Subversion Repositories Applications.papyrus


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require_once(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/') . '/secret/wp-hashcash.lib');

header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Expires: 0");
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
$expired = array();

$function_name = hashcash_random_string(rand(6,18));
$expired [] = $function_name;

$js = "function $function_name (){";

$type = rand(0, 3) * 0;
        /* Addition of n times of field value / n, + modulus:
        Time guarantee:  100 iterations or less */
        case 0:
                $eax = hashcash_random_string(rand(8,10), $expired);
                $expired [] = $eax;
                $val = hashcash_field_value();
                $inc = rand($val / 100, $val - 1);
                $n = floor($val / $inc);
                $r = $val % $inc;
                $js .= "var $eax = $inc; ";
                for($i = 0; $i < $n - 1; $i++){
                        $js .= "$eax += $inc; ";
                $js .= "$eax += $r; ";
                $js .= "return $eax; ";
        /* Conversion from binary:
        Time guarantee:  log(n) iterations or less */
        case 1:
                $eax = hashcash_random_string(rand(8,10), $expired);
                $expired [] = $eax;
                $ebx = hashcash_random_string(rand(8,10), $expired);
                $expired [] = $ebx;
                $ecx = hashcash_random_string(rand(8,10), $expired);
                $expired [] = $ecx;
                $val = hashcash_field_value();
                $binval = strrev(base_convert($val, 10, 2));
                        $js .= "var $eax = \"$binval\"; ";
                $js .= "var $ebx = 0; ";
                $js .= "var $ecx = 0; ";
                $js .= "while($ecx < $eax.length){ ";
                $js .= "if($eax.charAt($ecx) == \"1\") { ";
                $js .= "$ebx += Math.pow(2, $ecx); ";
                $js .= "} ";
                $js .= "$ecx++; ";
                $js .= "} ";
                $js .= "return $ebx; ";
        /* Multiplication of square roots:
        Time guarantee:  constant time */
        case 2:
                $val = hashcash_field_value();
                $sqrt = floor(sqrt($val));
                $r = $val - ($sqrt * $sqrt);
                $js .= "return $sqrt * $sqrt + $r; ";
        /* Sum of random numbers to the final value:
        Time guarantee:  log(n) expected value */
        case 3:
                $val = hashcash_field_value();
                $js .= "return ";

                $i = 0;
                while($val > 0){
                        if($i++ > 0)
                                $js .= "+";
                        $temp = rand(1, $val);
                        $val -= $temp;
                        $js .= $temp;

                $js .= ";";
$js .= "} $function_name ();";

// pack bytes
function strToLongs($s) {
        $l = array();
        // pad $s to some multiple of 4
        $s = preg_split('//', $s, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
        while(count($s) % 4 != 0){
                $s [] = ' ';

        for ($i = 0; $i < ceil(count($s)/4); $i++) {
                $l[$i] = ord($s[$i*4]) + (ord($s[$i*4+1]) << 8) + (ord($s[$i*4+2]) << 16) + (ord($s[$i*4+3]) << 24);

        return $l;

// xor all the bytes with a random key
$key = rand(21474836, 2126008810);
$js = strToLongs($js);

for($i = 0; $i < count($js); $i++){
        $js[$i] = $js[$i] ^ $key;

// libs function encapsulation
$libs_name = hashcash_random_string(rand(6,18), $expired);
$expired [] = $libs_name;

$libs = "function $libs_name(){";

// write bytes to javascript, xor with key
$data_name = hashcash_random_string(rand(6,18), $expired);
$expired [] = $data_name;

$libs .= "var $data_name = new Array(" . count($js) . "); ";
for($i = 0; $i < count($js); $i++){
        $libs .= $data_name . '[' . $i . '] = ' . $js[$i] . ' ^ ' . $key .'; ';

// convert bytes back to string
$libs .= " var a = new Array($data_name.length); ";
$libs .= "for (var i=0; i<" . $data_name . ".length; i++) { ";
$libs .= 'a[i] = String.fromCharCode(' . $data_name .'[i] & 0xFF, ' . $data_name . '[i]>>>8 & 0xFF, ';
$libs .= $data_name . '[i]>>>16 & 0xFF, ' . $data_name . '[i]>>>24 & 0xFF); } ';
$libs .= "return eval(a.join('')); ";

// call libs function
$libs .= "} $libs_name();";

// return code
echo $libs;