Subversion Repositories eFlore/Applications.cel


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var messages_en = {
                "intitule-langue" : "English",
                "cel-utilisation" : "Use the Carnet En Ligne to manage your observations",
                "identifiez-vous" : "log-in",
                "pour-transmettre-tela" : "to transmit them to the Tela Botanica network",
                "connecte-en-tant-que" : "Logged in as {0}",
                "deconnexion" : "logout",
                "langue" : "Language",
                "import-erreurs" : "Warning ! Some errors occured during import : {0}",
                "import-obs-ajoutees" : "{0} observation(s) added",
                "import-images-ajoutees" :  "{0} image(s) linked",
                "import-mots-cles-ajoutes" : "{0} keywords added",
                "import-colonnes-non-traitees" : "Unrecognized columns : {0}",
                "envoyer" : "Send",
                "filtres" : "Filters",
                "dates" : "Dates",
                "inconnue" : "Unknown",
                "recherche-libre" : "Free search",
                "rechercher" : "Search",
                "afficher-images-tampon" : "Show images in the buffer only",
                "ajouter-images" : "Add images",
                "tampon" : "Buffer",
                "gerer-mots-cles" : "Manage keywords",
                "mots-cles" : "keywords",
                "mots-cles-arbre" : "Keywords",
                "appliquer" : "Apply",
                "annuler" : "Cancel",
                "nouveau-tag" : "New Tag",
                "renommer" : "Rename",
                "supprimer" : "Delete",
                "localites" : "Locations",
                "projets" : "Projects",
                "ajouter-projet" : "Add a project",
                "supprimer-projet" : "Delete project",
                "mot-cle-non-vide" : "A keyword may not be empty nor contain one of the following characters : {0}",
                "mot-cle-existe-deja" : "A keyword with the same name already exists at the same position",
                "confirmer-suppression-projet" : "Are you sure you want to delete this project ?",
                "impossible-supprimer-racine" : "Cannot delete tree root",
                "aucune-image-taxon" : "No image for this taxon",
                "aucune-carte-taxon" : "No map for this taxon",
                "aucune-image-liee" : "No image linked",
                "plusieurs-fichiers-images-fois" : "Multiple files at once",
                "un-fichier-image-fois" : "One file at a time",
                "ajouter-images-tampon" :  "Add selected images to the buffer",
                "vider-tampon" : "Delete buffer content",
                "afficher-tampon" : "Show buffer content",
                "indication-utilisation-tampon" : "With the buffer, you can pick and show images from differents pages",
                "indication-supprimer-images" : "Delete selected images",
                "indication-plusieurs-fichiers-images-fois" : "Add images by selecting them one by one or by uploading a whole folder at once",
                "galerie" : "Gallery",
                "images" : "Images",
                "avertissement-aucune-image" : "No image to display",
                "cliquez-plusieurs-fichiers-images-fois" : "Click here to upload a whole folder or multiple files at once",
                "necessite-java" : "requires Java",
                "cliquez-un-fichier-image-fois" : "Click here to add files one at a time",
                "indication-ajouter-images-plus-tard" : "To add images later click the Add images button on the top bar",
                "agrandissement" : "enlargement",
                "double-clic-agrandir" : "Double click to enlarge image",

                "voir-fiche-eflore" : "See eFlore page",
                "numero" : "Number",
                "date" : "Date",
                "lieu" : "Location",
                "appareil" : "Device",
                "image" : "Image",
                "note" : "Note",
                "nom-original" : "Original name",
                "nom-associe" : "Associated name",
                "glissez-deposer-images-obs" : "Drag and drop images on the observations list to link them",
                "changer-utilisateur" : "Change user",
                "lier-images-selection-obs" : "Link selected images to selected observations",
                "lier-tampon-selection-obs" : "Link buffer to selected observations",
                "supprimer-liaison" : "Delete link",
                "images-liees" : "Linked images",
                "taxon" : "Taxon",
                "observations" : "Observations",
                "obs" : "Obs",
                "toutes-observations" : "All observations",
                "observations-liees" :  "Linked observations",
                "glissez-deposer-obs-images" : "Drag and drop the observation on an image or an image selection to link them",
                "chargement" : "Loading",
                "lier-images-selectionnes" : "Link to selected images",
                "infos-generales" : "Infos",
                "infos-exif" : "Exif",
                "infos-iptc" : "Iptc",
                "infos" : "Infos",
                "commentaires" : "Comments",
                "ok" : "ok",
                "recherche-dans-observations" : "Search in observations",
                "exif-metadonnees" : "Exif metadata",
                "iptc-metadonnees" : "IPTC metadata",
                "indication-zoom-retour-vue-precedente" : "Double click to go back to the previous view, use the mouse wheel or the arrows to navigate between images",
                "mode-zoom" : "Zoom mode",
                "choisir-utilisateur" : "Choose user",
                "utilisateurs" : "Users",
                "en-recherche" : "Searching",
                "adresser-remarque-probleme" : "Send us your remarks or report a problem",
                "admin-consulter-donnees" : "You are currently viewing the observations of {0}",
                "question-import-anonyme-connecte" : "Do you want to import your anonymous observations into your connected account", 
                "import-observations" : "Observations import",
                "enoyer" : "send",
                "telecharger-modele" : "Download a document template",
                "import-standard" : "for standard import",
                "import-champs-projets" : "for the project {0}",
                "importer" : "Import",
                "exporter" : "Export",
                "export-nc-ce-bf-bv" : "Export common names, extended fields, Baseflor data and Baseveg syntaxons",
                "export-etendu" : "Extended export",
                "etiquettes-pdf" : "Generate labels in PDF format for the current selection",
                "etiquettes" : "Labels",
                "transmis" : "Transmitted",
                "glissez-observations-pour-lier" : "Drag the selected observations onto a projet to link them to it",

                "referentiel" : "Référentiel",
                "nom-saisi" : "Typed name",
                "nom-retenu" : "Accepted name",
                "famille" : "Family",
                "altitude-court" : "alt",
                "abondance" : "Abundancy",
                "phenologie" : "Phenology",
                "ordre" : "Order",

                "details-images-obs" : "Details and observations",
                "liste" : "List",
                "question-envoi-images-identifie" : "You need to be logged in to upload images. Do you want to log in now ?",
                "message-suppression-images-impossible" : "Deletion error : no image selected",
                "ajouter-mot-cle" : "Add keyword",
                "renommer-mot-cle" : "Rename keyword",
                "supprimer-mot-cle" : "Delete keyword",
                "nb-images-ajoutees-tampon" : "{0} image(s) added to buffer",
                "contenu-tampon" : "Buffer content",
                "question-lier-images-obs-sel" : "Link selected images to selected observation (this will replace previous links) ?", 
                "question-lier-obs-image-point" : "Link selected observations to the image under the cursor (this will replace previous links)",
                "question-lier-obs-images-sel" : "Link selected observations to selected images (this will replace previous links)",
                "question-lier-obs-sel-images-sel" : "Link selected images to selected observations (this will replace previous links)",
                "tampon-vide" : "The buffer is empty",
                "tampon-a-ete-vide" : "The buffer has been emptied",
                "aucune-obs-selectionnee" : "No observation selected",
                "aucune-image-selectionnee" : "No image selected",
                "question-supprimer-lien-images-obs" : "Delete link between images and observations",
                "page" : "Page",
                "sur" : "out of",
                "afficher" : "Show",
                "elements" : "Elements",
                "par-page" : "by page",
                "aide" : "Help",
                "remarques" : "Remarks",
                "bugs-remarques" : "Bugs, remarks",
                "connexion" : "Log in",
                "mail" : "Mail",
                "mail-vide-incorrect" : "Mail is incorrect or empty",
                "mot-de-passe" : "Password",
                "mot-de-passe-vide-incorrect" : "Password is incorrect or empty",
                "identifiant-mot-de-passe-invalide" : "Incorrect login/password",
                "valider" : "Accept",
                "refuser" : "Decline",
                "acceptation-licence" : "CEL licence agreement",
                "lu-accepte-licence" : "I have read and accepted the licence agreement",
                "tags" : "Tags",
                "impossible-supprimer-racine" : "You can't delete the tree's root",
                "identification" : "Identification",
                "probleme-mise-a-jour-donnees" : "An error has occured while updating the data",
                "mots-cles-appliques" : "The following keywords have been applied",
                "erreur-contacter-serveur" : "Cannot reach the server, please check the CEL's configuration or contact an administrator",
                "mot-cle-supprime" : "Keyword successfully deleted",
                "mot-cle-renomme" : "Keyword successfully renamed",
                "liaison-mots-cles-effectuee" : "Keyword linked successfully",
                "suppression-liaison-mot-cle-effectuee" : "Keyword unlinked successfully",
                "requete-mal-formee" : "Bad request",
                "impossible-geolocaliser-obs" : "Cannot locate this observation",
                "upload-simple-fichiers" : "Simple file upload",
                "upload-multiple-fichiers" : "Multiple files upload",
                "indication-fin-upload-multiple-fermer" : "When the upload is complete, please close the window to access the newly uploaded images",
                "saisie" : "Input",
                "question-supprimer-observation" : "Are you sure you want to delete this observation",
                "details" : "Details",
                "inconnue" : "Unknown",
                "erreur-nb-obs-étiquettes" : "The labels cannot be generated for more than 300 observations at a time",
                "question-supprimer-lien-image-obs" : "Delete link between image {0} and observation {1}",
                "question-supprimer-observation" : "Are you sure you want to delete the selected observations",
                "question-supprimer-observations-sel" : "Are you sure you want to delete the selected observations",
                "supprimer-selectionnees" : "Delete the selected observations",
                "aucune-observation-selectionnee" : "No observation selected",
                "rendre-publiques" : "make public",
                "rendre-publiques-selectionnees" : "Make the selected observations public",
                "rendre-privees" : "make private",
                "rendre-privees-selectionnees" : "Make the selected observations private",
                "question-rendre-publique-privee-observations-sel" : "Are you sure you want to {0} the selected observations",
                "question-publication-observations-identifie" : "You need to be logged in to make your observations public, would you like to log in now ? (all your observations will be kept)",
                "question-suppression-liaison-obs-mot-cle" : "Are you sure you want to delete the link between the observation and the keyword",

                "explication-panneau-carto" : "Specify the location of your observation then click OK. Coordinates are given in decimal degrees, counted positively towards the North for latitude, and towards the East for longitude",
                "recherche-coordonnees-localite" : "Searching for coordinates and location, please wait",
                "deplacez-marqueur-pour-localiser" : "Move this marker to locate your observation (location and coordinates)",
                "aucune-information" : "No information for this name",
                "aucun-lieu-trouve" : "No location name found for this place",
                "recherche-nom-lieu" : "Searching for location name...",
                "prendre-un-moment" : "This may take a while",
                "que-les-coordonnees" : "If you want coordinates only, you can click OK now",
                "filtres" : "Filters",
                "recherche" : "Search",
                "annee" : "Year",
                "mois" : "Month",
                "jour" : "Day",
                "pays" : "Country",
                "departement" : "Department",
                "mois-1" : "january",
                "mois-2" : "february",
                "mois-3" : "march",
                "mois-4" : "april",
                "mois-5" : "may",
                "mois-6" : "june",
                "mois-7" : "july",
                "mois-8" : "august",
                "mois-9" : "september",
                "mois-10" : "october",
                "mois-11": "november",
                "mois-12" : "december",
                "mois-inconnu" : "Unknown",
                "indication-saisie-groupe-champ-etendus" : "You can add multiple fields at once, corresponding to a group "+
                                                                                                        "for exemple fields from the projets 'sauvages de ma rue' or 'florilèges', etc... <br />"+
                                                                                                        "New groups will be added on a regular basis, based on the most used fields",
                "ajouter-groupe-champ-etendus" : "Add fields group",
                "indication-saisie-nom-champ-etendu" : "Enter a field name or choose one from autocompletion "+
                                                                                                "If you choose an existing field name, this field will be autocompleted "+
                                                                                                "with values already entered by other users.<br /> "+
                                                                                                "Fields of the form 'label (key)' are 'standards' fields having specific roles and descriptions",
                "nom-champ-etendu" : "Field name",
                "ajouter-fermer" : "Add and close",
                "indication-ajouter-fermer" : "Add an extended field or a group and close the window",
                "ajouter" : "Add",
                "fermer" : "Close",
                "indication-ajouter-champ-etendu" : "Add an extended field or a group",
                "indication-fermer-champ-etendu" : "Close the window",
                "erreur-nom-vide-champ-etendu" : "Extended field name cannot be empty",
                "indication-aucune-description-champ-etendu" : "No description found for this field",
                "indication-aucune-description-champ-etendu-remplir" : "You can fill it on this page",
                "description" : "Description",
                "creer" : "Create",
                "modifier" : "Update",
                "reinitialiser" : "Reset",
                "valeurs-multiples" : "Multiple values",
                "localite" : "Locality",
                "station" : "Station",
                "lat" : "Lat",
                "latitude" : "Latitude",
                "lon" : "Lon",
                "longitude" : "Longitude",
                "alt" : "Alt. (meters)",
                "altitude" : "Altitude",
                "coordonnees" : "Coordinates",
                "referentiel" : "Referential",
                "espece" : "Species",
                "abondance" : "Abundancy",
                "lieu-dit" : "Place",
                "milieu" : "Environment",
                "notes" : "Notes",
                "identification" : "Identification",
                "phenologie" : "Phenology",
                "afficher-champs-etendus" : "Show extended fields",
                "cacher-champs-etendus" : "Hide extended fields",
                "ajouter-champ-etendu" : "Add an extended field",
                "indication-champ-etendu-existe-deja" : "The extended field {0} already exists in the form",
                "indication-bouton-creer-obs" : "Submit a new observation with the input values",
                "indication-bouton-modifier-obs" : "Update selected observations",
                "indication-bouton-reinitialiser-obs" : "Empty form",
                "indication-bouton-supprimer-obs" : "Delete selected observations",
                "erreur-localisation" : "localization error",
                "localiser-zone" : "Locate the area",
                "aide-lien-localiser" : "With a map, get the coordinates (latitude/longitude) of your observation, You can enter a name as 'locality (french department)' or 'locality (country)' "+
                                                                "with a two-figures french departement number or a two-letters country code (iso 3166 1 format)",
                "indication-formulaire-lat-lon" : "Lat / Lon are latitudes / longitudes, using decimal degrees",
                "saisie-lat-lon" : "Lat/Lon input",
                "indication-formulaire-localiser" : "Click to get the coordinates of your observation through the map",
                "localiser-la-carte" : "Locate on the map",
                "indication-format-date" : "Observation date jj/mm/aaaa format",
                "indication-localite-vide-invalide" : "Please enter a locality followed by a french department number or a two-letter country code \n 'locality (department)' or 'locality (country)'",
                "indication-date-invalide" : "Invalid date format : date must be formatted as jj/mm/aaaa",
                "date-invalide" : "Invalid date",
                "question-modifier-observation" : "Are you sure you want to update the selected observation",
                "question-modifier-champs-observation" : "Do you want to update the following fields : {0} for the selected observations",
                "indication-aucun-champ-modifie" : "No field modified",
                "indication-premiere-presence" : "Warning, the taxon {0} has never been reported in the chorology of the french department {1},\n "+
                 "if you are certain of your observation, you can report your discovery to the chorology forum at this adress : {2}",
                "certain" : "Certain",
                "douteux" : "Dubious",
                "a-determiner" : "To be identified",
                "abondance-5" : "5 : covering C > 75%",
                "abondance-4" : "4 : 50% < C < 75%",
                "abondance-3" : "3 : 25% < C < 50%",
                "abondance-2" : "2 : 5% < C < 25%",
                "abondance-1" : "1 : 1% < C < 5%",
                "abondance-+" : "+ : covering C < 1%",
                "abondance-r" : "r : rare (a few plants)",
                "abondance-i" : "i : a single individual",
                "abondance-1-5" : "1-5 individuals",
                "abondance-5-10" : "5-10 individuals",
                "abondance-10-50" : "10-50 individuals",
                "abondance-50-100" : "50-100 individuals",
                "abondance-100-500" : "100-500 individuals",
                "abondance->500" : ">500 individuals",
                "abondance-E" : "E : exceptionnal",
                "abondance-RR" : "RR : very rare",
                "abondance-R" : "R : rare",
                "abondance-AR" : "AR : pretty rare",
                "abondance-PC" : "PC : uncommon",
                "abondance-AC" : "AC : pretty common",
                "abondance-C" : "C : common",
                "abondance-CC" : "CC : very common",
                "phenologie-00-09" : "00-09: seed germination, spouting, bud development",
                "phenologie-10-19" : "10-19: leaf development",
                "phenologie-11" : "11: 10% of unfolded leaves",
                "phenologie-15" : "15: 50% of unfolded leaves",
                "phenologie-20-29" : "20-29: formation of side shoots, tillering",
                "phenologie-30-39" : "30-39: stem and shoot elongation, rosette growth",
                "phenologie-40-49" : "40-49: development of vegetatively propagated organs",
                "phenologie-50-59" : "50-59: inflorescence mergence, heading",
                "phenologie-60-69" : "60-69: flowering",
                "phenologie-61" : "61 : 10% of flowers open",
                "phenologie-65" : "65 : 50% of flowers open",
                "phenologie-70-79" : "70-79: development of fruit",
                "phenologie-80-89" : "80-89: ripening or maturity of fruit and seed",
                "phenologie-85" : "85: 50% of fruits ripe",
                "phenologie-90-99" : "90-99: senescence and beginning of dormancy",
                "phenologie-91" : "91:  10% of leaves have changed color",
                "phenologie-95" : "95: 50% of leaves have changed color",
                "referentiel-bdtfx" : "Metropolitan France (BDTFX)",
                "referentiel-bdtfxr" : "Metropolitan France (reduced index)",
                "referentiel-bdtxa" : "French Antilles (BDTXA)",
                "referentiel-bdtre" : "Reunion Island (BDTRE)",
                "referentiel-isfan" : "North Africa (ISFAN)",
                "referentiel-apd" : "West and Center Africa (APD)",
                "referentiel-lbf" : "Lebanon (LBF)",
                "referentiel-autre" : "Other/Unknown",

                "licence" : "The \"online notebook\" (CEL) is a service offered by Tela Botanica in order to help you keep track of your field observations so that they no longer remain a prisoner of your \"little spiral notebook\" ... data entry is fast, safe and accurate and the CEL allows you to archive and sort them easily. If you publish them, we urge you to do, but it’s not compulsory, they will be visible on species distribution maps of Tela Botanica’s website. Similarly, you can share your best pictures of plants with other members of the network. You can also export your comments entered in the CEL in an Excel table to handle statistically, transfer them to other botanists or other software.<br />"
                        +"<br />"
                        +"For that, you must accept the following conditions :<br />"
                        +"<br />"
                        +"1. <b>Being registered in Tela Botanica’s network</b> : this registration is free and you will find all explanations at : <a href=\"\"></a><br />"
                        +"<br />"
                        +"2. <b>By publishing your observations on Tela Botanica’s website you agree to assign</b> :<br />"
                        +"- <u>an internal right of use by Tela Botanica</u>, non-exclusive, unlimited in time and free of charge, on all published data, notably the right to hold, duplicate, archive, aggregate with data from other sources and perform any type of calculation to extract general information, such as statistics, for example. <br />"
                        +"- <u>The right to Tela Botanica to disseminate data freely and free of charge</u>, with no time limit, provided that the name of the author of the observation and the name of Tela Botanica are cited. However, in the event that a publication would include more than 100 different authors, only the term \"Tela Botanica network\" will be mentioned<br />"
                        +"<br />"
                        +"3. <b>You may withdraw the published data you want at any time</b>. In this case the provisions of the previous Article no longer apply to data and removed from the publication, without any time to return to the previously assigned rights upon initial publication in cases where the data has already been used by third parties.<br />"
                        +"<br />"
                        +"4. <b>By publishing your photos on TB’s website</b>, you agree to make them available to the community under a license <a href = \"\"> Creative Commons </a>. This provision is applicable only to the reduced size of your images presented on the Tela Botanica’s website. It does not apply to images in their original format in high definition that you keep the property. Under this license <a href=\"\"> Creative Commons </a> any person shall be free to reproduce, modify, distribute and transmit the picture to the public under the following conditions :<br />"
                        +"- mention the name of the original author of the work and that of Tela Botanica who edits,<br />"
                        +"- if there is change, transformation, or adaptation works, you must give the right to distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one,<br />"
                        +"- at any reuse or distribution, contractual terms of provision of this creation must be clear mentioned,<br />"
                         +"- each of these conditions can be waived with the permission of the copyright holder.<br />"
                         +"<br />"
                         +"<br />"
                        +"5. <b>By publishing your data (photos and / or observations) on Tela Botanica’s website</b> you agree that network members can contact you via your email address to discuss with you the relevance of your determination, his place of observation or the title of your photos.<br />"
                        +"<br />"
                        +"Posting your identity will appear as the full name you have filled in during registration at Tela Botanica’s network. Only the last part of the @ sign in your email address will be displayed to prevent its use by third parties. The messages which arrive will be send by Tela Botanica via a device ensuring non hacking your address.<br />"