Subversion Repositories eFlore/Applications.cel


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titre-page = "Input tool: sTREEts"
obligatoire = "required"
choisir = "Choose"
oui = "Yes"
non = "No"

titre = "Help"
description="This tool allows you to simply share your observations with the Tela Botanica network (under <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">
CC BY-SA 2.0 FR licence</a>).<br />
        Log in to find and modify your data in your <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">
        Carnet en ligne</a>. Create up to 10 observations (10Mo max of pictures), save them and share them with the \"transmit\" button.
        <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">
         Provided some conditions</a>, your data can be displayed on our tools
        <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">IdentiPlante</a>,
        <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">PictoFlora</a>, eFlore,
        <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">map</a> and photo gallery.<br />
        For question or to know more,
         <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"> see the help</a>
        or contact us at"
bouton= "Inactive help"
contact= "For any questions,"
contact2= "contact us."

titre = "Observer"
compte = "Use an account&nbsp;:"
connexion = "Log in"
inscription = "Create an account"
bienvenue = "Hello&nbsp;: "
profil = "My profile"
deconnexion = "Log out"
releves-deb = "You have already entered"
releves-fin = "records for <strong>Aupres de mon Arbre</strong>. Thank you!"
courriel = "Email"
courriel-confirmation = "Email (confirmation)"
courriel-confirmation-title = "Please confirm the email."
courriel-title = "Enter your email adress"
courriel-input-title = "Enter your Tela Botanica's inscription mail. If you are not registered,
        you can do it later to manage your data. You will be asked for additional information & nbsp; first name and last name."
prenom = "First name"
nom = "Last Name"
alertcc-title = "Information&nbsp;: copy/paste"
alertcc = "Please do not copy / paste your email. <br/>
        Double entry makes it possible to check for errors. "
alertni-title = "Information&nbsp;: Observer not identified"
alertni = "Your observation must be linked to either an account or an email.<br/>
        Please choose either to login, to register or to communicate an email address to identify yourself as the author of the observation.<br/>
        To find your observations in the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Online notebook</a>,<br/>
        it is necessary to <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">register to Tela Botanica</a>."
alertgk-title = "Information&nbsp;: bad geolocation"
alertgk = "Some geolocation information has not been transmitted."

titre-obs = "Observation"
titre-info-obs = "Informations about the survey"
obs-info = "<p><span class=\"warning\">Warning!></span><br>This information can not be modified after the creation of the survey</p>
    <p>To indicate that<span class=\"font-weight-bold\">a survey item or a tree has changed</span> or correct an error, you must duplicate the existing survey.</p>
    <p><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">See the help</a> for further informations.</p>"

lieu-releve = "Location of the survey"
geoloc-title = "Please locate the street of the survey"
releves-exist = "Existing surveys&nbsp;: "
date = "Date"
date-title ="Enter the date of the observation"
zone-pietonne = "Pedestrian zone"
pres-lampadaires = "Presence of street lamps"
commentaires = "comments"

Titre = "Trees from the survey"
referentiel = "Referential"
espece = "Species"
certitude = "Identification"
certCert = "Certain"
certDout = "Dubious"
certADet = "To be identified"
milieu = "Environment"
milieu-ph = "wood, field, cliff, ..."

titre = "Picture(s) of this plant"
aide = "Photos must be in JPEG format and must not exceed 5MB each."
ajouter = "Add a picuture"

titre = "Project specific information"
select-checkboxes-texte = "Several choices"

creer = "Create"
creer-title = "Once the fields are filled, you can click on this button to add your observation to the list to transmit."
alert10max = "Information&nbsp;: 10 observations maximum"
alert10max-desc = "You've just added your 10th observation.<br/>
        If you wish to add ohers, these observations must be transmitted first by clicking the 'transmit' button above."
alertchp = "Information&nbsp;: some fields have errors"
alertchp-desc = "Some fields in this form are poorly filled.<br/>
        Please check your data."
titre = "Observations to be transmitted&nbsp;:"
trans-title = "Add the observations below to your Online Notebook and make them public."
trans = "transmit"
alert0obs = "Warning&nbsp;: no observation"
alert0obs-desc = "Please enter observations to transfer them."
info-trans = "Information&nbsp;: transmission of observations"
alerttrans = "Error&nbsp;: transmission of observations"
nbobs = "observations transmitted"
transencours = "Transfer of observations in progress...<br />
        This may take several minutes depending on the size of the images and the number of observations to be transferred."
transok = "Your observations have been sent.<br />
        They are now available through different visualization tools of the network (
        <a href=\"\">eFlore</a>,
    <a href=\"\">images galery</a>,
    <a href=\"\">identiplante</a>,
    <a href=\"\">cartography (widget)</a>...)<br />
    If you want to modify or delete them, you can find them by connecting to your
    <a href=\"\"> Online notebook</a>.<br />
    Remember that it is necessary to
    <a href=\"\"> register on Tela Botanica</a>
    beforehand, if you have not already done so."
transko = "An error occurred while transmitting an observation.<br />
    You can try to retransmit it by clicking again on the transmit button or delete it and pass on the following.<br />
    Nevertheless, the observations no longer appearing in the \ "observations to be transmitted \" list, were sent during your previous attempt. <br />
    If the problem remains, you can report the malfunction on <a href=\"<?php echo $url_remarques\; ?>?service=cel\&pageSource=<?php echo urlencode( 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] )\; ?>\" target=\"_blank\" onclick=\"javascript: this.getAttribute( 'href' ), 'Tela Botanica - Remarques', config = 'height=700, width=640, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes' )\; return false\;\">the error reporting form</a>."