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// //
// Copyright (C) 2006 Phorum Development Team //
// //
// //
// This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of either the current Phorum License (viewable at //
// or the Phorum License that was distributed with this file //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the Phorum License //
// along with this program. //
if ( !defined( "PHORUM_ADMIN" ) ) return;
$error = "";
if ( count( $_POST ) ) {
// set the defaults
foreach( $_POST as $field => $value ) {
switch ( $field ) {
case "title":
if ( empty( $value ) ) {
$_POST[$field] = "Phorum 5";
case "http_path":
if ( empty( $value ) ) {
$_POST[$field] = dirname( $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] );
} elseif ( !preg_match( "/^(http|https):\/\/(([a-z0-9][a-z0-9_-]*)(\.[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_-]*)+)(:(\d+))?/i", $value ) && !preg_match( "/^(http|https):\/\/[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_-]*(:\d+)?\//i", $value ) ) {
$error = "The provided HTTP Path is not a valid URL.";
case "cache":
if ( empty( $value ) ) {
$_POST[$field] = "/tmp";
} elseif ( !file_exists( $value ) ) {
$error = "This cache directory does not exist. Please create it with the proper permissions.";
case "session_timeout":
$_POST[$field] = (int)$_POST[$field];
case "short_session_timeout":
$_POST[$field] = (int)$_POST[$field];
// impose a 5 minute minimum on this field for sanity reasons
if($_POST[$field]<5) $_POST[$field];
case "session_path":
if ( empty( $value ) ) {
$_POST[$field] = "/";
} elseif ( $value[0] != "/" ) {
$error = "Session Path must start with a /";
case "session_domain":
if ( !empty( $value ) && !stristr( $_POST["http_path"], $value ) ) {
$error = "Session Domain must be part of the domain in HTTP Path or empty.";
case "system_email_from_address":
if ( empty( $value ) ) {
$error = "You must supply an email address for system emails to use as a from address.";
case "max_file_size":
settype( $_POST[$field], "int" );
case "file_space_quota":
settype( $_POST[$field], "int" );
case "file_types":
$_POST[$field] = strtolower( $value );
case "cache_users":
if ( empty( $value ) ) {
$_POST[$field] = 0;
if ( $error ) break;
if ( empty( $error ) ) {
unset( $_POST["module"] );
if ( phorum_db_update_settings( $_POST ) ) {
} else {
$error = "Database error while updating settings.";
if ( $error ) {
phorum_admin_error( $error );
// create the time zone drop down array
for( $x = -23;$x <= 23;$x++ ) {
$tz_range[$x] = $x;
include_once "./include/admin/PhorumInputForm.php";
$frm = &new PhorumInputForm ( "", "post" );
$frm->addbreak( "Phorum General Settings" );
$frm->hidden( "module", "settings" );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Phorum Title", $frm->text_box( "title", $PHORUM["title"], 50 ) );
$row=$frm->addrow( "DNS Lookups", $frm->select_tag( "dns_lookup", array( "No", "Yes" ), $PHORUM["dns_lookup"] ) );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Use Cookies", $frm->select_tag( "use_cookies", array( "No", "Yes" ), $PHORUM["SETTINGS"]["use_cookies"] ) );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Hide Forums", $frm->select_tag( "hide_forums", array( "No", "Yes" ), $PHORUM["hide_forums"] ) );
$frm->addhelp($row, "Hide Forums", "By setting this to Yes, forums that users are not allowed to read will be hidden from them in the forums list." );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Show New Count in Forum List", $frm->select_tag( "show_new_on_index", array( "No", "Yes" ), $PHORUM["show_new_on_index"] ) );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Folder/Forum display style", $frm->select_tag( "use_new_folder_style", array( "Classic", "New" ), $PHORUM["use_new_folder_style"] ) );
$frm->addhelp($row, "Folder/Forum display style", "Since version 3, Phorum has included folders. Until version 5.1, forums inside folders did not show until you clicked on the folder. In 5.1, the list of forums in a folder can now be shown under that folder in the forum list. This allows admins to organize a large list of forums all on one page." );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Enable Moderator Notifications", $frm->select_tag( "enable_moderator_notifications", array( "No", "Yes" ), $PHORUM["enable_moderator_notifications"] ) );
$frm->addhelp($row, "Enable Moderator Notifications", "By setting this to Yes, Phorum will display notice to the various kinds of moderators when they have a new item that requires their attention. For example, message moderators will see a notice whenever there is an unapproved message." );
$row=$frm->addrow( "User Post Edit Time Limit (minutes)", $frm->text_box( "user_edit_timelimit", $PHORUM["user_edit_timelimit"], 10) );
$frm->addhelp($row, "User Post Edit Time Limit (minutes)", "If set to a value larger then 0, this acts as a time limit for post editing. Users will only be able to edit their own posts within this time limit. This only applies if a user has the necessary permissions to edit their post, and does not affect moderators." );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Reply form appears", $frm->select_tag( "reply_on_read_page", array( "1"=>"On the read page", "0"=>"On a separate page" ), $PHORUM["reply_on_read_page"] ) );
$row=$frm->addrow( "After posting goto", $frm->select_tag( "redirect_after_post", array( "list"=>"Message List Page", "read"=>"Message Read Page" ), $PHORUM["redirect_after_post"] ) );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Database error handling", $frm->select_tag( "error_logging", array( "screen"=>"Errors will be shown on the screen", "file"=>"Errors will go to a logfile (".$PHORUM['cache']."/phorum-sql-errors.log)", "mail"=> "Errors will be emailed to the system email address"), $PHORUM["error_logging"] ) );
$frm->addbreak( "HTML Settings" );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Phorum HTML Title", $frm->text_box( "html_title", $PHORUM["html_title"], 50 ) );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Phorum Head Tags", $frm->textarea( "head_tags", $PHORUM["head_tags"], 30, 5, "style='width: 100%'" ) );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Show and allow RSS-links", $frm->select_tag( "use_rss", array( "No", "Yes" ), $PHORUM["use_rss"] ) );
$frm->addbreak( "File/Path Settings" );
$row=$frm->addrow( "HTTP Path", $frm->text_box( "http_path", $PHORUM["http_path"], 30 ) );
$frm->addhelp($row, "HTTP Path", "This is the base url of your Phorum." );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Disabled URL", $frm->text_box( "disabled_url", $PHORUM["disabled_url"], 50 ) );
$frm->addhelp($row, "Disabled URL", "This url will be redirected to when the Phorum status is disabled. If no URL is given, a message in English will be displayed." );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Cache Directory", $frm->text_box( "cache", $PHORUM["cache"], 30 ) );
$frm->addhelp($row, "Cache Directory", "Phorum caches its templates for faster use later. This setting is the directory where Phorum stores that cache. Most users will be fine using their servers temp directory. If your server uses PHP Safe Mode, you will need to create a directory under your Phorum directory and make it writable by the web server." );
$frm->addbreak("Cache Settings");
$row=$frm->addrow( "Enable Caching Userdata:", $frm->select_tag( "cache_users", array( "No", "Yes" ), $PHORUM["cache_users"] ) );
//$row=$frm->addrow( "Enable Caching Newflags:", $frm->select_tag( "cache_newflags", array( "No", "Yes" ), $PHORUM["cache_newflags"] ) );
$frm->addbreak( "Date Options" );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Time Zone Offset", $frm->select_tag( "tz_offset", $tz_range, $PHORUM["tz_offset"] ) );
$frm->addhelp($row, "Time Zone Offset", "If you and/or your users are in a different time zone than the server, you can have the default displayed time adjusted by using this option." );
$frm->addbreak( "Cookie/Session Settings" );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Main Session Timeout (days)", $frm->text_box( "session_timeout", $PHORUM["session_timeout"], 10 ) );
$frm->addhelp($row, "Session Timeout", "When users log in to your Phorum, they are issued a cookie. You can set this timeout to the number of days that you want the cookie to stay on the users computer. If you set it to 0, the cookie will only last as long as the user has the browser open." );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Session Path (start with /)", $frm->text_box( "session_path", $PHORUM["session_path"], 30 ) );
$frm->addhelp($row, "Session Path", "When cookies are sent to client's browser, part of the cookie determines the path (url) for which the cookies are valid. For example, if the url is, you could set the path to /phorum. Then, the users browser would only send the cookie information when the user accessed the Phorum. You could also use simply / and the cookie info will be sent for any page on your site. This could be useful if you want to use Phorum's login system for other parts of your site." );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Session Domain", $frm->text_box( "session_domain", $PHORUM["session_domain"], 30 ) );
$frm->addhelp($row, "Session Domain", "Most likely, you can leave this blank. If you know you need to use a different domain (like you use, you may want to just use as the domain), you may enter it here." );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Track User Usage", $frm->select_tag( "track_user_activity", array( 0=>"Never", 86400=>"Once per day", 3600=>"Once per hour", 600=>"Once per 5 minutes", 1=>"Constantly" ), $PHORUM["track_user_activity"] ) );
$frm->addhelp($row, "Track User Usage", "When set the last time a user accessed the Phorum will be recorded as often as you have decided upon. This will require constant updates to your database. If you have a busy forum on weak equipment, this may be bad thing to set to low." );
$frm->addbreak( "Tighter Security" );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Enable Tighter Security", $frm->select_tag( "tight_security", array( "No", "Yes" ), $PHORUM["tight_security"] ) );
$frm->addhelp($row, "Enable Tighter Security", "Tight security in Phorum will require that users confirm their login information from time to time before posting messages, accessing private messages or using their Control Center. The length of time is determined by Short Session Timeout." );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Short Session Timeout (minutes)", $frm->text_box( "short_session_timeout", $PHORUM["short_session_timeout"], 10 ) );
$frm->addhelp($row, "Short Session Timeout", "When tight security is enabled, the users will be issued a second cookie when the type in their login information. If the user does not use the site for the period of time you set here, they will have to re-enter their login information before posting messages, accessing private messages or using their Control Center. They will still be allowed to read the Phorum as long as their Main Session is still good. The time is minutes. The minimum is 5 minutes. Otherwise, your users will be very angry at you.<br /><br />P.S. 1 day = 1440 minutes" );
$frm->addbreak( "User Settings" );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Allow Time Zone Selection", $frm->select_tag( "user_time_zone", array( "No", "Yes" ), $PHORUM["user_time_zone"] ) );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Allow Template Selection", $frm->select_tag( "user_template", array( "No", "Yes" ), $PHORUM["user_template"] ) );
$reg_con_arr = array(
PHORUM_REGISTER_VERIFY_MODERATOR => "Verified by a moderator",
PHORUM_REGISTER_VERIFY_BOTH => "Verified by a moderator and via email"
$row=$frm->addrow( "Registration Verification", $frm->select_tag( "registration_control", $reg_con_arr, $PHORUM["registration_control"] ) );
$upload_arr = array(
$row=$frm->addrow( "File Uploads:", $frm->select_tag( "file_uploads", $upload_arr, $PHORUM["file_uploads"] ) );
$row=$frm->addrow( " File Types (eg. gif;jpg)", $frm->text_box( "file_types", $PHORUM["file_types"], 30 ) );
$row=$frm->addrow( " Max File Size (KB)", $frm->text_box( "max_file_size", $PHORUM["max_file_size"], 30 ) );
$row=$frm->addrow( " File Space Quota (KB)", $frm->text_box( "file_space_quota", $PHORUM["file_space_quota"], 30 ) );
$row=$frm->addrow( " Allow Off Site Links", $frm->select_tag( "file_offsite", array( "No", "Yes" ), $PHORUM["file_offsite"] ) );
$frm->addhelp($row, " Allow Off Site Links", "You may not want to allow other web sites to link to files that users upload to your forums. If not, set this to No. If you want to use links on other parts of your web site or only specific web sites, you will need to use your web server's security features to accomplish this. For Apache users, you can reference <i>Prevent \"Image Theft\"</i> at" );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Private Messaging:", $frm->select_tag( "enable_pm", array( "Off", "On" ), $PHORUM["enable_pm"] ) );
$row=$frm->addrow( " Count New Private Messages", $frm->select_tag( "enable_new_pm_count", array( "No", "Yes" ), $PHORUM["enable_new_pm_count"] ) );
$frm->addhelp($row, "Count New Private Messages", "By setting this to Yes, Phorum will check if a user has new private messages, and display an indicator. On a Phorum with a lot of users and private messages, this may hurt performance. This option has no effect if Private Messaging is disabled." );
$row=$frm->addrow( " Enable Drop-down User List", $frm->select_tag( "enable_dropdown_userlist", array( "No", "Yes" ), $PHORUM["enable_dropdown_userlist"] ) );
$frm->addhelp($row, "Enable Drop-down User List", "By setting this to Yes, Phorum will display a drop-down list of users instead of an empty text box on pages where you can select a user. Two examples of such pages are when sending a private message, and when adding users to a group in the group moderation page. This option should be disabled if you have a large number of users, as a list of thousands of users will slow performance dramatically." );
$row=$frm->addrow( " Max number of stored messages", $frm->text_box( "max_pm_messagecount", $PHORUM["max_pm_messagecount"], 30 ) );
$frm->addhelp($row, "Max number of stored messages", "This is the maximum number of private messages that a user may store on the server. The number of private messages is the total of all messages in all PM folders together. Setting this value to zero will allow for unlimited messages.");
$frm->addbreak( "General Defaults" );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Default Template", $frm->select_tag( "default_template", phorum_get_template_info(), $PHORUM["default_template"] ) );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Default Language", $frm->select_tag( "default_language", phorum_get_language_info(), $PHORUM["default_language"] ) );
$frm->addbreak( "System Email Settings" );
$row=$frm->addrow( "System Emails From Name", $frm->text_box( "system_email_from_name", $PHORUM["system_email_from_name"], 30 ) );
$row=$frm->addrow( "System Emails From Address", $frm->text_box( "system_email_from_address", $PHORUM["system_email_from_address"], 30 ) );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Use BCC in sending mails:", $frm->select_tag( "use_bcc", array( "No", "Yes" ), $PHORUM["use_bcc"] ) );
$row=$frm->addrow( "Ignore Admin for moderator-emails:", $frm->select_tag( "email_ignore_admin", array( "No", "Yes" ), $PHORUM["email_ignore_admin"] ) );
$frm->addhelp($row, " Ignore Admin for moderator-emails", "If you select yes for this option, then the moderator-notifications and report-message emails will not be sent to the admininistrator, only to moderators" );
// calling mods
$frm=phorum_hook("admin_general", $frm);