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 *  SPIP, Systeme de publication pour l'internet                           *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Copyright (c) 2001-2005                                                *
 *  Arnaud Martin, Antoine Pitrou, Philippe Riviere, Emmanuel Saint-James  *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Ce programme est un logiciel libre distribue sous licence GNU/GPL.     *
 *  Pour plus de details voir le fichier COPYING.txt ou l'aide en ligne.   *

// Ce fichier ne sera execute qu'une fois
if (defined("_ECRIRE_INC_SIGNATURES")) return;
define("_ECRIRE_INC_SIGNATURES", "1");


function controle_signatures($script, $id, $debut, $where, $order, $limit=10) {
        global $couleur_foncee;
        $where = tronconne_signatures($script, $id, $debut, $where, $limit);
        $request = spip_query("SELECT * FROM spip_signatures " .
                              ($where ? " WHERE $where" : "") .
                              ($order ? " ORDER BY $order" : "") .
                              " LIMIT " . ($debut ? "$debut," : "") . $limit);

                $id_signature = $row['id_signature'];
                $id_article = $row['id_article'];
                $date_time = $row['date_time'];
                $nom_email= typo(echapper_tags($row['nom_email']));
                $ad_email = echapper_tags($row['ad_email']);
                $nom_site = typo(echapper_tags($row['nom_site']));
                $url_site = echapper_tags($row['url_site']);
                $statut = $row['statut'];
                echo "<P>";
                if ($statut=="poubelle"){
                        echo "<TABLE WIDTH=100% CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0><TR><TD BGCOLOR='#FF0000'>";
                echo "<TABLE WIDTH=100% CELLPADDING=3 CELLSPACING=0><TR><TD BGCOLOR='$couleur_foncee' class='verdana2' style='color: white;'><b>",
                  ($nom_site ? "$nom_site / " : ""),
                  "<TR><TD BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' class='serif'>";
                if ($statut=="publie"){
                        icone (_T('icone_supprimer_signature'), "$script?supp_petition=$id_signature&debut=$debut", "forum-interne-24.gif", "supprimer.gif", "right");
                if ($statut=="poubelle"){
                        icone (_T('icone_valider_signature'), "$script?add_petition=$id_signature&debut=$debut", "forum-interne-24.gif", "creer.gif", "right");
                echo "<FONT SIZE=2>".date_relative($date_time)."</FONT><BR>";
                if ($statut=="poubelle"){
                        echo "<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR='red'>"._T('info_message_efface')."</FONT><BR>";
                if (strlen($url_site)>6 AND strlen($nom_site)>0){
                        echo "<FONT SIZE=1>"._T('info_site_web')."</FONT> <A HREF='$url_site'>$nom_site</A><BR>";
                if (strlen($ad_email)>0){
                        echo "<FONT SIZE=1>"._T('info_adresse_email')."</FONT> <A HREF='mailto:$ad_email'>$ad_email</A><BR>";

                echo "<p>",message_de_signature($row),"</p>";
                list($titre) = spip_fetch_array(spip_query("SELECT titre FROM spip_articles WHERE id_article=$id_article"));    

                if (!$id)
                  echo "<span class='arial1' style='float: $spip_lang_right; color: black; padding-$spip_lang_left: 4px;'><b>",
                    " </b></span>";
                echo "<a href='",
                  (($statut == 'publie') ? 
                   "../spip_redirect.php3" :

                echo "</TD></TR></TABLE>";
                if ($statut=="poubelle"){
                        echo "</TD></TR></TABLE>";

function tronconne_signatures($script, $id_article, $debut, $where, $limit)
        if ($id_article) {
                $script .= "?id_article=$id_article&";
                $where .= ($where ? " AND " : "") . "id_article=$id_article";
        else $script .= '?';

        $res = spip_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM spip_signatures WHERE $where AND date_time>DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 180 DAY)");

        $total = ($row = spip_fetch_array($res)) ? $row['cnt'] : 0;

        if ($total > $limit) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i += $limit){
                        if ($i > 0) echo " | ";
                        if ($i == $debut)
                                echo "<FONT SIZE=3><B>$i</B></FONT>";
                          echo "<A HREF='$script","debut=$i'>$i</A>";
        return $where;
