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 * phpMyEdit - instant MySQL table editor and code generator
 * extensions/phpMyEdit-htmlarea.class.php - phpMyEdit htmlArea extension
 * ____________________________________________________________
 * Contribution of Ezudin Kurtowich <>, Sarajevo
 * Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Platon Group,
 * All rights reserved.
 * See README file for more information about this software.
 * See COPYING file for license information.
 * Download the latest version from

/* $Platon: phpMyEdit/extensions/phpMyEdit-htmlarea.class.php,v 1.10 2006-01-22 21:44:18 nepto Exp $ */


        NOTE...This extension will not work with the CVS version of PME. It has
        been replaced by the mce_cal extension.
    htmlArea is a free WYSIWYG textarea replacement from website.

    The extension requires a properly installed htmlArea script
    as described on the site.


    This extension enables WYSIWYG editing of a textarea field.
    In order to use it, you should:
    1. Load htmlArea script in the <head>...</head> section of your
       phpMyEdit calling program as described in the htmlarea manual.
       NOTE: To avoid an unwanted side effect in css style produced
       by phpMyEditSetup.php, delete 'table-width:100%' property.

    2. Call to phpMyEdit-htmlarea.class.php instead
       of phpMyEdit.class.php.


       require_once 'extensions/phpMyEdit-htmlarea.class.php';
       new phpMyEdit_htmlarea($opts);

    3. Add 'html'=>true parameter to the textarea field definition
       in your phpMyEdit calling program.

       $opts['fdd']['col_name'] = array(
         'name'     => 'Column',
         'select'   => 'T',
         'options'  => 'ACPVD',
         'required' => true,
         'textarea' => array(
           'html' => true,
           'rows' => 11,
           'cols' => 81)


        Search for "htmlArea" string in this source code,
        to find all extension related modifications.

require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../phpMyEdit.class.php';

class phpMyEdit_htmlarea extends phpMyEdit

         * Display functions overriding

        function display_add_record() /* {{{ */
                for ($k = 0; $k < $this->num_fds; $k++) {
                        if ($this->hidden($k)) {
                                echo $this->htmlHidden($this->fds[$k], $row["qf$k"]);
                        if (! $this->displayed[$k]) {
                        $css_postfix    = @$this->fdd[$k]['css']['postfix'];
                        $css_class_name = $this->getCSSclass('input', null, 'next', $css_postfix);
                        echo '<tr class="',$this->getCSSclass('row', null, true, $css_postfix),'">',"\n";
                        echo '<td class="',$this->getCSSclass('key', null, true, $css_postfix),'">',$this->fdd[$k]['name'],'</td>',"\n";
                        echo '<td class="',$this->getCSSclass('value', null, true, $css_postfix),'">'."\n";
                        if ($this->col_has_values($k)) {
                                $vals     = $this->set_values($k);
                                $selected = @$this->fdd[$k]['default'];
                                $multiple = $this->fdd[$k]['select'] == 'M' && ! $this->fdd[$k]['values']['table'];
                                $readonly = $this->readonly($k);
                                echo $this->htmlSelect($this->fds[$k], $css_class_name, $vals, $selected, $multiple,$readonly);
                        } elseif (isset ($this->fdd[$k]['textarea'])) {
                                echo '<textarea class="',$css_class_name,'" name="'.$this->fds[$k].'"';
                                echo ($this->readonly($k) ? ' disabled' : '');
                                if (intval($this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['rows']) > 0) {
                                        echo ' rows="',$this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['rows'],'"';
                                if (intval($this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['cols']) > 0) {
                                        echo ' cols="',$this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['cols'],'"';
                                if (isset($this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['wrap'])) {
                                        echo ' wrap="',$this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['wrap'],'"';
                                } else {
                                        echo ' wrap="virtual"';
                                echo '>',htmlspecialchars($this->fdd[$k]['default']),'</textarea>',"\n";

                // EK htmlArea code modification is here
                if (isset($this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['html'])) {
                    echo '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript1.2"><!--',"\n";
                                        echo 'editor_generate("',$this->fds[$k],'");',"\n";
                                        echo '// --></script>';
                        } else {
                                // Simple edit box required
                                $size_ml_props = '';
                                $maxlen = intval($this->fdd[$k]['maxlen']);
                                //$maxlen > 0 || $maxlen = 300;
                                $size   = min($maxlen, 60);
                                $size   && $size_ml_props .= ' size="'.$size.'"';
                                $maxlen && $size_ml_props .= ' maxlength="'.$maxlen.'"';
                                echo '<input class="',$css_class_name,'" type="text" ';
                                echo ($this->readonly($k) ? 'disabled ' : ''),' name="',$this->fds[$k],'"';
                                echo $size_ml_props,' value="';
                                echo htmlspecialchars($this->fdd[$k]['default']),'">';
                        echo '</td>',"\n";
                        if ($this->guidance) {
                                $css_class_name = $this->getCSSclass('help', null, true, $css_postfix);
                                $cell_value     = $this->fdd[$k]['help'] ? $this->fdd[$k]['help'] : '&nbsp;';
                                echo '<td class="',$css_class_name,'">',$cell_value,'</td>',"\n";
                        echo '</tr>',"\n";
        } /* }}} */

        function display_change_field($row, $k) /* {{{ */
                $css_postfix    = @$this->fdd[$k]['css']['postfix'];
                $css_class_name = $this->getCSSclass('input', null, true, $css_postfix);
                echo '<td class="',$this->getCSSclass('value', null, true, $css_postfix),'">',"\n";
                if ($this->col_has_values($k)) {
                        $vals     = $this->set_values($k);
                        $multiple = $this->fdd[$k]['select'] == 'M' && ! $this->fdd[$k]['values']['table'];
                        $readonly = $this->readonly($k);
                        echo $this->htmlSelect($this->fds[$k], $css_class_name, $vals, $row["qf$k"], $multiple, $readonly);
                } elseif (isset($this->fdd[$k]['textarea'])) {
                        echo '<textarea class="',$css_class_name,'" name="'.$this->fds[$k].'"';
                        echo ($this->readonly($k) ? ' disabled' : '');
                        if (intval($this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['rows']) > 0) {
                                echo ' rows="',$this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['rows'],'"';
                        if (intval($this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['cols']) > 0) {
                                echo ' cols="',$this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['cols'],'"';
                        if (isset($this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['wrap'])) {
                                echo ' wrap="',$this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['wrap'],'"';
                        } else {
                                echo ' wrap="virtual"';
                        echo '>',htmlspecialchars($row["qf$k"]),'</textarea>',"\n";

                        // EK htmlArea code modification is here
                        if (isset($this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['html'])) {
                                echo '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript1.2"><!--',"\n";
                                echo 'editor_generate("',$this->fds[$k],'");',"\n";
                                echo '// --></script>';
                } else {
                        $size_ml_props = '';
                        $maxlen = intval($this->fdd[$k]['maxlen']);
                        //$maxlen > 0 || $maxlen = 300;
                        $size   = min($maxlen, 60);
                        $size   && $size_ml_props .= ' size="'.$size.'"';
                        $maxlen && $size_ml_props .= ' maxlength="'.$maxlen.'"';
                        echo '<input class="',$css_class_name,'" type="text" ';
                        echo ($this->readonly($k) ? 'disabled ' : ''),'name="',$this->fds[$k],'" value="';
                        echo htmlspecialchars($row["qf$k"]),'" ',$size_ml_props,'>',"\n";
                echo '</td>',"\n";
        } /* }}} */


/* Modeline for ViM {{{
 * vim:set ts=4:
 * vim600:fdm=marker fdl=0 fdc=0:
 * }}} */
