_db_user_delete($user_id);
* phorum_user_check_custom_field()
* This function takes a custom-fields name and content
* as arguments and returns an array of the user_ids found
* or NULL if no users are found
* optional match-parameter
* 0 - exact match
* 1 - like-clause
function phorum_user_check_custom_field($field_name,$field_content,$match=0) {
foreach($GLOBALS['PHORUM']['PROFILE_FIELDS'] as $ctype => $cdata) {
if($cdata['name'] == $field_name) {
if($type > -1) {
} else {
return $retval;