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 *  SPIP, Systeme de publication pour l'internet                           *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Copyright (c) 2001-2005                                                *
 *  Arnaud Martin, Antoine Pitrou, Philippe Riviere, Emmanuel Saint-James  *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Ce programme est un logiciel libre distribue sous licence GNU/GPL.     *
 *  Pour plus de details voir le fichier COPYING.txt ou l'aide en ligne.   *

// Ce fichier ne sera execute qu'une fois
if (defined("_ECRIRE_INC_AUXBASE")) return;
define("_ECRIRE_INC_AUXBASE", "1");

$spip_petitions = array(
                "id_article"    => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "email_unique"  => "CHAR (3) NOT NULL",
                "site_obli"     => "CHAR (3) NOT NULL",
                "site_unique"   => "CHAR (3) NOT NULL",
                "message"       => "CHAR (3) NOT NULL",
                "texte" => "LONGBLOB NOT NULL",
                "maj"   => "TIMESTAMP");

$spip_petitions_key = array(
                "PRIMARY KEY"   => "id_article");

$spip_visites_temp = array(
                "ip"    => "INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "type"  => "ENUM ('article', 'rubrique', 'breve', 'autre') NOT NULL",
                "id_objet"      => "INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "maj"   => "TIMESTAMP");

$spip_visites_temp_key = array(
                "PRIMARY KEY"   => "type, id_objet, ip");

$spip_visites = array(
                "date"  => "DATE NOT NULL",
                "visites"       => "INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "maj"   => "TIMESTAMP");

$spip_visites_key = array(
                "PRIMARY KEY"   => "date");

$spip_visites_articles = array(
                "date"  => "DATE NOT NULL",
                "id_article"    => "INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "visites"       => "INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "maj"   => "TIMESTAMP");

$spip_visites_articles_key = array(
                "PRIMARY KEY"   => "date, id_article");

$spip_referers_temp = array(
                "ip"    => "INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "referer"       => "VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL",
                "referer_md5"   => "BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "type"  => "ENUM ('article', 'rubrique', 'breve', 'autre') NOT NULL",
                "id_objet"      => "INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "maj"   => "TIMESTAMP");

$spip_referers_temp_key = array(
                "PRIMARY KEY"   => "type, id_objet, referer_md5, ip");

$spip_referers = array(
                "referer_md5"   => "BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "date"          => "DATE NOT NULL",
                "referer"       => "VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL",
                "visites"       => "INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "visites_jour"  => "INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "visites_veille"=> "INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "maj"           => "TIMESTAMP");

$spip_referers_key = array(
                "PRIMARY KEY"   => "referer_md5");

$spip_referers_articles = array(
                "id_article"    => "INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "referer_md5"   => "BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "date"          => "DATE NOT NULL",
                "referer"       => "VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL",
                "visites"       => "INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "maj"           => "TIMESTAMP");

$spip_referers_articles_key = array(
                "PRIMARY KEY"   => "id_article, referer_md5",
                "KEY referer_md5"       => "referer_md5");

$spip_auteurs_articles = array(
                "id_auteur"     => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_article"    => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL");

$spip_auteurs_articles_key = array(
                "KEY id_auteur" => "id_auteur",
                "KEY id_article"        => "id_article");

$spip_auteurs_rubriques = array(
                "id_auteur"     => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_rubrique"   => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL");

$spip_auteurs_rubriques_key = array(
                "KEY id_auteur" => "id_auteur",
                "KEY id_rubrique"       => "id_rubrique");

$spip_auteurs_messages = array(
                "id_auteur"     => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_message"    => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "vu"            => "CHAR (3) NOT NULL");

$spip_auteurs_messages_key = array(
                "KEY id_auteur" => "id_auteur",
                "KEY id_message"        => "id_message");

$spip_documents_articles = array(
                "id_document"   => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_article"    => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL");

$spip_documents_articles_key = array(
                "KEY id_document"       => "id_document",
                "KEY id_article"        => "id_article");

$spip_documents_rubriques = array(
                "id_document"   => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_rubrique"   => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL");

$spip_documents_rubriques_key = array(
                "KEY id_document"       => "id_document",
                "KEY id_rubrique"       => "id_rubrique");

$spip_documents_breves = array(
                "id_document"   => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_breve"      => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL");

$spip_documents_breves_key = array(
                "KEY id_document"       => "id_document",
                "KEY id_breve"  => "id_breve");

$spip_documents_syndic = array(
                "id_document"   => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_syndic"     => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_syndic_article"     => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL"

$spip_documents_syndic_key = array(
                "KEY id_document"       => "id_document",
                "KEY id_syndic" => "id_syndic",
                "KEY id_syndic_article" => "id_syndic_article");

$spip_mots_articles = array(
                "id_mot"        => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_article"    => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL");

$spip_mots_articles_key = array(
                "KEY id_mot"    => "id_mot",
                "KEY id_article"        => "id_article");

$spip_mots_breves = array(
                "id_mot"        => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_breve"      => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL");

$spip_mots_breves_key = array(
                "KEY id_mot"    => "id_mot",
                "KEY id_breve"  => "id_breve");

$spip_mots_rubriques = array(
                "id_mot"        => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_rubrique"   => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL");

$spip_mots_rubriques_key = array(
                "KEY id_mot"    => "id_mot",
                "KEY id_rubrique"       => "id_rubrique");

$spip_mots_syndic = array(
                "id_mot"        => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_syndic"     => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL");

$spip_mots_syndic_key = array(
                "KEY id_mot"    => "id_mot",
                "KEY id_syndic" => "id_syndic");

$spip_mots_forum = array(
                "id_mot"        => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_forum"      => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL");

$spip_mots_forum_key = array(
                "KEY id_mot"    => "id_mot",
                "KEY id_forum"  => "id_forum");

$spip_mots_documents = array(
                "id_mot"        => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_document"   => "BIGINT (21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL");

$spip_mots_documents_key = array(
                "KEY id_mot"    => "id_mot",
                "KEY id_document"       => "id_document");

$spip_meta = array(
                "nom"   => "VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL",
                "valeur"        => "VARCHAR (255) DEFAULT ''",
                "maj"   => "TIMESTAMP");

$spip_meta_key = array(
                "PRIMARY KEY"   => "nom");

$spip_index_articles = array(
                "`hash`"        => "BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "points"        => "INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_article"    => "INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL");

$spip_index_articles_key = array(
                "KEY `hash`"    => "`hash`",
                "KEY id_article"        => "id_article");

$spip_index_auteurs = array(
                "`hash`"        => "BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "points"        => "INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_auteur"     => "INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL");

$spip_index_auteurs_key = array(
                "KEY `hash`"    => "`hash`",
                "KEY id_auteur" => "id_auteur");

$spip_index_breves = array(
                "`hash`"        => "BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "points"        => "INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_breve"      => "INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL");

$spip_index_breves_key = array(
                "KEY `hash`"    => "`hash`",
                "KEY id_breve"  => "id_breve");

$spip_index_mots = array(
                "`hash`"        => "BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "points"        => "INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_mot"        => "INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL");

$spip_index_mots_key = array(
                "KEY `hash`"    => "`hash`",
                "KEY id_mot"    => "id_mot");

$spip_index_rubriques = array(
                "`hash`"        => "BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "points"        => "INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_rubrique"   => "INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL");

$spip_index_rubriques_key = array(
                "KEY `hash`"    => "`hash`",
                "KEY id_rubrique"       => "id_rubrique");

$spip_index_syndic = array(
                "`hash`"        => "BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "points"        => "INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_syndic"     => "INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL");

$spip_index_syndic_key = array(
                "KEY `hash`"    => "`hash`",
                "KEY id_syndic" => "id_syndic");

$spip_index_signatures = array(
                "`hash`"        => "BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "points"        => "INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_signature"  => "INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL");

$spip_index_signatures_key = array(
                "KEY `hash`"            => "`hash`",
                "KEY id_signature"      => "id_signature");

$spip_index_forum = array(
                "`hash`"        => "BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "points"        => "INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_forum"      => "INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL");

$spip_index_forum_key = array(
                "KEY `hash`"    => "`hash`",
                "KEY id_forum"  => "id_forum");

$spip_index_documents = array(
                "`hash`"        => "BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "points"        => "INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_document"   => "INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL");

$spip_index_documents_key = array(
                "KEY `hash`"    => "`hash`",
                "KEY id_document"       => "id_document");

$spip_index_dico = array(
                "`hash`"        => "BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
                "dico"          => "VARCHAR (30) NOT NULL");

$spip_index_dico_key = array(
                "PRIMARY KEY"   => "dico");

$spip_versions = array (
                "id_article"    => "bigint(21) NOT NULL",
                "id_version"    => "int unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "date"  => "datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL",
                "id_auteur"     => "bigint(21) NOT NULL",
                "titre_version" => "text DEFAULT '' NOT NULL",
                "permanent"     => "char(3) NOT NULL",
                "champs"        => "text NOT NULL");

$spip_versions_key = array (
                "PRIMARY KEY"   => "id_article, id_version",
                "KEY date"      => "id_article, date",
                "KEY id_auteur" => "id_auteur");

$spip_versions_fragments = array(
                "id_fragment"   => "int unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "version_min"   => "int unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "version_max"   => "int unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL",
                "id_article"    => "bigint(21) NOT NULL",
                "compress"      => "tinyint NOT NULL",
                "fragment"      => "longblob NOT NULL");

$spip_versions_fragments_key = array(
             "PRIMARY KEY"      => "id_article, id_fragment, version_min");

$spip_caches = array(
                "fichier" => "char (64) NOT NULL",
                "id" => "char (64) NOT NULL",
                // i=par id, t=timer, x=suppression
                "type" => "CHAR (1) DEFAULT 'i' NOT NULL",
                "taille" => "integer DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL");
$spip_caches_key = array(
                "PRIMARY KEY"   => "fichier, id",
                "KEY fichier" => "fichier",
                "KEY id" => "id");

$spip_ortho_cache = array(
        "lang" => "VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL",
        "mot" => "VARCHAR(255) BINARY NOT NULL",
        "ok" => "TINYINT NOT NULL",
        "suggest" => "BLOB NOT NULL",
        "maj" => "TIMESTAMP");
$spip_ortho_cache_key = array(
        "PRIMARY KEY" => "lang, mot",
        "KEY maj" => "maj");

$spip_ortho_dico = array(
        "lang" => "VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL",
        "mot" => "VARCHAR(255) BINARY NOT NULL",
        "id_auteur" => "BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL",
        "maj" => "TIMESTAMP");
$spip_ortho_dico_key = array(
        "PRIMARY KEY" => "lang, mot",);

global $tables_auxiliaires;

$tables_auxiliaires  = 
        'spip_petitions' => array('field' => &$spip_petitions,
                             'key' => &$spip_petitions_key),
        'spip_visites_temp' => array('field' => &$spip_visites_temp,
                                'key' => &$spip_visites_temp_key),
        'spip_visites' =>       array('field' => &$spip_visites,
                              'key' => &$spip_visites_key),
        'spip_visites_articles' => array('field' => &$spip_visites_articles,
                                    'key' => &$spip_visites_articles_key),
        'spip_referers_temp' => array('field' => &$spip_referers_temp,
                                 'key' => &$spip_referers_temp_key),
        'spip_referers' => array('field' => &$spip_referers,
                            'key' => &$spip_referers_key),
        'spip_referers_articles' => array('field' => &$spip_referers_articles,
                                     'key' => &$spip_referers_articles_key),
        'spip_auteurs_articles' => array('field' => &$spip_auteurs_articles,
                                    'key' => &$spip_auteurs_articles_key),
        'spip_auteurs_rubriques' => array('field' => &$spip_auteurs_rubriques,
                                     'key' => &$spip_auteurs_rubriques_key),
        'spip_auteurs_messages' => array('field' => &$spip_auteurs_messages,
                                    'key' => &$spip_auteurs_messages_key),
        'spip_documents_articles' => array('field' => &$spip_documents_articles,
                                      'key' => &$spip_documents_articles_key),
        'spip_documents_rubriques' => array('field' => &$spip_documents_rubriques,
                                       'key' => &$spip_documents_rubriques_key),
        'spip_documents_breves' => array('field' => &$spip_documents_breves,
                                    'key' => &$spip_documents_breves_key),
        'spip_documents_syndic' => array('field' => &$spip_documents_syndic,
                                    'key' => &$spip_documents_syndic_key),
        'spip_mots_articles' => array('field' => &$spip_mots_articles,
                                 'key' => &$spip_mots_articles_key),
        'spip_mots_breves' => array('field' => &$spip_mots_breves,
                               'key' => &$spip_mots_breves_key),
        'spip_mots_rubriques' => array('field' => &$spip_mots_rubriques,
                                  'key' => &$spip_mots_rubriques_key),
        'spip_mots_syndic' => array('field' => &$spip_mots_syndic,
                               'key' => &$spip_mots_syndic_key),
        'spip_mots_forum' => array('field' => &$spip_mots_forum,
                              'key' => &$spip_mots_forum_key),
        'spip_mots_documents' => array('field' => &$spip_mots_documents,
                              'key' => &$spip_mots_documents_key),
        'spip_meta' => array('field' => &$spip_meta,
                        'key' => &$spip_meta_key),
        'spip_index_articles' => array('field' => &$spip_index_articles,
                                  'key' => &$spip_index_articles_key),
        'spip_index_auteurs' => array('field' => &$spip_index_auteurs,
                                 'key' => &$spip_index_auteurs_key),
        'spip_index_breves' => array('field' => &$spip_index_breves,
                                'key' => &$spip_index_breves_key),
        'spip_index_mots' => array('field' => &$spip_index_mots,
                              'key' => &$spip_index_mots_key),
        'spip_index_rubriques' => array('field' => &$spip_index_rubriques,
                                   'key' => &$spip_index_rubriques_key),
        'spip_index_syndic' => array('field' => &$spip_index_syndic,
                                'key' => &$spip_index_syndic_key),
        'spip_index_signatures' => array('field' => &$spip_index_signatures,
                                    'key' => &$spip_index_signatures_key),
        'spip_index_forum' => array('field' => &$spip_index_forum,
                               'key' => &$spip_index_forum_key),
        'spip_index_documents' => array('field' => &$spip_index_documents,
                               'key' => &$spip_index_documents_key),
        'spip_index_dico' => array('field' => &$spip_index_dico,
                              'key' => &$spip_index_dico_key),
        'spip_versions' => array('field' => &$spip_versions,
                                         'key' => &$spip_versions_key),
        'spip_versions_fragments'       => array('field' => &$spip_versions_fragments,
                                         'key' => &$spip_versions_fragments_key),
        'spip_caches'   => array('field' => &$spip_caches,
                                         'key' => &$spip_caches_key),
        'spip_ortho_cache'      => array('field' => &$spip_ortho_cache,
                                         'key' => &$spip_ortho_cache_key),
        'spip_ortho_dico'       => array('field' => &$spip_ortho_dico,
                                         'key' => &$spip_ortho_dico_key)
