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* @author Raphaël Droz <>
* @copyright 2013, Tela-Botanica
* @license GPL v3
* @license CECILL v2
// eg: php clical.php amorphophallus_et_araceae|html2text
if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') die;
// for standalone use
// WARNING: this uses cache !
// php-cli user could have != permission than a webserver
// then cache file created could become inaccessible to webserver
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_STRICT ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_DEPRECATED);
$path = '/home/vpopmail/domains';
$domaine = '';
List (ezmlm_threads::listmessages()), /calendrier_messages.php,
Recent (ezmlm_listinfo::show_recentmsgs()), /derniers_messages.php?domaine=&liste=
Month (ezmlm_listinfo::show_month(X)), /messages_mois.php?domaine=&liste=&actionargs[]=201306
month/Thread (ezmlm_listinfo::show_month(X)), /messages_thread.php?domaine=&liste=&actionargs[]=201306
XXX: Show (ezmlm_msgdisplay::display(X)), /message.php?domaine=&liste=&action=show_msg&actionargs[]=18&actionargs[]=09
-p: path
-d: domaine
$options = getopt("LRMTp:d:");
if(isset($options['p'])) $path = $options['p'];
if(isset($options['d'])) $domaine = $options['d'];
$liste = array_slice($argv, -1)[0];
if(!$liste || !$domaine || !$path) die;
include_once 'ezmlm-php-2.0/ezmlm.php' ;
// Parametrage de la liste
if(array_key_exists('R', $options) || array_key_exists('M', $options)) {
$info = new ezmlm_listinfo();
} else { // cal & show threads
$info = new ezmlm_threads();
if (!$info) die('Les fichiers de la liste ne sont pas visible sur le serveur');
$info->forcehref = $url;
$info->listdir = $path . '/' . $domaine . '/' . $liste ;
$info->listname = $liste;
$info->listdomain = $domaine ;
if(array_key_exists('R', $options)) {
echo $info->show_recentmsgs();
elseif(array_key_exists('M', $options)) {
echo $info->show_month("201307");
elseif(array_key_exists('T', $options)) {
$info->tempdir = '/tmp' ; echo $info->load("201306");
else {
echo $info->listmessages(); // ezmlm_threads